Daily Christian Advocate the General Conference of the United Methodist Church
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Daily Report Daily Christian Advocate The General Conference of The United Methodist Church Portland, Oregon Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Vol.4, No. 1 Christian Conferencing for Wesley’s Heirs Charged with oversight of the church, United General Conference and is not just a method or process Methodists from across the world are coming together used at certain times on specific issues. for ten days to join in Christian Conferencing before the Triune God, discerning God’s way for the small part of What Do We Mean by Christian the kingdom we affectionately call The United Methodist Conferencing? Church. Christian Conferencing is so much more that polite This Is Who We Are disagreement or mere civility in the midst of controver- sy. It is not a feel-good way of being together nor has it The Methodist Conference began when John Wesley always been productive of embracing one another fully invited a small number of preachers in the connection as brother or sister. Christian Conferencing is a way of to join him in discerning God’s will for the movement. being church in the world shaped by Scripture and grow- They utilized experiences from their classes and bands ing together in worship, prayer and conversation. It is a for the purpose of helping the participants to grow in commitment to listen, discern, and grow together. their relationship to Jesus Christ and in their walk with Christian Conferencing is a means of grace, which him. implies that God is always present in this practice. God Wesley developed a few basic principles to guide conveys grace to us as we take spiritual, theological and the conferencing, based on questions from the classes practical counsel together and engage in an intentional but applied to the task of the preachers: What to teach? and prayerful dialogue. We look and listen for the guid- How to teach? What to do? In this way they addressed ance of the Holy Spirit. content, method and strategy. “Christian Conference” on the American shores came to inform life at every level, It Is Challenging functioning (1) to animate and shape governance, (2) Discerning God’s will has always presented a chal- to enliven and ‘discipline’ all gatherings of those who lenge to the church. We learn from the New Testament claimed the Methodist name, and (3) to encourage evan- that even in the earliest days of the church there were gelistic outreach to those needing the gospel of every tensions, disagreement and conflict over issues the Chris- race, nationality and color. These three basic practices in tian movement was facing. more denominational parlance constituted polity, unity Today tension can build when United Methodists and revival—that was to be conference for Methodism. engage in conversation and decision making, particularly When we gather in conference in each charge, when we speak about ideas and subjects about which annual conference, jurisdictional and central conference, we feel strongly. We can get irritated and even angry at or every four years on a worldwide level as the General someone who doesn’t see things our way. We can begin Conference we apply the same principles. Our purpose is to see each other as opponents rather than brothers and to make certain the connection remains true to its calling sisters in Christ. Wesley was well aware of the challeng- as we seek to focus on what God is doing in the world es related to conferring on all issues in the life of the and to renew and nurture our commitment to take part in church, and especially on matters about which we hold God’s mission. strong convictions. He said: At General Conference we act as the highest govern- Are we convinced how important and how difficult it ing body in the church to collectively exercise leadership is to order our conversation right? of the church through Christian Conferencing. This implies that Christian Conferencing includes all we do at (Continues on page 1652) Daily Edition Vol. 4, No. 1 1651 Worship Leaders Contents for May 10 General Conference Schedule ........... 1660 Convention Center Map ............... 1666 Native American Drumming: Corrections and Errata ................ 1670 Canoe Family of the Grand Ronde Petitions Secretary Report. 1670 Native American Welcome: Revised GCFA Reports 1-8, 11, and 14 ... 1672 Kathryn Jones Harrison, Former Chair, Grand Revised List of Petitions Ronde Tribal Council for Group Discernment Process ....... 1709 Global Gathering voices: Administrative Committee Nominations 1714 Marina Yugay, Northwest Russia Provisional; Plenary Seating Assignments ........... 1716 Kimberly Woods, Illinois-Great Rivers; Vicki Flippin, New York; Iosmar Alvarez, Kentucky; Rukang Delegate Lists ....................... 1747 Chikomb, Northwest Katanga; Mele Faiva Blagoje- vich, California-Pacific; David Valera, Pacific North- west; Laszlo Khaled, Hungary Provisional; Sara Ann Swenson, Minnesota Greeting: Mande Muyombo, North Katanga Paschal Candle Bearer: Krystl Johnson, Eastern Pennsylvania Francis Asbury Old Testament Bearer: Taylor Burton-Edwards, Discipleship Ministries Prayer for Illumination: Bishop Grant Hagiya, Daily Christian Advocate Greater Northwest, Host Bishop Editorial, Sales, and Subscriptions Oregon Convention Center Scripture Reading: Megan Shitama Weston, Penisula-Delaware Editor. .Brian Sigmon Prayers of Intercession: Mary Elizabeth Moore, Managing Editor . .Marvin Cropsey Dean, Boston University School of Theology Editor, Advance Edition ................. Norma Bates News and Features Editor . Patty Meyers Preacher: Bishop Warner H. Brown, Jr., San Assistant Editor. .Kent Sneed Francisco, President, Council of Bishops Computer Manager/Calendar Editor. .Mike Presiding at the Table: Bishop Bruce Ough, Cunningham Dakotas-Minnesota Computer Assistants ......Eric Sipes, Rebecca Burgoyne, Clay McKinney Voices at the Table: Bishop Joaquina Nhanala, Verbatim/Composition Editor ........... Shirley Shelton Mozambique; Bishop Rudy Juan, Manila; Audio Manager . George Dunn Bishop Rosemarie Wenner, Germany Audio Assistant . Raymond Hieronimus Transcription Supervisor ...............Kelsey Spinnato Guest Worship Groups: The Innovators, Zimbabwe; Copy Editors . Selena Cunningham, I Solisti Roma, Rome, Italy; Van Wert UMC Chancel Mark Lockard, Shane Raynor Choir, Van Wert, Ohio; High Point University Cham- Office Manager . Frances Merritt ber Choir, High Point, North Carolina Help Desk Assistant ..................... Chari Greer Index Editor ........................Robert Swanson Production Managers ..............Annaleigh Christie, Lisa Huntley Sales Manager ...........................Jeff Barnes Distribution Manager ..................Scott Spradley 1652 Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Is it always in grace? life. The palaver tree would protect them from the heat Seasoned with salt? during the extensive discussions that could last for hours Meet to minister grace to the hearers? until a conclusion was reached for the sake of peace in Do we not converse too long at a time? Is not an the community. Christ can be seen as the “palaver tree” hour at a time commonly enough? in Christian conferencing. We gather in Christ’s pres- Would it not be well to plan our conversation before- ence, identify ourselves as his followers, and in union hand? with Christ pursue God’s mission and peace for commu- To pray before and after it? nity and world. (Wesley, Works, 10:856-857) Summary While we tend to perceive decision-making as a pri- As we begin to engage in Christian Conferencing it mary purpose of our conferencing, the practice of Chris- is important to remember: tian Conferencing is more occupied with the process and Christian conferencing is according to John Wesley spiritual discipline leading to a conclusion. Christian a means of grace—which implies that God is always Conferencing may even lead us to put matters aside until present in this practice and conveys grace to us as we they are picked up again at an appointed time. From engage in it. beginning to end Christian Conferencing in the Wesleyan The purpose of Christian Conferencing is to grow tradition is to grow together in holiness as disciples. together in holiness as disciples. Through Christian Conferencing we seek to discern 850 Different Minds God’s voice through sharing insights with each other. Christian Conferencing is not polite disagreement The 850 delegates that form the 2016 General Con- or mere civility in the midst of controversy. We are to ference comprise a highly diverse assembly. Across the speak honestly, openly, and respectfully with once anoth- connection delegates represent a wide variety of knowl- er—speaking and telling the truth in love. edge, experience, concern and perspective. The spiritual, Christian Conferencing should be carefully planned. social and theological discourse in Africa, in Asia, in the Christian Conferencing is a process and a spiritual U.S. and in Europe is not the same. Even on the same practice that does not necessarily have to lead to a con- continent, there is a richness in variety. This implies that clusion. A matter can be put aside and rest until we pick any pre-conceived perception and pre-formulated theory it up at an appointed time. must be put aside and seen as antagonistic if it prevents Christian Conferencing should always be in a spirit delegates from listening to one another—a necessary task of prayer. even when others hold a position that is diametrically Christian Conferencing as a means of grace is part of opposite to one’s own. our Methodist heritage and a practice we should cele- brate and employ. Becoming a Community of Faith They who ‘walk after the Spirit’ are also led by him Discerning God’s way for the church must be a into all holiness of conversation. Their speech is ‘ shared desire as it is a shared responsibility if we are to always in grace, seasoned with salt’ with the love and be a community of faith during our time here at General fear of God. No corrupt communication comes out of Conference. In the midst of our many conversations in their mouth, but (only) that which is good; that which is legislative committees, sub-committees and in plenary ‘to the use of edifying’ which is ‘meet to minister grace we must keep an open mind and listen for God’s guid- to the hearers’.