CAMPAIGN ON ILLEGAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY #StopIllegalAbortionDeaths Eliminating the scourge of illegal termination of pregnancy – a call to action

Information containing warnings on the danger of illegal termination of pregnancy providers and where safe termination of pregnancy services are offered have been distributed during awareness marches held throughout the province. Pictured at one of these events, KZN Health MEC Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo helps remove posters advertising illegal termination of pregnancy services. N November 17, the KwaZulu- “The product, illegal termination of pregnancy, is skillfully marketed and sold to the affordable,” continued Dhlomo.“And Health MEC, Dr women must have an emotionally safe OSibongiseni Dhlomo launched woman at the crisis time in her life. She buys the product, finds it defective and wants space in which to make their decision.” the province’s Campaign on illegal to return it for a refund. But, it’s too late.”– KZN Health MEC, Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo “Unsafe termination of pregnancy Termination of Pregnancy.The have eaten into our society, gradually initiative is an urgent call for action Africa still remains a place where ranks and shopping centres, makes of pregnancy are undergone by young destroying the lives of young women, against illegal termination of women choose backstreet providers many women believe they are people between the ages of 13 and 19 as people have closed their eyes to pregnancy and aims to highlight the against the widespread available accessing a legitimate service.” years, and that these take place the issue, hoping it would disappear.” dangers of illegal termination of government-sanctioned centres. The Department’s concern about outside a hospital or clinic EThekwini reported the highest pregnancy while also promoting “It is actually disappointing that 18 illegal termination of pregnancy – and The campaign will call for support number of incomplete termination of access to safe, legal services as a years after the promulgation of The its determination to drive the of women’s autonomy to make their pregnancy (3 577) followed by women’s health and human rights Choice of Termination of Pregnancy campaign forward – are borne out by own decisions whether and when to uMkhanyakude (797) and Ugu (780). issue.The campaign will therefore also Act, introduced in 1996, we still have the following statistics: have children and have access to the Women find themselves in promote women’s right to access women being maimed and dying as a Just in the past financial year, KZN means of acting on those decisions desperate situations with unwanted public health centres and be provided result of illegal and unsafe termination had 12 031 patients admitted in without risk to their health and lives. pregnancy – and frequently end up with adequate support.The of pregnancy. various health facilities in the province MEC Dhlomo stressed that the turning to unlicensed termination of Department aims to raise the issue of “What is alarming is that we see these due to incomplete termination of choice for an termination of pregnancy pregnancy providers in fear of social social stigma which, it is believed, illegal termination of pregnancy pregnancy, while 1 455 patients were “is about freedom – women’s personal stigma and unsupportive partners and forces women to risk dangerous illegal providers on the street corners, admitted due to septic termination of freedom”. relatives. termination of pregnancy for fear of distributing their illegal termination of pregnancy. “It is about respect – respect for Dhlomo concluded by saying: “This judgement and abuse. pregnancy pamphlets. We also see According to the 2012 Saving women’s morality.It is about campaign is a call to action to keep Speaking at the launch event held these adverts plastered on nearly all Mothers report, in 186 responsibility – responsibility for self fighting for reproductive freedom if we in the uMgungundlovu District, MEC, the street walls and lamp posts. women died of a septic miscarriage in and family.And it is also about trust – want reproductive health. But it Dr Dhlomo outlined the thinking “These adverts are professing ‘safe’, public health facilities; 23 percent of trusting women’s judgement.” For shouldn’t be necessary.We should be behind and reasons for the campaign: ‘pain free’, ‘quick’ and ‘cheap’ which were caused by unsafe or illegal women to freely make their own past this … (we should) be fighting “It is indeed a matter of great concern termination of pregnancy. termination of pregnancy. decisions about pregnancy and about how we are going to ensure that despite South Africa having one “The proliferation of this A study by the South African termination of pregnancy, they must women’s reproductive health, not of the most progressive termination of advertising, and the fact that it is Medical Research Council in 2010 have information about options.Their whether or not women’s reproductive pregnancy laws in the world, South posted in public spaces such as taxi reported that 49 percent of termination options must be safe, accessible, and health is in trouble.” FIGHTING DISEASE FIGHTING POVERTY



MEC Dhlomo calls Frequently asked questions for more action from NPA, SAPS on illegal termination about sexual health of pregnancy OMETIMES it’s hard to talk about sexual health in the open, so here’s a list of KWAZULU-NATAL Health MEC, Sfrequently asked questions for when you Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo, took the need some quick answers. fight against illegal termination of pregnancy to Port Shepstone (Ugu I think I might have a sexually transmitted infection District) on November 30, 2015, (STI) or other sexual health issue, what should I where he handed over a do? memorandum to the South African If you’re worried you might have an STI or have a Police Services (SAPS) and the specific medical question, we recommend you National Prosecuting Authority contact a clinic or your doctor for more information. (NPA), calling for support and action against the scourge. Can I get an STI from oral sex? Speaking outside the Port Yes. Unprotected oral sex can leave you vulnerable Shepstone Civic Centre after to STIs, particularly chlamydia, gonorrhea and leading a march through the herpes. It’s best to use a condom or dam and central business district, Dhlomo water-based lube when you’re having oral sex. implored SAPS and the NPA to ensure that: Can I still get an STI if I don’t sleep around? Yes. If you’ve ever had unprotected sex with 1.They fulfil their constitutional anyone who has an STI, you could get an STI – mandate by identifying areas this includes vaginal, oral and anal sex. where illegal termination of pregnancies are taking place, Would I know if I had an STI? investigate, arrest and prosecute Not necessarily.Many people with an STI don’t perpetrators to the full might of have symptoms. the law;

Is it true that STIs are pretty rare among young 2.The so called “termination of people? pregnancy clinics” are identified, No.Young people account for approximately one in their owners are prosecuted and every two of all reported STIs. the buildings shut down;

Are Vaseline, massage oils or moisturizer ok to 3. Posters, pamphlets and use as a lubricant with latex condoms? materials advertising illegal No. Oil based products like Vaseline, massage oils termination of pregnancies or moisturizer can cause latex to disintegrate, so should be removed by their you should use a water based lubricant with placers as they murky municipal condoms, gloves and dams. Some common spaces; water-based lubricants and silicone-based lubricants are also safe to use with condoms. 4.The police investigate all fraudulent health care Is it ok to use two condoms? practitioners as they are breaking No. Although it might seem extra safe, wearing two the law and endangering the lives condoms or “double-bagging” will increase the of citizens; friction between them and make them more likely to tear or break. 5. All women presenting to health institutions (hospitals and clinics) If I’ve had a pap smear does that mean I’ve had a with complications following sexual health check? illegal termination of pregnancy, No. Pap smears will only screen for HPV (Human should be assisted to open cases papillomavirus) not for other STIs like chlamydia, against the perpetrator; and gonorrhea and HIV.It’s a good idea to ask for a sexual health test when you go to get a pap smear. 6.The SAPS and Department of Health commit to working I’ve heard that only gay people get HIV, is that together in removing these rogue true? elements from unsuspecting No. HIV does not discriminate and can affect citizens so as to eradicate the anyone of any gender, age, race or sexuality. scourge of illegal termination of Courtesy of LA Times pregnancies. Source:WHO KZN Health increases number of legal termination of pregnancy facilities THE KwaZulu-Natal Department of received training on medical and undergo this training are also those health care professionals who importance of upholding Health has increased the number of surgical termination of pregnancy, trained and debriefed on how to pass moral judgement on young professional ethics at all times. This public health facilities offering safe as well as value clarification deal with social stigma, both in people when they seek reproductive includes creating a conducive and legal termination of pregnancy (understanding of the difference society and in the workplace. The health services. This, he said, was a environment for everyone who by nearly 300 percent in just a year. between their own personal values Department is also now contributing factor to the rate of seeks health care, regardless of The number of facilities offering versus professional ethos). This contemplating including Choice on illegal termination of pregnancy. their age. legal termination of pregnancy has training will be ongoing, with the Termination of Pregnancy (CTOP) He urged all health care workers “The Hippocratic Oath and gone from 14 to a total of 40 since Department focusing more on training in the basic four-year to adopt a “Youth User-Friendly” Nightingale Pledge compel doctors the beginning of 2015. facilities that are not yet providing nursing curriculum. approach to health care provision. and nurses to keep patient During this period, 19 doctors termination of pregnancy services. KZN Health MEC, Dr “We are trying to remind our information private and confidential and 57 professional nurses have Health care professionals who Sibongiseni Dhlomo also warned health care professionals about the at all times. It is very important.”


Q: Name three methods of birth control (contraception). A: Abstinence (no intercourse)—male & female condom—birth control pills—injection—IUD (interuterine device)—implants—contraceptive foam, jelly, and inserts— KZN Health MEC diaphragm—cervical cap— natural family planning—sterilization— emergency contraception Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo SPONSORED SUPPLEMENT

CAMPAIGN ON ILLEGAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY #StopIllegalAbortionDeaths Empowering youth on their sexual and reproductive rights

Ensuring young people have access to, and are educated about their contraception choices, results in a number of positive, empowering benefits for the youth – and society at large.

VER half (55 percent) of the and promote dual protection. and influential factor in enabling reduce the stigma associated with many communities, young women world’s population is under the Pregnancy and childbirth-related women already in high school to stay youth sexuality. Even when girls and and men are working tirelessly – both Oage of 25. The largest-ever complications remain one of the in school. young women are informed about individually and collectively – to generation of young people are our leading killers of young women. For • Contraception is estimated to family planning and services that are demand access to sexual and future and our present. Yet young those young women who survive account for more than 30 percent of the available, many do not access the reproductive health and rights. people are often unable to make pregnancy, many will drop out of increase in the proportion of women in services due to fear, stigma and Finally, the KZN Department of critical choices that impact their school due to early pregnancies. skilled careers. Contraception is the criticism. Health will involve boys and men in the futures. These women will not learn the skills major driver in enabling women to The department also seeks to process. That’s why the department is Contraceptive use is low, and one in they need to gain paid employment persue advance degrees such as reduce cultural and social barriers to excited about the work being done to three women has a child before the age and contribute to their families, medicine, dentistry and law. reproductive and sexual health care increase male involvement in sexual of 18. In South Africa, while 60 percent communities and nations. • Today, women form the majority by engaging community leaders – and reproductive health and rights. of women aged 15 and 49 use modern These facts are not ignored, and of undergraduate students. The including political and religious The “isibaya samadoda” encourages contraceptives – a figure far higher than the KZN Department of Health will number of women who complete four leaders – as champions for youth boys and men to be equal partners in the regional average – about 99 000 (a increase public awareness about the or more years at university is six sexual and reproductive health and their relationships, access sexual and rate of about 271 for every day of that contraception choices available to times the figure for men. Women rights. Health care workers are going reproductive health services and year) school-aged girls became young people. achieve the highest percentage of all to be re-trained to provide services to promote their peers’ adoption of pregnant (2013) in South Africa and 26 Some of the empowering benefits doctorate, medical, and law degrees. young people confidentially and positive behaviors and denounce 468 were from KwaZulu-Natal. of contraception include; • Providing easy access to without judgement. gender-based violence. For far too long the issues of • It is a top economic driver for contraception decreases the rates of Of most importance is Bringing new voices into the reproductive health and family women; Contraception has been teenage pregnancy and uwanted, encouraging and empowering young conversation, and implementing planning for adolescents have been listed as one of the most cost- unplanned pregnancy. people to be their own advocates and effective age and culturally- taboo. In many parts of the country, effective developments in the The KwaZulu-Natal government’s agents for change. Young people have appropriate family planning the issues have been almost business sector in the last 85 years. aims to improve access to the right to the knowledge, tools and programmes, can make a real and completely ignored. However, the • Being able to use and have contraception and strengthen family services they need to make informed lasting impact on the lives of young KwaZulu-Natal Health Department access to contraception before the planning services, including for young decisions about their bodies and live people everywhere – and help ignite has launched a campaign to offer age of 21 is the most empowering men and women. There’s a need to full, healthy and productive lives. In a virtuous cycle of development. FIGHTING DISEASE FIGHTING POVERTY GIVING HOPE

Q: TRUE or FALSE? Just because you have reached puberty, that means you are ready for sexual intercourse. KZN Health MEC A: FALSE. Sexual intercourse is best for emotionally ready people who know how to respect each other, and protect against pregnancy, infection and related issues. Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo SPONSORED SUPPLEMENT

CAMPAIGN ON ILLEGAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY #StopIllegalAbortionDeaths Launch of Adolescent and Youth User-Friendly health initiative

RIMARY health care centres (clinics) provide a Pcomprehensive health service package to young people closer to where they reside. However, the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health is concerned that the manner in which these services are rendered, sometimes does not attract young people to visit local clinics for screening and reproductive health services, among others. In a bid to encourage youth to adopt a health-seeking attitude and visit health facilities to request such services, the Department recently launched the Adolescent and Youth User-Friendly health initiative. The aim of this effort is to change the attitudes of certain health workers who tend to judge young people visiting health care facilities to seek reproductive health services. “Health workers need to understand that if the youth is not treated in a manner that makes them feel welcome to seek health services, they then rely on uninformed advice or the help of their peers – usually with disastrous consequences,” explained KZN Health MEC, Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo at the launch of these services at the Swart Mfolozi Clinic in . “Therefore, the solution to curbing the rising rate of teenage pregnancy, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and illegal termination of pregnancy lies, to a considerable extent, with the establishment of youth and adolescent friendly health institutions.” The recently launched Adolescent and Youth User-Friendly health initiative aims to ensure young people have access health services, including reproductive health In launching the youth-friendly services, that are tailored to meet their specific needs. initiative, Dr Dhlomo echoed the sentiments of Deputy President, Dhlomo also set out what health district, hospital or clinic settings, have Cyril Ramaphosa during the workers need to adhere to, in making a duty to provide a comprehensive 6. 59 percent of all internet users commemoration of the 2015 World their facilities youth friendly, including health service package to young Facts about agree with the statement that Aids Day, when he said: answers to the following questions: people closer to where they reside. “online dating is a good way to meet “The number of new HIV • Are young people welcomed at health “When we talk about a people”. infections is still extremely high, care facilities by a friendly face? comprehensive service package for online dating: 7. 53 percent of internet users agree particularly among young women • Are services available at hours that adolescent and youth friendly clinics, 1. Online dating has lost much of its with the statement that “online and girls. We are told that more than are convenient to a young person (eg we mean the provision of: stigma. A majority of Americans dating allows people to find a better 2 300 girls and young women outside of school hours)? • Education and counselling on now say online dating is a good way match for themselves because they between the ages of 15 and 24 • Can a young person be confident that sexuality, safer sex and to meet people. Today, almost half can get to know a lot more people”. become infected with HIV each the sensitive issues they discuss will reproductive health; of the public knows someone who 8. 21 percent of internet users agree week.” be kept confidential and that their • Sexually transmitted infections uses online dating or who has met with the statement that “people who privacy will not be violated? education; diagnosis and a spouse or partner via online use online dating sites are Tailor-made services • Can they access a wide range of management; dating. desperate”. services without parental permission? • HIV education, diagnosis and testing 2. One-in-five adults ages 25-34 9. 42 percent of all Americans know Dhlomo says the Department of • Do they have the option to see the as well as treatment, care and support; years old have used online dating, an online dater, and 29 percent Health would now tailor-make most same provider in subsequent visits so • Contraceptive education and but it’s also popular with older know someone who has used of its programmes to respond to the that he/she will be familiar with their provision, with an emphasis on dual- singles, too. online dating to find a spouse or needs of the youth, especially young personal history? protection method; 3. One-third of people who have used other long-term relationship. girls. • Are information, educational sessions • Pregnancy testing, antenatal and online dating have never actually 10. Half (54 percent) of online daters “A case in point is when a 16- and communication materials postnatal care; gone on a date with someone they have felt that someone else year-old girl presents herself at the available to promote healthy • Mental health education and met on these sites. seriously misrepresented clinic asking for contraceptives. It is behaviours for young people? counselling. 4. One-in-five online daters have themselves in their profile. not a duty of the nurse to rebuke her, Dr Dhlomo concluded by asked someone else to help them 11. And more seriously, 28 percent of but to duly assist. Failure to help can Comprehensive health committing himself to doing with their profile. online daters have been contacted result in this girl coming back later “everything possible to ensure that all 5. 5 percent of Americans who are in by someone through an online with a sexually transmitted infection service package clinics, especially in rural settings, a marriage or committed dating site or app in a way that or being HIV positive or suffer have a youth friendly champion nurse relationship say they met their made them feel harassed or complications from an illegal He emphasised that health who the youth can trust for their health significant other online. uncomfortable. termination of pregnancy attempt.” workers at all levels, whether in related issues.”


Q: NAME three signs of pregnancy. KZN Health MEC A: No menstrual period, breast tenderness and/or enlargement, weight gain, expanding abdomen, nausea, tiredness. Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo SPONSORED SUPPLEMENT

CAMPAIGN ON ILLEGAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY #StopIllegalAbortionDeaths Ayanda’s story – the human tragedy behind illegal termination of pregnancy

HE country was shocked to hear the story of Ayanda OPTIONS FOR SURGICAL TMasondo, who passed away on AND MEDICAL TERMINATION March 19, 2012. She was only 20 years old. A student at the University OF PREGNANCY of Johannesburg, her body was What is medical termination of found leaning against the door of her pregnancy? room at the Benjamin Hostel.The Medical termination of pregnancy cause of her death was (or termination of pregnancy pill) is complications from an illegal also known as early termination of termination of pregnancy. pregnancy and involves taking two Sadly, her fate is all too common sets of pills to end a pregnancy.It as illegal termination of pregnancy kill does not need instruments, or a dozens of South African women vacuum aspirator machine. It does every year. not require admission. It’s an Unintended pregnancy among alternative to surgical termination of adolescents (ages 10-19) and young pregnancy and available before nine women (20-24) is a global public weeks of pregnancy. health problem with dire What is a surgical termination of consequences. pregnancy? According to the study by SA Early surgical termination of Medical Research Council in 2010; pregnancy up to 12 weeks of 49 percent of reported termination of pregnancy involves the pregnancy pregnancy were undergone by being removed vaginally by a trained young women between ages of and experienced professional nurse 13-19 years. using Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA).Surgical termination of Unsafe termination of pregnancy pregnancy (13-19 weeks of around the world Dealing with an unintended pregnancy is particularly difficult for adolescent and young women, many of whom face pregnancy) is performed by a trained The World Health Organization personal, socio-economic and cultural pressures in dealing with the issue. medical doctor if the health of the (WHO) estimates that unsafe * The woman pictured is a model and not Ayanda Masondo. women or foetus is at risk or if the termination of pregnancy cause the pregnancy is the result of rape or deaths of at least 200 women each some 55 000 termination of are incomplete termination of termination of pregnancy take place incest. After 20 weeks, women may day, more than 70 000 women each pregnancy a day, over 20 million a pregnancy, infection (sepsis), in developing countries. be able to have termination of year.Yet, it is “one of the most easily year, are unsafe. haemorrhage and injury to the In many African countries, up to pregnancy but only in the event that preventable and treatable causes of Between two million and seven internal organs, such as puncturing 70 percent of women treated for the pregnancy would endanger the maternal mortality”. (WHO Safe million women each year survive or tearing of the uterus. termination of pregnancy woman’s life, or if the pregnancy Motherhood Conference, 1998.) unsafe termination of pregnancy, but Long-term health problems complications are under 20 years old. would result in a severely malformed Every year, about 50 million sustain long-term damage or include chronic pain, pelvic Unsafe termination of pregnancy foetus.This type of termination of unwanted pregnancies end in disease. inflammatory disease and infertility. is responsible for one in eight pregnancy can only be performed at termination of pregnancy. Of these, The most frequent complications About 95 percent of unsafe maternal deaths. a designated government hospital. Advice for a young woman KNOW THE FACTS What are the circumstances health care workers that should be that lead to termination of providing the services do not facing a difficult dilemma always fully support the ethos. pregnancy? They often impose their own THE following question and answer pregnancy that can stir up a lot when do it in as calm and relaxed way as • Rape or coerced intercourse. beliefs on the clients, thus limiting report between a young woman and it becomes personal. possible.You may feel some tension • Pregnancy that may not be the access to appropriate health a health care provider provides some The first thing I can suggest is that or anxiety, either about having a supported by the partner or family. services. useful advice to young people you might want to get advice for the two termination of pregnancy or telling • Pregnancy that may threaten the • Women needing the service feel dealing with the decision to have an of you.You might also want to consider him, but the calmer you are when you woman’s health or survival. ostracised, isolated and termination of pregnancy. whether you want to ask your boyfriend bring it up, the easier it’ll be for him to • A foetus that may have stigmatised for his input or whether you’ve decided hear. I’d also suggest telling him abnormalities. Dangers of illegal The question: what you want to do and you’re telling straight up.The more indirect you are, • There may also be personal I am pregnant. My boyfriend and I him.That’ll affect what you tell him and the more likely it is that he’ll have a reasons, socio-economic reasons termination of pregnancy have been together for three years. I how.While the decision to terminate the harder time with it. Fortunately, it or cultural reasons for the • Immediate complications from recently graduated from high school pregnancy is ultimately yours, some sounds like you two have a really unwanted pregnancy. unsafe termination of pregnancy and moved into a new city to be with women do ask for their partners’ solid relationship, which will make a What are obstacles faced may include severe bleeding, him while he also finishes his degree. opinions. I’m also wondering whether big difference. uterine perforation, tearing of the We both moved into an apartment, you have a sense of your boyfriend’s Lastly, he might say that he’s fine by those needing access to cervix, damage to the genitals and we adopted a cat, and at this point attitudes towards termination of with it and still have difficult feelings safe termination of abdomen, internal infection of the I’m unemployed looking for a job. I pregnancy, since you’ve been together about it.You both need the space to abdomen and blood poisoning. love my boyfriend more than for a while. It could also be worth deal with your emotions, positive or pregnancy? • Medium-term complications may anything, and I wish under different thinking about whether the issue is that negative. It’s really common for men Despite legislation legalising range from reproductive tract circumstances I didn’t feel this way. you don’t want to have a baby with your to depend on their girlfriends or wives termination of pregnancy, obstacles infections and pelvic inflammatory How do I tell him I want a termination boyfriend right now or that you don’t for emotional support and you just to accessing safe legal termination disease to chronic pains. of pregnancy? want to have a baby with him at all. moved to a new city, so you might not of pregnancy remain.These include: • Late complications may include a Whether you tell him about that or not is have much of a network yet. If the two • The stigma of termination of slightly increased risk of infertility Sister PM responds: up to you, but having some clarity of you are each other’s main support, pregnancy is as much an obstacle and ectopic pregnancy, This is almost always a tough around that will help you figure out what that’s probably going to put a strain to women accessing the services miscarriage or premature delivery conversation. A lot of people have you want to tell him and how. on your relationship, especially if as it is to the doctors and nurses in subsequent pregnancies – and such intense feelings and Wherever you fall on that, odds you’re having conflicting feelings. My who provide the services. Many even death. judgements around termination of are that the best way to tell him is to best wishes to you both. FIGHTING DISEASE FIGHTING POVERTY GIVING HOPE

Q: Why should women examine their breast and vulvas regularly? Why should men examine their testicles? KZN Health MEC A: In case there are ever any changes that will be symptoms of illness or tumors. Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo SPONSORED SUPPLEMENT

CAMPAIGN ON ILLEGAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY #StopIllegalAbortionDeaths Dual Protection – the best way to prevent pregnancy, HIV and STIs

NCONSISTENT contraceptive use is relatively high, with an need for additional education on behaviour and unsafe sex remains estimated 65 percent of sexually the benefits of using the dual Ia pertinent public health challenge active women between the ages of protection and why is “always in the prevention of teenage and 15 and 49 using a modern safest to double up”. unwanted pregnancies and the contraceptive method. The stats illustrate why the KZN transmission of STIs including HIV. According to the second national Department of Health is targeting With this in mind, KZN Health youth risk behaviour survey in 2008 the dual protection message at the MEC, Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo (South African Medical Research youth of KZN. launched the Dual Protection Council), a survey of learners in • About 20 000 South African campaign at the beginning of last Grades 8 to 11 in public sector schoolgirls fell pregnant last year, year to encourage young people to schools across the nine provinces of whom some 3 000 lived in take up a combination of preventive found that 37.5 percent of learners KwaZulu-Natal. methods. had already had sex, of which 17.9 • In South Africa, one million percent indicated that they used no babies are born each year. About “Doubling up” is twice as safe contraception. 8 percent of these (about 80 000) The Dual Protection approach Overall, 45.1 percent of learners are delivered by teen moms, promotes medical male circumcision who had already had sex indicated most being unwanted and and the use of female contraceptive that the method of contraception unplanned. methods such as Implanon, that they most commonly used was • KZN is the second most populous injections or the loop while using a condom. Only 7 percent used province in South Africa - condoms during every episode of injectable contraceptives and 4.2 accounting for 21.4 percent of the sexual contact.This ensures percent used oral contraceptives. country’s population; protection against both sexually With this campaign, the KZN • More than 50 percent of the transmitted infections – including Health Department is doubling its population in KwaZulu-Natal is HIV – and unwanted pregnancies. efforts to delivery a highly effective designed to improve uptake and use significantly improve other serious made of young people between Data indicates that contraceptive social marketing campaign of contraceptive services across all social problems including poverty the ages of 15 and 35 years; identified “at-risk” groups and ensure (especially child poverty), child • South Africa has 6.4 million high levels of awareness and abuse and neglect, father-absence, people living with HIV, according availability of contraceptive services, low birth weight, school failure, and to the 2014 Human Science so as to increase consistent and poor preparation for the workforce,” Research Council, which also correct use of contraception for says MEC Dhlomo. says 17 percent of those infected these groups. are in KwaZulu-Natal. “By preventing teen and Targeting KZN’s youth • 1 in 2 young people will have an unplanned pregnancy, we can Statistics point to an urgent STI before the age of 25. Five things you really should know about female condoms

YOU may or may not realize that the clitoris while the inner ring stimulates no matter where your sexual female condom, a.k.a. internal the head of the penis.The female adventures take you. condom, has been revamped in condom is extremely wide and pre- recent years to be more affordable lubricated, which some guys say feels 4) Female condoms aren’t just for and less, erm, squeaky. better. If you’re looking for a wet and vaginal sex. wild time, you’ll be happy to know that In addition to vaginal sex, you can 1) Female condoms are fun for the female condom is safe to use with use the female condom during anal foreplay. both water and silicone-based lubes. sex as a great option for STI Putting in a female condom can be prevention. Some people recommend a sensual way to set the mood. 3) Female condoms provide dual removing the inner ring before Rubbing the inner ring around your protection from STIs and pregnancy. insertion. Don’t forget that both water- vulva and clitoris during the insertion Female condoms prevent both and silicone-based lubes are safe to process can add some extra pleasure pregnancy and STIs and allow use with it! - which can be a big turn on for your women to be in the driver’s seat when partner too. And because female it comes to their sexual health. Some 5) Insertion doesn’t have to be condoms are made of non-latex nitrile women report boosted self-esteem awkward. (synthetic rubber), they warm up with when they use female condoms, Standing up, lying down, bending, your body temperature. (Plus, they’re which can increase comfort and sitting… no, we’re not talking about safe to use for people with latex enhance sex.You can insert the sex positions.These are just some of allergies!) female condom up to eight hours the ways that you can insert the before getting it on, so there’s no need female condom.You can put it in by 2) Female condoms increase to ask a partner to put on a condom in yourself or with a partner as part of pleasure for both partners during sex. the heat of the moment. Being foreplay, or insert it before things heat During vaginal sex, the female proactive about your own condom up so you don’t have to interrupt the condom’s outer ring rubs against the use ensures that there’s protection - moment. FIGHTING DISEASE FIGHTING POVERTY



Young people are encouraged to visit the following clinics for healthcare services: FACILITIES IMPLEMENTING HAPPY HOUR DISTRICT FACILITY HAPPY HOUR TIMES Zululand Thembumusa 14h00 -15h30 Swart Mfolozi 15h00 – 16h00 Mondlo 2 14h00 -15h00 Khambi 13h30 – 14h30 Hartland 14h00 – 15h00 A 15h00 -16h00 Mdumezulu 14h00 – 15h00 Idlebe 16h30 – 17h30 Magagadolo 14h30 – 16h30 Hlengimpilo 16h00 – 17h00 Dlozana 15h00 – 16h00 Belgrade 14h30 – 15h30 uGu Assisi 14h30 – 16h00 St. Faiths 14h30 -16h00 Phungashe 14h30 -16h00 Ezingolweni 15h00 – 16h00 Philani 14h00 – 16h00 Pennington 14h00 – 16h00 Harry Gwala Clydesdale 14h00 -16h00 Mvubukazi 10h00 – 15h00 uMgungundlovu Mpumuza 14h00 – 16h00 Caluza 14h00 -16h00 uThungulu Nsingweni 14h00 -16h00 Gingindlovu 14h00 -16h00 Mbonambi 14h00 -16h00 Mpandleni 15h00 – 16h00 eThekwini Magabheni 14h00 -16h00 Mnini 14h00 -16h00 Amajuba Osizweni 15h00 – 16h00 uThukela Dukuza 07h00 – 16h00 Injisuthi 14h00-16h00 Watersmeet 14h30 – 16h00 Ezakheni No.2 14h00 – 16h00 St. Chads CHC 16h00 – 17h00 AE Havilland 14h00 – 16h00 SPONSORED SUPPLEMENT

CAMPAIGN ON ILLEGAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY #StopIllegalAbortionDeaths KZN HEALTH FACILITIES OFFERING LEGAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health has increased the number of public health facilities offering safe and legal termination of pregnancy to a total of 40. The list below provides details of all these facilities, grouped according to district.


AMAJUBA Newcastle Hospital: 4 Hospital Street, Newcastle UMKHANYAKHUDE Manguzi Hospital: Kwa-Ngwanase Tel: 034 328 0000 Tel: 035 592 0150 Niemeyer Memorial Hospital: Kantoor Street, Bethesda Hospital: Umbombo Utrecht. Tel: 034 331 3011 Tel: 035 595 1004 ETHEKWINI Addington Hospital: 16 Erskine Terrace South Beach, Durban. Tel: 031 327 2000 UTHUKELA Emmaus Hospital: Cathedral Peak Road, Winterton Prince Mysheni Hospital: Mangosutho Highway, Tel: 036 488 1570 uMlazi. Tel: 031 907 8111 Escourt Hospital: Old Main Road, Estcourt Wentworth Hospital: Sidmouth Avenue, Wentworth Tel: 036 342 7000 Tel: 031 460 5000 / 2000 Ladysmith Hospital: Malcolm Road, Ladysmith Phoenix CHC: 30-32 Brookstone Whetstone, Unit 10 Tel: 036 637 2111 Phoenix. Tel: 031 538 0800 St Chads CHC: Cnr of and Ezakheni King Dinizulu Hospital: Cnr of Dr RD Naidoo Drive & Viola Road, Sydenham. Tel: 031 242 6000 Roads. Tel: 036 637 9600

ILEMBE Stanger Hospital: Cnr of King Shaka & Patterson UTHUNGULU Cathrine Booth Hospital: Amathikulu Streets. Tel: 032 437 6000 Tel: 035 474 8407 Sundumbili CHC: A 682/3 Sundumbili Township, Eshowe Hospital: Kangela Street Mandeni. Tel: 032 454 7500 Tel: 035 473 4500 Umphumulo Hospital: Maphumulu Lower Umfolozi War Memorial Hospital: 29 Union Tel: 032 481 4100 Street, Empangeni. Tel: 035 907 7000 Untunjambili Hospital: Near Kranskop Mbongolwane Hospital: Kwapett Tel: 033 444 1808 / 1707 Tel: 035 476 6242 HARRY GWALA Christ The King Hospital: Peter Hauff Drive, Ixopo Nkandla Hospital: Nkandla Village Tel: 039 834 7500 Tel: 035 833 5000 Rietvlei Hospital: Rietvlei / Emhlangeni Nseleni CHC: 645 UBhejane road, Nseleni Township Tel: 039 260 5000 Tel: 035 795 1124 St Apollinaris Hospital: Centow Mission, Centocow Tel: 039 833 8000 UMZINYATHI Greytown Hospital: Bell Street Tel: 033 413 9400 UGU GJ Crooke’s Hospital: Hospital Road, Scottburgh Tel: 039 978 7000 Pomeroy CHC: Shepstone Road, Pomeroy Port Shepstone Hospital: Cnr of Connor & Bazley Tel: 034 662 3331 Streets Tel: 039 688 6000 Church of Scotland Hospital: St Andrews Hospital: 14 Moodie Street, Harding Tel: 033 493 1000 Tel: 039 433 1955 Murchison Hospital: Harding Road, Port Shepstone ZULULAND Benedictine Hospital: Main Road, Tel: 039 687 7311 Tel: 035 831 7000 Nkojeni Hospital: Mahlabathini UMGUNGUNDLOVU Edendale Hospital: Main Road, Edendale Tel: 035 873 0013 Tel: 033 395 4911 Northdale Hospital: 1389 Chota Motala Road, Vryheid Hospital: Coswald Brown Street Northdale. Tel: 033 387 9007/9009 Tel: 034 982 2111 Appelsbosch Hospital: Appelsbosch Ceza Hospital: Ceza Tel: 032 294 8000 Tel: 035 832 5000 FIGHTING DISEASE FIGHTING POVERTY

KZN Health MEC GIVING HOPE Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo