ADAPTATION STRATEGY of MOSQUE ARCHITECTURE in the MINORITY NEIGHBORHOOD Case Studies: Mosques in Denpasar City and Badung Regency, Province of Bali

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ADAPTATION STRATEGY of MOSQUE ARCHITECTURE in the MINORITY NEIGHBORHOOD Case Studies: Mosques in Denpasar City and Badung Regency, Province of Bali ADAPTATION STRATEGY OF MOSQUE ARCHITECTURE IN THE MINORITY NEIGHBORHOOD Case Studies: Mosques in Denpasar City and Badung Regency, Province of Bali. Alumnus of Master of Science Program, Post -Graduate Andika Saputra Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta e-mail: [email protected] Alumnus of Bachelor Architecture Program , Faculty of Muhammad Rochis Engineering Warmadew University, Denpasar City, Bali e-mail: [email protected] Received : May 31 st 2014 ; Accepted : September 3 rd 2014; Available Online : December 15 th 2014 Abstract Mosques for Moslems who live in the middle of minority neighborhood in Province of Bali do not only function as a signifier for the presence of a Moslem community, but also have a central role because mosque is the only gathering place for fellow Moslems. In the present, Moslems in the province of Bali is facing various challenges that cause adaptation strategies of mosque architecture for the existence of mosque in the neighborhood can be accepted by society from other faith. This preliminary study aim to know the adaptation strategies of mosque architecture undertaken Moslems in the province of Bali along with the factor that drive adaptation. Study conducted using qualitative-inductive method. Locus of study in the Denpasar City and Badung Regency where is the center of activity and concentration of Moslems in the province of Bali in a different background of neighborhood. Object of study used a large mosque that are the central of Moslems activity. The finding of this study showed that there are three types of mosque architecture adaptation strategies undertaken by Moslems in the Province of Bali are (1) external factor is responded by applying dominate elements of Balinese style architecture, (2) internal factor is awareness to apply elements of Balinese style architecture to show identity as a Moslems who appreciate local value, and (3) internal factor to apply the characteristic architectural style of the Middle East mosque is considered ideal to represent identity as Moslems. Keywords : adaptation strategies, mosque architecture, minority neighborhood Abstrak Masjid bagi umat Islam di Provinsi Bali yang hidup di tengah lingkungan minoritas tidak saja berfungsi simbolis sebagai penanda keberadaan komunitas Islam namun juga memiliki peran sentral dikarenakan merupakan satu- satunya tempat berkumpul bagi sesama umat Islam. Di masa kekinian, umat Islam di Provinsi Bali tengah menghadapi berbagai tantangan yang menyebabkan dilakukannya strategi adaptasi arsitektur masjid agar keberadaan masjid di lingkungannya dapat diterima oleh masyarakat luas dari berbagai agama. Kajian awal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi adaptasi arsitektur masjid yang dilakukan oleh umat Islam di Provinsi Bali beserta dengan faktor-faktor yang mendorong dilakukannya adaptasi. Kajian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif induktif. Lokus kajian berada di Kota Denpasar dan Kabupaten badung yang merupakan pusat kegiatan dan konsentrasi kehidupan umat Islam di Provinsi Bali dengan latar belakang lingkungan yang berbeda. Obyek kajian yang digunakan merupakan masjid-masjid besar yang merupakan pusat kegiatan umat Islam. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan tiga tipe strategi adaptasi arsitektur masjid yang dilakukan oleh umat Islam di Provinsi Bali yaitu (1) faktor eksternal yang ditanggapi dengan dominan menerapkan unsur arsitektur gaya Bali; (2) kesadaran dari dalam diri menerapkan unsur arsitektur gaya Bali untuk menunjukkan identitasnya sebagai komunitas Moslem yang menghargai nilai-nilai lokal; dan (3) Faktor internal untuk menerapkan ciri khas arsitektur masjid gaya Timur Tengah yang dianggap ideal merepresentasikan identitasnya sebagai umat Islam. Kata kunci : strategi adaptasi, arsitektur masjid, lingkungan minoritas Introduction million people. Every year the number of Moslem in The number of Moslems in the province of Bali the province of Bali increases which majority by the in 2010[1] are 323.853 people with second position immigrant from Java caused economic motive. In the after Hindus who are more than 2.7 million people. present, concentration of Moslems life in Bali took Total population in province of Bali reached 3.2 place in Denpasar City as a capital of the province of Journal of Islamic Architecture Volume 3 Issue 2 December 2014 • ISSN 2086-2636 • e-ISSN 2356-4644 | 49 Bali and Badung regency as a major tourist benefits in two aspect. First, for the practice of destination in the province of Bali where the two architecture, the results of this study can be a districts is a center of economic activity in the design guideline of mosque architecture in the province of Bali. province of Bali. Second, for Moslems, the results of Living in the minority neighborhood does not this study can provide information about adaptation make Moslems in the province of Bali not show the strategies in the field of mosque architecture in an symbol of Islam. One of the symbol of Islam is effort to retain the existence of mosque which are mosque, as the statement of Sheikh Khairuddin symbol of Islam in the minority neighborhood. Wanili [2], "Mosque is symbol of Islam. If there is no By knowing the adaptation strategies adzan, no shalat, and no shalat jama’ah, then there undertaken by Moslems in the Provice of Bali, it can is no Islam and Moslems in that area ". describe an identity of Moslems in the province of Sheikh Yasin Huri Husain [3] stated that a Bali, as stated by Prof. Syaom Barliana [6] that the mosque has an important role throughout the history mosque is a representation of Moslems who give of Moslems which get the main priority and the deep birth and prosper, which come from all the concern of the Moslem leaders and all of the Moslem capabilities of that people. community. Therefore Moslems culture born from mosque which depend on the function of mosque[4]. Research Method Mosque for Moslems in the province of Bali not This preliminary study applies inductive- only function as a symbolic of the presence of qualitative method, with the selection of locus and Moslem community in that area, but also have a object of study purposively. Chosen locus of study in central role as a center place for Moslems activity, Denpasar city and Badung regency because these two considering living in the minority neighborhood districts is the center of Moslems’ life and activity in making mosque is the only gathering place for fellow the province of Bali with a different background Moslems. neighborhood in which Denpasar city is rigorous to At the present, Moslems in the province of Bali application of local cultural values as the capital of facing various challenges in various fields of life to Province of Bali and Badung regency more 'loose' to be able to adaptation with the culture of majority application of local cultural values as a major tourist society. Especially after the Bali bombing in 2002 destination in the province of Bali with a more which lead to suspicion excessive attitude against heterogeneous society cultural background. Moslems in the province of Bali in generaly, and in Object of study used is a large mosque in the Denpasar city and Badung regency in particulary two districts which is the central of Moslems where the location of the Bali bombing. activity, are al-Qomar Mosque and Sudirman Grand Hamdan Basyar based on his research in the Mosque in Denpasar city and Nurul Huda Mosque and province of Bali in 2010 [5] revealed, although on the Asasuttaqwa Mosque in Badung regency. surface looks harmonious relationship, but Moslems who live in the province of Bali are under pressured In the future this study will continue to by Hindus domination in religious life, social, increase the quantity of object of study in another economic, and cultural. One of which impacts is locus of study with a more diverse neighborhood difficulty in obtaining permits to establishment of background so will get more comprehensive result mosque and local regulation based on Hindu values. about adaptation strategy of mosque architecture undertaken by Moslem in the province of Bali. Living in the minority neighborhood with a variety of contemporary challenges to be faced, Variable used to assess adaptation strategy of encourage Moslems in province of Bali to maximize mosque architecture in Denpasar city and Badung the function of mosque to represent a aspiration and regency are exterior element of the mosque building activities of Moslems. On the one hand, Moslems is seen from the aspect of form, material, ornament, want to show their religious identity through the and color. Variable used are limited because this is a mosque architecture is considered ideal, but on the preliminary study and possibly that in the next study other hand there are demand from local goverment do addition a variable to get a more comprehensive to apply the characteristic of Balinese style result about adaptation strategy of mosque architecture which has been approved in regulation architecture in the province of Bali. as well as demand to maintain religious harmony Technique of data collection using observation with other believer because of feared by showing and semi-structured interview by purposively Islamic identity can trigger horizontal conflicts. selection informant with criteria a informant who This study is a preliminary study that aims to has authority over the object of study, as follow: know the adaptation strategies of mosque 1. Suhaeri, as a chairman of foundation and architecture undertaken Moslems in the province of chairman of ta’mir of al-Qomar Mosque. Bali along with the factors that drive adaptation. 2. Tri Sudirman, as a vice chairman of ta’mir The result of this study are expected to provide of Sudirman Grand Mosque. 50 | Journal of Islamic Architecture Volume 3 Issue 2 December 2014 • ISSN 2086-2636 • e-ISSN 2356-4644 3. H. Abdul Malik, as a chairman of ta’mir of The object of study is located in Pura Demak Nurul Huda Mosque. Street, subdistrict of West Teuku Umar, district of 4.
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