St. Mary’s Church 62 Warren Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801 ! Telephone: 518 792 0989 ! Fax: 518 792 0251 ! Website: ! ! April 14, 2019 !

Mass Schedule: Parish Staff Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Rev. Thomas Morrette (ext. 120) Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:15 AM Pastor Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 12:10 PM Rev. Desmond J. Rossi (ext. 127) Friday: 8:05 AM Parochial Vicar Exposition and Adoration of the Deacon F. David Powers (ext. 135) Most Blessed Sacrament Deacon Associate First Friday of the month 9 AM—3 PM Rev. Robert Hohenstein (retired) Wednesdays 1—9 PM

Rev. Liam Condon (retired) Sacrament of Baptism: Clergy Assistance First Sunday of the month at 12:30 PM Robin Mattes (ext. 110) Parish Secretary/Cemetery Representative Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Catherine DeSantis (ext. 125) Saturdays 3:00 - 3:45 PM Baptism Coordinator/Webmaster or upon request

Ann McCoy (ext. 130) Sacrament of Matrimony: Administrator for Finances For adequate preparation Jo Kaczmarek (ext. 115) arrangements should be made at least Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation six months prior to the desired date. Leona Stone, Assistant (Ext. 136) St. Mary's/St. Alphonsus Maria Polidore (ext. 121) Regional Catholic School: Pastoral Associate for Youth Ministry Patricia Balmer, Principal Susan DelSignore (ext. 113) Pre-School thru Grade 8— Pastoral Associate for Liturgy/Music 518-792-3178 Bill Englert (ext. 130) Maintenance

Glens Falls Hospital Chaplain Jim Kane and Theresa LaPoint, Trustees Parish and Cemetery Office Hours: Sister Donna Irvine, S.S.N.D. 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Closed 12-1 PM) 518-926-3532

St. Mary’s Church April 7, 2019 ! From Father Tom ! ! ! Welcome! All visitors to our parish this weekend! ! ! Remembering Palm Sunday long ago ! ! As a kid, I looked forward to Palm Sunday every year. Besides being excited about getting palms at church (which we thought was pretty cool back then), a florist in Schenectady near our house offered free chicks to families on that day. Of course, my parents wanted nothing to do with chicks since we lived in the city and had only a small backyard. Besides, I don’t think they knew what to do with a chicken or how to raise one. However, after awhile my sister and I wore them down and, one year, we brought a chick home to cries of joy! We put it in a cardboard box outside the back door, fed it once or twice, then left it there for my parents to care for M a job they didn’t seem to want. One day, when we came home from school and went out to play with it, it was gone. When we asked my parents where it went, they simply said that “it went to a good home”. (I hope it didn’t go into someone’s cooking pot!) Needless to say: the mystery has never been solved and my parents never talked about it again.   Palm Sunday was one of those days when there used to be a lot of customs from Europe observed by Catholic immigrant families in our country. Italians had the custom of bringing palms to relatives as a sign of respect and to put palms on the graves of loved ones. Big family dinners also marked the day. I used to enjoy seeing the complex and innovative crosses made by people from simple reeds of palm. Sad to say, today, many of these customs have gone by the wayside M lost touch- es of living Catholic faith that reached into the homes and hearts of believers. We are all less because these have been rele- gated to the past.   All these customs, including palms, focused attention on the importance of the day and the week about to begin. They were outward symbols of a profound reality . From them, we got the sense that something unusual was about to happen, a different kind of week ahead with an unrepeatable and profound meaning. These sacramentals and customs also hinted at the Easter season which was about to begin. Easter was drawing near. They were springtime reminders that Catholics were about to enter a time of joy, hope, resurrection and renewal.   This weekend, we begin Holy Week 2019. Even though we may not observe the old customs, we are reminded today that Holy Week is upon us and the Paschal Triduum is about to be celebrated. The Paschal Triduum is what Lent has been lead- ing us to. This is the pinnacle of our faith and church year. Today, on Palm Sunday, we should resolve to be part of it all the week offers  to change our schedules, take out our calendars and determine to be in church this week for the great myster- ies of faith about to be celebrated. Determine to observe the entire Paschal Triduum : Holy Thursday’s “Mass of the Lord’s Supper” at 7:00 PM, Good Friday’s “Commemoratio of the Lord’s Passion and Death” at 3:00 PM and the great “Easter Vigil” at 8:00 PM this Saturday evening. See you there!  ! ! Special fast this week ! ! Catholics are asked to observe the “Paschal Fast” this week beginning on Holy Thursday evening and continuing through Holy Saturday evening. This means that we should eat no treats or luxury lunches or dinners during this time. Good Friday is a day of complete abstinence and fast M no meat and no eating in between. We do this to help us interiorize the spirit of these days of remembrance of the sufferings and death of the Lord.  ! Good Friday Holy Land Collection ! ! Pope Francis has asked our parish to support the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, which helps Christians in the Holy Land. Your support helps the church minister in parishes, provide Catholic schools and offer religious education. It also helps to preserve the sacred shrines. The wars, unrest and instability have been especially hard on Christians. In these times of crisis, the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you become an instrument of peace and join with Catholics around the world in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. Please help by giving to the Holy Land collection on Good Friday. !  For meditation this week ! ! The liturgical music for Holy Week and Easter is profoundly moving. The lyrics of the hymns, chants and anthems for this week go back to the Middle Ages and before. One of the most well known hymns is entitled “O Sacred Head, Now Wound- ed” which is based on a long medieval Latin Poem with stanzas addressing the various parts of Christ’s body hanging on the cross. The last part of the poem, from which the hymn is taken, is addressed to Christ’s head. The poem is often attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1091 1153). The lyrics can provide us with good meditation themes for the week:   O sacred Head, now wounded, ! with grief and shame weighed down. ! Now scornfully surrounded ! with thorns, Thine only crown; ! O sacred Head, what glory, ! what bliss till now was Thine! ! Yet, though despised and gory, ! I joy to call Thee mine. ! ! Be thou my consolation, ! my shield when I must die. ! Remind me of Thy passion ! when my last hour draws nigh. ! Mine eyes shall then behold Thee ! upon Thy cross shall dwell, ! My heart by faith enfolds Thee ! who dieth thus dies well. ! ! ! ! Relic of St. John Vianney coming to Albany ! ! St. John Vianney, also known as the Cure of Ars, was a French parish in the early 1800's who became a great saint.  In fact, the Church has named him patron of all parish priests and co patron of France.  The story of his life is fascinating.  He had a hard time getting into the Seminary and was thought to be intellectually unable to meet the needs of a parish priest at that time.  So, his Bishop sent him to a small village called Ars where, he thought, he could do no harm.  Because of his great holiness and zeal, Vianney surprised everybody by reforming an indifferent village and turning hearts back to God.  Eventu- ally, his reputation for holiness spread throughout the whole of France.  Little by little, pilgrims made their way to Ars  thousands came to seek the saint out and go to Confession to him.  (He spend most of his days hearing Confes- sions.)  Humble, simple and self effacing, John Vianney poured out his life for his people and shared with them the great gift of God's mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Countless souls have been saved through his ministry.  After his death, his heart was preserved in a reliquary (a custom at the time) and it has been revered by priests and people alike in his little church in Ars.  Recently, permission has been given for this relic to go on tour throughout the world.  We are fortunate that the relic will be on display for veneration in our own Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on April 26th from noon to 7:00 PM.  Mass will also be held that day in the Cathedral at 12:15 PM and Vespers will be celebrated at 6:30 PM.  Count- less priests look to St. John Vianney as a model and inspiration. So do countless millions of Catholics throughout the world.  F eel free to visit the Cathedral on April 26th for this most important event.  !




! Upcoming !! The Paschal Triduum  Holy Thursday, April 18 th at 7:00 PM in the church ! Good Friday, April 19 th at 3:00 PM in the church ! Holy Saturday, April 20, “The Easter Vigil” at 8:00 PM in the church ! ! !

! Rules of Fast and Abstinence for Lent  ! Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of complete fast and abstinence. All Fridays in Lent are days of absti- nence from meat. Every person 14 years of age or older must abstain from meat (and items made with meat) on the proscribed days. Every person between the age of 18 and 59 and a half must fast on the days proscribed. The sick and frail are excused from any of the above if it should impact negatively on their health. The Church asks all Cath- olics during Lent to perform some penance for their sins. The purpose of fasting is spiritual focus, self discipline and imitation of the suffering Lord. Beyond these prescriptions, Catholics are expected to develop a personal plan of choice for penance and spiritual growth during the Lenten season. ! ! ! What is the Paschal Fast?  ! The Paschal Fast begins after the Holy Thursday evening Mass and continues throughout the Triduum until Holy Saturday night. These three days are the most solemn days of our Church year when we remember the Passion and Death of the Lord. During these days, Catholics are asked to eat only what is required and to observe a more contemplative and restrained life- style. Treats and desserts are held off until Easter. It is also appropriate to live out the character of the Triduum in greater silence and recollection, limiting television and social media.  ! !

!! The Shroud of Documentary  ! The or Turin Shroud is a length of linen cloth bearing the negative image of a man who is alleged to be Jesus of Nazareth. It is kept in the Chapel of the Holy Shroud, which is located within a complex of buildings which includes the , the , and the Palazzo Chiablese in Turin, , northern Italy. The cloth itself is believed by some to be the burial shroud that Jesus was wrapped in when he was buried after crucifixion. The documen- tary will be shown on Tuesday, April 16 th 1 2 pm in the parish meeting room.  !

Retirement Party for Sue DelSignore ! ! The parish is giving Sue DelSignore a retirement farewell on Sunday, May 19 th in the Great Hall from 12:30 M 2:30 pm. The following members of the committee ask you to call one of them to let them know if you may be coming so that we can make adequate plans for refreshments. Carol Brownell, 518 792 8991, Joan Mills 518 792 2376, Sandy DelSignore 518 793 3557, or Kathy Sexton 518 746 9089.  St. Mary’s Church College Scholarships ! The application for undergraduate or vocational school scholarship is available on the Internet at (Click on “Scholarships”). The deadline for receipt of completed applications is Wednesday, May 1, 2019. It is anticipated that award recipients will be notified in July, 2019, with award checks dis- tributed in August, 2019. ! !

UPCOMING: Our annual Parish Festival will be held on Friday, June 7 and Saturday, June 8 in the Rectory parking lot and school playground. Also, coming in July, a huge parish rummage sale. Start now putting aside the items that will benefit the sale. !

!"#$%&'()*+%&#'' ! Those who wish to have loved ones remembered during Easter with a special memorial may make a donation toward our lovely Easter flowers in memory of loved ones. All donations may be put in the collection basket or mailed to the Rectory (Attn: Robin). The names of loved ones will be printed in the Easter bulletin. Must be th received by Monday, April 15 to be published in the bulletin. ! ! PLEASE PRINT. ! ! Name of Loved One______Given by ______! Phone Number ______! Amt. Donated ______! THE WEEK AHEAD !

Mon 15 ! Easter Flower Deadline ! ! ! Contemplative Prayer, 9 am ! Tue 16 ! Documentary on the Shroud of Turin, 1 pm ! Wed 17 ! Exposition and Adoration of the ! ! !  !  ! ! ! Most Blessed Sacrament, 1 9 pm Monday April 15 NO MASS Festival Meeting, 6 pm ! Tuesday April 16  Tuesday of Holy Week !  ! ! Family Faith Formation, 7 8 pm ! 12:10 pm +Connie Kaczmarek (Birthday) by Family ! ! ! +Thomas J. and Mary Cassidy M Bequest  RCIA, 7 pm !! HOLY THURSDAY/Parish Office Closed ! + Francis Golden by Estela and Bruce Crandall ! Thu 18   ! Wednesday April 17  Wednesday of Holy Week ! Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7 pm 12:10 pm +Anna Girard Greenwood by Husband  Fri 19 ! ! GOOD FRIDAY/Parish Office Closed ! +Toni Marie Coleman by Family  ! ! Youth Food Fast begins, 9 am ! +Doris Healy (Birthday) by Family  ! ! Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, 3 pm ! Thursday April 18 M Mass of the Lord’s Supper ! Sat 20 !! HOLY SATURDAY ! 7:00 pm For all Priests  ! ! Youth Food Fast ends, 9 am ! Friday April 19 M Friday of the Passion of the ! ! ! Blessing of Food, 1 pm ! 3:00 pm Lord / ABSTINENCE ! ! ! Easter Vigil Mass, 8 pm ! Saturday April 20 M Vigil: Easter Vigil ! ! !  Sun 14 EASTER SUNDAY 8:00 pm ! ! Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:15 am ! Sunday April 21 M EASTER SUNDAY OF THE ! RESURRECTION OF THE LORD ! 7:30 am +Roslyn Fiorini by Family  BANNS OF MARRIAGE  +John Quirk and Kyle Nelson by Family  Nicholas McMurry and Elizabeth Conley  (1st Anniversary)  To be married on April 27, 2019 in St. Mary's Church  +Deceased members of the Morrissey and  Solini Family by Family  9:00 am Intentions of the People of the Parish  ! 11:15 am +Richard Blanchard by Wife  ! +Helen Rymkewicz by Anita Greene  PARISH MEMBERSHIP (please print) ! +Jane Donovan by Mary K. Donovan  ! st +Lillian Rabine (1 Anniversary) by  Name: ! Children and Grandchildren ! ______! +Jennie, Harry, Harry “Buddy’ LaPoint M Address: !  Bequest  ______! ! City: Zip Code: ! ! ______! ! Phone: ! ! ______! ! ! ! Check one: ! ! New Registration ____ Change of Address ____ ! Our Beloved Dead ! Moving out of Parish !____ ! ! ! Please pray for those who have died this past week: ! (Parishioners of St. Mary’s are those individuals who are ! formally registered and acve in our Parish. Please com- Donald Bates ! plete this form if you wish to join our Parish family.) ! !

Dear Family of St. Mary’s, ! After nearly forty two years of service, my time here is coming to a close. I cannot adequately express my gratitude for all your love and support throughout the years. In good times and in bad you have been my family. We have laughed and cried together. We have shared our lives together. As I reflect, so many memories flood my heart. I will treasure them forever. God led me to all of you and my ministry here. I pray that I have always done my best. Song is my prayer. I leave you this prayer written by Michael Smith from his song “Friends”. “Friends are friends forever if the Lord’s the Lord of them. And a friend will not say never for the welcome will not end. Though it’s hard to let you go, in the Father’s hands I know, that a lifetime’s not too long to live as friends.”  Thank you! God Bless You All! Sue DelSignore ! Sacrificial Giving  How to make Palm Crosses ! ! ! ! th th ! !! ! ! ! ! ! April 6  April 7 ! ! ! Pattern #1: ! Offertory ! $2,534.35 !! ! ! ! Envelopes $4,728.00 ! A palm frond about 1/2 inch wide and ! ! Total $7,262.35 ! 18  24 inches long will make an aver- ! ! ! age size cross. ! Other: Candle $85.00, Catholic Relief $1,482.58 ! 1. Hold the frond horizontally. ! ! ! ! ! 2. Bend the right end straight up from the cen- ! ! ! Attendance  ter to form a right angle. ! 3. Fold this same top strip, from the center, April 6 th  April 7 th ! back and down, up and over again, to form a ! square at the back. It will still be a right angle ! ! 4 pm ! ! 218 ! at this point. ! ! ! 7:30 am n/a ! 4. Bring the left strip forward and fold over ! ! 9 am ! 187 ! the center towards the right. Fold away from ! ! 11:15 am 250 ! you and pull through the square at back, all the way. ! Youth Ministry  5. Bend the top strip forward and put the end We thank all our parishioners and friends who supported through the center square to make a shaft of our youth group fundraiser last weekend for the Food- desired length. ! FAST and Sleep in Heavenly Peace ( So far, we have raised about $500 toward our goal of $1500. 6. Fold left hand strip backwards and put Thank you for your generosity and support!!! If you through the back square. This makes the left missed it, Car Wash tickets are still available or you may crossbar and should be in proportion to the make a donation using the envelopes marked FoodFAST/ shaft. ! SHP at the entrances of the church. You may place in the 7. Fold the right strip back, put through the collection basket.  ! back square and fasten. ! 2019 Youth Group FoodFAST Retreat Good Friday, ! th  th April 19 10am April 20 10am. High school students !! ! ! ! ! invited for 24 hours, 7th & 8th grade 8 hours. See ! ! our  for full details, Pattern #2 (the easiest!) permission form and sponsorship forms or contact Maria !! ! ! Polidore [email protected]. The retreat will take Take a palm frond about 1/2 inch place in the SMSA building and proceeds will benefit wide and 18  2 4 inches and hold Sleep in Heavenly Peace. The group is raising money to upright. 1. Fold the  th hold a bed building day at St. Mary's on May 18 . Beds top down, away from you, and the bottom up, will be delivered to children in need in our area.   away from you, to form the shaft of a cross of Maria Polidore desired length. ! Pastoral Associate for Youth Ministry ! 2. Turn the end down and twist around to the right and across the front of the shaft to make  a crossbar in proportion to the length. ! St. Mary’s Faith Formation Program 3. Fold the end around behind the shaft. ! 4. Bring the end from behind, under the cen- Thank you to our 5&6 grade Sunday morning Faith Formation class and the SMSA students that accompanied ter. Fold from the bottom right to the top left them in leading Stations of the Cross last Friday.  and under again from the bottom left to the The First Communion students had their retreat morning top right. ! last week. They made beautiful banners, meditated, 5. Fasten the end through the back loops to watched a movie on Communion, and practiced receiving. lock. ! A huge thanks to all who sewed banners, cut felt and helped out during the retreat! Please keep our First Com- munion families in your prayers.  St. Mary’s Food Pantry Thank you to everyone Registration forms for next year's Faith Formation clas- who donated to our food pantry last week, we were able to  ses are out. Only two classes left, where does the time go?! help 49 families, 108 people! This week the pantry is in  need of: Canned Fruit, Macaroni & Cheese, Instant Rice, Have a blessed week! Sincerely, Leona Stone  Chunky Soup, Ravioli / Spaghetti O’s !   D a i l y B r e a d !        Thursday, April 18, 2019 Ex 12:1 8, 11 14; 1 Cor Monday, April 15, 2019 Is 42:1 7; Jn 12:1 11 Here is 11:23 26; Jn 13:1 15 Holy Thursday I have given you a my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you pleased. The scene presented by today’s Gospel could be should also do. The belief that Christ is present in the the inspiration for a Renaissance painting. We can paint it bread and wine of our Eucharist is so central to our faith, ourselves: Martha is busy serving. While reclining and that for many it is what defines us as Roman Catholic. sharing a meal, Lazarus and the disciples listen closely to Yet as we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist today, the words of Jesus. Mary honors the presence of Jesus by John's Gospel doesn’t even mention the meal. This is left anointing his feet. Judas rises in a disingenuous outburst to a brief description in Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians. for “justice.” A crowd gawks inside from the outside, and Instead, John describes Jesus taking on the role of servant hiding among them are a few high priests who are plotting by washing the disciples’ feet. This is the Eucharist at its to secretly undermine the work of Jesus. The tableau could fullest, as by taking in the body and blood of Christ we be a model for a community of today. Jesus still proclaims ask to become the body of Christ. The meal has little his message through modern day prophets. To whom could meaning without our transformation into the servant Christ. As St. Augustine once said of the Eucharist, the characters of the Gospel scenario be compared in our “Behold what you are. Become what you receive.” Dwell modern world? Who would I be? The Lord is my light and ! within me, O Christ, that I may become a servant worthy salvation. Let me never be put to shame. of your name. !  Tuesday, April 16, 2019 Is 49:1 6; Jn 13:21 33, 36 38 Friday, April 19, 2019 Is 52:13 M53:12; Heb 4:14 16; You are my servant … through whom I show my glory. I  M used to wonder why Jesus, in his divine and infinite wis- 5:7 9; Jn 18:1 19:42 Good Friday W e do not have a dom, didn’t choose a more reliable group of people to be high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weak- his disciples. Did he not foresee Judas’ lack of integrity or nesses. One of the most powerful rituals of today ’s quiet Peter’s lack of courage? Becoming a parent gave me a and sombre liturgy is the veneration of the cross. There is small insight into “God’s ways.” My children’s human no one who approaches the cross who has not known suf- weaknesses didn’t impact my life like the disciples’ short- fering in some form or another. Those who come forward comings impacted Jesus’ earthly life, but I could begin to may not always understand all the nuances of Scripture understand how love and hope for a child’s potential moti- or theology, but they connect at a visceral level to the vates us to persevere in forgiveness and optimism. It is but suffering and helpless vulnerability of the dying Jesus. a glimpse of God’s love and desire for our well being. Je- Some come to place their sorrows at the food of the cross sus didn’t choose perfect people to proclaim his message. in a plea for help. Some offer thanks for not being alone He chose people who reflect humanity at its best and its in their struggles. Some seek forgiveness for having worst N and loves them completely and unconditionally caused suffering in others, and still others come to offer despite their weaknesses. In your justice and love, O God, gratitude for a love so great and unconditional. It is a ritu- rescue and deliver me. ! al that speaks to every human heart. Come to me, all you  that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I   will give you rest. ! Wednesday, April 17, 2019 Is 50:4 9a; Mt 26:14 25  Woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed. This Saturday, April 20, 2019 Gn 1:1 M2:2 or 1:1, 26 31a; Gn condemnation of Jesus, as well as Judas’ subsequent re-     M  22:1 18 or 22:1 2, 9a, 10 13, 15 18; Ex 14:15 15:1; Is morse and suicide are unique to Matthew’s Gospel (27:3 54:5 14; Is 55:1 11; Bar 3:9 15, 32 M4:4; Ez 36:16 17a, 8). Why did Matthew include them? Was Jesus condemn- 18 28; Rom 6:3 11; Lk 24:1 12 Holy Saturday God ing Judas for his betrayal or his lack of trust in God’s for- said, “Let there be light” … and God saw that the light giveness? Or condemning the authorities for enabling Ju- was good. It is easy to become overwhelmed by fear and das ’ downfall? I was once in a discussion about whether or pessimism as the news of any given day could have us not it was “Christian” to take comfort in Scripture passages believing that the future of the world is dark and hope- that promised God’s “wrath” upon those who commit evil. less. It is important that we hear this week’s stories of our Perhaps we think like that because our society often calls faith year after year. The readings of tonight remind us for a punishment equal to the crime committed. An elderly that we belong to a God who creates and rejoices in life, gentleman quietly observed that we profess a belief that who chooses life over sacrifice, who frees us from all that Jesus died for all N both good and evil. He said, “So, if enslaves us, whose love for us endures forever, who pro- Jesus didn’t die for someone like Hitler, he didn’t die for vides all we need to thrive, who guides us to our fullest anyone.” The silence that followed showed how uncom- potential, and who will always lead us “home” to where we are loved and forgiven. We need to be reminded that fortable we are with this level of forgiveness. This week of we belong to a God who sacrifices all so that we can supreme sacrifices and “God sized” forgiveness still has  begin anew and live life to its fullest in this world and the much to teach my human heart. Y ou alone, O God, are next.  God is good! Let us rejoice and be glad!  mercy and compassion.   HOME IMPROVEMENT GALLERY, INC. Radloff Funeral Home, Inc. 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