Final Narrative Report EWS UNDP Peru

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Final Narrative Report EWS UNDP Peru EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR HUMANITARIAN AID - ECHO . SINGLE FORM FOR HUMANITARIAN AID ACTIONS1 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Name of Humanitarian Organization/Country of registration: United Nations Development Programme - UNDP 1.2 Title of the Action: Preparing the community for the implementation of an EWS (Early warning system) to face the cold season events in the regions of Puno and Cuzco, in Peru. 1.3 Area of intervention (country, region, localities): Peru. Cuzco Region and Puno region. Localities: Cuzco: 5 districts (URCOS, CUSIPATA, QUIQUIJANA, CCARHUAYO and CCATCA) and 26 communities. Region Puno: 4 districts (MACUSANI, AJOYANI, CRUCERO, CORANI) and 21 communities. 1.4 Start date of the Action: If the Action has already started explain the reason that justifies this situation (urgent Action or other reason): 1 July, 2009 1.5 Duration of the Action in months: 15 months (extended to 15 months and 14 days through Amendment no.1) 1.6 Start date for eligibility of expenditure: Please explain if this date differs from submission initial proposal (see 1.10) 1 July, 2009 1.7 Requested funding modalities for this agreement 100% financing Co-financing Multi-donor (for International Organizations) x In case of 100% financing: justify the request 1.8 Urgent action Yes No x If yes: ECHO Primary emergency decision ECHO Emergency decision Other ECHO decision Please justify: 1.9 Control mechanism to be applied: A P X 1.10 Proposal and reports Initial proposal date: 26-02-2009 Revised proposal N°2 date: 12-06-2009 ECHO reference A/09.3034 date: 27-02-2009 1 Intermediate report date: 31-03-2010 Final report x date 17-03-2011 1.11 [INT] List the supplementary agreements and exchange of letters after signature of the Agreement up to intermediate report stage UNDP‟s letter of 31/08/10 - Request for no-cost extension of the implementation period 1.12 [FIN] List the supplementary agreements and exchange of letters after submission of the Intermediate report up to final report stage Amendment no.1 – supplementary Agreement no.1 – no-cost extension of the implementation period for 15 months and 14 days (until 14th October 2010) 2. NEEDS ASSESSMENT 2.1 Date(s) of assessment; methodology and sources of information used; organisation/person(s) responsible for the assessment A specific assessment was made for this proposal during the months of December 2008 and January 2009, using as a basis the VAM2 study “ Human Security and Vulnerability for Natural Disasters in the provinces of Carabaya (Puno) and Quispicanchis (Cuzco)”, complemented with the information obtained in the National and Regional Andean Workshop of the DIPECHO projects, as well as on the outcomes, geographic location priorities and recommendations included in the country document for Peru issued in October 2008. The formulation team also reviewed the FAO publication ”Análisis del impacto de los eventos fríos del 2008 en la agricultura y ganadería alto andina en el Perú” and the SENAMHI´s publication “Atlas de Heladas”. The FAO study provided primary data that has been extremely useful for the needs assessment leading to the design of the Outcomes matrix of this proposal. In particular, the FAO study points to the necessity of reinforcing the role of the Civil Defense District Committees at Province and Communal level. This recommendation has been incorporated into the Outcome 2 of the proposal: “Organized Community Civil Defense committees, and strengthened district, province and regional Civil Defense committees” Methodology: The assessment consisted mainly of review of existing studies, interviews, workshops and focus groups with the population in the rural communities, with the participation of local, district, and province authorities and officers. Besides, interviews and consultations were made to representatives of the main local and departmental institutions and grassroots organizations leaders and authorities responsible for the institutions working in the area, (UNICEF,SOLARIS3, CAIJO4) and in the Region of Cuzco and Puno, governmental institutions (SENAMHI5, INDECI6, National Defense Office of the Regional Government, National Defense Office of the Directorate of Health, and the Regional Committee for Civil Defense). Likewise, the following secondary sources were used: Review of the Strategic Development Plans of the provinces of Quispicanchis and Carabaya. Regional Plan for Prevention and Care for Disasters in the Region of Cuzco Studies and Evaluation prepared by the National Council for Environment (CONAM) about the climatic change. Contingency plans of the Regional Committee for Civil Defense of Cuzco and Puno 2 VAM (Vulnerability Analysis Mapping) 3 Solaris Association Peru is an NGO working in the Southern area of Peru since 1995. 4 Centro de Capacitación Agroindustrial Jesus Obrero 5 National Service for Hydrology and Meteorology 6 National Institute for Civil Defense 2 Evaluation of damages caused by the freezing weather in the Region of Cuzco in March 2008. Finally, in January 2009, the UNDP representatives visited the districts of Carhuayo, Quiquijana and Cusipata in Cuzco and Crucero, Ajoyani and Corani in Puno, to analyze the local context and to determine the level of commitment of authorities and rural communities in the area of intervention. During the assessment the UNDP team7 interviewed the following authorities in Cuzco and Puno: 2.2 Problem statement and stakeholder analysis Quispicanchis in Cuzco and Carabaya in Puno are located in the area of the Andes that concentrates the highest levels of extreme poverty in the country, and have been repeatedly affected by natural phenomena, including drought, frost, snow-storms, landslides, earthquakes, and forest fires. Their recurrent nature transforms would-be temporary emergencies into serious Region Institution Director Civil Defense Arq. Guido Bayro Orellana National Defense, Ministry of Health Ing. Edwin Mansilla Ucañañi Local Center for health Services (CLASS) in the CUZCO district of Ccatcca Dr. Wiliam Ormeño Qispe SENAMHI Ing. Zenon Huaman Technical Secretary Province of Quispicanchi Arch. Francisco Montalvo Cuba Mayor of Ccatcca Pedro Illanes Paucar Mayor of Ccarhuayo Valerio Aparicio Holgado Mayor of Quiquijana Lucio Ttito Huaraccone Mayor of Cusipata Felipe Cornejo Cusihuaman Civil Defense Eng. Luis Humberto Guzmán National Defense Lic. Claver Sucari Callohuaman Health Network Macusani Dr. Froilan Idme Flores PUNO Mayor of Carabaya Prof. Nancy Rosell Technical Secretary Province Carabaya Lic. Víctor Luís Ibáñez Velarde Mayor of Corani Guzmán Víctor Yana Cruz Mayor of Ollachea José Andres Flores Quispe Mayor of Ajoyany Adolfo Cosme Quispe Hancco Mayor of Crusero Alwin Saturnino Cutipa Mamani disasters, engendering a progressive loss of capacities and livelihoods while impeding recovery in the interim periods, generating a very unstable situation in terms of food security, income and health. Despite this, because of their extremely difficult access, the assessment carried out in these areas point out that at community level these areas have lacked of assistance and support, governmental or not. This project aims to improve response capacities and reduce vulnerability in the communities of ten districts of the provinces of Quispicanchis (Cuzco) and Carabaya (Puno), protecting and empowering some of the most neglected and exposed communities, supporting local disaster and risk management efforts and cultivating a prevention attitude among local leaders through sharing appropriate disaster preparedness and response tools, implementing early-warning mechanisms, and awareness raising and education. This proposal is focused on the high levels of risk faced by rural communities living at an altitude of more than 3,500 meters above sea level (m.a.s.l.) in the provinces of Carabaya (Puno) and 7 The UNDP Team was formed by: Lic. Gustavo Quilca Lovatón, Coordinator of the Project for Natural Disasters in Peru, Raúl Salazar, UNDP Program Officer responsible for the United Nations Emergency Technical Team (UNETE), Walter Quispe, Technical Assistant of the Project for Natural Disasters in Peru, UNDP Office, Guido Bayro Orellana , Regional Director for Cuzco (Civil Defense Institute). 3 Quispicanchis (Cuzco). According to the disasters inventory of INDECI, between 2000/2006 in the regions of Cuzco and Puno, there were 833 emergency situations in Puno and 593 in Cuzco. (See emergencies occurred in front of cold weather events Annex N° 3). Specifically, Quispicanchis in Cuzco and Carabaya in Puno, located in the area of the Andes that concentrates the highest levels of extreme poverty in the country, have been repeatedly affected by both drought (the most widespread being in 1957/58, 1982/83, bout 2002/2005 ; and frost (1957/58, 1982/83, 2002, 2004, and 2007). Some subsistence farming communities have still not recovered from the June 2004 government declared emergency, when temperatures fell abruptly to under - 25°C, costing 90 lives, destroying 3,400 typical mud houses, decimating cattle, and spoiling 647,000 hectares of crops. The last of these events in February 2007, contributed to worsen this situation by affecting 90,063 families in the same area. (See Annex N° 3). The recurrent nature of small scale and severe phenomenon transforms would-be temporary emergencies into serious disasters, engendering a progressive loss of capacities and livelihoods while impeding recovery in the interim periods. Despite the fact that the regions of Cuzco and Puno are affected continually by these
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