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illustrations and tables


1. Map of Nanjing in the late sixteenth and seventeenth century / 109

2. Books in the courtesan quarters of Nanjing / 164

3. Page from a Sibao edition of the Sishu yizhu / 195 4. Opening page of the “Li Lou” chapter of Mencius from the Wenhai lou jiaozheng jianyun fenzhang fenjie Sishu zhengwen / 196 5. Opening page of the “Gaozi” chapter of Mencius, in a Mawu edition of Sishu buzhu beizhi tiqiao huican / 201 6. Page from a Sibao edition of the Chunqiu Zuozhuan Du Lin huican / 204

7. First page of a Sibao edition of the Zengzhu Sanzi jing / 207 8. Page from a Sibao edition of Zhong Bojing xiansheng dingbu Qianjiashi tuzhu / 212

9. Page from a Sibao edition of Xinke Qianjiashi / 213 10. Cover page of a Sibao edition of Zhushi San Bai Qian Zengguang heke / 215

11. First page of Zhushi San Bai Qian Zengguang heke / 216 12. Portrait of Jia Fu, god of the constellation Di, from a Sibao edition of a popular almanac, Yuxia ji / 224 vii BROKAW&CHOW,Printing&Book 9/22/04 4:26 PM Page viii

viii illustrations

13. From a partial Sibao edition of Chen Nianzu, Yixue sanzi jing / 225 14. Cover page and first page of a Xuwan edition of the Yixue sanzi jing / 226 15. From Sanguo zhi , photo reprint (ca. 1930) of the Yuan period Fujian edition / 242

16. Sanfen shilüe, dated 1354 / 243 17. Tianfei chushen zhuan, a Wanli period edition published by Xiong Damu / 244

18. Rongyu tang edition of Zhongyi Shuihu zhuan / 246

19. Yangjiafu yanyi, a Suzhou edition of the Wanli period / 247

20. Fuchun tang edition of Jindiao ji / 249

21. Wenlin ge edition of Yanzhi ji / 250

22. Zhou Yuejiao edition of Sanguo zhizhuan tongsu yanyi / 251

23. Huancui tang edition of Yilie ji / 252 24. Xiuxiang Honglou meng, the Wuyun lou–Guanghua tang edition, 1859 / 255

25. Sixue caotang edition of Sui Tang yanyi, 1695 / 257

26. Shuye tang edition of San Sui pingyao zhuan, 1812 / 258

27. Illustration representing a performance of Huanhun ji / 278

28. Landscape-style illustration from Pipa ji / 279 29. Leaf from the “red-and-black” Ling Mengchu Tianqi era (1621–28) edition of Pipa ji / 282

30. Diagrams of book bindings /372

31. Diagrams of folding albums /377 32. Cover leaf from Liu Yuan (fl. mid-seventeenth century), Liu Yuan jing hui / 380

33. Liu Yuan, recto side of table of contents from Lingyan ge /385

34. Portrait of Yu Shinan from Lingyan ge /387

35. Portrait of Du [Ruhui] Keming from Sancai tuhui, 1607–9 /388

36. Portrait of Tang Jian, from Lingyan ge /389 BROKAW&CHOW,Printing&Book 9/22/04 4:26 PM Page ix

illustrations ix

37. Portrait of Du Ruhui from Lingyan ge /390 38. “Wu Yong,” leaf 20 from Chen Hongshou (1598–1652), Shuihu yezi, early 1630s /391 39. “Lord Mengchang,” leaf 17 from Chen Hongshou, Bogu yezi, 1651–53 /392

40. Portrait of Liu Zhenghui, from Lingyan ge /394

41. Portrait of Zhang Liang, from Lingyan ge / 395

42. Verso side of portrait of Liu Hong ji, from Lingyan ge /397 43. “Emperor Yang of the Sui Looks at a Picture and Thinks about Former Travels,” in Anonymous, Sui Yangdi yanshi / 400

44. Poetic couplet from Anonymous, Sui Yangdi yanshi / 401

45. Recto and verso sides of icon of Guanyin from Lingyan ge / 403 46. “Picture of Officials and Archer,” from Yoshimura Shuzan (1700–1773?), Wakan meihitsu gaei, 1750 / 405

47. Portrait of Du Ruhui from Ryoen koshin gazo, 1804 / 406

48. Recto and verso sides of portrait of Gao Shilian from Lingyan ge / 408 49. “The Twenty-four Ministers of the ,” early eighteenth century / 409 50. Illustration from “Setting up Instruments to Seek Opinions” in Dijian tushuo, edition of Zhang Juzheng, 1573 / 421 51. Illustration from “Setting up Instruments to Seek Opinions” in Dijian tushuo, edition of Pan Yunduan, 1573 / 422 52. Left half of illustration of “Setting up Instruments to Seek Opinions” in Dijian tushuo, edition of Hu Xian, 1573 / 424 53. Illustration of “Begrudging the Expense of an Observation Platform” in Dijian tushuo, edition of Jin Lian, 1604 / 426 54. Illustration of “Scattering and Dispatching People of the Palace” in Yangzheng tujie, reprint of Jiao Hong’s edition, ca. 1597 / 428 55. Illustration of “Scattering and Dispatching People of the Palace” in Yangzheng tu, paintings falsely attributed to Wang Zhenpeng (ca. 1280–ca. 1329), mid- to late seventeenth century (?) /432 56. Illustration of Confucius with his disciples in Shengji tu, edition of Zhu Yinyi, Prince of Shen, 1548 /434 BROKAW&CHOW,Printing&Book 9/22/04 4:26 PM Page x

x illustrations

57. Illustration of “Heavenly Music and a Written Talisman” in Kongsheng jiayu tu, edition of Wu Jiamo, 1589 /436 58. Illustration of “Statue of Grand Enfiefment as Sage” in Xinbian Kongfuzi zhouyou lieguo dacheng qilin ji, by “Huanyu xianshenggong,” early seventeenth century /437 59. Illustration of “Discussing the Five Human Relationships” in Shengji zhi tu, 1592 /438 60. Illustration of “Asking about Rituals in the Ancestral Temple” in Shengji zhi tu, reproduction of 1592 stone tablets, late seventeenth century /439 61. Illustration of Confucius with his disciples from Shengji tu, paintings (Anonymous, mid- to late sixteenth century) / 440


2.1. Extant imprints by period, 1131–1521, in the National Library of , , and the National Central Library, Taipei /58 2.2. Government imprints’ share of total imprint production, 1131– 1367, in the National Library of China, Beijing, and the National Central Library, Taipei /83 2.3. Distribution of publication dates of surviving dated Ming imprints by government organs and officials, 1368–1566, as presently held in the National Central Library, Taipei /84

3.1. Nanjing publishers of the Ming /113 3.2. Commercial imprints in Nanjing and Jianyang, by Ming reign periods / 128

3.3. Topical distribution of Nanjing and Jianyang imprints / 129

3.4. Some commercial Nanjing editions of plays /139

6.1. Jinchang (Suzhou) Shuye tang fiction imprints / 256 7.1. Attested editions and author information for chuanqi included in Mao Jin’s Liushi zhong qu / 271

8.1. The most prolific Qing publishers of Manchu-language materials / 307

8.2. Manchu-language works, by reign period /312

8.3. Mongol-language Beijing imprints, by period /312 BROKAW&CHOW,Printing&Book 9/22/04 4:26 PM Page xi

illustrations xi

8.4. Manchu-language works, by category /313

9.1. Compilers of the (Dongting) Wangshi jiapu /338 9.2. Genealogies in the and the Republican period, by method of reproduction /346 9.3. Percentage of genealogies produced, by different printing methods /347 9.4. Genealogies from the -Zhejiang area in the Qing and Republican periods, by printing method /350 9.5. Comparison of the compilation and printing expenses for four genealogies /354 This page intentionally left blank