CYPRUS KT CONNECT SPECIAL REPORT|DECEMBER 18, 2016 Promising FUTURE Thenationiswell-positionedto embarkonanew eraofsustainable economic growth CYPRUS SPECIAL REPORT DECEMBER 18, 2016 Gatewaytothe West Editor Vaman VassudevKamat Supplements Editor SuchitraStevenSamuel Assistant Editor IshtiaqAli Mehkri Reporter Farhana Chowdhury Senior Designers Mohammad Ejaz Khan MAAroos Mohamed Imaging VenugopalPrabhu Aurangzeb Baloch FACILITATING Senior Adverisement Manager CONTENTS Mamta Pillai TRADE Assistant AdvertisementManager (Supplements) 4 TheCyprus turn-around DP World and the Bilal Saeed Cyprus is well-positioned to embark on Government of the Senior Account Group Manager anew eraofsustainable economic growth DebashishShome Republic ofCyprus 6 Cyprus in your heart recentlysignedtwo Circulation Manager Theislandisthe perfect holiday destination separate concession Constance Louis Moraes in anyseason andfor adiversity of tastes agreements forthe andinterests commercialisation of Systems Manager activities within the Mohan Kumar Shetty 8 Pride with perfection Limassol Port in Cyprus Cyprus hasadynamicfutureinterms of DUBAI HEADOFFICE tradeand commerce with theUAE andthe DPWorld Limassol has been awarded P.O. Box11243,Tel: +971 43383535, regionbeyond Fax: +971 43383345/46, an exclusive25-year concession to E-mail:
[email protected], operatethe multipurpose terminal at Website: 11 Stabilising the region’s which operations include break-bulk, ABU DHABI telecommunication needs general cargo, roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro)