Uniform Flag Act
Uniform Flag Act: No person shall publicly mutilate, deface, defile, defy, trample upon, or by word or act cast contempt upon any such flag, standard, color, ensign or shield. Different: Alaska "while owned by others" Connecticut "puts indignity upon" Georgia "contemptuously abuse flag" Iowa "satirize, deride or burlesque" Massachusetts - "whether such flag is public or private property" "treats c ante mptuous ly" Nevada - mulilates, tramples upon, or who tears down or wilfully ~nd maliciously removes while owned by others, or defames, slanders, or speaks evilly or in a contemptuous manner of or otherwise defaces or defiles any of the flags, or ensign, which are public or private property. Oklahoma - "tears down, ... treats with indignity, or wantonly destroys the flag" · South Carolina - "jeer at" ;:;':Wisconsin- Whoever intentionally and publicly mutilates, defiles, or casts contempt upon the flag may be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned not more than 3 months, or both. ? ? ? Wyoming - "tears down" ·. No persone shall publicly mutilate, deface, defile, defy, trample upon, or by word or act cast contempt upon any such flag, standard, color, ensign or shield. ~.[ ,.~ ) 1-ia..u,:)CI : • I ~0 ~~c~ . M.t.t... ~.... Q .I. ~~ ;;;.~ ' -- "'2-- - ~- • ;;_ ~ dee~,) {)- ~~ }t f;t,VL i ue u.fl- ~ · ~ 6~ l ++ JZtu.. -./. to~ k, c~efJ 7 )';i ~ ><'litf ""' 1·.'*"· '(" .j., (. I~ 0,8 /dlkt:l2tY/ _ll I ·, I • t iJ lz:t_e ~ :-o ~ w~ r:_ep7 15/J, . I. --,- ;: ~ ' ~~ ~ -- ~ ak ~~£': ~G . ~J ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ -~($/ ~ --- ~~- - {~~~ ~ - -h - ~1 _.. ~ ~ ~4/c~ ~ . c-~.:?- - r, ------ r .J~ - +t:- --- - . ~ r~ . ~AZ 4 tfa~~ -tzaz ~ ~ __ _ r- ' ~ _$~ · . ~~~ /~ ~ Q-t), f _ I ~ ,-.'1~ ~ VJ ~"ti- ¥1.
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