Julian Saldanha, SJ Inculturation in moral theology Fr. Julian Saldanha, SJ (
[email protected]) other branches of theology, moral theology holds a Doctorate in Missiology. He lectures has been very tardy in undertaking at St. Pius College, Mumbai and in several inculturation. Furthermore, even twenty years theological Institutes in India. He serves on after Vatican II, moral theology in India had the editorial board of "Mission Today" and remained tied to canonical and philosophical- "Mission Documentation". He was President ethical ways of thinking.1 It was found "to be of the ecumenical "Fellowship of Indian weighed down, among other things, by Missiologists" and continues to be active in paternalism, legalism and individualism". 2 the field of inter-religious dialogue. He wrote One reason for the general tardiness may be the Basic Text for the First Asian Mission that inculturation in this field is very Congress (2006) held in Thailand and helped challenging and difficult; it can also prove as a resource person there. In this article he quite controversial. All the same, it is argues forcefully for inculturation in moral incumbent on moral theologians to render this theology. service to the local church. It is much easier to purvey/impose on the young churches a 1. A Necessary Task readymade moral theology elaborated in a The task of inculturation in moral theology Western context. Questions and problems is part of the inculturation of theology in arising from the 'Third Church' of the general. It is a task which was laid on the Southern hemisphere hardly figured in the 'young churches' by Vatican II.