BA History 2014
t- 'i '- -.'{'1. 1;_.,.1..i"-1ip.1 Lrl.iiirEilSITy B'A' History Programnre - Modified scheme, syllub,i;l-i,;"**il.l papers complementary euestion -Re-distibution of courses under Choice Based credit Semester Sl,stem-lmpleniented u,ith effect from U.O No. AcadtCtll3}7 /201 4 Starion (pO), 25_07_20i5 2'Letlet dated 13-06-2014 from the chairman, Board of Studies (UG) in History 3. U.O.No . Acad/CU7307 /2014 dtd 24_06_2014 4' Minutes of tiie Combined meeting of t41qrrii.*en, Board of Studies (UG) in Joumar isn: & N4ass communicfti;, /Iii;i;;i/E;ii1?..r Functional ia;i science a,d, English held on Ot_Oi_ nt5 . ORDER 1' The Regulations for choice based credit Semester System were implemented University with effect from in the 2014 admission vide paper.*J tr; above. 2' As per the paper read (2) above, :l the chainnan, Board of srudies in History forwarded the scherne, Sylrabus flJG) has urrd lroa.i g.,:rfi";p;;;rsfor BA History programme I per the paper read (3) and as above, the scheme, syllabus ana tiaoaer I Pro8ramme question pape$ for BA Histor' ) were implemented in the Loir.rritS,-,rrrd., I C$CSS *,irn .ff.rt from 2014 1.-ar there *,ere anomalies in the distri rf ji::?llE 1,,1,s"+'irq,,;;;$if;ii'#"ffithe chairmen. Boarr, of Strrrtioo ,rr^PYlor:..?I9"?Ppl:m€ntary-courses a combined /r'orvrr/r/il+;1.i,/peffijB::lilqf \r"t'tr'rual DUrEnce(Lo) #*::i."ojiio".#ltTJ%gfltr1""xrl,,:*and lunctional Englilh(Cd) were nera-on*,y:$'c;";;;i"r:i#1ffi; 1) quvyv.
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