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A Print Version of All the Papers of October, 2015 Issue in Book Format LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Volume 15:10 October 2015 ISSN 1930-2940 Managing Editor: M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D. Editors: B. Mallikarjun, Ph.D. Sam Mohanlal, Ph.D. B. A. Sharada, Ph.D. A. R. Fatihi, Ph.D. Lakhan Gusain, Ph.D. Jennifer Marie Bayer, Ph.D. S. M. Ravichandran, Ph.D. G. Baskaran, Ph.D. L. Ramamoorthy, Ph.D. C. Subburaman, Ph.D. (Economics) N. Nadaraja Pillai, Ph.D. Assistant Managing Editor: Swarna Thirumalai, M.A. Materials published in Language in India www.languageinindia.com are indexed in EBSCOHost database, MLA International Bibliography and the Directory of Periodicals, ProQuest (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts) and Gale Research. The journal is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals. It is included in the Cabell’s Directory, a leading directory in the USA. Articles published in Language in India are peer-reviewed by one or more members of the Board of Editors or an outside scholar who is a specialist in the related field. Since the dissertations are already reviewed by the University-appointed examiners, dissertations accepted for publication in Language in India are not reviewed again. This is our 15th year of publication. All back issues of the journal are accessible through this link: http://languageinindia.com/backissues/2001.html Contents THE TAXI EXPERIENCE Cadavers! A Narrative from Philosopher, Educationist and Entrepreneur Jimmy Teo 1-2 Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 15:10 October 2015 List of Contents i The Nectar of Tears ... Sumaya Firdous 3-4 For the Difference in the Teaching ... Dr. Bishun Kumar, Ph.D. 5-6 Happy New Year! ... Dr. Bishun Kumar, Ph.D. 7-8 Change of Medium of Instruction at Intermediate Level and Its Influence on Students’ Motivation for Education ... Muhammad Abdullah, M.A., M.Phil. Ph.D. Scholar 9-34 Exploring Higher Secondary Students’ Perceptions for the Implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching in the English Classroom in Assam ... Anindya Syam Choudhury, Ph.D., PGDTE (EFL University, Hyderabad), CertTESOL (Trinity, London) And Anupam Dutta, M.A. (Pune) 35-49 Acquisition of Participial Construction in Typically Developing Children ... Anu Johnson Satish Kumaraswamy 50-73 Visual Metaphors in Language of Advertising ... Md. Arfeen Zeeshan, M.A. (Language of Advertising, Media & Market) 74-82 The World Has Turned A Flea Market: Reading R.P. Singh’s The Flea Market in The Flea Market and Other Plays ... Dr. Bishun Kumar, Ph.D. 83-86 Languages of Manipur in the Fast Changing Globalized World ... Naorem Brindebala Devi, Research Scholar Prof. Ch. Yashawanta Singh 87-102 English for First Generation Learners in Engineering Colleges ... G. Baskaran, Ph.D. D. Nagarathinam, Ph.D. M. S. Thirumalai, Ph.D. 103-110 Teaching International Students to Share their Culture Through a Multimodal Brochure Presentation: Literacy Acquisition Through Cultural Relevance ... Kalpana Mukunda Iyengar, Ph.D. 111-121 Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 15:10 October 2015 List of Contents ii Jain Relics in Kalugumalai ... Dr. S. Kanagammal 122-130 Ineptitude and Value for Community in Gaines’ A Lesson Before Dying ... M. Rajalakshmi, M.A., B.Ed. and R. Lissy, M.A., M.Phil., M.Ed., (Ph.D.) 131-137 Teachers’ Dilemma on Using ‘Chalk and Board’ or ‘Projector and Screen’: Which is Effective? ... Dr. Mahesh B. Shinde 138-148 Dr. Sunanda G. Patil (Shinde) Satellite Based Education for Distance Education through EDUSAT ... Dr. D. Nagarathinam 149-166 Acquisition of Case Markers in Down's Syndrome Children with Mental Age 3-8 Years ... Nandhu S Mohan, Vishnu V.K., Sreelakshmi R., and Satish Kumaraswamy 167-181 A Few Phonological Awareness Skills in 6-8 Year Old Typically Developing English Speaking Children ... Neethu Chacko Satish Kumaraswamy 182-208 Soft Skills: The Employability Success Mantra ... Nirmala Rita Nair, M.A., Ph.D. Gitasri Mukherjee, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. 209-215 Linguistic Data Collection: A Field Observation ... Nivedita Lahkar, Ph.D. Scholar 216-223 Agrarian Slavery in Tamil Country during the Colonial Period ... Dr. S. Kanagammal, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., M.TM. V. Regina, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Part-time Research Scholar 224-229 Lyrics of Bhupen Hazarika: A Thematic Study ... Subasana Mahanta, Ph.D. 230-242 Citizenship: The Legality of Breaking the Law ... Selvi Bunce 243-246 The Study of Phonological Processes in Lori Dialect of Kohgilouyeh: Conversion, Metathesis and Deletion ... Seyyed Farid Khalifelu, Assistant Professor Amirali Khoshkhoonejad, Ph.D. Student Sistan & Baluchestan University, Iran 247-264 Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 15:10 October 2015 List of Contents iii Weekly Notes: Practical Ideas for Research & Better Writing ... Creative Works ... Various Authors - Vijaya, K.R., Raji Narasimhan; Bala Devi; Selvi Bunce; Tanu Kashyap, Kiran Sikka, Kaneez Fatima Syeda, V. Shoba A PRINT VERSION OF ALL THE PAPERS OF OCTOBER, 2015 ISSUE IN BOOK FORMAT. This document is better viewed if you open it online and then save it in your computer. After saving it in your computer, you can easily read and print all the pages from the saved document. If you are not connected to a high-speed Internet service provider, you may like to get it downloaded in a "browsing centre" near you and ask them to burn a CD of the entire volume for your personal use and not for distribution. 1-264 Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 15:10 October 2015 List of Contents iv =================================================================== Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 Vol. 15:10 October 2015 =================================================================== THE TAXI EXPERIENCE Cadavers! A Narrative from Philosopher, Educationist and Entrepreneur Jimmy Teo ======================================================= A kindly chatty lady (in her eighties) boarded the taxi from the hospital. She realized quickly that the driver is a little unsure & was driving too slowly. Quite unusual. Most taxi drivers drive fast & at time furious! She extended her hand & lightly tapped the shoulder of the driver, wanting to engage a conversation. The driver gave a yell. He pressed on the brake, screeching the taxi to a halt. Fortunately, there were no cars behind as it was quite late at night. The road was quite dark, dreary & somewhat, scary. The poor taxi driver took a few deep gasps of breath, looked behind & slowly uttered: “Madam, my deepest apologies. I did not mean to brake so suddenly or that I am careless. I just started work as a taxi driver for 3 days. For the past 3 years, my job at the hospital was to handle cadavers (dead bodies). I often dreamed that one of them may wake up & touched me. That is why I quitted the job & took up taxi driving. Today, I decided to come to hospital at this late hour to pick you up. It was done with some apprehension as this is the hospital I last worked in. That sudden foreboding returned. Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 15:10 October 2015 Jimmy Teo THE TAXI EXPERIENCE Cadavers! 1 So, when you touched me, I forgot I changed job. I thought my fear became reality. I left this place only 3 days ago! I am very sorry again, madam!” The old lady told the driver to pick up more passengers from the hospitals to erase this unique fear syndrome. The driver said that he thinks it is best for him not to pick anymore passenger from any hospital at night. He said he has heart problem & the next time, he may not survive a similar experience as he may end up as a cadaver. He has humour, indeed! This time, they both laughed & laughed. She advised: “This is life, young man. One fine day, we all will be cadavers. We must enjoy our life daily, learn to laugh like we just did, and accept the inevitable. Move forward & relish our remaining minutes & moments. That’s living with fun, the only way forward!” Fears entertained daily & often Are dangers for the mind & health. Jimmy Teo Singapore teojimmy07@gmail.com Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 15:10 October 2015 Jimmy Teo THE TAXI EXPERIENCE Cadavers! 2 =================================================================== Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 Vol. 15:10 October 2015 =================================================================== The Nectar of Tears Sumaya Firdous ===================================================================== The nectar of tears shoots by an arrow of Your Will, Still we fall on our knees before you, You lifted us away by the storm of our sighs. Tired of being following your path untiringly, When patience and love dried up, That is the alarm of the death of eternities. Silence is the message of your heart, How much you try to conceal, Silence expresses all by its own language. We all are Your small created things, But You keep secrets in secrets. How can a brainy man, Figure out such secrets, Such men are no more, Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 15:10 October 2015 Sumaya Firdous The Nectar of Tears 3 Following the path of their heart and unfasten, The secrets of Your silence. Sumaya Firdous, Ph.D. Scholar B.P.S Mahila Vishwavidhyalaya Khanpur 131301 Sonepat Haryana India sumaya2050@gmail.com Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 15:10 October 2015 Sumaya Firdous The Nectar of Tears 4 ================================================================== Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 Vol. 15:10 October 2015 ==================================================================
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