INDOOR ROWING TRAINING GUIDE version 2 > exercise guidelines > technique > preset programmes > 2,000m race training > weight management The Indoor Rowing Training Guide, version 2, was written by Terry O’Neill and Alex Skelton. All rights are reserved and reproduction, in whole or in part, without permission is strictly forbidden. Concept2 Ltd, Vermont House, Nott’m South & Wilford Ind. Est., Ruddington Lane, Nottingham NG11 7HQ. Tel: 0115 945 5522 Fax: 0115 945 5533 email:
[email protected] web site: ii Indoor Rowing Training Guide, version 2 Preface We are constantly being asked for training advice, be it for a 2,000m race, rehabilitation or general fitness. As every personal trainer or fitness expert will tell you, prescribing training is not that simple. Level of fitness, training background, maximum heart rate, history of illness, time available to train and your own expectations are just a few of the factors that need to be considered when starting any training programme. We developed the original Indoor Rowing Training Guide to address all these issues, and ultimately make sure you make the right training decisions. The Indoor Rowing Training Guide, version 2 has built on the success of the first Guide and now includes sections on Nutrition and Diet, Psychological Preparation and has input from many top rowers and coaches. The Indoor Rowing Training Guide, version 2 will help you whether you are training for a race or simply would like to achieve a more healthy lifestyle. Although we can’t anticipate every individual’s requirements we aim to provide information on the basic principles involved in designing training programmes and, by including many and varied examples, guide anyone in constructing an individual programme suited to their own personal needs.