CABINDA WSJ 8 pages (2).qxd 11/6/10 13:54 Página 1 CabindaADVERTISEMENT OIL & GAS EDUCATION ALSO INSIDE CABINDA PROJECT PANORAMA REPORTS LTD.: New investment inflows are As the province focuses on Finance 2 MANAGER: Old Fire Station, 140 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4SD upping production rates and eductation, students of all ages Infrastructure 4 Alex de la Mare Tel: +44 (0)20 7300 7228 social development projects are headed back to school Industry 5
[email protected] Page 3 Page 6 Tourism 7 FACTS AND Oil-rich Angola grows stronger and FIGURES Location: more stable each and every day An enclave of Angola, separated from the mainland by the Democratic Republic The province of Cabinda no doubt plays a key role in adding wealth to the nation’s coffers of Congo and the Congo River Angola has the potential to be one Capital: of Africa’s richest, most successful Cabinda City countries. Its 18 provinces boast enormous mineral wealth and the Population: country is already the second- Approximately 300,000, of biggest oil producer on the conti- which half is rural and the nent, after Nigeria. other half urban Following the peace agreement in 2002 that ended the 27-year civ- Industry: il war, President José Eduardo dos Oil extraction and refining, Santos and his government have construction materials, food worked diligently through trying produce, wines, palm oil and times to find internal solutions that palm oil products, tobacco, have brought peace to the country crude rubber, hardwoods, and promoted its presence at the timber and furniture international level.