Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation
Government of Western Australia Department of Environment Regulation NOTIFICATION OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR CLEARING PERMITS AND AMENDMENTS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS AND/OR REGISTRATIONS OF INTEREST APPLICATIONS FOR CLEARING PERMITS WITH A 7 DAY SUBMISSION PERIOD 1. AJ and DE Dowsett, Purpose Permit, 18 apiary sites within various localities, Shire Coorow, Shire of Dandaragan, Shire of Gingin, City of Wanneroo, City of Swan, Shire of Toodyay, Shire of Kalamunda, Shire of Mundaring, Shire of Beverley, apiculture, 0.9ha, (CPS 7161/1) 2. Shire of Wandering, Purpose Permit, Schorer Road reserve (PIN 11374314), Wandering, Shire of Wandering, Schorer Road upgrades, 0.3ha, (CPS 7164/1) 3. Shire of Wandering, Purpose Permit, North Bannister-Wandering Road reserve (PINs 11350297 and 11350268), Ricks Road reserve (PIN 11350269), Springs, Shire of Wandering, road realignments and sightlines,1.2ha, (CPS 7165/1) 4. Perkins (WA) Pty Ltd, Purpose Permit, Great Southern Highway road reserve (PINs 11427689, 11427630 and 11427632), The Lakes, Shire of Mundaring, road widening and turning lane, 1.6ha, (CPS 7178/1) 5. Department of Mines and Petroleum, Purpose Permit, Lot 350 and 351 on Deposited Plan 47444, Lot 224 on Deposited Plan 40371, Lot 224 on Plan 40371-Reserve 3142, unallocated Crown land (PIN 1021062), Coolgardie, Shire of Coolgardie, rehabilitation, 5ha, (CPS 7180/1) 6. IJ and S David, Area Permit, Lot 16 on Plan 61138, Stake Hill, Shire of Murray, hazard reduction, one native tree, (CPS 7190/1) 7. L Vodesil and JA Miller, Area Permit, Lot 3 on Deposited Plan 69174, Meerup, Shire of Manjimup, stock grazing and marron ponds, 9.44ha, (CPS 6959/1) – readvertised to change clearing purpose APPLICATIONS FOR CLEARING PERMITS WITH A 21 DAY SUBMISSION PERIOD 1.
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