Congressional Record—House H6163
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September 20, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6163 Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, this gations and protects the 3,400 Iranian to pursue a career in science. His as- week, The Washington Post reported dissidents living in Camp Ashraf and sailant was a 16-year-old boy who shot that unless America doubles its spend- Camp Liberty. him six times with a .38 caliber hand- ing on port infrastructure, we are on Residents of Camp Liberty are mem- gun and then robbed him. track for export losses of $270 billion by bers of the MEK. Suzanne’s family has been wrenched 2020 because our ports do not have suf- In recent days, another 680 Ashraf with grief over the sudden end of this ficient capacity. That translates into a residents have been relocated to Camp young man’s life. While no vigil or me- $697 billion drop in the American econ- Liberty under a resettlement plan morial could ever begin to take away omy and a loss of 738,000 jobs. backed by the United States. It is im- the pain of this loss, Suzanne has found But ports are not the only area where portant that we support these residents a way to channel her grief and focus our anemic infrastructure investment as they seek to liquidate tens of mil- her energy. She has become an advo- has become a drag on the American lions of dollars of their assets left be- cate for gun control. economy. We will lose hundreds of bil- hind at Camp Ashraf. When roughly 100,000 Americans are lions of dollars of growth over the next A major problem of the relocation killed or wounded each year, reason- 5 years because of our inability to plan is that as long as the MEK re- able people can agree that we can move goods and people efficiently. mains on the U.S. list of foreign ter- achieve evenhanded policies that pro- Congress just passed a bill to spend rorist organizations, its members at tect Americans from senseless gun vio- $52 billion on roads and bridges in this Liberty will not be able to find coun- lence that do not infringe on any country, all we can afford according to tries which accept them. American’s right to possess a firearm. some Members of Congress. But some- The Department of State is currently Mr. Speaker, I applaud Suzanne’s ef- how we found money to spend $150 bil- under court order to make its decision forts to reach out and bring awareness lion rebuilding the roads and bridges of on the MEK case by October 1, 2012. It to the problem of gun safety. We must Iraq and Afghanistan. is my hope that the Department of not let her nephew become just another I have introduced a bill, a 5-year, $1.2 State removes the MEK from the for- chilling statistic in the battle to make trillion investment in roads and eign terrorist organization list imme- our community safer, leaving another bridges, ports, and transit airports be- diately, as it is the legal, moral, and family struggling to get past the pain cause it’s time to do nation-building humane thing to do. and the loss. right here at home. f f f SWIPE FEES DO-NOTHING HOUSE REPUBLICANS NEW MEXICO (Mr. WELCH asked and was given (Mr. CARNAHAN asked and was (Mr. PEARCE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 given permission to address the House permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- for 1 minute.) minute.) marks.) Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, Presi- Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Speaker, New Mex- Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, 1 year ago, dent Harry Truman of Missouri fa- ico is celebrating its centennial this Congress took action finally to reform mously labeled the Republican Con- year, 100 years as a State. It’s not one out-of-control debit card swipe fees gress of 1948 the ‘‘Do-Nothing Con- of the oldest States, but it’s one of the charged to our small businesses and gress.’’ But to call this Congress the richest in diversity, history, and co- customers every time they swipe a do-nothing Congress would be an insult operation, home to 19 individual pueb- debit card. For years, the card compa- to the 1948 Congress that was 10 times los, two Apache Indian tribes, numer- nies and big banks have essentially more productive than this Congress. ous Navajo chapters. been ripping folks off, overcharging With the House recessing on the 21st, The Spanish came north out of Mex- them on swipe fees. With no one watch- this is the earliest Congress has left to ico in the 16th century looking for the ing just because they could, they were campaign in an election year in 52 seven cities of gold. We’re still looking charging the highest fees in the world, years. The GOP-led 112th Congress has for those today. We did find black gold running up billions of dollars in profits achieved the lowest approval rating under the east side of the State and in but all at the expense of small busi- ever—nearly 9 out of 10 Americans say the northwest corner. nesses and consumers. That’s just too they disapprove of this Congress. New Mexico is home to an agri- much. There is no justification for this. Maybe we should feel lucky that Con- culture industry that is second to A year ago, Congress finally took ac- gress hasn’t been here, because when none. It shows the earliest existence of tion on the debit cards. That’s good for they have been here, they voted to end humans there. Clovis Man is named for our economy and fair to our small mer- Medicare as we know it and give tax a town in the east side of New Mexico chants. But we need to do more. breaks to millionaires over the middle where they were discovered. Abuses continue in credit card swipe class. They have left town without Santa Fe is the oldest capital in fees. The credit card companies and the passing middle class tax cuts, the farm America, formed in 1610. big banks should step back and have a bill, the Violence Against Women Act, But that’s not where the richness of business model where they charge a and responsible debt reduction. And New Mexico is. It is in our traditions, fair price for an important service but they have voted for corporations that traditions of hard work, traditions of not rip off their customers. ship jobs overseas instead of passing faith, family, freedom, and service to the American Jobs Act. others. Those are the values I learned f Let’s stop calling this the do-nothing when my parents came to New Mexico. b 1220 Congress. This is worse than the ‘‘Do- They went broke in Texas, came to Nothing Congress.’’ GUN CONTROL New Mexico, and built a family there. f That’s the richness of New Mexico. (Mr. BISHOP of New York asked and DYSFUNCTIONAL HOUSE OF Mr. Speaker, I commend New Mexico was given permission to address the REPRESENTATIVES on its 100 years. House for 1 minute.) f Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speak- (Mr. MORAN asked and was given er, I rise to commemorate the tragic permission to address the House for 1 CAMP ASHRAF AND CAMP passing of Neil Godleski, nephew of my minute.) LIBERTY friend and constituent, Suzanne Mur- Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I want to (Mr. SIRES asked and was given per- phy of Southampton, New York. talk about the number 47, not as in the mission to address the House for 1 Neil was a rising senior at Catholic percentage of Americans, the soldiers minute.) University. He was fatally shot on Au- and students and elderly and working Mr. SIRES. Mr. Speaker, last month gust 22, 2010, while riding his bicycle poor, many of whom are paying more I joined 78 bipartisan Members of Con- home from a restaurant where he in total taxes than Mr. Romney is pay- gress in asking Secretary of State Clin- worked as a waiter. He was 31 years old ing on his tens of millions of dollars in ton to ensure that Iraq meets its obli- and had returned to college with plans annual income but who, nevertheless, VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:45 Sep 21, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20SE7.021 H20SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6164 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 20, 2012 he seems to consider to be slackers. No, tion of community and business leaders Congress is facing serious deadlines I’m talking about 47 as in the number to Washington. They came because right now, and we should be dealing of days left before the election, in the they know Washington can help them with the problems the American people context of the fact that we have 1 more spur the economy, innovate, and em- sent us here to solve. Instead, Repub- day that we will be in session. The ploy local workers if we can all get on lican leadership has decided that we most basic and fundamental respon- the same page. should go home without doing any of it sibilities our constituents sent us to What grand request did they have for and taking with us one of the worst re- Washington to address are being left this Congress to help make progress port cards in American history.