TE.RAN - ,., 44


Assignment vStatus and Progress n m

N,~, -L ~~Electric Utility Management Project -. Iran

L Period: JEsfand 1351

. . -:. ,,1 A general report of the activities of this ­ Project for the ' of 1351 is :.I.&1J.~J J~t ~eI as follows:


W Projects ec4

e.1w -J - Project No. 1910.2 -Installation of Computer

jT.~ as-~~"G'LS u)v-JdJyPt J)~ A report reviewing the operations and computer,! JAJ1JJT~IS!A~ ~T programs development was submitted this ,y Lr-'YM . .QT themonth REC, by alonga consultant with Ministry following counterparts. a visit to • j .. ~ ESFAHIAN REGIONAL ELECTRIC COMPANY .__...

* ~ Projects

~L .~±.4F..~ - d~4 dj~ Project 31. -oProvisional Acceptance "' .4..* S.~z ~Tests -Shahre Kord Diesel Electric Station 2

Lr~ J 1 U42Z'-"" o-) LY),H .0 The consultant' made a field trip to Shahre,~

A) . " * Kord to check the installation of the new r '1 1000 Kw ond 500 Kw diesel generators j J!iS! "L t., . LS 2 i '~j~.:*. supplied by the Skoda Company. Full load and 10% overload tests were conducted.. The station auxiliaries and 11 v switchgear L J T- were inspected, protective relays tested,.

w . ~ . Provisional acceptance of bAoconsultantwas:c, . and e cal nsIones.

visit ii~connection with establishing 'a; C) c,4' tIJl relay gru in'he's'fha tiame

4 lws pn S(~ z toa,,Issist i hci Jj0ahe C - - ST AVAIl AI.E COPY 2

control circuiting and testing relays -- j) . at the new substation. ~. i time was spent The remaining _to calculate assisting REC engineers fault currents and relay - - -_- .i I settings for the new substation.


_.._ Proiects '"~A.V-- ­ I'r,. ct No. 3112.2 - Provisional J .j."Acceptance Tests - Lar Diesel Electric -Station SA field trip was made by the consultant -1 . . .5. to Lar in the Fars Region T to check the 3~ .. 1j- *I_-J)LJ -4 . installation of the new 1000 Kw and L-t -T )L. T 500 Kw diesel generators, station ST L " auxiliaries, -ljJLY.T U. i - ) I j UL--IL and associated switchgear c, L :-.LoUI supplied by the Skoda Company. Twenty­ four "- .. 10% overloadhour full load tests and one hour tests were conducted using _U 1-.b .V . L)T . . a water resistance. deficiencies Electrical were listed and a report submitted to the Ministry. Provisional acceptance of both units was taken.

. I -G L- Other Work . 'S t1 1 1 T 6_ j- .,..- Category No. 1112 - Fars Regional Electric Company . -. A consultant assisted the Company in .. J,." &. d..j& _ ,, implementing the stores manuals I -j . ,z . Llj-jI L; yI previously prepared •-revisions by Harza. Minor were made to some of the forms to ease processing. The Company agreed .0._ j to update its construction scheduling program accordingly.

~ ~)L~. ~ *.4 WEST REGIONAL ELECTRIC COMPANY P 'oj ects • ; . [ _Project No. 1213.1 - Plant Accounting The additions to plant for 1346, 1347, -L o55,t- J-s ->j. b jj 1348, 1349 & 1350 by Plan Organization . . have been analyzed, unitized & to a/c 101 by the classified consultant and will . T .; .. be available for recording on the books . , -L; of the Company. BEST AVAILABLE COPY -- 7' --­ 3 ­

1 (1 A, 1, EULU F C M N --Y Projects

_ d _ '!1 - T &. . .rogramProiect No. 1115.2 - Stores Management

4-t-za) A consultant continued work on the .,LjI (.,,,)1): I) - construction scheduling procedure in ' L . the Company, along with Ministry L-U-I . &-. z JL,.. k. , counterparts. The bills of material S.. were completed and the construction forecasts were revised.

I- . ,,,- -- ' - dJI3 Project No. 3115.1 - Development of J__01o Operation and Maintenance Program for Generation Equipment A field trip - " was made to Kerman to assist and advise in setting up and implementing k. J) . ' - ,",aU preventive maintenance program and to . _T review spare parts in stock and those I J frequired. The consultant also assisted w." - iz, U :- f 1 14).j j in drafting forms to be used on periodic checks of all parts of diesel generating TW-;2b t - "_ 5 . equipment.

L ".A meeting was likewise held with j .J_*.,yi< '• ; representatives from English Electric ; obtain assistance and advice on - *overhauling and maintaining Alfa-Laval • 4! . -J- w -JJ ._ Centrifuge units. The consultant made up and submitted a list of spare parts required for these units. .)L." t.b . b _ rY) o - -~~2-~~ , Project No. 3215.1 - Establishment of Prestressed Concrete Pole Plant

" 2 ..'" "-'Periodical site visits were made by the -'- J - I , ,..... consultant to ensure that completion .) .t -.T. . of the -prestressuuv-tnirete -pole -plant TJ,: j I.T- c)-) .- isrealized d as soon as possible. It is -" '7w J2 .• J . j maycontemplated be realized that initial pole production . :.5 in . A -.LL J . L. L ,),,I training course, involving approximately • . dJ_ yyjj. 60 days, will be implemented concurrently with the completion of the plant building.

C) J .. KIIORASSAN REGIONAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Projects -"" -Z"" . - Tjjt Project No. 3116.2 - Provisional Acceptance 1_:_,3 Tests ­ ucahn Diesel ElectricStation _ .. . The consultant made a field trip to Quchan JL t- r o J . to check the installation of the new power 4 4

A I. station comprisinetg two 830 Kw diesel S J, generators, station au lareu, step-up transforer , nd 2b K swlichsearno ... .. supplied byatheaiawker-Siddlyco. Lad S , tests were made with light fueli l sy, - since heavy fuel was tiot available., • . 'I A report was submitted to thei *~After further tests, provisional,' '-Aacceptance of the units was taken. - • - T Lt J Project No. 3216.2 - Prestressed Concrete Pole Plant UjcS At the request of the Managing Director,~ L, U. I a consultantnliz -­the- wasplti assignedca 1ndeg'ideies'fr.' during this :i LT. - period to review the pole requirements . I _ I L,. _5 and to assist in formulating L ,-e rc ct a course ..... =, S~A ~J.: ,,oJS , j . 0 j of action that should be pursued to iJ'- .J'y "3ensure that adequate are available when needed.distribution poles i

x*.1 A preliminary bilingual report was Ly-- J prepared and submitted for review to _i.2e .)j; L,_AI"Ij 5 j finalize the policy and guidelines for the future development of this assignment.


L ~ L5K'..' IA IA - T ' .~-- Project No, 1818.2- PayrollAccounting

consultant....As J 4A assisted the REC in the j U; I j L preparation of addressograph plates -*to be used in the proposed payroll jL -a.bJ6 U 9.,'Aj 4 L5 &- 4- - accounting system and interviewed - ~ ~ ji ~ J L.~~c&W.;5'-),.LA~~ company person-nel i ec't~ofcJ~ *~J~,. d~e. ~ to determine payroll accounting codes, *y~ ~TEHRAN REGIONAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LaA Projects

- I'1- Project No, 1219.3 -cb~ntinuing Property Record LSjL-J L- L5 I'mL, C JOJ.)Y The closing of a/c 103 for '1349, So and Sa/c 163 for 1349 is beingpostedto the continuing property record and isAbout A-6I ( Y x 4 u J JV 15 75 comnplete., A/C 107' is being', analyzd­ 2i . .u~.L; dJ and will be closed! t6.a/c, 101, or 103, ~W~~iI JadtZw~ ~S~S Astappicable


L.u r P )jer- N 19 19 er. o ren:y atenlfor,­ .E . lngineergi Re.,:ads

_J IMeans forion o v: ng theexisting filing system of the Engineering DepartUndt . • _X) were stud y a consultan , , . 'j. ! Y. "L T-J this de artment as a model, theig -, :): ..' ':.t bposbeU " ,:: . S ",, .~ :'- " , criteria to select the pro media'pper fo',

* I I " L Subject lasses to be covered by ani­ . Micr a 'i)' U . *. .. * *,L,.. indexing system were studied ofilm k , - , obeandcomputer output hardware were both 1 a., i.)', etY.y ., j; t looked into for possible use in a company-wide system. A report is under preparation.

L, i. aPr ec No, 3219.7 Assistance to Overhead

DLing tie 0] . L "et,. Du ingt oisperiod,' ertinent designs and calculations were finalized, to permit L5 A~kLJ-- 4 , b" tz~ U~ bilingual construction'drawings Ls A- J. • L..,,- incorpoating prestressed concrete poles .4 'T *to be comp.'ete. fLor foundations and . .Ll-u.. pl L .,t.L. concrete crossarnsi These will be S! ' submitted in Farvardin for review and approval consideration.

~ dl j*~ ~Also during this period, work on a - materials handbook was initiated in ...... Rcordance with the request from the -JC:d2J,.Jd 3 J. 6 management of the REC. Utilizing the Stock Catalog of the Power Division, a _j~, I U-, IL . _4A T sheet is being prepared for each

A ~ ~ ~ 11)t1u,~ distribution stock item number. Sample ,m.petty.t. sheets will be submitted in Farvardin Ld 1. C.)-J &A-J 1X 1 for review and comments,



JIT--I Project No. 1220.3,- Continuing Property - Record 4 _J5- C The classification of a/c 103 is complete J_ I~~for closing to a/c 101. for most of the' ~JtJI Lmany projects. The additons to a/c 107 a J LJ I I yfor the first 9 of 1351 have L--c .. ~k J. .J.~ been analyzed 4 classified~toaic 101 by -aconsultant, Thebaarnyed in a/&l07,

at 29/12/SO are being - yze~, ard will ~j _j_; I,-_j/ be, closed to a/c,103. for thoseprojects

U.which~ have be en pl /'nsei6.

I ~ U .,.~.JJ...... A. - 6 ­

~::y.o---~-. * - r- T jL.T i, Project No. 3220.2 - Manjil Thermal Power Station x X ". Periodic visits were made to the site , .T --13 JL-t. by the consultant to review work Sj.OT j . progress on erection and equipment -,installation on the 2nd unit. y. i l, POWER DIVISION LA d5 Projects

-_, _ j _ -. ) tIT _ ' '-'- Project No. 1622.3 - Budget Forms

L---"~tu--f- ~ ~flarza jL3 accounting and engineering S -!.q Y _ . J. consultants visited the Fars, Esfahan . T - .- cjj,LT j C)Lt-Ji and Kerman RECs in and discuss order to introduct the proposed Budget Form 7. Is As. . .Meetings were held with the director ,_ and engineers % "" JJ--! - J 4 concerned with the ,y.a preparation of the budget. This I# 1 , .) 1jl A -Z,- I budget form requires thE preparation 6Jr of information . by both the operating and engineering departments in order to be completed. L _ - eLzd>,. Project No. 1822.1- Assistanceto S M S Catalog jL; LzL. . j.. &.~ ,jL(, A J A consultant revised the .. construction scheduling manual on ) -- -;xThese procedures. revisions included the use of - ., L, examples of completed forms .. and more detailed explanations of the use and the impact of these forms. 40 - __, ' .J J ProjectNo.3122.4 Water Technology - Training

- .- ,--/ J b.. J. . Ls. The Guidebook for Water a J I I ; I-,U JL. j - S - I. developed Technicians being duplicatedby the consultant is presently by the Power Training - . • -Center U"'?"' (PTC) for their use. --.T 3 S .T -'ueen started Work has on Lesson Plans for the Water Technology Section of the PTC, which are about 25% complete. )5-* .'T~j 4 ' 2 Exact ,. - costs for equipment for the J IA. . . Technology Water Section of the PTC were sent during the month to the Director, in purchase order form for his ready disposition. SyBEST AVAILABLE COPY - ­

jU..~,. - . r - "{ dt.. 6 , Project No. 3122.7 - Specifications for Units A-... J Mobile Diesel - - s.T 'L The consultant checked final printing and assembly of specifications for .--t. Jt u . .: J~ .t J j lobile Diesel Generating Units and Jl1,3-x;)1.) 1 -; J!..) 1 issisted in rr.paration of invitational letters to the various engine 0 ;j .T :: *. 5 # manufacturers to submit proposals. J -Meetingswere held with engine

Gl ... j.: -. ~ &J. manufacturers to obtain literature •_ J z . and information on the latest generating equipment using diesel engines and gas turbines.

__-, -. _ v _ & Projer t No. 3122,8 - Review of Supply - Cont:act fcr 500 KIV Diesel Plants dLJ . ,j .L "--.. Discussion were conducted with J. representatives of the Ilawker-Siddely •1 Co. in regard to the type of 20 kv UT . II A. . . I switchgear proposed to be supplied by them for the three additional power &-"i- JY-'t. staticns, Some technical data supplied S...A~Y:I .,3 l , . J. i-.. j by Mzlahyar Co. was studied, but further .J_3 ) J informaticn has been requested.

' 3222.4 - Electric Laboratory ... ,- . .. _ T. - t . Proiect No. ~ d. * ,I.. Planning Report

.* .V 9< Report No. lB of the Ministry's consultant, - .Kennedy and Donkin, concerning the ... LJ ) J L 3 proposed lfigh Voltage Test Laboratory was p l. ¢ d .TU reviewed and a report made to the e Ministry by a llarza engineer. The a..' . . J-j project now appears feasible, and it was recommended *1 f;rth.r action be I -J initiated.

- - - yjY l.. Project No. 3222.7 Interconnected System Plans and Specificaticns

_ _ I The consultant reviewed contract documents C " A for the construction of the new Manjil- 4 L.7".)Y r --- Lc' 3 Tr Shahryar 230 kv line. A report . J - .jIj presenting comments and suggestions on •." &5these1-o YbL.:"" I documents was then submitted.

.- T - -h Project No, 3222,8 - Introduction of Ls I -., ,It Graphic.6' %lethod of Fault Current dt , dL..* OLS'C. .+, Calculati:.,ns

S_ . ,TheI.; & consulltant began preparation of L .L J diagrams and instructions for the graphical fauit current calculations. This L I " method of BEST \VAIt tRtE - 8

L) L methcd will facilitate fault current ' cp .-!-j i Z ,1 : . . c3lculations on radial distributicn systems, when fault current values at L, - -L-..'T, several locaticns to select are desired in order and coordinate protective devices on the system. AL -d rTTProject No. 3222.9 - Data Processing _t,- L of Interruption Two meetings wereReports held between personnel CJ L -X L.-y. L --­ . J Lt--2" of the Power Division and larza - . ­ consultants to discuss the program. A tentative list -3 L 1.. 5 -I, of the desired output - jj and necessary input was arrived at. -L " - ', J J J . e Meetings will be held with various RECs to learn their reactions and ideas. .. j_ . i y tyT.L#. Requirements Project No. 3222.11 - Utility Pole

. . JtiI , L - j. U. The study report recommending of prestressed the use _i . .,. . concrete poles for the . 5th Plan was informally presented . c. e ,it . to - . 16.. L-,.-Ls. J; appearsthe Power that Division. the installation After review, L. dL, J5 regional prestressed concrete pole of .J -)-,, plants should be considered. The first phase J L Wx. of a course of action to J .l. implement this objective has now been . .ujjTJ 'c2 t'l-I "-j initiated with the assignment of two :j LI Power Division engineers to formulate u_~ t a Working Group. .P A program has been prepared by the consultant to guide the relevant basic training of these personnel. . Q- V y i Project No. 3322.2- Interconnected

*-) ­ 11 I.'I j) The consultant reviewed and participated - ., .'-. .. _in several mcetings on another .*'j, consulting firm's reports on Power _ . -kd. L z 4 _ - -. . -3 .Ju; aspects and needs during the 5th and J3_ 6th Development Plans. A-:IL.4 A. j L t 1--1-JI4 .)J Work continued on preparation of . historic monthly C, .load and annual average daily curves and duration '•y-'- curves and on - writing computer programs for computing "-Z:" , Jl * . . S IU -. iL I-I' reactor requirements for transmission lines and on adapting single-phase fault study programs to the 360/30 IBM computer. - - I, AVAILABLE Cop* -9­

_ _P _ 't. P et No.3_2_'_-3..2 • , ...t loTent of -,-Corluter i-rogr:i,=s or interconnected - .-. G -..2L Systems Planning A consultant continued work this month

•$it..t.A1 User-Group Contributed Large-Load on a User-Group Contributed Large-Load .-. U , o . .. Flow Program so as to test and alter t- • it to make it useful for Ministry's .i._T, . 5needs.

lJ_)JJ))AT ,-p. '_ y' -_ )Ili , Project No. 5322.5 - On-the-Job ,c-L, 01i "Training oJr) Development for Skil led-Wcrkers -xTJ 5.TLz "J L A' " "j The consultant made additional J.L2. j ) refinements to the plan for Jevelopment of organized OJT in the .U. . . .- . -, '-' I HECs, which will use the Distribution _:. *1JJ '~... -~.. : )LTJyJ.jJ J-Z J. Lineman jcb as a pilot demonstration. -J* j I _ Strong emphasi3 will also be given to improved job safcty training, using , .Ly)T T j i . audio-visual aids of the type presently A)_ being tested-out at the Power Training

* jCenter. LS LfExpected travel this month to the RECs did not materialize due to the Now Rouz holidays.

L5 . ' - 1 '-':-'# Project No. 5722.1 - "raiinir g of "" . Organization, Methods and Systems Spci lists J One training session was held during .LU Is.t L.'z,_ L$' . . the month on flow charting procurement e and stores procedures,

U A ,L, ,. p,, 1 4L , The major activity of the month was . ') ,*jA .$)TUI C.. ,-.' Reform Plan Projects and Estimated Costs z I' O ' ;.., . " for the Fifth Plan Period." A briefing or. the report was presented by -j.; ,a:j.) T -jI)j~ -CI- the consultant to each of the Deputy ..,. L ..: . C dJy. ... Ministers of the Ministry of Water and J Power. It is anticipated that the presentation to the Minister will take place some time in Farvardin.

Other Work tr .,L r~_ y ,t .u. 'Catev~ory, No. 3222 - Interruption Committee Meet'ing

"J J A consultant was in Esfahan to attend

.J, the Interruption Committee meeting. lie S . AL.y. ,..r. ... : J - presented a short talk on the proposed -1'-- -10­

- . - / jI -r ne:,;I data processing :P.prngr:.:i :,nd its advantages and requirements.

.. . SPECIAL PROJECTS Project No. 1224.1 - Depreciation

Rates for Water Utilities 1. f. "A c.-j .e . j... , .. '_.At the request of the Ministry's Budget . • . .. L Bureau and the Auditing Co., a study of the depreciation rates used for t.,L.JT. I J..- -,-- Water Utilities was prepared by a • --- < . consultant, This included the rates used in the United States and selected Asian count-ies. - " ',LJ 3-" ,y 2 -a yT.y.._£. '3j Project No. 3224.1 - Outdoor Line Safety Regulaticns

... . . , 2The completed English draft of Outdoor 9 .. " Line Regulations is now under review .. I .- * X.Id, SI _ by a working group consisting of members -) of the Power Division, larza, and 3 RECs. •J. - # The second meeting of this group was held during the month. WATER AND POWER ENGINEERING SERVICES

COMPANY (MAtI B) - Projects . ... -- ­ .Proiect INo3225.1 - Development of f • Post-Tensioned Concrete Transmission Pole

...... t., 0 ja 0Jfj-. To permit the future production of the _ - V - .. .- I. y " 2.. -- ~ € six prototype -A 'concrete sectional post-tensioned poles, applicable for 63 to - ' -i 1- v- t A L, v ;z mo , -. . dJ1.0 1-. 16 of two oversized pole moulds was compieted " by the consultant d' ")U. "- in the shops of the .) Tehran REC. The delivery from abroad of required materials and stressing equipment is pending. (1) ganarment *onthly and OtI .r Assistance forProgres and Statst Report Development of the Electrlc P er-nduAtry of Iran Period Ending 29 Esfand 1351

AZARBAI JAN REGIONAL ELECTRIC u COMPANY c Project Title Initiator Date of Pr, ect of Assignment Completion Date Percentage completS .. .Perio 1910.2 of Assignment P Installation of Computer Peio Status of Projot DIMPOS~tion of Prjet Man. D: sctor Tr 1351 Indefinite Report submitted on the

Working of COputer system

ILa iC i -i (2) Monthly Progress and Status Report anagment and Other Assistance for Develop.ent of the Electric Power-lndustry of Iran Period Ending 29 Eafand 1351


Pro lect "Initiator ....her ofor'ecPPrjet Date of P-nt1eate1. Asignments$qn CoapltionDate1 ICmlt Status of Project Diepoailloo of Project Coomta -- of P_ A _l g _ent ___ _nn Eod io--,o . 1911.1 Computer Services Man. Director 1350 Continuous Feasibility study completed

Amar 1351.

3111.1 Provisional Acceptabce - Power Division Esfand 1351 Far,. 1352 0 90 Report to be vritten. % 3hahre Kord Diesel Station

3211.1 stablshmient of Relay Power .Division Esfand 1351 Indefinite 0 FLrat visit made to REC.­

m -1>

400 (3) Monthly Progress and Status Report Lnagwment and Other Asistance for Development of the Eloctric poar-ymdnatry of Ires Period Ending 29 Esfand 1351


Number -Project Title mnIt tor Of Pt Oct AssignmentDate of r-ngt.laata epldt Completion Vate e I'llnt.;1 • , ofAssgrt -. eriod Period .. w Communize 1312.2 Work Order Procedure Ordib. 1349 Indefinite Partially . oparatie.

1612.2 Krteauion of Cash Flow Khor. 1351 Indefinite Forecast Technique R-rrt Issued in Sba. 1351; FCllow-up mork expecttd.

1712.1 Format of Financial Hars Ordlb. 1351 Indefinite Report Report autedted in Agr 1351 rtsmted Atr31 follow-up ourk expect".

1912.1 Computer Services Power Division . 1351 Continuous Feasibility study copleted Amr 1351.

3112.2 Provisional Acceptance - Power Division 1351 Esfand 1351 0 100 Both unite accepted Lar Diesel Station by the tiistry.

3212.3 Establishment of Relay Power D rislon Aban 1351 Indefinite Group i5 25 Second visit made to e EicOvi k'. LtI.


0 (4) Monthly Progress and Status Repcrt Management and Other Assistance for Develop-nt of the El-trtc Power-Industry of Iran Period Ending 29 Esfand 1351


."rol~ct Plroj Title Initiator Dat- of LstiOatod Percentage Complet Pro.1rt Title of Projct AsSipnt CoapiOtion Dat r Status of Project Disposition of Project Commnts of A3signment befinairgriod PeriudEad

1213.1 Flant Accounting man. Director Rahman 1351 Assistance In Classification. Being -lraaaxflo to including Plan Org. projects 4ic ICI. 1346-50.



m0J M- C) 0

I (5)

Monthly Progress and Status Report Eloctric Poer-Industry of Iron V, agement and Other Assistance for tlvelopmwnt of tile Period Ending 29 Eafand 13,11


Es~imated Pernents Compiet1 Statua oat 'r ,ectDaoltr a P e eiJ Etae Project et usher Project Title Initiate, Date of cospl*timon Date t, Disposit on of r*3et of Projoc Assignment o",*i, dS of_____ ofoecAisigEeett

1114.1 Stores Accounting Company Bahman 1351 Ordib. 1352 Stores Management Program Initiated.

1114.2 Co°ntruction Scheduling Company Bahman 1351 Farv. 1352 Procedure initiated. Procedure

reviewed. 1214.1 Classification of Plant Power Division Shahr. 1347 Indefinite 1350 Closings Accounts


Reviewed flow cl-arts - 1314.2 Work Order Procedure Power Divisi it Fanr. 1349 Indefinite- prepared by company.

0­ 0 '6)

Monthly Progress acid Stat.,s Management and Other Peport Assistance for fevelcijolnt of the Floetric Ptmer-Industry of Iran Period Ending 29 Lifand J.,51

SOUTH EAST REGIO.AL El ErTi 1C COMPANY r Initiator , Project Title ftltlated sDateof t ospletion Date Necentaw. coplete Status of Project Disposition of Project 12s1 r Of Projec asig_____ ginn"-"iigriod Period of Assig sent IHogennir . rt 1115.2 Stores Management Program ',tn. Director 1351 Indefinite t Const-s tion hills of

material. completed.

h1215.1 Classification of Plant Power Division Azar 1347 Indefinite Complete through 1349. Accounts o e t o f

1615.1 General Accounting Man. Di.etor Ordib. 1351 Indefinite Progran prepared.

1815.1 Siores Catalog Man. Director Ordib. 1331 Indefinite Catalog being prepared.

1815.2 rayroll Accounting Man. Director Day 1351 In progresa. Work by Iranian

staff only.

3115.1 t1ccrelopment of Opertio, Power Division Mehr. 1350 Indefinite L Maiinttnance Program for ie'.eration Equipment

3115.2 Improvement of Iatr an. Director Azar 1350 Bahman T.,-hology 1351 92 92 Water trTrtmteqimnTreatment equipnt b ml n lmt Lab biding aLangt lists for diesel plants be: g compete. revisend.

3115.t ster Treatment Equipment Harm Day 1350 Mehr. 1351 In purchasing stage. for Abbea.

C/3 3215.1 P|restressedEstablisament Concrete of Po le Man. Director h m 1L350 1 5 ] ah 3S9 6 Batman 1351 95 96 Plant --ahian

3215.2 tstablihimnt of Machine "an. Diretor Bebm 1350 Bahman 1351 15 16 TEC to loan shop pejacrn.: Slop I Repair faellities

r) . .­ " (?)

Monthly Pogres and statue Iaort ZIn§a0e'.t And IOther.Aait ce for Demelopent of the Electric Foser-lmdoatry of Iram Period ZEding 29 Efand 1351

IEW.ASSAN REGIONAL EUDCT-IC O5Ay Proooet 10 project ~ .*Initior i " , Date of Estimated Pectage ~pleo rmtDmowta 2 ej Of Project Asaignment Completion Date tmof Project " -'" ..... "*-" "of Dipllem 1 ovajlntlmo ks~lin t Pe 1116.1 Stores Accounting San. Director siod Period Amor. 1351 Indefnite Delayed be suao of other

-t .9..l o ; .

. Compter Bervicja Company D 1330 lndeflnit . Assistance in client eOtics proceduree.

31'4.1 llwoyemnt of Water man. Direur Ordib. L3: Nebr. 1331 Tenders for recemended equipment for Regional Water Lab at Mashad being solicited

3116.2 Provisional Acceptance ler DIsI on Wand 1351 Eafand 1351 0 100 Both Units accpted. Tests - qachan Diesel statio. .n

3226.1 Recomended Circct Man. Direc. ir Day 1351 Farv. 13S32 5 25 Breakers for Masbad 20 1v Breaker locatlone tativw.ely Indicated on *yte amp. System

3226.2 S• Prestressed Concrete Ilan. DIirt, 0 Zafad, 1.351. Indefinite 1.1e Pole Plent requiremefts being am"eee.m

.) .

- -. ­ . r lhthly Progress *td Qtal. Popi:t 4 1060e6nt and Oth " AsIlqtlnc.- fvr Develep-t.,ir th6 f *.erirP m.r-in4ustr of Irs Period Idng 29 E.?snd 1331


o- A-.Sfttatus teoject oa of nt-emspe ginng OfmtaDistosftion Proect llT ¢ s system Sevie s Varv. 1351 Indefilte Preliaiary report prepare with recoo&Aataae for oowverUnprg tomGM Commtr hardwae on order. (9) Monthly Progress and Status Report W..iagmnt and Other Asalktance for Developeent of the Electric Poer-Indistry of Iran Period End'n& 29 Esfand 1351


Project Ntmber Project Title Initiator Date of of t Percentage Complete Project Assignment Completion Date -g nn- n Status of Project Disposltion o Project mnts of As -nment Period Period 1118.3 Stores Mtanageeent Man. Director 1351 indefinite Implementation plan developed

1118.4 MechaniaetIon of Stores Fin. D1" :or Azar 1351 Indefinite In progress. Accounting

1218.1 Classification of Plant Power Div sion Day 1348 Indefinite Complete through 1350. Account3

1218.2 Distribution Mapping Power Div ai Tir 1351 Indefinite Service area amps drawn up.

1318.2 Work Order Procedure Power Dbi lion Ordib.1349 Indefinite Implementation started.

1T,. cri 1618.1 General Accounting Man. Direc-or Amor. 1351 Indefinite General advice. -7

1618.2 Statistical Forecats Harza Mehr 1351 In prograes. on 0

1818.2 Payroll Accounting Man. Director Aban 1351 Addressograph plate* being prepared.

1918.1 Computer Services Man. Director Azar 1351 Indefinite Preliminary report submitted Babman 1Z51. (10) Monthly Progress and Status Report Management and Other Assistance for Development of the Electric Power-Industry of Iran Period Ending 29 Eafand 1351


P e Estimated Nr Project Title Initiator Date of -'opletion Dat Percentae CoSplete tatus of Project of Project oijeberof Project Assignment of Assignment Beginning Lnd Disposition Comets

__...... ___,,___,,_,_ Period Period 1119. I Stores Accounting Harsa Khor. 1350 Indefinite S.,stem for planning Udting Baign-1l352;5 requirements developed an4 introduced.

1219.1 Classification of Plant Power Division Khor. 1346 Indefinite 1350 - a/c 107 - Closing Accounts operation completed.

I21Q.? Continuing Property Record Harza Shahr. 1347 Indefinite Closing of a/c 103 and 163 being posted.

1319.2 Work Order Procedure Power Division Khor. 1348 Indefinite A/c 107 being analyzed In partial operation. for 1350.

1919.1 Computer Services Power Division Shahr. 1350 Indefinite Documentation of customer billing In progress.

1 P.3filing System for Man. Director Esfand 1351 Farv. 1352 Criteria for retrieval This is pilot project FPrineering Records and possible hardware studied for possible otber use in REC.

31;19.2 Poaler Installation - Harza Esfand 1349 Bahman 1351 95 100 Completed in Esfand 1351. Fsn PSC Pole Plant

1213.3 Speclfication of 2nd Hars Tir 1350 Bahman 1351 95 97 Pending delivery and :pinnlng as,hln- - Ran installation. Plant.

129.4 Spoiflotlon nt Hydraulic Hares Tir 1350 Bahman 1351. 95 97 Pending delivery and Concrete Pump - Kan Plant installation.

3219.5 Purchase of Pole Moulds Harsa Mehr 1351 Esfand 1351 80 80 Pending delivery. and Headers - Kan Plant

3219.6 Concrete Street Light Pole Man. Director Aban 1351 Indefinite Pending assignment of fund

3219.7 Assis*Bnce to Overhead Man. Director Azar 1351 Indefinite LV and MV construction Lines Engineering Section drawings materials handboc: in progress.

3219.8 Development of Village Harsa ahsan 1351 abiman 1352 5 10 Original designs modified -:o PSC Pole reduce weight. 4(11)

Monthly Progrues and Status Report MhD&MOgnt and Other Assistance for Deveont of the Electric Poeer-Io adtry or Iran Perlod Ending 29 EFand 1331


Project Pr Initiator Date of Estimated [ t Coeplete Mr rolect Title of Project Asignment Completion Date acmlt -u r hegn ing End Status of Project Dispositiom of Vrohjt Ont of Assignment Period Period ©nestle

1220.1 Classification of Plant Man. Direct Tir 1349 Indexinite Additions to a/e 107 -1351 Accounts being classified.

1220.3 Continuing Property Record Harza Tir 1351 Indefinite Complete through 1350.

1320.2 Work Order Procedure Power Division Mehr 1349 Indefinite Work order numbers asaeinedI implementation started.

3220.2 anjil Thermal Power Man. Direct: Azar 1349 TIP 1352 92 93 Under construction; contle-st Station consulting service.


co r­

-n (12)

Monthly Progress and Stats keport Manageuent and Other Assistance for Development of th- Electric Power-Industry of Iran. Period Ending 29 Eaerad 1351


Initiator Date of Estimated Percentage Complete Of Project Assignment Completion Date gBnnn ,n Status of Project Disposition of Project Cota of Assitgnment_ Period Period 1122.3 Stores Management Seminars Power Division Azar 1351 Esfand 1351 Seminar held in Day 1351.

1622.3 Budget Forms Harm Day 1351 Indefinite Modification of Form No. 7 All companies to be discussed with FRFEC, EREC and visited. Kerman RECs.

!R.2.1 Assistance to M k S Catalog Power Division Azar 1350 Continuous Construction acheduling manual revised.

1-12.1 Computer Seminars Power Division Aban 1350 Indefinite Three seminars for companies with computers held to date.

'122.3 Improvement of Water Power Division Ordib.1350 Indefinite T-chnology in Regional Program initiated in SEREC and I tEC. liesel Stations

1122.4 Water Technology Power Division Esfand 1351 Indefinite Lesson plans for classes Training Instruction starts at Power Training Center next month. 25% complete.

2222.2 Relay Tra'nIng Program Hlarza Azar 1350 Indefinite 80 80 Completed at S-EREC, FR.C, Next class expected


2222.7 Interconnected System Plans Power Division Aban 1351 Indefinite nd Specification Report on contract doctuen for Manjil-Shahryar 230 Kv

transmission lines.

- A t22. Ptocessingust of Power Division Esfand 1351 Indefinite Meetings held with Power Interruption Reports Arranging meetings Division with TAVA2XI .

2'22, Introductiono of oGraphial Harma Esfand 1351 Ordib." 1352 uthodof Fault Current 0 2 Prcparation of diagrams and instructions started. Calculation.

3222.11 ktll.ty Pole Requirements Harms Azar 1351 Esfand 1351 80 100 Report prepared in Esfand. Report being rewviewd .... by Ministry. (is) Monthly Progress kanagement and Other Assistance and Status Report for Development of the Electric Power-ndautry of Iran Period Ending 29 Eafand 1351

DIVISION OF POWER Projec (Page 2) Project tle Initiator Date of E.tlated Percentsre Coplete of Pro je c 3122.6 t As s ig n m e nt Com pl eti n D a te - Power Station S ta tu s of Proj t Di s p t l oo P Electrical Power Division r ec t C ,t Tir 1351 Indefinite 55 55 First Maintenance Handbook five chapters prepared.

3122.7 Specifications for Mobile Power Division Diesel Units Tir 1351 Indefinite 70 70 Electrical space written.

3122.8 Review of Supply Contract Power Di -*ion Aban 1351 for 500 KW Diesel Indefinite Plants 20 25 Discussions being held with suppliers.

3222.1 Capacitor Standards Power DI Sion Aban 1350 Aban 1351 5 Awaiting action by Ministry.

3222.2 Distribution Engineering Power Dir.aion Ordib.1351 Indefinite Visits Assista ne to R C 's Bade to Gharb, Guilan, Kerman. Isfahan Far mand

Mazandaran REC. . 0 3222.3 DistributionTraining Seminars Engineers.for Harza Tir 1351 Indefinite 7 7 Comittee organized to assist in implementation.

3222.4 Electric Latiratory Power Division Aban 1347 Indefinite 85 Final report by Planning Report outside Iplentation consultant submitted. of project recomnded. 3222.9 Study of Regional Co. Power Divia 3n Shahr.1350 Systems, 63 and Day 1351 132 lv 66 66 Phase I reports on 1350 loads issued for each REC; sumry

report submitted to Ministry. 3322.1 Interccanvected Power Power DIvi&ion Day 1350 Indefinite Systems Planning n Work continuing

3322.2 Interconnected Power Power Divisl.,n Day 1350 Indefinite Systems Analysis Work cont nu in

3322.4 Development of Computer Power Division Esfand 1350 Indefinite Programs for Interconnecte,

Systems Planning tailored to Vic Co

ater. (14) Monthly Progress and Status Report Management and Other Assistance for Development of the Electric Power-Industry of Iran Period Ending 29 £Efand 1351


Pojer ProjectPoetEstimated- Title Initiator Date of Percentage Complete- ______rof Project Assigment Completion Date rSnag one Status of Project Disposltion of Projt Comnta offPrjc Assignmen tof Assignent BginningPeriod eriodn

1224.1 Depreciation Rates for Ministry Esfand 1351 Esfand 1351 0 100 Report on U.S. and aelece>d Water Utilities Asian countries issued.

3224.1 Outdoor Line Safety Power Division Ordib. 1350 Azar. 1351 93 94 Committee organized to reviaw Regulations 2nd meting boId draft. in Eafand.

3224.2 Farst - Erctilh Terhnical Harz& Farv. 1351 Indefinite 90 90 Preliminary draft distributed Dictionary for editing.

3224.6 Prestressel r ,.rete Pole HMarza Shahr. 1348 Indefinite 95 95 Activity transferred to (SPL') Oper. tfrns 1'andbook TREC.

3225.1 Development of Sectional Power Division Ordib. 1351 Ordib. 1352 50 70 Required mould modificatio- Post-tensioed Concrete in progress. CO Transmission Pole

toJ I> r-0 C -­r (15)

Monthly Progress and Status Report Management and Other Assistance for Development of the Electric Power-Industry of an Period Ending 29 Esfand 1351


Project Initiator Date of Estimated Percentage Complete Status of Projet Disposition of ProJec Coments Number Project Title of Project Assignment Completion Date BeKtnning ESi of Assignment nd

5322.5 On-the-Job Training (OJT) Harka Azar 1351 Aban 13S2 A 10 Initial visits to "EC's pirr.d Training Leaders to Development fcr Skilled be selected In each Workers. rEC.

5422.1 Recruitment. Appraisal & Harse Farv. 1351 Khor. 1352 55 55 Executive Assembly being Development Program for planned. Managers and Professionals

5522.1 Executive Management Power Division Mehr 13EO Bahman 1351 65 100 U.S. Training completed ft Training Program Nuclear Mgt. and Engr. g. pa.

5622.3 Professional Seminars Power Ditision Aban 1351 Indefinite Report on training officer a seminar sent out.

!5722.1 Training of Organization,' Ministry Tir 1351 Tir 1353 Training classes being he S. Administrative reform Methods and Systems plan for neyt 5 yesrs Specialists. completed.


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