SBEST AVAILABLE COPY> HARZA ENGINEERING 'COMPANY d45'" CONSULTING ENGINEERS ELECTRIC UTILITY MANAGEMENT PROJECT TE.RAN - IRAN,., 44 'Date: Assignment vStatus and Progress n m N,~, -L ~~Electric Utility Management Project -. Iran L Period: JEsfand 1351 . -:. ,,1 A general report of the activities of this ­ Project for the month' of Esfand 1351 is :.I.&1J.~J J~t ~eI as follows: s AZARBAIJAN REGIONAL ELECTRIC COMPANY W Projects ec4 e.1w -J - Project No. 1910.2 -Installation of Computer jT.~ as-~~"G'LS u)v-JdJyPt J)~ A report reviewing the operations and computer,! JAJ1JJT~IS!A~ ~T programs development was submitted this ,y Lr-'YM . .QT themonth REC, by alonga consultant with Ministry following counterparts. a visit to • j .. ~ ESFAHIAN REGIONAL ELECTRIC COMPANY .__... * ~ Projects ~L .~±.4F..~ - d~4 dj~ Project 31. -oProvisional Acceptance "' .4..* S.~z ~Tests -Shahre Kord Diesel Electric Station 2 Lr~ J 1 U42Z'-"" o-) LY),H .0 The consultant' made a field trip to Shahre,~ A) . " * Kord to check the installation of the new r '1 1000 Kw ond 500 Kw diesel generators j J!iS! "L t., . LS 2 i '~j~.:*. supplied by the Skoda Company. Full load and 10% overload tests were conducted.. The station auxiliaries and 11 v switchgear L J T- were inspected, protective relays tested,. w . ~ . Provisional acceptance of bAoconsultantwas:c, . and e cal nsIones. visit ii~connection with establishing 'a; C) c,4' tIJl relay gru in'he's'fha tiame 4 lws pn S(~ z toa,,Issist i hci Jj0ahe C - - ST AVAIl AI.E COPY 2 control circuiting and testing relays -- j) . at the new substation. ~. i time was spent The remaining _to calculate assisting REC engineers fault currents and relay - - -_- .i I settings for the new substation. -2.) ., FARS REGIONAL ELECTRIC COMPANY _.._ Proiects '"~A.V-- ­ I'r,. ct No. 3112.2 - Provisional J .j."Acceptance Tests - Lar Diesel Electric -Station SA field trip was made by the consultant -1 . .5. to Lar in the Fars Region T to check the 3~ .. 1j- *I_-J)LJ -4 . installation of the new 1000 Kw and L-t -T )L. T 500 Kw diesel generators, station ST L " auxiliaries, -ljJLY.T U. i - ) I j UL--IL and associated switchgear c, L :-.LoUI supplied by the Skoda Company. Twenty­ four "- .. 10% overloadhour full load tests and one hour tests were conducted using _U 1-.b .V . L)T . a water resistance. deficiencies Electrical were listed and a report submitted to the Ministry. Provisional acceptance of both units was taken. I -G L- Other Work . 'S t1 1 1 T 6_ j- .,..- Category No. 1112 - Fars Regional Electric Company . -. A consultant assisted the Company in .. J,." &. d..j& _ ,, implementing the stores manuals I -j . ,z . Llj-jI L; yI previously prepared •-revisions by Harza. Minor were made to some of the forms to ease processing. The Company agreed .0._ j to update its construction scheduling program accordingly. ~ ~)L~. ~ *.4 WEST REGIONAL ELECTRIC COMPANY P 'oj ects • ; . [ _Project No. 1213.1 - Plant Accounting The additions to plant for 1346, 1347, -L o55,t- J-s ->j. b jj 1348, 1349 & 1350 by Plan Organization . have been analyzed, unitized & to a/c 101 by the classified consultant and will . T .; .. be available for recording on the books . , -L; of the Company. BEST AVAILABLE COPY -- 7' --­ 3 ­ 1 (1 A, 1, EULU F C M N --Y Projects _ d _ '!1 - T &. .rogramProiect No. 1115.2 - Stores Management 4-t-za) A consultant continued work on the .,LjI (.,,,)1): I) - construction scheduling procedure in ' L . the Company, along with Ministry L-U-I . &-. z JL,.. k. , counterparts. The bills of material S.. were completed and the construction forecasts were revised. I- . ,,,- -- ' - dJI3 Project No. 3115.1 - Development of J__01o Operation and Maintenance Program for Generation Equipment A field trip - " was made to Kerman to assist and advise in setting up and implementing k. J) . ' - ,",aU preventive maintenance program and to . _T review spare parts in stock and those I J frequired. The consultant also assisted w." - iz, U :- f 1 14).j j in drafting forms to be used on periodic checks of all parts of diesel generating TW-;2b t - "_ 5 . equipment. L ".A meeting was likewise held with j .J_*.,yi< '• ;-J.to representatives from English Electric ; obtain assistance and advice on - *overhauling and maintaining Alfa-Laval • 4! . -J- w -JJ ._ Centrifuge units. The consultant made up and submitted a list of spare parts required for these units. .)L." t.b . b _ rY) o - -~~2-~~ , Project No. 3215.1 - Establishment of Prestressed Concrete Pole Plant " 2 ..'" "-'Periodical site visits were made by the -'- J - I , ,..... consultant to ensure that completion .) .t -.T. of the -prestressuuv-tnirete -pole -plant TJ,: j I.T- c)-) .- isrealized d as soon as possible. It is -" '7w J2 .• J . j maycontemplated be realized that initial pole production . :.5 in Farvardin. A -.LL J . L. L ,),,I training course, involving approximately • . dJ_ yyjj. 60 days, will be implemented concurrently with the completion of the plant building. C) J .. KIIORASSAN REGIONAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Projects -"" -Z"" . - Tjjt Project No. 3116.2 - Provisional Acceptance 1_:_,3 Tests ­ ucahn Diesel ElectricStation _ .. The consultant made a field trip to Quchan JL t- r o J . to check the installation of the new power 4 4 A I. station comprisinetg two 830 Kw diesel S J, generators, station au lareu, step-up transforer , nd 2b K swlichsearno ... .. supplied byatheaiawker-Siddlyco. Lad S , tests were made with light fueli l sy, - since heavy fuel was tiot available., • . 'I A report was submitted to thei *~After further tests, provisional,' '-Aacceptance of the units was taken. - • - T Lt J Project No. 3216.2 - Prestressed Concrete Pole Plant UjcS At the request of the Managing Director,~ L, U. I a consultantnliz -­the- wasplti assignedca 1ndeg'ideies'fr.' during this :i LT. - period to review the pole requirements . I _ I L,. _5 and to assist in formulating L ,-e rc ct a course ..... =, S~A ~J.: ,,oJS , j . 0 j of action that should be pursued to iJ'- .J'y "3ensure that adequate are available when needed.distribution poles i x*.1 A preliminary bilingual report was Ly-- J prepared and submitted for review to _i.2e .)j; L,_AI"Ij 5 j finalize the policy and guidelines for the future development of this assignment. " -0 oJ .' 'i HRMAZANDARANREGIONALELECTRICCOMPANY Projects L ~ L5K'..' IA IA - T ' .~-- Project No, 1818.2- PayrollAccounting consultant....As J 4A assisted the REC in the j U; I j L preparation of addressograph plates -*to be used in the proposed payroll jL -a.bJ6 U 9.,'Aj 4 L5 &- 4- - accounting system and interviewed - ~ ~ ji ~ J L.~~c&W.;5'-),.LA~~ company person-nel i ec't~ofcJ~ *~J~,. d~e. ~ to determine payroll accounting codes, *y~ ~TEHRAN REGIONAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LaA Projects - I'1- Project No, 1219.3 -cb~ntinuing Property Record LSjL-J L- L5 I'mL, C JOJ.)Y The closing of a/c 103 for '1349, So and Sa/c 163 for 1349 is beingpostedto the continuing property record and isAbout A-6I ( Y x 4 u J JV 15 75 comnplete., A/C 107' is being', analyzd­ 2i . .u~.L; dJ and will be closed! t6.a/c, 101, or 103, ~W~~iI JadtZw~ ~S~S Astappicable<fothse 4 work orders which A~i 4a BEST AVAILABLE COPY. S L.u r P )jer- N 19 19 er. o ren:y atenlfor,­ .E . lngineergi Re.,:ads _J IMeans forion o v: ng theexisting filing system of the Engineering DepartUndt . • _X) were stud y a consultan , , . 'j. ! Y. "L T-J this de artment as a model, theig -, :): ..' ':.t bposbeU " ,:: . S ",, .~ :'- " , criteria to select the pro media'pper fo', * I I " L Subject lasses to be covered by ani­ . Micr a 'i)' U . *. .. * *,L,.. indexing system were studied ofilm k , - , obeandcomputer output hardware were both 1 a., i.)', etY.y ., j; t looked into for possible use in a company-wide system. A report is under preparation. L, i. aPr ec No, 3219.7 Assistance to Overhead DLing tie 0] . L "et,. Du ingt oisperiod,' ertinent designs and calculations were finalized, to permit L5 A~kLJ-- 4 , b" tz~ U~ bilingual construction'drawings Ls A- J. • L..,,- incorpoating prestressed concrete poles .4 'T *to be comp.'ete. fLor foundations and . .Ll-u.. pl L .,t.L. concrete crossarnsi These will be S! ' submitted in Farvardin for review and approval consideration. ~ dl j*~ ~Also during this period, work on a - materials handbook was initiated in ..... Rcordance with the request from the -JC:d2J,.Jd 3 J. 6 management of the REC. Utilizing the Stock Catalog of the Power Division, a _j~, I U-, IL . _4A T sheet is being prepared for each A ~ ~ ~ 11)t1u,~ distribution stock item number. Sample ,m.petty.t. sheets will be submitted in Farvardin Ld 1. C.)-J &A-J 1X 1 for review and comments, A GENLERATION AND"OANSNftbb1UN LOMP i. T4,~ i SProjects JIT--I Project No. 1220.3,- Continuing Property - Record 4 _J5- C The classification of a/c 103 is complete J_ I~~for closing to a/c 101. for most of the' ~JtJI Lmany projects. The additons to a/c 107 a J LJ I I yfor the first 9 months of 1351 have L--c .. ~k J. .J.~ been analyzed 4 classified~toaic 101 by -aconsultant, Thebaarnyed in a/&l07, at 29/12/SO are being - yze~, ard will ~j _j_; I,-_j/ be, closed to a/c,103.
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