Santa Time: ,743915 Received by 27071 Members From
V EDISONf FORDS BRACON Woodbrirlge, A^nel, Colonia, Fordi, HopehnJts*ef in, Keasbey, Port Reading, Sewm-cn rod LV — No. 30 intend M »<> Olaa tfell PEgCETKN CENTS Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, November 14, 1963 in H. 1. On Thundtj At P.O.O , wawd (i i WOODBRIDGE - Today, UM 18th ewaecntWe Independent- Each family receives a Christmas basket filled with every- Leader Chrlitmas Fund, to take care of the Tnwiuhtp'n nerdy thing necessary for a Christmas dinner including turkey, pars- at ChrhtUM. officially open*. ley, cettry, bread, butter, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry Starting with less than 20 families 18 years ago, the Fund sauce, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, mayonnaise, peas, onions, Santa Time: now takes core of over 100 needy families — some famille* small white onions, turnips, carrots, apples, oranges, canned with as many as 10 children in them, fruit salad, r^ard candy, tea, coffee, canned milk, fresh milk Public May Be The Independent-Leader started off the 1KB Fnd wKh Hi and sugar. usual contribution of *50 aad the reader who In again the flnt Under no circumstances will the name o( a family be re- contributor l> William S. Neebe, 417 Ehnwood Arenne, Wood- vealed. Back family will be given a number and will be iden- bridge, who i«nt $15. L tified by that number. Persons or organliatlons donating $2J w Independent-Leader Last year, we established the policy for the first time of or more may have a can) inserted indicating they are the not accepting used clothing or used toys because some of the donor.
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