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V EDISONf FORDS BRACON Woodbrirlge, A^nel, Colonia, Fordi, HopehnJts*ef in, Keasbey, Port Reading, Sewm-cn rod LV — No. 30 intend M »<> Olaa tfell PEgCETKN CENTS Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, November 14, 1963 in H. 1. On Thundtj At P.O.O , wawd (i i WOODBRIDGE - Today, UM 18th ewaecntWe Independent- Each family receives a Christmas basket filled with every- Leader Chrlitmas Fund, to take care of the Tnwiuhtp'n nerdy thing necessary for a Christmas dinner including turkey, pars- at ChrhtUM. officially open*. ley, cettry, bread, butter, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry Starting with less than 20 families 18 years ago, the Fund sauce, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, mayonnaise, peas, onions, Santa Time: now takes core of over 100 needy families — some famille* small white onions, turnips, carrots, apples, oranges, canned with as many as 10 children in them, fruit salad, r^ard candy, tea, coffee, canned milk, fresh milk Public May Be The Independent-Leader started off the 1KB Fnd wKh Hi and sugar. usual contribution of *50 aad the reader who In again the flnt Under no circumstances will the name o( a family be re- contributor l> William S. Neebe, 417 Ehnwood Arenne, Wood- vealed. Back family will be given a number and will be iden- bridge, who i«nt $15. L tified by that number. Persons or organliatlons donating $2J w Independent-Leader Last year, we established the policy for the first time of or more may have a can) inserted indicating they are the not accepting used clothing or used toys because some of the donor. Hie wernge cost of each order is $25 and the quantity Asked to Save articles donated were not acceptable for Christmas gifts. The given la sufficient to last a family for a few days. new system worked out so well, that The Independent-Leader {Opens 18th Annual Starting next week and until delivery time, a description has decided to continue the policy. of each case will be tfiven. Readers wh» wish to do so, may porcbase new clothing Christmas Fund or new toys and donate them to the fund. However, donors Checks may he drawn in the name of Independent-Leader •re asked to make their rash donation! as generous as possi- Christmas Fund and mailed to The Independent-Leader, 18 ble, ao that we can purchase a new item of clothing for each Green Street, WoodbridRe, New Jersey, member of each family being assisted and buy a new doll for Christmas baskets and gifts will be delivered Monday, School 1 Clock each little girl and a suitable toy for each boy. December 23. lyor Sets Attorney's Knights of Malta Honor Tower ide Week Suggestion Doctor George Frederick Aid Team To be Heard WOODBRIDGE — Dr. George Rotted, rederick, a resident of Colonia BlUDfiK - The selection (Special In Iiiili'|n'iHlentlnai|i>r) who maintains htt-ftiedical offices Giants by the Nation-1 NEW HKUNSWICK - A sug- m upper Main Street, was award- \T;\iv."T Football Lw*ue gestion hy former SI lite Senatoi ed knighthood in the Sovereign New Jersey and .lohn Toolnn, nniiuii for Juh Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Listing g iinM a team from Almasi, Jr., secretary of the A Knights of Malta. yn, Illinois, over Thanks- masi Trucking: Co., Woodbridge, He received the Cross of Merit WOODRRIDGE - The possi- i-kewl has prompted the, was entertained by Judge Edwarc and Honor in the ancient order, bility that the public may b# am nlficinls to organize V. Martini) in Superior Court lad which dates back to 1048 in Jeru- asked to contribute funds in or- itiU drive for the trip, j yesterday afternoon. salem and 1192 in Cyprus. der to save an historic landmark I he week o: N'ovem-j In addition to Mr. Almasi, the In a letter to Dr. Frederick, '— the clock and bell and steeple 1 |fss Isolin (riant Week, other defendant in the case is Rev. Otto Adrian I)e Chobert, at old School No. 1, now th« (falter Zirpolo ha> called Lawrence Clement, Woodbridge Bailli, Grand-Hospitaller, Superior Hoard of Education Administra- Bnimunity to lend whiit- Public Works Supervisor, who is of the Ohlates, American Chancel- ! live Building on School Street itance possible l<> help charged with receiving $35,348 in lor, wrote: 'The clock is commonly referred bins to Illinois." bribes and extortion, eonspirac; to by natives as (he "town clock." "This award is given to you . the second coihet . ive and misconduct in public offio ( Old School 1 was opened in as a special token for all your Woodbridge team has lie is represented by Alfred D'An outstanding accomplishments in 11076 and the bell was ordered rteH to appear in a Pop; liniio. Almasi and his firm an the field of humanitarian, social , shortly before that. time. I game." said Midori charged with offering bribes, con and philanthropic achievements as I William liihler, chairman of is a fine salute to spiracy and false pretense. medical officer of the II, S. | public relations of the Rnard said i «ind it is indicative of The jury wa.s dismissed befor Army, especially in organizing that the lower h icaniiif! slightly 'that IhfM' teams and' Senator Toolan made his i.ugge: Camp Kilmer for the Huii|>ari;m mi the wooden timbers are into the sport."i lion that the Court consider wh Freedom Fighters and Refugees DR. GEORGE KKKKKKICK otted. When the bell rings, the g the Fords he called a divorcement of i (Continued on Page 4' ipper floor shakes, he stated. ayed in a bowl game m "ictments in Ihe same trial. Th "Two outside engineering firms, judge said he was concerned wi working independently, are going the same legal problem and the to Head Coach John .'{ Teenagers Admit City Status to make a survey," Mr. Bihlcr prosecution agreed that suggestion R-'tltlnv Road, Iselin, revealed, "and they will tell us was well laken. To Three Robberies l.will fly to 'lien Kllyn what to do to save the twer aid It was finally decided that both PORT HEADING-Three Por .rk on November '211 Being Pushed clock if possible — and what it to lake 72 boy*, and sides will think about the sugges- Heading teenagers, two lfi years trip," .said Mood. tion overnight and be prepared to old and tbe other 15 years old, WOOPBRIDGE - The Citizens will cos'.. I big event iind an hon argue the motion should Senator are in the Juvenile Detention Redevelopment Committee an Roy J. Mundy, Colonia, a mem- ' us and we certainly Tflhlan make it. The ,trjal,wiU re Home, in New Brunswick,/afte nounced at its meeting TusHdaj ber of the board, offered Jo inalie Wtvdly admitting to three rob- • try to raise the noces ittme at 10 «"flock IVIS morning' night, that it will push It.s recom- ','otltirmed on Page 4) (' uiflkA Thu trip."; Serving on the jury are: Nich- beries. mendation that Woodbridge's !<fcW WftflWYTKRiAtf CltURCH IN AVKNKL: Above is thai several meth;;;!j on the site of the former LaBat estate at the intenedion of las Urban, 127 Woodbridge Avo- Arrested by Detectives Bernard status be changed from a Town- the architect's readering of the new church to be constructed raise funds indud- Woodbridge Avenue and Avenel Street, Ground has already ue, Sewarcn; Wallace Wild ,37 :>,ech and Joseph Dr.Marino, thoj hip to a city. by the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church, Avenel, been broken and the site cleared. ng of members «i the Cleveland Avenue, Colonia; Vifo admitted entry of Giordano's Ga- The group said that it will ask Main Street shopping centers )e Tura. 40 Monica Court, Ave- rage, Carteret Uoad, where tin for a meeting with Mayor Walter i-thc community. CHRISTMAS CLUBS: lel; William Merrigan, 101 Pop- articles .stolen were recoverec Zirpolo as soon as be returns from coaches include Al lar Street, Carteret; Thomas Si- Approximately $13(i of loot take a four-day vacation sometime to- Renewal Seen Frank Puledore and korski, Spotswood; William Eifh- rum the home of Mrs. Catlierini day. The mayor has already indi- dak — all of Iselin. aum, Edison; George Papp, Edi- McNulty, Carteret Road and Firs cated to the committee and the WOODBRIDGE-What type of (Cnntiuued on Page 4) itreet, was recovered. press that he is heartily in favor renewal or redevolpnicnt will be best for Main Street is now the ,743,915 Received by 27,071 There was no recovery of art of the change as a move to con- topic of consideration by the _'les reported stolen from the hom solidate all areas in the Town- Woodbridge Redevolpnicnt Agen- of Robert Molnar, 33 Third Ave- ship. It will take a bill by the Pigeons Two to Try cy, S. Buddy Harris, executive di- nue, who told police a movie pro- Legislature to effect the change. rector, told the Citizens Redevel- jector and gold bracelet wen Joseph Ostrower, a member ol uisance' Members from Area Institutions opment Committee Tuesday. To Get Award nissing. (Continued on Page 4) Mr, Harris displayed the first jE-Pigeoas, which WOODBRIDGE - Area merch- WOODHMDGE - Two Town- maps prepared by his agency in ftf concern to the New ants are looking forward to a good hip residents will make an oral connection with the renewal pro- lof Health and to May- Christmas season with the an- IF YOU LIKE STATISTICS: resentation before a jury of 12 gram being considered for the iidges in Detroit, Michigan, Tues- Vice-Principal's Post tirpolo, were termed nouncement that banta in Wood- 1 Main Street area.