Future trends in mobility: the rise of the sharing economy and automated transport - Annex A Deliverable no. 3.3 Date: 14/07/2016 Version: 1.1 Author(s): Laurent Franckx, VITO Contributor(s): Inge Mayeres, VITO Project: MIND-sets | www.mind-sets.eu Grant Agreement N°: 640401 Project duration: 01.12.14 – 30.11.17 Project Coordinator: Silvia Gaggi, ISIS T: 0039 063 212 655 F: 0039 063 213 049 E:
[email protected] This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 640401. Contents Preface __________________________________________________________________________ 5 Chapter 2: The rise of the sharing economy: implications for transport _____________________ 6 1. Introduction ____________________________________________________________________ 7 2. Carsharing ____________________________________________________________________ 10 Definitions ______________________________________________________________ 10 Key advantages and drawbacks _____________________________________________ 11 A (very short) history of carsharing ___________________________________________ 12 Round trip carsharing _____________________________________________________ 14 One way carsharing _______________________________________________________ 15 Personal vehicle sharing ___________________________________________________ 17 Characteristics of the supply side ____________________________________________ 18 Characteristics of the demand side __________________________________________ 19 The