BY Amf: CHINESE, Mom (Special Star-Bulleti-N Wireless
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FO From Ban Francises Sonoma, August IT. r? r? For San Francises , 6fberUMaru, Aug. 17 3:30 From Canadian Porta NcxtmalLEeptlS. For Canadian Ports Eel r wall, Act 20 Evening Bulletin, Est 1882, No. 6J36 12 PAGEl HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1917. 12 PAGES PRICE CENTS Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXV, No. 7907 FIVE , v". 17. m (a A IBB GETS W POSITIONS m HOOVER STRATEGIC REGISTRATION LUDI IS OFFICER'S RESERVE CAMP ADVISES POSITIONS ROW AT HILO CLEARED U.S. IS ADJUSTED list of Successful Applicants ACTION CAPTURED BY AMf: CHINESE, mom (Special Star-Bulleti-n Wireless. Inspector For Training Camp at SchoMd Sugar Men See in Movement In New Offensive Which Ef- HILO, Hawaii. Aug. 16. General's Investiga- over registration matters Step to Curb Speculation in fected Crossing of Steenbeke Trouble tion Shows No Circumstance of men from Oahu, Hawaii, between the central board of reg- - 'JAfMESE Following is the list Line With Proposal to Regu River, Allies Take 1200 Tending to Connect Officer by army headquarters to attend istratlon at Honolulu and the Maui and Kauai selected late the Maximum Price of Prisoners and Many Guns board of supervisors of Hawaii With Miss Florence Berg's Barracks com- county has been settled by put-- the officers' training camp at Schofield Product Death SELECTED 27: (Asjodated Prtu by U. S. Ht1 Commas! ting four county employes on 4 mencing August wmwm mm m ' ' cation Service) the Job to aid in the listing of 4 nm A m '(Associated by TJ. S. HTtl OomxnuL i tu Tinaicauon xor uapu PrM BRITISH FRONT, Aug. 18. The 4- registered names and otherwise ctioa StfTlct) ADoujdU Ludy, attached to the de-- . 1 allied began terrific as "Wayne - Civilians Lead in List of 00 OAHU YORK, Aug. 16. Acting upon forces another needed. Chairman Win hospital at Fort 8hafter, .. on Rup-precht-'a - $- Offi-cer- drive at daybreak Prince of the central board, who reach- by Men Who Will Train for s' NEW advice of Herbert Hoover, the is found the Hawaiian department A. HERBERT P. OSBORN positions in Flanders. Fol- ed here this morning, has'de-- 4 " - L. C ATKINSON. food administrator, the inspector in connection with the Commissions "at Scho- HOMER A. DAVIES JOHN G. WATKINS sugar exchange of New York lowing up a heavy barrage fire, the clared that he is satisfied with death of Miss Berg, the troops Steenbeke Florence a nurse. EDWARD J. MALANIFF CHANCY F. CLEVELAND French crossed the the arrangement 4 who ago V field; Maui Given 14 Places, Stock Exchange has suspended trading ' died two weeks following a WILL! AM HAMPTON A. R. ROBERTSON river. Kauai Army J. In sugar futures. This drastic step criminal operation. Hawaii 6, 8 HAROLD E.' STAFFORD WILHELM A. ANDERSEN was taken after conferences ebtween This is the announcement made to ARCHIE W. BROWN JOSEPH ATHERTON RICHARDS PARIS, France, Aug. 16. It is re- traders and representatives of the na- day from aray headquarters, follow- - . WHITE".. KENNETH W. EMERSON ported here from army headquarters department ROBERT E ing report Brig.-Gen- . -- Hawaiian: public, the Y. tional food commission, who urged British and French the to Charles today made WILLIAM L. WARREN ANTHONY SETO in Flanders that G. : that all grading in sugar futures be on-th- Treat, department commander, of of names of the 100 men in A. K. ALEXANDER troops are advancing e road to TW0MAU1TES list HOGARTH PETTYJOHN by Mr. MaJ. Hamilton S. Hawkins, -- stopped, as advised Hoover. Dixmude, inspector , the territory who nive been selected CYRIL F: DAMON WILLIAM H. JOHNSON Steenstraete and and have ' v 1 V. .MmhI maW tMlnln Minn GEORGE K. LARRISON effected a crossing of Steenbeke river. general. The official announcement WILLIAM Pr ALEXANDER upon which opens at Schofield Barracks on ALBERT B. CLARK' EBEN S. CUSHINGHAM Honolulu comment this action ARE JAILED in the case is as follows: ' :. - : to conclusions Jlonnt 27. - ' V-- - ADRIAN ENGELHARD ABNER T. LONGLEY is that it can be taken indicate the LONDON, Eng., Aug. 16. Continu The of the department ' inspector a, ; The appointments are segregated as FREDERICK RAWSON ANDREW M. HAMRICK Intention of the food administration ed progress on the Ypres front is re- as the result of thorough P AS SLACKERS : follows: ; ' EDWARD B. JACKSON HERBERT E. WESCOTT board to control the price of sugar ported by General Haig today. All investigation of the case of Capt John s B. ; Honolulu, C3T tmtilde Honolulu. S; LEWIS T. LYMAN FREDERICK H. AUSTIN during the war. German counter-attack- at Lens have Ludy, Medical Reserve Corps, In : rliaO,: ; 14; 4 KauaL 4 ; Hawaii, v e; MAGRUDER G. MAURY BERNHARD H. KNOLLENBERG "It's another step to eliminate been repulsed and the gains made connection with the death Jot Miss S 8.-- .'- - ; Army "";y CHARLES O.' MURRAY FRANK L. JAMES speculation in a food staple, and along yesterday by the Canadians have Berg are given in the following letter ' " The appointments .were made by HERRICK C. BROWN ALAN S. DAVIS the same lines as proposed by the ad been consolidated. During the last two days seven transmitting the- - report of investlga-- CoL Charles 8 Lincoln in charge of W1LLARDC ROSS JOHN H. BAKER ministration to control the price of Premier David Lloyd George, speak men who come within the age tlon to the department - commander. f i reserve corps work In . the .Hawaiian ALFRED R. BAIRD ' HARVEY I. CASSIDY wheat," said 'a prominent sugar ing In the house of commons today, limit and who failed to reglster-- The conclusions reached and opinions . Department, with the approval of ALBERT B. CARTER, JR HARRY F. LUCAS agency executive when shown the As- said Sir Douglas Haig reported the on July 31 for military service, expressed by the inspector have ' been Brig.-Ge- n. Charles . G. Treat, former HARRY .HENRY MORRIS H. FORBES sociate Press despatch today. capture of Langemarck, with 1200 have been turned over to the can-- approved by the commanding gen - department, who - guns . ' tomminder of the EDAR ANDERSON GEORGE. HUTCHINSON Another admitted that suspending prisoners and five by noon to tral registration board by the U. eral: . noon today. HOWARD, day. an---f . left for the mainland a JOHN 8. B. PRATT, J R FRED L. JR of the trading in sugar futures on the S. marshal's office, It waa "1. The following report of investl . training Many strategical - Thoie selected ;for the FREDERICK C. MOORE ALFRED L. MARKS New York exchange probably indi points were also nounced today. One young Ha- gatlon is submitted. First come the Z camp, which la to be commanded by BENJAMIN H. WATSON JOSEPH A. GILMSN, JR government to reported taken, said the premier. waiian did not register as ha was tatements and sworn testimony of ' Infantry, cated that the intends speech Capt ElvinHunt of the 22nd WALLACE M'KAY COOPER ROBERT D. KING fix a maximum figure at which sugar whose was received with not sure of his age, he told the witnesses available. Second, a brief compromise, men from various walks RALPH E. DOTY. S. M. CARTER great enthusiasm. marshal's office. A search of shall seU, If . the price continues to ad- summary of the evidence. r cf life 'and who. In turnrepresent a ALLAN RENTON WILLIAM A. SIMPSON ' records, however, revealed the ' vance. ' f "2. My - conclusions are the .score or more1 professions. From Ho- ADDINGTON L. WISE that LEWIS ABSHIRE. BERLIN, Germany, Aug. 16. The fact that he was 21. evidence la not poaiUve, but only, circ- nolulu has been taken --.the largest FRANK D. SULLIVAN JOHN F. CRAELIUS unusn are aiiacsmg toaay on an '," umstantial, and that .'this circum- .of men. 63 in all, Maui com eleven-mil- e number ANDREW FARRELL LESTER C CLARK front The cathedral at la ing next with, a or 1 - Many BETTIN stantial evidence in favor of Capt total -- HENRY P. O'SULLIVAN GEORGE T. NEWS Quentin is aflame from French - - LATE St Ludys innocence. Certainly y guard . are among " there ls nrtlcsal officers shells. Hawalians on the island . of those selected, as well as several of nothing on .which he could be. con-- In ,rfportedihatGen. --Von. Macken-- TWO Kama dUManuel - Ifya-cfiurrirT- -- tha criglial 10 men who 'were to leave HAWAII Jt 'vfcfef sen is still advancing along Kaina have been arrested by - here for the officers reserre camp at ANXIETY FELT FOR MARU the Sereth tary, civil or crlminaL - v . , B. BOAT-3- 4 river,' and has captured 3500 prisoners Sheriff Clem Crowell on a charge of 1 Preiid,-.CBfornIa- y .,.. JOHN D. EASTON LEWIS WITHERS DAYS OUT ."3. therefore recommend that be .' the ,i and cannon.' having falsified as to correct On Japanese, Kenlchi - SakaL la WILLIAM H. J. KELLER ALBERT McDOUGALL SAN FRANCISCO, Cal, Aug. 16. sixteen .their be so informed, and. that in view ef GEORGE; H. WASHBURN KINICHE SAKAI Great anxiety is being felt for the ages in order to evade registration. the damage to his reputation that the (Continued on Page 10- ;- - S safety of Kotohlra Maru, 34 days VIENNA", Austria, Aug. 16 Austrian Both men will be brought to Oahu to -! .v. I :;.' the publicity given to the case has caused, . ' ' ? out from Kobe. is 15 days over airmen raided the arsenal Venice, appear before the central board on -- v-- - 5-- :' She at a statement be made and published in ' .' Italy,;and dropped ' i r,iAu; due, and has not been reported by four tons of bombs, registration. the press to the effect thst an exhaus- ; any was reported today. alleged gave ; e. WILLIAM H. YOUNfc passing steamers.