4 of Kings •srmatio on Berna and evolu MIKAEL ALM & BRITT-INGER JOHANSSON (EDS.) Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia utges av Historiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet och syftar till att sprida information om den forskning som bedrivs vid och i anslutning till institutionen. Huvudredaktör: Mikael Alm Redaktion: Josefin Englund, Jonas Lindström, Cristina Prytz och Patrik Winton. Löpande prenumeration tecknas genom skriftlig anmälan till Opuscula, Historiska institutionen, Box 628, 751 26 Uppsala,
[email protected], http://www.hist.uu.se/opuscula/ Enstaka nummer kan beställas från Swedish Science Press, Box 118, 751 04 Uppsala, www.ssp.nu,
[email protected], telefon 018/36 55 66, telefax 018/36 52 77 Scripts of Kingship Essays on Bernadotte and Dynastic Formation in an Age of Revolution MIKAEL ALM & BRITT-INGER JOHANSSON (EDS.) Distribution Swedish Science Press, Box 118, 751 04 Uppsala
[email protected], www.ssp.nu Cover illustration: Pehr Krafft (the Younger), The Coronation of Charles XIVJohn in Stockholm 1818 (detail). Nationalmuseum. Photo: Nationalmuseum, Stockholm. © The authors Graphic design: Elina Antell Print: Reklam & katalogtryck AB, Uppsala 2008 ISSN 0284-8783 ISBN 978-91-977312-2-5 Editors' Preface The following nine essays emanate from the interdisciplinary project The Making of a Dynasty (Sw: En dynasti blir till. Medier, myter och makt kring Karl XIV Johan), financed by The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and directed by Nils Ekedahl. The introduction by Solfrid Söderlind is written specifically for this book, and Torkel Janssons contribution is an elaborated version of a previously published artide. The remaining seven essays were all presented as conference papers at the European Social Science and History Conference (ESSHC) in Amsterdam in March 2006.