Results of the environmental monitoring of the recent expansion of Port of

Jüri Elken, Marine Systems Institute, of Technology,

Overview based on a large number of individual contributors

main institutions: Marine Systems Institute, Tallinn University of Technology Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu

Environment Commission of the Central Dredging Association (CEDA) Marine Systems Institute at Tallinn University of Technology (MSI) International seminar "Dredging and the Environment“ Tallinn, 15-16 October 2008 Coastal sea research areas

Permanent areas (harbors)

Pulp mill Kunda Sewage NarvaRiver mouth Muuga New Tallinn harbor Dredging Paldiski Lehtma


Virtsu Veere IcePärnu Dredging KuressaareDredging

Projects Harbours in N & NW Estonia Port developments include several environmental risk issues. According to Estonian environmental law the environmental impact assessment (EIA) is compulsory if the amount of dredging or dumping during the construction is more than 10 000m3 of sediments.

The normal EIA in case of harbor development expands upon the following possible environmental impacts:

•Heavy metals and oil products in sediments •Meteorological conditions (winds) •Hydrodynamical conditions (water level, waves, currents) •Marine biota (bottom fauna, bottom flora, fish, birds) •And socio-economical impacts.

After the EIA is accepted by the Ministry of Environment the necessary environmental monitoring program is worked out for every case. The most important part of monitoring program is monitoring the impact to marine environment during the dredging. Wintering of globally endangered Steller’s Eider

From report by Kuresoo et al. Observations near Tagamõisa peninsula, NW Saaremaa

Tarmo Kõuts, Janek Laanearu Spatial probability of oil pollution EIA-related study of planned deep harbor sites, NW Saaremaa

Method: • calculate currents for long (≈year) period, that it covers basic wind statistics • release drifters from point source every Lagrangian time step • recollect drifter positions after specified inetrval (24 h) • average “final positions” over entire calculation period Motivation, social alarm due to: • nearby nature reserve (Vilsandi National Park) • wintering places for globally endangered birds

Jüri Elken New Saaremaa Harbour, operational since 2006 New Saaremaa Harbour, monitoring of coastal processes / damages

Results from 2006-2008:

Coastal changes correspond to the stormy periods with high waves, influence of port structures on natural coastal dynamics was not identified

Jüri Kask, Andres Kask New Saaremaa Harbour, measurements of wave activity

measurements in October 2007 near harbour

wind speed Modelling showed that SWAN model derived significant wave heights were well correlated with the wind direction measured ones, whereas model overpredicted small wave events and underpredicted significant wave significant wave height events. The wave climate of the bay is rather mild and the highest waves are expected during north- westerly storms.

Results are used also for adjustment and verification of wave models, necessary for calculation of sediment transport, oil drift etc

Tarmo Kõuts, Kaimo Vahter, Victor Alari New Saaremaa Harbour, measurements of currents measurements in July 2007 near harbour

Currents are small, but important for spreading of accidental pollution to sensitive areas

measurements in October 2007 near harbour

Tarmo Kõuts, Kaimo Vahter, Victor Alari New Saaremaa Harbour, monitoring of phytobenthos

sampling grid results from 2007

species dependence on depth

Fraction of one-year species has been persistent over longer time. Effects of harbour could not been identified.

Georg Martin et al New Saaremaa Harbour, monitoring of zoobenthos

Mean number of species

ANOSIM tests show, that Mean number of species by changes are random/natural. groups: III – pollution sensitive Effects of harbour could not been identified.

Jonne Kotta et al New Saaremaa Harbour, monitoring of fish

Mean catches of herring (Räim), flounder (Lest), cod (Tursk) and other fishes (Muud)

Flounder catches have been stable. Herring catches have been influenced mainly by interannual weather variations.

Ahto Järvik, Toomas Saat et al : harbours and their expansions

Port of Tallinn comprises:

Vanasadam (Old City Harbour) Harbour Paldiski South Harbour cargo cargo Saaremaa Harbour

Harbour Old City Muuga Paljassaare Paldiski Saaremaa Harbour Harbour Harbour South Harbour Harbour Location ϕ=59°27′N ϕ= 59°30′N ϕ=59°27′N ϕ=59°20′N ϕ=58°32,4′N λ=24°46′E λ =24°58′E λ=24°42′E λ=24°05′E λ=22°14,4′E Harbour territory (ha) 54,2 524,2 43,6 114,7 10,08 Harbour aquatory (ha) 75,9 752,0 35,5 137,2 44,3 Canal Width (m) none none 90 - 150 90 - 150 none Canal Depth (m) none none 9,0 14,0 none No. of quays 23 28 11 8 3 Total length of quays (m) 4166,5 5900 1859 1442,5 445 Max. depth (m) 10,7 18,0 9,0 13,5 10,0 Max Length of vessels (m) 320 300 190 230 200 Max Width of vessels (m) 40 48 30 35 30 Muuga Harbour 2001 Muuga Harbour 2007 Muuga Harbour: planned extensions

present Paldiski South Harbour 2007 Paldiski South Harbour: present scheme and planned extensions Muuga Harbour: phytobenthos

Muuga laht Number of species 1997-2007 20

10 5 Liikide arv (Transekt 1)



Results 2007 5

4 Transect 1 (1.5 km to East) 3 7 7 7 5 6 7 5 5 4 • Increase of diversity in 2005-2006 was not 2 3 3

persistent 1

• Clay-hoggin sediment was replaced by 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 sandy substrates Aasta Liikide arv (transekt 2)

13 Transect 2 (1.5 km to West) 12 11

10 • Species composition has somewhat changed. 9 8 13 13 Number of species has been stable. 7 12 • Due to increased transparency, 6 5 9 8 8 8 8 phytobenthos spreads down to 12 m depth. 4 7 6 3 5



0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Georg Martin, Natalia Savinitš et al Aasta Muuga Harbour: zoobenthos

Macoma balthica ja Mytilus trossuluss biomasside muutused sügavustel 5-30 m

900 Mytilus trossulus 800 Macoma balthica 700 biomass Water quality has improved since 1990s: 600 500

400 biomass • Macoma balthica ja Mytilus trossulus 300 200

biomass and abundance had decreased 100

0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 • crayfish abundance has increased aasta

Macoma balthica ja Mytilus trossulus arvukuse muutused Vähilaadsete arvukuste muutused sügavustel 5-30 m sügavustel 5-30 m

800 6000 Macoma balthica 700 Mytilus trossulus 5000 600

500 4000 abundance

400 3000

300 arvukus arvukus is/m2 2000 200 1000 100 0 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 aasta aasta

Ilmar Kotta, Jonne Kotta, Helen Orav et al Muuga Harbour: fish

• To the West, in Tammneeme region, water Dynamics and structure of fish quality has decreased catches • To the East, fish populations are decreasing E monitoring 100% • Fish stocks have decreased in the PerchAhven extended harbor aquatory 80% Lest 60% Flounder • Further to the East, the influence of 40% harbour is not significant Räim Meritint 20% Särg Teised Viidikas 0% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

NW monitoring 2007 Fish species 100% Teised

80% Külmaveelised Viidikas; 4 Nurg; 1 Räim Vim b; 2 Räim; 5 Lest 60% Lest; 15 Flounder Meritint Kiisk; 1 FlounderLest Ahven 40% Kiisk 20% Meritint; 2 Vim b Ahven Ahven ; 27 Perch Viidikas 0% 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Nurg

Ahto Järvik, Robert Aps et al Muuga Harbour: coastal dynamics

Randvere region • stable

Saviranna region • small replacements of fine sediments

Jüri Kask, Andres Kask Current measurements

Buoy 4 months 1996

Historical current mapping 1975-1989 altogether 518 measurements, incl 397 measurements in surface layer 0-10 m, Validation of model: daily mean currents Southerly winds Northerly winds

Westerly winds Easterly winds Oil pollution by tanker “Alambra”, september 2000

18.09.2000 12:00 19.09.2000 00:00

19.09.2000 12:00 20.09.2000 00:00 Observed coastal pollution Spatial probability of oil pollution Muuga harbour Control of environmental effects of dredging operations Paldiski Harbour, 2002-2003

Tarmo Kõuts, Urmas Raudsepp, Liis Sipelgas et al Daily amounts of dredged material

Total amount of dredged material 1 705 799 m3

sand, silt, clay Sediment examples Marine Systems Institute has long time expertise for port dredging and construction monitoring. During dredging activities coastal waters receive considerable amount of suspended material. The sea area affected by resuspended sediments depend on the amount of matter released in the water and the transport by currents. For continuous monitoring of distribution of suspended sediments during the dredging activities we have used combination of:

Remote sensing, numerical modelling and in situ measurements Remote sensing Several optical remote sensing sensors (MODIS, MERIS) provide satellite images over Baltic Sea every day. Such high temporal resolution is necessary of continuous monitoring. In our work we have used MODIS images with spatial resolution of 250 meters what are converted into suspended matter concentration according to our calibration algorithm.

Numerical modeling Hydrodynamical and particle transport model is used continuously during the construction period for calculation of SPM distribution.

In situ measurements During the dredging also surveys of water transparency, temperature and salinity along with taking water samples from the surface layer are performed. Concentrations of suspended matter are determined by laboratory analyses of the water samples.

Satellite images give the SM distribution on cloud free days; particle transport model is used to evaluate the situation on cloudy days and also can be used to give a forecast for SM distribution. Results of operational monitoring provide data for assessment of harbor dredging impact on marine biota. 2D model + particle tracking

grid step 125 m

Main problem: sediment cloud should not move to the sensitive fish spawning areas in the south Example of the method, dredging of Paldiski South Harbour in 2002/2003 Suspended matter distribution Model result SPM concentration estimated from MODIS image

Winds form the Dredging northern directions, site April 25, 2003 mg/L

Winds form the southern directions, May 11, 2003 Modeling gives opportunity also to calculate the SPM distribution forecast

Forecast of suspended matter distribution by the model; an example of 12 hours forecast Forecast 18.05.2003; 12.00 Hindcast 18.05.2003; 12.00

Exceptional permit was given: operational monitoring and forecast system had to give warnings if fish spawning damage could occur Current work in Paldiski South Harbour

28.August 2008, SPM (mg/L) from water 5.September 2008, SPM (mg/L) from samples water samples

7.7 29 59.4 7.3 7.7 1.6 6.9 59.4 7.3 2 6.5 6.9 2 6.1 6.5 5.7 0.8 6.1 1.8 3.6 5.3 5.7 Dredging 3.2 59.35 4.9 5 5.3 59.35 4.5 4.9 3.6 1.8 3.8 site 2.8 4.1 2.4 3 29 4.5 2 1.6 1.6 2 1.8 3.7 4.1 3.3 1.2 1 1.8 1.6 3.7 2.6 2.2 4.2 2.9 3.3 59.3 1.2 1.6 1.4 2.5 59.3 2.9 2.1 2.5 1.7 2.1 1.3 1.7 0.9 1.3 59.25 0.5 0.9 23.94 23.96 23.98 24 24.02 24.04 24.06 24.08 24.1 24.12 24.14 59.25 0.5 23.94 23.96 23.98 24 24.02 24.04 24.06 24.08 24.1 24.12 24.14

SPM concentration raised from 3mg/L to 30 mg/L within a week in dredging area Monitoring of sand mining from Muuga Bay. For Muuga harbor expansion the sand mine was opened in the sea. The expensive mining caused high SPM concentration in surrounding water and it was well seen on MODIS images.

6. Sept 2003, before mining 20. Sept 2003, beginning of mining

1. Oct 2003, mining period SPM 10. Oct 2003, mining period concentration up to 30-40 mg/L in SPM concentration up to 30-40 red area mg/L in red area

Liis Sipelgas Spreading of suspended matter near the Prangli sand mining site 1. October 2003

Andres Kask