A-24 THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington, D. C. SPNPAT. AUQUST IS. ISS7 SALAMED DOC TORS—SOCIALISM? Hospitals Like Payroll Medicine By PHIL YEAGER and hospital—is making its appear- scious doctors gravitate toward The court forced discontinuance JOHN STARK Met. each other. of the arrangement as an “Illegal ft "socialised medicine” walk- Among other reasons which Certain specialists in the medi- corporate practice of medicine.” ing in America’s back door? prompt them, hospitals are hav- cal profession are thus joining Moreover, its decision seems to A lot of professional people on ing a difficult time making ends hospital staffs, on salary, at a have carried particular weight the inside of the medical scene meet. Many are operating in the rapidly increasing rate: This is since the defendant hospital in are beginning wonder. red. Through no fault of their especially true of doctors working the case was a nan-profit organi- to own. they need money Ptaviously, element and frankly in medical areas such as anes- zation which claimed exemption the classic admit it. One way getting thesia, pathology, sponsorship of the radiology, psy- from the law on that basis. It of Government and money is via salaried employes chiatry control is absent, but one of the and treatment by radio- made no difference. licensed to practice medicine. The active processes. adopt sure symptoms of the socialised by Whether other States will theory is that being able to bill Across the field, the potent strong medicine concept—the salaried patients attitudes as as lowa’s is a physician—is waxing for doctors services as State and national medical or- question only the future can an- strong on a well as hospital care, the national basis. hospitals' ganizations which want the trend swer. But the AMA and its satel- can make enough to pay their reversed believe they have two big reported hopeful Curiously employed lites are of . enough, this little- medics and have a tidy forces working (I) The making produce publicised development for them: the future more in United amount left over. law, and (2) the British example. such answers with a minimum of States medical practice is reported What’s wrong with this? While the number of court bat- delay. to be splitting the two most pow- The organised medical view—- tles involving the point have been erful entities in the field—the hos- with which, incidentally, many few, is No High Court Decision pitals it established in American and the organised medical pliyaidans disagree—is that the law that corporations which The lone case of the kind ever societies. salaried practitioner leads to hospitals are cannot practice appealed to the The hospitals would prefer to mediocre medicine. He works a medicine. Supreme Court, by the way, was have more doctors and staff mem- 40-hour week and is likely to A few States have expressly refused certiorari. It was a Cali- bers as salaried employes. The produce an inferior brand of “40- provided to this effect in statutes. fornia dispute which the Supreme doctors, or at least the big medi- hour medicine.” As a salaried Most of them, however, cover the Court at that time (1939) appar- cal societies, vigorously disap- doctor he joins an administrative same ground by implication. That ently felt was purely a matter for prove. hierarchy and must hew closely to is, the statutory requirements set State decision. Os course, this In fact, the American Medical the medical views of his superior up for licensing medical practi- doesn’t guarantee a similar attl- < gets Association is evidencing an in- —or he the boot. He daze tioners are drawn so as to extend tude by today’s Court which may tent to fight only not dissent, branch out, experi- only to natural persons. well accept the next similar ap- JUST HEAT AND the trend not ment, EAT—The farmer's share of the food dollar drops as consumers demand more service. through revised codes of medical criticize accepted theories, From such laws as these the peal for review. ethics, etc. Result: Slow medical progress Courts Os Illinois, ¦ the anti-salary but in the Legislatures and at and Meanwhile, eourts of States in all parts of the best. California, for example, have uni- group points with considerable country. Whether fills theory is sound or formly deduced that the "mani- to recent reports more and effect from Lon- It willbe no small task. not. more doctors are fest intent of the Legislature” don which suggest marked dissat- finding it hard to resist the siren Processing Costs Cut Farmers' According survey was to exclude corporations isfaction among English to a recent song of steady from doctors 4 made by Medical Inc., a salary. And. like medical practice. And, courts with Economics. the hospitals, appear the their salaried schemes. an independent professional jour- these doctors add. corporations which “prac- average to be motivated primarily by fi- tice” The British doctor has nal, the percentage of doctors through employes who are earned only a little over $6,000 a going into salaried positions is nancial considerations. But their licensed may be held liable for eyes are open.' year since his one and only pay Share of Consumers' Dollar now three times greater than dur- violations of the licensing laws. raise was approved by the govern- ing the pre-World War I era. al- Offers Mors Security Itis possible to argue, and it has ment In 1951. Each doctor serves By OVID A. MARTIN fanner got about 40 cents from ting the food from the farmer to They . most twice as great as it was 12 recognize the salary been argued, that hospitals which a panel of not more than 3,500 For decades the farmer was the each food dollar and others got the dinner table. years ago. scheme means a smaller lifetime employ doctors on a salary basis patients and gets a flat annual fee major stockholder, so to speak, 60 cents. Developments indicate Labor’s share also them, but they like are actually engaging has bean About IS per cent of the doctors income for not in the of $2.38 for each. This has in the Nation’s food industry. that the farm share may drop increasing a long upward example, security They practice under graduated in 1915, for the it offers. like of medicine even though worked out to an average yearly is not so today. even lower this year, as well as in movement in the wage seals, as gone jobs. the idea of having retirement they charge patient directly salary That He has have into salaried Os an- the of $6,221 which remains relegated position the years to come. well as the addition, in nuities by employ- the physician’s been to a of a recent the mid-1940 's crop, some 27 per built for them for salaried serv- constant regardless of services minority has Much of this change reflects the years, of such worker benefits as are on salary. Today it ers. Presently, they must build ices. New York State, apparently, holder. He been cent is rendered. forced by developments to trade desire of today’s housewife to turn social insurance, private pensions, estimated that 40 per cent of the their own. without the benefits takes this view. Even more serious. United places over to others the task of preserv- grants security with processors and dis- welfare and compensation new medics will become salaried. either of social or tax The precise point was recently States medical groups say, is the tributors. ing, preparing and even cooking for injuries. exemption on income put aside raised in a legal battle fact that their British counter- Brooder Opportunity between the top the family meals. This is reflected for the purpose. They lean Hospital parts feel desperately by When farmer was the Wage Rates Rising the lowa Association and limited man, of the money con- in a steady increase in retail sales One of the big reasons for this, toward the happy thought of reg- the lowa State the well-meaning but medically the bulk reports Board of Medical sumers spent went to of cakes, pies and other pastries Government show that of course, is the increased oppor- ular hours, a status in which they . Examiners. The contention of the ignorant the lay for food average hourly administration of the tillers of the soil. In the early which once were baked in the the earnings of tunity for salaried jobs. Industry are not likely to be pressed hospital, which followed the fore- office holders who regulate the food Industry an setting up into duty any years of the country, processing home. workers increased and business have been at moment and going procedure in regard to its country's medical practice. Small It is prepared average of 5 per year and because which they count and transportation played minor reflected in cake cent last their own health programs of can pathological and X-ray depart- wonder, they add, that a fifth of and pie mixes, canned and frozen and now are 50 per cent higher hiring their own doctors. Labor on holidays and adequate time flatly rejected upcoming roles. This was particularly true ments, was in court. Britain’s young doctors processing. soups, pre-prepared meats and than in the 1947-49 average. organizations are beginning to fol- with their families. Finally, in Itwas all right hospital are migrating of for the to Australia, Canada bought vegetables, and numerous other Total profits taxes low suit. Many private clinics and view of current Federal tax struc- to provide Consumers most of their before income these facilities and bill and the United States. food preparations once made up of corporations from processing, group practice organizations op- tures. they must work a great deal the doctors for use, the food in the raw or unprocessed their Inside United States medical The curing, canning, in the home. wholesaling and retailing erate cm salary set-ups. Medical harder as self-employed to pro- court ruled; salary any nobody form. the farm- but to circles seems to want to drying, In other words, the produced and domestically research is booming and creating duce even a slightly higher take- and patients give salary-issue the the preparation and food indus- con- doctor bill his “would odds on the cooking try is selling maid and cooking sumed products outlet for per- home pay than they get as salaried give hospitals right the were done in the food are estimated a sizeable salaried the to hire battle. About the only thing as- services along with pro- by the government Salaried teaching jobs are employes. specialists home. the foods at $1 billion sonnel. medical in all fields of sured is that an intramedical years duced by the Figures not expanding. These tend to make the Including putting sur- scrap is shaping But as the went by. service fanner. for 1956. were avail- also factors medicine. up, and it prom- unite up able on profits unincorporated Now additional factor—the hospitals and the security-con- geons on salary.” ises to be a corker! were set outside homes Budgets of an to do more and more of the Restricts firms. Profits of corporations after processing and preparation. Along Some farm leaders say this taxes were estimated at S9OO mil- with this went Increasing shares hurts fanners—at least to some lion compared with SBOO millionin of consumer expenditures for food. extent. They say that in the case the 1947-49 period. There came the meat packing of lower-income families this pur- Other costs in getting food to VIRGINIA REPORT chase * of services the __ » Plante, the flour mills, the butter these restricts consumer were estimated at a I , and cheese makers, the canning the total volume of food such fam- total of $9.9 billion last year com- companies, the bakeries and more ilies are able to buy. They argue pared with $7.3 billionin the 1947- lately the food freezing and cook- that ifmore families bought more 49 period. These costs Include Bad News for Old Dominion's Highways ing plants. food in the unprocessed form, they fuel, electric power, containers, No longer does the farmer get could purchase a much larger and supplies, depreciation, rente, taxes perhaps By MART LOU WERNER ...,. A ... . honored customs easily. Instead of the major portion of the consumer more selective volume. other than income, interest on bor- mmmmmm- rowed capital profits Tfce Virginia Advisory Legisla- proposing that the present fund food dollar. This portion now goes The amount received by labor and on unin- distribution system be scrapped, to the processing, transporting and employed in processing, transport- corporated marketing firms. and the State’s two - tive Council : aSw Vs; engineers phases ing major for •a ¦ ¦ v the came forth with distributing of the food and distributing farm pro- What has "happened to farm candidates Governor industry. a proposed high- what they thought was k “com- duced foods was not too far behind prices since 1947-48—a period of have blackballed promise proposal’’ rising way expansion program that would to set up an On the Short End the amount farmers received. The returns for other segments have brought millions of dollars in equalisation fund for distribution government estimates labor’s of the food Industry? They have solely Latest government figures nearly gone road improvements to trafflc- on the basis of need. The show share at sl4 billion. down 8 per cent. Net farm additional gas tax and registra- that in 1956 consumers spent Labor’s share has been going up income dropped from an average clogged ireas -like Northern Vir- roughly ginia. tion fee were suggested to finance S4B billionfor foods pro- as the farm share has been declin- of sl6 billion in the 1947-49 period new duced on American farms. Os ing. princi- to year. extra money to be the fund. this This is a reflection about sl2 billion last But All of the amount, the fanner got about sl9 pally of the fact that consumers this decline has been offset to raised from a penny increase in Only 23 Years billion. The buying some extent by the gasoline remainder—s 29 bil- are more and more maid fact that there the State’s tax and a $2 lion—went to processors, cooking a somewhat popu- registration With the Income, en- trans- and services with their is smaller farm boost in automobile added the porters and taking consulting gineers figured the State could distributors. food. It is more and more lation now. fees, which a firm of Stated in a different way, get- (AumlMPm) engineers recommended, was to go catch up with its highway needs the workers to handle the Job of where it is needed most—and in 23 years. At least 70 per cent Northern Virginia ranks at the of the backlog could be taken care top of the list. of in 13 years, they reported. But the VALC last week spurned One of the reasons given by REPORT the whole idea and recommended the VALC for rejecting the con- that the State stick to present sultants’ revenue plan offers a revenues—even though they ad- clue to what is wrong with the mittedly willfall far short of get- State’s lagging highway program. ting Virginia The VALC said the extra money Ocean City's roads out of the Political Mecca NOT ENOUGH—Virginio's highway outlook is gloomior now. not the * “would reduce backlog rumble seat era. I immediately, it, By CHARLES L. for Attorney General J. Lindsay nor would for a HOFFMAN Governor. “What a bombshell but went on to defeat In the long time, even was,” the girls say. Almond, Jr., the Democratic nom- glnla under the existing highway categories in the State system are provide sufficient Chances are that if you want that still November general election. Governor, Repub- .fund distribution system. urban roads, primary roads, and revenues to do away with the con- to talk with a Maryland politician being The decision to throw the anti- inee for and his struction backlog.” In 1955 when he was men- lican opponent, State Senator Ted Current distribution formulae the new Federal interstate roads. during the next two weeks you tioned prominently as a senatorial Mahoney support behind Mrs. Dalton, cheered the VALC de- are based on a number of factors Even in the present system of Perhaps in an off-election year, willhave to go to Ocean City. candidate, the Mayor walked into Tydlngs came after a long round population, road mileage, distributing among go cision, saying that they likewise —such as funds the four the Btate will after the extra The playground the meeting and accused Control- of “conferences” in a literally etc.—which do not necessarily re- types of roads, highway seaboard for opposed the recommended tax different the con- Income it needs. The many years has been drawing ler J. Millard Tawes and George smoke-filled room at 801 Board- flect an area’s needs. sultants found inequities. They VALC did not deny the need was the Mahoney Increases. State's political leaders (especially P. of making a deal to walk. The consultants found that said present allocation methods, there, and virtually admitted that give the senatorial cottage With such formidable oppo- present setup, Democratic chieftains) and their Democratic That is the frame that it unlikely that the under the one with current revenues, would allow additional revenues must be nomination to Mr. Mahoney last is headquarters during August of sition. seems county be able the secondary system sought eventually. suggested families for the last two weeks of consultants' recommendations will would not to un- to fulfill 54 It August. year in exchange tor his support the County contingent. dertake any secondary per by get anywhere road work cent of its needs 1970, the that "after the highway depart- of Mr. Tawes for the guberna- past. when the General during years, primary system After simmering and stewing in This year, as in the Na- Assembly meets next January. the next 13 while 60 per cent of its ment has expanded sufficiently to torial race next year. J. another county needs, system only their own political indecision all tional Committeeman Michael would have three and the urban make efficient use of additional biggest Birmingham play Perhaps the recommended gas times as much money as it needed 39 per cent its needs. funds, given summer the bhoys Are fit to be But the excitement will host at the of consideration can be year cottage cocktail party that tax and registration increases are for secondary roads. But the providing tied when they arrive there, and came last when “Mr. to a consultants were wise to the additional funds Mayor” spoke briefly spills not the most palatable way to Secondary roads are the so- enough to realise that Virginia is required to down the backlog almost anything can be expected at a Satur- over onto the beach on Sat- money, cut day suggested urday night. raise additional highway called farm-to-market roads. Other not a State to give up its time- of estimated needs.” during their stay. luncheon and that but the consultants' statistics pre- a woman be considered to replace And after that Mr. Tawes, who Announcements of candidates, Tydings appears sent an impressive case for more charges charges, ex-Senator Millard E. as to be out in front as a and counter party’s gubernatorial funds from some source—and wheeling dealing the standard bearer against candidate, and his and and cam- will follow this party with quickly. paign along Senator John Marshall Butler. wife an- kickoffs are* old hat reception engineering place other at the Atlantic The New York firm REVIEW THE WEEK the boardwalk. The went wild, and over- Hotel. of Parsons, Brinckerhofl. Hall and OF The Democratic hopefuls’ stage night Mrs. Eleanor Tydlngs, who by Most observers close to the Macdonald was retained the Continued from Page A-tl start a war the public, the for their antics quite regularly previously had declined the nom- year ago study Vir- because she has a press and television Mayor do not believe he willan- VALC a to sobering respect for American in recent years has been the ination, fell back on her preroga- gubernatorial ginia’s ailing highway system the Interest of economy, it planned cameramen, were these: nounce his caddl- and military might. summer meeting at the Atlantic tive as a woman and changed her dacy yet, although what be to to reduce its civilian payroll by • That seven phony “paper” locals he has been recommend could done savings The fact missile Hotel of the United Democratic mind. heavy pressure Improve it. 20.000—a claimed of about that ballistic of the Teamsters Union were under to make a <8 milliona month. development escaped the economy quickly chartered in New York in Women’s Clubs. Phones Were Busy move from some of his closest as- Last January, the engineers sub- ax was due to the to While years ago sociates. The Mayor, however, Aircraft manufacturers with Air frantic drive 1955 with the only purpose being a few the The Mahoney is mitted their report. They tailored produce at the earliest possible meeting forces, which timing Force contracts asked to cut to rig a crucial upcoming election. was no more than a in control the a master at the art of and their study to coincide with the were date these weapons which now Sunday afternoon tea recep- were of women’s he not feel the time is ripe, high- their payroll costs by 5 per cent As a result, the committee was and meeting, does 13-year Federal Interstate appear to stage of ladies, recently were incensed and tele- reports he plans by October, the only exception be- be near the told, John O'Rourke, close asso- tion for the more phone City but there are way program, and found that even perfection. The expanded lines out of Ocean be- ing those with ballistic missile ballistic missiles—- ciate of James R. Holla, Teamster it has been to three gan buzzing “some excitement.” with the added millions in Federal and 5,000-mlle range days and has produced of as both sides sought Around the County enough contracts. -1.500-mlle kingpin and probable successor to some up support meeting Baltimore money there wouldn't be weapons—receive their power the political to line for the headquarters, Mayor's Army's contemplated and Dave Beck as president of the better stories of the as at the funds from present sources to The spend- guidance at the moment years. in Baltimore the next night to home, the week end will buzz. high- ing budget of <9.170.000,000 of huge union, was elected. pick Senator Tydlngs’ successor. scratch the surface of State for launching, much in the manner year’s meeting, for Here among others will be way needs by 1970. fiscal 1958 was cut back by <220 • That Anthony Dona, racketeer This slated of a bullet fired from a rifle. Friday, Saturday As it turned out Mrs. Tydlngs found Senator John Graaon Turn- They million, to a celling of <8,950,- Johnny Dio. cashed a