WOMEN AT WORK IN CULTURAL AND COMMUNITY CONTEXT : A CASE FROM DARJEELING TEA GARDENS A Thesis submitted for Ph.D .. Degree in Arts ( Sociology and Social Anthropology) University of North Bengal ;' ( : • ', 1 DECEivH3ER. 2004 Smt. Indumati Rai CE·NTRE FOR HIMALAYAN STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL District- Datjeeling, Pin- 734 430 West Bengal India Ret 3ot.Lif 2 oqs-414 R 14'1 w 17~)117 ~ 3 DE~ 2B05 Pro/ o/ Socio/og'j and Social __Anthropo/og'jJ Centre Jor ..JJimalq'Jan Studie6 UniverJit'J o/ Y/orth Bengal ::biJt. ::barjeeling) WB. J-ndia- 734430 Prof. Sekh Rahim Mandai, M.Sc.; Ph.D Dr. Charuchandra Sanyal Chair Professor of Anthropology and Sociology Centre for Himalayan Studies & Head, Department of Anthropology University of North Bengal Dt. Darjeeling (W.B.), India, Pin- 734430 RefNo ...................... Phone (Res.)- 91·353-2581-123 Fax (Off.)- 91-353-2581-546 Date ...... .•.. .0 email :
[email protected] t!{ .~.(2.. 1 CERTIFICATE It gives me immense pleasure to certify that the thesis entitled "Women at Work in Cultural and Community Context : A Case from Darjeeling Tea Gardens" has been prepared by Smt. lndumati Rai under my supervision and guidance. · Smt. Rai has prepared this thesis on the basis of her own investigation, observation and analysis. She has fulfilled the rules and regulations governing the preparation of doctoral thesis of the University ofNorth Bengal. This is an original research work. To the best of my knowledge, realization and belief this thesis or any part of it has not been submitted to any other University or institution for any degree or qualification whatsoever.