Can Your Pet Win a Costume Contest? Everyone Meet Luke and I’M Ready

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Can Your Pet Win a Costume Contest? Everyone Meet Luke and I’M Ready October 2012 Published Since November 1968 Only Good News For 44 Years VOLUME 44 NO. 10 Can your pet win a costume contest? Everyone meet Luke and I’m ready. Don’t you - a resident of the Azteca just love treats!” Building and a Shitzu- Luke joins Spirit, Maltese who likes to dress Max, Ozzy, Gizmo, Pearl, up as a bumblebee for Little LuLu, Beethoven, Halloween. Pebbles and Sophie as Luke is the On Top 2012 Pet of the Month of the World Pet of the winners. Two more pets Month for October and will join the list before Pet currently joins nine other of the Year voting takes community pets in the place in January. OTOW News annual Pet Anyone can review Halloween Dog of the Year contest to be the Pet of the Year candi- Costume Contest held in January. dates by visiting http:// Luke has also be- www.ontopoftheworld- come an influence for a Month, photos will be new contest, which will The winner will be taken after the Halloween be organized by the Grey- decided by voting on the contest. hound Club and Pet Sup- Internet. For details on the plies Plus of Clearwater. If your pet is not Greyhound Club costume On Saturday, Oct. 20, Luke registered for Pet of the contest, see page 44. at the OTOW Dog Park, He was a Christmas pup- the Greyhound Club will py and came to live with organize a Halloween pet mom and dad when dad Zach McNatt from costume contest for com- was very sick. Pet Supplies Plus munity dogs. Luke believes he shows Gina Vittetoe, Residents are asked helped both parents get Bart and Jetti some to dress their dogs in cos- through a tough time of the Halloween tume and bring them to because after dad went costumes available the park at 11 a.m. Judg- “home,” Luke moved for dogs. ing will be at noon. with mom to keep her A panel of judges company at On Top of will decide four winners the World. and Pet Supplies Plus will “We love it here!” donate the prizes. Luke said, through a Greyhound Club translator. President Bill Sharpsteen “I love all the green said Luke has inspired a grass and all the smells. great idea and this could I meet new friends ev- become an annual event ery day when we take our if residents participate. walks. Luke, 3, lives with “The Great Pump- his mom, Anne Girard. kin day will soon be here Page 2 October 2012 ON TOP OF THE WORLD NEWS ON TOP OF THE WORLD NEWS October 2012 / Page 3 A chill may come, but life at OTOW is heating up for this winter By Kenneth Colen recommend checking out the Col- will entail a brief power outage of ap- Chairman lins Center at http://collinscenter. proximately two hours while the meter The recent change in the weath- org/2012flamendments/home-2/. I exchange is made. er has certainly been appreciated. The have included a condensed excerpt Special Construction & Restora- mornings are cooler and the evenings, into the general synopsis. I would tion: Structural Inspection and cor- although coming sooner, are pleasant. encourage you to also read the wide rection program across property to de- We are in a welcome dry period fol- range of articles in the media available termine condition, then affect repairs lowing substantial rain in late August on the web that discuss the proposed on headers, tower elements, walkways, and early September. Maybe the lawn amendments and their history. sidewalks, parapets, columns, railings, growth will slow down as well. Not to Association News: By now you center core doors, etc. is ongoing. worry though, we have a great deal to should have received a letter from the Roofing: Large scale reroofs are keep us busy. Association that the Annual Audited current and no new projects are sched- Work is progressing on the com- Financial Report for fiscal year ended uled until later in 2013. pletely renovated tennis courts. The June 30, 2012 is now available. You Floor Tile Replacement: Instal- multiple-ply resilient surface is being The actual amendments are very may request a copy of the report for lation schedule may move slower than applied. Rain has been no small fac- lengthy and difficult to understand. In your building by writing to the Asso- expected based upon condition of ex- tor in the delay. Fencing is up and the an attempt to distill down to the es- ciation Secretary at 2069 World Park- isting floor. The exact schedule is de- lighting is being installed. We hope to sence, I have provided the summary way Blvd, Clearwater, FL 33763, or by pendent on the weather. Notice will have that completed in late October. short title and a very brief explanation emailing the Association at clearwater- be posted in each building in advance 2012 State Constitutional and impact overview for each of the – please be sure to of a firm start date. Amendments: You will find a full amendments. To be fair, there is no state your building and unit number Pavement Repair: No paving is listing of these amendments in this substitute for reading the entire lan- on your request. scheduled until May of 2013. This edition of the World News. Unfortu- guage, which is available at the Florida Work Progress Outlook (remem- season just past saw a great deal of nately, the amendments to the State division of election website, http:// ber, all dates are subject to change): work completed. Constitution never seem to get the full Painting/Waterproofing: Build- Utilities Projects: Parking lot scrutiny by voters that they are due. amendments/2012-proposed.shtml. ing 48 – Front Elevation should be stall number re-stenciling are ongo- Most of the proposed amendments Dive in! starting in late October. All start ing, as are water meter box number re- have been put there by the Florida For the fiscal analysis of amend- dates are approximate and depend on stenciling. Reclaimed water expansion House of Representatives and Senate. ments 2, 4, 9, 10, & 11 all dealing with the weather. project on the west side of property The amendments represent the major- property tax reductions and their im- Electrical improvements: In- will be starting later in the fall. Addi- ity partisan perspective. pact on a “tax collection challenged” stallation of new center core stairwell tionally, replacement of aging potable Speaking of perspective, the state, I relied on the revenue estimates lighting fixtures – X buildings only water mains will be starting in October Florida Constitution will have been made by the Office of Economic and should be nearing completion by mid- as well. The majority of this work will amended 16 times in the last four elec- Demographic Research at http://edr. October. Thermal Imaging on meter entail directional drilling to minimize tion cycles. Arguably, many of the pro- bank inspections – all buildings will be open trenches. visions just don’t belong in the Flor- amendments/index. I have also pro- starting in October. This process uses Finally, Inspection Services will ida Constitution. The amendments vided a tally of the reported cost to technology to identify hot spots in cir- be continuing with landscape enforce- are the basis for laws in this State, the State. The League of Women Vot- cuitry that may need attention. ment, clutter enforcement on the front so it behooves each voter to closely ers estimates that the combined loss Progress Energy has advised us and rear porch areas of condominiums read and understand the language of in revenue to the counties and state that they will be upgrading the electric (very dangerous in a high wind situa- each amendment and the impact they would amount to over $1 billion dol- meters for elevators within the follow- tion). Tagging and removal of exces- may have, both positive and negative, lars in the first three years. That can be ing buildings: 36, 37, 47, 49, 50, 53, sive furniture and clutter in the center should they pass. a sobering thought in a time of State 54, 56, 78, 79, 64, 65, 84N, 87, 89. At core areas on the West Side of Belcher Later in this edition of the and local cut backs. this writing, we have a tentative start Road will be an ongoing matter. Aw- News, you will find a summary recap For a very well-reasoned over- date of late October for this work. ning Inspections (all buildings) are on- of the amendments in a table form. view of all the amendments, I also Advance notice will be given as this going. Page 4 October 2012 ON TOP OF THE WORLD NEWS SUMMARY RECAP Amendment #5 State Courts 2012 Florida proposed constitutional amendments The State Constitution authorizes the Supreme Court to adopt rules for the There is no substitute for reading the entire language of each amendment. practice and procedure in all courts. The constitution further provides that a rule of The Florida Division of Election website, court may be repealed by a general law enacted by a two-thirds vote of the member- tional-amendments/2012-proposed.shtml has the full text. For an in-depth review ship of each house of the Legislature. of the fiscal impact of amendments 2, 4, 9, 10, & 11 all dealing with property tax This proposed revision requires Senate confirmation of a justice of the Su- reductions, go the Office of Economic and Demographic Research at http://edr.
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