1855-JUNE 1988

compiled by




September 1988

Prepared for the U. S. Geological Survey's Regional Eartbqtµike Hazards Aesasment of the -Portland Area program

This report has not been edited or reviewed for conformity wi1h Division of Geology and Earth Resources standards and nomenclature

llr!cBI lloy!e • Commlssioner of Public Lands -iiciiuii~Al1 Slaams • ~ CONTENTS

Preface ...... _...... •...... v Author bibliography ...... •.....•...•...••.• ~·~··············l Subject index ...... •...... 263 ~' Subject index tenns •....•••....•...•.•..•...... •...... 996


Map showing the study area for the bibliography of seismic hazards of western Washington and adjacent areas ...... ,x PREFACE This bibliography and index of materials pertinent to the study of earthquake hazards in western Washington was prepared in support of the U.S. Geological Survey's Regional Earthquake Hazards Assessment of the Puget Sound-Portland Area program. Scope Geograehic:. The prpject's entral ge?graph~c foc~s is the Puget Lowland, primarily Whatcom, Skagit,7 Snohomish, King, K1tsap, Thurston, Pierce, Mason, , Cowlitz, Grays Harbor. and Island Counties, and the metropolitan Portland, Oregon, area. Studies of three other areas were included in to increase the understanding of the targeted areas: (1) The Cascade mountains, because of the 1872 earthquake, the St. Helens seismic zone, and the recent eruptions of Mount St. Helens; ( 2} The Olympic Peninsula and offshore areas, because of current research on subduction-zone earthquakes; and (3) Southwestern British Columbia (primarily southern Vancouver Island and the metropolitan Vancouver area) because of the 1946 Vancouver Island earthquake and the extensive geologic research currently being done in this area. Subject: The goal of the bibliography has been inclusion of all studies that could shed light on the causes and{or) effects of earthquakes in western Washington. Thus, the bibliography emphasizes the seismology, geophysics, and earthquake-related hazards of the targeted geographic areas and includes studies of structural geology and tectonics, glacial geology, geochronology, slope stability, soil mechanics, and other pertinent subjects. Organization This work consists of three parts: (1} AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY--Each citation is given in full and is listed alphabetically by author. Joint-author cross references are interfiled. (2) SUBJECT INDEX--Items are indexed alphabetically by subject, political and geographic area, and formation name, with subject and(or) areal subdivisions as appropriate. We have tried to provide the maximum usefulness in a brief format. Therefore: -- materials are listed both by subject subdivided by area (for example, EARTHQUAKES AND SEISMOLOGY - WASHINGTON - KING CO.) and, by area subdivided by subject (for example, KING CO. - EARTHQUAKES AND SEISMOLOGY).

V only the author(s), date, and title of the citations are given. items with the same author(s) and title issued more than once (for example, as both a thesis and an abstract) are listed only once under the Subject Heading and marked with an asterisk (*). (3) SUBJECT INDEX TERMS--The full list of all headings and cross references used in the Subject Index is given. Used headings are in upper case (e.g., ENGINEERING GEOLOGY - WASTE DISPOSAL); cross reference headings are in lower case (e.g., Landfills, see ENGINEERING GEOLOGY - WASTE DISPOSAL). The county or physiographic province of most specific locations is noted, e.g., ABERDEEN WASH. (Grays Harbor Co.)

Procedures The bibliography includes more than 4,000 citations. These have been drawn from: (1) The bibliographies (now on-line) on Washington geology published by the Division of Geology and Earth Resources (OGER): Bennett, 1937; Reichert, 1960; Reichert, 1969; Manson and Burnetti, 1983; Manson, 1986;. (2) New citations added to the OGER data base between June 1, 1986 and June 30, 1988. (3) The bibliographies on Oregon geology published by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries: Treasher and Hodge, 1936; Allen and others, 1947; Steere, 1953; Steere and Owen, 1962; Roberts, 1970; Roberts and others, 1973; Hulick and AGI, GeoRef, 1978; Burnetti and Neuendorf, 1981; Neuendorf, 1987. (4) The bibliography of the geology of British Columbia (Cl ague, 1987). (5) Searches of the NTIS data base (for Washington) and of the GeoRef data base (for the Portland, Oregon, area). (6) Library research at the OGER library, the University of Washington library, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers library, and the offices of the Port of and the Port of Tacoma. (7) A draft bibliography in preparation by L. L. Noson and others. The OGER citations were downloaded to form the core of the file. Items from the other sources were identified, obtained, inqexed, and entered into this data base file. Approximately 98 percent of the items included in this bibliography are held in the OGER library collection. Acknowledgements This project has been supported, in part, by the U.S. Geological Survey's Regional Earthquake Hazards Assessment of the Puget Sound-Portland Area program. Virginia J. Taken and Marylouise Domek assisted in gathering citations from regional libraries.

vi References Cited Allen, J.E., compiler; and others, 1947, Bibliography of the geology and mineral resources of Oregon; (Supplement), July 1, 1936, to December 31, 1945: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Bulletin 33, 108 p. Bennett, W. A.G., 1937, Bibliography and index of the geology and mineral resources of Washington, 1814-1936: Washington Division of Geology Bulletin 35, 140 p. Burnetti, Debbie; Neuendorf, K. K. E., compilers, 1981, Bibliography of the geology and mineral resources of Oregon; 7th supplement, January 1, 1976, to December 31, 1979: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Bulletin 102, 68 p. Clague, J. J., 1987, Bibliography of Quaternary geoscience information, British Columbia: Geological Survey Open File 1448, 347 p. Hulick, C. P.R., editor; American Geological Institute, GeoRef, 1978, Bibliography of the geology and mineral resources of Oregon; 6th supplement, January 1, 1971, to December 31, 1975: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Bulletin 97, 74 p. Manson, c. J., 1986, Preliminary bibliography and index of the geology and mineral resources of Washington, 1981-May 1, 1986: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open File Report 86-5, 908 p. Manson, C. J.; Burnetti, Debbie, 1983, Bibliography and index of the geology and mineral resources of Washington, 1963-1980: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 76, 398 p. Neuendorf, K. K. E., editor, 1987, Bibliography of the geology and mineral resources of Oregon; 8th supplement, January 1, 1980, to December 31, 1984: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Bulletin 103, 176 p. Reichert, W. H., 1960, Bibliography and index of the geology and mineral resources of Washington, 1937-1956: Washington Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 46, 721 p. Reichert, W. H., 1969, Bibliography and index of the geology and mineral resources of Washington, 1957-1962: Washington Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 59, 375 p. Roberts, Miriam, compiler, 1970, Bibliography of the geology and mineral resources of Oregon--4th supplement, January 1, 1956, to December 31, 1960: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Bulletin 67, 88 p.

vii Roberts, Miriam; Steere, M. L.; Brookhyser, C. s., compilers, 1973, Bibliography of the geology and mineral resources of Oregon; [5th supplement), January 1, 1961, to December 31, 1970: Oregon Depart111ent of Geology and Mineral Industries Bulletin 78, 199 p. Steere, M. L., compiler, 1953, Bibliography of the geology and mineral resources of Oregon; (2d supplement)--January 1, 1946, to December 31, 1950: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Indu$tries Bulletin 44, 61 p. Steere, M. L.; Owen, L. F., compilers, 1962, Bibliography of the geology and mineral resources of Oregon; (3rd supplement), January l, 1951, to December 31, 1955; Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Bulletin 53, 97 p. Treasher, R. C.; Hodge, E.T., 1936, Bibliography of the geology and mineral resources of Oregon; with digest and index to July 1, 1936; Oregon State Planning Board, 224 p.

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X Seismic Hazards of Western Washington and Selected Adjacent Areas Author Bibliography

AARON, J. M., see ACHARVA, HEMENDRA, 1981, Juan de Fuca plete-­ HOWARD, K. A. [and othars], 197S. Aaeismic subduction at 1.B cm/yr: Geophysical Research Letters, v. B, no. 11, p. 1123-1125. ABBOTT, A. T~ 1953, The geology of the northwest portion of the Mt. Aix quadrangle, Washington: ACHARVA, HEMENDRA, 1981, Juen de Fuca plate--Still University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy subducting [abstract]: Eos {American Geophysical thesis, 256 p., 6 plates. Union Transactions), v. 82, no. 17, p. 404.

ABBOTT, A. T., 1953, The geology of the northwest ACHARVA, HEMENDRA, 1985, Comment on "Se;smic po­ portion of the Mt. Aix quadrangle, Washington [ab­ tential associated with subduction in the north­ stract]: Dissertation Abstracts, v. 13, no. B, p. western ," by T. H. Heaton and H. 1154-1155. Kenamori: Seismological Society of America Bulle­ tin, v. 75, no. 3, p. 889-890. ABBOTT, L. S., see JANDA, R. J. [and othersl, 19BO. ADAIR, M. J., see CROSBY, T. w. [and others], 1986. ABBOTT, R. 0., 1972, Seasonal changes in surface elevation of a peat deposit [with discussion]. !I! ADAMS, C. R., 1983, A closer look at Washington. Curren, J., 1972, Proceedings of the 14th Muskeg l!! Drabek, T. E.; Muahkatel, A. H.; Kil ijenek, T. Research Conference: Canada National Research S., 1983, Earthquake m;tigation policy--Tha exper­ Council Technical Memorandum 102, p. 52-63. ience of two states: University of Colorado Pro­ gram on Environment and Behavior Monograph 37, p. ABELLA, S. E. S., 1988, Diatom analysis of the 138-158. postglacial sediments of [ab­ stract]: American Quaternary Association, 9th ADAMS, J. B., 1961, Petrology and structure of the Biennial Meeting, Program and Abstracts, p. 110. Stehakin-Twisp Pass area, northern Cascades, Wash­ ington: University of Washington Doctor of Phil­ ABELLA, S. E. S.; EDMONDSON, W. T., 1982, Lam ins­ osophy thesis, 172 p. t ions end diatom communities in the post-glacial sediments of Lake Washington [abstract}: American ADAMS, J. S., 1981, Petrology end structure of the Quaternary Association, 7th Biennial Conference, Stehekin-Twisp Pass aree, northern Cascades, Wash­ Program and Abstracts, p. 55. ington [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts, v. 22, no. 11, p. 3981. ABELLA, s. E. e., sa e al so KARLIN, ROBERT [and others], 198S. ADAMS, JOHN, 1981, Shortening rates, crustal stress, end active subduction in coastal Oregon ABRAMOIICH, I. I.; KLUSHIN, I. G., 1977, Isostasy and Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophys­ and petroganesie: Soviet Geology and Geophysics, ical Union Transactions), v. 82, no. 45, p. 1043. v. 18, no. 2, p. 15-21. ADAMS, JOHN, 1984. Active deformation of the ABRAMS, G. A., 1987, Principal facts for gravity Pacific Northwest continental margin: Tectonics, stations in the vicinity of Mount St. Helens, Ska­ v. 3, no. 4, p. 449-472. mania County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 87-271, 12 p. ADAMS, JOHN, 1985, Deformation above the Juen de Fuca subduction zone--Some enigmas with bearing on ABRAMS, G. A., see also great earthquake risk [abstract]: Eos (American WILLIAMS, O. L. [and others], 1987. 2 ADAMS, JOHN SEISMIC HAZARDS OF \'4ESTERN WAS\iI~TON

Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 46, p. AGOGS, w. B.; ROLLINS, J,, c.; BANGS, e., 1954, 1011. Airborne magnetometer profi la from Portland, Oregon to Albuquerque, New Mf:lll ico: Geop!lysics, v. ADAMS. JOH~ 1987, Paleoaeismicity ra,aerch in 19, no. 2 1 P• 270-2BD. Cenade--Interpretfng indirect evidence for aerth­ quakas [abstract]: Int1rnationel Union for Qua­ AIKEN, C. L., 1970. Grevimf:ltric profilts aciroas ternary Raseerch, Cangresa, 12th, Progre1Dme with northern Caecedes employing minimum 1ssu111ptions ea Ab•tracts, p. 117. to sub,urface density di111tribution~ Unhersity of Washington M11ster of $(1it,1ni:;11 theei11, 1;34 p., 5 AQAMS, JOHN; REILINGER, R. E.; NI, J., 1980, Ac­ plates. tive tilting of the Oregan and Washington coeatal ranges [abatract]: Eos (American Geophyaical AIKEN, C. I.,,; BQST~M, R. C., 1QEi8, GePphnicel Union Transectionsl. v. 61, no. 17, p. 371. evidence as to. the 111rchitei:;tura of thll nQrthern Cascades [abetractl: Americen Geophysical Union

ADAMS, JOHN, aae also Transactions, v0 491 no, 1, p. ~so. REILINGER, R. E. [end others), 1982. AIKEN, C. L.; BOSTRQM, R. C., 1972, On t!la tecton­ ADDICOTT, w. 0., 1976, Molluscan paleontology of ic significance of the isostatic anomely in Wf:lst­ the lower c;lel lam Format ion, northwestern arn Washington [abstract]• Geological Society of Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Profasaionel America Abstracts with Progrema, v. 4, no. 51 p. 305. Peper 978, 44 p.1 9 pletes.

AG8ABIAN ASSOCIATES, 1973, Procedures end criteria AIKEN, DAN, see for increasing the earthquake resistance level of HAMMOt«l, P. E. [and others~, 197S. electrical substations and special installations: Agbabian Associates [El Segundo} R-7211-13-2859 AKI, KEIITI1 see [under contrect to} the Power Adminis­ NOWACK, RCIPERT [end others}, 19B?.. tretion, 324 p. NOWACK, ROBERT [and others], 1984.

AGBAaIAN ASSOCIATES, 888 elsa ALQEE, w. c., Sl:IB SHANNON AND WILSON, INC. [and ath,rsJ, 1980. MOORE, J. ~ [end oth,rsl, 19EIO.

MOORE, J. G0 [el'!d ot!lersJ, 1981.

AGBABIAN-JACOBSEN ASSOCIATES, 1971 1 Asaassment of earthquake-reaistant design of AC-DC converter ALEXANDER, CORRINNE, se1:1 stations: Agbabian-Jacobsen Associates [Loa Ange­ RUBIN, MEYER [and others], 191:10. les, Calif.] R-7119-2042 [under contract to) the Bonneville Power Admini111tretion, 71 p. ALEXANDER, FRANK, 1956, Stratigraphic anq struc­ tural geology of the Bl@wett-Swsuk sree, w,shing­ ton: UniverS,ity of Washington Mester of Sci,nc, AGBABIAN-JACOBSEN ASSOCIATES, 19711 Assaasment of earthquake-resistant design of AC-DC converter thesis, 64 p., 3 plt1tes. stetions--High-voltege DC Pacific intertie: Ag­ bebien-Jacobsen A•sociates [Los Angeles, Cal if.] ALFORD, J 0 L., see R-7119-1984 [under contrect to} the Bonneville HOUSNER, G,. W, [ and other!:!], 1953~ Power Administration, 297 p. ALGER, C. 8.f 8RAaQ, E. E., 1985,, Bibliogrsphy of AGOCS, W, B.; HARTMAN, R. R., 1956, Airborne mag­ United States larulli!l ida HPlil 11rn:I r,ports: U.S. netometer profile from Olympia, Washington to Geological Survey Dp!itn-File Report 85-595, 119 p. Laramie, Wyoming: Mining Engineering, v. 8, no. 12, Pa 1211l-1215. ALGERHISSEN, S, T., 19PS, P111cific region--\'lashing­ ton end Oreggn,. 1A Alg1:1rmi1H1e11, S, T., 1983, An AGDCS, W. S.; HARTMAN, R. R., 1957, Airborne mag­ introduction ta the seismicity of the United netometer profi l!il from Olympia, Wash., to Laramie, Stetes: Earthquake Engineering Research Jnsti­ Wyom. [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin tute, p. 77-84. 1066-B, p. 182. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY ALLEY, N. F. 3

ALGERMISSEN, S. T., 1987, Regional and national ALLEN, J.E., 1932, Contributions to the struc­ seismic hazard and risk assessment. l!l Jacobson, ture, stratigraphy end petrology of the Lower M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1987, National Columbia River Gorge: University of Oregon Master Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of of Arts thesf s, 137 p., 5 p latas. technical reports Volume XXIV: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 87-374, p. 523-527. ALLEN, J.E., 1958, Columbia River Gorge-Portland to The Dalles. l!l Guidebook for field trip ALGERMISSEN, S. T., 1988, Regional end national excursions, Geological Society of America Cordil­ seismic hazard and risk assessment. l!l Jacobson, leran Section: University of Oregon, p. 4-23. M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1988, National earthquake hazards reduction program, summaries of ALLEN, J. E., 1975, Volcanoes of the Portland technical reports Volume XXV: U.S. Geological area, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 37, no. 9, p. 145-157. Survey Open-Fi le Report 88-16, p. 469-472. ALLEN, J.E., 1988, The geomorphology and geology ALGERMISSEN, S. T.J HARDING, S. T., 1985, Preli m- of the Willamette Val Ley as seen from I-6, Port­ i nary seismological report. l!l U.S. Coast and land to Eugene1 Geological Society of the Oregon Geodetic Survey, 1985, The Puget Sound, Washington Country Geological Newsletter, v. 54, no. B, p. earthquake of April 29, 1965: U.S. Coast and Geo­ 29-30. detic Survey, p. 1-26. ALLEN, J. E., 1988, Volcanic hazards from High ALGERMISSEN, S. T.; HARDING, S. T., 1965, repr. Cascade peaks: Oregon Geology, v. 50, no. 5/6, p. 1986, The Puget Sound, Washington earthquake of 56-63. April 28, 1965--Preliminary seismological report. l!l Thorsen, G. w., compiler, 1986, The Puget Low­ ALLEN, J. E.; , MARJORIE; SAR3ENT, S. C., land earthquakes of 1949 and 1966--Reproductions 1986, Cataclysms on the Columbia-A Layman's guide of selected articles describing damage: Washing­ to the features produced by the catastrophic Bretz ton Division of Geology and Earth Resources Infor­ floods in the Pacific Northwest: Timber Prass mation Circular 81, p. 35-65. [Portland, Ore.] Scenic Trips to the Northwest's Geologic Past 2, 211 p. ALGERMISSEN, S. T.; PERKINS, D. M., 1976, A proba­ bilistic estimate of maximum acceleration in rock ALLEN, J. E., see also in the contiguous United States: U.S. Geological WILKINSON, W. 0. [and others), 1959. Survey Open-Fi Le Report 76-416, 45 p., 2 plates. ALLEN, J. S.; SPILLANE, M. C., 1987, Frequency­ ALGERMISSEN, S. T.; PERKINS, D. M.; THENHAUS, P. dependent structure of eastern Pacific coastal sea c.; HANSON, s. L.; BENDER, B. L., 1982, Prob ab i l- level fluctuations [abstract}: Eos (American Geo­ i stic estimates of maximum acceleretfan and veloc­ physical Union Transactions), v. 68, no. 50, P• ity in rock in the contiguous United States: U.S. 1779. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-1033, 99 p., 6 plates. ALLEN, M. C., 1981, Geology of the Portland and Mount Hood area. l!l Kant, M. D., chair, 1981, ALGERMISSEN, S. T., see also Field trip guidebook--Engineering geology in the KING, K. w. [end others], 1987. Pacific Northwest: Association of Engineering PERKINS, D. M. [and others], 1980. Geologists, p. 48-56.

ALLARD, PATRICK, 1883, Facing hazards from the ALLEN, M. W., see reawakening of dormant explosive volcenoes--The TOWNLEY, S. 0. [and others], 1939. examples of Mt. St. Helens, El Chichon, and Galunggung in 1980-1982. In Tazieff, Haroun; ALLEN, R. V ., see Sabroux, J.-C., editors, 1983, Forecasting volcan­ ENDO, E. T. [and others}, 1973. ic events: Elsevier Science Publishing Company Developments in Volcanology 1, p. 561-584. ALLEY, N. F.; CHATWIN, S., C., '1979, Late Pleisto­ cene history and geomorphology, southwestern Van- 4 ALLEY, N. F. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN W~SHIN13TON

coµver Island, British Columbia; Canadian Journal Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1?139, 1 of Earth Sciancea, v. 18, no. 9, p. 1845-1857. sheet.

ALL!:Y, N. F.; HICQPJ, S. R., 1988, Tha st r!!lt ig ra­ ALPHA, T. R.; MOOflE, J. ~., ~ONE$, A! fl•! 1980, phy, palynology, and climatic afgnificenca of pr,­ Sequ,ntiel physfogri,phic !H11grem11 of Moµnt $t. middle Wisconsin Plafstocen!!I sediments, southern Helens, Washington, 1979-130: U.S. 13,ciqloqiCJl Vancouver Island, Qritish Columbia: Canadian SL!rvey Opan-Fi le R11pqrt 80-792! 1 \\IP!tllt. Jo1,1rn111l of Earth Sciences, v. 23, no. 3, p. 369- ~82. ALPHA, T. R.; MOOflE, J. G.; MOflL!=Y, J. M.; JONE$, o. R., 1980, Phy11ipgrephic di111grsm!i 9f Mpunt St. AI-LISON, O. E., see Helens and vicinity, J•shi11gton, 19~°'; U.Jl. Gep­ EDMONDSON, W. T. [and others], 1970. lpgical Survey Open-File fl!!IPOrt 8D-9gOr 1 spe1:1t, scale 1 :1QO,OOO. ALLI$.ON, I. S., 1937, Progress of glacial studies in the Pacific Northwest [abstract]: Geological ALPHA, T. R.; MORLEY, J. 1,4., 1983, Comp!jr111iiv1:1 S0ci19ty of America Proceedings 1938, p. 318. physiographic diagr111ms pf Mo4nt St. ij1:1lens, Wash­ ington, and Crater LJk!il, OrE1gC111: U.S. Ga9Logic,l ALLISON, I. S., 1978, Late sediments Survey Misc•Lleneous Field St44i1:1s Map MF-14Jl3, 1 end floods in the WHlam!!lttaValley [p•rt 1): Ore sheet, scale 1:62,50Q. Sin, v. 40, no. 11, p. 177-191. ALPHA, T. R., see 8l!IO ALLI$DN, I. S., 1978, sediments HOWELL, o. G. [and othars], 1980. and fhiods in the 'Iii l lamatte Val lay [part 2]: Dre 13 in, v. 40, no. 11, p. 193-202. ALT, O. O.; HYNDMAN, o. v,., 19?~, Ro!!ldsil:le geqlogy of Oregon: Mo4ntafn Press Puplishing Com,p1:1ny ALI.ISDN, R. C., 1959, The geology and Eocene mega­ [Missoula, MPnl:-1, 261:1 Po faµ11al P!llitontology of the Quimper Peninsula area, Washington: University of Washington Mester of ALT, D. O.; HYNDMAN, O. W., 1Q84, Roadsidit geplogy Sci ~mce thes i s, 121 p., 1 pl at a. of Washington: Mg4ntaio Prass Puplishing Company [Missoula, Mont.h 2E!2 P• ALLMENDINGER, R. YI., see POTTER, C. J. [isnd others], 1987. ALT, J, N., see WEST, o. o. [and ot'11trsJ, 10131. ALPHA, T. R., 1973, Strait of Jµan de Fuca and WEST, O. O. htn!! otht1r11], 1982. Olympic Mountain11, orthographic drawing1 U.S. Geological Survey Open-Ff la Report 73-4, 1 sheet, AL TO, J. V., sea scale 1:1,000,000. SCHROEDER, W. L. [lilf'ld qthers], 1983,.

ALPHA, T. R., 1978, Oblique map of Willipa Eley, ALVORD, R. C., sae Wespington; U.S. Geological Survey Open-File DION, N. P. {and Qthers], 1986. Report 78-1015, 1 sheet. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLl:l!M GEOLOG~STS, U.S. ALPHA, T. R., 1980, Oblique map of the Pacific GEOLOGICAL SUfY!:Y, 1987, Qasem,1:1nt map of Ngrth COI\ISt of : U.S. Geological Sµrvey America bet,.een lstitul:lafJ 24 d1:19r,,s 13nq El[) Open-Fi le Report 8Q-93, 1 sheet. degrees N: 4.$. Geologipel ~4rv1ty, 1 spe1:1t, scale 1:5,000,000. AI-PHA, T. R., 1982, Physiogrsphic diagrams of eruptiv!!I effect!I [abstract]: U.S. Gi,ologic!!ll AMERICAN GEOPHYSlCA~ UNlP~; U.§i, ~FQLOGICAL SUR­ Surv,y Professional Pi,per 1275, p. 218. VEY, 1964, Bougu,r gravity anO!l!8~Y m13p of the United siatee, [Jixclusiye of MH~lil !!f'll:I Hl:!!rf!ili i): Al,.PHA, T. R.; MOORE, J. G~, 1981, Phys i oq raph i C U.S. Geological Sµrv1:1y, 2 she1:1ts, scal!il diagrams of thit M!!ly 18, 1980, Landslide-!!lruption 1:2,500,DDD. of Mount St. Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY ANDERSON, K. S. 5

AMICK, D. C.; SNIDER, F. G., 1985, Reservoir in­ ANDERSON, G. R., 1980, A stratigraphic and tecton­ duced seismicity near Mount St. Helens [abstract]: ic analysis and synthesis of a portion of the non­ Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. marine Neogene of the northwestern United States: 66, no. 18, p. 315. University of Washington Master of Science thesis, 157 P• AMICK, D. C.; SNIDER, F. G., 1985, Seismicity associated with reservoirs impounded neer Mount ANDERSON• H. W., see St. Helens [abstract]: Association of Engineering HEILMAN, P. E. [and others], 1979. Geologists, 1985 Annual Meeting, Abstracts and HEILMAN, P. E. [and others], 1981. Program, P• 55. MCMURPHY, C. J. [and others], 1986. MCMURPHY, C. J. [and others], 1988. AMICK, D. C., sea also SNIDER, F. G. [and others]. 1985. ANDERSON, J. S.; BALSHAW, KATHERINE; COLE, M. L.; DOMACK, E. W.; HARLAN, JANIS; HOKANSON, CLAUDIA; ANDERSON, A. C.; AND OTHERS, 1947, Soil survey of KURTZ, o. D.; MILAM, ROBERT; , ROBYN, 1979, Snohomish County, Washington; U.S. Bureau of Glacial-marine sediments of Wast and Industry Soil Survey Series 1937, no. 19, 78 Puget Sound [abstract]: American Association of p., 1 pl a ta. Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 63, no. 3, P• 410-411. ANDERSON, A. C.; KUNKLE, MERRILL; SCHLOTS, F. E.; KLAUSS, DON; LOUNSBURY, CLARENCE, 1958, Soil sur­ ANDERSON, J. B.; COLE, M. L.; KURTZ, D. D.; vey of Skamania County, Washington: U.S. Soil WEAVER, F. M., 1977, Glacial marine sedi manta of Conservation Service, series 1940, no. 20, 92 p., Antarctica end the ---0.uaternary plates. analogs to ancient diamicts [abstract]: Geologi­ cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. ANDERSON, A. C., sea al so 9, no. 7, p. 879. ANDERSON, W. W. [and others], 1955. ANDERSON, J. L., 1987, Geologic map of the Golden­ ANDERSON, C. A., 1985, Surficial geology of the dale 151 quadrangle, Washington: Washington Divi­ Fell City area, Washington: University of Wash­ sion of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File ington Master of Sdence thesis, 70 p., 1 plate. Report 87-15, 9 p., 1 plate, scale 1:38,400.

ANDERSON, C. T•• see ANDERSON, J. L., 1987, Geologic map of the Klicki­ RIGG, G. a. (and others], 1938. tat 15' quadrangle, Washington: Washington Divi­ sion of Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fila ANDERSON, F. E., 1967, Stratigraphy of late Pleis­ Report 87-14, 13 p., 1 plate, scale 1:38,400. tocene and Holocene sediments from the : University of Washington Doctor of ANDERSON, J. L.; TOLAN, T. L., 1986, Ages of Philosophy thesis, '168 p. wrench faulting in interridge basins, southwest Columbia Plateau, Washington end Oregon [ab­ ANDERSON, F. E., 1967, Stratigraphy of late Pleis­ stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts tocene and Holocene sediments from the Streit of with Programs, v. 18, no. 2, p. 82. Juan de Fuca [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts Internet ione l, v. 28, no. 5, Sect ion B, p. 1905-B. ANDERSON, J. L., SB e e l BO BENTLEY, R. o. [and others], 1980. ANDERSON, F. E., 1968, Late Pleistocene history of the Strait of Juan de Fuca [abstract]: Geological ANDERSON, K. S., 1904, Depositional environment Society of America Special Paper 115, p. 5-6. and provenance of the Clallam Formation, Olympic Peninsula, Washington [abstract]: Geological ANDERSON, F. E., 1988, Seaward terminus of the Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, Vashon continental glacier in the Strait of Juen no. 5, p. 266. de F-uca: Marine Geology, v. 6, no. 6, p. 419-438. ANDERSON, K. s., 1985, Sadimentology, sedimentary petrology, and tectonic setting of the lower Mio- 6 ANDERSON, L. W. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

cane Clallam Formation, northern Olympic Peninsu­ ANONYMOUS, 1949, Nor-thwest aerthquakes: Ore Bin, la, Washington: Western Washington University v. 11, no. 12, p. B3, 84. Master of Science thesis, 135 p. ANSFIELD, V. J., 1972, The stn1tigrephy and eedt­ ANDERSON, L. w.; KNITTER, c. c.; FREEMAN, K. J., mentotogy of the Lyre Format.ton, northwestern 1980, Holocene deformation in the Sk1tgit River Olympic Peninsula, Washington: University of area, , Washington [abstract]: Amer­ Washington Doctor of Philosophy thHis, 131 p., 1 ican Quaternary Association, National Conference, plate. 8th, Abetrects, p. 4. ANSFIELD, v. J., 1973, The stratigraphy and sedi­ ANDERSON, N. R., 1950, Multiple glaciation in the mentology of the Lyre Formation northwestern White River Valley near Enumclaw, Washington [ab­ Olympic Peninsula, Washington [abstract]: Disser­ stract]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, tation Abstracts International, v. 33, no. 12, v. 61, no. 12, pert 2, p. 1519-1520. part 1, Section B, p. 5909-B.

Al'f)ERSON, N. R., 1954, Glacial geology of the Mud ANSFIELD, v. J., 1984, Origin of deep-water marine Mountain district, King County, Washington: Uni­ sedimentary breccia Lenses in the lets Eocene Hoko versity of Washington Master of Science thesis, 48 Formation, northwestern Olympic Peninsula, Wash­ p. ington State [abstract): Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, First Annual ANDERSON, P. M., see Midyear Meeting, Abstracts, p. 9. BAANOSKV, C. W. [and others], 1987. ANEFIELD, v. J., 1987, Late Eocene multi-event ANDERSON, R. A., JR., 1968, Seattle freeway. l!!. debris flows in the Hoko River Formation, NW. McKee, Bates; Coombs, H. A., 1968, Guidebook to Olympic Peninsula, Washington (abstract]: Geolog­ field trips; 1968 National Meeting, Seattle: ical Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Association of Engineering Geologists, p. 77-7S. v. 19, no. 8, p. 355.

ANDERSON, R. J., see ARCHIE, S. G., 1979, Surficial geology of the DUNCAN, S. H. [and others], 1987. Puget Sound lowlands. l!!. Heilman, P. E.; Andersen, H. w., Jr.; Baumgartner, D. M., compilers, 1979,

ANDERSON, R. V.; NUHFER, E. 8 0 ; DEAN, W0 E., 1985, Forest soils of the Douglas- region: Washing­ Sedimentation in a blast-zone lake at Mount St. ton State University Cooperative Extension Ser­ Helens, Weshington~Implications for verve forma­ vice, p. 45-49. t ion1 Geo logy, v. 13, no. 5, p. 348-352. ARCHIE, S. G., 1981, Surficial geology of the ANDERSON, T. H., see Puget Sound lowlands. !!!. Heilman, P. E.; Anderson, COHEN, K. K. [and others], 1987. H. w.; Baumgartner, D. M., editors, 1981, Forest FREY, A. M. [end others], 1987. soils of the Douglas-fir region; rev. ed.: Wash­ ington State University Cooperative Extension Ser­ ANDERSON, w. w.; NESS, A. o.; ANDERSON, A. c., vice, p. 45-49. 1955, Soil survey of Pierce County, Waehington~ U.S. Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey Series ARCHULETA, A. J., see 1939, no. 27, BB p. CHADWICK, W. W., JR. [and others}, 198S.

ANDO, MASATAKA; BALAZS, E. I., 1979, Geodetic , DOUGLAS, see evidence for aseismic subduction of the Juan de FRAGASZV, R. J. [and others], 198S. Fuca Plate: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 84, no. 86, p. 3023-3028. ARMENTROUT, J. M., 19BO, Geologic field trip guide for the stratigraphy of southwestern ANONYMOUS, 1949, Epicenters: Earthquake Notes, v. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fila 20, no. 4, p. 40. Report 80-362, 110 p. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY ARNOLD, RALPH 7

ARMENTROUT, J. M., 1982, Cenozoic geology of the Fraser Lowland, British Columbia: Canada Geo­ southwestern Washington [abstract]: Geological logical Survey Paper 83-23, 54 p., 1 plate. Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. 146. ARMSTRONG, J. E.; CRANDELL, o. R.; EASTERBROOK, D. J.; NOBLE, J. B., 1965, Late Pleistocene strati­ ARMENTROUT, J. M., 1984, Mineralogic terrains and graphic chronology in southwestern British Colum­ tectonic timing--

ARMENTROUT, J. M.; HULL, O. A.; BEAULIEU, J. 00 ; ARNOT, H. H.; KENT, B. H.; PACKARD, F. A.; HAU­ RAU, W.W., COORDINATORS, 1983, Correlation of SHILD, w. L., 1977, Evaluation of the Wilkeson­ Cenozoic stratigraphic units of western Oregon and Carbonado coal field, Pierce County, Washington Washington; draft: Oregon Department of Geology for hydraulic coal mining; Pert 1, Geology; Part end Mineral Industries Open-File Report 0-83-5, 2, Weter resources: U.S. Geological Survey, 128 288 p., 1 plate. p., 1 plate.

ARMENTROUT, J. M.; PROTHERO, D. R., 1984, Late Eo­ ARNDT, H. H.; KENT, B. H.; PACKARD, F. A.; HAU­ cene-OL igocene magnetostratigraphy of the Lincoln SHILD, w. L., 1980, Eva lust ion of the Wi Lkeson­ Creek Formation, Washington--l.ocal calibration of Cerbonedo coal field, Pierce County, Washington the Eocene/ boundary [abstract]: Geolog­ for hydraulic coal mining; Pert 1, Geology; Part ical Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2, Water resources: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ v. 16, no. 6, p. 432. Fi le Report 80-802, 141 p., 1 plate.

ARMENTROUT, J. M., see al so ARNOLD, CHRISTOPHER, 1988, The process of intro­ FAIRCHILD, L. H. [and others], 1984. ducing new or improved seismic design provisions in the western United States. 1!!. Hays, w. W., edi­ ARMSTRONG, J. E., 1976, Quaternary geology of the tor; Kitzmiller, Carla, compiler, 1988, A review Fraser Lowland---Canade--A progress report [ab­ of earthquake research applications in the Nation­ stract]. 1!!. Geomorphology of the Canadian Cordil­ al Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program~1977- lera and its bearing on mineral deposits: Geolog­ 1987: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88- ical Association of Canada Cordilleran Section 13-A, p. 388-391. Programme and Abstracts, p. 9-10. ARNOLD, RALPH, 1902, Bibliography of Literature ARMSTRONG, J. E., 1984, Environmental and eng i­ referring to the geology of Washington: Washing- nee ring applications of the surficial geology of S ARNOLD, AAlPH SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTEM WASIUNSTIJl!I

ton Geological Survey Annual Report 1, part 6, 16 ARTIM, E. R.; WUNDER, J. M., 1976, Preliminary i>• geologic map of the La Conner quadrangle in Skegit County, Washington: Washington Division of Geolo­ ARNOLD, RALPH, 1906, Geological reconnaissance of gy and Earth Resources Opefl"'Tila Report 78-1, 1 the coaet of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington: sheet, seals 1124,000. S.Ological Society of America Bulletin, v. 17, p. 451-468. ASHLEY, R. P., see BANKS, N. G. [and others], 1979. ARTIM, E. R., 1973, Geology in land uee planning-­ EVARTS, R. C. [and others), 1984. Some guidelines for the Puget Lowland: Washington EVARTS, R. C. {and otharsJ, 1987. Division of Geology and Earth Resources Informa­ tion Circular 47, 18 p., 2 plates. ATKIN, S. A., 1972, Submarine volcanic rocks on the west coast of San Juen Isiand, Washington: AATIM, E. R., 1973, Landslides--An expending prob­ University of Washington Master of Science thesis, lem for the Puget lowland: Washington Geologic 24 p. Newsletter, v. 1, no. 2, p. 1-3. ATKINSON, G. M., 1982, Appl icat:ion of current ARTIM, E. R., 1973, Seismic risk: Washington Geo­ seismic risk analysis methods to critical faci l i­ logic Newsletter, v. 1, no. 3, p. 12. tiea. l!! Sherif, Mahmet, chairman, 1982, Proceed­ ings, Third International Earthquake Microzonation ARTIM, E. R., 1974, Ganas is end stability of en Conference: National Science Foundation, vol. ancient landsl ids province, Washington [abstract]: III, p. 1227-1238. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ grams, v. 8, no. 3, p. 14D-141. ATWATER, S. F., 1986, Geologic studies for seismic zonation of the Puget Lowland. .I!! Jacobson, M. L.; ARTIM, E. A., 1975, Application of geology to the Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1986, Netioflal Earth­ building and real estate professions fn the Puget quake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of Lowland metropolitan area, Washington• Washington technical reports volume XXII: U.S. Geological Geologic Newsletter, v. 3, no., 4, p. 1-9. Survey Opsn-Fi la Report 86-383, p. 130-132.

ARTIM, E. R., 1978, Fault capability: Washington ATWATER, S. F., 1986, Geologic studies for seismic Gao logic Nswsletter, v. 4, no. 2, p. 4-5. zonetion of the Puget Lowland. .I!! Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1986, National Earth­ ARTIM, E. R., 1976, Relative ground settlement quake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of hazards of Thurston County, Washington: Washing­ technical reports, volume XXIII: U.S. Geological ton Division of Geology and Earth Resources Geo­ Survey Open-Fi le Report 87-63, p. 129. logic Map GM-16, 1 sheet, scale 1:125,0DD. ATWATER, 8. F., 1987, Evidence for great Holocene ARTIM, E. R., 1978, Seismic risk. Ill Washington earthquakes along ths outer coast of Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources, 1976, State: Science, v. 238, no. 4804, p. 942-944. Engineering geologic studies: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Information C.ircu­ ATWATER, B. F-., 1987, Geologic studies for seismic la r 58, p. 35-40. zonation of the Puget Lowland. !Ll Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1987, National Earth­ ARTIM, E. R., 1978, Slope stability map of Thurs­ quake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of ton County, Washington: Washington Division of technical reports Volume XXIV: U.S. Geological Geology and Earth Resources Geologic Map GM-15, 1 Survey Open-Fi le Report 87-374, p. 125. sheet, scale 1 :125,000. ATWATER, B. F., 1987, Subduction-earthquake te L l­ ARTIM, e. R.; , MACKEY, 1973, Urben geology, te Les beneath coastal low lends. !Ll Crone, A. J.; wsstern Washington--A state-of-the-art review [ab­ Omdahl, E. M., editors, 1987, Proceedings of con­ stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts ference XXXIX, Directions in paleoseismology: U.S. with Programs, v. 5, no. 1, p. 5. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 87-673, p. 157- 162. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY AU, o. 9

ATWATER, B. F., 19BB, Buried Holocene wetlands ATWATER, T. M., 1972, A detei led near-bottom geo­ along the Johns River, southwest Washington [ab­ physical study of the Gorda Rise end implications stract]. lu University of Washington Quaternary of plate tectonics for the Cenozoic tectonic evo­ Research Center, 19BB, Holocene subduction in the lution of western Marth America: University of Pacific Northwest: University of Washington Qua­ California, San Diego Doctor of Philosophy thesis. ternary Research Center, p. 4. ATWATER, T. M., 1972, Limits and estimates of ATWATER, B. F., 198B, Geologic studies for seismic properties of the oceanic magnetized Layer from zonation of the Puget Lowland. lu Jacobson, M. L.; analysis of near-bottom measurements [abstract}: Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 198B, National earth­ Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. quake hazards reduction program, summaries of 53, no. 4, p. 414. technical reports Volume XXVi U.S. Geological Survey Ope~i le Report BB-16, p. 120-133. ATWATER, T. M., 1973, A detailed near-bottom geo­ physical study of the Gorda Rise end implications ATWATER, B. F.; GRANT, W. C.., 1988, Holocene sub­ of plate tectonics for the Cenozoic tectonic evo­ duction earthquakes in coastal Washington [ab­ lution of western Marth America [abstract]: Dis­ stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ sertation Abstracts International, v. 33, no. 7, tions), v. 67, no. 44, p. 906. Section B, p. 3140-B.

ATWATER, B. F.1 HULL, A. G.; BEVIS, K. A., 1987, ATWATER, T. M., 1973, Studies of see-floor spread­ Aperiodic Holocene recurrence of widespread, prob­ ing snd plate movements in the Pacific Basin. 1n. ably coseismic subsidence in southwestern Washing­ Tarting, o. H.; Runcorn, S. K., editors, 1973, Im­ ton (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union pl icetion of continental drift to the earth scien­ Transact ions), v. 68, no. 44, p. 146S. ces: Academic Presa, v. 1, p. 213-217.

ATWATER, B. F., see also ATWATER, T. M.; MENARD, H. W., 1970, Magnetic lin­ NELSON, A. R. [end others], 1987. eetions in the northeast Pacific: Earth end Plan­ etary Science Letters, v. 7, no. 5, p. 445-450. ATWATER, T. M., 1970, Implications of plate tec­ tonics for the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of ATWATER, T. M.; MOLNAR, PETER, 1973, Relative western North America: Geological Society of motion of the Pacific and Marth American plates America Bul Latin, v. B1, no. 12, p. 3513-3530. deduced from seafloor spreading in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans. .In. Kovach, R. ATWATER, T. M., 1970, Impl icetions of plate tec­ L.; Nur, Amos, editors, 1973, Conference on tec­ tonics for the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of tonic problems of the Sen Andreas fault system; western North America: University of Cal ifornie Proceedings: Stanford University Publications Scripps Institution of Oceanography Contributions, Geological Sciences, v. 13, p. 136-148. v. 440, no. 2, p. 1249-1271. ATWATER, T. M.; MUDIE, J. D., 1971, Lineetion, ATWATER, T. M., 1970, repr. 1973, Implications of symmetry, and magnetization of small features on plate tectonics for the Cenozoic tectonic evolu­ the Gorda Rise [abstract]: Eoe (American Geophys­ tion of western North America. !!!. Cox, Al Lan, edi­ ical Union Trensactions), v. 52, no. 4, p. 237. tor, 1973, Plate tectonics and geomagnetic rever­ sals: w. H. Freeman end Co., p. 583-609. ATWATER, T. M., see also MENARD, H. w. [and others], 1968. ATWATER, T. M., 1971, Magnetic Lineations in the SB/ERINGHAUS, JEFF [end others], 1987. northeast Pacific Ocean--Implications for marine end continental tectonic history [abstract]: AU, D.; CLOWES, R. M., 1979, Crustal structure Pacific Science Congress, 12th, v. 1, p. 357. near the Juan de Fuce and Explorer plate boundary from seismic refraction data [abstract]: Eos ATWATER. T. M., 1972, Cenozoic plate movements and (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 60, interactions in the northeast Pacific end western no. 46, p. 886. North America [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ cal Union Transactions}, v. 53, no. 4, p. 351. 10 AUBREY, D. G. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

AUBREY, D. G., see BACON, C. R., see al so EMERY, K. o. [and others], 1988. MUFF-LEA, L. J. P. [end others], 1982. UCHUPI, El.AZAR [and others}, 198S. BAGGS, D. W., see AULD, D. R.J l.,AW, L. K,f BOOKER, J. R., 197B, Con­ AVIOLO, GENNARA [and others}, 1970. trast in conductivity structures for volcanic

regions of the western cordil Lera [abstract): Eos BAGLEY, R. E., 19591 Eoqene stratigraphy of the (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 59, Sekiu River area, Olympic Peninsula, Washington: no. 4, p. 236. University of Washington Master of Science thesis, 130 p., 2 plates. AULD, D. R,, sea also BOOKER, J. R. [and others], 1981. BAGSHAW, E. W., sea LAW, L. K. [and others}, 1977. CARR, F, E. [1:1nd others], 190B. LAW, L. K. [and others], 1980. BAICHTAL, J, F., 1982, The geology of Waldron, AUSTIN, S. A., 1985, Modern catastrophic procaBSas Bare, end Skipjeck Islands, San Juan County, Wash­ at Mount St. Helens and their implications for the ington: Washington State University Master of stratigraphic record [abstract]: Canadian Society Science thesis, 222 p. of Petroleum Geologists Resarvoi r, v. 12, no. 5, p. 1-2. BAILEY, J, S.; , D, Pot 1987, Rural land­ fill site characterization, public health assess­ AVIOLO, GENNARA; BAGGS, D. W., 1970, Paleogeogra­ ment and remedial action, King County, Washington, phy of the Pruna Hill area, Cemee, Washington, and .In Renz, M. E.; Graves, B. J.; Butcher, Kathy, its relation to the geologic history of the Port­ coordinators, 1987, Proceedings of the NWWA F-OCUS land area [abstract]: Northwest Science, v. 44, conference on northwestern ground weter issues: no. 1, p. 58. National Weter Wall Association, p. 609-624.

AWOKI, M. T., 1912, Geology of the Darrington dis­ BAILEY, R. A., aae trict, Stilaguamish quadrangle, Washington: Uni­ TILLING, R. I. [and others], 1984. versity of Washington Bachelor of Science thesis, TILLING, R. I, [and others], 1965. 29 p., 2 plate a. BAKER, c. D., see BAADSGAAFI>, HALFDAN; CUMMING, G. Lof FOLINSBEE, F. BERG, J. w.. JR, [and others), 1963. R.; GODFREY, J. D., 1964, Limitations of radiomet­

ric dating• .In Oaborne, F. F., editor, 1964, Geo­ BAKER, D. W.; CARTER, N0 1..ot 1972, Seismic veloci­ chronology in Canada: Royal Society of Canada ty anisotropy calculated for ultramafic minerals Special Publ icetion B, p. 20-3S. and aggregates. .In Heard, H. C.; Borg, I. v.; Car­ ter, N. L.; and others, editors, 1972, Flow and BAADSGAARD, HALFDAN, see a l so fracture of rocks: American Geophysical Union LIPSON, J. I. [end others], 1961. Monograph 18, p. 157-168. LIPSON, J. I. [ end others], 1962. BAKER, G. E., 1984, A long period focal mechanism BABCOCK, R. S.; ARMSTR01'13, R. L.; MISCH, PETER, for the magnitude 7.1 , Washing­ 1985, Isotopic constraints on the age end origin ton event of April 13, 1949 [abstract}: Eoa of the Skagit metamorphic suite end related rocks (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 85, [abstract}: Geological Society of America Ab­ no. 45, p. 986. stracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 6, p. 339. BAKER, G. E., 1985, Source parameters of the BABCOCK, R. S,, see a l so magnitude 7.1, 1949, south Puget Sound, Washington MINTZ, D. w. [and others], 1976,. earthquake dat1:1rmined from long-period bot;ly waves: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, BACON, c. R., 1980, Quaternary volcanism in the 68 p. Cascades [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1150. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY BANG, s. 11

BAKER, G. E., 1988, Three component long period BALD'f/IN, E. M., see a Lao date for the 1949 south Puget Sound, Washington LOWRY, W. D. [end others], 1952. earthquake: U.S. Geo Logical Survey Open-Fi Le WILKINSON, 'fl. 0. [end others], 1946. Report 85-613, 8 p. BALES, W. E., see BAKER, G. E.; LANGSTON, C. A., 1987, Source BERG, J. W., JR. [end others], 1968. parameters of the 1949 magnitude 7.1 south Puget EMILIA, D. A. [ and others], 1966. Sound, Washington, earthquake as determined from EMILIA, D. A. [end others], 1968. Long-period body waves end strong ground motions: Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 77, BALLARD, T. M., 1979, Physical properties and no. 5, p. 1530-1557. physical behavior of forest soils. l!!. Heilman, P. E.; Anderson, H. W., Jr.; Baumgartner, D. M., com­ BAKER, G. E., sea a Lso pilers, 1979, Forest soils of the Douglas-fir WEAVER, C. S. [and others]. 1988. region: Washington State University Cooperative Extension Service, p. 113-120. BAKER, R. F.; CHIERUZZI, ROBERT, 1959, Regional concept of landslide occurrence. !!l Landslide BALSHAW, KATHERINE, see occurrence and analysis: Highway Research Board ANDERSON, J. 8. [and others], 1979. Sul Latin 216, p. 1-16. BALSILLIE, J. H.; BENSON, G. T., 1971, Ev i dance BAKER, A. F.; MARSHALL, H. C., 1958, Control and far the Portland Hills fault: Ore Bin, v. 33, no. correction. In Eckel, E. 8., editor, 1958, 6, p. 109-11B. Landslides and engineering practice: Highway Research Board Special Report 29, p. 150-188. BALZARINI, M. A., 1981, Paleoacology of Eversoo­ age glacialmarine drifts in northwestern Washing­ BALAZS, E. I.; HOLDAHL, S. A., 1974, Vertical ton and southwestern British Columbia: University crustal movements in the Seattle-Nash Bay area as of Washington Mester of Science thesis, 109 p. indicated by the 1973-74 precise relevelings and mareograph observations [abstract]: Eos (American BALZARINI, M. A., 1981, Paleoecology of glacial­ Geophysical Union Traneections), v. 55, no. 12, p. marina drifte of the Everson interstede, north­ 1104. western Washington and southwestern British Colum­ bia [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ BALAZS, E. I., see al so streets with Programs, v. 13, no. 2, p. 4il• ANDO, MASATAKA [and others], 1979. BALZARINI, M. A., 1983, Pa leoeco logy of late BALDWIN, E. M., 1939, Late Cenozoic disstrophism Pleistocene glacial-marine sediments in northwest­ along the Olympic coast: State College of Wash­ ern Washington and southwestern British Columbia. ington Master of Science thesis, 50 p., 1 plate. l!!. Molnia, B. F., editor, 1963, Glacial-marina sedimentation: Plenum Press, p. 571-592. BALDWIN, E. M., 1959, Geology of Oregon: Univer­ sity of Oregon Cooperative Book Stare, 136 p. BAME, D. A., 1984, A source model for low frequen­ cy volcanic earthquakes: University of Washington BALDWIN, E. M., 1964, Geology of Oregan; 2nd edi­ Mester of Science thesis, 95 p. tion: University of Oregan Cooperative Boak Sta re, 165 p. BAME, D. A.; CROSSON, R. S., 1984, A study of vol­ canic earthquakes in the of Washing­ BALDWIN, E. M., 1966, Geology of the Columbia ton [abstract]: Earthquake Notes, v. 55, no. 1, River Gorge: Northwest Science, v. 40, no. 4, p. p. 12. 121-120. BAME, D. A., see also BALDWIN, E. M., 1981, Geology of Oregon; 3rd edi­ CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1985. tion: Kendell/Hunt Publishing Company (Dubuque, Iowa], 170 p. BANG, S., see SHEN, c. K. [and others], 1961. 12 BANGS, E. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

BANGS, E., sea BARKSDALE, J. D., see a Lso AGOCS, w. B,. ( end others], 1954. COOMBS, H. A. [and others], 1942.

BANKS, HAROLD, sea , w. o., 1973, Late Pleistocene deformet ion DUNCAN, J. R. (and others], 1969. of Cascadie Basin turbiditas along Washington con­ tinental margin [abstract]: American Association

BANKS, N. G.; BENNETT, c. A.; , J 0 M., of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 57, no. 4, p. 1978, Maps of photo l inaemants end geomorphologi­ 768-769. cal features in the Lake quadrangle, Wash­ ington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report BARNARD, w. o., 1974, Westward progressing Pleis­

78-505, 2 sheets, scale 1:481000. tocene deformation of the lower continental slope off the Washington ceest [abstract]: Geological BANKS, N. G.; SCHMIDT, J. M.; ASHLEY, R. P.; BEN­ Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. B, NETT, C. A., 1979, Preli II inary geologic and geo­ no. 7, p. 645. physical studies of the northeast quarter of the Spirit Lake quadrangle, Washington• U.S. Geologi­ BARNARD, w. o., 1978, The Washington continental cal Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF- slopa--0.uetarnary tectonics end sedimantation1 1048, 2 sheets, sca la 1 :48,000. Merine Geology, v. 27, no. 1-2, p. 79-114.

BARATS, G. M., see BARNARD, W. D., see also YOUNT, J. C. [and others], 1985. CARSON, BOBB [and others], 1974. SILVER, E. A. [and others], 1971. BARKER, P. A., 1968, Glaciation of the Chalan trough: Washington State University Master of BARNES, c. A., 1954, Soma problems in laying a Science thesis, 52 p. submerfoe power Una [abstract]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 65, no. 12, pt. 2, BARKER, R. M., sea p. 1332. CUSHING, E. M. [and others], 1974. BARNES, F. F.; BUTLER, J. w., JR., 1930, The BARKER, SALLY; MALONE, S. D., 1988, Magma body structure and stratigraphy of the Columbia River geometry at Mount St. Helens volcano from post­ Gorge end Cascade Mountains in the vicinity of eruptive earthquakes [abstract]: Eos (American Mount Hood: University of Oregon Meeter of Arts Geophyaical Union Transactions), v. 69, no. 16, p. thasi s, 136 p., 2 p latas. 529. BARNES, n/ AN, sea BARKSDALE, J. o., 1958, Methow-Pasayten fault IRWIN, w. P. [and others], 1982. trough, northeastern Cascades, Washington [ab­ stract]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, BARNES, R. S., 1976, A trace element survey of v. 69, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1531. selected , sediments, end biota of Lake Washington drainage: University of Washington BARKSDALE, J. D., 1975, Geo logy of the Mathow Master of Science thesis, 169 p. Val Ley, Okanogan County, Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin BARNES, R. S.; BIRCH, P. B.; SPYRIDAKIS, D. E.; BB, 72 p., 1 plate. SCHaL, w. R., 1979, Changes in the sad i mentetion histories of lakes using lead-210 es a tracer of

BARKSDALE, J. D.; COOMBS, H. A., 19461 The Pacific sinking particulate matter. l!! Isotope hydrology Northwest earthquake of February 14, 1946 [ab­ 1978--Procaadings of an international symposium on stract]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, isotope hydrology: International Atomic Energy v. 57, no. 12, part 2, p. 1249. Agency [V ienne] Proceedings Series, v. 2, p. 875- 898. BARKSDALE, J. D.; COOMBS, H. A., 1946, The Puget Sound earthquake of February 14, 1948: Seismolog­ BARNHARD, T. P., see ical Society of America Bulletin, v. 36, no. 4, p. HARDING, s. T. [and others], 1987. 349-354. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY BARTLEIN, P. J. 13

BARNO SKY, C. L., 1980, Late Quete rne ry vegetet ion­ [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, el history of the southern Puget Lowland; a long v. 34, no. 6, Section B, p. 2708-8-2709-B. record from Davis lake, Washington (abstract}: International Palynologicel Conference, 5th, 1980, BARR, s. M., 1973, The spreading centre near the Abstracts, p. 28. northern end of Juan de Fuca Ridge [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. BARNOSl

BARR, s. M., 1973, Geology of the northern end of BARTLEIN, P. J., see Juan de Fuca Ridge and adjacent continental slope SARNOSKY, C. W. (and others], 1987. 14 BARUTT, S. SEISMlC HAZARDS Of WEl,TERN WASHI.NJ;WN

tilARUTT, S., see BAUERMAN, .HILAR<, 1.8Q9, On the geology of the MCNEEl-Y, W. l. {end others], 1966. south-east.ern pert of Vancouver's Island {ab­ stract): Phi Losophical Mag!ilztne, series 4, -v. 18, BASHAM, P. w., see no. 122, p. 475-476,. P~, .A. A. {end sthera], 1985. 8AUERMAN, HILARY, 1860, On the .g((lotogy of tha BASS, M. N., 1970, Variation of ocean ridge pa­ ~th-eastern part of V•ncouver Islendi Geologi­ sal·ts with spreading rate [abatract]: Eos (Ameri­ cal Sociey of London 12uarterl y Jc;,i,irnai, v. 16, no. can Geophysical Union Transactional, v. 151, no. 1, p. 198-202. 11, p. 762. BAUERMAN, HilARY, 1885, Report on the geology of BATATIAN, l. O., see tha country -near the forty-inth paf'aU.el of north WAGNER, H. C. {end others], 1986. latitude west of tha Rocky Mount•ins from observa­ tions made 1859-1861: Canada Geological Survey BATEMAN, A. F., JR., 1951, Geology of dam sites on Report of Progress 1882-84, a 1-41. Lawis River, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report, 11 p. BAUM, L. F., 1968, Geology end mineral deposits, Vesper Peal< stock area, Snohomish County, Washing­ BATEMAN, A. F., JR., see also ton: University of Washington Mester of Science EFllMANN, c. E. [and others], 1951. thesis, 75 p., 1 plate.

BATES, R. G., 1980, Tectonic rotations in the Cas­ BAUMANN, H. N., JR., see cade Mountains of southern Washington: Western MCPHEE, J. A. [and others], 1911. Washington University Master of Science thesis, 86 p. BAUMGARTNER, 0. M., sea HEILMAN, P. E. {end others], 1979.

BATES, R. G.1 BECK, M0 E., JR.; BURMESTER, R. F., HEILMAN, P. E. {and others], 1981. 1981, Tectonic rotations in the Caecsda Range or southern Washington: Geology, v. 9, 110. 4. p. BAYLEY, R. W.; MUEHLBERGER, W. R., COMPILERS, 184-189. 1968, Basement rock map of tha United States, exclusive of and Hawe ii: U.S. Geo log icel

!3ATES, R0 G.; BECK, M. E., JR.; SIMPSON, R. W., Survey, 2 sheets, scale 1:2,500,000. 1979, Preliminary paleomagnetic results from the southern Cascade Range of southwestern Washington BEACH, G. L., 1984. The 19 1982 eruption and [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union Lehar at Mount St. Helens-Implications for Mar­ Transactions), v. 60, no. 46, p. 816-817. tian ? l!! Holt, H. E., compiler, 1984. Reports of Planetary Geology Progrem-1983: BATSON, R. M., see U.S. National Aeroneutics and Space Administration RADBRUCH-HALL, D. H. [end others], 1987. Technical Memorandum 86246, p. 178.

BATTIE, JOHN; JOHNSTON, OONNELLA; SEARLS, CRAIG, BEACH, w. K., 1962, A geological investigation of 1975, Environmental geology of the Perklend­ the Bonanza Queen Mine, Snohomish County, Washing­ Spanaway area, Washington: Washington Division of ton: University of Washington Bachelor of Science Geology and Earth Resources Open-File Report 75-2, thesis, 85 p. 7 sheets, see le 1 :24.000. BEATTY, CHARLOTTE, see BATTIS, J.C., 1973, Zones of anomalous seismic STRICKLAND, HE~EN [end others], 1975. propagation in the vicinity of Mount Rainier: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, BEAULIEU, J. O., FIELDTRIP CHAIRMAN, 1973, Geolo­ 88 p. gic field trips in northern Oregon and southern Washington: Oregon Department of Geology and BATTIS, J. c., see also Mineral Industries Bulletin 77, 206 p. SMITH, s. w. [and others], 1973. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY BECK, M. E., JR. 15

BEAULIEU, J. D.; PETERSON, N. V., 1981, Seismic BECK, M. E., JR.; BURMESTER, R. F.; ENGEBRETSON, and volcanic hazard evaluation of the Mount St. D. C.; SCHOONOJER, RUTH, 1981, Northward transla­ Helens area relative to tha Trojan nuclear site; tion of Mesozoic batholiths, western North America highlights of a recant study: Oregon Geology, v. --Palaomagnatic evidence and tectonic signifi­ 43, no. '12, p. 159-169. cances Geofisica Internacional, v. 20, no. 3, p. 143-162. BEAULIEU, J. D.; PETERSON, N. V., 1981, Seismic end volcanic hazard evaluation of the Mount St. BECK, M. E., JR,4 BURMESTER, R. F.J SCHOONOJER, Helens area, Washington relative to the Trojan RUTH, 1981, New palaomagnetic results from the Mt. Nuclear Sita, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geolo­ Stuart batholith or west-central Washington and gy and Mineral Industrias Open-File Report 0-81-9, the question of tectonic transport of batholiths BO P• [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ stracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 2, p. 44. BEAULIEU, J. D., sea al so ARMENTROUT, J.M. {and others], 1983. BECK, M. E.. JR.; BURMESTER, R. F.; SCHOONOIER, RUTH, 1981, Palaomagnetism and tectonics of the BEAVAN, R. J., sea Cretaceous Mt. Stuart batholith of Washington-­ MCNUTT, S. R. [and others], 1984. Translation or tilt?: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 56, p. 336-342. BECHTEL, INC., 1975, Appendix 2J-Investigat1on of the December 14, 1872 earthquake in the Pacific BECK, M. E., JR.; BURMESTER, R. F.; SCHOONOIER, Northwest: Bechtel, Inc., 158 p. RUTH, 19B2, Tertiary palaomagnetiem or the north Cascade Range, Washington: Geophysical Rasaerch BECHTEL, INC., 1979, Report of geologic investiga­ Letters, v. 9, no. 5, p. 515-518. tions in 1978-1979; Skagit Nuclear Power Project: Puget Sound Power end Light Company, 3 v. BECK, M. E., JR.; BURR, C. D., 1979, Pa leomegne­ t ism and tectonic significance of the Goble vol­ BECK, M. E., JR., 1976, Discordant paleomagnatic canic series, southwestern Washington: Geology, pole positions as evidence of regional shear in v. 7, no. 4, p. 175-179. the western cordi l Lera of North America: American Journal of Science, v. 276, no. 6, p. 694-712. BECK, M. E., JR.; CCIX, A. V., 1979, Paleomagnatic evidence for large-scale tectonic rotations end BECK, M. E., JR., 1BBO, Pa leomagnet ic raco rd of translations along the western adga of North Amer­ plate-margin tectonic processes along the western ica [abstract]. l!l Armentrout, J. M.; Co La, R. M.; edge of North Americas Journal of Geophysical Tar Best, Harry, Jr., editors, 1979, Cenozoic Research, v. 85, no. B12, p. 7115-7131. palaogaography of the western United States: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Minarelo­ BECK, M. E., JR., 1981, Pa leomagnet i am of smell giata Pacific Section, Pacific Coast Paleogaogra­ basalt exposures in the west Puget Sound area, phy Symposium 3, p. 325. Washington, and speculations on the accrationary origin of the [abstract]: Eos BECK, M. E., JR.; El'SEBRETSON, D. C., 1982, Pa Leo­ (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, magnet ism of small basalt exposures in the west no. 45, p. 1109-1110. Puget Sound area, Washington, and speculations on the accretionary origin of the Olympic Mountains: BECK, M. E., JR., 1982, Discordant poles, dis­ Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 87, no. 85, p. placed terranes, and the westward expansion of 3755-3760. North America {sbstrectl: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. BECK, M. E., JR.; El'SEBRETSON, D. C.; GLOBERMAN, 148. B. R., 1979, Cenozoic microplata rotations in Washington State--A progress report (abstract]: BECK, M. E., JR., 1984, Has the Washington-Oregon Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ Coast Range moved northward?: Geology, v. 12, no. grams, v. 11, no. 7, p. 386. 12, p. 737-740. 16 BECK, M. E., JB, SEISMJC HAlAROS OF WESTERN WASHI~TON

BECK, M. E,, JR., see al so BEGET, J.E., 1981, Early Holocene glacier advance BATES, B. G. [ end others], 1979. in the north Cascade Range, Washington: Geology, BATES, R. G. [end others], 1981. v. 9, no. 9, p. 409-413. BESKE, s. J. {end others], 1972. BURMESTER, R. F. [and others], 1980. BEGET, J, E., 1881, Glacier Paek volc!llno-Taphro­ BURMESTER, R. F. [and othi,ra], 1885. chronology, eruption history and voti.anic heurds. BURR, c. P. hmd others], 1977. l!l El•lf, s.; Siµif'!<,i,f.l.S""·• aditor111, 18B1, Tllphre GI-OBERMAN, B. R. [and others], 1979. studiaa~Procaadings of the NATO Advanced Study GLOBERM4N, B. R. [and others], 1982. Instit11ta "Taphra studie• ea a tool in Quaternary GROMME, C. S. [and others], 1986. raaearch'1: D, Reidel Pub l ilahi ng Company, p. 449- MOYER, R. 0. [end others]. 1985. 465. PLUtfLEY, P. w. [and others], 197S. RIDDJHOUGH, R. P. [end others], 1983. BEGET, J. E., ~981, Postglaciel aruptiqn history and volcanic llazarde at Glach1r Pa11k, Washington: BEE, M., $88 University of Wasllington Doctor of Philosophy the­ MCALISTER, R. E. [end others], 1979. sis, 192 p.

BEESON, M. H.; TOLAN, T. L., 1987, Columbia River BEGET, J, E., 1981, Rates of eruption end volcanic Gorge--Tha geologic evolution of the Colijmbia hazards in the Washington Cascades [a!)stract]: River in northwestern Oregon and aouthweetern Eos (American Geophysical Union Trenaectionsl, v. Washington. !!l Hill, M. L., editor, 1987, Cordil­ 82, no. e, p. 61. [Note: Text of Journal mis­ laran section of the Geological Society of Ameri­ headed as "v. 82, no. 5.11 ] ca: Gaological Society of America DNAG Centennial Field Guida 1, p. 321-326. BEGET, J. E., 1982, Postglacial eruption history and volcanic hazards at Glacier Peak, Washington BEESON, M. H., sea al so [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts International,

Bl:NSON, G. T. [and othersh 1978. v. 42, n9,, 12, Sect ion 81 p. 4711:18-47178.

BEGl:T, J.E., 1979, Late Pleistocene and Holocene BEGET, J.E., 1982, Postgtacial volcanic deposits pyroclastic flows and tehars at Glacier Peak, at Glacier Peek, Washington, and potential hazards Washington [abstract]: Gi,ological Society of from future eruptions: U.S. Geological Survey America Abstracts with Progre111a, v. 11, 110. 31 p. Open-Fi le Report 82-830, 77 p. BB. BEGET, J. E., 1982, Recant vo lean ic activity at BEGET, J.E., 198D, Minimum Late Pleistocene equi­ IHeciar Paa!<: Science, v. 215, no. 4538, p. 1389- librium line altitudes naer Glacier Paek, Weehing­ 1~0. ton, about 12,500 14C years ago [abstract]: Amer­ ican Quaternary Association, National Conference, BEGET, J.E., 1983, Glacier Peak, Waehington--A 6th, Abstracts, p. 14-15. potentially hazardous Caacada vcilcano: Environ­ ments l Gao lpgy, v. 5, no. 2, P• 83-92. 81:GET, J.E., 1980, Taphrochronology of daglacia­ tion and latest Pleistocene or early Holocene BEGET, J.E., 1989, Radiocarbon-dated evidence of at Glacier Peak, Washington [lf:lstract): worldwide early Holocene climate change: Geology, Geological Society of America Abstrects ~ith Pro­ v. 11, no, 7, p. 389-399, grams, v.12, no. 3, p. 98. BEGET, J.E., 19841 Taphrochronology of late Wis­ BEGET, J~ E., 1980, Taphrochronology qf late­ consin dagleciaticin and Holocene glacier fluctua­ gleciel and Holocene mqrainas in the central north tions near Glacier Pe11!<, north Cascade Range, Cascada Renge, Washington State [abstract]: Geo­ \'hlshington1 ~aternarv Research, V• 21, no~ 31 p. logical Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ 304-316. grams, v. 12, no. 7, p. 384.

BEGET, J0 E•• 19851 Tephrochronology of sntislope scarps on en alpine ridge near Glacier Peak, Wash- AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY BERG, J. W., JR. 17

ington, U.S.A.: Arctic and Alpine Research, v. BENNETT, L. C., JR.; GRIM, M. S., 1966, Invest iga­ 17, no. 2, p. 143-152. t ion of the continental shelf structure off the coast of Washington [abstract]: American Geophys­ BEHRENDT, J. C.; WOOLLARD, G. P., 1961, An eva lua­ ical Union Transactions, v. 49, no. 1, p. 209. t ion of the gravity control network in North Amer- ica: Geophysics, v. 26, no. 1, p. 57-78. BENNETT, L. c., JR., see also GRIM, M. s. [and others], 1988. 8EIELEA, v. E., 1975, Soil survey of Chelan area, GRIM, M. S. [ and others], 1969. Washington, perts of Chelan and Kittitas Counties: MAYERS, I. R. [and others], 1972. U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 104 p., 50 plates. MAYERS, I. R. [end others], 1973.

BEIKMAN, H. M., see BENNETT, W. A. G., see KING, P. B. [end others], 1974. HUNTTING, M. T. [and others], 1981. KING, P. B. [end others], 1976. KING, P. B. [ and others], 1979. BENSON, G. T .; BEESON, M. H.; JOHNSON, A. G., 1976, Structure of the Tualatin Mountains (Port­ BELA, J. L., COMPILER, 1982, Geologic and neotec­ land Hills), Oregon [abstracth Geological Socie­ tonic evaluation of north-central Oregon--The ty of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. Dalles 1 degree by 2 degree quadrangle: Oregon 3, p. 355. Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Geo­ logical Map Series GMS-27, 2 sheets, scale BENSON, G. T., sea also 1 :250,000. BALSILLIE, J. H. [and others], 1971.

BELA, J. L., 1983, Geologic and naotectonic evalu­ BENTLEY, R. o., 19BO, Wrench tectonic model for ation of north-central Oregon--The Dalles, Oregon, the late Cenozoic evolution of Oregon and Washing­ Washington, 1 degree by 2 degree quadrangle [ab­ ton [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts stracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, p. 385. with Programs, v. 15, no. 5, p. 315. BENTLEY, R. D.; ANDERSON, J. L.; CAMPBELL, N. P.; BELKNAP, D. F., see SWANSON, D. A., 1990, Stratigraphy and structure WEHMILLER, J. F. [and others], 1978. of the Yakima Indian Reservation, with emphasis on the Columbia River Basalt Group: U.S. Geological BELL, J.M., see Survey Open-Fi le Report 80-200, B5 p., 1 plate. MILLER, E. A. [ end others], 1976. BENTLEY, A. o., see al so BENDER, B. L., see HAMMONl, P. E. [end others], 1977. ALGERMISSEN, S. T. [and others], 1902. TABOR, R. W. [ and others], 1982.

BENDER, V. R., see BERG, G. V.; HOUSNER, G. W., 1961, Integrated HOPSON, c. A. [and others], 1962. velocity and displacement of strong earthquake ground motion: Seismological Society of America BENNETT, C. A., see Bulletin, v. 51, no. 2, p. 175-189. BANKS, N. G. [ and others], 197B. BANKS, N. G. [and others], 1979. BERG, G. V.; HOUSNER, G. W., 1961, Integrated velocity and displacement of strong earthquake BENNETT, L. c., JR., 1969, Structural studies of ground motion [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey the continental shelf off Washington [abstract]: Bulletin 1146-C, p. 398. Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 50, no. 2, p. 63. BERG, J. W., JR.; BAKER, C. D., 1963, Oregon earthquakes, 1841 through 1958: Seismological BENNETT, L. C., JR.; ECHOLS, R. J., 1971, Shel low Society of America Bulletin, v. 53, no. 1, p. 95- seismic stratigraphy on the continental shelf of 108. Washington [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 52, no.. 5, p. 431. 16 BERG, J. w., JR.

BERG, J. W., JR.; EMILIA, D. A.; BALES, W. e... Va\ lay• southwltstern weeMngton Cascade Range: 1968, Magnetic studies off the Pacific Northwest Washington Oivision of Geology and Earth t=leeources coast [abstract): Geological Society of America Open-file fleport 83-5, 48 p., 2 ptetss. Special Paper 101, P• 288. fH:RRY, M. J., see BERG, J. W.. , JR.; KING, J. M.; CARLSON, P. A., ELLIS. R.. Ill. {ei,a otherah 1983.. 1966t Seismic reflection studies of buried chan­ nels off the Columbia River: Ora Bin, v,, 2B, no.. BEf:IRV, ROBERT, s6e B, P• 145-150. SUPPE, JOHN (end othere], 1975.

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BEV IS, K. A., see Resources Open-File Report 78-29, 1 sheet, scele ATWATER, B. F. [and others], 1987. 1:24,000.

BIAGGI, R., see BIRDSEYE, R. u., 1976, Geologic mep of east-cen­ FISK, L. H. [and others], 1976. tral Jefferson County, Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File BIBEE, L. D., see Report 78-26, 1 sheet, sea le 1 :24,000. JACOBSON, R. S. [end others], 1987. BIRDSEYE, R. U., 1976, Glacial and environmental BIEDERMAN, D. D., 1967, Recent sea-Laval change in geology of east-central Jefferson County, Washing­ tha Pacific Northwast1 University of Waahington toni North Carolina State University Master of Master of Science thesis, 24 p. Science thesis, 96 p.

BIGELOW, P. K., 1984, Structure of the Graye Har­ BIRDSEYE, R. u., 1976, Relative slope stability in bor basin as evidence for post 12 m.yJ>.p. tecton­ east-central Jefferson County, Weeh1ngtons Wash­ ic activity in S.W. Washington [abstract]: Eos ington Division of Geology and Earth Resources (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, Open-File Report 76-27, 1 sheet, scale 1;2~000. no. 17, p. 329. BIRDSEYE, R. U., 1976, Suitability of geologic BIGELOW, P. I<., 1984, The tectonic setting of the units for waste disposal, east-central Jefferson Montesano Formation (Late Miocene), southwest County, Washington: Washington Division of Geolo­ Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical gy and Earth Resources Open-File Report 76-30, 1 Un ion Transact ions), v. 65, no. 17, p. 329. sheet, aca le 1 :24,000.

BIGELOW, P. K., 1987, The petrology, stratigraphy BIRDSEYE, R. U., 1977, Glacial and env i ronmente l and basin history of the Montesano Formation, geology of east-central Jefferson County, Washing­ southwestern Washington and southern Olympic ton [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ Peninsula: Western Washington University Master stracts with Programs, v. 9, no. 5, p. 575. of Science thesis, 263 p. BIRDSEYE, R. U.; CARSON, R. J., 1974, Tephra of BIKE, P. B., 1962, Geophysical offshore work gains Salmon Springs age from the southeastern Olympic momentum in Washington and Oregon1 Oil end Gas Peninsula, Washington: Washington Division of Journal, v. 60, no. 13, p. 164-166. Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fila Report 74-1, 35 p. BILBY, R. E., see DUNCAN, s. H. [and others], 1987. BIRDSEYE, R. U., see also CARSON, R. J. [and others], 1976. BINGHAM, J. W., see RICHARDSON, DONALD [and others], 1968. BIRK, R. H., 1980, The petrology, petrog raphy, and geochemistry of the Black Jeck breccia pipe, Sil­ BIRCH, D. C., 1965, The Wind River slide: [Pri­ ver Ster plutonic complex, Skamania County, Wash­ vately published by the author, Portland, Ore.], 5 ington: Western Washington University Master of p., 2 plat es. Science thesis, 107 p., 2 plates.

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BJ.ACKWEl.-L, P. D., 1971, Low heat flow in westero BLACKWEl.-!-, D. !,.., see elep Weshingto11 end the mechenics of subductioo [et>­ BROWN, e. H! [and ptharsJ, 1Ell37. strect]: Eos (American Geophysical Unipo Transac­ ., J. T. [and ottiers], 1984, tions), v, 52, no! 11, p. 824. BLAISE, BERTRAND; CLAGUE, J. J., 1998, Clay minar­

BLACKJfEL!-, D. D~; BOWEt.a, R. G.; SCHUSTEFI, .J. E0, al~y of Late Pleistocena glacial deposits in 1878, Heat flow and Cenozoic tectonic hi1tory pf ChHliwack Valley, soµthwestarn Britiah Columbia, tha northwestero United States [et>stract]: ~eo~ l!!. Can11da Geological Survey, 1988, C4rrent Logical Society of Americe Abstracts with Pro­ raseercti, Part ~ordil Lera end Paci fie merg in: gre111•, v. 5, no, 1, p. 12-18. Can11da GaolpgicaL Surve,y Peper 8S-1E, p, 25-29.


stracts with Prpgre1111!, v. s, no. 2, ~ BH£i0 rC:19ion of the United States (et>atract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. as,

BLACKWELi,., D. D.; STEELE, J. L., 19851 H!llet f'L!nJ oo. 45, p. 911. of the Cascade Rengl!. In Guffanti, Marianpa; Ml.!fflar, L. J. P., editors, 1985, Proceadi!'IQIJ of EILAKE, M, c., JR., ,ee al so the workshop on geothermel resources of the Cps­ SILSERl,.ING, N. J, [and pth,rs]. 1984, cede Range: U.S, G110Logic11l Survey Operr"fi Le Report 85-521, p. 29-2s. BLAKELY, R. J., sea SIMPSON, R. W, [end others), 1988. BLACl

Eos [American Geophysical Union Traneectipnal, y, 81,.00M, A,. L., 19831 §ea l!!!V!ll and coe~teL morphoL­ fl3, no. 45, p. 1091. OQY of the United sut,s through the late Wispon­ !lin gl~iel 111aximL1111. l!l Wright, H., E., Jr.; Port­ er, S. c., editors, 19~, Latrillaternery environ­ mente of the United States; Volume 1, The late AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY BONINI, W. E. 21

Pleistocene: University of Minnesota Press, p. Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical 215-229. Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 46, p. 865.

BLUM, D. E., see BOLT, e. A., 1972, Seismicity. l!l Sherif, M. A.; LANGSTON, c. A. [and othersl, 1977. Bostrom, R. C., and others, 1972, Mic rozonat ion conference--Proceedings of the International Con­ BLUNT, D. J.; EASTERBROOK, D. J.; RUTTER, N. W., ference on Microzonation for Safer Construction 1987, Chronology of Pleistocene sediments in the Research and Application: University of Washing­ Puget Lowland, Washington. I!l. Schuster, J. E., ton, v. 1, p. 13-28. editor, 1987, Selected papers.on the geology of Washington& Washington Division of Geology and BOLTON, PATRICIA, 1988, Application of s process Earth Resources Bulletin 77, p. 321-353. for aaaeaaing the potential effectiveness of lend use planning measures for earthquake hazard miti­ BLUNT, D. J., see also gation--Provo, Utah end Bellingham, Washington. Ill EASTERBROOK, D. J. [and others], 1982. Hays, W. W., ad i tor; Ki tzm il le r, Car La, compiler, KVEN/OLDEN, K. A. [and others], 1979. 1988, A review of earthquake research applications KVEtNOLDEN, K. A. [end others], 1980. in the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Pro­ gram~1977-1987: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fila BOAK, J. L., 1977, Geology end petrology of the Report 88-13-A, p. 349-361. Mount Chaval area, north Cascades, Washington: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, , J. G., 1959, Sedimentary analysis of the 87 p., 1 pl a ta. Kummer Formation within the Green River Canyon, King County, Washington1 Univers;ty of Washington BOCKHEIM, J. G.; UGOLINI, F. C., 1972, Soi ls and Mester of Science thesis, 114 p. parent materials of Findley Lake, Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington [abstract]: Northwest BONO, JOHN, sea Scientific Association, 45th Annual Meeting, Ab­ BARRASH, WARREN [and others], 1981. stracts of Papers, p. 2. BONO, KEV IN, see BODLE, R. R., 1941, United States earthquakes, ZIETZ, ISIDORE {and others], 1986. 1939: U.S. Coast end Geodetic Survey Serial 637, 69 p. BONE, M. N., sea WOLFGRAM, P. A. [end others], 1984. BODLE, R. R., 1942, United States earthquakes, 1942: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Serial 682, BONILLA, M. G., sea 38 p. MULLINEAUX, o. R. [end others], 1967. YOUNT, J. C. [and others], 1980. BODLE, R. R., 1945, United States earthquakes, 1943: U.S. Coast end Geodetic Survey Serial 872, BONINI, W. E., 1968, Princeton gravity studies in 49 p. the northwestern United States [abstract]: Ameri­ can Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 49, no. 4, BOOLE, R. R.. 1946, United States earthquakes, p. 666. 1944: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Serial 682, 43 p. BONINI, W. E., 1969, Gravity studies on Montana, Wyoming, end Washington: Eos (American Geophysi­ BOELLSTOFFF, J., see cal Union Transactions}, v. 50, no. 10, p. 531- EASTERBROOK, D. J. [end others}, 1978. 533.

BOERNGEH, J. G., see BONINI, W. E.; HUGHES, D. W.; DANES, z. F., COM­ SHACKLETTE, H. T. [and others], 1971. PILERS, 1974, Complete gravity anomaly map of Washington: Washington Division of Geology and BOGUE, s. w.; COWAN, o. s.; GARV ER, J. I., 19B5, Earth Resources Geologic Map GM-11, 1 sheet, scale Paleomagnetic results from u. Jurassic - L. Cret­ 1:500,000. ceous sedimentary rocks of the San Juen Islands, 22 80NNO, M.

BONNO, M.; BRAU, J. E.; GILHAM, W. D.; JOHANSEN, B®Ttl, D. B., 1984, Surficiql geology of the west D.; JON{:9' M. H.; MAL.FAIT, BRUCE; MASTEN, J., half of the Skykomish Rivar quadrangle, Snohomish 1964, Gravity a1.1rvay of southern Kitsap PaninS'IL,, and King eountiea, Waahingtolill U.S. Geological Wa,shington [abstract]: America,n Geophyaica, Union ij1.1rv1i1y Qpeo-File Report 84-?13, 313 p., 1 plate, Tranaactiona, v. 45, no. 4, p. 640. 8.Q~a 1;&0,00(1~

130NNO, M., aee a L1;10 B()QTH, o. e., 19@5, Surficial g1:1ol9gy of the Gran­ DANES, Z. F~ [and ot'1ar1;1], 1985. ~ta F1Ua 111i-m inut, quactrangl«, Slnohom iah Co1.1nty, W11hington: U.S. Gaologic«l Survey Open-Fi L11 800KER, J. R., 1981, GagQ1agnetic sounding in th• Reiport 85-504, 19 p.1 1 plat._ Cascade Range of Washington State as a geothermal el!ploration technique [l!b1;1tract]. !!!. Duffil!lld, w. !ilOQTH1 o. B., 1981, The for111,tion of ice-marginal A.; G!lffenti, Ma,riann•, 1981, The geothermal ellll;lanl ;ca-demm~ lal

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no. 6, p. 450. CURRIE;:, R. G.; DAVIS, E. E.; ~USSONG, D. M0 ; HYND­ MAtf, R. D.; RIDDIHOUG.H, R. P.; ROGERS, G. C.; AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY BOYD, J. W., DJ 23

YORATH, c. J., 1988, Recent acoustic studies of BOSTROM, R. c.; COUCH, R. w.; RASMUSSEN, N. H.; western Canadian continental margin [abstract]: SHERIF, M. A., 1968, An observation program on American Association of Petroleum Geologists level changes end the incidence of seismicity in Bu LLatin, v. 70, no. 7, p. 915. the Puget Sound area: The Trend in Engineering, v. 20, no. 2, p. 19-20. BORNHOLD, B. o., see also DAVIS, E. E. [end others], 1988. BOSTROM, R. c.; SHERIF, M. A., 1970, A microseis­ HERZER, R. H. [and others], 1982. mic zoning technique employing a bese station: International Association of Engineering Geology BORTLESON, G. C.; CHRZASTDWSKI, M. J.; HaGEFISDN, International Congress Proceedings, v. 2, p. 1334- A. I<., 1979, Historical changes of shoral ine and 1338. wetland at river deltas, Puget Sound region, Wash­ ington [abstract}: U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ BOSTROM, R. C.; VALI, VICTOR, 1989, Ground defor­ s ional Paper 1150, p. 302. mation in western Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 50, BORTLESON, G. C.; CHRZASTOWSKI, M. J.; HaGERSON, no. 2, P• 61. A. K., 1979, Historical changes of shoreline and wetland in Puget Sound region [abstract]: U.S. BOSTROM, R. C., see also Geological Survey Professional Paper 1150, p. 99- AIKEN, C. L. [ end others], 196B. 90. AIKEN, C. L. [end others], 1972. CHRISTENSEN, N. I. [and others], 196~. BORTLESON, G. c.; CHRZASTOWSKI, M. J.; HaGERSON, SHERIF, M. A. [end others], 1970. A. I<., 1990, Historical changes of shoreline and SHERIF, M. A. [ and others], 1972. wetland at eleven major deltas in the Puget Sound VALI, VICTOR [and others], 1967. region, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Hydro­ VALI, VICTOR [and others], 1989. logic Investigations Atlas HA-617, 11 sheets. BOURGEOIS, JOANNE, see BORTLESON, G. C., see s l so REINHART, M. A. [end others], 1987. DETHIER, D. P. [and others], 1979. REINHART, M. A. (and others], 1988.

BOSTROM, R. C., 1966, Theory on island movement BOUWKAMP, J. G., see related to Sen Juan cable break: The Trend in STEPHEN, R. M. [and others}, 1978. Engineering, v. 18, no. 4, p. 15-16. BO/IS, M. J.; DAGG, BRUCE; KAYE, DEREK, 1985, BOSTROM, R. C., 1967, The world rift system in the Debris flows and debris torrents in the southern Pacific Northwest: The Trend in Engineering, v. Canadian cordillera--Oiscussion: Canadian Geo­ 19, no. 2, p. 27-32. technical Journal, v. 22, no. 4, p. 608.

BOSTROM, R. c., 1968, The ocean ridge system in BOWEN, R. G., see the northeast Pacific Ocean: Pacific Geology, v. BLACKWaL, D. O. [end others}, 1973. 1, p. 1-21. DEHLINGER, PETER [and others], 1963.

BOSTROM, R. c., 1969, Oceenwerd spreading of the BOWLES, J. M., see continental crust in the region of northwest SHACKLETTE, H. T. [and others], 1971. America: The Trend in Engineering, v. 20, no. 2, p. 4-9, 32. BOYD, G. A., see WODZICKI, ANTONI [end others], 1963. BOSTROM, R. C.; COOMBS, H. A.; SHERIF, M. A.; VALI, VICTOR, 1971, Laser seismograph project. In BOYD, J. w., DJ, 1983, The geology and alteration National Academy of Sciences Upper Mantle Commit­ of tha Slate Creek breccia pipe, Whatcom County, tee, 1971, Upper Mantle Project; United States Washington: University of Arizona Mester of Sci­ program; final report: National Academy of Scien­ ence thes;s, 89 p., 3 plates. ces, p. 70-71. 24 BOYKO, CHRISTINA SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

BOYKO, CHRISTINA, see data; Volume I, Uncorrected accelerograms; Part u, MALONE, S. D. [and others], 1982. Accelerogrems IU294 through IU313, Accelerograms MALONE, S. D. [and others], 1983. from the San Fernando, California earthquake of February 9, 1971: U.S. National Technical Infor­ BRABB, E. E., 1984, Minimum landslide dHage in mation Service PB 242 262, 4 sheets fiche [299 the United States 1973-1983: U.S. Geological sur­ p.J. vey Open-Fi le Report 84-488, 4 p. BRADY, A. G., see a l so BRABB, E. E., see al so TRIFUNAC, M. D. [end others], 1973. ALGER, c. S. [and others], 1985. TRIFUNAC, M. D. [ and others], 1975. HOWARD, K. A. [and others], 1978. BRAILE, L. W., 1970, The isostatic condition and BRACKETT, M. H., 1966, Atderwood soil series: crustal structure of Mount Saint Helens as deter­ Washington State University Master of Science the­ mined from gravity date: University of Washington sis, 100 p. Mester of Science thesis, 37 P•

BRADFORD, D. C., 19.35, Seismic history of the BRAILE, L. W., see Puget Sound basin: Seismological Society or Amer­ SEXTON, J. L. [and others], 1982. ica Bulletin, v. 25, no. 2, p. 138-153. BRAKKE, D. F.; MOORE, A.; PEVEAR, D. R., 1982, BRADFORD, D. C.; WATERS, A. C., 1934, The To l t Recent changes in sediment mineralogy end geochem­ River earthquake and its bearing on the structure istry of Lake Whatcom, Washington [abstract}: of the Cascade Range: Seismological Society of American Quaternary Association, 7th Biennial Con­ America Bulletin, v. 24, no. 1, p. 51-62. ference, Program and Abstracts, p. 76.

BRADFORD, D. c., see also BRAMHALL, P. A., see WATERS, A. c. [and others], 1933. PARKER, M. L. [and others], 1984. WATERS, A. C. [and others], 1934,, BRANDON, M. T., 1979, Structural evolution of pre­ BRADLEY, J. S., 1981, Mt. St. Helens sediment late Cretaceous rocks on southern San Juen Island transport--The first year [abstract]: Eos (Ameri­ in northwestern Washington [abstract]: Geological can Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 82, no. Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 11, 45, p. 858. no. 3, P• 71.

BRADLEY, J. a., 1982, Cowlitz River basin sediment BRANDON, M. T., 1980, Structural geology of middle yields [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Cretaceous thrust faulting on southern San Juan Union Transect ions), v. 83, no. 8, p. 174. Island, Weehington: Unive'rsity of Washington Mes­ ter of Science thesis, 130 p., 1 plate. BRADLEY, J. a., 1984, Transition or e meandering river toe braided system due to high sediment BRANDON, M. T. 1982, Mid-Cretaceous high pressure concentration flows. l!! Elliott, c. M., editor, regional metamorphic event in the Sen Juan 1984, River meandering: American Society of Civil Islands, Washington--Evidence for rapid structural Engineers, p. 89-100. burial end uplift [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, BRADLEY, J. B.; SIMPSON, D. P.1 BURCH, B. H.; P• 152. COLLISTER, J. L., 1982, Physical p rope rt i ea of Mt. St. Helens mudflow and sediment deposits. l!! BRANDON, M. T.; COWAN, D. S., 1983, Mesozoic ter­ Washington Weter Research Center, 1982, Proceed­ rene convergence end dispersion within the Fraser ings from the conference, Mt. St. Helans--Effects block, Pacific Northwest [abstract]: Geological on water resources: Washington Water Research Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 15, Canter Report 41, p. 31-45. no. 5, p. 295.

BRADY, A. G.; HUDSON, D. E., 1975, Strong motion BRANDON, M. T.; COWAN, D. S., 1985, The late Cre­ earthquake accelerograms digitized and plotted taceous San Juan Islands--Northwestern Cascades AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY BRJWINDER, K. M. 25

thrust system [abstract]: Geological Society of BRANDON, M. T., sea also [continued] America Abstracts with Prag rams, v. 17, no. 6, p. COWAN, D. s. [end others], 1982. 343. COWAN, D. S. [end others], 1988. DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1986. BRAN:>ON, M. T.; COWAN, D. S., 1987, The Late Cre­ GREEN, A. G. [and others], 1986. taceous San Juan thrust system, Washington--Nappes JOHNSON, s. Y. [and others], 1981. related to the arrival of Wrengel lie. !D. Hill, M. JOHNSON, S. Y. [and others], 1984. L., editor, 1987, Cordilleren section of the Geo­ NIEM, A. R. [and others], 1984. logical Society of America: Geological Society of America ONAG Centennial Field Guide 1, p. 383'-388. BRANNON, J. MoJ GUNNISON, D.; SMART, R. M.; CHEN, R. L., 1984, Effects of added organic matter on BRANDON, M. T.; COWAN, o. s.; MULLER, J. E.; iron and manganese redox systems in sediment: VANCE, J. A., 1983, Pre-Tertiary geology of San Gaomiorobiology Journal, v. 3, no. 4, p. 319-341. Juen Islands, Washington and southeast Vancouver Island, British Columbia: Geological Association BRANTLEY, STEIIEN, 1985, Mount St. Helens study of Canada Section, Field Trip 5, 65 p. yields useful insights: Geotimes, v. 30, no. 5, p. 14-15. BRANDON, M. T.; JOHNSON, S. Y.; FAIRCHILD, L. H.; STEWART, R. J., 1981, Geologic croaa-sactione of BRANTLEY, STEIIEN, 1986, Two dome-building episodes Tertiary convergent margin, western Washington and at Mount St. Helena in 1984 and 1985 and their southern Vancouver Island [abstract]: Geological accompanying saismicity: U.S. Geological Survey

Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, v. 18, no. 51 p. 207- no. 7, p. 418. 217.

BRANDON, M. T.; JOHNSON, S. Y .; STEWART, R. J.; BRANTLEY, STEIIEN; GLICKEN, HARRY, 1986, Volcanic MCCLAIN, K. J., COMPILERS, 1984, Cross section B- debris avalarichas: U.S. Geological Survey Earth­ 81-B", western Washington. !D. Kulm, L. D.; and quakes end Volcanoes, v. 18, no. 5, p. 195-206. others, editors, 1984, Western North American continental margin and adjacent ocean floor off BRANTLEY, STEIIENr POWER, JOHN, 19851 Reports from Oregon and Washington: Merine Science Interna­ the U.S. Geological Survey•s Cascades Volcano Ob­ tional [Woods Hole, Maas.] Ocean Drilling Program, servatory et Vancouver, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ Regional Atlas Series 1, p. 19-20. cal Survey Earthquake Information Bulletin, v. 17, no. 1, p. 20-32. BRANDON, M. T.; JOHNSON, S. Y.; STEWART, R. J.; TABER, J. J., JR., COMPILERS, 1984, Cross section BRANTLEY, STEVEN; TCPINKA, L. J., EDITORS, 1984, A-A', western Washington. !D. Kulm, L. O.; and Volcanic studies et the U.S. Geological Survey•s others, editors, 1984, Western North American con­ A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory, tinental margin and adjacent ooeen floor off Ore­ Vancouver, Washingtona U.S. Geological Survey gon end Weshington1 Marine Science International Earthquake Information Bulletin, v. 16, no.. 2, p. (Woods Hole, Mass.] Ocean Drilling Program, Re­ 43-122. gional Atlas Series 1, p. 19. BRANTLEY, STe.tEN; YAMAGUCHI, O. K.; CAMERON, KEN­ BRANDON, M. T.; MILLER, O. s.; VANCE, J. A., 1988, NETH; PRitl3LE, PATRICK, 1986, Tree-ring dating of Fission-track dates for initiation and uplift of volcanic deposits: U.S. Geological Survey Earth­ the Cenozoic subduction complex of the Olympic quakes and Vo lcenoae, v. 18, no. 5, p. 184-194. Mountains, NW Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 20, BRAU, E., see no. 3, p. 145. DANES, Z. F. (and others], 1965.

BRANDON, M. T., see el so BRAU, J. E., see

BORNHOLO, B. D. [and others], 19860 BONNO, M. [end others], 1964. CLOWES, R. M. [and others], 1987. CLOWES, R. M. [and others], 1988. BRAVINDER, K. M., 1932, Stratigraphy end paleon­ [contfoued] tology of the Oligocene in the eastern portion of 28 BRAZIER, B. E. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTOt-t the Puget Sound basin: University of Washington BREWER, w. A., 1978, Photo lineament map of the Master of Science thesis, 36 p. State of Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources unpublished mep, 1 BRAZIER, B. E., see sheet, scale 1:500,000. HUNTER, C. R. [and others], 1987. BREWSTER, s. B., JR., see BREITSPECHER, C. H., 1982, Correlation of foraaiin­ HAWLEY, D. L. [and others], 1982. ifara and megafoasi ls from the upper Cretaceous, Sucia Island, Washington: University of Washing­ BRIGGS, N. D., see ton Master of Science thesis, 82 p., 1 plate. EASTERBROOK, o. J. [and others], 1979. EASTERBROOK, D. J. [end others), 1981. BRESSLER, C. T., 1951, The petrology of the Roslyn arkoee, central Washington: Pennsylvania Stats BRIGHAM, J. E., see Collage Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 175 p., 11 FUGLEVAtll, P. F. [and others], 1986. plates. BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF ENERGY, MINES AND BRETZ, J H., 1910, Glacial lakes of Puget Sound-­ PETROLEUM RESOURCES, 1982, British Columbia geo­ Preliminary paper: Journal of Geology, v. 18, no. logical highway map: British Columbia Ministry of 5, p. 448-458. Energy, Mines end Petroleum Resources, 4 sheets, seals 1:1,250,000. BRETZ, J H., 1911, The terminal of the Puget Sound glacier: Journal of Geology, v. 19, BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF MINES AND PETROLEUM no. 2, p. 161-174. RESOURCES, 1979, Caps Flattery, British Columbia­ Washington (92 C/7 E): British Columbia Ministry BRETZ, J H., 1913, Glaciation of the Puget Sound of Mines end Petroleum Resources-Geological Survey region: University of Chicago Doctor of Philoso­ of Canada Geophysical Papers Map 92776, 1 sheet, phy thesis. scale 1:50,0DO.

BRETZ, J ti., 1913, Glaciation of the Puget Sound BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF MINES AND PETROLEUM region: Washington Geological Survey Bulletin 8, RESOURCES; CAt-tAOA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1979, Cape 244 p., 3 plates. Flattery, British Columbia-Washington, Canada­ United Stateaa British Columbia Ministry of Mines BRETZ, J H., 1915, Pleistocene of western Washing­ end Petroleum Resources-Geological Survey of Cane­ ton [abstract]: Geological Society of America de Geophysical Series Map 81928, 1 sheet, scale Bulletin, v. 28, p. 131. 1:250,0DO.

BRETZ, J H., 1917, The Setsop formation of Wash­ BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF MINES AND PETROLEUM ington and Oregon [abstract]: Geological Society RESOURCES; CANADA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1979, Galiano of America Bulletin, v. 29, p. 170-171. Island, British Columbia-Washington (92 B/14 E): British Columbia Ministry of Mines and Petroleum BRETZ, J H., 1919, The late Pleistocene submer­ Resources-Geological Survey of Canada Geophysical gence in the Columbia Valley of Oregon and Wash­ Series Map 92576, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000. ington: Journal of Geology, v. 27, no. 7, P• 489- 506. BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF MINES ANO PETROLEUM RESOURCES; CAt-tAOA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1979, Joyce, BRETZ, J H., 1920, The Juan de Fuca lobe of the British Columbia-Washington (92 8/4 E): British Cordil leren ice sheet: Journal of Geology, v. 28, Columbia Ministry of Mines and Petroleum Resources no. 4, p. 333-339. -Geological Survey of Canada Geophysical Series Map 92826, 1 sheet, seal e 1 :50,000. BRETZ, J H., 1921, The Juen de Fuca lobe of Cor­ dilleran ice sheet [abstract]: Revue de Geologie BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF MINES AND PETROLEUM et Sciences connexes, v. 2, nos. 2-3, p. BS. RESOURCES; CANADA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1979, Port Angeles, British Columbia-Washington (92 B/3 W): British Columbia Ministry of Mines and Petroleum AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPtlY BROWN, E. H. 27

Resources-Geological Survey of Canada Geophysical Rochester, Pe Ell, and Adna quad rang las, Paci fie, Seri as Map 92586, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000. Lawis, Grays Harbor, and Thurston Counties, Wash­ ington [abstract]: Masters Abstracts, v. 1, no. BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF MINES ANO PETROLEUM 2, p. 13. RESOURCES; CANADA GEOLOGICAL SUfflEY, 1979, River Jordan, British Columbia-Washington {92 C/8 E): BROSTER, B. e., see British Columbia Ministry of Mines and Petroleum HICOCK, s. R. [and others], 1981. Resources-Geological Survey of Canada Geophysical HICOCK, S. R. [and others], 1983. Series Hap 92716, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,DOO. BROTCHE, J., sea BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF HINES ANO PETROLEUM MCNEELY, W. L. [and others], 1966. RESOURCES; CANADA GEOLOGICAL SUff/EY, 1979, Victor­ ia, British Columbia-Washington {92 B/6 E}: Brit­ BROUGHTON, w. A., 1943, The Blewett iron deposit, ish Columbia Ministry of Mines and Petroleum Chelan County, Washington, (with preliminary Resources-Geological Survey of Canada Geophysical tonnage estimates): Washington Division of Geolo­ Series Map 92556, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000. gy Report of Investigations 10, 17 P•

BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF MINES ANO PETROLEUM BROUGHTON, w. A., 1944, Economic aspects of the RESOURCES; CANADA GEOLOGICAL SUfflEY, 1979, Victor­ Blewett-Cle Elum iron ore zone, Chelan and Kitti­ ia, British Columbia-Washington (92 B/8 W): Brit­ tas Counties, Washington: Washington Division of ish Columbia Ministry of Mines and Petroleum Geology Report of Investigations 12, 42 p. Resources-Geological survey of Canada Geophysical Series Map 92596, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000. BROWN AND CALDWELL, 19BO, Ceder River well field study; Phase II final report: Seattle Water BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF MINES ANO PETROLEUM Department, 1 vol. RESOURCES; CANADA GEOLOGICAL SUfflEY, 1979, Victor­ ia-Vancouver, British Columbia-Washington, Canada­ BROWN AND CALOWELL, 1980, Final report for Cedar United States: British Columbia Ministry of Mines River wall field study; Phase II continuation: and Petroleum Resources-Geological survey of Cana­ Seattle Water Department, 1 vol. da Geophysical Series Map 81916, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,0DO. BROWN At«J CALDWELL; SWEET, EDWARDS AND ASSOCIATES; ROBINSON AND NOBLE, INC., '1985, Clover/Chambers BROCK, M. R., see Creek gaohydrologic study; final report: Tacoma­ HOWAFI), K. A. [and others], 197B. Pierce County Health Department, 1 v.

BRCl>SKY, HAROLD, see BROWN, B. J.; THOMAS, W. A., 1983, Mt. St. He lens HOWLETT, BRUCE [and others], 1964. impact on Cowlitz River sedimentation. !!! Chen, H. T., editor, 1983, Proceedings of the Conference on BROECKER, W. S.; KULP, J. L., 1957, Lemont natural frontiers in hydraulic engineering: American radiocarbon measurements lV: Science, v. 126, no. Society of Civil Engineers, P• 147-152. 3287, p. 1324-1334. BROWN, E. c., 1984, Tiltmeter analysis of Mount 8ROECKER, W. S., see also St. Helens, Skamania County, Washington: Portland OLSON, E. A. [and others], '1959. State University Master of Science thesis, 153 p.

BROMERY, R. w., 1982, Aeromagnetic and gravimetric BROWN, E. H., 1987, Structural geology and eccre­ interpretation of the geology of the Malone, tionery history of the northwest Cascades system, Rochester, Pe Ell, and Adna quadrangles, Pacific, Washington and British Columbia: Geological Lewis, Greys Harbor, and Thurston Counties, Wash­ Society of America Bulletin, v. 99, no. 2, p. 201- ington: American University Mester of Science 214. thesis, 44 p., 4 plates. BROWN, E. H.; BERNARDI, M. L.; CHRISTENSON, B. W.; BROMERY, R. w., 1982, Aeromagnetic and gravimetric CRUV ER, J 0 R.; HAUGERUO, R. A.; RADY, P. M.; interpretation of the geology of the Malone, SONDERGAARD, J. N~ 19B1, Metamorphic facies and 28 BROWN, E. H. SE!SMIC HAt.Afl>S OF WESf~RH WASHIN9TON tectonics in pert cf the Cascade Range and Puget Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 92, no. B9, p. Lc*lend of northwestern Waahingtcn1 Geological 8985-8991. Society cf America Bulletin, v. 92, no. 4, Part I, P• 170-178. BROWN, P. P., FORREST, J. e.: SOROTA, M. o.; KIN­ NGA; E. S.; HALEY, M. X.; 1981, Cell u La r cof'fe rde m BROWN, E. H4 BLACKWELL, D. L.; CHRistEN&ON, s. for Trident drydockr Performances Discussion; W.; FRASSE, F, I.; HAUGERUO, R. A.,; JONES, J. t.J Closure: American Society of Civil Engineers, LEIGGI, P. A.; MORRISON, M. L.; RADY, P. M.; AND Journal of the Geoteehnieel Engineering Division, OTHERS, 1987, Geologic map cf the northwest Cas­ v. 109, no. Gf4, p. 847-853. cades, Washington: Geological Society of America Map and Chart Series MC-61, 1 sheet, scale BAOWN, A. o., JR.; 1970, Geologic map Of the 11100,DOO, with 10 p. te)(t. north-central part of the Olympic Peninsula, Wash­ ington: UA Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report BROWN, E. H.; ENGEBRETSON, D. C., 1985, Structural 70--43, 2 sheets, seal e 1 :82,500. history and plate tectonic interpretation cf the Eastcn-Shuksan blueschist, north Cascades, Wash­ BROWN, R. D., JR., 1971, F:Vidence for thrust ington [abstract]: Geological Society of America faulting in northern Olympic Peninsula, Washing­ Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. B, p. 344. ton; Discussion: American Association cf Petrole­ um Geologiats Bullet in, v. 55, no. 1, p. 126-129. BROWN, E. H.; VANCE, J. A.,, 1987, Correlation of pre-Tertiary thrust structures between the Sen BROWN, R. D., JR.; GOWER, H. D.; SNAVELY, P. D., Juan Islands and northwest Cascades, Washington JFI., 1980; Geology cf the Port Angeles-Lake Cres­ [abstract}: Geological society of America Ab­ cent area, Clal tam County, \'leshington: U.S. Geo­ stracts with Programs, v. 19, no. s, P• 362., logical Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Map OM- 203, 1 sheet, scela 1:82,500. BROWN, E. H., see s leo COWAN, o. S. [and others], 1977. BROWN, R. D., JFI.; HANNA, W. t=., 1971, Aeromagnet­ GUSEY, O. L. [and others], 1987. ic evidence end geologic structure, northern Olym­ HAUGERUD, R. A. [end others], 1981. pic Peninsula end Streit of Juen de Fucs, Washing­ JEWETT, P. D. [and others}; 1985. ton: American Association cf Petroleum Geologists LEIGGI, P. A. [and others], 1983. Bul Latin, v. 55, no. 11, p. 1939-1953•. SE:VIGNY, J. H. [and others], 1983.

BAClWN, R. 0 0 JR.; SNAY ELY, P. O., JR.; GOWER, H. BROWN, G. L.,, sea o., 1958, Stratigraphy of north coestal ares of HARRISON, J. C. [and others], 1957. Olympic Peninsula, Washington [ebstrect]: Ameri­ can Assooiation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, BROWN, J. C., 1979, Geology and water resources of v. 42t no. 1, p. 220. Kl~ckitat County: Washington Department of Ecolo­ gy Weter-Supply Bulletin 50, 413 p., B plates. BROWN, R. O., JR., see el so SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [end others], 1954. BROWN, J. C., see al so SNAVELY, P. 0., JR. [and others], 1956. HAJ,1MONO, P. E. [and others], 1977. SNAVl:LY, P. o., JR. [end others], 1958.

BROWN, LARRY, see &ROWN, S. P., see

LATHAM, T. S. [and others], 19870 WARREN, w. C. [end others], 1945. PRUSSEN, E. I. [and others], 1988. WARRltN, IV. C. (and others], 1954.

BROWN, N. E., 1986, Subglscial conditions inferred BROWNE, P. A.. J.; ZOLLWEG, J. E., 1987, High pre­ from the Vashon till of tha Pleistocene Puget cision relative locations tore northwestern Wash­ Lobe, WA [abstract]: Eos (American GeophySicll ington e81'thqumke swarm [abstract]: Seismological Union Transactions}, v. 61, no. 44, P• 947. Research Notes, v. 513, no. 1, p. 2e.

BROWN, N. E.; HALLET, B.; BOOTH, o. 8., 19B7, BROWNE, P. A. J.; ZOLLWES, J. E., 1987, The 1986 Rapid soft bed sliding of the Puget glacial lblie1 Darrington, Washington earthquake swarm~Evidence AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY BURBANK, D. W. 29 for tightly clustered asperities? [abstract]: Eos BUCHANAN-BANKS, J. M., 1987, Depth to bedrock map (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 68, in the greater Tacoma area, Washington. .!l! Jacob­ no. a, p. 46. son, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. A., compi Lars, 1987, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, BROWNE, P. A. J., see also summaries of technical reports Volume XXIV: U.S. ZOLLWEG, J. E. [and others], 1987. Geological Survey Open-Fi Le Report 87-374, p. 531.

BRUBAKER, L. B., see BUCHANAN-BANKS, J. M., 1988, Depth to bedrock map GRAUMLICH, L. R. [end others], 1982. in the greater Tacoma area, Washington. .!l! GRAUMLICH, L. J. [end others], 1988. Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compi tars, 1988, National earthquake hazards reduction BRUNENGO, M. J., 1983, Mass movement resulting program, summaries of technical reports Volume from en intense storm 111 Whatcom Co., Wash., Jen. ,oaf: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 80- 1983--0ebris , debris torrents, and 18, p. 478. their effects on development in the mountain fringe [abstract]: Association of Engineering BUCK, R. A., 1984, The Puget Sound earthquake pre­ Geologists, 1983 Annual Meeting, Abstracts and paredness project. !!!. Gori, P. L., editor; Downer, Program, p. 58. L. N.; Kitzmiller, Carla, compilers, 1984, Primer an improving the state of earthquake hazards miti­ BRUNENGO, M. J., see al so gation and preparedness: u.s. Geological Survey HKSOAL, A. J. [end others], 1980. Open-Fi le Report 84-772, p. 91-109. FIKSDAL, A. J. [end others], 191:!1. BUCK, R. A., 1988, Federa L earthquake response BRUTON, J. C., see planning in the Puget Sound area. In Hays, W. W.; SEABECK, F. P. [and others], 1985. Gori, P. L., editors, 1988, Proceedings of confer­ ence XXXIII, "Earthquake hazards in the Puget BRYANT, B. H., 1955, Petrology and reconnaissance Sound, Washington area,": U.S. Geological Survey geology of the Snowking area, northern Cascades, Open-Fi le Report 86-253, p. 219-228. Washington: University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 321 p., 2 plates. BUCK, R. A., 1988, Puget Sound earthquake prepar­ edness project• .!l! Hays, w. w., editor; Kitzmi l­ BUCHANAN, O. E., see lar, Carle, compiler, 1988, A review of earthquake NESS, A. o. (end others], 1980. research applications in the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Progrem--1977-1987: U.S. Geo­ BUCHANAN, PETER, 1988, Debris end debris logical Survey Open-File Report 88-13-A, p. 283- torrent initiation, Whatcom County, Washington, 287. U.S.A.: Western Washington University Mester of Science thesis, 237 p. BUCl

BUCHAMMH!ANKS, J. M., 1988, Depth to bedrock map BUDINGER, T. F., see in the greater Tacoma area, Washington. In Jacob­ GOULD, H. R. [and others], 1956. son, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compi ters, 1988, GOULD, H. R. [end others], 1958. Met ior111 l Earthquake Hazards Reduct ion Program, :Jummeries of technical reports, volume XXIII: BURBANK, D. W., 1979, Late Holocene glacier fluc­ U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-63, p. tuations on Mount Reinier and their relationship 581. to the historical climate record: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, B4 p. 30 BURBANK, O. W. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

BURBAr!K, D. w., 1981, A chronology of late Holo­ BURMESTER, R. F., see el so cene glacier fluctuations of Mount Rainier, Weeh­ BATES, R. G. tend others], 1981. i ngtont Arctic end Alpine Resee rch, v. 13, no. 4; BECK, M. E., JR. [and others], 1981. P• 389-388. BECK, M. E., JR;, [ and othel's], 1982. PUAOY; J. w. [end othersl, 1986. BURCH, B. H., see BRADLEY, J. B. tand others], 1982. BURNETT!, Dl:SBIE, see MANSdN, d. J. [and others]; 1983. BURCHFIEL, B. C., see DAVIS, G. A. [end others], 1978. BURNHAM, R. J., 1986, Depositional interpretation of Eocene plant fossil assemblages [abstract]: BURGER, Ra W.; LANGSTON, c. A., 1984, Source mech­ Afilet'iean Journal of Botany; v. 73, no. 5, p. 695- anism of the Mey 1S, 1980 St. Helens eruption from 696. regional surface waves [abstract]: Eoe (American Geophysical Union Treneactione), v. 85, no. 18, P• BURNS, MARJORIE, see 242. ALLEN, J. E. [end others], 1986.

BURGER, R. W.; LANGSTON, c. A., 1985, Source mech­ BURNS, R. E., see anism of the May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helene erup­ MERRILL, R. T. [and others], 1912. tion from regional surface waves: Journal of Geo­ physical Research, v. 90, no. 89, p. 7853-7884. BURR, C. D., 1978; Paleomagnetisln end tectonic significance of the Goble volcanics of southern BURK, R. L., 1979, Factors effecting 180/160 Washington: western Wast,;ngton University Mester ratios in cellulose: University of Washington of Science thesis• 235 p. Doctor of Phi loeophy thesis, 139 p. BURR, c. D.; BECK, M. E., JR., 1977, Paleomagnetic BURKE, R. M., 1972, Neoglaciation of Boulder date for the oppar Eocene Goble volcanics of Valley, Mt. Beker, \Yashington: Western Weshirigton southwest Weshington--Possible evidence for a State Col tege Heeter of Science thesis, 47 p. second microplete [abstract]: Eos [American Geo­ physical Union Transactions), v. 58, no. 12, p. BURKE, R. M.; BIRKELAND; P. W., 1983, Holocene 1128. glaciation in the mountain ranges of the western United States. In Wright, H. E., Jr., editor, BURR, C. o., see a Lso 1983, Leta-Quaternary environments of the United BECK, M. e., JR. [and others], 1979. States; Volume 2, The Holocene: University of PLUMLEY, P. w. [and others], 1978. Minnesota Press, p. 1-11. BURWASH, E. M. J., 1918, The geology of Vancouver BURKE, R. M., see s l so and vicinity: University of Chicago Press, 106 P• EASTERBAOOK, D. J. [end others], 1972. , S. R. [and others], 1983. BUSACCA, A. J,, see HUNTER, C. R. [and others], 1937. BURMESTER, R. F.; BECK, M. E., JR., 1995, Post Eocene tilt down to the north-northwest in the BUTLER; a. R., 1963, Further notes on the burials north Cascades inferred from paleomagnetism tab­ end the physical stratigraphy at the Congdon site, stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts a multi-component Middle Period site et The Dalles with Programs, v. 17, no. 6, p. 346. on the Lower Columbia River: Tebiwa, v. 6, no, 2, p. 16-32. BURMESTER, R. F.; BECK, M. E., JR.; GRESENS, R. L., 1980, Anomalous Eocene paleomagnetic direc­ BUTLER, C. D.; ENGSTROM; J. ti.; 1968, Mossyrock tions in centrel \'lashington--More clockwise rota­ proJ ect--F ine l cclnst ruction report of the Founds­ tion? [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysieat Union t ions Department: Tacoma Department of Public Transactions), v. 61, no. s, p. 70-71. Utilities, 1 v. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY CAMPBELL, C. D. 31

BUTLER, J. W., JR., see CADY, W. M.; TABOR, R. \"I.; MACLEOD, l'I. s.; SOREN­ BARNES, F. F. [and others], 19:lC. SEN, M. L., 1972, Geologic map of the Tyler Peak quadrangle, Clallam and Jefferson Counties, Wash­ BUTLER, JOANN, see ington: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadran­ JAFFE, MARTIN { and others], 1981 • gle Map GQ-970, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500.

BUTLER, R. C., see CADY, W. H., see also SOLOMON, S. C. [and others], 1974. TABOR, R. w. [end others], 1965. TABOR, R. w. [end others], 1970. BUTTON, M., sea TABOR, R. w. [and others], 1978. STEPHEN, R. M. [and others], 1978. CALDWELL, D. M., see BYERLY, G. R., see WEST, D. O. [and others], 1987. SWANSON, D. A. [and others], 1978. TABOR, R. w. [and others], 1977. CALKIN, P. E., 1959, The geology of Lummi and TABOR, R. w. [and others], 19BO. Eliza Islands, Whatcom County, Washington: Uni­ TABOR, R. w. [and others], 1982. versity of British Columbia Master of Science TABOR, R. w. [and others], 1987. thesis, 140 p., 1 plate.

BYERLY, PERRY, 1952, Pacific coaat earthquakes: CALKIN, P. E., 1959, The geology of Lummi and Oregon State System of Higher Education [Eugene, Eliza Islands, Whatcom County, Washington [ab­ Ore.], 38 p. stract]: Canadian Mining Journal, v. 80, no. 9, p. 141. BYERLY, PERRY, 1953, Pacific Coast earthquakes: American Scientist, v. 41, no. 4, p. 572-595. CALKINS, F. c., sea SMITH, G. o. [end others], 1904. BYRNE, J. V ., 1983, Geo mo rpho Logy of the cont i nen­ SMITH, G. o. [and others], 1906. ta l terrace off the northern coast of Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 25, no. 12, p. 201-209. CALL, w. A., 1974, Soil survey of Cowlitz area, Washington: U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 112 CACCHIONE, D. A., see p., 56 plates. GARDNER, J. V. [and others], 1986. CAMERON, B. E. B., see CADY, w. M., 1975, Tectonic setting of the Terti­ TIFFIN, D. L. [and others], 1972. ary volcanic rocks of the Olympic Peninsula, Wash­ ington: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Re­ CAMERON, KENNETH, see search, v. 3, no. 5, p. 573-582. BRANTLEY, STEVEN {and others], 1986.

CADY, W. M.; SORENSEN, M. L.; MACLEOD, N. S., CAMFIELD, P.A.; GOUGH, D. I.; PORATH, H., 1970, 1972, Geologic map of the Brothers quadrangle, Magnetometer array studies in the north-western Jefferson, Mason and Kitsap Counties, Washington: United States and south-western Canada: Royal U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ- Astronomical Society Geophysical Journal, v. 22, 989, 1 sheet, sea Le 1 :62,500. no. 2, p. 201-221.

CADY, W. M.; TABOR, R. W., 1972, Olympic Peninsula CAMPBELL, C. o., 1953, Introduction to l'lashington in light of plate tectonics [abstract]: U.S. Geo­ geology and resources: Washington Division of logical Survey Professional Peper BOO-A, p. A47- Hines and Geology Information Circular 22, 42 p. A4B. CAMPBELL, C. o., 1953, Washington geology and CADY, W. M.; TABOR, R. W., 1974, Seemounts and resources: Washington State College Research subduction in the Olympic Peninsula, Washington Studies, v. 21, no. 2, p. 114-153. [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 900, p. SO. CAMPBELL, C. D., 1962, Introduction to Washington geology and resources, rev. ed.: Washington !Jivi- 32 CAMPBELL, D, s. SEISMIC HAZARDS .OF WESTERN WASHINGTON sion of Mines end Geology Information Circular CANTON, W. R.; SWARVA, G. L., 1911, Geology of the 22R, 44 p. southwestern portion of the western half of Orces Istend, Sen Juan County, Washington: University CAMPBELL, D. S.; JOHNSON, D. J., 1982, Bouguer of \'lashington Bachelor of Science thesis, 38 p., 1 gravity study of Enumclaw/Pinnacle Peak, Washing­ plate. ton: Northwest Science, v. 58, no. 2, p. 90-100. CANTWELL, THOMAS; OflANGE, A. S., 1965, Deep resis­ CAMPBELL, D. S., sea also tivity results from the Pacific Northwest [ab­ JOHNSON, D. J. fend others], 1981, stract]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 48, no. 1, p. 71. CAMPBELL, J. F., see , M. La [and others], 1984. CANTWELL, THOMAS; ORANGE, A. s., 1985, Further JOHNSON, H. P. [and others], 1984. deep resistivity measurements in the Pacific Northwest, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. CAMPBELL, N. P., 1979, Surficial geologic map of 70, no. 18, p. 4069-4072. The Dallas quadrangle, Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fila CAPPS, GERALD; SIMMONS, J. D.; VIDEGAR, F. D., Report 79-12, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000. 1973, Geology of southern Snohomish County for land-use planning: Western Washington State CAMPBELL, N. P., see al so Col legs Department of Geology, 1 v. BENTLEY, R. o. [and others], 1980. CAPPS, GERALD; SIMMONS, J. D.; VIDEGAR, F. D., CANADA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINES AND RESOURCES, 1973, Preliminary report on the geology of south­ 1987, Canadian west coast earthquakes, 1951-1954: ern Snohomish County, Washington: Washington Canada Department of Energy, Minas and Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File 55 p. Report 73-1, 11 p., 2 plates.

CANADA GEOLOGICAL SUl'/EY, 1987, Bouguer on land­ CARITHERS, WARD; GUARD, A. K., 1945, Geology end free air offshora/Bouguer sur le continent-air ore deposits of the Sultan Basin, Snohomish Coun­ l ibre au large--British Columbia coast-south: ty, Washington: Washington Division of Mines and Canada Geological Survey Open Fila 139B, 1 sheet, Geology Bulletin 36, 90 p. scale 1: 1,000,000. CARLSON, P. R., see CANADA GEOLOGICAL SUl'/EY, see also BERG, J. w., JR. [and others], 1966. BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF MINES AND FIELD, M. E. [and others], 1983. PETROLEUM RESOURCES [and others], 1979. HOLMES, M. L. [and others], 1984.

CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY; AtlD CARLSON, R. L., 1972, A gravity study of the Cy­ OTHERS, 1986, A symposium on tectonic history and press Island peridotite, Washington: University mineral deposits of the western Cordillera in of Washington Master of Science thesis, 39 p., 2 British Columbia and neighbouring parts of the plates. United States, Vancouver, 1984: Canadian. Insti­ tute of Mining and Metallurgy Special Volume 8, CARLSON, R. L., 1976, Cenozoic plate convergence 353 p. in the vicinity of the Pacific Northwest--A syn­ thesis and assessment of plate tectonics in the CANNING, D. J., 1985, Construction erosion ca.n­ northeastern Pacific: University of Washington trol: \'lsshington Department of Ecology Shoralands Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 129 p. Division Shorelands Technical Advisory Paper 3, 86 p. CARLSON, R. L., 1976, Cenozoic plate convergence in the vicinity of the Pacific Northwest-A syn­ CANNir«3, D. J., 1985, Shoreline bluff end slope thesis and assessment of plate tectonics in the stability--Technicel management options, Waahing­ northeastern Pacific [abstract]: Dissertation Ab­ ton Department of Ecology Shorelands Division stracts International, v. 37, no. 3, Section B, p. Shorelands Technical Advisory Paper 2, 84 p. 1155-B. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY CARSON, BOBB 33

CARLSON, R. L., 1977, Late Cenozoic evolution of CARROLL, P.R., see also [continued] the Juan de Fuce and Gorda Rises [abstract]: Eos WHITTEN, J, T. [end others], 1979. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 58, WHITTEN, J. T. [end others], 1980. no. 12, p. 1127. CARSON, BOBB, 1974, Sediment modification related CARLSON, A. L., 1980, Clockwise rotations of the to subductio~Weshington-Oragon continental mar­ Juan de Fuca Ridge and Gorda Rise--A case study gin [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trensectionsl, v. 55, no. 12, p. 1138. Transactions), v. 61, no. 48, p. 1105. CARSON, BOBB, 1974, Tectonically induced consoli­ CARLSON, A. L., 1981, Late Cenozoic rotations or detton of deep-sea sediments st e eubducting con­ the Juen de Fuce Ridge and the Gorda Rise~A case tinental margin [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ study: Tectonophysics, v. 77, no. 3-4, p. 171- physical Union Transactions), v. 55, no. 4, p. 188. 299.

CARLSTON, C. W., see CARSON, BOBB, 1975, Carbonate dissolution in "off­ CARY, A. s. [end others], 1937. scraped'' deep-sea sediments~An integral .pert of the subduction process? (abstract]: Eos (American CARPENTER, P. J., see Geophysical Union Transactional, v. 56, no. 6, p. CHILDERS, DALLAS [and others], 1985. 370-371. LOMBARD, A. E. [end others], 19B1. CARSON, BOBB, 1978, Tectonic consolidation of deep CARR, O. E., see -see sediments--Preliminary results of laboratory SMITH, W. s. [and others], 1912. simulation [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. a, no. 6, p. CARR, E. P.; MANGUM, A. \'I., 1906, Soil survey of BD3. Island County, Washington: U.S. Government Print­ ing Office, 23 p., 1 plate. CARSON, BOBB, 1977, Tectonically induced deforma­ tion of deep-ass sediments off Washington and CARR, F. E.; BAGSHAW, E. W., 1908, Geology of northern Oragon--Mechanical consolidation: Marine Squak Mountain: University of Washington Bachelor Geology, v. 24, no. 4, p. 289-307. of Science thesis, 34 p. CARSON, BOBB; MCMANUS, D. A., 1969, Seismic re­ CARR, J. M., 1962, Geo logy of the Princeton, Mer­ flection profiles across Juen de Fuca canyon: ri tt, Kamloops eree of southern B.C.: Western Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 74, no. 4, p. Miner and Oil Review, v. 35, no. 2, p. 46, 48-49. 1052-1080.

CARR, M. J., see CARSON, BOBB; RITGER, S. O.; , ERWIN, 1984, HUGHES, J. M. [end others], 1980. Precipitation of carbonate crust associated with subduction-induced porewster expulsion~Washington CARROLL, N. P., 1959, Upper Eocene and Lower 01 i­ -Oregon continental slope [abstract]: Eos {Ameri­ gocene biostretigrephy of the Hoko River area, can Geophysical Union Transactions], v. 65, no. northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington: Universi­ 45, p. 1089-1090. ty of Washington Master of Science thesis, 101 p., 1 plate. CARSON, BOBB; RITGER, S. O.; SUESS, ER\'IIN, 1988, Methane-derived authiganic carbonates formed by CARROLL, P. R., 1980, Petro Logy and structure of subduction-induced pore-water expulsion along the the pre-Tertiary rocks of Lummi and Eliza Islands, Oregon/'tlashington margin-Reply: Geological Washington: University of Washington Master of Society of America Bullet in, v. 100, no. 4, p. Science thesis, 78 p., 1 plate. 623.

CARROLL, P. R., see also CARSON, BOBB; YUAN, J.-W., 1972, Pattern of deep­ DETHIER, D. P. [and others], 1980. sea sediment deformation ate compressive conti­ [continued] nental margin [abstract]: Geological Society of 34 CARSON, SOBB SEISMIC HAZAFIJS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. CARSON, R. J., 1976, Preliminary geologic map of 467. the Brinnon area, Jefferson County, Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources CARSON, BOBB; YUAN, J.-W.; MYERS, P. B., JR.; Open-File Report 76-3, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. BARNARD, w. D., 1974, Initial deep-sea sadimant deformation at the base of the Washington conti­ CARSON, R. J., 1978, Relative compressibility of nental slope--A response to subduction: Geology, the Brinnon area, Jefferson County, Washington: v. 2, no. 11, p. 581-564. Washington Division or Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fi le Report 76-4, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. CARSON, BOBB, see also BERGLUI'(), P. L. [ and others], 1978. CARSON, R. J., 1976, Relative elope stability of MCMANUS, D. A. [and others], 1972. the Brtnnon area, Jefferson County, Washington: RITGER, s. D. [and others}, 19B7. Washington Division of Geology end Earth Resources SCAM MAN, R. L. [ and others}, 1981. Open-Fi le Report 76-15, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.

CARSON, R. J., 191.0, Quaternary geology or the CARSON, R. J., 1976, Waete-dispoeat planning, south-central Olylllf)ic Peninsula, Washington: Brinnon area, Jefferson County, Washington: Wash­ University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy ington Division or Geology and Earth Resources thesis, ff7 p., 4 plates. Open-Fi le Report 76-5, 1 sheet, see le 1:24,000.

CARSON, R. 'J., 1970, The Quaternary geology of the CARSON, R. J., 1983, Quaternary and environmental south-central Olympic Peninsula, Washington [ab­ geology of Protection Island National Wildlife stract]: Northwest Science, v. 44, no. 1, p. BO. Refuge, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 15, no. 5, CARSON, R. J., 1971, Quaternary geology of the p. 313. south-central Olympic Peninsula, Washington [ab­ stract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. CARSOH, R. J., 1988, Comment on "Changing concepts 31, no. 1 O, Section B, p. 6063-B. of geologic structure and the problem of siting nuclear reecto rs-Examples from Washington State'': CARSON, R. J., 1973, Env1 ronmentet geology of the Geology, v. 18, no. 1, p. 88--89. northwestern portion of the Potlatch quadrangle, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society or CARSON, R. J.; GRYTA, J. J., 1974, Jo rsted Creek America Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, no. 5, p. slide, Mason County: Washington Geologic Newslet­ 384-385. ter, v. 2, no. 3, p. 1-2.

CARSON, R. J., 1973, First known active fault in CARSON, R. J.; SMITH, MACKEY; FOXWORTHY, B. L., Washington: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 1, 1975, Geologic conditions related to waste-dispos­ no. 3, p. 1-2. al planning in the southern area, t'lash­ ington: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous In­ CARSON, R. J., 1973, Holocene faulting, southeast­ vestigations Series Map I-853-D, 1 sheet, scale ern Olympic Peninsula, Washington [abstract]: 1:62,SOO. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pra­ g rams, v. 5, no. 7, p. 568-569. CARSON, R. J.; SMITH, MACKEY; FOXWORTHY, B. L., 197S, Geologic conditions related to waste-dispos­ CARSON, R. J., 1975, Slope stability map of north­ al plenning in western Ylashington [abstract]: central Mason County, Washington: Washington Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File g re ms, v. 7, no. 3, p. 302-303. Report 75-4, 1 sheet, sea le 1 :62,500. CARSON, R. J.; SPENCE, W. H.; BIRDSEYE, R. U., CARSON, R. J., 1976, Geologic map of north-central 1976, Leta Pleistocene tephra Layers in the west­ Meson County, Washington: Washington Division of ern Puget Lowland, Washington [abstract]: Geolog­ Geology and Earth Resources Open-File Report 76-2, ical Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 1 sheet, seal e 1 :62,500. v. a, no. 3, p. 358. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY CATER, F. W. 35

CARSON, R. J.; WILSON, J. R., 1974, Cluaternary CARY, A. S., 1968, Dam sites along Pleistocene ice faulting on Dow Mountain, Mason County: Washing­ border--Puget Sound [abstract]: Association of ton Geologic Newsletter, v. 2, no. 4, p. 9-10. Engineering Geologists, 1968 Annuel Meeting, Pro­ gram, p. 27. CARSON, R. J., see al so BIRDSEYE, R. U. [ end others], 1974. CARY, A. s., 1988, Military road slide. In McKee, EDDY, P. A. [and others], 1973. Bates; Coombs, H. A.. 1988, Guidebook to field GRIMSTAD, PEDER [and others], 1981. tripaJ 1988 National Meeting, Seattle: Associa­ HANSON, K. L. [and others], 1976. tion of Engineering Geologists, p. 79-94. LONG, W. A. [and others], 1979. NAESER, NANCY [and others], 1984. CARY, A. S.; CARLSTON, C. W., 1937, Notes on PORTER, S. C. [and others], 1971. Vashon stage glaciation of the south fork of the SMITH, MACKEY [and others], 1977. Skykomish River Val Ley, Washington: Northwest WESTGATE, J. A. [end others], 1987. Science, v. 11, no. 3, p. 61-82. WILSON, J. R. [and others], 1979. CASAD, C. C.; , J. W., 1959, Construc­ CARSTEN, i=. P., 1982, Petrology of the upper Cre­ tion of the Union River Dem et Bremerton, \'lash.: taceous strata of Orcas Island, San Juan County, American Water Works Association Journal, v. 50, Washington: Washington State University Master of no. 1, p. 105-109. Science thesis, 120 p. CASADE\I ALL, T. J., see CARTER, N. L., see SWANSON, D. A. [and others], 1984. BAKER, a. w. [and others], 1972. CASSIDY, J. F.; ELLIS, R. M.; ROGERS, G. C., 1988, CARVER, D. L., see The 1918 end 1957 Vancouver Island earthquakes: KING, K. W. [end others], 1987. Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 78, no. 2, p. 617-635. CARVER, G. c., see SLEMMONS, D. B. [end others], 1977. CATCHINGS, R. D., 1997, Crustal structure and tec­ SLEMMONS, D. B. ( end others], 1981. tonics of the northwestern United States [ab­ stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ CARY, A. s., 1950, Glaciation in the Skykomish tions), v. 88, no. 44, p. 1361. River Vat lay, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 61, no. 12, part CATCHIOOS, R.. a., see also 2, p. 1521. MOONEY, w. a. [and others], 1986.

CARY, A. s., 1954, Eagle Gorge dam site, Washing­ CATER, F. W., 1969, The Cloudy Pass epizonal bath­ ton [abstract]: Geological Society of America olith end associated subvotcanic rocks: Geologi­ Bulletin, v. 65, no. 12, part 2, p. 1335-1336. cal Society of America Special Paper 116, 54 p.

CARY, A. S., 1966, Puget Sound basin planning-­ CATER, F. W.; CROWDER, D. F., 1967, Geologic map Vashon stade maximum in the Puget Lowland; Glacial of the quadrangle, Snohomish and Chelan Lake in the Puget Lowland; Marginal drain­ Counties, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Geo­ age and lakes between Vashon ice and mountain logic Quadrangle Map GQ-646, 1 sheet, scale front; Ice invades the Puget Lowland: U.S. Army 1:62,500. Corps of Engineers [Seattle, Wash.], 4 sheets, scale 1:250,000. CATER, F. W.; WRIGHT, T. L., 1967, Geologic map of the Lucerne quadrangle, Chelan County, \'lashington: CARY, A. s., 1968, Cascade border dam sites. In U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ- McKee, Bates; Coombs, H. A., 1988, Guidebook to 647, 1 sheet, see la 1 :62,500. field trips; 1968 Mationel Meeting, Seattle: Association of Engineering Geologists, p. 58-87. CATER, F. W., see el so WEISSENBORN, A. E. (and others], 1966. 38 CEDERHCl.M, C. J. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

CEDERHOLM, C. J.; LESTELLE, L. C., 1974, Obse!'ve­ Waste rn United States, 1933-1971: u.s. Army Eng i­ tions on the effects of Landslide siltation on neer Waterways Experiment Station Miscellaneous salmon and trout resources of the Clearwater Peper S-73-1, 63 p. River, Jefferson County, Washington, 1972-73: University of Washington College of Fisheries CHANG, F. K.; KRINITZSKY, E. L., 1977, Stete-of­ Research Institute Report FRI-UW-7404; 1 v. the-art for assessing earthquake hazards in the United States; Report B, Duration, spectral con­ CEDERHOLM, C. J., see al so tent, and predominant period of strong motion REID, L. M. [end others}, 1981. earthquake records from western United States: U.S. Army Eng inear Waterways Experiment Stat ion CH2M HILL, 1981, Final environmental impact state­ Miscellaneous Paper S-73-1, 82 p. ment on the Northern Tier pipeline system (Wash­ ington segment): Washington Energy Facility Site CHAPLET, MICHEL; CHOROWICZ, JEAN; ROURE, FRANCOIS, Evaluation Council, 1 v. 1988, Fault patterns by space remote sensing end the rotation of western Oregon during Cenozoic CH2M HILL, see also times: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION [and 81, p. 425-433. others}, 1986. CHAPPELL, W. M., 1936, Geo Logy of the Wenatchee CHADWICK, w. w., JR., 1987, Magma ascent and quadrangle, Washington: University of Washington ground deformation at Mount St. Helens [abstract]: Doctor of Phi Loaophy thesis, 249 p., 1 plate, 6 Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. overlays. 68, no. 44, p. 1549. CHAPPELL; W. M., 1937, Glaciation of Columbia Val­ CHADWICK, W. W., JR.; ARCHULETA, R. J.; SWANSON, ley in the Wenatchee-Chelan district [abstract]: D. A., 1988, The mechanics of ground deformation Geological Society of America Proceedings 1936, p. precursory to dome-building extrusions at Mount 344. St. Helens 1981-1982: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 93, no. 85, p. 4351-4368. CHASE, R. L.; TIF=FIN, D. L.; MURRAY, J. W., 1975, The western Canadian continental margin. l!!. CHADWICK, W. W., JR.; SWANSON, D. A.; IWATSUBO, E. Yoreth, C. J.p Parker, E. R.; Glass, D. J., edi­ Y.; HELIKER, C. C.; LEIGHLEY, T. A., 1983, Defor­ tors, 1975, Canada's continental margins and off­ mation monitoring st Mount St. Helens fn 1981 and shore petroleum exploration: Canadian Society of 1982: Science, v. 221, no. 4818, p. 1378-1380. Petroleum Geologists Memoir 4, p. 701-721,

CHAMBERLAIN, V. E.; LAMBERT, R. S., 1985, Cordi l­ CHASE, R. L,, see also lerie, e newly defined Canadian microcontinent: BARR, S, M, [end others], 1974. ~leture, v. 314, no. 8013, p. 707-713. JOHNSON, H. P. (end others}, 1983, RIDOIHOUGH, R. P. [end others], 1983. CHAMBERS, D. R., see YORATH, C, J. [ end others], 1978. SAGER, J. w. [end others], 1988. CHATTERS, R. M., 1968, Washington Stnte University CHAMPION, D. E., see natural radiocarbon measurements I: Red ioce rbon, SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. [end others], 1983. v. 10, no. 2, p. 479--498.

CHANDRA, ULMESH, 1974, Seismicity, earthquake CHATWIN, S. c., see mechanisms, and tectonics along the western coast ALLEY, N. F. [and others], 1979. of North America, from 42 degrees N to 61 degrees N: Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. CHAVE, A. D., see 64, no. 5, p. 1529-1549. SCHULTZ, ADAM [and others], 1985.

CHANG, F. K., 1978, State-of-the-art for assessing CHEN, J.# NIENABER, w.; OOSSO, H. W., 1986, Elec­ earthquake hazards in the United States; Report 9, tromagnetic induction in the Pacific north-nest Catalogue of strong motion records-Volume I, AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY CHIN, J. L. 37 coastal region {abstract]: Eos (American Geophys­ CHENEY, E. S.; STEWART, R. J., 1975, Subducted ical Union Transactions), v. 67, no. 44, p. 919. greywacke in the Olympic Mountains, USA--Implica­ tions for the origin of Archeeen sodic gneisses: CHEN, J. T.-J., 1969, A rheological stress-strain­ Nature, v. 258, no. 5530, p. 80-61. time relationship for Seattle soils: University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 214 p. CHERNICCFF, S. E., 1982, Deducing the glacial character of Pleistocene ice lobes from their CHEN, J. T.-J., 1970, A rheological stress-strain­ tills [abstract]: American Quaternary Associa­ time relationship for Seattle soils [abstract]: tion, 7th Biennial Conference, Program and Ab­ Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 30, no. stracts, p. 79. 11, Section B, p. 5033-B. CHIBURIS, E. F'., 1965, Crustal and subcrustel in­ CHEN, R. L., see vestigations in the Pacific Northwest States from BRANNON, J. M. [and others], 1984. surface wave dispersion [abstract]: American Geo­ physical Union Transactions, v. 46, no. 1, p. 156. CHEN, S.-F., 196B, Determination of Fourier site response spectra during earthquakes: University CHIBURIS, E. F., 1966, Crustal structures in the of Washington Master of Science thesis, 69 p. Pacific Northwest States from phase-velocity dis­ persion of seismic surface waves: Oregon State CHENEY, E. S., 1976, Newly discovered major Ceno­ University Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 170 p. zoic faults in northwestern Washington (abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ CHIBURIS, E. F'., 1966, Crustal structures in the grams, v. e, no. e, p. 810-811. Pacific Northwest States from phase-velocity dis­ persion of seismic surface waves [abstract]: Dis­ CHENEY, E. s., 1977, Alternative interpretations sertation Abstracts International, v. 27, no. 11, of the seismic and geologic hazards to the Skagit Section B, p. 39B9-B-3990-B. nuclear power site [revision]: [Privately pub­ lished by the author], 165 p. CHIBURIS, E. F.; DEHLINGER, PETER; FRENCH, W. S., 1965, The Tacoma earthquake of April 29, 1965: CHENEY, E. s., 1977, Preliminary Cenozoic tectonic Ore Bin, v. 27, no. 5, p. 99-100. map of northwestern Washington and southwestern British Columbia [abstract]: Geological Society CHIBURIS, e. F., see also of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, no. 7, DEHLINGER, PETER [end others], 1963. p. 928-927. DEHLINGER, PETER [end others], 1964. DEHLitlGER, PETER (end others], 1965. CHENEY, E. s., 1978, lnteri m report on the sei am ic OEHLU13ER, PETER [end others], 1972. and geologic hazards to the proposed Skagit nucle­ ar power site, Sedro Wool Ley, Washington; prepared CHIERUZZI, ROBERT, see for Skegitoniens Concerned About Nuclear Plante BAKER, R. F'. [end others], 1959. (SCANPl [revision]: [Pl'ivately published by the author], 116 p. CHILDERS, DALLAS; CAFPENTER, P. J., 1985, A warn­ ; ng system for haze rds resulting from breaches of CHENEY, E. s., 1982, Post-Eocene tectonics of the take blockage, Mount St. Helens, Washington. Ir! northern Puget Lowland (abstract]: Geological Takai, Aritsune, editor, 19B5, Proceedings of the Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, International Symposium on Erosion, Debris Flow no. 4, p. 155. and Disaster Prevention: Erosion Control Engi­ neering Society {Tsukube, Japan], P• 493-498. CHENEY, E. s., 1987, MaJol' Cenozoic faults in the northern Puget Low Lend of \'lash i ngton. In Schuster, CHIN, J. L.; HILL, G. \'I., 1982, Vegetation of J. E., editor, 1987, Selected papers on the geolo­ sandy intertidal flats, Wtllapo Bay, Washington-­ gy of Washington: Washington Division of Geology Summer, 1978: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi Le and Earth Resources Bulletin 77, p. 149-168. Report 82-425, 24 p. 38 CHIN, J. L. Sl:I6"IC HAZARPS OF Wf:STE!ffl WASHINGTQN

CHIN, J, L,, ue al so CHRISTENSON, ~.. see HILL, G. w. [and others], 1981. FIS~, L. H. { eini:j oth1;1rs], 1978,

CHITWOOD, L, A., 1976, S,tratigraphy, ,t,ruct,11re, CHRISTIANSEN, R. L~; LIPMAN, P. W., 1970, Cenozoic pnd petrology of the Snoqualmie Pass arae, Wash­ yolc,nism and t,ctoniam in the •astern United ington; Portland State Univer,ity Master of Sci­ St1,1tea end IK!Jecen.t perts of the spreaQing ocean ence thesh, 68 p., 1 plate. floor; f'ert 2, t.,t, c,no.i:oic {~!iftr•ct]: qeplogi­ cel Society of A11111ri,::E! Abstr~ts with Progr,uns, v.

CHOPRA, A. K., 1966, The importance of the verti­ 21 no• 2, p, 81-82. cal component of earthquake motiona: Seismologi­ cal Society of America 81,1lletin, v. 58, no. 5, p. CHRISTIAtlSEN, R. L.; LJPMAH, P. \'I., 1972, Cenozoic 1163-1175. volcanism ang plete tectonic evolution of the we1:1tern UniOd State1:1; II, Lete Cenozoic: Royal CHOROWICZ, JEAN, see SocfJtY of London PhilOEIPphical Transections Ser­ CHAPLET, MICHEL [end othere], 19BS. i es f., v. 271, no.1213, p. 249-284.

CHOU, C. W.; CROSSON, R. S., 1978, Search for CHRISTIANSEN, R. L., see also time-depend1:mt seismic P travel times from mining LIPMAN, P. W. [end others], 1970. explosions near Centralia, Washington: Geophysi­ LIPMAN, P. w. {and others], 1971. cal Research Letters, v. 5, no. 2, p. 97-100, LIPMAN, P. W. [ imd others], 1972.

CHOUET, , see CHRISTIE, o. M., sea FEHLER, M. c. [and others], 1982. , J. M. [end others], 1982.

CHRISTENSEN, N. I., 1970, Compr111ssional-w1i1ve CHRISTIE, N. K.; TURK, T~ W., 1980, A geologic velocities in basalts from the Juan de Fuce Ridge: raconnaiss,nce of a project in the Monte Cristo Jou rne l of Geophya ice l Research, v. 75, no. 14, p. mining district, Snohomish County, Washington: 2773-2775. University of Washington Btchelor of Science , thaais, 28 p. CHRISTENSEN, N. I., 1970, Oceanic crustal composi­ tion in the northeast Pacific (abstract]: Eos CHRZASTOWSKI, M. J., COMPILER, 1980, Documentation (American Geqphysicel Union Tranaactiona), v. 51, of the initial phase of a Puget Sound submarine no. 3, p. 208. slide hazard assessment-The 1977 hydrogrsphic survey et Ni squally Rtl:lch: u.s. Seo logics l Survey CHRISTENSEN, N. I., 1978, Ophiol fte,, seismic {Seattle, Wash.] 1,!npub li shed report, 65 p. velocities and oceanic crustal str11ct11re: Tacton­ ophysics, v. 47, no. 1-2, p. 131-157. CHRZASTOWSKI, M• .J., 1980, Submarine features and bottom configl,!ration in the Port Townsend quedren­ CHRISTENSEN, N. I.; BOSTROM, R. C.; CROSSON, R. g le, Puget Sound reg ion, Waeh i ngton: U.S. Geo log­ S., 1969, The gravity program of tha University of ice l Survey Open-File Report 80-14, 1 sheet, scale Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysic11l 1:100,000. Union Transactions), v. 50, no. 10, P• 5413. CHRZASTOWSKI, M. J., 1983, Historical changes to CHRISTENSON, B. w., 1981, Structurt, p,1:rology and L~ke Washfngton and route of the Leke Washington geochemistry of the Chilliweck group near Sauk Ship Cenal, King County, Washini;iton: u.s. Geolog­ Mountain, Washington: Weetern Washington Univer­ ical Survey Water Resources Investigations Report sity Master of Science thesis, 181 p. 81-1182, 9 p., 1 sheet, ac11le 1:~4,0DO.


CHRZASTOWSKI, M, J,, see also CLAGUE, J, J,, see al so BORTLESON, G. C. [and others], 1979, BLAISE, BERTRAND [and others), 19BB, BORTLESON, G, C, (and others], 19BO. SAUNDERS, I. R. [and others], 1987,

CHURKIN, MICHAEL, JR,, 1974, Paleozoic marginal CLARK, E. E., 1963, Indian geology: Pacific Dis­ ocean basin-volcanic arc systems in the Cordil lar­ covery, v. 16, no. 5, p. 2-9. en foldbel t, l!l Datt, R, H,, Jr,; Shaver, R, H., editors, 1974, Modern and ancient gaosynclinal CLARK, J. T., 1944, Index to descriptive catalog sedimentation: Society of Economic Paleontolo­ or earthquakes or the Pacific Coast of the United gists and Mineralogists Special Publication 19, p, States, 1769-1928---Eerthquekes in Washington: 174-192. Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v, 34, no, 1, p. 35-82. CLAGUE, D. A,, see DUNCAN, R. A. [ end others], 1985. CLAYTON, D. N.t 1977, Western Columbia Plateau margin studies, Wenatchee to Alameda Flat, Chapter CLAGUE, J. J,, 1975, Leta Quaternary sea Level ~.!!.!Shannon and Wilson, Geologic studies in the fluctuations, Pacific coast of Canada end adjacent 1872 earthquake epicentrel region.!!!. Washington areas: Canada Geological Survey Paper 75-1, Part Public Supply System, 1977, WPPSS nuclear project c, p. 17-21. no, 1--Prelfminary safety analysis report: Wash­ ington Public Power Supply System Docket no. 50- CLAGUE, J. J,, 1980, Late lluaternary geology and 480, Preliminary safety analysis report, Amendment geochronology of British Columbia; Pert 1, Radio­ 23, v. 2A, Appendix 2R, Subappendix 2R O, Chapter carbon dates: Canada Geological Survey Paper 80- 8, 25 p. 13, 28 p. CLAYTON, a. A., 1980, Geology or the White Pess­ CLAGUE, J, J., 1987, Bibliography of Quaternary Tumac Mountain area, Washington. l!l Koroseo, M. geoscience information, British Columbia: Canada ~ Schuster, J, E.; and others, 1980, The 1979- Geological Survey Open File 1448, 347 p. 1980 geothermal resource assessment program in Washington: Washington Division or Geology and CLAGUE, J, J.; Bl ANS, S, G,; FULTON, R. J,; RYDER, Earth Resources Open-Fite Report 81-3, p. 100-118, J, M.; STRYD, A. H., 1987, Quaternary geology of 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. the southern Canadian Cordillera; XIIth INQUA Con­ gress field excursion A-18: National Research CLAYTON, G. A., 1980, Geology or Wh'ita Pass-Tumac Council of Canada, 67 p. Mountain area, Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fi le Report 80-8, CLAGUE, J, J.; HARPER, J, R.; HEBDA, R. J,; HOWES, 1 sheet, sea Le 1 :24,000. D, E., 1982, Late Quaternary sea levels end crus­ tal movements, coastal British Columbia: Canadian CLAYTON, G. A,, 1982, Pl iocane and Pleistocene Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 19, no, 3, p, 597- volcanism in the White Pass area, south Cascade 618, Range Washington, and its implications for. models of subduction beneath the southern Washington Cas­ CLAGUE, J. J.; LUTERNAUER, J, L., 1983, Late Qua­ cades [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union ternary geology of southwestern British Columbia: Transactions), v. 63, no, 8, p. 175. Geological Association or Canada Victoria Section, Field Trip 6, 112 p. CLAYTON, G. A., 1983, Geology of the White Pass a res, south-cent re L Cascade Range, Washington: CLAGUE, J, J,; LUTERNAUER, J. L.; HEBDA, R. J., University or Washington Master or Science thesis, 1983, Sedimentary environments and postglacial 212 p., 1 plate. history of the Fraser Delta and lower Fraser Val­ ley, British Columbia: Canadian Journal of Earth CLAYTON, G. A., 1983, and Pleistocene Sciences, v. 20, no, 8, p. 1314-1326. volcanic history of the White Pess-Tumac Plateau region, Washington. l!1 Koroaec, M. A.; Phillips, w. M.; Schuster, J. E.; and others, 1983, The 1980 -1982 geothermal resource assessment program in 40 CLAYTON, G. A. SEISMIC HAlAlllS OF WESTERN WASH! NQTON

Washington: U.S. National Technical Infarmetion tologista and Mineralogists Pacific Section, Pa­ Service DOE/ET/27014-T6, p. 192-251. cific Ceest Paleogeography Symposium 4, p. 55-71.

CLAYTON, G. A., 19BS, Pliocene and Pleietooene Cl,.IJ;TON, H. E., see also volcanic history of the White Pess-Tumas Plateau BA\IIS, R. A,, JR. [and others}, 1987, r,egion, Washington. l!!. Korosec, M. A.; Phillips, DINaLER, J. R. [amt o.thersl, 1984. w. M.; Schuster, J, E.; and others, 1983, The 1980 HILL, 8. w. {Elfld others). 1981. -1982 geothermal resource asseBBment progre111 in KVEWOLDEN, K, A. [and others], 1979. Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fi la Report 83-7, p. 192-251. CLINE, CHUCK, 1973, Geology and groundwater re­ soqrcee, vieinity of Castle RQC~, Cowlitz County, CLAYTON, s. A., 1987, Pliocene and Pleistocene Washington, Washington Oepartment of Ecology magmatic activity in the Cascade Range of Washing­ Teehnical Report 73-10, 5 Po ton-Volumes, compositions, and tectonic environ­ ment [abstrect}: Eos [American Geophysical Union CLOOS, MARK; SHReJE, R. L., 1987, Interpretation Transections), v. 88, no. 3, p. 48. of seismic reflection profi Les from convergent plate margins~The deoollement in the subduction­ CLAYTON, G. A., see also channel modal (abstract]t Geological Society of

PORTER, s. C. [and others], 1982. America Abstracts with Programs, v0 19, no. 7, p. SWANSON, D. A. [and others}, 1983. 821. VANCE, J. A. [and others}, 1987. CLOUD, W. I(., see CLAYTON, R. W., sea LANDER, J. F. [and others], 1963. WALCK, M. c. [ and others], 1983. MURPHY, L. M. [and others], 1953. MURPHY, L. M. [and others}, 1954.

CLIFTON, H. E., 1983, Discrimination between sub­ MURPHY, L, M0 [and others}, 1955. tidal and intertidal facies in Pleistocene depos­ MURPHY, !,.. M. [and others], 1956. its, Wit Lapa Bay, Washington: Journal of Sedimen­ MURPHY, l,.. M. [and others}, 1957. tary Petrology, v. 53, no. 2, p. 353-369, ROBERTS, E. B. [ and others J, 195S. STEINBflUGGE, K. V. [and others], 1965. CLIFTON, H. E., 1984, Discrimination between sub­ VON HAKE, o. A. [and others}, 1987. tidal and intertidal facias in Pleistocene depos­ its, Willapa Bey, Washington [abstract}. l!!. CLOUGH, H. F., see

Clarke, s. H., editor, 1984, Highlights 1n marine FUGLl:VAND, P. F. [and others], 19860 research: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 938, p. 155. CLOW, G. o., see eJERNDEN, J. F. [and others], 1981. CLIFTON, H. E.; PHILLIPS, R. L., 1973, Ho Locene end Pleistocene tidal flat sediments, W1llapa Bay, C!,.OWES, Fl, M.; BRANDON, M. T.; GREEN, A. G.; Washington [abstrecth U.S. Geologioal Survey veRATH, c. J.; SUTHERLAND BROWN, A.; KANASE\'IICH, Professional Paper 850, p. 124. E. Fl,; SPENCER, C. J,, 1987, LITHQPROBE--Southern Vancouver Island--Cenozoic subduction complex CLIFTON, H. E.; PHILLIPS, R. L., 1976, Pleistocene image~ QY deep seismic reflections: Canadian estuaries on the southern Washington coast [ab­ Journ!!IL of Earth Sciences, v. 24, no. 1, p. 31-51. stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 3, p. 382. CLOWES, R. M.; BRANDON, M, T,i GREEM, A. G.; YORATH, C. J.; SUTHERLAND BROWN, A.; KANASEWICH, CLIFTON, H. E.; PHILLIPS, R. L., 1980, Lateral E. R.; SPENCER, C. J., 1988, LITHOPROBE-Southern trends and vertical sequences in estuarine sedi­ Vancouver Islencl--,,Oenoioic subduction complex ments, Willapa Bay, Washington. l!!. Field, M. E.; imaged qy deep seismic reflections~Reply: Cana­ Bouma, A.H.; Colburn, I. P.; Douglas, R. G.; dian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 25, no. 1, p. Ingle, J. c., editors, 1980, Proceadings of the 184-165. Quaternary depositional environments environments of the Pacific Coast: Society of Economic Peleon- AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY COLE, M. L. 41

CLOWES, R. M.; ELLIS, R. M.; HAJNAL, z.; JONES, I. COE, R. S., see also [continued} F., 1983, Seismic reflections from subducting , R. E. [and others], 1980. lithosphere?: Nsture, v. 303, no. 5919, p. 888- WELLS, R. E. [and others], 1982. 670. WELLS, R. E. [and others), 1984. WELLS, R. E. [and others], 1985. CLOWES, R. M.; SPENCE, G. O.; WALDRON, o. A.; ELLIS, R. M., 1983, VISP II-Lithospheric struc­ COFFIN, H. G., 1983, Comment and reply on 'Erect ture across the Juen de Fuce/America plate margin floating stumps in Spirit Lake, Washington'; [abstract]: Geological Association of Canada Pro­ Reply: Geology, v. 11, no. 12, p. 734. gram with Abstracts, v. a, p. A1S. COFFIN, H. G., 1983, Erect floating stumps in CLOWES, R. M., see al so Spirit Lake, Washington: Geology, v. 11, no. 5, AU, D. [and others], 1979. p. 298-299. BORNHOLD, B. D. [and others], 1988. CUDRACK, C. F. [end others], 1987. COFFMAN, J, L., 1979, Earthquake history of the DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1988. United States (1971-78 supplement): U.S. National ELLIS, R. M. [and others], 1983. Oceanic end Atmospheric Administration-U.S. Geo­ GREEN, A. G. [and others], 1988. logical Survey Publ icatfon 41-1, 41 p. WHITE, D. J. [and others], 1983. WHITE, o. J. [and others], 1987. COFFMAN, J. L.; VON HAKE, C. A., EDITORS, 1973, WHITE, W. R. H. [and others], 1983. Earthquake history of the United States; revised WHITE, W. R. H. (and others], 1987. edition (through 1970): U.S. National Oceanic and YOPATH, c. J. [and others], 1987. Atmospheric Adm inistret ion Env i ronmente l Data Service Publication 41-1, 208 p. CLUFF, LLOYD, see MCCLEARY, J. R. [and others], 197S. COFFMAN, J. L.; VON HAKE, C. A.; STOVER, C. VI., EDITORS, 1982, Earthquake history of the United COCHRAN, B. 0., 1985, Age of late Quaternary sur­ States; revised edition (through 1970), reprinted face ruptures along the Thousand Springs-MecKay 1982 with supplement (1971-80): U.S. National segment of the Lost River Range fault system. !!l Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-U.S. Geo­ Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compi lere, logical Survey Publication 41-1, 288 p. 1985, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Pro­ gram, summaries of technical reports Volume XXI: COHEN, K. K.; GWILLIAM, w. J.; ANDERSON, T. H., U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 86-31, p. 1987, Lineament analyses in the area of the 113-121. southern Washington Cascades conductor--Tool to identify deep-seated basin? [abstract]: Geologi­ COCHRANE, G. R.; LEWIS, S. T. R., 1984, Comparison cal Society of America Abstracts with Prcigrsms, v. of structures in underthrusting and overthrusting 19, no. 7, p. 622-823. lower slope sediments of the Washington-Oregon convergent margin [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ COLCORD, J. E., see physical Union Transactions), v. 85, no. 45, p. KAARSBERG, E. A. [ and others], 1983. 1089. COLE, D. L., 1983, A preliminary investigation of COCHRANE, G. R., see el so the lithological characteristics of the Troutdale LEWIS, 8. T. R. [end others], 1984. Formation in portions of the Camas, Sandy, Washou­ gal end Bridal Veil quadrangles: Portland State COE, R. S.; WELLS, R. E., 1982, Rotation mechen ics University Mester of Science thesis, 69 p. in western Oregon and Washington [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, COLE, M. L., 1979, Neershore glacial marine sedi­ no. 45, p. 916. mentation, based on late Pleistocene deposits of the Puget Lowland, Washington end British Colum­ COE, R. s., see al so bia: Rice University Mester of Science thesis, WELLS, R. E. [and others], 1979. 176 p. [continued] 42 COLE, M. L. SSSMI(: HA~FIJS ~ WEstEAN WASHINGTON

COLE, M. L.·, 19791 Nearshore glecial~maMne Sllt'l1- CQNNARDt l3EFmY; OOlJCHt R. W.; FAROOOUI, s. M.; mentation...... Prel t111H1ary model ihg bl!ls1!d on Pliitcene­ PITTS, G. s.; 01MAt.LEY, Jl!OBERt, 1&96, Reg ionat Pleistocene det:,osits of Puget Low ltlnds {abstract]: t:-rustet structures of Pacific Northwest [eb­ Am:erican Associati'on of Petroleum Geotogiistl Bul­ etrecth Am'flrican AssoeH1tion of Petroleum letin, 11. 63, no. 3, p. 434. htll~ists Bulletin• v. 7~ ·rm.. 4; p. e--46'6.

COLE, M. L., see a l so CO'NNARlt GERffi'; tl1tltl'I, Fl. W.; 88, G.; l'ROSETH, ANIJ!ASON, J. B, [and others], 1!!171. s.; noMP?Lem; 19!4~ Magnetic anomaly rnentifica-­ 'ANDEFISON, J. e. [end others], 1979. tions. .tn Kulm, L. D.; ahtl others, editors, ,984, West1!M\ North American continental margin end COLE, M. A., see adJilcant ocean l'laor off Oregon end Washington: tENNYSON, M. E. [and others], 1987. Me,rine Scilt'ffl:'! Il'itel'na\ionel [Woods Hole, Mass.] Ocean Orilllhg Program; Regi'onal Atlas Series 1, COLLiel, c. R., 1981'.1; Hydrologfo effect·•• 1n P• 5. Gordon, M. G.; , G., chaf rman, 1980. the effects of the Moul'!t St. Helens eruption on wahr CONNARD, GEARY; t:oU'CH, R. W.; PITTS, G. S.J ROY, resources: Pacific Northwest River Basins Comrnh-­ J.; GEMPERLE, MICHAEL; fFIOSETH, S., COMPILERS, s ion, p. 13-16. 1984, Magnetic tetal intensity anomalies-. tn Kulm, L. D.; anti others, e'tntars, 1984t Weste·rn North COLLIER, C. R., see also American continental lllargin end adjacent oceal'i CUMMANS, J. 6. [and Others], 1980. floor off Oregon and \'lashingtonc Marine Science International [Wootls Hole, Mess.] Ocean Drilling COLLI NS, B. O., see Program; Regional Atlas Series 1, P• 4. LEHRE, A. K. [and others], 1981. CONNArr>, GERRY; COUCH, A. w.; PttTs, G. s.; ROY, COLLISTER, J. L., see J.; KEELING, KENNEtH; Ptrrs, P.; WATI; GERRY, see also Science, v. 272, no. 1, p. 603--8!!8. t:~H, A. w. [end others], 1980.

CONEY, P. J., 1987, Circum-Pacific tectogenHh1 in COMIEFISE DAVIS DD(bN ASSCll3IAtes, 1916, Swift Creek the Morth American Cordillera. tn Mohgel't .J. \if, trilmtaries, Sumas River watershed, Whatcom Coun­ H.; Francheteau, Jean, editors, Gircum...Pit:ifiti try, Weshihgttln: Cfifl\lerse ba1ds Dixon Associates orogenic belts end evolution of the Pacific Ocean [Se1ttle, Wash., under centre-ct to] tl.S. Soil Con­ basin: American Geophysical Union Geodynamit: servation SehHce, 1 v. Series, v. 18, p. 59--69. COtlWAY, R. b., 1971; Geochemistry of the Cypress Island uttremSfic body, Washington: University of AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY COOMBS, H. A. 43

\'leehington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 108 p., 1 COOMBS, H. A., 1953, A summery of Washington plate. earthquakes [abstract): U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1002-A, p. 38. CONWAY, R. o., 1972, Geochemistry of the Cypress Island ultremefic body, Washington [abstract]: COOMBS, H. A., 1954, Buried channels at northwest Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 32, no. cities dam sites [abstract]: Geological Society 8, Section B, p. 4688-B. of America Bulletin, v. 65, no. 12, pert 2, P• 1242. COOK, E. F., 1947, Geology of an area north of Bacon Creek on the , Washington: COOMBS, H. A., 1956, Tectonic petrogenetic history University of Washington Meeter of Science thesis, of the central Ceacedes of Washington [abstract]: 62 p. International Geological Congress, 20th, Mexico, DJ=., Rasumenes de los trsbaJos pressntedoa, p. COOMBS, H. A., 1932, The geology of the southern 132-133. slope of Mt. Reinier: University of Washington Meeter of Science thesis, 47 p., 1 plate. COOMBS, H. A., 1963, Natural diversion channels at some dam sites in Washington [abstract]: Geologi­ COOMBS, H. A., 1935, The geology of Mount Reinier cal Society of America Special Peper 73, p. 132. National Park: University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 141 p., 2 plates. COOMBS, H. A., 1988, George Culmback (Sultan) dam. .!!!. McKee, Betas; Coombs, H. A., 1968, Guidebook to COOMBS, H. A., 1938, The geology of Mount Rainier field trips; 1968 National Meeting, Seattle: National Park: University of Washington Publ ice­ A11Bociation of Engineering Geologists, p. 75-76. tions in Geology, v. 3, no. 2, p. 131-212. COOMBS, H. A., 1968, Leakage through buried chan­ COOMBS, H. A., 1937, Geology of Mount Rainier nels [abstract]: Association of Engineering Geol­ ~ationel Park [abstract]: Geological Society of ogists, 1988 Annual Meeting, Program, p. 28-29. America Proceedings 1936, p. 321. COOMBS, H. A., 1988, Upper Skagit River dams. In COOMBS, H. A., 1946, Geological problems at Rosa McKee, Bates, Coombs, H. A., 1968, Guidebook to Dem in the northern Cascades of Washington [ab­ field tripe; 1988 National Meeting, Seattle: stract]: Annotated Bibliography of Economic Geol­ Association of Engineering Geologists, p. 102-107. ogy, v. 19, no. 2, p. 155-156. COOMBS, H. A., 1969, Leakage through buried chan­ COOMBS, H. A., 1946, Geological problems at nels: Association of Engineering Geologists Bul­ Dam in the northern Cascades of Washington [ab­ letin, v. 6, no. 1, p. 45-52. stract]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 57, no. 12, part 2, p. 1251. COOMBS, H. A., 1969, Mossyrock dam site, Cowlitz River, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society COOMBS, H. A., 1948, Buried channels and their of America Abstracts for 1969, pert 7, p. 40. relation to dam sites along the Cowlitz River, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of COOMBS, H. A., 1970, Geolcgic problems et Rose end Americl!I Bulletin, v. 59, no. 12, part 2, p. 1368. Gorge dams, Skagit River, Washington: Interna­ tional Association of Engineering Geology Interna­ COOMBS, H. A., 1952, Seismic activity in Washing­ tional Congress Proceedings, v. 2, p. 1197-1203. ton from 1885 to the present [abstract]: Geologi­ cal Society of America Bulletin, v. 83, no. 12, COOMBS, H. A., 1970, Geologic problems in raising pert 2, p. 1350-1351. Ross Dam, Skagit River, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ COOMBS, H. A., 1953, A summary of Washington grams, v. 2, no. 7, p. 526. earthquakes: Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 43, no. 1, p. 1-5. COOMBS, H. A., CHAIRPERSON, 1974, Report to the Washington State Legislature (1975 Session} from the Ad Hoc Committee on Geologic Hazards; "Meeting 44 ~OOMBS, H. A. SEISMIC l:IA;zAADS -OF WES'f£i1N ,.WASMJ'..filGTON the geologic h!!zerd cheUeng.e": Weshi.ngtpn St•te Hmi.nary safety analysis report, Amendment 23, v. Senate Committee on Commerce, 1 v. 2A, 0/\ppendi.1< 2R, Subappendi.l< 2R A, App. A, 7 p.

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COfJMBS, H. A.; MILHE, W. G.; NUTTLI, 00 W,; SUM­ MONS, D, B,, 1977, Report of the R11view penel 1,m COPPERSMITH, J<, J.; VOIJNGS, A. R., 1987, Seismic the December 14, 1972, earthquake; Appendix A-­ hazard assessment using expert opinion-An exemp le Landslide discus$ion, l!! Washington Public Power from the northwestern United States [abstract}: Supply System, 1977, WPPSS nuclear project no. 1~ Eos (American Geophysical Union Treneactione), v. Preliminary sefety analysis report: Washington 68, no. 44, p. 1240, Public Power Supply System Docket no. 50-460, Pre- AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY COWAN, D. S. 45

COPPERSMITH, K. Jar YOUHGS, R. R., 19B7, Seismic COUCH, R. w., 1972, Gravity and structure cf the hazard assessment using expert opinion~An example continental margin of the northeast Pacific Ocean from the Pacific Northwest [abstract]: Geological [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, stracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 5, p. 315-316. no. 7, p. 827. COUCH, R. W.; CONNARO, GERRY; KIENLE, C. R., 1980, COPPERSMITH, K. J.; YOUNGS, A. A., 1988, The great Sediment thicknesses and tectonic lineetione of debate~Argumenta for end against seismic conver­ the northern Juan de Fuce plate and Washington gence, Casced1a Subduction Zone, northeast Pacific continental margin [abstract]: Geological Society [abstract]: Seismological Research Letters, v. of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 3, 59, no. 1, p. 17. p. 102.

CORM IE, A. B.; HUNTLEY, D. J.; NELSON, D. E., COUCH, R. W.; HEINRICHS, O. F., 1969, Oceanic and 1982, Identifying tephres by alpha counting: continental gravity investigations by Oregon State Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 19, no. 4, University: Eos (American Geophysical Union p. 662-665. Transact ions), v. 50, no. 1 O, p. 546-548.

CORMIE, A. B.; NELSON, D. E., 1983, Energy-disper­ COUCH, R. W.; JOHNSON, s. H.; GALLAGHER, J. N., sive x-rey fluorescence analysis as a rapid method 1968, The Portland earthquake of May 13, 1968 and for identifying tephrH: Quaternary Research, v. earthquake energy release in the Portland area: 19, no. 2, p. 201-211. Ore Bin, v. 30, no. 10, p. 185-190.

CORNELL, HOWLAND, HAYES, AND MERRYFIELD, 1957, COUCH, R. w.; MACFARLANE, w. T., 1971, A fault Feasibility study of the Grays River Hydroelectric plane solution of the October, 1969 Mt. Reinier Project, progress report no. 31 Wahkiakum County earthquake end tectonic movements in the Pacific Commission of the Public Utility District no. 1, 1 Northwest derived from fault plane and first v. motion studiea [abetrecth Eos [American Geophys­ ical Union Transactions], v. 52, no. 5, p. 428. COUCH, R. w., 1966, Preliminary observations of' temporal gravity variations in the Puget Sound COUCH, R. W.; VICTOR, LINDA; KEELING, KENNETH, region [abstract]: American Geophysical Union 1974, Coastal and offshore earthquakes of the Pa­ T rensact i ans, v. 47, no. 4, p. 629. cific Northwest between 39 degrees and 40 degrees N. latitude end 123 degrees and 131 degrees w. COUCH, R. \'f., 1969, Gravity and structures of the longitude: Oregon State University School of continental margin off Washington and British OCeanog rephy, 87 P• Columbia (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 50, no. 4, p. 186. COUCH, R. W., see al so BOSTROM, R. C. tend others], 1968. COUCH, R. w., 1969, Gravity and structures of the CONNARD, GERRY [and others], 1984. crust and subcrust in the northeast Pacific OCeen CONNARO, GERRY [end others], 1986. west of Washington end British Columbia: Oregon DEHLINGER, PETER [and others], 1966. State University Ooctor of Philosophy thesis, 179 DEHLINGER, PETER [and others], 197Ci. p. DEHLINGER, PETER [and others}, 1971. DRAKE, E. T. [and others], 1981. COUCH, R. w., 1970, Gravity and structures of the FINN, CAROL (and others], 1986. crust end subcrust in the northeast Pacific Ocean JOHNSON, S. H. [and others], 1969. west of Washington and British Columbia [ab­ JOHNSON, s. H. [end others], 1970. stract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. WILLIAMS, D. L. [and others], 1988. 30, no. 11, Section 8, p. 5107-8-5108-B. COWAN, D. s., 1900, Late Mesozoic tectonic events COUCH, R. W., 1972, Continental margin structure in the Pacific Northwest [abstract]: Geological and tectonism in the Pacific Northwest [abstract]: Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, Oregon Academy of Science Proceedings, v. 8, p. no. 3, p. 102. 42. 46 COWAN, D.S. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

COWAN, D. s., 1981, Structural styles in Mesozoic ca Centennial Continent/Ocean Transect 9, 3 melanges along the Pacific margin of North Ameri­ sheets, scale 1:500,000, with 12 p. text. can end their relation to subduction tectonics [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ COWAN, D. S., see also stracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 7, p. 432. BOGUE, s. w. [ end others], 1985. BRANDON, M. T. [and others], 1983. COWAN, D. s., 1982, Geological evidence for post- BRANDON, M. T. (and others], 1985. 40 m.y. B.P. large-scale northwaatwerd displace­ BRANDON, M. T. [and others], 1987. ment of part or southeastern Alaska: Geology, v. FAIRCHILD, L. H. [end others], 1982. 1 D, no. 8, p. 309-313. MONGER, J. W. H. [and others}, 1982. POTTER, c. J. [and others], 1982. COWAN, D.S., 1984, Continent-ocean transect B3-­ Active spreading, sediment offscraping, and accre­ COX, A. V ., see tionary tectonics, Juen de Fuca Ridge to North BECK, M, E., JR. [ end others], 1979. Cascades [abstract]: Geological Society of Ameri­ ENGEBRETSON, D. c•. [end others], 1984. ca Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 8, p. 478. MAGILL, J. R. [end others], 1982. SIMPSON, R. W. (and others], 1900. COWAN, D. S., 1985, Structural styles in Mesozoic end Cenozoic melanges in the western Cordillera of CRAMER, C. H., 1968, A time lapse presentation of North America: Geological Society of America Bul­ the earthquakes of Washington State 1952-1987 [ab­ letin, v. 96, no. 4, p. 451-482. stract]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 49, no. 4, p. 715. COWAN, D. s., 1986, Explanatory pamphlet for con­ tinent-ocean transect B3--Juen de Fuca spreading CRAMER, c. H., 1969, A time lapse presentation of ridge to Montana thrust belt. I!! Cowen, D. S.; the earthquakes of Washington State 1952-1987 [ab­ Potter, C. J., compi lera; and others, 1968, B-3 stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ Juen de Fuca spreading ridge to Montana thrust tions), v. 50, no. 2, p. 61-82. belt: Geological Society of America Centennial Continent/Ocean Transect 9, 12 p. CRANDALL, ROBERT, 1983, Diatoms and magnetic ani­ sotropy as means of distinguishing glacial till COWAN, D. S.; BRANDON, M. T., 1982, The geology from gleciomerine drift: Western Washington Uni­ end reg.ional setting of the San Juan Islands [ab­ versity Mester of Science thesis, 82 p. stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. 157. CRANDELL, o. R., 1957, Some features of mudflow deposits [abstract]: Geological Society of Ameri­ COWAN, D. S.; BROWN, E. H.; WHETTEN, J. T., 1977, ca But let in, v. 68, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1821. Geology of the southern San Juan Islands. l!! Brown, E. H.; Ellis, R. c., editors, 1977, Geolog­ CRANDELL, D.R., 1961, Surficial geology of the ical excursions in the Pacific Northwest; Geologi­ Orting quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological cal Society of America annual meeting, 1977: Survey Open-File Report 61-35, 1 plate, scale Western Washington University, p. 309-338. 1:24,000. (Superseded by USGS Professional Paper 388-AJ COWAN, D. s.; MILLER, R. B., 1981, Deformation styles in two Mesozoic fault zones, western Wash­ CRANDELL, D.R., 1961, Surficial geology of the ington, USA. I!! Mee lay, K. R.; Prf ca, N. J., ad i­ Sumner quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological to rs, 1981, Thrust and nappe tectonfcs1 Geologi­ Survey Open-Filo Report 61-38, 1 sheet, scale cal Society of London Special Publication 9, p. 1 :24,000, 483-480. CRANDELL, D. R., 1961, Surficial geology of the COWAN, D. S.; POTTER, C. J., COMPILERS; BRANDON, Wilkeson quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological M. T.; FOUNTAIN, D. M.; HYNDMAN, D. W.; JOHNSON, Survey Open-File Report 81-37, 1 sheet, scale s. v.; LEWIS, B. T. R.; MCCLAIN, K. J.; SWANSON, 1:24,000. D. A., 1986, B-S Juan de Fuca spreading ridge to Montane thrust belt: Geological Society of Amari- AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY CRANOaL, D. R. 47

CRANDELL, D. R., 1963, Glaciation of the south­ CRANDELL, D. R., 1974, Mount Rainier hazards map western Olympic Peninsula, Washington [abstract]: [abstract): U.S. Geological Survey Professional Geological Society of America Special Paper 73, p. Peper 900, p. 132. 32. CRANDELL, D.R., 1976, Preliminary assessment of CRANDELL, a. R., 1983, Paradise debris flow at potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions Mount Rainier, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey in Washington: U.S. Geologicel Survey Miscel lene­ Professional Paper 475-B, p. B135-B139. oue Field Studies Map MF-774, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000. CRANDELL, D. R., 1963, Surficie l geology end geo­ morphology of the Lake Tepps quadrangle, Washing­ CRANDELL, D. R., 1976, Volcanic-hazards studies in ton: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper the Pacific Northwest~A progress report [ab­ 388-A, 84 p., 2 plates. stract]. l!!. Geomorphology of the Canadian Cordil­ lera and its bearing on mineral deposits: Geolog­ CRANDELL, D.R., 1964. Pleistocene glaciations of ical Association of Canada Cordilleren Section the southwestern Olympic Peninsula, Washington: Programme and Abstracts, p. 15. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 501-B, p. 8135-9139. CRANDELL, D. R., 1981, Volcanic hazards. In Duf­ field, w. A.; Guffanti, Marianne, The geothermal CRANDELL, o. R., 1965, The glacial history of research program of the U.S. Geological Survey: western Washington and Oregon. l!! Wright, H. E., U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi la Report 81-584, p. Jr.; Frey, D. G., editors, 1965, The Quaternary of 35-38. the United States: Princeton University Press, p. 341-353. CRANDELL, D. R., 1987, Deposits of pre-1980 pyro­ clastic flows end lehers from Mount St. Helens CRANDELL, D. R., 1966, Vo Lcanic hazards at Mount volcano, Washington: U.S. Geological Su~vey Pro­ Rainier, Washington [abstract]: Pacific Science fessional Peper 1444, 91 p., 1 plate. Congress, 11th, Proceedings, v. 3, p. 31. CRANDELL, D. R.; FAHNESTOCK, A. K., 1965, Rock­ CRANDELL, D.R., 1989, The geologic story of Mount fel ls end avalanches from Little Tahcme Feak on Rainier--A look at the geologic past of one of Mount Reinier, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey America's most scenic volcanoes: U.S. Geological Bu l Let in 1221-A, 30 p. Survey Bulletin 1292, 43 p. CRANDELL, D. R.; FAHNESTOCK, A. K., 1966, Rock­ CRANDELL, D. R., 1969, Surficial geology of Mount fragment flows et Mount Reinier, Washington [ab­ Rainier National Park, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ stract): Geological Society of America Special cal Survey Bullet in 1288, 41 p., 1 plate. Paper 87, p. 281-282.

CRANDELL, D. R., 1971, Poetglacial from CRANDELL, D. R.; FAHNESTOCK, R. K.; MULLINEAUX, O. Mount Rainier volcano, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ R., 1965, Rockfal Ls, debris flows, and eruptions cal Survey Professional Paper 677, 75 p., 3 at Mount Rainier, Washington [abstract]: U.S. plates. Geological Survey Professional Paper 525-A, p. A57-A58. CRANDELL, D. R., 1973, Appl foation of Quaternary studies to volcanic-hazards appraisals in the Cas­ CRANDELL, D. R.; GARD, L. M., JR., 1960, Gao logy cade Range, western United States [abstract]: of the Buckley quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geo­ Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pra­ logical Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map G0-125, 1 g rems, v. 5, no. 7, p. 588-587. sheet, sce le 1 :24,00C.'.

CRANDELL, D. R., 1973, Map showing potential haz­ CRANDELL, 0 0 R.; HENDRICKS, E. L.; SIGAFOOS, R. ards from future eruptione of ~lount Reinier, Wesh­ s., 1965, Day 2-September 7; Start-Chehalis, i ng ton: U.S. Geo log ice l Survey Mi see l l anaous Washington; End-Mount Rainier National Perk. la_ Investigations Series Map I-836, 1 sheet, scale International Association for auatarnery Research, 1:250,000. 1965, Guidebook for field conference J, Pacific 48 CRANDELL, D.R. SEISMIC HAZARDS Of WESTERN WASHINGTON

Northwest: International Association for O.uater­ CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1978, Poten­ nery Research, p. 13-22. t isl hazards from futui-e erupt ions of Mount St. Helens volcano, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur- CRANDELL, D. R.; HYDE, J. H.; MALONE, S. D., 1975, vey Bulletin 1383-C, 28 p. ' Increased hydrothermal activity et Mount Beker, Washington [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1980, Mount Professional Paper 975, p. 212. St. He lens volcano: U.S. Geological Survey Earth­ quake Information Bulletin, v. 12, no. 4, p. 135- CRANDELL, D. R.; MEIER, M. F.; MULLINEAUX, D. R., 140. 1965, Day 3~September a, Perediee Perk, Mount Reinier National Park. In Intarnationel Associa­ CRANDELL, D. R.J MULLINEAUX, D. R.; MILLER, C. D., tion for Quaternary Research, 1985, Guidebook for 1879, Volcanic-hazards studies fn the Cascade field conference J, Pacific Northweet1 Interna­ Range of the western United States. In Sheets, P. tional Association for Quaternary Research, p. 22- D.; Grayson, o. K., editors, 1979, Volcanic activ­ 27. ity and human ecology: Academic Press, p. 195- 219. CRANDELL, D. R.; MILLER, R. D., 1964, Post-hypsi­ therma l glacier advances at Mount Rainier, Wash­ CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.; MILLER, R. D.; ington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper RUBIN, MEYER, 1962, Pyroclaetic deposits of Recent 501-0, p. 0110-0114. age at Mount Rainier, Washington. In Short papers in geology, hydrology, and topography_; Geologi­ CRANDELL, D. R.; MILLER, R. D., 1974, O.uaternary cal Survey research 1962: U.S. Geotosicel s~rvey stratigraphy and extent of glaciation in the Mount Professional Paper 450-D, article 138, p. 64-68. Rainier region, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ vey Profaaaional Paper 847, 59 p., 2 plates. CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.; RUBIN, MEYER, 1975, Mount St. Helens volcano--Recent and future CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1987, Volcanic behavior: Ore Bin, v. 37, no. 3, p. 41-48. hazards et Mount Rainier, Washington: U.S. Geo­ logical Survey Bulletin 1238, 28 p. CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, O. R.; RUBIN, MEYER, 1975, Mount St. Helens volcano--Recent ond future CRANDELL, o. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1973, Pina bahav io r: Sci ance, v. 167, no. 4175, p. 436-4.11. Creek volcanic aeeemblega et Mount St. Helene, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1383- CRANDELL, O. R.; MULLINEAUX, O. R.; RUBIN, MEYER; A, 23 p. SPIKER, ELLIOTT; KELLEY, M. L., 1981, Radiocarbon dates from volcanic deposits at Mount St. Helens, CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1974, Apprais­ Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le ing volcanic hazards of the Cascade Range of the Report 131-844, 15 p. northwestern United States: U.S. Geological Sur­ vey Earthquake Information Bulletin, v. 6, no. 5, CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.; WALDROM, H. p. 3-1 o. H., 1958, Pleistocene sequence in southeastern pert of the Puget Sound lowland, Washington: CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, O. R., 1975, Apprais­ American Journal of Science, v. 256, no. 6, p, ing volcanic hazards of the Cascade Range: Ore 384-397. Bin, v. 37, no. 11, p. 173-183. CRANDELL, O. A.I MULLINEAUX, D. R.; WALDRON, H. CRANDELL, o. R.; MULLINEAUX, o. R., 1975, Tech­ H., 1958, Pleistocene sequence in southeastern nique and rationale of volcanic-hazards appraisals part of the Puget Sound lowland, Washington: in the Cascade Range, northwestern United States: \'leshington Division of Mines and Geology Reprint Environmental Geology, v. 1, no. 1, P• 23-32. 2, 14 p.

CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, O. R., 1976, Poten­ CRANDELL, o. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.; WALDRON, H. tial hazards from future eruptions of Mount St. H., 1958, Pleistocene sequence in southeastern Helens volcano, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ part of the Puget Sound lowland, Washington [ab- vey Open-Fi le Report 76-491, 25 p., 3 plates. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY CROSBY, T. W. 49

street]: Geological Abstracts, v. 6, no. 3, p. CRANDELL, O. R., see also [continued] 16-17. MULLINEAUX, o. R. [end others], 1957. MULLINEAUX, D.R. [and others], 1959. CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.; WALDRON, H. MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and others}, 1960. H., 1965, Age and origin of the Puget Sound trough MULLINEAUX, O. R. [end others], 1962. in western WasMngton: U.S. Geological Survey MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and othersl, 1981. Professional Peper 525-B, p. 8132-9136. MULLINEAUX, o. R. [and others], 1982. SCHUSTER, R. L. [end others], 1984. CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. Ra; WALDRON, H. WALDRON, ti. H. [end others], 1957. H., 1985, Day 7~Saptember 12, Seattle, Washing­ WALDRON, H. H, [ end others], 1961. ton. In International Association for Queter.,ary WALDRON, H. H. [end others], 1982. Research, 1965, Guidebook for field conference J, Pacific Northwest: International Association for CRANE, H. R.; GRIF!=IN, J. B., 1958, University of Quaternary Research, p. 51-59. Michigan radiocarbon dates III: Science, v. 128, no. 3932, p. 1117-1123. CRANDELL, D. R.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.; WALDRON, H. H.; RUBIN, MEYER, 1965, Age of Vashon Stade and CRANE, H. R.; GRIFFIN, J. B., 1959, University of origin of Puget Sound trough in Washington [ab­ Michigan radiocarbon dates l'V: American Journal stract]: U.S. Geo log icel Survey Professional of Science Radiocarbon Supplement, v. 1, p. 175- Peper 525-A, p. A96. 176.

CPANOELL, D. R.; WALDflON, H. H., 1954. Recent mud­ CRANE, H. R.; GRIFFIN, J. B., 1980, University of flow of exceptional dimensions from Mt. Rainier, Michigan radiocarbon dates V: American Journal of Washington [abstract]: Geological Society or Science Radiocarbon Supplement, v. 2, p. 32-33. America Bullet in, v. 85, no. 12, part 2, p. 1337. CRANE, KATHLEEN, see CRANDELL, D. R.; WALDRON, H. H., 1956, A Recent MALAHCFF, ALEXANDER [end others], 1982. volcanic mudflow of exceptional dimensions from Mount Reinier, Washington: American Journal of CREASEY, S. C.; STORCH, H. H., 1945, Winesap Science, v. 254, no. 8, p. 349-362. nickel prospect, Chelan County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 10 plates. CRANDELL, O. R.; WALDRON, H. H., 1969, Volcanic Strategic mineral investigations hazards in the Cascade Range. !!l Olson, R. A.; M. M., editors, 1969, Geologic hezarda and CRICKMAY, C. H., 1930, The structural connection public problems: U.S. Office of Emergency Prepar­ between the Coast Range of British Columbia end edness [ Senta Rosa, Celi f.], p. 5-18. the Cascade Range of Washington: Geological Mega­ z ine, v. 67, no. 797, p. 482-491. CRAl\!OELL, D. R.; \'/ALOflON, H. H., 1969, repr. 1976, Volcanic hazards in the Cascade Range. I!!. Tank, R. CROLL, T. c., 1980, Stratigraphy end depositional l'I., editor, 1918, Focus on environmental geology­ history of the Deming Send in northwestern Wash­ A collection of case historise end reedinge from ington: University of Washington Mester of Sci­ original sources; 2nd ed.: Oxford UnivsrsHy ence thesis, 57 p. Prass, p. 39-49. CROSBY, J. W., III; WEBER, T. L., 1980, Borehole CRANDELL, D. A., see el so geophysical log analysis for the well AAMSTROM3, J. E. [end others], 1965. field • .!n. Brown end Celdwel l, 1980, Final report BIPl

zone, northwestern Washington [abstract]: Geolog­ CROSSON, Fl, s., 1977, Seismic studies related to ical Scciety of A111erica Abstracts with Progrt1111s, regional tectonics in the Pacific Northwest [eb­ v. 1 B, no. 2, p. 97. street]: Geologicel Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, no, 7, p. 940, CROSSON, E. L., see CROSSON, R. S. [ and others], 1986. CROSSON, R. S., 1981, Earthquake hazard evaluation in the Pacific. Northwest: U.S. Geological Survey CROSSON, R. S., 1970, Preliminary report on a Open-File Report 81-985, 1 vol. seismic telemetry network in western Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union CROSSON, R. S., 1981, Earthquake hazard studies in TrensectionsJ, v. 51, no. 3, p. 20B. the Pacific Northwest [abstract], In Maccabe, t-:, P., 1981, Earthquake hazards reduction program CROSSON, R. S., 1970, Smell earthquakes in the project summaries-1979-1980: U.S. Geological Puget Sound region [ebstrect]: Eos (American Survey Open-Fi le Report 81-41, p. 93. Geophysical Union Transactions], v. 51, no. 11, p. 779. CROSSON, R. S., 1982, Earthquake heza rd studies in the Pacific Northwest. !JI Cheronnet, B. B.; Rodri­ CROSSON, R. s., 1971, Local earthquakes, struc­ gues, T. R.; Seiders, W.H., compilers, 1£82, Sum­ ture, and tectonics of the Puget Sound region [ab­ maries of technical reports, Vol. XIII, prep. by stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ participants in National Earthquake Hazards Reduc­ tions], v. 52, no. 11, p. 862. tion Program: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 82-85, p. 33-34. CROSSON, R. s., 1971, Seismicity and crustal structure in western Washington [abstract]. I!!. CROSSON, R. s., 1983, Review of seismicity in the National Academy of Sciences Upper Mantle Commit­ Puget Sound region from 1970 through 1978. In tee, 1971, Upper Mantle Project, United States Yount, J. c.; Crosson, R. s., editors, Jacobson, program--Finel report: National Academy of Sci­ Muriel, compiler, 1983, Proceedings of Workshop ences, p. B9. XIV, Earthquake hazards of the Puget Sound region, Weahington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le CROSSON, R. s., 1971, Smell earthquakes, struc­ Report 83-19, p. 6-18. ture, end tectonics of the Puget Sound region: University of Washington Geophysics Program, 67 p. CROSSON, R. s., 1984, Earthquake hazard evaluation in the Pacific Northwest; final technical report, CROSSON, R. S., 1972, Smell earthquakes, struc­ Oct. 1, 1981-Sept. 31, 1982: University of VJesh­ ture, end tectonics of the Puget Sound region: ington Geophysics Program, 1 v. Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 82, no. 5, p. 1133-1171. CROSSON, R. S., 1985, Earthquake hazard investiga­ tions in the Pacific Northwest. In Jacobson, M. CROSSON, R. s., 1974, Campi lat ion of earthquake L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compi Lers, 1985, National hypocentere in western Washington, July 1970-0ec. Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, Summaries of 1972: Washington Division of Geology end Earth Technical Reports Volume XX: U.S. Geological Sur­ Resources Information Ci rculer 53, 25 p. vey Open-Fi le Report 85-464, p. EB.

CROSSON, R. s., 1975, Campi let ion of earthquake CROSSON, R. S., 1985, Earthquake hazard investiga­ hypocenters in western Washington, 1973: Washing­ tions in the Pacific NorthY1est. In Jacobson, M. ton Division of Geology and Earth Resources Infor­ L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1985, National mation Circular 55, 14 p. Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of technical reports Volume XXI: U.S. Geo!.og ical CROSSON, R. s., 1976, Crustal structure modeling Survey Open-Fi le Report BE-81, p, 65-EB, of earthquake data; 2, Velocity structure of the Puget Sound region, Washington: Journal of Geo­ CROSSON, A. s., 1986, Comment on "Geodetic strain physical Research, v. 81, no. 17, p. 3047-3054. measurements in Washington," by J. c. , M. Lisowski, and W. H. Prescott: Journal of Geophys­ ics l Resee rch, v. 91, no. B7, p. 7,555-7 ,557. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY CROSSON, R. S. 51

CROSSON, R. s., 1986, Earthquake hazard investiga­ CROSSON, R. S.; BAME, D. A., 1985, A spherical tion in the Pacific Northwest. l!!. Jacobson, M. L.; source model for low frequency volcanic earth­ Rodriguez, T. R., comp1 lers, l986, National Earth­ quakes: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 90, quake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of no. 812, p. 10,237-10,247. technical reports volume XXII: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-383, p. 53-54.. CROSSON, R. S.; CROSSON, E. L., 1986, Preliminary analysis of Juan de Fuce plate seismicity using CROSSON, R. S., 1986, Earthquake hazard investiga­ the Washington regional seismograph network [ab­ tions in the Pacific Northwest. l!!. Jacobson, M. stract}: Eoe {American Geophysical Union Transac­ L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1986, ~!etional tions), v. 67, no. 44,. P• 1084. Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, summerias of technical reports, volume XXIII: U.S. Geological CROSSON, R. s.; ENOO, e. T.; MALONE, s. D.; NOSON, Survey Open-File Report 87-63, p. 53-55. L. L.; WEAVER, C. S., 1980, Erupt ion of Mount St. Helens--Seismology: Nature, v. 285, no. 5766, p. CROSSON, R. S., 1986, Earthquake hazard research 529-53'1. in the Pacific Northwest; final technical report~ 1985: University of Washington Geophysics Pro­ CROSSON, R. S.; FRANK, D. G., 1974, The Mt. fie in­ gram, 1 v. ier earthquake of 18 July 1973 {abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 55, CROSSON, R. s., 1986, Seismological setting of the no. 2, p. 75. Puget Sound region. !!!. Haye, W. W.; Gori, P. L., editors, 1986, Proceedings of conference XXXIII, CROSSON, R. s.; FRANK, D. G., 1975, The Mt. Rain­ "Earthquake hazards in the Puget Sound, Washington ier earthquake of July 18, 1973, end its tectonic sree,": U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report significance: Seismological Society of America 86-253, p. 46-51. l!ul let in, v. 65, no. 2, p. 393-401.

CROSSON, R. S., 1986, Where is the subducting slab CROSSON, R. S.; LIN, J.-W., 1975, A note on the beneath the Pacific Northwest? [abstract]: Earth­ Mt. Reinier earthquake of April 20, 1974: Seismo­ quake Notes, v. 57, no. 1, p. 9. logical Society of America Bulletin, v. 65, no. 2, p. 549-552. CROSSON, R. S., 1987, Earthquake hazard investiga­ tions in the Pacific Northwest. l!!. Jacobson, M. CROSSON, R. S.; MALONE, S. o., 1984, Earthquake L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1987, National hazard evaluation in the Pacific Northwest; finel Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of technical report, Oct. 1, 1982-0ct. 31, '1983: technical reports Volume XXIV: U.S. Geological University of Washington Geophysics Program, 1 v. Survey Open-Fi Le Report 87-374, p. 535-537. CROSSON, R. S.; MALONE, S. D., 1984, Seismic haz­ COOSSON, R. s., 1987, Earthquake hazard research ard investigations in the Pacific Northwest. Ir!. in the Pacific Northwest; final technical report-- Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1986: University of Washington Geophysics Pro­ 1984, Summaries of technical reports, volume gram, 1 v. XVIII, prepared by participants in Natioral Eerth­ queke Hazards Reduction Program: ll.S. Geological CROSSON, R. s., 1987, Seismicity and structure of Survey Open-Fi le Report 84-628, p. 95-97. the Cascadia subduction zone: University of Wash­ ington Geophysics Prog rem, 19 p. CROSSON, R. S.; MALONE, S. D., 1985, Reg ions l seismic monitoring in western Washington. Ir!. CROSSON, R. s., 1988, Earthquake hazard investiga­ Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, tions in the Pacific Northwest. !!!. Jacobson, M. 1985, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Pro­ L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compi Lars, 1988, National gram, Summerief. of T1::ct,nicel Ri;port.s Volume XX: earthquake hazards reduction program, summaries of U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 85-464, p. technical repcrts Volume '>O

Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compi lt!lr&t grafh; eummeriH of teclrdtal repoi'ts Volume XXV: 19B5, National Eerthqueka Hazards Reduction u.s. Geological Sui'vey Open-File Report 88-16, p. Frogrem, summaries of technical reports Volume 14. XXI: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 86- 31, p. 19-22. CAOSSCIN, R. s.; MALONE; s. o.; NOSDN, L. L.; ZOLL­ wet, J11 E.t 1te2, Washitrgttlli earthquakes, 1980. In CROSSON, R. S.; MALONE, S. D., 1985, Seismic haz­ Stlil\ler, C. 14 Von Hake, C. A., editol'!s, 1982; ard investigations in the Pacific Northwest. l!!. Uriited States aerth~uakae, 1910: U.S. Geological Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compf Ltra, survty and U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric 1985, Summaries of technical reports, volume XIX, Aa111inisti'lttian, p. 15C,..151. prepared by participants in National Eerthqueka Hazards Reduction Program: U.S. Geological Survey CROSSON, A. S1; MAYERS, I. A., 1972, Report on Open-Fi le Report 85-22, p. 11-14 (article repeated gaothermsl ground ntdse 1M!eeurements in Washington p. 107-110). State: Washington Division af Mines and Geology Open-Fila Report 72-1; 52 P• CROSSON, R. S.; MALONE, s. D., 19BS, Regional seismic monitoring in western Washington. I!!. CROSSON, R. s.; MAYERS, I. R., 1973, Spectre l Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compi Lars, vat-iebility in seisl't!Hl noise measurements and l9BB, Nstionel Earthquake Hazards Reduction implications tor geothermal exploration [ab­ Program, summai'ies df technical reports volume stract]i Geophysics, v. !38, no. "• p. 168. XXII: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 86- 383, p. 17. CROSSON, R. S.; MILLARD, R. C., 1975, Campi lat ion of earthquake hypocenters in western Washington, CROSSON, R. S.; MALONE, s. D., 1988, Reg tone l 1974i Washington Division of Geology and Earth seismic monitoring in western Washington. I!!. Resources ?nformation Ci rculer 56, 14 P• Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compi lars, 1988, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction CROSSON, R. S.J NOSON; L. L., 1977, Coll'pi lat ion of Program, summaries of technical reports, volume earthquake hypocentars in western War.hingtcn, XXIII: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Re.port 1975: Washington Division of Geology and Earth 87-63, p. 19. Rasouroas Open-Fi le Report 77-10, 16 p.

CROSSON, R. S.; MALONE, S. D., 1988, Regional CROSSON, R. S., NOSON, L. L., 1977, Compilation of seismic monitoring in western Washington; final earthquake hypocsntare in western Washington, technical raport--1985: Univereity or Washington 1976: Washington Division of Geology end Earth Geophysics Program, 1 v. AeFotJ rces Open~F i le Report 77-11, 18 p.

CROSSON, R. S.; MALONE, s. o., 1991, Regional CROSSON, R. s.; IIIOSON, L. L., 1e7B; Campi lat ion of seismic monitoring in western Washington. I!!. earthquake hypocenters in western Washington, Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., colllpi lers, 1975: Washington Division of Geology and Earth 1987, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Pro­ Flesourcts Information Ci rt:ular 84, 12 p. gram, summaries of technical reports Volume >tern Wastiingt.on, AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY CROWSER, J.C. 53

1977: ~leshington Division of Geology end Earth CROSSOtJ, P. s., nee also [continued] Resources Information Ci rculer 66, 12 p. ZEFlVAS, C. E. [end other&], 1984. ZEFNAS, C. E. [and others], 1986. CROSSON, R. S.; NOSON, L. L.; MALONE, S. O., 1981, ZOLLWEG, J. E. [and others], 1981. Washington earthquakes, 1979. In Stover, c. W.; Von Hake, C. A., editors, 1979, United States CROWDER, D. F., '1959, Granitizetion, migmatiza­ earthquakes, 1979: U.S. Geological Survey end tion, and fusion in the northern Entiat Mountains, U.S. National Oceanic end Atmospheric Administra­ Washington: Geological Society of America Bulle­ tion, p. 125-126. tin, v. 70, no. 7, p. 827-877.

CROSSON, R. S.J OWENS, T. J., 1987, Slab geometry CROWDER, D. F.; TABOR, R. W.; FORD, A. B., 1966, of the Csecedie subduction zone beneath Washington Geologic map of the Glacier Peek quadrangle, Sno­ from earthquake hypocenters and telasaismic con­ homish end Chelan Counties, Washington: U.S. Geo­ verted waves: Geophysice l Research Letters, v. logical Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map G0-473, 1 14, no. 8, p. 824-827. sheet, see le 1 :82,500. r.RCSSON, R. S.; O~EtJS, T. L,., 1987, Slab geometry CROWDER, D. F., eee el so of the Cascedia subduction zone from earthquake CATER, F. w. [end others], 1967. hypocenters and teleseismic converted waves [ab­ TABOR, R. W. [end others], 1969. stract]: Seismological Research Notes, v. 58, no. 1, p. 27. CROWELL, J. C., 1982, f.ct.ive tectonism along the continental margin of the conterminous United CROSSON, R. S., see el so States [abstract]: Eos {American Geophysical BAME, D. A. [end others], 1984. Union Transactions], v. 64, no. 45, p. 854. CHOU, c. w. [end others], 1978. Cl-'RISTENSEN, N. I. [ end others], 1969. CROWELL, J.C., 1988, Active tectonics along the GO\·/ER, H. D. [end others], 1985., western continental margin of the conterminous HAWKINS, N. M. [and others], 1975. United States. !.!l. ';la ltace, Robert E., chairman, HENDRICKSON, M. A. [and others], 1985. 1986, Active tectonics: National Academy Press JOHNSON, S. Y. [and others], 1984,, Studies in Geophysics, p. 20-29. KELLY, s. M. [end others], 1984. LAPP, o. a. {end others], 1987. CROWELL, J. c., 1987, The tectonicel ly active mar- LIN, J.-w. [and others], 1974. gin of the western U.S.A.: Episodes, v. 10, no. LUOWIN, R. S. [end others], 1984. 4, p. 278-282. LUDWIN, R. S. [end others], 19B6. LUO\'JIN, R. s. [and others], 1987, CROWSER, J. C.; HANSEN, OMAR, 1975, Static pene­ MA, LI [end others], 1987. trometer utilization in alluvial soils of western MA, LI {end others], 1988. Washington. In Engineering Geology end Soils MCCLAIN, K. J. [end others], 1971. Engineering Symposium, 1:?th Annual, Proceedings: MCCOLLOM, R. L. [and others], 1985. Idaho Department of Highways, p. 141-155. NOSON, L. L. [ and others], 1980. NOSON, L. L. (and others], 1984. CROWSER, J. C.; SCHUSTER, R. L., 1973, A case his­ NOSON, L. L. [and others], 1985. tory for a mat-supported silo group. In Engineer­ OWENS, T. J. [end others], 1986. ing Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium, 11th OWENS, T. J. [and others], 1SEe. Annual, Proceedings: Idaho Department of High­ POTTER, C. J. [and otherR], 19El2. ways, p. 73-90. OAMAA, ANTHONY [ and others], 1986. OAMAR, ANTHONY [and others], 1987. CP.OWSER, J. C.; SCHUSTER, R. L.; SACK, R. L., RASMUSSEN, N. H. (and others], 1979. 1975, Settlement end contact pressure distribution WU, c. [and others], 1977. of e met-supported silo group on an elastic sub­ YELIN, T. s. [end others], 1982. grada. !!l Settlement of structure1.1: John Wi Ley YELIN, T. s. [and others], 1903. and Sons, p. 344-352. YOUNT, J. c. [end others], 1983. [continued] 54 CRlNER, J. R. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

CRWfR, J, R., 1983, Petrology end geochemistry of CULVER, H. E., 1919, The coal fiElldf. of FSouthviest­ the t-:aysteck Mountain unit, lo111er Skegit Val Ley, ern WasMngton: Washington Geological Survey Bul­ Washington: Western Washington University Mester letin 19, 155 p. of Science thesis, 149 p., 1 plate. CULVER, H. E., 1936, The geology of Washington; CRW ER, J. R., see el eo Part I.--Generet features of Washington geology (to BROWN, E, H. [and others], 1981. accompany the preliminary geology map, 1936): Washington Division of Eeology 8ulletil'l ~2, 70 p, CRWER, s. K., 1981, The geology end mineralogy of [Mote: Pert II was never published,] bentonites and associated rocks of the Chuckanut Format ion, Mt. Higgins area, north Cascades Wash­ CULVER, H. E.; STOSE, G. W., EDITOR, 1936, Preli m­ ington: Western Washington University Master of i nary geologic map: Washington Oivision of Geolo­ Science thesis, 105 p., 3 plates. gy Geologic Hep, 1 sheet, scale 1:500;000.

CUDRACK, C. F.; WHITE, 0, J.; CLOWES, R. M., 1987, CUMHANS, J. E.; COLLIER, C. R., 1980, Mudflows, A 3-D seismic refraction survey of crustal struc­ floc,ds, end sediment deposition resulting from the ture segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge [ab­ Mey 18 eruption of Mt. St. Helens, by \'later stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ Resources Division, U.S. Geological Eurvey [ab­ tions], V, 88, no, 44, p, 1371. stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ tions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 955. CULLEN, J. M,, 1978, Impact of s major eruption of Mount Reinier on public service delivery systems CUMMANS, JOHtl, 1981, Chronology of mudflows in the in the Puyallup Val lay, Washington: University of South Fork end North Fork Toutla River fol lowing Washington Mester of Urben Planning thesis, 195 p. the Mey 18 eruption, In Lipman, P. \'1,; Mull in~eux, o. R., editors, 1981, The 1980 eruptions of !fount CULLEM, J. M., 1978, Impact of a major eruption of St. Helens, WesMngton: U.S. Geologicel Survey Mount Rainier on public ~ervice delivery systems Professional Paper 1250, p. 479-486, in the Puyallup Val lay, Washingtol'!, In Marts, M. E., 1978, Social imp l1 cat i one of volcano haze rd­ CUMMANS, JOHN, 1981, Mudflows resulting from the Cesa studies in the Washington Cssoades and Hawa­ Mey 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helel'!s, l'/ash­ ii: University of Washington Department of Geog­ ington: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 850-8, 16 raphy, 203 p. p.

CULLEN, J. M., 1978, Impact of a major eruption of CUMMANS, JCltlN, 1901, Mudflows resulting frorr, the Mt, Reirder on public service delivery systems in May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens, Wash­ the Puyallup Valley, Washington {abstract]: Eos ington. In Halasi-Kun, G. J., editor, 1981, Hydro­ [American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 59, geology and other selected papers: Pergamon no, 4, p. 236, Press, Pollution end Water Resources Columbia University Seminar Series, v. 14, pert 1, 37-52. CULLEN, J. M., 1979, Volcanic hazard of Mt. Rain­ ier-A scenario approach, In Wilcox, F. w., Jr,, CUMMING, G, L., see editor, 1979, Natural hazards in Washingtan•s BAADSGAARD, HALFOAN [end others], 19E4, coasttl zcne--An anthology of recent articles: Washington State Depertmel'lt of Emergency Services, CUNDY, T, W,, see p. 39-46. ZHM!13, \IIEIHAU [end others], 1987,

CULLEN, J, M.; PIERSON, T. C,; LOEHR, LUICOLN, CUNNINGHAM, J. W., see 1977, Geology, Chapter I In Ooeal'lographic Insti­ CASAD, c. C, [ end others J, 1958. tute of Washington, 1977, A summary of knowledge of the Oregon and Washington coastal zone and off­ CURRAN, T. A,, 1965, Surficial geolcgy of the shore areas: U.S, National Technical Informetiori Issaquah area, Washington: University of Washing­ Service, £-28 p, ton Mester of Science thesis, 57 p., 1 plate, AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY DANES, z. F. 55

CURRIE, L. A., see DALY, A. A., 1912, Geology of t,t·e- ~lortt- t.n e.riu,n SCtiELL, \'f. R. [and others], 19£3. Cordil Lera at the forty-ninth paral let: Canada Geological Survey Memoir 38, perts 1, 2, and 3, CURRIE, R. S.; DAVIS, E. E.; HAMMOND, S. R.; HUS­ 857 p. SOM3, D. M.; KARSTEN, J. L.; MALAHOFF, ALEXANDER; R1DDIHOUGH, R. P.; SEEMANN, D. A., 1984, Co-opera­ DAMES AND MOORE, 1989, Report of soils investiga­ tive systematic surveys over the northern Juan de tion, proposed Pier 7--Berth D extension, Tscome, Fuca Ridge system, 1983~A progress report {ab­ stract]: Eos {American Geophysical Union Transac­ Washington: Dames and Moore [Seattle, Wash., tions), v. SE, no. 17, p. 329. under contract to] the FQrt. of Tacom·e, 1 v.

CURRIE, R. G.; DAVIS, E. E.; RIODIHOUGH, R. P.; DAMES ANO ~OORE, 1973, Report-Site eveluatic:n HUSSONG, D. M., 1984, Acoustic imagery of the studies, earthquake hazard, Veterans Administra­ Pacific-America-Explorer triple Junction [ab­ tion Hospital, Seattle, Washington: Dames and stract]: Eoe (American Geophysical Union Transac­ Moore {Seattle, Wash.], 1 v. tions), v. 85, no. 45, p. 1110. DAMES AND MOORE, 1974, Report--Site evaluation CURRIE, R. G., sea al so studies, earthquake hazard, Veterans Administra­ BORNHOLD, B. D. [and others], 1988. tion Hospital, American Lake, Wefhington: Demeo t'AV !S, E. E. [ and others], 1983. and Moore [Seattle, t/ssh.], 1 v. CftV!Sp F. l'. [anc! others], 1984,. DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1985. DAMES ANO MOORE, 1974, Report--Site evaluation DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1986. studies, earthquake hazard, Veterans .Administra­ DAVIS, e. e. [and others], 1987. tion Hospital (Barnes General], Vancouver, \'lesh­ JOHNSON, H. P. [and others], 1983. ington: Demas and Moore [Seattle, Waah.], 1 v. KARSTEN, J. L. [and others], 1988. MACLEOD, N. S. [and others], 1977. DAMES AND MOORE, 1977, Slope stability investig~­ SAWYER, B. S. [and others], 1984.. t ion, Seacl i ff fElvelopment, Fo int P.oberte-, Wash­ SNAVELY, P. D., JR. [and others], 1974.. ington: Dames and Moore [under contract to Pacif­ YOPATl-i, r.. J. [end others], 1984.. ic end Western Equities Co., Inc.], 38 p., 11 YOr.t.TH, c. J. [end others], 1987. plates.

CUSHING, E. M.; BARKER, R. M., 1974, Summery of DANES, z. F., 1963, Gravity survey in the Cascade geologic end hydrologic information pertinent to Mountains [abstract]: American Geophysical Union tunneling in selected urban areas: U.S. National T rensec ti ons, v. 44, no. 1, p. 209. Technical Information Service PB 240 715, 4 sheets microf'iche [375 p.J. OM!ES, z. F-., 19E4, Gravity survey of Mount Rain­ ier·, Washington [abstract]: .Ll.merican Geophysical. D'ALL I, R. E., see Union Transactions, v. 45, no. 4, p. 6~0. FINK, J. H. (and others], 1981. DANES, z. F., 1964, Prel iminery gravity data, cen­ rtf:fl, BPl!CE, see tral Cascade Mountains, Washington: University of ECN!B, M•• ,. (end others], 1985. Puget Sound Research Institute Report UPS-RIR-GP- 64-1, 13 p. DAINTY, N. D., 1981, Petrology of the strata of Patos Island, Sen Juen County, Washington: Wash­ DANES, z. F., 1965, Gravity survey of the Cascade ington State Univers;ty Mester of Science thesis, Mountains, 1:/eshington [cbstr~ct]: Geotcg icat 107 p. Society of ll.merics Special Peper 82, p. 246. t'IALE, D. c., 1978, Reevaluation of critical his­ DANES, z. F., 1966, Gravity aurvey of Mount Rein­ torical earthquakes: Earthquake Engineering ier, Washington [abstract]: Arneric3n Geophysical Research Institute Newsletter, v. 1(1, no • .11, p. Union Transactions, v. 47, no. 1, p. 260. 19-:::>ii. 56 DANES., Z,. ,F. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WES't'EAN 1WASHINGTON

DANE~, Z. F.. 1968, PreHmina.ry gra1d,ty ,r,U.\Jlli:ts .o,f •0)1:NES, .z. ·F., 1980. Gre.11,it,,y .resuUs, Morth Sonne­ the :f'M in Slst.e.rs Moun ta in Rang.13,, Wash i,ms,ton ,f,et,­ vU,le area, -Washington: {1P,rive.t.aly ,published by str,actl: Amer.ican Geophysical Uni.on '!',n&nf-,acti>Qns, ·Phe ;eutho,rl, ·10 A-, 3 pta.tes. v. ~.7, n.o. 1, ,p. 280-281. &ANES, ,Z. F., 1900, :Regional grav:i!f.·y survey D'f the 0At4ES, Z. F.. 1968, ,Gflev.i.ty survey of ,we-.e,rn ,soutbeorn 1Cuoadea, ,Waehingtoa. !!!. :Konosec, ·M.. A..; Wesh,ington [at,,s,trae:t3·: Am.e,rf,can Geoph~4,Qtt.l ,11.Jnion •Solua,Scter,, -'· IE.; and oth13t!On S-tste [ abs,t•recttJ.: Eos [American .Geophysic,al l:Jn~on TrenaectionsJ, v. S2, DANES, Z. F., 1969, Gravity results in the Suite no. 6,. ,p. 59. ,[tlote: Te-xt of" j our,ne l m ;.r,-hni;,c\Ad of Washington [abstract]: Northwest Science, v. a.a "v. ,s2., no.• ·5."J 43, no. 1, p. 34. DANES, z. F., 19811., P,1'eH.m~,nary B0ug1,11i,r grevHy DANES, z. F,, 19£18, Gravity results in ,westa,rn map, southern Cascade ,Mountei.ns area, .~/as~ington: Waehfngton: Eos [Ame.-rican Geophysical Union Washington Division o,f Geo,legy .and 'Earth Flesou·rces T.ran,actions), v. 50, no. 10, p. 548-550. Open-Fi le Report 81-4, 1 sheet, sea la 1:25D,.800.

DANES, Z. F., 1970, Earthquake occu rrerce in tha DANES, z. F., 1·985., Sedi.mentary thickneGE in the

State of \'/ashington: Science, v. 167, no. 39171 Pu.get Sound a.res,, We.shington, .derivr,d frot1 nerc­ p. 398. rnagnetic date: Washington Divisfon of Geology and Earth Re.eeurces Open-Fi Le Report 85-5, 14 p. DANES, z. F., 1970, The forces that ti ft the 1M1Untains: Pacific Search, v. 6, no. 3, p. 4-5. DANES, z. F.; SOMO., M.:; .8¥1AU., E.; GILHAM, W. D.; +fOFFMAN, T. F.; JOHANSEN. .D.; JONES, M. :H,; MAL­ DANES, z. F., 1970, Gravity reaults :In the Sta~ ·FAlT, BRUCE$ MAST:SN, J.; Tt:A6UE, G. O., 1965• of Washington (abstract]. In GHmore, E. ,HJ Geo.ph~sicel i,nveeUgation of the southern ?uget Stradljng, D, F,, edftors, 'IS7C, Proceedings of Sourid r,r·c,e,, ,wachfrigton: Journal of !:eophysical tho second Columbia River .bosel t sympoe!umi Reseeroh, v. 7.0, no. 22, p. 557S-558C. Eastern Washington State College Press, p. 327.

OANE$1 z. F4 PHIUIPS, W. M., 1983, Complete DANES, Z. F., 1973, A tacton i.c model of ti4il,St,ern .Sougue,r gnw ity anoma-l y map, Cascade Mountains, \'lashington {abstrect]: Eos [American Geophyeicel Washington: .Washington Division of Geolcgy end Union Transactions), v. 54, no. 11, p. 1208. Earth Resources Geophysical Map GM-27, 2 sheets. SC a le 1 ~250.00Q. DANES, z. F., 1974, A tectonic modet of •astern tie Et• ir,gt.cn [ E•bf.t n-ctJ: Eos (American Geophysicat DANES, Z. F.; PHILLIPS, \'4, M., '!9B3, Principal

Union Trensections], v, E51 no. 2, p. 73. fa.eta and a discussion of terrair c:onectior1 methods for the complete liouguer gravity anomaly DANES, z. F., 1975, Gravity survey of Ht, Rairder, map of the Cascade Mountains, Washington: U.S. Washington: Washington Division of Geology end Nati.onet Technical tnformetion Service OOE/ET/ Earth Resources Open-Fi le Report 75-5, 10 p., 1 27014-T11 [DEB4D125871, 161 p. plate, see le 1 :62,380. DANES, z. F.; PHILLIPS, W. M., 1983, Principal DAtlES, z. F., 1979, Bouguer gravity map, Camas ff,ct,r, snd tlir.cur.sion of terrain correction methods area, \1ashington and Oregon: Washington Division fc•i· U•,e co111plet~ Eouguer grevit.y anomety map of tJf Cl:lolog'i end Car-th P.esour.ces Open-File Report the Caac.ede Mounte iris, \'l:ashi ngton: Wash i ngt.on 79-S, 1 sheet, sea le 1 :62,500. Division of Geology tnd Earth Resources Cpen-File Report 83-1, 15 p., computer printouts. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY DANNER, W. R.

DANES, Z. F.; PHILLIPS, W. M., 1984, Complete Bou­ DANNER, \'I. Fl., 1969, Glacial-cut groove and guer gravity map of the Cascade Mountains, \'lash­ glacial-eroded surfaces on serpentine, Fidalgo irgton [e:bstrsct]: Eos (,.11,e;rican C:eopt,}e.ical Island, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society Union Transactions], v. E5, no. 17, p. 329. of America Abstracts for 1969, Part 3, p. 14.

DANES, z. F., see e lso DANNER, w. Fl., 1969, Pleistocene stratigraphy end BONINI, W. E. [and others], 1974. sedimentary structures et the southeastern side of EGGERS, A. A. [and others], 1981. Point Roberts, Washington [abstract]: Geological ~INN, CAROL [and others], 1986. Society of America Abstracts for 1989, Part 3, p. HAMMOND, P. E. [ and others], 1978. 14. KONICS<, o. L. [and others], 1972. KONICS<, D. L. [and others], 1973. DANNER, W. R., 1989, Pleistocene stratigraphy and OTHBERG, K. L. [and others], 1S75. sedimentary structures at the southeastern side cf \'IJLLii\MS, o. L. [end othen], 1984. Point Roberta, Washington [abstract]: Ur.iversit.y t 1ILLIAMS, D. L. [end others], 1988. of British Columbia OEpertment of Geoltilccl Sciences Report 10, p. 2. DANIELS, JOSEPH, 1915, Structure of Pierce County coal field of Washington [abstract]: Geological DANNER, w. R., 1970, Paleontologic and stratigra­ Society of America Bulletin, v. 28, p. 132-133. phic evidence for and against sea floor spreading and opening and closing oceans in the Pacific DANNER, w. R., 1948, A contribution to tha geology Northwest [abstract]: Geological Society of Amer­ of ttie Olympic Mountains, Washington: University ica Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 2, p. 84- of \'iHtiington Mester of Science thesis, 67 p., 1 85. plate. DANNER, w. f1., 1974-, Geology or Sen Juan !sltrd, DANMER, w. R., 1955, Geology of Olympic National Washington [abstr&ct]: Geolcgical Stciety of Park: University of Washington Press, 68 p. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 6, no. 3, p. 160. DANNER, w. R., 1957, A stratigraphic reconnais­ sance in the northwestern Cascade Mountains and DANNER, w. R., 1974, Geology of the Sen Juan San Juan Islands of Washington State: University Islands. Washington [abstrectl: tlorthwest Scien­ cf titEt,ington Dc,ctor of Philosophy thesis, 3 vol., tific Association, 47th Annual Meeting, Program 7 p lat.ee:. and Abstracts of Papers, p. 25.

OAl\'NER, 'II. R., 1958, A stratigraphic reconnais­ DANNER, W. R., 1974, Tectonic s.etting of Y•eEterr. sance in the northwestern Cascade Mountains and North America [Ebstrect): North,rnst SciE,r,t·ific San Juan Islands of Washington State [abstract}: Association, 47th Annual Meeting, Program and Dissertation Abstracts, v. 18, no. 1, p. 195. Abstracts of Papers, p. 12.

OANNER, W. Rd 1960, Revision of the geology of DANNER, w. R., 1977, Vedder discontinuity end the Sen Juen Islands, Washington [abstract]: Bonaparte disturbed zona--Structural elements of GeoloQicat Society of Americ~ Eultetin, v. 71, no. southwest British Columbia and northwest Washing­ 12, pt. 2, p. 2055-2056. ton [ebstrect): Gaotogical Society of America 11.bstr·acts nith Programs, v. !?, no. 4, p. 4(18-409. PAl\•MER, W. Fl., 1es2, Guidebook for geological field trips, San Juan !stand, Washington State: DANNER, W. R., 1979, The northern Cascade Moun­ University of British Columbia Department of Geol­ ts ins. l!! Heil men, P. E.; Anderson, H. \'I., Jr.; ogy Report 1, 25 p., 2 plates. Baumgartner, D. M., compilers, '1979, Forest soi ts of the Douglas-fir region: Washington State Uni­ DANNER, w. R., 1966, Limestone resources of weot­ versity Cooperative Extension Service, p. 35-44. e l'n \"!ashington; with a section on the Lime Moun­ u,-:,., dEposit., by £. w. Thorsen: Washington Divi­ DANNER, W. R., 1979, The Sen Juan Ii: I r,rc's. · !n sion of Mines and Geology eul let in S2, 474 p. P.ei lman, P. E.; Anderson, H. \'I., Jr.; EeU1T££>r·tr,er, D. M., compilers, 1979, Forest soils of the Doug- 58 DANNER, W.R. SEISMIC HAZARDS CF WiSTiRN WASHINGTON las-fir reg ion: \"/ashing ton State Univeraity Coop­ DAVIS, E. E., 1975, The northern Juan de Fuce erative Extension Service, p. 51-57. Ridgr--A geophysical investigation of an active sea floor spreading center: University of Wash­ DANNER, w. R., 19B1, The northern Cascade Moun­ ir,gton Doctor of Phi tosophy thee is, 1S4 p. tains. l!l Heilman, P. E.s Anderson, H. W.; Beum­ r;ortner, o. M., e:ditors, 1981, Forest soHs or the DAVIS, E, E., 1Si5, The nort.hern Jue-n cle Fuee Ccuglao-fir region; revieed editions Washington Ridg...-A geophysicel investigation of an active State University Cooperetfve Extension Service, p. see floor spreading center [abstrectJ: Disserta­ 35-44. tion Abstracts International, v. 37, no. 2, Sec­ t ion B, p. 88'7-B-668...S. DANNER, W. R., 1981, The Sen Juen Islands. l!l Hei lmen, P. E.; Anderson, H. W.; Baumgartner, D. DAV IS, E. E.; CURRIE, R. G.; HUSSONG, D. M.; M., editors, 1981, Forest soils of the Douglas-fir REN.ARO, V,I KO~ALOS, J., 1983, High altitude side­ region; revised edition: Washington State scen imagery over the northern Jul!ln de Fuca Ridge University Cooperative Extension Service, p. 51- (abatrect]: Eos (American Geophysical Union 57. Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 856-857.

DM:t.ER, W, R., 1982, Mesozoic sedimentation, plate DAVIS, E. E.; CURRIE, R. G.; RIDDIHOUGH, R. P.; tectonics and sedimentary mineral deposits of RYAN, w. e. F,s KASTENS, K.; HUSSONG, D. M.; HAM­ southwestern British Columbia and northwestern MOND, s. R.; MALAHCFF, llLEXANDER, 1984, Geo logical Washington [abstract]. In Rocks and ores of the mapping of the northern Juen de Fuee vric! Explot'H Middle Ages: Geological Association of Canada P.ic!~eE ltsing Seat,,1APC !, Seal'#RC ::, :srid Sn,bearr, Cc rc'i l leran Section Programme end Abstracts, p. 8- eco1Jstic imaging [abstract]: Eos {American Geo­ 1 o. physical Union Transactions), v, 65, no. 45, p, 1110. OM 1NER, ~I. R,, 1985, Tethyan exotic terrene in British Columbia and Waahington Stats [ebatrect]: DAV IS, E. E,; CURRIE, R. G.; RIDDIHOUGH, R. P,; Geologicsl Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ SAWYER, B. S,, 19815, A new look et the Juen de grams, v. 17, no. B, p. 350. Fuca Ridglt"-Hfgh-resolution bethymetry end side­ scan acoustic imE!gery: Geos, v. 14, no. 2, p. 10- DARTON, N. H., 1909, Structural materials in perts 15. of Oregon and Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 387, 33 p. DAV IS, E. E.; CURRIE, R, G,; S.A\1/YF.R, e. 8,, GO J-I­ PILERS, 1987, Acoustic imagery-Explorer F.ic'.ge: DAUGHERTY, R. D., 1959, Early mar, in Washington: Canada Geological Survey Marina Geophysical Maps Washington Division of Minas and Geology Informe­ of Western Canada, Map 12, 1 sheet, scale t.ior, Circular 32, 86 p. 1:250,0DO.

DAVENPORT, T. E., 1981, Sediment end nutrients DAV IS, E. E.; CURRIE, R, G,; SA WYER, B. S,, COM­ transport during storm runoff, Hoquet .Creek: Uni­ PILERS, 1987, Acoustic imegery--North central versity of Washington Master of Science theeie, B3 Juan de Fuca Ridge: Canada Ceologice! Survev p. Marine Geophysical ti:eps of V:n;tern Cane-cfe, flEp 16, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000. DAV !ES, W. E., see

RAOBRUCH-HALL, D. H. [ and others] 1 1976. DAVIS, e. E.; CURRIE, R. G.; SAWYER, e. s .• COM­ ! Aru:iuc1i-H.ALL, D. H. [and others], 1982. PILERS, 1987, Acoustic imagery-Northern Juan de Fuca Ridge: Canada Geological Survey Marine uvn, £'. e:., 1923, Ore deposits and geology of Geophysical Maps of Western Canada, Map 14, 1 region around Mount Si: University of Washirigton sheet, scale 1 :250,000. Bachelor of Science thesis, 26 p. DAVIS, E. E.; CURRIE, R, G.7 f!A\\'VER, 1:1, s.f C'flfl'­ DAVIS, D. M., see PILEP.S, 1ee,, Jl.covHic i~·f•!jEiy--r:c(•~(.!1; VF:1 ('(l;Ver SYKES, L. R. [ and othera], 1987, Tstend margin: Canada Geological Survey Marine AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY DAVIS, J. O. 59

Geophysical Maps of Western Canada, Map 13, 1 National Research Council Geoph'}sics Stud')' Commit­ sheet, scale 1:250,000. tee, 1980, Continental tectonics: National Acade­ my of Sciences, p. 84-95. OAV IS, E. E.; CURRIE, R. G.; SAWYER, B. S., COM­ PILERS, 19B7, Acoustic imegery~South central Juen DAVIS, G. A., 1988, Geologic comparisons of the de Fuca Ridge: Canada Geological Survey Merine Cascadia and other "similar" subduction zones [ab­ Geopt,VE'ical Maps of Western Canada, tiep '17, 'I stract). l!l University of Washington Quaternary sf-teet, sea le 1 :250,000. Research Center, 1988, Holocene subduction in the Pecific Northwest: University of ~aehington DAVIS, E. E.; CURRIE, R. G.; SAWYER, B. S., COM­ O.uaternary Research Canter, p. 17. PILERS, 1987, Acoustic imegery~Southern Vancouver Island margin: Canede Geological Survey Marine DAV IS, G. A.; MONGER, J. W. H.; BURCHFIEL, 8. C., Geophyeical Maps of Western Canada, Map 15, 1 1978, Mesozoic construction of cordil leren "col­ sheet, scale 1:250,000. lage," central British Columbia to central Cali­ fornia [abstract]: American Association of OAV IS, E. E.; CURRIE, R. G.; V ILL INGER, H.; GOOD­ Petroleum Geologists Bullet in, v. 62, no. 11, pert F-ELLIJW, "1. D.; ~tUflS(lflll:, Cl, P.1.; PYAN, "1, I:', F-.; 1, p. 2352-2353. HAIJ.MONO, s. R., 1ees, Regional acoustic imagery end detailed geophysical studies of northern Juen DAV IS, G. A.; MotlGER, J. W. H.; BURCHFIEL, B. C., de Fuca Ridge [abstract]: American Association of 1978, Mesozoic construction of the cordilleran Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 70, no. 7, p. "col lags," central British Columbia to central 919. California• .I!! Howell, o. G.; McDougall, K. A., editors, 1978, Mesozoic paleogaogrephy of the DAVIS, E. E.; LISTER, C.R. B., 1972, Crustal western United States: Society of Economic Pale­ structure of the Juen de Fuca Ridge (abstract]: ontologists end Mineralogists Pacific Section, EOE (Ar.iericar, Geophysict1l Union Transactions], v. Pacific Coast Peleogeogrephy Symposium 2, p. 1-32. 53, no, 4, p. 51S. DAV IS, G. A., see al so CAV rs, E. E.; RIDDIHOUGH, R. P,, 1982, The Quater­ COOMBS, H. A. [end others], 1977, nary history of the northern Juen de Fuce Ridge MOt«3ER, J. w. H. [ and others], 1982. system (abstrectJ: Eoe (American Geophysical Un ion Transect ions), v. 63, no. 45, p. 1153. DNIS, G. H., 1880, Metamorphic core complexea­ Structurel characteristics, :

DAV rs, P. M.; PIERCE, D. R.; MCPHERAON, A. L.: OAWSONt W. L., 1898, Glacial phenomena in Okanogan DZURISIN, DANIEL; MURRAY, THOMAS; JOHNSTON, M. J. County, Washington: American Geologist; v. 22, S.; MUELLER, R. J., 1984, A volcanomagnetic obser­ no. 4, p. 203-217. vation on Mount St. Helens, Washington: Geophysi­ cal Research Letters, v. 11, no. 3, p. 225-228. OE CHANT, J. H., 1986, Submarine fan deposition of the late Eocene Hoko River Formation, Twin River DAVIS, P. T., 19B1, Tephrochronology, Devis Lake, Group, northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington [eb­ southwest Washington [ebstraot] • .!!1 Kaller, S. A. strect]: Geological Society of America Abstracts c., editor, and others, 1981, Mount St. Helens­ with Programs, v. 18, no. 21 p. 100. One year later; Abstracts and directory: Eastern Washington University, 2 p. DE CHANT, J. H.; SUCZEK, c. A., 1987, The prove­ nance and tectonic setting of the late Eocene Hoke DAVIS, P. T., 1982,. Tephrochronology, Davis Lake, River Formation, northern Olympic Peninsula, WA southwest Washington [abstract] • .!!1 Keller, S. A. [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ C., editor, 1982, Mount St. Helens-One year stracts with Programs, v. 19, no. S, p. 371. later: Eastern \'lashington University Press, P• 235-236. DE NATALE, J. s., see SHEN, C. K. [and others], 1981. DAVIS, P. T.; SARNOSKY, C. l'I.; STU1VER, MINZE, 1982, A 2D,DOO yr record of volcanic ashfsl ls, OE RUBERTIS, K., see Davis Lake, southwestern Washington [abstract]: KNITTER, C. C. [and others], 1984. American Quaternary Association, 7th Biennial Conference, Program end Abetrecte, p. 87. DEACON, R. J.; HALES, P. O.; PHILLIPS, 'II. M.;

WALSH, T. J., 10881 Geologic road loq from Port­ DAVIS, P. T.; FIELD, S. W.; DUNBAR, N. W., 19B7, lend to Ocean Shores: Northwest Petroleum Associ­ Geochemistry and petrology of Cascade Range et ion, 14 p. tephres in lakes sediments end recurrence inter­ vals of eruptions of Mt. St. Helens, southwestern DEACON, R. J., see al so Washington, U.S.A. [abstract]: Geological Society SCHLICKER, H. G. [and others], 19G4. of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 7, p. 636-637. DEAN, W. E., see ANDERSON, R. Y. [and others], 1985. DAV IS, P. T., see al so DUNBAR, N. w. [end others], 1983. DEBICHE, MICHEL, see MAROTTA, D. A. [end others], 1982. Et,l;EBRETSON, o. c. [end others], 1984. !1AITT, R. 8., JR. [ and others], 1982. DEBOSE, ALFONSO; KLUt,l;LANO, M. '.'I., 1983, Soil sur­ DAVIS, R. A., JR.; CLIFTON, H. E., 1987, See-level vey of Snohomish County area, Washington: u.s. change end the preservation potential of wave­ Government Printing Office, 197 p., 59 plates. dominated and tide-dominated coastal sequences• .!!1

Nummodol, Dag; Howard, J. D., editors, 1987, See­ DECKER, R. \'10 ; HARLOW, O. H., 1970, llicroearth­ level fluctuation and coastal evolution: Society quakes at Cascade volcanoes [abstract]: Eos of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (American Geophysical Union TransectionsJ, v. 51, Special Publication 41, p. 167-178. no. 4, p. 351.

DAV IS, l'f. R., see DECKER, R. l'I.; U!i:iER, J. D., 1971, Seismic studies LAVELLE, J. w. [and others], 1987. on Mount Rainier volcano [abstract]. In National Academy of Sciences Upper Mantle Committee, 1971, DAWSON, G. M., 1878, On the superficial geology of Upper Mantle Project; United States program~Final British Columbia: Geological Society of London report: National Academy of Sciences, p. 34-95. Quarterly Journal, v. 34, p. 89-123. DECKER, R. w., see al so DAW SON, H., see mtlER, J. D. [and others], 1969. UGOLINI, F. C. [ and others], 1377. UNGER, J. D. [and others], 1970. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OEMBROFF, G. R. 61

DEETER, J. o., 1979, Quaternary geology and stra­ DEHLIIIOER, PETER: COUCH, R. 'rl.; GEMPERLE, MICHAa; tigraphy of Kitsap County, \·lashington: Western RINEHART, W. A., 1966, Gravity investigations in Washington University Master of Science thesis, the north Pacific Ocean [abstract]: Pacific Sci­ 175 p., 2 plates. ence Congress, 11th, Proceedings, v. 3, P• 7.

DEEV EV, E. S., JR.; GRALENSKI, L. J.; HOFFREN, .OEHLIIIOER, PETER; COUCH, R. l'I.: MCMANUS, D. A.; VAINO, 1959, Yale natural radiocarbon measurements GEMPERLE, MICHAa, 1970, Northeast Pacific struc­ IV: American Journal of Science Radiocarbon ture. Chapter 4 IJl Maxwel L, A. E., editor, 1970, Supplement, v. 1, p. 151. The sea~Ideas and observations on progress in the study of the sees; Vol. 4, New concepts of sea DEHLINGER, PETER, 19691 Tectonic processes in the floor evolution; Part II, Regional observations, Juan de Fuca end Gorda ridges, and their i mpl ica­ concepts: \1iley Interscience, p. 133-187. t ions for global tectonics [abstract]: Eos (Amer­ ican Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 50, no. DEHLINGER, PETER; GEMPERLE, MICHAa; COUCH, R. l'I.: 4, p. 186. HOOD, D. w., 1966, Free-air gravity anomalies along the Inside Passage of British Columbia and DEHLINGER, PETER, 19711 Seismological investiga­ Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 71, tions in the Pacific Northwest States [abstract]. no. 24, p. 6011-6015. l!l National Academy of Sciences Upper Mantle Com­ mittee, 1971, Upper Mantle Project; United States DEHLINGER, PETER, see also program--Finel report: National Academy of Scien­ CHIBURIS, E. F. [end others], 1965. ces, p. 57. SHOR, G. G., JR. [and others], 1968.

DEHLINGER, PETER; BERG, J. w., JR., 1962, The DELANEY, J. R., 1983, Studies of the Juan de Fuca Portland earthquake of November 5, 1982: Ore Bin, Ridge• .Ill Hatem, M. B., editor, 1983, Merine v. 24, no. 11, p. 185-188. polymetallic sulfidas---A national overview and future needs; workshop procedings, Janua~y 19-20, DEHLINGER, PETER; BOWEN, R. G.; CHIBURIS, E. F.; 1983: University of Maryland, Maryland Sea Grant '!IESTPHAL, 'II. H., 1963, Investigations of the Publication UM-SG-TS-83-04, p. 63-66. earthquake df November 5, 1962, north of Portland: Ore Bin, v. 25, no. 4, p. 53-68. DELANEY, J. R.; KARSTEN, J. L.; HAMMOND, s. R., 1986, Petrology and tectonics of the Juan de Fuca OEHL INGER, PETER; CHIBURIS, E. F., 1972, Grev i ty Ridge [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union at sea: Marina Geology, v. 12, no. 1, p. 1-41. Transactions), v. 67, no. 16, p. 360.

DEHLHGER, PETER; CHIBURIS, E. F.; COLLVER, M. M., DELANEY, J. R., see also 1964, Pacific Northwest States local travel-time HAMMOND, s. R. {and others], 1985. curves and their geologic ·implications [abstract]: JOHNSON, H. P. [and others], 1980. American Geophysical Union Trensections, v. 45, JOHNSON, H. P. [and others], 1982. no. 4, p. 635. JOHNSON, H. P. [and others], 1983. KARSTEN, J. L. [and others], 1982. DEHLIIIOER, PETER; CHIBURIS, E. F.; COLLV ER, M. M., KARSTEN, J. L. [end others], 1986. 1965, Local travel-time curves and their geologic PALMER, JES {and others], 1987. implications for the Pacific Northwest states: Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 55, DELAURIER, J. M., see no. 3, p. 5 87-607. KURTZ, A. D. {and others], 1986.

DEHLINGER, PETER; COUCH, R. W., 1971, Gravity DELLINGER, o. A., see investigations west of the coasts of Oregon, 'llash­ HOPSON, C. A. {and others], 1987. ington, and northern Cat ifornia [abstract] • .Ill National Academy of Sciences Upper Mantle Commit­ DEMBROFF, G. R., see tee, 1971, Upper Mantle Project; United States YOUNT, J. c. [and others], 1985. program--Final report: National Academy of Scien­ ces, p. ::!32-233. 62 DENBY, G. M. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

DENBY, G. M., 1988, Two soil nailing case histo­ SE quadrangle, Skagit County, Washington: u.s. ries, fi rat use in Seattle. 1£!. Fregeezy, R. J., Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-303, 11 p., editor, 1988, Proceedings of the 24th symposium on 2 plates, scale 1:24,000. engineering geology and soils engineering: Idaho Department of Transportation, p. 409-424,, OETHIER, o. P., see also HaLER, P. L. [and others], 1981. DENLINGER, R. P., see PESSL, FRED, JR. [and others], 1981. WILLIAMS, D. L. [ and others], 1987. PESSL, FRED, JR. [and others], 1982. WHETTEN, J. T. [and others], 1979. DENTON, G. H., see WHETTEN, J. T. [and others], 1980. PORTER, S. C. [and others], 1987. OEWALO, 0. E., see DETHIER, D. P.; BETHEL, J. P., 1981, Surficial PETER, GEOR3E [and others], 1971. deposits along the Cowlitz River near Toledo, Lewis County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey DICKINSON, w. R., 1977, Paleozoic plate tectonics Open-Fi Le Report 81-1043, 10 p., 1 plate, scale end the evolution of the cordilleran continental 1:82,500. margin. 1£!. Stewart, J. H.; Stevens, C. H.; Fritsche, A. E., editors, 1977, Paleozoic pelea­ OETHIER, D. P.; BETHEL, J. P., 1984, Outwash ter­ geogrephy of the western United States: Society races along the Cow Litz River [abstract]: U.S. of Economic Paleontologists end Mineralogists Geological Survey Professional Peper 1375, p. 72. Pacific Section, Pacific Coast Peleogeography Symposium 1, p. 137-155. OETHIER, D. P.; BORTLESON, G. C.; SCERRA, J. D., 1978, Selected sources of geologic, hydrologic, DICKINSON, w. R., 1979, Cenozoic plate tectonic and related information for the Puget Sound setting of the cordilleran region in the United region, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ States. 1£!. Arment rout, J. M.; Co Le, R. M.; Te r File Report 78-252, 70 p. Best, Herry, Jr., editors, 1979, Cenozoic paleo­ geography of the western United States: Society DETHIER, D. P.; SAFIOLES, S. A,; MINARD, J. P., of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists 1982, Preliminary geologic map of the Maxwelton Pacific Section, Pacific Coast Peleogeography quadrangle, Island County, \'/ashington1 U.S. Symposium 3, p. 1-13. Geological Survey Open-File Report B2-192, 13 p., 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. DIETRICH, W. E., see DUNNE, THOMAS [and others], 1981. OETHIER, D. P.; SAFIOLES, s. A.; PEVEAR, D. R., RENEAU, S. L. [and others], 1987. 1981, Composition of till from the Clear Lake quadrangle, Skagit and Snohomish Counties, Wash­ DIGHTMAN, M., see ington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report MCNEELY, W. L. [and others], 1986. 81-517, 55 p. DILEONARDO, C. G., 1987, Structural evolution of DETHIER, D. P.; WHETTEN, J. T., 1980, Preliminary the Smith Canyon fault, northeastern Cascades, geologic map of the Clear Lake SW quadrangle, Washington: San Jose State University Master of Skagit and Snohomish Counties, Washington: U.S. Science thesis, 85 p., 2 plates. Geologicel Survey Open-F He Report 80-825, 11 p., 2 plates, scale 1:24,000. DILLER, J. S., 1899, The Bohemia mining region of western Oregon, with notes on the Blue River DETHIER, D. P.; \'/HETTEN, J. T., 1981, Prel i111inery mining region and on the structure and age of the geologic map of the Mount Vernon 7 1/2 minute Cascade Range: U.S. Geo log i ca L Survey Annua L quadrangle, Skagit County, Washington: U.S. Geo­ Report, 20th, part 3, p. 1-36. logical Survey Open-File Report 81-105, 9 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. DILLER, J. S.; ANO OTHERS, 1915, Guidebook of the western United States; Part D, The Shasta Route OETHIER, D. P.; WHETTEN, J. T.; CARROLL, P. R., and coast line: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1980, Preliminary geologic map of the Clear Lake 614, p. 13. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY DOMACK, E.W. 63

DINEHART, R. L., 1983, Patterns of sediment con­ ton: Eastern Washington University Master of centration in hyperconcantrated flows at Mount St. Science thesis, 25 p. Helens {abstract]: Eos {American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 707. DOH, S.-J.; STEELE, W. K., 1981, The l eta Pl a i sto­ cena geomagnetic field es recorded by sediments DINEHART, R. L., 1983, Patterns of sediment con­ from Fargher Lake, Washington [abstract]: Eos centration in hyperconcentrated flows et Mount St. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, Helens, Washington {abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ no. 45, p. 851-852. physical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 894. DOH, S.~.; STEELE, W. K., 19831 The late Pleisto­ cene geomagnetic field as recorded by sediments DIOOLER, J. R.; CLIFTON, H. E., 19841 Tidal-cycle from Fargher Lake, Washington, U.S.A.: Earth and changes in oscillation ripples on the inner part Planetary Science Letters, v. 83, no. 3, p. 385- of en estuarine sand rtat: Merine Geology, v. 60, 398. no. 1-4, p. 219-233. DOHRENWEND, J. C.; MCCLEARY, J. R.; HANSON, K. L.; DINSMORE, J. P., 19531 The geology of the Hemme TILLSON, D. O., 1978, Probable seismic triggering Hamme and north fork Skokomish River Val lays: of sackung in the north Cascades, Washington [ab­ College of Puget Sound Mester of Science thesis, stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts 69 p., 3 plates. with Programs, v. 10, no. 7, p. 390.

DION, N. P.; ALVORD, R. C.; OLSON, T. D., 1988, DOHRENWEND, J. C., see s l so Geologic, hydrologic, end cultural factors in the MCCLEARY, J. R. [and others], 1978. selection of sites for the lend disposal of wastes MCCLEARY, J. R. {and others], 1979. in Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Water Re­ sources Investigations Report 84--4279, 16 p., 12 DOMACK, E. \'I., 1982, Fecies of late Pleistocene plates. glacial marine sediments on , Wash­ ington: Rice University Doctor of Philosophy

DIRLAM, C. N., 1949, repr. 1988, Reporting the thesis, 312 p.1 11 plates. Northwest earthquake--Oamage to buildings.~ Thorsen, G. w., compiler, 1986, The Puget Low land DOMACK, E. w., 1982, Facies of late Pleistocene earthquakes of 1949 and 1965--Raproductions of glacial marine sediments on Whidbay Island, 'lfs!!lh­ selected articles describing damage: Washington ington [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts Inter­ Division of Geology and Earth Resources Informa­ net ional, v. 43, no. 2, Section 8, P• 36BB. tion Circular 81, p. 15-18. DOMACK, E. w., 1982, Sedimentary facies of the DISHBERGER, o. M., 1983, Preparation of residual "Everson'' glacial-marine drift, Whidbey Island, gravity maps for the southern Cascade Mountains, Washington [abstract]: International Congress on Washington using Fourier analysis: U.S. National Sedimentology, 11th, p. 174. Technical Information Service DOE/ET/27D14--T10 (DE84012546}, 41 p., 3 plates. DOMACK, E. w., 1983, Fecies of Late Pleistocene glacial-marine sediments on Whidbay Island, \'lssh­ DISHBERGER, D. M., 1983, Preparation of residual ington--An isostatic glacial-marina sequence• .I!! gravity maps for the southern Cascade Mountains, Molnis, a. F., editor, 1983, Glacial-marine sedi­ Washington using Fourier analysis: Washington mentation: Plenum Press, p. 535-570. Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File Report 83-4, 43 p., 3 plates, scale 1:250,DOO. DOMACK, E. w., 1983, Glacial retreat sedimentation as recorded by late Pleistocene glaciomerina DIXON, J. M., see deposits on Whidbay Island, 7/ashington [abstract]: FARRAR, EDWARD {and others], 1979. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ FARRAR, EDWARD [and others], 1980. grams, v. 15, no. 6, p. 560.

DOH, S.-J., 1982, Paleomagnetic record of late OOMACK, E. \'I., 1984, Rhythmically bedded glacio­ lluaternary sediments from Fargher Lake, Washing- marine sediments on Whidbey Island, \'leshington: 84 DOMACK, E.W. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 54y no. 2, p. DOSSO, H. w., see al so 589-602. CHEN, J. [and others], 1986. NIENABER, w. [end others], 1976.

OOMACK, E. W.; LA\'ISON, 00 E., 1985, Pebble fabric NIENABER, w. [end others], 1979. in en ice-rafted diemicton: Journal or Geology, v. 93, no. 5, p. 577-591. DOTT, R. H., JR., 1966, Cordilleran end Cascadian orogenfes in western North America [abstract]: OOMACK, E. w., see also Geological Society of America Special Paper 87, p. ANDERSON, J. B. [end others], 1979. 47-48.

DOMBROWSKI, JOHN, 1978, Variation fn grain-size DOTT, R. H., JR., 1969, Ci rcum-Pacific late Ceno­ distribution on two Washington beaches: Washing­ zoic structural rejuvenation--Impl icetions for sea ton State Univeraity Mester of Science thesfs, 108 floor spreading: Science, v. 166, no. 3907, p. p. 874-876.

DONAHUE, D. J., see DOTTER, J. A., 1978, Lakes area, RENEAU, S. L. [end others], 1987. southeast Skagit County--Structural geology, sedi­ mentary petrography, and magnetics: Oregon State DDNAIS, .· EOWARO, 1960, The correlation of the University Mester of Science thesis, 105 p., 1 Pleistocene sediments of Point Grey, British plate. Columbia, end Point Roberts, Washington, by heavy mineral analysis: University of British Columbia DOUGLASS, P. M., 1974, Slope stability investiga­ Bachelor of Science thesis, 26 p. tions et the Centralia coal mine. l!l Voight, Barry; Voight, M. A., editors, 1974, Rock mechan­ DONNELLY-NOLAN, JULIE, EDITORS, see ics--Tha American northwest: Pennsylvania State JOH~STON, O. A. [and others], 1981. University, p. 283-285.

DONOJAN, J. C.; JOHNSON, A. G., 1977, A prelimin­ DOUGLASS, P. M., 1974, Slope stability problems at ary interpretation of gravity data in East Port­ Mayfield Dam. l!l Voight, Barry; Voight, M. A., land, Oregon [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ editors, 1974, Rock mechanica--The American north­ cal Union Transactions), v. 58, no. 3, p. 169. west: Pennsylvania State University, p. 281-282.

DORN, T. F.; FAIRHALL, A. W.; SCHELL, W. R.; DOUGLASS, P. M., see also TAKASHIMA, Y., 1962, Radiocarbon dating at the VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], 1980. University of Washington I: Radiocarbon, v. 4y p. VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], 1981. 1-12. VOIGHT, BARRY [end others], 1983.

DORN, T. F.; FAIRHALL, A. W.; SCHELL, W. R.; DRABEK, T. E.; MUSHKATEL, A. H.; KILIJANEK, T. S., TAKASHIMA, Y., 1962, Radiocarbon dating et the 1983, Earthquake mitigation policy--The experience University of Waahfogton I [abstract]: U.S. of two states: University of Colorado Program on Geological Survey Bulletin 1166-C, p. 325-326. Environment end Behavior Monograph 37, 238 p.

DORSEY,' H. G., see DRAGERT, H., 1987, Crustal strain in the north STU!VER, MINZE [and others], 1974. Cascedia Subduction Zone [abstract]: Eos (Ameri­ can Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 68, no. DOSSO, H. W.; NIENABER, w., 1985, Model study of 44, p. 1240. EM induction in the Juen de Fuca plate region [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union DRAGERT, H., see al so Transactions), v. 66, no. 52, p. 1361. HOLOAHL, S. R. [end others], 1987. LISOWSKI, M. [and others], 1987. DOSSO, H. w.; NIENABER, w.; HU, w. B., 1985, The LISOWSKI, M. [and others], 1988. electromagnetic response of the Juan de Fuca Plate region [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transact ions), v. 66, no. 46, p. 871. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY DUNCAN, R. A. 65

DRAKE, D. E., see DRUGG, w. S., 1958, Eocene stratigraphy of the EEZ-SCAN GROUP (CACCHIONE, D. A. [and others), Hoke River area, Olympic Peninsula, Washington 1986. (abstract]: Geological Society of America Bulle­ GARDNER, J. v. [and others), 1996. tin, v. 69, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1882.

DRAKE, E. T., 1981, Robert and the founda­ DRUMMOND, ((. J.; AND OTHERS, 1981, Plate-tectonic tion of geology--A comparison of end Hooke map of the circum-Pacifio region, northeast quad­ and the Hooke imprint on the Huttonian theory; The rant: American Association of Petroleum Geolo­ tectonic evolution of the Oregon continental mar­ gists, 1 sheet, see le 1:10,000,000. gin--Rotation of segment boundaries and possible space-time relationships in the central High Cas­ DRUMMOND, ((. J.J AND OTHERS, 1983, Geologic map of cades: Oregon State University Doctor of Philoso­ the circum-Pacific region, northeast quadrant: phy thesis, 177 p. American Assooiation of Petroleum Geologists, 1

sheet, scale 1:10,0001 000, with 36 p. text. DRAKE, E. T., 1991, Robert Hooke end the founda­ tion of geology~A comparison of Steno end Hooke DRUM MONO, ((. J., CHAIRMAN; AND OTHERS, 1984, Geo­ and the Hooke imprint on the Huttonian theory; The dynem i c map of the circum-Pacific region, north­ tectonic evolution of the Oregon continental mar­ east quadrant: American Association of Petroleum gin--Rotation of segment boundaries and possible Geologists, 1 sheet, scale 1:10,000,000, ,1th 12 spacetime relationships in the central high Cas­ p. text. cades [abstract): Dissertation Abstracts Interna­ tional, v. 42, no. 1, Section B, p. 112-B. DRYSDALE, J. A.; HORNER, R. B., 1987, Canadian eerthquakes--1984: Canada Geological Survey Peper DRAKE, E. T.; COUCH, R. W., 1981, Rotation of seg­ 87-19 (Seismological aeries 95), 44 p. ment boundaries in Oregon and Washington and pos­ sible space-time relationships in the High Cas­ OUEKER, K. G., see cades [abstract): Geological Society of America RASMUSSEN, J. R. [and others), 1987. Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 7, p. 442. OUENNEBIER, F. I<., see DREIMANIS, ALEl<.SIS, sea SUTTON, G. H. [and others), 1979. HICOCK, S. R. [and others), 1981. SUTTON, G. H. [and others], 1980. HICOCK, S. R. [and others), 1983. HICOCK, S. R. [and others), 198S. DUFFIELD, W. A., see MUFFLER, L. J. P. (and others), 1982. DRIEDGER, C. L., sea KENNARD, P. M. (and others), 1988. DUNBAR, N. W.; DAVIS, P. T.; MAROTTA, D. A., 1983, Wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis , D. D.; SQUIER, L. R., 1975, The influ­ of Cascade Range tephraa in lake sediments, SW ence of boundary pore pressures on field rates of Washington [abstract): Geological Society of consolidation~A case study• .!n Engineering Geolo­ America Abstracts with Programs, v. 15, no. 6, p. gy and Soi ls Engineering Symposium, 13th, Proceed­ 562. ings: Idaho Department of Highways, p. 13-32. DUNBAR, N. W., see also DROST, B. w., 1979, Water resources of the Swino­ DAVIS, P. T. [and others), 1987. mish ,Indian Reservation, Washington: U.S. Geolog­ ical Survey Water-Resources Investigations Open­ DUNCAN, J. R.; MORGAN, W. J.; MELSON, W. G.; Fi le Report 79-12, 83 p., 5 plates. SIMKIN, THOMAS; BANKS, HAROLD; GOTTFRIED, DAVID, 1969, Juan de Fuce ridge bathymetr~Independent ORUGG, w. S., 1958, Eocene stratigraphy of the evidence of see-floor spreading [abstract]: Eos Hoko River area, Olympic Peninsula, Washington: (American Geophysical Union Transact ions), v. 50, University of Washington Master of Science thesis, no. 4, p. 1 85. 192 p., 2 plates. DUNCAN, R. A., 1981, A captured island chain in the Coast Range, Oregon and Washington [abstract): 88 DUi«::AN, R. A. SEISMIC HAZARDS OP WESTERN WASHINGTON

Eos (American Geophysical Union Tranaeotions), v. DUNCAN, S. H., see el so 82, no. 45, p. 102'8. STEINBRENNER, E. c. [end others], 1969.

DUNCAN, R. A., 1982, A captured island chain in DUNGAN, M. A., 1971, Struoturel and petrographic the coast range of Dragon and Washington• Journel raconnaisaence on northern portion of Sultan of Geophysical Research, v. 87, no. 813, p. 10,827 ultremafic-mafic complex, Snohomish County, Wash­ -10,837. ington: University of Washington Master of Sci­ ence theais, 32 p. DUi«::AN, R. A., CLAGUE, D. A., 1985, Pacific plate motion recorded by linear volcanic chains. l!l DUNGAN, M. A., 1974, The orig in, amp Lacement, and Nairn, A. E. M.; Stehli, F. G.; Uyeda, Sei ya, ad i­ metamorphism of the Sultan mafic-ultramafic com­ tors, 1985, The Pacific Ocean: Plenum Presa, The plex, north Cascades, Snohomish County, Washing­ Ocean Basins and Margins, v. 7A, p. 89-121. ton1 University of Washington Doctor of Philoso­ phy thesis, 227 p., 3 plates. DUNCAN, R. A.; MCELWEE, K. R., COMPILERS, 1984, Cenozoic plate reconstructions. l!! Kulm, L. D.; DUNGAN, M. A., 1975; The origin, emplacement, and and others, editors, 1984, Wastern North American metamorphism of the Sultan mafic-ultramafic com­ continental margin and adjacent ocean floor off plex, north Cascades, Snohomish County, Washing­ Oregon and Washington: Marina Science Intarna­ ton [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts Interna­ tionsl [Woods Hole, Mess.] Ocean Drilling Program, tional, v. 35, no. 7, Section B, p. 3391-B-3392-B. Regional Atlas Series 1, p. 12. DUNN, J. R.; FULLER, M. D.; ITO, H.; SCHMIDT, V. DUNCA.N, R. A., sea al so A., 1970, Peleomagnetic studies of reversals of GLOBERMAN, B. R. [and others], 1982. the Earth's magnetic field [abstract]: Eos (Amer­ MCELWEE, K. R. [end others], 1982. ican Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 51, no. MCELWEE, K. R. [and others], 1984. 11, p. 745.

DUNCAN, S. H., 1977, Geology and soi ls of tha Du­ DUNN, J. R.; FULLER, M. D.; ITO, H.; SCHMIDT, V. Pont site: Weyerhaeuser Company [Tacoma, Wash.], A., 1971, On a paleomagnetic study of a reversal 23 p. of tha Earth's magnetic field [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. 52, DUNCAN, S. H.; BILBY, R. E.; WARD, J. W.; HEFFNER, no. 4, p. 187. J. T., 1987, Transport of road-surface sediment through ephemeral stream channels: Water Resour­ DUNNE, THOMAS, 1983, Introduction and we Leoma. !!l ces Bulletin, v. 23, no. 1, p. 113-119. Proceedings of the symposium on erosion control in volcanic areas, July 8-9, 1982 at Seattle and Van­ DUNCAN, S. H.; STEINBRENNER, E. C., 1971, Boil couver, Washington: Japan Public Works Research survey of the St. Helena tree farm: Weyerhaeuser Institute Technical Memorandum 1908, p. 1-4,. Company [Tacoma, Wash.], 1 v. DUNNE, THOMAS; DIETRICH, W. E.; HUMPHREY, N. F.; DUNCAN, s. H.; WARD, J. W., 1985, The influence of TUBBS, D. w., 1981, Geologic and geomorphic impl ;­ watershed geology and forest roads on the composi­ cations for gravel supply. l!! Cassidy, J. J., pre­ tion of salmon spawning gravel: Northwest Sci­ facer, 19B1, Proceedings from the conference on ence, v. 59, no. 3, p. 204-212. salmon-spawning gravel-A renewable resource in the Pacific Northwest?: Washington Water Research DUNCAN, S. H.; WARD, J. W.; ANDERSON, R. J., 1987, Center Report 39, p. 75-100. A method for assessing Landslide potential as an aid in forest road placement: Northwest Science, DUNNE, THOMAS; LEOPOLD, L. B., 1981, Flood and v. 81, no. 3, p. 152-159. sedimentation hazards in the Toutle and Cowlitz River system as e result of the Mt. St. Helens DUNCAN, S. H.; WEBSTER, S. R.; STEINBRENNER, E. eruption: U.S. Federal Emergency Management c., 1973, Soil survey of the White River tree Agency, 159 p. farm: Weyerhaeuser Company [Tacoma, Wash.], 1 v. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY DZURISIN, DANIEL 67

DUNNE, THOMAS; SMITH, J. D.; WIGMDSTA, M. S., Mount St. Helens, Washington--1980-1981: U.S. 1983, Field evidence for the flow properties of Geological Survey Open-Fils Report 84-164, 47 P• the Tout le Val Ley mudflows: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 2 sheets microfiche [148 p.]; U.S. , J. J.; OKAMURA, A. T,; MORTENSEN, C. E.; National Technical Information Service PB 86- JOHNSTON, M. J. S., 1981, Summary of electronic 157138. tflt studies at Mount St. Helena. !!l Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, 1981, The 1980 DUNNE, THOMAS, see also eruptions of Mount St. Helens, Washington: U.S. FAIRCHILD, L. H. [and others], 1981. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 169- FAIRCHILD, L. H. {and others), 1982. 174. LEHRE, A. K. [and others], 1981. REID, L. M. [and others], 1981. DltORAK, J. J., see also REID, L. M. [and others], 1984,, JOHNSTON, M. J. S. [and others), 1980. SMITH, J. D. [and others], 1983. JOHNSTON, M. J. s. {and others], 1981. TUBBS, D. w. {and others], 1977. WIGMOSTA, M. S. [and others], 1981. DWYER, C. H., see SMnH, L. H. {and otharsl, 1945. DUNWIDDIE, P. W., 1982, Plant macrofossi l investi­ gations on Mount Rainiar, Washington [abstract): DYCK, W. J., see American Quaternary Association, 7th Biennial Con­ MCCALLUM, K. J. [and others}, 1960. ference, Program and Abstracts, p. 91. DYKE, A. s.; PREST, v. K., 1987, Leta Wisconsinan DUNWIDDIE, P. W., see also and Holocene retreat of the : MAROTTA, D. A. [and others], 1982. Canada Geological Survey Map 1702A, 1 sheet, scale 1:5,000,000. DURHAM, J. w., 1944, Megafaunel zones of the Ol i­ gocene of northwestern Washington: California DYKE, A. s.; PREST, V. K., 1987, Paleogeogrephy of University Department of Geological Sciences northern North America, 18,000 - 5,000 years ago: Bullet in, v. 27, no. 5, p. 101-212. Canada Geological Survey Map 1703A, 3 sheets, scale 1:12,500,000. DURHAM, J. w., 1944, Northeastern Olympic Peninsu­ la. l!:! Weaver, C. E.; and others, l944, Correla­ DYMOND, J. R.; WATKINS, N. D.; NAYUDU, Y. R., tion of the marine Cenozoic formations of western 1988, Age of the Cobb. Seamount: Journal of Geo­ North America: Geological Society of America Bul­ physical Research, v. 73, no. 12, p. 3977-3979. letin, v. 55, no. 5, p. 596. DZURISIN, DANIEL, 1982, Value of remote tilt moni­ DVORAK, J. J.; JOHNSTON, M. J. S.; OKAMURA, A. T., toring to eruption prediction at Mount St. Helens, 1980, Tiltmeter measurements on Mount St. Helens Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical [abstract]; Eos (American Geophysical Union Union Transactions), v. 83, no. 45, p. 1140. Transactions), v. 61, no. 48, p. 1134,, DZURISIN, DANIEL; JOHNSON, D. J.; SYMONDS, R. B., DVORAK, J. J.; OKAMURA, A. T.; JOHNSTON, M. J. S.; 1983, Dry tilt network et Mount Rainier, Washing­ MORTENSEN, C. E., 1981, Ti l tmeter and magnetometer ton, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 83- measurements at Mount St. Helene, Washington-- 277, 18 p. 1980-1981 [abstract]. l!:! International Association of Volcenology and Chemistry of the Earth's Inter­ DZURISIN, DANIEL; JOHNSON, D. J.; WESTPHAL, J. A., ior, 1981, IAVCEI symposium, Arc volcanism; Ab­ 1981, Ground tilts during two recent eruptions of stracts: Volcanological Society of Japan, p. 82- Mount St. Helens, Washington (abstract]: Eos 83. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 1089. DVORAK, J. J.; OKAMURA, A. T.; JOHNSTON, M. J. S.; MORTENSEN, C. E.; MUELLER, R. J.; FURUKAWA, BRUCE, DZURISIN, DANIEL; WESTPHAL, J, A.; JOHNSON, D. J., 1984, Ti l tmster and magnetometer measurements at 1982, Automatic tilt measurements in the crater at Mount St. Helens, Washington [abstract]: Eos 88 DZURISIN, DANIB. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

(American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 83, Geological Society of Amarfca Spacial Paper 76, p. no. 8, p. 174. 198.

DZURISIN, DANIEL; WESTPHAL, J. A.; JOHNSON, D. J., eASTERBROOK, D. J., 1984, Void ratios and bulk 1983, Eruption prediction aided by electronic densities as means of identifying Pleistocene t il tmater date at Mount St. Helens: Science, v. tHln Geological Society of A11erica Bulletin, v. 221, no. 4618, p. 1381-1383, 75, no. e, p. 745-750.

DZURISIN, DANIEL, sea also EASTERBROOK, a. J., 1965, Use of voids ratios and DAVIS, P. M. [and others], 1984. bulk densities in identification of Pleistocene JACHENS, R. C. [and others), 1980. tills (abstract]: Geological Society of A11arica JACHENS, R. C. [and others], 1981. Spacial Paper 82, p. 250. SWANSON, D. A. [and others], 1984. WILLIAMS, D. L. [and others], 1987. EASTEf'BROOK, 0. J., 1968, Pre-Yashon Ple i stocane sequence in the central Puget Lowland, Washington EARDLEY, A. J., 1951, Structural geology of North [abstract]: Geological Society of America Spacial America: Harper and Brothers [New York, N.Y.J, Peper 87, p. 201. 624 p. EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1966, Radiocarbon chronology EARDLEY, A. J., 1980, Igneous and tectonic provin­ of Leta Pleistocene deposits in northwest Washing­ ces of western United States: International Geo­ tone Science, v. 152, no. 3723, p. 764-767. Lbgical Congress, 21st, 1980, Report, pt. 13, Petrographic provinces, igneous and metamorphic EASTERBROOK, a. J., 1988, Pleistocene stratigraphy rocks, p. 19-27. of Island County: Washington Department of Water Resources Water-Supply Bulletin 25, part 1, 34 p., EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1982, Pleistocene geology of 1 plate (in 4 parts). the northern part of the Puget Lowland, Washing­ ton: University of Washington Doctor of Philoso­ EASTERBROOK, o. J., 1989, Pleistocene chronology phy thesis, 160 p. of the Puget Lowland end San Juen Islands, Wash­ ington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1982, Pleistocene sequence on v. BO, no. 11, p. 2273-2286. Whidbay Island [abstract}: Northwest Science, v. 38, no. 4, p. 128. EASTERBROOK, o. J., 1970, Glacial events in the Puget Lowland, Washington between 14,000 and EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1983, Late Pleistocene glacial 10,000 years ago [abstract): American Quaternary events and relative sea-level changes in the Association, Meeting, 1st, p. 39. northern Puget Lowland, Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 74, no. 12, p. EASTERBROOK, o. J., 1971, Geology and geomorpholo­ 1465-1483. gy of western Whatcom County: Western Washington State Collage Department of Geology, 68 p. EASTERBROOK, o. J., 1963, Pleistocene geology of the northern part of the Puget Lowland, Washington EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1972, Correlation of middle [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, and late Wfsoonain glacial and nonglacial events v. 23, no. 8, Section B, P• 2872-B-2873-B. [abatract]1 Geological Society of America Ab­ stracts w f th Programs, v. 4, no. 5, p. 319. EASTERBROOK, o. J., 1963, Vashon glaciation and Late Wisconsin relative sea-level changes in the EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1972, Environmental geology of northern pert of the Puget Lowland, Washington Whatcom County, Weshington--A possible model for [abstract]: Geological Society of America Spacial applied environmental geology [abstract]: Geolog­ Paper 73, p. 37. ical Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 7, p. 495.

EASTERBROOK, 00 J., 1984, Late Pleistocene glacia­ tion of Whidbey Island, Washington [abstract}: AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY EASTERBROOK, D. J. 69

EASTERBROOK, o. J., 1973, Environmental geology of EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1976, Quaterne ry chronology western Whatcom County, Washington: Western Wash­ and geomorphology of the Puget Lowland, Washingto11 ington Stata Col Lege Department of Geology, 78 p. [abstract). 1!l Geomorphology of the Canadian Cordillera ar,d its bearing on mineral deposits: EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1973, Map showing percolation Geological Association of Caneda Cordillaran Sec­ rates of earth materials in western Whatcom Coun­ tion Programme and Abstracts, p. 17. ty, Washington& U.S. Geological Survey Miscellan­ eous Investigations Sariee Map I-854-A, 1 sheet, EASTI:R8ROOK, D. J., 1976, Quaternary history of sea Le 1 :82,500. Washington [abatreotl: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. a, P• EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1973, Paleomagnatic events 370. recorded in late Pleistocene sediments [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ EASTERBROOK, o. J., 1977, Glaciation and catastro­ grams, v. 5, no. 8, p. 478. phic flooding& of the Columbia Plateau, Washing­ ton; Part 1, The Okanogan lobe of the Vashon con­ EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1974, Comparison of' late tinental glacier. l!!. Brown, E. H.; Ell is, Fl.. C., Pleistocene glacial fluctuations. 1!l Quaternary editors, 1977, Geological excursions in the Pacif­ glaciations in the northern hemisphere, no. 1: ic Northwest: Western Washington University, p. International Geological Correlation Programme 390-398. (Prague], p. 96-109. EASTERBROOK, o. J~ 1979, The Last glacietio11 of EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1974, Late Pleistocene glacial northwest Washington. l!!. Armentrout, J. M.; Cole, and paleomagnetic events [abstract]: Geological R. M.; Tar Bast, Harry, Jr., editors, 1979, Ceno­ Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, zoic paleogeography of the western United States: 110. 3, P• 170-171. Society of Economic Paleontologists end Mineralo­ gists Pacific Section, Pacific Coast Paleogeogra­ EASTERBROOK, D. J., EDITOR, 1975, The last glecia­ phy Symposium 3, p. 177-1 es. tion~Guidebook for field oonferenca1 I11ternation­ el Geological Correlation Program, "Quaternary EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1980, Activity of Mt. Baker Glaciations in the Northern Hemispherd', September 1975-1979 [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical 7-17, 1975: Western Washi11gton State Collage Union Transactions), v. 61, 110. 6, P. 69. Department of Geology, 124 p. EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1983, Paleomagnetic reversals EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1976, Geologic map of western in Pleistocene sediments of the Puget Lowland and Whatcom County, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ Columbia Plateau, Washington [abstract]: Geologi­ vey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-854- cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. B, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. 15, no. 5, p. 388-389.

EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1976, Map showing engineering EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1983, Processes related to characteristics of geologic materials, western origin of debris torrents and debris chutes [ab­ Whatcom County, Washington: U.S. Geological Sur­ stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts vey Miscellaneous Investigatio11s Series Map I-854- with Programs, v. 15, no. 6, p. 564-565. D, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1985, Correlation of Pleisto­ EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1976, Map showing slope sta­ cene deposits in the northwestern U.S. [abstract]: bility in western Whatcom County, Washington: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investiga­ grams, v. 17, no. 7, P• 571. tions Series Map I-854-C, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. EASTERBROOK, o. J., 19B6, Stratigraphy and chro­ EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1976, Middle and early Wiscon­ nology of Quaternary deposits of the Puget Lowland sio chronology io tha Pacific Northwest. l!!. Qua­ and Olympic Mountains of Washington end the Cas­ ternary glaciations of the northern hemisphere, cade Mountains of Washington and Oregon: Quater­ no. 3: International Geological Correlation Pro­ nary Science Reviews, v. 5, p. 145-159. gramme, p. 90-98. 70 EASTERBROOI<., o. J. SEISMIC HAZAROS OF WESfi!:ftN WASHltl;TON

EASTERBROOK, 0. J., 1987, Pleistocene chrono Logy street]; Geological Society of America Abstracts of northwestern Washington [abstract]: Geological with Programs, v. 3, no. 7, p. 551-552. Society of America Abstracts with Progrema, v. 19, no. 6, p. 374. EASTERBROOK, O. J.; MCCARTEN, C. A., 1988• Causes of debris torr•nta in the Pacific Northwest [ab­ EASTERBROOI<., o. J., 1987, Revision of Pteiat.ocena stracth Geological Society of America Abstracts chrono Logy in the northwestern U.S. [abstract]: with Programs, v. 20, no. 3, p. 157. International Union for Quaternary Research, Con­ graas, 12th, Programme with Abstracts, p. 181. EASTER8ftOOK, D. J.; MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1964, Ptaiatocena geology of the Puget Sound area: Geo­ logical Soofety of America 80th Annual Meeting EASTERBROOK, D. J.; BLUNT, D. J 0 ; RUTTER, N. W0 , 1982, Pleistocene glacial and chro­ Field Trip 3, 10 p. nology in western Washington [abstract]: Geologi­ cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. EASTERBROOI<., o. J.; OTHBERG, K. L., 1973, Pelee­ 14, no. 4, p. 161. magnetism of late Pleistocene sediments, Puget Lowland, Washington (abstract]: Geological Socie­ EASTERBROOK, 0. J.; BOELLSTO~F, J., 1978, Paleo­ ty of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, no. magnetism of Pleistocene tills and age of the 1, p. 36. Brunhes-Matuyama boundaries [abstract]: Geologi­ cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. EASTERBROOI<., D. J.; OTHBERG, K. L., 1978, Peleo­ 10, no. 7, p. 394. magnat iam of Pleistocene sediments in the Puget Lowland, Washington. In Quaternary glaciations of EASTERBROOK, D. J.; BRIGGS, N. O., 1979, Age of the northern hemisphere, no. 3: International the Auburn reversal and the Salmon Springs and Geological Correlation Programme, p. 189-207. Vashon glaciations in Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with EASTERBROOK, O. J.; RAHM, D. A., 1970, Landforms Programs, v. 11, no. 3, p. 76. of Weshington--The geologic environment: Western Washington State College Department of Geology, EASTERBROOK, 0. J.; BRIGGS, N. D.; WESTGATEt J. 158 p~ A., 1981, Tephrochronology, palaomagnatiam, and amino-acid dating of pre-Vashon deposits in north­ EASTERBROOI<., D. J.; RUTTER, N. w., 1981, Amino west Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of acid ages of Pleistocene glacial and interglacial Ameride Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 2, p. sediments in western Washington (abstract]: Geo­ 53. logical Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ grams, v. 13, no. 7, p. 444. EASTERBROOK, D. J.; BRIGGS, N. D.; WESTGATE, J. A.; GORTON, M. P., 1981, Age of the Salmon Springs EASTERBROOK, D. J.; RUTTER, N. w., 1982, Amino glaciation in Washington: Geology, v. 9, no. 2, acid analyses of wood and shells in development of p. 97-93. chronology and correlation of Pleistocene sedi­ ments in tha Puget Lowland, Washington [abstract]: EASTERBROOK, D. J.; BURKE, R. M., 1972, Glaciation Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ of the northern Cascades, Washington [abstract]t grams, v. 14, no. 7, p. 480. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ grams, v. 4, no. 3, P• 152. EASTERBROOK, D. J.; SMITH, MACKEY, 1973, Age and extent of the Olympie intarglaciation [abstract): EASTERBROOK, O. J.; CRANDELL, D. R.; LECPOLD, E. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ B., 1967, Pra-Ol ympi a Pleistocene st rat igrephy end grams, v. 5, no. 1, p. 36-37. chronology in the central Puget Lowland, Washing­ ton: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. EASTERBROOK, D. J.1 WESTGATE, J. A.; NAESER, 78, no. 1, p. 13-20. NANCY, 1985, Pre-Wisconsin fission-track, peleo­ megnetic, amino acid, and tephre chronology in the EASTERBROOK, D. J.; HANSEN, B. s., 1971, Petynolo­ Puget Lowland end Columbia Plateau, Washington gy and stratigraphy of early-Wisconsin to Recent [ebstract]I Geological Society of America Ab­ sediments in the Puget Lowland, Washington [ab- stracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 6, p. 353. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY EDDY, P.A. 71

EASTERBROOK, D. J., see al so EDDY, P0 A., 1971, Geology and ground water ARMSTRONG, J. E. [and others], 1965. resources in vicinity of Silverdale, Kitsap BLUNT, D. J. {and others], 1987. County, Washington: Washington Department of FULLER, S. R. [and others], 1983. Ecology Technical Report 71-8, 11 p. FULTON, R. J. [and others], 1978. HANSEN. B. S. {and others], 1974,, EDDY, P. A., 1971, Geology and ground water NAESER, NANCY [and others], 1984,, resources in vicinity of the Columbia River and SYVERSON, T. L. {and others}, 19B5. Interstate 5, Clark County, Washington; no. 2: WESTGATE, J. A. [and others], 19B7. Washington Department of Ecology Technical Report 71-9, 13 p.

EATON, G. P.; STAATZ. M. tt.. 1971 1 Aaromagnetic interpretation. l!!. Staatz, M. H.; Wais, P. L.; EDDY, P. A., 1971, Geology and ground water Tabor, R. w.; Robertson, J. F.J Van Noy, R. M.; resources in vicinity of the Columbia River and Pattee, E. C.; Holt, o. C., 1971, Mineral resour­ Interstate 51 Clark County, Washington; no. 3: ces of the Pasaytan Wilderness area, Washington: Washington Department of Ecology Technical Report U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 13251 p. BO-S4,, 71-10, 9 P•

EATON, G. P.; WAHL, P. R.; PROSTKA, H. J.1 MABEY, EDDY, P. A., 1871 1 Geology and ground water D. R.; KLEINKOPF, M. O., 1978, Regional gravity resources in vicinity of the Columbia River and and tectonic pattarns--Thair relation to late Interstate 5, Clark County, Washington; no. 4: Cenozoic epeirogeny and lateral spreading in the Washington Department of Ecology Technical Report western cordillera. l!!. Smith, R. B.; Eaton, G. P., 71-11, 14 p. editors, 1978, Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics of the western cordillera: Geological EDDY, P. A., 1971, Geology and ground water Society of America Memoir 152, p. 51-91. resources of Arlington Heights, Snohomish County, Washington: Washington Department of Ecology EATON, G. P., see also Technical Report 71-18, 12 p•. SMITH, R. e. [and others], 1978. EDDY, P. A., 1971, Geology and ground water EBASCO SEffJICES, INC., 1974, Report for selection resources, Rocky Point interchange vicinity, Cow­ of plant, Yale hydroelectric expansion: Pacific litz County, Washington• Washington Department of Powsr and Light Company [Portland, Ore.], 1 vol. Ecology Technical Report 71-25, 11 p.

EBASCO SEffJICES, INC., 1975, Yale hydroelectric EDDY, P. A., 1971, Geology and ground water expansion geological report: Pacific Power and resources, vicinity of Toutla River and SR 5D4, Light Company [Portland, Ore.], 3 v~l. Cowlitz County, Washington: Washington Department of Ecology Technical Report 71-18, B P• ECCLESTON, CHARLES, 1994, The mechanics of creep movement end its relationship to progressive EDDY, P.A., 1971 1 Ground water contamination landslides on Manestash Ridge, near Ellensburg, along Interstate 405, southern Snohomish County, Washington: Western 'ff86hington University Master Washington: Washington Department of Ecology of Science thesis, 194 p. Technical Report 71-12, 17 p.

ECHOLS, R. J., see EDDY, P.A., 1975, Quaternary geology and ground­ BENNETT, L. C., JR. {and others], 1971. water reaourcea of Sen Juan County, Washington. l!!. Russall, R. H., editor, 1975, Geology and water

EDDY, P.A., 19681 Preliminary investigation of resources of the Sen Juan Islands, San Juan Coun­ the geology and ground-water resources of the ty, Washingtona Washington Department of Ecology lower Chehalis River valley, and adjacent areas, Water-supply Bulletin 48, p. 21-39. Greys Harbor County, Washington: Washington Division of Weter Resources Weter-Supply Bulletin EDDY, P. A.; CARSON, R. J., 1973, Geohydrology of 30, 70 p., 2 plates. the Chehalis River valley, Elma to Oakville, Grays Harbor County, Washington: Washington Department 72 EDMlf«lSON, W. T. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASH!NGTON of Ecology Geohydrologic Monograph 3, 1 shett, EDWARDS, H. H., 1951, npr. 1988, lessons in scale 1:48,000. atructural eafety learned from the 1949 northwest earthquake; 3rd and final instet lment. In Thorsen, EDMONDSON, w. T., 1975, Microetretificetion of G. w., compiler, 1988, The Puget Lowland earth­ Leke Washington sediment&: International Associa­ quakes of 1848 and 1985-Fleproduatfons of selected tion of Theoretical end Applied Limnology Prooead­ articles daecribing damage: waeMngto-:i Oiviaion i ngs, v. 19, no. 2, p. 770-775. of Geology and Earth Raeou rces Information Ci rcu­ t e r 81, p. 12-14. EDMONDSON, W. T.; ALLISON, D. E., 1970, Recording densitometry or x-rediographs for the study or EDWARDS, KATHLEEN, see cryptic Laminations in the sediment or Lake W1ah­ FIADBRUCH-ffALL, D. H. {and others], 1987. ington: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 15, no. 1, p. 138-144. EDWARDS, R. N., see WOLF6FIAM, P. A. [and others), 1984. EDMONDSON, W. T., see also ABELLA, s. E. B. [end others], 1982. EEZ-SCAN 84 SCIENTIFIC STJll'F, 1985, MV farnalta cruises 1/84 to 4/84, 28 April to 15 August 1984 EDMONSTON, G. J., sea GLORIA studies of the Exclusive Econom;c Zone off KING, P. B. [end others], 1972. the western United States between 30 degrees 30 minutes and 48 degrees 30 minutes N.: U.S. Geo­ EDWARDS, B. D.. see logical Survey Open-Fi le Report 85-508, 17 P• EEZ-SCAN GROUP (CACCHIONE, D. A. [and others], 1988. EEZ-SCAN GRCIUP (CACCHIONE, D. A.; DRAKE, D. E.; HOLMES, M. L. [and others], 1984. EDWARDS, B. D.; FIELD, M. E.; GARDNER, J. V .; GARDNER, J. V. [and others), 1988. HAMPTON, M. A.; KARL, H. A.; MCQJLLOCH, D. S.; AND OTHERS, 1988, Geo mo rphotogy or the western Uni tad EDWARDS, H. H.. 1949, Northwest quake-Building States Exclusive Economic Zone-A GLORIA view. I!! codes Lax, damage is heavy: Western Construction Carter, L. M. H., editor, 1988, USGS research on Naws, v. 24, no. 5, p. 63-88, 138. energy resources, 1988S Program and abstracts: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 974, P• 13-15. EDWARDS, H. H., 1950, Discuaaion or damage caused by the Pacific Northwest earthquake or April 13, EGEMEIER, R. J., 1981, Upper Cretaceous stratigra­ 1949, and, Recommendations of measures to reduce phy of Metia, Clark, and Barnes Islands, San Juan property damage and public hazards due to future County, Washington: Washington State University earthquakes: American Society of Civil Engineers, Master of Science thesis, 149 p. Seattle Section, 30 p. EGGERS, A. A., 1988, Residual gravity changes and EDWARDS, H. H., 1951, repr. 1986, Laasona in eruption magnitudes: Journal of Volcanology and structural safety Learned from tha 1949 northwest Geothermal Research, v. 33, no. 1, p. 201-216. earthquake; 1st installment. In Thorsen, G. w.. compiler, 1986, The Puget Lowland earthquakes of EGGERS, A. A.; DANES, Z. F., 1981, Appe rent short 1949 and 1965-Reproductions of selected articles term gravity changes at Mount St. Helens, Washing­ describing damage: Washington Division of G•ology ton (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union and Earth Resources Information Circular 81, p. 3- TranaactionsJ, v. 62, no. 8, p. 82. [Note: TeKt 7. of Journal mi a-headed as "v. 82, no. 5."]

EDWARDS, H. H., 1951, repr. 1986, Lessons in EGGERS, A. A.; DANES, Z. f., 1981, Long term grav­ structural safety learned from the 1949 northwest ity changes at Mt. St. Helene, Washington (ab­ earthquake; 2nd installment. In Thorsen, G. W., stract]: Eos (American Geophyaical Union Trans­ compiler, 1988, The Puget Low land earthquakes or actions), v. 82, no. 6, p. 62. [Note: Text of 1949 and 1965-Reproductions of selected articles Journal mi a-heeded as "v. 62, no. 5."] describing damage: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Information Circular 81, p. 8- EGGERS, A. A.; GOLDSTEIN, B. s., 1988, Deformed 11. Pleistocene sediments of the Tacoma Narrows, Wash- AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY EMBLEY, R. W. 73 ington [abstract].!.!!. University of Washington ELLIS, R. C., 1959, The gao logy of the Dutch Mil­ Quaternary Research Center, 1988, Holocene subduc­ ler Gap area, Washington [abstract]: Disserta­ tion in the Pacific Northwest: University or tion Abstracts, v. 20, no. 3, p. 990. Washington Quaternary Research Canter, p. 22. ELLIS, R. C., 1962, Tertiary deformation in the EGGERS, A. A.; SMITH, DANIEL, 1987, Plaistocana central Washington Cascade Range (abstract]: structural geology of the Tacoma Narrows, Washing­ Geological Society of America Special Paper 68, P• ton [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union 22-23. Transactions), v. 88, no. 52, p. 1815. ELLIS, R. M.; SPEN::E, G. D.; CLOWES, R. M.; WAL­ EINARSEN, J. M.; ENGEBRETSON, D. C.. 1987, Con­ DRON, D. A.; JONES, I. F.; GREEN, A. G.; FORSYTH, straints on the origin and travel of the Crescent D. A.; MAIR, J. A.; , M. J.; AND OTHERS, and Siletz terranes from plate kinematics [ab­ 1983, The Vancouver Island seismic proJect--A CO­ stract]: Geological Society or America Abstracts CRUST onshore-offshore study or a convergent mar­ with Programs, v. 19, no. S, p. 375. gin: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 20, no. 5, p. 719-741. EISTER, M. F., see MCINTOSH, W. L. {and otharal, 1982. ELLIS, R. M., see al ao CASSIDY, J. F. [and others], 198B. ELDER, R. A., see CLOWES, R. M. {and others], 1983. RYAN, P. J. {and others), 1984. WAHLSTROM, R. [and others], 1987.

ELLINGSON, J. A., 1959, General geology of the ELVERS, D. J., see Cowlitz Pass area, central Cascade Mountains, SEIDEL, DEAN [and others], 1973. Washington: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, 60 p., 1 plate. ELVERS, DOUGLAS; MORLEY, JOSEPH, 1973, Northwest Pacific IDOE (2): Geotimas, v. 18, no. 6, p. 25- ELLINGSON, J. A., 1968, Late Cenozoic volcanic 26. geology of the White Pass-Goat Rocks area, Cascade Mountains, Washington: Washington State Universi­ ELVERS, DOUGLAS; SRlVASTAVA, S. P.; POTTER, KEN­ ty Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 112 p. NETH; MORLEY, JOSEPH; SEIDEL, DEAN, 1973, Asymmet­ ric spreading across the Juan de Fuca and Gorda ELLINGSON, J. A., 1969, Late Cenozoic volcanic riaaa ea obtained from a detailed magnetic survey: geology of the White Pesa-Goat Rocks araa,·Caacede Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 20, 110. 2, Mountains, Washington (abstract]: Dissertation p. 211-219. Abstracts International, v. 29, no. 9, Section B, p. 3363-8. ELVERS, DOUGLAS; WALTON, FRED; SRlVASTAVA, s. P.; MACNAB, R.; KAGAMI, HIDEO, 1S72, Deformation of ELLINGSON, J. A., 1972, The rocks and structure of the sea floor as revealed by seismic reflection the White Pass area, Washington: Northwest Sci­ and systematic gravity and magnetic measurements ence, v. 46, no. 1, p. 9-24. from the Tufts Abyssal Plain to the Washington­ Oregon coast (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ ELLINGSON, J. A., see al so cal Union Transactions), v. 53, 110. 4, p. 366. HAMMOND, P. E. {and others], 1977. ELVERS, DOUGLAS, see also ELLIOTT, R. C., 1927, A stratigraphical reconnais­ SEIDEL, DEAN {and others], 1972. sance of the Port Crescent and Lake Crescent map areas: University or Washington Bachelor of Sci­ EMBLEY, R. W.; HAMMOND, S. R., 1985, Portrait of ence thesis, 27 p., 1 plate. the submarine "hotspot" as a young caldera [ab­ stract}: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ ELLIS, R. C., 1959, The geology of the Dutch Mil­ tions), v. 66, no. 46, p. 925. ler Gap area, Washington: University of Washing­ ton Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 113 p., 1 plate. 74 EMBLEY, R. W. SEISMIC HAZAflDS OF WE:STef!IN WASHit.GTON

EMBLEY, R. w., sae also ENDO, E. T., se11 at so JACOBSON, R. S. [and others], 1987. CAOSSON, R. S. [and others], 1980. KULM, L. D. [and others], 1983. MALONE, S. 0. {and others], 1980. MALAHOFF, ALEXANDER {and othere], 1982. MALONE, s. o. {and others). 1981. MALAHCFF, ALEXANDER [and othara], 1989. NOSON, L. L, {end othereJ, 1981. WEAVER, C. S. (and others), 't$80. EMERY, K. 0., AUBREY, D. G., 1986, Relative aaa WEAVER, C. S. {and others], '1981. level change from tide gauge records or western North America: Journal of Geophysical Ra ...rch, Et«IDAHL, E. R.; RINEHART, W. A., 1988, Saismicity v. 91, no. 814, p. 13,941-13,953. map or North A•erica [abstract]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 59, no. 1, P• 14. EMILIA, D. A.; BERG, J. W., JR.; BALES, W. E., 1966, A magnetic survey off the Pacific Northwest ENGEBRETSON. 0. C.; DE9ICHE, MICHEL; CCIX, A. V., coast: Ore Bin, v. 28, no. 12, p. 205-210. 1984, Plate motion•, peteomagnetiam, and terrena diaplace•ant histories. !Jl Howell, D. G.; Jones, EMILIA, D. A.; BERG, J. W., JR.; BALES, w. E., o. L.; Cox, Allan; Nur, Amos. 1984, Proceedings of 1988, Magnetic anomalies off the northwest coast the Circum-Peciffc Terrane Conference: Stanford of the United States& Geological Society of University Publications Geological Sciences, v. Amari ca Bulletin, v. 79, no. 8, p. 1053-1081. 18, p. 83-85.

EMILIA, o. A., sea also EN;EBRETSON, 0. C., see al so BERG, J. w., JR. [and others], 1988. BECIC, M. E., JR. {and others], 1979. BERG, J. W., JR. [and others], 1988. BECK, M. E., JR. (and others], 1981. HEINRICHS, D. F. [and others], 1971. BECK, M. E., JR. {and others], 1982. BROWN, E. H. [and others], 1985. ENDO, E. T.; MALONE, S. D.; NOSON, L. L.; WEAVER, EINARSEN, J.M. [and others), 1987. c. S., 1981, Locations, magnitudes, and atatiatica FOX, K. F., JR. [and others], 1982. of the March 20-May 18 earthquake sequence. l!! FOX, K. F., JR. {and others), 1983. Lfpman, P.'W.; Mullineaux, D.R., editors, 1981, GROMME, c. S. [and others], 1986. The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helene, Washing­ MOYER, R. D. {and others], 1885. tone U.S. Geological Survey Profaaaional Paper PURDY, J. w. {and others), 1986. 1250, p. 93-107. ROBERTS, T. H. [and others}, 1987. WELLS, R. E. [and others], 1982. ENDO, E. T.; MALONE, s. D.; NOSON, L. L.; WEAVER, WELLS, R. E. {and others), 1984. c. S., 1981, Saiamicity of Mt. St. Helena 1980 to 1981 [abstract]. !Jl International Association of ENGELS, J. C., see Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, TABOR, R. w. [and others), 1968. 1981, IAVCEI symposium, Arc volcanis111; Abstracts1 Volcanological Society of Japan, p. 89. ENGSTROM, J. M., sea BUTLER, C. D. [and others}, 1968. ENDO, E. T.; WARD, P. L.; MARQUEZ, DANIEL; ALLEN, R. V.; HARLOW, D. H., 1973, A prototype global EPISODES, 1981, Saa-floor geology off western volcano surveillance system monitoring saiamic Canade1 Ep i sodas, v. 4, no. 4, p. 18. activity and tilt--Part 1, Implementation [ab­ stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ EPPLEY, R. A., 1965, Earthquake history of the tions), v. 54, no. 11, p. 1143. United States; Part 1, Stronger earthquakes of the United States (exclusive of California and western ENDO, E. T .; WEAVER, c. s.; MALONE, s. o.; Nevada); 'revised edition through 1963: U.S. Coast MICHAELSON, c. A., 1980, Coda magnitudes of earth­ and Geodetic Survey Special Publication S.P. 41-1, quakes associated with the 1980 eruptions of Mount 120 p. Saint Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ cal Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1133- ERDMANN, C. E.; BATEMAN, A. F., JR., 1951, Geology 1134. of dam sites in southwestern Washington; Part II­ Miscellaneous dam sites on the Cowlitz River above AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY B/ANS, J. E. 75

Castle Rock, and the Tilton River, Washington: ton: Ertsc Northwest, Inc. [under contract to] U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 314 p. Puget Sound Power and Light Company, 90 p., 3 plates. ERDMANN, C. E.; WARREN, W. C., 1943, Preliminary report on the geology of miscellaneous dam sites ERTEC NORTHWEST, UC., 1982, An investigation of on Cowlitz River above Castle Rock, Washington: the linear terraces within the Streight Creek U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 127 p. Fault Zone, Grade Creak, Washington: Ertsc North­ west, Inc. [under contract to] Puget Sound Power ERICKSON, B. P., see and Light Company, 43 p., 1 plate. PITA, F. w. (and others], 1982. ERTEC NORTHWEST, INc., 1982, Tha origin(s) of up­ ERIKSON, E. H., JR .. 1985, Petrology of an eastern hill-facing scarps on the Streight Creek fault, portion of the Snoqualmie batholith, central Cas­ north of Marblemount, Washington: Ertec North­ cades, Washington: University of Washington Mas­ west, Inc. [under contract to] Puget Sound Power ter of Science thesis, 52 p., 1 plate. and Light Company, 18 p.

ERIKSON, E. H., JR.. 1988, Petrology of the com­ ERTEC NORTHWEST, INc., 1983, Seismic hazard evalu­ posite Snoqualmie batholith, central Cascade Moun­ ation of the Baker River project, north Cascades, tains, Washington: Southern Methodist University Washington: Ertec Northwest, Inc. [under contract Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 111 p., 1 plate. to] Puget Sound Power and Light Company, 65 p.

ERIKSON, E. H., JR., 1989, Petrology of the com­ ERTEL, J. R., see posite Snoqualmie batholith, central Cascade Moun­ HEDGES, J. 1. [and others], 1982. tains, Washington: Geological Society of America LEOPOLD, E. e. [and others], 1982. Bulletin, v. 80, no. 11, p. 2213-2239. ESPINOSA, A. F., 1979, Horizontal particle veloci­ ERIKSON, E. H., JR., 1969, Petrology of the com­ ty and its relation to magnitude in the western posite Snoqualmie batholith, central Ceacade Moun­ United States: Seismological Society of America tains, Washington [abstract]: Dissertation Ab­ Bullet in, v. 89, no. 8, p. 2037-2061. stracts International, v. 30, no. 2, Section B, p. 708-B. ESPINOSA, A. F., 1980, Attenuation of strong hori­ zontal ground accelerations in the western United ERIKSON, E. H., JR., 1976, Petroganesi s of the States and their relation to ML: Seismological Mount Stuart batholith plutonic equivalent of the Society of America Bulletin, v. 70, no. 2, p. 583- high-alumina basalt association: Washington Divi­ 618. sion of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File Report 78-6, 38 p., 2 plates. ETHERINGTON, T. J., 1928, The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Oligocene end tower Miocene of ERIKSON, E. H., JR.; WILLIAMS, A. E., 1978, Impl i­ the Chehalis River Valley, Washington: University cations of apatite fission track ages in the Mount of Washington Hester of Science thesis, 62 p. Stuart batholith, Cascade Mountains, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ BtANS, J. E., 1985, Cyclical fluvial deposition in stracts with Program a, v. 8, no. 3, p. 372. a postulated wrench-fault basin, Chumstick Forma­ tion, east-central Cascades [abstract]: Geologi­ ERIKSON, E. H., JR., see al so cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. , R. S. [and others], 1977. 17, no. 8, p. 354.

ERONEN, MATTI; KANKAINEN, TUQII; TSUKADA, MATSUO, BtANS, J.E., 1987, Psleovegetation study of an 1987, Late Holocene sea-Level record in a core ancient, rapidly-subsiding, tropical to subtropi­ from the Puget Low land, Washington: O.Ueternary cal alluvial basin [abstract}: Geological Society Resse re h, v. 27, no. 2, p. 147-159. of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 7, p. 857. ERTEC NORTHWEST, INC., 1981, The origin(s) of up­ hill-facing scarps, north Cascade Range, Washing- 78 EVANS, J. E. SEISMIC MAZAROS OF NESTERH WASHINGTON

EVANS, J. E.; 1987, Tectonic evolution Of • Terti­ EWING, J., see also ary wrench--fault basin, Chumsttck For11ation" Cas­ SUTTON. S. H. [and o-tbarsl, 1980. cade Range, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, EWING, T. E.; 1979, Paleogene tectonic evolution no. 8, p. 375-378. of the North American cord it lere from 40 degrees to 58 degrees north [abatrect): Geological Socie­ !VANS, M. E., aea ty of America Abetrllf)ta with Programs, v. 11, no. WE~GATE, J. A. [and others], 1978. 3, p. 77.

EVANS, R. L.f FIBICH, W. R.; AND OTHERS, 1987, EWIPG, T. E., 1980. Eocene tactoniem in the North Soil survey of Lewie County area, Washington: American cordillera (abstract]: International U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 486 p., 108 Geological Congrsee, 28th, 1980. Abstracts, v. 1, plates. p. 337.

EVANS, S. G., 1988, Landsl ids damming in the Cor­ EWING, T. E.; 19BO, Eocene transcurrent faulting di l of wastern Canada. lo. Schuster, R. L., in the Pacific Northwest-A product of "splinter editor, 1988, Landslide dams--Proceasas, risk and tectonics"? [abstract]t Geological Society of mitigations American Society of Civil Engineers America Abatracte with Programs, v. 12, no. 3, p. Geotechnical Spacial Publication 3, p. 111-130. 105.

EV ANS, s. e., see al so EWING, T. E., 1980, Paleogene tectonic evolution CLAGUE, J. J. [and others], 1987. of the Pacific Northwest: Journal of Geology, v. BB, no. 6, p. 619-638. EVARTS, R. c.; ASHLEY, R. P., 1984, Preliminary geologic map of the Spirit Lake quadrangle, Waah-­ EWING, T. E.; 1987, Late Cretaceous vs. Paleogene ington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report strike-slip faulting in the Pacific Northwest~The 84-480, 1 shset, scale 1:48,000. stratigraphic record [abstract]: Geological Soci­ ety of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. EV ARTS, R. C.; ASHLEY, R. P.; SM ITH, J. G., 1987, 7, p. B5B. Geology of the Mount St. Helens araa--Racord of discontinuous volcanic and plutonic activity in FABIANO, E. B., 1975, Magnetic decl inst ion in the the Cascade arc of southern Washington: Journal United States, Epoch 1975.0: U.S. Geological Sur­ of Geophysical Research, v. 92, no. B10, p. vey Miacelleneoue Investigations Series Map I-911, 10,155-10,189. 1 sheet, ace le 1 :5,0DO,DOO.

EVERNDEN, J. F., 1977, Summaries of tachnioal F-ABIANO, E. B.; JONES, W. J., 1976, Magnetic hori­ reports, Vol. III; National Earthquake Hazards zontal intensity in the United States, Epoch Reduction Program: U.S. Geological Survey, 1 v. 1975.0: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel leneous Investigations Series Map I-913, 2 sheets, scale EVERNDEN, J. F~ 1977, Summaries of technical 1:s,000,000. reports, Vol. IV; Nstione,l Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program: U.S. Geological Survey, 1 v. FABIANO, E. B.; PEDDIE, N. W., 1980, Magnetic declination in the United States, Epoch 1980: EVERNDEN, J. F.; KOHLER, W. M.; CLOW, Go D., 1981, U.S. Geo log icel Survey Miscel laneoue Invest iga­ Seismic intensities of earthquakes of conterminous t ione Series Map I-1283, 1 sheet, scale United States--Their prediction and interpreta­ 1:5,000,000. tion: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1223, 56 p~ 5 plates. FABIANO, E. B.; PEDDIE, N. W.; JONES, W. J., 1976, Magnetic total intensity in the United States,

EWING, J.; LEWIS, 80 T. R.; OR::UTT, J.; POMEROY, Epoch 1975.0: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel lane­ P.; SUTTON, G. H~ 1979, Lopez Island OBS inter­ ous Investigations Series Map I-915, 2 sheets, comparison experiment--ROSE experiment {abstract]: scale 1:5,000,000. Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 60, no. 46, p. 892. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY FAIRCHILD, L. H. 77

FABIANO, E. e., see also FAIRCHILD, L. H., 1984, Initiation of the North PB>DIE, N. W. [and others], 1976. Fork Toutle River Laher by liquefaction of debris avalanche deposits during the May 18, 1980 Mt. St. FAHEY, B. D., see Helens eruption [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ MAHANEY, w. C. [and others], 1981. physical Union Tranaactionsl, v. 85, no. 17, p. 329. FAHNESTOCK, R. K., 1960, Morphology and hydrology of a glacial stream: Cornell University Doctor of FAIRCHILD, L. H., 1984, Initiation of the North Phi loaophy theai a. Fork Toutle River by liquefaction of debris avalanche deposits during the May 18, 1980 Mt. St. FAHNESTOCK, A. K., 1980, Morphology and hydrology Helens eruption [abstract]: Geological Society of of a glacial stream [abstract]: Dissertation Ab­ America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. B, p. stracts, v. 21, no. 8, p. 1524. soa.

FAHNESTOCK, R. K., 1980, Morphology and hydrology FAIRCHILD, L. H., 1985, Lahar& at Mount St. of a glacial stream [abstract]: Geological Socie­ Helens, Washington: University of Washington Doc­ ty of America Bulletin, v. 71, no. 12, pt. 2, p. tor of Philoaophy thesis, 374 p. 1862. FAIRCHILD, L. H., 1986, Lehars at Mount St. FAHNESTOCK, A. K., 1983, Morphology and hydrology Helens, Washington (abstract]1 Dissertation Ab­ of a glacial stream-White River, Mount Rainier, stracts International, v. 48, no. 12, Section B, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Profeasi.onal p. 4182-B. Paper 422-A, 70 p. FAIRCHILD, L. H., 1986, Lahars on the Toutle River FAHNESTOCK, A. K., 1978, Little Tahoma Peak rock­ near Mt. St. Helens: Volcano News, no. 24, p. 5. falls and avalanches, Mount Rainier, Washington, U.S.A. .!!l Voight, Berry, editor, 1978, Rocksl ides FAIRCHILD, L. H., 1988, Mt. St. Helens-The fi rat and avalanches; 1, Natural phenomena: Elsevier 6 yearsc Volcano News, no. 24, p. 1. Science Publishing Company Developments in Geo­ technical Engineering 14A, p. 181-198. FAIRCHILD, L. H., 1986, Quantitative analysis of Lahar haz:ard. l!!. Keller, S. A. C., editor, 1988, FAHNESTOCK, A. K.; SAVINI, JOHN, 1964, Role of Mount St. Helens-Five years Later: Eastern Wash­ mudflows in the formation of glacial and fluvio­ ington University Presa, p. 61-67. glacial land forma [abstract}: Geological Society of America Special Paper 78, P• 58. FAIRCHILD, L. H.; ARMENTROUT, J. M., 1984, Evi­ denoe for tha late Eocene accretion of peripheral FAHNESTOCK, A. K., aae also rocks of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington [ab­ CRANDELL, D. A. [and others], 1985. atract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ CRANDELL, D. A. [end others], 1986. tional, v. 65, no. 17, p 329.

FAIRBANKS, TOM, see FAIRCHILD, L. H.; COWAN, D. S., 1982, Structure, PEHLER, M. C. [and others], 1988. petrology, and tectonic history of the Leech River complex northwest of Victoria, Vancouver Island: FAIRCHILD, L. H., 1979, The Leech River unit end Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 19, no. 9, Leech River fault, southern Vancouver Island, p. 1817-1835. British Columbia: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, 170 p., 3 plates. FAIRCHILD, L. H.; DUNNE, THOMAS, 1981, Prediction of future mudflow hazard on the Toutle and Cowlitz FAIRCHILD, L. H., 1980, A model for the post-39 my Rivers, Washington [abstract]: Association of tectonfo evolution of northwestern Washington and Engineering Geologists, 1981 Annual Meeting, Pro­ southern Vancouver Island [abstract]: Geological gram with Abstracts, p. 34. Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 3, p. 105-108. FAIRCHILD, L. H.; WIGMOSTA, M. s., 1983, Dynamic and volumetric characteristics of the 18 Mey 1980 78 FAIRCHILD, L. H. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON lahars on the Toutle River, Washington. 1u. Pro­ FAUCHER, F., see ceedings of the symposium on erosion control in HOLDAHL, S. R. [and others}, 1987. volcanic areas, July 6-9, 1982 at Seattle and Vancouver, Washington: Japan Public Works FEDERSPia, F. F., see Research Institute Technical Memorandum 1908, p. GUALTIERI, J. L. [and others], 1975. 131-153. FEHLER, M. C., 1981, Spectral properties or pre­ FAIRCHILD, L. H.; WIGMOSTA, M. S-, SMITH, J. D.; eruption earthquakes occurring at Mt. St. Helens DUNNE, THOMAS, 1982, Application of hydrographa volcano [abstractJa Eos (American Geophysical constructed for the May 18, 1980 mudflowa on the Union Transactions), v. 82, no. 45, P• 985. Toutle River, Washington [abstract]: Eo• (Ameri­ can Geophysical Union Transactional, v. 83, no. 8, FEHLER, M. C., 1982, Obeervatione of volcanic tre­ p. 174. mor at Mount St. Helena [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. 83, no. 45, p. FAIRCHILD, L. H., see also 1044. BRANDON, M. T. [and others], 19B1. GILKEY, K. E. [and others], 1982. FEHLER, M. C., 1983, Joint determination of epi­ LEHRE, A. K. [and others], 1981. centers at Mount St. Helens [abstract}: Eos SMITH, J. D. [end others], 1983. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 84, WIGMOSTA, M. S. [and others], 1981. no. 18, p. 265.

FAIRHALL, A. W.; SCHELL, W. R.; YOUNG, J. A., FEHLER, M. C., 1983, Observations of volcanic tre­ 1968, Radiocarbon dating at the University of mor et Mount St. Helens volcano: Journal of Geo­ Washington, Illa Radiocarbon, v. 8, p. 488-508. physical Research, v. 88, no. B4, p. 3476-3484.

FAIRHALL, A. W., see also FEHLER, M. C., 1985, Locations and spectral prop­ DORN, T. F. [and others), 1982. erties or earthquakes accompanying an eruption of Mount St. Helens: Journal or Geophysical Re­ FARGO, N. J., see search, v. 90, no. 914, p. 12,729-12,740. SAGER, J. w. (and others), 1984. FEHLEfl, M. c.; CHOUET, BERNARD, 1982, Operation of FARIS, J. R., see e digital seismic network on Mount St. Helens vol­ FUGLB/AND, P. F. [and others], 1986. cano and observations or long period seismic events that originate under the volcano: Geophys­ FARl

University of Cincinnati Doctor of Philosophy FIELD, s. W., see thesis, 40 p. DAVIS, P. T. [and others], 1987.

FERGERSON, w. M., 1974, Soils of the western Jef­ FIERSTEIN, JUDY; HILDRETH, WES, 1983, Geology of ferson portion of the Olympic ares, western Jef­ Mount Adams volcano [abstract]: Eos (American ferson County, Washington: Washington Department Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. of Natural Resources Forest Land Management Cen­ 899. te r, 28 p. FIERSTEIN, JUDY, see also FERGUSON, P. P., 1977, Investigation of tectonic HILDRETH, WES [and others], 1985. deformation in the Puget Lowland, Waehington. l!!. Evernden, J. F., 1977, Summaries of technical FIKSDAL, A. J., 1973, Slope stability of the Long­ reports, Volume IV; National Earthquake Hazards view-Kelso urban area, Cowlitz County: Washington Reduction Program: U.S. Geological Survey, 229- Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File 281. Report 73-2, 4 p., 2 plates, scale 1124,000.

FERRICK, M. G.; ST. LAWRENCE, W. F., 1984, Comment FIKSDAL, A. J., 1974, A landsl ida survey of the on "Obsarvationa of volcanic tremor at Mount St. Stequaleho Creek watershed. l!!. Cederholm, c. J.; Helens vplcano'', by Michael Fahlara Journal of Lestelle, L. c., 1974, Observations on the effects Geophysical Raaaerch, v. 89, no. 97, p. 8849-6350. of landslide siltation on salmon end tro4t resour­ ces of the Clearwater River, Jefferson County, FERRITTO, J. M., 1979, A probabilistic evaluation Washington: University of Washington Fisheries of seismic Loading at Naval Submarine Baaa, Research Institute Report FRI-UW-7404, supplement, Bangor, Bremerton, Washington: U.S. Navy Civil 8 p. Engineering Laboratory [Port Hueneme, Celif.] TM 51-79-01, 27 p. FIKSDAL, A. J., 1975, Slope stability of Clerk County, Washington: Washington Division of Geolo­ FETH, J. H., 1964, Review and annotated bibl iogra­ gy and Earth Resources Open-File Report 75-10, 4 phy of ancient lake deposits (Precambrian to p., 1 plate, sce le 1 :82,500. Pleistocene) in the western United States: U.S. Geological Survey Bul Latin 1080, 119 P• r-IKSDAL, A. J., 1978, Geology of southern Skamania County: Washington Division of Geology and Earth fETTKE, c. R., 1910, A study of the bed rook geol­ Rasourcae unpubliehad map, 1 sheet, scale ogy in the vicinity of Seattle, Port Orchard, and 1182,500. Renton, Washington: University of Washington Bachelor of Science thesis, 21 p., 4 plates. FIKSDAL, A. J., 1978, Slope stability of the Cen­ tralia-Chehalis area, Lewis County, Washington: FIBICH, W. R., see Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources eJANS, R. L. [and others], 1987. Open-File Report 78-2, 4 p., 1 plate, scale 1:62,500. FIELD, M. E.; CARLSON, P. R.; HALL, R. K., 1993, Seismic facies of shel fedge deposits, U.S. Pacific FIKSDAL, A. J., 1979, Geology for lend use plan­ continental margin. 1!! Stanley, D. J.; Moore, G. ning in pert of Pierce County, Washington: Port­ T., editors, 1983, The shelfbraak--Critical inter­ land State University Master of Science thesis, 90 face on continental margins: Society of Economic p., 7 plates. Paleontologists and Mineralogists Spacial Paper 33, p. 299-313. FIKSDAL, A. J., 1982, Landforms for planning use in part of Pierce County, Washington. In Craig, A. FIELD, M. E., sea also G.; Craft, J. L., editors, 1982, Applied gsomor­ EEZ-SCAN GROUP (CACCHIONE, D. A. [and phology1 e proceedings volume of the 11th Annual others], 1988. "Binghamton" geomorphology sym,poeium held at Kent GARONER, J. V. {and others), 1986. State University, Ohio, October 2-5, 1980: George Al l en end Unw in, p. 44-54. 80 FIKSDAL, A. J. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

FIKSDAL, A. J.; 8RUNENGO, M. J.. 1980, Foreat Survey Open-Fi la Report 84-416, 5 p., 18 maps, Slope Stability Project, Phase Ia Waah1ngton sca la 11250,000. Department of Ecology Technical Raport 80-2a, 18 p., 7 plates. FINN, CAROL; WILLIAMS, D. L.. 1982, Principal facts for one-hundred-six gravity stations near FIKSDAL, A. J.; BRUNENGO, M. J., 1981, Foraat th• Goat Racks Wilderness area, Washington: U.S. slope stability project, Phase II: Washington Geological survey Open-Ff le Report 83-176, 6 p. Department of Ecology Technical Report 81-14, 2 vol. FINN, CAROL; WILLIAMS, D. L.. 1983, Regional interpretation of gravity data from the Cascade FINDLEY, ROWE, 1981, Mount St. Helens aftermath-­ Range (abstract}: Eoa (American Geophysical Union The mountain that was-- and will be: National Transactions}, v. 84, no. 45, p. 888-887. Geographic, v. 160, no. 8, p. 710-733. FINN, CAROL; WILLIAMS, D. L.. 1987, An aeromagne­ FINK, J. H.; , RONALD, 1980, Mudflow atud­ tfc study or Mount St. Helanea Journal of Geo­ iaa on Mount St. Helena (ebatract]. l!! Holt, H. physical Raaearch, v. 92, no. B10, p. 10,194- E.; Kosters, E. c., compilers, 1980, Report• of 10,208. Planetary Geology Program, 19801 U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical FINN, CAROL; WILLIAMS, D. L.; COUCH, R. W.; DANES, Memorandum 82385, p. 339-341. z. F.; PITTS, G. S.; PHILLIPS, W. M., 1986, Grev i - ty anomaly and terrain maps of the Cascade Range, FINK, J. H.; MALIN, M. C.. 1980, Rheological prop­ California, Oregon, Washington, and British Colum­ erties of mudflows associated with recant erup­ bia: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investi­ tions of Mount St. Helena (abstract]: Eoa (Ameri­ gations Map GP-972, 2 ahaeta, scale 1 :2,500,00D. can Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. 61, no. 46, p. 1138. FINN, CAROL, see also STANLEY, W. D. [end others], 1987. FINK, J. H.; MALIN, M. C.; D'ALLI, R. E.; GREELEY, WILLIAMS, D. L. [and others], 1983. RONALD, 1981, Rheological propertiaa of mudflowa WILLIAMS, D. L. [end others], 1984. associated with the spring 1980 aruptione of Mount WILLIAMS, D. L. [ end others], 1987. St. Helens volcano, Washington: Geophysical WILLIAMS, D. L. [and others], 1988. Research Letters, v. 8, no. 1, p. 43-46. FINNERAN, S. D., sea FINN, CAROL, 1985, Gravity and magnetic studiaa in MARTINSON, H. A. [ and others], 1984. the Cascade Range. l!! Guffanti, Marianne; Muffler, L. J. P., editors, 1985, Proceedings of the work­ FISCHER, J. F., 1970, The geology of the White shop on geothermal resources of the Cascade Range: River-Carbon Ridge area, Cader Lake quadrangle, U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi la Report 85-521, p. Cascade Mountains, Washington: University of 56-58. California, Santa Barbara Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 200 p., 2 plates. FINN, CAROL, 1985, A magnetic study of Mt. St. Helena, Washington [abstract]: Eoa (American Geo­ FISCHER, J. F .. 1972, The geology of the White physical Union Transactions), v. 88, no. 48, p. River-Carbon Ridge area, Cader Lake quadrangle, 870. Cascade Mountains, Washington [abstract]: Disser­ tation Abstracts International, v. 32, no. B, Sec­ FINN, CAROL, 1987, Gravity and structure of the t ion B, p. 4689-8-4670-S. Washington coast range [ebstra<;t]: Eos {American Geophysical Union Trsneectione}, v. 68, no. 44, p. FISHER, C. K.; KRUPA, M. T., 1977, Well sample and 1458. core repositories of the United States and Canada: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-567, 73 FINN, CAROL; PHILLIPS, W. M.; WILLIAMS, D. L., p. 1984, Gravity maps of the State of Washington and adjacent areas (scale 1:250,000): U.S. Geological FISHER, R. v., 1957, Stratigraphy of the Puget Group and Keechelua Group in the Elbe-Packwood AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY FOLSOM, M. M. 81 area of southwestern Washington: University of Wesh;ngton: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 157 p~ 10 Report 83-650, 22 p., 2 plates. plates. FLANIGAN, V. J.; SHERRAfll, M. S., 1983, Glacier FISHER, R. v~ 1957, Stratigraphy of t.he Puget Peak wilderness study, northern Cascade Range, Group and Kaachalus Group in the Elbe-Packwood Washington--Aeromagnetic and Bouguer gravity data area of southwestern Washington [abstract]: Dis­ [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ sertation Abstracts, v. 17, no. 9, p. 1981. stracts with Programs, v. 15, no. 5, p. 400-401.

FISHER, R. v., 1960, Criteria for recognition of FLANIGAN, V. J.; SHERRARD, M. s., 1985, Aeromagna­ leharic breccias, southern Cascade Mountains, tic map of the Glacier Peak Wilderness and adja­ Washington: Geological Society of America Bulle­ cent areas, Chelan, Skagit, and Snohomish Coun­ tin, v. 71, no. 2, p. 127-152. ties, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel­ laneous Field Studies Map MF-1652-9, 1 sheet, FISHER, R. v., 1961, Stratigraphy of' the Ashford sea La 111 DO, DOD. aree, southern Cascade Mountains, Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 72, no. FLANIGAN, V. J., see alao 9, p. 1395-1407. SHERRARD, M. S. [and others], 1983.

FISHER, R. V., sae also FLANNERY, R. 0., see GLICKEN, HARRY [end others], 1984. POULSON, E. N. [and others], 1952. POULSON, E. N. [and others], 1953. F-ISK, L. H.; CHRISTENSON, M.; BIAGGI, R., 1978, Distribution of' lend-derived pelynomorphe in the FLINT, R. F~ 1934, Glaciation in the Okanogan nearshore environment, Puget Sound, Washington region (abstract): Geological Society of America [abstract}: Geological Society of America Ab­ Proceadi ngs for 1933, p. 81. streets with Programs, v. S, no. 3, p. 374. FLINT, R. F., 1935, Glacial features of the south­ FISK, L. H., see also ern Okanogan region: Geological Society of Ameri­ FRITZ, w. J. [end others], 1982. ca Bulletin, v. 48, no. 2, p. 189-193.

FISKE, R. s., 1980, St rat ig raphy and structure of FLINT, R. F~ 1957, Glacial and Pleistocene geolo­ lower and middle Tertiary rocks, Mount Reinier gy: John Wi Ley end Sons, 553 p. National Park, Washington: Johns Hopkins Univer­ sity Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 183 p. FLOREA, L. E., 1972, Quaternary pa leoeco l~y end stratigraphy of tha see cliffs, western Olympic f'ISKE, R. s.; HOPSON, C. A.; WATERS, A. C., 1983, Peniriaula, Washington: O.Ueternery Research, v. 2, Geology of Mount Rainier National Park, Washing­ no. 2, p. 202-21 B. ton: U.S. Geological Survey Profasaionet Paper 444, 93 p., 1 pl ata. FLDRER, L. ~ 1973, Late Cenozoic palynolcgy of see cliff's of the western Olympic Peninsula, Wash­ FISKE, R. s.; HOPSON, C. A.; WATERS, A. C., 1984, ington [abstract]: Gacsciance and Man, v. 7, p. Geologic map and section of Mount Rainier National 120. Park, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel­ laneous Geologic Investigations Map I-432, 1 FOLINSBEE, F. R., see sheet, scale 1:62,500. BAADSGAAfll, HALFDAN (and others], 1964.

FLANIGAN, PETER, see FOLINSBEE, R. E., see WIGMOSTA, M. S. [and others}, 1981. LIPSON, J. I. [end others], 1981. LIPSON, J. I. [ and others}, 1962. FLANIGAN, V. J.; FORD, A. B.J SHERRARD, M. S., 1983, Geologic interpretation of aeromagnetic sur­ FOLSOM, M. M., 1970, The glacial geomorphology cf vey of Glacier Peak Wilderness, northern Cascades, the Puget Lowland, Washington and British Columbia ea F!lffi, A. Et •

.--C~u1un,nts anq s•lectad refefence,.; ~!'th.,atet FQiff9t l\ J.,, 19i7t Th• T•rtia.ry f;!BOlogy of e Sc.ienc1h v. 44, \'IOa 2, p.• 143-146~ portto111; of tha ~ntre.l Cas9ade. Mountains, Wuhing­ ton: Univtrsity of ,ashington OQctor of Phi Loso­ fC>NJ, A. 1;1., 19fi7, The p111t!'ology of the $,lp~r ~~ thUill, 1181, P.,. 2 plt,t"8, Mt1J1,, 41reie, ~l41Citr Peak q4edrengle, Wnhi~ton; Unht•raity of Weahiflgton Mffter of ScitlclC.111 \hffia, t;Q,l,TER., ~. ~, 1Q57, t~ ltni~U'l qaQlogy of a 10~ p., 2 plates. portiC!n i;if tha c;>entr,, Cuo~• MQL,11\teine, Washing­ to.n £~•tr'9tl; Oitt•rt,tion Abstracts, v. 17, FQRJ1 A. B., 19591 Geology end petrology of the n~ 9, p, 1~e2. G,Lac1er Peak q1.1edrangl•, northarn C1aced111a, w.. h­ inqton: Univera,ity of Waahington Qc>ctor or Phi­ FO@lE~ R.. -le 1~ 3lr\lO\ijl'll ij8QlO.fitY of a part lo.1o~hy th,eia,, 2 vol., 3 plat,e. C),f t~i,, c~tr,l (l,fiHM MO,l;lnt.lline, Snoqu..19L111ie and M~ Stt.!,e,rt qu..!l,«;lr,n9: l 1e.i W19st\ i ~ t;c:m f sps t rec t]: FO!ll, A. a., 1959, Geology and petfology of t.htt Geol09ii;:1l $0ciety of A.Hric.o. ~l letin1 v. 69, no. Gl111c.itr ft8;8k qu.adr&f19l•, northern Ceecedet, Weeh-,­ 1?, pt. ~ .. Q. 'li84..,.1ij85. ir1tt~ [llbetrect]: DissertJtion Abatratetlit V~ 80, no. 3 1 Pa 991. FO.$'l'Ei:\« B. J_. 1980, T11rtt,ry Q'9.logy of a portion of the centr,.l C,ec~-. Mo,mta,l:l~ Wlllshington: FORlh A. 8.., 1.983, Anno1;ated guide to geologic Geolo.gice,l Society Qf Ama!'iCll ~Uetin1 11, n, no. r'11)orts end m41ps of the Glacier Peek wildarnaea a~ P. ss-,.1~, 1 Pl,,~ and tdJacent areas, northern Cascades, Waehington: U.S. G·aological Survey Open-Fi le Report 83-97, 34 FE)8TER, R. J~, 1987, Eh11;0\0QY of th411 Rampart Ridge­ p.• Kttach•ll.ut Rtdga, area, caJltral Cascade Mountains, W1shi0Qtons. ~rthwes.t Sci.,nc•, "~ 41, no.; 1, P• FOFC, A. B., 19~, Map. or badl'Ock 9aologic do.t, 32-41. si1;1a, Glaciar Peak wi ld•rneaa study, Ch11la11, Sk,git, end Snotu:111.\i&h Countiaa1 Wa,shingtor,: ~. F~Re, P. F.. "fSA.E;(ft~NiS, Q. w.f, 1980, AFGL a,ologicsl Surv,y Ope!'I-File R'11)ort aa-454. 1 mognetom,taf' o.baarl(411t iOfl,8 on Ho~rit. St, He lens sheet, scale 1;1001000., ar1,tption; Eo:s. {/\lllarica(I, Geophysii;:al Union Trans­ act ioJls), v, a1, n«>.. !iiQ, p,, 1e~121~ f'Of\D, A, 8.; NELSQJ.1, Wa H,; SQNNEV IL, Ro A., 19831 Glacier Peek •i ld111rness st... dy, norttui~ Ca.~edes, FOUNfAIN,. ~ ~' a•• WHhington-Geologic inap [abstractl: QaoLogice.l C~N, ~ , (a~ ottterslt 1986. Sociat;y of America Abstracts •tth Prograiaa. Y,i 15, Pfflillir Q. 4- f@{ld oth.er,.h 198?. no, 5 1 Pa 400. FOWLER, G.. A., 1967, lili<;:rq.-fa\Ana and biostretigrs­ FORD, A. B., sa• el so PtlY of a 11.oni.on 11f th• Mioce.ne A1toril! Formation, CflO\VDE:81 o. F•. [14nd others}, 196S. £:ir,ya Herbo.r QoWttY, Waall,ington: Col lega of Pugat FLANIGAN, V. J. [and others], 1983. S0,1,trtd •lll.r of Sch~nc• thesis, 71 p.

Fmm, o. c., a19e FQWLt:R, Q, A., 19651 The stratigraphy, Foraminif­ GASCOYNE, M. [and others}, 1981. ua and: pe.l•o•co.lo.gy of the Mo.nt1:1sa110 Formation, Gr&111&1 Herb.or Cor.AfltY, Wo.ahiOQtons. Ulliversity of FQRREST, J. B., ne Q.outh,rn e(lHfQFn'l• Do.<;:tor of Philos.ophy thesis, BROWN, P. P. [and ottiers), 19Q1. 35ij p.

FORSYTH, o. A., see FOWLER, G. A., 196!?, Tha s.tra.tigraphy, Foraminif­ ELLIS, Ro M. [and othersh 1983.. ara and pal~HltiWOlQ9ll of thlll !o\OfltlilSE\f\O Formation, Qreys Herbal;' County, \1Q;fhit19tO~ {ab.liltract]: Dia­ FOSTER, R. J., 1$55, A. stu.dy of the 81.lYI Flilrn,..,., s.,rtU ion ~st fact.a, 11. ?&, n~ Si p. 3245.-B-3246- tion, Snoq4almia Pass., King and l

FOWLER, R. H.; NESS, A. O., 1954, Soil survey of CARSON, R. J. [and others], 1975. Lewis County, Washington: U.S. Soil Conservation WEIGLE, J. M. [end others], 1962. Service Soil Survey Series 1941, no. 10, 130 p., 3 plates. FRAGASZV, R. J.; ARGO, DOUGLAS; HIGGINS, J. D., 1988, Formula predictions versus pile loed teat FOWLER, R. H-, see al eo results. !!! Fragaszy, R. J., editor, 1988, Pro­ NESS, A. O. [and others], 1960. ceedinge of the 24th symposium on engineering POULSON, E. N. [and others], 1952. geology and soils engineering: Idaho Department of Transportation, p. 231-244. Fax, K. F., JR., 1979, Origin of melengee of the Olympic Peninsula [abstract]: U.S. Geological FRANCIS, PETER; SELF, STEPHEN, 1987, Collapsing Survey Professional Paper 1150, p. 88. volcanoaa: Scientific American, v. 258, no. 8, p. 90-S7. Fax, K. F., JR., 1983, Melanges and their bearing on late Mesozoic and Tertiary subduction and FRANK, D. G., 1976, Debris avalanches at Mount interplate translation at the west adga of the Baker volcano, WasMngton. !!l Williams, R. s., North American plate: U.S. Geological Survey Jr.; Carter, w. o., editors, 1976, ERTs-1, a new Professional Peper 1198, 40 p. window on our : U.S. Geological Survey Pro­ faasfonal Peper 929, p. 120-122. Fax, IC. F., JR., 1983, Northaeet-trand i ng subc rue­ tel fault transects western Waehington1 U.S. Geo­ FRANK, D. G., 1983, Origin, distribution, end logical Survey Open-File Report 83-398, 12 p. rapid removal of hydrothermally formed clay at Mount 8a~er, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Fax, K. F., JR.; ENGEBRETSON, D. C., 1982, Tecton­ ProfeBBfonal Paper 1022-E, 31 p., 1 plate. ic analysis, Washington [abstract]: U.S. Geo log i­ eel Survey Professional Paper 1275, p. 224-225. FRANK, D. G., 1995, Hydrothermal processes at Mount Rainier, Washington: University of Washing­ FOX, K. F., JR.; ENGEBRETSON, D. c., 1983, Hori­ ton Doctor of Phi\osophy thesis, 195 p. zontal tectonic stress during the late Cenozoic in the northwestern United States. !!! Yount, J. c.; FRANK, a. G.; POST, A. s.; FRIEDMAN, J. D., 1974, Crosson, R. s., editors, 1983, Proceedings of Volcano-glacier interaction [abstract]: U.S. Geo­ workshop XJY, Earthquake hazards of the Puget logical Survey Professional Paper 900, p. 151. Sound region, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi la Report 83-19, p. 141-184. FRANK, D. G.; POST, A. S.; FRIEDMAN, J. D., 1975, Recurrent gaotharmally induced debris avalanches FOX, w. w., see on Boulder Glacier, Mount Beker, Weehington1 U.S. SMITH, L. H. [and others], 1951. Geo log feel Survey Journal of Research, v. 3, no. 1, p. 77-87. FOXALL, WILLIAM, 1978, A geophysical study of the Skagit Valley: University of Washington Master of FRANK, D. G., see al so Science thesis, 88 p. CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1974. CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1975. FOXWORTHY, S. L., 1982, Puget Sound urban area GRANT, w. C. [and others], 1983. studies. !!! U.S. Geological Survey, 1982, Activi­ KIEFFER, H. H. [and others], 1981.

ties of the Weter Resources Division and Resident KIEFFER, H0 H. [and others], 1984. Cartographer, Division of National Mapping in KRIMMa, R. M. [and others], 1980. Washington, 1981 fiscal year: U.S. Geological Survey, p. 54-55. f'RANKLIN, J. f'., 1966, Vegetation and soi ls in the subelpina forest of the southern Washington Cas­ FOXWORTHY, B. L.: HILL, MARY, 1982, Volcanic erup­ cade Range: Washington State University Doctor of tions of 1980 et Mount St. Helens-The first 100 Philosophy thesis, 132 p. days: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Peper 1249, 125 p. FRANKLIN, J. F., 1968, Vegetation and soils in the subalpine forest of the southern Washington Cas- FOXWORTHY, B. L., see also 84 FRANKLIN, J. F. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON cade Range [abetract]: Oiss•rt•tion Ab8tracta FREDERICIC, J. E., see al so International, v. 27, no. B, Section B, p. 1748-B TUBBS, o. w. [and others), 1974. -1747-B. FREDERIICSEN, C. s., 1936, Ground subsidence at FRANKLIN, J. F., a•e also Bellingha111 coal 111ine: Northwest Science, v. 10, HEMSTROM, M. A., [and otheraJ, 1882. no. 4; P• B-7.

FRANKLIN, A. J., 1985, Geology end miner•l izatfon FAEDRIICSai, R. L.f HARR, A. o., 1979, Soil, vege­ of the Greet Excelsior mina, Whatcom County, Wash­ tation and watershed management. l.!l Hai lmen, P. ington: Western Washington Univeraity Meeter or e.; Andareon, H. w., Jr-, Baumgartner, o. M., com­ Science theaia, 119 p., 9 plates. pi lera, 1979, Forest soils of the Douglas-fir region: Weahington State University Cooperative FRANKLIN, w. E., 1974, Structural significance or Extenaion Service, p. 231-280. m•ta-fgneous fr•gm•nta in the Prairie Mountain area, north Cascade Range, Snohomilh County, Waah­ f'REEMAN, K. J., see ington1 Oregon State University Master or Science ANDERSON, L. w. [and others], 1980. theeis, 109 p., 3 plataa. FREEMAN, O. W., 1983, Stagnation of the Okanogan FRANZ, u. A., ••• lobe of the Cordillaran ice sheet and the result­ ARMENTROUT, J. M. [and others], 1983. ing phyaiogrephic effects: Northwest Science, v. 7, no. 3, p. 61-86. FRASER,, o. C., 1983, Ai rborna electromagnetic sur­ veys of the Cascade Range, western Unitlld Stat••; f'REMONT, M.-J-, MALONE, S. O., 1985, High preci­ with a preface by o. B. Hoover: U.S. Geological sion relative locations of earthquakes at Mount Survey Open-File Report B3-92, 84 p., 30 plataa. St. Helena, Washington [abstract): Earthquake Not.ea, v. 58, no. 1, p. 23-24. FRASER, G. T., 19B5, Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and structure of the Swauk Formation in the Swauk f'REMONT, M.-J-, MALONE, S. O., 1987, High preci­ Pesa area, central Caecadea, Washington, Washing­ sion relative locations of earthquakes at Mount ton State University Master of Science thaei1, 219 St. Helena, waahington: Journal of Geophysical p., 4 plat as. Reeearch, v. 92, no. 810, p. 10,223-10,236.

FRASER, G. T., sea also fRENCH, w. S., 1970, Earthquake waves following JOHNSON, S. Y. [and others), 1984. the Pn phaae end their indications of focal depth and crustal structures in the Pacific Northwest FRASSE, F. I., 1981, Geology and atructure of the states: Oregon State University Doctor of Philos­ western and southern margins of Twin Sf stars Moun­ ophy theai a, 175 p. tain, north Cascades, Washington: Western Wash­ ington University Master of Science thesis, rJ7 p., fREtCH, w. s., 1970, Earthquake waves fo LLowing 2 plates. the Pn phase and their indications of focal depth and crustal structures in the Pacific Northwest FRASSE, F. I., sea also States {ebetrect]: Dissertation Abstracts Inter­ BLACKWELL, D. L. [and others), 1983. national, v. 31, no. 2, Section B, p. 767-B. BROWN, E. H. [end others], 1917. PREtCH, W. S., see al so FRAZIER, B. e., sea CHlBURIS, E. I=. [and others), 1965. SHOVIC, H. F. [and others], 1982. SHOR, G. G., JR. [and others), 1968. f'REOERICK, J. E., 1979, Map showing natural lend f'REY, A., M.; ANDERSON, T~ H., 1987, Evidence for slopes, Port To•nsand quadrangle, Puget Sound westward directed revarae faulting on the eastern region, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Mis­ margin of the Met.how trough, Washington [ab­ cellaneous Investigations Series Map t-1198-A, 1 stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts sheet, sea Le 1 :100,000. with Programs, v. 19, no. 7, p. 668. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY FRYXELL, ROALD 85

FRIEDMAN, J. D., see FRITZ, W. J.; OGREN, D. E., 1984, Cleat orienta­ FRANK, D. G. land others], 1974. tions in the Mount St. Helens sediment flows {ab­ FRANK, D. G. {and others], 1975. stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts KIEFFER, H. H. [and others], 1981. with Programs, v. 18, no. 8, P• 513. KIEFFER, H. H. [ and others], 1984. FRITZ, W. J., see el ao FRISKEN, J. s.. 1965, Pleistocene glaciation of HARRISON, SYLVIA [and others], 1982. the Brinnon area, east-central Olympic Peninsula, YURETICH, A. F. [and others], 1981. Washington: University of Washington M89ter of Science thesis, 75 p.. 3 plates. FRIZZELL, V. A., JR.; TABOR, R. W.; 800TH, D. B.; ORT, I(. M.; WAITT, R. B., JR., 1984, Preliminary FRITZ, w. J., 1980, Stumps transported and deposi­ geologic map of' the Snoqualmie Pesa 1:100,000 ted upright by Mount St. Helena mud flows: Geolo­ quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey gy, v. 8, no. 12, P• 588-588. Open-Fi la Report 84-693, 43 p., 1 plate, scale 1:100,000. FRITZ, w. J., 1983, Comment and reply on 'Erect

floating atumpe in Spirit Lake, Washington•; Com­ FRIZZELL, V. A., JR.; TABOR, R0 W.; ZARTMAN, R. ment: Geology, v. 11, no. 12, p. 733-73,4,, E.; JONES, D. L., 1982, Mesozoic melanges in the western Cascades of Washington (abstract]: Geo­ FRITZ, W. J.; FISK, L. H.; HARRISON, SYLVIA, 1982, logical Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ Mount St. Helens road log--A visit to the lower grams, v. 14, no. 4, p. 164. Toutle end Cowlitz River drainages to observe the aedimsntology, transported tress, and other af­ FRIZZaL, V. A., JR.; VANCE, J. A., 1983, Cenozoic fects of mudflowa resulting from the eruptions of volcanism of the Cascades of Washington [ab­ Mey 18, 1980, and March 19, 1982: Oregon Geology, stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ v. 44, no. 8, p. 87-93. tions), v. 84, no. 45, p. see.

FRITZ, W. J.; HARRISON, SYLVIA, 1983, Giant a r­ FRIZZELL, V. A., JR., see also morsd mud boulder f'rom the 1982 Mount St. Helena TABOR, A. w. (end others], 1977. mudflows: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. TABOR, A. w. [and others], 1979. 53, no. 1, P• 131-133. TABOR, A. w. [and others], 1980. TABOR, A. w. [and others], 1982. FRITZ, W. J.; HARRISON, SYLVIA, 1983, Giant ar­ TABOR, A. w. [and others], 1984. mored mud boulder from the 1982 Mount St. Helena TABOR, A. w. [and others], 1987. mudflows-Reply: Journal of Sedimentary Petrolo­ gy, v. 53, no. 4, p. 1358-1359. FROST, B. R., aee MILLER, R. B. [and others], 1977. FRITZ, W. J.; HARRISON, SYLVIA, 1983, Sedimentary YEATS, A. S. [and others], 1977. sequence from 1980 and 1982 Mount St. Helens sedi­ ment flows~A model for older volcaniclaetic de­ FRYBERGER, J. S., 1984, Hydro Logic report--Lake posits [abstract]: American Association of Petro­ City pumping station and influent tunnels: Robin­ leum Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, no. 3, p. 464. son, Roberts and Assoc istes [Tacoma, Wash.], 17 p., 1 p Late. FRITZ, W. J.; HARRISON, SYLVIA, 1985, Transported trees from the 1982 Mount St. Helens sediment FRYE, J. c.. 1967, Cores, samples, and electric flows-Their ues ea paleocurrant indicators: Logs; needs and availability--Raport of Committee Sedimentary Geology, v. 42, no. 1-2, p. 48-64. on preservation of samples and cores: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. . FRITZ, W. J.; MOORE, J. N., 1981, Sedimentology of 51, no. 4, p. 612-620• Mount St. Helens mud flows as related to the transport of trees [abstract]: Geological Society FRYXELL, ROALO, 1960, Problems in glacial chronol­ of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 7, ogy of northern Washington: [Priveteiy published p. 455. by the author], 8 p. 86 FRYXaL, ROALD SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

FRYXELL, ROALD, 1960, Problems in glacial chronol­ FULMER, C. v., 1968, Stratigraphy of the type ogy of northern Washington [abstract]: Geological Blakeley Formation [abstract]: Geological Society Society of America But let in, v. 71, no. 12, pt. 2, of America Spacial Paper 101, p. 75. P• 2080-2081. FULTON, R. J., 1978, Quaternary glecfations in the FRYXELL, ROALD, 19861 Mazama and 8lao1ar Peak vol­ Northern Ham isphera1 Geoecianoe Canada, v. 3, no. canic aah Layars--Relative ages: Science, v. 147, 2, p. 115-116. no. 3863, p. 1288-1290. FULTON, R. J.; ARMSTRONG, J. E.; FYLES, J. G.; FU8LEVAND, P. F.; CLOUGH, H. F.; FARIS, J. R.; EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1978, Stratigraphy and paly­ BRIGHAM, J.E., 1988, Waterfront electric cone nology of late Quaternary sediments in the Puget penetration tHting. l!! Clemence, S. P., editor, Lowland, Washington; Discue.eion and reply: Geo­ 1988, Use of in situ tests in gaotechnical engi­ logical Society of America Bulletin, v. 87, no. 1, neering; Proceedings of In Situ 186: American p. 153-156. Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Special Publication B, p. 546-559. FULTON, R. J., sea al so CLAGUE, J. J. [and others], 1987. FUGRO NORTHWEST, INC., 1979, Interim report on geologic faesibiblity studies for Copper Creak FURLONG, K. P., 1981, T. J. evolution­ dam: Seattle City Light, 152 p., 2 plates. Implications for the future of the Juen de Fuca plate [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union FUIS, G. s., see Transect ions), v. 82, no. 45, p. 1034-1035. MOONEY, w. D. (and others], 1986. fURLONG, P. 0., 1982, Paleomagnetiam of the Mount FUKUTA, NOBUHIKD, 1977, Application of shake Reinier area, western Washington: Western Wash­ program on estimation of ground response at Satsop ington University Master of Science thesis, 78 p. Nuclear Reactor site: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, 74 p. FURUKAWA, BRUCE, see DI/ORAK, J. J. [and others}, 1984. FULLER, M. D., see DUNN, J. R. [and others], 1970. FYLES, J. G., sae DUNN, J. R. [end others], 1971. FULTON, R. J. [and others], 1978. MATHEWS, w. H. [and others], 1970. F-ULLER, R. E., 1925, Tha geology of the northeeat­ ern part of Cedar Lake quadrangle with special GABLE, D. J.; HATTON, TOM, 1983, Maps of vertical reference to the d.e-roofed Snoqualmie batholit.h: crustal movements in the conterminous United University of Washington Master of Science t.haeis, Stat.ea over the last 10 mill ion years: U.S. Geo­ 98 p., 4 pl ates. logical Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1315, 2 sheets, scale 1:5,000,000, with 25 FULLER, s. R., 1980, Neoglaciation of Avalanche p. text.. Gorge and the Middle Fork Nooksack River valley, , Washington: Western Washington Uni­ GABRIELSE, H., see versity Mester of Science thesis, BB p. TIPPER, H. w. [and others], 1981.

FULLER, S. R.; EASTERBROOK, D. J.; BURKE, A. M,, GADBOIS, L. J,, 1973, Big Lake fill. l!! Engineer­ 1983, Holocene glacial activity in five valleys on ing Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium, 11th the flanks of Mt. Baker, Washington [ abstract]: Annual, Proceedingaa Idaho Department of High­ Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ ways, p. 37-54. grams, v. 15, no. 5, p. 430-431. , P. S., see FULLER, S, R., see e l eo SNYDER, D. E. [ and others}, 1973. KNITTER, C. C. (and others], 1982. KNITTER, c. C. (and others], 1984. GALLAGHER, J. N., 1989, A method for determining the source mechanism in small earthquakes with AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY GAR/ER, J. I.

application to the Pacific Northwest region: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Peper 388-8, Oregon State University Doctor of Philosophy 33 p., 2 plates. thesis, 187 p. GARD, L. M., JR., see also GALLAGHER, J. N., 1969, A method for determining CRANDELL, D. R. [and others), 1960. the source mechanism in small earthquakes with MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and others], 1959. application to the Pacific Northwest region [eb­ straot]: Dissertation Abatrecta International, v. GARDINER, s. R. M., see

30, no. 3, Section B, p. 1210-S. RYAN, P0 J. [and others], 1984.

GALLAGHER, J. N., see al so GARDtteR, J. V .; CACCHIONE, D. A.; DRAKE, D. E.;

COUCH, R. w. [and others}, 1988. EDWARDS, B. 0 0 1 FIELD, M. E.; HAMPTON, M. A.; KARL, H. A.; MCCULLOCH, D. S.; KENYON, N. H.;

GALSTER, R. W., 1956, Gao logy of the Millar-foes MASSON, D. G., 19861 Sonograph mosaic of U.S. west River area, King County, Washington: University coast Exclusive Economic Zone [abstract]: Ameri­ of Washington Master of Science thesis, 96 p.. 2 can Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, plates. v. 70, no. 7, p. 922-923.

GALSTER, R. w., 1983, Geology of Washington: GARDNER, J. V., see al so

Earth Science, v. 381 no. 2, p. 11-14. EEZ-SCAN GROUP [CACCHIDNE, D. A. [and others], 1986. GALSTER, R. W-, MANN, L. V., 1987, Radar analysis HOLMES, M. L. [and others}, 1984. of western Washington structural febric [ab­ JOHNSON, H. P. [and others], 1984. stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. e, p. 380. GAJFil«EL, H. L., see GRAUMLICH, L. R. [and others], 1982. GALSTER, R. w.; OLMSTED, T. L., 1977, Field trip 3--Problams of recent landslides, Cascade Mountain GARLING, M. E.; MOLENAAR, DEE; AND OTHERS, 1965, front, Snoqualmie underground power plant. !!!. Water resources and geology of the Kitsap Peninsu­ Association of Engineering Geologists, 19771 la end certain adjacent islands: Washington Guidebook to field trips; 1977 National Meeting, Division of Water Resources Water-Supply Bulletin Seattle, Washington, Association of Engineering 18,309 p., 5 plates. Geologists, p. 79-101. GARRISON, R. E.; LUTERNAUER, J. L.; GRILL, E. V .; GANNETT, , 1896, Magnetic declination in the MACDONALD, R. D.; MURRAY, J. W., 1969, Early dia­ Un H ed States: U.S. Geo log i cal Su rvay Annua l ganetic cementation of recent sands, Report, 17th, part 1, p. 203-440. delta, British Columbia: SecHmentology, v. 12, no. 1/2, p. 27-46. GARCIA, A. W.; HOUSTON, J. R., 1975, Type 16 flood insurance study~Tsunami predictions for Monterey GARRISON, R. E., see al so and San Francisco Bays and Puget Sound: U.S. Army TIFFIN, D. L. [and others], 1971. Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Technical Report l+-75-17, 1 v. GARTNER, A. E., see SHAW, H. R. [and others], 1981. GARCIA, A. w., see also

HOUSTON, J. R. [and others], 1978. GAftlER, J. I., 19851 Sedimentology and tectonic significance of the Tithonian to (?)Neocomisn GARD, L. M., JR., 1958, Geology of a potential dam elastic sequence of the Decatur Terrane, San Juan site on the Carbon River neer Fairfax Bridge, Islands, Washington [abstract]: Geological Socie­

Pierce County, Washington, U.S. Geological Survey ty of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 171 no. Open-File Report, 11 p., 1 plate. s, p. 356.

GARO, L. M., JR., 1968, Bedrock geology of the GAAIER, J. I., 1986, Greet Val Ley group/Coast. Lake Tappe quadrangle, Pierce County, Washington: Range ophiolite fragment in the San Juan Islands 88 GAAIER, J. I. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

or WA [abstract]: Geological Society or America GAYNAtO/, A. e., sea Abetracts with Progra1H, v. 1,8, no. 2, p. 108. SOKOL~, S. A. [and others}, 1976.

GAAi ER, J. I., see al so GEHRKE, F. E., sea BOGUE, S.. W. [and others], 19815. STElNIR&NNERw E. C. [and others], 't964. STEINBAENNER, E. C. [and others}. 1966. GASCOYNE, M.; FORD, D. C.; SCHWARCZ, H. P., 19S1, Leta Plai•tocane chronology and paleocli,mata or GELOSETZER, HeLMUT, 1970, Late Cenozoic volcanic Vancouver Island determined from cave dapoaits: cyclaa in the Pacific Northwest and their tectonic Canadian Journal of Earth Sciancaa, v. 18, no. 11, implications [abatraeth Geological Society of p. 1643-1852. Amerio• Abstr11ets with Program•, v. 2, no. 2, P• 93. GATES, S. O., 1970, Earthquake hazards. .l!! Olson, R. A.; Wal taca, M. M., editors, 1970, Geologic GEMPEFII.E, MICHAEL, see hazard& and public problems: U.S. Office or Emer­ CONNARD, GERRY (and others], 1984. gency Preparedness, Conference Proceeding• 1989, DEHLINGER, PETER [and others], 1966. p. 19-52. DEHLINGER, PETER [and others}, 1970.

GAUDmE, H. E., 1983, Geochemistry of the Twin GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA COMMITTEE FOR THE Sisters ultramafic body, Waahington: Univaraity MAGNETIC ANOMALY HAP OF NORTH AMERICA, 1987, Mag­ or Illinois (Urbana) Doctor of Philosophy thesis, netic anomaly map of North America: Geological 104 p. Society of America DNAG Continent-Scale Map 003, 4 sheets, scale 1:5,000,000. GAVENJA, R. T., 1980, A characterization of the soils and landscape et the Manis sita, GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA GRAV ITV ANOMALY MAP Sequim, Washingto": Washington State University COMMITTEE, 1987, Gravity anomaly map of North Na.tar of Science thesis, 70 p. America: Geological Society of America DNAG Con­ tinent-Scala Map 002, 5 sheets, scale 1:5,000,000. GAYER, M. J., 1978, Compresaibil ity of earth materials in northeastern Jefferson County, Wash­ GEPPERT, A. R.; LORENZ, c. W.~ LARSON, A. G., COM­ ington: Washington Division of Geology end Earth PILERS AND &DITORS, 1984, Cumulative effects of Resources Open-File Report 76-24, 1 sheet, scale forest practices on the anvironment--A state of 1:24,DOD. the knowledge: Washington Department of Natural Reaou rcea, 282 p. GAYER, M. J., 1978, Geologic map or northaaatarn Jefferson County, Waahington: Weabington Dtviaton GERLACH, A. C., EDITOR, 1970, The national atlas of Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fi la Report of the United States of America, U.S.. Geological 78-21, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. Survey, 417 p., 6 overlays.

GAYEll, M. J., 1976, S Lope stability map of north­ GESSEL, S. P., 1979, Introduction. .l!! Heilman, P. eastern Jefferson County, Washington: Washington E.; Anderson, H. w., Jr.; Baumgartner, D. M., com­ Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fila pi lere, 1979, Forest soils of the Douglas-fir Report 78-22, 1 sheet, scale 1 :24,000. region: Washington State University Cooperative Exteneian Sarv ice, p. 1. GAYER, M. J., 1976, Waste-disposal map of north­ eastern Jefferson County, Washington: Washington GESSB.., S. P., eH also Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File RIGG, G. S. [and others}. 1958. Report 78-25, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. GIBBONS, W. D., He GAYER, M. J., 1977, Quaternary and env i ronmantal STEENLAND, N. c. tend others],, 1964. geology ef northeastern Jefferson County, Washing­ ton: North Carolina State University Master of GIBBS, GEORGE, 1955, Report of George Gibbs on Science thesis, 140 p. reconnaissance of the country lying upon Shaal­ water Bay and Puget's Sound. !!l Report of the AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY GLICKEN, HARRY 89

Secretary of War communicating the several Pacific GILLULY, JAMES, 1965, Volcanism, tectonism, and rai Lroad explorations: U.S. Congress, 33rd, 1st plutonism in the western United States: Geologi­ session, House Executive Document 129, v. 1, p. cal Society of America Special Peper BO, 89 p. 483-484. GILLULY, JAMES, 1967, Chronology of tectonic move­ GIBBS, GEORGE, 1074, Physical geography of the ments in the western United States: American northwestern boundary of the United States: Amer­ Journal of Science, v. 285, no. 5, p. 308-331. ican Geographical Society Journal, v. 4, p. 298- 415. GILLULY, JAMES, 1970, Crustal deformation in the western United States. 1n Johnson, HelgiJ Smith, GILCHRIST, F. G., EDITOR, 1954, G.S.0..C. field B. L., editors, 1970, The megatectonics of conti­ trip to Mount St. Helens& Geological Society of nents and oceena: Rutgers University Preas, p. the Oregon Country Geological News Latter, v. 20, 47-73. no. 9, p. 70-80. GIVEN, J. W., eae GILHAM, W. D., see KANAMOFII, HIROO [end others], 1981. BONNO, M. [and others], 1964. KANAMOAI, HIROO [and others], 1982. DANES, Z. F. [and others], 1985. KANAMDRI, HIROO [and others], 1983. KANAMORI, HIFIOO [end others], 1984. GILKESON, R. A., 1979, Forest soil survey. l!l Hai Lman, P. E.; Anderson, H. w., Jr.; Baumgartner, GLADDEN, S. c., 1981, Landel tl:111 hazardous eraes, D. M., compi Lars, 1979, Forest soi ls of the Bellevue, Waehington: San Diego State University Douglas-fir region: Washington State University Master of Science thesis, 78 p. Cooperative Extension Service, p. 173-184. GLASS, C. E.; SLEMMONS, D. B., 1977, Imegery and GILKESON, R. A.; STARR, W. A.; STEINBRENNER, E. topographic interpretation of geologic structures c., 1961, Soil survey of the Snoqualmie Falls Traa in central Washington. 1n Washington Public Supply Ferm: Weyerhaeuser Company [Tacoma, Wash.], 38 p. System, 1977, WPPSS nuclear project no. 1--Prelim­ inery safety analysis report: Washington Public GILKESON, R. A., see al ao Power Supply System Docket no. 50-460, Preliminery MAYTIN, I. L. [and others], 1961. safety analysis report, Amendment 23, v. 2B, Ap­ MAYTIN, I. L. [and others], 1963. pendix 2R, Subappendix 2R F, 21 p. PHANG, M. K. s. [and others], 1964. SHO/IC, H. F. [and others], 1982. GLASS, C. E., sea also SIBLEY, E. A. [and others], 1960. SLEMMONS, D. B. [and others], 1981. TILLSON, D. D. [and others], 1985. GILKEY, K. E., 1982, Sedimentology of debris flows generated during the 1980 eruption of Mount St. GLASSLEY, w. E., 1974, Geochemistry and tectonics Helens [abstract]: Geological Society of America of the Crescent volcanic rocka, Olympic Peninsula, Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. 166. Weehington: Geological Society of America Bulle­ tin, v. 85, no. 5, p. 785-794. GILKEY, K. E., 1983, Sedimantology of the North Fork and South Fork Toutle R;ver mudflows genera­ GLICKEN, HARRY, 1982, Criterie for recognition of ted during the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens: large volcanic debris avalanches [abstract]: Eos University of California, Santa Barbara Master of (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, Arts thesis, 254 p., 2 plates. no. 45, p. 1141.

GILKEY, K. E.; FAIRCHILD, L. H., 1982, Sedimentol­ GLICKEN, HARRY, 1985, Deposits of large volcanic ogy of debris flows generated during the 1980 debris avalanches at Mount St. Helena and Mount eruption of Mount St. Helens [abstract]: Interna­ Shasta volcanoes [abstract]: Geological Society tional Congress on Sedimentology, 11th, Abstracts. of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 7, P• 138. p. 594. 90 GLICKEN, HARRY SEISMIC: HAZAms OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

GLICKEN, HARAY, 1988, Mt. St. Hel•n• rockal id1- coHt ranges Geological Society of America Bulle­ debri s avalanche: Volcano Nl!lllff&, no. 24, P• 4-5. t in, v. 93, no. 11, P• 1151-1159.

GLICKEN, HARRY, 1986, Rockslidl-debria av•l•nch• SLOfl!AMAN, B. R., see also of May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helena volcano, Weah­ BECK, M. E., Jfll. [end othan], 1979. ington: University of Celifornie, Sant• Ba1'b1r1 Doctor of' PhHosophy th18fa, 303 p., 5 plates. GLOVER, a. L., 1940, Plefatooana detorMation in the Olympic co1st1l region, Washington: Northwest GLICKEN, HARRY; FISHER, R. V., 1984, Int.arectfon Science, "· 14, no, 3, P• 89-11. batv,een the rockslfde-debris svalench• •nd the lateral blast at Mount St. Helens, Washington GODFREY, J. O., liH [abstract]. !a Workshop on volcanic blHts; pro­ BAAOSGAAFI), HALFDAN [and others], 1984. gram and abstracts: International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of' the Ea.rth'a Interior, GODSON, A. H., au 1 P• Hl:LDENEIAAND, T. s.. [end others}. 1982.

GLICKEN, HARRY; JAfllA, R. J.; VOIGHT, BARRY, 1980, GOLDER ASBOC1ATES, 1988, Responses to NRC geosci­ Catastrophic landslide/debris avalanche of Mey 18, ancae review questions on geology~Wl'P-3: Golder 1980, Mount St. Helens volcano [abstr•ct]: Eos Aasociates, Inc. (Red111ottd, Wash., under contract (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 81, to] Washington Public Power Supply System, 1 v. no. 48, p. 1135. GOLDER ASSOClATES, 1988, Wlf'-3 geologic support GLICKEN, HARRY; VOIGHT, BARRY; JANDA, R. J., 1981, sarvicer-Coastal terrace study: Gelder Associ­ Rockslide-debris avalanche of May 18, 1980, Mount ates, Inc. (Redmond, Wash., undar contract to] St. Helens volcano [abstract}. !a International Washington Public Power Supply System, 1 v. Aaaociation of Volcsnology and Chamiatry of the Earth's Interior, 1981, INCEI symposium, Arc GOLDIN, ALAN, 1988, Gao morph i c surfaces and soi ls, volcanism; Abstracts: Volcenological Society of' northwestern Whatcom County, Waahington: North­ Japan, p. 1os-110.. west Science, v. BO, no. 1, p. 81-BB.

GLICKEN, HARRY, sea alao GOLDIN, At.Ates PARSONS, R. 9.t 1883, Gaomorphic BRANTLEY, STBfEN [end others), 1988. surfaces and soils in the Camas Prairie area, JANDA, R. J. [and others}, 1980. Waahington1 Soil Scienca Society Cf America MEYER, WILLIAM [and othersl, 1984. Journal, v. 47, no. 2, P• 21!5-280. MEYER, WILLIAM [and others], 1985. VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], 19BO. GOLDIN, ALAN, sea also VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], 1981. PBfEAR, D. R. [and others), 1984. VOIGHT, BARRY [and others}, 1983. GOLDSTEIN, B. S., 1997, Factors of forma­ GLOSERMAN, B. R., 1981, Geology, petrology, and tion in the Wadena end Puget Lobes, USA (ab­ palecmegnetism of Eocene basalts from the Black stract}: Internetional Union for Quaternary Re­ Hills, Waehington coast range: Waetern Washington search, Congress, 12th, Programme with Abstracts, University Mester of Science thesis, 373 p., 1 p. 174, plate. GOLDSTEIN, B. S., sea al so GLOSERMAN, e. R.; BECK, M. e., JR., 1979, Cenozoic EGGERS, A. A. [ and others], 1988. tectonic rotations in the western cordiltera--New evidence from the Washington coaet range [ab­ GOMAN, T. S., 1984, Gravity survey of Mount St. stract}: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ Helens, Washington [abstract}: American Geophysi­ tions}, v. 80, no. 48, p. 817. cal Union transaotton•, v. 46, no. 4, P• 640.

GLOBEAMAN, B. R.; BECK, M. E., JR.; DUNCAN, A. A., GONEN, BEHAAM, 1914, Building standards and the 1982, Pateomegnetism and tectonic significance of earthquake hazard for the Puget Sound basin: Uni- Eocene basalts from the Bleck Hills, Washington AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY GOWER, H. D. 91 varsity of Washington Master of Science thesis, GOWER, H. o., 1960, Gao logy of the Pysht quad ran­ 139 p. g le, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic O.Uedrang le Map GQ-129, 1 sheet, sea le 1 :62,500. GONEN, BEHRAM; HAWKINS, N. M.. 1974, Building standards and the earthquake hazard for the Puget GOWER, H. D., 1978, Possible Quaternary faulting Sound basin: University of Washington Department in the Puget Sound region [abstract]: U.S. Geo­ of Civil Engineering Report SM 74-1, 146 p. logical Survey Professional Paper 1100, p. 79.

GOODFELLOW, W. o.. see GOWER, H. O., 1878, Seismo-tectonic analysis of DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1988. Puget Sound province. !Jl Evernden, J. F., program manager; Seiders, w. H.; Thompson, Jean, compi L­ GORDY, P. L.. 1988, Evaluation of the hydrocarbon ars, 1978, Summaries of technical report, Volume potential of the : British VII: U.S. Geological Survey, p. 70-71. Columbia Ministry of Energy, Minas and Patroleu~ Resources, 1 v., 10 plates. GOWER, H. o.. 1978, Tectonic map of the Puget Sound region, Washington, showing locations of GORI, P. L., sea faults, principal folds, and large-scale O.Usterne­ HAYS, w. w. [and others], 1986. ry deformation: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi la KOC:KELMAN, W. J. [and others], 1988. Report 78-426, 22 p., 1 plate, scale 1:250,000.

GORNITZ, VIVIEN; LEBEDEfF, SERGEJ, 1987, Global GOWER, H. D., 1979, Seismo-tectonic analysis of sea-level changes during the past century. !Jl Puget Sound province. !Jl Everden, J. F., program Nummadel, Dag; Howard, J. o., editors, 1987, Saa­ manager; Seiders, w. H., compiler, 1979, Summaries level fluctuation and coastal evolution: Society of taohnical reports, Volume VIII: U.S. Geologi­ of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists cal Survey, p. 76. Special Publication 41, p. 3-16. GOWER, H. o., 1979, Western United States exclud­ GORTON, M. P., see ing California [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey EASTERBROOI<, o. J. {and others], 1981. Professional Peper 1150, p. 246-247. WESTGATE, J. A. [and others], 1981. GOWER, H. D., 1880, Bedrock geologic and O.Uetarna­ GOTTFRIED, DAVID, see ry tectonic map of the Port Townsend eree, Wash­ DUtEAN, J. R. [and others], 1989. ington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report LARSEN, E. S., JR. [and others], 1959. 80-1174, 19 p.. 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000.

GOUGH, D. I., 1984, Hant la upflow under North GOWER, H. o., 1981, Seismotactonics analysis of America and plate dynamics: Nature, v. 311, no. the Puget Sound Province [abstract]. In MacCaba, 5985, p. 428-433. M. P., editor, 1981, Earthquake hazards reduction program project summaries--1979-1980: U.S. Geo­ GOUGH, D. I., see al so logical Survey Open-Fi la Report 81-41, p. 24. CAMFIELD, P. A. (and others], 1970. GOWER, H. D.; PEASE, M. H., JR., 1965, Geo logy of GOULD, H. R.; BUDIOOER, T. F., 1958, Control of the Montesano quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geo­ sedimentation and bottom configuration by convec­ logical Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map G0.-374, 1 tion currents, Lake Washington, Washington: Jour­ sheet, sea la 1 :62,500. nal of Marina Research, v. 17, p. 183-19B. GOWER, H. D.; WANEK, A. A.,, 1983, Preliminary geo­ GOULD, H. R.; BUOINGER, T. F.; RAGAN, D. M., 1956, logic map of the Cumberland quadrangle, King Bethymetry end postglecial sediments of Lake Wash­ County, Washington: Washington Division of Minas ington [abstract]: Geological Society of America and Geology Geologic Map GM-2, 1 sheet, scale Sul Latin, v. 67, no. 12, pert 2, p. 1767-1780. 1 :24,000.

GOULO, H. R., sea also GOWER, H. D.J YOUNT, J. C.J CROSSON, R. s., 19851 RIGG, G. B. [and others], 1957. Seismotactonic map of the Puget Sound region, 92 GOWER, H. D. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

Washington: U.S. Geological survey Miscel lanaous Geophyeioal Union Transactions), v. 65, no. 16, P• Investigations Series Map' I-1813, 1 sheet, scale 242. 1:250,DOD, with 15 p. taxt. GRANT, W. Co; WEAVER, C. S., 1988, Earthquakes GOWER, H. D., asa al so near Swift Reservoir, Washington, 1958-1963-­ BROWN, R. o., JR. [and othera]. 1958. Safamfcity along the southern St. Helene Seismic BROWN, R. O., JR. [and others], 1960. Zone: Seismological Society of America Bulletin, HOWARD, K. A. [and others], 197S. v. 78, no. B, p. 1573-1587. SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [and others], 1976. WOLFE, J. A. [and others], 1981. GRANT, W. Co; WEAVER, C. S., 1988, Earthquake YOUNT, J. C. [and others], 1981. hez1rde in aouthwaatern Washington [abstract]: Seismological Reaeerch Letters, v. 59, no. 1, P• GRABERT, G. F., 1970, Prehistoric man and maritime 18. anvi ronmants in northwest Washington State [ab­ stract]: American Quaternary Association, Meet­ GRANT, w. c.; WEAVER, c. s.; FRANK, D. G.; ZOLL­ ing, 1st, p. 55. WEG, J. E., 1883, Progress report on the earth­ quake prediction effort at Elk Lake, Washington GRABERT, G. F., see also [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union SCHWARTZ, M. L. [and others], 1973. Transactions), v. 84, no. 9, P• 90.

GRADY, M. T., 1985, Correlating organic fecies and GRANT, w. c.; WEAVER, c. s.; ZOLLWEG, J.E., 1981, turbidita facies in a Hoh turbidite sequence (Mio­ The February 14, 1981, Elk Lake, Wash., earthquake cene), western Olympic Peninsula, Washington [ab­ and its aftershock sequence [abstract]: Eos stract]: American Association of Petroleum Geolo­ (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, gists Bulletin, v. 89, no. 2, P• 258. no. 45, p. 986.


s. P., editor, 1986, Use of in situ tests in geo­ GREEN, G. L., 1983, Soil survey of ~1ultnomah Coun­ technical engineering; Proceedings of In Situ '88: ty, Oregon: U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 225 American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical p., 34 plates. Special Publication 6, p. 588-601. GREEN, N. L.J ARMSTRONG, R. L.; HARAKAL, J. E.; GAATER, A. K., 1948, The flood that awel Lowed a SOUTHER, J. G.; READ, P. B., 1988, Eruptive his­ glacier: Natural History, v. 57, no. 6, p. 276- tory and K-Ar geochronology of the late Cenozoic 280. Garibaldi volcanic belt, southwestern British Columbia: Geological Society of America Bulletin, GRAUMLICH, L. J., 1986, Long-term variation in v. 1 DO, no. 4, p. 563-579. precipitation in the Pacific Northwest as recon­ structed from tree rings [abstract]: American GREENE, M. T., 1980, Early interpretations of the Quaternary Association, 9th Biennial Meeting, structure of the north Cascades [abstract}: Geo­ Program and Abstracts, p. es. logical Society of America Abet.racts with Pro­ grams, v. 12, no. 3, p. 108. GRAUMLICH, L. J.; BRUBAKER, L. B., 1986, Recon­ struction of annual temperature (1590-1979) for GREENHOUSE, J. P., see Longmire, Washington, derhed from tree ringsa LAW, L. K. [and others], 1978. Quaternary Research, v. 25, no. 2, p. 223-234.. GREINER, P.R., 1956, Geology and development of GRAUMLICH, L. A.; GARFINKa, H. L.; BRUBAKER, L. the Florence Rae mine, Sultan Basin, Snohomish B., 1982, Dand roe l i mat fo reconstruct i ans far County, Washington: University or Washington western Washington [abstract]: American Quatarn­ Bachelor of Science thesis, 31 p. ry Association, 7th Biennial Conference, Program and Abstracts, p. 95. GRESENS, R. L., 1975, Geologic mapping of the Wenatchee aree1 Washington Division cf Geology GRAUMLICH, LISA, 1984, Assessing the seasonal and Earth Resources Open-File Report 75-6, 2 climatic signal cf high elevation tree in sheets, scale 1:12,000. the Pacific Northwest [abstract]: American Qua­ ternary Association, 8th Biennial Meeting, Program GRESENS, R. L., 1976, Unusual structural features and Abstracts, p. 51-53. associated with mid-Tertiary deformation near Wenatchee, Washington [abstract]: Geological GREELEY, RONALD; HYDE, J. H., 1972, Lava tubes of Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, the cave base l t, Mount St. Ha Lens, Wash i ngton1 no. 8, p. 892-893. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 83, no. 8, p. 2397-2418. GRESENS, R. L., 1978, Regional significance of a late Eocene/early Oligocene erosion surface GREELEY, RONALD, see also exposed in central Washington State [abstract]: FINK, J. H. [end others], 1980. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ FINK, J. H. [and others], 1981. grams, v. 10, no. 3, p. 107-108.

GREEN, A. G.; CLOWES, R. M.; YORATH, C. J 0 ; SPEN­ GRESENS, R. L., 1980, Deformation of the Wenatchee CER, C. J.; KANASEWICH, E. R.; BRANDON, M. T.; Formation end its bearing on the tectonic history SUTHERLAND BROWN, A., 1986, Seismic reflection of the Chiweukum greben, Washington, during Ceno­ imaging of the subducting Juan de Fuca plate: zoic time: Geological Society of America Bulle~ Natura, v. 319, no. 6050, p. 210-213. tin, v. 91, no. 1, p. I 4-I 7, II 115-II 155.

GREEN, A. G., see a Lso GRESENS, R. L., 1981, Extension of the tel Lu ride CLOWES, R. M. [and others], 1987. erosion surface to Washington State, end its re­ CLOWES, R. M. [end others], 1989. gional and tectonic significance: Tectonophysics, ELLIS, R. M. [and others], 1983. v. 79, no. 3/4, p. 145-164.

GRESENS, A. L., 1982, Early Cenozoic geology of central Washington State; I, Summary of sediments- 94 GRESENS, R. L. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON ry, igneous end tectonic events: Northwest Sci­ GRESENS, A. L., see al so ence, v. 58, no. 3, p. 218-229. BURMESTER, R. F. [end others], 1980.

GRESENS, R. L., 1982, Early Cenozoic geology of GRIF-FIN, e. E., 1948, The geology of the Monte central Washington Stater II, Impl icetiona for Cri,to district with special reference to ore plate tectonics end alternatives for tha origin of depoaits1 University of Washington Master of the Chiweukum grebena Northwest Science, v. 58, Science thesis, 80 p., 1 plate. no. 4, p. 259-264. GRIFFIN, J, 8., see GRESENS, R. L., 1982, Early- to mid-Cenozoic gaol­ CRANE, H. R. [and others), 1950. ogy of central Washington [abetract]1 Geological CRANE, H. R. [and others], 1959. Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, CRANE, H. R. [and others], 1960. no. 4, p. 188. GRIFFIS, R. J., 1977, Igneous petrology, struc­ GRESENS, R. L., 1983, Geology of the Wenatchee end ture, and mineralization in the eastern Sultan Monitor quadrangles, Chelan and Douglas Counties, Basin, Snohomish County, Washington: Washington Washington: Washington Division of Geology and State University Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 270 Earth Resources B.ulletin 75, 75 p., 3 plates. p.

GRESENS, R. L., 1987, Early Cenozoic geology of GRIFFIS, R. J,, 1977, Igneous petrology, struc­ central Washington Stata--I. Summary of sedimenta­ ture, and mineralization in the eastern Sultan ry, igneous, and tectonic events. !!l Schuster, J. Basin, Snohomish County, Washington [abstract]: E0 , editor, 1987, Selected papers on the geology Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 38, no. of Washington: Washington Division of Geology and 3, Section B, p. 1096-8. Earth Resourcas Bullet in 77, p. 169-177. GRIFFITHS, J. B., sea GRESENS, R. L., 1987, Early Cenozoic .gsology of SAGER, J. w. [and others], 1984. central Washington State--II. Implications for plate tectonics and alternatives for the origin of GRIFFITHS, J. R., 1975, Subduction and related the Chiwaukum graben. In Schuster, J. E., editor, events along the Pacific margin of British Colum­ 1987, Selected papers on the geology of Washing­ bia [abstract]: Pacific Science Congress, Record tonl Washington Division of Geology and Earth of Proceedings, v. 1, Abstracts of Papers, p. 401- Resources Bulletin 77, p. 179-182. 402.

GRESENS', R. L.; NAESER, C. W.; WHETTEN, J. T., GRIGGS, A0 B., see 1978, The Chumstick and Wenatchee Formations­ WAU

GRIGGS, G0 8.f KULM, L, D., 1973, Origin end GRESENS, R. L.; NAESER, C. W.J WHETTEN, J. T., development of Cascadia daep-sea channel: Journal 1981, Stratigraphy and age of the Chumstick and of Geophytical Research, v. 78, no. 27, p, 6325- Wenatchee formation--Tertiary fluviel and lacus­ 8339, trine rocks, Chiwaukum greben, Washington; Summa­ ry: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. GRILL, E. V., see 92, no. 5, part I, p. 233-236. GARRISON, R. E. [and others], 1989. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY GUFFANTI, MARIANNE 95

GRIM, M. S.; BENNETT, L. c., JR., 1968, Geophysi­ GRUBAUGH, PHIL, see cal investigations of the continental shelf off SCOFIELD, D. H. [and others], 1984. the coast of Washington--A preliminary report [ab­ stract]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, GRYTA, J. J., 1975, Landslides along the western v. 49, no. 1, p. 524-525. shore of Hood Canal, northern Mason County, Wash­ ington: North Carolina State University Master of GRIM, M. S.; BENNETT, L. C.. JR., 1969, Shel low Science thesis, 120 p., 3 plates. seismic profiling of the continental shelf off Greys Harbor, Washington. I!!. McMenus, o. A.; Ben­ GRYTA, J. J., see also nett, L. c., Jr.; end others, 1969, Research on CARSON, R. J. [and others], 1974. the continental shelf off Washington and western Alaska from August 1968 through June 19891 Uni­ GUALTIERI, J. L4 SIMMONS, G. C., 1974, High-angle versity of Washington Department of Oceanography faults in the Swauk Formation of the central Cas­ Special Report 41, p. 72-92. cade Range, Washington [abstract]: U.S. Geologi­ cal Survey Professional Peper 900, p. 49. GRIM, M. S.; BENNETT, L. C., JR., 1969, Shallow sub-bottom geology of the Washington shelf off GUALTIERI, J 0 L.; SIMMONS, G. C.; THURBER, H. K.; Grays Harbor [abstract]: Eos [American Gaophyai­ MILLER, M. S., 1973, Mineral resources of the cat Union Transactions), v. 50, no. 2, p. 63-64. Alpine Lakes study area, Chelan, King, and Kitti­ tas Counties, Washington; with a section on Aero­ GRIM, M. S.; BENNETT, L. C., JR.; HARMAN, R. A., magnetic interpretation, by w. E. Davis: U.S. 1988, Shallow seismic profiling of the continental Geological Survey Open-File Report 73-93, 132 p., shelf off Greys Harbor, Washington [abstract]: 2 plates. American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 49, no. 1, p. 209. GUALTIERI, J. L.; THURBER, H.K.; MILLER, M. S.; MCMAHAN, A. B.; FEOERSPia, F. F., 1975, Mineral GRIM, M. s., see also resources of additions to the Alpine Lakes study BENNETT, L. C., JR. [and others}, 1988. ares, Chelan, King, and Kittitas Counties, Wash­ ington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report GRIMSTAD, PEDER, 1971, Geology and ground water 75-3, 181 p., 2 plates. resources, Lake McMurray area, Snohomish'and Skagit Counties, Washington: Washington Depart­ GUARD, A. K., see ment of Ecology Technical Report 7l-19, 30 p. CARITHERS, WARD [and others], 1945.

GRIMSTAD, PEOERJ CARSON, A. J., 1981, Geology and Gl:FFANTI, MARIANNE, 1985, Previous estimates by ground-water resources of eastern Jefferson Coun­ the U.S. Geological Survey of geothermal resources ty, Washington: Washington Department of Ecology of the Cascade Range. !Q Guffanti, Marianne; Water-Supply Bulletin 54, 126 p., 3 plates. Muffler, L. J. P., editors, 1986, Proceedings of the workshop on geothermal resources of the Cas­ GRIVETTI, R. M., see cade Range: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le WARREN, W. c. [and others], 1945. Report 85-521, p. 10-13. WARREN, w. C. [ and others], 1954. GUFFANTI, MARIANNE; MUFFLER, L. J. P., EDITORS,

GROCOCK, G. R0 , see 1985, Proceedings of the workshop on geothermal RAU, w. w. [and others], 1973. resources of the Cascade Range: U.S. Geological RAU, w. w. [and others], 1974. Survey Open-File Report 85-521, BS p.

GROMME, C. S.; BECK, M. E., JR.; WELLS, A. E.; GUFFANTI, MARIANNE; WEAVER, C. S., 1986, Distribu­ ENGEBRETSON, o. c., 1986, Paleomagnetism of the tion of late Cenozoic volcanic vents in the Cas­ Tertiary Clarno Formation of central Oregon and cade Range and northwestern Basin and Range pro­ its significance for the tectonic history of the vince [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Pacific Northwest: Journal of Geophysical Transactions}, v. 67, no. 44, p. 1226. Research, v. 91, no. 814, p. 14,089-14,103. 98 GUFFANTI, MARIANNE SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

GUFFANTI, MARIANNE; WEAVER, C. S., 1988, Distribu­ Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., comp i Lers, tion of late Cenozoic volcanic vents in the Cas­ 19B4t Summaries of technical reports, volume cade Range--Yolcanic arc segmentation and regional XVIII, prepared by participants in National Earth­ tectonic conafdarationa: Journal of' Geophysical quake Hazards Reduction Program: U.S. Geological Re&aarch, v. 93, no. BB, p. 6513-t529. Survey Open-File Report B4-t28, p. 429-432.

GUFFANTI, MARIANNE, aae also , D. M.;, MELLMAN, G. R., 1983, Strong ground NATHENSON, MANUEL [and others}, 1983. motion studies application to Puget Sound. lo. Jacobson, M. L., compiler, 1983, Summaries of GUINN, S. J., 1983, A ma rf ti ma v il Lage on tha technical reports, Volume XVIIt U.S. Geological Olympic Peninsula of' Washington: Washington State Survey Open-File Report 83-918, p. 153-155. University Laboratory of' Anthropology Report of Investigations 22, 73 p. (Master of Arts in HADLEY, D. M,, see also Anthropology thesis.) IHNEN, s. M. [and others], 1984,. IHNEN, s. M. (and others], 1985. GUNKEL, ALEXANDER, 1981, A comparative cultural IHNEN, s. M. [and others], 1986. analysis of four archaological sites in the Rocky IHNEN, s. M. [and others], 1987. Reach Reservoir region, Washington: Washington State University Master of Arts thesis, 321 p. HAENI, F. P., 1982, Disposition of mudsl ids mater­ ials from Mount St. Helens [abstract]: U.S. Geo­ GUNNISON, o., sea logical Survey Profeaatonal Paper 1275, p. 112. BRANNON, J. M. [and others}, 1984. HAGEN, R. A., 1981, The geology and petrology of GUPTA, J. C., see the Northcraft Formation, Lewis County, Washing­ KURTZ, R. D. [and others], 1986. ton: University of Oregon Master of Science the­ sis, 252 p., 1 plate. GUSEY, o. L., 1978, The geology of southwestern Pidalgo Island, Washington: Western Washington HAJNAL, Z., see University Master of Science theaia, 85 p., 1 CLOWES, R. M. [and others], 1983. plate. HALES, P. O., sea GUSEY, o. L.; BROWN, E. H., 1987, The Fidalgo DEACON, R. J. [and others]. 1988. ophiolita, Washington. l!! Hill, M. L., aditor, 1987, Cordilleran section of the Geologioal Socie­ HALEY, M. X., see ty of' America: Geological Society of' America DNAG BROWN, P. P. [end others], 1981. Centennial Field Guide 1, p. 389-392. SOROTA, M. o. [and others], 1981.

GUSTAFSON, C. E., 1985, The Manis Mastodon site. HALL, J. B.; OTHBER8, K. L., 1974, Thickness of l!! National Geographic Society, 1985, On research unconsolidated sediments, Puget Lowland, Washing­ and exploration projects supportad by the National ton: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Geographic Society, for which an initial grant or Resources Geologic Map GM-12, 3 p., 1 sheet, scale continuing support was providad in the year 1979: 1:250,DDO. National Geographic Society Research Report 20, p. 283-295. HALL, J. s., sea at so OTHBERG, K. L. [and others], 1976. GUTENBERG, BENO, EDITOR, 1951, Earthquakes in North America: Smithsonian Institute Annual HALL, R. K,, see Report 1950, Publication 4025, p. 303-318. FIELD, M. E. [and others], 1983.

GWILLIA1'4, W. J., see HALL, TAMMY, sea COHEN, K. K. [and others], 1987. LASMANIS, RAYMOND [and others], 1985.

HADLEY, D. M.; IHNEN, S. M., 1984, Strong ground HALL, W0 J.; MOHRAZ, B.; NEWMARK, N. M., 1976, motion studies application to Puget Sound. l!! Statistical studies of vertical end horizontal AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY HAMMOND, P. E. 97 earthquake spectra: u.s;. National Technical HAMILTON, WARREN; MYERS, W. B., 1966, Cenozoic Information Service PB 248 232, 2 sheets micro­ tectonics of the western United States: Review of fiche [140 p.]. Geophysics, v. 4, no. 4, p. 509-549.

HALLET, B., see HAMILTON, WARREN; MYERS, W. B., 1966, Cenozoic BROWN, N. E. [and others], 1987. tectonics of the western United States. !n Irvine, T. N., 1966, The world rift system-International HALLIDAY, D. W., see Upper Mantle Committee Symposium, Ottawa, 1985: THOMAS, M. D. [end others], 1988. Canada Geological Survey Peper 68-14, p. 291-306.

HALLIDAY, w. R., 1980, Post-eruptive mudflow HAMILTON, WARREN; MYERS, W. B., 1988, Cenozoic impact on the Mount St. Helens caves, Washington: tectonic relationships between the western United Washington Speleological survey Bulletin 14; States and the Pacific basin. 1!!. Dickinson, w. R.; Western Speleological Survey Series 61, 4 p. Grantz, ArthUr, editors, 1968, Proceedings of Con­ ference on Geologic Problems of Sen Andreas Fault HALLOIN, L. J., 1987, Soil survey of Clallam Coun­ System: Stanford University Publications Geologi­ ty area, Washington: U.S. Soil Conservation Ser­ cal Sciences, v. 11, p. 342-357. vi ca, 213 p., 87 p la tea.. HAMLIN, W. H., 1982, Geology and foraminifera of HALPEN, J. F., see the Mount Walker-Ouilcena-Leland Lake area, Jef­ YORATH, C. J. [and others], 1987. ferson County, Washington: University of Washing­ ton Mester of Science thesis, 127 p. HALSTEAD, E. C., 1968, The Cowichen Ice tongue, Vancouver Island: Canadian Journal of Earth Sci­ HAMMON>, H. E., see ences, v. 5, no. 6, p. 1409-1415. MARTINSON, H. A. [end others], 1986.

HAMILL, M. L., see HAMMON>, P. E., 1983, Structure and stratigraphy KIENLE, C. F., JR. [and others], 1978. of the Keechelus volcanic group and associated Tertiary rocks in the west-central Cascade Range, HAMILTON, J. C., see Washington: University of Washington Doctor of SHACKLETTE, H. T. [end others], 1971. Philosophy thesis, 294 p., 2 plates.

HAMILTON, T. D., see HAMMOND, P. E., 1964, Structure and stratigraphy PORTER, S. C. [end others], 1983. of the Keechalus volcanic group and associated Tertiary rocks in the west-central Cascade Range, HAMILTON, T. S.; LUTERNAUER, J. L., 1983, Late Washington [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts, v. nuaternary see floor displacements in the Streit 24, no. 7, p. 2869. of Georgia [abstract]: Geological Association of Canada Program with Abstracts, v. 8, p. A30. HAMMOND, P. E., 1968, Structural framework of the southern Cascade Range, Washington [abstract]: HAMILTON, WARREN, 1978, Mesozoic tectonics of the Northwest Science, v. 42~ no. 1, p. 34. western United States. !n liowel L, o. G.; McDou­ gal L, K. A., editors, 1978, Mesozoic peleogeogra­ HAMMON), P. E., 1973, Preliminary geologic map of phy of the western United States: Society of the southern Cascade Range: Washington Division Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Pacific of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File Report Section, Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium 2, 73-3, 5 sheets, scale 1:500,000. P• 33-70. HAMMON), P. E., 1975, Preliminary geologic map and HAMILTON, WARREN, 1987, Plate-tectonic evolution cross-sections with emphasis on Quaternary volcan­ of the western U.S.A.: Ep i sodas, v. 10, no. 4, p. ic rocks, southern Cascade Mountains, Washington: 271-276. Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fi le Report 75-13, 1 sheet, scale 1:125,000. 98 HAMMON), P. E. SEISMIC HAZAJIOS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

HAMMON:t, P. E., 1975, Soma radiocarbon detn in Cascade arc {abstracth Eos {American Geophysical surficial deposits of the Portland areec Ora Bin, Union Transactions), v. &a. no. 44, p. 1525. v. 37, no. 10, p. 161-162. HAMMOND, P. e., 1987, Lone Butte and Crazy Hills-­ HAMMOND, P. E., 1977, Reoonnaiaaanca geologic map Subglacial volcanic co111plexes. Cascade Range, and cross-sections of southern Cascade Range, Washfngto1t,, 1Jl Hill, M. L., editor, 1987, Washington, latitude 45 degreaa 30 minutea - If! Cotrdilleran section or the Geological Society of degrees 15 minutes N., longitude 120 dagreaa 45 A111arica: Geological Society of America ONAG Cen­ minutes - 122 degrees 22.5 minutes W., scale tennial Field Guida 1, p. 339-344.. 1:125,000 [abetrect]c Geological Society of Amer­ ica Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, no. 7, p. 1003- HAMMOND, P. E.; BENTLEY' R. o.; BROWN, J. c.; 1004. EllitGSON, J. A.; SWANSON, D. A., 1977, Volcanic stratigraphy and structure of the southern Cascade HAMMOND, P. E., 1977, Structure, stratigraphy, Range, Washington. l!! Srown, E. H.; Ellis, R. c., plutonism and volcanism of the central Cascades, editors, 1977, Geological excursions in the Pacif­ Washington; Part IV, Stratigraphy, structure, and ic Northwest, Geological Society of America annual plutonism along the upper Yakima and southern fork meeting, 1977c Western Washington University, p. Snoqualmie River Valleys, central Cascade Range, 127-169. Washington. In. Brown, E. H.; Ellie, R. D., edi­ tors, 1977, Geological excursions in the Pacific HAMMOND, P. E.; KOAOSEC, M. A., 1983, Geochemical Northwest: Western Weshington University, p. 292- analyses, age dates, and flow-volume estimates for 3DB. Quaternary volcanic rocks, southern Cascade Moun­ tains, Weahington: Washington Division of Geology HAMMOND, P. E., 1979, Regional tectonic setting of and Earth Resources Open-Fi la Report 83-13, 36 p., the Cascade Range [abstract]. In. Pacific Northwest 1 plate. Metals and Minarets Conference, 8th, Portland, Ore., 1978; New horizons in minerals end metale& HAMMOND, P. E.; PEOERSEN, S. A.; HOPKINS, K. D.; American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and AIKEN, DAN; HARLE, D. S.; DANES, Z. F.; KONICEK, Petroleum Engineers, 1 P• D. L.; STRICKLIN, c. R., 1976, Geology and gravim­ etry of the Quaternary basaltic volcanic field, HAMMOND, P. E., 1978, Tectonic stages in Cenozoic southern Cascade Range, Washington. In Fourier, R. evolution of southern Cascade Range, Washington o., chairperson, 1978, United Nations Symposium on [abatract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union the Development and Use of Geothermal Resources, Transactions), v. 59, no. 4, p. 233. 2nd, Procaadings1 U.S. Government Printing Of­ fice, v. 1, p. 397-406. HAMMOND, P. E., 1979, A tectonic model for evolu­ tion of the Caecade Range. l!!. Armantrout, J. M.; HAMMOND, P. E.; PEDERSEN, S. A.; STRICKLIN, C. R., Cols, R. M.; Tar Bast, Herry, Jr., editors, 1979, 1975, Geology end gravimetry of the Quaternary Cenozoic peleogeography of the western United basaltic volcanic field, southern Cascade Range, States: Society of Economic Paleontologiate end Washington (abstract]: United Nations Symposium Mineralogists Pacific Section, Pacific Coast on the Development and Use of Geothermal Resour­ Paleogeography Symposium 3, p. 219-237. ces, 2nd, Abstracts, [unpaginated).

HAMMON:t, P. E., 1980, Reconnaissance geologic map HAMMOND, P. E., sea also and cross sections of southern Washington Cascade LAURSEN, J, M. [and others], 1974. Range, latitude 45 degrees 30 minutes N - 47 LAURSEN, J. M. (and others], 1979. degrees 15 minutes N., longitude 120 degrees 45 SCHUSTER, J. E. [ and others], 1978. minutes - 122 degrees 22,.!S minutes W.: Portland YEATS, R. s. {and others], 1977. State University Department of Earth Sciences, 31 p., 2 plates, scale 1:125,000. HAMMOND, S. R.; DELANEY, J. R., 1985, Evolution of Axial volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge [abstract]: Eos HAMMOND, P. E., 1987, Geometry of the early Ceno­ {American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 66, zoic sedimentary and volcanic prism composing the no. 46, p. 925-928. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY HANSON, K. L. 99

HAMMOND, s. R.; MALAHOFF, ALEXANDER, 1982, Struc­ HANSEN, B. S.; EASTERBROOK, D. J., 1974, Stratig­ ture of the Juan de Fuca Ridge hotspot region from raphy and palynology of late Quaternary sediments seebeam bethymetry [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ in the Puget Lowland, Washington: Geological physical Union Transactions), v. 83, no. 18, P• Society of America Bulletin, v. 85, no. 4, p. 587- 447. 802.

HAMMOND, s. R.; MALAHOFF, ALEXANDER; HEY, R. N., HANSEN, B. S., see al so 1981, Detailed bathymetric evidence for recent EASTERBROOK, O. J. [and others], 1971. rifting at the Cobb propagator, Juan de Fuca Ridge [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union HANSEN, H. P., 1943, Paleoecology of a monteria Transact ions}, v. 82, no. 45, p. 1028. peat deposit near Lake Wenatchee, Washington [ab­ stract]: Annotated Bibliography of Economic HAMMOND, S. R., see also Geology, v. 15, no. 2, p. 232-233. CURRIE, R. G. [and others], 1984,. DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1984,. HANSEN, H. P., 1974, Pollan analysis of a deep DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1988. section from Lake Weshington, Seattle: Bi rbsl DELANEY, J. R. [and others], 1988. Sahni Institute of Peleobotany Spacial Publication EMBLEY, R. w. {and others], 198S. 5, p. 1-4. JACOBSON, R. S. [and others], 1987. KARSTEN, J. L. [and others], 1988. HANSEN, H., P.; MACKIN, J. H., 1940, A further MALAHOFF, ALEXANDER [and others], 1982. study of interglacial peat from Weahington: Tor­ MALAHOFF, ALEXANDER [and others], 1983. rey Botanical Club Bulletin, v. 67, no. 2, p. 131- 142. HAMPTON, M. A.; KARL, H. A.; KENYON, N. H., 1984, Gaomorphic features of the Oregon-Washington EEZ HANSEN, OMAR, see [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ CROWSER, J. c. [end others], 1975. stracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 8, p. 529. HANSON, K. L., 1976, Compressibility map of the HAMPTON, M. A.; KARL, H. A.; KENYON, N. H., 1984, Uncas-Port Ludlow area, Jefferson County, Washing­ Sonograph mosaic of the Oregon-Washington EEZ ton: Washington Diviaiori of Geology and Earth [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Resources Operi-Fila Report 78-17, 1 sheet, scale Transact ions), v. 85, no. 45, p. 1083. 1&24,000.

HAMPTON, M.A.; KARL, H. A.; KENYON, N. H., 1985, HANSON, K. L., 1978, Geologic map of the Uncas­ Geomorphic features of Oregon-Washington project Port Ludlow area, Jefferson County, Washington: EEZ-SCAN [abstract]: American Association of Washirigton Division of Geology end Earth Resources Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 89, no. 2, p. Open-Fi la Report 76-20, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. 262. HANSON, K. L., 1976, Slope stability map of the HAMPTON, M. A., see also Uncas-Port Ludlow area, Jefferson Courity, Washirig­ EEZ-SCAN GROUP (CACCHIONE, D. A. [and ton: Washington Division of Geology and Earth others], 1986. Resources Open-File Report 76-18, 1 sheet, scale GARDNER, J. v. [and others], 1986. 1:24,000.

HANCOCK, w. E.. 1981, A newer look at earthquake HANSON, K. L., 1976, Waste-disposal map of the hazards in the Puget Sound depraasion [abstract]: Uricas-Port Ludlow area, Jefferson County, Washirig­ Association of Engineering Geologists, 1981 Annual ton: Washington Division of Geology end Earth Meeting, Program with Abstracts, p. 37-38. Resourcee Open-Fila Report 76-7, 1 sheet, scale 1 :24,000. HANCOCK, w. E., see al so MANN, L. V. [end others], 1981. HANSON, K. L., 1977, The Quaternary and environ­ msntal geology of the Uncas-Port Ludlow area, Jef­ HANNA, W. F., see ferson County, Washington: University of Oregon BROWN, R. O., JR. [and others], 1971. Master of Science thesis, 82 p., 5 plates. 100 HANSON, K. L. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

HANSON, K. L.; CARSON, R. J., 1978, lillacial encl HARLE, D. S., 1974, Geology cf Babyshoe Ridge environmental geology of the Uncaa-Port Ludlow area, southern Cascades, Washington: Oregon State area, Jefferson County, Washington (abatractJ: University Maatar of Science thesis, 71 p., 1 Oregon Academy er Science Proceedings, v. 12, p. plate. 88. HAFLE, D. S.. see al so HANSON, K. L., H8 al eo HAMMOND, P. E. [encl others], 1978. DOHRENWEND, J. C. [encl others), 19719. MCCLEARY, J. R. [and othara], 197S. HAFLOW, 0. H., sea DECKER, R. w. [and others], 1970. HANSON, L. G., 1979, Surficisl geologic map of the ENDO, E. T. [and others], 1973. Wenatchee quad, Washington, Washington Diviaion of Geology encl Earth Raaources Open-Fi le Report HARMAN, R. A., see 79-14, 1 sheet, scale 11250,000. GRIM, M. S. (and others], 19BS.

HANSON, L. G., 1986, Scanea from ancient Portland HARPER, J. R., 889 -Sketches of major events in the city'a geologic CLAGUE, J. J. [and others], 1982. history: Oregon Geology, v. 48, no. 11, p. 130- 131. HARR, R. D., 888 FRBIRIKSEN, R. L. [and others], 1979. HANSON, s. L., see AL8ERMISSEN, S. T. [and otharal, 1982. HARRISON, J. c.; BROWN, e. L.; SPIESS, F-. N., PERKINS, D. M. [and othns], 1980. 1957, Gravity measurement& in the northeastern Pacific Ocean: American Geophysical Union Trans­ HARAKAL, J. E., see ect i one, v. 38, no. a, p. 835-840. GREEN, N. L. [and others], 1988. HARRISON, SYLVIA; FRITZ, W. J., 1982, Depositional HAfllING, s. T., 1988, Investigation of seiemic­ features of March 1982 Mount St. Helena sediment weve propagation for determination of crustal flows: Natura, v. 299, no. 5885, p. 720-722. structure. !Jl Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1988, National earthquake hazards HARRISON, SYLVIA, aaa al so reduction program, summaries of technical reports FRITZ, w. J. [end others], 1982. Volume XXV: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fila FRITZ, w. J. [and others], 1983. Rapa rt 88-16, p. 815-67. FRITZ, w. J. [end others], 1985.

HAfllING, S. T.; BAANHAfll, T. P., 1987, Poeaible HARRISON, w. J., 1984, Paleomagnatiam cf four late Holocene faulting as indicated from marine eeiamfc Cr•taceoua plutona, north Cascades, Washington: -reflection survey in Puget Sound, Washington [ab­ Western Washington University Master of Science stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ thaais, 108 p. tions), v. 68, no. 44, p. 1240-1241. HART-CRDWSER AND ASSOCIATES, INC., 1974, Geology HARDING, s. T., see also of the Port of Tacoma: Hart-Crowser and Associ­ ALGERMISSEN, s. T. [and others], 1985. ates, Inc. [Seattle, Waah.J, 40 p.

HARDY, J. J., JR., see HART-CROWSER AND ASSOCIATES, INC., 1980, Design DAVIS, G. H. [and others], 1980. phase subsurface exploration and gaotechnicel engineering study, Phase I-- Creek property, HARDY, R. L., see Tacoma, Washington: Hart-Crowser and Associates, HOLDAHL, S. R. [and others], 1979. Inc. (Seattle, Wash.], 1 v., 2 plates.

HARLAN, JANIS, see HART-CROWSER AND ASSOCIATES, INC., 1981, Proposed ANDERSON, J. S. [ancl others], 1979. demonstration of mine opening closure for steeply pitching, abandoned, underground coal. mines, King AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY HAUGERUD, R. A. 101

County, Washington: Hart-Crowser and Associates, HARTZaL, s. H., see also Inc. [Seattle, Wash.], 1 vol., 2 plates. HEATON, T. H. [and others], 1984,, HEATON, T. H. [and others], 1985. HART-CROWSER AND ASSOCIATES, INC., 19B1, Subsur­ HEATON, T. H. [and others], 1986. face exploration and gaotechnical engineering HEATON, T. H. [and others], 1987. study, proposed Terminal 91 redevelopment, Port of Seattle, Washington: Hart-Crowser and Associates, HAFVEY, J. L., 1959, A geologic reconnaissance in Inc. [Seattle, Wash., under contract to Port of the southwest Olympic Peninsula: University of Seattle], 1 v. Washington Master of Science thesis, 53 p., 1 plate. HART-CROWSER AND ASSOCIATES, INC., 1981, Subsur­ feca explorations and general design phase, gao­ HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY, 1966, Cowlitz power tachnical engineering study, proposed Tacoma development, FPC project no. 2016, Mayfield pro­ sports/convention canter: Hart-Crowser and Assoc­ Ject--Report on geology: Harza Engineering iates, Inc. [Seattle, Wash.], 1 v. Company [under contract to Tacoma Department of Public Utilities], 1 v., 2 plates. HART-CROWSER AND ASSOCIATES, INC., 1986, Subsur­ face explorations and gaotachnical engineering HASEGAWA, H. S., 1975, A seismological interpreta­ study, proposed Seattle Tacoma International Air­ tion of the Fourier amplitude spectrum of ground port terminal expansion, Seattle, Washington: acceleration: Canadian Conference on Earthquake Hert-Crowser and Associates, Inc. [Seattle, Wash., Engineering, 2nd, Proceedings, p. 1-9. under contract to Port of Seattle], 1 v. HATCHER, R. D., JR., see HART-CROWSER AND ASSOCIATES, INC., 1986, Subsur­ ZIETZ, ISIDORE [and others], 1982. face explorations and geotechnical feasibility ZIETZ, ISIDORE [and others], 1983. study, proposed Tacoma terminals pier extension, Port of Tacoma, Washington: Hart-Crowser and HATTON, TOM, see Associates, Inc. [Seattle, Wash., under contract GABLE, D. J. [end others], 1983. to] the Port of Tacoma, 1 v. HAUGERUO, A. A., 1979, Map of the bedrock geology HARTMAN, D. A., 1973, Geology and Low-grade meta­ of the north Cascades and surrounding areas: morphism of the Greenwatar River arae, central Western WBBhington University Department of Geolo­ Ceeoada Range, Waahington1 University of Washing­ gy, 2 aheate, scale 1:250,000. ton Doctor of' Philosophy thesis, 99 p., 2 plates. HAUGERUD, R. A., 1980, The Shuksan Metamorphic HARTMAN, o. A., 1974, Geology and low-grade meta­ Suite end Shuksan thrust, Mt. Watson E!rea, north morphism of the Greenwater River area, central Cascades, Washington: Western Washington Univer­ Cascade Range, Washington [abstract]: Disserta­ sity Master of Science thesis, 125 p., 2 plates. tion Abstracts International, v. ;35, no. 1, Sec­ tion B, p. 324-B. HAUGERUD, R. A., 1984, Age, cl inopyroxene chemis­ try, end tectonics of the Hozameen Group, north HARTMAN, R. R., sea Cascades, NW Washington and SW British Columbia AGOCS, w. B. [and others], 1956. [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ AGOCS, W. B. [and others], 1957. stracts with Programs, v. 16, no. s, p. 532.

HARTWELL, J. N., 1979, A peleocurrent analysis of HAUGERUO, A. A., 1985, Ross Lake feu l t zone (RLZ) a portion of the Chuckanut depositional basin near in the Maaelpenik area, SW 8.C., a major sheer Bellingham, Washington: Western Washington Uni­ zone during the Eocene [abstract]: Geological versity Master of Science thesis, 85 p., 1 plate. Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 6, p. 380. HARTZELL, s. H.; HEATON, T. H., 1984, Estimating the source parameters from a major subduction zone HAUGERUD, R. A., 1987, Argon geochronology of the earthquake in the Pacific Northwest [abstract]: Tenpeak pluton and untilting of the Wenatchee Earthquake Notes, v. 55, no. 1, p. 15. block, north Cascades Range, Washington [eb- 102 HAUGERUD, R. A. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHIN3TDN stract]: Eos (American Geophysicel Union Trensec­ HAYS, w. W.; GORI, P. L., 1986, Background and tions), v. 88, no. 52, p. 1814. eum•sry of th• workshop on asrthquake hazards in the Puget Sound, Wash f ngton area. !Jl Hays, w. W.;

HAUGERUD, R. A.; MORRISON, M. L.f BROWN, E0 H., Gori, P. L., editors, 1986, Proceedings of confer­ 1191, Struoturel end metemorphic hietory or the ence >OOOO

HAUPTMAN, J. L., 1983, The sedimsntology or the HAYS, w. W., see also Wenatchee Formstion--Lete Paleogene fluvfsl end KOCKELMAN, W. J. (and others], 1986. lacustrine strata of the east-central Cascade Range, Washington Stats: University or Washington HEARN, B. c., JR., see Master of Science thesis, 164 p. ZIETZ, ISIDORE [and others], 1971. ZIETZ, ISIDORE {and others], 1975. HAUSER, E. C., see POTTER, C. J. [end others], 1885. HEATH, M. T. 1966, Mineralization of the Silver POTTER, C. J. [end others], 1987. Star stock, Skamania County, Waahington: Univer­ sity or Waahington Mester or Science thesis, 55 HAUSHILO, W. L., sea p., 2 plates. ARNDT, H. H. [end others], 1977. ARNDT, H. H. [end others], 1980. HEATH, M. T. 1971, Bedrock geology of the Monte Cristo area, northern Cascades, Washington: Uni­ HAWKINS, N. M.; CROSSON, R. S., 1975, CeusH, versity of Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, characteristics end effects or Puget Sound eerth­ 164 p., 1 plate. quskes: U.S. National Conraranc• on Earthquake Enginasring, 1975, Proceedings, p. 104-112. HEATH, M. T. 1972, Bedrock geology of the Monte Cristo area, northern Cascades, Washington [ab­ HAWKINS, N. M., sea also stract): Dissertation Abstracts International, v. GONEN, BEHRAM {and others], 1174. 32, no. 8, Section B, p. 4670-8-4671-B.

HAWLEY, D. L.; BREWSTER, S. e.. JR., 1982, A ther­ HEATON, T. H• 1986, Northwest U.S. subduction mal infrared survey of selected sites in the Cas­ zone risk assessment. !Jl Jacobson, M. L.; Rodri­ cade Mountain Range of California, Oregon and guez, T. R., compilers, l986, National Earthquake Washington, surveyed July 1981. !Jl Cardwell, F. Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of technical S.; end others, editors, 1982, 1982 ACSSM-ASP fall reports volume XXII: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ convention: American Congress of Surveying and File Report 86-383, p. 591-595. Mapping, Fell Technical Meeting 1981, Technical Papers, p. 195-201. HEATON, T. H., 1986, Northwest U.S. subduction zone risk asaessment. !Jl Jacobson, M. L.; Rodri­ HAYES, D. E.; PITMAN, W. C., III, 1970, Magnetic guez, T. R., compilers, 1986, National Earthquake lineationa in the north Pacific. !Jl Haya, J. D., Hazard• Reduction Program, summaries of technical editor, 1970, Geological investigations in th• reports, volume XXIII: U.S. Geological Survey north Pacific: Geological Society of America Open-Fi la Report 87-BS, p. 683-887. Memoir 128, p. 291-314. HEATON, T. H.; HARTZELL, S. H., 1984, Northwest HAYES, o. E., sea also U.S. subduction zone seismic risk assessment. !!l PITMAN, W. C., III [and others], 1961. Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1984, Summaries of technical reports, volume AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY HEBENSTREIT, G. T. 103

XVIII, prepared by participants in National Earth­ HEATON, T. H.; KANAMORI, HIROO, 1983, Seismic quake Hazards Reduction Program: U.S. Geological potential associated with subduction in the north­ Survey Open-Fi Le Report 84-628, p. 171-173. western United States [abstract]: Earthquake Notes, v. 54, l"lo. 3, p. 19-20. HEATON, T. H.; HARTZELL, S. H., 1985, Estimates of potential shallow subduction earthquakes in the HEATON, T. H.; KANAMORI, HIROO, 1983, SUbduction northwestern U.S. [abstract]: Earthquake Notes, in the l"lorthwastern United States; seismic or v. 56, no. 1, p. 18. eseismic? [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 84, no. 45, p. 842. HEATON, T. H.; HARTZELL, S. H., 1985, Northwest U.S. subduction zone risk assessment. l!! Jacobson, HEATON, T. H.; KANAMORI, HIROO, 1984, Seismic M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R. compi lars, 1985, Summaries potential associated with subduction in the north­ of technical reports, volume XD<, prepared by par­ western United States: Seismological Society of ticipants in National Earthquake Hazards Reduction America Bulletin, v. 74, no. 3, p. 933-941. Program: U.S. Geological survey Open-File Report 05-22, p. 102-185. HEATON, T. H.; KANAMORI, HIROO, 1985, Reply to H. Acharye•s "Commel"ltS on 'Seismic potential associa­ HEATON, T. H.; HARTZELL, S. H., 1985, Northwest ted with subductiol"I in the northwestern United U.S. subduction zone risk assessment. l!! Jacobson, Statesm: Seismological Society of America Bulle­ M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1985, National tin, v. 75, no. 3, p. 891-892. Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, SUmmariea of Technical Reports Volume XX: U.S. Geological Sur­ HEATON, T. H.; SNAVELY, P. D., JR., 1985, Posaib la vey Open-File Report 85-464, p. 140. tsunami along tha northwestern coast of the United States inferred from Indian traditions: Seismo­ HEATON, T. H.; HARTZELL, s. H., 19815, Northwest logical Society of America Bullet in, v. 75, no. 15, U.S. subduction zone risk assessment. l!! Jacobson, p. 1455-1460. M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1985, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of HEATON, T. H., sea also technical reports Volume XXI: U.S. Geological HARTZaL, S. H. [and others], 1984. Survey Open-Fi le Report 88-31, p. 620-S25. HEBDA, R. J.; MATHEWES, R. W., 1984, Holocene his­ HEATON, T. H.; HARTZELL, S. H., 1906, Earthquakes tory of cedar and native Indian cultures of the potential associated with the Cascadia subduction North American Pacific Coast: Science, v. 225, zone. In Hays, W. W.; Gori, P. L., editors, 1986, no. 4683, p. 711-713. Proceedings of conference XXXIII, "Earthquake hazards in the Puget Sound, Washington area,", HEBDA, R. J., sea el so U.S. Geological survey Open-ft la Report B&-253, p. CLAGUE, J. J. [and others], 1982. 52-57. CLAGUE, J. J. [and others], 1983. HICOCI<, S. R. [and others], 1982. HEATON, T. H.; HARTZELL, S. H., 1988, Source char­ actarist ics of hypothetical subduction earthquakes HEBENSTREIT, G. T., 1987, Tsunami threat analysis in the northwaatarn United States: Seismological for the Pacific Northwest. l!! Jacobson, M. L.; Society of America Bullet in, v. 76, no. 3, p. 675- Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1987, National Earth­ 703. quake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of technical reports Volume XXIV: U.S. Geological HEATON, T. H.; HARTZELL, S. H., 1987, Earthquake Survey Open-File Report 87-374, p. 605-608. hazards on the Cascadia subduction zone: Science, v. 236, no. 4798, p. 182-168. HEBENSTREIT, G. T., 1988, Tsunami threat analysis for the Pacific Northwest. In Jacobson, M. L.1 HEATON, T. H.; KANAMORI, HIROO, 1983, Seismic Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1988, National earth­ potential associated with subduction in the north­ quake hazards reduction program, summaries of western United States: [Privately published by technical reports Volume XXV: U.S. Geological the authors, Pasadena, Calif.], 20 p. Survey Open-File Report 88-18, p. 550-555. 104 HEDDERLY-SMITH, D. A. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN: WASHINGTON

HEDDERLY-SMITH, D. A., 1975, Geology of the Sun­ pilers, 1979, Forest soils of the Dougla11t...-fir rise breccia pipe, Sultan Basin, Snohomish County, regions Washington State Univel'sity Cooperative Washington: University of Washington Master of Extenaion Service, p. 121-137. Science thesis, 80 p., 2 plates. HEILMAft, P. E.a ANDERSON, H. W., 1979, Baolt>GY of

HEDGES, J. I.; ERTEL, J. R.; LEOPOLD, E0 B., 1982, the Oouglaa-ftr regian--Introductiof\o l!1 Hattman,

Lignin gaoche11istry of e late Quaternary eedimant P. e.; Anderaon, K0 w., Jr.; Be.umgartner, D. M., core from Lake Washington: Geochimica et Cosmo­ compilers, 1979, Forest soils of the Douglas-fir chimica Acta, v. 46, no. 10, p. 1989-1877. region: Washington State University Cooperative Extenetan Service, p. 3-5.

HEDGES, J 0 I.; ERTEL, J. R.; LEOPOLD, E. B., 1982, Lignin geochemistry of a late Quaternary sediment HEILMAN, P. E.; ANDERSON. H. W., 1981, Geology of core from Lake Washington [abstract]: American the Douglas-fir region; A--lntroduction to the Quaternary Association, 7th Biennial Conference, geology section. Ill Heilman, P. E.; Anderson, H. Program and Abstracts, p. 100. W.; Baumgartner, D. M., editors, 1981, Forest soils of the Douglas-fir region; revised edition: HEDGES, J. I., see also Washington State University Cooperative Extension LEOPOLD, E. B. [end others}, 1982. Service, p. 3-5.

HEDGES, J. w., 1949, A geology of the Baar Canyon HEILMAN, P. E.; ANDERSON, H. W.; BAUMGARTNER, D. aree1 College of Puget Sound Mester of Science M., COMPILERS, 1979, Forest soils of the Douglas­ thesis, 151 p., 4 plates. fir region1 Washington State University Coopera­ tive Extension Service, 293 p. HEDLUtl>, GEAALD, 1978, Geography, geology, and prehiatory of the Green River Watershed. Ill HEILMAN, P. E.; ANDERSON, H. W.; BAUMGARTNER, D. Hedlund, Gerald; Ross, J.A.; Sutton, R. K., 1979, M., EDITORS, 1981, Forest soils of the Dougles-fi r A cultural resource overview of the Green River region; revised edition: Washington State Univer­ Watershed area: Washington Archaeological sity Cooperative Extension Service, 298 p. Research Center Project Report 59, p. 1-29. HEINRICHS, D. F.; BERG, J. W., JR.; EM ILIA, D. A.,

HEFFNER, J. T., see 1971 1 Magnetic studies off the Pacific Northwest. DUt«:AN, S. H. [and others], 1987. Ill National Academy of Sciencaa Upper Mantle Project; United States program; final report: HEIKKINEN, o. 0., 1983, Climatic changes during National Academy of Sciences, p. 117. recent centuries as indicated by dendrochronologi­ cal studies, Mount Baker, Washington, U.S.A. Ill HEINRICHS, D. F.; PIETAAFESA, L. J., 1968, The Merner, N.-A.; Karlan, Wibjorn, editors, 1983, Portland earthquake of January 27, 1968: Ore Bin, Climatic changes on a yearly to millenial basis-­ v. 30, no. 2, p. 37-40. Geological, historical and instrumental records: D. Ra i de l Pub l i sh i ng Co mp any, p. 353-361. HEINRICHS, D. F., see also COUCH, R. w. [and others], 1969. HEIKKINEN, o. o., 1984, Dendrochronological av i­ dence of variations of Colemen Glacier, Mount HEIRTZLER, J. R., see Baker, Waehington, U.S.A.1 Arctic and Alpine PITMAN, W. C., III [end others], 1968. Rasea rch, v. 1 B, no. 1, p. 53-64. HEISKANEN, W. A.. 1951, On Seattle earthquakes and HEIKKINEN, 0. O., 1984, Methods for dating Holo­ gravity anomalies: Seismological Society of Amer­ cene moraines in Washington State [abstract}: ica Bulletin, v. 41, no. 4, p. 303-305. American Quaternary Association, 8th Biennial Meeting, Program end Abstracts, p. 58. HEISKANEN, w. A., 1952, On Seattle earthquakes and gravity anomalies [abstract]: U.S. Geological HEILMAN, P. E., 1979, Minerals, chemical proper­ Survey Bulletin 991-A, p. 20. ties end fertility of forest soils. !!l Heilman, P. E.; Anderson, H. w., Jr.; Baumgartner, o. M., com- AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY HENDERSON, J. R. 105

HaGERSON, A. K., see HELLER, P. L., 1984, Sedi men ta ry response to Eo­ BORTLESON, G. C. [and others], 1979. cene tectonic rotation in western Oregon [ab­ BORTLESON, G. C. [and others], 19BO. stract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 44, no. 10, Section B, p. 30188-30199. HELIKER, c. C., sea CHADWICK, W. W., JR. [and others], 1983. HELLER, P. L.; DETHIER, D. P., 1981, Surficial and SWANSON, D. A. [ and others], 1981. environmental geology of the Lower Baker Valley, Skagit County, Washington: Northwest Science, v. HELLER, P. L., 197B, Pleistocene geology and 55, no. 2, P• 145-155. related landslides in the lower Skagit and Baker valleys, north Cascades, Washington: Western HELLER, P. L.; , N. s.; O'NEIL, J. R.; Washington University Master of Science thesis, TABOR, R. W.; SHAFIOULLAH, MUHAMMAD, 1987, Isotop­ 154 p., 5 plates. ic provenance of sandstones in the core of the Olympic Mountains, western Waahington--An approach HELLER, P. L., 1979, Map showing landslides end to terrane analysia [abstract}: Geological Socie­ relative slope stability of Quaternary deposits of ty of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. the lower Skagit and Baker Valleys, north Car 7, p. 898-699. cades, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ Fi le Report 79-963, 30 p., 2 plates, scale HELLER, P. L., see also 1:82,500. WELLS, R. E. [and others], 1988.

HELLER, P. L., 1979, Map showing surficial geology HELV EV, J. D., see of parts of the lower Skagit and Baker Valleys, KLOCK, G. O. [and others], 1976. north Cascades, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 79-984, 16 p., 1 plate, HENSTROM, M. A.; F-RANKLIN, J. F., 1982, F- i re and seals 1 :62,500. other disturbances of the forests in Mount Reinier National Park: Quaternary Research, v. 18, no. 1, HELLER, P. L., 1979, Pebble-count diagrams and p. 32-51. late Wisconsin ica-flow directions in the lower Skagit drainage, north Cascades, Washington [ab­ HENDERSON, J. R., 1953, Total intensity aeromag­ stract]: Geological S~ciety of America Abstracts netic profile from Baker Bay to Goodman Creek, with Programs, v. 11, no. 3, p. 83. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 53-120, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000. HELLER, P. L., 1980, Multiple ice flow directions during the Fraser Glaciation in the lower Skagit HEM>ERSON, J. R., 1957, Total intensity aeromeg­ River drainage, northern Cascade Range, Washing­ netic profiles of Olympic Peninsula area, Washing­ ton: Arctic and Alpine Research, v. 12, no. 3, p. ton: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 57- 299-308. 54, 3 sheets, sea la 1 :82,500.

HELLER, P. L., 1980, Types and habitats of small HENDERSON, J. R.; TYSON, N. S.; MCGOWAN, E. F.; landslides in Quaternary deposits of the lower AN) OTHERS, 1958, Aeromagnetic mep of the Aberdeen Skagit River drainage, north Cascade Range, Wash­ quadrangle, Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties, ington [abatract]1 Geological Society of America Washington& U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 3, p. 111. Investigations Map GP-177, 1 sheet, scale 1:82,500. HELLER, P. L., 1981, Small lsnds l i de types and controls in glacial deposits--Lowar Skagit River HENDERSON, J. R.; TYSON, N. S.; MCGOWAN, E. F.; drainage, northern Cascade Range, Washington: AM> OTHERS, 1958, Aeromsgnetic map of the Adna Environments l Geo logy, v. 3, no. 4, p. 221-228. quadrangle, Lewis County, Washington: U.S. Geo­ logical Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP- HELLER, P. L., 1983, Sad i manta ry response to Eo­ 187, 1 sheet, scale 1:82,500. cene tectonic rotation in western Oregon: Univer­ sity of Arizona Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 321 HENDERSON, J. R.; TYSON, N. S.; MCGOWAN, E. F.; p. AND OTHERS, 1958, Aeromegnetic map of the Cape 108 HENDERSON, J. R. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASttINGTON

Shoalweter quadrangle, Pacific County, Weahington: GeQlogical Survey Geophysical Investigations Map U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Inveetigetiona filll.184. 1 eh88t, scale 1162,500. Map GP-183, 1 sheet, scale 1:82,500. HENDERSON, J, R.; TYSON, N. S,; MCGOWAN, E. F.; HENDERSON, J. R.; TYSON, N. s.; MCGOWAN, E. F,; Att> OTHERS, 1958, Aaro111119netic Rl8P of the Tenino AND OTHERS, 1958, Aeromagnetic map of the Centrel­ quadr,ngla, Thurston an~ Lewie Counties, Washing­ i a quadrangle, Lewie County, Weahingtona U.S. ton, U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Invaati­ Geologioel Survey Geophysical Investigations Map gations Map GP-18:1, 1 sheet, scale 1:82,500. GP-188, 1 sheet, see le 1 :62,500. ltENOERSON, J, R,; TYSON, N. S,; MCGOWAN, E, F.; HENDERSON, J, R,; TYSON, N, S,; MCGOWAN, E, F.; AND OTHERS, 1850. Aaromagnetic me;p of the Wi LLapa AND OTHERS, 1958, Aeromagnetic map of the Graylencl quadrangle, Pacific County, Washington: U.S. Geo­ quadrangle, Grays Harbor end Pacific Counties, logical $urvey Geophy8ical Investigations Map GP- Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Geophyeical 185, 1 eh4119t, scela 1:62,500. Investigations Map GP-176, 1 sheet, scale 1:82,500. HENDERSON, J, R.; TYSON, N, S.; MCGOWAN, E. F.; ANO OTHERS, 1958, Aeromognet ic map of the Val m HENDERSON, J, R.; TYSON, N, S,; MCGOWAN, E, F,; quadrangle, Thurston and Lewis Counties, Washing­ AND OTHERS, 1958, Aaromegnetic map of the Malone ton: U.S. Ge1:1logical Survey Geophysical Inveati­ quadrangle, Grays Harbor, Pacific, and Lewie Coun­ gat ions Map GP-182, 1 sheet, ace la 1 :62,500. tiea, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Geophya­ ical Invaatigatione Map GP-179, 1 sheet, scale HENDERSON, J. R.; TYSON, N, S,; MCGOWAN, E. F,; 1:82,500, All) OTHERS, 1959, Aaromagnetic maps of Washington [abatrectJ: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1086- HENDERSON, J. R,1 TYSON, N. s.; MCGOWAN, E. F.; D, p, 432. AND OTHERS, 1958, Aeromagnetic map of the Montesa­ no quadrangle, Graya Harbor encl Pacific Counties, HENDRICKS, E. L., see Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical CRANDaL, o. R. [and others], 1965, Investigations Map GP-178, 1 sheet, scale SIGAFOOS, R. S. [and others), 1969, 1:62,500. HENDRICKSON, M, A., 1986, The determination of HENDERSON, J. R.; TYSON, N. s.; MCGOWAN, E. F.; seismic structure from teleseismic P waveforms on AND OTHERS, 1958, Aeromagnetic map of the Onalaska the Weehingt1:1n continental margin: University of quadrangle, Lewis County, Washington: U.S. Geo­ Waehington Master of Science thesis, 74 p. logical Survey Geophysical Investigations Map GP- 189, 1 sheet, sea Le 1 :82,500. HENDRICKSON, M, A,; CROSSON, R, S,; OWENS, T. J,, 1985, Seismic structure from inversion of tale­ HENDERSON, J, R,; TYSON, N, S,; MCGOWAN, E, F.; seismic waveforms on the Washington continental AND OTHERS, 1956, Aercmsgnetic map of the Pe Ell margin [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical quadrangle, Pacific and Lawis Counties, Washing- Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 46, p. 987. ton: U.S, Geological Survey Geophysical Investi- gations Map GP-186, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. HENDRICKSON, M, A., see also OWl:NS, T. J, [and others], 1986. HENDERSON, J, R,; TYSON, N, S,; MCGOWAN, E. F,; OWENS, T, J, [end others], 1888, AND OTHERS, 1958, Aeromagnetic map of the Roches­ ter quadrangle, Thurston, Grays Harbor, and Lewis HENNES, R, G,, eea Counties, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey PENOAKUR, V, S. [and others], 1964. Geophysical Investigations Map GP-180, 1 sheet, sea Le 1 :B2,500, HENRIKSEN, o. A., 1854, Eocene st rat ig raphy cf the Lo!"er Cowliti. River-eastern Willape Hills area, HENDERSON, J, R,; TYSON, N, S,; MCGOWAN, E. F,; southwestern Washington: Stanford University Doc­ AND OTHERS, 1958, Aeromagnetic map of the South tor cf Phi Losophy thesis, Bend quadrangle, Pacific County, Washington: U.S. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY HEUSSER, L. E. F. 107

HENRIKSEN, D. A., 1954, Eocene stratigraphy of the HETHERINGTON, M. J., see lower Cowlitz River-eastern Wil Lapa Hilla area, TABOR, R. W. [end others], 1980. southwestern Washington [abstract]: Dissertation TABOR, R. W. [and others], 1987. Abstracts, v. 14, no. 12, p. 2315-2318. HEUSSER, C. J., 1959, Radiocarbon dates of pssts HENRIKSEN, D. A., 1956, Eocene stratigraphy of tha from North Pacific North America: American Jour­ Lower Cowlitz River-eastern Wil Lapa Hilla araa, nal of Science Radiocarbon Supplement, v. 1, p. southwestern Washington: Washington Division of 33. Mines and Geology Bulletin 43, 122 p. HEUSSER, C. J., 1989, Pleistocene environments and HENSa, E. G., 1982, Delineation of a channeled chronology of the western Olympic Peninsula, Wash­ current in western Washingtonl University of ington [abstract]1 Geological Society of America Washington Master of Science thesis, 70 p. Abstracts for 1989, Part 7, p. 99.

HENSa, E. a., BOOKER, J. R., 1981, A channeled HEUSSER, C. J., 1975, Quaternary vegetation of the current driven into the Pacific Northwaat by Pacific Slope of Washington [abstract]. l!! Millar, coastal geometry [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ C. N., chairperson, 1975, Abstracts of papers to physical Union Transactional, v. 82, no. 17, p. be presented at the meetings of the Botanical 266. Society of Americas Botanical Society of America, p. 22. HENSa, E. G.; BOOKER, J. R., 1991, A closer look et the Cascade geomagnetic anomaly (abstract]: HEUSSER, C. J., 1983, Vagetetional history of the Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. northwestern United States including Alaska. 1!l 62, no. 6, p. 61. (Note: Text of Journal mis­ Wright, H. E., Jr.; Porter, s. c., editors, 1983, headed as "v. 62, no. 5.11 ] Late-Quaternary environments of the United States; Volume 1, The late Pleistocene: University of HENSa, E. G., see also Minnesota Press, p. 239-258. BOOKER, J. R. [and others], 1982. HEUSSER, C. J.; HEUSSER, L. E. F., 1980, Sequence HEPP, M. A., 1972, Clay mineralogy of late Pleis­ of pumicaoua tephra layers and the late Quaternary tocene sequences in northwestern Washington and environmental record near Mount St. Helens: Sci­ southwestern British Columbia: Western Washington ence, v. 210, no. 4473, p. 1007-1009. State Collage Master of Science thesis, 48 p. HEUSSER, C. J.; HEUSSER, L. E. F.; PETEET, D. M., HERRON, E., saa 1985, Leta-Quaternary climatic change on the Amer­ PITMAN, W. C., III [and others], 196B. ican north Pacific coast: Nature, v. 315, no. 6019, p. 485-487. HERSHBERGER, JOHN, 1955, Recent developments in strong-motion analysis: Seismological Society of HEUSSER, C. J., see a Lso America Bullet in, v. 45, no. 1, p. 11-21. STU1VER, MINZE [and others], 1978.

HERZER, R. H.; 8DRNHDL.D, 8. 0., 1992, Glaciation HEUSSER, L. E. F., 1971, Late Cenozoic palynology and post-glacial history of the continental shelf of sea cliffs of the western Olympic Peninsula, off southwestern Vancouver Island, British Colum­ Washington: New York University Doctor of Philos­ bia: Marina Geology, v. 48, no. 3/4, p. 286-319. ophy thesis, 94 p.

HESSER, D. H., 1984, Linear predictive processing HEUSSER, L. E. F., 1972, Late-Cenozoic palynology and pattern recognition for automated classifica­ of sea cliffs of the western Olympic Peninsula, tion of local seismic events. l!! Crosson, R. S.. Washington [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts In­ 1984, Earthquake hazard evaluation in the Pacific ternational, v. 32, no. 10, Sect'ion B, p. 5870-8. Northwest; final technical report: University of Washington Geophysics Program, 1 v. HEUSSER, L. E. F., see al so HEUSSER, c. J. [end others], 1980. HEUSSER, C. J. [and others), 1985. 108 HEY, R. N. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHit«3TCIN

HEY, R. N.; WILSON, D. S., 1982, Propagating rtft HICOGK, S. R.; HEBDA, Fl. J.;. ARMSTRONG, J. E., explanation for the tectanic evolution of the 191ita, Lag of .the Fraser glacial maximum in the northeast Pacific--The pseudomovie: Earth and Pacific Northwest~Pollan and mecrofossil evidence Planetary Science Letters, v. 58, no. 2, p. 167- from western Frsser low land, British Co lumbie: 188. Oeriedian Journal of' Earth Sciences, v. 19, no. 2, p. 2288-2296. HEY, R. N., see al so HAMMOND, S. R. [and others], 1981. HtCOCK, S. R.; HOBSON, KEITH; ARMSTRONG, J. E., NISHIMURA, C. E. [and others], 1981. t982, Late Pleistocene proboscideans and early NISHIMURA, C. E. [and others], 1984. Fraser glacier sedimentation in eastern Fraaer WILSON, D. S. [and others], 198a. Lowland, British ColufRbia: Canadian Journal of WILSON, D. S. [and others], 1984. Earth Sciences, v. 19, no. 5, p. 899-906.

HIBBERT, D. M., 1979, Pollan analysis of late Qua­ HICOCK, S. R., see also ternary sediments from two lakes in the southern ALLEY, N. F. (and others], 1988. Puget Lowland, Washington: University of Washing­ ton Master of Science thesis, 37 Po HIGGINS, J. O.; NAIK, BIJAYANANDA; MILLS, S. V .; COPP, HOWARD; ROBERSON, J. A., 1983, The mechanics HICOCK, s. R.; ARMSTRONG, J. E., 1981, Coquitlam of' mudflows: Washington Water Research Canter Drift~A pre-Vashon Fraser glacial formation in Report 51, 116 p. the Fraser Lowland, British Columbia: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 18, no. 9, p. 1443- HIGGINS, J. D., see al so 1451. FRAGASlY, R. J. [end others}, 19BS.

HICOCK, S. R.; ARMSTRONG, J. E., 1983, Four Pleis­ HIGGINS, M. W., see tocene formations in southwest British Columbia~ ZIETZ, ISIDORE [and others], 1971. Their implications for patterns of sedimentation ZIETZ, ISIDORE {and others}, 1975. of possible to early Wisconsinan age: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 20, no. 8, HIGGS, N. 8., 1971, Da.gredable sends (abstract]: p. 1232-1247. Association of Engineering Geologists, 1971 Annual Meeting, Program, p. 28. HICOCK, S. R.; ARMSTR0t«3, J. E., 1985, Vashon Drift~Definition of the formation in the Georgia HIGH LIFE HaICOPTERS, INc., 1981, Airborne gamma-­ Depression, southwest British Columbia: Canadian ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Copel is Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 22, no. 5, Po 748- Beach, Seattle, Cape Flattery, 757. (Washington); Final report: U.S. Department of Energy GJBX 135(81), 5 vol. HICOCK, S. R.; DREIMANIS, ALEKSIS, 19B5, Glacio­ tectonic structures as useful ice-movement indica­ HIGH LIFE HaICOPTERS, INC., 1981, Airborne gem ma­ tors in glacial deposft~our Canadian case stud­ ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Vancou­ ies: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 22, ver, The Dalles, Pendleton, Walla Walla, Yakima, no. 3, p. 339-346. Hoquiam quadrangles, \\lashington-Oregon_; Final report: U.S. Department of Energy GJBX 291(81], 7 HICOCK, S. R.; DREIMANIS, ALEKSIS; BROSTER, 8. E., vol. 1981, Submarine flow tills at Victoria, Sritish Columbia: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. HIGH Lrf:E HaICOPTERS, INC., 1981, Airborne gemma­ 18, no. 1, p. 71-80. ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Wenat­ chee, Concrete quadrangles {Washington); Final HICOCK, S. R.; DREIMANIS, ALEKSIS; BR09TER, 8. E., report: U.S. Department of Energy GJBX 136(81), 3 1983, Submarine flow tills at Victoria, British vol. Columbia~Reply: Canadian Journal of Earth Scien­ ces, v. 20, no. 3, p. 510-513. HILDENBRAND, T. G.; SIMPSON, R. \'I.; GODSON, R. H.; KANE, M. F., 1982, Digital colored residual and regional Bouguer gravity maps of the conterminous AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY HILTS, D. E. 109

United States-Comments on significant features: Wi l lape Bey, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report B2-2B4. 1 Open-Fi Le Report 81-162, 107 p. sheet microfiche. HILL, G. w., 1982, Infaunal and neoichnological HILDENBRAND, T. G.; SIMPSON, R. W.; GODSON, R. H.; characteristics of the south Taxes outer continen­ KANE, M. F., 1982, Digital colored residual and tal shelf: Faciae characteristics end patterns in regional Bouguer gravity maps of the conterminous modern size-graded shelf deposits, northwestern United States with cut-off wavelengths of 250 km Gulf of Mexico; Fecies characteristics and pat­ and 100 km: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical terns in mid-estuary intertidal flat deposits, Investigations Map GP-953-A, 2 sheets, scale Willapa Bey, Washington [abstract]: Dissertation 1:7,500,000. Abstracts International, v. 42, no. 9, Section B, p. 3609B. HILDRETH, WES; FIERSTEIN, JUDY, 1985, Mount Adams ~Eruptive history of an andesite-dacite strato­ HILL, G. W.; CHIN, J.. L., 19B1, Composition of volcano at the focus of a fundamentally basaltic tidal flat sediments, Willapa Bey, Washington: volcanic field• .!!? Guffanti, Marianne; Muffler, L. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-272, 50 J. P., editors, 1985, Proceedings of the workshop p. on geothermal resources of the Cascade Ranger U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-521, p. KILL, G. W.; CHIN, J. L., 1981, Tidal flat sadi­ 44-50. mer,ts--Tax tu re, Wi l Lape Bay, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi la Report 81-738, 58 p. HILDRETH, WES, see also FIERSTEIN, JUDY [and others], 1989. HILL, G. w.; PHILLIPS, R. L.; CLIFTON, H. e., 1981, Seismic profiles from Willapa Bay, Washing­ HILL, o. P., 1985, The U.S. Geological Survey•s ton: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81- gravity program in Washington, Idaho, Montana, and 1315, 3 sheets microfiche. Wyoming: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 48, no. 1, p. 214-217. HILL, G. w., see also CHIN, J. L. [and others], 1982. HILL, D. P., 1975, Crustal and upper mantle struc­ ture beneath the Pacific Coast states [abstract]: HILL, M. J., see Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ , J. 0. [and others], 1956. grams, v. 7, no. 7, p. 1116. HILL, MARY, see HILL, D. P., 197B, Seismic evidence for the struc­ FOXWORTHY, B. L. [and others], 1982. ture end Cenozoic tectonics of the Pacific Coast States. In Smith, R. B.; Eaton, G. P., editors, HILLHOUSE, D. N., 1956, Geology of the 'I edda r 1978, Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics Mountain-Silver Lake area: University of British of the western cordillera: Geological Society of Columbia Mester of Science thesis, 52 p., 1 plate. America Memoir 152, p. 145-174. HILLHOUSE, J. W., see HILL, G. w., 1980, Infeunal and neoichnological JONES, D. L. [and others], 1978. characteristics of the south Texas outer continen­ tal shelf; Facies characteristics and patterns in HILLMAN, C. T., 1970, Geology of the Mount Margar­ modern size-graded shelf deposits, northwestern et-Green River area, Washington: Miami University Gulf of Mexico; Facies characteristics end pat­ Master of Science thesis, 52 p., 2 plates. terns in mid-estuary intertidal flat deposits, Wi Llepe Bay, Washington: University of Cal ifor­ HILPERT, L. S., 1937, The st rat ig rephy and st ruc­ nia, Santa Cruz Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 276 tura l relations of northwestern Lewis County, p. Washington: University of Washington Bachelor of Science thesis, 13 p., 2 plates. HILL, G, W., 1981, Facies characteristics and patterns in mid-estuary intertidal flat deposits, HILTS, o. e., see MILLER, R. P. {end others], 1970. 110 HINZE, W• .J.

HINZE, W. J., see iffODGE, E. T.. , 1934, 0Voleen;.c end Stli'Smic history SEXTON, J. l. {and others], 1'982. of Oreg.on: f'acffie Science to~ress, 5t'h, Oaneda, '1:933, ProaHdings, v. 3, .;,. ~1~48.0. HIRSCH, R. M., 1975, Glacial geology amt ;eo111or­ phology of the upper Cedar River wet11rstled, Clts­ MODIJE, E. 'T.., 1:9S7, Looe>tion 'Of :SO'nmsv it le Dem cac:11!! Range, Washington: Univeraity of Washington {eib,atreoth .Geolt>gfcel Society of Al'il1!rica f>ro­ Meeter of Science thesis, 48 p. ce11dinge 1938, p. :m:,...:s11.

HITCHCOCK, C. H., 1887, The geologic map of the HDOQ!mN, J. H., 1!56, OiNtetion of f®lting in United States: American Institute oT Mining some of ,the terg:er 11'11,..t~• o'f the North Eng inears Transactions, v. 15, .p. 485-488. Pacific, 195&-1953t Canada Oomihitin Otl'servl':ltory Pubt iceti.oha. v. 18, no. 10, 9. 2'1t!-2!ia. HOBART, M. A., see LANGSETii, M. G. [end others], 1984.. HODGSON, J.. ·H., 18'i7, ,l>i rect ion of faulting in eo•e ·or the tat'ger l!erthquekes of the north HOBBS, S. W.; PECORA, W. T., 1941, Nickel-gold Pacific, 1950-1953 [abstract]: U.S. Geological deposit near Mount Varnon, Skagit County, Washing­ Survey Bullet in 1066-At ·p.. 10. ton: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 931-0, p. 57-78. HODGSON, d. H.; S'T'Om:Y, R. S., 1954, Di rect'ion of faulting in some of the lerger aerthqutfkes of HOBLITT, R. P., 1986, Observations of the erup­ 1949: Seismofogicat Society of America Bulletin, tions of July 22 and August 7, 1980, et Mount St. v. 44, no. 1, p. 5?-83, Helens, Weshingtonc U.S. Geological Survey Pro­ fessional Paper 1335, 44 p. HOfFMAN, 'r. F".; TEAGUe, G. IJ., 1964, Gravity in­ vestigation of central Kitsap Peninsula, Washing­ HOBLITT, R. P., see atso ton: Univl!lrsity of Puget sound Research Institute MULLINEAUX, o. R. [and others], 1982. A9port UPS-R!R-GP-64-3, 10 p. SCOTT, W. E. [ and others], 1987. VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], 1980. HtlFFMAN, T. F.; TEAGUEt G. O., 1964, Gravity in­ YAMAGUCHI, D. X. [end others], 1988. vestigation ,o,f central 1Cihtlf3 P,minsula, Washing­ ton [11b11tract]: American Geophysical Union Trans­ HOBSON, KEITH, see act ioM1, v.. 4!h no. 4, p. 1540. HI COCK, S. R. [ and others 1, 1982. ~FMAN, T. F., see Ille HODGE, E. T., 1930, Earthquake insurance risks of OANES, Z. f. {and otflere), 1965. the Pacific coast [abstract]: Revue de Geotogie at Sciences connexes, v. 11, no. 9, p. 415-418. HOFFRb. VAINO; see oee,ev, Ii. S., JR. {end others], 1959. HODGE, E. T., 1932, Age of Columbia River end lower canyon [abstract]: Pen-American Geologist, HOF,srETT~, w. H., 1984, Geology of the Portland v. 58, no. 1, p. 70. well field: Oregon Geology; v. 46, no. 6, p. 63- 67. HODGE, E. T., 1932, History of Columbia River gorge [abstract]: Pon-American Geologist, v. 5?, HOP-S'rETTEA, ABRAHAM, 1984, Observations of volcan­ no. 1, p. 62. ic tra111or at Mt. St. Helens before and after the May 19, ,e&O, eru~ticn [abstract]: Eerthqueke HODGE, E. T., 1932, History of the Columbia River Note•• v. !:15, no. 1, P• 12. gorge [abstract]: Geological Society of America Bul Latin, v. 43, no. 1, p. 131-132. H0~8TETTEA, ABRAHAM, 1984, Observations of volcan­ ic tremor at Mt. St. Helens in April end Mey 1980: HODGE, E. T., 1933, Age of Columbia River and University of Washington Master of Science thesis, lower canyon [abstract]: Geological Society of 87 r,. America Bulletin, v. 44, no. 1, p. 156-157. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY HOLMES, M. L. 111

HOFSTETTER, ABRAHAMJ MALONE, S. D., 19B6, Observa­ Minerals Science and Engineering, v. 11, no. 1, p. tions of volcanic tremor at Mount St. Helens in 22-34. April and May 1980: Seismological Society of America But let in, v. 78, no. 4, p. 923-938. HOLLOWAY, L. J., see JOHNSON, E. B. [and others], 1983. HOGAN, o. w.; WHIPl'LE, "· w.; LU~Y, c., 1984, Tsunami of 27 and 28 March, 1964, State of Waeh­ HOLMBERG, G. O., see fogton coastline: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers MUlll>ORFF, M. J. [and others], 1953. [Seattle, Wash.] unpubl fshad file report, 29 p. MUlll>ORFF, M. J. [and others], 1955.

HOGAN, J. M., see HOLMES, M. L., 1981, Puget Sound Low Land focused LO\'IE, R. A. [and others], 1977. geophysical studies. In Charonnat, B.B.; Rodri­ gues, T.R.; Seiders, W.H., compilers, 1981, Sum­ HOIOAL, C. R., see marise of technical reports, Vol. XII, prepared by COOMBS, H. A. (and others}, 1960. participants fn National Earthquake Hazards Reduc­ tion Program: u.s. Geological Survey Open-File HOKANSON, CLAUDIA, see Report 81-833, p. 44-45. ANDERSON, J. B. [and others], 1979. HOLMES, M. L., 1981, Puget Sound Low Land focused HOLCOMB, R. T., see geophysical studies. In Reeves, J. F.; Rodrigues, NORMARK, W.R. [and others], 1984. T. R.; Seiders, W. H., compilers, 1981, Summaries SWANSON, D. A. [and others], 1981. of technical reports, Vol. XI, preperad by partic­ SWANSON, D. A. [and others}, 1982. ipants in National Earthquake Hazards Reduction WAITT, R. 8., JR. [end others], 1983. Program: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 81-167, p. 55-58. HOLOAHL, S. R.; FAUCHER, F.; ORAGERT, H., 1987, Recent vertical crustal motion in the Pacific HOLMES, M. L., 1981, Puget Sound Lowland focused Northwest [ebstrect]: Eoe (American Geophysical geophysical studies [abstract]. lt!. MacCabe, M. P., Union Transactions), v. 88, no. 44, p. 1240. editor, 1981, Earthquake hazards reduction program project summariee-1979-1980: U.S. Geological HOLOAHL, S. R.; HAlllY, R. L., 1979, Solvability Survey Open-Fi Le Report 81-41, p. 25. and multiquadric analysis as applied to investiga­ tions of vertical crustal movements: Tectonophya­ HOLMES, M. L., 1982, Puget Sound Low land focused ics, v. 52, no. 1-4, p. 139-155. geophysical studies. In Charonnat, B.B.; Rodri­ gues, T.R.; Seiders, W.H., compilers, 1982, Sum­ HOLOAHL, S. R., see also maries of technical reports, Vol. XIII, prepared BALAZS, E. I. [and others], 1974. by participants in National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ HOLDEN, J. c., 1980, Mount St. Helens-The geo­ File Report 82-65, p. 41. physics of volcanoes: Science 80, v. 1, no. 6, p. 49-52. HOLMES, M. L.; GARONER, J. V.; JOHHSOM, H. P.; CAMPBELL, J. F.; CARLSON, P. R.; EDWARDS, B. D.; HOLOREDGE, c. P., 1937, Geology of the Bonneville KARL, H. A., 1984, SeaMARC II studies of the Juen Project: Geological Society of the Oregon Country de Fuca and Gorda Ridges [abstract]: Eos (Ameri­ Geological News Letter, v. 3, no. 11, p. 117-120. can Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. 65, no. 16, p. 279. HOLLAND, JASPER, see SPELLMAN, HOWARD [and others], 1976. HOLMES, M. L.; MACQUEEN, J. D.; SYLWESTER, R. E., 1982, Marine geophysical measurements in central HOLLIS, E. P., see Puget Sound, Washington [abstract]: American ULRICH, F. P. [and others], 1947. Association of Petroleum Geologists But let in, v. 66, no. 10, p. 1690-1691. HOLLISTER, V. F., 1979, Porphyry copper-type deposits of the Cascade volcanic arc, Washington: 112 HOLMES, M. L. SEISMIC HAZARDS OP WESTERN WASHI~TON

HOL HES, M. L., see o l so Washington [abstract]t Dissertation Abstracts JOHNSON, H. P. [end other•}, 1984,, International, v. 37, no. 5, Section B, p. 2124-B. JOHNSON, H.. P. [ end others}, 1987. KULM, L. D. [end others], 1984. HOPKINS, K. D., see al so MCCLAIN, K. J. [ end others}, 1984. HAMMOND, P. E. [and others), 1978. MCMANUS, D. A. [and others), 1971. YOUN:!, JIM [and others], 1984. HOPKINS, w. N., 19197, Deformation in the S parts or the Foggy Daw and Smith Canyon fault zones, NE HOLT, D. C., see Cascades, WA [abstraot}s Eos (American Geophysi­ STAATZ, M. H.. [and others), 1971. cal Union Traneaotionel, v. 88, no. 52, p. 1814.

HOLZER, T. L., 1998, Spirit Lake hazard eval&Ja­ HOPKINS, w. N., see al so tion. l!! Jacobson, M. L.J Rodriguez, T. R., com­ WADE, W. M. [end others), 1987. pilers, 19B8, National Earthquake Hezarda Reduc­ tion Program, summaries of technical reports, HOPKINS, W. S., JR., 19B2, The geology of e por­ volume XXIII: U.S. Geological Survey Ope~fle tion of the Skagit delta area, Skagit County, Report 87-83, p. 88B. Washington: University of British Columbia Mester of Science thesis, 135 p., 1 plate. HOl'E, s.-T.; REED, J. w., 1972, Optimum seismic protection for new building construction in HOPKINS, W. S., JR., 1983, The geology of e por­ eastern metropolitan areea; 1965 Puget Sound, tion of the Skagit Delta area, Skagit County, Washington, earthquake tall building damage Washington [abstract): Canadian Mining Journal, review: U.S. National Technical Information v. 84, no. 1, p. 77. Service P8 293 027, 1 sheet microfiche [18 p.J. HOPKINS, w. S., JR., 1965, The geology of a por­ HOOD, D. w., see tion of the Skagit Delta area, Skagit County, DEHLIN3ER, PETER [end others], 1986. Washington [abstractJr Bulletin of Canadian Petroleu111 Geology, v. 1a, no. 2, p. 360. HOOK, J. w., 1984, The geothermal poUntfal of the Cascade Ranges Oregon Institute of Technology HOPKINS, W. S., JR., 1986, Pelynology of Tertiary Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin, v. S, no. 4, rocks or the Whatcom basin, southwestern British p. 3-4. Columbia end northwestern Washington: University of British Columbia Doctor of Philosophy thesis, HOO/ER, LINN, JR., 1951, A summary of the stratig­ 184 p., 4 plates. raphy and structural geology of Oregon and Waah­ ington: University of Michigan Master of Science HOPKINS, w. s., JR., 1981, Pelynology of Tertiary thesis, 50 p., 2 plates. rocks of the Whatcom Basin, southwestern British Columbia end northwestern Washington [abstract]: HOO/ER, LINN, JR., see also Dieaertatfon Abstracts International, v. 27, no. PEASE, M. H., JR. [ end others], 1957. 12, part l, Section B, P• 4447-B. SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [and others], 1951. SNAVELY, P. a., JR. [end others), 1952. HOPPE, w. J. 1982, Structure and geochronology of SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [and others], 1954,, the Gabrial Peak orthogneiss and adjacent crystal­ SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [and others), 1958. line rOckSt north Cascades, Washington [abstract]: SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [end othera], 1959. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ granta, v. 14, no. 4 1 p. 173. HOPKINS, K. D., 1978, Geology of the south and east slopes of Mount Adams volcano, Cascade Range, HOPPE, w. J., see al so '.'fashington: University of Washington Doctor of MILLER, R. B. [and others], 1985. Philosophy thesis, 143 p., 1 plate. , M. G., 1981, A study of liquefaction and HOPKINS, K. o., 19?6, Geology of the south end other types Of earthquake-induced ground failures east slopes of Mount Adams volcano, Cascade Range, in the Puget Sound, Washington, region: Virginia AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY HOWaL, D. G. 113

Polytechnic Institute end State University Mester HOUSNER, G. W., see also of Science thesis, 131 p. BERG, G. v. [and others], 1961. TSAI, N. C. [and others], 1970. HOPSON, c. A., 1955, Petrology end structure of the Chelan batholith, near Chelan, Washington: HllJSTON, J. R., 1979, State-of-the-art for assess­ Johna Hopkins University Doctor of Philosophy ing earthquake hazards in the United States; thesis, 2 vol., 6 plates. Report 15, Tsunamis, seiches, and landslide­ induced water waves: U.S. Army Engineer Waterways HOPSON, C. A.; DELLINGER, D. A.; MATTINSON, J. M., Experiment Station Miscellaneous Paper ~73-1, 88 1987, Crustal, mantle, and hybrid components of a p. 4-dimensionelly zoned granitofd pluton, north Cas­ cades, Washington [abstract]: Eoe (American Geo­ HOUSTON, J. R.; GARCIA, A. W., 1978, Type 16 flood physical Union Transactions), v. 68, no. 44, p. insurance study~Tsunami predictions for the west 1513. coast of the continental United States: U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Technical HOPSON, C. A.; WATERS, A. C.; BENDER, V. R.; Report H-78-28, 89 p. RUBIN, MEYER, 1982, The latest eruptions from Mount Rainier volcano: Journal or Geology, v. 70, HOUSTON, J. R., see al so no. 6, p. 635-647. GARCIA, A. W. [end others], 1975.

HOPSON, c. A., see el so HOWARD, D. A., 1967, Economic geology of Quartz FISKE, R. s. [and others], 1983. Creek, King County, Washington: University of FISKE, R. S. [and others], 1984. Washington Master of Science thesis, 48 p., 1 plate. HORN, A. D., 1969, The sedimentary history of the auinault Formation, western Washington: Universi­ HOWARD, K. A.; AARON, J. M.; BRABB, E. E.; BROCK, ty of Southern California Meeter of Science the­ M. R.; GOWER, H. D.; HUNT, S. J.; MIL TON, D. J.; sis, 179 p. MUEHLBERGER, W. R.; NAKATA, J. K.; PLAFKER, G.;AHD OTHERS, 1978, Preliminary map of young faults in HORNER, R. B., see the United States as a guide to possible fault DRYSDALE, J. A. [and others], 1987. activity: U.S. Gao logical Survey Miscel leneous Field Studies Map MF-918, 2 sheets, scale HORTON, M. A., 1972, The role of the sad i ments in 1:5,000,000. the phosphorus cycle of Lake Sammamish: Universi­ ty of Washington Master of Science thesis, 220 p. HOWELL, B. F., JR., 1975, Earthquake recurrence predictions for western North America [abstract]: HOTZ, P. E., see Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ LAMEY, C. A. [ and others], 1952. grams, v. 7, no. 3, p. 408.

HOUGLAND, EVERETT, 1935, A report on a geologic HOWELL, D. G.; ALPHA, T. R,; JOYCE, J. M., 1980, reconnaissance of the St. Helens mining district, Plate tectonics, physiography, end sedimentation Washington: Washington Division of Geology Report of the northeast Pacific region• .I.Q Fiold, M, E.; of Invootigetions 3, 5 p. Bouma, A, H.; Colburn, I. P.; OOU!JlAB, R. G.; Ingle, J. c., editors, 1980, Quaternary deposi­ HOUSNER, G. \'I., 1955, Properties of et rong ground tional environments of the Pacific Coast: Society motion earthquakes: Seismological Society of of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists America Bullet in, v. 45, no. 3, p. 197-218. Pacific Section, Pacific Coast Peleogeogrephy Sym­ posium 4, p. 43-53. HOUSNER, G. W,; MARTEL, R. R.; ALFORD, J. L., 1953, Spectrum analysis of strong-motion earth­ HO'daL, D. G., see al so quakes: Seismological Society of America Bulle­ BLAKE, M. c., JR. [end others], 1982. tin, v. 43, no. 2, p. 97-119, SILBEFllING, N. J. {end others], 1984. 114 ~L, J. w. SEISMIC HAZAf()S OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

HOWELL, J. w., 1977, A rielc;I guide to cc,astel HUGGiTT, 13., A.: SLATER, L. E.,. 1975, Precision Waehington1 Un1va,eity of Northern Colorado Doc­ •l"tro111agnetic diotonoe-meaauring instrument for tor of' Phi Loophy thaafe, 209 p. dftermfn1ng secular strain end fault movement: Tectonophyaics, v. 29, i,. 19-27. HOW&l..L, J. w., 1979, A field guide to coe1ttl Waehington [~&tract): DisaertatiQn Abatraots HU8H!$, O. W., see Jntorn•tionel, v. 38, no. 9, Section I, p. 3511-8- SONINI1 W. f., [•nd others], 1974. 3512-B. HUGHfS, I. I!., 1931, 6eoto9y of a barite prospect HOWeLL, P. w., 1982, Trip log of Vernonie, South cm tha Malllllll Ham111& River and treatnuint of the ore: "-r'<, and Sunset Str,am RR "&n1aat Toure" r11twey Univeraity of Waahington Bechator of Science the­ axcursiona through Columbia Rivar Gorge and "Grand sis, 51 p. Canyon" of' the Deschutes River via SP&.8 from 10th and Hoyt, Portland, Oregon to Wishrem, Wash.: HUGHl;S, J, M,.J STOIBER, R, E.; CARR, M, J,, 1980, [Privately published by the author), U! P• $89mentation of the Cascade volcanic chain:

Geology, v0 8, ne>. 1, p. 15-17, HOWES, o. E.; NASMITH, H. W., 1983, Quaternary geology of southern Vancouver Island: Geologicel HUQHEI!. J, M. O., 9!1118 Aaaociation of Canada Victoria Section, Fiald Trfp GRANT, w. P. [end others}, 1988. 11, 25 p. HUGHES, T., 1987, lcEI dynamics arid degleciation HOWES, D. E., see al so model1 whell ice theate collapsed. In Ruddiman, w. Ct.AGUE, J. J. [end oth,rs}, 1982. F.; \'fright, H. E., Jr., editors, 19B?, North Amer­ ica and adJaceot oceans during the last glacia­ HOWES, S. W., see tion, Geological Society of America DNAG Geology OTHBERG, K. L. [and others]. 1978. of North AmeriH, v, K-3, p. 183-220.

HOWLETT, BRUCE, BRODSKY, HAROLD, 1984, I.ands l ida ttUt.L, A. G., 1997, Buried lowland soils from Wil­ l\aurdous area, in the cs.F1trel Puget Sound regfim; lapa Bay, aouthwest Washington--Purther evidence Project Open Spece, Volume II, Neturel open for rec~rl'llnce of large earthquakes during the epaoes, report 10: Puget Sound Governmental last SOOQ years [ebstract]; eos (American Geo­ Cgnfe renoe, 'Z'l p. physicel Union Trans1eticns). v. 68, no, 44, p. 14$8-1489. HU, w. B., see OOSSO, H. W. [and others], 1985. HULL, A. S., 1988,. Radiocarbon age of probable co­ seiemio buried soil layers rrom Washington State HUBBARD, E. H., see [abstract) • .I!! University of Washington Quaternary WILDERMUTH, ROBERT [and others], 1989. AHeeroh Center, 1988, Holocene subduction in the Peoif;c Northwest: Uoiversity of Washington Oua­ HUBERT, K. A., 1979, Phyaicel propertie~ of' selec­ ternery Rasaal'Qh Canter, p. 7. ted beselt and graywacke and the inferred seismic structure of the Olympic Peninsule, Washington: HULL, A, Gu see al so University of Washington Master of ScienQe theais, AT\'IATER, 8. F. [and othars]. 1987. 96 p.

HULL, D0 A., see HUDSON, o. E., EDITOR, 1976, StrOnf;! motirm earth­ ARMENT'AOUT, J. M, [sod others}, 1983. quake aocelerograms; Index volume: U.S. NatiQnal Technical Information Service PB 280 929, 1 sheet HUMJ!l,IREY, N,, F., 1981:!, Pora pressurei. in debris microfiEihe [76 p.]. f'eilure initiation: University of Washington Master of' S.:iance thesis, 169 p. HUDSON, o. E., see also BRADY, A. G. [and others], 19?5. HUMPHREY, N,, F., 1982, Pore pressures in debris TRIFUNAC, M. a. [and others], 1973. failure initiation: tfashington \'later Research TRIFUNAC, I~. D. [and others], 1975. Center Report 45, 169 p. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY HYNDMAN, D. W. 115

HUMPHREY, N. F., see also HUTT, J. R., see DUNNE, THOMAS [and others], 1981. BERG, J. w., JR. [and others], 1966.

HUMPHREYS, EUGENE, see HYDE, J. H., 1970, Geologic setting of Merrill RASMUSSEN, J. A. [and others], 1987. Lake and evaluation of volcanic hazards in the Kalama River valley near Mount St. Helens, Wesh­ HUNT, S. J., see i ngton: U.S. Geo log ice l Survey Open-F iL e Report HOWARD, K. A. [and others], 1978. 70-189, 17 P•

HUNTER, C. R.; BRAZIER, B. E.; BUSACCA, A. J., HYDE, J. H- 1973, Late Quaternary volcanic stra­ 1987, Lytell series--A nonvolcanic andisol: Soil tigraphy, south flank of Mount St. Helens, Wash­ Science Society of America Journal, v. 51, no. 9, ington: University of Washington Doctor of Phi­ p. 376-383. losophy thesis, 114 p., 1 plate.

HUNTLEY, D. J., see HYDE, J. H., 1973, Late Quaternary volcanic stra­ CORMIE, A. B. [and others], 1982. tigraphy, south flank of Mount St. Helens, Wash­ ington [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts Inter­ HUNTTING, M. T., 1949, Perl ite and other volcanic netionel, v. 33, no. 12, pert 1, Section B, p. glass occurences in Washington: Washington Divi­ 5915-B-5918-8. sion of Mines and Geology Report of Investigations 17, 77 p. HYDE, J. H- 1974, Lahers from Mount Baker volca­ no, Washington [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey HUNTTING, M. T., 1958, Physiography of counties. Professional Paper 900, p. 132-133. l!:!. Rigg, G. B., 1958, Peat resources of Washing­ ton: Washington Division of Mines and Geology HYDE, J. H., 1975, Upper Pleistocene pyroclastic­ Bullet in 44, p. 23-35. flow deposits and lahars south of Mount St. Helens volcano, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Bul­ HUNTTING, M. T., 1960, Geologic field trip in letin 1383-B, 20 p. Thurston and Lewis Counties, Washington: Washing­ ton o;vision of Mines and Geology unpublished HYDE, J. H.; CRANDELL, D. R., 1972, Potential vol­ report, 5 p. can l c hazards near Mount St. Helens in southwest­ ern Washington [abstract]: Northwest Scientific HUNTTJNG, M. T., 1960, Geologic field trip in Aseocietion, 45th Annual Meeting, Abstracts of Thurston, Grays Harbor, and Lewis Counties, 'ffesh­ Pepe rs, p. 7. ington: Washington Division of Mines and Geology unpublished report, 7 P• HYDE, J. H.; Cf\ANDaL, D. R., 1978, Postgleciel volcanic deposits at Mount Baker, Washington, and HUNTTING, M. T.; BENNETT, W. A. G.; LIVIM3STON, V. potential hazards from future eruptions: U.S. E., JR.; MOEN, W. S., 1981, Geologic map of Wash­ Geological Survey Professional Paper 1022-C, 17 ington: Washington Division of Mines and Geology p., 1 plate. Geologic Map, 2 sheets, scale 1:500,000. HYDE, J. H., see al so HUNTTING, M. T., see also CRAMD8..L, o. R. [and others], 1975. SCHUSTER, J. E. [and others], 1978. GREB..EY, RONALD (and others], 1972. MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and others], 1972. HURST, L. A., see MANGUM, A. w. [and others], 1909. HYN)MAN, R. D.; RIDOIHOUGH, R. P., 1977, The case for contemporary subduction in thA Pacific North­ HUSSONG, D. M., see west [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union BORNHOLD, B. D. [and others], 1988. Transactions), v. 58, no. 3, p. 161-1132. CURRIE, R. G. [end others], 1984. DAVIS, E. E. [ond others], 1983. HYll.'DMAN, D. w., see also DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1984. ALT, o. D. [and others], 1978. DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1986. [continued] 116 HYNDMAN, D. W. SEISMIC HAZAFIJS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

HYNDMAN, D. w., see also [continued) Jacobson, M. L., Rodrigusz, T. R., compilers, ALT, D. D. [end others], 1984.. 1985, National Earthquake Hazards Rsduction Pro­ BORNHOLD, B. D. [and others], 1988. gram, Sum111ariee or Technical Reports Volume XX: COWAN, D. S. [end others], 1988. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-464, p. DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1988. 484. KEEN, c. E. [and others), 1979.. MILNE, w. G.. [and others], 1970. IHNEN, S. M.; HADLEY, o. M., 1988, Development of POTTER, C. J. [and others], 1982. eaiemic hazard maps for Puget Sound • .!!l Jacobson, RIODIHOUGH, R. P. [ and others], 1978. M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, l986, National AIDDIHOUGH, R. P. [and others), 1877. Earthquake Haurds Reduction Program, summaries of RIDDIHOUGH, R. P. [and others}, 1983. technical reports volume XXII: U.S. Geological RIODIHOUGH, A. P. [end others), 1985. Survey Open-File Report 88-383, p. 520-524. WEICHERT, D. H. [and others], 1983. YORATH, C. J. [and others]. 1987. IHNEN, S. M.; HAOUN, D. M., 1988, Prediction of strong ground motion in the Puget Sound region~ ICE, G. G.; MCGREER, D. J.; SULLIVAN, K., 1988, The 1985 Seattle earthquake: Seismological Socie­ The influence of extreme climetic and disturbance ty of America Sul let in, v. 76, no. 4, p. 905-922. events on landslides in forests of the northwest U.S. [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union IHNEN, S. M.; HADLEY, D. M., 1986, Prediction of Transactions), v. 89, no. 18, p. 348. strong motion in the Puget Sound aree--The 1965 Seattle earthquake• .Ill Heys, w. w.; Gori, P. L., IDRISS, I. M., sea editors, 1988, Proceedings of conference XXXIII, SEED, H. e. [and others], 1989. "Earthquake hazards in the Puget Sound, Washington SEED, H. B. [and others], 1870. eree,11: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi Le Report es-ess, p. 69-1 oe. IHNEN, S. M.; HADLEY, D. M., 1984, Prediction of strong ground motion in the Puget Sound region-­ IHNEN, S. M.; HADLEY, D. M., 1988, Preliminary The 1965 Seattle earthquake [abstract): Eos seismic risk maps for Puget Sound. In Eguchi, R. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 85, T., editor, 1986, Lifeline seismic risk anelyeis­ no. 45, p. 1004. C1se studies: American Society or Civil Engin­ eers, p. 1-1a. IHNEN, S. M.; HADLEY, o. M., 1985, Dl!Velopment of seismic hazard maps for Puget Sound. Ill Jacobson, IHrEN, S. M.; HADLEY, D. M., 1986, Seismic risk M. L.1 Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1985, National maps for Puget Sound, Washington: Sierra Geophys­ Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of ics, Inc. (Renton, Wesh.J SGI-R-86-127, 37 p. technical reports Volume XXI: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fila Report 88-31, p. 525-528. IHNEN, S. M-, HADLEY, D. M., 1987, Seismic hazard mape for Puget Sound, Washington: Seismological IHNEN, S. M.; HADLEY, D. M., 1985, Prediction of Society of America Bulletin, v. 77, no. 4, p. strong ground motion in the Puget Sound region-­ 1091-1109. The 1985 Seattle earthquake: Sierra Geophysics, Inc. [Renton, Wash.] SGI-84-113, 38 p. IHNEN, s. M., see al so HADLEY, D. M. [and others], 1984. IHNEN, S. M.; HADLEY, D. M., 1985, Prediction of strong ground motion in the Puget Sound region-­ IIZUkA, SUSAMI, see The 1965 Seattle earthquake• .Ill Jacobson, M. L.; SEIDEL, DEAN [and others], 1973. Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1985, Summaries or technical reports, volume XIX, prepared by pertic­ ILU:ELDER, HERBERT, aae ipents in National Earthquake Hazards Reduction SIMMONS, GEN!! [and others], 19B1. Program: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-22, p. 527-530. ItGEASOLL, R. Vu 1981, Triple-Junction instabi Li­ ty as cause for late Cenozoic extension and frag­ IHNEN, S. M.; HADLEY, D. M., 1985, Strong ground mentation of western United States (abstract]: motion studies application to Puget Sound. In AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY JACHENS, R. C. 117

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pra­ ITO, H., see grams, v. 13, no. 7, p. 47B. DUNN, J. R. [and others], 1970. DUNN, J. R. [and others], 1971. INGERSOLL, R. v., 1982, Triple-Junction instabili­ ty as cause for lets Cenozoic extension end frag­ IWABUCHI, YOSHIO, see mentation of the western United States: Geology, SEIDEL, DEAN [and others], 1972. v. 10, no. 12, p. 821-824. SEIDEL, DEAN [and others], 1973.

INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR QUATERNARY' RESEARCH, IWATAKE, B., see 1965, Guidebook for Field Conference E, northern SUTTON, G. H. t and others], 1979. and middle ; INO.UA, 7th Congress: SUTTO~ G. H. [and others], 1980. Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 129 p. IWATSUBO, E. Y.; SWANSON, O. A., 1985, Electronic INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR QUATERNARY' RESEARCH, distance monitoring of Mount St. Helens and other 1965, Guidebook for Field Conference J, Pacific Cascade volcanoes [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ Northwest; INQUA, 7th Congress: Nebraska Academy physical Union Transactions], v. 88, no. 48, p. of Sciences, 1 OB P• 852-853.

IFf/ING, E.; ROY, J. L., 1988, Intensite et stebil­ IWATSUBO, E. Y.; SWANSON, D. A., 1986, Geodetic ite d'aimantation des basaltea de l'Oregon et monitoring and ground deformation st Mount St. Washington et leurs applications a l'expansion du Ha lens, Washington [abstract]. In Keller, s. A. fond de l 'ocaan at a d'autrea prob lames geophys- C.. editor, 1988, Mount St. Helens--Fivs years i ques: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 5, later1 Eastern Washington University Press, p. no. 4, pa rt 1, p. 907-913. 440.

!Ff/ ING, E.; WOODSWORTH, G. J.; WYNNE, P. J.; IWATSUSO, E. Y., see also MORRISON, A., 1985, Paleomagnetic evidence for CHADWICK, W. W., JR. [and others], '1983. displacement from the south of the Coast Plutonic SWANSON, D. A. [and others], 1981. Complex, British Columbia: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 22, no. 4, p. 584-59B. IYER, H. M., 1985, Characteristics of Cascades magmatic systems determined from teleseismic­ IRWIN, W. P.; BARNES, IVAN, 1982, Map showing residuel studies. .lt!. Guffanti, Marianna; Muffler, relation of carbon dioxide-rich springs and gas L. J. P., editors, 1985, Proceedings of the work­ wells to the tectonic framework of the contermin­ shop on geothermal resources of the Cascade Range: ous United States: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel­ U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-521, p. laneous Investigations Series Map I-1301, 1 sheet, 53-55. scale 1:5,000,000, with 9 p. text. IZETT, G. A., 1981, Stratigraphic succession, ISENBERG, J~ 1978, The role of corrosion in the isotopic ages, partial chemical analyses, end seismic performance of buried steel pipelines in sources or certain silicic volcanic ash beds (4.0 three United States earthquakes: U.S. National to 0.1 m.y.) of the ivestern United States: U.S. Technical Information Service PB 285 725, 1 sheet Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-763, 2 microfiche [85 p.]. plates.

ISHIBASHI, !SAO, see JACHENS, A. c.; SPYDELL, D. A.; PITTS, G. s.; SHERIF, M. A. [and others], 1978. DZURISIN, DANIEL; ROBERTS, c. w~ 1980, Repeat gravity studies at Mount Saint Helens [abstract]: ISLAND COUmY PlANNING DEPARTMENT, 1981, Useless Eos [American Geophysical Union Transactions], v. Bay light industrial park--Final environmental 61, no. 46, p. 1134. impact statement: Island County Planning Depart­ ment, 2 vol. JACHENS, R. C.; SPYDELL, D. R.; PITTS, G. S.; OZURISIN, DANIEL; ROBERTS, C. \I., 1981, Temporal gravity variations et Mount St. Helens, March-Mey 1980. !!!. Lipman, P. 'fl.; Mullineaux, o. R., 118 JACHENS, R. C. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON editors, 1981, The 1980 eruptione of Mount St. JANDA, R. J., 1979, Geology of the Douglas-fir Helene, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Pro­ region--Geologic Look at soils of the Douglas-fir feestonel Peper 1250, p. 175-181. region. l!! Heilman, P. E.; Anderson, H. w., Jr.; Beu111gertner, D. M., compilers, 1979, Forest soils JACHENS, A. c., see el so of the Dougl1u1-f1r region: \'leshington State Uni­ SIMPSON, A. W. [and others], 198f3. versity Cooperative Extension Service, p. 75-77.

JACKSON, D. B.; BISOORF, A. J., 1977, Schlumberger JANDA, R. J., 1981, Hydrologic phenomena associa­ soundinge in the Kitsap Peninsula area, Washing­ ted with explosive Cascade volcanism [abstract}: ton: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77- Eoe (American Geophyeioal Union Transactions), v. 290, 74 p., 1 plate. 82, no. 45, p. 1082.

JACOBSON, D. A., 1927, Geology of the Quimper JANDA, R. J.; MEYER, D. F., 1985, Ftuvial sedimen­ Peninsula: University of Washington Bachelor of tation fol lowing Quaternary eruptions of Mount St. Science thesis, 59 p., 1 plate. Helens, Washington [abstract}: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 7, JACOBSON, MURIEL, see p. 618. YOUNT, J. C. [and others], 1983. JANDA, A. J.; N(l.AN, K. M.; GLICKEN, HARRY; AB­ JACOBSON, R. S., 19B8, Map of Oregon seismicity, BOTT, l. s.; VOIGHT, BARRY, 1980, Processes re­ 1841-1988: Oregon Department of Geology and sponsible for massive river sedimentation follow­ Mineral Industrias Geological Map Series GMS-41, 1 ing the May 18, 1990 eruption of Mt. St. Helens sheet, scale 1:1,000,000. [abstract): Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 48, p. 955-956. JACOBSON, R. s.; BIBEE, L. D.; EMBLEY. Fl. w.; HAMMOND, S. R.. 1987, A microseiamicity survey of' JANDA, R. J.; SCOTT, K. M.; NOLAN, K. M.; MARTIN­ Axial Seemount, Juen de Fuca Ridge: Seismological SON, H. A., 1991, Lehar movement, effects, and de­ Society of America Bullet in, v. n, no. 1, p. 180- posit&. l!! Lipman, P. w., Mullineaux, o. R., edi­ 172. tor&, 1981, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens, Washington: U.S. GElological Survey Pro­ JAEGER, D. J., 1988, Paleomegnetic and geochemical fessional Paper 1250, p. 461-478. correlation in the high Cascade, Indian Heaven volcanic field, south-central Washington: Michi­ JANDA, R. J.; SCOTT I K. M.; NOLAN, K. M.; MARTIN­ gan Technological University Master of Science SON, H. A., 1982, Lahars associated with the 1980 t.heais, 63 p. eruption of Mt. St. Helena [abstract]. !!! Washing­ ton Water Research Center, 1982, Proceedings from JAF-FE, H. W., see the conference, Mt. St. Helens-Effects on water LARSEN, E. s., JR. [and others}, 1959. resources: Weshington Water Research Center Re­ port 41, p. 183. JAFFE, MARTIN; BUTLER, JOANN; THUROW, CHARLES, 1981, Reducing earthquake risks-A planner's JANDA, A. J., see al so guide: American Planning Association Planning GLICKEN, HARRY [ end others], 1980. Advisory Service Report 364, 82 p. GLICKEN, HARRY (and othersJ, 1981. MEYER, o. F. (end others}, 1982. JAMES, E. W., 1980, Geology and petrotogy of the MEYER, o. F. [and othersJ, 1985. Lake Ann stock and associated rocks: Western MEYER, o. F. [and othersl, 1986. Washington University Master of Science theaia, 57 MEYER, D. F. [and others}, 1987. p., 1 pl ate. VOIGHT, BARRY [and others}, 1980. VOIGHT, BARAY (and others], 1981. JAN!AZ, J. E., JR., 1972, Petrology of the Upper VOIGHT, BARRY [end others), 1983. Cretaceous strata of Sucia Island, San Juen Coun­ WAITT, A. a., JR. [and others), 1983. ty, Washington: Washington State University Mas-­ ter of Science thesis, 104 p. JAPAN PUBLIC WORKS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, 1983, Pro­ ceedings of the symposium on erosion control in AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY JOHNSON, D. J. 119 volcanic areas, July 6-9, 1982 at Seattle and Van­ JOHANNESEN, D. C., see couver, Washington: Japan Public Works Research STEWART, J. H. [and others], 1979. Institute Technical Memorandum 1908, 377 p. JOHANSEN, O., see JENl

JENNINGS, J. W., see JOHNSON, A. G.; SCOFIELD, D. H., 1986, Seismic OTHBERG, K. L. [and others], 1978. acceleration maps for Oregon. In Eguchi, R. T., editor, 1988, Lifeline seismic risk analysis~Case JENNINGS, M. E.; SCHNEIDER, V. R.; SMITH, P. E., studies: American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 1981, Computer assessments of potential flood haz­ 14-29. ards from breaching of two debris dams, Toutle River and Cowlitz River systems. 1.!! Lipman, P. 'If.; JOHNSON, A. G., see al so Mullineaux, D. R., editors, 1981, The 1980 erup­ BENSON, G. T. (and others], 1978. tions of Mount St. Helens, Washington: U.S. Geo­ DONOJAN, J. c. [and others], 1977. logical Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 829- SCOFIELD, D. H. [and others], 1984. 836. JOHNSON, ARTHUR, 1939, Summary of investigations JENNINGS, M. E.; SCHNEIDER, V. R.; SMITH, P. E., in reservoir site, Washington: U.S. 1984, Mount St. Helens posteruption flood haze rds Geological Survey Open-File Report, 7 p. [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1375, p. 229-230. JOHNSON, ARTHUR, 1940, Summary of investigations on Lewis River end tributaries, Washington: U.S. JEWETT, P. O.; BROWN, E. H., 1985, Fault motions Geological Survey Open-File Report, 8 p. in the Pleiades-Slesee Mountain area, north Cas­ cades of Washington and British Columbia [ab­ JOHNSON, o. J., 1982, Gravity changes in the cra­ stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts ter of Mount St. Helene, Washington, April-Septem­ with Programs, v. 17, no. 6, p. 364. ber, 1982 [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p. 1140. JILLSON, W. R., 1915, A preliminary report on the stratigraphy end the paleontology of the Quimper JOHNSON, D. J.; CAMPBELL, D. S., 1981, Bouguer Peninsula of the State of Washington: University gravity study of the Enumclaw/Pinnacle Peak, Wash­ of Washington Master of Science thesis, 65 p., 1 ington ares: University of Puget Sound unpub­ plate. lished report, 18 p. JOHNSON. D. J., He also Puce Ridga--ElfOlution o,f a p,ro~at.ing rift; CAMPSaL, D. S. [and others], 1982. Jo\.H'fll•l cf Sao~ttysie;lllll ~rctl, "• 1¥,l. r;10,, sa~ p. OZURISIN, DANIEL [end nthersJ, 1991. ast'i'-ma •. OZURISIN, DANia [and others}, 1982. DZURISIN, DANIEL [and othersl, 1983. JOltNSOM, H.. P.a VAN(:;!i T •. C.a D,IS1.ANEY I J. R• .; KAR­ WILLIAMs. D. t.. [e.nd others], 1987. STetft J,. L.. 1taa, Cmlr~erizatiQA of the s.ymnet­ rical and offstlt por,tionll of th$ Juan de Fuca JOHNSON, D. M., see IUdge betw•• 44 dtQ..-a N end 47 -rees N [ •• ZITEK, w. o. [and others], 1981. at~t1: Eoa [A11t,ric1n GaQPhyaiQllll Union Transac­ t i onalt v. 83, no. 45, p. 1149-..1147., JOHNSON, E. B.; HOLLOWAY, L. J.; KJERBOL, G., 1983, Design of Mount Baker Ridge freeway tunnel JOHNSON, H. P"' see al ao in Seattle. !!!. Sutcliffe, Harry; Wilaon, J. w., HOLMES, 14., L. [end oth1trs). 1984. editors, 1983, Proceedings, 1983 Aapid Excavation ICARt.lH,. ROBERI' ( 1tnd others}. 1987, and Tunneling Conference, volume 1: American KARSTEN. J. L. [1nd others]. 1982. Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petl"Oleum TlVeY, M. A. [and others], 1985. Engineers, p. 439-459. TlVEY, M. A. [end others], 1987.

JOHNSON, H. P.; DELAHEY, J. R., 1980, Interaction JOHNSON, HAROLD, 1933, The gerHogy of the Copper of a hot spot and a mid-ocean ridge--The Juan de King mine, S.f'ety Harbor Creek, Chela.n Cquntv, Fuce Ridge crest [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ Washington: University of Weshingtan Bachelor of physical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 48, p. Science thesis, 23 p., 3 plates. 1106. JOHNSON, J. G., 19~, itrly Peleoioic Cordil le ran JOHNSON, H. P.; DELANEY, J. R.; KARSTEN, J. L.; biofecies, provinces, end realms. In Stevena, c. VANCE, T. C., 1983, Characterization of the struc­ H., editor, 1983, Pre-Jurassic rocks in western ture or the Juen de Fuca Ridge {abstract}: Geo­ North American suspect terrenes; Society of Eoo­ logical Association of Canada Program with Ab­ nc111ic Peleontolog ists and Mh1111re log ists, p. 1-5. stracts, v. a, p. AS6. JOHNSON, K. A,, ue JOHNSON, H. P.; HOLMES, M. L.; GARDNER, J. V.; WILSON, S. D. {end others], 1964. CAMPBaL, J. F., 1984, A datei led side-seen sonar study of e propagating rift--SeaMARC II on the JOHNSON, L. C., see northern Juan de Fuca Ridge [abstrect]I Eos MCCOOL, D, K. [end others], 1973. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, no. 16, p. 278-279. JOHNSON, L. E., see KENNEY, J. F. (and others], 1966. JOHNSON, H. P.; HOLMES, M. L.; GARONER, J. V .; CAMPBB..L, J. F., 1984, A detailed side-scan sonar JOHNSON, L. R., see study of a propagating rift--SeaMARC II on the NIAZI, MANSOUR (and others], 1982. northern Juen de Fuca Ridge [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, JOHNSON, P. R.; ZIETZ, ISIDORE, 1986, Aeromagnet i c no. 45 , p. 111 o. date end crustal structure of the western United States [abstract]; Eos (American Geophysical JOHNSON, H. P.; KARLIN, flOBERT; HOLMES, M. L., Union Transactions), v. 87, no, 44, p, 1190, 1987, Evolution of a large, near-axis seamount~A SeeMARC II study of Axial Seemount, central Juen JOHNSON, P. R., see also de Fuca Ridge [abstract]: Eos (American ZIETZ, ISIOOflE [and others], 1986. Geophysical Union Transect ions), v. 68, no: 44, p. 1492. JOHNSON, 9. G., au PARKER, M. L. (and others), 1984. JOHNSON, H. P.; KAflSTEN, J. L.; DELANEY, J. R.; DAV IS, E. E.; CURRIE, R. G.; CHASE, R. L., 1983, A JOHNSON, S. H.; COUCH, R. W., 1969, Preliminary detailed study of the Cobb offset of the Juan de refraction results from Project EOZOE in the north AUTHOR BIBLIOGAAPHY JOHNSON, S. Y. 121

Cescede Mountains [abstract]: Eos {American Geo­ JOHNSON, S. v., 19B3, Eocene Chuckanut Formation physical Union Transactions), v. 50, no. 11, p. of northwest Washington-Sedimentation in a large 043. strike-slip-fault controlled'? basin (abstract}: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bul­ JOHNSON, S. Ho, COUCH, R. W., 1970, Crustal struc­ letin, v. 67, no. 3, p. 491. ture in the north Cascade Mountains of Washington and British Columbia from seismic refraction mea­ JOHNSON, S. Y., 1983, Stratigraphy, sadimentology, surements: Seismological Society of America Bul­ and tectonic setting of the Eocene Chuckanut For­ letin, v. 60, no. 4, p. 1259-1289. mation, northwest Washington (abstract}: Disser­ tation Abstracts International, v. 43, no. 10, JOHNSON, S. H., see al so Section B, p. 3168B. COUCH, R. w. [and others], 1968. JONES, P. R. [and others], 1978. JOHNSON, S. Y., 1984, Cyclic fluvial sedimentation MCALISTER, R. E. [and others], 1979. in e rapidly subsiding basin, northwest Washing­ RIDOIHOUGH, R. P. [and others], 1983. ton: Sedimentary Geology, v. 38, no. 1-4, p. 381- 391. JOHNSON, S. Y., 1978, Sedimentology, petrology, and structure of Mesozoic strata in the northwest­ JOHNSON, S. Y., 19B4, Evidence for a margin-trun­ ern Sen Juen Islands, Washington: University of cating trenecurrent fault (pre-late Eocene) in Washington Master of Science thesis, 105 p., 4 western Washington: Geology, v. 12, no. 9, p. plates. 538-541.

JOHNSON, S. Y., 1981, Sedimentation and tectonics JOHNSON, S. Y., 1984, Stratigraphy, age, end pele­ of the Chuckanut Formation on , ogeography of the Eocene Chuckanut Formation, Washington [abstract]. l!l The lest 100 million northwest Washington: Canadian Journal of Earth years {mid Cretaceous to Holocene) of geology and Sciences, v. 21, no. 1, p. 92-106. mineral deposits in the Canadian Cordillera: Geo­ logical Association of Canada Cordilleren Section JOHNSON, s. Y., 1984, Strike-slip-fault control Programme end Abstracts, p. 25. (?) on the geometry end origin of the Eocene ~huckanut basin, northwest Washington (abstract]: JOHNSON, S. Y., 1981, The Spieden Group-An Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. anomalous piece of the Cordillaren paleogeographic 65, no. 17, p. 330. puzzle: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 18, no. 11, p. 1694-1707. JOHNSON, S. Y., 1985, Eocene strike-slip faulting and nonmarine basin formation in Washington. I!! JOHNSON, S. Y., 1981, Stratigraphy, sedimentology, Biddle, I<. T.; Christie-BL ick, Nicholas, editors, and paleogeographic significance of Spieden Group, 1985, Strike-slip deformation, basin formation, Sen Juan Islands, Washington (abstract]: American and sedimentation: Society of Economic Paleontol­ Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. ogists end Mineralogists Special Publication 37, 65, no. 5, p. 942. p. 2B3-302.

JOHNSOtl, S. Y., 19B2, Cyclic fluvial sedimentation JOHNSON, S. Y., 1985, Stratigraphy and sedimentol­ end basin analysis of the lower part of the Eocene ogy of the Eocene Chuckanut Formation on Belling­ Chuckanut Formation, north Cascades, Washington ham Bey, Washington: Geological Society of Ameri­ [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ ca Cordil lersn Section Field Trip 6, 21 p. stracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. 176. JOHNSON, S. Y., 1988, Eocene strike-slip tectonics JOHNSON, S. Y., 1982, Stratigraphy, sediment.ology, and sedimentation in central end western Washing­ and tectonic setting of the Eocene Chuckanut For­ ton (abstract]. !!l Northwest Petroleum Associa­ matio11, northwest Washington: University of Wash­ tion, 1988, Symposium-Program and abstracts: ington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 221 p., 4 Northwest Petroleum Association, 2 p. plates. JOHNSON, S. Y.; BRA NOON, M. T.; STEWART, R. J.,. 1981, Major early Tertiary transcurrent fault in 122 JOHNSON. S. Y. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHI~TON western Washington [abstract}: Eos (American Ge~ Hole, Maas.} Ocean Drilling Program, Regional physical Union Transactions}, v. 62, no. 45, p. AtlH Series 1, p. 15. 1047. JOHNSON, S. Y.; NIEM, w. A.; NIEM, A. R.; BRANDON, JOHNSON, s. Y.; BRANDON, M. T.; STEWART, R. J., M. T.; STEWART, R. J., COMPILERS, 1984, .Geology, 1984, Geology and geologic history of western was tarn Oregon and Washington. l..!! Kulm, L. D.; end Washington and southern Vancouver Ialends. .!!l others, editors, 1984, Western North American Kulm, L. D.; and others, editors, 1984, Western continental margin and adjacent ocean floor off North American continental margin and adjacent Oregon end Washington: Merine Science ocean floor off Oregon and Washington: Marine International [Woods Hot e, Mass.) Ocean Drilling Science International [Woods Hole, Maas.] Ocean Program, Regional Atlas Series 1, p. 14.. Oril ling Program, Regional Atlas SeriH 1, p. 18. JOHNSON, s. v.; WHETTEN, J. T •• NAESER, c. w.; JOHNSON, S. Y.; BRANDON, M. T.; STEWART, R. J., ZIMMERMANN, R. A., 1983, Fission track ages from 1984, Sources for geology-Western Washington. .!!l the Chuckanut Formation, northwest Washington Kulm, L. D.; and others, ad i to rs, 1994, Western [abstract): Geological Society of America Ab­ North American continental margin and adjacent stracts with Prag rems, v. 15, no. 5, p. 393. ocean floor off Oregon and Washington: Marine Science International [Woods Hole, Mass.] Ocean JOHNSON, S. Y.; ZIMMERMANN, R. A.; NAESER, C. W., Drilling Program, Regional Atlas Series 1, p. 13b. 1988, Fission-track dating of the tectonic devel­ opment of the San Juan Islands, Washington: Cana­ JOHNSON, S. Y.J BRANDON, M. T.; STEWART, R. J.; dian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 23, no. 9, p. MCCLAIN, K. J.; LEWIS, B. T. R.; TABER, J. J., 1318-1330. JR.J CROSSON, R. s., COMPILERS, 1984, Cross sec- t ion 0-0'-D", western Washington. .!!l Kulm, L. D.; JOHNSON, S. Y., see el so and others, editors, 1984, Western North American BRANDON, M. T. [end others}, 1981. continental margin and adjacent ocean floor off BRANDON, M. T. [and others), 1984. Oregon and \'lashington: Marina Science Interna­ COWAN, o. S. (end others}, 1988. tional [Woods Hole, Mess.} Ocean Oril ling Program, NIEM, A. R. [and others), 1984.. Regional Atlas Series 1, p. 22. JOHNSON, T. L., 1975, A comparison of frictional JOHNSON, s. Y.; BRANDON, M. T.; STEWART, R. J.; sliding on granite end dunite surfaces: Journal MCCLAIN, K. J.; TABER, J. J., JR., COMPILERS, of Geophysical Raeeerch, v. SD, no. 17, p. 2600- 1984, Cross section C-C'-C'', western Washington. 2805. l..!! Kulm, L. D.; end others, editors, 1984, Western North American cont;nental margin and adjacent JOHNSTON, D. A.; DONNaL Y-NOLAN, JULIE, EDITORS, ocean floor off Oregon and Washington: Merine 1981, Guides to some volcanic terrenes in Washing­ Sc;ence International [Woods Hole, Maes.) Ocean ton, Idaho, Oregon, end northern Cal ifornie: U.S. Orfl ling Program, Regional Atlee Series 1, p. 21. Geological Survey Circular 838, 189 p.

JOHNSON, s. Y.; FRASER, G. T.; ROBERTS, J. W.; JOHHSTON, DONNaLA, see TAYLOR, s. B., 1984, Eocene strike-slip faulting BATTIE, JOHN [end others), 1975. end basin formation in Washington [abstract}: American Association of Petroleum Geologists JOHNSTON, M. J. S., 19B7, Tilt, strei n, and mag­ Bull et in, v. 88, no. 4, p. 493. netic field measurements. In Jacobson, M. L.; Rod­ riguez, T. R., compilers, 1987, National Earth­ JOHNSON, S. Y.; NIEM, \'I. A.; NIEM, A. R.; BRANDON, quake Hazards Reduction Program, summ1,ries of M. T.; KULM, L. D.; STEWART, R. J., COMPILERS, technical reports Volume XXIV: U.S. Geological 1984, Tectonic features, western Oregon and Survey Open-Fi le Report 87-374, p. 362-368. \'leshington. In Kulm, L. D.; end others, editors, 1984, Western North Americen continental margin JOHNSTON, M. J. S.; DVORAK, J. J., 1981, The end adjacent ocean floor off Oregon end impl icetions of ti Lt and magnetometer measurements Washington: Marine Science International [Woode at Mount St. Helens, Washington--1980-1981 [ab- AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY JONES, J. T. 123

stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ ocean-level: American Journal of Science, series tions), v. 82, no. 45, p. 1089. 5, v. 12, p. 249-253.

JOHNSTON, 14. J. S.; MUELLER, R. J.; DVORAK, J. J., JONES, A., see 1980, Volcanomagnetic observations during erup­ JOHNSTON, M. J. s. [and others], 1984. tions of Mt. St. Helens, May-August 1980 [ab­ stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ JONES, BRONWEN, 1985, Tunnelling in North Ameri­ tions), v. 81, no. 46, p. 1134-1135. ca's volcanic zone: Tunnels and Tunnelling, v. 17, no. 5, p. 42. JOHNSTON, M. J. S.; MUELLER, R. J.; DVORAK, J. J., 1981, Volcanomagnetic observations during erup­ JONES, D. L.J SILBERLING, N. J.; HILLHOUSE, J. W., tions, Mey-August 1980. .!!! Lipman, P. W.; Mull in­ 1978, Microplete tectonics of Alasks~Significance eaux, o. R., editors, 1981, The 1980 eruptions of for the Mesozoic history of the Pacific coast of Mount St. Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological North America. !!1 Howell, D. G.; McDougall, K. A., Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 183-189. editors, 1978, Mesozoic paleogeography of the western United States: Society of Economic Pale­ JOHNSTON, M. J. S.; MUELLER, R. J.; MORTENSEN, C. ontologists and Mineralogists Pacific Section, E.; MYREN, D.; JONES, A.; KELLER, V., 1984, Tilt, Pacific Coast Paleogeogrephy Symposium 2, p. 71- strain, and magnetic measurements. !!! Jacobso11, M. 74. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compi lars, 1984, Summaries of technical reports, Volume XVIII, prepared by JONES, D. L., see al so participants in National Earthquake Hazards Reduc­ BLAKE, M. c., JR. [and others], 1982. tion Program: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le FRIZZaL, v. A., JR. [and others], 1902. Report 84-628, p. 196-199. SILBERLING, N. J. [and others], 1984. TENNYSON, M. E. [and others], 1982. JOHNSTON, M. J. S., see also WHETTEN, J. T. [end others], 1901. DAVIS, P. M. [and others], 1984. DVORAK, J. J. [and others], 1980. JONES, D. R., see DVORAK, J. J. [and others], 1981. ALPHA, T. R. [and others], 1980. OJORAK, J. J. (and others], 1984. JONES, F. O., 1959, Preli mi nary geologic report, JOHNSTON, W. A., 1921, The age of the Recent delta Trout Lake dam site and general basin srea--White of Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada: Ameri­ Salmon River Project; prepared for Klickitat Coun­ can Journal of Science, series 5, v. 1, p. 450- ty Public Utility District no. l: North Pacific 453. Consul tents (Portland, Ore.], 55 p.

JOHNSTON, W. A., 1921, A late Pleistocene read­ JONES, F. 'ti., see vanes of the ice sheets in the Vancouver region, NIENABER, W. [and others], 1976. British Columbia [abstract, with discussion by J Ii. Bretz and E. M. Burwash]: Geological Society JONES, G. T.; TSUKADA, MATSUO, 1981, Paleoecology of America Bulletin, v. 32, p. 51-52. in the Pacific Northwest~II, Cladoceran succes­ sion: International Association of Theoretical JOHNSTON, w. A., 1921, The occurrence of calcare­ and Applied Limnology Conference Proceedings, v. ous sandstone in the recent delta of Fraser River, 21, pert 2, p. 738-744. British Columbia, Canada: American Journal of Science, sari es 5, v. 1, p. 447-449. JONES, I. F., see CLOWES, R. M. [and others], 1983. JOHNSTON, W. A., 1922, The character of the stra­ ELLIS, R. M. [and others], 1903. tification of the sediments in the Recent delta of Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada: Journal JONES, J. T., 1983, Structural geology of the of Geology, v. 30, no. 2, p. 115-129. Church Mountain area, north Cascades, ~ashington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ JOHNSTON, W. A., 1926, Lack of evidence on the stracts with Programs, v. 15, no. 5, p. 323. Pacific Coast of Canada fore recent sinking of 124 JONES, J. T. SEISMIC MAZAFl>S Of \1ESfERN WASHINGTON

JONES, J. T., 1984, The geology end structure of JffltIENfZ-TRist.ER, CHRIS, see the Canyon Creek-Church Mountain area, north Cas­ QAMAA, ANTHONY [end others}, 1988. cades, Washington: Western Washington University ZOLLW&G, J. E. (end others}, 1984. Master of Science thesis, 125 p., 2 plates. JORDAN, RAYMOND; KIEfFER, ~ H., 1991, Topographic JONES, J. T.; BLACKWELL, D. L.; ZIEGLER, C. B., changes at Mo1,1nt It;. Helens--l.erga-scate photo­ 1984, The geology, structure and surficial faa­ QN11111etry end digital t.rrein models. I!! Lipman, tures of West Church Mountain and Canyon Creek, P. w., Mut l tneaux, D. R., eclitors., 1981, The 1980 north Cascades, Washington: U.S. Forest Service, eruptions of Mount St. Helens, Washington: U.S. 15 p., 1 plate. Geological Survey Prof'eeeional Paper 1250, p. 135- 141. JONES, J. T., sea al so BROWN, E. H. [ and others], 1987. JDFOAN, RAV MONO; KIEH-ER, H. H., 1982, Topogreph ic map of Mount 9t. Helens, Washington, showing chan­ JONES, J. w., 1952, Gravimetric inveatigationa in ges between April 11 and Mey 16, 19BDz u.s. the State of Washington [abstract]: Geological Gaologioal Survey Miscellaneous Irwestigetions Society of America Bullet in, v. 63, no. 12, part Seriee Map I-1411, 1 sheet, scale 1:10,000. 2, p. 1354. JOYCE, J. M., see JONES, M. H., see HOWELL, D.. G. [ and others], 1980. BONNO, M. [and others], 1964. DANES, Z. F. [and others], 1985. JOZSA, L. A., see PARKER, M. L. [and others], 1984. JONES, P. R.; JOHNSON, S. H., 1978, Sonobuoy array measurements or active faulting on the Gorda JULIAN, BRUCE, aee Ridge: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 83, MCKENZIE, DAN [end others], 1971. no. 87, p. 3435-3440. JULL, A. J. r., see JONES, P. w., sea RENEAU, S. L. [end others], 1987. NIENABER, W. [and others], 1979. JUNO, J, G., 1987, A geologic end magnetic study JONES, R. w., 1957, Petrology and structure of the or the Copper Bell property, Goldbar, Washington: Higgins Mountain area, northern Cascades, Washing­ University of Washington Master of Science thesis, ton: University or Washington Meeter of Science 38 p. thesis, 186 p., 1 plate. JLNIGNE, E. H., 1996, Late-Ou!lternary sediments et JONES, R. w., 1959, Geology or the Finney Peak Bettle Ground Lake, southern Puget Trough, Wash­ area, northern Cascades or Washington: Univeraity ington: Northwest Science, v. 60, no. 4, p. 210- or Washington Doctor or Philosophy thesis, 138 p., 217, 2 plates. KAARSBERG, E. A., 1966, Magnetic survey of the JONES, R. W., 1959, Geology of the Finney Peak epicentrel eree of the Puget Sound earthquake of area, northern Cascades or Washington [abstract]: April 29, 1965 [abstract]: Georgia Academy of Dissertation Abstracts, v. 20, no. 3, p. 993-994,, Science Bulletin, v. 24, no. 2, p. 74.

JONES, T. D., see KAAFISBERG, E. A., 1967, Magnetic survey of the JOHNSON, A. G. [end others], 1978. Puget Sound earthquake i:one: Geophysics, v. 32, no, 1, p. 119-123. JONES, W. J., see FABIANO, E. B. [and others], 1978. KAAFISBERG, e., A.; COLCORD, J. E.. 1963, Geological PEDDIE, N. w. [end others], 1976. and geodetic implications derived from a detailed gravity survey or the city of Seattle area [ab­ stract]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 44, no. 1, p. 32. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY KARSTEN, J. L. 125

KAATZ, M. R., 1959, Patterned ground in central KANKAINEN, TUOJI, see Washington; s preliminary report: Northwest Sci­ ERONEN, MATTI [and others], 1087. ence, v. 33, no. 4, p. 145-158. KAPPEL, E. S.; RYAN, W. B. F., 1986, Vo lcenic ep i­ KAGAMI, HIDED, see sodicity and e non-steady state rift valley along ELVERS, DOUGLAS (and others], 1972. northeast Pacific spreading centers-Evidence from SEIDEL, DEAN (and others], 1973. Sea MARC I: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, no. 814, p. 13,925-13,940. , A. e.. 1934, The geology of the Yankee Boy mine, Snohomish County, Washington: University of KARACHEWSKI, J. A., 1983, Palaomagnetism, sedimen­ Washington Bachelor of Science thesis, 20 p., 3 tary petrology, and paleogeogrephy of the Oligo­ plates. cene Lincoln Creek Formation in Grays Harbor basin, southwestern Washington: Western Washing­ KANAMORI, HIROO; GlVEN, J. W., 1981, Machan i am of ton University Master of Science thesis, 181 p. Mt. St. Helens eruption determined from long­ period surface waves (abstract]: Eos (American KARACHEWSl

KANASEWICH, E. R., see KARLIN, ROBERT, see also CLOWES, R. M. (and others], 1987. JOHNSON, H. P. [and others], 1987. CLOWES, R. M. [and others], 1988. GREEN, A. G. [end others], 1986. KARSTEN, J. L., 1983, The Juan de Fuca Ridge between 48 degrees 00 minutes end 48 degrees 18 KANE, M. F., see minutes N (abstract]: Geological Association of

HILDEteRAND, T. G. {and others], 19820 Canada Program with Abstracts, v. 8, p. A37. 128 l

KARSTEN, J. L.; OEl.ANEV, J. f\, 11988; Hot •V e\iit'Ors, 1983, Proceed 'i~s of workshop XIV, 'Earth­ migretfng ridge crest interaction-Jue d• Ma qrtli!il

KA'RSTEN, J. L.; HAMMOND, s. A.; DAVIS, E., E.t CUf'I­ ftee:et, u. K., 199"', t:ena;st lies 'C9used by enth­ RIE, A. G., 1986, Dataf led geomi:lrpftilOllY ai"li! neo­ quef(ts1 Gtiotogicet 90cittt'y of MneMce Bullet in, tectonics of the Endeavour Seg111ent, Juan di!J Fucra ". 96, ne. 4, 1'· tmt-4t!1. Rfdge-Nt!lw results from Seabeiun s••th 111api,fng: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 97, no. KEl:fERt 9, te.; tANNAtt, ft. e., 19itt, 1Hb l i'tigt11phy 2, p. 213-221. an l'anc:hsl ldes, st>H \ i'quef'tct ion, and related ground faHures in selected historic earthquakes: KARSTEN, J. L.,; JOHNSON, H. P.; DELANEY, J., A.; U.S. 1'3eotogicet Survey O.,en-fi\e ~epart 81~72, 38 AND OTHERS, 19B2, A detailed study of the Cobb j). ortset of the Juan de Fuee Ridge-Evolution of a propagating rift {abstrecth Eos {Aini!lricen 1CEB..ING. i


Hole, Mass.] Ocean Dril Ung Program, Regional KENT, R. C., see Atlas Series 1, p. 11. TILFORD, NORMAN [and others], 1981.

KENDRICK, GEORGE, see KENYON, N. H., see DAMAR, ANTHONY [and others], 1981. GARONER, J. V. [and others], 1986. DAMAR, ANTHONY [end others], 1983. HAMPTON, M. A. [and others], 1984. HAMPTON, M. A. [and others], 1985. KENKATAKRISHNAN, RAMESH, see BARRASlt, WARREN [and others], 1982. KERR, R. A., 1981, Mount St. Helens--Volcanoes, quakes, and the connectednees of things: Science, t

KENT ASSOCIATES, 1981, Geothermal exploration KEYES, C. R., 1915, Exhumed sea coasts [abstract]: project, Phase !~Temperature gradient drilling: Science new series, v. 41, no. 1069, p. 950. Kent Associates [Lake Oswego, Ore.], 185 p., 19 plates. KEYES, C. R., 1917, High-level terraces of Okano­ gan Val lay, Wash.: Iowa Academy of Science Pro­ KENT, B. H., see ceedings, v. 24, p. 47-51. ARNDT, H. H. [and others], 1977. ARNOT, H. H. [and others], 1980. KHUAYJARERNPANISHK, THANASARN, see SCHROEDER, W. L. [and others], 1974. KENT, M. D.; ROBBINS, K. C., 1983, Engineering geology of the central business district, Port­ KIEFFER, H. H.; FRANK, D. G.; FRIEDMAN, J. D., land, Oregon [abstract}: Association of Engineer­ 1981, Thermal infrared surveys at Mount St. Helena ing Geologists, 1983 Annual Meeting, Abstracts and ~Observations prior to the eruption of May 18. In Program, p. 79. Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, o. R., editors, 1981, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens, \'fashing­ !

KIEFFER, H. H.; FRANK, D. G.; FRIEDMAN,. J. O.; King County Department of Community and Environ­ SAWATZKY, D. L., 1984, Aeriel infrend surveys at mental Development, 63 P• Mount St. Helens, Washington {abatracth U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1375, p. 261. KUS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND EMIIRON­ MENTAL oa,Q.QPMENT I.AND USE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, KIEFFER, H. H.J FRIEDMAN, J. D.; FRANK, D. G., 197S, Ne•castla tandfUl site, King County De­ 1984, Thermal-infrared surveys, Cascades volcanoes partflnt of Community and Environmental Develop­ [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional ment, 48 p. Paper 1375, p. 218. t(Ita; COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ANO COMMUNITY KIEFFER, H. H., 1!188 al so 08/ELOPMENT, 1980, Sensitive llf'!il811 map folio, King JORDAN, RAYMOND {and others], 1981. County, Washington, King County Oepartmont of JORJAN, RAYMOND [and others], 1982. Planning end Community Development, 1 v.

KIEL, W. A., see KING COUNTY PARKS, PLANNING AND RESOURCES DEPART­ TILLSON, 0. D. [end others], 1985. MENT, 1981, Sensitive areas map folio, King Coun­ ty, Washington: King County Parks, Planning end KIENLE, C. F., JR.; FAROOQUI, S. M.; STRAZER, R. Resources Department, 1 v. J.; HAMILL, M. L., 1978, Investigation of the Ribbon Cliff landslide, Entiat, Washington: Shan­ KING, J. M,, see non and Wilson, Inc., 28 p., 23 figs., 2 plates. BERG, J, W., JR. {and others], 1966.

KIENLE, C. F., JR.; , R. C., 1974, Age of KING, K. w.; ALGEFIMISSEN, s. T.; TARR, A. c.; Cascadian tectonic structures, N. central Ore. end CARTER, D. L., 1987, Seismic-response study, Puget s. central Wash. {abstract]: Oregon Academy of Sound urban area, Washington (abstract]: Eos Science Proceedings, v. 10, p. 89. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 68, no. 52, p. 1816. KIENLE, C. R., see COUCH, R. w. [and others], 1980. KING, K. W.; TARR, A. C., 1987, Urban hazards seismic field investigations and study of the KIILSGAARD, T. H., see effects of site geology on ground shaking. l!!. \1EISSENBORN, A. E. [ and others], 1982. Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1987, National earthquake Hazards Reduction KILIJANEIC, T. S., 1984, The experience of two Progra111, summaries of technical reports Volume states. !Jl Washington Department or Emergency Ser­ XXIV: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87- vices, 1984, Proceedings of the 1983 National 374, p. 564-568. Seismic Policy Conference, November 1-3, 1983, Seattle, Washington: Washington Department or KING, K. W.; TARR, A. C., 1988, Urban haze rds Emergency Sarv fess, p. 22-33. seismic field investigations and the study of the effects of site geology on ground shaking. !n KILIJANEK, T. S., see also Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, DRABEK, T. E. [and others}, 1983. 1988, National earthquake hazards reduction pro­ gram, summaries of technical reports Volume ~: KIMBALL, J. P., 1997, Phyeiographic geology of the U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-16, p, Puget Sound basin [in 2 parts]: American Geolo­ 511-514. gist, v. 19, no. 4, p. 225-237 [part 11; v.19, no. 5, p. 304-322 [part 2]. KI~, K. W., see al so TARR, A. c. [and others], 1987. KIMMEL, G. E., see WAL TEAS, K. L. [ and others1, 1988. KING, N., see PRESCOTT, W. H. [and others], 1986. KIMG COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND EMIIRON­ HENTAL DeJELOPMENT, 1975, Vashon-Meury Istend­ KING, P. B., 1958, Evolution of modern surface Physicel characteristics ond shoreline inventory: features of western United States. Tn Hubbs, Corl, AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY KLOCK, G. o. 129 editor, 1958, Zoogeog raphy: American Association geologic map of the United States: U.S. Geologi­ for the Advancement of Science Publication 51, p. cal Survey Professional Peper 903, 76 p. 44-48. KING, P. 8.; BEIKMAN, H. M., 1978, The Cenozoic KING, P. B., 1984, The tectonic map of North Amer­ rocks~A discussion to accompany the geologic map ica: U.S. Geological survey, 26 p. of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 904, B2 p. KING, P. B., 1964, Tectonic map of North America [abstract]: Geological Society of America Special KING, P. B.; EDMONSTON, G. J., 1972, Gena rel i zed Peper 78, p. 208. tectonic map of North America: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I- KING, P. B., 1985, Tectonics of Quaternary time in 688, 1 sheet, scale 1:15,000,000. middle North America. !!l Wright, H. E., Jr.; Frey, D. G., editors, 1985, The Quaternary of the United KINNER, E. B., see States: Princeton University Press, p. 831-B70. BROWN, P. P. [end others], 1981. SCROTA, M. D. {and others], 1981. KING, P. B., 1966, The North American cordillera. !!!. Canadian Institute of Mining end Metallurgy; KINNISON, H. B.; SCBIA, J. E., 1963, Effects of and others, 1966, A symposium on tectonic history hydraulic and geologic factors on streemflow of and mineral deposits of the western Cordillera in the Yakima River basin, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ British Columbia and neighbouring perts of the cal Survey Water-Supply Paper 1595, 134 p., 3 United States, Vancouver, 1964: Canadian Insti­ plates. tute of l~ining and Metallurgy Special Volume 8, p. 1-26. KINOSHITA, W. T., see PRESCOTT, W. H. [and others], 1979. KING, P. B., 1966, The tectonic map of North Amer­ ica {scale 1:5,000,000). In International Geologi­ KIRK, H. K., see cal Congress, 22nd, 1986, Scientific communica­ SHOR, G. G., JR. [and others], 1968. tions reed to the Commission for the Geological Map of the World: International Geological Con­ KlVER, E. P., 1981, The Cascade volcenoes~omper­ gress, 22nd, 1984, p. 17-31. ison of geologic and historic records [abstract]. !!l Keller, s. A. C., editor; and others, 1981, KING, P. B., 1969, New tectonic map of North Amer­ Mount St. Helens--One year later; Abstracts with ica: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. directory: Eestern Washington University, 1 p. ao, no. 1 o, p. 2039-2041. KlVER, E. P., 1982, The Cascade volcanoes--Compa r­ KING, P. B., 1969, The tectonics of North America ison of geologic end historic records. In Ketler, ~A discussion to accompany the tectonic map of s. A. C., editor, 1982, Mount St. Helens-One year North America, scale 1:5,000,000: U.S. Geological letar: Eastern Washington University Press, p. 3- Survey Professional Paper 828, 95 p. 12.

KING, P. B.; BEIKMAN, H. M., 1974, Explanatory KJERBOL, G., see text to accompany the geologic map of the United JOHNSON, E. B. [and others], 1983. States: U.S. Geological survey Professional Paper 901, 40 p. KLAUSS, DON, see ANDERSON, A. C. [end others], 1956. KING, P. 8.; BEIKMAN, H. M., COMPILERS, 1974, Geo­ logic map of the United· States, exclusive of Alas­ KLEINKOPF, M. O., see ka and Hawaii: U.S. Geological Survey, 3 sheets, EATON, G. P. [ and others], 1978. scale 1:2,500,000. KLOCK, G. o., 1979, Some engineering aspects of KING, P. B.; BEIKMAN, H. M., 1976, The Paleozoic forest soils. In Heilman, P. E.; Anderson, H. 'fl., and Mesozoic rocks--A discussion to accompany the Jr.; Baumgartner, o. M., comp; ters, 1979, Forest soils of the Oougles-fir region: Washington State 130 KLOCK, G. o. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHil'\GTON

University Cooperat-ive Extension Service, p. 269- KNOWLES, C. R., see 277. SMITH, H. W. [and others], 1975. SMITH, H. w. [end others], 1977. KLOCK, G.. O.; HELVEY, J. O., 1976, Debrie flows following wildfire in north-central Weehington: KOCM, A. J., 1968, Petrolqgy of the "Hoh forma­ Federal Inter-Agency Sedimentation Conference, tion" of Terti9ry age in the vicinity of the Raft 3rd, Proceedings, p. 1.91-1.99. River, western Washington: University of Washing­ ton Mester of Science thesis, 41 p., 1 plate. KLUl'\GLAND, M. W., see DEBOSE, ALFONSO [end others], 1983. KOCHER, A. e., 1922, Soil survey of the Wenatchee eree, Washington: U.S. Bureau of Soils Report, 92 KLUSHIN, I. G., see p., 1 plate. ABRAMQ/ICH, I. I. [and others], 1977. KOCKELMAN, W. J.; HAYS, W. W.; GORI, P. L., 19116, KNEPPER, D. H., JR., 1980, Subsidence structures Reducing urban and regional earthquake hazards. In in the Cascade Range [abetract]: U.S. Geological Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, Survey Professional Peper 1175, p. 308. 19BB, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Pro­ gram, summaries of technical reports, volume KNEPPER, D. H., JR., 1983, Summary of some analy­ XXIII: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report sis techniques for linear features with exe11ples 87-83, p. 584--592. from the Cascade Range. !!l Buettner, M., editor, 1983, Digest--Remote sensing--Extending man•s KOESTERS, D. B., 1984, A structural and hydrocar­ horizon; Volume II: Institute of Electrical end bon analysis of the central Cascade Range, Wash­ Electronics Engineers, p. 8.1 - 6.5. ington: Texas Christien University Master of Sci­ ence thesie, 120 p., 4 plates. KNEPPER, o. H., JR., 1965, Analysis of linear fea­ tures meppad from Landsat images of the Ce1cada KOHLER, W. M., sae Range, Washington, Oregon, end California: U.S. EVERNDEN, J. F. [and others], 1981. Geological Survey Open-Fi la Report 85-150, 30 p. KONICEK, D. L.; DANES, Z. F., 1872, Gravity KNITTER, C. C.; FULLER, S. R., 1982, Late Quater­ results in the mountains of south-central Washing­ nary scarps, northwestern Cascade Range, Washing­ ton [abstract]: Eos {Americen Geophysical Union ton [abstract]: Beological Society of America Ab­ TreneactionaJ, v. 53, no. 11, p. 966. stracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. 178. KONICEK, D. L.; DANES, Z. F., 1973, Gravity KNITTER, C. C.; FULLER, s. R.; DE RUBERTIS, K., results in the mountains of south-central Washing­ 1984, Uphill facing scarps due to toppling failure ton [ebstrect]: Eos [American Geophysical Union of mountain slopes, north Cascades, Washington Trensections), v. 54, no. a, p. 147. [abstract]: Beological Society of America Ab­ stracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 5, p. 293. KONICEK, D. L., see also HAMMOND, P. E. [ and others], 1976. KNITTER, C. c., see al so ANDERSON, L. W. [end others}, 1980. KOROSEC, M. A., COMPILER, 1987, Baologic map of the Hood River quadrangle, Washington and Oregon: KNOLL, K. M., 1987, Surficiel geology of the Tott Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources River area, Washington: University of Washington Open-File Report 87-8, 40 p., 1 plato, scale Master of Science thesis, 91 p., 1 plete. 1:100,000.

KNOLL, K. M., 1968, Relationships of lowland to KOROSEC, M. A., COMPILER, 1987, Beologic map of elpine drift sheets in the Tolt River eree, Wash­ the Mount Adams quadrangle, Washington and Oregon: ington [abstract]: Northwest Science, v. 42, no. Weshington Division of Geology and Earth Resources 1 , p. 37. Open-Fila Report 87-5, 39 p., 1 plate, scale 1:100,000. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY KUIVILA, K. M. 131

KOROSEC, M. A.; RIGBY, J. G.; STOFFEL, K. L., findings from the Ross Lake Fault Zone and vicini­ 1980, The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Wash­ ty [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ ington; Part 1, March 20-May 19, 1980: Washington stracts with Prag rems, v. 19, no. B, p. 396. Division of Geology and Earth Resources Informa­ tion Ci rculer 71, 27 p. KRIENS, BRYAN; WERNICKE, BRIAN, 19BB, Crustal sections and arc magmatism-New findings from the KOROSEC, M. A.., see al so Ross Lake f'eu l t zone, north Ceeoades, Wash. [ ab­ BERRI, D. A. [and others], 1983. stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trans­ BLACKWaL, o. o. [and others], 1982. actions), v. 67, no. 44, p. 1189. HAMMOND, P. E. [and others], 1983. WALSH, T. J. [and others], 1987. KRIMMEL, R. M.; FRANK, D. G., 1980, Aerial obser­ vations of Mt. Baker, Weshington--1976-1979 update KOSALOS, J., see [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union DNIS, E. E. [and others], 1983. Transactions], v. 61, no. a, p. 89.

KOSKI, R. A., see KRINITZSKY, E. L., see NORMARK, W. R. [and others], 1984. CHAt«3, F. K. [end others], 1977.

KRAFT, J. c.; SARNOSKY, C. w.; NICKMANN, RUDY, KRIZEK, R. J., see 1981, Evolution of Late Holocene accretion plain SCHUSTER, R. L. [and others], 1978. on Pacific Coast--Grayland, southwestern Washing­ ton [abstract]: American Association of Petroleum KROFT, o. J., 1972, Send end gravel deposits in Geologists Bullet in, v. 65, no. 5, p. 945-946. western King County, Washington: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, 62 p. KRASHEVSKI, S. H., see MCLERRAN, J. H. [and others], 1954. KROGSTAD, R. S., see MCLERRAN, J. H. [end others], 1955. VALI, VICTOR [and others], 1967. SCHLOTS, F. E. [and others], 1982. SIBLEY, E. A. [and others], 1957. KROHN, J. P.; SLOSSON, J. E., 1978, Landslide po­ tential in the United States: Cal ifornie Geology, KREMER, O. E., 1959, The geology of the Praston­ v. 29, no. 10, p. 224-231. Mt. Si area: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, 103 p., 1 plate. KROM, M. M., 1937, The Bounds ry Rad Mounts in mine, Whatcom County, Washington: University of Wash­ KRESCH, o. L., 1982, Mount Reinier eruption-hazard ington Bachelor of Science thesis, 135 P•• 7 investigetions--Leher flood-hazard evaluations. !!!. plates. U.S. Geological Survey, 1982, Activities of the Water Resources Division end Resident Cartogra­ KRON, ANDREA; STD<, JOHN, 1982, Geothermal gradi­ pher, Division of National Mapping in Washington, ent map of the United States, exclusive of Alaska 1981 fiscal year: U.S. Geological Survey, p. 50. end Hewai i: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2 sheets, scale 1:2,500,000. KRESCH, D. L.; LAENEN, ANTONIUS, 1984, Preli mi nary estimate of possible flood elevations in the KRON, ANDREA; STD<, JOHN, 1982, Geothermal gradi­ Columbia River et Trojan Nuclear Power Plant due ent map of the United States (exclusive of Alaska to failure of debris dam blocking Spirit Lake, and HawaHJ. To Geothermal Resources Council, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Weter-Resour­ 1982, Geothermal energy--Turn on the power: Geo­ ces Investigations Report 83-4197, 11 p. thermal Resources Council Transactions, v. B, p. 35-37. KRESCH, D. L., nee el so LOMBARD, A. E. [end others], 1981. KRUPA, M. T., see SCOTT, K. M. [and others}, 1987. FISHER, C. K. [and others], 1977.

KRIENS, BRYAN, 1987, Cretaceous-Tertiary tectonic KUIVILA, K. M.; MURRAY, J. W., 1984, Organic mat­ evolution of the north Cascades, Weshington--New ter diegenesis in freshwater sediments-The elke- 132 KULCHIN, L. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON linity and total CO2 balance end meth•na produc­ KULM, L. D.J SCHEIDl:GGER, K. r., 1979, aueterna ry tion fn the sediments of Lake Washington; Limnol­ sedimentation on the tectonically active Oregon ogy and Oceanography, v. 29, no. 8, p. 1218-1230. continental slope. let Doyle, L. J.; Pilkey, o. H., editors, 1979, Geology of continental slopes: KULCHIN, L., sea Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralo­ SHEN, C. K. [and otharsJ, 19B1. gists Specfal Publ ioation 27, p. 247-263.

KULM, L. D.; AND OTHERS, EDITORS. 1984, WHtern KULM, L. O., see al so North American continental margin and adjacent GRIGGS, s. B. [and others}, 1973. ocean floor off Oregon and Washington: Marine JOHNSON, S. Y. [end others}, 1984. Science International [Woods Hole, Mass.] Ocean Drilling Program, Regional Atlas Series 1, 32 p. KULP, J. L., see BROECKER, W. S. [end oth9rs], 1957. KULM, L. D.; EM8LEY, R. W., 1983, Contrasttng tao­ tonic-sedf mantologio etylea along the convergent KUNKLE, MERRILL, see Juen de Fuca plate boundary [abstract]: Eos ANDERSON, A. C. [and others}, 1956. (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 828. KURTZ, D. o., 1980, Stratigraphy and genesis of aarly proterozoic diamictites--North America [ab­ KULM, L. o.; POWLER, G. A., 1974, Cenozoic sedi­ stract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. mentary framework of the Gorda-Juan de Puca Plate 41, no. 2, Section B, p. 4998. and adjacent continental 111argin--A review. let Dott, R.H., Jr.; Shaver, R. H., editors, 1974, KURTZ, D. 0., see al ao Modern and ancient geosynclinat sedimentation: ANDERSON, J. 8. [and othersJ, 1977. Society of Economic Paleontologists end Mineralo­ ANDERSON, J. B. [and others], 1979. gists Special Publ icetion 19, p. 212-229. KURTZ, R. D.; DELAURIER, J. M.; GUPTA, J. c., KULM, L. D.; LOUBERE, P. 'If.; PEPER, J. S., COMPIL­ 1986, A 11agnetotel turic sounding across Vancouver ERS, 1984, Geology of continental margin end Cae­ Island detects the subducting Juen de Fuca Plate: cedia Basin. !r! Kulm, L. o.; and others, editors, Nature, v. 321, no. S070, p. 596-599. 1984, Western North American continental margin and adjacent ocean floor off Oregon and Washing­ KVEtl/OLDEN, K. A., 1980, Interleboratory ton: Marine Science International [Wooda Hole, comparison of amino acid recemizetion in e Mass.] Ocean Ori l ling Program, Reg 'Iona L Atlas Pleistocene mollusk, Sax idomus giganteus. In Ha re, Series 1, p. 29. P. E.; Hoering, T. c.; King, K., Jr., editors, 1980, Biogeochemistry of amino acids: John \'Ii ley KULM, L. D.; PEPER, J. S.; HOLMES, M. L., COMPIL­ end Sone, p. 223-232. ERS, 1984, Seismic reflection tracklines. let Kulm, L. D.; and others, editors, 1984, Western North KVEWOLDEN, I<. A.; BLUNT, D. J., 1980, Amino acid American continental margin and adjacent ocean dating of Saxidomus gigantaus et Willapa Bay, floor off Oregon and Washington: Marine Science Washington, by racemization of glutemic acid. In International [Woods Hole, Mess.] Ocean Ori l ling Hare, P. E.; Haering, T. c.: King, K., Jr., Program, Regional Atlaa Series 1, p. 25. editore, 1980, Biogeochemistry of amino acids: John Wiley end Sons, p. 393-399. KULM, L. D.; PETERSON, C. P., COMPILERS, 1984, Multichannel seismic records of northern Washing­ KVENVOLDEN, K. A.; BLUtlT, D. J.; CLIFTO~l, H. E., ton and central Oregon margin. !.tt Kut m, L. D.; end 1979, Amino acid dating of shalt deposits at others, editors, 1984, Western North American WilLapa Bay [abstract}: U.S. Geological Survey continental margin and adjacent ocean floor off Prof'essionat Peper 1150, P• 89. Oregon and Washington: Marine Science Interna­ tional [Woods Hole, Mass.J Ocean Drit ling Program, KV EtNOLDEN, K. A.; BLUNT, D. J.; CLIF'TOfl, H. E., Regional Atlas Series 1, p. 2B. 1979, Amino-acid recemization in Quaternary shell deposits at Willape Bay, Washington: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 43, no. 9, p. 1505-1520. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY LANGSTON, C. A. 133

KVEWOLOEN, K. A., see also LANDER, J. F.; CLOUD, \'I. K., 1963, United States SNAVELY, P. D., JR. [and others], 198B. earthquakes 1981: u.s. Coast end Geodetic Survey, 106 p. LAENEN, ANTONIUS, sea KRESCH, D. L. [and others], 19B4. LANG, w. H., JR., 1984, Conductivity and interval SCOTT, K. M. [and others], 1997. transit time es correlation tools: Log Analyst, v. 25, no. 3, p. 21-33. LAJOIE, K. R., 19BB, Coaatsl tectonics in the Pacific Northwest. l!! Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, LANGSETH, M. G.; HOBART, M. A., 1984, A marine T. R., compi Lars, 1988, National earthquake haz­ geothermal study over deformed sediments of the ards reduction program, summaries of technical subduction complex off Oregon end Weshingtcn [eb­ reports Volume >

LAJOIE, K. R.; WEHM ILLER, J. F.; KENNEDY, G. L., LANGSTON, C. A., 1979, Structure under Mt. Rein­ 1980, Inter- and intrageneric trends in apparent ier, Washington, inferred from teleseismic body racemization kinetics of amino acids in Quetel'l"lery waves {abstract}: Eos (American Geophysical Union mollusks. In Hare, P. E.; Haering, T. c.; King, Transactions}, v. 59, no. 12, p. 1142. K., Jr., editors, 1980, 8iogeochemistry of amino acids: John Wiley and Sons, p. 305-340. LANGSTON, C. A., 1979, Structure under Mount Rein­ ier, Washington, inferred from teleseismic body LAJOIE, K. R., see al so waves: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 84, WEHMILLER, J. F. [and others], 1979. no. 99, p. 4749-4782.

LAMBERT, D. P., sea LANGSTON, C. A. 1980, A study of Puget Sound BAILEY, J. S. [and others], 1987. strong ground motion {abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. LAMBERT, R. S., see 1036. CHAMBERLAIN, V. E. {and others], 1985. LANGSTON, C. A. 1981, Calculation of strong LAMBERT, T. M., see ground motion and local field-far field relation­ WAGNER, H. C. [and others], 1986. ships for the April 25, 1965, Puget Sound, Wash­ ington, earthquake: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ LAMEY, C. A., 1950, The Blewett i ron-nickal depos­ File Report 81-377, 82 p. it, Chelan County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 969-0, P• B7-'103, 2 plates. LANGSTON, C. A., 1981, Calculation of strong ground motion end local field-fer relationships LAMEY, C. A.; HOTZ, P. E., 1952, The Cle Elum for the April 29, 1965, Puget Sound, Washington, River nickeliferoua iron deposits, Kittitas Coun­ earthquake. ~ Reeves, J. F.; Rodriguez, T. A.; ty, Washington& U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin Seiders, W. H., compilers, 1981, Summarios of 978-8, p. 27-67, 2 plates. technical reports, Vol. XI: U.S. Geological Sur­ vey Open-File Report 81-187, p. 220-221. LAMOTTE, R. S., 1934, Early Tertic sequence in vicinity of Seattle [abstract]: Pen-American LANGSTON, C. A., 1981, A study of Puget Sound Geologist, v. 81, no. 5, p. 378. strong ground motion: Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 71, no. 3, p. 883-903. LAMOTTE, R. s., 1935, Early Tertiary sequence in the vicinity of Seattle {abstract]: Geological LANGSTON, c. A., 1983, Effect of lateral hetero­ Society of America Proceedings for 1934, p. 336- geneities on strong ground motion in the Puget 337. depression. l!! Jacobson, M. L.1 Rodriguez, T. R.; Seiders, w. H., compilers, 1983, Summaries of LANDER, D. L., see technical reports, Volume XV: U.S. Geological SNAVELY, P. D., JR. [and others], 1977. Survey Open-File Report 83-90, p. 187-188. SNAVELY, P. D., JR. [and others], 1978. 134 LANGSTON, C. A. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF- WESTERN WASHINGTON

LANGSTON, c. A., 1983, Effect of Lateral hetero­ LANGSTON, C. A., see also [continued] geneities on strong ground motion in the Puget Bl,JAGER, R. w. [end Othere], 1985. depression• .In. Jacobson, M. L.; Rodrigu.z, T. A.; WHITE, D, J, [and others]. 1988. Seiders, W. H.; oompilers, 1983, Summaries of technical reports, Volume XVIt U.S. B•olog ical t..AN8POAD, HENRY, 1881, Vulcan's chi mneya-Subduc­ Survey Open-i=i le Report 83-525, p. 138-139. tfon--zone votcani111m1 Mosefo, v. 12, no. 2, p. 46- sa. LANGSTON, C. A., 1983, A study of Puget Sound strong ground motion. .In. Yount, J. C.; Crouon, R. LAPP, D. B., 1987, The aubduction geometry beneath S., editors, 1983, Procaedings of workshop XIV, western Washington from deconvolved taleeaismic P­ Earthquake hazards of the Puget Sound region, wevaforms: Univ111rsity of Washington Master of Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Science the1ie, 70 p. Report 83-19,p. 59-104. LAPP, D. a.; CROSSON, R. s.; OWENS, T. J., 1987, LAtr;STON, c. A., 1985, Source parameter con­ Subduction geometry beneath western Washington straints from strong ground motions of the April from deconvolved teleaeismic P waveforms [ab­ 13, 1949, Puget Sound aarthqueke [abstract]: Eoe stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ [American Geophysical Union Transactions], v. 88, t i ona), v. 8S, no. 44, P• 1468. no. 46, p. 967. LAPP, D. a., see al so LANGSTON, C. A., 1988, Effect of Latara l hetero­ OWENS, T. J. [and others], 1988. geneities on strong ground motion. .In. Jacobean, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compi Lars, l9B8, National LAPRADE, w. T., 1982, Geologic implications cf Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of pre-coneolidated pressure values, Lawton Clay, technical reports volume XXII1 U.S. Geological Seattle, Washington. la Engineering Geology and Survey Open-Fi le Report 86-383, p. 525-527. Soils Engineering Symposium, 19th Annual, Proceed­ ings: Idaho Transportation Department, p. 303- LANGSTON, C. A.; BLUM, O. E., 1977, The April 29, 321. 1985, Puget Sound earthquake and the crustal end upper mantle structure of western Washington: LAPRADE, w.. T., 19B8, Unusual landal ide processes, Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 87, January 17 and 18, 1988 !Storm, Seattle, Washington no. 3, p. 693-711. [abetract]1 Association of Engineering Geolo­ gists, 1988 Annual Meeting, Abstracts end Program, LANGSTON, C. A.; BLUM, D. E., 1977, The April 29, p. 55. 1965 Puget Sound earthquake end the crustal end upper mantle structure of western Washington and LARAVIE, J. A., sea Oregon [abstract]: Ecs (American Geophyaical WHmEN, J. T. [end others], 1976. Union Trensactione), v. 58, no. 3, p. 187. LAROCK, R. G., 1987, Infiltration beneath e rarest LANGSTON, c. A.; LEE, J.-J., 1983, Effect of floor: Washington Water Raseerch Center, 24 p. structure geometry on strong ground motions--The Val Ley, Seattle, Washington: LARSEN, C. E., 1972, The relationship or relative Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 73, see level to the archaeology of the Fraser River no. e, p. 1851-1863. delta, British Columbia [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, LANGSTON, C. A.; LEE, J.-J., 1983, Effect of no. 1, p. !573. structure geometry on strong ground motions-The Duwamish River Valley, Seattle, Washington [eb­ LARSEN, E. S., JR.; GOTTF-RIEO, DAV ID; JAFFE, H. st ract]: Earthquake Notes, v. 54, no. 1, p. 71. W.; WARING, c. L., 1959, Lead-alpha ages of the Mesozoic bathol 1ths of western North America (ab­ LANGSTO~I, C. A., see also stract]: U.S. Geological Survey Sul let in 110G-A, BAKER, G. E. [and others], 1987. p. 7-8. BURGER, R. W. [and others], 1984. [continued] AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY LAWRENCE, D. B. 135

LARSEN, JIM, see 1, July, 1972 through December, 1976: Isochron/ SCHULTZ, ADAM [and others], 19B5. West, no. 24, p. 3-24. SCHULTZ, ADAM [end others], 1987. LAVELLE, J. W.; DAVIS, \'I. R., 1987, Measurements LARSEN, L. H., 1979, Tsunamis hazard along Wash- of benthic sediment erodibility in Puget Sound, i ngton's coast. In \'fi lcox, F. W., Jr., 1979, Washington: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Natural hazards in Washington's coastal zone--An Administration Technical Mamorendum ERL PMEL-72, anthology of recent articles: Washington Depart­ 32 P• ment of Emergency Services, p. 35-38. LAV IN, P. M., sea LARSGAARD, MARY, COMPILER, 1975, Bibliography of PAYTON, w. H. [and others], 1987. U.S. Geological Survey and Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources publications on Wash­ LAW, L. K.; AULD, D. R, 1977, Geomagnetic varia­ ington State, 1879-1975: Central Washington State tions results across western Washington and Brit­ College, 28 p. ish Columbia [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysi­ cal Union Transact ions), v. 58, no. 8, p. 736. LARSON, A. G., see GEPPERT, R. R. [ and others], 1984. LAW, L. K.; AULD, D. R.; BOOKER, J. R., 1980, A geomagnetic variation anomaly coincident with the LASMANIS, RAYMOND, 1987, Earthquake research in Cascade volcanic belt: Journal of Geophysical Washington--Evolving program: Washington Geologic Research, v. BS, no. B10, p. 5297-5302. Newsletter, v. 15, no. 2, p. 2, 27. LAW, L. K.; AULD, D. R.; BOOKER, J. R., 1980, A LASMANIS, RAYMOND, 1987, Geologic hazards program: geomagnetic variation anomaly coincident with the Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 15, no. 1, p. Cascade volcanic belt [abetrect]1 Eos (American 2, 23-24. Geophysical Union Transactional, v. 81, no. 28, p. 535. LASMANIS, RAYMOND, 1987, Timber, fish and wild­ life: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 15, no. LAW, L. K.; GREENHOUSE, J. P., 1978, Ocean bottom 3, p. 2, 15. magnetometer results from the Juan de Fuca Ridge [abstract): Eos (American Geophysical Union LASMANIS, RAYMOND; HALL, TAMMY, 1985, A geologic Transactions), v. 59, no. 12, p. 1055. feasibility study for the superconducting super collider: Washington Division of Geology and LAW, L. K., see also Earth Resources Open-File Report 85-3, 41 p., 6 AULD, D. R. [and others], 1978. plates. BOOKER, J. R. [and others], 1981. NIENABER, W. [and others], 1976. LATHAM, T. 9.; POTTER, C. J.; BROWN, LARRY; KAUF­ NIENABER, W. [and others], 1979. MAN, SIDNEY; OLIVER, J. E., 1987, The continental NOBES, D. c. [and others], 1984. crust in e variety of tectonic settings--COCOFP NOBES, D. C. [and others], 1985. deep seismic reflection profiles from the Pacific WOLFGRAM, P. A. [end others], 1984. Ocean to the Williston Basin [abstract]: Geologi­ cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. LAWRENCE, D. B., 1937, Drowned forests of the 19, no. 7, p. 740-741. Columbia River Gorge: Geological Society of the Oregon Country Geological News Letter, v. 3, no. LATTIMORE, ROBERT, see B, p. 78-83. PETER, GEOR3E [and others], 1969. LAWRENCE, o. B., 1954, Diagrammatic history of the LAURSEN, J. M.; HAMMOtl>, P. E., 1974, Summary of northeast slope of Mt. St. Helens, Washington: radiometric ages of Oregon and Washington rocks, Mazama, v. 36, no. 13, p. 41::~ through June 1972: Isochron/\'lest, no. 9, 32 p. LA\'fRENCE, D. B.; LAWRENCE, E. G., 1958, Bridge of LAURSEN, J. M.; HAMMOND, P. E., 19791 Summary of the Gods legend--Its origin, history, and dating: radiometric ages of Washington rocks; Supplement Mazama, v. 40, no. 13, p. 33-41. 136 LAWRENCE, D. B. SEISMIC HAZAFIDS OP WESTERN WASHIN;TON

LAWRENCE, D. B.; LAWRENCE, E. G.., 1959, Radiocar­ LEE, J.-J., see bon dating of some events on Mount Hood and Mount LANGSTON, C. A. [and others], 1983. St. Helens: Mazama, v. 40, no. 14, p. 10-16. LEE, J. w., see LAWRENCE, E. G., see SNAVaY, P. D., JR. [and others}, 1978. LAWRENCE, D. 6. [and others], 1956. LAWRENCE, D. B. [and others}, 1959. LEEMAN. W. P., 1982, Tectonic and magmatic signif­ icance of strontium isotopic variations in Ceno­ LAWRENCE, R. D.; MILNES, P. T., 1976, Late atreaa zoic volcanic rocks from the western United systems deduced from kinks in Shukaan schists, States: Geological Society of America Bullet in, White Chuck Mountain and Illabot Peaks area, Wash­ v. 93• no. 8, p. 487-503. ington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. a, p. 389. LEES, J. M., 1987, A tomographic inversion for crustal velocity structure in western Washington LAWRENCE, R. D.; NIEM, A. R., 1977, Cenozoic [thesis proposal]. 1J! Crosson, R. S., 1987, micro-plate tectonics of the northwestern United Earthquake hazard research in the Pacific North­ States [abstract]: Oregon Academy of Science west; final technical report--1996: University of Proceedings, v. 13, p. B1. Washington Geophysics Program, 17 p.

LAWRENCE, A. O.; ROSENFELD, C. L., 1978, Tectonic LEES, J. M., 1987, Tomographic inversion for analysis of SLAR mosaic of northwest Cascade Range lateral velocity variations in western Washington and adjacent lowlands, Washington [abstract]: Eos [abstract]: Eoa [American Geophysical Union (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 59, Transactiona], v. BS, no. 3, p. 46. no. 4, p. 233. LEES, J. M., 1987, Tomographic inversion of Local LAWSON, D. E., see earthquake travel time data for lateral velocity OOMACK, E. w. [and others], 1985. variation in western Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 68, LAWSON, JIM, 1980, Oklahoma observations of ef­ no. 44, p. 1374. fects of May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens: Oklahoma Geology Notes, v. 40, no. 5, p. LEET, A. C., 1988, Saturated and subcooled hydro­ 179-183. thermal boiling in groundwater flow channels as a source of harmonic tremor: Journal of Geophysical LAY, THORNE, see Research, v. 93, no. BS, p. 4835-4849. KANAMORI, HIROO [and others], 1984,, LEHRE, A. K.; DUNNE, THOMAS; FAIRCHILD, L. H.; LEA, P. 0., 1983, Glacial history of the southern COLLINS, B. D., 1981, Erosion of sediments re­ margin of the Puget Lowland, Washington [ab­ leased by the 1980 eruptions of Mt. St. Helens stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts [ebatract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union with Programs, v. 15, no. 5, p. 430. Transactions], v. B2, no. 8, p. 80.

LEA, P. D., 1984, Pleistocene glaciation at the LEIGGI, P. A., 1986, Structure end petrology along southern margin of the Puget lobe, western Wash­ a segment of the Shuksan thrust fault, Mount Shuk­ ington: University of Washington Master of Sci­ san ares, Washington: Western Washington Univer­ ence thesis, 96 p., 3 plates. sity Master of Science thesis, 207 p., 6 plates.

LEAVER, D.; WEAVER, C. S., 1981, Refract ion stud­ LEIGGI, P. A.; BROWN, E. H., 1983, Structure of ies of the Mt. St. Helens region [abstract]: Eos the Shuksan thrust fault in the Mt. Shuksan area, (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 82, north Cascades, Washington [abstract]: Geological no. 8, p. B2. [Note: Text of journal mis-headed Association of Canada Program with Abstracts, v. as "v. B2, no. 5.11 ] 8, P• A42.

LEBEDEFF, SERGEJ, see LEIGGI, P. A., see al so GORNITZ, VIVIEN [and others], 1987. BROWN, E. H. [end othersJ, 1987. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY LEWIS, B. T. R. 137

LEIGHLEY, T. A., see LEOPOLD, E. S.; NICKMANN, RUDY; HEDGES, J. I.; CHADWICK, 'ff. W., JR. [and others}, 1983. ERTa, J. A., 1982, Pollen and Lignin records of late Quaternary vegetation, Lake Washington: Sci­ LEIGHTON, M. M., 1918, The country around Cemp ence, v. 218, no. 4579, p. 1305-1307. Lewis: Washington Geological Survey Bulletin 18, 105 p. LEOPOLD, E. B.; NICKMANN, RUDY; STUIVER, MINZE, 1982, An early marine phase of Lake Washington, LEISCH, a. A., see Seattle, Washington [abstract]: American Quater­ WALDRON, ti. H. {and others], 1961. nary Association, 7th Biennial Conference, Program WALDRON, H. H. [and others], 1962. and Abstracts, p. 121.

LENFESTY, c. O., 1980, Soil survey of Okanogan LEOPOLD, E. B., see al so County area, Washington: U.S. Soil Conservation EASTERBROOK, D. J. [end others], 1967. Service, 153 p. HEDGES, J. I. [and others], 1982. KARLIN, ROBERT [end others], 198S. LENTZ, A. T., 1977, The petrology and stratigraphy of the Portland Hilts silt: Portland State Uni­ LEOPOLD, L. B., see versity Master of Science thesis, 144 p., 1 plate. DUNNE, THOMAS [and others], 1981.

LENTZ, R. T., 1981, Comment and reply on ''The LEPP, L. A., 1978, Geophysical investigation of petrology and stratigraphy of the Portland Hilts southeastern Puget Sound Lowland, Washington: silt-A Pacific Northwest loess''-Reply: Oregon University of Puget Sound Bachelor of Science the­ Geology, v. 43, no. 4, p. 53. sis, 11 p.

LENTZ, R. T., 1981, The petrology and stratigraphy LEPP, L. R., 1983, Geophysical investigation of of the Portland Hills silt~A Pacific Northwest southeastern Puget Sound, Washington: Northwest toess: Oregon Geology, v. 43, no. 1, p. 3-10. Science, v. 57, no. 1, p. 62-73.

LEOPOLD, E. S., 1986, Pertinence of Lake Washing­ LESTaLE, L. C., see ton (Seattle, WA) to postglacial rise in see level CEDERHOLM, C. J. [and others], 1974. [abstract]: Geological Society of America NJ­ streets with Programs, v. 18, no. B, p. 671. LeJI, s.; RIDDIHOUGH, R. P., 1985, Why are marine magnetic anomalies suppressed over sedimented LEOPOLD, .E. e., 1988, Postglacial tilting of Lake spreading centers? [abstract]: Eos {American Geo­ Washington-Sedimentary and pollen evidence [eb­ physical Union Transactions), v. 66, no. 46, p. strsct]. I!! University of Washington Quaternary 930. Research Center, 1988, Holocene subduction in the Pacific Northwest: University of Washington Qua­ LEWIS, B. T. A., 1984, Analysis of Washington mar­ ternary Research Center, p. 21. gin deep-tow seismic reflection data. In Kut~, L. D.; and others, editors, 1984, Western North Amer­ LEOPOLD, E. B.; CRANOELL, D. R., 1958, Pre-YI i scon­ ican continental margin and adjacent ocean floor sin interglacial pollen spectra from Washington off Oregon and Washington: Marine Science Inter­ State, USA. !!! Verhendlungen der vierten Interne­ national [Woods Hole, Mass.] Ocean Drilling Pro­ tionalen Tagung der Quartarbotaniker 1957: Geobo­ gram, Regional Atlas Series 1, p. 27. tanisches Institut Rubal in Zurich, Heft 34, p. 76-79. LEWIS, 8. T. R., COMPILER, 1984, Deep-tow seismic reflection experiment, Washington margin.!!! Kulm, LEOPOLD, E. B.; NEWMAN, D. E., 1986, Significance L. D.; and others, editors, 1984, Western North of Lake Washington to postglacial rise in see American continental margin end adjacent ocean level [abstract]: American Quaternary Associa­ floor off Oregon end Washington: Merine Science tion, 9th Biennial Meeting, Program and Abstracts, International {Woods Hole, Mass.] Ocean Drilling p. 146. Program, Regional Atlas Series 1, p. 27. 13B LEWIS, B. T. R. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

LEWIS, B. T. R., 1988, The Cascad ia subduction teleseisms: University of Washington Doctor of zone, some unresolved problems [abstract]. l!1 Phi Loeophy thesie, 98 p. University of Washington Quaternary Research Center, 1988, Holocene subduction in the Pacific L!N, J.-w., 1975, A study of upper mantle struc­ Northwest: University of Washington Quaternary ture in the Pacific Northwest using P waves from Research Center, p. 18. telesaisms [ebstrect]: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 35, no. 7, Section B, p. 3399-B. LEWIS, B. T. R.; COCHRANE, G. R., 1984, Comparison of seismic reflection methods used to study the LIN, J.-W.; CROSSON, R. S., 1974, Upper mantle Washington-Oregon margin [abstract]: Eos (Amari­ structure of western Washington [abstract]: Eos can Geophysical Union Transoctiona), v. 65, no. (American Geophysical Union Transactions], v. 55, 4!5, p. 1009. no. 2, p. 75.

LEWIS, B. T. R.; TUTHILL, J. D., 1979, A compari­ LIN, J.-w., see el so son of OBS coupling end cross coupling reaulta CflOSSON, R. S. [end others], 1975. between Lopez Island end deep water data [ab­ stract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union Transac­ LINDH, A. G., see tions], v. 80, no. 48, p. 892. SMITH, R. B. [and others], 1978.

LEWIS, B. T. R., see also LINDQUIST, J. w., 1957, Molluscan paleontology of COCHRANE, G. R. [and others], 1984. Fiddlers Bluff, Washington: University of Wash­ COWAN, D. S. [and others], 1986. ington Bachelor of Science thesis, 38 p. EWING, J. [ end others], 1979. JOHNSON, s. Y. [end others], 1984. LINDQUIST, J. W., 1981, Geology end paleontology MCCLAIN, K. J. [and others], 1981. of the Fork area, Dungeness and Greyv1ol f Rivers, POTTER, C. J. [and others], 1982. Clallam County, Washington: University of Wash­ SUTTON, G. H. [and others], 1980. ington Mester of Science thesis, 185 p., 7 plates, TABER, J. J., JR. [and others], 1988. TUTHILL, J. o. [and others], 1979. LINICK, T. w., 19BO, La Jolla natural radiocarbon measurements IX: Radiocarbon, v. 22, no. 4, p. LEYENDECKER, E. V., 1987, Ee rthquake-ree f etant 1004-1044. design and structure vulnerebfl ity. !£1. Jacobson, t4. l.; Rodriguez, T. R., compi Lera, 1987, National LIPMAN, P. W.; MOORE, J. G.; SWANSON, D. A., 1981, Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of Bulging of the north flank before the May 18 erup­ technical reports Volume XXIV: U.S. Geological tion--Geodetic data. l!1 Lipman, P. w.; Mullineaux, Survey Open-Fi le Report 87-374, p. 809-610. o. R., editors, 1981, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens, WesMngton: U.S. Geological Survey LIESCH, B. A.; PRICE, C. E.; WALTERS, K. L., 1963, Professional Peper 1250, p. 143-155. Geology and ground-water resources of northwestern King County, Weshingtont Washington Division of LIPMAN, P. W.; MULLINEAUX, 0, R., EDITORS, 1981, Water Resources Water-Supply Bulletin 20, 241 p., The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens, Washing­ 3 p let es. ton: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, 844 p. LIKARISH, D. M., 1978, A magnetic profile of Ill Cascade volcano, Mount Baker, Washington: Univer­ LIPMAN, P. W.; PROSTKA, H. J.; CHRISTIANSEN, A. sity of Washington Master of Science thesis, 59 p. L., 1970, Cenozoic volcanism and tectonism in the western United States and adjacent perts of the LIMEBERRY, C. C.; MCMURPHY, C. J., 1972, Soil spreading ocean floor; Pert 1, Early and middle limitations end suitability, "Guida to land use Tertiary [abstract]: Geological Society of Ameri­ planning": Thurston County Soil and Water Conser­ ca Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, no. 2, p. 112- vation District, 17 p. 113.

LIN, J.-w., 1973, A study of upper mantle struc­ LIPMAN, P. W.; PROSTKA, H. J.; CHRISTIANSEN, A. ture in the Pacific Northwest using P waves from L., 1971, Evolving subduction zones in the western AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY LIVINGSTON, V. E., JR. 139

United States as interpreted from igneous rocks: LISOWSKI, M., see also Science, v. 174, no. 4011, p. 821-825. PRESCOTT, w. H. [and others], 1985. PRESCOTT, W. H. [and others], 1986. LIPMAN, P. W.; PROSTKA, H. J.; CHRISTIANSEN, R. PRESCOTT, w. H. [and others], 1988. L., 1971, Evolving subduction zones in the western SAVAGE, J. c. [and others], 1979. United States, as interpreted from igneous rocks SAVAGE, J. c. [and others], 1981. [abstract}: Geological Society of America Ab­ SNAGE, J. C. [end others], 1986. stracts with Programs, v. 3, no. 2, p. 14S. LISTER, C. R. B., 1969, Studies of oceanic tecton­ LIPMAN, P. W.; PROSTKA, H. J.; CHRISTIANSEN,· R. ics utilizing detailed surveying end stratigraphy: L., 1972, Cenozoic volcanism and plate-tectonic Bulletin Volcanologique, v. 33, no. 1, p. 311-318. evolution of the western United States; I, Early and middle Cenozoic: Royal Society of London LISTER, C. R. B.; MCMANUS, O. A., 1968, Detailed Philosophical Transactions Series A, v. 271, no. geophysical study on the flank of Juan de Fuce 1213, p. 217-248. Ridge {abstract]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 49, no. 1, p. 208. LIPMAN, P. W., see also CHRISTIANSEN, R. L. [end others], 1970. LISTER, C. R. B.; WHETTEN, J. T.r MCKEE, BATES, CHRISTIANSEN, R. L. [and others], 1972. 1967, Sonar reflection profiling on the Columbia SWANSON, D. A. [and others], 1981. River end in Lake Washington: Northwest Science, v. 41, no. 4, p. 152-154. LIPSON, J. I.; FOLINSBEE, R. E.; BAADSGAARD, HALF­ DAN, 1961, Periods of orogeny in the western Cor­ LISTER, c. R. B., see al so dillera: New York Academy of Sciences Annals, v. DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1972. 91, article 2, p. 459-463. LISZAK, J. L., 1982, The Chilliweck Group on Black LIPSON, J. I.; FOLINSBEE, R. E.; BAADSGAARD, HALF­ Mountain: Western Washington University Master of DAN, 1962, Periods of orogeny in the western Cor­ Science thesis, 104 p. dil lera [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Bulle­ t in 1166-A, p. 14. LIVACCARI, R. F., 1979, Late Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the western United States: Geology, LISOWSKI, M.; SAVAGE, J. C., 1984, Strain accumu­ v. 7, no. 2, p. 72-75. lation in western Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactional, v. 65, LIVINGSTON, J. L.; TOBIN, 0. G., 1971, Paleomag­ no. 45, p. 986-987. netic evidence of tectonic rotation in the Olympic Peninsula, Washington [abstract]: Eos [American LISOWSKI, M.; SAVAGE, J. C.; PRESCOTT, W. H.; Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 52, no. 11, p. DRAGERT, H., 1987, Strain accumulation along the 921. Cascadia Subduction Zone in western Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union LIVINGSTON, v. E., JR., 1966, Geology and mineral Transactions), v. 88, no. 44, p. 1240. resources of the Kelso-Cathlamet area, Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties, Washington: Washington Divi­ LISO\'fSKI, M.; SAVAGE, J. C.; PRESCOTT, W. H.; sion of Mines and Geology Bullet in 54, 110 p., 2 DRAGERT, H., 1988, Strain accumulation in western plates. Washington end southwestern British Columbia [ab­ stract]. In University of Washington Quaternary LIVINGSTON, V. E., JR., 1971, Geology and mineral Research Canter, 1988, Holocene subduction in the resources of King County, Washington: Washington Pacific Northwest: University of Washington Qua­ Division of Mines and Geology Bullet in 63, 200 p., ternary Research Center, p. 14. a plates.

LISOWSKI. M.; SLAWSON, W. F., 1984, Strain accumu­ LIVINGSTON, V. E., JR., see also

lation in Vancouver Island snd Washington [ab­ HUmTING, M0 T. (and others], 1961. stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF tions), v. 65, no. 17, p. 330. GEOLOGY [and others], 1963. 140 L1VIN3STONE, JACK SE!ISMIC HAZAll>S CF WlzSTl!RN WASHINGTON

LIVINGSTONE, JACK, 1973, Geologic investigation or LOMBARDO, F., see the Logan Hill Formation in the Bucoda rield: MILHE, w. G. [ and others), 1953. \'fIDCo Engineering Department, 17 p. LOMHARDI, 0. W., see LLOYD, D. T., aee SAINT-AMANO, PIERRI; (end others], 1963. MAHANEY, W. C. [end others], 1981. LONEY, R. A., 1951. G,otogy of the Crescent Bey LOEHR, LINCOLN, see area, Olympic Peninsula, Washington1 University CULLEN, J. M. [end others], 1977. of Washington Master of Science thesis, 116 p., 3 pletaa. LOESCHKE, J~ 1980, Vulkanismue und 8eotektonik em nordwestlichen Kontinentalrand der USA (Oregon und LONG, L. T., sae Washington) [Volcanism and geotectonics of the BERG, J. w., JR. {and others], 1966. U.S. northwestern continental margin; Oregon and Washington]. Ill Pohlmann, Joachim, ed., 1980, LONG, W. A., 1950, Glacial geology of the Wenat­ Fastschri ft Mex Richter, zum 80. Geburtstag gew id­ chee area, Washington [abstract]: Northwest Sci­ met von seisnen Schutern und Freuden: Berlin Geo­ ence, v. 24, no. 1, P• 38. wissenschaftliche Abhaengig, Reihe A, v. 20, P• 175-185. Lotf3, W. A., 1951, Glacial geology of the Wenat­ chee-Entiat area, Washington: ~rorthwest Science, LOGAN, R. L., 1985, "Guidebook for developing 11 v. 25, no. 1, p. 3-16. school earthquake safety program" to be available this summer: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. LONG, w. A., 1972, Glacial geology of the north­ 13, no. 2, p. 3-7. eastern Olympic Mountains [abstract]: Northwest Scientific Association, 45th Annual Meeting, Ab­ LOGAN, R. L., COMPILER, 1987, Geologic map of the stracts of Papers, p. 8. Chehalis River and Westport quadrangles, Washing­ ton: Washington Division of Geology and Earth LONG, w. A., 1973, Glaciation of the Mount Con­ Resources Open-Fi la Report 87-8, 16 P•• 1 plate, stance maesif, eastern Olympic Mountains, Washing­ scale 1 :100,000. ton [abstract): Northwest Scientific Association, 46th Annual Meeting, Abstracts of Papers, p. 23. LOGAN, R. L., COMPILER, 1987, Geologic map of the south half of the Shelton end south half or the LONG, W. A., 1974, Glacial geology of the north­ Copelis Beech quadrangles, Washington: Washington eastern Olympic Mountains, Washington: U.S. For­ Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File est Service, 129 p. Report 87-9, 15 p., 1 plate, scale 1:100,000. LONG, w. A., 1975, Glacial studies on the Olympic LOGAN, R. L.; MANSON, C. J., 1983, Mount St. Peninsulas U.S. Forest Service, 1 v., 9 plates. Helans~Annotated index to video archives: Wash­ ington Oiviaion of Geology end Earth Resources LONG, W. A., 1975, Glaciation of the Sitkum River Information Ci rculer 76, 51 p. Valley, northwestern Olympic Peninsula, Washing­ ton• .ill. Long, w. A~ 1975, Glacial Gtudies on the LOGAN, A. L., sea el so Olympic Peninsula1 U.S. Forest Service, 1 v., 2 WALSH, T. J. [and others], 1985. plates. WALSH, T. J. [and others], 1987. LOHGt w. A., 1975, Glaciations in the Humptul ips LOMBARD, R. E.; MILES, M. B.; NELSON, L. M.; River drainage basin. l!l Long, W, A., 1975, KRESCH, D. L.; CARPENTER,. P. J., 1981, The i mp act Glacial studies on the Olympic Peninsula: u.s. of mudflows of May 18 on the lower Toutle end P::orest Service, 1 v~ 1 plate. Cowlitz Rivers. Ill Lipman, P. w.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, 1981, The 19BO eruptions of Mount St. LOtlG, w. A.. 1975, Glaciations in the Humptul ips Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Pro­ Riller drainage basin, southwestern Olympic Penin­ fessional Peper 1250, p. 693-699. sule, \'leshington: U.S. Forest Service, 25 p., 1 plate. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY LUDWIN, R. S. 141

LONG, w. A., 1975, Neoglaciation in the northwest­ Harrison Lake, south~estern British Columbia (ab­ ern Olympic Mountains. l!! Long, W. A., 1975, stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts Glacial studies on the Olympic Peninsula: U.S. with Programs, v. 5, no. 1, p. 74-75. Forest Servi ca, 1 v. LOWRY, W. D.; BALDWIN, E. M., 1952, Late Cenozoic LONG, W. A., 1975, Salmon Springs and Vashon con­ geology of the Lower Columbia River Val Ley, Oregon tinental ice in the Olympic Mountains and relation and Washington: Geological Society of America of Vashon continental to Fraser Olympic ice. l!! Bulletin, v. 63, no. 1, p. 1-24. Long, w. A., 1975, Glacial studies on the Olympic Peninsula: U.S. Forest Service, 1 v. LOWRY, W. D., see also WILKINSON, W. O. [and others], 1946. LONG, W. A., 1976, Glacial geology of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington: U.S. Forest Service, 136 LUCAS, K. A., sae p. MILNE, W. G. {and others], 1961.

LONG, W. A.: CARSON, R. J., 1979, Significance of LUCCHITTA, IVO, see the age of Lena Lake, Olympic Mountains, Washing­ RADBRUCH-HALL, D. H. {and others], 1976. ton [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ RADBRUCH-HALL, D. H. [end others], 1982. stracts with Programs, v. 11, no. 3, p. 89. LUDOWISE, HARRY, 1974, The recognition, investiga­ LORENZ, C. W., see tion, interpretation end treatment of landslides GEPPERT, R. R. [and others], 1984. in the Pacific Northwest: Portland State Univer­ sity Master of Science the11is, 61 p., 3 plates. LOTSPEICH, F. B.; SECOR, J. B.; OKAZAKI, ROSE; SMITH, H. w., 1981, Vegetation as a soil-forming LUOWIN, R. S.; CROSSON, R. s., 1984, The ez i muth factor of the Quillayute physiographic unit in of regional tectonic compression in the Pacific western Clallam County, Washington: Ecology, v. Northwest from shallow thrust earthquakes [ab­ 42, no. 1, p. 53-88. stract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union Transac­ t ions), v. 65, no. 45, p. 986. LOUBERE, P. W., see KULM, L. D. [and others], 1984. LUOWIN, R. S.; CROSSON, R. S., 1986, Teleseismic residuals end slab structure in the Pacific North­ LOUNSBURY, CLARENCE, see wast [abstract]: Earthquake Notes, v. 57, no. 1, ANDERSON, A. C. [and others], 1956. p. 10.

LOVSETH, T. P., 1975, The Devils Mountain fault LUDWIN, R. S.; MALONE, s. D.; CROSSON, R. s., zone, northwestern Washington: University of 1907, Washington earthquakes, 1983. l!! Stover, c. Washington Master of Science thesis, 29 p. w., editor, 1987, United States earthquakes, 1983: U.S. Geological Survey Bullet in 1698, p. 148-150. LOWE, R. A.; HOGAN, J. M., 1977, Report, Phase II soi ls investigation, proposed LW.S. storage LUDWIN, R. S.; NOSON, L. L.; OAMAR, ANTHONY.; lagoon, See-Tac International Airport, project no. CROSSON, R. s.; WEAVER, c. s.; MALONE, s. D.; 124-02: Roger Lowe Associates {under contract to GRANT, W. C.; YELIN, T. S., 1986, Seismicity in Port of Seattle], 1 v. the northwestern U.S. [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 67, no. 44, p. LOWE, R. A.; NEWBY, J. E., 1982, Final report, 1084. geotechnical investigation, Terminal 20 improve­ ments, Port of Seattle, WasMngton: Harding Law­ LUOWIN, R. s., see also son Associates [under contract to Port of Seat­ MA, LI {and others], 1987. tle], 1 v. MA, LI [and others], 19BB. NOSON, L. L. ( and others], 1985. LOWES, B. E., 1973, Continuation of major strati­ OAMAR, ANTHONY {and others], 1986. graphic units and structures from the north Cas­ OAMAR, ANTHONY {and others], 1987. cades of Washington State through the area east of 142 LUEDKE, R. G. St:ISM!C HAZAR>S Of WESTERN WASHINGTON

LUEDKE, R. G.; S14ITH, R. L., 1982, Mep show fng t.UPTON, C. T., 1914, Oil and gas in the western distribution, composition, end aga of late Cenozo­ part of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington: U.S. ic volcanic centers in Oregon and Washington: Geological Survey Bulletin 581-8, p. 23-81. U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneoua Inveetige­ tions Series Map I-1091-0, 1 sheet, scale l.USSO, fAAtl, Sh 1:1,000,000. SHAW, H. R. {and others], 1981.

LUEDKE, R. G.; SMITH, R. L., 1984, Map showing LUTEf:INAIJER, J. L., 1988, Geoarchitecture, evolu­ distribution, composition, end age of late Canozo­ tion, and seismic risk assessment of the southern ic volcanic canters in the western conterminous Fraser River delta, 8.C.. !!! Canada Geological Sur­ United States: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel lane­ vey, 1988, Currant research, Part e--cordi t Lera oue Investigations Series Map I-1523, 1 sheet, end Pacific margin: Canada Geological Survey scale 1:2,500,000. Pepa.r 98-1E, p. 105-109.

LUEDKE, R. G.; SMITH, R. L.; RUSSELL-ROBINSON, s. LUTERNAUER, J. L., see el so L., 1983, Map showing distribution, composition, CLAGUE, J. J. {and others], 1983. end age of Late Cenozoic volcanoes and volcanic GARRISON, R. E. {and others], 1969. rocks of the Cascade Range end vicinity, north­ HAMILTON, T. S. (and others], 1983. western United States: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1507, 1 LUZIER, J. E., 1964, Ground-water supply for Mount sheet, scale 1:500,000. Rainier National Park headquarters site near Ash­ ford, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open- LUEDKE, R. G., see al so Fi le Report 84-107, 26 p. SMITH, R. L. [end others], 1984.. LUZIER, J. E., 1989, Geology and ground-water LUEPKE, GflETCHEN, 1980, Bibliography of the geolo­ resources of southwestern King County, Washington: gy of the Oregon-Washington continental shelf and Washington Department of Water Resources Water­ coastal zone, 1899-1978: U.S. Geological Survey Supply Bulletin 29, 2130 p., 3 plates. Open-Fi le Report 80-467, 28 p. LUZIER, J. !., 1969, Ground-water occurrence in LUEPKE, GRETCHEN, 1980, Shel low shelf end beech the Goldendale araa, Kt ickitet County, Washington: heavy-mineral concentrations {abstract]: U.S. U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Gaologicsl Survey Professional Peper 1175, P• 185. Atlee HA-313, 1 plate, scale 1:62,500.

LUM, W. E., II; WALTERS, K. L., 1978, Reconneia­ MA, LI; CROSSON, A. S.; LUOWIN, R. s., 1987, F'ocal senca of ground-water resources of the Squexin mechanisms in western Washington• .!!!. Crosson, R. Island Indian Reservation, Washington: U.S. Geo­ S., 1987, Earthquake hazard research in the logical Survey Open-File Report 76-382, 49 p. Pacific Northwest; final technical report--1SB6: University of Washington Geophysics Program, 24 p. LUNDY, C., see HOGAN, D. w. {and others], 1984.. MA, LI; CROSSON, R. S.; LUDWIN, R. s., 1988, Regional tectonic stress in western Washington LUPE, R. o., 1971, Strati g rephy end petrology of from focal machan'ism of crustal and subcrustal the Swauk Formation in the Wenatchee Lake area, earthquakes [abstract]: Seismological Research Washington: University of Washington Master of letters, v. 59, no. 1, p. 18. Science thesis, 27 p. 1 plate. MA, LI; LUDWIN, R. s., 1987, Can focal mechanisms LUPHEA, R. L., 1944, Stratigraphic aspects of the be used to separate subduction zone from intra­ Blewett-Cle Elum iron ore zone, Chelan and Kitti­ plate earthquakes in western Washington? [ab­ tas Counties, Washington: Washington Division of stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ Geology Report of Investigations 11, 63 p. tions), v. 68, no. 3, p. 46.

MABEY, D. A., see EATON, G. P. { and others], 1978. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY MACQUEEN, J. D. 143

MACDONALD, R. D., 1978, Comp Let ion of tunnel MACLEOD, M. S.; SNAVELY, P. D., JR., 1971, Plate through Landslide deposit~A key element in Bonne­ tectonics and the Tertiary geology of western ville second powerhouse project: Tunneling Tech­ Oregon and Washington: Eos (American Geophysical no Logy News Letter, no. 21, p. 1-4- Union Transactions), v. 52, no. 9, p. 640-641.

MACDONALD, R. D., see el so MACLEOD, N. S.; SWANSON, D. A., 1985, Volcanism in GARRISON, R. E. [end others], 1969. the Cascade Range. !n. Guffanti, Marianne; Muffler, YORATH, C. J. [and others], 1987. L. J. P., editors, 1985, Proceedings of the work­ shop on geothermal resources of the Cascade Range: MACfARLANE, W. T., see U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-521, p. COUCH, R. w. [end others], 1971. 18-19.

MACK, C. B., 1980, Postg Laci el tephrochrono Logy of MACLEOD, N. S.; TIFFIN, D. L.; SNAVELY, P. o., the Indian Heaven eree, south Cascade Range, Wash­ JR.; CURRIE, R. G., 1sn, Geologic interpretation ington: Washington State University Master of of magnetic and gravity anomalies in the Streit of Science thesis, 75 p. Juan de Fuca, U.S.-Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 14, no. 2, p. 223-238. MACKIE, DAVE, 1965, Gravity investigation of Yelm aree, Washington, U.9.A.: University of Puget MACLEOD, N. S., sea also Sound Bachelor of Science thesis, 11 p., 6 plates. CADY, W. M. [and others], · 1972. SNAVELY, P. D., JR. [and others], 1973. MACKIE, DAVE, see also SNAVELY, P. D., JR. [and others], 1974- MCNEELY, W. L. [and others], 1966. SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [and others], 1976. SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [and others], 1977. MACKIN, J. H., 1937, Varved clay section in the SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [and others}, 1979. Puget Sound area [abstract]: Geological Society SNAVELY, P. D., JR. [and others], 1981. of America Proceedings 1938, p. 318. SNAVELY, P. D., JR. { and others], 1986. WAITT, R. B., JR. [end others], 1983. MACKIN, J. H., 1938, Eastern margin of the Puget glacial lobe [abstract]: Geological Society of MACNAB, R., see America Proceedings 1937, p. 248. ELVERS, DOUGLAS [ and others], 1972. SEIDEL, DEAN [and others}, 1973. MACKIN, J. H., 1941, Glacial geology of the Sno­ qualmie-Ceder area, Washington: Journal of Geolo­ MACNAUGHTON, E. L.; MIDDLETON, CAMPBELL, 1925, A gy, v. 49, no. 5, p. 449-481. petrographic study of Admiralty sediments and Vashon till: University of Washington Bachelor of MACKIN, J. H., 1944, Relation of geology to miner­ Sci enca thesis, 84 p. al ization in the Morton cinnabar district, Lewis County, Washington: Washington Division of Mines MACPHERSON, S. H., 1965, A report on the April 29, and Mining Report of Investigations S, 47 pd 2 1965 earthquake, Seattle, Washington: Seattle plates. Fire Department, 21 p.

MACKIN, J. H., 1948, Possible sun-spot cycle in MACQUEEN, J. o., 1982, linear inversion of gravitv pre-Wisconsin verves in the Puget area, Washington data with geological end geophysical constraints: [abstract]: Geological Society of America Bulle­ University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy the­ tin, v. 59, no. 12, part 2, p. 1376. a is, 137 p.

MACKIN, J. H.. 1950, Engineerfog geology in West MACQUEEN, J. D., 1982, linear inversion of grev ity Seattle [abstract]: Annotated Bibliography of data with geological and geophysical constraints Economic Geology, v. 22, no •.2, p. 221. [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 43, no. 3, Section B, p. 6610. MACKIN, J. H., see al so COOMBS, H. A. [and others], 1969. MACQUEEN, J. D., see also HANSEN, 1-1. P. [and others], 1940. HOLMES, M. L. [and others], 1982. 144 MADISON, R. J. setSMtC HAZAADS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

MADISON, R. J., see MAIR, J._ A,, see RICHARDSON, DONALD [end others], 1968. El.LIS, R. M, £end others]. 198$.

MADOLE, R. F., 1988, Determining landslide ages MAJOR. J,. J.; VOIGHT, BARt:tV; 1984, The Mount St. and recurrence intervals. In Jacobson, M. L..; Helens southw8st rtank lahers of May 18, 1980--­ Rodriguez, T. R., compiler,, 1988, National 1!19t'th­ ~low dyntmie•• aedimentol~Y• claet fabric {eb­ quake he1urds reduction program, summari•s or strtct]i Geological society ot A111erfca Abstracts technical reports Volume XXV, U.S. Gaologfc•l with PrOgl'BIIIB, "· 18, no. 8, p. 583. Survey Op en-!= it e Report 88-16, P• 522-524. MAJOR, J. J..J VOIGHf, RARRY, 1986, Sedlmentology MAGILL, J. R., 1981, Cenozoic tectonic l'btations and etaat orientations of' the 18 May 1980 south­ of Oregon and Wesh ington: Stanfa rd University wast-tlank tahal's, Mount St. Helens, Washington: Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 298 p. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. ss. no, 5, p. 89,-,os. MAGILL, J. R., 1982, Cenozoic tectonic rotat1ons of Oregon and Washington [abstract]: Diss•rtation MALAHOFF, ALEXANDER; E~IBLEY, R. W,s HAM MONO, S, Abstracts International, v. 42, no. 9, Section B, R,, 19132, A seebeam study of the Juan de Fuca and p. 3169B. Garde Ridge lxiel rift processes [ebstrect]: Geo­ logical Society of America Abstracts ftith Pro- MAGILL, J. R.; WELLS, R. E.; SIMPSON, R. W.: COX, g rems, v. 14, no. ?, P• 554. A. v., 1982, Post 12 m.y. rotation of southwest Washington: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. MALA~F, ALEXANDER; EMBLEY, R, W.; HAMMOND, S. B?, no. B5, p. 3761-3778. R., 1983, Submarine volcanism and hydrt1thermal activity along the northe~h and of the Juan de MAGILL, J. R., see also Fuce Fiidge aircis [ebatract]: Eos {American Geo­ SIMPSON, R. W. [and Others], 19B0. physicllll Union TranHctionsh, v. S4, 110. 45, P• 889. MAGLDUGHLIN, J. F., 1986, Metamorphic petrology, structural history, geochronology, tectonics end MALAHOF=F, ALEXANDER; EMBLEY, R. \'f.; HAMMOND, s. geothermometry/geoberometry in the Wenatchee Ridge R.; WYAN, W.; CRANE; KATHLEEN, 1982, Juan de Fuce area, north Cascades, WaBhingtonl University of and Gorda Ridge axial ridge morphology and tecton­ Washington Mester of' Science thesis, 34S p., 2 ics from combined SEASEAM and SEA MARC data [ab­ plates. stract]: Eos {American Geophysical Union Transac­ tions). v, 63, no. 45. P• 1147. MAGLDUGHLIN, J. F., 1987, Multiple Rb-Sr wholr­ rock isochrons from metasedimentary rocka---An MALAHOF~, ALl:XANDER; RID0tH0UGH, R. P., 1984, Tec­ example from the Chiwaukum end S1ttler Schists tonics of the Explorer Ridge end Sovanco fracture Washington end British Columbia [abstraet}i Geo­ zone, NJ:. Pacific Oceen (abstract]: Eos (Ameri­ logical Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ can Geophysical Union Transactions], v. 65, no. grams, v. 19, no. 7, p. 755-756. 45, p. 1111,

t4AGL0UGHLIN, J. F., 1988, Tectonic evbhltion of' MALAHDF~, ALEXANDER; see also the Nason Terrane, north Cascade Mountains, Wash­ CURRIE, R, 13, [ and otherslt 1984. ington [abstract]: Geological Society or America DAVIS, E. E, (attd others], 1984. Abstracts with Programs, v. 20, no. 3; p. 111. HAMMOND, s. R. {and others], 1981, HAMMOND, S. R. (end others], 1982, MAHANEY, W. C.; FAHEY, B. D.; LLOYD, 0. f •• 1981, Leta Quaternary glacial deposits, soils, and chro­ MAL~Atf, SRUCE; 19~4, A gravity survey of the nology, Hell Roaring Valley, Mount Adams, Cascade Kitsap Peninsula; Washington: University of Puget Range, Washington: Arctic and Alpine Resailreh, v. Sound National Science Foundation Summer Science 13, no, 3, P• :339-356. Institute, 12 p., 2 plates.

MAIN, L. L•. , see SCHLOTS, F. E. [ahd others]; 1962. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY MALONE, s. D. 145

MALFAIT, BRUCE, see also earthquake: Seismological Society of America BONNO, M. [end others], 1964,, Bulletin, v. 69, no. 2, p. 531-546. DANES, Z. F. [and others], 1965. MALONE, S. D.; BOYKO, CHRISTINA, 1982, Volcanic MALIN, M. c., 1984, Planetary geomorphology field earthquakes, and the precursors to the 1981 erup­ studies--Weshington and Alaska• .!!l Hott, H. E.. tions of Mount St. Helens [abstract]: Eos (Ameri­ compiler, 1984, Reports of Planetary Geology Pro­ can Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. gram-1983: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space 45, p. 1140. Administration Technical Memorandum 86246, p. 194- 195. MALONE, S. D.; BOYKO, CHRISTINA, 1983, Volcanic earthquakes, and the precursors to the 1981 erup­ MALIN, M. C., see also tions or Mount St. Helens [abstract]: Eos (Ameri­ FINK, J. H. [and others], 1980. can Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 9, FINK, J. H. [and others], 1981. p. so. MCEWEN, A. S. [and others], 1987. MALONE, S. D.; BOYKO, CHRISTINA; WEAVER, C. S., MALLORY, V. S.; TOMPKINS, D. E., 1964, A geologic 1983, Seismic precursors to the Mount St. Helens trip guide to the northern Olympic Peninsula; eruptions in 1981 and 1982: Science, v. 221, no. Geological Society or America, Cordiltaran Section 4618, p. 1378-1379. meeting: University or Washington, 38 p. MALONE, s. o.; ENDO, E. T.; WEAVER, c. s., 19 BO, MALONE, S. D., 1976, Seismic and gravity observa­ Seismicity associated with the 1980 eruptions of tions on Mount Baker volcano [abstract]: Eos Mount Saint Helens [abstract]: Eos [American (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 57, Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. 61, no. 46, p. no. 2, p. BB. 1133.

MALONE, S. o., 1979, Gravity changes accompanying MALONE, s. D.; ENDO, e. T.; WEAVER, c. s.; RAMEY, increased heat emission et Mount Baker, Washing­ J. w., 1981, Seismic monitoring for eruption pre­ ton: Journal or Volcanology end Geothermal Re­ diction. !n Lipman, P. w.; Mullineaux, O. R., sea re h, v. 6, no. 3-4, p. 241-256. editors, 1981, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helena, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Pro­ MALONE, S. o., 1982, The Mount St. Helens erup- fessional Paper 1250, p. 803-813. t ions-Seismic monitoring for erupt ion predict ion. In Hartin, R. c.; Davis, J. F., editors, 1982, MALONE, S. O.; PAVLIS, G. L., 1983, Velocity Status of volcanic prediction and emergency re­ structure and relocation of earthquakes at Mount sponse capabilities in volcanic hazard zones or St. Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical California: California Division of Minas and Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, p. 895. Geology Special Publication 63, p. 79-98. MALONE, S. O.; QAMAR, ANTHONY, 1984, Repetitive MALONE, S. D., 1983, Volcanic earthquake-Exam­ microaarthquakaa as the source for volcanic tremor ples from Mount St. Helens. In Kanamori, H.; et Mount St. Helens [ebstrect]: Eos (American Boschi, E., editors, 1983, Earthquakes-Observa- Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, no. 45, p. t ion, theory and interpretation; Proceedings or 1001. the International School of Physics "Enrico Fer­ mi," Course 85: North-Holland Publishing Company, MALONE, S. O.; SCANDONE, ROBERTO, 1984, Magma p. 436-455. supply and readjustment of the feeding system of St. Helens during 1980 [abstract]: Eos (American MALONE, S. o., 1986, Predicting aruptions or Mt. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, no. 17, p. St. Helens using seismic means: Volcano News, no. 330. 24, p. 2-3. MALONE, s. o.; \'IEAV ER, c. s.; ENDO, E. T., 1981,

MALONE, S. D.; BOR, S0 S., 1979, Attenuation pat­ Seismic details of the May 18, 1980 cataclysmic terns in the Pacific Northwest based on intensity eruption of Mount St. Helens [abstract]: Eos data and the location of the 1872 north Cascades (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, 148 MALONE, S. D. SEt&IM:tC HAZARDS OF- WE!ftERN WASHit«3TON no. B, p. 132. [Note; Text of Journal 111ia-ht111Hd MANGO, ft. Do see as "v, 82, no. 5.11 ] MAlfftNSDN, H. A. [and Others], 1986.

MALONE, s. o.; WEAVER, c. s •• ENDO, E. r., NOSt'lN; MANGUM, A. w.: AND OTH&RS, '1911, Aeconnoissenee L. L., 1981, Seismic precursors to the eNIJ)tiona soil 1urv1y of the eaatern part ot the PUget Sound or Mount St. Helens [abstract]. 1.!l Internationel bHfn, Wat1hingtt1111 U.S. Bureau of Soi ls; 90 p., 4 Association or Volcano logy and Che11istry of the pl1t... Earth's Interior, 1981, IAVCEI symposium, Arc volcanism; Abstracts: Volcanological Society of MANGUM, A. W,; ANO OTHERS, 1912, Reconnoi ssanco Japan, p. 216, soil turvey of the western pert or the Puget Sound basin, Weetiington1 U.S. Bureau ot SoHs, 1113 p., MALONE, S. D.; ZOLLWEG, J. E., 1!:185, University of 4 pU1tes. Washington seismic processing system: Univeraity of Washington Geophysics Program, 29 p. MANGUM, A. W.; ANO OTHl:RS, 1!!113, l!ltconnoisssnce survey or southwestern Wash1 ngton1 U.S. Bureau of MALONE, S. D., see al so Soils~ 138 p.. 4 pliltes. BARKER, SALLY [and others], 1988. CRANDELL, o. R. [and others], 1915. MANGUM, A. W,# HURST, L. A., 1909, Soil survey of CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1980. the Bellingham aru, WHhington: u.s. Government CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1981, Pl"lnting Office, 39 p., 1 plate. CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1982. CROSSON, R. S. [and otharel, 1984. MANGUM, A. W., see also CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1985. CAM, E. P, [rand others], 1908. CROSSON, R. S. [and others), 191i16. CROSSON, A. s. [and others], 1987. MANN, O. M.; SNAVELY, P. D., JFi,, 1994, Multichan­ CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1988. nel seismio--reflsction profiles collected in 1977 ENDO, E. T. [end others), 1980. in the eastern Pacific Ocean off of the Washington ENDO, E. T. [end others], 1981. /Oregon ooast1 U.S. Geological Survey Open-F'i le F'AEMONT, M.-J. [and others), 1985. Report B4-5t :3 p., 1 pl ate. t:Rf:MONT, M.-J. [and others]; 1981, HOF-sTETTER, ABRAHAM [snd others], 1988, MANN, L, Vol HANCOCKt W, I:., 1981, 9LAR analysis LUOWIN, R. S. [and others], 198S. of earthquak• and related ha%arda in western Wash­ LUDWIN, R. S. [and others], 1987, ington (abatraot]: Association of Engineering MCCLURG, D. C. [and others], 1988, Gao log i!lts, 1981 Annual Meeting, Program with NOSON, L. L. [and others], 19B1. Abati"8Cta• P• 44. NOSON, L. L. [end others], 1984. 0A MAR, AN'lllONY [ and other!!], 1988. MANN, L. V., see al so OAMAR, ANTHONY [and others}, 1981, GALS'l'ER, Fl, W, [and others], 1981. ROHAY, A. C. [and others], 1911. SCANOONE, R08ERTO [and others], 198fS. MANSONt C. J., COMPILER, 1980, 1heses on Washing­ SMITH, s. W. [and others], 1978. ton geology~A comprehensive bibliography, 1901- SWANSON, o. A. [ and others), 1984. 1919: Washington Division of Geology and Earth WEAVER, C, 9. [and others], 1974. Resources Information Ci rculer 70, 212 P•• 2 WEAVER, C. S. [and others], 1975. plates, WEAVER, C. S. [and others], 1916. WEAVER, C. S. [end others], 1980. MANS0Nt C. J., 1991, Index to geologie end geo­ WEAVER, C. S. [and others], 1981. physical mapping of Weahington: Washington Divi­ WEAVER, C. S. [end others), 1983. sion of Geology and Earth Resources Information WEAVER, C, S. tand others], 1981. Circular 13, 83 P•

MANGHNANI, M. H., see MANSON, C. J,t 1984, d ib l i og raphy end index to RAMANANANTOANDRO, RAMANANTSOA (and othert], U.S. Geological Survey Dpen-F'i Le Reports on the 1978. geology end mineral resources of Washington State: AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY MARSHALL, N. J. 147

Weshir.gton Division of Geology and Earth Resources MARCOTT, KEITH, 1984, The sedimentary petrography, Open-Fi le Report 84-7, 134 p. depositional environment and tectonic setting of the Aldwell Formation, northern Olympic Peninsula, MANSON, C. J., COMPILER, 1984, Index to geologic Washington: Western Washington University Mester end geophysical mapping of Washington, 1899-1983: of Science thesis, 78 p. Washington Division of Geology end Earth Resources Information Circular 77, 56 p., 14 plates. MARCUS, K. L., 1980, An Eocene-Oligocene age basin in the northern Puget Sound of Washington [ab­ MANSON, C. J., COMPILER, 1984, Preli mi nary bibli­ stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts ography and index of the geology and mineral re­ with Programs, v. 12, no. 3, p. 117. sources of Washington, 1981 - May 15, 1984: Wash­ ington Division of Geology and Earth Resources MARCUS, K. L., 1980, Eocene-Oligocene sed i menta­ Open-Fi le Report 84-5, 593 p. t ion and deformation in the northern Puget Sound a res, Washington: Northwest Geology, v. 9, p. 52- MANSON, C. J., COMPIL~, 1986, Preliminary bibli­ 5B. ography end index of the geology and mineral re­ sources of Washington, 1981-May 1, 1986: Wash­ MARCUS, K. L., 1981, The rocks of Bulson Creek­ ington Division of Geology end Earth Resources Eocene-Ol igocene sedimentation and tectonics in Open-Fi le Report 88-5, 908 p. the Lake McMurrey area, Washington: Western Wash­ ington University Mester of Science thesis, 84 p., MANSON, C. J.., COMPILER, 1986, Theses on ~lashing­ 1 plate. ton geology, 1901-1985: Washington Division of Geology end Earth Resources Information Circular MARCUS, K. L., see el so 80, 400 p. YOUNT, J. C. [end others], 1980.

MANSON, C. J., 1987, Preliminary bibUography of MARK, D. M.; OJAMAA, P. M., 1972, The glacial geo­ seismic hazards of western Washington [abstract]: morphology of the Puget Lowland, Washington and Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. British Columbia--Further comments and references: 68, no. 52, p. 1815-1816. Northwest Science, v. 46, no. 4, p. 336-330.

MANSON, C. J., COMPILER, 1988, Landslides of west­ MARKER, D. K., see ern Washington-A preliminary bibliography and SCHROEDER, W. L. [and others], 1974. index: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fite Report 88-1, 58 p. MAROTTA, D. A.; DAVIS, P. T.; DUNWIDDIE, P. l'I., 1902, A 880o+ year record of volcanic eruptions MANSON, C. J.; BURNETT!, DEBBIE, 1983, Bibl iogra­ end vegetation changes from alpine lake sediments, phy end index of the geology and mineral resources Mount Rainier, WA (abstract]: Geological Society of Washington, 1963-1980: Washington Division of of America Abstracts 11ith Programs, v. 14, no. 7, Geology and Earth Resources Bullet in 76, 398 p. p. 556.

MANSON, C. J.; MESSICK, C. H.; SINNOTT, G. M., MAROTTA, D. A., see al so 1987, Mount St. Helens-A bibliography of geosci­ DUNBAR, N. W. [and others], 1983. ence literature, 1882-1986 [abstract]: Eos (Amer­ ican Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 68, no. MARQUEZ, DANIEL, see 52, p. 1815. ENDO, E. T. [and others], 1973.

MANSON, C. J.; THORSEN, G. w., 1983, Landslides of MARSHALL, H. C., see Weshington--An annotated bibliography through BAKER, R. F. [and others], 1958. 1982: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fi le Report 83-3, 78 p. MARSHALL, N. J., 1955, A study of the fundamental properties of Puget Sound glacial clays: Univer­ MANSON, C. J., see al so sity of Washington Master of Science thesis, 81 p. LOGAN, R. L. (end others], 1983. 148 MARSTON, SAU.IE

MARSTON, SALLIE, see MAm'ttilStm, ff. ·A.; HAMMOND:, ti,, .E.1 MAST• 'W. W.; PALM, R. I. {and others], 1983. filANSU, P. 0., 1986• Chl!tt.r.el geometf'Y &'!'Id hydro log­ ic data hr six eruption-effected tributaries of MARTa, R. R., see tma Lewis f!i'var. Mount St. 1-lelefts, Westi ington, HOUSNER, G. l'I. {and others], 1953. wen..- ynrs ,ses--84: U.S.. Seotagicat Sur..-l!y Open­ Pita ftepcrrt 88"'63'h 1s, J).. MARTENS, CAROLE, 1984, 'Earthquake safety of school buildings~A discussion or the minimum eeiet11ic MA'1TINSON,, ti. A.t Mt:Yalt 0. f'wt 198S, St ream aerety stenderd• for the Seettle School Dietrictt Ch8nMll adjtu,tment!I to 11:!fflQ l!t'l'tf!ll'II 8nd Sub!lequent Suttle Public Schools Department or ~acilfties sto.r111-ftow, Mount St. Nel;ens {abst1'et:tl. Tu. Planning, 87 p. Eltyti'SOft, G. 0., edit<>t-, 1983, :P'l'Ot:eetl'lngs of the advenced Hlllimt:r 0'1 sediment111tion, August '15.. 19, MARTENS, CAROLE, 1987, Current efforts to promote 1S83., Denver, Co toMKkl: U.S. G4IO log H::;a l Survey seismic sefety in Washington State. I!! U.S. f:edar­ Open-fti ta Aef.i(,rt 85--98, t,. 3'1-3S. el Emergency Management Agency, 1987, Earthquake training and educetion--A collection of issue MARTINSON, fl. A.l MEYER, 0. F., '1987, Stream papers: U.S.. Fedarel Emergency Management Agency channel adjustments to 1990 Uihers ai,d subsequent [Emmitsburg, Md.], p. 18-31. stormftow. Mount .St., Helens, We~ington. !l2 Gly,son., S. o.. etlit1>r, ,917, Proceedings of the MARTENS, CAROLE, 1988, Perspectives on public Advanced Semintlf' on SediMntetioni U.S. Geologi­ information end '8werenasa programs in the Puget cal Survey Circular 95S, p. 17-19-. Sound, Washington area. !!! Hays, w. w.. editor; Kitzmiller, Carle, compi tar, 198B, A review of MMTINSON, Ii. A., see 3la'O earthquake research applications in the National JANDA, R. J. !and cothereh 19131. Earthquake Hazards Reduction Progrem-1977-1987: JANDA., R. J. {end otheri.l. 1982. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-1~A, MEYER, n. F. {end others}, 1982. p. 75-87. MASON, R. G., see MARTIN, J.E., 1977, Western Columbia River Pla­ F!Aff,, A. 0. {end others]. 1961. teau margin studies, Yakima River to Wenatchee. Chapter Z,Q 2f. Shannon and Wilson, Geologic stud­ MASSON, D. s.. see ies in the 1872 earthquake epicentrel region. Ir!. GARDNER, J. v. {and others). 1988. Washington Public Supply System, 1977, WPPSS nuclear project no. 1--Praliminary aafety analysis MASSOT11, G.. J., sea report: Washington Public Power Supply Syatam SUESS, E'RWIN [and othersh 1984. Docket no. 50-480, Preliminary safety analysis report, Amendment 23, v. 2A, Appendix 2R, Subep­ MAST, w. W., see pendix 2R D, Chapter 7, 13 p. MARTINSON• H. A.. { and otherl!!], 19136.

MARTINSON, H. A., 1982, Channel geomorphology, ,MASTEN, J-, see sediment movement, and channel changes of and BOMNO, M. {and others], 1964. Muddy Rivers--Mount St. Helens. In U.S. Geological DANES. Z. F. {end others), 196!5, Survey, 1982, Activities of the Water Rasourcea Division and Resident Cartographer. Division or MATllafES, R. w., 1984, Evidence f'ot warm and dry National Mapping in Washington, 1981 fiscal year: ea.rty Holoce!'fe sum111et'S in snuthwestern British U.S. Geological Survey, p. 37. Columbia end adjacant Washington {ebstractJ: American Quaternary Association, 6th Biennial MARTINSON, H. A.; FINNERAN, S. O.; TOPINKA, L. J., Meeting, Program and Abtitrecu, i:,. 78. 1984, Changes in channel geomorphology of six eMJption-affected tributaries of the Lewis River, MATHEWES, A, W., see also 1980-82, Mount St. Helens, Washington: U.S. HEBDA, R. J. {eM others]. 1984. Geological Survey Ope~i le Report 134-614, 113 p. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY MCCARTEN, C. A. 149

MATIIEWS, W. H., 1953, Geology of the Sheep Creek MAYERS, I. R.; BENNETT, L. C., JR., 1972, An anal­ Camp: British Columbia Department of Mines Bulle­ ysis of continuous seismic reflection profiles tin 31, 94 p., 8 plates. from the Strait of Juen de Fuce [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 53, MATHEWS, W. H.; FYLES, J. G.; NASMITH, H. W., no. 3, p. 275. 1970, Postgleciel cruetal movements in southwest­ ern British Columbia and adjacent Washington MAYERS, I. R.; BENNETT, L. C.. JR., 1973, Geo logy State: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 7, of the Streit of Juen de Fuca: Merine Geology, v. no. 2, part 2, p. 69D-702. 15, no. 2, p. 89.,-117.

MA1l\IS0N, J. M., 1981, Forecasting the Cowlitz MAYERS, I. R., see al so River after the Mount Saint Helens eruption [ab­ CROSSON, R. S. [end others], 1972. stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ CROSSON, R. S. [end others], 1973. tions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 61. [Note: Text of Jour­ TIFFIN, o. L. [and others], 1971. 11 nal mis-headed as "v. 62, no. 5. ] MAYTIN, I. L.; GILKESON, R. A., 1961, Stete of MATTINSON, J. M., 1980, Jurassic ophiolite belt of Washington engineering soils manuel~Soils of western North America~Aga relationships end their Clallam County: Washington State Institute of tectonic implications [abstract]: Geological Technology, Division of Industrial Research Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, Bullet in 253, 130 P• no. 7, p. 478. MAYTIN, I. L.; GILKESON, R. A., 1963, Soils of MATTINSON, J. M., see also Lewis County--Steta of Washington engineering HOP80N, c. A. [end others], 1987. soils manual; Washington State University, 194 p. VANCE, J. A. (and others], 1987. MCAOIE, A. G., 1907, Catalogue of earthquakes on MATTSON, J. L., 1971, A contribution to Skagit the Pacific coast, 1897 to 1906; Smithsonian prehistory: Washington State University Mester of Institution Miscellaneous Collection, v. 49, erti­ Arts thesis, 215 p. c le 5, 64 p.

MAXWELL, J. c., 1974, Early western margin of the MCALISTER, R. E.; JOHNSON, S. H.; BEE, M., 1979, United States. In Burk, C. A.; Drake, c. L., Bottom seismometer observations vs. theoretical editors, 1974, The geology of continental margins: airgun signal at Lopaz Island comparison experi­ Springer-Verlag, p. 831-852. ment [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transact ions), v. 60, no. 46, p. 892. MAY, D. J., 1980, The peleoecology and depositiort­ al environment of the late Eocene-early Oligocene MCBIRNEY, A. R., 1978, Volcanic evolution of the Toutle Formation, southwestern Washington: Uni­ Cascade Range: Annual Reviews of Earth and Plane­ versity of Washington Master of Science thesis, tary Sciences, v. 6, p. 437-456. 110 p. MCCALLUM, K. J.; DYCK, W. J., 1960, University of MAY, P. J., 1987, Observations an the 1986 work­ Saskatchewan radiocarbon dates II: American Jour­ shop. I!! Hays, w. W.; Gori, P. L., editors; Kitz­ nal of Science Radiocarbon Supplement, v. 2, p. miller, Carl, compiler, 1987, Proceedings of con­ 75. ference XXXVIII, a workshop on "Earthquake hazards o Long the \1asatch Front, Utah'': U.S. Geological MCCALLUM, L. o., 19B6, Status of earthquake pre­ Survey Open-Fi le Report 87-154, p. 43-45. paredness in the State of Washington. In Heys, W. W.; Gori, P. L., editors, 1986, Proceedings of MAYERS, I. R., 1971, An analysis of continuous conference XXXIII, "Earthquake hazards in the seismic profiles from the Strait of Juen de Fuca: Puget Sound, 'lleshington area,": U.S. Geological University of Washington Master of Science thesis, Survey Open-File Report 86-253, p. 213-218. 123 p. MCCARTEN, c. A., 1987, Late Pleistocene deglacia­ tion features et Partridge Point, Whidbey Island, 150 MCCARTEN, C. A. SEISMIC HAZAFtlS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of MCCLEMV, J. fl.; DOHRENWENO, J. c.; RIDLEY, A. P., America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. S, p. 1979, Difficulties fn relating displaced Ouater­ 430. nery depoeits to Quaternary faulting [abatrect]: 8aologicel Society of America Abstracts with Pra­ MCCARTEN, C. A., BH al so g r•m•, v. 11, no. 3, p. 90-91. EASTERBROOK, D. J. [and others], 1998. SYVERSON, T. L. {and others), 1985. MCCLEARY, J. R., see el so DOHRENWEtll, J. C. [end others], 1978. MCCLAIN, K. J., 1981, A geophysical study of accrat;onary processes on the Washington continen­ MCCLEARY, M. o., 1963, Magnetometer end geologic tal margin: University of Washington Doctor of survey of the Finney Creek iron deposit, Skagit Philosophy thesis, 141 p. County, Washington: University of Washington Bachelor of Science thesis, 55 p., 4 plates. MCCLAIN, K. J., 1982, A geophysical study of accretionery processes on the Washington continen­ MCCLELLAN, P. H.; SNAVELY, P. o., JR., 1987, Mul­ tal margin [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts tichannel seismic-reflection profiles collected in International, v. 42, no. 12, Section B, p. 47228. 1978 off of the Washington-Oregon coast: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-607, 2 p., 1 MCCLAIN, K. J.; PEPER, J. S.; HOLMES, M. L., COM­ plate. PILERS, 1984, Single channel seismic reflection records of western Washington margin and Caecadie MCCl.ELLAN, P. H.; SNAVELY, P. D., JR., 1988, Mu l - basin. l!! Kulm, L. D.; and others, editors, 19B4, ti ch•nne l seismic-reflection profiles collected in Western North American continental margin and 1980 off of the Washington end northern Oregon adjacent ocean floor off Oregon end Washington: coast: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report Marine Science International [Woods Hole, Mae._] 89-205, 4 p., 1 plate. Ocean Dritl;ng Program, Regional Atlas Series 1, p, 26. MCCLINCY, M. J., 1984, Tephrostretigrephy of the Eocene Chu111stick Formation [abstract]: Northwest MCCLAIN, K. J.; TABER, J. J., JR., COMPILERS, Mining Association, 90th Annual Convention, Stu­ 1984, Regional seismic refraction. !I!. Kulm, L. o.; dent Poster Seseion Abstracts, 1 p. and others, editors, 1984, Western North American continental margin and adjacent ooaan floor off MCCLINCY, M. J., 1985, Tephrostratigrephy of the Oregon and Washington: Marine Science Interna­ Eocene Chumstick Formation [abstract]: Geological tional [Woods Hole, Mass.] Ocean Ori l ling Program, Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, Regional Atlas Series 1, p. 9. no. 6, p. 388.

MCCLAIN, K. J.; TABER, J. J., JR.; CROSSON, R. S.; MCCLURG, D. c., 1987, Code-0 analysis at Mt. St. LEWIS, B. T. R., 1981, Geophysical structure of Helens end its implications for volcanic seismolo­ the Washington active margin [abstract]: Geologi­ gy: University of Washington Mester of Science cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. thee is, 75 p. 13, no. 7, p. 506. MCCLURG, D. C., 1987, Coda-0 at Mt. St. Helens MCCLAIN, K. J., see al so [abstrect]: Eos [American Geophysical Union BRANOON, M. T. [ and others], 1984. Transactions], v. 68, no. 3, p. 46. COWAN, D. S. [and others], 1986. JOHNSON, S. Y. [and others], 1984. MCCLURG, D. C.; MALONE, s. O., 1986, Code-0 et Mt, St. Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical MCCLEARY, J. R.; DOHAENWEND, J. C.; CLUFF, LLOYD; Union Transactions), v, 67, no. 44, p. 1093. HANSON, K. L., 1978, 1872 Earthquake studies, Washington Public Power Supply System, Nucleer MCCOLLOM, R. L., 1972, An e rrey study of upper projects nos. 1 and 4, Straight Creek fault zone mantle seismic velocity in Washington State: study: Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 72 p. University of Washington Master of Science thesis, 62 p., 1 plate. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY MCGARY, NOEL 151

MCCOLLOM, R. L.; CROSSON, R. S., 1975, An array MCDOUGALL, J. w., 1980, Geology and structural study of upper mantle velocity in Washington evolution of the Foss River-Deception Creek area, State: Seismological Society of America Bulletin, Cascade Mountains, Washington: Oregon State Uni­ v. 65, no. 2, p. 467-482. versity Master of Science thesis, 88 p., 1 plate.

MCCOOL, D. K.; JOHNSON, L. C., 1973, Erosion MCDOUGALL, J. W.; YEATS, R. s., 1980, Tectonics of modeling in the Pacific Northwest [abstract]: the Evergreen end Straight Creek Faults near Sky­ Northwest Scientific Association, 46th Annual komish in the central Cascades of Washington [ab­ Meeting, Abstracts of Papers, p. 25. stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 3, p. 119. MCCORMACK, T. G.; SMITH, T. D., 1988, A prassure­ meter-based Winkler Spring model for bulkhead dia­ MCELWEE, K. R.; DUNCAN, R. A., 1982, Volcanic phragm wal L analysis. !!!. Frageszy, R. J., editor, episodicity end Tertiary absolute motions in the 1988, Proceedings of the 24th symposium on engin­ Pacific Northwest [abstract]: Eos [American Geo­ eering geology and soils engineering: Idaho physical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p. Department of Transportation, p. 171-190. 914.

MCCREARY, F. R., 1975, Soil survey of Jefferson MCELWEE, K. R.; DUNCAN, R. A., 1984, The chronolo­ County area, Washington: U.S. Soil Conservation gy of volcanism in the Coast Range, Oregon and Service, 100 p., 70 plates. Washington [abstract]: Pacific Northwest Metals end Minerals Conference 1984, Abstracts, p. 22. MCCRUMB, D. R.; WEST, D. o., 1981, Regional neo­ tectonic analysis of the Willapa Hills region, MCELWEE, K. R.; DUNCAN, R. A., 1984, Punctuated southwestern Waehington--Progress report [ab­ volcanism in Oregon's Coast Range {abstract]: Eos stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ [American Geophysical Union Transect ions), v. 65, tions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 60. [Note: Text of jour­ no. 17, p. 330. nal mis-heeded as "v. 82, no. 5."] MCELWEE, K. R., see al so MCCRUMB, D. R.; WEST, O. O., 1982, Regional neo­ DUNCAN, R. A. {and others], 1984. tectonic analysis of the Willape Hills region southwestern Washington [abstract]: Eos [American MCEUEN, R. B., see Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 83, no. 8, p. RIGBY, F. A. [and others], 1980. 173. MCEWEN, A. S.; MALIN, M. C., 1987, Mount St. MCCRUMB, D.R., see also Halens--Kinetics of sediment gravity flows [ab­ WEST, D. 0. [end others], 1980. stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts \'IEST, D. 0. [and others], 1988. with Programs, v. 19, no. 7, p. 765. WEST, D. o. [end others], 1988. MCFAUL, MICHAEL, 1977, Preliminary results of a MCCULLA, M. s., 1986, Geology and metallization of field study of the Mims mounds at their type the White River area, King and Pierce Counties, Locality in Washington State [abstract]: Great Washington: Oregon State University Doctor of Plains-Rocky Mountain Geographical Journal, v. 6, Phi Losophy thesis, 213 p., 5 plates. no. 2, p. 405.

MCCULLOCH, D. S., see MCFAUL, MICHAEL, 1979, A geomorphic and pedologi­ EEZ-SCAN GROUP (CACCHIONE, O. A. [ and cal interpretation of the Mi ma-mounded prairies, others]), 1986. south Puget Lowland, Washington State: University GARDNER, J. v. [and others], 1986. of Wyoming Mester of Arts thesis, 77 p., 3 plates.

MCDOUGALL, J. W., 1979, Southern extension of the MCGARY, NOEL, see Straight Creek Fault in the Cascades of Washington MCMANUS, O. A. [ and others], 1968. (abstract]: Oregon Academy of Science Proceed- ; ng s, v. 15, p. 48-49. 152 MCSE!, D. A.

MCGEE, D. A., 1972, Soil survey of' Ct ark G"Ourtty, field trifjtt# 1988 Rstta1"i1!H Meetin!J:, Seattles Weshingtons U.S. Soil Conservation Sarvioe, 113 Ae9ociirtion of Eni,tfforing Geolel§tsts, P• 85-97. p., 84 pletea. MCKEii!, 8Af&I, 1881, Tfle Otympic--Wal Lowa lineament MCGOWA~ E. F., see in wtritt-em ·ancf. Qrrl\l'"at Wa,shtng·ton [at,etracth H!NDSRSCN, J. A. [end others], 1958. GefllegiHl a.tcie't,y Of America Spacial Paper 115, HENDERSO~ J. I\ [and others], 'J9S9. p. 340.

MCGOWAN, K. I., 1985, Geochemistry of al t.eration MCKIE, BATES, 1972, Cesead ta-th'e geologic evo tu­ and 111'fneral izstion of the Wind River gold pros­ ti on l}f' the PMUftc Northwnt: Mc:Gr•w-fiil l Book pect, Skamania Cot,,nty, Washington: Portl&l'ld SU1te CCflltfJSftyt - p .. University Maiiter of Science thesis, 138 p., 3 plates. MCKEE-. BATEi, 1974; Getttogy of the Cascade Range. In Voight, hrry; Voight, M. A., editors, 1974,

MCGREER, 00 J., Sl!le Rock machaniee--The Anuirtcen northwest: Penney l­ ICE, G. s. [and others], 1988. vani a State University, p. 272-218.

MCGRODER, M. F., 1988, Structural evolution of MCKEE, 8ATE9f WHETTE~ J. T., 1972, Th11 Chiwaukum eastern Cascades foldbelt [abstract]: Geological gr.aben [abstract]& Northwest Scientific Associa­ Society of A111erica Abstraets with Progrania, v. 20, tion, 45th Annuel Meatint., Abstracts of Papers, p, no. 3, p. 213. 9.

MCGffllOER, M. F.; MOHRIG, o. c., 1987, Piggyback to MCK!E, BATES, see al so foreland transitioft in the Methow Basin, Washing­ LISTER, c. A. B. [and others]. 1S67, ton, 2--A balanced cross-section of the Cascade orogen [abstract]: BeolOOical Society of Antei'ica MCKEE, E. o., AND OMRS, 1956, Prateotectonic maps Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 7, p. 76S. --JurHi!lic Systa111t UA Beologioal Survey Miscel­ laneous Beologic Inveattgatio-ns Map I-175, 1 MCH!NRY, J. R., 1952, Ctay mineralogy of Recent aheet, soale 1:S.000,000, wit.h 6 p. text. glacial alluvium soils of western Waahington1 Soi t Science, v. 74, no.. 4, P• 281-284. MCK!E, E.. D.; ORIEL, S.. S,,; AND OTHERS, 1987, Palntectenic 11111ps of the System: u.s. MCINTOSH, W. L.; EISTER, M. F., 1982, Geologic 1Up Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investi­ index of Washingtonl U.S. Geological Survey, S p. gatiOns Map 1~450, 194 p., 24 plates.

MCJUNKIN, R. D., 1969, Geology of the Malaga lelnd­ MCK!E, E. H., see sl ide, Chelan County, Washington [abstract]: WOlFE, e. w. [arid others], 1988. Association of Engineering Geologists, 1969 Annual WOLFE, !. w. [and others], 1972. Meeting, Prag rem, p. 29. MCKEl!.VER, OOUGtAS, 1917, Volcanology and geochem­ MCKEE, BATES, 1988, The eentral and southern Cas­ istry of the south flank of Mount Baker, Cascade cades. In. McKee, Bates; Coombe, H. A., 1981, Range, Washingtons Western Washington State Col­ Guidebook to field trips; 1968 ~letiontl Meeting, l8f:!el Mester of Science thesis, 121:l P• Seattle: Association of Engineering Geologists, p. 31-45. MCKENZIE, OANJ Jllt.IAN, BRUCE, 1971, Puget Sound, Washington, earthquake and the mantle structure MCKEE, BATES, 1988, Glaciation of the Puget Low· bel'lt!ath the northwestern United States: Geologi­ lend. In. McKee, Batu, Coo111bs, H. A.; 1988, Guide­ cet !ociety of A1t1erice Blll letin, v. 82, no. 12, p. book to field trips; 1988 National Meeting, Seat­ 3619-3523. tle: Association of Engineering Geologists, P• 53-57. MCKNIGHT, e. F. T,, 1923, The origin end history of Lake Washingtons University of Washington MCKEE, BATES, 1968, The northern Cascades. I!! Bachelol' of Science thesis, 83 p. McKee, Bates; Coombs, H. A., 1968, Guidebook to AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY MCNEaY, W. L. 153

MCKNIGHT, E. F. T.; \'/ARD, A. H., 1925, Geology of MCMAHAN, A. B., see the Snohomish quadrangle: University of Washing­ GUALTIERI, J. L. [and others], 1975. ton Master of Science thesis, 95 p., 5 plates. MCMANUS, D. A., 1963, Postglacial sediments in MCKNIGHT, W. R., see Union Bay, Lake Washington, Seattle, Washington: BERG, J. w., JR. [and others], 1966. Northwest Science, v. 37, no. 2, p. 61-73.

MCLEAN, HUGH, 1968, Petrography and sedimentology MCMANUS, D. A.; HOLMES, M. L.; CARSON, BOBB; BARR, of the Blakeley Formation, Kitsap County, Washing­ s. M., 1972, Late Quaternary tectonics, northern ton: University of Washington Master of Science end of Juan de Fuca Ridge (northeast Pacific): thesis, 56 p. Marina Geology, v. 12, no. 2, p. 141-164.

MCLEAN, HUGH, 1977, Lithofecies of the Blakeley MCMANUS, O. A.; MCGARY, NDa, 1968, Topography of Formation, Kitsap County, Washington--A submarine an intermediate borderland, the continental ter­ fan complex?: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, race off Washington [abstract): Geological Socie­ v. 47, no. 1, p. 78-BB. ty or America Special Paper 115, p. 145-146.

MCLaLAN, R. D., 1927, The geology of the San Juan MCMANUS, D. A., see also Islands: University of Washington Doctor of Phi­ CARSON, BOBB [and others], 1969. losophy thesis, 185 p., 1 plate. DEHLINGER, PETER [and others], 1970. LISTER, c. R. B. [and others], 1968. MCLaLAN, R. D., 1927, The geology of the Sen Juen Islands: University of Washington Publications in MCMASTER, E. R., see Geology, v. 2, 185 p. MILLER, E. A. [and others], 1976.

MCLERRAN, J. H.; KRASHBISKI, S. H., 1954, State of MCMECHAN, G. A., see Washington engineering soils manual; Part II­ MilNE, w. G. [and others], 1978. Soils of Snohomish County: Washington State Coun­ c il far Highway Research, 'J7 p. MCMICHAa, L. B., 1946, Geology of the northeast­ ern Olympic Peninsula: University of Washington MCLERRAN, J. H.; KRASHBISKI, S. H., 1954, State of Master of Science thesis, 33 p., 1 plate. Washington engineering soils manual; Part III­ Soils of King County: Washington State Council MCMURPHY, C. J., 1980, Soil survey of Kitsap Coun­ for Highway Research, 107 p. ty area, Washington: U.S. Soil Conservation Ser­ vice, 127 p., 31 plates. MCLERRAN, J. H.; KRASHBISKI, S. H., 1955, State of Washington engineering soi ls manual; Part "N­ MCMURPHY, C. J.; ANDERSON, H. W., 1966, Interim Soils of Skagit County: Washington State Council soil survey report of the Capitol Peak-Cedar Creek for Highway Research, 142 p. portion of the Capitol Forest soil survey area: Washington Department of Natural Resources Report MCLUCAS, G. B., COMPILER, 1980, Preli mi nary fault 2, 41 p. map of Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fi le Report 80-2, 5 p., 1 MCMURPHY, C. J.; ANDERSON, H. W., 1968, Soil plate, scale 1:1,000,000. survey report of the Capitol Forest area: Wash­ ington Department of Natural Resources Report 14, MCLUCAS, G. B., 1981, Detailed fault maps--Hoqui­ 45 p. am, Vancouver, Yakima, and The Dal las quadrangles: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources MCMURPHY, C. J., see al so Open-Fi le Report 81-1, 5 sheets, scale 1:250,000. LIMEBERRY, C. C. [and others], 1972. SCHLOTS, F. E. [and others], 1962. MCLUCAS, G. B., 1981, Lineament and fault maps of the south Cascades, Washington: Washington Divi­ MCNEELY, l'I. L., 1964, Gravity survey of area Shel­ sion of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File ton, Greys Harbor, Washington [abstract): Amari- Report 81-2, 6 sheets, scale 1:100,000. 154 MCNEELY, W. L. can Geophysical tlnion Transactions, v. 45; ~ 4, CoNliU.llret Geologicat Association of Canada Iii• 640. Special Pap1!r 8, p. 131-i4S.

MCNEELY, w. L., 1966, Gravity M1sult• in the Shel­ MCWI1.LtAM'S, 'A. a., 1965, Geotagy and biostrat,grs­ ton-Grays Harbor area, Washington [abatr.:th -hy et the Lake CMtscent t1ree,, 'Cll!it ta111 County,

American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 131 Weehi,ngt1>n1 Unhtarsity of Washington !faster of no. 4, p. 629. Sci•nce thesis, 165 ill•• 4 plates.

MCNEELY, w. L., 1968, Gravity survey abstract of MCWtLUAMS, A. G., 1970, Evidence for thrust Shelton-Grays Harbor araa, Washington (abstract]: faulting in nl!lrthern Olympic PeMneut.a, \'hlShing­ American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 47, tom Am'tlf'i.ean AsS(lciath,n of Petroleum Geologists no. 1, p. 280. 8ul tat in, • .. 54, no. 2, p. 344-349.

MCNEELY, W. L., 1969, Gr•vity survey of the Shel­ NCWilLtAMS, 'A. G., 1971, Evidence for thrust ton-Grays Harbor area, Washington: University of faulting in northern Olympic PenH'lsura, Washing­ Puget Sound Master of Science thesis, 38 p., 8 ton--1:ieplyt American Anociation of Petroleum plates. Geologists Bulletin, v. 55, no. 1, p. 129-131.

MCNEELY, W. L..; BARUTT, s.; BROTCHE, J.; DIGHTMAN, MtwnlIAMS, R. G., 1972, Stratigraphic evitlence M.; MACKIE, DAVE; MURRAY, B.; NEUDO~ER, P.; OL­ for rifting in western Oregon and ~ashington {ab­ SEN, A., 1988, Gravity survey of the Yelm aM1a, stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts Washington [abstract]: American Geophysical Union with Progrems, v. 4t no. 3, p. 197-198. Transactions, v. 47, no. 1, p. 280. MCWILLIAMS, A. G• ., 1974, New evidence for thrust­ MCNUTT, MARCIA, 1979, Compensation of oceanic ing neer ~reshweter Say, Olympic Peninsu La, \'lesh­ topography--An eppl ication of the responsa func­ ington {ab~tract)I Geological Society of America tion technique to the Surveyor area: Journal of Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 3, p. 219. Geophy sic el Resaa re h, v. B4, no. b1 3, p. 7589- 7598. MCWILLIAMS, R. G., 19713, Early tertiary rifting in western Oregon-Wsshingtonc American Association MCNUTT, S. R., 19B1, Preliminary calculationa of of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. S2, no. 7, p. Mt. St. Helens b-values [abstract]: Eos {American 1193-1197. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, P• 62. [Note: Text of Journal mis-headed as "v. 62, MEARSt R. A.; PISTRANG, M. A., 1979, Are haeo log i­ no. 5."] ca l considerations related to land development in the Puget Sound region, Washington: u.s. Geologi­ MCNUTT, s. R.; BEAVAN, R. J., 19B4, Patterns of cal Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF- earthquakes and the effect of solid earth and 1030, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000. ocean load tides et Mount St. Helens prior to the May 18, 1980, eruption: Journal of Geophysical MEHRINGER, P. J., JR., see Research, v. 89, no. B5, p. 3075-3088. BLINMAN, ERIC [and others], 1977.

MCPHEE, J. A.; BAUMANN, H. N., JR., 1911, The MEIEA, M. F., 1986, Some glaciological interpreta­ geology and mining of the western pert at Index tions of remapping programs on South Cascade, Ni s­ mining district: University of Washington Bache­ qually• and Klawetti Glaciers, Washington: Cana­ lor of Science thesis, 42 p., 3 plates. dian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 3, no. 6, p. 811-918. MCPHERRON, A. L., see DAVIS, P. M. [and others], 19B4. MEIER, M. F., see al so CRANOaL, o. R. [and others], 1965. MCTAGGART, K. C., 1970, Tectonic history of the northern Cascade Mountains. In Wheeler, J. 0., MEIGHAN, C. w., 1965, Pacific Coast archaeology. editor, 1970, Structure of the southern Canadian In. Wright, H. E., Jr.; Frey, o. G., editors, 1965, AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY MEYER, WILLIAM 155

The Quaternary of the United States: Princeton MENZER, F. J., JR., 1966, Structure L contra ls of University Press, p. 709-720. ore deposition at Helena Peek, Snohomish County, Washington: Texas Journal of Science, v. 18, no. MELIM, L. A.t 1984, Northnorthwest source found 3, p. 291-295. for mid Eocene subsea fan deposit on Indian and Marrowstone Islands, northwest Washington [ab­ MERCIER, J. M., 1977, Petrology of the upper Cre­ stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ taceous strata of Stuart Island, Sen Juen County, tions), v. 85, no. 17, p. 330. Washington1 Washington State University Mester of Science thesis, 157 p., 1 plate. MELIM, L. A., 1984, Sedimentary petrology and depositional environment of sandstones at Scow MERRILL, R. T.; BURNS, R. E., 1972, A detailed Bay, Indian and Marrowstone Islands, northwestern magnetic study of Cobb Seamount: Earth end Plane­ Washington [abstract]: American Association of tary Science Letters, v. 14, no. 3, p. 413-418. Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 68, no. 4, p. 506. MESSICK, C. H., see MANSON, C. J. [and others], 1987. MEL IM, L. A., 1984, The sedimentary petro Logy end sedimentology of the unnamed middle Eocene sand­ MEYER, D. F.; JANDA, R. J., 1985, Erosional devel­ stones of Scow Bay, Indian and Marrowstone opment of the North Fork Toutle debris avalanche Islands, northwest Washington: Westem Washington deposit [abstract]. l!l Glysson, G. D., editor, University Master of Science thesis, 123 p.. 1 1983, Proceedings of the advanced seminar on sedi­ plate. mentation, August 15-19, 1983, Denver, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fila Report 85-98, p. MELLMAN, G. R., see 34-38. HADLEY, D. M. [and others], 1983. MEYER, D. F.: JANDA, R. J., 1986, Sedimentation MELOSH, H. J., 1987, A finite e lament study of downstream from the 18 May 1980 North Fork Tout le strain accumulation and release in the Pacific River debris avalanche deposit, Mount St. Helens, Northwest (abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical WasMngton. l!l Keller, s. A. c., editor, 1986, Union Transactions), v. BB, no. 44, p. 1240. Mount St. Helens-Five years later: Eastern Wash­ ington University Press, p. 68-86. MELOSH, H. J., 1988, A finite element study of strain and uplift in the Pacific Northwest [ab­ MEYER, D. F.; JANDA, R. J., 1987, Erosional devel­ stract]. l!l University of Washington Quaternary opment of the North Fork Toutle debris avalanche Research Center, 1988, Holocene subduction in the deposit. l!l Glysson, G. O., editor, 1987, Proceed­ Pacific Northwest: University of Washington Qua­ ings of the Advanced Sem;ner on Sedimentation: ternary Research Center, p. 16. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 953, p. 19-20.

MELSON, W. G., see MEYER, D. F.; JANDA, R. J.; MARTINSON, H. A., OUtCAN, J. R. (end others], 1969. 1982, Initial and subsequent drainage basin and channel responses to the 1980 eruption of Mount MENARD, H. W., 1969, Growth of drifting volcenos: St. Helens [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 74, no. 20, p. Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 8, p. 174-175. 4827-4837. MEYER, D. F., see also MENARD, H. W.; ATWATER, T. M., 1968, Changes in JANDA, R. J. [end others], 1985. direction of sea-floor spreading: Nature, v. 219, MARTINSON, H. A. [and others], 1983. !'IC. 5153, 463-467. MARTINSON, H. A. [and others], 1987.

MENARD, H. w., see also MEYER, WILLIAM; SABOL, M. A.; GLICKEN, HARRY; ATWATER, T. M. [and others], 1970. VOIGHT, BARRY, 1984, The effects of ground water, SHOR, G. G., JR. [and others], 1970. slope stability, and seismic hazard on the stebi l­ ity of the South Fork Castle Creek blockage in the Mbunt St. Hel:ens, area, \t"1sh'ington1 u~. ~!QS;'I.,.. MU:tlntifil'tl.N,, 0#,11~~!.:,, ~e~ ca! Survey. Open-Fi le Report: 84'-824,, 72'' P•, MtlCmUM'tlN;,, E., Li~, [!Snd·, ot~er:sh, 1~gs.

MEY$•. w,n.;i.irA'Mj. SABot, M,\ A.;: 131.lICJEN,;. HAfflnl1~ Ml8f!S,, .Jt H~,, 19i"QJ,, UJ~1r,~,.~tH1t ~i~. on, ..l4!1)b,q VOIGHT'.,, BARRY,, 1985, TI'ltt ef11"'ect:s off g;round~ "'84..er;. Moui,:t,t1in,, SIM!hQt11:i1.t,, Cl'l>.UnW,, 11!,ati!h~fl!l~O:: Ufli'.v,er,si~ slope stllb,ibit'y•. and, seismic 11azerdi on, 1'fi«, s:tab:i,l,_ t;y, of• W>Aaltt119PAn., lffill~rr o,ff ~e:ienQe, ~~s,, 541 P.t, ity of ttre· S'outh· Fol'k, Girat,li&' Cheek b-!®.~, ift1 t:tle· 1; ptlQt;'fltl,, Mount St. Helens aree,. WesMng~n:, U.S.. Geolng;i~ cat: SiJM1.ey Profless i anal Pitper 1G45',. 42' p., M~sttNt, 11'., a.;, B~Wf"lQ~, ~,, 14.,, 1ft7'6;, I11str.u, ~,t,i®, BllOJP,8f'~ffl=l!rn.$l: "'·r~rri~i, embt111K­ M1:Y:ER;. W/11.LI~Hf: SA'f30t" M'., A.;. SCHUST!&Rt-, ~ Ii:.,, U1tt/S,; Qft, QQflt;, ftt.Ull~t/~OJl, ~,i,l;., l!l: E11g,i11ea.r,ing, 1S!l8~ t.andslidil· dammed· l,akea atl Mount. St., Hal.ens,, Gl:IQ,llQ!lY: ~ct ~,i;bs, li;llQ;iOf!,SP·iil'lQ, Sl,llllP,Q:B5/.lll\,, 14!::'1, W:asMngton;, In· St:huste.r,, If.. b.,, ediitor,, t88&,, ArtrtttRL:,. Plwo61:!di'can, Societty,, o:, CivH: Engineers Geotechnie.asl.'. Speci,eL Publ i.cati

velcreity st rue.tu re frmm: tetesefsmi'C, P...w~e. l'&Sidu:­ Mne-1$; i,B, the Qi>.ff ~ a,11e,.,,. nq111;1:i, Ces,eade RaQge, llf.ICMAB.SOR. C. A., 1984, Lsrga. ace.Le l'l:u•rogilil.mtf• ttitshci-"'9;tlO~t A.rc.tiic; ~ ALpioe. ~earch,, v., 11,. no. ties tFt th& cr1:1st IIM'ld 119per mlffltta of th• Plsc;U'f.c "" r,,.., 49,,-~ Northwest (all>strecth Geotogtc.at Soc'f.e.tw of Amer­ ica Abstracts with PMJgraas, v. 16,,. 00i, S., p.. 321,. l\tll.k..EIR:,, !;. Ii).,;: ~Eli.I;,~ ~ Ry, ~l;.l,.JiNEAl;IX~. Ii). R., 1~ ~Oll!'m•l!l@:t!ie.~ f~r:>. l(.OL"-'i',i,1;1-~azaajs ac5s.iss­

MIDtAELSOff, C. A.; WEAVER. C. s., 19tll1 1 T'eteuis,­ me.l\lt.S w t~~ p,,\~,i,ng b.ase!;!: on U,!i). Geologi­ mic p-wave residual studies in \taehi"9ton ~ ~'ll $1.!:ll"'it~ ~~r,i,~~% ~rttiQ t,ha. 19,BQ, eruptions northern Oregon [abstract): Eos (Americltfl Geo­ El:f ~- S:t., •t•~• $:f!,G,.,'!. ~t' '#,ashi,ng,ton, IJ.,S~ •. physical Union Transactions}, v. 62, n<1., 451 p.. 12 tlU lia.lMc,. M•. B~ ~l';'li>~$.4il;l9S 0:f th1;1 Ge.o~ogic 1089. ~ ~r,o.t~.i," ~li!!!'di&; T·1raini1;19,, f~grra,m; u,s•. G.«1,l09i;oal Sl,l,.1!''1(~.y, O,,,e~tle lilefMlrt ~7·S0, p. 499- MICHAELSON, c. A.; WEAVER, c. S;., 1983, Deep 500. earthquakes under the Puget Sound basin [ab-­ stractJ: Earthquake Notas, v. 54, no. 1, p. 41- Hll,1.lilll. C. 0v MUl,.LlN!Al,IX. I;). I,\; CRANDELL, O. R., 42. t981, HQams. asse!l,Sll\~nt~ et Moy1;1t St, Helens. In l.iplll:Pt P, W.t MYl\ine~lli D, R,i ecqtprs, The MICHAELSON, C. A.; WEAVER, C. S;., 1986, Upper 1980 &N'1\ion11 qf Maynt. @t, t\ete1'1,S, Washi{lgto{l: mantle structure from teleseismfc P wave arrivals U.S.. Geologieel S1.1r11ey PrQf-es~iOfl!il Paper 1250, p. in Washington and northern Oregon: Journal of 789-,-8~. Geophysical Research, v. 91, no. B2, p. 2077-2094. Mtt..Lfif\, c. o.,. ~ee e~§g MICHAELSON, C. A., see al so CFIANOE\.L, 0, ~ (ellcl 1;,thf!r§]~ 1919. ENDO, E. T. [and others}, 1980. SCOTT, W. 1$. (l!m:f gt;lle!'sJ. 1881, WEAVER, C. s. [and others], 1983. \'IEAVER, C. S. [and others], 1985. M?l.l.ll!R, O. la,, §!!rt BRANDON, M. T, [aflcl 13thl!rsl, 198!3, AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY f,IILLER, R. B. 157

MILLER, E. A.; MCMASTER, E. R.; BELL, J. M., 1976, f,IILLER, R. B., 1980, Structure, petrology and A liquefaction failure of e wastewater intercep­ emplacement of the ophiolitic Ingalls Complex, tor. l!l Engineering Geology end Soils Engineering north-central Cascades, Washington: University of Symposium, 14th Annual, Proceedings: Idaho Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 422 P•• 5 Department of Highways, p. 119-132. plates.

MILLER, G. M., 1963, Early Eocene angular uncon­ MILLER, R. B., 1981, Structure, petrology and formity et western front of northern Cascades, emplacement of the ophiolitic Ingal Ls Complex, Whatcom County, Washington [erratum]: American north-central Cascades, Washington {abstract]: Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 41, no. 47, no. B, p. 1827. 11, Sect ion B, p. 40438.

MILLER, G. Md 1969, Western extent of mid-Creta­ MILLER, R. B., 1982, Geology of the Ai mrock Lake ceous thrusting in Whatcom end Skagit Counties, pre-Tertiary inlier, southern Washington Cascades Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of [abstract): Geological Society of America Ab­ America Abstracts for 1969, Pert 3, p. 42. stracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. 217.

MILLER, G. Md 1979, Western extent of the Shuksen MILLER, R. B., 1982, Interrelationships of metaso­ end Church Mountain thrust plates in Whatcom, Ska­ metism, deformation mechanisms and imbricate git, end Snohomish Counties, Washington: North­ thrusting of an abducted ophiolite, north Cas­ west Science, v. 53, no. 4, p. 229-241. cades, Washington {abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 7, MILLER, G. M.; MISCH, PETER, 1963, Early Eocene p. 566. angular unconformity at westem front of northern Cascades, Whatcom County, Washington: American MILLER, R. B., 1984, Evolution of the southern Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. margin of the Skagit crystalline core and the 47, no. 1, p. 163-174. Mesozoic tectonics of the central and southern Washington Cascades [abstract]: Pacific Northwest MILLER, G. M.; MISCH, PETER, 1983, Post Paleocene­ Metals and Minerals Conference 1984, Abstracts, p. pre-middle Eocene angular unconformity at the 54. western front of the northern Cascades, northeast of Bell inghem, Whatcom County, Washington [ab­ MILLER, R. B., 1984, Tectonic evolution of the stract]: Geological Society of America Spacial southern margin of the Skagit crystalline core of Paper 73, p. 52-53. the north Cascades [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, no. 17, p. MILLER, J. T., sea 330. POULSON, E. N. [and others], 1952. MILLER, R. B., 1985, The ophiolitic Ingalls Com­ MILLER, M. S., 1967, The bedrock geology of the plex, north-central Cascade Mountains, Washington: southeast quarter of Mount Steal quadrangle, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 96, no. Washington: University of Washington Heater of 1, p. 27-42. Science thesis, 78 p. MILLER, R. B., 1985, The pre-Tertiary Ai mrock Lake MILLER, M. S., sea al so inlier, southern Cascades, Washington: Washington GUALTIERI, J. L. [and others], 1973. Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File GUALTIERI, J. L. [and others], 1975. Report 85-2, 16 p., 1 plate.

MILLER, R. B., 1975, Structure and petrology of MILLER, R. B., 1987, Geology of the Twisp River­ the Ingalls peridotite and associated pre-Tertiary Chelan Divide region, north Cascades, Washington: rocks southwest of Mount Stuart, Washington: Uni­ Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources versity of Washington Master of Science thesis, 90 Open-File Report 87-17, 12 p., 12 plates. p., 2 plates. MILLER, A. B.; FROST, B. R., 1977, Structure, stratigraphy, plutonism and volcanism of the cen- 1S8 MILLER, R. B. SEtSMIC HAZAADS OP W&STl!:RN WASH1NSTON

tral Cascades, Washington; Pert III, Geology of MILL.ER, R. D.; SAP: IOLES, s. A.: PESSL, FRED, JR., the Ingalls complex end related pre-Lete Creta­ 1985, Map showing relative slops stability in the ceous rocks of the Mount Stuart uplift, centrel Port Townaend 30' x 80' quadrangle, Puget S1!Und Cascades, Washington. ID. Brown, E. H.; Ellie, A. region, Washington: WS.. Ceologicll Survey Mis­ c~ editors, 1977, Geological excursions in the Ul ltnecus :trtveatigettltns Series Map t-1198-C, 1 Pacific Northweet: Western Weehington Univereity, 11he.i, scale 11100.ooa. P• 283-291. MtLLER, A. O., SH el so MILLER, R. B.; MISCH, PETER; HOPPE, W. J., 1985, CRANDELL, o. A. (end oth11r1J, 1962. New observations on the central and southern seg­ CRANDl!!LL; D. A. (and otherel, 1984. ments or the Roas Lake fault zone, N. Cascades, CAANDS.L; o. A.. (and others], 1974. Weshington [abstract): Geological society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 8, p. MIL.LEA, R, P.; HU.TS, o. Sot 1970, Experimental 370. open-pit mine slops stability study. l!1 Somerton, w. H.. editor, 19?0, Flock mechanics, theory and MILLER, R. B.; VANCE, J. A., 1981, Movement his­ practicer Proceedings, 11th Sympo1ium oh Aock tory of the Straight Creek Fault [abstract]: Geo­ Mechanics1 society of Mining Engineers of AIME, logical Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ p.·147-167, grams, v. 13, no. a, p. 97. MILLS, H. H., 1978, Some characteristics or gla­ MILLER, R. B.; WALKER, N. \'f., 1987, Structure end cial aadimente on Mount Reinier, Weshington: age or the Oval Peek Batholith--Implicetions for Journal or Sedimentary Petrology, v. 48,, no. 4, p. the Roes Lake Fault Zone, Washington [abstract): 1a45-1ass. Geological Society of' America Abstracts with Pra­ g rams, v. 19, no. a, p. 433. MILLS, H. H., 1979, Some impl ic:ations of sediment studies for glacial erosion on Mount Rainier, MILLER, R. B., see also Washington: Northwest Sc fence, v. 53, no. :3, P• COWAN, o. s. [and others], 1981. '190-199, VANCE, J. A. [and others], 1981. VANCE, J. A. (and others], 1983. MILLS, H11 H., 1984, Ctast orfantat1on in Mount St. YEATS, R. s. [ end others], 1977. Halthe dabrit-fto• depoaits, North Fork routle River, Washington• Journal of Sedimentary Petrol­ MILLER, R. o., 1973, Map showing rellttivt slope ogy, v. S4, no. 2, P• 82S-8:34. stability in part of wast-central King County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Miacel leneous MILLS, k. r:., itee Investigations Series Map I-852-A, 1 sheet, scale UNGER, J. o. [and others),, 197a. 1:48,000. UNGER, J. tt. (and othE!rs], 197:3.

MILLER, R. o_ 1974, Map showing relative compres­ MILLS; S. v., see sibility of earth materials in part of west-cen­ HIGGINS, J. o. [ and Otha rs], 1983. tral King County, Weshington1 u.s. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I- MILNE, P, C., 1979, Art assessment of' the uranium 852-C, 1 sheet, scale 1:48,000. potential in the ILlenaburg ~ormation, south-cen­ tral WHhington: waahington Division of Geology MILLEA, R. D., 1982, Port Townsend, WHhington, end earth Aesource1 dpett-Pila RElport 79-2, :32 p., sediment properties [abstract]= U.S. Geological 4 pLtHI. Survey Professional Peper 127!:i, p. 220. MIL.NI!, w. B., 11:163, repr. 198?, Canadian west MILLER, R. D.: PESSL, FRED, JR., COMPILERS, 19B8, coast 1,rthquakes, 1962, !!1 Canada Department of Map showing unconsolidated deposits grouped on the energy, Mines and Aesoureec, 19B7, Canadian west basis of texture, Port Townsend 30' x 801 quadran­ coast earthquakes, 1951~1S54t Canada Department gle, Puget Sound region, Washington: U.S. Geolog­ of' ener'gy, Mines and Flesouroali, p. 1:3-28. (Note: ical Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Originally published in Canada Dominion Observa­ Map I-1198-D, 1 sheet. tory Putllications, v. 16, no. 9.J AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY MINARD, J. P. 159

MILNE, W. G., 1955, repr. 1967, Canadian west MILNE, W. G., see also coast earthquakes, 1953. Ill Canada Department of COOMBS, H. A. [and others], 1976. Energy, Mines and Resources, 1967, Canadian west COOMBS, H. A. [and others], 1977. coast eerthquekes, 1951-1954: Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, p. 29-40. (Note: MILNES, P. T., 1976, Structural geology and meta­ Originally published in Canada Dominion Observa­ morphic petrology of the Illebot Peeks area, Ska­ tory Publ icetions, v. 16, no. 13.) git County, Washington: Oregon State University Mester of Science thesis, 118 p., 2 plates. MILNE, w. G., 1955, repr. 1967, Cenedian west coast earthquakes, 1954. Ill Canada Department of MILNES, P. T., see also Energy, Mines and Resources, 1987, Canadian west LAWRENCE, R. D. [and others], 1976. coast earthquakes, 1951-1954: Cenede Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, p. 41-55. (Note: , D. J., see Originally published in Canada Dominion Cbserva­ HOWARD, K. A. [ and others], 1978. tory Publications, v. 18, no. 3.) MINARD, J. P., 1980, Distribution end description MILNE, w. G., 1956, Seismic activity in Canada, of the geologic units in the Arlington East quad­ west of the 113th meridian, 1841-1951: Canada rangle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ Dominion Observatory Publications, v. 18, no. 7, Fi le Report 80-460, 8 p., 1 plate, scale 1:24,DDO. p. 119-127. MINARD, J. P., 1980, Distribution and description MILNE, W. G., 1987, Earthquake epicenters and of the geologic units in the Arlington West quad­ strain release in Canada: Canadian Journal of rangle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ Earth Sciences, v. 4, no. 5, p. 797-814. Fi le Report 80-461, 7 p., 1 plate, scale 1:24,000.

MILNE, \II. G.; LOMBARDO, F., 1953, repr. 1987, MINARD, J. P., 1980, Distribution and description Canadian west coast earthquakes, 1951. In Canada of the geologic units in the Lake Stevens quadran­ Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, 1987, g le, Wash i ng ton: U.S. Geo log ice l Survey Open-File Canadian west coast earthquakes, 1951-1954: Cana­ Report 80-463, 6 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. da Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, p. 1-11. [Note: Originally published in Canada Domin­ MINARD, J. P., 1980, Distribution and description ion Observatory Publ icetions, v. 16, no. 3.) of the geologic units in the Marysville quadran­ gle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le MILNE, W. G.; LUCAS, K. A., 1961, Seismic activity Report 80-464, 5 p., 1 plate, scele 1:24,000. in western Canada, 1955 to 1959 inclusive: Canada Dominion Observatory Publications, v. 26, no. 1, MINARD, J. P., 1980, Distribution and description 23 p. of the geologic units in the Snohomish quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le MILNE, W. G.; ROGERS, G. C.; RIDDIHOUGH, R. P.; Report 80-2019, 7 p., 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. MCMECHAN, G. A.; HYNDMAN, R. D., 1978, Seismicity of western Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Sci­ MINARD, J. P., 1980, Distribution and description ences, v. 15, no. 7, p. 1170-1193. of the geologic units in the Stanwood quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le MILNE, W. G.; SMITH, W. E.T.; ROBERTS, G. C., Report 80-462, 6 p., 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. 1970, Canadian seismicity and microearthquake research in Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth MINARD, J. P., 1980, Distribution and description Sciences, v. 7, no. 2, p. 591-601. of the geologic units in the Tulalip quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geo Logical Survey Open-Fi le MILNE, W. G.; WHITE, W. R. H., 1960, A seismic Report 80-465, 6 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. survey in the vicinity of Vancouver Island, Brit­ ish Columbia: Canada Dominion Observatory Publi­ MINARD, J. P., 1980, Geologic input to sensitive cat i ans, v. 24, no. 7, p. 145-154. lands maps [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1175, p. 315. 160 MINARD, J.P. SEISMIC HAZARDS OfZ WESTERN WASHINGTON

MINARD, J. P., 1980, Lendsl ide deposits, eastern MINARD, J, P., 1985, Geologic map of the Bethel L Puget Lowland [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey quadrangle, Snohomish and King Counties, Washing­ Professional Peper 1175, p. 93, ton: U.S. Geological Survey Miacel laneous Field Studies Map MF-1747, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. MINARD, J. P., 1981, Distribution end description of the geologic units in the Bothell quadrangle, MINAFll, J. P,. 19B5, Geologic map of the Everett Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File 7.5-mfnuta quadrangle, Snohomish County, Washing­ Report 81-108, 4 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,0DO. ton: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studiaa Map MF-1748, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. MINAII>, J. P., 1981, Distribution end description of the geologic units in the Everett quadrangle, MINAR>, J. P., 1985, Geologic map of the Lake Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Stevana quadrangle, Snohomish County, Washington: Report 81-248, 5 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1742, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. MINARD, J. P., 19B1, Distribution and description of the geologic units in the Maltby quadrangle, MINARD, J. P., 1985, Geologic map of the Maltby Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le quadrangle, Snohomish and King Counties, Washing­ Report 81-100, 4 p., 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. ton; U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1748, 1 sheet, see le 1 :24,000. MINARD, J. P., 1982, Distribution end description of geologic units in the Mukilteo quadrangle, MINAFll, J. P., 19B5, Geologic map of the Marys­ Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel leneous ville quadrangle, Snohomish County, Washington: Field Studies Map MF-1438, 1 sheet, scale U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies 1 :24,000. Map MF-1743, 1 sheet, seal e 1 :24,000.

MINARD, J. P., 1982, Extend of g Lac ia l marine MINARD, J. P., 1985, Geologic map of the Snohomish drift in the Puget Lowlands [abstract]: U.S. Geo­ quadrangle, Snohomish County, Washington: U.S. logical Survey Professional Peper 1275, p. 83. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1745, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. MINARD, J. P., 1982, Landslides mapped in Seattle, WasMngton [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey MINAFll, J. P., 1985, Geologic map of the Stanwood Professional Peper 1275, p. 222-223. quadrangle, Snohomish County, Washington: u.s. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MINARD, J. P., 1983, Geologic map of the Edmonds MF-1741, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. East and pert of the Edmonds West quadrangles, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous MINARD, J. P., 1985, Geologic map of the Tulal ip Field Studies Map MF-1541, 1 sheet, scale quadrangle, Snohomish County, Washington: U.S. 1 :24, ooo. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1744, 1 sheet, sea le 1 :24,000. MINARD, J. P., 1983, Geologic map of the Kirk land quadrangle, Washington: u.s. Geological Survey MI NARD, J. P,, see el so Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1543, 1 sheet, OETHIER, O. P. [end others], 1982, scale 1:24,000. PESSL, FRED, JR. [and others], 1982.

MINARD, J. P,, 1985, Geologic map of the Arlington MINASIAN, D. L., see East quadrangle, Snohomish County, Washington: SNAVELY, P. O., JR. [and others], 1986. U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1739, 1 sheet, sea le 1 :24,000. MINNING, G. v., 1967, The significance of till­ febric analysis in the Puget Lowland, Wash;ngton: MINARD, J. P,, 1985, Geologic map of the Arlington University of Washington Master of Science thesis, West quadrangle, Snohomish County, Washington: 30 p., 2 plates. U.S. Geo log icel Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies · Map MF-1740, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. MINOR, RICK, 1984, Dating the Bonneville landslide in the Columbia River Gorge: Heritage Research AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY MISCH, PETER 161

Associates [Eugene, Ore.] Report 31 [under con­ Mount Larrabee (Red Mountain)-Tomyhoi Peak area of tract to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers], 19 p. northwestern Cascades, Whatcom County, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Special MINOR, RICK, 1908, Archaeologicel evidence of Paper 73, p. 53. Holocene submergence along the Oregon and southern Washington coast [abstract]. l!! University of MISCH, PETER, 1964, Crystalline basement complex Washington Quaternary Research Center, 1988, Holo­ in northern Cascades of Washington [abstract]: cene subduction in the Pacific Northwest: Univer­ Geological Society of America Special Paper 76, p. sity of Washington Quaternary Reoeerch Center, p. 213-214. 13. MISCH, PETER, 1986, Tectonic evolution of the MINTZ, o. w.; BABCOCK, R. s.; TERICH, T. A., 1978, northern Cascades of Washington--A west-cordiller­ Potential land use problems of Puget Sound shore an case history. In Canadian Institute of Mining bluffs. In Washington Division of Geology and and Metallurgy; and others, 1966, A symposium on Earth Resources, 1976, Engineering geologic stud­ tectonic history and mineral deposits of the west­ ies: Washington Division of Geology and Earth ern Cordi l lere in British Columbia and neighbour­ Resources Information Ci rculer 58, p. 21-33. ing parts of the United States, Vancouver, 1964: Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Spe­ MISCH, PETER, 1949, Structure, metamorphism, and cial Volume 8, p. 101-148. granitizetion in part of Okanogan County, north­ central Washington [abstract]: Geological Society MISCH, PETER, 1973, The north Cascades in geotec­ of America Bulletin, v. 80, no. 12, pert 2, p. tonic perspective [abstract]: Geological Society 1942. of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, no. 1, p. 82. MISCH, PETER, 1951, Large thrusts in northern Cas­ cades of Washington [abstract]: Geological Socie­ MISCH, PETER, 1977, Dextral displacements at some ty of America Bullet in, v. 82, no. 12, pa rt 2, p. major strike faults in the north Cescades [ab­ 1508-1509. stract]: Geological Association of Canada Program with Abstracts, v. 2, p. 37. MISCH, PETER, 1952, Geology of the northern Cas­ cades of Washington: Mountaineer, v. 45, no. 13, MISCH, PETER, 1979, Geo Logic map of the Marble­ p. 4-22. mount quadrangle, Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Geologic Map GM-23, MISCH, PETER, 1956, Tectonic-petrogenetic history 1 sheet, see le 1 :4B,DDO. of northern Cascades of Washington [abstract]: International Geological Congress, 20th, Mexico, MISCH, PETER, 1980, Involvement of ancient conti­ D.F., Resumenes de Los trebajos presantados, p. nental basement end of alpine periodotite in com­ 143. plex imbricate zone beneath blueschist-fecies Shuksan thrust plate, northwest Cascades, Washing­ MISCH, PETER, 1980, Large overthrusts in the ton [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ northwestern Cascades near the 49th Parallel stracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 3, p. 142. (Whatcom end Skagit Counties, Washington, and lower Tomyhoi Creek area, British Columbia) [ab­ MISCH, PETER, 1982, North Cascades geology [ab­ stract]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts v. 71, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 2069. with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. 217.

MISCH, PETER, 1963, Geotectonic interpretation of MISCH, PETER, 1987, The type section of the Skagit mid-Cretaceous thrust faults in northwestern Cas­ Gneiss, north Cascades, Washington. l!! Hi Ll, M. cade Mountains [abstract]: American Geophysical L., editor, 1907, Cordil leren section of the Geo­ Union Transactions, v. 44, no. 1, p. 211-212. logical Society of America: Geological Society of America DNAG Centennial Field Guide 1, p. 393-398. MISCH, PETER, 1963, Unusual imbrication patterns displayed by pre-Devonian crystallines end upper Paleozoic rocks below Mount Shuksan overthrust in 162 MISCH, PETER SEISMIC HAZARDS~ WESTERN WASHINGTON

MISCH, PETER, see-also MOLENAAR, DEE, 1963, Tentative correlation of Qua­ BABCOCK, R. S. [and others], 1985. ternary stratigraphy, Puget Sound Lowland: Wash­ MILLER, G. M. [end others], 1963. ington Division of Water Resources, 1 sheet. MILLER, R. B. [ and others], 1985. MOLENAAR, DEE, 1985, rev. 1988, Oblique-view pic­ , R. F., 1979, Soil formation, classifica­ torial landform map-Mount Rainier National Park, tion and morphology. In Heilman, P. E.; Anderson, Washington: Molenaar Pictorial Maps (Burley, H. W., Jr.; Baumgartner, D. M., compilers, 1979, Wash.), 1 sheet. Forest soils of the Douglas-fir region: Washing­ ton State University Cooperative Extension Ser­ MCI.ENAAR, DEE, 1974, rev. 1983, Oblique-view pic­ vice, p. 157-172. torial landform map--The Olympic Peninsula, Weuh­ ington: Molanaer Pictorial Maps [Burley, \'lash.], MITCHELL, R. J., 1988, Paleomagnetiam of the Indi­ 1 sheet. an Heaven volcanic field, southern Weahington: Michigan Technological University Master of Sci­ MOLENAAR, DEE, 1981, Oblique-view pictorial land­ ence thea is, 57 p. form map-Souvenir of an erupt ion-Mount St. Helens country, Washington: Molenaar Pictorial MITTEN, H. T., see Maps [Burley, Waah.l, 1 sheet. WODZICKI, ANTONI [and others], 1963. MOLENAAR, DEE; NOBLE, J. B., 1970, Geology and MOEN, A. D., 1971, Symposium on tectonism of the related ground-water occurrence, southeastern Pacific Northwest: Eos (American Geophysical Mason County, Washington: Washington Department Union Transactions), v. 52, no. 9, p. 829-645. of Weter Resources Weter-Supply Bul Let in 29, 145 p., 2 plates. MOEN, w. S., 1962, Geology and mineral deposits of the north half of the Van Zandt quadrangle, What­ MCI.ENAAR, DEE, see also com County, Washington: Washington Division of GARLING, M. E. [end others}, 1965. Mines and Geology Bul Latin 50, 129 p., 4 plates. WALLACE, E. F. [end others], 1981.

MOEN, w. S., 1989, Mines end mineral deposits of MOLNAR, PETER, see Whatcom County, Washington: Washington Division ATWATER, T. M. [and others), 1973. of Mines and Geology Bulletin 57, 134 p., 14 ROSA, J. w. C. [ and others}, 1988. plates. MONAHAN, c. J., 1962, John Day Lock and Dem-­ MOEN, w. S., see also Foundation investigations: American Society of HUNTTING, M. T. [ and others], 1981. Civil Engineers Proceedings, Power Division Jour­ nal, v. BB, no. P0-4, p. 29-45. MOGK, D. w., 1978, Contact metamorphism of carbon­ ate rocks at Cave Ridge, Snoqualmie Pesa, Washing­ MONAHAN, C. J., 1989, Reservoirs in volcanic ter­ ton: University of Washington Mester of Science rain: Association of Engineering Geologists Bul­ thesis, 110 p., 2 plates. letin, v. 8, no. 1, p. 53-60.

MOHNEY, J. W.; STEWARD, J. E., 1982, Construct ion MONGER, J. w. H., 1985, Terranes in the southeast­ and evaluation of roads over low strength soils ern coast plutonic complex and Cascade fold belt using nonwoven geotextiles. 1Q Engineering Geology [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ end Soils Engineering Symposium, 19th Annual, Pro­ stracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 6, p. 371. ceedings: Idaho Transportation Dapertment, p. 161-180. MONGER, J. W. H.; COWAN, D. s., 1982, Continent ocean transition near 49 degrees N--Cordilleran MOHRAZ, B., see fold .and thrust belt to Juan de Fuce plate {ab­ HALL, W. J. [ and others], 1978. stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 7, p. 569. MOHRIG, D. C., see MCGRODER, M. F. [ and others], 1987. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY MORRISON, M. L. 163

MONGER, J. W. H.; DAVIS, G. A., 1982, Evolving MOORE, J. G., see also concepts of the tectonics of the North American ALPHA, T. R. [ end others], 1980. Cordillera. In Leviton, A. E.; Rodda, P. u.; Yoch­ ALPHA, T. R. [and others], 1981. elson, E. L.; Aldrich, M. L., editors, 1982, LIPMAN, P. W. [end others], 1981. Frontiers of geological exploration of western SWANSON, D. A. (and others], 1981. North America: American Association for the Ad­

vancement of Science Pacific Section, p. 215-248. MOORE, J. L., 19651 Surficial geology of the southwestern Olympic Peninsula: University of MONGER, J. W. H.; PRICE, R. A.; TEMPELMAtrKLUIT, Washington Master of Science thesis, 63 p., 1 D. J., 1982, Tectonic accretion and the orig in of plate. the two major metamorphic and plutonic welts in

the Canadian Cordillera: Geology, v. 101 no. 2, MOORE, J. N., see p. 70-75. FRITZ, w. J. [and others], 1981. DAMAR, ANTHONY [and others], 1981.

MONGER, J. W. H.; ROSS, C. A., 1984, Upper Paleo­ OAMAR1 ANTHONY [and others], 1983. zoic volcanosedimentery assemblages of the western North American Cordillera. J.!! International MOORE, s. C., 1972, Layered igneous rocks and in­ Congress on Stratigraphy end Geolo­ trusive units of the Tapto Lakes area, Whatcom gy, 9th: Southern Illinois University Press, v. County, Washington: University of Washington Mas­ 3, p. 219-228. ter of Science thesis, 104 p., 2 plates.

MONGER, J. W. H., see also MORAN, M. R., see DAVIS, G. A. [and others], 1978. NIELSON, D. L. [and others], 1980.

MOODY, J. D.; HILL, M. J., 19561 Wrench-fault tec­ MORGAN, w. J., 1968, Pliocene reconstruction of tonics: Geological Society of America Bulletin, the Juan de Fuca Ridge [abstract]: American Geo­ v. 67, no. 9, p. 1207-1246. physical Union Transactions, v. 49, no. 1, p. 327.

MOONEY, w. D.; CATCHINGS, R. D.; FUIS, G. s.; WAL­ MORGAN, w. J., see al so TER, A. W.; WENTWORTH, C. M.; ZOBACK, M. D., 1988, DUt«::AN, J. R. [ and others], 1969. Oeep crustal studies in the Pacific coastal states [abstract]: Geophysics, v. 51, no. 2, p. 440. MORLEY, J. M., see ALPHA, T. R. [end others], 1980. MOORE, A., see ALPHA, T. R. [end others], 1983. BRAKKE, D. F. [and others], 1982. MORLEY, JOSSJH, see MOORE, H. E., 1969, Foundation design of the Camas ELVERS, DOUGLAS [and others], 1973. Prairie rail road. J.!! Engineerfog Geology and Soils SEIDEL, DEAN [and others], 1973. Engineering Symposium, 7th Annual, Proceedings: Idaho Department of Highways, p. 33-47. MORRISON, A., see IRVING, E. [and others], 1985. MOORE, J. G.; ALBEE, W. C., 1980, Topographic and structural changes of Mount St. Helens, March-July MORRISON, M. E., 1954, The petrology of the Phelps 1980-Photogrammetric deta [abstract]: Eos (Amer­ Ridge-Red Mountain area, Chelan County, Washing­ ican Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, ton: University of Washington Mester of Science no. 46, p. 1134. thesis, 95 p., 3 plates.

MOORE, J. G.; ALBEE, W. C., 1981, Topographic and MORRISON, M. L., 1977, Structure and stratigraphy structural changes, March-July 1980-Photogrammet­ of the Shuksan metamorphic suite in the Gee Point­ ric data. !n. L ipmen, P. W.; Mullineaux, D. R., Finney Peak area, north Cascades: Western Wash­ editors, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens, ington State College Master of Science thesis, 69 Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional p., 1 plate. Paper 1250, p. 123-134. 184 MORRISON, M. L. SEISMIC HAZARllS OF WESTERN WASHihGTON

MORRISON, M. L., see stso MtJFiFLER, L. J. P.; BACOlll, C. R;., DUFFIELD, We. A., BROWN'. E. It. [and otl'rarsl, 1981. 19B{f, Geothanaal systems of the Cascade Range. !!! ttAUGEAUD, R. A. [and otharsl, 1981. Pacific Geothermal Conrarence, No11. 8-12, 1982, Proceedings:: University of Auckland Geothermal MORrENSEN, C. E., sea Inst ituta,. p. 337-343. DVORAK, J. J. [and others}, 1981. DVORAK, J. J. [and others}.. 1984. MtFFLER, L. J. P., see also JOHNSTON, M. J. S. [and others}, 198.4. GUFFANTI, MARIANNE [end others], 1985.

MORTON. J. L., see MULCAHEY, M. T., 1915, The geology of Fidelgo N

MOYER, R. o., 1985, Paleomagnetism of the Tertiary MULLER, J. e.... 1982, Geology of Nitinet Lake map rocks of the northern Olympic Peninsula, Washing­ arear Canada Geological Survey Open File 821, 1 ton, and its tectonic implications: Western Wash­ sheet, scale 1:125,000. ington University Master of Science thesis, 154 p. MULLER, J. e.... 1982, Geology of Vancouver Island: MOYER, A. o.; ENGEBRETSON, D. c.; YOUNG, M. N.; Canada Geological Survey Open File 463, 3 sheets, BECk, M. e., JR., 1985, Palaomegnatic and struc­ scale 1 :250,000. tural evidence for differential rotation on the northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington [abstract]: MULLER, J. e., 1983, Geology, Victoria, west of Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ 8th meridian, British Columbia: Canada Geological grams, v. 17, no. 8, p. 372. Survey Map 1553A, 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000.

MOZLEY, P. S., sea MULLER, J. E.; SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; TABOR, R. W., YOUNT, J. C. [end others], 1980. 1983, The Tertiary Olympic terrane, southwest Vancouver Island end northwest Washington: Geo­ MUDIE, J. D., see logical Association of Canada Victoria Section, ATWATER, T. M. [and others], 1971. Field Trip 12, 59 p.

~lUEHLBERGER, W. R., sea MULLER, J. E., see al so BAYLEY, R. w. [and others], 1980. BAANOON, M. T. [and others], 1983. HOWARD, IC. A. [and others), 1978. MULLINEAUX, o. R., 1960, Volcanic debris flows in MUELLER, R. J.1 see western Washington: Geological Society of the DAVIS, P. M. [and others], 1984. Oregon Country Geological News Letter, v. 26, no. DVORAK, J. J. [and others), 1984. 5, p. 40. JOHNSTON, M. J. S. [and others), 1980. JOHNSTON, M. J. S. {and others], 1981. MULLINEAUX, 0 0 R., 1961, Geology of the Renton, JOHNSTON, M. J. S. [and others], 1984. Auburn, and Black Diamond quadrangles, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 61-110, AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY tt.lLLINEAUX, D.R. 165

202 p., 3 p Lates. (Published as USGS PP 672, USGS MULLINEAUX, D. R.; BONILLA, M. G.; SCHLDCKER, GQ 405, 406, and 407.) JULIUS, 1967, Relation of building damage to geology in Seattle, Washington, during the April MULLHIEAUX, D. R., 1961, Geology of the Renton, 1965 earthquake: U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ Auburn, and Black Diamond quadrangles, Washington: sional Paper 575-0, p. D18S-0191. University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 202 p., 3 plates. MULLINEAUX, D. R.; CRANDaL, D. R., 1960, Late Recent age of Mount St. Helens volcano, Washing­ MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1962, Geology of the Renton, ton: U.S. Geological Survey Professions l Paper Auburn, end Bleck Diamond quadrangles, Washington 400-B, article 143, p. 8307-8308. [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts, v. 22, no. 9, p. 3157. MULLINEAUX, 0. R.; CRANOaL, D. R., 1962, Recent lehars from Mount St. Helens, Washington: Geolog­ MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1962, Geology of the Renton, ical Society of America Bul Latin, v. 73, no. 7, p. Auburn, end Black Diamond quadrangles, Washington 855-869. (abstract]: GeoScience Abstracts, v. 4, no. 5, p. 12-13. MULLINEAUX, D. R.; CRANDELL, D. R., 1981, The eruptive history of Mount St. Helens.!!!. Lipman, MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1965, Geologic map of the P. W.; Mullineaux, o. R., editors, 1981, The 1980 Auburn quadrangle, King and Pierce Counties, Wash­ eruptions of Mount St. Helens, Washington: U.S. ington: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadran­ Geological Survey Professional Paper 1250, p. 3- g le Map GQ-408, 1 sheet, sea Le 1 :24,000. 15.

MULLINEAUX, D.R., 1965, Geologic map of the Black MULLINEAUX, o. R.; CRANDELL, D. R.; WALDRON, H. Diamond quadrangle, King County, Washington: U.S. Hd 1957, Multiple glaciation in the Puget Sound Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-407, Basin, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society 1 sheet, see le 1 :24,000. of America Sul let in, v. 68, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1772. MULLINEAUX, D.R., 19651 Geologic map of the Renton quadrangle, King County, Washington: U.S. MULLINEAUX, D. R.; GARD, L. M., JR.; CRANDELL, D. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-405, R., 1959, Continental sediments of Miocene age in 1 sheet, sea le 1 :24,000. Puget Sound Lowland, Washington: American Asso­ ciation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v.

MULLINEAUX, o. R., 1967, Gross composition of 43, no. 3 1 pt. 1, p. 688-698. Pleistocene clays in Seattle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 575-B, p. MULLINEAUX, D. R.; HOBLITT, R. P.; CRANDaL, D. 889-878. R., 1982, Studies of prehistoric activity [ab­ stract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1970, Geology of the Renton, Peper 1275, p. 218-219. Auburn, end Bleck Diamond quadrangles, King Coun­ ty, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Profee­ MULLINEAUX, o. R.; HYDE, J. H.; FIUBIN, MEYER, sional Poper 672, 92 p. 1972, Preliminary assessment of upper Pleistocene and Holocene pumiceous tephra from Mount St. MULLINEAUX, D.R., 1974, Pumice end other pyro­ Helens, southern Washington [abstract]: Geologi­ clestic deposits in Mount Reinier National Perk, cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1326, 4, no. 3, p. 204-205. 83 p. MULL! NEAUX, D. R.; NICHOLS, T. C.; SPEIRER, R. A.,

MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1976, Preliminary overview map 19641 A zone of montmorillonitic weathered clay in of volcanic hazards in the 48 conterminous United Pleistocene deposits at SeattLe, Washington: U.S. States: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geological Survey Professional Paper 501-D, p. Field Studies Map MF-786, 1 sheet, scale 099-0103. 1:7,500,000. 186 lllLLINEAU)(, D.R.

MULLINEAU)(, D. R.; WALDRQN, H. H.; RUBI~, M!=YER, MUM)OFfF, M~ J., 1984, GL11ciat;ion in tlie lQW!lr 1965, Stratigraphy and chronqlqgy qf Lite inter­ ~ewis Rivtr B~sin! sqµthw1,1stern Cescede Ranga, glapial end early Vashon glaPial time in the \V1,1sllingt;on: NPrth!llnt SQiencs, v, 58, no,. 4, p. S.att ht are,, W1111i!hington: W3. Geo lo9 icl!ll S11rv1y 269-!aB1 0 Bulletin 1184--0, 10 p.

MUM)OfFF, M! J,; WElGf..f;, J, M0; HQLMBERG, G. D., MUl,..LINEAU)(, o. R,, 1149111 lll!P 195a, Ground Wlllt,r in tile Yalm eras, Thurston and Cf!ANPELL, D. R. [and other,J, 19513,. Pi1rce Cq1111ti111§, W.eu~hiogt.Jln; U.S. G!i!olc:igicaL CRANDELL, o. R. [21nd Qttu~rs], 1882. $1Jrvev Groµnc:t-Watar Rli!p!)rt 4t 122 P,, 5 platefi>, CRANDELL, o. R. [and others], 1965. (Pt,t,lisll,id 111, Usmi Circ!,!~tr :3fi6,J CRANDELL, D. R. [and othuaJ, 1987, CRANDELL, D. R. [and others], 1973. MYNDPfFF, M, ~.; wnlif..E, -'· M, HQLM8ERG, G. o., Cf!ANDELL, a. R. [and other11J, 1974, 1~~5, ~roMn~ water in the Yel~ area, Thurston and Cf!APIIELL, o. R. [end oth11rsJ, 1975. Pf,rca Ci:iunties, Washi~ton: U.S, GeQlogical Sur­ CRANDEI-J,., o. R. (arid pthar,J, 1978. vey Ci rqular al:iEI, 58 p"' i? plttesf CRANDELL, a. R. [and Qttiers], 1978, CRANDELL, a. R. [and others], 1978. HUNOZ, At'1Y, Jff., 1874, U!i!e of reinfi:ircJ:1d e1;1rth to CRAPIIELL, a. R. [and ottiarsJ, 1980. cqrr1:1ct th@ tle!lrt Q1 thEI t!ills slid!!. In Engineer­ CRANDELL, O. R. [111nd Qth19ri,J, 1981, ing Geology and Soils EnginserirJQ Symposium, 12th EASTER8RODt<, I), J, [ 11nd oth,rs], 1864. 4M!Jel, PrQP!,tl'!ding!il: Jd11hp DJ:1partm11nt of HiQh­ LIPMAN, P, W. [and other$), 1981, ways, p. 163-171:i, MILLER, C, D. [and Qthars], 1981. MI!.-LER, C. D. [and others), 1984. MUM!OE, R, ~., $1:18 SCHUSTER, R. L. [11nd others], 1982. t-lATHENSO~, MANUEL {and others], 1983. ST/\~, W, J, [ and others), 1950.

WALDRON, H. H0 [and pthJJrsJ, 19!f7. MUflltlEY, 8ENIT~, 11ee WAl,.DRQN, H. 11, [ 11nd pth111r11J, 1981, TEtmVSPN, M, E. iand Ptller11], 191:!2. WALDRON, H. H. [1md others], 19132. YOUNT, J, C. [ and oth11rs], 1980, MUAPfff, L. H~ 191:iP, Unitei:t Statas earthquak1:1s 1847: IJ,S. ~past and G@odeti~ !:11.!rvey Serial 730, MUMBY, J. I,, 1968, Oli9opena 11tratigr1phy and 61 p, roraminifere of th, Porter Sluffs are,, Woshing­ ton: University of Washington Mast1r pf Scfenca !4lJRP11Y, L, f,l,; CLOUD, W. K., 1953, United States thaeia, 137 p., s plate,. 1:1arthq!Jek!1S 1851; U.S, Cpqst end Gepd19tic Survey Serial 762, l;iO p. MUNlO~F, M, J., 1859, Gaology and gro1.1nc:l-111111ter reso1.1rces of Clark County, Washirigton, with a MijRP11Y, L. fl!.; Cl.OIJP, W. K., 1854, United Stat1:1s description of a nu1Jor 11L l1lviltl aquifer tlong the aarthquakes 1952: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Cplumbia River: u.s. GpologicaL Sqrvay Opi,n-Fi l1;1 serial 773, 112 p. Report, 660 p., 3 plataa. [Pub l i stuld as W111,hington Oiv. of Wet1:1r Resource& Wet1:1r Supply B11lletin 9,J MURPHY, I,., f,l.; CLOUD, W, K., 1955, United States aarthqµa!uu, 1953; u.s. Coast and Geodetic Survey MlJt-l>OFfF, M, J., 1961h Gao logy 1md g ro1.1nd-11rnur !:iarf al nJ5, 51 p. resollrcee of Clerk County, Weshirigton, withe dascrfption pf a mr,Jor 1Jlluvilill aquifer elont,1 thf! MURPHY, J,.. M; CLOUD, W, K,, 1956, l!nited St;etes Columbia River: Washington Division of Wa~er e11rthquekas 18ij4: u.s. Cpa!ilt and Geodetic Survey Resourc1:1s Wat11r-S1,1pply Blllletin s, 860 p. S!:!rial 793, 110 p,

MUt«:IOFfF, M. J., 1964, Geo logy and grqund.,...,eter MURPHY, L, M,; CLOUD, w, K,,. 1957, United St8tes conditions of Clari< Co1.1nty, Wtshington, with 1 1:1erthqupkea 1JU$4 [~street): u.~ G13ologicaL Sur­ d,scription pf ii1 m11Jor a~luvi11l aq11ifer alonQ tha vi,y 1!!1,1ll111tin 10138-A, p. ij, Columbia River: u.s. Gaologic11l Survey W111ter­ Supply Paper 1600, 268 p., 3 plates. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY NASSAU, K. 167

MURPHY, L. M.; ULRICH, F. P., 1951, United States MYERS, W. B., see earthquakes 1948: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey HAMILTON, WARREN [and others], 1966. Serial 746, 50 p. HAMILTON, WARREN [and others], 196S.

MURPHY, L. M.; ULRICH, F. P., 1951, United States MYREN, D., see earthquakes 1949: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey JOHNSTON, M. J. S. [end others], 1984.. Seri al 748, 64 p. NAESER, C. w., see MURPHY, L. M.; ULRICH, F. P., 1951, repr. 1986, GRESENS, R. L. [and others], 1978. United States earthquakes, 1949. In. Thorsen, G. GRESENS, R. L. [and others], 1981. W., compiler, 1986, The Puget Lowland earthquakes JOHNSON, s. v. [and others], 1983. of 1949 end 1965~Reproductions of selected arti­ JOHNSON, s. Y. [and others], 1986. cles describing damage: Washington Division of TABOR, R. W. [and others], 1984.. Geology and Earth Resources Information Circular VANCE, J. A. [ and others], 1981. 81, p. 25-34. VANCE, J. A. [and others], 1987. WHETTEN, J. T. [ and others], 1980. MURPHY, L. M.; ULRICH, F. P., 1952, United States earthquakes 1950: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey NAESER, N. D., see Seri al 755, 47 p. WESTGATE, J. A. [and others], 1987.

MURRAY' e., see NAESER, NANCY; WESTGATE, J. A.; EASTERBROOK, D. MCNEELY, W. L. [and others], 1966. J.; CARSON, R. J., 1984, Pre-0.89 my glaciation in the west central Puget Lowland, Washington [ab­ MURRAY, J. W., sea stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts CHASE, R. L. [ and others], 1975. with Programs, v. 16, no. 5, p. 324.. GARRISON, R. E. [ and others], 1989. KUIVILA, K. M. [and others], 1984., NAESER, NANCY, see also TIFF-IN, D. L. [ and others], 1971. EASTERBROOK, D. J. [and others], 1985. TIFFIN, D. L. [ and others], 1972. NAGY, DEZSO, see MURRAY, THOMAS, see VANICEK, PETR [ and others], 1980. DAVIS, P. M. [end others], 1984., VANICEK, PETR [and others], 1981.

MUSHKATa, A. H., see NAIK, BIJAYANANDA; RAD, N. S. L.; ROBERSON, J. A., DRABEK, T. E. [and others], 1983. 1982, Rheology of mudflows. In Keller, s. A. c., editor, 1982, Mount St. Helens--One year later: MUSTOE, G. E., 1983, Fossil crabs in glacial drift Eastern Washington University Press, p. 43-53. at Bellingham, Washington--Evidence of mid-Terti­ ary marine deposition: Canadian Journal of Earth NAIK, 8IJAYANANDA, see also Sciences, v. 20, no. B, p. 987-990. HIGGINS, J. D. [and others], 1983.

MUSTOE, G. E.; PB/EAR, D. R., 1983, Vertebrate NAKATA, J. K., sea fossi Ls from the Chuckanut Formation of northwest HOWAFO, K. A. [and others], 1978. Washington: Northwest Science, v. 57, no. 2, p. 119-124. NASMITH, H. W., see HOWES, D. E. [and others], 1983. MYERS, D. A., 1970, Availability of ground water MATHEWS, W. H. [ and others], 1970. in western Cowlitz County, Washington: Washington Department of Ecology Water-Supply Bulletin 35, 63 NASSAU, K., 1981, Plates, quakes, volcanoes, and p., 2 plates. Mt. St. Helens~ert I, Plate tectonics: Lapidary Journal, v. 35, no. 2, p. 456-463. MYERS, P. B., JR., see CARSON, BOBB [and others], 1974., NASSAU, K., 1981, Plates, quakes, volcanoes, and Mt. St. Ha lens~art II, Earthquakes and related Pl1@!1Qllll'fl@, Lapidllry Jo!,!rn@L, v• ~f:i! nq,. 3~ p, N~l-~C!N, -1, W!! 1!!!§~, ~qH prqiuir1;iEl;. re~atec\ tQ ~!3D-:~1. V!Q@t,ti!lQ ff 11 g t1me Pn th@ ,,Hti PreR~ flllqd area, MRMot ~~inier,. ,Elshinqtqn; Un1versity pf wastiing­ N"TH~NSQN, MAI\IUE!,.; GUFFANTI, MAQl~N~~; ~§~, ~. ~gn Ml!!it!H' ':If §g i!;!OP!o! tllei is, ~!:i P• 11.; t11J~flP~, R- J.~ · 1~Ela, fl~iqo111L h111,1. · flo" "'d tE!mi:n1r1,11tl.!rE! gradiE!Ot!l,, l.ll Re@d, M• ~., e,dit1;1r, [email protected], h ""' 1!Ui?, 1!104nt Rai11ier er1.11:!tiQft'"ti11zard 1ijQ~, /\J!sessmerit gf Lo,-t;empf\lrflltur, ~\l!O~h•rlJl!l iQV~Hl1; iQt\ ill!'1£!-:-flr~-,q NP.l iqn !a!P!'i E!l ph!;!tqg riiphy, r@SQ\J!'P@S of the Uoit.i ~t!lilt@ii--1~@2; U.S. 61~ ~n \.!.§, ~!HHRGi!H!~ ilH'VIH!, 198g, Acj;i11H;ia$ qf the LCJQiQOI, ~rvl!ly Pi rcul,1,11r 1392, P• ~-1Ei. Wllt~r fl,,i:i4rg!!.lii OiVl!ii~n c\OQ fffll\litl1:1nt Car tog r phpr, Aiyi~iAn qf ~~tign@t ~~P.ping in Washington, t,!4TlQtlA!,. APM!:tlY 9F ~lEt«:!=fi Yf'P!:fl MA,NTl,,E POMMlT­ 1@~1 fi~C!;ll Yli!~r: !.!,$. Qeoiqgipal Surv1:1y, p. 51, T!=E, 1~71, UpR!lllr MaotLE! Project; Unit~ S1.~1.!lilfll prosr11m; final r'l!port; N@tipn@L Ac~@!'lY of Sci- N!;l:,~iPN, !-, 11., S8~ e, l Sf! 1u1c:t1h 1 '!• !-QMftA~, A,. E! (!!nJ:I qttier!iih 19£:11.

NATlQ~~ fl~S~i:1Cl1 COIJl(:lL, 194EI, Tectonic !'llP of tll:!-SQN, R, e., CO!).PE, (3. R., 19§2, A [qte-Pleisto­ th8 llnit~ St!Jlt8!:l [@!)str@ct]: U.S. ~ra@u 1;1f cana insac~ fa4na frqm ~eattle, Wastiirigton [ab­ Mi11@'!1 InforlJlat;ion c;rcuL@r 738Ei, p. 44. st.ra!H,1: Al!laripan Q.4(!j;!:lr11ary Assqpiati<% 7th !:H11oniat !lqnf!!!rl!11cs~ Progralll c\l"IQ l\bstri.ict$, p, Nf\'(UQU, v.. Ro, 1!:1~2, A 11,, hYROth!IIISiS for 0,rigil'I 1 '!ff. •. of 9\JY01'S 111nd S@@fflO\Jl'lt tarrf\lCl!IS. ;n M!lil~Q0!1!id, 8. A.; 1

NA'(l.11llJ, Y• f!., ei@@ 1:1 l SO NESS, A. O.i ANO OTH!=RS, 19~f3, Sqq survay of !'.lYMONP, J. R. [aaj ott\ers], 1!:1£38. Th\.m;1'C!!1 RQ4ffl!limttC!n,; U,la, Sqi l Oon,serva- tiqn, S!i!rVi!<~ S1:1rie5 1~47~ !'9, ~~ 71:! p., 27 plates. N!=P3QN, "" tl.; ATWU~R, 1:1,. F.; GRMff, W, c., 19,~7, f,:~1;1.111rin, n1q!lrq qf !iqlqc;en,1:1 s11M1.1c1;iqn ~9r1;1:t­ NE:!:!$, A,~ o,, auc.ttA.NAN, Q. e., RICHil'lS, C, G., quE1ke,s 1n C(JE1StE1~ llr~ori 1mq W1,1E1t,in,~,:qn, l.l!?A [~- 19§0, S

N,f;~S, A. !\i FQ\'tL!=fl, fl. 11,, 1l:!~0 1 Sq il s4 rve y a f ~!;!-§Al'I, A,. I\, -!l=~NlN!lS, A. E•! 19~!:I~ l.ls.e o.f !!Ell t- tt1:1so11 C:04!11-Y, Was~ i rig tom U,S. Soil Conservation 111a rsti fore111iriifera tp, ic(tmtify c9.s.E1iSl11ic; t;\l@~!'S ~~rvic,',' ~E!ritE! 1ij61, no. !:!, 16 p., 24 plates. in se.a level in, qregop f~stracth i\mE1riP'!!l Ptu.tt­ te,rn.ery ~ssocia1;i!ln, 1.0Jti. 1:!i1:1n,n,ie_l meet,ngt Pro­ N\:$S, A. ~i R~OHINS, C, G., 1958, Soil sµrvey of qra111 e_nq Atistrt;lcts, p. 142. Islami 01-l"fltY, Wafihingtqm U.S. Soil Conservation ~13rv i913 ~~ri\'lE! 19,48, no, s, 5£\ µ,, 16 plates. tl!:1-SON, c. M., 19713, TM r1;1q i 9c:e rtic.n El'!!:!. of tti.e. EHc\er!Jqst s.itEI f45SN1!lPl 13nc\ iti. inter1m1\hEI S,iQ­ NE{!S~ A. ~., 9~\'1 ~l SQ nifica11ce for the pre-history of ttiEI PllQ@1; ~Ql.l!lc\ "l'IAi~Pc!ll~ w. ~l. [anct Pth@riil, 1955. !>asin; Ttie We_shington Arctiaelllllgis1;, v. 2~ n.o. fiP.W\,!=~, R. 11, fam:I Pthe('9.l, 1954,, 1, 17 p,. !:lCli\,ijT~, F, I=.. £,rnd Q\hl'!r!>l, 1962~

N!:1-SllN, Q. 1:., $8.1:1 Nfee, ~-, §U CPR!Hf:! A. ~ i<1ntl gtl1ElrsJ, W~?. C!Jt.!~~. ~.~~ ~c1m:t pt,h13f9], 11:19,4, OORMt!:, A. B. [e_rid othersh 1~1;1,~,

NE\.!OflRfE~, P,1 SEie MCNt:ELY, \'I, l! [a11d others}, 1966, AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY NEWCOMB, R. C. 169

NEUMANN, FRANK, 1937, United States earthquakes, , FRANK, 1960, Crustal structure in the 1935: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Serial 600, Puget Sound area [abstract]: U.S. Geo log ice l Sur- 91 p. vey Bulletin 1116-C, p. 38S.

NEUMANN, FRANK, 1938, United States earthquakes, NEUMANN, FRANK, 1961, New analytical methods 1936: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Serial 610, reveal the pattern of seismic activity in western 45 p. Washington: Earthquake Notes, v. 32, no. 3-4, p. 37-44. NEUMANN, FRANK, 1940, United States earthquakes, 1937: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Serial 619, NEUMANN, FRANK, 1962, Seismic forces on engineer­ 55 p. ing structures: American Society of Civil Engi­ neers Proceedings, Structural Division Journal, v. NEUMANN, FRANK, 1940, United States earthquakes, 88, no. ST-2, p. 81-110. 1938: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Serial 629, 59 p. NEUMANN, FRANK, 1963, Crustal structure of the Puget Sound region from seismological evidence NEUMANN, FRANK, 1942, United States earthquakes, {abstract]: American Geophysical Union Transac­ 1940: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Serial 647, tions, v. 44, no. 1, p. 212. 74 p. NEWBAUER, T. R., 1974, Geomagnetic deptl'l-sounding NEUMANN, FRANK, 1943, United States earthquakes, in the State of Washington: University of Wash­ 1941: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Serial 655, ington Master of Science thesis, 49 p. 69 p. NEWBERRY, J. S., 1885, Notes on the surface geolo­ NEUMANN, FRANK, 1948, What everyone should know gy of the country bordering the Northern Pacific about earthquake risk: Earthquakes Notes, v. 20, Railroad: American Journal of Sciences, series 3, no. 1, p. 1-3. v. 30, no. 179, p. 333-346.

NEUMANN, FRANK, 1954, Earthquake intensity end NEWBY, J. E., see related ground motion: University of Washington LOWE, R. A. [and others], 1982. Press, 97 p. NEWCOMB, R. C., 1952, Ground-water resources of NEUMANN, FRANK, 1955, Earthquake focal depths in Snohomish County, Washington: u.s. Geological the Puget Sound area, ~lashington [abstract]: Geo­ Survey Water-Supply Paper 1135, 133 p. logical Society of America Bulletin, v. 66, no. 12, pert 2, p. 1602. NEWCOMB, R. c., 1963, Resume of the structure of the White Salmon quadrangle, Oregon-Washington NEUMANN, FRANK, 1956, Earthquake epicenters in the [abstract]: Oregon Academy of Science, 21st State of Washington [abstract]: Geological Socie­ Annual Meeting, Abstracts of Papers, p. 16. ty of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 12, part 2, p. 1775. NEWCOMB, R. c.. 1970, Tectonic structure of the part of tlie basalt of the Columbia River NEUMANN, FRANK, 1957, Crustal structure in the Group, Washington, Oregon, and Idalia: U.S. Geo­ Puget Sound area: Bureau Central Seismologique logical Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investiga­ International, Serie A, Travaux Scientifiques, tions Map I-587, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000. Fasicule 20, 13 p. NEWCOMB, R. C.; SCeJA, J. E.; STROMME, OLAF, 1949, NEUMANN, FRANK, 1959, Crustal structure in tt,e Ground-water resources of western Whatcom County, Puget Sound area: International Geodetical et Washington: U.S. Geo log ice l Survey Open-File Geophysical Union, Assoc. Seismology, Series A, Report 50-7, 134 p., 2 plates.

Trovaux Sci., Fascicule 201 p. 153-167. NEWCOMB, R. C., see al so KIENLE, C. F., JR. [ and others], 197 4. NEWHALL, 4• G0, 19a2, A prehistoric d.,rf!1 lilV!il.,. itlll l!,S, Gap tog iaat SLJrvey Op8n-Fi le Report 46- ancha fro,n MoLJnt St. lie Lens [ abstrec;th l=ol!I 9, 4$ p,, 7 p Latei.. (American Geophysical Union Tr111nsactioni;;J, v. BS, no, 45, p, 1141. NJCHOLS, T. C., 888 MUl.1.INl:AUX, g. ~. {and pthers], 1964. NEWHALi., c. G,, 1983, Antft1ipating votcamfo ha;a:­ ards at Mt1unt St. Helena, WaahfngtQn, lJl Pr11cnc;t­ NICKMANN, AUDY, aea inga of the sympQsium on erosfQn ct1ntrt1l in vol.,. KRAFT, J, c. [tnd otharsl, 19131. canic areas, JLJly 6-9, 1982 at Seattla and Vancou­ LEOPOI.P, E, B, [and otliers], 1982. ver, Washington; Jap11n Publ fc Works Reaeerch InstitLJt• Technical Memorandum 1908, p. 291;j,-.32$. NIEL~ON, 0, L,; MORAN, M, R., 1980, Geologic interpreteti!H! of the geothermal pgtential of tho Nl:WHALL, G. G., 11ea al 1;10 North Bonneville 1Jr1uH University of Utah S\'IANSON, D. A.. [and Qthers], 1984. flleeearpt, In1:1titute, HI p., 2 plates,

NEWMAN, D. 6., 1902, Postglacial vegE!tatfon histQ­ Nil!M, A. R,; NUM, W, A,; JOHNSON, S, Y.; BRANDON, ry of Mercer slough, Lake Washington, King OQ., M. T,, EITl:WART, Fl, J,, 1984, Legend for geology Wa. [abstract]; American Quaternary Assoc;iatfon, and gross 88(.ltions, l!l K1.H111, L. D,; 11nd others, 7th Biennial Conferance, Progr11m eind ,I\J:u1traQt11, p, editors, 1884, Wei;;tern North A,nerican continental 147. m!l!rgin and adJac1mt 091111n floor off Oregon and W8shington: Marine Science International [Woods NE\'IMAN, D. E,, see also Holit. Mess.) Ocean Orillin!;I Program, Re13ional LEOPOLD, E. B. [and others], 198B. Atlas SeriEIS 1, p. 16.

Nl:WMAN, T. 9,1 19591 Toluk Point-An arQhaaologi­ NIEM, A. R., see al so cal site on the north central Washington coaat; JCIHN80N, s. Y, [and others], 1984. Washington State University Master of Science the­ LAWRENCE, A. o. [and ott11Hs], 1977. sis, 138 p, SNAVELY, Ii!, O., JR, [11nd others], 1979. SNAVELY, P, p., JR. [end others], 1986. NEWMARK, N, M., sef! HALL, W, J, [and othorsh 1976. NJ;EM, W, A,, Bf!8 JOHNSON, s. v, [end other!il], 1984,, NI, J,, see NIEM, A. R, [end others], 191:14. ADAMS, JOHN [and others], 1980. NJENASl::R, W,; OOSSO, H, W,f LAW, L. K.; JONES, P, NIAZI, MANSOUR, 1987, Potential fie,ld analyses for \'I.; RAMASWAMY, V., 1979, El11Qtro-megnetic induc­ western Oregon end Washington and their regional tion in the Vanoouve1r Island region--Field station tectonic i mpl ic111tiQns [abstract]: EQe [American and anelogye model rosults: Journal of Geomagne­ Geophysical Union Tr111nsections), v. 68, no, 4"' p. tism and GeQelectricity, v. 31, no. B, p. 599-613. 1458.

NI!i;NASEFI, W,f OOS$0 1 H, W.; LAW, L. K.; RAMASWAMY, NIAZI, MANSOUR; JOHNSON, L. R., 1982, Source V,; JONES, F, w., 1976, An enalqgue model study of mpdel ing of May 181 1980 Mount St, H11len!I er4ptiQn electromo1:1netic induction in the ocean surrounding [s~otract): Eos (American Gnophysicul Union V1moouvor Isliwd [QIH1trecth Eoo (Americun Gno­ Transactions), v. 63, nQ. 45, p, 102!:I. phy111icl!ll Union Transactions}, v, 57, no, 12, p. 908, NICHOLS, R, L., 1943, Preli mi nary report on the Cowlitz high alumina clay deposit near Castle NIENAflfiR, w., see al SQ Rock, Cowlitz CQunty, W111:1hington; U.l:!. Geotogic1>l CHl;:N, J, [and others], 1988, Sllrvey Open-Fi le Report 45-12, 24 p,, 9 plates. OOSSO, H, W, [and others], 1985,

NICHOLS, R, L., 1945, Preli mi nary report Qn the NlLSEN1 T. H.. 1!:!'76, W11shington gravity base King County, Washington, high-alumina clay depos- station network; Washington Division of Geology and earth Resources Informetion Circular 59, 83 p. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY NORTHWESTERN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION 171

NILSEN, T. H., 1986, Regional overview of Creta­ NOBLE, J. B., 1960, A preliminary report on the ceous paleogeography of western North America [ab­ geology and ground-water resources of the Sequim­ stract]: American Association of Petroleum Geolo­ Dungeness area, Clallam County, Washington: Wash­ gists Bulletin, v. 70, no. 7, p. 94D-941. ington Division of Water Resources Water-Supply Bulletin 11, 43 p., 3 plates. NIMICK, o. A., 1977, Glacial geology of lake Wenatchee and vicinity, Washington: University of NOBLE, J. B.; WALLACE, E. F., 1966, Geology and Washington Master of Science thesis, 52 p. ground-water resources or Thurston County, Wash­ ington; Volume 2: Washington Division of Water NISHIMURA, C. E.; WILSON, D. S.; HEY, R. N., 1981, Resources Water-Supply Bulletin 10, v. 2, 141 p., Present-day subduction of the Juan de Fuca plats 5 plates. [ abstract]: Eos {American Geophysicat Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 17, p. 404. NOBLE, J 0 8., see al so ARMSTRONG, J. E. [and others], 1965. NISHI MURA, C. E.; WILSON, D. S.; HEY, R. N., 1984, MOLENAAR, DEE [ and others], 1970. Pole of rotation analysis of present-day Juan de Fuca plate motion: Journal of Geophysical Re­ NOLAN, K. M., see search, v. 89, no. 812, p. 10,283-10,290. JANDA, R. J. [and others], 1980. JAMJA, R. J. [and others], 1981. NISHIMURA, C. E., see also JANOA, R. J. [and others], 1982. WILSON, o. s. [and others], 1982. VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], 1980. WILSON, o. S. [and others], 1984. NOLF, BRUCE, 1976, Tit t-ba r stat i ans on Mt. Baker, NISKI, J. T., 1972, A sedimentary core analysis of Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical late Pleistocene to Recent sediments in e portion Union Transactions], v. 57, no. 2, p. BB. of Bellingham Bay, Washington: Western Washington Stats Cot tege Master of Science thesis, 59 p., 1 NORBISRATH, HANS, 1939, The geology of the Mount plate. Vernon area: University of Washington Master of Science thee is, 28 p. NITTROUER, C. A.; STERNBERG, R. W., 1978, Shat tow stratigraphy and Holocene sedimentation on the NORBISRATH, HANS, see also Washington continental shelf [abstract]: Interna­ WARREN, W. c. [and others], 1945. tional Congress on Sedimentology, 10th, v. 2, p. WARREN, W. C. [and others], 1954. 473. NORMARK, W. R.; MORTON, J. L.; HOLCOMB, R. T.; NITTROUER, C. A.; STERNBERG, R. W., 1980, The for­ KOSKI, R. A.; ROSS, s. L., 1984, A continuous l in­ mat ion of sedimentary strata in e continental ear depression in the axial valley of the southern shelf environment [abstract]: International Geo­ Juan de Fuca Ridge~Tectonic or volcanic origin? logical Congress, 26th, 1980, Abstracts, v. 2, p. [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ 526. stracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 6, p. 611.

NOSES, D. C.; LAW, L. K., 1984, A controlled NORTH AMERICAN GEOLOGIC MAP COMMITTEE, 1965, Geo­ source electrical sounding of the ocean floor near logic map of North America; revised: U.S. Geolog­ the Juan de Fuca Ridge [abstract]: Eos (American ical Survey, 2 sheets, scale 1:5,000,000. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, no. 45, p. 867. NORTHERN TIER PIPELINE CO., 1979, Application for site certification; volume r-J, Maps: Washington NOSES, 0, C.; VILLINGER, H.; DAVIS, E. E.; LAW, L. Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council, 1 v. K., 1985, Prediction of bulk physical properties at depth for middle valley sediments, Juan de Fuca NORTHWEST PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, 1986, Western Ridge [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Washington field trip guide. 1J1 Northwest Transactions), v. 66, no. 52, p. 1361. Petroleum Association, 1986, Symposium, May 16, 1986 [program and abstracts]: Northwest Petroleum Association, 11 p. 172 NORUM, BIRGER SEISMIC HAZAffDS OF WESTERN WAsHINGTON

NORUI~, BIRGER, 1910, The geology of the southwest­ NDSON, L. L., see al so ern portion of the Stilaguamish quadrangle: Uni­ BESKE, s. J. [ and others], 1972. versity of Washington Bachelor of Science thesis, CROSSON, R. S. (and others), 1977. 20 p., 1 plate. CROSSON, R. S. !and others], 1978. CROSSON, R. S. [and others), 1979. NOSON, L. L., 1973, A pateomagnatic study of three CROSSON, A. S. ( and others], 1980. granitic plutons exposed in the Cascade Mountains, CROSSON, A. S. (and others], 1981. Washington: Western Washington State College Mas­ CROSSON, R. s. [end others], 1982. ter of Science thesis, 53 p. ENDO, E. T. {and others], 1981. LUOWIN, A. S. {and others], 1988. NOSON, L. L., 1983, An intensity msp of the Elk MALONE, S. D. {and others], 19S1. Lake, Washington, earthquake [abstract]: Earth­ QAMAR, ANTHONY {and others], 1987. quake Notes, v. 54, no. 1, p. 43. WEAVER, c. S. [and ot!lars), 1980., WEAVER, c. s. [and others], 1981. NOSON, L. L., 1984, Seismic summary: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 12, no. 2, p. 2-4. NOWACK, R. L., see PATWARDHAN, A. s. Cand others), 1978. NOSON, L. L., 1985, Plate tectonics and Washington earthquakes: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. NOWACK, ROBERT; AKI, KEIITI, 1982, The Gaussian 13, no. 2, p. B-9. beam synthetic seismogram for 2-0 inhomogeneous madia~Testing and application [abstract]: Eos NOSCN, L. L., 1986, Earthquake education-Is the {American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, Puget Sound area prepared for a major earthquake? no. 45, p. 1042. !!! Hays, w. \1.; Gori, P. L., editors, 1986, Pro­ ceedings of conference >OO

NOSON, L. L.; CROSSON, R. S., 1980, Compilation of NUHFER, e. B., sea earthquake hypocenters in western Washington, ANDERSON, R. v. [and others], 1985. 1978: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Information Circular 72, 18 p. NUTTLI, O. w., 1950, The western \'/ashington earth­ quake of April 13, 1949: St. Louis University NOSON, L. L.; CROSSON, R. s.; MALONE, s. o.; Master of Science thesis, 85 p. ZOI..LWEG, J. E., 1984, Washington earthquakes, 1981. In Stover, C. w., editor, 1984, United MUTTLI, o. W., 1950, The western Washington earth­ States earthquakes, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey quake of April 13, 1949 [abstract]: Earthquake Special Publ icetion, p. 115-117. Notes, v. 21, nos. 1-2, p. 9. tlOSON, L. L.; LUDVI IN, R. S.; CROSSON, A. s., 1985, rtUTTLI, 0. \'I., 1952, The western Washington earth­ Compilation of earthquake hypocenters in western quake of April 13, 1949; Seismological Society of Weshington~1979: Washington Division of Geology America Bulletin, v. 42, no. 1, p. 21-28, and Earth Resources Information Circular 79, 19 p. NUTTLI, O. W., 1952, The western \1ashington earth­ NOSOf.-1, L. L.; MALONE, S. O.; ENDO, E. T.; WEAVER, quat

01BR!Etl, A. J., 1987, Geotechnical investigation for the Spirit Lake Memorial tt'ighway into the AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OLSEN, B. C. 173

Mount St. Helens National Monument~An overview. OLES, I<. F., 1956, The geclogy and petrolo9y of In McCalpin, James, comp., 1987, Proceedings of the crystalline rocks of the Beckler River-Nason the 23rd Symposium on Engineering Geology and Ridge area, Washington: University of Washington Soils Engineering: Idaho Department of Transpor­ Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 192 p. tation, p. 133-151. OLIVER, J. E.; REILINGER, R. E., 1983, Reevalua­ O'BRIEN, A. J., see al so tion and interpretation of releveling observations PITA, F. l'I. [and others], 1982. in the western u.s.-Implicetions for earthquake prediction. !!l Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R.; O'ODNNaL, GRETCHEN, 1913, Bibl iogrephy of Seiders, W. H., compilers, 1983, Summaries of Washington geology end geography: Washington techinicel reports, Volume ~= U.S. Geological Geological Survey Bulletin 12, 63 P• Survey Open-File Report 83-90, p. 308-310.

O'MALLEY, ROBERT, see OLIVER, J. E., see also CONNARD, GERRY [and others], 1986. LATHAM, T. s. [and others], 1967. POTTER, C. J. [and others], 1985. O'NEEL, A. B., 1923, A geological study of the POTTER, C. J. [and others], 1987. Boston-American mine at Monte Cristo, Washington: PRUSSEN, E. I. [and others], 19B8. University of Washington Bachelor of Science the­ sis, 32 p. OLMSTED, T. L., 1968, Lower Baker River landslide. !!l McKee, Bates; Coombs, H. A., 1968, Guidebook to O'NEIL, J. R., see field trips; 1968 National Meeting, Seattle: HELLER, P. L. [and others], 1987. Association of Engineering Geologists, p. 98-101.

OAKESHOTT, G. B., 1965, The Seattle earthquake, OLMSTED, T. L., 1969, Geological aspects and 1965: California Division of Mines and Geology engineering aspects of glacial till in the Puget Mineral Information Service, v. 18, no. 7, p. 140- Lov,land, \'leshington. In Engineering Geology end 141. Soils Engineering Symposium, 7th Annual, Proceed­ ; ngs: Idaho Depa rt ment of H ig hw ay s, p. 223-233. OGREN, D. E., see F-RITZ, \'I. J. [and others], 1984,, OLMSTED, T. L., sea al so GALSTER, R. \'I. [and others], 1977. OJAMAA, P. M., see MARK, D. M. [and others], 1972. OLSEN, A., see MCNEELY, W. L. [and others], 1966. OKAMURA, A. T., see DVORAK, J. J. [and others], 1980. OLSEM, B. C., 1988, Building codes--Current prac­ DVORAK, J. J. [and others], 1981. tice end possible chenges--Thair impact on build­ DVORAK, J. J. [end others], 1984,, ing performance in Puget Sound. In Hays, w. w.; Gori, P. L., editors, 1986, Proceedings of confer­ OKAZAKI, ROSE, see ence XXXIII, "Earthquake hazards in the Puget LOTSPEICH, F. B. [and others}, 1961. Sound, Washington, area": U.S. Geolcgical Survey SMITH, H. W. [and others], 1975. Open-Fi le Report 06-253, 229-233. SMITH, H. W. [and others], 1977. OLSEH, B. C., 1986, Evaluation of potential losses OKULITCH, A. V., 1974. Thi rd field conference of in the Puget Sound area~The development of an up­ viestern structural geologists: Geoscience Canada, date. In Hays, W. w.; Gori, P. L., editors, 1986, v. 1, no. 3, p. 65-66. Proceedings of conference XXXIII, "Earthquake haz­ ards in the Puget Sound, Washington area,": U.S. OLES, K. F., 1951, The petrology of the Stevens Geological Survey Open-File Report 86-253, p. 172- Pass-Nason Ridge area, 'tlar.hingt.on: University of 176. Washington Moster of Science thesis, 92 p~ 2 plates. 174 OLSON, E0 A.

OLSON, E, A.,; BROEPlme rel radiocarb

DION, N. P. [and ot'111rsl, 19860 O'f~ERG, K, ~~, 19131 !=vid11pce for a geomagnetic ~isc::ur.siop eq.f)QQ year11 agl;,l f abstract}: Eps [Amer­ OPPERMAN, C. J!, 1918, S~qd and gravel of t'1e ; can !3eophy1:1; c::a l U11 ion r r1111Sact. i '11'\&), v. 54, no. Puget Sound gleci•l (!rift; Uni\1ersity qr \'luhing­ 11, p. 1!)15. ton B1i!chE1lQr of Science thesis, 31 p.

01l!BERG, K. ~., 113131 PaleoD,189netism !lf late ORANGE, A~ s., see Pleistpcen~ seclimants, P1:1get Lqwland1 \'lai.hington: CANTWELL, THOMAS [ and others], 1965. Westarn.Weshingtpn St.ate QoP11ga M11ster of Science thesis, 54 R• ORANGE, O. L., 19B7, 1-\o.h loh1lenges in Washingtp11-,­ E111placement b\l diap.iris111 and shear zone deforme,-, QTHQERC3, I<, L,, 19141 Earttiquaka investigations in tion (abstract]: Eqs (American Geophnical Union \'lashingto11: \~ashhigton Geo,logic tlel'lstetter, v. 2, Transect ionsh v. 68, no. 44, p. 1466. nt1. 2, p, 3-q.

ORA~E, L., 1987, Hoh melanges if! W.ashingt

Transact io.nsl, v. 68, nq., 52, p. 18160 Earth Res!lyrces Gpe~ile l'epart 75.-7, 11 sheets, scale 1:2~1J0ll. ORCI.ITT, J., see EWING, J. [and others}, 1979. O'fHBERG, I<. L., 19761 S0il-\'4h8t ii; it? l!! \1ash­ ington Oivisio,i:i of 13ealogy apd E\3rth Resources,. ORIEL, S. S., s.ee 197'3, Et1Qin11eril1lll geolo,9:ic stµdies; t'lashington

MCKEE, E0 D. ( tnd others], 1967. Oivision of Geo,lo,gy an~ ~arth Resources Inforrna­ t iO!l C:i rc1.1l Bl' 58, P• 1·,·-'1, ORME, A• J., see

ORME,. A.. R. [and others}, 1986~ , OT\iEl!:RG, K• L0 1977, A\:lmiralty till {Pleisto­ cene), or the r,ise and hl l of a rock stratigra­ ORME, A. R.1 19871 Initiation and mect'llilnics of phic name:·· Washingt11n Geologic Newsletter, v. 5, debris avalanches an stee.p forest slopes. l!l no. 4, p. 5-6. Beschta, R. L.; Bl inn, T.; Grant, G, I;:.;, S!!8.nson, F, J.; Ice, G. G., editors, 1987, Erosion and OTHBERG, K, L~, 1977, Soil parent materials maps sedimentation in the Pacific Rim: International of Eaallam Co4nty; 1i'lai.hington Division of Geology Association of \iydrological Science1;1,, p~ 1~-:-1~ ami Earth Raso1,1fi::es UAFUl~l ished report, 2 p,, 10 pla\elii1. l!IC!lla 1;24'QIJO. ORME, A• R.; THOflSE~o, G.• W.; QflME, A• J., 1913;13, Recurrence frequency of major debris evalanchJs 0THSERG, K, hi DAMES, ~ F,, 1975, Del imitation and debris torrents, Cascai:(e fo.athH Ls, nort~\fc'i!S.t of a buried fUl;liit-1·uast st r1.1ctu re oc ro&1s tt:e Puget WasMngton [abstract}: Geological Society o.f L!lwland, \'hishington [abstract]: G13ologicel Socie­ America Abstracts v.ith Programs, v. 1e, no.•. 2, P. ty of!' America A!astracts with pro,grams, v. 7, no. '!67. 3, P. 3.ao,

ORT' K. M., see OTHB!=RG, I(:. L., ~LL, J~ e.,, 187'61 Monitorino of FRIZZELL, V. A., JR. [and others}, 1984. an active fii!ult ne11r Lilliwaup, Masoq County, \'las!,ington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Ope~-F-i le Report 76-12, 7 P, AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY PACKT, J. A. 175

OTHBERG, K. L.; PALMER, PAMELA, 1979, Preli mi nary O~lENS, T. J.; CROSSON, R. S., 1906, Teleseismic P­ surficial geologic map of part of the Gardiner waveform modeling for deep structure in a subduc­ quadrangle, Clallam County, Washington: Washing­ tion zone environment [abstract]: Eos (American ton Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open­ Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 67, no. 44, p. Fi le Report 79-19, 3 p., 1 pl ate, see le 1 :24.000. 1116.

OTHBERG, K. L.; PALMER, PAMELA, 1979, Preli mine ry OWENS, T. J.; CROSSON, R. s., 1988, Shat Low struc­ surficial geologic map of the Dungeness quadran­ ture effects on broadband teleseismic P waveforms: gle, Clallam County, .Washington: Washington Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 78, Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File no. 1, p. 96-108. Report 79-17, 3 p., 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. O\'IENS, T. J.; CROSSON, R. S.; HENDRICKSON, M. A., OTHBERG, K. L.; PALMER, PAMELA, 1979, Preliminary 1988, Constraints on the subduction geometry surficial geologic map of the Sequim quadrangle, beneath western Washington from broadband tele­ Clallam County, Washington: Washington Division seismic waveform modeling: Seismological Society of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File Report of America Bulletin, v. 78, no. 3, p. 1319-1334. 79-18, 4 p., 1 plate, scale 1:24,000. OWENS, T. J.; HENDRICKSON, M. A.; CROSSON, R. S., OTHBERG, K. L.; PALMER, PAMELA, 1982, Preliminary 1986, Constraints on the subduction geometry surficial geologic map of the Carlsberg quadran­ beneath western Washington using broadband tele­ gle, Clallam County, Washington: Washington seismic P-waveform modeling [abstract]: Earth­ Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File quake Notes, v. 57, no. 1, p. 9-1 O. Report 79-20, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. OWENS, T. J.; LAPP, D. B.; CROSSON, R. S., 1988, OTHBERG, K. L.; PRINGLE, R. F.; JENNINGS, J. W.; Geometry of the Cascadia Subduction Zone at Lati­ HOWES, s. W., 1976, Geomorphology and soils map­ tude 46 degrees N determined from teleseismic ping, Wahkiakum County, Washington {abstract]: receiver function analysis [abstract]: Seismolog­ Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ ical Research letters, v. 59, no. 1, p. 16. grams, v. 8, no. 3, p. 402. 0\1ENS, T. J., see al so OTHBERG, K. L., see al so CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1987. EASTERBROOK, O. J. fend others], 1973. HENDRICKSON, M. A. [and others], 1985. EASTERBROOK, D. J. {and others], 1976. LAPP, D. B. (and others], 1987. HALL, J. B. [and others], 1974. PBIEAR, o. R. [and others], 1980. PACHT, J. A., 1980, Sedimentology and petrology of THORSEN, G. W. [and others], 1979. the late Cretaceous Nanaimo Group in the Nanaimo Bas in, Washington and British Columbia-Imp Lica- O\'IENS, T. J., 1987, Determination of the subduc­ t ions for late Cretaceous tectonics: Ohio State tion geometry beneath western Washington using University Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 380 p. teleseismic body waveforms• .!J! Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1987, National Earth­ PACKT, J. A., 1981, Petrologic history of Late quake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of Cretaceous Nanaimo Group in Naneimo Basin, western t,echnical reports Volume XXIV: U.S. Geological Washington and British Columbie-Impl ications for Survey Open-Fi le Report 87-374, p. 582-583. Cretaceous tectonics (abstract]: American Associ­ ation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 65, no. OWENS, T. J., 1988, Determination of the subduc­ 5, p. 948. tion geometry beneath western Washington using teleseismic body waveforms. In Jacobson, M. L.; PACHT, J. A., 1981, Sedimentolcgy and petrology of Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1988, National earth­ the late Cretaceous Nanaimo Group in the Neneimc quake hazards reduction program, summaries of Basin, Washington and Elritish Columbia--Impl ice­ t.echnical reports Volume 'X>al: U.S. Geological tions for Late Cretaceous tectonics [abstract]: Survey Open-Fi Le Report 88-16, p. 534-536. Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 11, no. 7, Section e, p. 25298. 176 PACHT, J. A. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WAS~INGTON

PAClfT, J. A., 1981, Submarine-fan fecies qf lete PAGE, R. A,; BASHAM, P. W., 1985, Earthquake haz­ Cretaceous Nanaimo Group in restrigted Nanaimo ards in th1:1 offshore environment: u.s. Geological Basin, Washington and British Columbie [abstract]: Survey Bu.l l1:1tin 16~0, 59 p. American Association of Petroleum Geologist!; Bul­ letin, v. 65, no. 5, p. 968. PAINE, J. G., 1!382, CrYetal strµcture of volcanic aros be,secl qn physical properties of andesites, PACHT, J. A., 1984, Petrologic evolution and pale.,. volcaniclastic: rocks, and inelusions in the Mt, ogeogrsphy of the Late Cretaceous Nanaimo Basin, St, Helens lava dome; Univer1:1ity of Washington Washington and British Columbie~Implications for Meeter of $cience thesis, 138 p, Cretaceous tectonics: Geological Society of Amar­ i ca Bull et in, v. 95, no. 7, p. 766-778. PAINt:, J, S.; CHAI,STENSEN, N. I., 19B1, Crustal structure in so11thwestern Washington--Impl ications PAClfT, J. A., 1984, Petrologic evolution of the from wave velocities in Mount St, Helens lava late Cretaceous Nenaimo 8asin....-Sritish Columbia inclusions [abatract}: Eos (American Goophyaical and Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophys­ UniQn Transactions), v, 82, no, 45, p, 966, ical Union Transactions), v. 65, no. 17, p, 330, PALLADINO, D. J,, 1971, Slope failures in an over­ PACHT, J, A,, 1985, Paleogeography of deep-water consolidated clay, Seattle, Washington: Universi­ fecies sequences in confined basins~Example from ty of H l fnois [Urbana} D,0ctor of Philosophy the­ the late Cretaceous Nanaimo Basin, British Colum­ sis, 188 p. bia and Washington [abstract]: Geological Society

of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 61 PALLADINO, D, J., 1972, Slope failures in an over­ p. 399. consol ideted clay, Seattle, Washington [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts Internet ion al, v, 32, no. PACIFIC POWER AHO LIGlfT CO., 1957, Board of Con­ 8, Section 8, p. 4580-B. sul tants' meeting, Swift; hydrof;llectric project, Lewis River, Washington, August 27-2B, 1957: PALLADINO, O. J., FIECK, R. B,, 1972, Slope fail­ Pacific Power and Light Company [Portl11nd, Ore.], ures in an overconsolidated clay, Seattle, Wesh­ 1 VO l. i ngton: Geotechn i qua, v. 22, no, 4, p. 563-595,

PACIFIC POWER AND LIGHT CO., 1958, Board of Con­ PALM, A, I.; MARSTON, SAl,.LIE; KELLNl;R, PATRICIA; sultants' meeting, Swift hydroelectric project, SMITH, DAV ID; BUOETTI, MAI.JREEN, 1983, Home mo rt­ Lewis River, Washington, August 5-6, 19581 gage lenders, real property appraisers and earth­ Pacific Power and Light Company [Portland, Ore.], quake hazards: University of Colorado Institute 1 VO l. of Behavioral Science Program on Environmental and Behavior Monograph 38, 152 p. PACIF-IC POWER AtlD LIGlfT CO., 1958, Board of Con­ sul tan ts' meeting, Swift hyd roe l ectri c p roj act, PALMER, JEB; DELANEY, J, R., 19B7, Progressive Lewis River, Washington, January 2-3, 19581 merging of uniaxial and radial stress fields dur­ Pacific Power and Light Company [Portland, Ore.], ing ridge crest-hot spot convergence [abstract]:

1 VO l 0 Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions], v. 88, no, 16, p, 407, PACKARD, F-. A., see ARNOT, H,. H. [and others], 1977, PALMER, \., A., 1960, Pleistocem~ and Recent aeolo­ ARNDT, H. H. {and others], 1980, gy of the western foothills of Mount Ra·inier: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, PAGE, B. M., 1939, Geology of a part of the Chi­ 65 p., 2 plates. waukum quadrangle, \'lashington: Stanford Universi­ ty Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 203 p., 2 plates, PALMER, t.. A., 1967, Marine terrace deformation in Pacific coastal United States. 1!J. Sea-level PAGE, B. M., 1939, Multiple alpine glaciation in changes and crustal movements of the Pacific duing the Leavenworth area, Washington: Journal of the Pliocene and post-Pliocene time; Pacific Sci­ Geology, v. 47, no, 8, p. 785-815, ence Congress, 11th, Tokyo, 1966, Symposium 19: AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY PATTEE, E. C. 177

Osaka City University Journal of Geosciencas, v. Washington: Washington Geologic Nevisletter, v. 6, 1 o, p. 69-81. no. 3, p. 4-5.

PALMER, L. A., 1967, Marine terraces of Cal ifor­ PALMER, PAMELA, see al so nia, Oregon, and Washington: University of Cali­ OTHBERG, K. L. [and others], 1979. fornia, Los Angeles Doctor of Philosophy thesis, OTHBERG, K. L. [end others], 1982. 379 p. PEVEAR, D. R. [and others], 1980. SIEGFRIED, R. T. [and others], 1978. PALMER, L. A.. 1967, Marine terraces of Cal ifor­ nia, Oregon, and Washington [abstract]: Disserta­ PALMER, R. H., 1927, Geology and petroleum possi­ tion Abstracts International, v. 28, no. 5, Sec- bilities of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington: t ion B, p. 1997-B. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bul­ letin, v. 11, p. 1321-1328. PALMER, L. A., 1977, Examination of landslides of the Columbia River Gorge {abstract]: Oregon Acad­ PARDEE, J. T.. 1939, Carbon River, Washington-­ emy of Science Proceedings, v. 13, p. 61. Report of prel iminery examination of dam site in Sec. 31, T. 19 N., R. 6 E., W. M.: U.S. Geo log i­ PALMER, L.A., 1977, Large Landslides of the cal Survey Open-f'ile Report, 10 p. Columbia River Gorge, Oregon and \'lashington. In Coates, D. R., editor, 1977, Landslides: Geologi­ PARKER, H. W.; ROBINSON, R. A., 1983, The world's cal Society of America Reviews in Engineering Largest-diameter soil tunnel: Underground Space, Geology, v. III, p. 69-83. v. 7, no. 3, p. 175-181.

PALMER, L. A.; REDFERN, ROGER, 1973, Urban env i­ PARKER, H. W., see al so ronmenta l geology end planning, Portland, Oregon. ROBINSON, R. A. [and others], 1983. l.!! Beaulieu, J. o., chair, 1973, Geologic field trips in northern Oregon and southern Washington: PARKER, M. L.; JOZSA, L. A.; JOHNSON, S. G.; BRAM­ Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Indus­ HALL, P. A., 1984, Tree-ring dating in Canada end tries Bui let in 77, p. 163-170. the northwestern U.S. l.!! Mahaney, W. C., editor, Quetarnery dating methods: Elsevier Science Pub­ PALMER, L. A.. see al so lishing Company Developments in Palaeontology and SCHMELA, R. J. [ and others], 1972. Stratigraphy 7, p. 211-225.

PALMER, PAMELA, 1977, Investigation of tectonic PARROTT, GWYNN, 1932, A study of the fresh water deformation in the Puget Lowland, Washington: sediments north of Leavenworth, Washington: State Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources College of Washington Bachelor of Science thesis, Open-Fi le Report 77-6, 36 p., 3 plates, scale 21 p., 1 plate. 1 :24,000. PARSONS, R. B., 1981, Comment and reply on "The PALMER, PAMELA, 1978, Investigation of tectonic petrology and stratigraphy of the Portland Hills deformation in the Puget Lowland, Washington. !J:! sit t-A Pacific ~!orthwest loess''-Comment: Oregon Evernden, J. F., editor, 1978, Summaries of tech­ Geology, v. 43, no. 4, p. 53. nical reports, Volume V: U.S. Geological Survey, p. 75-76. PARSONS, R. B., see al so GOLDIN, ALAN [and others], 1983. PALMER, PAMELA, 1979, Investigation of tectonic deformation in the Puget Lowland, Washington. l!! PASCO, R. E., see Evernden, J.F., program manager; Seiders, \'I. H., WILDERMUTH, ROBERT (and others], 193S. compiler, 1979, Summaries of technical reports, Volume VIII: U.S. Geological Survey, p. 81-82. PATTEE, E. C., see STAATZ, M. H. [end others], 197~. PALMER, PAMELA; SIEGFRIED, R. T., 1978, Investiga­ STAATZ, M. H. [and others], 197?.. tion of tectonic deformation in the Puget Lowland, 178 PATTE~SON, P. V.

PATTERSON, P. V., '19S1, Post May 18, 19!30, rapid PEAi( NORTHWEST, ?NG,, 198@, Nooksack River B,asin response engineering geology [abstract}; Asaooia­ erosion and fisheries tt1Jdy~-~oylder Creek, Canyon tion of Engineering Geologists, 19B1 Annual Meet­ Greek, Cornall Creek, Howard Creek, Racehorse ing, Program with Abst rl!lcts, p. 4!3-49. CrHk; l,,ummi Tribal Fi1:1heries !)11partment, 2 v,

PATTERSON, w. o., 1976, The role of gro11nd watar PEAR\., J. f;,, 1Q71 1 Petrolpgy of' Terti!:lry B9dimen­ in slope stability. l!l Westiington Division of tsry rocks in the northweaternmgst part of the Geology and ~arth Resourcu, Hl76, En9inqerint1 Olympic PeAiRsuls, WeshiflfjtQn: San Jese State geologic studies1 Washington Division of Geology Univ111r11ity Maste11 af l!jcieoce thasis, 81 p. and Earth Resources Information Ci router 58, p, 9- 19, PE;Afll,., J. Ii:., see 111tso £$NAVIU,Y, P, o., JR. rand others], 1S75, PATTON, T. C., 1971, Geology and hydrothermal SNAVf!l,.Y, P, D,, JR, [end others], 1976, alteration of the Middle Fork copper prospeot, l'!NAV!i:I.Y, P. o., JI\ (end qtt,ers;], 1977, King County, Washington; University of Washington SNAVl:\.Y, P. o., JR. [soi:! others], 1978. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 84 p. SNAVELY, P. a., JR. [and qthars], 1979,

PATTON, T. c., 1971, Geology and hyrfrothermel P~SON, M, "°" 19,S5, Geomorphglogigal analysis of alteration of the Midrfle Fork copper prospect, North Fork Tautle River, Washington--1980-1984: King County, Washington [abstreotJ: Dissertation Ore90" State University Oactor of Philosophy the­ Abstracts International, v. 32, no. 5, Saction B, sis, 177 P• p. 2801-B. PE;ARSON, M. I,.,, 1!:IS6, Geomorphalogical analysis of PAT\'/AR!JHAN, A. S.; TILi.SON, D. D,; NOWACK, R, \.,, North Fork Tout le River, Weshington~-1980-1904 1978, Zonation for critical facilities based on [abstractl; Dissertation Abstracts International, two-level earthquakf:!S. To. Proceedingi;; of th, v, 47, na. s, Section a, p, 977-B, Second International Conference on Microzonation for Safer Construotion~Research and Application: PEARSON, M. \.., 18881 Se!,liment yielcls frail! the National Scienc;e Foundation, vo L. I, p. 4!il5,...4l38, d~ris avalanche far water years 1880-1983. 1D. Keller, S. A. c., editol", 1986, Mount St, Helens­ PAUi., R. A., 1979, The effects of geologic f;ltr1Jc-,­ Five years leter; Eastern Washin~ton University tures on slope stability at the Centralia coat Presa, p, 87-107. mine. Ill Brawner, C. O.; Oort ing, T, P. F., eds,, 1979, Stability in coal mining, proceedings of the PEARSON, W, c;,, 1875, A gravity study of the Juan first international symposium on stability in coal de Fuca Ridge and Sovanqa Fracture Zona in the mining: Miller Freemen Pul>l icatiqns, p. 29-34. northeast Pacific Ocean; Univers.ity of Washington Doctor of Philosphy thesis, 135 p. PAVLIS, G, L., sea MALONE, s. O. [and others], 1983. PE;ARSON, W, C,, 1976, A gravity study of the Juan da Fuca Ridge and Sovanco fracture zone in the PAVONI, N., 1966, Tectonic interpretatiQl'I qf the northeast Pscifia Ocean [abstract]: Dissertation magnetic anomel ies southwest of Vancouver Island; Ab1;,tract1;, Jnt1:1rflational, v, 37, no, 21 Section B, p, 668-ij ~ 1369,-1], Pure and Applied Geophysics, v. 6:3 1 p, 172,..178,

PAVONI, M., 1971, Interpretation of the m11gnetic PE;A§E, M, H0, Jfl,.; HDOJER, LINN, JR,, 1957, Geo lo­ anomalies southwest of Vancouver Xslimd: Sohweiz­ gy of' the Doty...-Min1.1t Peak i!rea, Washington; u.s. erische Minerelogische und Petrographische Mit­ Geological S~rvey Oil and Sas Investigations Map tei Lungen, v. 51, no, 2-3, p. 565. OM-1 QS, 1 §heei, see la 1 ;621500,

PAYTON, W. H.; LAVIN, P. M., 1987, Appl ioation of Pf;ASE, M. H., JR,, Ufl al sq directional filtering to separate Jyan de Fuca GOWfiif.l, H, O, {and othareil, 1965, seamount magnetic anomalies from seafloor magnetic SNAVEl,.¥, P, D,, JR. [and ottiers], 1951, Lineations [abstract]: Eos {American Saophysical SNAVELY, P. 0., JR. [and others], 1954. Union Transactions), v. 68, no. 16, p. 2B9. SNAVELY, P. D,, JR,. [and others], 1956. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY PETER, GEORGE 179

PECK, R. B., 1967, Stability of natural slopes: PERKINS, D. M., see al so American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of ALGERMISSEN, s. T. [and others], 1976. the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, no. ALGERMISSEN, s. T. [and others], 1982. SM 4, p. 403-417. PERKINS, M. E., see PECK, R. B., see al so WEST, D. o. [and others], 1980, PALLADINO, D. J. [and others], 1972. PERKINS, S. O., see PECKHAM, D. A., 1982, Sttiamic and tectonic study WILDERMUTH, ROBERT [and others], 1939. of a region in the Cascades west of Mt. Rainier: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, PERSON, W, J., 1977, Earthquakes, October-November 83 p. 1976: U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Informa­ tion Bulletin, v. 9, no. 2, p. 34-36, PECORA, W. T., see HOBBS, s. w. [and others], 1941. PESSL, FRED, JR.; DETHIER, D. P.; KEULER, R. F.; AND OTHERS, 1981, Sedimentary facies end deposi­

PEDDIE, N. V/ 0 ; JONES, W. J.; FABIANO, E. B., 1976, tional environments of Late Wisconsinian glacial­ Magnetic inclination in the United States, Epoch marine deposits in central Puget Lowland, Washing­ 1975.0: U.S. Geological Survey t.fiscel laneous ton [abstract]: American Association of Petroleum Investigations Series t.fap I-912, 2 sheets, scale Geologists 8ul let in, v. 65, no. 5, p. 969-970. 1:5,00D,OOD. PESSL, FRED, JR.; DETHIER, O. P,; KEULER, R, F.; PEDDIE, N. w., see also MINARD, J. P.; SAFIOLES, s. A., 1982, Young depos­ FABIANO, E. B. [ and others], 1976. its in the Puget Sound area [abstract]: u.s. Geo­ F-1\BIANO, E. B. [and others], 1980. logical Survey Professiooel Peper 1275, p, 04.

PEDERSEN, S. A., nee PESSL, FRED, JR.; SAFI OLES, !3. A.; YOUNT, ,I. C,, HAMMOND, P. E. [end others), 1975. 1984, Thickness of Ouetaro~ry sud1ments, ceotral HAMMOND, P. E. [and others], 1978. Puget Lowland [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1375, p. 72. PENDAKUR, V. S.; HENNES, R. G., 1964, A study of a highway embankment failure: The Trend in Engi­ PESSL, FRED, JR., see al so neering, v. 16, no. 2, p. B-13. CHRZASTOWSKI, M. J. [and others], 1978. MILLER, R. D. [end others], 1985, PEPER, J. S., see MILLER, R. D. [and others], 1986. CONNARD, GERRY [and others], 1984. YOUNG, JIM [and others], 1984. KULM, L. D. [and others], 1984. MCCLAIN, K. J. [and others}, 1984. PETEET, D. M., see HEUSSER, C. J. [and others], 1985. PERKINS, D. M., 1984, Location and intensity of the 1872 Washington State earthquake (abstract]: PETER, GEORGE, 1969, Magnetic structural provinces U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1375, p. in the northeast Pacific Ocean [abstract]: Eos 208, [American Geophysical Union Transactions), v, 50, no. 4, p. 188, PERKINS, D, M,; THENHAUS, P. C.; HANSON, S. L.; ZIONY, J. I,; ALGERMISSEN, S. T,, 1980, Probabi l­ PETER, GEORGE; DEWALD, 0, E., 1971, Deformation of istic estimates of maximum seismic horizontal the sea floor off the northwest coast of the ground motion on rock in the Pacific Northwest and United States: Nature, Physical Science, v, 232, the adjacent outer continental shelf: U.S. Geo­ no. 31, p. 97-98. logical Survey Open-Fi le Report 80-471, 39 p., 7 plates. PETER, GEORGE; LATTIMORE, ROBERT, 1969, Magnetic structure of the Juan de F-uce-Gorda Ridge area: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 74, no. 2, p. 586-593. 180 PETERS, O. C.

PETERS, D. Cd 1972, Crustal velocity approxima­ rocks, northern P!JQet Sound region, Washington tion from seismic arrivel-tim• deta [at)streeth [ebetrectl: Americtn Association of Petroleum Eoe (Amaricon Geophysical Union TransectiC1neJ, v,

PETERS, D. C.. 1974, Hypocanter location and PE:VEAR, O, A.; THORSON, A, M,, 1978, Distinction crustal structure inversion of seismic array between till and gtaciomarine drift using exchan­ travel-times [abstract]; Dissertation Abstracts geat)le &odium [ebstrect]: Geological Society of International, v. 35, no. 1, Section e, p. 332--8- Americo Abstracts with Progra111s, v. 10, no. 1, P• 333-B. 471,

PETERSON, C. 00 ; PHIPPS, JAMES, 1987, long-term Pe.tl:J\R, D, R., see elso terrigenous-marine sediment flux measured in an 8RAKKE, D, F. (and othi,ra], 1982, active margin estuary, Grays Harbor, Washington, OETMIEFI, D, P, [ and o thtu·111], 1961. USA [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union MUSTOe, G, !. [and other11], 1983, Transactions), v. 68, no. 44, p. 1336. PHANG, M. K. S,; GILKESON, R. A., 1984, Soils of PETERSON, C. P,, see Clark County--State of Washington engineering KULM, L. D. [ and others], 1984- soi ls manual; Wei;hington· State Institute of Tech­ nology, Division of Industrial Research Bulletin PETERSON, D. W., 1986, Summary of Mt. St. Helens 286, 148 p,, 1 pl eta. activity, 1980-1966: Volcano News, no. 24, p, 2. PHIFeR, O, W., 1955, The geology of Stu a rt Isl and: PETERSON, D. w., 1988, Volcanic heurds and public University of Washington aechelor of Science the­ response: Journal of Geophysical Research, v, 93, sis, 32 p,1 1 plqte, no, B5, p. 4161-4170, PttILLIPS, A. L., sea PETERSON, N. V., see CLIFTON, !. {end others]. 197S, BEAULIEU, J, D. [and others], 1981. CI..IFTON, H,"'· e. [and othar,1, 1976. CUFTON, H. e. [and otharii], 1sao. PE:VEAR, D. R., 1979, Geochemical critarie for map­ tn:ll., G, w. [and otherel, 1981, ping the glaciomarine limit in the northern Puget Lowland. I.u Evernden, J. F., program manager; PHILLIPS, W. M., 1983, Preli mirlery interpretation Seiders, W. H., compi tar, 1979, Summaries of tech­ of regional gravitv information from the southern nical reports, Volume VIII: u.s. Geological Sur­ Coscede Mol.!ntains of Washington, l!2 Korosec, M. vey, p. 83-86. AJ Phillips, w. M,J Schuater, J. E.; and others, 1983, The 1980-1982 geothermal resource assessment Pl:VEAR, D. R., 1980, Diamictons of the Streit of program in \'la~hingtons IJ.S. National Technical Juan de Fuca [abstract]: u.s. Geological Survey Information Service OOE/ET/~'7014-T6, p. 79-119. Professional Paper 1175, p. 9$. PHILL:CPS, W, M., 1983, Preliminery interpretation PE:VEAR, D. R.; GOLDIN, ALAN; SPRAGUE, J. 'ti., 1984, of reg;onal grevity information from the southern Mineral transformations in soils for1111:1d in gta­ Cescede Mountaina of W1111ihin9ton, In Korosec, M. ciatmerine drift, northwestern Washington: Soil A,; Phillips, w. M,; Setu,ister, J. e.; and others, Seier,ce Society of America Journal, v. 48, no. 1, 11383, Tha 1$80-1982 geothermal reso~ree assessment p. 208-216. program in \'lashingtom Wiu;t,ingtpn Oivision of Geology and Earth Resource~ Open-File Report 83-7, PB/EAR, D. A.; KEULER, R. F., 1981, Calcium ca,­ p. 78-119, bonate cementation of tills rich in ultramefic AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY PIERSON, T. C. 181

PHILLIPS, w. M., 1983, Progress report for the PIERCE, D. R., see regional gravity survey of the Cascade Mountain DAV IS, P. M. [and others], 1984. Range, Washington. In Korosec, M. A.; Phil lips, w. M.; Schuster, J. E.; and others, 1983, The 1980- PIERCE, K. L., see 1982 geothermal resource assessment program in COLMAN, S. M. [and others], 1981. Washington: u.s. National Technical Information PORTER, S. c. [and others], 1983. Service OOE/ET/27014-TS, p. 68-78. PIERSON, T. C., 1982, Elevation profi Les for mud­ PHILLIPS, W. M., 1983, Progress report for the flows in streams after the May 18 eruption of regional gravity survey of the Cascade Mountain Mount St. Helens. In U.S. Geological Survey, 1982, Range, Washington. l!l Korosec, M. A., Phillips, W. Activities of the Water Resources Division and M.; Schuster, J. E.; and others, 1983, The 1980- Resident Cartographer, Division of National Map­ 1982 geothermal resource assessment program in ping in Washington, 1981 fiscal year: U.S. Geo­ Washington: Washington Division or Geology and logical Survey, p. 41. Earth Resources Open-File Report 83-7, p. 68-78. PIERSON, T. c., 1983, Flow behavior of two major PHILLIPS, W. M., 1984, Compilation geologic map of lahars triggered by the May 18, 1980 eruption of the Green River coat district, King County, Wash­ Mount St. Helens, Washington. In Proceedings of ington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth the symposium on erosion control in volcanic Resources Open-Fi le Report 84-4, 4 p., 3 plates. areas, July 6-9, 1982 at Seattle end Vancouver, Washington: Japan Public Works Research Institute PHILLIPS, W. M., COMPILER, 1987, Geologic map of Technical Memorandum 1908, p. 99-129. the Mount St. Helens quadrangle, Washington and Oregon: Washington Division of Geology and Earth PIERSON, T. C., 1984, Debris-flow monitoring at Resources Open-Fi le Report 87-4, 59 p., 1 plate, Mount St. Helens [abstract]: U.S. Geological scale 1:100,000. Survey Professional Paper 1375, p. 230.

PHILLIPS, W. M., COMPILER, 1987, Geologic map of PIERSON, T. c., 1985, Field techniques for ml;!asur­ the Vancouver quadrangle, Washington: Washington ing debris-flov, dynamics. In Takai, Aritsune, Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File editor, 1985, Proceedings of the International Report 87-10, 27 p., 1 plate, scale 1:100,000. Symposium on Erosion, Debris Flow and Disestt1r Prevention: Erosion Control Engineering Society PHILLIPS, W. M.; WALSH, T. J., COMPILERS, 1987, [Tsukube, Japan], p. 203-207. Geologic map of the northwest part of the Golden­ dale quadrangle, Washington: Washington Division PIERSON, T. C., 1985, Initiation and flow behavior of Geology and Earth Resources Open-Fite Report of the 1980 Pine Creek and Muddy River lahars, 87-13, 7 p., 1 plate, scale 1:100,000. Mount St. Helens, Washington: Geological Society of America But let in, v. 96, no. 8, p. 1056-1069. PHILLIPS, W. M., see al so DANES, Z. F. [and others], 1983. PIERSON, T. c., 1986, Flow behavior of channelized DANES, Z. F. [end others], 1984. debris flows, Mount St. Helens, \'lashington. Chap- DEACON, R. J. [ and others], 1988. 1!!.!: ~ In Abrahams, A. o., editor, 1985, Hi i l­ F-INN, CAROL [and others], 1984. slope processes: Allen and Unwin, Binghamton Sym­ FINN, CAROL [ and others], 1986. posia in Geomorphology, International Series 16, WALSH, T. J. [and others], 1987. p. 269-296. WILLIAMS, D. L. [ and others], 1988. PIERSON, T. c., 1987, Debris flow and landsl ida PHIPPS, JAMES, see hazard assessment. In Kresch, o. L., 1987, Flood PETERSON, C. D. [ and others], 1987. hazard assessment of the Hoh River at Olympic National Perk ranger station, Washington: u.s. PICK RILL, R. A., 1983, Wave-built shelves on some Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations low-energy coasts: Marine Geology, v. 51, no. 3- Report 86-4198, p. 18-20. 4, p. 193-216. 182 PIERSON, T. c. SEISMIC HAZAADS OF WSSTEfilN WASHINGTON

PIERSON, T. C.; SCOTT, K. M., 1985, Downstream PITMAN, W. C., III; HERRON, E.; HEIRTZLER, J. R., di Lution of a Lahar-Transition from debris flo.w 1968, Magnetic ano111et ies in tho Pacific and ocean to hyperconcentrated streemflow: Weter Resources floor spre~ing: Journ11l of Geophysical Research, Re see rch, v. 21, no. 1 O, p. 1,511-1,524. v, 73, no. 6, p. 2069-2085.

PIERSON, T. C.; SCOTT, K. M., 1987, Downstream PlTMAN, w. c., HI, see also dilution of Lahers from Mount St. Helens, Washing­ HAYES, o. E. {end others], 1970. ton-Defining the boundary between debris flow and hyperconcentrated streamflow. !Jl Glysson, G. o., PITTS, G, s., see editor, 1987, Proceedings of the Advanced Seminar CONNARD, GERRY {imd ethers], 1984. on Sedimentation: U.S. Geological Survey Circular CONNAAD, GEflRV f and others], 19SS. 953, p. 16-17. FINN, CAROL {and others), 1986. JACHENS, A. C. {end others], 1980. PIERSON, T. c., see al so JACHENS, A. C. {and others], 1981. CULLEN, J. M. [and others], 1977. WILLIAMS, O. L. [and others], 1988. WAITT, R. 8., JR. [and others}, 1983. PITTS, P., see PIETRAFESA, L. J., see CONNARD, 'GERRY {end others], 1984. HEINRICHS, O. F. [end others], 1968. PLAFKER, G., see PILZ, H. A., 1988, Stemi lt Creek basin landslide HOWARD, K. A. {and others], 1978. near Wenatchee. 1Q McKee, Bates; Coombe, H. A., editors, 1968, Guidebook to field trips; 1968 PLESHA, J. L., see National Meeting, Seattle: Association or Engi­ STANLEY, W. D. {and others], 1987. neering Geologists, p. 11-13. PLUMLEY, P. w.; BURR, c. D.; BECK, M. e.• JR., PIPER, A. M., 1932, Geo Logy and ground-water re­ 1978, Microplate tectonics in the western cordil­ sources of The Dal Les region, Oregon: U.S. Geo­ lera--Paleomagnetic evidence [abstract]: Eos logical Survey Weter-Supply Paper 659-B, p. 107- (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 59, 189, 1 p Late. no. 4, p. 233.

PISTRANG, M. A., see PLUMMER, C. C., 1964, The geology of the Haunt MEARS, R. A. [and others], 1979. Index erea of Washington State: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, 62 p., 1 PITA, F. W.; ERICKSON, B. P.; O'BRIEN, A. J., plate. 1982, Seismic design of Seattle waterfront facili­ ties: American Society of Civil Engineers, Jour­ PLUMMER, C. c., 1969, Geology of the crystalline nal of the Technical Councils of ASCE, v. 108, no. rocks, Chiweukum Mountains and vicinity, Washing­ TC1, p. 24-33. ton Cascades: University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 137 p., 3 plates. PITMAN, w. c., III, 1967, Magnetic anomalies in the Pacific and ocean floor spreading: Columbia PLUMMER, c. c., 1969, Geology of the crystalline University Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 82 p. rocks, Chiweukum Mountains and vicinity, Washing­ ton Cascades {abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts PITMAN, w. c., III, 1967, Magnetic anomalies in International, v. 30, no. 6, Section B, p. 2762-B, the Pacific and ocean floor spreading [abstract}: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 28, no. PLUMMER, F. G., 1893, A diagonal moraine: Ameri­ 5, Section B, p. 1998-B. can Geologist, v. 12, p. 2S1-232.

PITMAN, W. C., III; HAYES, D. E., 1968, Sea-floor POLIVKA, D. fl., 1984, Quaternary vo lcanology of spreading in the Gulf of Alaska: Journal of Geo­ t.he WC!st Crater-Soda Peeks area, southern ~lashing­ physical Research, v. 73, no. 20, p. 6671-6580. ton Cascade Range: Portland State University Master of Science thesis, 78 p., 1 plate, scele 1:24,000. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY PORTER, s. C. 183

POLLARO, D. D., 1984, Volcanic tremor and hydro­ PORTER, S. C., 1969, Pleistocene geology of the thermal wedging [abstract]: U.S. Geological Sur­ east-central Cascade Range, Washington--Guidebook vey Professional Paper 1375, p. 159. for the Third Pacific Coast rriands of the Pleis­ tocene field conference, September 27-28, 1969: POMEROY, P., see [Privately published by the author], 54 p. EWING, J. [and others], 1979. PORTER, S. C., '1969, Relative dating of alpine PONGSAPICH, WASANT, 1974, The geology of the east­ drift sheets using weathering rinds [abstract]: ern part of the Mount Stuart batholith, central Geological Society of America Special Paper 121, Cascades, Washington: University of Washington p. 545-546. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 170 p., 4 plates. PORTER, s. c., 1970, Glacier recession in the PONGSAPICH, WASANT, 1975, The geology of the east­ southern and central Puget Lowland, Washington, ern part of the Mount Stuart batholith, central between 14,000 and 13,000 years B.P. [abstract]: Cascades, Washington [abstract]: Dissertation American nuaternary Association, Meeting, 1st, p. Abstracts International, v. 35, no. 7, Section B, 107. p. 3396-B. PORTER, S. c., 1976, Geomorphic evidence of post­ POOLE, F. G.; SANDBERG, C. A., 1977, Mississippian Miocene deformation of the eastern north Cascade paleogeography and tectonics of the western United Range [abstract]: Geological Society of America States. In Stewart, J. H.; Stevens, c. H.; Frit­ Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 3, p. 402-403. sche, A. E., editors, 1977, Paleozoic palaogeogra­ phy of the western United States: Society of Eco­ PORTER, S. c., 1976, Pleistocene glaciation in the nomic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Pacific southern part of the north Cascade Range, Washing­ Section, Pacific Coast Paleogaography Symposium 1, ton: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. p. 67-85. 87, no. 1, p. 61-75.

POPOFF, C. c., 1955, Cowlitz clay deposits near PORTER, S. C., 1976, in the Castle Rock, Wash.: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report Washington Cascades [abstract]: Geological Asso­ of Investigations 5157, 60 p. ciation of Canada Cord1lleran Section Programme with Abstracts, 1976, p. 29-30. PORATH, H., see CAMFIELD, P. A. [and others], 1970. PORTER, S. C., 1977, Relationship of Glscier Peak tephra eruptions to late-glacial events in the PORTER, S. C., 1964, Composite Pleistocene snow north Cascade Range, Washington [abstract]: Geo­ line of Olympic and Cascade Ranges, Washington logical Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ [abstract]: Geological Society of America Special grams, v. 9, no. 7, p. 1132. Paper 76, p. 131-132. PORTER, s. C., 1978, Glacier Peak tephra in the PORTER, s. c., 1964, Composite Pleistocene snow north Cascade Range, Washington~Stratigraphy, line of Olympic Mountains and Cascade Range, Wash­ distribution, and relationship to late-glacial ington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, events: Quaternary Research, v. 10, no. 1, p. 30- v. 75, no. 5, p. 477-481. 41.

PORTER, s. C., 1966, Late Wisconsin alpine glacia­ PORTER, S. C., 1981, Lichenometric studies in the tion of east-central Cascade Range, Washington Cascade Range of Washington~Establishment of [abstract]: Geological Society of America Special Rhizocarpon gaographicum growth curves at Mount Puper 87, p. 131. Rainier: Arctic and Alpinn Research, v. 1:?, no. 1, p. 11-23. PORTER, S. C., 1969, Determination of equilibrium­ line altitudes for late Quaternary alpine glaciers PORTER, S. c., 1981, Use of tephrochrono logy in [abstract]: Geological Society of America Special the Quaternary geology of the United States. In Paper 121, p. 242. Self, S.; Sparks, R. s. J., editors, 1981, Tephra 1B4 PORTER, S. c. studies: D. Reidel Publishing Company, P• 135- and O!ienogan Highlandt>, Was!iington [abstract]; 16D. Gtological Society of America .M!stracts with Pro­ grams,. v, 19, no, 1, p. 809. PORTER, s. c.; CARSON, R. J., 1971, Problems of interpreting radiocarbon dates from dead-ice ter­ PQTUR, Q,. J., ,e-. al SQ rain, with an example from the Puget Lowland of CO\'tAN, D, $.. [Jfld others). 1966. Washington: Quaternary Research, v. 1, no. 3, p, LATHAM, T. I\ [ tl'ld otherslt 1987, 410-414. PFIUSSEN, e. I. [and athenl, 1988,•.

PORTER, S, C.; CLAYTON, G. A., 19B2, Pleistocene POTTER, KENNETH, sae glaciation and volcanism in the Washington Cas­ ELVERS, DOUGLAS [afld others], 1973, cades [abstract]: Geological Society or America SEIDEL, Ol!AN [and others], 1872. Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. 225. SEIDEL, DEAN [and others), 1013•

PORTER, S. C.; DENTON, G. H., 1967, Chronology of POULSON, fi. N.J FLANNERY, R. Q"' 195~, Soil survey neogleciation in the North American Cordillera: or Whatcom County, Washington: U.S. Soil Conser­ American Journal of Science, v. 265, no. 3, p. vatiQn Servi cf.I Soil Survey Serie.a 1941, no, 7, 153 117-210. Pot 6 pletf!S,

PORTER, s. c.; PIERCE, K. L.; HAMILTON, T, D,, POUI..SON, e. N,; MlLLER, J, T.r FOWLltR, A, H.; 1983, Late Wisconsin mountain glaciation in the FLANNERY, R. o., 1952, Sail survey of King County, western United States. In Wright, H. E., Jr.; Washington: U,S, Bureau of Plant Industry Soil Porter, S. c., editors, 1983, Late-Quaternary Survey Series 1938, no, 31, 106 p., 3 plates, environments of the United States; Volume 11 The late Pleistocene: University of Minnesota Press, POWELL, CHRISTINE, see p. 71-111. SUPPE, JOHN [end others), 1975.

POST, A. s., see POWELL, R. o., 1980, Holocene glaoim1:1rine sediment FRANK, D, G. [and others], 1974. deposition by tidewater glaciers in Glacier Bay, F-RANK, D. G. [and others], 1975. Alaska: Ohio State University Doctor 9f Philoso­ phy thefii s, 42P p. POTTER, c. J.; ALLMENDINGER, R. w.; HAUSER, E. c.; OLIVER, J. E., 1987, COCORP deep seismic reflec- POWELL, R. D., 1981, HplQc;ene 9lecimarine sediment. t ion traverses of the U.S. Cordillera: Royal deposition in tidewater Ql8Qiers in Glecier Bay, Astronomical Society Geophysical Journal, v, 89, Alaska [abstract]; Dissertation Abstracts Inter­ p. 99-104, national, v, 41, no. 7, Section 8, p. 2529B-2530B,

POTTER, c. J.; COWAN, D. s.; LEWIS, a. T, R.; POWELL, R. D., 1983, Submarine flow tills at Vic­ CROSSON, R. S.; F-OUNTAIN, 0, M.; HYNDMAN, O. W,; toria, British Columbie--Oiscussion: Canadian DAMAR, ANTHONY; SNAVELY, P, D., JR.; STEWART, R, Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 20, no. 3, p. 509- J.; SWANSON, D. A., 1982, Juan de Fuce Ridge to NW 510, Montena--Transect 83 (abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, POWER, JOHN, aee no. 7, p. 591-592. BRAtlTLEY, STBTEN (and others], 1985.

POTTER, c. J.; HAUSER, E. C.; OLIVER, J. E., 1985, PRATT, R. M., 19541 Geology of th!l Oaeeption Pass Evolution of the interior of the North American area, Chelan, KinQ and Kittitas Counties, Washing­ Cordillera, from COCORP date [abstract]; Eos ton: University of Wflf;lhington Master of $cionce (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 66, thesis, 58 p., 1 plate, no. 46, p. 97 4. PI\ATT, R, M., 19159, 'fhe gl'lt>logy pf the Mount Stu­ POTTER, C. J,; PRUSSEN, E. I., 1987, COCO RP data art arl!la, Washington: University of \'lashington across the core of an accretionery orogen--Complex Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 2t!9 p,, 4 plates. deep structure beneath the southern Methow Basin AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY PRINGLE, R. F. 185

PRESCOTT, W. H.; SAVAGE, J. c.; KINOSHITA, W. T., PRICE, C. E., see 1979, Strain accumulation rates in the western LIESCH, B. A. [and others}, 1963. United States between 1970 and 1978: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 84, no. 810, p. 5423- PRICE, L. W., 1978, Mountains of the Pacific 5435. Northwest, U.S.A.-A study in contrasts. In , J. D.; Zimine, R. P., editors, 1978, Mountain PRESCOTI, W. H.; SAVAGE, J. C.; LISOWSKI, M., geoecology end land-use implications; Symposium of 1985, Crustal strain. I!! Jacobson, M. L.; Rodri­ the Internatl. Geogr. Union Comm. on High-Altitude guez, T. R., compilers, 1985, National Earthquake Geoecology: Arctic and Alpine Research, v. 10, Hazards Reduction Program, Summaries of Technical no. 2, p. 465-478. Reports Volume XX: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ Fite Report 85-464, p. 177. PRICE, R. A.,, 1982, Cordilleren overthrust belt in southern Canada-Its regional tectonic implica­ PRESCOTI, W. H.; SAVAGE, J. C.; LISOWSKI, M., tions, and its role in hydrocarbon generation end 1988, Crustal strain. In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodri­ entrapment [abstract}: American Association of guez, T. R., compilers, 1988, National earthquake Petroleum Geologists But let in, v. SS, no. 5, p. hazards reduction program, summaries of technical 620. reports Volume >Oat: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ Fi le Report 88-16, p. 274-281. PRICE, R. A., see al so MONGER, J. w. H. [end others], 1982. PRESCOTI, W. H.; SAVAGE, J. C.; LISOWSKI, M.; KING, N., 1986, Crustl:!l strain. To Jacobson, M. PRIEST, G. R.; BLACKWELL, D. D., 1984, Understand­ L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1986, National ing thermal energy and dynamic processes in sub­ Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of duction-related volcanic arcs: Oregon Institute technical reports, volume XXIII: U.S. Geological of Technology Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin, Survey Open-File Report 87-63, p. 235-239. v. 8, no. 4, p. 9-11.

PRESCOTI, W. H., see also PRIEST, G. R.; BLACKWELL, D. D., 1984, Unde rstend­ LISOWSKI, M. [and others}, 1987. i ng thermal energy end dynamic processes in sub­ LISOWSKI, M. [and others], 1988. duction-related volcanic arcs---Froposed studies in SAVAGE, J. c. [ and others}, 1979. the Cascades: Oregon Geology, v. 46, no. 10, p. SIWAGE, J. c. [and others}, 1981. 122-123. SAVAGE, J. c. [and others}, 1986. PRIEST, G. R., see also PREST, V. K., see BLACKVIELL, D. D. [end others}, 1982. DYKE, A. s. [and others}, 1987. PRIESTLEY, K. F., 1971, Earth strains observed at PRB.ISS, JANE, 1986, Tsunami and flood hazard pre­ the Cascade Geophysical Site using a tong base paredness and mitigation program for Aberdeen• .!Jl laser inferometer strain meter: University of Hays, W. W.; Gori, P. L., editors, 1986, Proceed­ Washington Mester of Science thesis, 89 p. ings of conference XXXIII, "Earthquake hazards in the Puget Sound, Washington area,": U.S. Geologi- PRINGLE, P. T., 1988, New data for large, late cal Survey Open-Fi le Report 86-253, p. 139-156. Holocene debris flows in the Puyallup Basin, west of Mount Rainier, \'IA [abstract]: Northwest Sci­ PRB.ISS, JANE, 1987, Coastal high hazard mitigation ence, v. 62, no. 2, p. 83. --Comprehensive planning for areas vulnerable to tsunamis. In Association of State Floodplain Mana­ PRINGLE, PATRICK, see gers, 1987, Realistic approaches to better flood­ BRANTLEY, STEVEN [and others], 1986. plain management; proceedings of the 11th annual conference: University of Colorado Natural Haz­ PRINGLE, R. F., 1985, Soil survey of Grays Harbor ards Information Center Special Publication 18, p. County area, Pacific County, end Wahkiakum County, 317-322. Washington: U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 296 p., 165 p tat es. 186 PRIHiLI:, B~ F.

PRING!-E, A. F0, see al so QAtfAfl• A~THQNY; LUPWIN, ~ S~; !,f!PSSON, R. s.; ClTttBERG, K. L0 [and others], 197(1! 11~LPN6, s, p., 19.81 1 f:ar:~'1m.1a"a hypocr:intars in

SNYDl:R, D. E. [and othar!!], 19730 Wa§~ington and northern Oragon--1SS2-19B~: Wash­ iF1Qion Division of ~aology and Ear~h Rasources PRO~TKA, tt. "'·• see lnf'qrmQtiqq Pi rpµ~ar ~'h 78 Po

EATON, G, P0 [ and othersl, 197~0 LlPf'IA~, P. w. [a,nd ottu!!rsh 1870, QM1AR~ Atffi!QtAY; f\ATH~t'lt ANN~i LIJg\UI\I, R, s.; PPMA.N, P. W. [ end others}, 1971. CflOSSPJ4, ~ S!i t4Al-ONE! s. o~, 1981:1, Ea rthqu11ke Lif~MAN, P. W0 [•nl! others], 197!!, hypppantars in Waarington anq northern Oregan~ 19ijQ: Wtshingtpn DiviSiPn pf Gaolqgy and Earth PRC1TH!:RO, a. !\, se1:1 R1ac:111ri::,1.1 ,nfprmil.tion f:H rc1,1li!f 82, ~4 P•

ARMEtITROUT, J. M0 [an!! others], 19B4. QM4i\R, >\tffliOMV; f1ATHfllJ~1 ANN~; 1-IJOWlN, R. S.; PRUSSEN, e. I,; POTTER, c~ J.; OLlV ER, "'· E.; NOSO~, ~. !-!i pROS,S,QN, R. s.; MALONE, s. o., 1987, BROWN, LARf!¥, 19138, Moho v11rietions along the ~1:1rtf194E!k,'JI hY,pqpeni!llrs in Wa!:!Mngt;1m anti m1rthern CQCORP NW U.S. transect [abstrectl: Eps (A111111rican Oregan~1aa1: Washin.g~on Qiyjsion of GaoloQY and Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 69, no. 113, p. Earth Resi:i1,1ri:as lnformf!tion Ci rp\!lar as, 46 p. 497. ~MAR, ANTHPt«<; ST. U\WRENCE, W, F,i MOORE, J. Ill.;

PRUSSEN1 E• I01 s.ee al so lstractl: Eos (Ameri­ cen Geoptiysicf!l un;on Transactional, v. 62, no. 6, PUGET SOUND COUNCIL OF GQ\IERNMEt!TS, 1975, Regional p. 62. [Nati!: Teisi of )p1.1rn!lll mis-headi,i(l es "v. disaster mitigation technical study for the cen­ 62, OQ, 5.11 ] tral Puget Sound region: Puget Sound Cpµncil of

Govern!ll!:lnts [Seatt Le, \1ash.h 2 v0 Q.i\MAR, AtrrHCltNi ST. 1-AWREN{l!:, W, F~; MQOR!:1 J. N.; KENDRfC~, ~EORQ~, 1eaa, Seismic signals preceding PURIJY, C. P., 1951, Anti many occurr!\lnces of \'fHh­ tti11 1:1isplo1:1ive 1miptipn qf Moµnt St. ttalens, Wash­ i ngton: Weshif1Qto11 Pivis.ion of Mines an.d Gll!PLPgy inQtQn, on 1!,:1 H!ly 19sg; SeiS!DOlqaical SPciety of 13ull1:1tin 39, 18Ei p. A111eriqf! B1JP11tin, 11~ 7:3, nQ, s, p, 1797-1813.

P~RDY, J. W~ 191371 Pa,leomegnetism and tectonic ll.i\HAR, ANTH.P~r see etso interpretation of the Crescent and Blekeley for!lle­ LUDWIN, R, s. [snc! o~h13rsl 1 1986. tiPns of ~itsap Peninsula, Washington: West1:1r11 MAJ.ONE, s. P, [E!nd qt;llE!rsh 1984, Wasrington Univer!;!ity Maater of Science theeis, f!QTTER, c, i,l. [ W1A pthers], 11:182. 138 Po RACINE, D.; Atll DT!iE!lS, 1979, A seis!)licity study PURDY, J. W.; BURMESTER, R. F.j E~EBRETSQI\!, 0, of thE! Pacific North\'!E!St region pf the United c., 1986, PeLeomagnf;ltis111 and t13ctonic int@rprete­ St;etes, NPV!lmber 19131-Aµaµst 1965: u.s. Nuclear tion of the Crescent and Blakeley FprmptiPns, Ragµli!t;ory Com111issio11 NUREG/Cfl-P92B, 53 p. Kitsap Peninsula, Washington [abs;ract]: Eat (American Geophysical Union Transpctionsl, v. a?, RAO!,:IRU!JH-HN-L, D. H.; COL TON, R. B!i , W. no. 441 p. 1233• l:!i !-U{::OHITTA, IVP; SKIPP, B. A., VARNES, D. J., 19132, LendsPde PV,eri,ievi map of the conter111inous PYTLAK, S. R., 1970, Geology of tti1=1 Bli!npE! l-ll~e United States: u~s. Geological Survey Profession­ area, Snohomish County, Washington: University or ell Pf!per 1183~ ~5 P"! 1 plat!il, scale 1:71500,POO. \1a1:1hington Mai.tar of Sci1ance thesis, 45 p• RAO!,:IRl,l(:?1+-HAl-1-, P, ~i CPL TPN, fl, B,; DAVIES, W. OAMAR, ANTHONY; JONIENTZ-TFIISLER, CHRIS, 19881 L-o, 1:,; SKIPP, 8~ A,j LUCCHITTA, IVO; VARNES, D. J., frequency icaq4akes on volcanoes and glaciers fab­ 18?fi, Preli !l!inli\ry lands[ id1;1 ov1;1rv i!;ll\f !l!ap of the stract]: Seismological Research Letters, v, q9, conterwinoµs Unitecl States: U,S. Q!'lplqgipal no. 1, p. 20. Si.irv!:ly Misi::,l l£if!8P!1S Field Studies t:iiip MF-771, 1 stie1:1t, see le 1 :7 ,500,0QO. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY RASMUSSEN, J. J. 187

RADBRUCH-HALL, D. H.; EDWARDS, KATHLEEN; BATSON, RAGAN, D. M., see R. M., 1987, Experimental engineering-geologic and GOULD, H. R. [and others], 1956. environmental-geologic maps of the conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey Bullet in RAHM, o. A., 1975, Washington--A geologic over­ 1610, 7 p., 5 plates. view. l!l U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975, Wash­ ington environmental atlas; 2nd edition: u.s. RADY, P. M., 1980, Structure and petrology of the Army Corps of Engineers [Seattle, Wash.], p. 1-3. Groet Mountain eree, north Cascades, Washington: Western Washington University Mester of Science RAHM, D. A., see also thesis, 133 p., 1 plate. EASTERBROOK, D. J. [and others], 1970.

RADY, R. M., see al so RAISZ, E. J., 1945, The Olympic-Wal Lowe l i neement: BROWN, E. H. [and others], 1981. American Journal of Science, v. 243A [Daly vol­ BROWN, E. H. [and others], 1987. ume], p. 479-485.

RAFF, A. D., 1961, The magnetism of the ocean RAITT, R. W., see floor: Scientific American, v. 205, no. 4, p. SHOR, G. G., JR. [end others], 1970. 146-156. RALEIGH, c. B., 1963, Fabrics of naturally and RAFF, A. o., 1962, The magnetism of' the ocean experimentally deformed olivfoa: University of floor [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Bullet in California, Los Angeles Doctor of Philosophy 1146-0, p. 692-693. thesis, 215 p.

RAFF, A. o., 1966, Boundaries of' an area of RAMAGE, JOHN; ROTH, L. H., 1975, I-205 Columbia long magnetic anomalies in the northeast Pacific: River Bridge foundation load test program. In Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 71, no. 10, p. Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposi­ 2631-2636. um, 13th, Proceedings: Idaho Department of High­ viays, p. 289-304. RAFF, A. D.; MASON, R. G., 1961, Magnetic survey off the west coast of North America, 40 degrees N. RAMANANANTOANDRO, RAMANANTSOA; MANGHNANI, M. H., latitude to 52 degrees N. latitude: Geological 1978, Temperature dependence of the compressional Society of America Bulletin, v. 72, no. B, p. wave velocity in an anisotropic dunite--Meesure­ 1267-1270. ments to 500 degrees Cat 10 kbar: Tectonophys­ ics, v. 47, no. 1-2, p. 73-84. RAGAN, D. M., 1961, The geology of the Twin Sis­ ters dunite in the northern Cascades, Washington: RAMASWAMY, V., see University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy NIENABER, W. [end others], 1976. thesis, 88 p., 1 plate. NIENABER, W. [and others], 1979.

RAGAN, D. M., 1961, The geology of the Twin Sis­ RAMEY, J. W., see ters dunite in the northern Cascades, Washington MALONE, s. D. [ end others], 1901. [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts, v. 22, no. 5, p. 1585-1586. RAHOALL, A. G., 1982, Regional cross section-­ Churchill Province, Saskatchewan, Canada, to Greys RAGAN, D. M., 1962, Val lay asymmetry in the Twin Harbor County, Washington, U.S.A. l!l Po11ers, R. Sisters Range, northern Cascades, Washington [ab­ B., editor, 1982, Geologic studies of the Cordil­ stract]: Geological Society of America Special leren thrust belt: Rocky Mountain Association of Paper 68, p. 118-119. Geologists, p. 75-76.

RAGAN, D. M., 1963, Glaciation in the Hamilton RAO, N. S. L., see quadrangle, northwestern \'lash i ngton [abstract]: NAIK, BIJAYANANDA [end others], 1982. Geological Society of America Special Paper 73, p. 60-61. RASMUSSEN, J. J., see SCHLOTS, F. E. [and others], 1962. 188 RASMJSSEN, J. R. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF Wl!STERN WASHINGTON

RASMUSSEN, J. R.; HUMPHREYS, EUGENE; DUE'KER, K. RAU, w. "" 1987, Geology ef the Wynoochee Valley G• 1987, P-wave velocity structure of the upper quadrangle, Grays Harbor County, \'latihington: mantle beneath Washington and northern Oregon [ab­ Washington Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin stract]: Eos {American Geophysical Union Transec­ 56, 51 p., 1 plate, t ions), v. BB, no. 44, p. 1379. RAU, w. W., 19El8; Correlation chert of coastal RASMUSSEN, N. H., 1987, Weshington State earth­ wells [i11 Washington!: Washington Division of quakes 1S40 through 196S: Seismological Society Mfoes and Geology Open-File Report BB-1, 1 sheet. of America Bullet in, v. 57, no. 3, p. 483-476. RAU, w. W.; 1973, Geology of the Washington coast RASMUSSEN, N. H., 1989, Elevation changes related between Point Gre"villa end the Hoh River: Wash­ to seismic hazard evaluation with the use of grev­ ington Division of Geology end Earth Resources i ty meters. In Yount, J. c.; Crosson, A. s., ad i­ Bulletin 88, 58 p. tors, 1983, Proceedings of workshop XIV, Earth­ quake hazards of the Puget Sound region, Washing­ RAu, W. W~ 1975, Geologic map of the Destruction ton: u.s. Geological Survey Open-Fi la Report 83- Island end Taholah quadrangles, Washington: Wash­ 19, p. 131-140. ington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Geologic Map GM-13, 1 sheet, scele 1:63,360. RASMUSSEN, N. H.; CROSSON, A. s., 1979, A rev iaw of earthquake hazards in the coastal tone of Wash­ RAU, W, w., 1977, General geology of the southern ington State. In Wilcox, F. w., Jr., editor, 1979, Olympic Coast. JJ1 Brown, E. H.; Ell is, R. c:., edi­ Natural hazards in Washington's coastal zone--An tors, 1977, Geologicel excursions in the Pacific anthology of recent articles: Washington Depart­ Northwest; Geological Society of America annual ment of Emergency Services, p. 3-24. meeting, 1977: Western Washington University, p. 63-83. RASMUSSEN, N. H.; MILLARD, A. C.; SMITH, S. W., 1974, Earthquake hazard evaluation of the Puget RAU, w. w., 1979, Geologic map in the vicinity of Sound region, Washington State: University of the lower Bogachiel and Hoh River valleys, and the Washington Geophysics Program, 99 p. Washington coast: Washington Division of Geology end Earth Resources Geologic Map GM-24, 1 sheet, RASMUSSEN, N. H• see al so see le 1 :62,500. BOSTROM, A. C. [and others], 1989. RAU, w. w., 1980, Washington coastal geology RASRIKRIENGKAAI, PIYAMIT, 1971, Petrographic between the Hoh and Qui l leyute Rivers: l'leshingtor investigation of hydrothermal alteration in the Division of Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin Quartz Creek, Middle Fork, Snoqual mis River, King 72, 57 P• County, Washington: University of Washington Mas­ ter of Science thesis, 86 p., 4 plates. RAU, w. W-, 1984, The Humptul ips F-ormation--A new Eocene formation of southwest Washington: \'lash­ RATHBUN, ANNE, see ington Geologic Newsletter, v. 12, no. 4, p. 1-5. QA MAR, ANTHONY [ and others], 1986. QAMAA, AMTHONY [and others], 1987. RAU, w. W,, 1986, Geologic map of the llumptul ips quadrangle and adjacent areas, Greys Harbor Coun­ RAU, w. W., 1958, Stratigraphy and fora111iniferal ty, Washington: Washington Division of Geology zonation in some of the Tertiary rocks of south­ and Earth Resources Geologic Map GM-33, 1 sheet, western Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Oil scale 1!62,500. and Gas Invest igat i ans Chart OC-57, 2 sheets. RAU, w. W,, 1981, Melange rocks of \"lashington's RAU, w. w., 1966, Stratigraphy and F-ora111inifere of Olympic coast. In Hill, M. t., editor, 1987, the Satsop River area, southern Olympic Peninsula, Cordilleran section of the Geological Society of Washington: Washington Division of' Minas and America: Geological Society of America DNAG Geology Bulletin 53, 66 p., B plates. Centennial ,ield Guide 1, p. 373-376. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY REICHERT, W. H. 189

RAU, W. W.; GROCOCK, G. R., 1973, Piercement REAM, L.A., 1972, Economic geology of the Silver structure outcrops along the \tlashington coast Creek mining district, Snohomish County, Washing­ [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ ton: Washington State University Master of Sci­ stracts with Programs, v. 5, no. 1, P• 93-94. ence thesis, 59 p.

RAU, W. W.; GROCOCK, G. R., 1974, Piercemant REAM, L. R., 1903, Northwest volcanoes, a roadside structure outcrops along the Washington coast: geologic guide: B. J. Books [Renton, Wash.], 124 Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources p. Information Circular 51, 7 P• RECTOR, R. Jd 1950, Some lithologic and paleonto­ RAU, \'I. w., see al so logic observations on the Quilleyute Formation: ARMENTROUT, J. M. [and others], 1983. University of Washington Bachelor of Science the­ SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [and others], 1952. e is, 40 p. SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [end others], 1954. SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [and others], 1956. RBlFERN, ROGER, see SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [end others], 195S. PALMER, L. A. [and others], 1973. sNAvaY, P. o., JR. [end others], 1959. SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [and others], 1979. REED, J. W., sea HONG, S.-T. [and others], 1972. RAUCH, w. E., 1985, Sedimentary petrology, deposi­ tional environment, and tectonic implications of REEVE, WILLIAM, 1979, Bedrock geology of the Blue the upper Eocene Quimper Sandstone and Marrowstone Hills, Kitsap County, Washington: Colorado School Shale, northeastern Olympic Peninsula, Washington: of Mines Master of Science thesis, 58 pd 1 plate. Western Washington University Master of Science thesis, 102 p. REICHERT, w. Hd 1958, Bibliography and index of the geology and mineral resources of Washington, RAUCH, W. E., 1986, Tectonic implications of the 1937-1956: University of Washington Master of Quimper sandstone and Merrowstone shale, north­ Library Science thesis. eastern Olympic Peninsula, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ REICHERT, W. H., 1960, Bibl iogrephy end index of grams, v. 18, no. 2, p. 173. the geology and mineral resources of Washington, 1937-1956: Washington Division of Mines end RAVIOLA, FRANK, see Geology Bulletin 46, 721 p. WADE, w. M. [and others], 1987. REICHERT, W. H., 1969, Bibt iography and index of REAO, L. c., 1921, The Cordilleren ice sheet: the geology and mineral resources of \'!ashington, Natural History, v. 21, no. 3, p. 251-254. 1957-1962: Washington Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 59, 375 p. READ, P. B., see GREEN, N. L. [ and others], 19BB. REICHERT, w. H., 1969, Compilation of geologic mapping in Washington through 1968--A continuation j REAGAN, A. B., 1907, Some geological studies of of Leona Boerdman's Index to geologic mapping; \ northwestern Washington and adjacent British ter- also, Geologic maps from theses on Washington tory: Kansas Academy of Sciences Transactions, geology: Washington Division of Mines and Geology 20, p. 95-121. unpublished report, 43 p., 11 plates.

\ EAGAN, A. B., 1909, Some notes on the Olympic REICHERT, W. H., COMPILER, 1976, Selected geologic Pe insula, Washington: Kansas Academy of Sciences reports of Washington for the period 1969 through Trans tions, v. 22, p. 131-230, 1 plate. 1976: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources unpub Li shed report, _20 p. REAGAN, A. ., 1929, Recent changes in e Levat ion of Olympic P~;nsule: Pan-American Geologist, v. REICHERT, w. H., 1978, Annotated guide to sources 52, no. 4, p • .c\5-276. of information on the geology, ~inerals, and ground-water resources of the Puget Sound region, 180 REICHERT, W. H. SEISMIC HAZARDS eF WEl!ITERN WAQHIN13TON

Washington, King County section; with suppltmental ting the timing and rates of hi\lslope eroGion refere!lces by D. r.l, Dethier: WashingtQ!l t')iyi5iDfl [~fitr•ctl: l;:01a (American Geophys.ical Union of Geology and Earth Resources Information Circu­ Trqos,ct ion1d, v, ~B, o~ 44, p. 1288-1289. la r 81, 63 p. RENEAU, a. L.; OIETR~CH, w. e., RUBIN, MEYER; REICHERT, w. H., 1979, Index to published geo\ggic DONAHUE, D, J.; JULL, A., J, T., 1987, Erosion and m11pping in Washington, 1854-1970: Welilhin{!tQ.n climatic chaRQe in the Holocene--~yidence from Division of Geology and Earth Resources Informa­ colluvial deposits on the Olympic Peninsula, Wash­ tion Circ!Jler ea, 233 p. ington [ab1>tract]; Geological ~ociety of America Ab~trapts 1.1ith Progr11ms, v, 19, n13o 7, Po 816. REID, L. M., 1981, Sediment production from grl!lvel -surfaced forest roads, Clearwater Basin, Washing­ RHYNPE!~RBER, W~~k~T, 1950, Ice-mp!ieled harbors of ton: University of Washington Fisheries Research Puget Sound ports [abstract]: Association of Institute Report FRI-UW-8108; University of Wash­ Ameri91:1n G•ogrephars Anm1ls, v, 40, ng. 2, p. 136. ington Master of Sc::ieflCB thesis, 247 p. RICE, ALAN, 1@Pa, Betonation pressures in explo­ REW, L. M.; DUNNE, THOMAS, 1904, Sediment produc­ sive vplc.inism~A source for shocked minerals­ t iofl from forest road surfaces: Water Resc:,urces And whole mantle convection~A source of explosive Research, v, 20, no. 1, Po 1753-1781, volcanism at the end of the Cretaceous [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. REID, L. M.; DUNNE, THOMAS; CEDERHOt.M, C, J., 67, no. 44, p, 1258, 1981, Application of sediment budget studies to the evaluation of logging road impact: Journal of RICE, ALAN, 1987, Did meteorites really pick off Hydrology (New Zealand), v. 20, no, 1, p. 49-62, the dinosaurs~Shocking eviclence from volcanoes [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ REILINGER, R. E.; ADA MS, JOHN, 1982, Geodetic stracts ~ith ProgrElms, v. 19, no. 5, p. 328. evidence for active landward tilting of the Oregon and Washington coastal ranges: Geophysical RICE, R. M,1 1986, Usirn;i la11dsl i!le risk analysis Resaa rch Letters, v. 9, no. 4, p. 401-403, to protect fish habi\et [abstraQt]: Eos (American Geophysical llnion TrensaptionsJ, "• 67, no. 44, p. REIL INGER, R. E., see al so 951. ADAMS, JOHN [and others], 1980. OLIVER, J. E, [and othersh 19133, RICHARDS, A, J,, see

SCHLOTS 1 F. E, [c1nd others], 1962, REINHART, M. A.; BOURGEOIS, JOANNE, 19871 Oi1$tri­ bution of anomalous sand at Willapa Bay, Weshing­ RICHARDSON, c. T,, see ton--Evidence for large-scale landwerd-directed RIGS, G. B. [encl others], 1934. processes [abstract]: Eos (American Geophy1>ical Union Transactions), v. 68, no. 44, p, 1469. RICHARDSON, DPNALD; BUIGHAM, J. W., MADISON, R. J., 196El, Water resouri::es of King County, \'lashing­ REINHART, M.A.; BOURGEOIS, JOANNE, 1988, Testing tpn: U.S. Seological Survey Water-Supply Paper the tsunami hypothesis at Willapa Bey, Washington 1852, 74 p,, 2 plates. --Evidence for large-scale, lenclwerd-di ri,1cte!i pro­ cesses [abstract]. l!:i. University of Washington flICHINS 1 C, G., see Quaternary Research Center, 1988, Holocene subduc­ Nl:SS, ~ o. [ and others], 195B. tion in the Pacific Northwest: University of NESS, A, o. [and others], 19600 Washington Quaternary Research Center, p. 9, RtCHMONll, G. M., see RENARD, V., see BIFlKl:lAND, P, W. [encl others], 1971. DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1983. RIDOIHOUGH, R. P., 1977, Gravity over a descending RENEAU, S, L,; DIETRICH, W. E,i DONAHUE, O. J,; pl!:lte,-British Columbia and Washington [abstract]: JULL, A. J. T.; RUBIN, MEYER, 1987, Radiocarbon Geological Association cf Canada Program with Ab­ dating of colluvial deposits--A method of evalue- stracts, v. 2, Po 44. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY RIGG, G. 9. 191

RIDDIHOUGH, R. P., 1977, A model for recent plate floor in the Pacific Northwest [abstract]: Geo­ interactions off Canada's west coast: Canadian logical Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 14, p. 384-396. grams, v. 9, no. 7, p. 1141-1142.

RIDDIHOUGH, R. P., 1978, The Juen de Fuca Plate: RIDD IHOUGH, R. P.; ROGERS, G. C.; HYND MAM, R. D., Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 1985, Juan de Fuca Plate map series--Recent plate 59, no. 9, p. 836-842. motions, geothermal heat flux, magnetic anomalies [abstract}: Eos (American Geophysical Union RIDOIHOUGH, R. P., 1979, Gravity and structure or Transactions), v. 66, no. 3, p. 26. an active margin-British Columbia and Washington: Canadian Journal or Earth Sciences, v. 16, no. 2, RIDDIHOUGH, R. P., see at so p. 350-363. BORNllDLD, B. D. [and others], 1986. CURRIE, R. G. [and others], 198.11. RIDDIHOUGH, R. P., 1980, Gorda Plate motions from DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1982. magnetic anomaly analysis: Earth and Planetary DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1984. Science Letters, v. 51, no. 1, p. 183-170. DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1985. HYNDMAN, R. D. [and others], 1977. RIODIHOUGH, R. P., 1981, Absolute motions of the LE:VI, S. [and others], 1985. Juan de Fuca plate system--Resistance to subduc­ MALAHOFF, ALEXANDER [and others], 198.11. tion? [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union MILNE, W. G. [and others], 1979. Transactions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 1035. ROGERS, G. C. [ and others], 1978. SAWYER, B. S. [and others], 1984. RIDDIHOUGH, R. P., 1982·, Contemporary movements VON HUENE, ROLAND [and others}, 1982. and tectonics on Canada's west coast-A discus­ WILLIAMS, D. L. [and others], 198B. sion: Tectonophysics, v. 86, no. 4, p. 319-341. YORATH, c. J. [and others], 19B4.

RIDDIHOUGH, R. P., 1983, Juen de Fuca Plate mep-­ RIDLEY, A. P., see Grav ity [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysical MCCLEARY, J. R. [and others], 1979. Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 9, p. BB. RIEKEN, E. R., 1985, Computer generated fault su r­ RIDDIHOUGH, R. P., 1984, The geometry of the sub­ fece determinations from earthquake foci--Washing­ ducted Juan de Fuca plate [abstract]: Eos [Ameri­ ton State, 1969-1983: Washington State University can Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, no. Master of Science thesis, 125 p. 17, p. 330. RIGBY, F. A.; MCEUEN, R. B., 1990, Resistivity RIDDIHOUGH, R. P., 1984, Recent movements of the study of Camas, Washington-Final report• .I!! Koro­ Juan de Fuca plate system: Journal of Geophysical sec, M. A.; Schuster, J. E.; and others, 1980, The Research, v. 89, no. 88, p. 6980-6994. 1979-1980 geothermal resource assessment program in Washington: Washington Division of Geology and RIDDIHOUGH, R. P.; BECK, M. E., JR.; CHASE, R. L.; Earth Resources Open-Fi le Report 81-3, p. C1-C2B. DAVIS, E. E.; HYND~1AN, R. D.; JOHNSON, S. H.; ROGERS, G. c., '1983, Geodynamics of the Juen de RIGBY, J. G., 1981, Bibliographies of the geology Fuca Plate. .I!! Cabre, Ramon, editor, 1983, Geody­ and volcanic hazards of the Cascade Range volca­ namics of the eastern Pacific region, Caribbean noes of Washington and Mount Hood, Oregon: Wash­ and Scotia Arcs: American Geophysical Uniorv'Geo­ ington Division of Geology and Earth Resources logical Society of America Inter-Union Commission Open-Fi le Report 81-5, 42 p. on Geodynemics, Geodynemics Series, v. 9, p. 5-21. RIGBY, J. G., see al so AIDDIHOUGH, R. P.; HYNDMAN, R. o., 1976, Canada's KOROSEC, M. A. [and others], 1980. active western margin--The case for subduction: Geosc i ence Canada, v. 3, no. 4, p. 269-279. RIGG, G. 9., 1958, Peet resources of Washington: Washington Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin AIDDIHOUGH, A. P.; HY~'DMAN, R. D., 1977, The 44, 272 p. recent interaction between continent and ocean RJS:13, G, a.; AffllEl!!SON, C, T,, 1~~P, Prof'HH pf 1$utn:lugtiPn"'"indUPH p1;1r,~Hter expiil sion lllcng the SQllll!I 1;1ph111gnµ111 bogs; of th!\! Pi,eifie CP!i!M, !:>f Horth Qr!Jl9PWWG1~hinston 111.llf'l)jO= O.e1;1iJ191ci.l SQci.ety ,of Alll!'!f'iee~ EeQlOfilY, v, 1B, ng, ~. p, ,oe.-431, All!!U'i«;:i;i l!lllet111, v. 91', 1'!9, 2, p,. 147-Ulfi.

RJGG, ~. P.; GESSa, $,. P,, 1$56, Pe,t lltPHits pf RlT61!Efl, f, r,,,, tH I!! l !!IQ the itate of Weehi119tpn; ~Pit $efene111 $qcf,tv pf CAA~, IOlfil [tfld oth1m,J, 1ffJA:. A111erii;o Proe1e4io91, v, 111, IHI, 4, P, fff""70, c.tllu, P081 r,m1 ,,ttJ,paJ, 1e1Be.

RJGG, G, 113.J GOUl,.P, M. ,Fl., 19157, Afilll i:>f fUeoitr IUTTiNMO!JSr~MAH ANO ASStlCJATff, INC., 1984, Pei,k eru.ption encl i;:hronology of post'"1!laeiel pe1t Gf.10Uohnic1l 109ioe,,rin9 etudy, 'l't1rmfnel l!fi fish deiweit.e in Weshington 1md Ei1,1rrou.ndir!Q ere1u.; al'!htnco1iutnt ll!iO, fHtU11, W11sMl'!11ton; 1Htten­ Amerip,in Jo1,1rr111l of Safenee, v. 25!:i, ng, s, Jh h9u§e~Ze~11n §Od AISO~il!!tf.lB, lne, c~nder contract 341~363. to J'prt gf 6!:IQtthiJ, a p., fi ptetes,

RJGG, G, i,J GOUI.O, H, R., 11:11$7, Age gf Glf.1ghJr 111ITTENH01JS1l"'~HAN AND ASSOCIATES, lHC., 1885, Sub­ Peak ert1pt;i!)n l!lncl 1;1hronolPi:JY of ppst;gl11i;:iet p111tt eurfl!!qe e~pl1;1ration and ge1;1technieol arn,:iineerfng Qli'Posits in Washfngtpn .ant:! surro1mdi~ E!l'![ll!IS [fib"" report, prgpp§ed south access drives and south striu:it]: U,$. Geolofi1ieat St1rvE!y Pt1H!11tin 1066-8, toll pltit, $eattle~Te1;1oma In1;ernational Airport: P., 1 oo. Rittenhousa-l,man anc:I Assoai11tea, Inc. [under contrt!'lt to Pprt of a~u;1ttl•J, 1 v, RIGG, G, E,I,; IUCHARO!:!ON, C, T., 1854, Thi;, cli;ivi;,lop,,­ !!1E!!'lt, 11f !iphegm,1111 bog11 in thl! San Ju.11n hl11nc!s: RITlI, R, W., JR., 1$83, Thli! hydrQ(l!!!OlPgic setting A11t!lri~11n Jpu.rnat or Poteny, v. 21, p, 61Q-,.§;!e, 1111d weter resoureeEi pf V1111hon and Meury lsl11nds, King eauntv, w,shinQtOnJ Wright Stete University RINl:HART, W, A., see Jh111ttr of Si1;1ienc!! thesis, 115 p, OEH~JNGER, PETER [and others], 1966. EN!JPAHt., ~ R. [!Ind 01.hersl, 18fH~. ROBIUNS, K. Q., ue Kt;NT, M, 0, land others], 198:3, RlflPI;, A. H,,; 1(1:Nf, M. O., 1!:IBO, Prcifo,;ipn111t JYdgment in a landslide stabili;a:ation proJegt, 1!l RODf.lfilSClf>I, J. A,, se111 l:nginaering Qeology end ~Pils ff119ineering ~ymposi­ HIG!3U.ll, .J, O, !11nd others), 1ee:,. um, Hlth Anm1al, Prpc;e1:1dings; Ic:laho Dep1:1rtment 9f NAfl, 8fJAYANANDA [and others], 1882. HighWBY!i, p, Hi-:l1, ROt)l;:1:rn,. A.. 1;:,, 19fH!, IJ!iJO logy !;Ind CQlll l re11ou rces RJPPE, A, l'l,; !3CHROEPER, W. L., 113?'B, l;IQnSo l Me.,. of the 'l'oledo..C1stl111 Rock district, Cowlitz and tion of fine grainE!d ColYmbie River allu.viym. le l.ewh Cl1;1unties, Washi!'l~tims IJ,S. Geological Sur- l:ngineering Geology and Soils ~nginai;iring ~ymp911i- vey Bulletin 1002, 71 p., 6 plateli, 1,1m, 14th Annu.al, Proc;eedings; Idaho Oepartment pf Highll!iilY!ii, p. 181-.1:!!]7. RD(lt;RTS, A. E.. Sli!8 alli!!l $NAVm.Y, P, o., Jill. [1;1nd pth1:1rs], 19!:i1. AI~AU, J, M,, 19!:lB, Verifipatio11 of !>Qi L slqpe SNAVfi:I.Y, P, D., JR, (and others], 1952, instability using l!:!vel qne &tebi l itY an1:1Lysis. l!l SNAV~I.Y, P, o., JR. (and othersh 195d. fr!!!gas;a:y, R, J,, 11ditor, 1!:!881 Prpc;ee,Hnga of the SNAVl'i!.V, Fl, o.. JR,, [11ni:l othars], 1956. !;?4th symposiym on enaineerinQ geology end sQil'il GNA\/llil.Y, o., JFl, [!llnd otheraJ, 195S. eni:iineE!rins= Ii:!ahp Oepart.ment of Tr,msport,;ition, 8N4VE11.Y, "·f'. P,, .m. [and othEJrs], 1959. p. :rn:3-S44. ROtU'iRTQ, c;, W,, saei RITC::tlif, A, M,, 18fil3, Reco9nition and idel'!tific1;1- JMlHJiN@, R, C. [@nd citl'il!!r!!ll, 1980. tion 1;1f liincl!:!l idei11. l!! Ei::lq:il, I;. 1:1., edfMr, 18~!3, JAflHIHIQ 1 R, C, (end qth!i!rlil, 191111, Le11dslides and engin~ering prec;tic.ei Highway Aeliiearoh Board !iipecial fll:1port 1;!9, p, 4q.,,si,J, F!Q!i!l;Fl'fi, ti. 1;1,, '!QA$, S11i,emgto11ic1:1l ootiv itias of thfl U,S, C:Qi!St ;md !i!fl9datic S1,1rvey i;!uring 1948 RlTGER, ~. D.; CARSON, eoaa, SUESS, !tRWI~I, 1!:la7, [~~11traetJ: GaQlo9ii::al ijocietv of A111erica Bulle­ Methane-derived au.thigenfc car~Qnate§ formed ~y tin, v~ ao, ne. 1 ~. part 2, p. 1967, AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY ROGERS, G. C. 193

ROBERTS, E. B.; CLOUD, W. K., 1958, Seismological ROBINSON, G. D., see activities of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in ZIETZ, ISIDORE [and others], 1971. 1954 and 1955: Seismological Society of America ZIETZ, ISIDORE [and others], 1975. But let in, v. 48, no. 1, p. 83-95. ROBINSON, J. W., 1938, The general geology of the ROBERTS, E. B.; ULRICH, F. P., 1950, Seismological lake Cushman and Hema Hema River area of the Olym­ activities of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey pic Mountains: University of Washington Bachelor in 1948: Seismological Society of America Bulle­ of Science thesis, 32 p. tin, v. 40, no. 3, p. 195-216. ROBINSON, R. A.; PARKER, H. W.; THOMPSON, S. R., ROBERTS, E. B.; ULRICH, F. P., 1951, Seismological 1983, Geotechnical aspects of the Mt. Baker Ridge activities of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey tunnel design. l!! Sutcliffe, Herry; Wilson, J. W., in 1949: Seismological Society of America Bulle­ editors, 1983, Proceedings, 1983 rapid excavation tin, v. 41, no. 3, p. 205-220. and tunneling conference; volume 1: American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum ROBERTS, E. S.; ULRICH, F. P., 1952, Seismological Engineers, p. 343-362. activities of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1950: Seismological Society of America Bulle­ ROBINSON, R. A., see also tin, v. 42, no. 3, p. 207-217. PARKER, H. W. [ and others}, 1983.

ROBERTS, G. C., see ROBINSON, ROBERTS AND ASSOCIATES, 1966, Geohydro­ MILNE, W. G. [and others], 1970. logic report on the proposed Second Avenue sewer tunnel, Seattle: Robinson, Roberts and Associates ROBERTS, J. W., see [Tacoma, Wash.], 66 p., 16 plates. JOHNSON, s. Y. [and others], 1984. ROBINSON, RUSSELL, see ROBERTS, M. C., see THOMPSON, G. A. [and others], 1975. SAUl'DERS, I. R. [and others], 1987. ROBINSON, S. w., 1977, Stable isotopes and the ROBERTS, PETER, see depositional environment of glaciomarine drift FEHLER, M. C. [and others], 198S. [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ stracts with Programs, v. 9, no. 7, p. 1145. ROBERTS, T. H.; ENGEBRETSON, D. C., 1987, Geophys­ ical investigations of the Crescent terrane--North ROBINSON, s. W., 1979, Corrections for marine America boundary, northeastern Olympic Peninsula, shell radiocarbon dates [abstract]: U.S. Geologi­ Washington (abstract]: Geological Society of cal Survey Professional Paper 1150, p. 192. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 6, p. 443. AOBINSOH, S. W., see el so STUlVER, MINZE (and others], 197l1.. ROBERTSON, C. A., 1981, Petrology, sedimentology, and structure of the Chuckanut Formation, Coal RODEN, G. I., 1966, Low-frequency sea level osci l­ Mountain, Skagit County, Washington: University lations along the Pacific coast of North America: of Washington Master of Science thesis, 41 p., 2 Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 71, no. 20, p. plates. 4755-4776.

ROBERTSON, J. F., see ROELOFF, EVELYN, see STAATZ, M. H. (and others], 1971. SIMMONS, GENE (and others], 1981. STAATZ, M. H. [and others], 1972. ROGERS, G. c., 1976, The Vancouver Island earth­ ROBINSON ANO NOBLE, INC., see quake of 5 July 1972: Canadian Journal of Earth BROWN ANO CALOWELL (and others], 1985. Sciences-, v. 13, no. 1, p. 92-101. 194 ROGERS, G. C. SiISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

ROGERS, G. C., 1979, Ea rthqueke fault plane so lu­ m&gathrust earthquake environment [abstract]: Eos t ions near Vancouver Island: Canadian Journal of [American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 68, Earth Sciences, v. 18, no. 3, part 1, p. 523-531. no. 44, p. 1468.

ROGERS, G. c., 1981, A seismotectonic model fQr ROGEFIS, G. c., 19881 Seismicity along the litho­ the Puget SQund region [abstract]: Geological probe corridor on Vancouver Island, Canada [ab­ Association of Canada Abstracts, v. B, p. A-49. straot]I Seismological Research Letters, v. 59, no. 1, p. 16. ROGERS, G. c., 1981, Sei smotecton i cs of the Puget Sound region [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysi­ ROGERS, G. c., RIOl;JIHOUGH, R. P., 1978, Basa map cal Union Transact ions], v. 82, no. 45, p. 1043. for geoscience studies of the Juan de Fuca Plate; progress report [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ ROGERS, G. c., 1983, Seismotectonics of British physical Union TransectionsJ, v. 59, no. 4, p. Columbia: University of British Columbia Doctor 233. of Philosophy thesis, 247 p. ROGERS, G. c., s ae al so ROGERS, G. c., 1983, Seismotectonics of the Juan BORNHOLO, B. D. [and others], 1986. de Fuca plate subduction zone [abstract]: Geolog­ CASSIDY, J. F. [and others], 1988. ical Association of Canada Program with Abstracts, MILNE, w. G. [and others], 1978. v. 8, p. A58. RIDDIHOUGH, R. P. [and others], 1983. RIDDIHOUGH, A. P. [and others], 1985. ROGERS, G. c., 1983, Some comments on the seismic­ \'IAHLSTROM, R. [and others], 1987. ity of the northern Puget Sound-southern Vancouver Island region. In Yount, J. c.; Crosson, R. s., ROGERS, W. P., 1970, A geological and geophysical editors, 1983, Proceedings of workshop XIV, Earth­ study of the central Puget Sound lowland: Univer­ quake hazards of the Puget Sound region, Washing­ sity of Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, ton: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 83- 123 p., 9 plates. 19, p. 19-39. ROGERS, W. P., 1971, A geological and geophysical ROGERS, G. c., 1985, Variation in Cascade volcan­ study of the central Puget Sound lowland [ab­ ism with margin orientation: Geology, v. 13, no. stract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 7, p. 495-498. 31, no. 10, Section e, p. 607D-B.

ROGERS, G. C., 1985, Variation in Cascade volcan­ ROHAV, A. C., 1981, P-wava residuals at Cascade ism with margin orientation [abstract]: Eos volcanoas--Baker, Rainier and St. Helens [ab­ (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 66, stract): Earthquake Notes, v. 52, no. 1, p. 56- no. 3, p. 24. !57.

ROGERS, G. C., 1986, Regional seismic networks in ROHAY, A. C., 1981, Time term analysis of refrac­ the Pacific Northwest [abstract]: Earthquake tion data in southern British Columbia and north­ Notes, v. 58, no. 3, p. 91. ern Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophys­ ical Union Transactions], v. 62, no. 6, p. 59. ROGERS, G. c., 1987, Megathrust potential of the [Note: Text of journal mis-heeded as "v. 62, no. Cascadia subduction zone [abstract]: Eos (Ameri­ !5."] can Geophysical Union Transactions], v. 68, no. 3, p. 46. ROHAY, A. C., 1982, Control of subducted slab geometry beneath the Washington Cascades by conti­ ROGERS, G. C., 1987, Seismicity along the Vancou­ nental deformation [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ ver Island lithoprobe corridor [abstract]: Eos physical Union Transactions], v. 63, no. 45, p. (American Geophysical Union Transactions], v. 68, 1028. no. 52, p. 1816.

ROHAY, A0 0., 1982, Crust end mantle structure of ROGERS, G. c., 1987, Vertical motions in the Van­ the north Cascades Range, Washington: University couver Island region~Possible evidence for a of Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 163 p. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY ROTHSCHILD, STANLEY 195

ROHAY, A. C., 19B2, Crust and mantle structure of Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. the north Cascades Range, Washington [abstract]: 67, no. 44, p. 1198. Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 43, no. 3, Section B, p. 661 e. ROSENBERG, E. A., 1961, Geology and petrology of the northern Wenatchee Ridge area, northern Cas­ ROHAY, A. c., 1903, Crust and mantle velocity cades, Washington: University of Washington Mes­ structure of the north Cascades Range [abstract]: ter of Science thesis, 123 p., 1 plate. Geological Association of Canada Program with Ab­ st rec ts, v. 8, p. A59. ROSEfFELD, c. L., see LAWRENCE, R. D. [and others], 1978. ROHAY, A. C.; MALONE, S. D., 1977, Seismic veloci­ YEATS, R. s. [end others], 1981. ty anomalies in the vicinity of Mt. Baker, Wash­ ington [abstract]: Geological Society of America ROSENGREEN, T. E., 1965, Surficial geology of the Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, no. 4, p. 490. Maple Val Ley end Hobart quadrangles, Washington: University of Washington Meeter of Science thesis, ROHR, K., 1987, Anatomy of the deformation front, 71 p., 1 plate. Vancouver Island, Canada [abstract]: Eos [Ameri­ can Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 68, no. ROSS, C. A.; ROSS, J. R. P., 1983, Late Paleozoic 44, p. 1466. accreted terranea of western North America. !!!. Stevens, C. H., editor, 1983, Pre-Jurassic rocks ROHR, K., see al ao in western North American suspect terranes: YORATH, C. J. [ end others], 1987. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralo­ gists, p. 7-22. ROLAND, J. L., 1983, A paleomegnetic age investi­ gation of pre-Selmon Springs Drift Pleistocene ROSS, C. A., see al so deposits in the southern Puget Lowland, Washing­ MONGER, J. W. H. [and others], 1984. ton: Western Washington University Master of Sci­ ence thesis, 93 p. ROSS, J. R. P., see ROSS, C. A. [and others], 1983. ROLAND, J. L., 1984, A peleomagnetic age determin­ ation of pre-Selmon Springs drift Pleistocene ROSS, R. J., JR., 1977, Ordovician palaogeography deposits in the southern Puget Lowland, Washington of the western United States. !!!. Stewart, J. H.; [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ Stevena, C. H.; Fritsche, A. E., editors, 1977, stracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 5, p. 330. Paleozoic peleogeogrephy of the western United States: Society of Economic Paleontologists and ROLLINS, J. C., see Mineralogists Pacific Section, Pacific Coast Pale­ AGOCS, w. B. [and others], 1954. ogeog raphy Symposium 1, p. 19-38.

ROMSTAO, K. M., see ROSS, S. L., see SHEN, C. K. [and others], 1981. NORMARK, W. R. [and others], 1984.

RONA, P.A., 1983, Potential mineral and energy ROTH, L. H., sea resources at submerged plate boundaries: Natural RAMAGE, JOHN [and others], 1975. Resources Forum, v. 7, no. 4, p. 329-338. ROTH, R. I., 1926, Geology of the central part of ROQUEMORE, GLENN, see the Mount Vernon quedrenglei University of Wash­ ZELLMER, J. T. [and others], 1981. ington Mester of Science thesis, 65 p., 1 plate.

ROSA, J. W. C.; MOLNAR, PETER, 1986, Uncertainties ROTHSCHILD, STANLEY, 1951, Investigations of nick­ in reconstructions of the Pacific, Ferallon, Van­ el occurrences in western Skagit County, Washing­ couver end Kula plates and·constraints on the ton: University of Washington Bachelor of Science rigidity of the Pacific and Ferellon (and Vancou­ thesis, 51 p., 1 plate. ver) plates between 73 and 35 m.y. ago [abstract]: 196 ROUAE, FRANCOIS SEISMIC ffAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

ROURE, FRANCOIS, see Em111ons, end G. M. Dawson]: U..S. Geolog jcal Survey

CHAPLET, MICHEi. [aod other,], 1986.. Annual 8epo.rt9 20th, part 2, p. 83-210.

ROWLEY, S. H., 1978, Preliminary resulte or • RUSSaL, R. H., EDITOR, 1975, Geology end water gravity surv1y or the Mount Adams 1rH, W111hington reaourcee of the San Juan Islands, San Juan Coun­ [ebetreot]; Eoe (American Geophysical Union ty, Washington: Washington Department of Ecology Tr1nsactipnsl, v. 58, no. 4, p. 237. Weter-Supply Bulletin 46, 171 p., 3 plates.

ROWLEY, S. H,, 1982, A geophysical invHtig1tion RUS5al-R08INSON, S. L., see or Mount Adams, Weshington [ebstr,ct]: Eoa (Amer­ LUSlKE, R. G. {aod others], 1983. ican Gaophyaicel Union Transactions). v. 83, no. B, p. 174. RUTER, H.. 1988, Berechnung der Richtungsabhang ig­ kaf t der P-Wellan-Geechwindigkait in Polykristal­ ROY, J., see Unen Eisproben mit Vorgegabener C-Achsen-Vertei­ CONNARD, GERRY [and others], 1984,. lung aus den Elastischen Konstanten des Eiskris­ talls (Calculation of the directional dependence ROY, J. L., su of P-weva velocity in polycrystalline ice samples I~ING, E. [and others], 1968. with a nonstatisticsl distribution of C-axas from elastic constants of ice crystals): Polarfor­

ROY, R0 F., see schung, v. 6, part 37, no. 1-2, p. 175-177. EII.ACKWELL, D. D. [and others], 1971. RUTTER, N. W., see RUBIN, MEYE:R; ALEXANDER, CORRINNE, 1980, U.S. Gao­ BLUNf', D. J. [and others], 1987. logical Survey radiocarbon dates V: American EASTERBROOK, D. J. [and others], 1981. Journal of Science Radiocarbon Supplement, v. 2, EASTERBROOK, O. J. [end others], 1982. p. 162-164. RYAN, B. o., 1977, Fault studies in southern Brit­ RUBUI, MEYER; BERTHOLD, S. M"' 1961, U.S. Geologi­ ish Columbia. !thtettr ! 21'. Shannon and Wilson, cal Survey radiocarbon d1tea VI: Radiocarbon, v. Inc.. Geologic studies in the 1872 earthquake api­ 3, p. 91-92. central region. l!l Washington Public Supply System, 1977, WPPSS nuclear project no. 1--Prsl i m­ RUBIN, MEYER, see also i nary safety analysis report: Washington Public CRANDaL, D. R. [and others], 1982. Power Supply System Docket no. 50-460, Preliminary CRANDELL, D. R. [and others), 1965. safety analysis report, Amendment 23, v. 2A, Ap­ CRANDaL, D. R. (and others], 19715. pend h: 2R, Sub appendix 2R o, Chapter 4, 20 p. CRANDELL, D. R. [ end others), 1981. HOPSON, C. A. [ and others], 1982. RYAN, P. J.; ELDER, R. A.; GARDINER, S. R. M., MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and others], 1985. 1984, Prediction of dam ovprtopping due to mud­ MULLINEAUX, D. R. [ and others}, 1972. flows. l!l Schreiber, D. L., ad itor, 1984, Water RENEAU, S. L. [and others], 1987. for resource development--Proceedings of the con­ ference: American Society of Civil Engineers, p. RUPPa, a. o., 1979, A note on the simple Bouguer 443-448. gravity field in the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca, WHhington: U.S.. Geological Survey Open­ RYAN, W. B. F., see File Report 79-1874, 6 p. DAVIS, E. E. [and others], 1984. DAVIS, E. E. [end others], 1988. RUSSaL, I. c.. 1898, Topographic features due to !

RYDER, J. M., see SALISBURY AND DIETZ, 1980, Geology of the Concrete CLAGUE, J. J. [and others], 1987. quadrangle: U.S. Department of Energy, 1 sheet, seal e 1 :25D,OOO. SAARINEN, T. F.; Sal, J. L., 1985, Warning and response to the Mount St. Halens eruptfon: State SALISBURY AND DIETZ, 1980, Geology of the Wenat­ University of New York Press, 240 p. chee quadrangle: U.S. Department of Energy, 1 s heat, see Le 1: 250,000. SABOL, M. A., see MEYER, WILLIAM [and others], 1984,, SALISBURY AND DIETZ, 1980, Geology of the Yakima MEYER, WILLIAM [and others], 1985. quad rang le: U.S. Department of Energy, 1 sheet, MEYER, WILLIAM [and others], 1986. see Le 1 :250,000.

SACK, R. L., see SANCHES RUBIO, G., see CROW SER, J. C. [and others], 1975. VON HUENE, RCLAND [end others], 1982.

SAFIOLES, S. A., see SANDBERG, C. A., see DETHIER, 0. P. [and others], 1981. POOLE, F. G. [and others], 1977. DETHIER, D. P. [and others], 1982. MILLER, R. D. [and others], 1985. SANDERMAN, L. A.; UTTERBACK, C. L., 1953, Radium PESSL, FRED, JR. [and others], 1982. content of verved clay: American Geophysical PESSL, FRED, JR. [and others], 1984. Union Transactions, v. 34, no. 6, p. 914-920. YClJNG, JIM [and others], 1984. SARGENT, S. C., see SAGER, J. W.; CHAMBERS, 0. R., 1986, Design and ALLEN, J. E. [end others], 1986. construction of the ~pirit Lake outlet tunnel, Mount St. Helens, Washington. 1.t!. Schuster, R. L., SARMAH, S. K., see editor, 1986, Landslide dems~Processes, risk, and BERG, J. w., JR. [end others], 1966. mitigation: American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Special Publ icetion 3, p. 42-5S. SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M., 1981, Tephrochronology of the western region. l!! Charonnet, B. 8.; Rodri­ SAGER, J. W.; GRIFFITHS, J. B.; FARGO, N. J., guez, T. R.; Seiders, Wende H., compilers, 1981, 1984, Spirit Lake outlet tunnel: Tunneling Tech­ Summaries of technical reports, Volume XII: U.S. nology Newsletter, no. 48, p. 1-5. Geological Survey Open-Fi la Report 81-833, p. 162- 163. SAGER, J. w., see also SCOFIELD, D. H. [and others], 1984,, SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M., 1981, Tephrochronology of the western region. l!!. Reeves, J. F.; Rodriguez, SAINT-AMANO, PIERRE; LOMHARDI, O. W.; SHULER, T. R.; Seiders, w. H., compilers, 1981, Summaries HERBERT, 1963, Earthquakes of the western United of technical reports, Volume XI: U.S. Geological States: Boletin Bibliogrefico de Geofisice y Survey Open-Fi Le Report 81-167, p. 172-174. Oceanogrefia Americenas, v. 3, part Geofisica 1960-62, p. 41-105. SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M., 1982, Tephrochronology of the western region. 1.t!. Charonnat, B. B.; Rodri­ ST. HELENS FOREST LAND RESEARCH COOPERATIVE, 1983, guez, T. R.; Seiders, W. H., compilers, 1982, Sum­ Scientific research associated with Mount St. maries of technical reports, Volume XIII: U.S. Helens es of June 1983: St. Helens Forest Land Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-65, p. 153- Re see rch Cooperative, 77 p. 154.

ST. LAWRENCE, W. F., see SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M., 1982, Tephrochronology FERRICK, M. S. [and others], 1984. (western reg ion). In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, QAMAR, ANTHONY [and others], 1981. T. R.; Seiders, w. H., compi Lars, 1982, Summaries OAMAR, ANTHONY [and others], 1983. of technical reports, Volume XlV: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 82-840, p. 151-154. 198 SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M. SEISMlC HAZARDS Of: WlstEAN WASHll'«!fON

SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M., 1983, Taphrochronology IAV AGEt J. C., see al &Iii (western region). l!l Jacobson, M. L.; Flodr1guaa, LISOWSKI, M. [end otharaJ, 1984. T. R.; Seiders, w. H.. compilers, 1983, Summaries LISOWSKI• Mo [and othlliraJ, 1987. or technical reports, Volume XV: U.S. Geological LISOWSKI, M. [and others), 19SB. Survey Open-f'i le Report 83-90, p. 154-11S8. PA!SCOTT, w. H. {end others], 1979. PlfllSCOT't, w. H. [and othersl, 1985. SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M.; CHAMPION, 0. E.; DAV IS, J. PAUCOTT, w. H. (and otheraJ, 1986. 0., 1983, Holocene volcanism in the conterminous PFIE8COTT, w. H. [and other-a}, 1989. United States and the .role of si l icic volcanic ash layers in correlation of latest-Pleistocene and SAVINI, JOHN, see Holocene deposits. l!l Wright, H. &., Jr., editor, FAHNESTOCK. I\ K. [and oth•rs], 1964. 1983, Late-Quaternary environments of the United States; Volume 2, The Holocana1 University of SAWATZKY, 0. L.t see Minnesota Presa, p. 52-77. KIEff!liA, H. H. [and others), 1884.

SARNA-WOJCICKI, A. M.. see also SAWYER, e. s., RIDDIHOUGH, A. P.; DAV IS, e. E.; SHIPLEY, SUSAN [and others], 1983. CURRIE, A. G.., 1984, Sidelit and perspective imagery of the Juan de Fuca and Explorer Ridges SASS, J. H., sea (abstract}: Eos (American Geophysical Union NATHENSON, MANUEL [and others], 1983. Tranaectiona}, v. 65, no. 45, p. 1110.

SAUNDERS, E. J., 1914, The coal fields of Kittitas SAWYER, B. S., see al so , County: Washington Geological Survey Bulletin 9, DAVIS, Ii., E. [and others], 1985. 204 p., 2 plates. DNIS, e. &. [and others}, 1997.

SAUNDERS, I. R.; CLAGUE, J. J 0 ; ROBERTS, M. C., SBAR, M. L., 1982, Dal inaation and interpretation 1987, Deglecietion of Chilliweck River valley, of saismotactonic dtl111ains in western North Ameri­ British Columbia: Canadian Journal of Earth Sci­ ca: Journal or Geophysical Research, v. 87, no. ences, v. 24, no. 5, P• 915-923. 15, p. 3919-3928.

SNAGE, J. C.; LISOWSKI, M.; PRESCOTT, W. H.. SIAR, M. L., 1983, An explanation for contradic­ 1979, Gaodolita measurements of strain accumula­ tory geodetic strain and fault plane solution data tion in Alaska, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, in western North America [abstract]: Earthquake end Washington [abstract): Earthquake Notes, v. Notes, v. 54, no. 1, p,. 18. 50, no. 4, p. 71-72. SCAMMAN, R.. L.J CARSON, BOBB, 1981, Secondary car­ SAVAGE, J. C.; LISOWSKI, M.; PRESCOTT, W. H., bonate on the Washington-Oregon Lower continental 19S1, Dislocation modal for strain accumulation alope--Prectpitetion ralatad to ~ubduction? [ab­ along the Washington coast (abstract}: Eos (Amer­ stract}: Gaotogioal Society of America Abstracts ican Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 82, with Programs, v. 13, no. 7, p. 547. no. 17, p. 404. !llCANDONE, ROBERTO; MALONE, S.. O., 1985, Magma sup­ SAVAGE, J. c.; LISOWSKI, M.J PRESCOTT, W. H.t ply, magma discharge and readjustment of the feed­ 1981, Geodetic strain measurements in Washington: ing sya-tam of Mount St. Helens during 1980: Jour­ Journal of Geophysical Resaerch, v. 86, no. lie, p. nal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 23, 4929-4940. no. 3-4, p. 239-28~.

SNAGE, J. C.; LISOWSKI, M.J PRESCOTT, W. H.. SCANDONE, RIJBERTD, sea al so 19S6, ''Geodetic strain measurements in Washing­ MALONE, S.. 0. [and others}, 1984. ton;" Reply: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, no. 87, p. 7559-7580. SCERRA, J,. D., see DETHIER. O. P. [and others}, 1978. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY SCHRIENER, ALEXANDER, JR. 199

SCBJA, J. E., 1950, Pral iminary report on the SCHELL, W. R., aae al ao ground-water resources of southwestern Skagit BARNES, R. S. [and others], 1979. County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Ground DORN, T. F. [and others], 1982. -Water Report 1, 40 p., 2 plates. FAIRHALL, A. 'ff. [and others], 1986.

SCBJA, J.E., 1957, Geology and ground-water re­ SCHLICKER, H. G.; DEACON, R. J.; TWELKER, N. H., sources of Kitsap County, Washington: U.S. Geo­ 1964, Earthquake geology of the Portland area, logical Survey Water-Supply Paper 1413, 178 p., 3 Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 26, no. 12, p. 209-230. plates. SCHLICHTE, A. K., sae See, A, J. E., aas al so UGOLINI, F. C. [and others], 1973. KINNISON, H. S. [and others], 1983. NEWCOMB, R. C. [and others], 1940. SCHLOCKER, JULIUS, see MULLINEAUX, o. R. [and others], 1967. SCHAFER, GEORGE, sea YOUNT, J. C. [and others], 1980. SMilll, L. H. [and others], 1945. SCHLOTS, F. E.; NESS, A. D.; RASMUSSEN, J. J.; SCHASSE, H. W., COMPILER, 1987, Geologic map of MCMURPHY, C. J.; MAIN, L. L.; RICHARDS, R. J.; the Centralia quadrangle, Washington: Washington STARR, W. A.; KRASHBISKI, S. H., 1962, Soil survey Division of Geology end Earth Resources Open-File of San Juen County, Washington: U.S. Soil Conser­ Report 87-11, 28 p., 1 plate, scale 1:100,000. vation Service Series 1957, no. 15, 73 p., 36 plates. SCHASSE, H. 'ff., COMPILER, 1987, Geologic map of the Mount Rainier quadrangle, Washington: Wash­ SCHLOTS, F. E., ass also ington Division of Geology and Earth Resources ANDERSON, A. C. [and others], 195S. Dpan-Fi la Report 87-16, 43 p., 1 plate, acala 1:100,000. SCHMB.A, R. J.; PALMER, L. A., 1972, Geologic analysis of the Portland Hills-Clackamas River $CHASSE, H. W., sae al ao al ignmant, Oregon: Ore Bin, v. 34, no. 8, p. 93- WALSH, T. J. [and others], 1987. 103.

SCHEIDEGGER, K. F., COMPILER, 1984, Thermal avolu­ SCHMIDT, J. M., aee t ion of the Juan de Fuca Plate. !!l Kulm, L. O.; BANKS, N. G. [and others), 1978. and others, editors, 1984, Western North American BANKS, N. G. [and others], 1979. continental margin and adjacent ocean floor off Oregon and Washington: Marine Science Internation SCHMIDT, S. L., 1972, Geology of the south pert of (Woods Hole, Mass.] Ocean Drilling Program, Re­ Chuckanut Mtn.~A structural and petrological gional Atlas Series 1, p. S. study: Western Washington Stats College Master of Science thesis, 51 p., 1 plate. SCHEIDEGGER, K. F., see also KULM, L. D. [and others], 1979. SCHMIDT, V. A., 888 DUNN, J. Fl. [end others], 1970. SCHB.L, w. R., 1982, Dating Recant (200 years) DUNN, J. R. [and others], 1971. events in sediments from lakes, estuaries, and deep ocean anvi ronmanta using laad-210. !J:!. Currie, SCHNEIDER, v. R., see L.A., editor, 1982, Nuclear end chemical dating JENNINGS, M. e. [and others], 19B1. tachniques--Interpreting the environmental record: JENNINGS, M. e. [and otharal, 19134. American Chemical Society Symposium Series 178, p. 331-361. SCHOONO,ER, RUTH, see BECK, M. E., JR. [and others], 1981. SCHELL, W. R.; SWANSON, J. R.; CURRIE, L. A., BECK, M. E., JR. [and others], 1982. 1983, Anthropogenic changes in organic carbon and trace metal input to Lake Washington: Radiocar­ SCHRIENER, ALEXANDER, JR., 1978, Gravity study of bon, v. 25, no. 2, p. 621-628. the southern Skagit River delta, Washington: Uni- 200 SCHRIENER, ALEXANDER, JR. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON versity of Washington Bachelor of Science thesis, SCHUSTER, J. E., 1988, Geologic map of Washington 26 p. --A progress reports Washington Geologic Newslet­ ter, v. 14, no. 3, p. 28. SCHRIENER, ALEXANDER, JR.. 1977, General geology end selected beee metal distributions in the SCHUSTER, J. E., 1988, 9eolog1c map of Waahington, southern Cascade Range, Washington, University or a progreaa report [abatractJa Northwest Petroleum Washington Baoheli;,r or Science thas1a, 17 p., 1 AaeoofUion Sy1apoaium May 18, 1988, 1 p. plate. SCHUSTER, J. E., EDITOR, 1987, Selected pepera on SCHRIENER, ALEXANDER, JR., 1978, Geology and mcin­ the geology of Wesl'tingtont Washington Div is ton of arel ization of the north part of the Washougal Geology and Earth Raaourcea Sul Latin 77, 3815 p. mining district,Skamcania County, Washington: Oregon State University Master of Science thesis, SCHUSTER, J. E.; BLACKWELL, D. D-, HAMMOND, P. E.; 135 p., 1 plate. tlJNrTING, M. T., 1978, Heat flow studiaa in the Steamboat Mountain-Lemei Rock area, Skamania Coun­ SCHROEDER, w. L.; ALTO, J. v., 1983, Soil proper­ ty, Waehingtonl Washington Division of Geology ties for slope stability analysis-Dragon and and Earth Resources Information Circular 82, 58 p. Washington coastal mountain&1 Forest Science, v. 29, no. 4, p. 823-833. SCtlJSTER, J. E., sea al so BLACKWELL, D. o. [and others}, 1973. SCHROEDER, W. L.; MARKER, D. K.; KHUAYJAREANPAN­ BLACKWELL, D. D. [and others}, 1982. ISHK, THANASARN, 1974, Instrumentation of a ci rcu­ lar call bulkhead. l!! Engineering Geology and SCHUSTER, R. L., 1981, Effects of the eruptions on Soils Engineering Symposium, 12th, Proceedings: civil works and operations in the Pacific North­ Idaho Department of Highways, p. 113-122. west. l!! Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, o. R., edi­ tor•, 1981, The 1980 eruptiona or Mount St. Hel­ SCHROEDER, W. L., sea also ens, Waahingtonr U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ RIPPE, A. H. [and others], 197&. sional Paper 1250, p. 701-718.

SCHUCHERT, CHARLES, 1955, Atlas of paleogeogrephic SCHUSTER, R. L., 1981, Engineering aspaots or the mapa of North America: Wi lay [New York, N.Y.J, 1980 Mount St. Helena eruptions [sbetracth Asso­ 177 p. ciation or Engineering Geologists, 1981 Annual Meeting, Program with Abstracts, p. 52. SCHULTZ, ADAM; SOOICER, J. R.. 1981, Magnatotallur­ ic study of Mt. St. Helena [abstracth Eoa (Amer­ SCHUSTER, R. L., 1983, Engineering aspects of the ican Geophysical Union Transactions}, v. 62, no. 1980 Mount St. Helens eruptions: Association of a, p. 81. [Notaa Text of Journal mia-headad as Engineering Geologists Bulletin, v. 20, no. 2, P• "v. 82, no. 5."1 125-143.

SCHULTZ, ADAM; BOOKER, J. R.; LARSEN, JIM, 1997, SCHUSTER, A. L., 1984, Effects of Landslides and Lake bottom magnatotallurics: Journal of Geophys­ mudftowe associated with the May 1980 eruption of ical Research, v. 92, no. 610, p. 10,639-10,649. Mount St. Helens, northwestern ll.s.A.: Japan Landslide Society Journal, v. 21, no. 3, p. 1-10. SCHULTZ, ADAMJ CHAVE, A. 04 BOOKER, J. R.; LAR­ SEN, JIM, 1985, Lake-bottom magnatotal lurica [ab­ SCHUSTER, R. L., 1984, Engineering studies, May stract}: Eoa (American Geophysical Union Transac­ 1980 eruption, Mount St. Helene [abstract]: U.S. t ions), v. 66, no. 46, p. 877. Geological Survey Profaaaional Paper 1375, p. 217.

SCHUSTER, J. E., 1973, A learning guide on the SCHUSTER, R. L., 1985, Landsl ida dams in the west­ geology of the Cispue Environmental Canter area, ern United States: International Conference and Lewis County, Washington: Washington Division of Field Workshop on Landslides, 5th, Proceedings, Geology and Earth Resources Opan,,-File Report 73-4, Tokyo, p. 411-418. 53 p. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY SCOTT, K. M. 201

SCHUSTER, R. L.; CRANDELL, D. R., 1984, Catastro­ SCHWARZ, S. O., 1968, Geophysical site exploration phic debris avalanches from volcanoes: Interna­ -Thi rd Lake Washington floating bridge. l!! Engi­ tional Symposium on Landslides, 4th, Proceedings, neering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium, v. 1, p. 567-572. 6th Annual, Proceedings: Idaho Department of Highways, p. 147-156. SCHUSTER, R. L.; KRIZEK, R. J., EDITORS, 1978, Landslides--Analysis and control: National Aca­ SCHWARZ, S. D., 1978, Hydrographic and subbottom demy of Sciences Transportation Research Board acoustic profiling surveys of Lake Entiat, Wash­ Special Report 178, 234 p., 1 pleta. ington• .!!! Kienle, c. F., Jr.; Farooqui, s. M.; Strazar, R. J.; Hamill, M. L., 1978, Investigation SCHUSTER, R. L.; MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1982, Eng i­ of the Ribbon Cliff Landslide, Entiat, Washington: nee ring geologic aspects of volcanic activity [ab­ Shannon and Wilson, Inc., Appendix A, 3 P., B stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts figs. with Programs, v. 14, no. 7, p. 612. SCOFIELD, 0. H.; SAGER, J. W.; GRUBAUGH, PHIL; SCHUSTER, R. L., see also JOHNSON, A. G., 1984, Seismic hazards eveluation CROWSER, J. C. [and others], 1973. of 8onnav il le Dam [abstract]: Oregon Academy of CROWSER, J. C. [and others], 1975. Science Proceedings, v. 20, p. 50. MEYER, WILLIAM [and others], 1988. YOUD, T. [and others], 1981. L. SCOFIELD, 0. H., sea also JOHNSON, A. G. [and others}, 1988. SCHWARCZ, H. P., see GASCOYNE, M. [end others}, 1981. SCOTT, K. M., 1984, Flow transformations and tex­ tural variation in lahars et Mount St. Helens, SCHWARTZ, O. P., 1988, Subduction zone earthquakes Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of in the Pacific Northwest--Evaluating the potential America Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. B, P• --Thoughts for discussion at the Seattle workshop. 649. In Hays, w. w.; Gori, P. L., editors, 1988, Pro­ ;.;edings of confaranoe >OO

SCHWARTZ, M. L.; GRABERT, G. F., 1973, Coastal SCOTT, K. M., 1985, Origin, behavior, and sedimen­ processes and prehistoric maritime cultures.!!! tology of catastrophic lahars at Mount St. Helens, Coates, D.R., editor, 1973, Coastal geomorpholo­ Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of gy; Pert 3, Applications of geomorphology: State America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 7, p. University of New York Publications in Geomorphol­ 711. ogy, Geomorphology Symposium Series, 3rd, p. 303- 320. SCOTT, K. M., 1988, Lahars and laher-runout flows in the Toutle-Cowl itz River system, Mount St. SCHWARTZ, M. L.; TERICH, T. A., 1979, Puget Sound Helens, Washington-Magnitude and frequency: U.S. Pleistocene-Holocene crustal motion end see-Level Geological Survey Opan-File Report 86-500, 95 P• changes [abstract]: Pacific Science Congress, 14th, Abstracts of Papers, p. 134. SCOTT, K. M.; LAENEN, ANTONIUS; KRESCH, D. L., 1987, Hydrologic hazards downstream from Cascade 282 SCOTT, K. M.

Range volcllnQlilS-TechniquH of ri!!lk aBl!llY,ili!, le. {~A4-IPDE, 197Q) [I\IPJtfleet]1 Sos (American G10- Asaociation of State F~oodplain Manager,, 1987, pnv11ic1l Unfo11 'fr11tHi,ctiJllfllilf1 ¥, 5~, no, .4, P• Realistic approachaa to battar floqi:!plain m~nat.­ su. ment; proca,dinga of the 11th 1nnuel confar,nc~ University of Colorfdo Ntt1.1ral tt.nrd1 InforHtion SJ:EDEL1 ot:AN, ••• 1l110 Center Spech1l PubUc1tion 18, P• 2B~1. a..vea,, PQLM5 {1P~ Qther,h 1973.

SCOTT, Ko ti., see 11lso SEIDERS, •, H., PO~Pllf::#11 1978, Su111D1arias of tei;:h­

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SCQTT, W. E0; HOBLITT, R0 P,; MJLLl;lh Co D0, 1987, pere4 by pertici~nts in "-tional E1rthqµ11ke Wa• poatglacial volcanism in tha i::a,cada arc 1pi­ H11ude R•rluction Pro9N.1m1 U.S. G11ological Sur­ sodic? [abstract): Eos (American Gaophyeical v,v, 544 P• Union TransectiQris), v, 68, no. 44. p. 1528. SEl.f, 'f~E~ 1:1111 SEABECK, F. P!# BRI.ITON, J, C., 1985, Report pn F~ISt Pl=TJ=R {IM o~h11raJ, 19l37o geotechnicel exploretion, proJect section ETS-~, Renton effluent tranafar systems Convaraa Con­ SEl,.L, J. L~, see sultants, Inc., (under contract number •IF 17-85 SAARINEN, T. F0 [and others!, 1981:i. to Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle], 1 v. SENNETT, ll,, ~, 1975, Extel'!Jifilfl Qf ruJtwey 10f! at SEARLS~ Pf!AIG, see the Portl~ Intarnationi,l Airport. .!!! Engin11ering BATTIE, JOHN (and others], 19750 Geology and Soila Engineering Sy~posiu111, 13th, Procaedingf; ldaho Qapertment of High,ays, P~ SECOR, J. 801 sa,a aa1-2aa, LOTSPEICH, F, 13, [aod othara), 1961, Se91:GJN, ~ M,, HI SEEO, H. B,; IDRISS, I0 H,1 1969, An 1nalyeh! of S(.W(OLJ:lf, ~ A. !tn4 <1thersl, 1976. ground motions at Union Bay during the 1987 saattla aarthquaka [abstract]; E1rthquaka Notae, SS,EBINGHAUli, iJWF, ATW~TER, r~ "~· 1887, Agl:I of v, 40, no. 2, P• 17. Lithoaphere subducte~ be,...,ath w1stern NQrth Amari­ ca:--Jmplications for tha ~~ena seia~ic history SESl, H. B.; IDRISS. I. t4ot 1870, An1l ys11t11 of of thaCaecadil slab {I\IPl!tract): Eos {Americ1n ground ~o~ions et Union Bay, Sa11ttl1, during Geophyli!1r::ll!l !Jnion Trana11r::tion!i1l, v, sa, no. 44, p. a11rthqu!ilkH ,m1 distarit nuclear blaata: Sei&1110- 1467. logical Society of America Bulletin, v. 80, no. 1, p. 125-136. Sa/IGNY, J. H.. 18~~ Structure and petrology of the TqmyhQi Peak araa, north Casi::ade Renge, Wash­ SEEMANN, D. A., &ae ington; Waatern Weshing1i1>!1 Univ1:1rsity Maiiter of CURRIE, R, G. hmd other&h 188~ Sciaoca th,a,ia, 1203 p., 3 plates..

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Stti:RlF, M0 A,; 8QSTRQM, R. c., WU, 140-J., '11371), SHI~EY, S,IJ~N; SAf\tfA... WO.lOIC!(.I, A. M!, 1Q~, lha­ Tha aaximum dtvietor etr,ss and effective strass tributiqn, \tliQkn111, tnQ 111•11 of l1t1 PltillltQcene ratio failur, criteria as reletad to strasa and ind Ho~Qc,n, tuhrt frQ111 H.Jor VQlc1noH in th1:1 strain-co11trolled tests during triaxial tatting; nqrthHl!ltern \.lnitQd S\11\(u~-A pr,L intin,rv aa13aa13- lntarnaticnal AsBQciatipn of Engin•aring 6aplogy 111oot Qf h1nrd111 h@IQ vo~c,ni!l e,i1pt1 to nuclHr Irit,rnation,L CongrE!liil! Proceedings, v. 1, p. 356- rHctor11 in the. P1ciific 114Qrth111Ht~ U.ij, G1i1ologi­ 375. c1l S1,1rvE1y Mi111:,Jl ltfl@Q\tl F-i@ld StYditli M,p MF- 1~,, 1 pl1t,, 139.J.~EI 1:2,51lfM>Q~ 1111 ith 27 P• text. SHeRIF, M, A.; ISHlft'\f:!ttI, ISAO; lCEARNliB, .J, !Co,, 1976, Micr1u;on1tion bY 1111pl ific8tion r,t.io t,ch~ SHWil..l:R• DONNA, 111 niqua~ U.S. National T1chnicel lnformttion B1r- a~RRASH, WAR~N tond qthar1l, 1sa1. 1,1ice PB E:)0,,.1518131 2 !!!hHtS. l!liQrpfich@ f1Q1 p0}. SttCIR, Q, G,, JR'!i Ql:ttl. l"~IHl,, Pl:Tl:Ri l(t RI<, H. K.; SttERlF, M. II\.; Wll, M,-..t., 1970, PQr• pr11cifi1Ur1 FRINCtt, I, S... 1918, Seiaaic refr1ction 11t~dielll v1riatiQr1 d11rin9 c;ycl ic statiCl tHt.. l,!!, ll!nqinaer­ Qff Qr19on on~ nor\hern ~1liforni!l; Jo11rn1L of ing ~11q\pgy ~md Soilll EnginHring 1!iympa1i1.1m, $th GtQPhYliQll FIHilfth, v.. 1a, no. q, P. a175-219.~ Ann1.1al, Pro.ca~ings; Idaho n1partmant of High­ ways, Po 37-54. SHOR, G, a., Jfl.; Ml:NA\RQ, 11. w.. RAHT, R. w~, 1970, Str1.1cturE1 of the Pacific 13a11in, Ohapt,r 1 In AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY SILVER, E. A. 205

Maxwell, A. E., editor, 1970, The sea-Ideas and and Geothermal Research, v. 22, no. 3/4, p. 163- observations on progress in the study of ths seas; 197. Vol. 4, New concepts of sea floor evolution; Part II, Regional observations, concepts: Wiley SIEGFRIED, R. T., 1978, Stratigraphy and chronolo­ Interscisnca, p. 3-27. gy of raised marina terraces, Bay View Ridge, Ska­ git County, Washington: Western Washington Uni­ SHO,IC, H. F., 1979, Genesis, classification, and versity Msstsr of Science thesis, 52 p., 1 plats. variability of the Kitsap series, Washington: Washington Stats University Doctor of Philoaophy SIEGFRIED, R. T.; PALMER, PAMELA, 1978, Investiga­ thesis, 187 p. tion of tectonic deformation in the Puget Lowland, Washington. .!Jl U.S. Geological Survey, 1978, SHOfIC, H. F., 1979, Genesis, classification, and Summaries of technical reports, Volume VI: U.S. variability of the Kitsap series, Washington Geological Survey, p. 60-62. [abstract}: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 40, no. 4, Section B, p. 143B-B. SIEGFRIED, R. T., ass also PALMER, PAMELA [and others], 197S. SHOV IC, H. F.; FRAZIER, B. E.; GILKESON, R. A., 1982, Properties and classification of Kitsap SIGAFOOS, R. S.; HENDRICKS, E. L., 1969, Th s ti ma soils in northwestern Washington: Soil Science interval bstwssn stabilization of alpine glacial Society of America Journal, v. 46, no. 6, p. 1253- deposits and establishment of tras seedlings: 1259. U.S. Gsolog ical Survey Professional Paper 650-S, P• 989-893. SHREVE, R. L., see CLOOS, MARK [and others], 1987. SIGAFOOS, R. S., see al so CRANDaL, o. R. [and others], 1965. SHULER, HERBERT, see SAINT-AMANO, PIERRE [and others], 1963. SILBERLING, N. J.; JONES, D. L.; BLAKE, M. c., JR.; HOWELL, D. G.; Allll OTHERS, 1984, L ithotecton­ SIBLEY, E. A.; GILKESON, R. A., 1960, Stats of ic tsrrane map of the western conterminous United Washington engineering soils manuel--Soils of States. .!Jl Silbsrling, N. J.; Jonas, D. L., edi­ Pierce County: Washington State Institute of tors, 1984, Lithotsctonic terrens maps of the Technology, Division of Industrial Rssssrch North American Cordi l lsra: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 248, 189 p. Open-Fi la Report 84-523, p. C1-C43, 1 plats, scale 1:2,500,000. SIBLEY, E. A.; KRASHEVSKI, S. H., 1957, Stats of Washington engineering soils msnual--Soils of Kit­ SILBERLING, N. J., sea al so titas County: Washington Stats Institute of Tech­ JONES, o. L. land others], 1978. nology, Division of Industrial Rssssrch Bulletin 239, 158 p. SILVER, E. A., 1971, Small plats tectonics in the northeastern Pacific: Geological Society of SIDLE, R. c., 1980, Slope stability on forest America Bulletin, v. 82, no. 12, p. 3491-3496. land: Oregon State University Extension Service PNW 209, 23 P• SILVER, E. A., 1972, Pleistocene tectonic accre­ tion of the continental slops off Washington: SIDLE, R. C., 1980, Slope stability on forest Merine Geology, v. 13, no. 4, p. 239-249. land: U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Expari mant Station PNW 209, 23 p. SILVER, E. A., 1973, The continental margin off California to Washington--A history of partial SIDNEY, a. C., see coupling between lithospheric plates [abstract]: YORATH, C. J. [end others], 1978. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 5, no. 1, p. 106-107. SIEBERT, LEE, 1984, Large volcanic debris avalan­ chas--Cheracteristics of source areas, deposits, SILVER, E. A., 1975, Tectonic settfog of the con­ and associated eruptions: Journal of Volcano logy tinental margin off the western United States [ab- 206 SILVER, E. A. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

street]: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists ics: Basement Tectonics Committee, Inc. [Denver] Memoir 4, p. 894. Pub l icet ion 3, p. 329.

SILVER, E. A., 1978, Geophyeioal studies and tec­ SIMMONS, J. D., 1973, Relative seismic response of tonic development of the continental margin oft materials fn the etudy area. l!! Capps, Gerald; the western United States, lat. 34 degrees to 48 Simmons, J. D.; V idegar, F. D., 1973, Geology of degrees N. l!! Smith, R. B.; Eaton, G. P., editors, southern Snohomish County for land-use planning: 1978, Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics Western Washington Stets College, 13 p. of the western cordillera: Geological Society of

America Memoir 1521 p. 251-282. SIMMONS, J. D., 1973, Slope stability of southeast Snohomish County. l!! Capps, Gerald; Simmons, J. SILVER, E. A.; BARNARD, W. D., 1971, Pleistocene D.; Videgar, F. 0., 1973, Geology of southern Sno­ tectonics of the Washington continental slope [ab­ homish County for land-use planning: Western stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts Washington State College, 10 p. w;th Programs, v. 3, no. 2, p. 193. SIMMONS, J. o., 1973, Supplement to, Preliminary

SILVERBERG, D.S., 19851 The Shuksen fault in the report on the geology of southern Snohomish Coun­ Whitechuck Mountain-Mount Pugh area, north Cas­ ty: Washington Division of Geology end Earth cades, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society Resources Open-File Report 73-1, supplement, 4 of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. B, sheets, scale 1:24,000. p. 408. SIMMONS, J. D., sea also SILVERBERG, o. s., 1985, Structure and petrology CAPPS, GERALD [and others], 1lil7S. of the Whitechuck Mountain-Mount Pugh area, north Cascade Range, Washington: Western Washington SIMON. R. B., 1972, Geology of the Camp Creek Unhersity Msster of Science thesis, 173 p., 3 area, northern Skamania County, Washington: Uni­ plates. versity of Washington Master of Science thesis, 33 p., 1 p Late. SIMKIN, THOMAS, see OUICAN, J. R. [and others], 1969. SIMONSON, E. A., 1981, The Tertiary volcanic rocks of the Mt. Daniel area, central Washington Cae­ SIMKIN, TOM; ANO OTHERS, 1981, Volcanoes of the cadesa University of Washington Master of Science world--A regional directory, gazetteer, and chro­ thesis, BO p. nology of volcanism during the Last 10,000 years: Hutchinson Ross Publishing Company, 232 p. SIMPSON, D. P., see BRADLEY, J. B. [and others], 1982. SIMMONS, G. c.; VAN NOY, R. M.; ZILKA, N. T., 1974, Mineral resources of the Cougar Lakes-Mount SIMPSON, R. w.; JACHENS, R. c.; BLAKELY' R. J., Aix study area, Yakima and Lewis Counties, Wash­ 1988, A new isostatic residual gravity map of the ington; withe section on Interpretation of aero­ conterminous United States with a discussion on magnetic date, by w. E. Devis: U.S. Geological the significance of isostatic residual anomalies: Survey Open-Fi le Report 74-243, SD p., 3 plates. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, no. BB, p. 8349-8372. SIMMONS, G. C., see also GUALTIERI, J. L. [end others], 1973. SIMPSON, R. W.; MAGILL, J. R.; WELLS, R. E.; COX, GUALTIERI, J. L. [end others], 1974. A. v., 1980, Poat 12 m.y. rotation of southwestern Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical SIMMONS, GENE; TILLSON, D. D.; WANG, HERB; ILLFEL­ Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 949. DER, HERBERT; ROELCFF, BIELYN, 1981, Gravity, stress, and earthquakes in Washington State and SIMPSON, R. W., see al so surrounding areas [abstract]. In O'Leary, D. w.; BATES, R. G. [and others], 1979. Earle, J. L., editors, 1981, Proceedings of the HILDENBRAND, T. G. [and others), 1982. third international conference·on basement tecton- MAGILL, J. R. [and others], 1982. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY SMITH, G. A. 207

SIMPSON, s. J., 1979, Bibliography of Snohomish SLEMMONS, o. a.; CARVER, G. c.; GLASS, c. E.; County geology, with an index to geologic mapping: TREXLER, D. T.; TILLSON, 0. 0., 1981, Remote Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources sensing analysis of fault activity and lineament unpublished report, 1 v. pattern of the epicentrel region of the 1872 Pacific Northwest earthquake. l!! 0 Leery, D. W.; SIMS, J. D., 1975, Determining earthquake recur­ Earle, J. L., editors, 1981, Proceedings of the rence intervals from deformational structures in Third International Conference on basement tecton­ young lacustrine sediments: Tsctonophysics, v. ics: Basement Tectonics Committee, Inc. [Denver] 29, p. 141-152. Publ icetion 3, p. 51-63.

SIMS, J. D., 1979, Records of prehistoric earth­ SLEMMONS, o. B.; CARVER, G. C.; TREXLER, D. T., quakes in sedimentary deposits of lekea--Methode 1977, Remote sensing analysis of the 1872 earth­ for earthquake prediction, Part 10: U.S. Geologi­ quake epicantral region• .!!!. Washington Public Sup­ cal Survey Earthquake Information Bulletin, v. 11, ply System, 1977, WPPSS nuclear project no. 1- no. S, p. 229-233. Preliminery safety analysis report: Washington Public Power Supply System Docket no. 50-460, SIN;ER, MICHAa; UGOLINI, F. C., ZACHARA, J., Preliminary safety analysis report, Amendment 23, 1979, In situ study of podzolization on tephre and v. 28, Appendix 2R, Subappendix 2R G, 17 p. bedrock: Soil Science Society of America Journal, v. 42, no. 1, p. 105-111. SLEMMONS, D. B., see also COOMBS, H. A. [and others], 1976. SINNOTT, G. M., see COOMBS, H. A. [and others], 1977. MANSON, c. J. {and others], 1987. GLASS, C. E. [and others}, 1977. zaLMER, J. T. [and others}, 1981. SINTON, J. M.; CHRISTIE, D. M., 1992, Geochemical anomalies of the Blanco and Cobb propagating rifts SLOSSON, J. E., sea -An evolutionary model {abstract]: Eos (American KROHN, J. P. [and others}, 1978. Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, no. 45, p. 1147. SMART, R. M., sea BRANNON, J. M. [and others], 1984. SKEHAN, J. w., 1965, A continental-oceanic crustal boundary in the Pacific Northwest: U.S. Air Force SMITH, C. L., 1981, Stratigraphy of the Red Moun­ Office of Aerospace Resaerch, 52 p. tain Formation (lower Pennsylvania) of northwest­ ern Washington: University of British Columbia SKEHAN, J. w., 1965, The Olympic-Wallowa lineament Master of Science thesis, 98 p., 5 plates. -A major deep-seated tectonic feature of the Pacific Northwest [abstract): American Geophysi­ SMITH, DANia, sea cal Union Transactions, v. 46, no. 1, p. 71. EGGERS, A. A. [end others], 1987.

SKEHAN, J. w., 1966, The Olympic-Wallowa linaement SMITH, DAVID, sea -A major deep-seated tectonic feature of the PALM, R. I. [and others], 1983. Pacific Northwest [abstract]: Geological Society of America Special Peper 87, p. 158-159. SMITH, G. A., 1983, Giant armored mud boulder from the 1982 Mount St. Helens mudflows--Discussion: SKIPP, B. A., see Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 53, no. 4, p. RADBRUCH-HALL, D. H. [and others], 1976. 1355-1358. RAOBRUCH-HALL, D. H. [and others], 1982. SMITH, G. A., 1986, Cenozofo stratigraphic arcM­ SLATER, L. E., see tecture of Oregon-Washington Cascades-A sedimen­ HUGGETT, G. R. [and others], 1975. tologist•s perspective [abstract]: American Asso­ ciation of Petroleum Geologists Sul let in, v. 70, SLAWSON, W. F., see no. 5, p. 849. LISOWSKI, M. [and others], 1984,, 208 SMITH, G. A. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WES'fERN WASHINGTON

SMITH, G. A., see also sl\aat 11ticroficl\a f69 p.}; U.S. lt&tionat Tacl:mical SMITH, R. D. [and others}, 1983. lnfovmatton Service PS 85-211629.

SMITH, G. o., 1900, [Landal ides in Mount Stuart SMITl'l, J. D,.; \'iIGMOSTA, M. So; OONNEe THOMAS, quadrangle, Washington}: Geological SOciaty of 1983, Mechanical properties of the 1980 mudflow in America Bul Latin, v. 11, p. 583-584,, the north fork of the Toutle River f abstracth Eos [American Geophysical Union Transections), v. SMITH, G. 0.. 1903, Anticl inal mountain ridges in 84, no. 45,, p. 707. central Washington: Journal of Geology, v. 11, no. 2, p. 188-177. SMITH, J. D., see al so DUNNE, THOMAS [and others}, 1983. SMITH, G. 0.. 1903, Geologic atlas of the United FAIRCHILD, L. H. [and others}, 1982. States-Ellensburg folio, Washington: U.S. Geo­ WlGMOSTA, M. S. [end others}, 1981. logical Survey Geologic Folio 88, 7 p. SMITH, J. G., sea SMITH, G. 0.. 1904, Geologic atlas of the United EYARTS, R. C. [and others), 1987. States-Mount Stuart folio, Washington: U.S. Geo­ logical Survey Geologic Folio 108, 10 p. SMITH, L. H.; DWYER, C. H.; SCHAFER, GEORGE, 1945, Soil survey, Kittitas County, Washington: U.S. SMITH, G. D.; CALKINS, F. C., 1904, A geological Bureau of Plant Ind1.1stry Soil Survey Series 1937, reconnaissance acroaa the Cascade Range near the no. 13, 89 p., 1 plate. forth-ninth peral Lal: U.S. Geological Survey Bul­ letin 235, 103 p. SMITH, L. H.; OLSON, H. A., FOX, W. W., 1951, Soil survey of Clallam County, \lfaahington: U.S. Bureau SMITH, G. O.; CALKINS, F. C., 1908, Geologic atlas of Plant Induetry Soil Survey Series 1938, no. 30, of the United States-Snoqualmie folio, Waahing­ 55 p., 3 plates. ton: U.S. Gao log icel Survey Geologic Folio 139, 14 p. SMITH, M. T., 1986, Deformation of the Chill iwack Group in the Lake Shannon area, northwestern Cas­ SMITH, G. O.. see also cades, Washington [abatract]: Geological Society WILLIS, BAILEY [and others], 1899. of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 2, p. 187. SMITH, H. W.; OKAZAKI, ROSE; KNOWLES, C. R., 1975, Electron microproba analysis as a teat of the SMITH, M. T., 1988, Structure and petrology of the correlation of West Blacktail Ash with Mount St. Grandy Ridge-Lake Shannon area, north Cascades, Helena pyroclastic Layer T: Northwest Science, v. Washington: Western Washington University Mester 49, no. 4, p. 209-215 (Washington State University of Soiance thesis, 158 p., 2 plates. College of Agriculture Scientific Paper SP4407). SMITH, M. T., 1988, Deformational geometry and SMITH, H. W.; OKAZAKI, ROSE; KNOWLES, C. R., 1977, tectonic significance of a portion of the Chilli­ Electron microprobe data for tephra attributed to week Group, northwestern Cascades, Washington: Glacier Peek, Washington: lluatarnery Research, v. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 25, no. 3, 7, no. 2, p. 197-208. p. 433-441.

SMITH, H. W., sea el so SMITH, MACKEY, 1972, Stratigraphy and chronology LOTSPEICH, F. B. [end others], 1961. of the Tacoma area, Washington: Western Washing­ ton State Col Lege Master of Science thesis, 38 p., SMITH, J. A., 1987, An expert system model of Mt. 1 plate. St. Helens: U.S. Geological Survey, 23 P• SMITH, MACKEY, 1974, Landsliding and slope stabil­ SMITH, J. D.s DUNNE, THOMAS; FAIRCHILD, L. H., ity in the southern Puget Lowland, Washington [ab­ 1983, Flow p rope rt ies of the Mt. St. Helena mud­ stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts f low materials: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1 with Programs, v. 8, no. 3, p. 255. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY SMITH, s. W. 209

SMITH, MACKEY, 1974, Poulsbo slide: Washington SMITH, MACKEY, see also Geologic Newsletter, v. 2, no. 3, p. 7. ARTIM, E., R. [and others], 1973. CARSON, R. J. [and others], 1975. SMITH, MACKEY, 1975, Eerthqueke hazards of Clark EASTERBROOK, D. J. [and others], 1973. County, Washington: Washington Division of Geolo­ gy and Earth Resources Open-File Report 75-12, 2 SMITH, P. E., see p-. 1 plate, sea le 1 :63,360. JENNINGS, M. E.. [and others], 1981. JENNINGS, M. E., [and others], 1984. SMITH, MACKEY, 1975, Preliminary surficial geolog­ ic map of the Edmonds Eaat end Edmonds West quad­ SMITH, R. S., 1978, Seiamicity, crustal structure, rangles. Snohomish and King Counties, Washington: and intraplate tectonics of the interior of the Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources western cordillera. l!! Smith, R. S.; Eaton, G. P., Geologic Map GM-14, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,DDO. editors, 1978, Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics of the western cordillera: Geological SMITH, MACKEY, 1976, Geologic factors affecting Society of America Memoir 152, p. 111-144. waste disposal practices, Gig Harbor Peninsula, Pierce County, Washington: Washington Division of SMITH, R. S.; EATON, G. P-. EDITORS, 1978, Cenozo­ Geology end Earth Resources Geologic Map GM-19, 1 ic tectonics and regional geophysics of the west­ sheet, scale 1:3,1680. ern cordillera: Geological Society of America Memoir 152, 388 p. SMITH, MACKEY, 1978, Preliminary surficial geolo­ gic map of the Mukilteo and Everett quadrangles, SMITH, R. B.; LINOH, A. G., 1978, Fault-plane Snohomish County, Washington: Washington Division solutions of the western United States--A compila­ of Geology end Earth Resources Geologic Map GM-20, tion. !!l Smith, R. B.; Eaton, G. P., editors, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. 1978, Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics of the western cordillera: Geological Society of SMITH, MACKEY, 1978, Relative potential for dif­ America Memoir 152, p. 107-109. ferential settlement, Gig Harbor Peninsula, Pierce County, Washington: Washington Division of Geolo­ SMITH, R. D.; SMITH, G. A., 1983, Deposits of gy and Earth Resources Geologic Map GM-17, 1 excessive sediment Load floods in volcanic regions sheet, scale 1:31,680. --A modern and an ancient example [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, SMITH, MACKEY, 1978, Relative slope stability of no. 45, p. 707. Gig Harbor Peninsula, Pierce County, Washington• Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources SMITH, R. L.; LUEDKE, R. G., 1984, Potentially Geologic Map GM-18, 1 sheet, scale 1:31,880. active volcanic lineaments and loci in western conterminous United States. 1!l National Research SMITH, MACKEY, 1978, Surficial geology of north­ Council Geophysics Study Committee, 1984, Explo­ east Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington: Washing­ sive volcanism-Inception, evolution, and hazards: ton Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open­ National Academy Prass, p. 47-66, 3 plates. Fi la Report 76-9, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,DDO. SMITH, R. L.. see also SMITH, MACKEY, 1977, Geologic map of the city of LUEDKE, R. G. [and others], 1982. Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington: Washington LUEDKE, R. G. [and others], 1983. Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File LUEDKE, R. G. [and others], 1984. Report 77-9, 1 sheet, sea Le 1 :24,DDO. SMITH, ROCKWaL, 1958, Economic and legal sspacts. SMITH, MACKEY; CARSON, R. J., 1977, Relative slope 1!l Eckel, E., 8., editor, 1958, Landslides and stability of the southern Hood Canal area, Wash­ engineering practice: Highway Research Board ington: U.S. Geological Survey Mi seal lanaous Spacial Report 29, p. 6-19. Investigations Series Map I-853-F, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. SMITH, S. w., 1976, Skagit Valley earthquakes of 1974-75 [abstract]: Eos (Amer;can Geophysical Un;on Transactions), v. 57, no. 2, p. 90. 210 SMITH, s. W. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

SMITH, s. w., 1985, Introduction to aaiamolog1cal SNAVELY, P. D., JR., 1979, Stratigraphic and tec­ concepts related to earthquake hazards in the tonic framework, Oregon-Washington continental Pacific Northwest. 1.!!. Building Seismic Safety margin [abstracth U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ Council, 1985, Societal implications--Seleotad sional Peper 1150, p. 149. raedings1 Building Seismic Safety Council Earth­ quake Hazards Reduction Series 14, p. 7-1 - 7-18. SNAVELY, P. D., JR., 1981, Geophysical data col­ lected on the continental margin midway between SMITH, S. W.; MALONE, S. D.; BATTIS, J. Col WEN­ Waehington Stat• and Vancouver Island, B. C., ER, C. S., 1973, 9aismicity of Mt. Rainier, a pro­ along Lina 19, USGS RIV SJI. Laa cruise 3-76: gress report [abstract]I Eos (American Geophysi­ U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report B1-B96, 1 cal Union Transactions), v. 54, no. 3, P• 143. sheet, sea le 1 :250,000.

SMITH, S. w., sea also SNAVELY, P. 0., JR., 1982, Field trip no. 2, Ter­ RASMUSSEN, N. H. [and others], 1974. tiary geology of the northwestern part of the TABER, J. J., JR. [and others], 1981. Olympic Peninsula, Washington: U.S. Geological TABER, J. J., JR. [and others], 1985. Survey, 30 p. WENER, C. S. [and others], 1973. WEAVER, C. S. [and others], 1974. SNAVELY, P. O., JR., 1984, Timing and nature of

WEAVER, C. S. [and others], 1981 0 tectonic events in northwest Olympic Peninsula WEAVER, C. S. [and others], 1983. (ebstracth U.S. Geological Survey Profassionel Paper 1375, p. 73. SMITH, T. D., see MCCORMACK, T. C. [and others], 1988,, SNAVELY, P. D., JR., 1985, Sixty mill ion years of growth along the Oregon continental margin: Cali­ SMITH, w. 0., 1919, Earthquakes in Oregon: Seis­ fornia Geology, v. 38, no. 7, P• 166-157. mological Society of America Bulletin, v. 9, no. 3, p. 59-71. SNAVELY, P. D., JR., 1987, Tertiary geologic framework, naotactonics, and petroleum potential SMITH, W. E.T., see of tha Oregon-Washington continental margin. In MILNE, w. G. [and others], 1970. Scholl, o. w.; Grantz, A.; Vedder, J. G., ad itors, 1987, Geology end resources potential of the con­ SMITH, w. H., 1893, Ancient glacial moraine and tinental margin of western North America and adja­ drift at the mouth of the Columbia River: Scien­ cent ocean basins--Beaufort Sea to Beja, Califor­ tific American Supplement 38, no. 917, p. 14858,, nia1 Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Miner­ al Resources, Earth Science Series 6, p. 305-335. SMITH, w. s., 1913, The geology and mineral resources of northeastern King County, Washington: SNAVELY, P, D., JR.; BROWN, R. D., JR.; ROBERTS, Columbia University Master of Arts thasia, 35 p., A. E.J RAU, w. w., 1958, Geo logy and coal resour­ 1 plate. ces of the CentraliS-Chehalis district, Washing­ ton; U.S. Geological Survey Bullet in 1053, 159 SMITH, w. s., 1917, Geology of the Skykomish p., 8 plates. Basin, Washington: Columbia University Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 1 vol. SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; BROWN, R. D., JR.; ROBERTS, A. E.; RAU, W. W.; HOOVER, LINN, JR.; PEASE, M. SMITH, W. S.; CARR, D. E., 1912, The geology and H., JR., 1954, Geology and coal resources of the economic resources of the Lake Dorothy region, Centralia-Chehalis district, Lewis and Thurston Washington: University of Washington Bachelor of Counties, Washington: Science, v. 119, no. 3091, Science thesis, 82 p., 3 plates. P• 419-420.

SNAVELY, P. D., JR., 1952, Correlation between SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; BROWN, R. D., JR.; ROBERTS, test holes in the Centralia-Chehalis coal dis­ A. E.; RAU, W. W.; HOOVER, LINN, JR,; PEASE, M. trict, Washington [abstract]: Annotated Bibliog­ H., JR., 1956, Geology and coal resources of the raphy of Economic Geo logy, v. 24, no. 1, p. 54. Centralia-Chehalis district, Lewis and Thurston AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY SNAVELY, P. D., JR. 211

Counties, Washington [abstract]: Annotated Bibli­ SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; MACLEOD, N. s.; PEARL, J. E., ography of Economic Geology, v. 27, no. 2, p. 258. 1978, Tectonic framework of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the Pacific continental shelf [abstract]: SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; GOWER, H. D.; YOUNT, J. C.; U.S. Geological Survey Prof~ssional Paper 1000, p. PEARL, J. E.; TAGG, A. R.; LEE, J. W., 1978, High 147-148. resolution seismic profiles adjacent to Whidbay and Fidalgo Islands, Waahington1 U.S. Geological SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; MACLEOD, N. S.; TIFFIN, D. Survey Open-File Report 78-187, 1 p., 1 roll L., 1974, Washington-British Columbia structural microfilm, 1 plate. studies [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Pro­ faaa i ona l Paper 900, p. 107. SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; KVENIOLDEN, K. A.. 1988, Pre­ liminary evaluation of the petroleum potential of SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; NIEM, A. R.; MACLEOD, N. s.; the Tertiary accretionary tarrane, wast side of PEARL, J. E.; RAU, w. W., 1979, Makah Formation--A the Olympic Peninsula, Washington--Part 1. Geology deep marginal basin sedimentary sequence of late and hydrocarbon potential: U.S. Geological Survey Eocene and Oligocene age in the northwestern Olym­ Open-File Report 88-75, p. 1-28, 1 plate. pic Peninsula, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 79-581, 75 P• SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; MACLEOD, N. S., 1973, Source of Tertiary sediments in northeast Olympic Penin­ SNAVaY, P. D., JR.; PEARL, J. E., 1975, Washing­ sula [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Profes- ton [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ s i one l Paper 850, p. 82.. sional Paper 975, p. 12S.

SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; MACLEOD, N. S., 1974, Ol igo­ SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; PEARL, J. E., 1979, Clastic cana continental slope beneath Juan da Fuca [ab­ dikea--A key to Tertiary regional stress fields in stract]: U.S. Geological Survey Profaasional the northwest Olympic Peninsula [abstract]: U.S. Paper 900, p. 49-50. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1150, p. BS.

SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; MACLEOD, N. S., 1977, Evolu­ SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; PEARL, J. E.; LANDER, D. L., tion of the Eocene continental margin of western 1977, Interim report on petroleum resources poten­ Oregon and Washington [abstract]: Geological tial and geologic hazards in the outer continental Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, shalf--Oregon and Washington Tertiary province; no. 7, p. 1183. withs section on Resource appraisal estimate, by E. w. Scott: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File SNAVELY, P. O., JR.; MACLEOD, N. S., 1979, Geology Report 77-282, 64 p. of the Douglas-fir region--Tha Oregon and Waehing­ ton coast ranges. In Hail man, P. E.; Anda rson, H. SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; PEARL, J. E.; LANDER, D. L., w., Jr.; Baumgartner, D. M., compilers, 1979, For­ 1978, Petroleum resources potential and geologic est soils of the Douglas-fir region: Washington hazards of the Oregon-Washington outer continental State University Cooperative Extension Service, p. shelf [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ 11-17. sional Paper 1100, p. 152..

SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; MACLEOD, N. S., 1981, The SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; RAU, W. W.; HOOVER, LINN, Oregon and Washington coast ranges. In Heilman, P. JR.; ROBERTS, A. E., 1952, McIntosh Formation, E.; Anderson, H. W.; Baumgartner, D. M., editors, Centralia-Chehalis coal district, Washington 1981, Forest soils of the Douglas-fir region; [abstract]: Annotated Bibliography of Economic revised edition: Washington State University Geology, v. 24, no. 1, p. 54. Cooperative Extension Service, p. 11-17. SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; RAU, W. W.; HOOVER, LINN, SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; MACLEOD, N. S.; NIEM, A. R.; JR.; ROBERTS, A. e., 1959, McIntosh Format ion, MINASIAN, D. L., 1988, Geologic map of the Cape flattery area, northwestern Olympic Peninsula, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Opan-F i la Report BB-3448, 1 sheet, scale 1:48,000, with 10 p. text. 212 SNAVELY, P. D., JR. SEISMIC HAZA.ADS Of Wf:STERN WASHJ;NGTON

Cent rel ia-Chehal ia coal district, Waahingto~ 1!l SNAVELY, P•. 0 0 , JR.,. 888 al so Tertiary stratigraphic papers, southweetarn Wash­ BROWN. R. O.., Jf\ (end oth.ars}, 1958. ington: Weahington Division of Geology end Earth Bf!OWN, R. D,.. JR. [and othar11l, 1960.. Reaourcaa Reprint 3, 10 P• KE;ATON, T. K. hmd otn,ra}, 1985,. MACUOD, N., S.. [anq others). 1971.

S.NAVEL Y, P. D0 , JR.; ROBE;RTS, A. E.; HOQVER, LINN, MAC:Uaoo, N., S. tand oth@rah 1977. JR.; PEASE, M. H., JR., 1951, Geology Qf the. east­ MANN, 0, M. [and othareJ1 1984. ern part of the Cent rel i.-Chehal is ooel district, MCCU;LLAM, P. K. [and ott\ar,], 1987. Lawis and Thurston Counties, Washington• U.S. MCCLEl,.LAN, P. H. [and others}. 1988. GeotQgical Survey Coal Investigations Map CB, 2 MULi.SR, J. e. [and others], 1983. sheets, scale 1:31,880. POTTER, C. J. [and others}, 1982. WAG~R, K. C. [1.md others}, 1968.

SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; Tif•FIN, D. L.; MACLEOD, N0 WE;lSSJNBORN, A. E.. [lilnd othareJ, 1968. s.; CURRIE, I\ G., 1974, Preli II int! ry g rav i tY and . WELLS, I\ e,. [and o:th,rsJ, 1982. magnetic maps of the Strait of Juan de ~uca, WELLS, R. E.. [and others}, 1984.. British Columiba, Canada and Washington, United States: U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report SNIDER, F. 8..f AMICI(, I). C., 1985, The Elk Lake 74,-.BB, 10 p., 2 plates. earthquake of February 14, 1$B1~A magnitude S.5 avant triggered by the reservoir impounded behind SNAVELY, P. a., JR.; WAGNER, H. C., 1983, Tertiary a dam formed by mudflQW8 associlltad with the May geologic history cf western Oregon and Washington: 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens [abstract]: WsshingtQn Division of Mines and Geology Report of Eos (American Geophysical Union Trant1actione}, v. Invaet igat i one 22, 25 p. 66, no. 18, p. 315.

SNAVELY, P. 0., JR.; WAGNER, H. C., 1981, Geologic SNIDER, f, 8., see also cross section across the continental margin off AMICK, a. C. [end others], 1985. Cape flattery, Washington, end Vancouver Island, British Columbia: U.S. Geological Survey Opan- SNYDER, o. e.; GALE, P. s.; PRINGLE, R. F., 1973, F il e Report 81 ""'978, 5 p., 2 pl a tea. SQil survey of King County area, Washington: U.S. Soil Conaervation ServiQa, 100 p., 22 plates. SNAVELY, P. D., JR.; WAGNER, H. c., 1982, Geologic cross section across the continental margin of SOBCZAK, L. W,, 1988, LITHOPROBE--Southern Vancou­ southwestern Washington: U.S. Geological Survey ver Island--canozoic sl,lbduction cQmplex imaged by Open-file Report 82-459, 10 p., 1 sheet, deep seismic raflactions--Dit1cussion: Canadian Journal of Earth Scianc::es, v. 25, no, 1, p. 183. SNAVELY, P. O., JI\; WAGNER, H. c., 1982, Geophys­ ical data collected on the southern WaahingtQn SOKOLOI, B. A.I NESMEYANOI, D, V.; GAYNANO/, A. continental ahal f along l ins 12, USGS RAI s,P. Lea G.; SEREGIN, A. !4., 1978, GeolQgical structure and cruise 3-78: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fila petroleu111 potential Qf the Pacific segment. In Report 82-424, 1 11heet. Sokolov, B. A,; Gayanov, A, G.; Nesmeyenov, o. V.; Seregin, A, 14., 1976, Petroleum resources of sees SNAVELY, P. O., JR.; WAGNER, H. C., 1983, Geophyt1- end oceans: Mir Publishers [Moscow], p. 166-214.. icel data collected across the continental margin between Washington and Oregon along line 16, USGS SOLOMON, S. C.; BUTLER, R. C., 1974, Prospecting RAI S. P, Lee cruise 11-80: U.S. Geological Sur­ for deed sl.t;is; Earth end Planetary Science Let­ vey Open-Fi le Report 83-20, 1 sheet. ter!:!, v, 21, no. 4, p, 421-430,

SNAVELY, P, D,, JR.; WAGNER, H. C., 1984, Tectonic SONDERGAARD, J. N., 1978, Stratigraphy and petrol­ framework, continental margin of southwestern ogy of the Nooksack Group in the Glacier Creek­ Washington [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Skyline Divide area, north Cascades, Washington: Profeet1ional Paper 1375, p. 112. Wel!!tern Washingtqn UnivtarsitY Master of Science the11is, 103 p., 2 plates, AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY SPENCER, P. K. 213

SONDERGAARD, J. N., see el so SPELLMAN, HOWARD; BLITON, WILLIAM; WILSON, JOHN; BROWN, E. H. [end others], 1981. HOLLAN>, JASPER, 1976, Sumas Mountain landslide chronology, Whatcom County, Washington [abstract]: SONNBf IL, R. A.. see Association of Engineering Geologists, 1976 Annual FORD, A. B. [end others], 19B3. Meeting, Program, p. 31.

SORENSEN, M. L., 1971, Petrology of some sand­ SPENCE, G. D., sea stones from the eastern Olympic Peninsula: San CLOWES, R. M. [and others], 1983. Jose State College Master of Science thesis, '57 B.LIS, R. M. [and others], 1983. p., 1 plate. SPENCE, W. H.. see SORENSEN, M. L.. see al so CARSON, R. J. [and others], 1976. CADY, w. M. [and others], 1972. TABOR, R. w. [and others], 1972. SPENCE, WILLIAM, 1988, Origins of stresses at the Cascadie subduction zone, U.S. Pacific Northwest SOROTA, M. D.; KINNER, E. B.. 19B1, Cellular [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union cofferdam for Trident drydock--Design: American Transactions), v. 67, no. 44, p. 1115. Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Gao­ technical Engineering Division, v. 1D7, no. GT12, SPEI\CE, WILLIAM, 1988, Seismicity and tectonics. p. 1643-1655. In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1988, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Pro­ SOROTA, M. D.; KINNER, E. B.; HALEY, M. X., 19B1, gram, summaries of technical reports, volume Cal lular cofferdam for Trident drydock--Parfor­ XXIII: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report mance: American Society of Civil Engineers, Jour­ B7-B3, p. BOB-810. nal of the Gaotachnical Engineering Division, v. 1D7, no. GT12, p. 16'57-1B76. SPEI\CE, WILLIAM, 1987, Implications of the slowing of subduction at Cascadia [abstract]: Eos (Ameri­ SOROTA, M. D., sea a Lao can Geophysical Union Transactions), v. BB, no. BROWN, P. P. [and others], 19B1. 44, p. 1467-1488.

SOUDERS, R. P., sea SPENCE, WILLIAM, 1987, Seismicity and tectonics. BERG, J. w.. JR. [and others], 1966. !ll Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1987, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Pro­ SOUTHARD, L. C.. 1931, The diatoms of a Washington gram, summaries of tachn·ical reports Volume XXIV: peat bog: University of Washington Master of Sci­ U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-374, p. ence thesis, 45 p. 658-680.

SOUTHER, J. G., see SPENCE, WILLIAM, 1988, Seismicity and tectonics. GREEN, N. L. [and others], 19BB. !Jl Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1988, National earthquake hazards reduction pro­ SOUTHWICK, D. L., 1962, Mafic and ultramafic rocks gram, summaries of technical reports Volume >Cm: of the Ingalls-Peshastin area, Washington, and U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-16, p. their geologic setting: Johns Hopkins University 607-611. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 2 vol., 4 plates. SPENCER, C. J., sea SPALL, HENRY, 19BO, Continuous monitoring of Mount CLOWES, R. M. [ and others], 1987. St. Helens volcano: U.S. Geological Survey Earth­ CLOWES, A. M. [and others], 19BB. quake Information Bulletin, v. 12, no. 6, p. 220- GREEN, A. G. [and others], 1986. 227. YDRATH, C. J. [end others], 1987.

SPEIRER, R. A., see SPEI\CER, P. K- 1983, Age snd paleoeoology or MULLINEAUX, D. A. [and others], 1964. marine siltstones exposed on the Bolton Peninsula near Qui Leena, Jefferson County, Washington. !ll Larue, D. K.; Steel, R. J., editors, 1983, Cenozo- 214 SPENCER, P. K. SEISM!J:C HAZAi-Qnal; Park, W.ashing,ton: SPENCER, P. K., 19'BB',, Depositional e11V'iron1111ffl't' o,f U.S. Gertl:.og,tesl Su:rve~ Bu L 1:atin. t359; 1132 p., 2 S1Jl1i8 Eoca11e strata· near QuHcener. Wasltingt'on, ittates., baaed' on tracr-. macro--, lffflf· micro-fo.ttH• aml' Li'tfio·tog ic aaaociations. .l!l La,rua, O~ K;,Jc StHl', STAAT?',, ..,_ H~. wets,. P•. L.t TMHl'R', R. ""'" ROSERT­ R. J~, ed'itora, 1983', Ctmozoic 11tai. M'

SPENCER, P. K., 1984, Lower Tertiary bioatratig,ra­ STMlZ, M~ H.., see also phy and' palaoecotogy of the Quilcena-DiscOYe.ry Bay l:Al8N,. G. P. [and ot.llle.r.s,}, 1'971. area, r'lortheast Olympic Psninsuta, Washington: TABOR,, ~ w. [and others}r 1·968. Untversity of Washington Doctor of Phi losephy ths­ sis, 'f13 "* 2 ptatas. STACEY,, R;.. Ao, STEB.E, ~ P., 1970, Ge.ophy.s·ical measu,ra111ents in British Coht11tbi&1 no. 1·20, StF&it SPIESS, F. N., see of GeorgiaJ no.. 121,. Juan d& Fwa Strait: Canada HARRISON, J. C. [and otharaJ, 1957. Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Earth Physics Branch Gravity Map Series, 17 p., 2 SPIKER, ELLIOTT, see plates, M:ale 'h250,000.. CRANDELL, D. R. [and others], 1981. STALLAm, BRUCE, 1958, Archaeology in Washington: SPILLANE, M. C., aae Washington Dtviaion o.f Mines and Geology Informa­ ALLEN, J. s. [and others}, 1987. tion Circular 30, 84 p.

Sf:'RA8ue, J. w., aae STANLEY, K. O., saa PBIEAA, D. R. [end others], 1994. WAR>, PETER [and others}, 1982.

SPVDELL, O. R., see STANLEY, w. O., 1982, A regional magnetotel turic JACHENS; Fl. C. [and othara], 1980. survey of the Caacada Range region, northwestern JACHENS, R. C. [and othara], 1981. United States: U.S. Geological Survey Open-F; la WILLIAMS, D. L. [and others], 1984- Report 82-128, 7 sheets microfiche.

SPVAltlAKtS, D. !., sea STANLEY, W. o., 1983, Regional and Local gaoelac­ 13ARNES, A. S. [and others}, 1979. trical structures in the Cascades and their role in geothermal and volcano hazard aasaasmant [ab­ SQUIER, L. R.; VERSTEEG, J. H., 1971, Tha history stract]a Eoa (American Geophysical Union Transac­ and correction of the OMSI-Zoo land&L ida. .l!l tions), v. 84, no. 45, p. 887. Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposi­ um, 9th, Proceedings: tdaho Department of Hign­ STANLEY, w. D., 1984, Tectonic study of Cascade weye, p. 237-258. Range and Columbia Plateau in Washington State based upon magnetotel luric soundings: Journal of SQUIER, L. R., see aUb Geophysical Research, v. 89, no. 86, p. 4447-4460. DRISCOLL, D. D. [and others], 1975. STANl.EY, W. D.; FINN, CAROL; PLESHA, J. L., 1987, SRlVASTAVA, S. P., see Tectonics end conductivity structures in the ELVERS, DOUGlAS {and others), 1972. southern Washington Cascades& Journal of Geophys­ Et.VERS, OOUGlAS [end others), 1973. ical Research, v. 92, no. 810, p. 10,179-10,193. SEIDa, DEAN {and others), 1973. STARK, W. J.; MULLINEAUX, D. R., 1950, The glacial geology of the city of Seattle: University of AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY STEPP, J.C. 215

Washington Master of Science thesis, 89 p., 4 STEINBRENNER, E. C.; GEHRKE, F. E., 1966, Soil plates. survey of the McDonald tree farm: Weyerhaeuser Company Forest Research Center, 1 v. STARR, W. A., see

STERNBERG, R. w., see STD<, JOHN, see NITTROUER, C. A. [and others], 197S. KRON, ANDREA [and other9], 1982. NITTROUER, C. A. [and others], 1980. STOCKTON, S.. L., 1981, Design and performance of STEWARD, J. e., sea sediment stabilization projects on the Toutle MOHNEY, J. w. [and others], 1982. River following the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helene [abstract]: Association of Engineering STEWART, J. H., 1978, Basin-Range structure in Geologists, 1981 Annual Meeting, Program with western North Amarica--A review. l!l Smith, R. S.; Abstracts, p. 54-55. Eaton, G. P., editors, 1978, Cenozoic tectonios and regional geophysics of the western cordillera: STOCKTON, s. L., 1983, Engineering response to Geological Society of America Memoir 152, p. 1-31. flood hazards creeted by the eruption of Mount St. Helens. l!l Proceedings of the symposium on erosion STEWART, J. H.; JOHANNESEN, D. C., 1979, Map show­ control in volcanic areas, July 6-9, 1982 at Seat­ ing regional tilt patterns of the late Cenozoic tle and Vancouver, WHhington; Japan Public Works Basin-Renga fault blocks in western United States: Research Institute Technical Memorandum 1908, P• U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi la Report 79-1134, 1 249-271. sheet, scale 1:2,500,000. STOFFEL, K. 1.,., 1979, Stratigraphy of pre-Fraser STEWART, R. J., 1970, Petrology metamorphism and Quaternary sediments applied to the evaluation of structural relations of graywackes in the western a proposed major tectonic structure in Island Olympic Peninsula, Washington: Stanford Universi­ County, Washington: Washington Geologic Newslet­ ty Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 123 p., 5 plates. ter, v. 7, no. 2, p. 1-4.

STEWART, R. J., 1971, Petrology metamorphism and STCFFEL, K. L., 19801 Stratigraphy of pre-Vashon structural relations of graywackes in the western Quaternary sediments applied to the evaluation of Olympic Peninsula, Washington [abstract]: Disser­ a proposed major tectonic structure in Island tation Abstracts International, v. 31, no. B, Sec­ County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ tion B, p. 4783-S. Fi le Report 81-292, 152 p.

STEWART, A. J., 1971, Structural framework of the STOFFEL, K. L., 1981, Stratigraphy of pre-Vashon western Olympic Peninsula, Washington (abstract]: Quaternary sediments applied to the evaluation of Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ a proposed major tectonic structure in Island grems, v. 3, no. 2, p. 201. County, Wash i ngton1 U.S. Gao Logical Survey Open­ Fi le Report 81-292; Washington Division of Geology STEWART, R. J., see also and Earth Resources Opan-F i La Report, 161 P• BRANDON, M. T. [and others], 1981. BRANDON, M. T. [and others], 1984. STOFFEL, K. L., 1981, Stratigraphy of pre-Vashon CHENEY, E. S. [and others], 1975. Quaternary sediments applied to the evaluation of JOHNSON, S. Y. [and others], 1981. a proposed major tectonic structure in Island JOHNSON, S. v• .[and others], 1984. County, Wash; ngton [abstract]. I!!. MacCabe, M. P., NIEM, A. R. [and others], 1984. 1981, Earthquake hazards reduction program project POTTER, C. J. [and others], 1982. summaries--1979-1980: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-41, p. 26, 28. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY STRICKLAND, HELEN 217

STOFFEL, K. L., see also 1984: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investi­ KOROSEC, M. A. [and others], 19BO. gations Map GP-984, 1 sheet, sea le 1 :5,0D0,000.

STOIBER, R. E., see STOIER, C. w., 1987, Washington. l!! Stover, C. w., HUGHES, J. M. [and others], 1980. editor, 1987, United States earthquakes, 19B3: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 169B, p. 85-86. STORCH, H. H., sea CREASEY, S. C. [and others], 1945. STO/ER, C. W.; VON HAKE, C. A., EDITORS, 1981, United States earthquakes, 1979: U.S. Geological STOREY, R. s., see Survey and U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric HODGSON, J. H. [and others], 1954. Administration, 170 p.

STOSE, G. w., 1946, Geological map of North Amer­ STOIER, C. W.; VON HAKE, C. A., EDITORS, 1982, ica: Geological Society of America, 2 sheets, Washington. !!!. Stover, C. W.; Von Hake, C. A., scale 1:5,000,000. editors, 1982, United States earthquakes, 1980: U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. National Ocsenic STOSE, G. W., see al so and Atmospheric Administration, p. 89-92. CULVER, H. E. [and others], 1938. STO/ER, C. w., see also STOUT, M. L., 1957, Geology of the southwestern COFFMAN, J. L. [and others], 1982. portion of the Mt. Stuart quadrangle, Washington: University of Washington Master of Science thesis, STRAHORN, A. T.; WATSON, E. B., 1914, Soil survey 115 p., 1 pl ata. of the Hood River-White Salmon RiVer area, Oregon­ Waehington: U.S. Bureau of Soi le Report, 45 p. STOUT, M. L., 1959, Geology of a part of the south -central Cascade Mountains of Washington: Univer­ STRAIN, L. A., JR., 1964, Eocene and Ol igocena sity of Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, bioetratigraphy of the Twin Rivers area, Clallam 1 83 P•• 4 plates. County, Washington: University of Washington Mee­ ter of Science thesis, 131 p., 4 plates. STOUT, M. L., 1959, Geology of a part of the south -central Cascade Mountains of Washington [ab­ STRANGE, W. E., see stract]: Dissertation Abstracts, v. 20, no. 4, p. WOOLLARD, G. P. [ and others], 1962. 1324. STRAZER, R. J.; BESTWICK, L. K.; WILSON, S. D., STOUT, M. L., 1964, Geology of a part of the south 1974, Design considerations for deep retained -central Cascade Mountains, Washington: Geologi­ excavations in over-consolidated Seattle clays: cal Society of America Bulletin, v. 75, no. 4, p. Association of Engineering Geologists Bulletin, v. 317-334. 11, no. 4, p. 379-397.

STOIER, C. W., 1977, Saiamicity map of the conter­ STRAZER, R. J., see al so minous United States and adjacent areas, 1965- KIENLE, C. F., JR. [and others], 1978. 1974: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-812, 1 sheet, scale 1:5,00D,DDO. STRICKLAND, HELEN; BEATTY, CHARLOTTE; ZERBACH, BARBARA, 1975, Natural disasters in the State of STOIER, C. W., EDITOR, 1984, United States eerth­ Washington-A directory of available information; quakes, 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Special Pub­ 2nd edition: Washington Department of Emergency lication, 136 p. Services, 255 p.

STO/ER, c. w., 1985, United States earthquakes, STRICKLAND, HELEN; WASHINGTON STATE LIBRARY, 1974, 1982: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper Natural disasters in the State of Washington--A 1655, 141 p. directory of available information: Washington State Library, 183 p. STOJER, c. w., 1986, Seismicity map of the conter­ minous United States end adjacent areas, 1975- 218 STRICKLER, D. L. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

STRICKLER, D. L., 1982, Paleomagnetiam of three manta during the late O.Uaternary: 0.Ueternary Re­ late Cretaceous granitic plutons, north Cascades, search, v. 5, no. 2, p. 251-282. Washington: Western Washington University Master of Science thesis, 99 p. STUIVER, MINZE; HEUSSER, c. J.; YANG, I. C., 1978, North American glacial history extended to 75,00D STRICKLIN, C. R., 1975, Geophysical survey of the years ago: Science, v. 20D, no. 4337, p. 16-21. Lamai Rock-Steamboat Mountain arse, Washington: University of Puget Sound Master of Science the­ STUlVER, MINZE; ROBINSON, S. W.J OSTLUW, H. G.; sis, 23 p., 11 plates. DORSEY, H. G., 1974, Carbon-14 calibration between the Univeraity of Washington and University of STRICKLIN, C. R., see also Miami GEOSECS laboratories1 Earth and Planetary HAMMON>, P. E. [and others], 1975. Sci ance Letters, v. 23, no. 1, p. 65-88. HAMMOND, P. E. [and others], 1978. STU1VER, MINZE, see also STROMME, OLAF, sea DAVIS, P. T. [and others], 1982. NEWCOMB, R. C. [and others], 19,49. LEOPOLD, E. B. [and others], 1982.

STRONG, C. P., 1987, Geology of the Pa Ell-Doty STURGES, WILTON, 1967, Slope of sea level along area, Washington: University of Washington Master the Pacific coast of the United States: Journal of Science thesis, 150 p., 3 plataa. of Geophysical Research, v. 72, no. 14, p. 3827- 3637. STRONG, EMORY, 1987, The Bridge of the Gods: Geo­ logical Society of tha Oregon Country Geological SUBBARAO, E. C., 1953, A study of the fundamental Newsletter, v. 33, no. 8, p. ,49-53. properties of Puget Sound glacial clays: Univer­ sity of Washington Master of Science thesis, 74 p. STRONG, EMORY, 1973, Archaeological evidence of land subsidence on the Northwest coast: Ora Bin, SUCZEK, C. A., 1981, Early Tertiary sedimentation v. 35, no. 7, p. 109-114. and tectonic setting of northwestern Washington and southwestern British Columbia [abstract]. In STRYD, A. H., see The last 100 million years (mid Cretaceous to CLAGUE, J. J. [and others], 1987. Holocene) of geology and mineral deposits in the Canadian Cordillera: Geological Association of STUART, D. J., 1981, Gravity study of crustal Canada Cordilleren Section Programme and Ab­ structure in western Washington. !!!. Short papers stracts, p. 36. in the geologic and hydrologic sciences..; Geo­ logical Survey research 1981: U.S. Geological BUCZEK, C. A., see al so Survey Professional Paper 424-C, article 248, p. DE CHANT, J. H. [end others], 1987. 273-278. KARACHEWSKI, J. A. [and others], 1984.

STUART, D. J., 1962, Gravity study of crustal SUESS, ERWIN; MASSOTH, G. J~ 1984, Evidence for structure in western Washington [abstract]: U.S. venting of pore waters from subducted sediments of Geological Survey Bulletin 1166-A, p. 82. the Oregon continental margin [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trensections), v. 65, STUART, D. J., 1965, Gravity date and Bouguer­ no. 45, p. 1089. grevity map for western Washington: U.S. Geologi­ cal Survey Open-Fi le Report 65-154, 50 p., 1 SUESS, ERWIN, see also plate. CARSON, BOBB [and others], 1984. CARSON, BOBB [and others], 1988. STUIVER, MINZE, 1989, Yale natural radiocarbon RITGER, S. D. [and others], 1987. measurements IX: Radiocarbon, v. 11, no. 2, p. 545-658. SULLIVAN, K., see ICE, G. G. [and others], 198S. STUIVER, MINZE, 1975, Climate versus changes in 13C content of the organic component of lake sedi- AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPtlY SWANSON, D. A. 219

SUPPE, JOHN; POWELL, CHRISTINE; BERRY, ROBERT, SWANSON, O. A.; BYERLY, G. R., 1978, Olympic-Wal­ 1975, Regional topography, saismicity, Quaternary lowa lineament influenced Cascade-Columbia River volcanism, and the present-day tectonics of the volcanism [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Pro­ western United States: American Journal of Sci­ fessional Paper 1100, p. 180. ence, v. 275-A, p. 397-43B. SWANSON, D. A.; CASADB/ALL, T. J.; OZIJRISIN, DAN­ SUTHERLAND BROWN, A., see IEL; NEWHALL, C. G.; MALONE, S. O., 1984, Fore­ CLOWES, R. M. [and others], 1987. casts and predictions of eruptions at Mount St. CLOWES, R. M. [and others], 198S. Helens, USA. !!l Fadotov, s. A.; Galkin, l. N.; GREEN, A. G. [and others], 1988. Nikoleyev, A. V.; Sadova, E. N., editors, 1984, Earthquakes and geological hazard prediction: SUTTON, G. H.; OUENNE8IER, F. K.; IWATAKE, B., International Geological Congress, 27th, Reports, 1979, Estimation of bottom-to-OSS transfer func­ v. 8, p. 119-135. tion using mechanical transient lift tests (Lopez/ ROSE experiment) [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ SWANSON, D. A., CLAYTON, G. A., 1983, General izad phyaical Union Transactions), v. 50, no. 48, P• geologic map of the Goat Rocks wilderness and 892. roadlass areas (6038, Parts A, C, and DJ, Lawis and Yakima Counties, Washington: U.S. Geological

SUTTON, G. H.; LEWIS, 8 0 T. R.; EWING, J.; DUENNE­ Survey Open-Fila Report 83-357, 10 p., 1 plate, BIER, F. K.; IWATAKE, B.; TUTHILL, J. D., 1980, scale 1:48,000. Lopaz Island ocean bottom seismometer intarcompar­ ison experiment: Hawaii Institute of Geophysics SWANSON, D. A.; HOLCOMB, R. T., 1982, Forecasting Rapa rt 80-4, 72 p. eruptions at Mount St. Helens by monitoring ground deformation [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical SUTTON, G. H., sea also Union Transactions), v. 83, no. 8, P• 174,, EWING, J. [and others], 1979. SWANSON, D. A.; HOLCOMB, R. T.; LIPMAN, P. W.; SWANSON, o. A., 1978, Geologic map of the Tieton MOORE, J. G.; HELIKER, C. C.; IWATSUBO, E. Y., River area, Yakima County, south-central Washing­ 1981, Monitoring ground deformation to forecast ton: U.S. Geological Survey Miscalleneous Field eruptions at Mount St. Helens [abstract]. !!l Studies Map MF-988, 1 sheet, scale 1:48,000. International Association of Volcanology end Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, 1981, IAVCEI SWANSON, D. A., 1982, Volcanic studies in the symposium, Arc vo lcani am; Abstracts: Volcano log i­ Pacific Northwest, 1879-1979. !J! Leviton, A. E.; cal Society of Japan, p. 361-382. Rodda, P. u.; Yochelson, E. L.; Aldrich, M. L., editors, 1982, Frontiers of geological exploration SWANSON, D. A.; LIPMAN, P. W.; MOORE, J. G.; of western North America: American Association HELIKER, C. C.; YAMASHITA, K. M., 1981, Geodetic for the Advancement of Science Pacific Section, p. monitoring after the May 18 eruption. In Lipman, 193-207. P. W.; Mullineaux, o. R., editors, 1981, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens, Washington: U.S. SWANSON, D. A., 1985, Graben formation, thrust Geological Survey Profe&Bional Paper 1250, p. 157- faulting, and growth of the dacita dome, Mount St. 168. Helens, Washington, May-June 1985 [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactional, v. 68, SWANSON, D. A., see also no. 46, p. 852. BENTLEY, R. o. [and others], 1980. CHADWICK, w. w., JR. [and others], 1983. SWANSON, D. A., 1988, Measurements of ground CHADWICK, W. W., JR. [and others], 1988. deformation to forecast and predict eruptions [ab­ COWAN, D. S. [and others], 1988. stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ HAMMOND, P. E. [and others], 1977. tions), v. 87, no. 16, p. 397. IWATSUBO, E. Y. [and others], 1985. IWATSUBO, E. Y. [and others], 1988. SWANSON, D. A.; BYERLY, G. R., 1978, Faul ts south LIPMAN, P. W. [and others], 1981. of Wenatchee, Washington [abstract]: U.S. Geolog­ MACLEOD, N. S. [and others], 1985. ical Survey Professional Paper 1100, p. 78. [continued) 220 SWANSON, o. A. SEISMIC HAZAll)S Of WESTE~ WASHINGTON

SWANSON, D. A., see also [continued) SWEET, EDWARDS AND ASSOCIATES, eae POTTER, C. J. (and others), 1982. BROWN AND CALDWEI.L {and others), 1985. TABOR, R. w. [and others], 1977, TABOR, R. w. [end others], 1980. SWIGER, W, F., COOMBS, H. A., 1959, Geology of the TASOR, R. w. [end others), 1982., Rocky Reech Du1 site, Coluaitlia River, Washington TABOR, R. w. [end others], 1987. [abstract]: Geotogioal SQciaty of America Bulle­ ZIETZ, ISIDOFII: [and others], 1971. tin, v, 70, no, 12, pt, I!, p, 1751-1752, ZIETZ, ISIDORE [end others], 1978. SYKES, L, A.r DAVIS, D. M., 1987, SeiHic and SWANSON, F, J., see aaafamic subduction, Pert e--Aaaiemic slip et SWANSTON, D, N. [and others], 1976., :,;ones of maaeive sedimant supply end nature of grHt uperities at convergent margins [abstract]: SWANSON, J, R,, sea Eoa (American Geophysical Union Transact ions), v. SCHELL, w. R. [end others], 1983, 88, no. 44, p. 1468.

SWANSON, R. o., 1988, A stretigraphic-gaochamicel SYKES, L. R., see el so study of the Troutdale Formation and Sandy River TOBIN, D, G. [and othersJ, 1967. mudstone in the Portland Basin and Lower Columbia TOBIN, D. G. {and others], 1968. River Gorge: Portland State University Mester of Sc iance thee i a, 103 p., 2 p lataa. SVI.WESTER, R. e., 1971, The determination of ac­ tive fault zones in Puget Sound, Washington by SWANSTON, 0. N., 1978, Effect of geology on soi le means of continuous aeismic profiling: University meas movement activity in tha Pacific Northwa,t. of Washington Master of Science in Engineering In Youngberg, C. T., editor, 1978, Forest ,oi la thee is, 88 p., 9 p letiss. and land use, proceedings of the fifth North Amer­ ican Forest Soi ls Conference: U.S. Forest Ser­ SYLWESTER, R. E., see also vice, p. 89-115, HOLMES, M. L. [and othera], 1982.

SWANSTON, D. N., 1980, Creep and earthf'low erosion SYMONDS, R. B., aee from undisturbed and management impacted ,Lope• in DZURISIN, DANIEL {end others], 1983. the Coast Ranges and Cascade Mountains of tha Pacific Northwest [abstract]: Geological Society SYVERSON, T, L., 1984, History and origin of de­ of America Abstracts with Programs, v, 12, no. 3, bria torrents in the Smith Creek drainage, What­ p. 155. com County, Washington: WHtarn Washington Uni­ versity Master of Science thesis, 84 p. SWANSTON, D. N., 1987, Potential hazard to tran,­ portetion corridors end residential development SYVERSON, T. L,; EASTERBROOK, 0. J,; MCCARTEN, C. from clear-cut logging on shallow, unstable hill­ A., 1985, Ceuse of debris torrents in the Cascade slopes in the coastal mountains of the Pacific foothills of Washington (abstract]: Geological Northwest [abstract]: Eoa (American Geophysical Society of Americe Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, Union Transactions), v. 68, no. 44, p. 1284-1285. no. a, p. 411-412.

SWANSTON, D. N.; SWANSON, F. J., 1978, Timber har­ TASER, J. J., JR., 1983, Crustal structure and vesting, mass erosion, and steepland forest geo­ saiamicity of the Washington continental margin: morphology in the Pacific Northwest. In Coates, o. University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy R., editor, 1976, Geomorphology end engineering: thesis, 159 p. Dowden, Hutchinson and Rosa, p. 199-221. TASER, J. J,, JR., 1984, Crustal structure end SWAF\# A, G, L., see seiamicity of the Washington continental margin CANTON, w. R. [end others], 1911. [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 44, no, 11, Section B, p. 3337-B - 3338-8. SWEENEY, J. F,, see YORATH, C. J. [and others}, 1987. TABER, J, J., JR,; LEWIS, B. T. R., 1986, Crustal structure of the Washington continental margin AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY TABOR, R. W. 221 from refraction data: Seismological Society of TABOR, R. w., 1979, Geology of the Doug Les-fir re­ America Bul Let in, v. 76, no. 4, p. 1011-1024. g ion~Tha Olympic Mountains province.!!! Heilman, P. E.; Anderson, H. w., Jr.; Baumgartner, D. M., TABER, J. J., JR.; SMITH, S. w., 1981, Seismic compilers, 1979, Forest soils of the Douglas-fir structure of the Olympic Peninsula from refraction region: Washington State University Cooperative data [abstract]: Earthquake Notes, v. 52, no. 1, Extension Service, p. 31-34. p. 52. TABOR, R. w., 1981, The Olympic Mountains pro- TABER, J. J., JR.; SMITH, S. W., 1985, Seismicity vi nee. In He iL men, P. E.; Anderson, H. W.; Beum­ end focal mechanisms associated with the subduc­ ge rtner, D. M., editors, 1981, Forest soi ls of the tion of the Juen de Fuca plate beneath the Olympic Douglas-fir region; revised edition: Washington Peninsula, Washington: Seismological Society of State University Cooperative Extension Service, p. America Bulletin, v. 75, no. 1, p. 237-249. 31-34.

TABER, J 0 J., JR.; WEAVER, C. S., 1983, Seismicity TABOR, R. W., 1982, Geologic map of the Wonder of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington [abstract]: Mountain roadless area, Meson County, Washington: Earthquake Notes, v. 54, no. 1, p. 41. U.S. Geological Survey Miecel Leneous Field Studies Map MF-1418-A, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. TABER, J. J., JR., see al so BRANDON, M. T. [and others], 1984. TABOR, R. w., 1982, Geology and structural evolu­ JOHNSON, s. Y. [end others], 1984. tion of the Olympic Mountains, Washington [ab­ MCCLAIN, I<. J. [end others], 1981. stract}: Geological Society of America Abstracts MCCLAIN, I<. J. [and others], 1984. with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. 239.

TABOR, R. w., 1958, The structure and petrology of TABOR, R. W., 1987, The Helene-Haystack melange, a the Magic-Formidable region in the northern Cas­ fundamental western Washington structure, end its cades of Washington: University of Washington relation to the Streight Creek Fault [abstract]: Master of Science thesis, 81 p., 2 plates. Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 68, no. 52, p. 1814. TABOR, R. w., 1960, Diaphthoritic gneiss in the northern Cascades, Washington, and its structural TABOR, R. W.; BOOTH, D. B., 1985, Folded thrust significance [abstract]: Geological Society of fault between major melange units of the western America Bulletin, v. 71, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 2079. north Cascades, Washington, and its relationship to the Shuksan thrust [abstract]: Geological TABOR, R. w., 1961, The crystalline geology of the Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, area south of Cascade Pass, northern Cascade Moun­ no. 6, p. 412. tains, Washington: University of Washington Doc­ tor of Phi Losophy thesis, 2D5 p., 1 plate. TABOR, A. W.; CADY, W. M., 1965, Major tectonic break in northeastern Olympic Mountains {ab­ TABOR, R. w., 1963, Large quartz diorite dike end stract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional associated explosion breccia, northern Cascade Paper 525-A, p. A96. Mountains, Washington: Geological Society of America Bul Let in, v. 74, no. 9, p. 1203-1200. TABOR, R. W.; CADY, W. M., 1978, Geologic map of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ TABOR, R. w., 1971, Origin of ridge-top depres­ cal Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map sions by Large-scale creep in the Olympic Moun­ I-994, 2 sheets, scale 1:125,000. tains, Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 82, no. 7, p. 1811-1822. TABOR, A. W.; CADY, W. M., 1978, The structure of the Olympic Mountains, Washington~Anelysis of a TABOR, R. w., 1974, Structure of the core rocks of subduction zone: U.S. Geological Survey Profes­ the Olympic Mountains, Washington~A case for sub­ sional Peper 1033, 38 p. duction? [abstract]: Northwest Scientific Associ­ ation, 47th Annual Meeting, Program and Abstracts TABOR, R. W.; CADY, W. M.; YEATS, R. s., 1970, of Papers, p. 26. Broken formations and thrust faulting in the 222 TABOR, R. W. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHIIIGTON

northeastern Olympic Mountains, Washington [ab­ Open-File Report 80-841, 46 p., 1 plate, scale stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts 1:100,000. with Programs, v. 2, no. 2, p. 162. TABOR, R. W.; FRIZZELL, V. A., JR.; WHETTEN, J. TABOR, R. W.; CROWDER, D. F., 1969, On batho l iths T.; WA ITT, R. B.; SWANSON, D. A.; BYERLY, G. R.; and volcanoas--Intrusion and eruption of late B(IOTH, D. B.; HETHERINGTON, M, J.,; ZARTMAN, R. E., Cenozoic magmas in the Glacier Paek area, north 1987, Geologic map of the Chelan SO-minute by BO­ Cascades, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Pro­ minute quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological fessional Paper 604, 67 p., 1 plate. Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I- 1661, 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000, with 29 p. text. TABOR, R. w.; ENGELS, J. c.; STAATZ, M. H., 1988, Quartz diorite-quartz monzonite end granite plu­ TABOR, A. w.; FRIZZELL, V. A., JR.; YEATS, R. s.; tons of the Paseyten River area, Washington-­ WtETTEN, J. T., 1982, Geologic map of the Eagle Petrology, age, end emplacement: U.S. Geological Rock and Glacier Peak roedless areas, Snohomish Survey Professional Peper 600-C, p. C45-52. end King Counties, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1380-A, TABOR, R. W.; FRIZZB.L, V. A., JR., 1979, Tertiary 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000. history of the Streight Creek Fault end the Olym­ pic-Wallowa lineament [abstract]: U.S. Geological TABOR, R. w.; WAITT, R. e., JR.; FRIZZELL, v. A., Survey Professional Paper 1160, p. 90. JR.; SWANSON, D. A.; BYERLY, S. R., 1977, Preli m­ i nary geologic map of the Wenetchee 1:100,000 TABOR, R. W.; FRIZZB.L, V. A., JR., 1979, Tertiary quedrengle, WasMngton: U.S. Geological Survey movement along the southern segment of the Open-File Report 77-531, 40 p., 1 plate, scale Streight Creek Fault and its relation to the Olym­ 1 :100,000. pic Wallowa lineament in the central Cascades, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of TABOR, R. w.; WAITT' R. e., JR.; FRIZZELL, V. A., America Abstracts with Programs, v. 11, no. 3, p. JR.; SWANSON, D. A.; BYERLY, G. R.; BENTLEY, R. 131. o.. 1982, Geologic map of the Wenatchee 1:100,000 quadrangle, central Washington: U.S. Geological TABOR, R. w.; FRIZZELL, v. A., JR.; BOOTH, o. B., Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I- 1984, Stratigraphy of Tertiary volcanic rocks, 1311, 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000, with 26 p. text. Cascade Range [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Peper 1375, p. 74. TABOR, R. w.; YEATS, R. s.; SORENSEN, M. L., 197 2, Geologic map of the Mount Angeles quadrangle, TABOR, R. w.; FRIZZELL, v. A., JR.; BOOTH, o. B.; Clallam and Jefferson Counties, Washington: U.S. WHETTEN, J. T.; WAITT, R. B., JR.; ZARTMAN, R. E., Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-958, 1982, Preliminary geologic map of the Skykomish 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. River 1:100,000 quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geo­ logical Survey Open-Fi le Report 82-747, 31 p., 1 TABOR, R. W.; ZARTMAN, R. E.; F'RIZZELL, V. A., sheet, scale 1:100,000. JR., 1982, Possible accreted terranes in the north Cascades crystalline core, WA [abstract]: Geolog­ TABOR, R. W.; FRIZZELL, V. A., JR.; VANCE, J. A.; ical Society of America Abstracts with Programs, NAESER, C. w., 1984, Ages end stratigraphy of v. 14, no. 4, p. 239. lower end middle Tertiary sedimentary end volcanic rocks of the central Cascades, Weshington--Appli­ TABOR, R. w., see also cetion to the tectonic history of the Straight CADY, w. M. [and others], 1972. Creek Fault: Geological Society of America Bulle­ CADY, w. M. [and others], 1974. tin, v. 95, no. 1, p. 26-44. CROWDER, D. F. f and others], 1966. FRI1ZELL, V. A., JR. [and others], 1982. TABOR, R. W.; FRIZZELL, V. A., JR.; WHETTEN, J. F'RIZZB.L, V. A., JR. [end others], 1984. T.; SWANSON, D. A.; BYERLY, G. R.; BOOTH, D. B.; HELLER, P. L. [and others], 1987. HETHERINGTON, M. J.; WAITT, R. B., JR., 1980, MULLER, J. E. [and others], 1983. Preliminary geologic map of the Chelan 1:100,00D STAATZ, M. H. [and others], 1971. quad rang Le, Washington: U.S. Geo Logi ce l Survey STAATZ, M. H. [and others), 1972. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY THARP, J. A. 223

TAGG, A. R., see TENNYSON, M. E., 1975, Stratigraphy, structure, SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [ and others], 1976. and tectonic setting of Jurassic end Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the west-central Methow­ TAKASHIMA, Y., see Paseyten area, northeastern Cascade Range, Wash­ DORN, T. F. [and others], 1982. ington end British Columbia [abstract]: Disserta­ tion Abstracts International, v. 35, no. B, Sec- TAKEN, V. J., COMPILER, 1987, Bibliography end t ion B, p. 3992-B. index of mineral resources of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone west of the Washington State coast­ TENNYSON, M. E.; COLE, M. R., 1987, Upper Mesozoic line: Washington Division of Geology end Earth Methow-Pasaytan sequence, northeastern Cascade Resources Open-Fi le Report 87-12, 151 p., 1 plate. Range, Washfogton end British Columbia. !!!. Schus­ ter, J. E., editor, 1987, Selected papers on the TAKEN, V. J., 1987, Bibl fography end index of min­ geology of Washington1 Washington Division of eral resources of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone Geology end Earth Resources Bul Let in 77, p. 73-84. west of the Washington State coastline [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. TENNYSON, M. E.; JONES, D. L.; MURCHEY, BENITA, 68, no. 52, p. 1815. 1982, Age end nature of chert end mefic rocks of the Hozemeen Group, north Cascade Range, Washing­ TALMAGE, R. H., see ton [abstract]: Geological Society of America CROSBY, T. W. [and others], 1988. Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 4, p. 239-240.

TANG, C. H., 1975, A multiperametric lake modal: TEPPER, J. H., 1985, Petrology of the Chil Uwack University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy the­ Composite Betholith, Mt. Safrit area, north Cas­ sis, 175 p. cades, Washington: University of Washington Mes­ ter of Science thesis, 102 p., 1 plate. TANNACI, N. E., see KEEFER, D. K. [end others], 1981. TERICH, T. A., 1979, Coastal erosion hazards of Washington State. !!!. Wilcox, F. w., Jr., 1979, TARR, A. C.; Kitll, K. W., 1987, USGS begins seis­ Natural hazards in Weshington•s coastal zone-An mic ground response experiments in Washington: anthology of recent articles: Washington State Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 15, no. 2, p. Department of Emergency Services, p. 29-34. 11-18. TERICH, T. A., 1987, Living with the shore of TARR, A. c., see al so Puget Sound end the Georgie Streit: Duke Univer­ KING, K. W. [and others], 1987. sity Press, 185 p. KING, K. W. [end others], 1989. TERICH, T. A., see also TAYLOR, S. B., see MINTZ, D. W. [and others], 1976. JOHNSON, s. Y. [end others], 1984. SCHWARTZ, M. L. [ end others], 1979.

TEAGUE, G. O., see TETRA TECH, ING.,, 1975, Estimation of water wave DANES, Z. F. [and others], 1965. heights at Baker Lake resulting from possible HOfFMAN, T. F. [and others], 1964. Lendsl ides from Mt. Beker. !!!. Puget Sound Power end Light Company, 1983, A discussion of the 1975 TEMPELMAN-KLUIT, D. J., see episode of increased thermal activity et Mount MONGER, J. w. H. [and others], 1982. Baker, Washington es it pertains to the Beker River project, FERC project no. 2150: Puget Sound TENNYSON, M. E., 1974, Stratigraphy, structure, Power end Light Company, 1 v. and tectonic setting of Jurassic and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the west-central Methow­ THARP, J. A. 1961, Geology and ore deposits of Peseyten area, north-eastern Cascade Range, Wash­ the Red Bird mining claims, Whatcom County, Wash­ ington end British Columbia: University of Wash­ ington: University of Washington Bachelor of Sci­ ington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 112 p., 3 ence thee is, 49 P• plates. 224 THENHAUS, P. C. SEISMIC HAZAFl>S OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

THENHAUS, P. C., 1978, A study of the October 12, THOMPSON, S. R., sea 1877 Oregon earthquakes: U.S. Geological Survey ROBINSON, R. A. [and others], 1983. Open-Fi le Report 78-234, 14 p. THOMS, DICK, 1981, Geology of northwestem Oregon THENHAUS, P. C., see aleo coast; field trip 3. !!!. Kant, M. o., chair, 1981, ALGERMISSEN, S. T. [and others], 1982. Field trip guidebook--Enginaaring geology in the PERKINS, D. M. [end others], 1980. Pacific Northwest: Association of Engineering Geologists, p. 123-142. THIEL, C. C., 1976, Posaib le loss-reduct ion actions following an earthquake prediction.!!!. THOMS, A. e., 1959, The geology and Eocene bio­ Earthquake prediction--Opportunity to avert disas­ stratigrephy of the southern Quimper Peninsula ter: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 729, p. 13- area, Washington& University of Washington Master 16. of Science thesis, 128 p.

THIRlNATHUKAL, J. V., see THOMSON, JEAN, see BERG, J. w., JR. [and others], 1965. SEIDERS, W. H. [ and others], 1978. BERG, J. w., JR. [and others], 1966. THOMSON, R. E., 1976, The physical oceanography of THOMAS, M. D.; HALLIDAY, 0. W~ FELIX, B., 1988, the S.C. coast--Psrt 10; Tidal waves (tsunamis): Preliminary results of gravity surveys along the Pacific Yachting, Jen. 1976, p. 34-36, 69-72. Lithoproba southam Canadian Cordil leren transect. !!!. Canada Geological Survey, 1988, Current THONE, FRANK, 1949, Earthquakes can't be forecast research., Part E--Cordi l lara and Pacific margin: but new mep shows probsbi l ity: Earth Science Canada Geological Survey Paper 8B-1E, p. 111-118. Digest, v. 3, no. 6, p. 18-17.

THOMAS, W. A., see THORSEN, G. w., 1970, Wsahington•s landslide sur­ BROWN, B. J. [and others], 1983. vey (a progrsas report). !!!. Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium, 6th Annual, Pro­ THOMPSON, G. A., 1964, Geophysical investigation ceedings: Idaho Department of Highways, p. 285- of the dunite et Twin Sisters, Washington [ab­ 293. stract]: Geological Society of America Spacial Paper 76, p. 227-226. THORSEN, G. W., 1983, Wast Beech silt-A late Pleistocene loess, central Puget Lowland, Washing­ THOMPSON, G. A., 1973, Aeromegnetic and 9ouguer tons Loess Letter, no. 10, P• 15-16. gravity map of Twin Sisters dunita, northwestern Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical THORSEN, G. W., 1983, West Beech silt-A late Investigations Map GP-901, 1 sheet, scale Pleistocene loess, central Puget Lowland, Washing­ / 1:125,000, with 3 p. text. ton: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 11, no. 2, p. 1-4. THOMPSON, G. A.; ROBINSON, RUSSaL, 1975, Gravity and magnetic investigation of the Twin Sisters THORSEN, G. W., 1985, A loess of mid Wisconsin dunite, northern Washington: Geological Society (Olympie) age in the Puget Lowland, Washington of America Bulletin, v. 86, no. 10, p. 1413-1422. State [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 6, p. 413. THOMPSON, J. N., 1988, The DeForest Creek land­ slide end sediment transport in Deer Creek, Skagit THORSEN, G. w., 1986, Landsl ids dams-A potential County, Washington: Western Washington University geologic hazard: Washington Geologic Newsletter, Master of Science thesis, 80 p. v. 14, no. 3, p. 22-24.

THOMPSON, J. N., 1988, Sediment transport, ero­ THORSEN, G. W., COMPILER, 1986, The Puget Low land sion, and storage along the main channel of Daer earthquakes of 1949 and 1985--Reproductions of Creek, Skagit County, Washington [abstract]: Geo­ selected articles describing damage: Washington logical Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ Division of Geology and Earth Resources Informa­ grams, v. 20, no. 3, p. 237. tion Ci rculer 81, 113 p. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY TIFFIN, D. L. 225

THORSEN, G. W., 1987, Soil bluffs + rain = slide THORSON, A. M., 1986, Glacial dynamics and inter­ hazards: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 15, actions between marine and terastrisl sectors of no. 3, p. 3-11. the southern Cordillaran ice sheet--The Puget-Juen de Fuca system [abstract): American Quaternary THORSEN, G. W.; OTHBERG, K. L., 1979, Slope sta­ Association, 9th Biennial Meeting, Program and bility pilot project: Washington Division of Abstracts, p. 23-25. Geology and Earth Resources Open-File Report 79- 1 B, 30 p., 4 p Lat es. THORSON, R. M., see al BO PEVEAR, D. R. [and others], 1978. THORSEN, G. W., see al so WAITI, R. B., JR. [and others], 1983. MANSON, C. J. [and others], 1983. ORME, A. A. [and others), 1986. THURBER, H. K., see GUALTIERI, J. L. [and others), 1973. THORSON, A. M., 1979, Isostatic effects of the GUALTIERI, J. L. [and others], 1975. last glaciation in the Puget Lowland, Washington: University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy the­ THUROW, CHARLES, see sis, 154 p., 1 plate. JAFFE, MARTIN [and others], 1981.

THORSON, A. M., 1979, Isostatic effects of the TIEN, Y. B., 1970, Site response and seismicity in last glaciation in the Puget Lowland, Washington the Seattle areaa University of Washington Doctor [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts International, of Phi loaophy theeia, 195 p. v. 40, no. B, Section B, p. 2577-B. TIEN, Y. B., 1970, The study of the frequency and THORSON, A. M., 1979, Postglacial isostatic uplift intensity of microaaismic ground motion in the of the Puget Lowland [abstract): U.S. Geological Puget Sound area [abstract]: Eos (American Geo­ Survey Professional Paper 1150, p. 89. physical Union Transactions], v. 51, no. 3, p. 208. THORSON, A. M., 1979, Reconstruction of the late Pleistocene and the evolu­ TIEN, Y. B., 1971, Site response and seismicity in tion of proglacial lakes in the Puget Lowland, the Seattle area [abstract]: Dissertation Ab­ Washington [abstract] • .!!!. Armantrout, J. M.; Cole, stracts International, v. 31, no. 10, Section B, A. M.; Ter Best, Harry, Jr., editors, 1979, Ceno­ p. 5988-B. zoic paleogeography of the western United States: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralo­ TIFFIN, D. L., 1973, Marina geophysical activities gists Pacific Section, Pacific Coast Palaogaogra­ on the Pacific margins Canada Geological Survey phy Symposium 3, p. 331. Paper 73-1, Part A, p. 121.

THORSON, A. M., 1980, Ice-sheet glaciation of the TIFFIN, D. L.; CAMERON, e. E. e., HURRAY, J. w., Puget Lowland, Washington, during the Vashon Stade 1972, Tactonica and depositional history of the (Late Pleistocene): Quaternary Research, v. 13, continental margin off Vancouver Island, British no. 3, p. 303-321. Columbia: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 9, no. 3, p. 280-298. THORSON, A. M., 1981, Isostatic affects of the Lest glaciation in the Puget Lowland, Washington: TIFFIN, D. L.; MURRAY, J. W.; MAYERS, I. R.; U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-370, GARRISON, A. E., 1971, Structure and origin of 1 00 p., 1 p Late. foraslopa hills, Fraser Delta, British Columbia: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 19, no. THORSON, A. M., 1983, Isostatic effects of the 3, p. 589-800. last glaciation in the Puget Lowland, Washington [ abstract]. .!!!. Yount, J. C.; Crosson, A. s., TIFFIN, D. L., see also editors, 1983, Proceedings of workshop XIV, Earth­ CHASE, A. L. [and others], 1975. quake hazards of the Puget Sound region, Washing­ MACLEOD, N. S. [and others], 1977. ton: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fila Report 83- SNAVELY, P. D., JR. [and others], 1974. 19, p. 300-301. 228 TILFOR>, NORMAN SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHIN13TON

TILFOR>, NORMAN; KENT', R. C., 1981, MQunt St. T?PPER, H. w., 1981, Offset pf an upper Pl iens­ Helens and the geology of Lewis and Toutle Rivers. bachien geographic zonation in the North Amaricen In Association of Engineering Geologists, 1981, Cordillara by a transcurrent movement: Canadian Field trip guidabook--Engineering geology in the Journal of Earth Sciance,, v. 18, no. 12, p. 1788- Pacific NQrthwast: Association of Engineering 1792. Geologists, p. 143-213, 1 plate. TIPPER, H. W.; WOOOSWORTH, G. J.f GABRIELSE, H., TILLING, R. I., 1883, Monitoring active volc111noH& CDORDINATO~, 1981, Tectonic assemblage map of the U.S. Geological Survey, 13 p. Canadian Cordillera end adjacent perts or the United Stataa of Amaric" Canada Geological TII-LING, R. I., 1984. Eruptipns of Mount St. Survey Map 1505A, 2 sh"te, ,cale 1:2,DOD,OOQ. Helens--Pest, present, and future: U.S. Geologi­ cal Survey, 48 p. TIVEY, M. A.; JOHNSON, H. P., 1985, A neer-bQttom magnatic survey over an active hydrothermal vent TILLING, R. I.; BAILEY, R. A., 1984, Volcano haz­ field--Northarn Juan de Fuca Ridge [abstract]: ards program in the USA. .!!l Fedotov, S. A.; Gal­ Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions], v. kin, I. N.; Nikolayev, A. V.; Sadova, E. N., edi­ 66, no. 48, p. 925. tors, 1984, Earthquakes and geological hazard pre­ diction: International Geological Congress, 27th, TlVEY, M. A.; JOHNSON, H. P., 1987, The central Reports, v. 8, p. 108-118. anomaly magnatic high-Implications for ocean cruet construction and evolution: Journal of TILLING, R. I.; BAILEY, R. A., 1985, Volcano haz­ Geophysical Research, v, 92, no, 812, P• 12,685- ards program in the United Statas1 Journal of 12,694. Gaodynamics, v. 3, no. 3/4, p. 425-448. TOBIN, D. G.; SYKES, L. R., 1967, Seismicity end TILLSON, D. D., 1977, Field trip 4--Gaology and tectonics of the northeast Pacific Ocean [ab­ foundation excavation at the Satsop Nuclear Power stract]: American Geophysical Union Transactions, Plant. In Association of Engineering Geologists, v. 48, no. 1, p. 204. 1977, Guidebook to field tripe; 1977 National Meeting, Seattle, Washington: Association of TOBIN, D. G.; SYKES, L. R., 1988, Sei1Jmicity and Engineering Geologists, p. 102-114. tectonics of the northeast Pacific Ocean: Journal of Geophysical Raeeerch, v. 73, no. 12, p, 3821- TILLSON, D. D.; GLASS, C. E.; KIEL, W. A., 1985, 3845. Use of synthetic shaded relief im111ges for engi­ neering geologic interpretation of geophysical TOBIN, o. G., 888 11lso data [abstract): Association of Engineering Geol­ LIVINGSTON, J. L. (and others}, 1971. ogists, 1985 Annual Meeting, Abstracts and Pro­ gram, p. 78. TOCHER, DON, see COOMBS, H. A. [and others], 1977. TILLSON, D. D., see also WITHERS, ROBERT (and others], 1978. COOMBS, H. A. [and others], 1977. DOHRENWEN>, J. C. [and others], 1978. TDOD, M. R.. 1939, The glacial geology of the PATWAR>HAN, A. S. [and others], 1978. Hemme Hamme Valley end its relation to the glacial SIMMONS, GENE (and others), 1981. history of the Puget Sound basin: University of SLEMMONS, D. B. [ and others], 1981. Washington Mester of Science thei.is, 48 p., 1 plate. TINSLEY, J. C., 1987, Quaternary framework for earthquake studies Los Angeles, California. In TDOD, w. A.,, 1981, Geology pf the Bald Hornet Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compi Lars, claims: Univerlility of Washington Bachelor of Sci- 1987, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Pro­ 11rice thas is, 29 p. gram, summaries of technical reports Volume XXIV: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fila Report 87-374, p. TOf(ARBf, P. I., 1984. On the predict ion of the 584-587. place, time end energy and of danger of Large explosions of andasitic volcanoes. In Fadotov, s. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY TUBBS, D. W. 227

A.; Galkin, I. N.; Nikolayev, A. V.; Sedova, E. TREXLER, D. T., see N., editors, 1984, Earthquakes and geo Log i ca L SLEMMONS, D. B. [and others], 1977. hazard prediction: International Geological SLEMMONS, D. B. [and others], 1981. Congress, 27th, Reports, v. 8, p. 84-105. TRIFUNAC, M. D.; BRADY, A. G.; HUDSON, D. E., TOKARBI, P. I .. 1985, The prediction of large 1973, Strong motion earthquake accelerogrems explosions of andaaitic volcanoes: Journal of digitized and plotted data; Volume II, Corrected Gaodynamica, v. 3, no. 3/4, p. 219-244,, accelerograms and integrated ground velocity and diaplacaaant curves, Part B, Accalarograms IIBD21 TOLAN, T. L., see through IIBD40: U.S. National Technical Informa­ ANDERSON, J. L. [and others], 1988. tion Service PB 220 161, 4 sheets microfiche [297 BEESON, M. H. [and others], 1987. p.J.

TOMPKINS, D. E., see TRIFUNAC, M. D.; BRADY, A. G.J HUDSON, D. E., MALLORY, v. S. [and others], 1984. 1975, Analyses of strong motion earthquake accal­ arograms, Vol. III, Part U: California Institute TOMSON, J. H.. sea of Technology Earthquake Engineering Research WAGNER, H. C. [and others], 1988. Laboratory EERL 75-81, 262 p. WAGNER, H. C. [and others], 1987. TRIFUNAC, M. D.; BRADY, A. G.; HUDSON, D. E., TOPINKA, L. J., sea 1975, Strong motion earthquake accalerograms, BRANTLEY, STBIEN [and others], 1984. digitized and plotted data, Vol. II, Part U: MARTINSON, H. A. [and others], 1984. California Institute of Technology Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory EEFL 75-51, 298 P• TORSETH, D. 0., 1984, Port of Seattle seiaaic waterfront design. !.!!. Cooper, J. D., editor, 1984, TRIMBLE, D. E., 1957, Geology of the Portland Lifeline earthquake enginaering--Parformance, quadrangle, Dragon-Washington: U.S. Geological design end constructions American Society of Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map G0-104, 1 sheet, Civil Engineers, p. 147-153. scale 1162,500.

TOWLE, J. N.. 1982, Geomagnetic variations in the TRIMBLE, D. E., 1963, Geology of Portland, Oregon, Cascades [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Pro­ and adjacent areas: U.S. Geological survey Bulle­ fessional Paper 1275, p. 173. t in 1119, 119 p.. 1 plate.

TOWNLEY, S. D.; ALLEN, M. W., 1939, Descriptive TROSETH, S., sea catalog of earthquakes of the Pacific Coast of the CONNARD, GERRY [and others], 1984. United States, 1789 to 1928: Seismological Socie­ ty of Amari ca Bu l lat in, v. 29, no. 1, p. 1-297. TSACDYEANES, C. W., sea FOUGERE, P. F. [and others], 1980. TREASHER, R. c.. 1940, Geology of the Portland area [abstract]: Geological Society of America TSAI, N. c.; HOUSNER, G. W., 1970, Calculation of Bulletin, v. 51, no.12, part 2, p. 2034. surface motions of a layered half-space: Seismo­ logical Society of America Bul Latin, v. 60, no. 5, TREASHER, R. C., 1942, Gaol og i c hi ato ry of the p. 1625-1851. Portland area: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industrias Short Paper 7, 17 p. TSUKADA, MATSUO, see ERONEN, MATTI [and others], 1987. TREASHER, R. C., 1942, Geologic map of the Port­ JONES, G. T. [and others], 1981. land area, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Resources Map Series, 1 sheet, scale TUBBS, D. w., 1974, Landslides and associated 1:96,000. damage during early 1972 in part of wast-central King County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey TREMBLY, LYNN, see Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-852-B, 1 BERG, J. w., JR. [and others], 1966. sheet, scale 1 :48,000. 228 TUBBS, D. W. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

TUNS, D. W., 1974, Landslides in Seattle: Wash­ TUTHILL, J,, D., sae al so ingtoo IHv i8ion or Geology and Earth Resoure&a LEWIS, 8.. T. R. [end others}, 't979. Information Circular 52, 15 p. SUTTON, El. H. f and others], 1980.

TUBBS, D. w., 1974, Landal idea in Seattle f ab­ TUTTLE, L D., 1941, The geomorphology of Pelton stract): Northwest Scientific As•oc:iation, 47th Baain, Glacier Peek quadrangle, Washington: State Annual MHtfng, Program and Abstract• of Papara, College of Washington Master of Sctence thesis, 17 p. 34. P•

TUBBS, D. W., 19715, Cauaaa, machaniama and predic­ TWELKEA, N. tt.. sae tion of tandalidtng in Seattle: University of SCMLICKER. H. S. [end others), 1984. WaaMngton Doctor of Phi loaophy thaaia, 88 p., 1 plate. TYSON• N. S., see HENDERSON, J. R., [end others}, 1958. TUBBS, D. W., 1976, Causes, mechanisms and predic­ HENDERSO!\ J,, R. [end others], 1969. tion of landsliding in Seattle [abatractl1 Dis­ sertation Abstracts Intemational, v. 37, no. 2, UCHUPI, ELAZ.AR; AUBREY, D. G., 1988, Suspect ter­ Section 9, p. 884-9. ranea in the North American margins and relative see-levels: Journal of Geology, v. 96, no. 1, p. TUBBS. D. w., 1976, Geologic and human factors 79-90. affecting landslides in Seattle [abstract): Geo­ logical Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ UGOLINI, F. C.; DAWSON. H.; ZACHARA, J., 1977, grams, v. 8, no. 8, p. 1147. Direct evidence of particle migration in the soil solution of e Podzt1l1 Science, v. 198, no. 4317, TUBBS, D. W.; DUNNE, THOMAS, 1977, Geologic haz­ p. 803-8015. ards in Seattle--A field guide for the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 19771 Geologi­ UGOLINI, F. C.; SCHLICHTE, A. K., 1973, The effect cal Society of America, 37 p. of HOlocane environmental changes on selected western Washington soils: Soil Science, v. 116, TUBBS, D. w.; FREDERICK, J. E., 1974, Two tech­ no. 3,p. a1e-22,. niques for identifying areas of landslide hazard in Seattle [abstract]: Northwest Scientific Asso­ UGOLINI, F. C., see also ciation, 47th Annual Meeting, Program and Ab­ BOCKHEIM, J. G.. [end others}, 1972. stracts of Papers, p. 34. SINGER, MICHAEL [and others), 1978.

TUBBS, D. w., see al so UI, TADAHIDE, 1983, Volcanic dry avalanche depos­ DUNNE, THOMAS [and others}, 1981. its---ldentifioation and comparison with nonvolcen­ io debris stream deposits: Journal of Volcenology TURCOTTE, THOMAS, see and Geothermal Research, v. 18, no. 1/4, p. 135- WITHERS, ROBERT [end others], 1978. 150.

TURK, T. W., see UI, TADAHIDE, 1983, Volcanic dry avalanche dapos­ CHRISTIE, N. K. [and others], 1980. ita~Identification end comparison with nonvolcan­ ic debris stream deposits. .Il! Aramaki, S.; Kushi­ TURNER, JUDITH, 19815, Sponge gemmulea from lake ro, I., editors, 1983, Arc volcanism: Elsevier sediments in the Puget Lowland: Quaternary Science Publishing Company, p. 135-150. Asses rch, v. 24, no. 2, p. 240-243. ULRICH, F. P., 1941, Progress report for 1939 of TUTHILL, J. D.; LEWIS, 8. T. R., 1979, Comparison the Seismological Field Survey of the United of ambient background noise to surface waves gen­ States Coast and Geodetic Survey: Seismological erated by explosive sources [abstract}: Eos Society of America Bullet in, v. 31, no. 2, p. 107- (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 60, 119. no. 46, p. 692-693. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS 229

ULRICH, F. P., 1941, Progress report for 1940 of ULRICH, F. P., see also the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in the MURPHY, L. M. [and others], 1951. western United States: Seismological Society of MURPHY, L. M. [and others], 1952. America Bul Latin, v. 31, no. 4, p. 335-344. ROBERTS, E. e. [end others], 1950. ROBERTS, E. e. [end others], 1951. ULRICH, F. P., 1942, Progress report of seismolog­ ROBERTS, E. B. [and others], 1952. ical work by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in the western United States during 1941: UMHOEFER, P. J., 1987, Northward translation of Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 32, "Beja British Columbia'' along the late Cretaceous to Paleocene margin of western North America: no. 4, p. 283-296. Tectonics, v. 8, no. 4, p. 377-394. ULRICH, F. P., 1943, Progress report of seismolog­ Ut6ER, J. 1969, The microearthqueke activity ical work by the United States Coast and Geodetic o., Survey in the western United States during 1942: of Mt. Rainier, Washington: Dartmouth Col Lege Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 33, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 179 p. no. 4, p. 281-293. UNGER, J. a_ 1989, The microserthqueke activity ULRICH, F. P., 1946, Progress report of seiamolog­ of Mt. Reinier, Washington [abstract]: Disserta­ ical work by the United States Coast and Geodetic tion Abstracts International, v. 30, no. 6, Sec­ Survey in the western United States during 19441 t ion a, p. 2785-B. Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 36, no. 1, p. 31-37. Ut6ER, J. D.; DECKER, R. W., 1969, The microeerth­ queke activity of Mt. Reinier, Washington [ab­ ULRICH, F. P., 1948, Progress report of seismolog­ stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transec­ ical work by the United States Coast and Geodetic t ions), v. 50, no. 4, p. 238. Survey in the western United States during 1946: Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 38, Ut6ER, J. D.; DECKER, R. W., 1970, The microeerth­ no. 1, p. 55-67. queke activity of Mt. Reinier, Washington: Seis­ mological Society of America Bulletin, v. 60, no. ULRICH, F. P., 1948, Progress report of seismolog­ 8, p. 2023-2035. ical work by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in the western United States during 1947: Ut6ER, J. D.; MILLS, K. F., 1972, Microeerthquekes Seismological Society of America Bulletin, v. 38, et Mt. Rainier, 19891 Seismological Society of no. 4, p. 275-288. America Bulletin, v. 82, no. 4, p. 1079-1081.

ULRICH, F. P., 1949, Reporting the Northwest UNGER, J. D-, MILLS, K. F., 1973, Earthquakes nee r earthquake--From the scientific point of view: Mount St. Helena, Washington: Geological Society Building Standards Monthly, June, 1949, p. B-11. of America Bul Latin, v. 84, no. 3, p. 1065-1067.

ULRICH, F. P., 1949, repr. 1988, Reporting the Ut6ER, J. D., see also Northwest earthqueke--From the scientific point of DECKER, R. W. [and others], 1971. view• .!!! Thorsen, G. w., compiler, 1988, The Puget Lowland earthquakes of 1949 and 1965--Reproduc­ U.S. ARMY CORPS OF Et6INEERS, 1982, Geology• .!!! tions of selected articles describing damage: Wynoochea River, Washington: U.S. Congress, 87th, Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources 2nd Session, House Document 601, p. 46-52. Information Circular 81, p. 19-23. U.S. ARMY CORPS Of ENGINEERS, 1971, Bonnavil Le ULRICH, F. P.; HOLLIS, E. P., 1947, Progreaa Dam, modirtoatton for peaking, supplement no. 7, report of seismological work by the United States Coll ins Point, Wn., al ids study1 U.S. Army Corps Coast and Geodetic Survey in the western United of Eng inears [Portland, Ore.] Design Memorandum 1, States during 1945: Seismological Society of 1 v. America But let in, v. 37, no. 2, p. 89-100. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF Et6INEERS, 1971, National shorelines study, inventory report--Columbia-oorth 230 U.S. ARMY COFPS OF ENGINEERS SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

Pacific region, Weshington and Oragon1 U.S. Army mental impact statement: U.S. Army Corps of Engi­ Corps of Engineers [Portlend, Ore.], 80 p. neers {Portland, Ore.], 1 vol.

U.S. ARMY COFPS OF ENGINEERS, 1975, Washington U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 1984, Mount St. environmental atlae; 2nd edition: U.S. Army Corps Helena, Washington feasibility report and environ­ of Engineers (Seattle, Wash.], 114 p. mental impact statement, final; Votume 1, Main report: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [Portland, U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 1978, Yakima Valley Ore.), 1 VO l. regional water management study-Volume I, Summa­ ry; Volume II, Water quality; Volume III, Water U.S. ARMY COFPS OF ENGINEERS, 1984, Spirit Lake budget; Volume JN, Geology and ground waters U.S. outlet tunnel; design maR1orandum no. 1: U.S. Army Army Corps of Engineers [Seattle, Waah.], 4 v. Corpe of Engineers (Portland, Ore.], 1 v.

U.S. ARMY COFPS OF ENGINEERS, 1980, Mt. Saint U.S. ARMY ENGINEER WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION, Helene recovery operations, Cowlitz County, Wash­ 1970, Seismic Inatrumantation Conference on Earth ington, Columbia County, Oregon; final environmen­ and Concrete Dams, San Francisco, 1969; Proceed­ tal impact statement: U.S. Army Corps of Engi­ ings: U.S. Netional Technical Information Ser­ neers [Portland, Ora.], 1 v. vice AD 777 488, 3 sheets microfiche [244 p.].

U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 1982, Bonnavil le U.S. BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY ANO SOILS, 1934, Soil Lake, Columbia River, Oregon-Washington; Bonn­ map, Kitsap County, Washington: U.S. Bureau of vil la Lake earthquake and fault study: U.S. Army Chemistry and Soils, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. Corps of Engineers [Portland, Ore.] Dasign Memo­ randum 38, 1 v. U.S. COAST ANO GEODETIC SURI/EV, 1983, Abstracts of earthquake reports for the Pacific coast and the U.S. ARMY COFPS OF ENGINEERS, 1982, Earthquake western mountain region MSA-112, October, Novem­ analysis of Chittenden lock and dam1 U.S. Army ber, December 1981: U.S. National Technical In­ Corps of Engineers [Seattle, Wash.] Design Memo­ formation Service PB 167 544, 1 sheet microfiche randum 8, 1 v. [48 p.].

U.S. ARMY COFP9 OF ENGINEERS, 1983, The Dallas U.S. COAST ANO GEOOETIC SURI/EV, 1965, The Puget Lake, Columbia River, Oregon-Washington; The Sound, Washington, earthquake of April 29, 1965: Dalles and John Day Lakes, earthquake and fault U.S. Coest end Geodetic Survey, 51 p. study: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Portland, Ore.] Design Memorandum 28, 1 v. U.S. El'NIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, 1975, Log­ ging roads and protection of water quality: U.S. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 1983, Earthquake Environmental Protect ion Agency [Seatt la, Wssh.] analysis of Howard Hanson Dam: U.S. Army Corps of EPA 910/9-75-007, 312 p. Engineers [Seattle, Wash.] Design Memorandum 28, 1 v. U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, 1980, Current volcanic hazards at Mount St. Helens, U.S. ARMY COFPS OF ENGINEERS, 1983, Earthquake Washington: U.S. Federal Emergency Management analysis of Mud Mountain Dam: U.S. Army Corps of Agency Mount St. Helens Technical Information Engineers [Seattle, Wash.] Design Memorandum 25, Nat work Bullet in 4, B P• 134 p., 4 p le tee. U.S. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, 1983, U.S. ARMY COFPS OF ENGINEERS, 1983, Earthquake Federal earthquake response plan, Puget Sound analysis of Wynoochea Dam: U.S. Army Corps of area: U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1 Engineers [Seattle, Wash.] Design Memorandum 17, v. 99 p. U.S. FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION, 1982, U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 1984, Alternative Draft env i ronmente l impact statement, Cowlitz strategies for a permanent outlet for Spirit Lake Fells project, FERC no. 2833-Washington: U.S. near Mount St. Helens, Washington; final environ- AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY u.s. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY 231

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FERC/EIS- Survey Open-File Report 78-354, 1 sheet, scale 0032-D, 1 VO l. 1:250,0DO.

U.S. FOREST SERIICE, 1988, Typical landscape U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1978, Puget Sound project charectariatica end associated soil and water ~Hazard evaluation on Mount Baker [abstrect]a management problems on the Mt. Baker National U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1100, p. Forest: U.S. Forest Service [Portland, Ore.], 84 318. p. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1978, Summaries of techni­ U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1982, Hydrologic studies cal reports; Volume VI; prepared by participants · in Washington. !!l U.S. Geological Survey, 1982, in the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Pro­ Geological Survey research 1962; synopsis of geo­ gram: U.S. Geological Survey, 420 p. logic, hydrologic, and topographic results: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Peper 450-A, p. 50. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SUAIEY, 1979, Aeromagnetic map of the Cascade Peas area, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1982, Urben geology. !!l cal Survey Open-File Report 79-1845, 1 sheet, U.S. Geological Survey, 1982, Geological Survey scale 1:82,50D. research 1982; synopsis of geologic, hydrologic, and topographic raeultaa U.S. Geological Survey U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1980, Aeromegnetic map of Professional Paper 450-A, p. 104. offshore northwest Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-978, 1 sheet, scale U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1974, Aaromagnetic map of 1:125,0DO. part of the Puget Sound area, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 74-1108, 17 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1980, Aeromagnatic map of sheets (1 sheet, scale 1:125,000; 16 sheets, scale the Grays Harbor County area, Washington: U.S. 1 :62,500.) Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-S4B, 1 sheet. seal a 1 :125,000. U.S. GEO\.OGICAL SURIEY, 1975, Aaromagnetic maps for pert of southwestern Washington: U.S. Geolog­ U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1980, Aeromegnatic map of ical Survey Open-File Report 75-648, 4 sheets, the north-central Washington coast: U.S. Geologi­ scale 1:82,500. cal Survey Open-File Report 80-S77, 1 sheet, scale 1:125,000. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1975, Slope map of pert of west-central King County, Washington: U.S. Geo­ U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1980, Aero magnetic map of logical Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series the northwest pert of the Olympic National Forest, Map 1-852-E, 1 sheet, scale 1:48,000. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fila Report B0-95D, 1 sheet, sea la 1 :125,000. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1975, A study of earth­ quake losses in the Puget Sound, Washington, area: U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 19BO, Preliminary aerial U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 75-375, photographic interpretative map showing features 298 p. related to the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helena, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Mis­ U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1977, Aeromegnetic map of cellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1254, 1 sheet, northern end eastern parts of the Puget Sound scale 1:82,500. area, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ Fi le Report 77-34, 1 sheet, scale 1:125,000. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1980, Preli mi nary aerial photographic interpretative map showing features U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1977, Aaromegnetic map of related to the Mey 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. pert of northern Washington: U.S. Geological Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ Survey Open-Fi le Report 77-254, 2 sheets, scale Fi la Report Blr-925, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. 1:82,500. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1981, Aeromagnetic map of U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1978, Aeromagnetic map of the Indian Heaven area, Washington: U.S. Geologi- the Bellingham area, Washington: U.S. Geological 232 U.S. GEOI.OGICAL SUR/EV Sf:ISMIC HAZARDS OF WES'fERN WASHIN3TON

cal Survey Open-File Report 81-928, 1 sheet, scale ton; U.S. GeQlogicel Survey Open-File Report 84- 1:82,500. 511, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SUflfEY, 1981, Aero11119netic aep of U.S. GEOLOGleAL SURfEY, 1984, Aeromegnetic map of the Mt. Ada111e area, Waehingtonc U.S. Gaologicel southwest Washington end northwest Oregon1 U.S, Survey Open-File Report 81-929, 1 sheet, ecela Geological $urvey Open-File Report 84-205, 1 1:82,500. sheet,. scale 1:250,000.

U.S. GEOLOGlCAL SUflfEY, 1981, Aeromagnatic mep of U.S. GeOLOGICAL SURfEY, 1984, Aeromagnetic map of the Mt. Margaret area, Washingtona U.S. Geologi­ the Olympic Mountain• area, Weahington1 U.S. Geo­ cal Survey Open-File Report 81-928, 1 sheet, scale logical Survey Open-File Report 84-510, 2 sheets, 1:82,500. scale 1:82,500.

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SUll/EY, 1981, Aeromagnetic aep of U.S. GEOl.Of,ICAL SUll/EY, 1986, Image mapping the the Mt. St. Helens arH, Washington: U.S. Geolog­ west co11st: U.S. Exclusive Econi,mic Zone. !!! u.s. ical Survey Open-Fi Le Report 81-932, 1 sheet, Geological Survey, 1986, Unitf!ld States Geological scale 1:62,500. Survey ye11rbook, fiscal year 1985: U.S. Geologi­ cal Survey, p. 102-105. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SUflfEY, 1982, Aeromegnetic mep of Glacier Peak, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURfEY, see Open-Fi le Report 82-541, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500. AMERICAN ASSOCIATlON CF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS {end others], 1967. U.S. GEOt,.OGICAL SUflfEY, 1982, Aeromagnetic map of AMERICAN GEOPHYSlCAL UNION [end others], 1964. Mt. Beker, Washington1 U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 82-540, 1 sheat, scale 1:82,500. UNIVERSITY CF BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF GEOL­ OGY, 1968, Guidebook for geological field trips in U.S. GEOLOGICAL SUflfEY, 1982, Aeromagnetic mep of southwestern British Columbia: University of Mt. Rainier end vicinity, Washington1 U.S. Geo­ British Columbia Department of Geology Report 6, logical Survey Open-Fila Report 82-547, 2 sheets, 62 p., 1 plate. map scale 1;82,500. UNIVERSITY CF BRITISH COLUNSIA GEOLOGICAL DISCUS­ U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURfEY, 1982, Aaromagnatic map of SION CLUB, 1980, Guidebook for geological field Mt. St. Helena, Weshfngton--Post May, 1980 erup­ trips in southweetern British Columbia: Univer­ tion: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82- sity of British Columbia Geological Discussion 659, 1 sheet, map sea le 1 :62,500. Club, 53 p., 1 plate.

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SUflfEY, 1982, Aaromagnetic mep of UNIVERSITY Of WASHIN3TON DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL pert of the Cascade Range, southwestern Washington SCIENCES, 1870, The fH1qually delta: University end northern Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Ope,,_ of Washington Department of Geological Sciences, File Report 82-883, 1 sheet, map scale 1:250,000. 84 p.

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SUflfEY, 1982, Aarcmagnetic map of UNIVERSITY Of WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL the Dome Peak area, Washington: U.S. Geological SCIENCES, 1972, The alpine lakes--Environmentel Survey Open-Fi Le Report 8.2-548, 1 sheet, map scah geology; University of Washington Department of 1:62,500. Geological Sciences Publications in Geological Sciencee 2, 1131 p., 1 plate, sc.ale 1 :250,000. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SUflfEY, 1982, Aeromagnetic map of the Goat Rocks eree, Washington: U.S. Geot09ical UNlVERSITY CF WASHINGT()N DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY; Survey Open-File Report 82-862, 1 ehe•t, map scale LlVINGSTQN, v. E., JR., 1983, A geologic trip 1:82,500. along Snoqualmie, Swauk, end Stevens Pesa high­ ways1 Washington Divieion of Mines and Geology U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURIEY, 1984, Aeromagnetic map cf Ir1for111et'ion Circular 38, 51 P• part of the North Cascade Netjonal Perk, Weshing- AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS 233

UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF OCEANOGRA­ September 30, 1984: University of Washington PHY, 1953, Puget Sound and approaches--A litera­ Geophysics Prog rem, 27 p. ture survey; Vol. I, Geography, climatology, hy­ drology: University of Washington Department of UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1984, Oceanography, 130 p. Quarterly network report 84-0 on seismicity of Washington and northern Oregon, October 1 through UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF OCEANOGRA­ December 31, 1984: University of Washington Geo­ PHY, 1953, Puget Sound and approachea--A litera­ physics Program, 27 p. ture survey; Vol. II, Geology, volcanology, seis­ mology, geomagnetism, geodesy, hydrography1 Uni­ UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1984, versity of Washington Department of Oceanography, Quarterly network report 85-A on seismicity of 110 p. Washington end northern Oregon, January 1 through March 31, 19851 University of Washington Geophys­ UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1976, ics Prag rem, 27 p. Research in regional seismicity, including explo­ sion monitoring end earthquake precursor studies. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1984, In Evernden, J. F., program manager, 1976, Summa­ Stations used for location of 1983 western Wash­ ries of technical reports, Volume II: U.S. Geo­ ington events. l!!. Crosson, R. S.; Melone, s. D., logical Survey, p. 167-168. 1984, Earthquake hazard evaluation in the Pacific Northwest; final technical report, Oct. 1, 1982- UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1977, 0ct. 31, 1983: University of Washington Geophys­ Earthquake hazard evaluation in the Pacific North­ ics Program, 5 p. west. In Evernden, J. F., program manager, 1977, Summaries of technical reports, Volume III: U.S. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1986, Geological Survey, p. 151-152. Quarterly network report 84-D on seismicity of Washington and northern Oregon, October 1 through UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1977, December 31, 1984. In. Crosson, R. s.; Malone, S. Earthquake hazard evaluation in the Pacific North­ D- 1986, Regional seismic monitoring in western west. In. Evernden, J. F., program manager, 1977, Washington; final technical report--1985: Univer­ Summaries of technical reports, Volume 'IY: U.S. sity of Washington Geophysics Program, 27 p. Geological Survey, p. 237-238. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1986, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1984, Quarterly network report 85-A on seismicity of 1983 western Washington earthquake hypocanters. In. Washington and northern Oregon, January 1 through Crosson, R. s.; Malone, s. O., 1984, Earthquake March 31, 1985. In. Crosson, R. S.1 Malone, S. D., hazard evaluation in the Pacific Northwest; final 1986, Regional seismic monitoring in western Wash­ technical report, Oct. 1, 1982-0ct. 31, 1983: ington; final technical report--1985: University University of Washington Geophysics Program, 15 p. of Washington Geophysics Program, 27 p.

UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1984, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1986, Quarterly network report 84-A on seismicity of Quarterly network report 85-8 on seismicity of Washington and northern Dragon, January 1 through Washington end northern Oregon, April 1 through March 31, 1984: University of Washington Geophys­ June 30, 1985. In Crosson, R. So1 Ma Lone, S. D., ics Prag rem, 27 p. 1988, Regional seismic monitoring in western Wash­ ington; final technical report--1985: University UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1984, of Washington Geophysics Program, 32 p. Quarterly network report 84-8 on saismicity of Washington end northern Oregon, April 1 through UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1986, June 30, 1984: University of Washington Geophys­ Quarterly network report 85-C on seismicity of ics Program, 27 p. Washington and northern Oregon, July 1 through September 30, 1985. In. Crosson, R. So1 Melone, s. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1984, o- 1986, Regional seismic monitoring in western Quarterly network report 84-C on seismicity of Washington; final technical report--1985: Univer­ Washington and northern Oregon, July 1 through sity of Washington Geophysics Program, 26 p. 234 UNIVERSITY Of WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

UNIVERSITY Of WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1986, December 31, 1986: University of Washington Geo­ Quarterly network report 86-A on saiamicity of physics Program, 26 p. Washington end northern Oregon, January 1 through March 31, 1988: University of Washington Geophys­ UNIVERSITY Of WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1987, ics Program, 23 p. Querterly network report Ef1-A on seismioity of Washington and north&"' Oregon1 University of UNIVERSITY Of WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1986, Wa8hington Geophysics Program, 18 p. Quarterly network report 86-B on saiamicity of Washington end northem Dragon, April 1 through UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1987, June 30, 1986: University of Washington Geophys­ Quarterly network rapurt 87-B on aeismicity of ics Program, 25 p. Washington and northern Oregon, April 1 through June 30, 19871 University of Washington Geophys­ UNIVERSITY Of WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1988, ics Program, 21 p. Quarterly network report 86-C on saismicity of Washington end northern Oragon~July 1 through UNIVERSITV ~ WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1987, September 30, 19861 University of Waahington Geo­ Quarterly network report 87-C on seiemicity of physics Program, 21 p. Washington end northern Oregon, July 1 through September 30, 1987: University of Washington Geo­ UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1987, physics Program, 24 p. Quarterly network report 85-0 on seismicity of Washington and northern Oregon, October 1 through UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1987, December 31, 1985. Ill Crosson, R. S.; Malone, S. Quarterly network report 87-0 on seismicity of o. 1987, Regional seismic monitoring in western Washington end northern Oregon, October 1 through Washington; final technical report~19BS: Univer­ December 31, 1987: University of Washington Geo­ sity of Washington Geophysics Program, 20 p. physics Program, 24 p.

UNIVERSITY Of WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1987, UNIVERSITY Of WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1987, Quarterly network report BB-A on eaiamicity of Regional network data processing programs. Ill

Washington and northern Oregon, January 1 through Crosson, R. s. 19871 Earthquake hazard research March 31, 1986. Ill Crosson, R. S.; Malone, S. o., in the Pacific Northwestp final technical report~ 1987, Regional seismic monitoring in wastam Wash­ 1986: University of Washington Geophysics Pro­ ington; final technical report~19881 University gram, 13 p. of Washington Geophysics Program, 23 p. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1988, UNIVERSITY Of WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1987, Quarterly network report BS-A on seismicity of Quarterly network report BS-Bon seismicity of Washington and northern Oregon, January 1 through Washington and northern Oregon, April 1 through March 31, 1988: University of Washington Geophys­ June 30, 1986. Ill CroHon, R. S.; Malone, S. o., ics Program, 22 p. 1987, Regional seismic monitoring in western Wash­ ington; final technical report~19BS: University UNIVERSITY Of WASHINGTON QUATERNARY RESEARCH CEN­ of Washington Geophysics Program, 25 p. TER, 1988, Holocene subduction in the Pacific Northwest: University of Washington Quaternary UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1987, Research Canter, 21 p. Quarterly network report 86-C on seismicity of Washington and northern Oregon, July 1 through UPHAM, WARREN, 1904, Glacial and modified drift in September 30, 1988. Ill Crosson, R. s.; Malone, s. and near Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia: American D., 1987, Regional seismic monitoring in western Geologist, v. 34, no. 4, p. 203-214.. Washington; final technical report~1988: Univer­ sity of Washington Geophysics Program, 21 p. UTTERBACK, C. L., see SANDERMAN, L. A. [end others], 1953. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM, 1987, Quarterly network report BS-Don seismicity of VALI, VICTOR, 1969, Measuring earth strains by Washington and northern Oregon, October 1 through Laser: Scientific American, v. 221, no. 6, p. 89- 95. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY VANCE, J. A. 235

VALI, VICTOR; BOSTROM, R. C., 1968, One thousand VAN NOY, R. M., sea [continued] meter laser interferometer: Review of Scientific STAATZ, M. H. [and others], 1971. Instruments, v. 39, no. 9, p. 1304-1306. STAATZ, M. H. [and others}, 1972.

VALI, VICTOR; BOSTROM, R. C., 1968, Some earth VANCE, o. J., 1971, Relocations of some saismic strain observations with a thousand meter laser events in the Puget Sound area, 1951-1968: Uni­ interferometer: Earth and Planetary Science Let­ versity of Washington Master of Science thesis, 56 ters, v. 4, no. 8, p. 436-436. p.

VALI, VICTOR; KROGSTAD, R. S.; BOSTROM, R. C., VANCE, J. A., 1957, The geology of the Sauk River 1967, 1000-meter Leser interferometer earth area in the northern Cascades of Washington2 Uni­ strainmeter [abstract]: American Geophysical versity of Washington Doctor of Philosophy thesis, Union Transactions, v. 48, no. 1, p. 21S. 312 p., 1 plate.

VALI, VICTOR, see also VANCE, J. A., 1957, The geology of the Sauk River BOSTROM, R. C. [and others], 1989. area in the northern Cascades of Washington [ab­ BOSTROM, R. C. [end others], 1971. stract]: Dissertation Abstracts, v. 17, no. 9, p. 1984-1985. VALLANCE, J. w., 1985, Late Pleistocene Lahar assemblage near Hood River, Oregon [abstract]: VANCE, J. A., 1975, Bedrock geology of San Juan Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. County. !ll Russell, R. H., editor, 1975, Geology 88, no. 48, p. 1150. and water resources of the San Juan Islands, Sen Juan County, Weshington1 Washington Department of VAN DEN DRIESSCHE, R., 1979, Soil management in Ecology Weter-Supply Bulletin 48, p. 3-19. Douglas-fir nurseries. !ll Heilman, P. E.; Ander­ son, H. W., Jr.; Baumgartner, D. M., compi Lars, VANCE, J. A., 1977, Early and middle Cenozoic meg­ 1979, Forest soils of the Douglas-fir regions matism and tectonics, Cascade Mountains, Washing­ Washington State University Cooperative Extension ton [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Se rv ice, p. 278-292. Transactions), v. 58, no. 12, p. 1247.

VAN DENBURGH, A. s., 1985, Chemical distinct.ion VANCE, J. A., 1977, Fault studies in the north between ground water of four sedimentary units on Cascades. Chapter §. g! Shannon and Wilson, Inc., the Kitsap Peninsula and adjacent islands, Wash­ Geologic studies in the 1872 earthquake!!!. ington: U.S. Geological survey Professional Peper Washington Public Supply System, 1977, WPPSS 525-D, p. 0219-0221. nuclear project no. 1--Preliminary safety analysis report: Washington Public Power SUpply System VAN DIVER, B. B., 1984, Petrology of the metamor­ Docket no. 50-480, Preliminary safety analysis phic rocks, Wenatchee Ridge area, central northern report, Amendment 23, v. 2A, Appendix 2R, Subap­ Cascades, Washington: University of Washington pend ix 2R D, Chap. 5,32p. Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 140 p., 2 plates. VANCE, J. A., 1977, The stratigraphy and structure VAN DIVER, B. B., 1965, Petrology of the metamor­ of Orcas Island, San Juan Islands. In Brown, E. phic rocks, Wenatchee Ridge area, central northern H.; Ellis, R. c., editors, 1977, Geological excur­ Cascades, Washington [abstract]: Dissertation Ab­ sions in the Pacific Northwest; Geological Society stracts, v. 25, no. 9, p. 5217. of America annual meeting, 1977: Western Washing­ ton University, p. 170-203. VAN DIVER, B. B., 1967, Contemporaneous faulting­ metamorphism in Wenatchee Ridge area, northern VANCE, J. A., 1978, The pre-Yakima basement of the Cascades, Washington: American Journal of Sci­ Washington Cascades. !ll Rockwell Hanford Opera­ ence, v. 265, no. 2, p. 132-150. tions, 197B, Tectonics and saismicity of the Columbia Plateau workshop: Rockwell Hanford Oper­ VAN NOY, R. M., see ations, 8 p. SIMMONS, G. C. (and others], 1974. [continued] 238 VANCE, J. A. SEISMIC HAZAR>S OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

VANCE, J. A., 1979, Early and middle Cenozoic arc VANCE, J. A., see also magmatism and tectonics in Washington State [.ab­ BRANDON, M. T. {end others), 1983. stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts BRANDON, M. T. [and others], 198B. with Programs, v. 11, no. 3, p. 132. BROWN, E. H. {and otharsl, 19'7. FfUZZELl, V. A., JR. {and othef's), 1983. VANCE, J. A., 1980, Tectonics of the Jur...Crete­ M[t.LER, R. e. [end others), 1981. ceoua ooean basin of western Washington (ab­ TABOR. R. w. (and others], 1984. stract): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 3, p. 157. VANCE, T. C., sea JOHNSON, H. P. {end ethers), 1982. VANCE, J. A., 1882, Cenozoic stratigraphy and tec­ JOHNSON, H. P. {and others], 1983. tonics of the Washington Cascades [abatraot]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ VANDERWAL,~ S., 1985, Compositional and textural grams, v. 14, no. 4, p. 241. variations in the Vashon till and underlying drifts fn the northern and cefltral Puget Low Lend, VANCE, J. A., 1982, Paleogene magmatism and tec­ Weahingto1t: University of Washington Mester of tonics in the Washington Cascades [abstract)1 Eoa Science thesis, 110 p. (American Geophysical Union Trsnaactiona), v. 63, no. 8, p. 173. VAK>ERWAL, K. S., 1985, Textural and compositional variations in Vashon THl and underlying drifts in VANCE, J. A., 1985, Early Tertiary faulting in the the Puget Lowland, Washington {abstract]: Geolog­ north Cascades [abstract]: Geological Society of ical Society of America Abstracts with Programs, America Al:istracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 8, p. v. 17, no. 7, p. 739. 415. VANDINE, o. F., 1985, Debris flows and debris tor­ VANCE, J. A.; CLAYTON, G. A.; MATTINSON, J. M.; rents in the southern Canadian cordH tars-Reply: NAESER, C. w., 1987, Early end middle Cenozoic Canadian Geotechnical Journal, v. 22, no. 4, p. stratigraphy of the Mount Rainier-Tieton River 609. area, southern Washington Caacadea. !!l Schuster, J. E., editor, 1987, Selected papers on the geolo­ VANICEK, PETFI, 1978, To the problem of noiss gy of Washington: Washington Division of Geology reduction in sea-level records used in vertical and Earth Resources Bulletin 77, p. 289-290. crustal mova11ant detection; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, v. 17, no. 3, p. 265-280. VANCE, J. A.; MILLER, R. B., 1981, The movement history of the Straight Creak fault in Washington VANICEK, PETR; NAGY, DEZSO, 1980, The map of con­ State [abstract). In The last 100 million years temporary vertical crustal movements in Canada: (mid Cretaceous to Holocene) of geology and miner­ Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions). v. al deposits in the Canadian Cordillera: Geologi­ 61, no. 14, p. 145-146. cal Association of Canada Cordilleran Section Pro­ gramme and Abstracts, p. 39-41. VANICEK, PETlil; NAGY, DEZSO, 1981, On the compila­ tion of the map of contemporary vertical crustal VANCE, J. A.; MILLER, R. B., 1983, Geologic con­ movements in Canedac Tectonophysics, v. 71, no. straints on the movement history of the Stf'8ight 1, p. 75-86. CretSk feu l t [abstract]. !!l Young, J. C.; Crosson, R. S., editors, 19B3, Proceedings of workshop XIV, VANONI, v. A., 1982, Comments on sedimentation Earthquake hazards of the Puget Sound region, problems resulting from the eruption of Mt. St. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi la Helens. !!l Washington Water Research Center, 1982, Report 83-19, p. 302-306. Proceed i nge from tt:ie conference, Mt. St. He lens­ Effects on water resources: Washington Water VANCE, J. A.; NAESER, C. W., 1981, Fission track Research Center Report 41, p. 395-403. ages from the Stevens Ridge Formation, Washington Cascades {abstract]: Geological Society of Ameri­ VARNES, D. J., sea ca Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 2, p. 112. RADBRUCIHiALL, o. H. [end others], 1976. RAOBRUCH-HALL, D. H. [and others], 1982. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY VOIGtfT', BARRY 237

VARNUM, R. V., JR., 1978, Geology of the Trident VINE, F. J., 1968, Proof of ocean-floor spreading? support site, Bangor, Washington [abstract]: Geo­ [abstract]: Geological Society of America Special logical Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ Paper 101, p. 229. grams, v. 10, no. 2, p. 90. VINE, F. J.; WILSON, J. T., 1965, Magnetic anoma­ VASIStfT'H, UMESH, 1982, Danny Creak viaduct: Pro­ lies over a young oceanic ridge off Vancouver ceedings of Sino-American Symposium on Bridge and Island: Science, v. 150, no. 3895, p. 485-489. Structural Engineering, Baij ing; part II, Paper 7- 07, p. 7-07-1 - 7-07-15. VINE, J. D., 1962, Preliminary geologic map of the Hobart and Maple Valley quadrangles, King County, VEATCH, F. M., 1989, Analysis of a 24-year photo­ Washington: Washington Division of Mines and graphic record of Nisqually Glacier, Mount Rainier Geology Geologic Map GM-1, 1 sheet, scale National Park, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey 1:24,DDD. Professional Paper 631, 52 p., 1 plate. VINE, J. D., 1962, Stratigraphy of Eocene rocks in VERESS, s. A., 1982, Photogrammetry as a deforma­ a part of King County, Washington: Washington tion survey. l!!. Anderson, s. A.; Teskey, W. F., Division of Mines and Geology Report of Investiga­ editors, 1982, Proceedings of the fourth Canadian tions 21, 20 p. symposium on mining surveying and deformation mea­ surements: Canadian Institute of Surveying, p. VINE, J. D., 1969, [1970), Geology and coal 209-221. resources of the Cumberland, Hobart, and Maple Valley quadrangles, King County, Washington: U.S. VERHOOGEN, JEAN, 1936, Geology of Mount St. Geological Survey Professional Paper 624, 67 p., 4 Helens, Washington: Stanford University Doctor of plates. Philosophy thesis. VINE, J. D., sea al so VERHOOGEN, JEAN, 1937, Mount St. Helens, a recant WOLFE, J. A. [and others], 1961. Cascade volcano: California University Department of Geological Sciences Bulletin, v. 24, no. 9, P• VOIGtrr, BARRY; GLICKEN, HARRY; JANDA, R. J.; 263-302. DOUGLASS, P. M., 19B1, Catastrophic rocksl ide avalanche of May 18. I!! Lipman, P. W.; Mullineaux, VERHOOGEN, JEAN, 1937, Volcanic history of Mt. St. D. R., editors, 1981, The 1980 eruptions of Mount Helens [abstract]: Geological Society of America St. Helens, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Proceedings 1936, p. 302. Professional Paper 1250, p. 347-377.

VERSTEEG, J. H., see VOIGtrr, BARRY; JANDA, R. J.; GLICKEN, HARRY; SQUIER, L. R. [and others], 1971. DOUGLASS, P. M., 1983, Nature and mechanics of the Mount St. Helens rockslida-avalancha of 18 Mey VICTOR, LINDA, sea 1980: Geotachniqua, v. 33, no. 3, p. 243-273. COUCH, A. W. [and others], 1974. VOIGtrr, BARRY; JANDA, R. J.; GLICKEN, HARRY; V IDEGAR, F. D., see DOUGLASS, P. M.; NOLAN, K. M.; HOBLITT, R. P., CAPPS, GERALD [and others], 1973. 1980, Catastrophic rockslida-avalancha of Msy 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens volcano, Washington [ab­ VILLINGER, H., see stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts NOSES, D. C. [and others], 1985. with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, p. 542. DAV IS, E. E. [ and others], 1986. VOIGtrr, BARRY; VOIGtfT', M. A., 1974, Rock mechanics VINE, F. J., 1968, Peleomognetic evidence for the ~The American northwest; an advance expedition northward movement of the North Pacific Basin dur­ report including a glimpse et the structure of the ing the past 100 m.y. [abstract]: American Geo­ North Cascade, and Rainier, Yellowstone, Grand physical Uni on T rensect ions, v. 49, no. 1, p. 156. Teton, Glacier National Park regions, with special reference and full description concerning the mechanical problems of landslides, for citizens, 238 VOIGHT, BARRY SEISMIC HAZARDS OF' WESTE~N WASHINGTON

emigrant end tourist: Pennsylvania State Univer­ Western Washington State College Master of Science sity, 292 p. thesis, 187 p.. 1 plats.

VOIGHT, BARRY, see also VIJNHE&til:R, e. ~ 1915, Coal reserves of Whatcom GLICKEN, HARRY [and others], 198D. county, Washington: Washington Division of Geolo­ GLICKEN, HARRY [and others], 1981. gy and Eerth Resources Open-Fila Report 15-9, 90 JAM>A, R. J. [and others], 1980. p., 2 plates. MAJOR, J. J. [end others], 1984. MAJOR, J. J. [and others], 1986. VOSSLER, D. A., see MEYER, WILLIAM [and others), 1984. 13l:Ri3• J. w., JR,. [and others], 1966. MEYER, WILLIAM [and others], 1985. WAITI, R. e., JR. [end Others], 1983. WAOI!; W. M.; RAVIOlA, FRANK; HOPKINS, W. N"' 1987, Empllce~ent or tha Eocene Cooper Mountain batho­ VOIGHT, M. A., see lith into the Ross Lake Fault Zone, NE Cascades, VOIGHT, BARRY [and others], 1974. Washington (abetract]: Geological Society of America Al:istl'acts with Programs, v. 19, no. 8, p. VON ENGELN, o. o., 1936, Glacial features of the 480. southern Okanogan region [comment, with reply by R. F. Fl int]: Gaologicel Society of America Bul­ WAGNER, H. C., 1967, Preliminary geologic map of letin, v. 48, p. 2016-2017. the Raymond ~uadrangle, Pacific County, Washing­ ton: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87- VON FRESE, R. R. B., see 265, 1 shBllt; sea la 1 :82,500. SEXTON, J. L. [end others), 1982. WAGNER, H. c., 1987, Preli mi nary geologic map of VON HAKE, C. A., 1978, Earthquake history of W88h­ the Sound Bend quadrangle, Pacific County, Wash­ i ngton: U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Infor­ tngtons u.s. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report met ion Bullet in, v. 10, no. 1, p. 2B-33. 81-288, 1 sheet, sea La 1 :B2,5DO.

VON HAKE, c. A.; CLOUD, w. K., 1967, repr. 1986, WAGNERt H. C., 1985, Preliminary geologic frame­

United States earthquakes, 19650 In. Thorsen, G. work studies showing bathymetry, locations of geo­ W., compiler, 1986, The Puget Lowland ea rthquekes physical trtckl ines and exploratory wells, sea of 1949 and 1965--Reproductions of selected arti­ flool' geology and daeper geologic structures, cles describing damage: Washington Division of magnetic contours, and inferred thickness of Ter­ Geology and Earth Resources Information Circular tiary rocks on the continental slops off south­ 81, p. 91-112. western Washington: Washington Division of Geolo­ gy end Earth Resources Open-File Report 85-1, 6 VON HAKE, C. A., see also P•• 5 platu. COFFMAN, J. L. [and others], 1973. COFFMAN, J. L. [and others], 1982. WAGNER, Ho C.; BATATIAN, L. D.; LAMBERT, T. M.; STOJER, C. w. [and others], 1981., TOMSON, J. H., 19B8, Preliminary geologic frame­ STOJER, C. w. [and others), 1982. work studies showing bathymatry, locations of geo­ physical tN1ckl ines end exploratory wel Ls, sea VON HUENE; ROLAND; RIDDIHOUGH, R. P.; SANCHES floor geology and deeper geologic structures, mag­ RUBIO, G., 1982, Active Neogen& margins of North netic contours, and inferred thickness of Tertiary America [abstract): Geological Society of America rocks on the oontirterttal shelf and upper continen­ Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 7, I>• 639. tal slope Off southwestern Washington between latitudes 46 degrees N and 48 degrees 30 minutes N VON HUENE, ROLAM>, see also and from the Washingtdn coast to 124 degrees 20 SHI, YAOLIN [and others], 1987. minutes Wt Washington Division of Geology and WANG, c.-Y. [and others], 1987. Earth Resources Open-File Report 86-1; 8 p., 6 plates. VONHEEDER, E. R., 1972, Origin and development of coastal landforms at Point Frances, Washington: WAGNER, H., C.; SNAVELY, P. o., JR., 1966, Geology -Western Washington. In U.S. Geological Survey; AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY WAITI, R. 8., JR. 239

and others, 1966, Mineral and water resources of WAITI, R. B., JR., 1975, Late Pleistocene alpine Washing ton: U.S. Congress, 89th, 2nd Seas ion, glaciers and the cordillaran ice sheet at Washing­ Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs Commit­ ton Pass, north Cascade Range, Washington: Arctic tee Print, p. 37-46. and Alpine Research, v. 7, no. 1, p. 25-32.

WAGNER, H. C.; TOMSON, J. H., 1987, Offshore WAITI, R. B., JR., 1977, Evolution of glaciated geology of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, State of topography of upper Skagit drainage basin, Wash­ Washington and British Columbia, Canada: Washing­ ington: Arctic and Alpine Research, v. 9, no. 2, ton Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open­ p. 183-192. Fi la Report 87-1, 18 p.. 7 plates. WAITI, R. B., JR., 1978, Post-Miocene stratigraphy WAGNER, H. C.; WILEY, M. C., 1980, Preliminary map and tectonism of parts of the Great Columbia Plain of offshore geology in the Protection Island-Point and adjacent Cascades, Washington. !!l Rockwall Partridge area, northern Puget Sound, Washington: Hanford Operations, 1978, Tectonics and seismicity U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fila Report 8D-548, 4 of the Columbia Plateau workshop: Aockwel l Han­ p., 2 plates, scale 1:100,000. ford Operations, 11 p.

WAGNER, H. C.; WILEY, M. C., 1983, Offshore Qua­ WAITI, R. S., JR., 1979, Rocks l i da-ave l anche ternary geology of the northern Puget Sound-east­ across distributary,of Cordilleran ice in Pasayten ern Strait of Juan de Fuca region, Washington. !!l Valley, northern Washington: Arctic and Alpine Yount, J.C.; Crosson, R.S., ads., 1983, Proceed- Research, v. 11, no. 1, p. 33-40. i ngs of workshop XIV, Earthquake hazards of the Puget Sound region, Washington: U.S. Geological WAITI, R. B., JR., 1980, Stratigraphic relations Survey Open-Fi la Report 83-19, p. 178-287. between deposits of lateral surge, debris flow, and catastrophic floodwater at Mount St. Helens, WAGNER, H. C., see also 18 May 1980 [abstract}: Eos (American Geophysical SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [and others], 1983. Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 46, p. 1135. SNAVELY, P. D., JR. [and others], 1981. SNAVELY, P. D., JR. [and others}, 1982. WAITI, R. B., JR., 1982, Late Wisconsin deglacie­ SNAVELY, P. D., JR. [and others], 1983. tion of high-relief alpine terrain in northern SNAVELY, P. o., JR. [and others], 1984,, Washington compared to New England [abstract]: American Quaternary Association, 7th Biennial Con­ WAHL, P. R., see ference, Program and Abstracts, p. 171. EATON, G. P. [ and others], 197S. WAITI, R. B., JR., 1982, Quaternary research in WAHLSTROM, R.; ROGERS, G. C.; ELLIS, R. M., 1987, the northwest 1805-1979 by early government sur­ Seismicity raessessmant and earthquake focal mech­ veys end the U.S. Geological Survey, end prospects anisms for the northern Juen de Fuca Ridge system for the future. !!l Levi ton, A. E.; Rodda, P. u.; [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Yochalson, E. L.; Aldrich, M. L., editors, 1982, T rsnsact i one), v. 68, no. 3, p. 46. Frontiers of geological exploration of western North America: American Association for the Ad­ WAITI, R. B., JR., 1972, Southern limit of the vancement of Science Pacific Section, p. 187-192. Leta Wisconsin cordilleran ics sheet in the north Cascade Range, Washington [abstract]: Geological WAITT, R. e., JR.; PIERSON, T. c.; MACLEOD, N. s.; Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, JANDA, R. J.; VOIGHT, BARRY; HOLCOMB, R. T., 1983, no. 6, p. 419. Eruption-triggered avalanche, flood, and Laher at Mount St. Helans--Effects of winter snowpack: WAITI, R. B., JR., 1974, Landslide across a tongue Science, v. 221, no. 4618, p. 1394-1397. of Latest Pleistocene ice in Wast Fork Pasaytan Valley, north Cascades, Washington [abstract]: WAITI, R. B., JR.; THORSON, R. M., 1983, The Cor­ Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pra­ di l leran ice sheet in Washington, Idaho, and Mon­ g rams, v. 6, no. 3, p. 271. tana. I.!! Wright, H. E., Jr.; Porter, s. c., edi­ tors, 1983, Late-Quaternary environments of the 240 WAITT, R. B., JR. SEISMIC HAZAFllS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

United States; Volume 1, The late Plaiatooana1 Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-159, 1 sheet, seals University of Minnaaota Preaa, p. 53-70. 1 :24,000.

WAITT, R. B., JR.; YOUNT, J. C., 1978, Cl i meta and WALDRON, H. ~ 1967, Geologic map of the Duwamish glaciers [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Pro­ Head quadrangle, King and Kitsap Counties, Wash­ feaafonal Paper 1100, p. 215. ington: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadran­ g le Map GQ-706, 1 sheet, scale 1 :24,000. WAITT, R. e., JR.; YOUNT, J. c.; DAVIS, P. T., 1982, Regional significance of an early Holocene WALDRON, H. H.; LEISCH, B. A.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.; moraine in Enchantment Lakes basin, north Cascade CRANDaL, D. R., 1961, Preliminary geologic map of Range, Washington: Quaternary Research, v. 17, Seattle and vicinity: U.S. Geological Survey no. 2, p. 191-21 o. Open-File Report 61-188, 3 sheets. (Published ea USGS map I-354.) WAITT, R. B., JR., see also FRIZZaL, v. A., JR. [and othera], 1984. WALDRON, H. H0 ; LEISCH, B. A.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.; TABOR, R. w. [and others], 1977. CRANDELL, D. R., 1962, Preliminary geologic map of TABOR, R. w. [and others], 1980. Seattle and vicinity: U.S. Geological Survey TABOR, R. w. [and others], 1992. Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map I-354, 1 TABOR, R. w. [and others], 1987. sheet. WHETTEN, J. T. [and others], 1978. WALDRON, H. H.; MULLINEAUX, D. R.; CRANDELL, D. WALCK, M. c., 1985, The upper mantle beneath the R. 1957, Age of the Vashon glaciation in the north-asst Pacific rim--A comparison with tha Gulf southern and central parts of the Puget Sound of California: Royal Astronomical Society Gao­ Basin, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society physical Journal, v. 81, no. 1, p. 243-27S. of America Bullet in, v. 68, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1849-1850. WALCK, M. C.; CLAYTON, R. W., 1983, A comparison of upper mantle models for the Cascade Ranges and WALDRON, H. H., aee al so the Gulf of California [abstract]: Eos (American CRANDaL, O. R. [and others], 1954. Geophysical Union Transact ions), v. 64, no. 45, p. CRANDELL, D. R. [and others], 1956. 763. CRANDaL, D. R. [and others], 1959. CRANDELL, D. R. [and others], 1965. WALDRON, O. A., see CRANDaL, D. R. [and others], 1969. CLOWES, R. M. [and others], 1983. MULLINEAUX, D. R. [ and others], 1957. ELLIS, R. M. [and others], 1983. MULLINEAUX, D. R. [and othara], 1965. WHITE, w. R. H. [and others], 1983. WALDRON, R. L., 1996, Hydrothermal alteration of WALDRON, H. H., 1981, Geology of the Des Moinea the Gamma Ridge rocks, on Glacier Peak, end their quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey relation to hot spring activity: Western Washing­ Open-Fi le Report 61-166, 2 sheets. (Published aa ton University Master of Science thesis, 57 p. USGS map GD-159.) WALKER, C. w., 1980, Geology and energy resources WALDRON, H. H., 1961, Geology of the Poverty Bay of the Roslyn-Cle Elum area, Washington: Washing­ quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey ton Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open­ Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-158, 1 sheet, scale Fila Report 80-1, 59 p., 25 plates. 1:24,000. WALKER, G. P. L., 1982, Characteristics of dune­ WALDRON, H. H., 1961, Geology of the Poverty Bay bedded pyroclastic surge bedsets [abstract]: Eos quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 63, Open-File Report 61-167, 2 sheets. (Published as no. 45, p. 1130. USGS map GQ-15B.) WALKER, G. W.; GRIGGS, A. 8., 1979, Geology of the WALDRON, H. H., 1962, Geology of the Dea Moines Douglas-fir ragion--The Cascade Range in Oregon quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey and northern Washington. l!!. Heilman, P. E.; Ander- AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY WALTON, FRED 241 son, H. w., Jr.; Baumgartner, D. M., compilers, WALSH, T. J., COMPILER, 1986,, Geo ~og i c map of the 1979, Forest soils of the Douglas-fir region: west half of the Yakima quadrangle, \'lashington: Washington State University Cooperative Extension Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Service, p. 23-30. Open-Fi le Report 86-4, 9 p., 1 plate, scale 1:100,000. WALKER, G. W.; GRIGGS, A. B., 1981, The Cascade Range in Oregon and southern Washington. !!!. Hail­ WALSH, T. J., COMPILER, 1987, Geologic map of the men, P. E.; Anderson, H. W.; Baumgartner, o. M., Astoria and Ilwaco quadrangles, Washington and editors, 1981, Forest soils of the Douglas-fir Oregon: Washington Division of Geology and Earth region; revised edition: Washington State Univer­ Resources Open-Fi le Report 87-2, 28 p., 1 plate, sity Cooperative Extension Service, p. 23-29. s cal e 1:100,000.

WALKER, N. W., see WALSH, T. J., COMPILER, 1987, Geologic map of the MILLER, R. B. [and othersl, 1987. south half of the Tacoma quadrangle, Washington: Washington Division of Geotogy end Earth Resources WALLACE, E. F.; MOLENAAR, DEE, 1961, Geology and Open-File Report 87-3, 10 p., 1 plate, scale ground-water resources of Thurston County, Wash­ 1:100,000. ington, volume 1: Washington Division of Water Resources Weter-Supply But let in 10, v. 1, 254 p., WALSH, T. J.; KOROSEC, M. A.; PHILLIPS, W. M.; 2 plates. LOGAN, R. L.; SCHASSE, H. W., 1987, Geo Logic map of Washington--Southwest quadrant: Washington WALLACE, E. F., see al so Division of Geology and Earth Resources Geologic NOBLE, J. B. [and others], 1986. Map GM-34, 2 sheets, scale 1:250,DOO, with 28 p. text. WALLACE, w. K., 1978, Bedrock geology of the Rosa Lake fault zone in the Skymo Creek area, North WALSH, T. J.; LOGAN, R. L., 1985, Geological and Cascades National Park, Washington: University of geophysical expression of the Olympic-Wallowa WasMngton Master of Science thesis, 111 p., 1 Lineament (OWL) near North Bend, Washington (ab­ plate [on two sheets). stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. S, p. 416. WALSH, T. J., 1984, Core samples available for study: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 12, no. WALSH, T. J., see also 1, p. 1 B-20. DEACON, R. J. [and others], 1988. PHILLIPS, W. M. [and others], 1987. WALSH, T. J., 1984, Geology and cost resources of central King County, Washington: Washington WALTER, A. W., see Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File MOONEY, W. o. [and others], 1986. Report 84-3, 24 p., 2 plates. WALTER, S. R., see WALSH, T. J., 1986, Age of defo rmet ion along the WEAVER, C. s. (and others], 1988. Olympic-Wallowa lineament near Seattle, Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab- WALTERS, K. L.; KIMMEL, G. E., 1968, Ground-water st rects with Prag rems, v. 18, no. 2, p. 195. occurrence and stratigraphy of unconsolidated deposits, central Pierce County, Washington: WALSH, T. J., 1986, Deformation along the Olympic Washington Department of \'fater Resources \'later­ Wel lov1a L ineement near Seattle, WA [abstract): Supply Bulletin 22, 428 p., 3 plates. Northwest Petroleum Association Symposium May 16, 1986, 1 p. WALTERS, K. L., see al so LIESCH, B. A. (and others], 1963. WALSH, T. J., COMPILER, 1986, Geologic map of the LUM, W. E., II [and others], 1976. west half of the Toppenish quadrangle, Washington: Washington Division of Geology end Earth Resources WALTON, FRED, see Open-Fi le Report 86-3, 7 p., 1 plate, scale ELVERS, DOUGLAS (and others], 1972. 1:100,000. 242 WANEK, A. A. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

\'IANEK, A. A., sse trips; 1968 National Meeting, Seattle: Associa­ GOWER, H. D. [ and others], 1983. tion of Engineering Geologists, p. 68-74.

WANG, C.-Y.; SHI, YAOLINJ VON HUENE, ROLAND, 1987, WARING, C. L., see Thermal structures of two convergent margins--Sub­ LARSEN, E. S., JR. [and others], 1959. ductfon accretion vs. subduction erosion [ab­ stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ WARREN, w. c.; NORBISRATH, HANS; GRIVmI, R. M.; tions), v. B8, no. 44, p. 1487. BROWN, S. P., 1945, Preliminary geologic map and brief description of the coal fields of King Coun­ WANG, c.-Y., see also ty, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le SHI, YAOLIN [and others], 1987. Report 45-17, 1 plate [avail ab le at two sce les: 1 :32,000 and 1 :82.500). WANG, F.-H., 1955, Recent sediments in Puget Sound end portions of Washington Sound and Lake Washing­ WARREN, W. C.; NORBISRATH, HANS; GRIVETTI, R. M.; ton: University of Washington Doctor of Philoso­ BROWN, S. P., 1954, Preliminary geologic map and phy thesis, 180 p. brief description of the coal fields of King Coun­ ty, Washington [abstract]: Annotated Bibliography WANG, F.-H., 1955, Recent sediments in Puget Sound of Economic Geology, v. 18, nos. 1-2, p. 165. , end portions of Washington Sound and lake Washing­ ton [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts, v. 15, WARREN, w. c., see also no. 9, p. 1800. ERDMANN, C. E. [and others], 1943.

WANG, HERB, see WASHBURN, R. L., see SIMMONS, GENE [and others], 1981. WEIGLE, J. M. [and others], 195&

WARD, A. H., see WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC MCKNIGHT, E. F. T. [end others], 1925. DEVELOPMENT, 1985, Superconducting super coll ider project--Washington State feasibility study, April WARD, D. C., EDITOR, 1973, Bibl iogrephy of theses -June, 1985: Washington Department of Commerce in geology, 1987-1970: Geological Society of and Economic Development, 1 vol., 14 plates. America Special Paper 143, 434 p. WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, 1977, Coastal WARD, J. w., see zone atlas of Washington; volume 1, Whatcom Coun­ DUNCAN, S. H. [and others], 1985. ty: Washington Department of Ecology, 1 v., maps, DUNCAN, S. H. [and others], 1987. sea le 1:24,000.

WARD, P. L., 1986, Volcanism end plate tectonics WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, 1978, Coastal of the western United States [abstract]: Eos zone atlas of Washington; volume 2, Skagit County: (American Geophysical Union Transections], v. 87, Washington Department of Ecology, 1 v., maps, no. 44, p. 1228. scale 1124,000.

WARD, P. L., see al so WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, 1978, Coastal ENDO, E. T. [and others], 1973. zone atlas of Washington; volume 3, Sen Juan Coun­ ty: Washington Department of Ecology, 1 v., maps,

\'IARD, PETER; STANLEY, K. 0., 19821 The Haslem For­ scale 1:24,000. metion--A late Santonien-eerly Cempanien foreerc beein deposit in the insular belt of southwestern WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, 1978, Coastal British Columbia end adjacent Washington: Journal zone atlas of Washington; volume 11, Jefferson of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 52, no. 3, p. 975- County: Washington Department of Ecology, 1 v., 990. maps, scale 1:24,000.

WARD, T. E., 1968, Howe rd A. Hanson dam. In McKee, WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, 1978, Coastal Bates; Coombs, H. A., 1968, Guidebook to field zone atlas of \'lashington; volume 12, Clel lam AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM 243

County: Washington Department of Ecology, 1 v., WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY ANO EARTH RESOUR­ mape, scale 1 :24,000. CES, 1977, Earthquake study in the Puget Sound area• .I!!. Evernden, J. F., program manager, 1977, WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, 1979, Coastal Summaries of techn;cal reports, Volume III: U.S. zone atlas of Washington; volume 4, Island County: Geological Survey, p. 149-150. Washington Department of Ecology, 1 v., maps, scale 1:24,000. WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOUR­ CES, 1980, Toutle River receives extensive damage: WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT' OF ECOLOGY, 1979, Coastal Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. B, no. 3, p. zone atlas of Washington; volume 5, Snohomish 17-18. County: Washington Department of Ecology, 1 v., maps, scale 1:24,000. WASHINGTON DIVISION Of GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESll.lR­ CES, 1984, Earthquake awareness week: Washington WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT' OF ECOLOGY, 1979, Coastal Geologic Newsletter, v. 12, no. 2, p. 1. zone atlas of Washington; volume 8, King County: Washington Department of Ecology, 1 v., mape, WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOUR­

scale 1:24,0000 CES, 1985, Earthquakes in the news: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 13, no. 2, p. 9. WASHil'STON DEPARTMENT' OF ECOLOGY, 1979, Coastal zone atlas of Washington; volume 7, Pierce County: WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOUR­ Washington Department of Ecology, 1 v., maps, CES, 1987, Federal earthquake risk reduction pro­ scale 1:24,DOO. gram for the Puget Sound area: Washington Geolog­ ic Newsletter, v. 15, no. 2, p. 5-11. WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT' OF ECOLOGY, 1979, Coastal zone atlas of Washington; volume 10, Kitsap Coun­ WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOUR­ ty: Washington Department of Ecology, 1 v., maps, CES, 1987, Geologic evidence for large earthquakes scale 1:24,000. along the Pacific coast?: Washington Geologic Newsletter, v. 15, no. 2, p. 19-21. WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT' Of' ECOLOGY, 1980, Coastal zone atlas of Washington; volume 8, Thurston WASHINGTON DIVISION Of GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOUR­ County: Washington Department of Ecology, 1 v., CES, 1987, Washington State Seismic Safety Commis­ maps, scale 1:24,000. sion recommendations: Washington Geologic News­ letter, v. 15, no. 2, p. 4-5. WASHil'-6TON DEPARTMENT' Of' ECOLOGY, 1980, Coastal zone atlas of Washington; volume 9, Mason County: WASHIN3TON DIVISION OF MINES AND GEOLOGY, 1959, Washington Department of Ecology, 1 v., maps, Tertiary stratigraphic papers, southwestern scale 1:24,000. Washington: Washington Division of Mines end Geology Reprint 3, 50 p. \'fASHIOOTON DEPARTMENT' Of' EMEflGENCY SER.I ICES, 1983, State of Washington hazard vulnerability analysis: WASHINGTON DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES, 1960, Washington State Department of Emergency Services, Water resources of the Nooksack River 9asin and

1 VO l 0 certain adjacent streams: Washington Division of Water Resources Water-Supply Sul let in 12, 187 p., WASHil'-6TDN DEPARTMENT' Of' TRANSPORTATION; CH2M 9 plates. HILL, 1988, Spirit Lake Memorial Highway (Green River to Coldwater Lake); Technical memorandum for WASHINGTON HIGHWAYS, 1984, Tidal wave rips coast, preliminary (stage 1) geotechnical investigation: highways: Washington Highways, v. 11, no •. 5, p. Washington Department of Transportation, 2 v. 2-3.

WASHINGTON DIVISION Of' GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOUR­ WASHil'STON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM, 1974, WPPSS CES, 1976, Engineering geologic studies: Washing­ nuclear project no. 3--Preliminery safety analysis ton Division of Geology and Earth Resources Infor­ report: Washington Public Power Supply System mation Ci router 58, 40 p. Docket no. 50-508, Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, [selected sections onty-4 v.]. 244 WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM, 1974, WPPSS [abstract}: Revue de Geologie et Sciences con­ Nuclear Project no. 3-Prel iminary safety analysis nexes, v. 16, p. 212. report, volume 1; Washington Public Power Supply System, 1 v. WATERS, A. C., 1936, Transverse folding, Cascade Range (abstract}: Geological Society of America WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM, 1979, Proceedings for 1935, p. 116-117. Earthquake catalog system: Washington Public Power Supply System, 1 v. WATERS, A. C., 1973, The Columbia River Gorge­ Basalt stratigraphy, ancient lava dams, end land­ WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM, 1982, Sup­ slide dema. !!'! Beaulieu, J. D., 1973, Geologic ply system nuclear project no. 3--Final safety field trips in northern Oregon and southern Wesh­ analysis reports Washington Public Power Supply ington1 Oregon Department of Geology end Mineral System Docket no. 50-SOS, Final Safety Analysis Industries Bulletin 77, p. 133-182. Report, [selectltd sections only-5 v.].

WATERS, A. C., BRADFORD, 00 C., 1933, Active fsu l t WASHINGTON STATE LIBRARY, see along western base of Cascade Range in 11eshington STRICKLAND, HELEN [and others], 1974. [abstract}: Pen-American Geologist, v. 59, no. 4, p. 31 o. WASHINGTON STATE PLANNING COUNCIL, 1940, Cascade Mountains study: Washington State Planning Coun­ WATERS, A. C.J BRADFOFC, D. C., 1934, Active fault cil, 56 p. along the western base of the Cascade Range, \'lash­ ington [abstract]: Geological Society of America WASHINGTOH STATE SEISMIC SAFETY COUNCIL, 1986, Proceedings for 1933, p. 308. Washington State Seismic Safety Council policy recommendations: Washington State Seismic Safety WATERS, A. C., see al so Council, 2 v. BRADFORD, o. c. [and othersJ, 1934. FISKE, R. S. [and others], 1963. WATERS, A. C., 1931, Pre-Ordovicic gneise of Wen­ FISKE, R. S. [and othersJ, 1964. atchee-Chelan district, Washington [abstract]: lffJ'SON, C. A. [and others], 1962. Pen-American Geologist, v. 55, no. 5, p. 370. WATKINS, N. D., see \'fATERS, A. c., 1932, Glacial features along Colum­ DYMOND, J. R. [and others], 1968. bia River near Lake Chelan [abstract]: Pan-Amer­ ican Geologist, v. 57, no. 5, p. 372. WATKINS, R., see CONNARD, GERRY (and others], 1984. WATERS, A. c., 1933, Glacial features along Colum­ bia River near Lake Chelan [abstract]: Geological WATSON, E. B., see Society of America Bullet in, v. 44, no. 1, p. 150. STRAHORN, A. T. [and others], 1914.

WATERS, A. c., 1933, A petrologic and structural WEAVER, C. E., 1911, Geology and ore deposits of study of the Swekene gneiss, Entiat Mountains, the Blewett mining district: Washington Geologi­ Washington [abstract]: Revue de Geologie et Sci­ cal Survey But let in 6, 104 p. ences connexes, v. 13, no. 10, p. 579. WEAVER, c. E., 1912, Geology and ore deposits of \'IATERS, A. c., 1933, Summary of the sltdimentery, the Index mining district: Washington Geological tectonic, igneous and metalliferous history of Survey Bulletin 7, 96 p. Washington and Oregon. In Ore deposits of the western states (Lindgren volume); ChepterVI, Pert WEAVER, c. E., 1915, Geologic structure in western III: American Institute of Mining and Metal lurgi­ Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of ca l Engineers, p. 253-265. America Bulletin, v. 26, p. 135-136.

WATERS, A. C., 1936, Terraces and coulees along WEAVER, c. E., 1915, Pre-Pleistocene geology in the Columbia River near Lake Chelan, Washington the vicinity of Seattle [abstract]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 26, p. 130. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY WEAVER, C. S. 245

WEAVER, c. E., 1916, The Tertiary formations of WEAVER, C. s., 1976, Seismic events on Cascade western Washington: Washington Geological Survey volcanoes [abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts Bullet in 13, 327 p., 6 plates. International, v. 37, no. 3, Section B, p. 1157-B.

WEAVER, C. E., 1937, Stratigraphy of the Blakeley WEAVER, C. s., 19B1, Geothermal tectonic seismic Formation in the vicinity of Bremerton Inlet, studies. In Reeves, J. F.; Rodriguez, T. R.; Sei­ Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of ders, 'l'I. H., compilers, 1901, Summaries of techni­ Amari ca Proceedings 1936, p. 327-328. cal reports, Volume XI: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-167, p. 89-90. WEAVER, C. E., 1937, Tertiary stratigraphy or western Washington and northwestern Oregon: Uni­ WEAVER, C. s., 1981, Geothermal seismotectonic versity of Washington Publications in Geology, v. studies--Olympic Peninsula. !!! Charonnet, e. B.; 4, 266 p., 15 plates. Rodriguez, T. R.; Seiders, w. H., compilers, 1981, Summarise of technical reports, Volume XII: u.s. WEAVER, C. E., 1944, Cowlitz River Basin. l!l Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-833, p. 65- Weaver, C. E.; end others, l944, Correlation of 66. the marine Cenozoic formetions of western North America: Geological Society of America Bulletin, WEAVER, c. S., 1982, Geothermal seismotectcnic v. 55, no. 5, p. 593-594. studies. In Charonnet, B. 8.; Rodriguez, T. R.; Seiders, w. H., compi Lers, 1982, Summaries of WEAVER, c. E., 1944, Greys He rbor County. l!l technical reports, Volume XIII: U.S. Geological Weaver, C. E.; and others, l944, Correlation of Survey Open-Fi le Report B2-65, p. 69-72. the marine Cenozoic formations of western North America: Geological Society of America Bulletin, WEAVER, C. s., 1902, Geothermal seismo-tectonic v. 55, no. 5, p. 592-593. studies. .l!! Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R.; Seiders, w. H., compi ters, 1982, Summaries of WEAVER, c. E., 1944, North side of Olympic Moun­ technical reports, Volume XIV: U.S. Geological tains. In Weaver, c. E.; end others, l944, Corre­ Survey Open-Fi le Report 82-840, p. 65-66. lation of the marine Cenozoic formations of west­ ern North America: Geological Society of America WEAVER, C. s., 1982, Tectonic influence on 1980 Bulletin, v. 55, no. 5, p. 595-596. activity [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Pro­ fessional Paper 1275, p. 219. WEAVER, C. E., 1944, Puget Sound Basin. l!l Weaver, C. E.; end others, l944, Correlation of the marine WEAVER, C. S., 1963, Geothermal seismotectonic Cenozoic formations of western North America: studies. l!l Jacobson, M. L., compiler, 1983, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 55, no. Summaries of technical reports, Vol. ~II: U.S. 5, p. 594-595. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-918, p. 49- 51. WEAVER, C. E., 1944, Southwest Washington. In Weaver, c. E.; and others, l944, Correlation of WEAVER, C. s., 1983, Seismicity and seismotectcnic the marine Cenozoic formations of western North boundaries in Washington [abstract]: Earthquake

America: Geological Society of America Bulletin, Notes, v. 54, no. 1, p. 400 v. 55, no. 5, p. 592. WEAVER, C. S., 1984, Geothermal seismotectonic WEAVER, c. E., 1944, Vancouver Island area. l!l studies. l!l Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., \"leaver, C. E.; end others, l944, Correlation of compilers, 1984, Summaries of technical reports, the marine Cenozoic formations of western North volume ~III, prepared by participants in ~letionel America: Geological Society of America Bulletin, Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program: U.S. Geo­ v. 55, no. 5, p. 596-597. logical Survey Open-File Report B4-62B, p. 134- 138. WEAVER, c. s., 1976, Seismic events on Cescede volcanoes: University of Washington Doctor of WEAVER, C. S., 1985, Combined regional seismotec­ Philosophy thesis, 151 p. tonics and the extent of Cenozoic volcenism~An imp roved first-order geothermal assessment of the 248 WENER, C. S. SEISMIC HAZARDS Of WESTiRN WASHINGTON

Cascade Rang a. In. Guf'fant i, Marianne; Muffler, L. Volume XXV: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le J. P., editors, 19B5, Proceedings of the workshop Report 89-18, p. 50-S2. on geothermal resources of the Cascade Renga1 U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-521, p. WENER, C. s.; BAKER, G. E., 1988, Geometry of the 14-17. Juan de Fuca Plate beneath Washington and northern Oregon from seismicity: Seismological Society of WENER, c. S., 1985, Geothermal seiamotectonic America Bulletin, v. 78, no. 1t p. 264-275. studies. !!!. Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., compilers, 1985, National Earthquake Hazards WEAVER, C. S.; ENDO, E. T.; MALONE, S. D., 1981, Reduction Program, Summaries of Technical Reports Seismic evidence for fault dominated magma trans­ Volume XX: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File port at Mount St. Helens, Washington (abstract]: Report 85-484, p. 88-88. Earthquake Notes, v. 52, no. 1, p. 65-66.

WEAVER, c. s., 198!5. Geothermal seeimotectonic WEAVER, c. s.; ENDO, E. T.; MAt.ONE, s. o.; NOSON, studies. In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., L. L., 1981, Predicting Mt. St. Helens eruptions compilers, 1985, National Earthquake Hazards [abetract]e Eos (American Geophysical Union Reduction Program, summaries of technical reports Transactions), v. 62, no. 8, p. 82. [Note: Text 11 Volume XXI: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File of Journal mis-heeded es "v. 82, no. 5. ] Report 88-31, p. 52-58. WEAVER, C. 9.; GRANT, W. C., 1984, Seismic fault WEAVER, c. S., 1985, Geothermal seismotectonic zones beneath Mount St. Helene, Washington [ab­ studies. !!!. Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., stract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Trensec­ compilers, 1985, Summaries of technical reports, tionsl, v. 85, no. 18, p. 242. volume XIX, prepared by participants in National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program: U.S. Geo­ WEAV Efl, c. s.; GRANT' w. c.; MALONE, s. D.; ENDO, logical Survey Open-Fi le Report 85-22, p. 141- E. T., 1991, Post-Mey 18 seismicity-Votcenic end 144. tectonic implications. lt1. Lipman, P. W.; Mullin­ eaux, o. R., editors, 1981, The 1980 eruptions of WEAVER, C. S., 1986, Geothermal seismotactonic Mount St. Helena, Washington: U.S. Geological studies. !!!. Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., Survey Profsesional Paper 1250, p. 109-121. compilers, l9B8, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of technical reports WEAVER, C. s.; GflANT, w. C.; StlEMETA, J. E., 1987, volume XXII: U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Local crustal extension of Mount St. Helens, Wash­ Report 88-383, p. 126-128. ington: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 92, no. 810, p. 10,170-10,178. WEAVER, C. S., 1988, Geothermal sei smotectonic studies. !!!. JacObson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., WEAV~, C. S.; MALONE, S. D., 1974, Glacier sour­ compilers, 1988, National Earthquake Hazards ces for low frequency seismic events recorded at Reduction Program, summaries of technical reports, Mount St. Helens, volcano [abstract]: Eos {Ameri­ volume XXIII: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File can Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 55, no. Report 87-83, p. 119-122. 12, p. 115'1.

WEAVER, c. S., 1987, Geothermal seismotectonic WEAVER, C. S.; MALONE, S. o., 1975, Preliminary studies. In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., report--SeisffiiC sources observed in glacier ice at compilers, 1987, National Earthquake Hazerde Mt. St. Hetens, Washington [abstract]: Eoa (Amer­ Reduction Progrem, summaries of technical reports ican Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 56, no, Volume XXIV: U.S. Geological Survey Open-file 0, p. sas. Report 87-374, p. 49--52. WEAVal, C. s.; MALONE, S. O., 1976, Mt. Saint WENER, C. S., 1988, Geothermal seismotectonic Helena seismic events-Volcanic earthquakes or studies. In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., glacial noises?: Geophysical Research Letters, v. compilers, 1988, National earthquake hazards 3, no.. 3, p. 197-200. reduction program, summaries of technical reports AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY WEBER, P.R. 247

WEAVER, C. S.; MALONE, s. D., 1987, Overview of WEAVER, C. S.; ZOLLWEG, J. E., 1983, Deep earth­ the tectonic setting end recent studies of erup­ quakes end possible magmatic gas transport at tions of Mount St. Helens, Washington: Journal of Mount St. Helens, Washington [abstract]: Eos Geophysical Research, v. 92, no. B10, p. 10,149- (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 64, 10,154. no. 9, p. 90.

WEAVER, c. s.; MALONE, s. o.; ENDO, E. T.; NOSON, WEAVER, C. S.r ZOLL WEG, J. E.; MALONE, S. O., L. L., 1980, Seismicity pattern of the Mount Saint 1983, Deep earthquakes beneath Mount St. Helens-­ Helens eruptive sequence [abstract}: Eos (Ameri­ Evidence for magmatic gas transport?: Science, v. can Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 61, no. 221, no. 4618, p. 1391-1394. 46, p. 1133. WEAVER, C. s., see al so WEAVER, c. s.; MALONE, s. o.; SMITH, s. w., 1974, CROSSON, R. S. [and others], 1980. Anomalous seismic events on Ceacede volcanoes [ab­ ENDO, E. T. [and others], 1980. stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts ENDO, E. T. [end others], 1981. with Prog rems, v. 8, no. 3, P• 318-317. GRANT, W. c. [end othere], 1901. GRANT, w. C. [end others), 1983. WEAVER, C. S.; MICHAaSON, C. A., 1983, SegHnta­ GRANT, W. c. [end others}, 1984. tion of the Juan da Fuca plate end volcanism in GRANT, W. C. [and others], 1986. the Cascade Range [abstract}: Eos (American Geo­ GRANT, W. C. [and others], 1988. physical Union Transactions), v. 64, no. 45, P• GUFFANTI, MARIANNE [and others}, 1986. 886. GlFFANTI, MARIANNE [and others], 1988. LEAVER, o. [end others J, 1981. WEAVER, C. S.; MICHAELSON, C. A., 1985, Seismicity LUDWIN, R. S. [and others], 1988, 1986. end volcanism in the Pacific Northwest--Evidance GUFFANTI, MARIANNE [and others], 1988. for the segmentation of the Juen de Fuce Plata: LEAVER, D. [end others], 1981. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 12, no. 4, p. LUOWIN, R. S. [and others], 1986. 215-218. MALONE, S. o. {end others], 1980. MALONE, S. D. [and others], 1981. WEAVER, C. S.; SMITH, S. W., 1973, Anomalous MALONE, S. D. [and others], 1983. earthquakes on Mt. Rainier [abstract]: Earthquake MICHAaSON, C. A. [end others], 1981. Notes, v. 44, no. 1-2, p. 67. MICHAaSON, C. A. [and others}, 1983. MICHAELSON, C. A. [end others}, 1986. WEAVER, C. S.; SMITH, S. W., 1981, The St. Helene NOSON, L. L. [and others], 1981. seismic zone--A major crustal fault zone in west­ SHEMETA, J. E. [and others], 1984. ern Washington [abstract}: Eos (American Geophys­ SHEMETA, J. E. [and others], 1986. ical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 45, p. 986. SMITH, S. W. [end others], 1973. TABER, J. J., JR. [and others], 1983. WEAVER, C. S.; SMITH, S. W., 1983, Regional tec­ tonic and earthquake hazard implications of a WEAVER, F. M., see crustal fault zone in southwestern \'feshington: ANDERSON, J. e. [and others], 1977. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 88, no. 812, p. 10,371-10,383. WEBB, R. T., 1957, Petrography, structure and mineralization of the Meadow Creek area, Chelan WEAVER, C. S.; WALTER, S. R., 1988, Influence of County, Washington: University of Arizona Master backerc tectonics on the seismity distribution of of Science thesis, 51 p., 8 plates. the Csscade Range [abstract]: Seismological Research Letters, v. 59, no. 1, p. 17. WEBER, T. L., see CROSBY, J. w., III [and others], 1980. WEAVER, C. S.; ZOLLWEG, J. E., 1982, Deep earth­ quakes and possible magmatic gas transport et WEBER, P. R., 1977, Landslides in Puget Sound Mount St. Helens, Washington [abstract]: Eos glacial sediments. !!! Canadian Gaotechnicel {American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 83, Society, 1977, 30th Canadian geotachnical confer­ no. 45, p. 1140. ence (proceedings); "Geotechnioal aspects of gla- 248 WEBSTER, s. R. SEISMIC HAZAFl>S Of WESTERN WASHINGTON cial deposits'': Canadian Geotechnical Society, p. Geological Society of America Abstracts for 1969, VIII-26 - VIII-48. Part 3, p. 12...:13.

WEBSTER, S. R., see WEIS, P. L., 1969, Glacial drainage divide in the DUNCAN, s. H. [and others], 1973. Skagit Valley, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper SSO-C, P• 71-74. WEGNER, D. E., 1989, Glacial geology of Seattle rreewaya Waahington State Highway Co111mfHion­ WEtS, P. L., aee at so Washington Department or Highways, 35 p. STAATZ, M. H. (and others}, 19?1. STAATZ, M. H. [and others}, 1972. \'IEHMILLER, J. F.; BELKNAP, D. F., 1978, Al terna­ tive kinetic models ror the interpretation ot WEISSf!NBORN, A. E., 1986, Geology-Introduction. amino acid enantiomeric retioe in Pleistocene 1t!. U.S. Geological Survey; end othel's, 1986, mol lusks-Exeffiples from Cel irornie, Weehington, Mineral and water resources or Washington: U.S. end Florida: nueternery Research, v. 9, no. 3, p. Congress, 89th, 2nd Sesaion, Committee on Interior 330-348. and Insular Affairs Committee Print, p. 13-15.

WEHM ILLER, J. F.; LAJOIE, K. R.; KENNEDY, G. L., WEISSENBORN, A. E., 1989, [1970}, Geologic map of 1979, Role of thermal history uncerteintiea in Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous amino-acid racemization ege estimation of geologi­ Geologic Investigations Hep I-583, 1 sheet, scale cal and ercheological samples [abstract]: Geolog­ 1:2,000,000. ical Society of America Abstracts with Progra111s, v. 11, no. 7, p. 538. WEISSENBORN, A. E.; CAtER, F. w., 1966, Geology­ The Cascade Mountains. !Jl U.S. Geological Survey; WEHMILLER, J. F., see also end others, 1988, Mineral and water resources of LAJOIE, I<. R. [and others], 1980. Washington, U.S. Congreu, 89th; 2nd Seeaion, Committee on Interior and Insular Affei rs Commit­ WEICHERT, D. H.; HYNlMAN, R. D., 1989, A compari­ tee Print, p. P:1-37. son of the rate of seismic activity and several estimates of deformation in the Puget Sound area. WEISSENBOAH, A. E.r KIILSGMAD, T. K., 1982, 100 In Yount, J.C.; Crosson, R.s., eds., 1983, Pro­ years of' geology by the United States Geological ~edinge of workshop X'IV, Earthquake ha.tards or Survey in the Pacific No rthwe9t. 1t!. Leviton, A. the Puget Sound region, Washington: U.S. Geologi­ E.; Rodda, P. u.; Yochelson, E. L.; Aldrich, M. cal Survey Open-Fi le Report 89-19, p. 105-130. L., editors, 1982, Frontiers of geological explor­ ation of western North Anterica: American Associa­ WEIGLE, J. M.; F'OXWORTHY, B. L., 19B2, Geology end tion for the Advancement of Sciern:e Pacific Sec­ ground-water resources or west-central Lewis Coun­ ti on, p. 93-96. ty, Washington: Washington Division of Water Resources Water-Supply Bulletin 17, 248 p., 5 WEISSENBORN, A. E.; SNAVELY, P. o., JR., 1968, plates. summery report on the geology end mineral resour­ ces of Flattery Rocks, Quilleyute Needles, end WEIGLE, J. M.; WASHBURN, R. L., 1958, Geologic map Copalis National Wildlife Refuges, Washington: of central part of eree investigated in Lewis U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1260-F, 16 p. County: U.S. Geological Survey Open-FHe Report, 1 sheet, scale 1:83,380 (Published es Washington WELLS, R. E., 1979, Geologic mep of the Cepe Ois­ Division of Water Resources Weter-Supply Bulletin eppointmant-Naael le River area, Pacific County, 17.} Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 79-389, 1 sheet, scete 1:48,000. WEIGLE, J. M., see also MUNDORFF, M. J. (and others], 1953. WELLS; R. e., 1981, Geologic map of the eastern MUNDORFF, M. J. [and others], 19155. Willape Hills, Cowlitz, lewis, Pacific, and Wah­ kiakum Counties, Washington; U.S. Geological Sur­ WEIS, P. L., 1989, Anomalous gleciel erosion in vey Open-File Report 81-674, 1 sheet, map scale pert of the Skagit Valley, Washington [abstract]: 1:62,500. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY WEST, D. o. 249

WELLS, R. E., 1982, Paleomagnetism and geology of WENTWORTH, C. M., see Eocene volcanic rocks in southwest Washington-­ MOONEY, W. D. [and others], 1986. Constraints on mechanisms of rotation end their regional tectonic significance: University of WERNICKE, BRIAN, see California, Santa Cruz Doctor of Philosophy the­ KRIENS, BRYAN [and others], 1986. sis, 229 p., 1 plate. WERTZ, J.B., 1971, Morphological expressions of WELLS, R. E., 1983, Paleomagnetism and geology of structure as related to mineralization along the Eocene volcanic rocks in southwest Washington-­ British Columbia-Washington border [abstract]: Constraints on mechanisms of rotation and their Mining Engineering, v. 23, no. 8, p. 3S. regional tectonic significance [abstract]: Dis­ sertation Abstracts International, v. 44, no. 5, WEST, o. 0., 1987, Nature of shel low Cascedia Sub­ Section B, p. 13898. duction Zone paleoseismicity inferred from charac­ teristics of Oregon-Washington coastline uplift WELLS, R. E.; COE, R. S., 1979, Peleomegnetism end [abstract]: Eos [American Geophysical Union tectonic significance of the Eocene Crescent For­ Transactions], v. 68, no. 52, p. 1815. mation, southwestern Washington [abstrectJ: Geo­ logical Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ WEST, o. o.; ALT, J. N., 1981, The assessment of grams, v. 11, no. 7, p. 537-538. volcanic hazards end the lessons Learned from Mount St. Helens [abstract]. In Keller, S. A. C.; WELLS, R. E.; COE, R. S., 1980, Tectonic rotations and others, editors, 1981, Mount St. Helens-One in southwest Washington [abstract]: Eos (American year later, Abstracts end directory: Eastern Geophysical Union Transactions], v. 61, no. 46, p. Washington University, 2 p. 949. WEST, o. O.; ALT, J. N., 1982, The assessment of WELLS, R. E.; COE, R. S., 1985, Paleomagnetism end volcanic hazards and the Lessons Learned from geology of Eocene volcanic rocks of southwest Mount St. Helens [abstract]. l!! Keller, S. A. c., Washfogton, implications for mechanisms of tecton­ editor, Mount St. Helens--One year later: Eastern ic rotation: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. Washington University Press, p. 242. 90, no. B2, p. 1925-1947. WEST, D. O.; CALDWELL, D. M., 1987, Nature of WELLS, R. E.; ENGEBRETSON, O. C.; SNAVELY, P. D., shallow Cascadia Subduction Zona paleoseismicity JR.; COE, R. s., 1982, Cenozoic plate motions end inferred from characteristics of Oregon-Washington the volcano-tectonic evolution of western Oregon coastline uplift [abstract]: Eos [American Geo­ end Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophys­ physical Union Transect ions}, v. 68, no. 44, p.

ical Union Transactions), v. 631 no. 45, p. 914.. 1468.

WELLS, R. E.; ENGEBRETSON, D. c.; SNAVELY, P. D., WEST, o. o.; MCCRUMB, o. R., 1986, Uplifted Pleis­ JR.; COE, R. S., 1984, Cenozoic plate motions end tocene marine terraces along the Washington-Oregon the volcano-tectonic evolution of western Oregon coast and implications regarding the nature of end Washington: Tectonics, ·v. 3, no. 2, p. 275- underthrusting along the Cascadie subduction zone 294. [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ stracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 2, p. 197. \'IELLS, R. E.; HELLER, P. L., 1988, The relative contribution of accretion, sheer, end extension to WEST, D. O.; MCCRUMB, D. R., 1988, Coestl i ne up­ Cenozoic tectonic rotation in the Pacific North­ lift in Oregon and Washington end the nature of west: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. Cescedie subduction-zone tectonics: Geology, v. 100, no. 3, p. 325-338. 16, no. 2, p. 169-172.

WELLS, R. E., see al so WEST, D. O.; MCCRUMB, D. R.; PERKINS, M. E., 1980, COE, R. s. [end others], 1982. Mechanism and causal factors of Landsliding in the MAGILL, J. R. [end others], 1982. Astoria Formation of the northern Willape Hills, GROMME, c. S. [end others], 1986. Washington [abstract]: Geological Society of SIMPSON, R. W. [and others], 1980. 250 WEST, D. o. SEISMIC HAZAF[)S OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 3, p. WESTON GECPHYSICAL RESEARCH, INC., 1977, Geophysi­ 159. cal end seismological studies in the 1872 earth­ quake epicentral region. l!l Weehington Public Sup­ WEST, o. o., see al so ply System, 1977, WPPSS nuclear project no. 1- MCCRUMB, D. R. [end others], 1981. Preliminary safety analysis report: Washington MCCRUMB, D. R. [end others], 1982. Public Power Supply System Docket no. 50-480, Preli mfoary safety anal ysi a report, Amendment 23, WESTERN STATES LAND-GRANT UNIVERSITIES AND COLLE­ v. 2A, Appendix 2R, Subappendix 2R E, [unpaged]. GES, 1984, Soils of the western United States (ex­ clusive of Hawaii and Aleske): Washington State WESTON GECPHYSICAL RESEARCH, INC., 1978, Feasib i l­ University, 89 p. ity of dating the faults in the foundation of Wl'P 3 at the WNP 3 and 5 (Satsop) site of Washington WESTGATE, J. A., 1977, Identification end signi fi­ Public Power Supply System: Weston Geophysical cence of lete Holocene tephre from Otter Creek, Research [under contract to] Ebasco Services, 30 southern British Columbia, and localities in wast­ p. central Alberta: Canadian Journal of Earth Sci­ ences, v. 14, no. 11, p. 2593-2800. WESTON GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, INC., 1978, Qua lite­ ti ve aeromagnetic evaluation of structures in the WESTGATE, J. A.; EASTERBROOK, D. J.; NAESER, N. Columbia Plateau end adjacent Cascade Mountain D.; CARSON, R. J., 1987, Lake Tappe tephre-An area: Weston Geophysical Research [under contract early Pleistocene stratigraphic marker in the to] Washington Public Power Supply System, 32 p., Puget Lowland, Washington: Quaternary Research, 2 plates. v. 28, no. 3, p. 340-355. WESTON GECPHYSICAL RESEARCH, INC., 1978, Stress, WESTGATE, J. A.; BIANS, M~ E., 1978, Compositional gravity anomalies, and the location of earthquakes variability of Glacier Paek tephre end its strati­ in Washington State; two-dimensional models: graphic significance: Canadian Journal of Earth Weston Geophysical Research [under contract to] Sciences, v. 15, no. 10, p. 1554-1567. WesMngton Public Power Supply System, 33 p.

WESTGATE, J. A..; GORTON, M. P., 1981, Correlation WESTPHAL, J. A., see techniques in tephra studies. l!l Self, S.; Sparks, OZURISIN, DANIEL [and others], 1981. R. s. J., editors, 1981, Tephre studies: D. DZURISIN, DANIEL [end others], 1982. Reidel Publishing Company, p, 73-94. DZURISIN, DANIEL [ end others], 1983.

WESTGATE, J. A., see al so WESTPHAL, W. H., see EASTERBROOK, D. J. [and others], 1981. DEHLINGER, PETER, [ end others], 1983. EASTERBROOK, O. J. [end others], 1985. NAESER, NANCY [end others], 1984. WHEELER, G. R., 1971, Nuclear power plant siting in north Clallam County, Weshington--A study of WESTON GECPHYSICAL RESEARCH, INC., 1978, The 1972 geologic considerations for power sites along the sarthqueke--Significent date end conclusions: northern coast of the Olympic Peninsula: Univer­ Weston Geophysical Research [under contract to] sity of Washington Master of Science thesis, 54 p. United Engineers and Contractors, 1 v., 4 plates. WHEELER, J. o., 1984, Columbian end Pacific oro­ WESTON GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, INC., 1976, Five gens revisited. In Cordil leran geology and mineral appendices on the 1872 earthquake; App. A- Docu­ axploration--Status and future trends: Geological mentation of felt reports; App. B- 200 mile list; Association of Canada Cordilleren Section Pro­ App. C- Accounts relating to landslides end soil gramme end Abstracts, p. 45-51. effects; App. D- Accounts relating to aftershocks; App. E-References and bib l iogrephy: u.s. Net ione l WHETTEN, J. T., 1966, Lake Washington's third Technical Information Service TIO 28918, 7 sheets dimension: Pacific Search, v. 1, no. 3, Technical microfiche. insert 66-7, 2 p. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY WHITE, 0 0 J. 251

WHETTEN, J. T., 1971, Ptei stocene sediments from WHETTEN, J. T .; DETHIER, D. ?.; CARROLL, P. R., western Washington and the graywacke problem [ab­ 1980, Preliminary geologic map of the Clear Lake stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts NW quadrangle, Skagit County, Washington: U.S. with Programs, v. 3, no. 2, p. 215. Geo log i cal Survey Open-F i le Report 80-247, 13 p., 2 plates, scale 1:24,000. WHETTEN, J. T., 1972, Matrix-rich Pleistocene sed­ iments from western Washington-Incipient gray­ WHETTEN, J. T.; JONES, D. L., 1981, Age, che rec­ wecke-type sedimentary rocks? Io. Hess, H. H.; and ter, end time of accretion of the Trafton unit, others, 1972, Studies in earth and space sciences: northwest Washington [abstract]: Geological Geological Society of America Memoir 132, p. 573- Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, 581. no. 2, p. 114.

WHETTEN, J. T., 1975, The geology of the south­ WHETTEN, J. T.; LARAVIE, J. A., 1976, Preli mi nary eastern Sen Juan Islands. In Russell, R. H., edi­ geologic map of the Chiweukum 4 NE quadrangle, tor, 1975, Geology and water resources of the Sen Chiwaukum g reben, Washington: U.S. Geo log icel Juan Islands, Sen Juan County, Washington: Wash­ Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-794, 1 ington Department of Ecology Water-Supply Bulletin sheet, scale 1:24,000. 48, p. 41-57. WHETTEN, J. T.; WAITT, R. B., JR., 1978, Prelimin­ WHETTEN, J. T., 1975, Tertiary(?] melange in the ary geologic map of the Cashmere quadrangle, Chi­ southeastern San Juan Islands, Washington [ab­ weukum lowland, Washington: u.s. Geological Sur­ stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts vey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-908, 1 with Programs, v. 7, no. 3, p. 3B7-3B8. sheet, scale 1:24,000.

WHETTEN, J. T., 1978, The Devils Mountain Fault-A WHETTEN, J. T.; ZIMMERMANN, R. A.; NAESER, C. \'I., major Tertiary structure in northwest Washington 1980, Preliminary uplift ages from fission-track [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ studies [abstract]: U.S. Geological Survey Pro­ streets with Programs, v. 10, no. 3, p. 153. fessional Peper 1175, p. 94.

WHETTEN, J. T., 1978, Possible continental trans­ WHETTEN, J. T., see al so form fault in northwest Washington [abstract]: COWAN, D. S. [end others], 1977. U.S. Geo log icel Survey Professional Paper 1100, p. OETHIER, D. P. [end others], 1980. 79. DETHIER, o. P. [and others], 1981. GRESENS, R. L. [and others], 1978. WHETTEN, J. T., 1979, Thrusting and lateral fault­ GRESENS, R. L. [end others], 1981. ing, northwest Washington [abstract]: U.S. Geo­ JOHNSON, S. Y. [and others], 1983. logical Survey Professional Paper 1150, p. 88-89. LISTER, c. R. 8. [and others], 1987. MCKEE, BATES [and others], 1972. WHETTEN, J. T., 1980, Preliminary bedrock geologic TABOR, R. w. [end others], 1980. map of the Chiwaukum 4 NW quadrangle, Chiwaukum TABOR, R. w. [end others], 1982. greben, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ TABOR, R. W. [end others], 19B7. Fi le Report 80-458, 7 p., 1 plates. WHIPPLE, W. W., see WHETTEN, J. T., 1980, Preliminary bedrock geologic HOGAN, o. w. [end others], 1964. map of the Chiweukum 4 SE quadrangle, Chiwaukum

greben, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open­ WHITE, 00 J.; CLOWES, R. M., 1983, Merine seismic Fi le Report 80-723, 5 p .. 1 plate. evidence against a major fault along Georgie Strait, B. c. [ebstract]: Geological Association WHETTEN, J. T.; OETHIER, D. P.; CARROLL, P. R., of Canada Program with Abstracts, v. B, p. A7'J. 1979, Preliminary geologic map of the Clear Lake NE orthophotoquad, Skagit County, Washington: WHITE, O. J.; CLOWES, R. f,I., 1987, Tomographic U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le Report 79-1488, inversion for shel low crustal structure beneath 10 p., 2 plates, scale 1:24,000. the Juan de Fuca Ridge [abstract]: Eos (American 252 WHITE, D. J. SEISMIC HAZARDS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

Geophysical Union Transactions], v. 68, no. 44, p. WIEOERHOLM, TOFGNY, 1979, Chironomid remains in 1374-1375. Recent sediments of Lake Washington: Northwest Science, v. 53, no. 4, p. 251-266. WHITE, D. J.; LANGSTON, C. A., 1988, Puget Sound 3-0 velocity structure from simultaneous velocity­ WIGLEY, T. M. L., see hypooenter inversion [ebetraot]r Eoe (American WILLIAMS, L. D. [end othereJ, 1983. Geophysical Union TreneeotfonsJ, v. 89, no. 18, P• 408. WIGMOSTA, M. S., 1983, Rheology end flow dynamics of the Toutle debris flowa from Mt. St. Helens: WHITE, D. J., see al so University of Washington Master of Scienc& thesis, CUDRACK, c. F. [and others], 1987. 184 p.

WHITE, J. S., 1975, Geology and marine archaeolo­ WIGMOSTA, M. 8.; FAIRCHILD, L. H.; SMITH, J. D.; gy: Ore Bin, v. 37, no. 10, p. 167-188. DUNNE, THOMAS, 1981, Application of hydrographs constructed for the May 18, 1980 mudflows on the WHITE, w. H., 1959, Cordi l Le ran tectonics in Brit­ Toutle River, Washington [abstract]: Association ish Columbia: American Association of Petroleum of Engineering Geologists, 1981 Annual Meeting, Geologists Bulletin, v. 43, no. 1, p. 60-100. Program with Abstracts, p. 59.

WHITE, w. H., 1988, Summary of tectonic history. WIGMOSTA, M. S.; FAIRCHILD, L. H.1 SMITH, J. D.; !!!. Canadian Institute of Mining end Metallurgy; DUNNE, THOMAS; FLANIGAN, PETER, 1981, Field evi­ and others, 1968, A symposium on tectonic history dence for the dynamics of the Toutle River mud­ and mineral deposits of the western Cordillera fn flowe, Mey 18, 1980 (abstract]: Eos (American British Columbia end neighbouring parts of the Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 8, p. United States, Vancouver, 1984: Canadian Ineti­ so. tute of Mining and Metallurgy Special Volume 8, P• 186-189. WIGMOSTA, M. s., see also DUNNE, THOMAS {and others], 1983. WHITE, W. R. H.; CLOWES, R. M., 1987, Juan de Fuce FAIRCHILD, L. H. [and others], 1982. Plate crustal structure--Results from ocean bottom FAIRCHILD, L. H. [end others], 1983. seismograph studies [ebstrectJ: Eos [American SMITH, J. o. {and others], 1983. Geophysical Union Transactions], v. 68, no. 44, p. 1371. \'IILCCD<, R. E., 1966, Volcanic-ash chronology. In Wright, H. E., Jr.; Frey, D. G., editors, 1965, WHITE, W. R. H.; WALDRON, o. A.; CLOWES, A. M., The Quaternary of the United States: Princeton 1983, VISP I--Cruatal structure of the oceanic University Press, p. 807-816. Juan de Fuca plate {abstract]: Geological Associ­ ation of Canada Prag rem with Abstracts, v. 8, P• WILDERMUTH, ROBERT; PERKINS, S. O.; PASCO, R, E,; A73. HUOBARJ, E. H., 1939, Soil survey of Kitsap Coun­ ty, Washington: U.S. Bureau of Chemistry Soil WHITE, \1. R. H., see al so Survey Series 1934, no. 12, 41 p., 1 plate. MILNE, W. G. [ and others], 1980. WILDRICK, L. L., 1978, Geochemical equi l ibris in WHITNEY, J. W., 1973, Paleomagnetic constraints on Pleistocene sediments of the southeast Puget Sound Pacific Northwest tectonics [abstract]: Eos drainage beain: University of Washington Master (American Geophysical Union TrensectioneJ, v. 54, of Science thesis, 78 p. no. 11, p. 107 4. WILEY, M. C., see WIEBE, R. A., 1963, The geology of Mount Pilchuck: WAGNER, H. C. [ and others], 1980. University of Washington Mester of Science thesis, WAGNER, H. C. [end others}, 1983. 52 p. WILKERSON, W. L., 1981, Geology of the Olympic ocean strip: U.S. National Park Service unpub­ lished report, 59 p. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY WILLIS, BAILEY 253

WILKINSON, W. D.; ALLEN, J. E., 1959, Picture WILLIAMS, I. A., 1916, The Columbia River gorge­ Gorge to Portland via Arlington; Field trip no. 7. Its geologic history interpreted from the Columbia l!! Wilkinson, \'I. o., editor, 1959, Field guide­ River highway: Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geolo­ book; College Teachers Conference in Geology: gy, Mineral Resources of Oregon, v. 2, no. 3, 130 Oregon Department of Geology end Mineral Indus­ p. tries 8ul let in 50, p. 109-135. WILLIAMS, I. A., 1930, Report on geologic condi­ WILKINSON, W. D.; LOWRY, W. O.; BALDWIN, E. M., tions at Arial Dam Site, north fork of Lewis 1946, Geology of the St. Helens quadrangle, Ore­ River, Washington: Northwestern Electric Company gon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral [Portland], 3 vol., 2 plates. Industries Bul Latin 31, 39 p., 1 plate. WILLIAMS, I. A., 1932, Geology of Ariel dam site WILLIAMS, A. E., see [abstract]: Pen-American Geologist, v. 58, no. 1, ERIKSON, E. H., JR. [snd others], 1978. p. 70-71.

WILLIAMS, D. L.; ABRAMS, G. A.; FINN, CAROLJ WILLIAMS, I. A., 1933, Geology of Ariel dam site OZURISIN, DANIEL; JOHNSON, D. J.; OENLIN3ER, R. [abstract]: Geological Society of America Bulle­ P., 1987, Evidence from gravity date for en intru­ tin, v. 44, no. 1, p. 157-158. sive complex beneath Mount St. Helens: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 92, no. 810, p. 10,207- WILLIAMS, L. D.; WIGLEY, T. M. L., 1983, A compar­ 10,222. ison of evidence for late Holocene summer tempera­ ture variations in the northern hemisphere: Que­ WILLIAMS, D. L.; FINN, CAROL, 1983, Grev ity and terns ry Resse rch, v. 20, no. 3, p. 296-307. aeromagnetic study of the Goat Rocks Wilderness, Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical WILLIAMS, PATRICK, see Union Transactions), v. 84, no. 45, P• 887. KARLIN, ROBERT [and others], 198B.

WILLIAMS, D. L.; FINN, CAROL, 1987, Evidence for a WILLIAMS, R. K.. 1952, The geology of Cape Disap­ shallow pluton beneath the Goat Rocks Wilderness, pointment quadrangle end a portion of Fort Colum­ Washington, from gravity and magnetic data: Jour­ bia quadrangle, Washington: University of Oregon nal of Geophysical Research, v. 92, no. 88, p. Master of' Science thesis, 56 p. 4887..:.4880. WILLIAMS, V. S., 1971, Glacial geology of the WILLIAMS, D. L.; FINN, CAROL; COUCH, R. W.; DANES, drainage basin of the Middle Fork of the Snoqual­ z. F.; PITTS, G. S.; PHILLIPS, W. M.; RIDDIHOUGH, mie River: University of Washington Master of R. P., 1988, Residual Bouguer gravity anomaly map Science thesis, 45 p.. 1 plate. of the Cascade Range, California, Oregon, Washing­ ton, and British Columbia: U.S. Geological Survey WILLIS, BAILEY, 1897, Glaciation in the Puget Geophysical Investigations Hep GP-973, 2 sheets, Sound region [abstract]: American Geologist, v. scale 1 :500,000. 19, no. 2, p. 144-145.

WILLIAMS, D. L.; FINN, CAROL; SPYDELL, D. R.; WILLIS, BAILEY, 1897, Glaciation of Puget Sound DANES, Z. F., 1984, Gravity and aeromagnetic maps region [abstract]: Science new series, v. 5, no. of the Goat Rocks wilderness end adjacent roedless 110, p. 238-239. areas, lewis and Yakima Counties, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies WILLIS, BAILEY, 1897, Preliminary note on the Map MF-1653-C, 2 sheets, scale 1:48,000. Pleistocene history of Puget Sound [abstract]: Journal of Geology, v. 5, no. 1, p. 99-100. WILLIAMS, D. L., sea also FINN, CAROL [end others], 1982. WILLIS, BAILEY, 1897, [Stratigraphy end structure FUIN, CAROL [and others], 1983. of the Puget Group, Washington; abstract]: Amari- FINN, CAROL [and others], 1984. can Geologist, v. 20, no. 3, p. 194. FINN, CAROL [end others], 1986. FINN, CAROL [and others], 1987. 254 WILLIS, BAILEY SEISMIC HAZAfllS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

WILLIS, BAILEY, 1897, Stratigraphy and structure Juan d• Fuca Ridge: Journal of Geophysical Re­ of the Puget Group, Washington [abstrac:t]: Sci­ search, v. 89, no. B11, p. 9215-9225. ence new series, v. B, no. 149, p. 691. WILSON, O. S.; HEY, R. N.; NISIUMURA, C. E., 1984, WILLIS, BAILEY, 1B9B, Drift phenomena of Puget Propagation ea a mechanism of ridge reorientation Sound: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. in the Juan de Fuca area [abstract]: Eos (Affleri­ 9, p. 111-182. can Geophysical Union Transactionl!I), v. 65, no. 17, P• 330. WILLIS, BAILEY, 1898, Drift phenomena of Puget Sound and their interpretation [abatreot]: WILSON, o. s., see al so British Association for the Advancement of Sci­ HEY, R. N. {and others], 1982. ence, 87th meet fng, Report, p. 653. NISHIMURA, C. E. {and others}, 1981. NISHIMURA, C.. E. {and others], 1984. WILLIS, BAILEY, 1903, Physiography and deformation of the Wenatchee-Chelan district, Cascade Range. WILSON, E.. L.. see In Contributions to the geology of Washington: STEPHEN, R. M. [and others], 1978. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Peper 19, p. 41-97. WILSON, J. R., 1975, Geology of the Price lake area, Maaon County, Washington: North Carolina WILLIS, BAILEY; SMITii, G. 0., 1999, Geologic atlas State University Master of Science thesis, 79 p., of the United Statea--Tacoma folio, Washington: 2 plates. U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Folio 54, 10 p. WILSON, J. R., 1983, Relationships between tete WILLIS, c. L., 1950, Geology of the northeaetern Quaternary faults and earthquakes in the Puget quarter of the Chiwaukum quadrangle, Waehington: Sound, Washington area. !!! Yount, J. C.; Crosson, University of Washington Doctor of Philosophy R. s., editors, 1983, Proceedings of workshop XIV, thesis, 158 p., 4 plates. Earthquake hazards of the Puget Sound region, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File WILSON, D. L., 1978, The orig in of serpent inites Report 83-19, p. 165-177. associated with the Shuksan metamorphic suite near Gee Point, Washington: Western Washington Univer­ WILSON, J. R..; BARTHOLOMEW, M. J.; CARSON, R. J., sity Master of Science thesis, 84 p., 1 plate. 1979, Late Quaternary faults and their relation­ ship to tectonis• in the Olympic Peninsula, Wash­ WILSON, D.S., 1985, Tectonic history of the Juen ington: Geology, v. 7, no. 5, p. 235-239. de Fuce Ridge: Stanford University Doctor of Phi­ losophy thesis, 195 p. WILSON, J. A.; CARSON, R. J., 1979, Late Quaterna­ ry faulting in Mason County, Washington [ab­ WILSON, D. s., 1985, Tectonic history of the Juan stract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts de Fuce Ridge from 40 million years to present with Programs, v. 11, no. 3, p. 135. [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 68, no. 48, p. 1062. WILSON, J. R., see also CARSON, R. J. [and others], 1974. WILSON, D. s., 1988, Tectonic history of the Juan de Fuca Ridge {abstract]: Dissertation Abstracts WILSON, J. T., 1965, Transform faults, oceanic International, v. 47, no. 2, Section B, p. 549-8. ridges, and magnetic ariomalies southwest of Van­ couver Island: Science. v. 150, no. 3695, p. 482- WILSON, D. S.; HEY, R. N.; NISHIMURA, C. E., 1982, 485. Propagation as a mechanism of ridge reorientation in the Juan de Fuca area (abstract]: Eos {Ameri­ WILSON, J. T., see al so can Geophysical Uni on Transactional, v. 83, no. VINE, F. J. {and others], 1965. 45, p. 1146. WILSON, JOHN, see WILSON, D. S.; HEY, R. N.; NISHIMURA, C. E., 1984, SPELLMAN, ttOWArt> (and othet's], 1976. Propagation as a mechanism of reorientation of the AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY WOLFE, J. A. 255

WILSON, R. c., 1981, Interactions between ground WISE, w. s., 1961, The geology end mineralogy of motion and ground failure. !Jl Reeves, J. F.; Rod­ the Wind River area, Washington, end the stability riguez, T. R.; Seiders, W. H., compilers, 1981, relations of caledonita: Johns Hopkins University Summaries of technical reports, Volume XI: U.S. Doctor of PhHosophy thesis, 2 vol., 2 plates. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-167, p. 248- 250. WISE, w. s., 1970, Cenozoic vo lean ism in the Cas­ cade Mountains of southern Washington: Washington WILSON, R. C., see al so Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 80, 45 P•• YOUD, T. L. [end others], 1981. 1 p Leta.

WILSON, s. D.; JOHNSON, I(. A., 1984, SL ides in WISSMANN, GERD, 1970, Shallow sub-bottom geology over-conso l idetad clays along the Seett la Freeway. of the Washington shelf south of la Percuss Bank In Engineering Geology end Soils Engineering [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Symposium, 2nd Annual, Proceedings: Idaho Depart­ Transactions), v. 51, no. 3, p. 207. ment of Highways, p. 29-43. WISSMANN, GERD, 1971, Merine geophysics studies WILSON, S. D., see e l so offshore Cape Flattery, Washington, end tha impli­ STRAZER, R. J. [end others], 1974. cations for regional tectonics: University of Washington Mester of Science thesis, 96 p. WIMMLER, NORMAN, 1908, Geology of the east side of the Ouwamish Val Ley, King Co., Wash.: University WITHERS, ROBERT; TURCOTTE, THOMAS; TOCHER, DON, of Washington Bachelor of Science thesis, 14 p. 1978, 1972 earthquake studies, Washington Public Power Supply System Nuclear Project nos. 1 and 4- WINSLOW, N. S., see Microeerthqueke studies: Woodward-Clyde Consul­ HELLER, P. L. (and others], 1987. tants [under contract to] United Engineers end Constructors, 1 v. WINTERS, w. J., 1984, Paleogene stratigraphy of the Johnson Creek inlier, Lewis County, Weshingto~ WODZICKI, ANTONI; BOYD, G. A.; MITTEN, H. T., [abstract]: Oregon Academy of Science Proceed- 1983, Geology of the Green River eree, central ; ng a, v. 20, p. 56. Cascades, Weshington; Append ix by G. A. Boyd end H. T. Mitten: [Privately published by the WINTERS, w. J., 1984, Stratigraphy end sedimentol­ authors], 21 p. ogy of Paleogene arkosic and volceniclastic stra­ ta, Johnson Creek-Chambers Creek area, southern WOLFE, E. W.; MCKEE, E. H., 1968, Geology of the Cascade Range, Washington: Portland State Univer­ Greys River quadrangle, Wahkiakum end Pacific sity Mester of Science thesis, 162 p., 2 plates. Counties, Washington: Washington Division of Mines and Geology Geologic Map GM-4, 1 sheet, WINTERS, W. J., 1985, Sedimentology end tectonic seal e 1 :62,500. setting of the base of the western Cascade group, Johnson Creek-Chambers Creek area, southern Cas­ WOLFE, E. W.; MCKEE, E. H., 1972, Sedimentary end cade Range, Washington [abstract]: Eos (American igneous rocks of the Greys River quadrangle, Wash­ Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 86, no. 3, p. ington: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1335, 70 24. P•

WINTCRS, W. J.J KAYEN, R. E., 1985, Stet ic and WOLFE, J. A., 1961, Age of the Keechelus andesitio cyclic strength properties of Mount St. Helens series of the Cascade Range, Washington. l!! Short debris svelenche and ash cloud materials: U.S. papers in the geologic and hydrologic sciences•• ; Geological Survey Open-Fila Report 85-518, 182 p. Geological Survey research 1961: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 424-C, article 232, p. WISE, D. u., 1983, An outrageous hypothesis for 228-230. the tectonic pattern of the North American cordil­ lera: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. WOLFE, J. A.; GOWER, H. D.; VINE, J. D., 1961, Age 74, no. 3, p. 357-362. and correlation of the Puget Group, King County, Washington. In Short papers in the geologic and ~!18 WOL~GRAM, P.A. Se:tSMtC HAZAFID9 OP WESf!RN' WASHINlilnJN hydrotogic sciences•• ; Geotogic1H Sur

WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANfS, 1977, Rniew of the WOOOWARO-CLVOE: CONSULTANfS, 1979, Geologic mapping north Cascade earthquake of 14 December 1872. !!l t'or category I axcevetions, Washington Public Waahington Public-Supply System, 1977, WPPSS Power supply System_nuclaar projects no. 3 and 5; nuclear project no. 1~Pretiminary safety analysis Volume 1, Sum111ary report: Woodward-Clyde Consul­ report: Washington Public Power Supply System tants (under contract to} Ebesco Services, 67 p. Docket no. 50-460, Preliminary safety analysts report, Amendment 23, v. 2A, Appendix 2R, (Sub}sp­ WOOLDRIDGE, D. o., 1979,. Suspended sediment fro111 pendix 2R B, 41 p. truck traffic on forest ro!lds, Meadow and Coal Creeks: Washington Department of Ecology Techni­ WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS, 1977, Review of the cal Report 79-Sa-3, a3 P• north Cascade earthquake of 14 December 1872; Attachment 2R B-A-Sacondery ground disturbances. WOOi.LARO, G. P., CHAIRMAN, 1955, Report of the !rt Washington Public Supply System, 1977, WPPSS special committee on the geophysical and geologi­ nuclear project no. 1-Preliminery safety analysis cal study of continents, 1952-1954: American Geo­ report: \'lashington Public Power Supply System physical Union frensactions, v. 36, no. 4, p. 698- Docket no. 50-480, Preli111inery safety analysis 699. report, Amendment 23, v. 2A, Appendix ~R, Subep­ pendix 2R B, Att. A, 2Sp. WOOL.LARO, G. P., 1958, Areas of tectonic activity in the United Stetes as indicated by earthquake WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS, 1977, Review ot' the epicartterss American Geophysical Union Transac­ north Ceeoede earthquake of 14 D9Cember 1872; tions, v. 39, no. 6, p. 1135-1151'.1. Attachment 2R B-B~Additional reports related to the 14 December 1872 earthquake. !rt Washington WOOL.LARO, G. P., 1958, Rasul ts for a gravity con­ Public Supply System, 1977, WPPSS nuclear project trol network at airports in the United Steteet no. 1-Preliminery safety analysis report: Wash- Geophys'ics, v. 23, no. 3, p. 520-535. AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY YAMAGUCHI, D. K. 257

WOOLLARD, G. P., 1965, The Bouguer gravity anomaly intrusion of Mt. Reinier {abstractl: Dissertation map of the United States: American Geophysical Abstracts International, v. 35, no. 9, Section B, Union Transact ions, v. 48, no. 1, p. 197-202. p. 4508-B.

WOOL LARO, G. P.; STRANGE, W. E., 1982, Grev ity WUNDER, J. M., 1976, Earthquake study in the Puget anomalies end the crust of the earth in the Pacif­ Sound area• .!!! Everndan, J. F., program manager, ic Basin. l!l MecOoneld, G. A.; Kuno, Kiaaahi, edi­ 1976, Summaries of technical reports, Volume II: tors, 1962, The cruet of the Pacific Basin: Amer­ U.S. Geological Survey, p. 165-166. ican Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph 6 (National Academy of Sciences-National Research WUNDER, J. M., 1978, Preliminary geologic map of Council Publication 1035), p. 60-80. the Utselady quadrangle, Skagit end Snohomish Counties, Washington: Washington Division of WOOLLARD-, G. P., see also Geology and Earth Resources Open-File Report 76- BEHRENDT, J. C. [end others], 1961. 10, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.

WRIGHT, G. F., 1887, Notes on the glaciation of WUNDER, J. M., see also the Pacific coast: American Naturalist, v. 21, ARTIM, E. R. [ and others], 1976. no. 3, p. 250-256. WYAN, W., see WRIGHT, ROBYN, see MALAHOFF, ALEXANDER [and others], 1982. ANDERSON, J. B. [and others], 1979. WYDER, J.E., 1961, Correlation of Pleistocene WRIGHT, T. L., 1980, The mineralogy and petrogene­ glacial tills of the Boundary Bay area British sis of the southern part of the Tatoosh pluton, Columbia, by mechanical .analyses: University of Mount Rainier National Perl<, Washington: Johns British Columbia Bachelor of Science thesis, 34 p. Hopkins University Doctor of Philosophy thesis, 2 vol., 4 plates. WYNNE, P. J., see Ill/IM3, E. {end others], 1985. WRIGHT, T. L., see also CATER, F. W. [end others], 1967. YAMAGUCHI, D. K., 1982, New tree-ring dates for recent eruptions of Mount St. Helens [abstract]: WU, c.; CROSSON, R. S., 1977, Velocity monitoring American Quaternary Association, 7th Biennial Con­ from mining explosions in the Puget Sound region, ference, Program end Abstracts, p. 183. Washington [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 58, no. 3, p. 188. YAMAGUCHI, D. K., 1983, New tre-ring dates for Recent eruptions of Mount St. Helens: Quaternary WU, M.-J., see Ra search, v. 20, no. 2, p. 246-250. SHERIF, M. A. [and others], 1970. YAMANE, GEORGE [end others], 1983. YAMAGUCHI, D. K., 1985, Tre-ring evidence for a two-year interval between recent prehistoric WU, Y. T., 1974, The detailed study of natural explosive eruptions of Mount St. Helens: Geology, remenent magnetization in the Tatoosh granodiorite v. 13, no. 8, p. 554-557. intrusion of Mt. Rainier: University of Pittsburgh Doctor of Phi Losophy thesis, 185 p. YAMAGUCHI, D. K., 1988, Preliminary tree-ring dat­ ing of let-Holocene subsidence along the Washing­ WU, Y. T., 1975, The detailed study of natural ton coast [abstract]. In University of Washington remanent magnetization in the Tetoosh granodiorite Quaternary Research Center, 1988, Holocene subduc­ intrusion of Mt. Rainier. l!l Fisher, R. M.; Ful­ tion in the Pacific Northwest: University of ler, M.; Schmidt, V. A.; Wesi Lewski, P. J., edi­ Washington Quaternary Research Center, p. B. tors, 1975, Proceedings of the Takesi Nagata con­ ference: Goddard Space Flight Center, p. 83-84. YAMAGUCHI, D. K.; HOBLITT, R. P., 1986, Tree-ring dating of Mount St. Helens flowage deposits em­ WU, Y. T., 1975, The detei led study of natural placed in the valley of the South Fork Toutle remenent magnetization in the Tatoosh grenodiorite River Washington, during the past 350 years [ab- 258 YAMAGUCHI, D. K. SEISMIC HAZA113S OF WESTERN WASHINGTON

street]. In Keller, s. A. C., editor, 1988, Mount tret Cascades, Washington. lt! Brown, E. H.~ Ell is, St. Helens---Five yeara later: Eastern Washington R. c., adftore, 1977; Geological Society of Ameri­ Univarsi ty Presa, p. 441. ce Meeting, 1977& Western Washington University, p. 265-308. YAMAGUCHI, D. K., see aleo

BRANTLEY, STBIEN [and others], 19880 YEATS, R. S.J ROSENFELD, C. L., 1981, ffW- end NE­ trending rrecture system et Mt. St. Helene volca­ YAMANE, GEORGE; WU, M.-J., 1983, BOO-ton pi Les no, Washington {abstract]: Eoa {American Geophys­ support West Seattle freeway bridge.!!! Engineer­ ical Union Transactions), v. 62, no. 6, p. 62. ing Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium, 20th, [Nata: Taxt of Journal mis-heeded as "v. 62, no. 1983, Proceedings: Idaho Transportation Depart­ s."J ment, p. 223-237. YEATS, R. S., sea also YAMASHITA, K. M., see MCDOUGALL, J. w. {and others], 1980. SWANSON, D. A. [and others], 1981. TABOR, R. W. {and others], 1970. TABOR, R. w. [and others], 1972. YANEV, PETER, 1974, Peace of mind in earthquake TABOR, R. W. [and others], 1982. country-How to save your home and life: Chroni­ cle Books [San Francisco, Cal if.], 304 p. YELIN, T. S., 1982, Eal'thquake mechanisms in the Puget Sound basin end their tectonic implications YANG, I. C., eaa [abatractJa Eos (American Geophysical Union STUIVER, HINZE [and others], 197B. Transactional, v. 63, no. 45, p. 1023.

YEATS, R. s., 1958, Petrology and structure of' the YELIN, T. S., 1982, The Seattle earthquake swerme Mt. Baring area, northern Cascades, Washington: and Puget Basin focal mechanisms end their tecton­ University of' Washington Mester of Science thesis, ic implications: University of Washington Mester 80 p., 2 plates. of Science thesis, 98 p.

YEATS, R. s., 1958, Geology of the Skykomish area YELIN, T. S., 1983, Possible block tectonics in in the Cascade Mountains of Washington: Universi­ northwestern Washington [abstract]: Earthquake ty of' Washington Doctor of' Philosophy thesis, 270 Notes, v. 54, no. 1, p. 40-41. p., 2 plates. YELIN, T. s., 1984, The Seattle earthquake swarms YEATS, R. s., 1958, Geology of' tha Skykomish area and Puget Basin focal mechanisms and their tecton­ in the Cascade Mountains of Washington [abstract]: ic implications. In Crosson, A. s., 1984, Earth­ Dissertation Abstracts, v. 19, no. 4, p. 775. quake hazard evaluation in the Pacific Morthwest; final technical report: University of Washington YEATS, R. s., 1982, Structure of the Cascade Range Geophysics Program, 1 v. east of' Seattle, Washington [abstract]: Geologi­ cal Society of' America Special Paper BB, p. 64. YELIN, T. s., 1988, Tectonic setting, relocation end revised local mechanism of the 6 November 1962 YEATS, R. s., 1964, Crystalline klippen in the Portland, Oregon earthquake [abstract]: Seismo­

Index district, Cascade Range, Washington: Geo­ logical Research Letters, v. 59 1 no. 1 1 p. 17. logical Society of America Bul lat in, v. 75, no. B,

P• 549-561. YELIN, T. S.; CROSSON, R. s., 19821 A note on the south Puget Sound b ea in megn i tude 4.6 ea rthqueke YEATS, R. s., 1987, Summary of symposium on Ore­ of' 11 March 1978 and its aftershocks: Seismologi­ gon's earthquake potential held February 28, 1987, cal Society of America Bulletin, v. 721 no. 3, p. at Western Oregon State College in Monmouth: Ore­ 1033-1038. gon Geo logy, v. 49, no. B, p. 97-98. YELIN, T. 9.; CROSSON, R. S., 1983, The magnitude YEATS, R. s.; ERIKSON, E. H., JR.; FROST, B. R.; 4.6 south Puget Sound earthquake of March 11, 1978 HAMMOMO, P. E.; MILLER, R. B., 1977, Structure, -Mein shock and aftershocks. In Yount, J. c.: stratigraphy, plutonism, and volcanism of the can- Crosson, R. s., editors, 1983, Proceedings of AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY YOUNT, J. C. 259

workshop XIV, Earthquake hazards of the Puget YOUNG, G. E., 1924, The workable clay deposits in Sound regior,, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey the city of Seattle: University of Washington Open-Fi le Report 83-19, p. 41H5B. Bachelor of Science thesis, 31 p.

YaIN, T. s., see also YOUNG, J. A., see LUOWIN, R. s. [and others], 1986. FAIRHALL, A. W. [and others], 1986.

YORATH, C. J.; CLOWES, R. M.; MACDONALD, R. D.: YOUNG, JIM; PESSL, FRED, JR.; SAFIOLES, S. A.; SPENCER, C. J.; DAV IS, E. E.; HYND MAN, R. D.; HOLMES, M. L., 1984, Quaternary geology end earth­ ROHR, K.; SWEENEY, J. F.; CURRIE, R. G.; HALPEN, quake hazards in the Puget Sound region, Washing­ J. F.; ET AL, 19B7, Merine multichannel seismic ton [ ebst ract]: U.S. Geo Log ice l Survey Profas- reflection, gravity and magnetic profiles--Vancou­ s ional Peper 1375, p. 21:3-214. ver Island continental margin and Juan de Fuca Ridge: Canada Geological Survey Open File 1681, YOUNG, M. N., see 26 p., 7 pl ates. MOYER, R. D. [and others], 1985.

YORATH, C. J.; CURRIE, R. G.; DAV IS, E. E.; YOUN3, R. E., 1968, Geology and biostratigraphy of RIDDIHOUGH, R. P., 1984, Exploring Juen de Fuca the Knappton, Washington area: University of Ridge system [abstract). l!! Scott, J.S., chef rper­ Washington Mester of Science thesis, '186 p., 2 eon, 1984, Currant ectivitiea forum 1984; program plates. with abstracts: Canada Geological Survey Peper 84-8, p. 8. YOUN3QUIST, WALTER, 1981, Geothermal potential of the Cascades. l!! Geothermal Resources Council, YO RATH, c. J.; SIDNEY, B. C.; CHASE, R. L., 1978, 1981, Geothermal potential of the Cascade Mountain St rue tu rel c roes section--Coeet Mountains, British Range--Exploretion end development: Geothermal Columbia to Juan de Fuce Ridge [abstrect)1 Geo­ Resources Council Special Report 10, p. 25-29. logical Society of America Abstracts with Pro­ grams, v. 10, no. 7, p. 520-521. YOUNGS, R. R., see COPPERSMITH, K. J. [and others), 1987. YORATH, c. J., see also COPPERSMITH, K. J. [and others), 1988. BORNHOLO, B. D. [and others], 1986. CLOWES, R. M. [and others), 19B7. YOUNT, J. C., 1981, Earthquake hazards of the CLOWES, R. M. [ and others], 1988. Puget Sound region, Washington. In Reeves, J. F.; DAVIS, E. E. [and others), 1988. Rodriguez., T. R.; Seiders, W. H., 1981, Summaries GREEN, A. G. [and others], 1988. of technical reports, Volume XI: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-187, p. 99-100. YOUD, T. L., 1983, Liquefaction investigations. l!! Jecobson, M. L., compi Ler, 1983, Summaries of YOUNT, J. c., 1981, Earthquake hazards Puget technical reports, Vol. ~II: U.S. Geological Sound, Washington. !.!l Cheronnet, a. S.; Rodriguez, Survey Open-Fi le Report 83-918, p. 179-180. T. R.; Seiders, W. H., compi Lars, '1981, Summaries of technical reports, Volume XII: U.S. Geological YOUD, T. L., 1987, National map of liquefaction Survey Open-File Report 81-83:3, p. 74. hazard. In Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, T. R., com­ pilers, 1987, National Earthquake Hazards Reduc­ YOUNT, J. C., 1982, Earthquake haze rds Puget tion Program, summaries of technical reports Sound, Washington. !!!. Charonnat, e. B.; Rodriguez, Volume XXIV: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Fi le T. R.; Seiders, w. H., compilers, 1982, Summaries Report 87-374, p. 598-599. of technical reports, Volume XIII: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-85, p. 78- YOUD, T. L.; WILSON, R. C.; SCHUSTER, R. L., 1981, 77. Stability of blockage in North Fork Toutle River. l!:!. Lipman, P. w.; Mullineaux, D. R., editors, YOUNT, J. c., 1982, Earthquake hezarde Puget 1981, The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens, Sound, Washington. l!! Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional T. R.; Seiders, w. H., compilers, 1982, Summaries Paper 1250, p. 821-828. 260 YOUNT, J. c. of technical reports, Volume XIV: U.S.. Geological YOUNT., J. C.t MOZLEY;, P. S,l Mtlt.LINEAtJX, O. R.; Survey Opan-f' He Report 82-840• p. 70-71. BONI LU\, M. G.; SiCm.OCff geologic t11eter'iata. Seattle area {eb­ YOUNT, J. C.. 1983, Earthquake hazards Pugtit stt-acth U.S. Geotogieat Survey Professional Sound, WaeMngton. I!!. Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, Peper 1175, p. 93. T. R.; Seiders., w. H., compilers, 1983,, Summaries of technical reports, voluma XV: U.S. Geological YOUNT, J. c_, eee elH Survey Open-FHe Report 83-9tJ, p. 74-76. OOlfeR, H. O. (and otheNI), 1985. PESSL, FRED, .m. hnd othenl, 1984. YOUNT, J. c., 1983, Earthquake hazards Puget SNAVELY, P. 0., JR. {and others], 1978. Sound, Washington. !!!. Jacobson, M. L.; Rodriguez, WAITT, A. 8., JR. [and others]. 1978. T. R.; Seiders, w. H., compilers, 1993, Summaries WAITT, R. B., JR. {and others]. 1982. of technical reports, Volume XVI: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-525, p. 51-53. YUAN, J.-W., see CARSON, BOBB {and OtheNIJ, 1972. YOUNT, J. c., 1983, Earthquake hazards Puget CNISON, BOBB {and others), 1974. Sound, Washington. Il'I Jacobson, M. L., compiler, 1983, Summaries of technical reports, Vol. XVII: YURETICH, R. F.; FRITZ, W. J., 1981, Comment end U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-918, p. reply on "Reinterpretation of the depositional so-aa. environ111ent of the Vetlowstone 'fossil forests., and "Stumps transported end deposited upright by YOUNT, J. C., 1983, Geologic units that likely Mount St. Hetens 111ud flows": Geology, v. 9, no. control seismic ground shaking in the greater 4, p. 146-147. Seattle erea. !!!. Yount, J. C.; Crosson, R. S., editors, 1983, Proceedings of workshop XIV, ZACHARA, J., He Earthquake hazards of the Puget Soul'ld regiol'I, SimER, Mit:HAa {and othersJ, 1978. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-f'He UGOLINI, F. C. {end others], 1917. Report 83-19, p. 288-279. ZAK, J. A., 1978, Geology of Fort Lewis and Yakima YOUNT, J. C.; CROSSON, R. S., B>ITORS; JACOBSON, firing canter, U.S. Army, P.ort Lewis Environment MURIEL, COMPILER, 1983, Proceed1ngs of workshop and Energy Control Office. 21 p. XIV, Earthquake hazards of the Puget Sound region, Washington; Convened under auspices of National ZAMBORAS, R. L., 1979, The geology end hydrother­ Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, 13-15 mal mineralization at the Molly property and October 1980, Lake Wilderness, Washington: U.S. vie inity, Snohomish County, Washington: Western Geological Survey Open-f'ile Report 83-19, 308 p. Washington University Meeter of Science thesis, 88 p., 2 plates. YOUNT, J. C.; OEM8ROFF, G. R.; 8ARATS, G. M., 1985, Mep showing depth to bedrock in the Seattle ZAPFFE, CAAL, 1912, The geology of the St. Helens 30' by so• quedrang le, Washing tone U.S. Geo log i­ mining district of Washington: Economic Geology, cel Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF- v. 7, no. 4, p. 3 40-350. 1692, 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000. ZARTMAN, R. E., see YOUNT, J. c.; GOWER, H. o., 1981, Seismotectonic FRIZZELL, V. A., JR. (and others], 1982. model for the Puget Sound region of Washington TABOR, R. w. {end others), 1982. State {abstract]: Geologicel Society of America TABOR, R. W. [and others]. 1987. Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, no. 2, p. 116. ZARUBA, O.. 1979, The importance of slope move­ YOUNT, J. C.; MARCUS, K. L.; MOZLEY, P. S., 1980, mel'lts in dem construction: International Associa­ Radiocarbon-dated localities from the Puget Low­ tion of Engineering Geology Bulletin 20, p. 158- land, \'lashington: U.S. Geological Survey Opel'I­ 182. File Report 80-780, 50 p., 1 plats. zaLMER, J. T.J ROQUEMORE, GLENN; SLEMMONS, o. B., 1981, Topographic l inesment analysis of the State AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY ZIETZ, ISIDORE 261 of Washington, U.S.A. [abstract]. In O'Leary, D. ZIETZ, ISIDORE, 1981, Preliminary composite mag­ W.; Earle, J. L., editors, 19B1, Proceedings of netic anomaly map of pert of the northwestern the third international conference on basement United States: u.s. Geological Survey Open-File tectonics: Basement Tectonics Committee, Inc. Report 81-835, 13 p. [Denver] Publ icstion 3, p. 69. ZIETZ, ISIDORE, COMPILER, 1981, Preliminary com­ ZEN, E-AN, 1985, Implications of magmatic epidote­ posite magnetic anomaly map of the conterminous bearing plutons on crustal evolution in the secre­ United States (black and white maps): U.S. Geo­ ted terrenes of northwestern North America: Geol­ logical Survey Open-File Report 81-768, 4 sheets ogy, v. 13, no. 4, p. 286-289. microfiche.

ZERBACH, BARBARA, see ZIETZ, ISIDORE, 1982, Composite magnetic anomaly STRICKLAND, HELEN [and others], 1975. map of the United States; Pert A--Conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical ZEAfAS, C. E., 1984, A time term analysis of Pn Investigations Map GP-954-A, 59 p., 2 sheets, map velocities in Washington: University of Washing­ scale 1:2,5DO,C!OO. ton Master of Science thesis, 134 p. ZIETZ, ISIDORE; BONO, KEV INr JOHNSON, P. R., 1986, ZEAfAS, C. E.; CROSSON, R. S., 1984, Pn velocities Enhanced magnetic anomaly mep of the western and station delays in Washington [abstract]: Eos United States and offshore areas [abstract]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 65, (American Geophysical Union Transactions], v. 67, no. 17, p. 330-331. no. 44, p. 919.

ZEAfAS, C. E.; CROSSON, R. s., 1986, Pn observa­ ZIETZ, ISIDORE; HATCHER, R. D., JR., 1982, The tion and interpretation in Washington: Seismo­ first magnetic map of the United Stetes--A crustal logical Society of America Bulletin, v. 76, no. 2, interpretation [abstract]: Geological Society of p. 521-548. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 7, p. 652. ZHANG, WEIHAU; CUNDY, T. W., 1987, Test of e sur­ face runoff and soil erosion model for forest road ZIETZ, ISIDORE; HATCHER, R. D., JR., 1983, The surfaces. !!! 8eschta, R. L.; Blinn, T.; Grant, G. first magnetic map of the United States--A crustal E.; Swenson, F. J.; Ice, G. G., editors, 19B7, interpretation [abstract]: Eos [American Geophys­ Erosion end sedimentation in the Pacific Rim: ical Union Transactions}, v. 64, no. 18, p. 320. International Association of Hydrological Scien­ ces, p. 263-264. ZIETZ, ISIDORE; HEARN, a. c., JR.r HIGGINS, M. w.; ROBINSON, G. D.; SWANSON, D. A., 1971, Interpreta­ ZIEGLER, c. B., 1985, The geology, structure end tion of an aeromagnetic strip across the north­ surficial features of the Barometer-Slate Mountain western United States: Geological Society of sree, north Cascades, Washington: U.S. Forest America Bulletin, v. 82, no. 12, p. 3347-3371. Service, 21 p., 2 plates. ZIETZ, ISIDORE; HEARN, B. C., JR.; HIGGINS, M. W.; ZIEGLER, c. 8., 1985, The structure end petrology ROBINSON, G. D.; SWANSON, D. A., 1971, Interp reta­ of the Swift Creek area, westem north Cascades, t ion of an aeromagnetic strip across the north­ Washington: Western Washington University Mester western United States [abstract]: Geological of Science thesis, 191 p., 5 plates. Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 3, no. 7, p. 761. ZIEGLER, c. B., 1985, Structure of the Swift Creek end adjacent areas, north Cascades, Washington ZIETZ, ISIDORE; HEARN, B. c., JR.; HIGGINS, M. w.; [abstract]: Geological Society of America Ab­ ROBINSON, G. D.; S\'IAHSON, D. A., 1975, Interpreta­ stracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 6, p. 42D. tion of an aeromagnetic strip across the north­ western United States. .!!l Fisher, R. M.; Fuller, ZIEGLER, C. B., see al so M.; Schmidt, V. A.; Wasilewski, P. J., editors, JONES, J. T. [and others], 1984. 1975, Proceedings of the Takesi Nagata conference: Goddard Space Flight Canter, p. 256-282. 282 ZIETZ, ISIDORE SEISMIC HAZARDS CF WESTERN WASHINGTON

ZIETZ, ISIDOf!E, see also ZOLLWEG, J. E.; CROSSON, R. s., '19B1, The Goat JOHNSON, P. R. [and others], 1988. Rocks Wilderness, Washington, earthquake of 28 May 1981 [abstrecth Eos (American Geophysical Union ZILKA, N. T., see Transactions), v. 82, no. 45, p. 968. SIMMONS, G. C. [end others}, 1974. ZOLLWEG, J. E.J JONIENTZ... TRISLER, ClfflIS, 1984, A ZIMMERMANN, R. A., see swarm of deep aerthquskas et Mt. St. Helens, Wseh­ JOHNSON, s. Y. [and others], 1983. tngton, prior to the eruption of 18 Mey 1980 [ab­ JOHNSON, s. Y. [and others], 1988. stract]: Eoa (American Geophysical Union Trensec­ WHETTEN, J. T. [end others], 1980. tione), v. 85, no. 45, p. 1001.

ZIONY, J. I., see ZOLL WEG, J. E., see al so PERKINS, D. M. [end others}, 1980. BROWNE, P. A. J. [and others}, 1987. CROSSON, R. S. [and others}, 1982. Z!TEK, W. O., 1982, A study of inverse Q as a [ continued] function of depth in western Washington: Univer­ sity of Washington Mester of Science thesis, B7 p. ZOLLWEG, J.E., see also [continued] GRANT, w. c. [ end othe re J, 1981. Z!TEK, W. O.; JOHNSON, D. M., 1981, A study of GRANT, w. c. ( and others], 1983. seismic attenuation in western Washington [ab­ GRANT, w. C. [and others], 1984. stract}: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transac­ MALONE, s. D. [and others}, 1985. tions], v. 82, no. 45, p. 970. NOSON, L. L. [and others], 1984. ' WEAVER, C. S. [and others], 1982. ZOBACK, M. D.; ZOBACK, M. L., 1986, Preli mi nary WEAVER, C. S. [and others], 1983. tectonic stress map of North America [abstract}: Eos [American Geophysical Union Transactions], v. ZUERCHER, HANNES, 1976, A study of the cruet in 61, no. 44, p. 1237. Puget Sound using a fixed seismic source: Univer­ sity of Washington Master of Science thesis, 62 p. Z08ACK, M. D., see al so MOONEY, W. D. [and others], 1988. ZULAUF, A. s.. 1979, SoH survey of Pierce County ZOSACK, M. D. [ and others], 1988. area, Washington: U.S. Soil Conservation Service, '131 p. ZOLLWEG, J. E.; BROWNE, P. A. J., 1987, Investiga­ tion of saismicity in the Darrington area. To Crosson, R. s., 1987, Earthquake hazard research in the Pacific Northwest; final technical report-- 1986: University of Washington Geophysics Pro­ gram, 3 p.