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Index a-politicism 74, 75, 77 autonomous time 229 Abel, R.C. 53 awareness-raising 91, 169 abstract landscape 150 access/accessibility 81, 106, 120, 126, 143, Bakka hamlet 169–171 144–145, 149, 192, 200 Bakklandet 18, 19 accountability 32, 55, 56 Balkin, J.M. 53 activism 6, 7, 16, 75, 77, 81 Barnett, C. 22 advocacy democracy 22–23 Bauman, Z. 50, 66 aesthetic judgement 226 Baumgarten, A.G. 226 aesthetics, performance of 109–111 Bauwens, M. 55 African American front yards 97–99, 103 beating the bounds 146 agency 115 beautiful landscapes 39, 43, 47 agents, rural landscape governance 154–158 behavioural code of conduct 206 agents of change 45, 140 belonging 30, 45, 67, 81, 86, 210, 225 aggregative democracy 5, 88–89 Besitzergreifung des Rasens 119 aggressive landscape transformation 213 best design 74 agonism 8, 13, 89, 115, 218 Bhabba, H.K. 114 Agora 63, 65 bias, in design 102 Al Harithy, H. 35 Bilbao Effect 110 Alison Lapper Pregnant 229–232 Bleken, H. 19 AlSayyad, N. 67 blessed unrest 53, 57 Angelopoulos Fellowship program 195 bodily enactment, of resistance 144 apartment building protests, Bakklandet 19 bodily memory, and bounding 146 appropriation of space 97, 99, 125, 126, 137, 231 Bollier, D. 55, 57 Arab Malaise 32, 36 bottom-up initiatives 23, 125, 130–140, Arab Middle East 29–37 178–188, 192–198 Arab Spring 31–32 boundaries 146 archipelago of enclaves 194 Branson, R. 54 Arendt, H. 107 bridging social capital 136, 140, 175 argumentation 7, 13, 91, 197 Britt, A. 67 aristocracy 63 Buen Vivir 55 Aristotle 63, 227 bureaucratic decisions 24 Arler, F.
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