Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 2016
U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics October 2019, NCJ 251922 Bureau of Justice Statistics Bureau Federal Law Enforcement Ofcers, 2016 – Statistical Tables Connor Brooks, BJS Statistician s of the end of fscal-year 2016, federal FIGURE 1 agencies in the United States and Distribution of full-time federal law enforcement U.S. territories employed about 132,000 ofcers, by department or branch, 2016 Afull-time law enforcement ofcers. Federal law enforcement ofcers were defned as any federal Department of ofcers who were authorized to make arrests Homeland Security and carry frearms. About three-quarters of Department of Justice federal law enforcement ofcers (about 100,000) Other executive- provided police protection as their primary branch agencies function. Four in fve federal law enforcement ofcers, regardless of their primary function, Independent agencies worked for either the Department of Homeland · Security (47% of all ofcers) or the Department Judicial branch Tables Statistical of Justice (33%) (fgure 1, table 1). Legislative branch Findings in this report are from the 2016 0 10 20 30 40 50 Census of Federal Law Enforcement Ofcers Percent (CFLEO). Te Bureau of Justice Statistics conducted the census, collecting data on Note: See table 1 for counts and percentages. Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Census of Federal Law 83 agencies. Of these agencies, 41 were Ofces Enforcement Ofcers, 2016. of Inspectors General, which provide oversight of federal agencies and activities. Te tables in this report provide statistics on the number, functions, and demographics of federal law enforcement ofcers. Highlights In 2016, there were about 100,000 full-time Between 2008 and 2016, the Amtrak Police federal law enforcement ofcers in the United had the largest percentage increase in full-time States and U.S.
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