DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2019-710 8TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE FOR AERONAUTICS AND AEROSPACE SCIENCES (EUCASS) DOI: ADD DOINUMBER HERE Vega Launchers’ Trajectory Optimization Using a Pseudospectral Transcription G. Di Campli Bayard de Volo?, M. Naeije??, C. Rouxy and M. Volpiy ?AVIO Spa on behalf of aizoOn Technology Consulting Strada del Lionetto 6, 10146, Turin, Italy ·
[email protected] ??Delft University of Technology - Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft, The Netherlands ·
[email protected] yAVIO Spa - Via degli Esplosivi 1, 00034, Colleferro (Rome), Italy
[email protected] ·
[email protected] Abstract The objective of the presented research is to assess advantages and disadvantages of applying a pseu- dospectral method to practical trajectory optimization by taking the Vega launcher as test case. In par- ticular, the work focuses on the formulation of the launcher ascent problem, including flight constraints, control variables, initial guesses and cost function. Compared to the results obtained with standard guid- ance laws, the proposed approach opens up to slightly higher launcher performances, which is paid in terms of problem complexity. On the other hand, the flexibility of this implementation is confirmed by applications to different target orbits and launcher configurations. 1. Introduction Given the current technological limitations, launch missions are extremely expensive: rockets are huge, being about 100 times more massive than the payload, and most of the times expendable. Consequently, trajectory optimization plays a major role in reducing the launch cost. Universities, companies, agencies and research centres have their own optimization software and continuously try to improve the existing methods.