Annual Report
FOREWORD BY THE CHAIRMAN OF The International Advisory Council of B-IT THE B-IT FOUNDATION RWTH Aachen University, University of Bonn, Since its inception seven years ago, the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sci- Bonn-Aachen International Center for Infor- ences, have, in cooperation with the Fraun- mation Technology (B-IT) has pioneered hofer Board of Management, established an excellence in international graduate educa- International Advisory Council. Its mission is Helmut Dockter tion for applied information technology. The to ensure the relevance of B-IT’s educational key to this success has been a unique coop- efforts for careers in the business world, eration between two leading universities, a to monitor B-IT’s international competitive- young university of applied sciences, and the ness, and to foster B-IT’s development by Fraunhofer society for applied research. giving recommendations and guidelines. The rectors of the participating universities have The B-IT Master programs excel in many re- appointed Prof. Dr. Gerhard Barth as Found- gards. Due to careful selection and intensive ing President; Barth is well known as founder education, student success rates are among of the German AI research institute DFKI, as the highest in North Rhine-Westphalia, rang- top manager in companies such as Daimler- ing up to over 90%. In 2010, B-IT students Chrysler, Alcatel, and Dresdner Bank, and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Barth have successfully participated in worldwide more recently as partner in a consultancy research competitions, winning e.g. two firm. In addition, the council includes five in- RoboCup robotics championships, as well as ternationally renowned representatives from best student paper awards in several interna- academia and industry: tional conferences.
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