Harmful Cicada Families Tettigometridae of the Fergana Valley
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The American Journal of Agriculture and Boimedical Engineering IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-1018) 2020: 5. 34 Published: October 31, 2020 | Pages: 87-91 OCLC - 1121105746 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajabe/Volume02Issue10-15 Harmful Cicada Families Tettigometridae Of The Fergana Valley Alevtina Grigorevna Kojevnikova Doctor Of Biological Science, Professor, Department Of “Plant Protection”, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan Journal Website: http://usajournalshub.c om/index,php/tajabe Copyright: Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the creative commons attributes 4.0 licence. ABSTRACT The article presents materials on the study of cicadas Psammotettix striatus (L.) and Psammotettix dubovskyi Vilb. in Fergana Valley, their morphological and biological abilities, systematic position, distribution, harmfulness, food connections and peculiarities their diagnosis. KEYWORDS Cicadas, species, composition, family, genus, species, diagnosis, Psammotettix striatus (L.), Psammotettix dubovskyi Vilb. INTRODUCTION At present, simultaneously with cotton The study of cicadas is of great importance, growing, the Republic is successfully since many species are pests of agricultural developing the production of grain crops and crops, some species carry viral plant diseases legumes, rice, corn, as well as vegetables, [1]. melons, potatoes, fruits, grapes, etc. for the environment by methods of combating Cicadas belong to the order Homoptera. To harmful organisms. suck out juices from plants, they have a piercing-sucking mouth apparatus. In the Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan, due These insects are distinguished by a wide attention is paid to this issue. variety in species composition and in the The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 10-2020 87 The American Journal of Agriculture and Boimedical Engineering IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-1018) 2020: 5. 34 Published: October 31, 2020 | Pages: 87-91 OCLC - 1121105746 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajabe/Volume02Issue10-15 number of individual species. Some of them negative effect on young plants is especially can multiply in large quantities [2]. noticeable. Cicadids belong to the arthropod type - Cycadids of the genus Psammotettix Haupt, Arthropoda, the insect class - Insecta, the 1929, are characterized by small or medium- Homoptera detachment - Homoptera, and the sized species. They are usually colored brown series - Auchenorrhyncha [3]. and pale greenish. On their favorite cereal crops, they need to be recognized and This group of insects is very ancient in origin identified. and flourishing in the modern era [2]. The dimensions of the cicadas of this genus are Cycadids suck out juices from plants, inflict on average 3.3-5.0 mm. The body from above is wounds on vegetative parts with the more or less in an intense pattern. Closer to a ovipositor, and some species transmit viral pair of compound eyes, on the parietal margin, diseases of various crops [4]. It is noted that simple eyes lie. Not very long antennae are weakened plants are sometimes susceptible to located in depressions under complex eyes. damage by various diseases [5,6]. Vertex pentagonal, flat or slightly curved, RESEARCH OBJECT AND METHODS sharply protruding in front of compound eyes, The material for this work was 10-year separated by a well-pronounced medial stripe collection and research of cicadas in the extending two-thirds of its length in front, conditions of the Fergana Valley. We used posterior vertex smoothly curved, lateral special and generally accepted techniques in edges slightly widened anteriorly. The entomology. transition to the face is rounded. The frontoclypeus is convex, tapering evenly THE MAIN FINDINGS AND RESULTS downward, with a longitudinal light stripe and Cicadids of the genus Psammotettix Haupt, alternating dark and light transverse stripes 1929, belongs to the Latreille family, 1825. diverging to the sides. Anticlypeus weakly Some harmful species of cicadas of this genus convex, rounded apically, more than half as that live in the Fergana Valley (Psammotettix long as frontoclypeus. The bores are wide; striatus (L.) and Psammotettix dubovskyi Vilb.) more than two-thirds of their inner edges Are usually not harmful on farms, but since border on the anticlypeus. Pronotum arcuately they are in are currently potential pests of curved anteriorly, also convex in shape, cereals and other crops, the identification and straight posteriorly, smoothly rounded to the study of these pests is of practical importance. sides. Scutellum small, triangular, with short transverse striation. Information about cicadids damaging cereals is available in the works of a number of authors The wings are rather developed, transparent, [4,7]. longer than the abdomen, sometimes some cells of the forewings are dark-colored, the Our long-term and literary studies on the study veins are light. of cicadas have shown that many of them are pests of cultivated plants. The pygophore has numerous macrosetae at the dorsal margin. The genital valva is long. The This concerns the species Psammotettix genital plates are short, with a non-straight striatus (L.) and Psammotettix dubovskyi Vilb., outer margin. Styli with well-defined preapical Which, with their piercing-sucking mouth angle and blunt apex. apparatus, suck juices from plants, their The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 10-2020 88 The American Journal of Agriculture and Boimedical Engineering IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-1018) 2020: 5. 34 Published: October 31, 2020 | Pages: 87-91 OCLC - 1121105746 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajabe/Volume02Issue10-15 A characteristic feature of the genus is the Psammotettix striatus (L.), a very common structure of the aedeagus of its species, the species. Its range covers North Africa, trunk of which is spoon-shaped or grooved at temperate countries in Asia, in the CIS it is the end. distributed everywhere, except for the far north. The detailed writing of the genus given by Haupt in 1929 is valid to this day [7]. According to G.K. Dubovsky in Central Asia, this is one of the most numerous species of cicadas, In the conditions of the Fergana Valley, we found everywhere on the plains, in the foothills were interested in two species that and mountains [4]. preferentially feed on cereals, these are Psammotettix striatus (L.) and Psammotettix In Kazakhstan, according to I.D. Mityaev [5], dubovskyi Vilb. the species is numerous in deserts, semi- deserts, steppes, river floodplains, foothills of Psammotettix striatus (L.), as a species Tarbagatai and Tien Shan. The highest number numerous on cereal crops, was first described is observed in the steppe zone of the southeast by Linnaenus in 1758 [4]. In 1850, the of Kazakhstan. researcher Dahlbot redescribes the species under the name Psammotettix alienus According to A.F. Emelyanov [8] Psammotettix (Psammotettix alienus Dahl.). Then Ribaut striatus (L.) harms spike crops, especially as a redescribes the species in 1925 and gives it the vector of viral diseases: winter wheat mosaic, name Psammotettix provincialis winter wheat white mosaic, wheat dwarfism. (Psammotettix provincialis Rib.). Then many These diseases are widespread and affect researchers red escribe this species and, finally, many cereals. come to a consensus that, given the existing morphological features and according to the In Kazakhstan, on sown areas, the cicada structure of the male genital apparatus, the Psammotettix striatus (L.) is common on species Psammotettix striatus was described winter wheat, rye, spring wheat and corn. for the first time by Linnaenus. Thus, according Adults are numerous in the crops of beets and to the rules of priority, the name Psammotettix strawberries [5]. striatus (L.) remains for the cicada. According to our information, Psammotettix striatus (L.) harms rice, corn, wheat, barley, As can be assumed, the above contradictions are associated with the fact that the species and oats, in addition to alfalfa, lobia, potatoes, Psammotettix striatus (L.), depending on the beets, and carrots. This is a polyphagous habitat conditions, has a feature of changing species, in spring it harms young plants of the color intensity. winter wheat, causing their oppression. Studies have shown that harm from In the conditions of the Fergana Valley, Psammotettix striatus (L.) is mainly Psammotettix striatus (L.) looks like this: The body of Psammotettix striatus (L.) is brownish, manifested in several ways. Cicadas suck the with an indistinct brown pattern, slender and sap out of plants, causing the plants to wilt and beautiful. On the vertex there are usually two may die. Usually cicadas, when laying eggs, interrupted stripes and spots at the posterior apply ovipositor wounds on the vegetative margin. Pronotum with longitudinal stripes. parts of the plant. The cells of the fore wings are bordered with Since many authors note [4,5,8] that the brown color. Length of male 3.3-3.6 mm, species Psammotettix striatus (L.) is a carrier of female 3.5-4.3 mm. viral diseases of cereal crops, therefore, The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 10-2020 89 The American Journal of Agriculture and Boimedical Engineering IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-1018) 2020: 5. 34 Published: October 31, 2020 | Pages: 87-91 OCLC - 1121105746 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajabe/Volume02Issue10-15 healthy and weakened plants are at risk of Valley, which must be explored and be able to being affected by various diseases, if any. determine. The species Psammotettix dubovskyi Vilb., CONCLUSION 1960, named after the Uzbek entomologist G.K.Dubovsky