Town of Sunderland INVITATION FOR BID FOR Fire Apparatus Sealed bids for delivery of FIRE APPARATUS, as detailed in attached Specifications, or equal, will be received at the Franklin Regional Council of Governments, J.W. Olver Transit Center, 12 Olive Street, Suite 2, Greenfield, MA 01301 on or before FEBRUARY 14, 2017 AT 2PM at which time they will be opened and publicly read by the FRCOG Chief Procurement Officer. The Chief Procurement Officer’s clock shall be the sole determining factor of time. The Town of Sunderland is the awarding authority and reserves the right to determine what is “equal” if “or equal” components or services are proposed. In the event the FRCOG office is officially closed for weather or emergency, the bid will be opened the next open day at the same time. Specifications are available only through the FRCOG bid website: in order for all recipients to be notified of any addenda or deadline changes. This bid is being undertaken under MGL Chapter 30B. All bidders shall be familiar with the law’s requirements. Any questions pertaining to the bid requirements or documents should be directed, in writing, to Andrea Woods, Chief Procurement Officer, FRCOG. Questions may be emailed to
[email protected] or mailed. Written responses will be emailed to all bidders on record as having picked up the IFB through the website. Any addenda must be acknowledged on the Bid Price Form. Failure to do so may result in rejection of bid. If you received this bid form from any other source than FRCOG, you must register to receive any addenda.