Buddhist Delegation to Sri Lanka
A Report from a Norwegian Buddhist Delegation to Sri Lanka in 2003 The Dalada Maligawa, the most sacred shrine of Buddhism in Sri Lanka hit by a suicide bomber 25 January 1998 1 1. INTRODUCTION In July 2003 a delegation of seven Buddhists, representing the Buddhist Federation of Norway, visited Sri Lanka. The main part of this report consists of their accounts of their encounters with Sinhala Buddhists during a twelve-day journey through various parts of the country. The report is a string of snapshots of holy sites of Buddhism, of encounters with ordinary people, of meetings with Buddhist leaders, both monastic and lay, as well with people in the field of economics, politics, and social work from the Sinhala Buddhist community. As a fact-finding mission our goal was to engage in dialogue with our fellow Buddhists in Sri Lanka. We wanted to explore their views on how the Dhamma relates to society and particularly how it relates to the issues of violence and peace. A number of events, both religious and political, since July 2003, have already made for a changed scene in Sri Lanka. However, we have adhered to the principle of presenting to our readers the words of the people we met, with a minimum of comments from our side. Undoubtedly many of our readers will be in a better position than we were, to interpret the wider significance of the words spoken by the persons we met. To grasp the full significance of those statements, however, one needs a considerable knowledge of Sri Lankan history and politics, as well as of Theravada Buddhism and Sinhala culture.
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