Indus Civilization and Other Early State Level Societies and Oman Major Advances Have Been Made in Our Understanding of the Orig
Indus Civilization and other early state level societies and Oman OMAN Major advances have been made in our understanding of the origins of the Indus and its relationships with surrounding regions. Prehistoric Cultural Traditions Bactro-Margiana, Helmand, Baluchistan, INDUS, Malwa, Ganga-Vindhya, Deccan Early Historic Tradition Indo-Gangetic (Mauryan Empire) Indus Valley Regionalization Era – 4 Preconditions fulfilled by 2800 BC Harappa city walls of mud brick and later fired brick no major climate change - diverse resources, double river system, potential for surplus, Walled settlements for protection and control of resources ! Indus Tradition: Regionalization Era 5000-2600 BC Kot Diji Phase - 2800-2600 BC incipient urbanism Early Writing Elephant sealing with cubical Seal script weight INTEGRATION ERA: Indus Valley Civilization, Harappan Phase 2600 to 1900 B. C. largest area covered by an early civilization Major Cities/Urban Centers Harappa, Pakistan,+150 ha Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan+250 ha Lakhanjodaro, Pakistan, +300 ha Dholavira, India, +100 ha Ganweriwala, Pakistan, 40-80 ha Rakhigarhi, India, + 350 ha? Photo courtesy M. Jansen RWTH Regional Towns: 10-50 hectare sites- Kalibangan Small Towns: 5-10 hectare site, Lothal, Kot Diji Villages: 1-5 hectare sites Hamlets: <1 –1 hectare sites Map courtesy of V. Shinde Deccan College Pune - indirect control through market areas inside the gateways and city walls Gateway at Harappa Mound E and Mound ET 8 gunja seeds = smallest weight Standardized Weights throughout the entire region - double as they increase from 1:2:4:8:16:32 etc 16th ratio = 13.7 grams large sign board with writing found inside gateway Defensive entrance in northern gateway at Dholavira -latrines or commodes in each house with water pot for washing - bathing platforms and private wells made from wedge shaped bricks (stone at Dholavira) and drains Public wells for convenience of visitors and traders in the cities Monumental architecture seen at major sites, Great Bath, Mohenjo Daro, about 2000 BCE Water harvesting in regions with less rainfall.
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