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Mussolini’s War is here! BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR. HARRY ELMER BARNES Thanks to all of you who pre-ordered this book and made this project a reality! The Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF POLITICALLY INCORRECT HISTORY Mussolini’s War VOLUME XXIV NUMBER 3 MAY/JUNE 2018 WWW.BARNESREVIEW.COM Volume 1: The Triumphant Years “[T]hose who think they know World dominant power in the Mediterranean War II history will be pleasantly surprised Sea. Contrary to popular belief, Mus- to learn an incredible array of new details solini’s Fiat biplanes gave as good as about the entire scope of that conflict, they got in the Battle of Britain, and and not just as it related to Italy. And I Italy’s Savoia-Marchetti Sparrowhawk guarantee that Mussolini’s War will com- bombers accounted for 72 Allied war- pletely change general, preconceived no- ships and 196 freighters sunk. On June tions of the Second World War.” 7, 1942, infantry of the Italian X Corps —Lt. Col. FORREST P. PATTON, U.S. saved Rommel’s 15th Brigade near Marine Corps Reserve (Ret.) Gazala, in North Africa, from otherwise —— certain annihilation. mong the great misconcep- These and numerous other disclo- tions of modern times is the sures combine to debunk lingering assumption that Benito Mus- propaganda stereotypes of the inept, solini was Adolf Hitler’s jun- ineffectual Italian armed forces and A their allegedly inept commanders and ior partner, who made no significant contributions to the Axis effort in supreme leader. That dated portrayal World War II. That conclusion origi- is rendered obsolete by a true-to-life nated with Allied propagandists de- account of the men and weapons of termined to boost Anglo-American Mussolini’s War: Volume 1—The Tri- morale, while undermining Axis co- umphant Years. operation. Just $27 minus 10% This book is sure to become a TBR The Duce’s failings, real or imagined, for TBR subscribers! Revisionist classic—and, better yet, it were inflated and ridiculed, his successes is designed and published solely by pointedly demeaned or ignored. Italy’s T HE BARNES REVIEW and available allegedly “bungling navy, ineffectual But a closer examination by histo- nowhere else! army—as cowardly as it was ill-equipped rian and author Frank Joseph of original, Get your copy today—every pur- —and air force of antiquated biplanes often neglected, recently disclosed ma- chase helps TBR survive. Softcover, 275 were handily dealt with by the Western terials presents an entirely different pages, $27 minus 10% for TBR sub- Allies,” so the hackneyed, completely picture. They shine new light, for ex- scribers plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. false mainstream story goes. So effective ample, on Italy’s submarine service, Order from TBR, P.O. Box 15877, was this disinformation campaign that the world’s greatest in terms of tonnage, Washington, D.C. 20003. Please email Leni’s Saga it became postwar history, and is still its boats sinking nearly three-quarters [email protected] for S&H out- Remembering the greatest female filmmaker of all time generally taken for granted, even by of a million tons of Allied shipping in side the U.S. Call 1-877-773-9077 toll otherwise well-informed scholars and three years’ time. By mid-1942, Mus- free to charge. Visit our website at students of World War II—even by solini’s navy had fought its way back to order. Bulk many Italians themselves! from crushing defeats to become the orders call 202-547-5586. BANNED BY AMAZON! BANNED BY LULU! BANNED BY EVERYONE! BANNED BY AMAZON—NOW BACK IN AN EXCLUSIVE EDITION AVAILABLE ONLY FROM THE BARNES REVIEW! Two more books by Hervé Ryssen rescued by TBR from the book banners! Get them while you can, exclusively from TBR! Understanding the History of Jews, Understanding Anti-Semitism TheThe Great Jewish International Mafia Predators Anti-Semitism By HERVÉ RYSSEN By Hervé Ryssen • Translated by Carlos Whitlock Porter Translated into English by CARLOS PORTER By HERVÉ RYSSEN he history of Judaism is that of a ere it is, between two covers Amer ica; Antwerp; Vilnius; Bangkok; Translated into English by CARLOS PORTER people or sect permanently at war for the very first time—a Bogota; the mafia in Israel; the diamond nderstanding the Jews, Under- with the rest of humanity. The comprehensive look at the industry; revolutionary paramilitary T Jews have naturally aroused anti- standing Anti-Semitism is the HJewish mafia from the ear- funding; hashish; cocaine; heroin and perfect companion to the much Semitism at all times and in all places. The liest times until today. Meticulously de- the “ecstasy” trade; porno cinema; the Ularger book by Hervé Ryssen scenario which then unfolds is always the tailed and documented largely from trafficking of illegal immigrants; the entitled History of Anti-Semitism. Everyone same: After a few initial riots and violence, Jewish sources, this book is a fearless white slave trade; the Atlantic African the goyim (non-Jews) pass laws intended to talks about the Jews, but very few people examination of organized Jewish crimi- slave trade; Christian slaves of the really know them. Who are they? What regain control of the situation and eventually makes them different from everyone else? end up expelling them en masse. But, in- nality in all parts of the world, with an Middle Ages; organ selling; the These questions are of increasingly vital im- variably, after the lapse of a certain time, the astonishing catalog of serious crimes. aesthetic surgery racket; portance since the Jewish people play a cen- Jews always succeed in returning, having The author, Hervé Ryssen, has been Claude Lipsky’s swindles; tral role in the evolution of humanity. Marx, learned absolutely nothing from their or- jailed 13 times for writing seven books. Jacques Crozmarie and Freud and Einstein are often cited, who deals, i.e., that it is their behavior itself that actually creates “anti-Semi- His most recent conviction in 2015, Limited the ARC scandal; horse long personified the genius of Judaism. To- tism.” This has been their history for 3,000 years. for which he received three months racing and garage rip- In Judaism, there is a conviction that the coming of a messiah will day, the Jewish contribution to world culture is an extraordinarily rich hard time, came simply as punishment 2018 offs; the VAT fraud; one. Their love of equality and tolerance and their untiring struggle for occur in the midst of dreadful sufferings and rescue the Jews from their human rights make them the world’s foremost defenders of democratic oppressors, raising them up to be masters of the world. Isaac Abravanel, for the original cover to this book (a Edition swindling fellow Jews; ideals. How then, can one explain anti-Semitism? This book is a summary who headed the Spanish Jewish community at the times of their expul- stock illustration of 1930s gangsters Samuel Flatto-Sharon; of six books written by Ryssen, published between 2005 and 2010, sion from Spain in 1492, wrote himself: “The times of the Messiah will with a list of their crimes—arms dealing, crime in England, the U.S. constituting the most important study on the Jewish mind ever pub- be preceded by a great war, in which two-thirds of humanity will racketeering, contract murder, drug and France; Mon sieur Michel lished. All the quotations that you will read are precisely referenced in perish.” (Masmia Jesua, 49a.) dealing, money laundering, pimping, and Monsieur Joseph; profit fever; at least one of these books. The number of references is nevertheless To succeed in reaching this universal peace (Pax Judaica), the Jews casinos, pornography, kidnapping, bur- the pillaging of vanquished countries; sufficient to enable the reader to observe the extraordinary homogeneity must work unceasingly to destroy all the differences between men— nations, races, religions and local customs. It is this messianic tension glary, armed robbery, diamond swindles, high-level scams; and much more. of Jewish cosmopolitan thought, over the centuries and across all white slaving, smuggling, African slave This is, without a doubt, the most borders. The Jews have always avoided mixing with the goyim. This is that motivates their acts and multiplies their energies. It is on the ruins how they have always managed to survive over the centuries and persist of the non-Jewish nations that the long-awaited world government will trading, trafficking in stolen artwork comprehensive, fascinating and fast- where other civilizations have disappeared. The struggle against assim- be erected. But it has been clear for some time that the Jews will never etc etc). That cover has changed to the one you see paced book ever written on the crimes of the Jewish ilation, in particular, is a constant priority. Former Prime Minister of Is- succeed all by themselves. They need incessant propaganda to convince here at right. mafia, from a man who dares to write the truth rael, Golda Meir, declared: “The greatest danger threatening Jewish the goyim (insentient beasts) to help install them as God’s Chosen. Now expanded, updated and revised, perhaps despite being a favorite and repeated target of the life comes not from anti-Semitism . but from assimilation and mixed This is why the Jews have worked so diligently to control all media and the most shocking chapters of the book are those politically correct Zionist thought police. marriages.” Rabbis never tire of warning young Jews against this information outlets, ruthlessly suppressing any who expose their ultimate dealing with forced prostitution in Israel, international Softcover, 381 pages, 475 supporting endnotes, plan to dominate mankind.