Kriminalgeschichte, 57

Below, an abridged translation from the first volume of Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (Criminal History of Christianity). For a comprehensive text that explains the absolute need to destroy Judeo-Christianity, see here. In a nutshell, any white person who worships the god of the Jews is, ultimately, ethnosuicidal.

The Goths—Gutans or Gut-þiuda in their language—were the main people of the East Germans. Coming from Sweden, Gotland, Östergötland or Västergötland, they settled on the lower Vistula in the ‘transition period’, about the year 150 on the Black Sea. In the middle of the 1st century they split This site in a nutshell: here. into Eastern and Western Goths See also “The 14 words” and (Ostrogoths, of austro, ‘bright’, and Visigoths, from wisi, ‘Good’), “New tablets of stone”. although they continued to be considered as a single people and

usually called themselves only Goths. The Ostrogoths settled The Fair Race’s Darkest between the Don and the Dnieper (in present-day Ukraine), and Hour is a compilation of the Visigoths between it and the Danube, from where they spread texts by seventeen authors to the Balkans and Asia Minor, historians citing here generally the that changed my world- year 264. Dacia and Moesia (approximately the current Romania, view. A softcover edition of Bulgaria and Serbia) were constantly under their pressure. In the the book is available: here. year 269 Emperor Claudius II defeated them, Constantine often fought against them, and in 375 both towns (except the Catholic Crimean Goths, who remained there until the sixteenth century) were expelled by the Huns, who were advancing towards West. This tribe of nomads from the interior of Asia, were defeated and expelled in turn by the Chinese and only lived on horseback —’animals of two legs’ as Ammianus wrote—, advancing irresistibly from the northern shore of the Caspian Sea, extending the Russian plain and conquering a gigantic empire. Around 360 they had crossed the Don and reached Hungary by 430. However, allied with the Visigoths, the imperial general Flavius Aetius—who had sought and found protection among the Huns in the past—, defeated them in 451 in Gaul, in the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains. A few years later their king died, and more quickly than they had arrived, they largely withdrew towards Asia, in the Pontic steppes, the North Caucasus and the Sea of Azov. They were disbanded into several tribes and were henceforth known under A translation of the work of the new name of Bulgarians.[1] Karlheinz Deschner on the criminal history of The Goths of the Balkans, the Lower Danube and the shores of the Christianity is available: Black Sea were soon ‘converted’, the first among the Germans. here. This began in the 3rd century through contacts with the Romans and with captives. In the 4th century there was a notable increase Thomas Goodrich’s of Christians among the Visigoths. In the year 325 the bishopric of Hellstorm is the most Gomia already exists, under the orthodox bishop Theophilus; one important book of the 21st of the participants in the Council of Nicaea. In 348 there is a century. persecution of Christians and in 369 a second one, which lasts three years. However, soon after most of the Visigoths are Christians. The Ostrogoths, on the other hand, if we give credence to Augustine, when penetrating Italy in 405 under King Radagaisus were still pagans; while in 488, when they invaded Italy with Theodoric, they were already Christians.[2]

The persecution of 348, led by a ‘judge of the Goths, without religion and profaner of God’, that is, a pagan, led to the expulsion of Ulfilas, the author of the Gothic Bible, consecrated around 341 by Eusebius of Nicomedia as ‘bishop of Christians in the land of the Goths’. With him a group of his followers fled, to whom Emperor Constantius II settled south of the Danube, in the province of the Lower Moesia, where their descendants lived for two centuries.[3] Its subject-matter: The second persecution against the Christians under the Visigoths the Holocaust (in 369-372) was led by the prince Athanaric. It is perfectly perpetrated by the understandable that already the ancient authors were fascinated Allied forces on the with a man who, for example, refused to address Emperor Valens Germans, civilians included with the treatment of Basileus, arguing that he preferred the title (here). of judge, which embodies wisdom, while the king only the power. The second persecution was not solely due to questions of faith. It was mainly an anti-Roman reaction and was closely related to the war between Goths and Romans between 367 and 369, although evidently also with the struggle for power between the princes Athanaric and Fritigern, the latter representing a policy favourable to the Romans and the Christians.[4]

After a meticulous preparation, Valens crossed the Danube in the Here: an SS year 367 and resumed a fight against the Goths that Constantine pamphlet explaining had already initiated, ending it in 332 by means of a formal treaty National Socialism. of peace with the Visigoths. Valens, without the warrior carving of the ‘great emperor’, ravaged the country, went hunting the heads How we are light-years of an enemy in disarray, but failed to reach the bulk of their away from the secular, Neo- opponents, as Athanaric always managed with great skill to flee to Christian ethics of the Alt- the Carpathians. And although in 369 he stopped with a part of his Right can be surmised in people and was defeated, it was so undecided that Valens had to “Darwin’s accept his refusal to step on the Roman ground and had to spend a exterminationism”. whole September day negotiating in a boat anchored in the river. Finally, the Gothic prince had free hands to dominate the adversaries in his own town, which led to three years of persecution.[5]

The reign of Athanaric did not tremble until the Huns overwhelmed the Ostrogoths and the Visigoths, at which time Athanaric and Fritigern, in spite of their enmity, fought side by side against the powerful invaders, and apparently the Ostrogothic king Ermanaric committed suicide in desperation. One part of his people were subjugated while the other crossed the Dnieper and fled towards the Visigoths. However, the defence sank before the hurricane of the Huns. With Athanaric they fled again to the impassable Carpathians. (In 1857 the workers who built a road there found, near a ruined fortress in Pietroasele, the Visigoth ‘treasure of the crown’. In a choker the following runic inscription appeared: utani othal ik im hailag: that is, a treasure of the Goths, Presently Siege is only I am invulnerable.) Defeated again, between forty and seventy available as a PDF. thousand Visigoths fled to the south and asked in 376 Emperor “1945 was the year of the Valens to admit them into the Roman Empire.[6] total inversion of Aryan While Athanaric left Gut-þiuda, the country of the Goths, and values into Christian settled in the territories that would later be Transylvania, Valens values.” —Joseph Walsh authorised the immigration of the great mass of the Goths ruled by Fritigern as foederati; that is, colonists with the obligation to go “With the death of Adolf to the army when they were needed: an ancient method of Hitler in the close of the obtaining peasants, but above all soldiers. In the autumn of 376 2nd World War in 1945 they crossed the river, an event of great historical significance, Western civilization, as it probably by Durostorum (Silistra): a long row of chariots, often had existed and is still carrying the ancient pagan idols but also with some bishop among perceived DIED once and for them, a Christian priest. And Fritigern, who with many of his own all. The only thing that was had become Arian in 369, promised Valens the ‘conversion’ of the left now was a gene pool.” part of his people that was still pagan, something that pleased the — ears of the fanatical ‘heretic’, but that for the Goths was more a question of opportunism: misery and the Huns on the one hand “The fall of Stalingrad is the and the attractive Roman Empire on the other. However, their finish of Europe. There was exploiters and their officials, the monopolists of food and hunger a cataclysm. The core of it caused that not a few Goths, even some bosses, sell as slaves their all was Stalingrad. There own wives and children, even in exchange for dog meat, a business you can say it was finished quite common on the Danube. The thrust of the new ‘barbarians’, and well finished, the white Visigoths, Taifals, Alans, and Huns on the open border pushed the civilisation.” —L.F. Céline newcomers, who occupied all of Thrace, to rebel and march on Constantinople, joining them bands of Huns, Alans and also slaves, peasants and workers of the mines of the country.[7]


Note of the translator: The footnotes still lack the general bibliography, which will be ready as I finish the abridgement of this first volume.

[1] Plin. nat hist 37, 35; 4.28. Tac. Germ. c 44. Socr. 6.34. Ammian 31.2.1 f; 31.3 f. Philostorg. 9.17. Stein, Vom römischen 289 f. Hauptmann 115 f. Schmidt, Ostgermanen 195, 201, 243. K.-D. Schmidt, Die Bekehrung 205 f, 215, 316 f. Capelle 185 f. Historically, Weibull (Die Auswanderung der Goten aus Schweden, 1958) is of special importance. Ferdinandy 186 f. Vemadsky 258 f. Dannenbauer, Entstehung 110 f, 193 f. Conrad, Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte 77. Maier, Die Verwandiung 109 f, 130. A. v. Müller, To unplug yourself from the Geschichte unter useren Füssen 114 f. Rice 149. Schwartz, Goten 13 f, 142 f. Matrix you really need to Bullough, Italien 167. Wagner, getica 214. Claude, Westgoten 7. Stockmeier, undemonize , Bemerkungen zur Christianisierung 316 f. Heinrich Himmler, National Socialism and the Third [2] Mansi Collect. Consil. II 214. Schmidt, Die Niedergang Roms 427 f. Reich. Click here to hit ten Aland, Glaubenwechsel 58 f. Stockmeier, Bemerkungen zur articles on vital info about Christianisierung 315 f. Apparently, the first missionary of the Visigoths was the Second World War that one Eutyches, ibid. the controlled media

[3] Jord. Get 267 (MG Auct., Ant. V 1,127). Lex dtv Antike, Religion H 311 f. concealed from you. Thompson, The Visigoths 94 f. Fridh, 130 f. Wolfram, Gotische Studien lis. Schäferdiek, Wulfila 107 f, especially 117.

[4] Ammian. 27.5.9. The sources in Jones, Prosography 120 f. Lex dtv Antike, Geschichte 1155. K. K. Klein Frithigem 34 f. Aland, Glaubenswechsel 59. Wolfram, Gotische Studien 2 f, 13. Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte II / Gens alba conservanda est l, 235. (“The white race must be [5] Ammian. 31,4,13. K. K. Klein Frithigem 38 f. Wolfram, Gotische Studien preserved”) 4.9 f.

[6] Ammian. 31.3,4. Socr. e.h. 4.33 f. Soz. 6.37. According to Dudden 1165 they were ‘nearly a million persons of both sexes’. Giesecke, Die Ostgermanen 62 f. Schmidt, Die Bekehrung 223 f. Capelle 185 f. Thompson, Attila 23. Ensslin, Einbruch 101. Aland, Glaubenswechsel 60. Altheim, Hunnen I 351. Dannenbauer, Entstehung I 195. A. v. Müller, Geschichte unter unseren Füssen 115. Maier, Verwandiung 110.

[7] Eunap. fr. 42 f; 55. Ammian. 26, 10, 3; 27.4; 31.3 f. Zos. 4.10 f. Socr. e.h. 4.33 f. Soz. 6.37 f. Orog 7.32 f. Seeck, Untergang V 93 f, 101 f. Schwartz, Zur Geschichte des Athanasius 370. Delbrück, Kriegskunst II 280. Stein, Vom römischen 286 f. V. Campenhausen, Ambrosius 37 f. Schmidt, Die Bekehrung 242 f. The same, Die Ostgermanen 233. Giesecke, Die Ostgermanen 69 f. Capelle 172 f. Baetke, Die Aumahme17. Komemann, Weltgeschichte II, 352. The same, Römische Geschichte II 418 f. Worldly gain at the expense Ostrogorsky, Geschichte des byzantinischen Staates 43. Ensslin, Einbruch of the Volk is the main 100 f. Vogt, Der Niedergang Roms 310 f, 428. Dannenbauer, Entstehung cause of the ongoing 1195. Maier, Verwandiung 110. Claude, Westgoten 14 f, 26 f. Nehisen 161. destruction of the white Aland, Glaubenswechsel, 59 f. Wolfram, Gotische Studien 10. race.


Fortunately, the collapse of Salvador Borrego the dollar that is coming will mark the beginning of (1915-2018) the end of America’s economic and cultural hegemony over Europe.

Mexican journalist Salvador Borrego, author of revisionist books about the Second World War, died last month, aged 102. The year that Borrego was a hundred years old, in 2015, paid a visit to him in Guadalajara, as can be seen in this photograph.

In 1955 the famous José Vasconcelos wrote a preface for Borrego’s main work, Derrota Mundial, in which Borrego argues that the world lost with the defeat of Germany.

PUBLISHED IN: DAVID DUKE JOSÉ VASCONCELOS OBITUARIES ON FEBRUARY 22, 2018 AT 6:04 PM “The sign of the times is COMMENTS (14) degeneracy. This term— degeneracy—sums up all that is happening to the West.”

Kriminalgeschichte, 56 CONTACT: cesartort (at) yahoo Below, an abridged translation from the first volume of Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (Criminal History of

Christianity). For a comprehensive text that explains the absolute need to destroy Judeo-Christianity, see here. In a nutshell, any white person who worships the god of the Jews is, ultimately, ethnosuicidal.

The Ambrosian policy: archetype for the Church to the present

The same as Athanasius, Ambrose (in his post of 374-397)— according to Augustine’s testimony, ‘the best and most renowned bishop of Milan’—was not so much a theologian as a politician of the Church: equally inflexible and intolerant, although not so direct; more versed and ductile and acquainted with power since birth. His methods, more than those of Athanasius, remain to date an example for ecclesiastical politics.[1]

The agents of the saint are among the highest officials of the Empire. He acts skilfully from the background and prefers to let “RACISM”: be that the ‘community’ does things, which he fanaticised with so much virtuosity that even the military proclamations directed On the origin of the word “racist” against it fail. The word “racism” Son of the prefect of Gaul, Ambrose was born about 333 or 339 in from the Nietzschean Trier. Orphaned at an early age he grew up, with two brothers, viewpoint under the tutelage of Roman aristocrats. Having studied rhetoric and law he was appointed, around 370, administrator (consularis Liguriae et Aemiliae) in Milan. On December 7, 374 he would be consecrated bishop, barely eight days after his baptism and without even having the Christian knowledge of an educated layman.

Milan (Mediolanum), founded by the Gauls and a remarkable knot of communications, especially with important roads that lead to the alpine passes, was in the 4th century the capital of Italy and increasingly the imperial residence. Valentinian II sought to stay there as long as possible; Gratian still more, and Theodosius I remained there from 388 to 391, and also after his victory over Two texts by Wm. Pierce: Eugene (394). 1. Best article on the Jewish question

2. The West’s darkest hour

Roman columns in front of basilica di San Lorenzo in what remains of Mediolanum, the ancient Milan.

Sometimes Bishop Ambrose saw the sovereigns daily. Since when Valentinian II was proclaimed Augustus (375) he was barely five years old, his tutor and half-brother Gratian had just turned sixteen and the Spanish Theodosius was at least a very determined Catholic, the illustrious disciple of Jesus could handle perfectly their majesties. Valentinian I died a few years after Ambrose’s inauguration. His son Gratian (375-383), of just sixteen years of age, succeeded him on the throne. See how using non-white labor in the Ancient World The emperor, blond, beautiful and athletic had no interest in or capitalism in the politics. ‘I have never learned what it means to govern and be Modern World is the main governed’ (Eunapius). He was a passionate runner, javelin factor for white decline: thrower, fighter, rider, but what he liked most was killing animals. Neglecting the affairs of state, every day he killed countless of Who We Are them, with an almost ‘supernatural’ ability, even lions, with a (abridged) single arrow. In any case, he also prayed every day and was ‘pious and clean of hearing’, as Ambrose affirmed so that he would soon deliver biting hints: ‘His virtues would have been complete had he For a couple of articles on also learned the art of politics’ (Epit. de Caesaribus).[2] Richard Wagner and LOTR However, this art was practiced by Ambrose for him. Not only did click on pics below: he personally guide the young sovereign, effectively since 378: he also influenced his government measures. At that time the sovereign had promulgated, by an edict, precisely tolerance towards all confessions, except a few extremist sects. However, Ambrose, who four years before was still unbaptized, hastened to write a statement, De fide ad Gratianum Augustum, which he quickly understood.

And as soon as Gratian himself arrived at the end of July 379 in Milan, neutral as he was from the point of view of religious policy, he annulled on August 3, after an interview with Ambrose, the edict of tolerance promulgated the year before. He decided then that only would be considered ‘Catholic’ what his father and he in numerous decrees had ordered eternal, but that ‘all heresies’ should ‘be muted for eternity’. He thus prohibited the religious The Jewish Problem services of the other confessions. Year after year, except for 380, he issued anti-heretic decrees, ordering the confiscation of (Jewish authors): meeting places, houses and churches; he dictated exiles and, as a Larry Auster’s fairly new means of religious oppression, repealed to unpublished chapter make wills. He was also the first of the Christian emperors who got rid of the title of Pontifex Maximus (that the Roman monarchs Excerpts of Esau’s Tears used since Augustus), or rather, he refused to accept it, although the year is still the subject of discussions. The military under Sapor was ordered to ‘expel from religious facilities the Arian blasphemy as if they were wild animals and return them to the The Jewish Problem true shepherds and flocks of God’ (Theodoret). Tolerance towards (non-Jewish authors): paganism, which was common among his predecessors, also soon Definition of anti- disappeared. In fact, his father still allowed the reparation of Semitism damaged temples, making the government pay the expenses. In 381, Gratian moved to northern Italy. In 382 he attacked the The Culture of Critique’s pagan cult of Rome, most probably advised by Ambrose; although Preface sanitation of the State coffers may also have played an important role. He also persecuted the Marcionists and, like his father, the Manichaeans and the Donatists: whose communities in Rome had been dissolved without further ado, at the request of Pope Siricius (383-399), with state aid.[3]

Valentinian II (375-392), much younger still, had a remarkable influence on the saint. He habitually used him against the Senate of Rome, mostly pagan, and against the entire Council of the Crown. And the last Westerner on the throne of the East, the independent Theodosius (379-395), dictated in almost every year of his government laws against pagans or ‘heretics’. However, according to Father Stratmann, he was more tolerant than the bishop of the court, who encouraged him to take stricter measures on all sides against the pagans, the ‘heretics’, the Jews, and the extreme enemies of the Empire. The reason: ‘It is no longer our old life that we continue to live but the life of Christ, the life of maximum innocence, the life of divine simplicity, the life of all History of Jewry: virtues’ (Ambrose).[4] The saga of the European The way in which Ambrose lived the life of Christ, the life of Jews maximum innocence, of divine simplicity and of all the virtues, manifests itself in multiple ways—for example, in his behaviour Jew vs. White: More than against the Goths. We will deal with them because the Goths 3,000 years of conflict played a very important role in the history of Europe, especially between the 5th and 6th centuries. The sources are better in this case than in the other tribes of eastern Germans, and richer is the historiography on them.[5]


Note of the translator: The footnotes still lack the general bibliography, which will be ready as I finish the abridgement of this first volume.

[1] August. conf. 5,13.

[2] Eunap. Excerpt. de Sent. 48. Auson. Grat. Act 64 f. Ammian. 27,6,15; 31,10,18 f. Soz. 7,25,11. Vict. Epit. de Caesaribus 47,5 f. Seeck, Untergang V 165. Dudden I 217 f.

[3] Ammian 30,9,5. Theodor. e.h. 4.24.2 f; 5.2; 5.21.3 f. Socr. 5.2; Cod. Theod. 13,1,11; 16.5.4 f. Cod. Just. 1,5,2. Soz. 7,1,3. Ambros. ep. 1 f; 7 f. Auson. Grat. Act. 14.63. Epistula Gratiani imperat. (CSEL 79.3 f). Zos. 4,36,5. Rauschen 47.49 f. RAC II 1228 f. Kraft, Kirchenväter Lexikon 27. “Racism” is just an Seeck, Regesten 252. The same, Untergang V 104 f, 137. Sesan 60 f. Stein, expression of evolution. Vom römischen 304 f. Heering I 60 f. Dudden I 191 f. V. Campenhausen, All species go through Ambrosius 15, 36, 40 f. Alföldi, A Festival. According to this author, Gratian racial separation on their abandoned the title of Pontifex Maximus at the beginning of 379, p. 36. path to speciation. No Kornemann, Römische Geschichte II 420. Ensslin, Die Religionspolitik 8 f. exceptions. Lorenz 38. Diesner, Kirche und Staat 23. Maier, Verwandlung 53. Hornus 168 f. Widmann 59. Grasmück 131 f, 151 f. Lippold, Theodosius 16, 34 f. In humans racist is just a Kupisch I 91. Schneider, Liebesgebot 46. Aland, Von Jesus bis Justinian person who loves his 224. Heinzberger 12, 227 Notes 37; here the corresponding bibliography. race, for example the Thraede 95. Grant, Christen 177. – Chronology, as so often happens, is still nymphs on this sidebar. subject to controversy. G. Gottlieb, who is not followed here, in his work of But in today’s mad West opposition to chair in Heidelberg fixed for the writing of the first part of ‘de the term “racist” de facto fide’ not the 378 (or 379), that is, not as was done until the date means someone who immediately before (or shortly after) the battle of Adrianople, but a year loves the white race to the later. Cf. G. Gottlieb, Ambrosius von Mailand und Kaiser Gratian, point of wanting to Zusammenfassung 83 f. G. discusses even any influence of Ambrose on preserve it. Gratian’s legislation on matters of the Church and faith, 51 f, or at least explains that such influence ‘cannot be seen anywhere’ (87). Cf. in this regard also Gottlieb, Gratianus RAC VII 718 f, especially 723 f.

[4] Ambros. Über die Flucht vor der Welt 44. Heilmann, Texte II 396. Stein, Vom römischen 296 F. Stratmann III 76. V. Campenhausen, Ambrosius 166. Bloch 197. Aland, Von Jesus bis Justinian 225. Rubin I 27 speaks precisely of the ‘submission’ of Theodosius to Ambrose.

[5] Cf. recently Strzelczyck 1 f.


Women from our viewpoint: Neochristian Ryckaert The eternal feminine The commenters on The Occidental Observer are once again talking about metaphysics, this time about a much healthier form On racial IQ studies: of conceiving ‘god’, pantheism, than what the followers of the Abrahamic faiths do. The new enemies of science Franklin Ryckaert’s comment piqued my interest. It demonstrates that secularised racialists cling to Christian ethics: The roots of civilisation

Unfortunately Pierce engaged in violent fantasies, not only in his two novels The Turner Diaries and Hunter, but also in his regular American Dissident Voices. I have listened to all his ADV and value most of their contents, but there is hardly any one of them in which he doesn’t fantasize about persons or groups “who should be hanged”. Such fantasies do not help our cause.

The leadership of the National Alliance has now found its worthy successor in , who is as gifted as Pierce and does not engage in violent fantasies.

Gifted as Pierce? You can imagine who will win the racial wars: the Jews and the Muslims who want to kill Aryans, or the white nationalists who still turn the other cheek…


Who am I?:

See an excerpted translation from the Kriminalgeschichte, 55 German article about me.



Select Month

Editor’s note: Judging from how he treated the synagogues, we can infer that St. Ambrose was not ethnically Jewish. But he clearly was not white, as can be seen in this early mosaic.

Christianity arose in the lower strata, the mudbloods and sandniggers and in the Semitic regions of the Roman Empire. These were people who harboured a deep rancour towards the white Greco-Roman world.

In the chapter that Deschner dedicates to this very influential figure of the 4th century, we will see how this bishop committed CATEGORIES all kinds of crimes: not only against classical culture but also the 14 words Aryan genotype itself (especially the Goths). 2001: A Space Odyssey (movie)

______ ______Abortion

Abraham (patriarch)

Chapter 19: Ambrose, doctor of the Church Abraham Lincoln (toward 333 or 339 to 397) Achilles

‘An outstanding personality in which the virtue of the Adam Smith Roman with the spirit of Christ was united to give a complete unity: man, bishop and saint from the feet to Adolf Hitler the head; together with Theodosius the Great, the most Adversus Christianos important figure of his time, the counsellor of three (book) emperors, the soul of their religious policy and the support of their thrones: a formidable champion of the Africa Church’. Against the Fall of —Johannes Niederhuber, Catholic theologian [1] Night (novel) Agamemnon ‘Ambrose, the friend and counsellor of three emperors, was the first bishop to whom the princes came to Alaric support their tottering thrones… His extraordinary personality exuded an enormous influence, carried by Albert Lindemann the purest thought and a complete altruism… Together Albert Schweitzer with Theodosius I, the most brilliant figure of his time’. Albert Speer —Berthold Altaner, Catholic theologian [2] Albrecht Dürer ‘Ambrose is a bishop who, in terms of the importance and scope of his activity, leaves in the shade all the Alcibiades others… not only surpasses the popes of the first period, Alcman but also all the other guides of the Western Church we know’. Aldous Huxley

—Kurt Aland, Protestant theologian [3] Alexander Alekhine

Alexander the Great ______Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Note of the translator: The footnotes still lack the general bibliography, which will be ready as I finish the abridgement of Alexandria this first volume. Alexis de Tocqueville

[1] Niederhuber LThK 1st ed. 350. Cf. also the “Allgemeine Einleitung” of Alfred Rosenberg Niederhuber in BKV 1914 IX f. Kraft also sees in Ambrose ‘Roman virtue completed and augmented with Christian virtue’. Kirchenväter Lexikon 23. Alice Miller

[2] Altaner 330 f. Alt-Right / white nationalism [3] Aland, Von Jesus bin Justinian 230. American civil war


Ammianus Marcellinus

An Eye for an Eye (book) Mantra letter Ancient Greece Hello Mr. Tort, Ancient Rome Raised profoundly as a Catholic, today I am convinced that it is Anders Breivik not enough to leave the religion of our parents. Liberation will need us to burn down worldwide all Christian churches to the ground. Such is my inspiration and mentality in the struggle for our survival. Andrew Hamilton Andrew Joyce —Albus Angela Merkel PUBLISHED IN: UNCATEGORIZED ON FEBRUARY 21, 2018 AT 7:15 PM COMMENTS OFF Anti-German exterminationism

Anti-white exterminationism Kriminalgeschichte, 54 Antichrist (book) Antiochus IV Below, an abridged translation from the first volume of Karlheinz Epiphanes Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (Criminal History of Christianity). For a comprehensive text that explains the absolute need to Aphrodite destroy Judeo-Christianity, see here. In a nutshell, any white person who Apollo worships the god of the Jews is, ultimately, ethnosuicidal. Apollonius of Rhodes

Arcadia Patriarch George, an Arian ‘wolf’, monopolist and martyr Arcadius George of Cappadocia, an ultra Arian, seized power in Alexandria. He was one of the followers of the sovereign who joined his Archeology ecclesiastical office with a surprising sense of finances. Archimedes

Patriarch George Architecture raised a funerary monopoly, although Argentina apparently also Arianism acquired the one of the sodium carbonate Aristocracy and tried to buy the papyrus lagoons, Aristophanes along with the Aristotle Egyptian salt mines. Among his favourite Art religious projects were the inheritances, a special field of the Artemis saviours of Christian souls throughout all the centuries. Bishop George not only tried to get the heirs to lose what their relatives Arthur C. Clarke had left them, but he even told the emperor that all the buildings Arthur de Gobineau of Alexandria were public property. In short, the Egyptian primate ‘took advantage of the ruin of many people’, so, as Ammianus Arthur Kemp writes, ‘everyone, without distinction, hated George’.[1] Arthur Schopenhauer Although he was ordained for Alexandria as early as 356, he did not start working until the end of February 357, with savage fury, Artificial Intelligence (movie) ‘like a wolf or a bear or a panther’ (Theodoret). In front of a blazing bonfire, he caused Catholic widows and maidens to be Aryan beauty beaten on the soles of their feet, apparently completely naked, with palm branches or to burn them on a low fire. He made Aryan problem / Deranged altruism ‘whipping in a totally new way’ (Athanasius) to forty men; many died. Athanasius reports of raids, assaults, the capture of bishops, Asia who were chained; of imprisonments, the exile of more than thirty bishops ‘with such lack of consideration that some of them Athanaric committed suicide on the road and others in exile’. Atheism and secularism In the autumn of the year 348, Athanasius resorts to violence. Patriarch George is saved from an assassination attempt in the Athena church and must flee. On November 26, 361 he returns, to his disgrace, without knowing the death of his protector Constantius. Athens He is quickly locked up, on December 24, but Catholics and Attila pagans take him out and, together with two very unpopular imperial officials, he is dragged through the streets and beaten Audios until he dies. Augustus

However, shortly before Bishop George had called the strategist Australia Artemius, military governor of Egypt, and with his help had also persecuted the pagans; destroyed the temple of Mithras, Austria demolished statues and sacked the pagan shrines, of course for the Autobiography benefit of the Christian churches that they wanted to build. (Julian had the temple destroyer Artemius decapitated in the year 362, for Axiology which he was venerated as an Arian martyr.) Aztec people Catholics and ‘idolaters’ walked the streets with Bishop George’s ¿Me Ayudarás? (book) corpse on the back of a camel. For hours they raged with the dead man. Then they burned him and scattered his ashes, mixed with Barack Obama those of animals, by the sea. Bartolomé de las Casas And while the wild Arian wolf becomes a martyr, precisely at Baruch Spinoza Christmas, Athanasius returned once more and, finally—after the pagan Julian again banished him in 362; the Catholic Jovian made Battle of Poitiers him return in 363, and the Arian Valens will exile him for the last time in 365-366—, Athanasius slept in the Lord on May 2, 373, old Battle of Thermopylae and much appreciated.[2] Bayreuth Festival

Beauty ______Beethoven Note of the translator: The footnotes still lack the general bibliography, which will be ready as I finish the abridgement of Ben Klassen this first volume. Ben-Hur

[1] Epiphan. Haer 76,1,4 f. Ammian. 22,11,4 f. Grant, Christen 75 f. Benito Mussolini

[2] Ammian. 22,11,3 f. Theodor. 2,14; 3,4; 3,9. Socr. e.h. 3,2 f; 3,7; 4,1,14 f; Benjamin Disraeli 4,8,4; 4,13; 4,16. Soz. 4,9 f; 4,28,3 f; 5,7,3 f; 5.12; 5,15. Philostorg. 7,2. Benjamin Franklin Athan. ad episc. Aeg. 7. Hist. Arian. ad mon. 48 f; 54 f; 59 f. Apol. de fuga sua 6 f; 24. syn. 37. Historia Acephala 5 f. Theodor. e.h. 2,14; 3,18,1. Rufin Beowulf e.h. 10,34 f. Epiph. haer. 76,1. Greg. naz. or. 4,86; 21. Pallad, hist. Laus. c. 136. Chron. pasch. 546,4 f. Pauly I 626. RAC I 861. LThK 1st ed. I 706. Berlin Lecky II 159. Lippl XV f. Geffcken, Der Ausgang 119 f. Schuitze, Geschichte I Bernal Díaz del Castillo 137 f. Bidez, Philostorgios III f. Stein, Vom römischen 236 f, 255 f, 270 f. Seel 175 f. V. Campenhausen, Griechische Kirchenväter 80 f. Dannenbauer, Bernardino de Sahagún Entstehung I 76. Lacarrière 150 f. Jacob, Aufstände 152. Camelot, Bible Athanasios 977. Poppe 50. Bill Clinton PUBLISHED IN: ALEXANDRIA ARIANISM CHRISTIANITY DESTRUCTION OF GRECO-ROMAN WORLD EMPEROR JULIAN KARLHEINZ DESCHNER KRIMINALGESCHICHTE DES CHRISTENTUMS (BOOKS) ON FEBRUARY 21, 2018 AT 10:36 AM COMMENTS (3) Biography Blacks

Bob Whitaker

Book of Revelation Deplatforming Brazil

I’m sick of censorship. After Lulu, Inc. closed my account last year, Brenton Tarrant these days I had everything ready to publish The Fair Race’s Brigade (novel) Darkest Hour at Amazon’s CreateSpace. But yesterday I received an email from the latter saying that they have suppressed the book Brutus from my account. Buddhism Outside Lulu and Amazon, I do not know of another press that Caligula makes print-on-demand books. Let it be clear that my purpose is not to make money, but to awaken some Aryan males from the Camp of the Saints matrix that controls them; and it seems to me that extensive (novel) books, which require meditation, should have a publishing house. Canada

I have tried to contact Noontide Cannibalism Press to see if their house could host The Fair Race. However, Carl Gustav Jung since the essays in this book Carl Sagan represent the cream of this site, I am tempted to leave a free link Carl Schmitt to the PDF of it. Carlo Collodi That sticky post would work like Carolyn Yeager the masthead of The West’s Darkest Hour. In addition, a Carthaginians PDF has the advantage of being able to be printed at home for Cassius Dio comfortable reading—although Catholic Church there is nothing like a printed book in our home library. Catholic religious orders Thoughts? Cato




Charles Darwin

Kriminalgeschichte, 53 Charles Dickens

Below, an abridged translation from the first volume of Karlheinz Charles Martel Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (Criminal History of Charles V Christianity). For a comprehensive text that explains the absolute need to destroy Judeo-Christianity, see here. In a nutshell, any white person who Chess worships the god of the Jews is, ultimately, ethnosuicidal. Child abuse

Childhood’s End The scene of the bishops Lucifer of Cagliari and Liberius of Rome (novel) China A tragicomic curiosity of sacred history was the bishop Lucifer of Cagliari, a fanatical anti-Arian of scarce formation who, for the Christian art dogma of Nicaea, suffered a long exile almost alone in Syria and Palestine. Since a clergyman should pay no homage to a ‘heretic’ Christian question (CQ) emperor, he drafted a host of writings against him, in which, among numerous biblical quotations, he interposed all kinds of Christian views on Hell primitive expletives, calling him the antichrist in person and worthy of the fire of hell. Christianity

Nevertheless, Lucifer also Christopher Columbus antagonised Liberius of Rome Cicero and with Hilary of Poitiers he did not recognise the City of God (book) opportunistic measures of Civil war Athanasius in the ‘synod of peace’ (362). Rather he turned Civilisation (TV series) his back on the Catholics, Claudius frightened by their wealth, relaxation and accommodation, Clement of Alexandria and from Sardinia he organised his own circle, which lasted until Colin Ross the 5th century: a small but very Color of crime active council, branched from Trier to Africa, Egypt and Committee for Palestine. Lucifer had supporters even among the Roman clergy. Skeptical Inquiry

After his death (370- 371) the head of the Gregory movement, Commodus bishop of Elvira, was in his origins also a radical defender of Communism / orthodoxy. The Luciferians, ‘those who profess the true faith’, Bolshevism rejected the Catholics as schismatics, censured their belonging to the State and the avidity of their prelates for honours, wealth and Conservatism power, the ‘luxurious basilicas’, the ‘overflowing basilicas of gold, Conspiracy theories covered with sumptuous and expensive marbles, with ostentatious columns’, ‘the extensive real estate of the rulers’. The strict Constans Catholic Theodosius I recognised them as Orthodox. They even Constantine had a bishop in Rome, Ephesus, who tried in vain to deliver justice to Pope Damasus. The prefect of the city, Bassus, categorically Constantine II refused ‘to persecute Catholic men of irreproachable character’.[1] Constantinople But the lords themselves handled the problem. In Oxyrhynchus, Constantius II Egypt, Catholic priests smashed with axes the altar of the Luciferian bishop Heraclides. In Trier, the priest Bonosus was Corneliu Zelea persecuted. In Rome, the police and the papal clerics mistreated Codreanu the Luciferian Macarius in such a way that he died as a result of Counter-Reformation the wounds in Ostia, where he had been exiled. (However, the local bishop, Florentinus, did not want to have anything to do with Crusades the ‘Damasus crime’ and moved his mortal remains to a pantheon.) Currency crash

In Spain, the Catholics forced the doors of the church of the Daniel (biblical figure) presbyter Vicenç, dragged the altar to a temple under an idol, beat Dante Alighieri the acolytes of the ecclesiastic, tied him with chains and left him to die of hunger. Bishop Epictetus de Civitavecchia carried out a Darkening Age (book) much shorter process. He tied the Luciferian Rufinus to his David (king of Israel) carriage and tormented him to death. However, Bishop Lucifer of Cagliari was venerated as a saint in Sardinia, which for the time David Duke being was closed to the central Church, and as such he was David Friedrich recognised in 1803 by Pope Pius VII.[2] Strauss

The fact that the history of the popes is not in short supply of curiosities is also demonstrated by Bishop Liberius. David Lane In vain did the emissary of the emperor, the praepositus sacri cubiculi, Eusebius, a eunuch of ill repute who was executed under Day of Wrath (book) Julian, persuade Liberius to condemn Athanasius. Donations and Daybreak Publishing threats were useless, so Constantius had the Roman kidnapped at night and brought him to Milan. There he explained the damage Death in Venice that Athanasius had done to everyone, but especially to him. ‘He (movie) has not been satisfied with the death of my elder brother and has Decius not ceased to instigate the already deceased Constant to enmity against us’. The sovereign added that even his successes against Degeneracy the usurpers Magnentius and Silvanus did not mean so much to Degenerate art him ‘as the disappearance of this impious man from the ecclesiastical scene’. Apparently Constantius placed a high price Demeter on the capture of the fugitive Alexandrian and sought the help of the kings of Ethiopia.[3] Democracy

However, the Roman bishop wanted to oppose to the maximum Democritus the ‘heretic’ emperor, even ‘dying for God’. Therefore, Constantius Demography interrupted the conversation: ‘What part of the inhabited earth are you, that you alone stand beside an ungodly man and disturb the Denmark peace of the whole world?’ ‘You are the one who, by yourself, cling Der Ring des to the friendship with that person without conscience’. Liberius Nibelungen (opera) received a period of three days to reflect, but remained unperturbed. ‘For me, the laws of the Church are above Destruction of Greco- everything’, he said. Send me wherever you want. ‘And this despite Roman world the fact that, according to Ammianus, he was convinced of Diocletian Athanasius’ guilt. Dionysus But after two years of exile in Veria, with the brainwashing applied to him by the local Bishop Demophilus and Fortunatus, bishop of Dominique Venner Aquileia, Liberius capitulated. The Roman so admired in Milan, Don Quixote (book) the ‘victorious fighter for the truth’ (Theodoret), had to expel from the Church, in a very special spectacle, the ‘father of orthodoxy’: Donald Trump the doctor of the church Athanasius, and signed a semi-Arian Dorians creed (the so-called third formula, according to which the ‘Son’ is only similar to the ‘Father’), bringing to light his free will. In Dresden reality, what Liberius did was buy his return. All he wanted was to get out of this deep affliction and return to Rome. Even the father Dwight D. Eisenhower of the Church Jerome explained in his time that Liberius, broken in exile, had given a ‘heretical’ signature.[4] Eastern Orthodox Constantius authorised in 358 the return of Liberius under the Church condition that he should administer the bishopric of Rome jointly with his successor Felix. Economy Edmund Burke ______Edward Gibbon Note of the translator: The footnotes still lack the general bibliography, which will be ready as I finish the abridgement of Edward I of England this first volume. Egalitarianism

[1] Socr. 2,36 f. Soz. 4,9. Athan. hist. Arian. ad mon. 31 f. Lucif. Calar. Den Egypt non parcendo in Deum delinquentibus. Cf. De non conviendo cum haereticis.- De regibus apostaticis. – De San Athanasio. – Moriendum esse Eleusis pro Dei filio. Cf. also to complete the history of cults written in 384 by Elizabeth I clerics Faustinus and Marcellinus, the so-called Libelus precum in Collectio Avellana. Cf. esp. also Coll. Avell. ep. 2,85. Pierer X 567 f. LThK 1st ed. IV Emperor Julian 673, VI 677 f. Bertholet 331. Altaner 320. Kraft, Kirchenväter Lexikon 354. Energy / peak oil Krüger, Lucifer 39 f. Rauschen 140. Stein, Vom römischen 234 f. Caspar, Papsttum I 201 f, 216 s. V. Campenhausen, Ambrosius 6. Lietzmann, England Geschichte IV 40 f. Hemegger 403 f. Haendier, Von Tertullian 96 f. Klein, Constantius II 56 f, 121 s. Joannou 119, 139 f. Enlightenment Enoch Powell [2] Libellus precum 21; 23 f. Pierer X 567 f. Rauschen 199 f, Caspar, Papsttum I 202 f, 216. Hemegger 403 f. Erasmus

[3] Soz. e. h. 4,11,3. Ammian. Rerum gestarum 15,7; 22,3. Athan. hist. Arian. Esau's Tears (book) 38 f. apol. ad Const. 29. Socr. e. h. 2,16. Theodor. e.h. 2,13; 2,16. Eschatology Wojtowytsch 122 f. Klein, Constantius II 137 f. Essay on the Inequality [4] Theodor e. h. 2,16 f. Liberius, ep. 10 (Hilar. 4,168); ep. 12 (Hilar. 4,172); of Human Races ep. 18 (Hilar. 4,155). Hilarii Coll. antiar. (frg. hist.) «Pro deifico», “Quia (book) scio”, “Non doceo”. Soz. e. h. 4,15. Theodor. e. h. 2,16 f. Philostorg. 4,3. Sulp. Sev. Chron. 2,39. Hieron. de vir. ill. 97. Ammian. 15,7 f. Athan. hist. Ethnic cleansing Arian. 38 f. LThK 1st ed. VI 549 f, IX 597 f. Altaner 307 f. Grisar, Geschichte Eugenics Roms 281. Caspar, Papsttum 1171 f, 183 f. Hermann, Ein Streitgespräch 77 f. Wojtowytsch 121 f. Klein, Constantius II 86, 140 f. Aland, Von Jesus bis Euripides Justinian 181. Haendier, Von Tertullian 94 f. Jacob, Aufstände 152. Europe



Evropa Soberana (webzine)

2018 preface Ezekiel

The ultimate conclusion Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Compared to the previous editions, in this 2018 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour, I have Fascism eliminated my introductory remarks to each Feminism chapter and also a dozen essays. Only the texts that have caused a considerable impact on my Feminized western worldview have remained. The first two pieces, males especially Andrew Hamilton’s, explain the Film baffling phenomenon of Aryan ethnosuicide. However, I must say that I not only abridged Hamilton’s piece for Final solution this collection but other essays as well. First World War Any regular visitor to my blog The West’s Darkest Hour knows my France witches’ brew metaphor to explain White decline: Hardwired characteristics in the White psyche since prehistoric times such as Francis Galton individualism, universalism, weak ethnocentrism, plus the cultural ‘software’ of materialism and Judeo-Christian ethics— ironically, strengthened after the French Revolution—, together Francisco Franco with the Nazi myth after the Second World War (cf. the first article of this collection), have created a lethal brew for the White Franco Zeffirelli peoples. Frankfurt School

In this compilation, there are two texts that may be considered as Franklin D. Roosevelt the antidote for the brew. The first one, a book review by J.A. Sexton of Tom Goodrich’s Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Franks Germany, 1944-1947, informs us about a Dantesque, heart- Franz Boas breaking Holocaust committed by the Allies on the Germans even after the war was over. Frederick the Great

The second is a translation from Spanish of an online book Free speech / Free authored by a Catalonian blogger who uses the penname Evropa press Soberana. No single text has produced such eureka moment in my French Revolution intellectual life as Rome contra Judea; Judea contra Rome. Compared to this redpill, the output from the pro-White webzines Friedrich Nietzsche looks purple: palliative meds between the bluepill and the redpill Friedrich Schiller because the editors are still sleeping in the matrix of Judeo- Christian ethics. Fritigern

Rome contra Judea is only one of several translated texts of From Jesus to Hitler Evropa Soberana that appear here. I did some modifications to (book) Soberana’s texts and even took the liberty to correct some errors G.W.F. Hegel and add a few phrases of my own, as explained in the footnotes. For example, in Soberana’s quotation of § 24 from Nietzsche’s The Galerius Antichrist I added another phrase from the same § 24 that shows the gulf between White nationalists and us: Galileo Galilee Game of Thrones Christians can think of themselves as anti-Jewish without understanding that they are the ultimate Gaul conclusion of Judaism. Genetics White nationalists, who also coined the phrase Alt-Right, ignore Genghis Khan that those Whites who worship the god of the Jews are, ultimately, ethnosuicidal. From our point of view, unless and until they, Genrikh Yagoda including the atheists, reject Judeo-Christian ethics, ‘Judea’—the Jews in the Diaspora—will continue to be winning over ‘Rome’— Genuine spirituality the native Aryans. Any racist under the illusion that he is red- Geography pilled would do well to read Soberana’s translated essays. George Lincoln Charles Darwin predicted that blacks would be exterminated in Rockwell the future. Alas, precisely because of subscribing Christian ethics, it is Whites, including the advocates of the Alt-Right, the ones who George Orwell are heading toward extinction. After World War II the members of George Washington the White population have drunk the brew with such fanaticism that their cognitive processes can only be diagnosed as a folie en Germanic People masse. It is my hope that, when reaching the last page of this Germany book, the Aryan reader will have the motive to revalue his values back to the hard ethos of ancient Rome. That is the price to save Giorgio de Chirico the race. Giselher Wirsing Transvaluation of all values! God




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Hellstorm (book)

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Hermann (Arminius)

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Hermann Samuel Reimarus

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Herod the Great



Hieronymus Bosch



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Theodosius I

Theodosius II


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Turin Shroud

Turner Diaries (novel)

Twilight of the idols (book)

Two Hundred Years Together (book)




Uncle Tom’s Cabin (novel)

United Kingdom

United States



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Valentinian II

Valentinian III







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Zweites Buch

The greatest of the “conservative” thinkers, Joseph de Maistre, pointed out long ago that the French Revolution led the revolutionaries rather than was led by them. For he believed that certain Providential forces rule our lives. These forces he saw in Christian terms, but others, like Heidegger, for instance, saw them in terms of Being, over which humans have no control.

In either case, the force of Providence or Being or Destiny has a power that has often made itself felt in our history. For this reason, I have little doubt that Europeans will eventually throw of the Judeo-liberal system programming their destruction. I’m less confident about we Americans, given the greater weakness of our collective identity and destiny. But nevertheless even we might be saved from ourselves by this force—as long as we do what is still in our power to do.

—Michael O’Meara


The Occidental Observer (scholarly site about the Jewish Question).

Nazi Propaganda Guide Page (not exactly a National Socialist friendly site but very informative of primary NS sources).

The legacy of Wm. Pierce

David Irving’s Website

Jake F.’s NS Archive


La hora más oscura

From Guillaume Faye's "Mars & Hephaestus":

The twenty-first century will be a century of iron and storms. It will not resemble those harmonious futures predicted up to the 1970s. It will not be the global village prophesied by Marshall MacLuhan in 1966, or Bill Gates’ planetary network, or Francis Fukuyama’s end of history: a liberal global civilization directed by a universal state.

The Third Age of European Civilization commences, in a tragic acceleration of the historical process, with the Treaty of Versailles and end of the civil war of 1914-18: the catastrophic twentieth century. Four generations were enough to undo the labor of more than forty. Europe fell victim to its own tragic Prometheanism, its own opening to the world and universalism, oblivious of all ethnic solidarity.

The Fourth Age of European civilization begins today. It will be the Age of rebirth or perdition. The twenty-first century will be for this civilization, the fateful century, the century of life or death.

Let us cultivate the pessimistic optimism of Nietzsche. “There is no more order to conserve; it is necessary to create a new one.” Will the beginning of the twenty-first century be difcult? Are all the indicators in the red? So much the better. They predicted the end of history after the collapse of the USSR? We wish to speed its return: thunderous, bellicose, and archaic. Islam resumes its wars of conquest. China and India wish to become superpowers. And so forth. The twenty-first century will be placed under the double sign of Mars, the god of war, and of Hephaestus, the god who forges swords, the master of technology and the chthonic fires. This century will be that of the metamorphic rebirth of Europe, like the Phoenix, or of its disappearance as a historical civilization and its transformation into a cosmopolitan and sterile Luna Park.

The beginning of twenty- first century will be the despairing midnight of the world of which Hölderlin spoke. But it is always darkest before the dawn. Let us prepare our children for war. Let us educate our youth, be it only a minority, as a new aristocracy.

Today we need more than morality. We need hypermorality, the Nietzschean ethics of difcult times. When one defends one’s people, i.e., one’s own children, one defends the essential. Then one follows the rule of Agamemnon and Leonidas but also of Charles Martel: what prevails is the law of the sword, whose bronze or steel reflects the glare of the sun.

T A G S:

4 words

For Spanish-speakers: an autobiography of the editor of this site in two volumes is available: here and here.

He who has not read Day of Wrath has not looked at the admin of this site in the eyes. A hard copy is available: here. For an introduction see: here.

______㶦 ______

“Hate is not some useless organ like the appendix. It’s there for a reason.

Why does Christianity do all it can to talk us out of necessary and functional drives?

Well, the answer is that it’s a bit of software meant to disable our enemy recognition module. Christianity preaches blind love, and that love is murdering the West”. – Alex Linder

“Why were you so ungrateful to our gods as to desert them for the Jews?” —Emperor Julian to the Christians

Regarding the sticky post see esp. post #37. For the context of the Christian problem see: here.


When you forbid your enemy to hate, you’ve disarmed him.

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