House of Representatives
672 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 17, 1967 5 o'clock and 10 minutes p.m.) the Sen sitive to the needs of others, understand Mr. PELLY. I am happy to yield to ate took a recess until Wednesday, Jan ing amid our differences, and determined the minority leader. uary 18, 1967, at 12 o'clock meridian. to live in the spirit of good will. May Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, we ever be mindful of the fact that we I thank the gentleman for yielding. &re one family in Thee, and in this one Walt Horan was a very close, and dear NOMINATIONS ness may we do our work and live our friend of mine. We served together for lives. a number of years on the Committee on Executive nominations received by the Our minds and hearts reach out in Appropriations. He was an invaluable Senate January 17 (legislative day of prayer for those in the Armed Forces of Member of the House of Representatives. January 12), 1967: our country. Keep them strong in No one was more gentle, kind, or more FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION temptation, resolute in duty, and faith cooperative than Walt Horan. Gen. William F. McKee, U.S. Air Force, re ful to Thee, who art ever with them and I join the distinguished gentleman from tired, of Virginia, to be Administrator of the with us. Lord God of Hosts, be with us the State of Washington [Mr. PELLY] in Federal Aviation Adininistration (new posi all-lest we forget, lest we forget Thee. extending to his lovely wife, Sally, and tion).
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