Full Beacher
THE TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 Volume 33, Number 36 Thursday, September 14, 2017 Making a Comeback by Connie Kuzydym hhellbergellberg FFarmarm iiss a ccul-ul- as IDNL superintendent, back in 2008, Chellberg tturalural aassetsset aandnd DDunesunes LLearningearning CCenterenter aann eeduca-duca- Farm’s livestock and farm animals were, for the ttionalional jjewel.ewel. TTheyhey eexistxist wwithinithin IIndianandiana DDunesunes NNa-a- most part, a government-run operation with some ttionalional LLakeshore,akeshore, wwhichhich iiss ppartart ooff tthehe NNationalational PParkark volunteer assistance. Their presence also was amid SService.ervice. a declining budget period. When the key person who WWhyhy tthehe bbriefrief llessonesson oonn wwho’sho’s wwho?ho? took care of the farm retired, the IDNL did not have LLet’set’s ttakeake a qquickuick ssteptep backback ttoo 2008,2008, whenwhen thenthen the capacity to keep that model of farm life going. IIDNLDNL SSuperintendentuperintendent CCostaosta DDillonillon aannouncednnounced So, Dillon made the decision to remove the animals, CChellberghellberg FFarmarm wwouldould nnoo llongeronger iincludenclude ffarmarm aani-ni- an unpopular move with the public. mmals.als. TToo uunderstandnderstand whywhy unpopularunpopular decisionsdecisions areare Fiscally, though, Labovitz said, “it was absolutely mmadeade aatt tthehe llocalocal llevel,evel, oonene mmustust kkeepeep iinn mmindind tthesehese the right thing to do. tthreehree llocalocal jjewelsewels aarere ppartart ooff a llargerarger ppicture.icture. When Labovitz arrived three years ago, he began CAccording to Paul Labovitz, who succeeded Dillon Continued on Page 2 Geof Benson, executive director of Dunes Learning Center, feeds a goat at Chellberg Farm, while the cow nearby appears a tad wary of Beacher photographer Paul Kemiel.
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