Far East Situation 'Alarming/ Mine Named for Some Rooms in Housing Hearing Changed to Five Vacancies H. S. Addition to Senator Smith Tells Chamber On Chamber Board Be Ready May 1 Dec. 12; Betts Answers "Most A ballot of nine names to 111! At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce at Summit, Conatructiop work in proceeding vacancies on the Chamber of Com- last Wednesday evening, Nov&nber 16, 1949, Senator H. ahead of schedule in the addition merce board of directors was sub- Alexander Smith, a nieiriper of the Senate Foreign Relational to the High School building, This mitted to the membership at the Asked' Queries on Ordinance Committee, who has just returned from a trip to the Far was Indicated at. the meeting of fall general meeting held last F-tst told the more than 200 present that he was greatly thepoard of Education on'Thurs- • A further change in the date of the public hearing on •"" ' the present Far Wednesday night at the H%b over School. The slate was introduced day night when Secretary Walter the ordinance establishing a housing authority for Summit Situation. at a brief business meeting fol- S. J^ddy reported that a few of waa mad6 this week when city officials announced that the During his remark* Senator lowing the address by Senator H- the rooms in the addition would hearing would be held December 12 instead of December 13 Smith traced the progressive de- Group to Describe Alexander Smith. br ready for iwe by May 1 next at 8 p. m. at the High School auditorium. year. The hew addition under con- velopniomt of our.policy in West- .Tjle cllange j0 ^p December 12 Those named are Salem Boorujy struction since last spring, waa not ern Europe since the close of dattl accordin t0 Harr Summit's Public of Columbia Cleaners, for .re-elec- expected to be ready for occupancy * y Kates, World War II. and especially the oxecutlvc tion; Frank Dunning, manager of s«rr,-tary, was caused by development of the to- calted until next September. nlllal 0 ncSIQIlS • Busch A Co.; Frank J. Kerrigan a nunvbt.r.of conflicting events for Marshall Plan to rehabilitate' the Relations Program of Summit Express Co.; Thomas Choral Festivals Approved DtC'"nibrr 13- one °' which is the Western European countries. He a«;tttor Smith, said: ing the community on the con- the support of the Chamber. We statement council said felt that dent of the Summit Chamber of Commerce. (Photo by Jay) instructor in the way of sugges- vice for the county as well as for "After we had had the Marshall structive u« of city funds, way* feel that as a matter of justice the city Itself. the creation of a Housing Authori- in which to measure community tions for improvements. It la not ty is desirable since that body oan Plan in operation for one year and, there should be representation of a contest and there is no award Mr. Hillard came to Summit had proven how effective it wa» support of special projects and further under its provialone con- this growing element in our mem- of any kind. July 1, 1917, on tho completion of to protect these European coun- the marked trend throughout the bership on the board. We have tinue to study the need for such Montc/erir, R/dgewood Both 680 in 29 Adult Courses his professional preparation at the tries from the flood of Commu- country toward clearer interpre- listed Mr. Segelken'a name sepa- projects. Superintendent Reed reported University of Illinois.' Prior to nistn, we were faced with the Im- tation of city program* so that rately to call the attention of mem- army service, Mr, Hillord worked To date, moat of the opposition that 580 persons have enrolled In minent danger, emphasised by the citizen* may be able to base their bers to the situation. We also sug- in tho Dayton, Ohio, public library to a Housing Authority seems to Spurn Federal Housing Aid the 29 courses offered thl« fall In Berlin incident, of an aggression actions on information. gest to the Board that, if it l» in At least two other North Jersey both ns a general assistant'and in Mem from a fear of independent effort to eliminate sub-standard the Summit Adult Education Fro- by the Communists against the Illustration of such special step* keeping with the constitution and communities that are having slum the bookmobile division, a service agencies responsible to no elected housing, and maintain Montclair gram as follows:. Western European democracies. that will be cited are th« Town by-laws; that his name be placed clearance problems ar# solving in which that library has pion- public officials or representative as one of the outstanding realdon- Photography 9, Helping Your This threat led to the so-called Meeting treatment of some ques- on the ballot separately and some them through private financing eered. body. tial communities In the United Child Grow Up 37, Beginner's N'orth Atlantic. Treaty recently tions, the publication of such explanation be printed* on the bal- and rejecting state or Federal aid. During service overseas, Mr, Hil- States," French 11, Intermediate French 3, Numerous questions have been ratified, with Its military Jmplc- pamphlets as "It's Your Money," lot." lard not only wan assigned the asked about tho ordinance and this —iUdgew&od ---apparently feels Advanced French 8, Designing the th« highlighting of community BOW have local low-cost housing organization of library collection! week Rome A. BetU, chairman of Directors elected will serve for much- the name way Montclair Home Grounds IS, Hooked Rugs 13, (nmili«r Thi« policy waa initiated history, a» illustrated by "Sum- three-year term* and baHots will projects planned but are paying In some areas but was afforded al- the Council's public welfare com- docs about the use of itate or Fed- Costume Jewelry 12, Elementary eo the opportunity to study library by The State Department end d*» mit'* Story" or the regular presen- be mailed oat to .the membemhip fir them with '"private" capital. In eral monies for public housing, for mittee, provides answers for th* Leatherwork 14, Englleh in Use 6,development In Great Britain. (most veloped with the lull cooperation tation of information as in the •hortJy.Th«* whose terms ex- Montcteir a slum ckarince qUMtion», Following, J.b;..'»..,.c»':snmunlty''in...ataos. planning Advanced Contract Bridge -«»,Be- Ihirinr his stay in this city, Mr.j of the Foreign""Rotation* And" Library'* monthly bulletin "Found pire are Mr. Boorujy. Ifr. Miller. ect was -"it i\;»on the ballot lbo of th* Common Conn. on; Jym^hg lospi alums .*»e&«ui«t. Clnfecr's Bvidi* 38. Glf'/ftnakiag ;«. , Mtllurd has brei. it regular AnnH Service* commitUwi of tn« In the Library." The part ptatyed Harry T.'Doyle, William G. Nord- soundly detected by voters. thrwgh private capital. cil on November 15, at which tints United States Senate and the cor- by the Library as one source of 6e$ Cutting 13, Observations in Itributor to the Summit Herald in the ordinance was introduced to llng and William G. Savage. Following the defeat Oj the The Ridgewood project, known the special column "The Library responding committees of th* municipal information will b» ern- Europe 23, Beginner's Woodwork create a Summit housing authority, The nominating committee con- Montclair project local business in- as the Broad Ridge Housing Corp,, , Speaks". He has been active In House of Representatives. pheirised. 9, Landscape Painting 26, Arm- Mr, Be4ts, informally and speaking sisted of Mr. Eastman, chairman ; terests launched a drive to raise is a small one involving only 17 chair Travel 55, Beginning Typing promoting the library's outride Policy Is Bankrupt Bryant W. Griffin. Gilbert Baker. funds to improve substandard for himself, answered some of th« families. To date more than $56,- 21, Intermediate Typing 7, Public contacts and in developing the queries put to the Council by trios* Simultaneously, with tills devel- F. J. Kerrigan, Michael Leonette, housing "without government in- 000 in stock sales have been made, Speaking 19, Beginner's Dancing {work with educational informa- attending th« meeting. It was ex- Harald Pederson and John Rillo. tervention into municipal affairs." opment, however, our policy in leaving l«s than $19,000 to be 54, Advanced Dancing 61, Begin- tional films. H<> -server! as secretary plained that the November 15 meet- Deserted Village The fund opened with two $1,000 the Far East has betom« increas- raked before plena for the proj- ner's Spanish 7, Advanced Spanish of tho Optimists Club of which he Ing of the Council had not been a gifts; one from a Montclair bank ingly bankrupt and apparently Up ect can be started. Of the $75,000 7, Fun in Art 18, Clothing 13 andis a charter member. He also waa hearing on the ordinance and that and the other from an insurance to date has had no discernible goal set by the corporation, $40,000 Beginner's English 13. active in thn professional library detailed answers to the question* purpose or direction. I also regret Fire Leaves company. association for tho State of the Missing Student k to cover the purchase of three at that time would have been to .state that in this unfortunate According to the Montclair buildings and $35,000 is earmarked New Jersey Library Association premature. Our command In the devel- Cause of the fire was undeter- at one time an attack of rheumatic opponent! of t h p proposal • agree Kaufman, will be prcsmted by the.; this subject the Council has taken had the experience during the jvfurt Tickets are now on sale at Brown's op in en t of our policy In the Fur mined at press time but Mr. Comp- fever, had undergone an operation that nub-standard housing condi- Summit High Schools dramatic I the position that there mu.it be wwk and «s lato n* Sunday of Book Store and may be exchanged E«»t ffbould be unified in an over- ton said he believed it may have at the start of school early this tions in Montclair must be correct- Club, Guls<> find Disguise on th<> demolition of one unit for every seeing an almost pure whlt^|f*» »': control such as General Mao- been due to a faulty furnace or fall. His father said the lad had ed. for reserved seats on December B, night'of J>c«'mber 2. The annual unit constructed. Tho«? whom it male Caribou in the wood* adja- Arthur has «o ably demonstrated flue. He added that there WM no been concerned about his health 7,8, and 9 at Krwige's Summit store piny !» uponaored by*the aenior.i would nsk to serve on a Summit "We CommlHBioners accept thta cent to the above «r*«. The Cnri- m .l.npnn, which will recognize not sign of anything wrong when he and hi* school work- between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 PTA. Housing Authority would bo que- decision and we shall continue to bou to travelling with a SUMII herd *"'>' the Mrattle military prob- left at 8:30 a.m. The companies Chief of Police D. V. Rusaw Jr. ri A uw our be*t endeavor!! to nolve of four to six white-tailed deer, led p.m, Th- play tolta the atory of the * «« totheir Agrer>rntnt with I'w of the area but also and m- of Berkeley Heights, who had been thl vlf>w heforP tm which answered the alarm were the problem of mib-standard hous- trials and tribulation/, of aspiring i " ^V^ ^ *« !n! ial! i|| « j , Berkeley Heights, Scotch Plain*, notified «bout the boy"i disappear- by a Iflrgp buck, formally know* The Folllea will be Introduced W pproc at€ the tf ing in Montckir. young actrf-sspw who live at th« th it IMew Providence, Mountainside and ance, immediately advised State «u» Virginia dwr, by John R. Montgomery of Short flre engaged in ft war of Pootlighlje Club, n thentrieni board- >\ n pi'Mcy of unit for unit Summit, They were dlreetwl by "W* are studying thf whole The Onribou seen h«Tf fa pure HI Hit, president of the board of fl w«ir to rapture men's Police who sent out a teletype Ing hoti**\ It In rlir»i'tf(l by (Ji-rald it ion would necvunrlly elilm*. question agnln from the legal whjte with the trust fen, and the master of cere- tmml Nr> military victory can Fire Chief Anthony Amodeo of alarm. eptim of a >lnv n hl infl « •UHfla to ascertain whether we have brownish-black *pot monies' will bp WIIIUT ('. Kfi""• P "" "»y «' »" »* lasting unliwi the haute Berkeley Heights. on it.i n, about 85 minute* the Birds had previously lived at now permit. Furthermore, we are number which includes membrrs i"lie(j h th« mlndii of th» nfter Mr. Compton, m, Bell ^ scribed by tho«e wh(> «mw it. It r«*- ! cal hm hud under ronjilderntion Lake Succcsi, L, I, and Newton starching for more effective ineani 1 of the Follifs committee, a. rhortis, l sjemhle* in body somewhat thnt of Jt-im »..bi«, Kd Ooomriglan «nd j thp ,,|,mlnnti0M Of aJj dwellings tory engineer, left for work. WM Centre, Ma** Mr. Bird !* associated of inspection *nd enforcement. n South Pnclfin numbrr, n number a Iirjfp goat, Itii head i.i cnrrlcd j .Jack Hughlett will piny the Irad- jol | , j|rnwwM| p|nr<, „ n ,l(lp |n us I nm convinced two irons, Henry, lfl, and David, 15, with the Fairehild Recording Corp. fmturing "show glrln," n C«*iy had gon* to thu ftpglorml flrhool, "W* ar* confidant thnt nil cltl- low «nd thrunt forward. f)n »<>**• Ing roles. to n»lvp the i Ity'x parking Cftmmtinljvt; mov of LI, * ,, Twrtitlwi niimher ntnl A Mfid hi» daughter, Mary l*on, 19, noKT will unite with »* in ail ing an Intruder it is the trtwt ex- Otlwr nu-mbers of the are: prohlrtii. This p<^.iihll|{y him be«a \ nhin« wm initiated In wpno «n In M(, v houpltml miMe, MM, IJ*HK« UW long body U topped with nut might Tho South Parlflo rhoriw Held; ( Brandt, .Polly Croyder, . aw! It U now Mng dl- Campaign Offtcfah V«f« i nmok« pouring from thf house. Illegal Liquor Sob hack. It «pp*«ut» to he "th* include U«rtl« y n^rry. Don Oul MfiHie, Jl«*!«»n Big problem*, parking nnd houning • ] lock, Charles Cnnp, Walter <" government. D«* " y thr Unite,! f*t*te«. If t* Irnm€»rllftt*»ly witlm(it« thelomi, H«w- g mknmt m burn ro*d wnd the T«ll Oftfefn **(*• fjuifWd, Mfirgot iMnshorn*, Ann $1,000 Fine McAIpin, Win hMir,, Pen Herd, OlrnwnH plnre h* ««lf! that among th« In itaf gm I, iftw DHMMI tim\ «f JJPW Provlrt^nrp, *nd l« Uni'lflork, Connif! BrHvfiffl. Mm. oflnIWy an mltm lnv*wkMi VValiy Niirfcolfl, I^ng Walker and of eourso, n«tes*lt»r#i hoturing i tir|f»iglnii» whleh were Mm, Dtmtona Bchipfttil, <>, of II known to run alons; thr nnim- OrniM, ftr\*y Winter*, Kay ' 31) r't>nrl proved i#r!lot) of (Vntr*l Imi, Ituth Tnylor, Ji-«n (l*y by County Judtr Edward A. 1 S. <}tM*fl««i Won't low l nMfortmftit. of fl to Map1« »tr#«f!, h»Hh tti Now In thn rnn-enn ntimbcr will hf> (Jinny Nnrf. Mobhy Melroop, Marl* MrOrwth on a. nnn vul! plM to nnd photogrnphii, hf •••rt«l *l ••»<•*. T» 4*1*. M> Helen UIKICIHIII h Mnrfcir>'t Mow \,ntitriu>rn<\ hottl.tr Mitchell, Jane MOV1R TMJKKTO •eliinff liquor without n ltc*>n*#. _~ «— r-. i—»—-.-^ ,mm W tffl hy hlmsrlf rturlnn Wor!t» W»ir i||t,«fl» of th*. nt4 th« plm In at month. On liutd* Page§ For "!>• *nttrm rMimwinH; wilt M Trury. Th" <'hnrl»**l«in numbtr !n NTRAVI) The chitrg* was ••ntcrpfl agatnat Mwory, R«qk>nd Cloth r«mnviioml hMh ht tmMtUbmI ttir- (|TV »<'mtnlBl<- Iwrnlln^ ntinihor <, Mfldg* F!v«n», Terry Kan- A Mm. (tehipatil «n January 10 «f!*r Churrh mil* «(MI by trmU In mm r~Hmt t* In Ar«0 Orid CUn%\c Will Itulillln Fdilll «»TnMi( (o Iflr *|H)rl« K«rhnl»«, <"«rnlvn and find I,»thr'»p. mm# nnsANillnblf) *«• tllghtly two prohtblfJnn i*ff|rir» fntwd VIM, votJ rttQ f)ow, diun«iM«r| wh»n wind K»»U *pr»iwl »»ry t* *-mrrr » h*f home wh*r* lh*y fminrj « still fmnm nwlll h* Jh« Mnnntnl fif tlMi us*1 HIIw I ttmf |nm Rfth- Helen Wilbln»on, F^ns; Walker. ty; ,llm D»verr««. B»b Rolss. Fr«i I'Ucwr ONBT tht» fl«m#*i to » TPHT pnrr-h roof •«d win* pr#M, and * l«rf# qimn-> 1 1 B«!l> «nd Allan , Bob White. t*aviH Klns»- JT* * T! waa r«(*t|nnii will be an i n«NM»tt«d Vlll«Kf>, WHS mnrt»w M II mtn. Untlh Billy, fltsnley Klinrk, Molph "T«m kgtt uows (tnwno ,»*** fr if fn J?»0 n«(f at m* tins* c*itt*4 *r* thr*« r>i»or prison will bp awarded ro«- Horn* A Cl«rd»h pafd »«.....«,« y 9»v find It. clip (t mrrvmmtbrm •Ming of M rwmd trip pUne ticket tHfh fur twn to ftormMda, rtittinterl hjr Mr, OmnptAn, who ffftided th«r# Th* Tlck*t* mnv He »# or Ut* dro#*«»rd Pasailt with ntltttbon until *i«l New tm\*** during %M i MnottNHr THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14. If 4f •uch a group of 'continuing-advi*- and to give parents an Overlook X-Ray Far East or» to the Department of Stats and t© meet TMCA leaders Thanksgiving Proclamation (Continued fcom,.page 1) to the AdmiBidtmtion we will b« the boys in action in the SIALTEST ICE CREAM Program Spots ON thto day of Thanksgiving, let ui be $ad that we equipped to determine the disposi- swimmiog pool, live today in the United State* of America, that we live at «B4 to underniuliig the aspira- tion of tb« fTS.OOO.OOO flexible fund peace with our friends and neighbor*, and that we share that wae authorised by the pres- y m Eight TB Cases tlonj for natlonaliam and fnwdom ent' Ooagwai to be used to block chief god In Norse n a wealth of spiritual and material resources that keep us which all of Uiese Fa r BaMtm .the »pre«d of Communism eny BUTTERSCOTCH The Overlook Hospital prognun healthy and secure. Let us be thankful to our parents who : of X-mying «v«ry hospital adrnki- Countriei ar« struggling to attain. where in Asia. have helped us, with their saving* and their care, to enjoy The 'tim« for effective action is ENJOY A sioa «nd employee* h**> rt*ulte4 in <*') Und«r guests. jboard of director*, stated that out Agora's particular field of Interest Philip Jeisup, Ambassador at YMCA aquatic test carda will be Chech Your Cold \ of th« Iruidioiu sapecti of tuber- Is current events. * Large, Honorable Raymond Fos- awarded to boys who have quali- culosis b that it haa no symptom dlck, former President of the fied in the classes of beginner, at first. A chc»t X-ray he said can Mis* Outcault is majoring in Get Weather Garment* New! •oology, and Is a member of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Presi- fish, flying fish and shark. The , dl.H'f>ver the dl*e



PLAN FOR NEXT YEAR'S now in Daily Service between CHRISTMAS NEEDS NIW YORK, NIWARK, SCRANTON, BINOHAMTON, NIW IAIY4HAII COACHU ILMIRA and BUFFALO BY JOINING ONE OF OUR CLUBS NOW I /~\NK ol the outntancling Mttractiom of fttrMtnlinml lug|age r«k« and Buorewnt- 1 THK PHOKBK SNOW it th« huntkotna lighting,,. a colorful and ipaclniw rw * Diner where dplicloiw1iom«-lik« im-aU «r« t- new Obitrvttion-LouriRe Car with its p nervad at moder»t« priw*. For lht«»vn eh»!r$ and friendly 'Vluli'* travel betwetrn Nnw York nnd CliirrtH". A wparite gliMPiclosfd lavrrn «fr-tion, th« westbound Pnor.nr SNOW cmit*- » r wl with a smart rafr^fiment \>nt aitrl eniily naw nU'prhmlr-ronm 9>\e*\i\nf. ' <» 10 roomettti and 6 double If ACKMM MNtMf CAI ablM, invitM rplaxntiort tnd ll SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY jpc, heating and ni TNI Othir ft«tuNHi of THR FHOIII SNOW For m tbrilHng new Mptrirnrf-In ID t |»f Includt new iir*rondltbn«(i coi'dhm with tuiury, tonvpnlrnre itid e«mf«>r», tdjutttJbl« lf>«n linck if ltlf Viiti wiiulowg, yow next trip on Till PiioiBi S

There'* Nothing Lathing on fhe W. Mn' ai.i.i«.v»Mmmm IwlIff Mm Lackawanna Ral Af. ftll§ttRiiuMti

Regulator & Channels Paper* By For AN Cars

INSTALLED WHILE "U" WAIT GIBL 8CX>UT8 LEAKN NUKSING at the Red Cross left to right, are Peggy Ann Hoffman, Ellen Swick, Xzrane headquarters in a course especially adapted for Grirl the patient, Nancy Lee Seward, Patricia CumnJins; GI«S " Scouts seeking home nurse and child care badges. Martha Taylor, Mary Hansell, Patricia Wekbrook, inspection The class, given by Mrs. J. Norbert Gelson, is limited Elaine Barry, Mrs. Gelson,-and Elizabeth Slack. • Sash Cbdf v to second class scouts of the Summit area. Above, (Photo by Jay> • Glass Retainer* Leather NORCROSS Goods GREETING CARDS Bank when the two institutions and are instructed in the theory, Call Us Today at SUmmit 6-6291 were merged in 1920. He waa a di- social implications, rules, laws and Services Held for rector of the Doehler-Jarvls Corp., techniques of driving. There is no New York; the ClincWield Manu- actual driving in the course. SHEA^FIICS Robert D. Scott, facturing Co., Marlon, N.C.; a RrkerSr Waterman's trustee of the Merritt-Chapman Summit Man Report* on Corp., the Postal Life insurance >JS & PENCILS New York Banker Co. ,of New York, and waa « for- Harvard Alumni Fund Funeral services for Robert D. mer vice president of the New Robert G. Dort of 19 Ridge road Scott of 16 Edge-wood road, w h p York Credit Men's Association. represented New Jersey Harvard • died suddenly loot,Thursday'night He was also a trustee of Central alumni at a dinner meeting held. on a Hudson and Manhattan, tube Preobyterifln Church. last Friday at the University Club, train vvhile cm the way to Hoboktn, Mr. Scott was a 32nd degree New York C$y, to mark the first CROSS were heid Sunday at 2 p.m. at Mason and a post master of Chari- anniversary of the establishment Central Presbyterian Church with ty- Lodge, New York City. His of the Harvard Foundation for Ad- uuwr for ptrtonal utp or Rev. Leonard V, Buschmflij of- clubs included the Metropolitan vanced Study and Research. > ficiating. Masonic rites w«r<* con- Lawyers, Arkwright, Banker^ Mr. Dort represented Dr. Robert informal ducted at the residence at noon, Deal Golf Club, Baltusrol Golf Oppertheim of Princeton, the state Minlt-notM . (, . cHole? of 3 •nlrancinfl Club, rind the Allenhurst Beach chairman, in making his report on colod, Goldtn Clay, Sunmtr Blue a* Sundn^y.' Mr.,Scott was a viceprcei- SIEGEL'S STATIONERY SHOP M.ily Grey. 3 Nrtanolilfrd initials, tfi*r- dent of, the Chemical Bank and Club. \ ',' . \ progresn ih» Ne* Jersey, towards Ittttri in Trust Co., New York City. ; He is survived by his wife, the the effort of the alumni in helping 394 SprinqfWd Av» su. t-aiti *, N. J. blutink) in mw, btauttfvl RtgnKy Sctlpt. former Miriam Wood; his mother, to finance a graduate student cen- He was born at New York 64 ter. yearn ago and began hLs career, Mrs. Sophie Scott; a brother, George W. Scott, and a sieter, Markln j Devices . Mch with the Citizens National Bank in 1906 • and joined 'the Chemical Mrs. Barbara Reeves. Bierman Answers TWILL MARKING Questions for DEVICES Scientific Drivers' Class The one jacket you can wear 22 Gates Avenue Summit 6-7197 Thirteen high school Junior class . _ _ _ Allow 2 w«#k» for dMlvtry...... J Compounding members) attended traffic court Thursday night as part of their course in driver education. Magis- trate Albert H. Bierman presided. The modern pharmacist Following the hearing he answered must have a medical back< questions asked by the students.' ground, and a knowledge of According to Mrs. Elizabeth D. recent laboratory releases. In Hiatt, class instructor, the traffic carrying out doctors' direc- court sessions "are an effective tions, he may have to use the way of showing how law enforce- newest specialty, or the rarest ment is carried out." She added of drugs. Our pharmacists that it has a fine effect on the know about them. Nest time, students. come to this establishment. Those attending were: Marlon Brown, -Nieke Buscaino, Laura Chaiiine's Cut Rate Ficchi, Jean Plagler, Lucille Gains, «17 Springfield Afe. Marjorie Graves, Pat Keane, Uta Summit, N. J. Krieger, Anne Knowles, Mary Lon- Summit (-4391 ergan, Susan McDonald, Judy Mit- chell and Ellen Walters. The course is divided into two periods, the first from September through January, and the second from February to June. The stu- dents attend class one day a week

iver since Miles. Standisli arrived in America on the c "I'fr .lower" with his iron tobacco pipe, the art of p-i-c manufacture has been typically American . . . M GREGOR* and New Jersey leads the nation in the production of pipes. ioday, iificen million pipe smokers pay tribute to New Jersey as the "pipe-producing state." And the fine pipes made in our great state, ranging in CONVERTIBLE JACKET price from 50 cents to $1,000, are smwked in all four •v«r lovaly ... evor washable corners tif the world. us. FAT. m. u*\m Bright gift... plaid blouiel See that* beaut lei In It's not surprising that New Jersey has the largest Ship 'n Shore'* holiday color spectrum. All certified For eny weather, mymhm% McGrtfot'B Tripl* pipe-making concern in the world—as well as many wothabl* and cojorfatt. $•• all tht wonden of smaller manufacturer* throughout the state. Here workmanihipt th« action-back, th» open and shut collar, Threat jacket. For the coldwt d*y. weet ttpoon^ is just one more example of the skill and diversifica- the long ihirMalli that itay put- won't pop. •29 95 plete jacket TIMI ih«H ii wind MMI m*m repetkwt tion °f the industries which make New Jersey a great And think) li thtr«


IWIr • 4, M In « P, M, frUnf 9 4. M, M> 9 f, M, f A.M. to

SUMMIT, N. J ••Shop IB Sumttlt »nd ««vr!!!" Stare* Oprn AH t>W WeHntnHw THi SUMMIT HIEAID, THUKSDAY, NOVEMItH 24, If4f Wednesday—Lot* League lunch- M Junior Choir the church, guest artists and <* chestm in presenting Han-1, 108 at Mi*. Jota Corditer*, 11 Colt Christian Science Slates Singinq Pates mi . . •• •The Messiah^ at r p.m, * CHURCH DIRECTORY v Mrs, Irene Dooson, director of fl Church to Cl^duct The other .date* wben the ch6* Sf. John's Lutheran Church jthe junior choir of The Methodist will Bing at church services »,'! Church of Summit, yesterday an- December lg, February 12, p * Presbyterian Church Celv#*y Episcopal Church '•-., Kw*. W. ft. Htttttn Service Tomorrow nounced the following dates when a HOW DOB : First ChurcS of Cfufrt, Scientkt, Sunday, April 2, Easter, LT- a K«w torevtOMM* , aWr.tr. the group of 50 will #ing: of Summit will hold its annual Mother's Day, May l^end coi• Rtv. Rlelteri A. Bunday—»:3O am.. Bible School; Sunday, at the morning -service Thursday—8 a.m., Holy Com- 10:48 sum., Worship and sermon, Thanksgiving Day' Service at il dnm's Day, June 11. A muelc >;'l' they wiii sing the traditional tiv»l may be scheduled for ej' >K munion; 10:30 a,m., union service "The Cnrlstlas QO-g«tter."- a. m. Thursday morning in the Sunday—»:« •.»., Church Thanksgiving Anthem, "Praise Ye choirs for May 28. " 'e at OentraJ Church, ,. Xonday—SiLS pm . Men's Club church at 292 Springfield avenue. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE school, choir r«hear*al; U im, The Thanksgiving Day Procla- the Father," and the Pr*y«K Re- , 1- _..f . , . . * „ Friday—10 a.m., Woman'* Aux- meeting; Speaker, Jules W. Marron morning worship, sermon; "The mation of the President of the sponse, "O Father Hear-Us." John Adam's, second president n» iliary. Br. of the Wish and Gam* Division Scope of Faith"; junior aermoo: United States and a lesson-sermon On December 4 they will par- the U. S.( was fatheter o/ " 'The Story of an Advent O&ndle"; Sunday—8 am., Holy Commu- of N. J. State Conservation Depart- ticipate with the other choirs of ( nion; 9:80 am., church (chool; 11 eatltkd "Thanksgiving" will be Quincy Adams, the sixth president 7 p., Weitmisster Fellpwthlp. ment, subject "Pheasant Hunting read. ' ..< a.m., morning prayer and sermon tad State FJah Hatcheries." with HEAL? Monday—S p.m., Seaaion meeting Golden Text: "In eveVy thing by the r«tor. at home of DonSdd F\ Irving, color flint. thanks: |©r this is the will of Wedneadty—3:(5 p.m., Junior Monday—11 ».»;, St, Mar^i Tuesday—7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Chapter. God in Christ Jeaut concerning First Church of Christ, Scientist If y»u w»uld lik« to Iroow more «b»ut tHit scientific and junior high choir/ Troop 69. . you." (I The*. 5:18). Tuesday—10 am, Junior Aux- If2 Spriei|field Avenue Summit, Ntw Jertty religion which htels numtn ills and solves human pteb- Saturday—9 ajn., Junior Cate- Sermon, Passages from the First Ev. Lutheran Church iliary. lams, com* to . • " Wednesday—10 a,m., Holy Com- chetical class; 10 a.m.. Junior Choir King James version of the Bible A Branch of The Mother Church. The First Ciiurch of Christ Harry B. Carlson, Pastor munion; 10 a.m., Church World rehearsal; 11 am., Senior Cate- include: • '. •. Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Service committee. , chetical clam "Oh that men would praise the ' Today— (Wednts.dtk.yi — t p.m., Lord for hi* goodness, and for bis Sunday Services at 11 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. AfREE LECTURE Thanksgiving Service. ' St. luke'i Ref. Episcopal Christian Science wonderful works to the children Wednesday Meeting at ?:1B P.M. of men!" (Pa. 10T:21). Correlative 8unday™~9:*5 a.m., Church New FrevMeaee "Ancient and Modern Necrom- paatage* from "Science and Health entitled school; 11 am., Divine worship; Rev. Frank C Roppelt ancy, Alias Hetmerinn and Hyp- 7:30 p.m., Prayer Day Service apon- notiam, Dtfiounced" is the subject with Key to the Scriptures" by Christian Science Reading Room gored by the Woma,n'* Missionary Sunday—9:30 a.m., Sunday for 8unday, November 27. Mary Baker Eddy include: OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Society. school; 11 a.m., Prayer and sermon, <3oldm Text: "The eyes of the "God Li not moved by the breath tHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Wednesday—2 p.m., Cancer Pro- "Good Master," Lord,, run to and fro throughout of praise to do more than He haa 840 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE ject Unit will rrwet In the church Tuesday—1 p.m., Ladies' Society the whole earth, to shew himself already done, nor can the infinite Open dally 11 to 4:30 except Sundays tnd holidayi; also Friday tve- parlors to make bandage*. meeting. strong in the behalf of them whose do less than bestow all good, since ning» 7:30 to 0:30 and alter the Wednesday meeting. Literature on THE WAY OF FREEDOM' heart Is perfect toward him." (II He Is unchanging wisdom and ChrtitUn Science may be read, borrowed or purchased. Th© Community Church Fountain Baptist Church Chron. 16:9). „ Love . . . Are we really grateful by ARTHUR PERROW, C. 5., Unitarian Re*. Leon G Riddle* ' Sermon: Passages from the for the good already received? Then we ahall avail ourselves of Rev. Jfceoti Tnpp King .James version of the Bible of Chicago, Illinois Sunday—«:80 a.m., Church include: "Surely there is no en- the blessings we have, and thus ;'' • .. »• • i • Springfield and Wtl&nm Awnam ..1 school; 11 a.m., Sermon: "Come chantment aratnet Jacob, neither be fitted to receive more." (p.p. Member of the Board of Lecturealilp of the Mother Church, Wednesday-8 p.m., Bible claaa. Into God's House Out of the is there any divination against 2, 3>. , That Early 1 The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Bonton, Mas*. Sunday—9:30 a.m., Junior church Storm"; 8 p.m., Youth Fellowship; Israel: aeeord-Jng to this time it Following a aolo entitled "I school; 11 a.m.; nursery, story 7:30 p.m., sermon by the pastor. shall be mid of Jacob and of Praise the Lord" by Sprbss" testi- Morning Taste groups; .11 am, morning service, Tuesday—8:30 p.m., Deacons and Israel, What hath God wrought!" monies appropriate for the oceii- SATURDAY, DECEMBER sermon: "Dust"; 3:30 p.m., Com-trustees meeting. (Num. 23:23). *ion will be given by Christian munity Young People. Wednesday—Church membership Correlative passages from "Sci- Scientists. ., Wednesday—8 p.m., Bible class. meeting. ence and Health with Key to the The service will close with th* insurance 8:30 p. m., in SUMMIT HIGH Scriptures/' by Mary Baker Eddy following benediction from the The Methodist Church Central Church include: * Bible. Col. 3:15, "And Let the Re*. Jetse IL Lyoaa Preabyterlsa "The Scietice of being unveils Peace of God rule in your hearts, SCHOOL AUDITORIUM to the which aim ye are called in hose who have survived the childhood diseases arid ac- Be*. U V. Boachman, D.D. the errors.of sense, and spiritual 1 Sunday — 9:45 a.m., Church Her. Harold F. Mante perception, aided by Science, one body; and be ye thankful. cidents and who have reached maturity, have some real FIRST CHURCH (3F CHRIST, SCIENTIST, •chool; 11 a.m., Worship and ser- reaches Truth. Then error disap- Amen. problems to face IB this'-tmtbrnobile, airplane; world in order to mon. "Children of the Most High;" Thanksgiving Day—10:30 a.m., pear* . . . Truth, and not corporeal be active when life begins at 40. • - , ... of SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY junior choir will sing; 3 p,m.,'I)edl- Union service of Summit churches. will, la the "divine power which Summit Man Graduates cation, Diamond Hill Community Friday—United Nations Trip of says to disease* 'Peace, be still-'" Many, people are ?lo\vcd down, by strong appetites, eating Cordially Invites You Methodiet Church; Full rehearsal Young People. (p.p. 406, 144>. * From UJC, Crantor. who has satisfactorily passed the have for many years observod*the tongue in looking for clews parties and musirale. a.m., Church school; Worship and requirement* of the business ad- sermon, "The Final Pay-Off"; 4 Friday—8:30 p.m.. Couples Club aa to the nature of a patient's ailment. ministration curriculum and is a p.m., Nominating committee at the Thanksgiving dance. parish house; Central Club at home Sunday—9:30 a.m. Church candidate for a diploma at Union If you observe the yellow stains, that will not wash off of Susan Grove, 1 Prospect Hill school; 11 am.. Church worship Junior College, Cranford. The an. from the fingers of those who smoke, you can image the de- avenue. and sermon by Dr. Barnwell; Nurs- nouncement was made by Dr. Ken- posit of tobacco tars that accumulate on the tongues and in Monday—10 a.m., Sewing group ery and kindergarten groups, 7 neth C. MacKay, president. Mr. the mouths of those who have smoked day after day and year after year. Too often tobacco chewing or smoking is used to in parish house; 8:1Q p.m., Geneva p.m., Youth Fellowship. Smith is a member of Gamma Iota Guild at manse, 120 Prospect street. Monday—7:30 p.m., Boy Scouts. kill the bad breath caused by either too much food, the wrong Alpha fraternity. kinds of food or indigestion. When people smoke, start taking The college will move soon to pills and wake up with a taste that is something awful, no a new building on its' recently ac- wonder they make, a dash for the coffee pot and can hardly quired 56-acre campus which was wait till a cup of black tarry coffee is poured down the throat. formerly known as the Nomahegan The bitter taste of coffee, its astringent action on the delicate San/a Golf Course. A,.•'Clifford Bernard J tissues of the mouth and the solvent action of its hot water Our Tuncral tKome at 309 Springfield Avenue >• of 30 DeBary place is a member gives a temporary sense of relief. This is like using a cheap If the Ring Fits, Wear It— of the college's board of trustees, i perfume to cover up the need for a bath. A Service of Complete Satisfaction If It Doesn't, Bring It In— Those who have studied cause and effect and who have Whatever the Cost SINGER* Vacuum Cleaner learned to analyse why they have that early morning ta»tc, We'll iii« it for you, are finding that by Hvotdfnjf the use of all coffep,tnbacctT and males minor «d|uttfn«nfi Your Holiday liquor, they can rejoice in facing a new day with a nice clean fj exclusive SINGER features taste. for more comfortable make the SINGER* Vacuum P. Burroughs & Son HAIRDO... Instead of taking pills for heart burn and indigestion, the wearing, - ^ Cleaner today's best btly—for "stomach"" Wilt' perform naturally when coffee and its equiva- Funeral Home Christmas .. . for years and lents, tea, chocolate and colas, are eliminated. It will then be years to come. easy to overcome the tobacco addiction. XataHU^ta 1620 Eugene Jung COM IIWIND-rMlt In cord Here is a good "habft to acquire that will make it pos- 809 Springfield Avenue * Summit 6-0259 Watch * Jmmhy Repairing sible to throw the coffee pot into the ash cam As soon as the 4 Beechwood Road, Summit CORO RfH-i»er*t etrd for you teeth and mouth are washed on awaking, drink a glass or A. Burroughs Robtrt B. JUkr John Dttvldum, Jr. SVmtMlt t-lSM TWIM *ANS-in*an Mtlar, faittr two of hot water and then whistle or sing while bathing and tl«an-up dressing. This will bring quantities of air into the mouth that •LOATINO WUSH-*limlnalti bruih will usually oxidize and expel! any volatile, odorous coating on hte tongue. STRIAJMUNIO HOWINO-onty 5 Mqh for graaltr The will power that is created in overcoming the drug "0»t-und»f-oblllfy" Should be something gay and habits of using coffee* and tobacco will enable one to regulate the quality and quantity of food to be eaten. This will pay new like fhe season itself! big dividends, since with the. increasing cost of coffee and Let us create a new hair style meats and the high taxes, on -tobacco, it will easily be pos- sible for the average family to save $400 per year. Tf alcoholic for you that will enhance 0«tf lh« Chrittmtu ru$h. Se# il-iry thh wonder cbanar today beverages are being used, the savings may be easily doubled every good facial feature. by avoiding their habitual purchase. We do expert shaping, trim- SINGER SEWING CENTER A new day will dawn as more and more people find the With an ax in hand 317 STMNantlD AVE. SUMMIT ming, waving. joy and happiness of controlling that early morning taste. •A Hwtm POfk «r Th» S'«B«' Mf, Permanent HOWARD B. BISHOP. B. Sc. Waves start at 10 * An a tubtlhuie for eofjem try n anil a eun within tench! Lifp'Snver Peppermint in a ntp TEMPLE'S ••--•-•••••-.... of hot water. HAIRDRESSING SALON Human Engineering Foundation f MAPLE ST. SIL 8-1878 Summit, New Jersey (Jiwt Around the Corner from "Th*r« «i*r« giants In tti* Write for frer biinklrl - * I t In IIIOM 1" ATTENTION The tint National Bank) High School and I Tho Family Ntxt Door... Our Pilgrim forefathers w«r« Parochial School Girls! magnificent in trteir accompllih- OULD you like I© make tome rrittnts, their fearlessness and Wextm money (or Christmas shop, their independence, THEY bovvtd ping in your *pare time at liomr and the knee to God alone. compete with your fellow atudent*. for WE need not hew a farm from the valuable prim m well? If you are 18 forest primtval, nor live hemnAed !rt by pin« and hemlock, But tht yean old or ovrr, fill out and mail this coupon ami you will r««e«iv« l»y mail heritage of indopendonce and fearlessness it ouri. from one of your loral in«lti»trie« all And so w§ pay to our forefathers, who founded this Thanksgiving necei«aryinforniRlionnl celebration, our profound respect. 'f delay or yo>u moy b§ too fcm» to participate.

shout telephone work that attracts the small fry, trtn ITOENS M f OU6| II the younger member of the Family Next Door. Grownups •re ititfrtittcl in telephone work, MiMy «f (*fipfc«*» w*rli it too* line* good tervke tddi §0 much •y fH« f•*« tfartln fM N«w Jtttty Ml Mtm*»f M$mbm to our tttrydty living, And with •r* 101 m**m ami 4m§Mm ttmMMf ftdertl De,p«ilt telephone men irnl women thtrt it Ifl HiflMnf tNtH VMS Iniwrinie Cere»r«ti»n the feeling of doing t Mtllf worth- i.lli tMtn-Hii IwMftf to ttwrilt whitt fob; tht MHIfiction of prodd- Of SUMMIT, K1W ing A tittl itrt k« tn kht community. »•«••••••••••* THE StfMMfTHEtMO, THUHSBAV. MOVEWltt M Much to Be

• - "-•*•. ••

-.Si From the very moment that we established our bnshtes* act* •$ yt*n ago we determined to stake our future upon the soundness of a rather basic business philosophy ~ our naerchaadiae, store poHdea, and service standards would be attuned t» tiie brand-, price-, and value-consciousness of the consuming pnhtte ia SmmM and the adjacent area. We recognized right from the start that satisfied customers are our most valued asset aad therefor* panned a course designed to serve consumers' needs in a manner that would merit their confidence and establish for os a reputatlesi for reliability, integrity, and scrupulously fair dealing*. Never, hi nearly a quarter of a century of operation, have we deviated from tais course.

Thanks to your loyal patronage over the yearn our tmsiaessi aas growm steadily. Tea indeed, we have much to be thank- fttl for — and we pledge ourselves to continue oar eftorts to nerve yon faJtkffelly and weiL


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'A In preparation for the Yuletide Season, we hav e prepared an extensh« fatventoryo f top quality, nation- ;• 1/ -.'•-. ally famous lines of Toys and Sporting Goods that wtt gbddka the hearts of ymngsten and young oldsters on i Christmas Morn. Our stock represents the products of what aright wrfl be considered the "Who's Who" of i American Toy and Sporting Goods Manufacturers, (indndfog SpawWtng, Wflsea, Uonel, Marx, Gilbert, Wolv- wa erine, All Metal, Smith-Miller, Structo, Buddy-L, Fisher Price, A. C Gilbert, Parker Bros., Wurrmy-Ohlo, a Schwinn, "Flexible Flyer," and others too muneroos to raratioa.) a a a We invite yon to come In and shop early so as io avoid the hurt mlnak tosh when tie selection Is nec- a essarily more limited than now. Or if yon prefer to do year Caratmas shoppmg from an armchair, why not a a make your selections by thumbing through the pages of the colorfo! Toy Catalog that we recently mailed to a your home. a As always, you will fhid our prices eminently fair we will never knowingly be undersold a a by LEGITIMATE competition. a A small deposit will reserve any Item in our store, to be without charge at your convenience a —" and remember that mail and telephone orders receive * a satisfaction is our responsibility — and yon rest assured that we shall continue to discharge a that responsibility to the very best of our ability. a a'si a a a a a a a a a ;< a a a $ v-——.- -'^.TJT-•-».•*-• a a a a a .a •aa a a a a a a a iai a a

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l4 SUMMIT HARDWARE « PAINT CO. 319 SPRINOFIILD AVINUI SUMMIT. NIW JlltlY THE SUMMIT HEKALP. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24. If4f NOTICE TO CaJCDITOBS within M aontht Actuary thet* art the final step* in tht tag Summit a better pia«* for all awj»a«r or tt Its present occupants, let them budgetary procedure. If taxpayers ha*% con- DEATHS Editor, Summit Herall* ESTATE Or JULIA B. OXEABT, Dr. fV*nk B. Jewwtt Jump into the fray, craniums tick- knows M JUUA UURY, D«w structive suggestions to offer they will do When I first attended a meeting Pursuant to th* order of CHABUBB SUMM Funeral service* for Dr. Frank of the Common Council sis'yean lag Isstead of both feet forward, A. OTTO, JB., Surrogate of the Count* HgRAIJ) well to present them now—during tht pro-Baldwin Jewett of Snort Hills were with concrete ideas for the better- of Union, ntftde on the flltteatb As? ago I arrived at til* municipal of November A. D., 1W», upon the ftp-Summit, N. jr. paratory stages of budget making, as dis- held Mosday at « p.m. ia Christ Building with two preconceived ment of the city as a whole. pUcfttloa cf th* undersigned, u Ad- MMa74t2ft Episcopal Church, Short Hills. Rev. Tours very truly, mlnUtr*U>r of the estate of said 4e* cussed in the previous article. ideas: ^ t . cewed notice Is hereby given to tht Herbert if. Cooper, rector Offi- 1—The seven men in front of m ANNA M. MURRAY creditor* of Mid deceased to exhibit Seheherawtde was the ciated, ,. ,m -•- ••;•• to the subtertber under oath or af- Were mere chairwarmers with firmation their claim* and demand* teller of stories in The t An 014 Friend Appears Dr. J«wett, retired Bell T«§a* featherweight unfuactloalng gray DUllkea Federal Aid. against the estate of aald deceased lity WMKKM «f «*v *m«r. la*, phone executive and eng in«*r, died audit 8U**M» trf CUtuUttoa { November brings the first signs of winter matter within their respective cere- Editor, Summit Herald TS* BUBomtt Iw a&« *•» CMMtol J and the Old Farmer * Almanac. The 1949Friday at Overlook Hospital. He bral cavities; It will not be posaible for me to WAS 70. Dr. Jewett had been a di- attend the meeting at the High by eamr edition of that famed Yankee publication ar- 2—The chief function of the at a Bank Street. Inoatt, Hew J«n*r rector of the First National Bank Council was to He awake nights School on December 13 when the CUM matter October 5. MM at tn* rived on our desk last week and we spent a of Millburn since 1&36. K.. J. uadet aet of Marcu 3. l»7» dreaming up ordinances to annoy vote 1* taken on a Housing Au- -bt •»• B mrtwa, and Part a pleasant week-end catching up on the event* thority for Summit. of 1950. LETTERS Although I had voted In two pri* However, I want to go on record This winter's weather will fee "wet.1* mary and two genera] elections ai rejecting the propoeal because Norman 8. Garia Seeks Budget Information December will be bitter cold and contain November 18,1M» and had, therefore, helped elect 1. We have the ordinance of 1M2 Btatric* K. Arthur AdvertWag Manage* three Councilmen, I could not con- more rain and snow storms than usual. Janu- Editor, Summit Herald: which should be immediately and Carl S. Hulett ....". PefcUsat* nect one face with one name. To- rigidly enforced. rmqmiud Una Item* fm jfws* ary will be mild but wintry and on February In la*t week* paper, on the edi- day I still blush at my former ff 1$ 3. We have the reporta from 'tm tmbmttfi a* mmtfy *» •*• «••** «• torial page, you Kicgeated that shame in not only voting unintelll- 2 the groundhog will find the weather so cittceiu tn a community «uch as various bureaus on the housing Copy r#e#tW*T mftit $ p. a*. favMtJp bad he will not come out of his hole during gently, but in having such little to fr« omill^ /r*» la«r**V* !•*•*, ours should begin to prepare them- interest in Summit that I had never condition* which should be used /«7I l*4t«r« le lfc# wfiler NHtfi *• •*«< __2 I the day but in the evening it will dear and selves with a knowledge of the attended a meeting until I had a constructively. budget requirements for running a SPRINGFIELD AND MORRIS AVENUESl will bm puWuhed MKIMS **ft*rw" Summit 6-02(8 6 available, but if I was interested, into our own hobbling brains that* i future generations of Ameri- ... t_ «M/-.u tells how to get rid of rats, how to stay awake there were some chumps all right— in church and haw to physic the cat, how to they would make available to me, cans. . his goodness during the year gone by. With- in their office, their financial re* we were the candidates. We have what it takes to stay safe in thunderstorms and how to use cords and I could make copies of Indeed, it still amases me that Dare to be a Daniel : out this it becomes something of a travesty, hot ashes to resuscitate the drowned, whatever data I felt was impor- Dare to stand alone tant. there are men who will spend many at best an interlude in the work week for rest. One of the notable stories about the hours, many nighta, for a minimum Dare to have a purpose recreation and, perhaps at some football almanac relates how, , an early edition was This seem* to be highly out of of six years with no pay. Council- And dare to make it known. being set up and one of the printers devils order inasmuch am our Board of men, of course, are elected for Let Us Use What We Have! iitelds, riot. Education represent* a going con- three-year terms; councilmen-at- Irene H. Black -DAIRY YARm . . asked the publisher what item was to be cern and I would aasume that In- be Therthankfue arl e fomanr thisy thing; years . wWe aes ar a natioe enjoyingn can ! p|-eed ^^ JuJy ,3 ,n careless ha8te# tht large for two-year terms. But as W West End Avenue asmuch as' It is run by business- there la no way to learn to be a November 10 continued prosperity; we still have freedom j pubUs^,- answered, "Anything, anything." men they would follow the usual Councilman without actually being from war; we have escaped pestilence and i The lad, literally obedient, set up "Rain, Hail business practice of pflbllohlng one, a man's.worth to the city is Saw No Tipsy Voter? THE BEST! their flnanci«rrepojt*,sand if they Increased by- Ihe time the second Editor, Summit Herald:; we continue to stand among all other coun- [ and Snow." do not, I wondelr how. they expect term rolls around. As Mr. Bland As a resident of the eastern part YOU SAY THBr"SlVE \ tries as a beacon pf democracy. We truly can |; *>*««" readers were ama«d but. when a resident of this town, who oc-stated publicly last year, two terms cupies a full-time job to find suf- of Summit, I would like to answer A G-W9S GF should be enough but sometimes a ' ... t. it came to that date the prediction was ful-ficient time to spend in their office the misleading letter in your No- MILK. TWICE man gets stuck as. nobody will be. happy that wrlive in a country where mtd_it really m snow; hai, and rain on during any of the normal work- vember 17 issue of the Summit A DAY? weeks. What they saw may be come forward to relieve him. Herald, in regards to getting free bounty has been showered upon nearly all; j^ ,3j Many people have asked me why O. K. I'LL true, but is also may show some liquor on Election Day, Novem- TAKE . citizens.. ••••"" \ • ' . • • reluctance on their part to reveal we don't have more choice for ber 8, in the eastern part of Sum- their financial position. Councilmen in the Republican pri- mit, I worked on the poll& that JOB/ But we should not permit contentment j^oek of Age* in Danger maries. The answer ia who is going with our lot, even though blessed with a spirit I am forwarding thfat letter to day and no one came to vote while * There are many minor irritations that make to campaign for the privilege of intoxicated or under the influence of thanksgiving, hide the fact that there are you with my permission to include spending «ix years or more in the us unhappy; in fact the complications of mod- it in your editorial page as a of liquor. many in the world not so fortunate. Most City Hall coping with the multitude . em life are so great and so numerous that letter from one of your readers if of problems: the budget, tax rate, I alflo talked to other Election you so desire-, and I am also send- zoning, capital improvements, sal- Board workers in, the East Sum- of the world today remains hungry. Most of i • - . . in a fairly constant state ing a Copy of this letter to Mr. it is still afraid an1 d much of it is under the | aries, etc. far into the night with mit districts and they will vouch s wofe gloofindm ourselveand despondencys . The latest cause Eddy so that he can be aware of plenty of abuse thrown in at public no one came to their voting place control of unwanted governments. f how I feel about his reply. CU "i/otxK (fAxrcjUL —Jo *yhu*j S/ottu,' for private sorrow is the news that the old- meetings twice a month? while under the influence of liquor. At various times we all feel sympathy for i P.S. It could well be argued that , The discouraging part of watch- I wonder where Marvin L. Thoma- chair is being marketed furnishing such information to re- ing pressure groups come and go son received this information? those in other lands but sympathy without ac- | sident* of this town would war- BRENNAN'S DAIRY FARM^ gadget which enables the is the amount of locofocoism exist- Thanking you, I am f tion is too often an idle mood. Thanksgiving I rant additional unnecessary ex- ing in Summit where live some Louis Paul Ciullo cnt& o/ Gddbn, GxiB^ryUipMJC rocker to rock from side to side as well as pense, however, Mr. Eddy pointed of the most intelligent men and 20 Morris court without action is much the same. There are I out in his letter to me that a re- back and forth. This, we feel, is nothing but women in New Jersey. November 17. 11 poor people in our city. There are millions I port of this nature is made to the "FOR A HEALTHIER YOU! a disconcerting trick to upset peaceful, con- State Board of Education and as The housing problem and slum A "lame duck" iff an office holder abroad. Thanksgiving Day is a good day to|templative motion. : -— ••••"• —-•••• long as the information has been clearance is now before us all. If who has been defeated for re-clec- PHONE: SUMMIT 6-1113 SUMMIT,Ni begin to think less of our own blessings and 1 once comBlnetf in this form, the those of good faith, and there are tTdn," but whose term has hot ex- What could be more upsetting in a room- many ,are really Interested in mak- plred. more of the chance we as a nation or an in- 1 a mimeograph form seem* to be •~" "•"•"• - •"•• t ful of gentle reflectful souls all going back- very little indeed if the Board of dividual have to spread those blessings more « Education so wanted the informa- • widely among those who are not so fortunate. 'jeiking from side to side? tion to be distributed. Very truly yuors, And that is Thanksgiving Day. A day of different, altogether at cross pur- "C. V, JOHNSON pleasure, perhaps; a day of worship, we trust;> all the rest. Even if there were Canoe Brook Parkway a day to count our blessings, assuredly; but only two persons rocking together and one Against Federal Housing Editor, Summit Herald: above all a day to share our happy fortune suddenly started going sideways, it would, We wish to congratulate you with the unhappy. How can this be done? In we are ppositive , introduce a jarrinjgg note. As upon your timely and extremely well phrased editorial entitled "A many ways: By a generous offering at church; for a room, or porch, full of people going Little Known Ordinance" which ap- by an extra donation to the United Campaign, from side to side, it would be absolutely fari- peared in the November 17th Issue or by the firm resolve to send a CARE pack- tastic mnd frantic. of your paper. You have expressed age off the next day or definitely do some- rThh e matte« r goes deeper. Much deeper. in a few words the basis of our thing for that private charity that interests Th< kwn«n body is built to move forward opposition to the appointment of a "Public Housing Authority." you. and backward. This bodily motion, as all bodily Our feeling is that our City of- Without this final move the holiday to- motions must, communicates a mood to the ficials should first make a real mind. That is why, perhaps, so many rockers effort to remedy any and ail sub- SALE morrow may be nothing more than a day of » standard housing conditions which permitted absence from the office, store or fall asleep with book opened on lap, mouth r. -,. . ., . i • «•.- saiar and in a blissful state, may exist through a strict and shop. That would make a glorious tradition j ** „- •. .-, rigid enforcement of the Xlttle But take the side swing. Like the shake little more than a sordid memory. Known Ordinance" which certainly of the head or the derisive sway of the body, has teeth. We refer to the Ordi- 47 YEARS OF CEMJmE VALUE it is a negative, protesting, controversial and nance dated July 8th, 1942 entitled Your Municipal Budget an unnatural motion. Consider how unfortun- "An Ordinance relating to the Re- pair, Cloning and Demolition of EDITORS NOTE—This is the sec- ate it would be for a side swinger to associate Dwellings unfit for human habita- ond of two articles discussing citizens' | with others who are strict back and forth tion In the City of Summit, defin- part in the adoption of next year's munic- {rockers* " ing such dwellings, and providing ipal budgets. The first article showed the for the remedies and procedure in } We see no future for this device and connection therewith and to asses* importance of taxpayers giving immedi- 'definitely fail to consider it an improvement the cost of mwh remedies and pro- ate attention to their budgets while tht ion the old-fashioned rocker. Rockers are a ceedings as a municipal lien against budgets are being prepared by municipal [part of the American way of life; they rep- the lands an| premises." governing bodies. resent social security. The back and forth It Is our fftm conviction that If definite steps are taken by the | rocker is firmly a ppart of our heritage but City to compel both landlords and th %win Municipal budgets, which should be the 1 * **** % attachment smacks strongly tenants without fear or favor to d ll i i 0* * «**«™ve P* Seconds count at a traffic light. The man any form, W# sincerely urge that 89 tiling of the budgtt-making process. After I ta _**** «Wf make a quick enough getaway "housing" be handltd within our- • SHIRTS BY NELSON PAIGE *2 f-r if aeliHw — wt hav* numbers of ca- departmental requests art assembled to ** ** *** concerned; but,if he loses a pable clvlcmlndcd Mk# who will form a tentative budget there follow* tiro few sttonds it means that those several cars gladly co.operat« In solving thin $ 9 principal steps by which this budget is mad* I hack will have to sit out another red light. problem in a practical, realistic Th* green light, of course, is not to be manner without outilrt* Interfer- • NECKWEAR FROM 89c to 2« tht municipality's official spending guide, Bttt, rtd or ftwn. a traffic light calls r tnrp or dictation, Tht first is "approval" of a budget by the for al«rtn«t«. rubllc hoimlng «M Introduced governing body. This means that tfwi budget Into th* Clly of Newark wvi>riil Emily Post discovered a few months ago Is ready to be published )n th« local ntws* ypura «fr» and the old structure* and hailed a fact that police and other traf. still rrnitinu*. to i.xt»t and continue ! - GENUINE VALUES - |>tp*r. The second is "adoption,** which it tht He managers had known all along—that In b«. filled with p#opln, and art acceptance of the budget by the gmHm*' #vi»r-«»rrt«r4«t notwithstanding thf to driving means safety in driving. fart Ihut 8,009 public hnuitng units body. ttandbd down • dictum on how to b# should nott that that* steps hair* at traffic lights and stop §ignu: How not W* maintain »hnt any Increaae have dtfltiitt datt limitations: to be nmemm. ill brni «r unduly impatient: In mir low-lnwrn* population will JOSEPH WALGUARNERY January I te F«bruary *~p*fiod to which ntm how MM U dWay tht otfttr ftHow tinntc* add to Summit's operating over- head and litovltftMjr fosult In In- M Uttim** W~4 . Swnmlr. N. A fettdgtti should few."approved. " January tf tily. •awn, and nutwtantlfttly to March ) 1 —p#Hod in whirh bud*** »hmiW And abavt «Ul* If mtmbeAf 6mm thi Urn mir priMMmt school eongtt Uon. If "•dop not a standard cookbook, young readers, she added, . , . ~ j but the work of many busy, IUC- oeaiful womeh who know what's VISIT cooking both in th» world of new and In the kitchen, too. It Is il- Scouts Camp Despite Snow lustrated with drawings, by-.Rich- Seven Seoute ot Explorer Pcxit Dave t)rth, Dave Stileo, Cliff Moss,1 ard Erdoea, and contains many Ifo. 62 apent the week-end despite Bn^Henderson and Don Peterson. ititow^ In the mouTitainsr above the personal comment) from the con- They- were- supervised by Dan THE TOWN HOUSE tributora. • 4 H«ng«r Headquarters at Stoker Krieder of Albany and Senior Crew WESfFIELD'S FINEST COCKTAIL LOUNGE Mr*. Bardeen today received one Forest. The group Is sponsored by of the first copies of th» book with the Men'is Club of Central Prenby- Leader George Ragatz. v th« compliments of Time'* publish- terlan Church. Leaving the church at 10 *:m. er, James A. Linen, and. a book- The afcouts who particlptttfd Saturday thc-y were driven to the .... Pleasant and friendly atmosphere plate inscribed with her name. , were: Dick Hill, Bob, DoUsney, headquarters for consultation with; (he Rangers. From there they .... Cocktails made to your taste ing Inspectors In the production of tramped six miles and pitched State Agencies a standard building code for New camp among the pine tree*. Fol- Jemey, Announcement of the- un- lowing break f transportation wore: Hqnald TURKEY DINNER are working with organisations of A more specific code already In C. Andoraon, Richard T. Orth, W. SUMMIT 6-1000 plumbens, electricians and bulld- uoe is tho one prepared by the John rnlmer flnd Hibbcrt W. Moss. with all Hw tain's Dopartrrient of Conservation and Economic Development as a guide Attention in the construction of one and $2.25 two-family dwellings. Christmas Shoppers! Responsibility for the develop- ment of the standard building JTo pleas* your family %\t% top qwtl-j code -was charged to this depart- PAN AMERICAN jity portraits from the studio of] ment «ome time ago, Erdman ex- • Ju!e« A. Wolln. Appointment* mad* plained, but no money was ap- I now uiar* delivery ©Xjrour portraits propriated for carrying oiit the Kin plenty of time for Christmas, work. 4 Call the studio at Summit 6-0087 J Now the .Division of Planning H today for your appointment and Development in the Depart- hart Schaffner & AAarx Pan American ment of Conservation and..JGCO;: nomlc Development hiuj invited a (the Shetland-fype fabric) to which 114 Central AventiS, corner Quimby Street JULES A. WOLIN committee of 24 people in the . I State from «H branches of the Westfield, AT. /. West 2-3862 ^Summit'* Leading Photographer I building industry to assist in de- something new has been edded in tht 1 vising the code. A group of those 67 Union Place Interested In the electrical busi- way of fascinating color overtones. Evenings ana Sundtyi ness are considering electrical re- quirements; plumbers, working by Appointment with tho State Board of Health, There's an expensive, luxuriously are preparing n second plxase of the code. Building inspoctors will casual air in the smart lines . . . the be Invited to set up standards for Use Municipal Parking Lot — Maple Street — IK blocks rear of First National Bank the phase of construction. i The State Labor Department, which drape of the coat. Give yourself.. . has much to do with engineering and safety, in studying that phaic, and your wardrobe a liftl $C TF and establishing the framework for all sections of the code.

Pellet Members Pass Basic School Exams Police Chief Edward K. Egan this week announced that the fol- lowing department memherji were graduated Thursday night n\ Wwt- field from the Union County Chiefs of Police hasic training: school. The graduates nr.d thrir averages were: Francis P. Kelly, 91.1R; John .JLVan Tronk, 90,72; V.m\ P, Sobllo, 80.43, and Bdwnrd .1. rvrnorjlftn, 84.22. Thr> cour^r- Insr^d fight weeks.

Anyone may apply for a mortgage at the First National Bank BENEFIT BY THIS YM do Mf dove f» g«r someone tlst to moke the GOOD NEWS tWMH|v«i ytt* t*t*, J»p mall, too. Or cad Summit 4-4000 and well bo glad to la « ftoHi with you about Hie many advantage! of « FIRSf WORLD NATIONAL mortqaa*. 4 »/»•/• rate—4% iindtr O. I. if «va«H w»»i«l» MM m«a1i » n

)#t( IMHIM, f««ir l tkmt •••»». rlitti k ** *«lirtNrt« . L U, THI CHMITtAM SCIIMCI MONITOR. ln|ry imhirmmi OrMr H«rt UhmHmf i Mm Ms** **4 fli* Clirlitlt* I AMD TRUST COMPANY OF SUMMIT ilSTIM T»n4*y «!«»••« rt*tl#»t «NI "TM Cl M«Mlt«r


COMMUNITY tcttri V1OBXCB Aun* Girailo Block 43, lx>t» , jseis, inc. B k K, Park Sr. of MorrUtown; three 19,12. H U -• or lorecloie the right 7:00 p. m. MM Sarth Gilley of Metle* of a*te of Property fa* N«w~ Jimmy M CJIT^JC. Block M/X*w Th« («4« 1. made under th. I Schools HoW brothara, Raymond and Roscoe r»rsuat •/ Taxes asd toammtmt* l Motorists Asked Cran ford will tell of "Agape/1 Bap- league t« meet la Borough Hall, M..H. 3S-3« jl^oa of sn act of Legislature'•« ' Hart of Hackettstown and Alpheus for tb« ?t$t IMS aai pr* Right of Way be received at the pansonage Wed- recreation committee. Rev. Reece Hill, pastor of the ough of N»-w ProvWen.ce, on ttse IStb 9 \ Thanksgiving d»y of December, IMS, »t three o'clock *::!; uxitrmt «ii Btiii »mouat from may &e redeemed by the D.W tt0' ' BOROUGH-At the November nesday at 8 p. m. Choir rehearsal*,: New Providence Methodist Church, in the afternoon, the follo*Ui| d«- the **id first day of Jtulj to the date th« undewlgntd, the coliSf of ' BOROUGH -In keeping with Tiutea, belor* the »*le, 0{ the ~«t 14 meeting of Borough Council, Junior*, Wednesday at 3:30 p. m.; conducted service* Thursday at rlMd lands: of KBIC. «£d eiMta of sale. 4u* thereon. . "n-.ouni tradition the elementary and : Councilman Carl M, Stuehler, Epworth and Seniors on Thursday S#rvrc»$ H«W for 2 p.m. in the William A. Bradley AUta & Sally H MkthtcHm. Said laadt will be frold in fee to Junior Hlfh School classes at Lin- such p«ir%oa a* *rUl purchase th| *wne Given, under my haO«-45 i subjwt to redemption *t the lowi-st November AD., 1949. • . ' *° °*y o! , ..cola School held Bundle Day No- Mrs. Harvty Park Spring Lak« Gardens Block 2. •-. j.nit- cf utiere^t. out la no ease iu «»- vember 33 in commemoration of wrote Borough Clerk Thomas Mus- notes of indebtedne&» on Decem-' Chatham. Burial was In Union LOU 13. 33, H 3», 52. W, 5*. i cum ol elgl»t p«r centum per annum. •on a letter pertaining to Fire De- ber 11 at 11 a. m. BOROUGH-Mr». Mary Hart Cemetery, Hfckettttown, M, M, 57. 5S» 59 ..\*1-:. »4».O5 Th* payment for the e»we K1J»U be Collecta Thanksgiving. Old clothing ThOf. l>. Kern«-r Block 2. Xot brought by children was placed on partment matters. The council- th« stage at the two awembliea men requested that the Herald held Wednesday morning. This publish the letter, a copy of which program ia sponsored by the Serve was received after last week's the Child Federation, a national deadline. The letter follows: organisation. Last ye*r the re- The chief, William Vignali, and sponse was so tremendous the the president, C. E. Fischer of school had to ask headquarters in New Providence Hose Company New York for more shipping bags. No. 1 have brought a matter to my attention which k causing the Jr. BUS. Tea December 2 company serious inconvenience. Supervlsirvg Principal AllerfW. On a considerable number of fire Robert* announced that a Junior cells lately, private cars have got- High School tea will be held In ten in the way oft the fire truck .. th* auditorium, Friday, December and also itr the way of the volun- Xjl to which mothers of the seventh, teers who follow the truck. e4|:hth and ninth grades have been In a particular Instance on the invited. Because, expert advice afternoon of the eleventh, the fire i was necessary, Mr. Roberts re- company was answering a call in : •••>*- r'fi ported t%t Dr. Eugene Wtlkirur, Maple Street when a private car dean of Instruction at Newark was backed out of a driveway in Stat« Teache*» College, has been the path of the oncoming truck engaged "as apeftker,' Hte topic will and the owner proceeded to go to be "Problems of Adolescence at the fire at his own speed in front Home and at School^ of the truck. After the driver had In his report to the^ijoard Mr.' been remonstrated with at the ', ,)-._. --W- V •.'••' 'X;,'>" :"• • y. .Roberta said he was' ,cbtjylact& scene of tho fire, he still did not that parents and teachers Would aeern to realize the seriousness of prefer to keep the full length noon hi* conduct. hour rather than shorten the prc* It is not the purpose of your fire sent ore, which action had been committee or of the fire company i considered., He explained that to *iteyey summonses* issued to this recommendation wa« based memoirs qt our community at upon the accepted fact that small every opportunity. However, if ty' .-.."• .V.-. r-.M- .children need time to play and re- the company continues to be im- lease their energy by means of ac- peded in theiWefforts to^jtnswer tive games. The school head added fires, such stops ^may have to be that a plan is now underway to taken. \_ , acquire permission for the use of Rules of Conduct Academy street for play purposes The cooperation of all our citi- during the noon hour. He ex- zens is needed and we ask that plained this plan would provide the following rules of good 'eon- sn open »pace with a hard «ur- duct be followed by those not face, members of th« fire company: Small Number of Failure* A—When a fire siren sound* and Mr. Roberts said that only 17 you know where the fire U, do not students out of 433 received failing park your car near the fire or near marks in more than one subject the approaches that would be used for the first report period. He by our truck and the volunteer*, said, "This Us a very good per- Or the approaches that would be centage for the first marking pe- used by any other fire company riod. 'Conferences have been held answering our cell for help. with aome parents whose children B—Whenever you hear the truck have failed to cooperate with ex- siren, pull to the right hand side pected ability. of the road and stop until the The school said a teachers' truck and the volunteer's cam meeting was held following return have driven by. reatest ompl a iver — from the annual convention of the- .The memben of the fire com- Had! New Jersey Education Association pany are highly (killed in their art In Atlantic City; November 11-13 but they cannot make use of their "•"" Topool the^experience of the manyskill if we citizensi prevent them teachers who had attended. He from getting to the fire, or once •aid the teachers' meeltng la#ted having arrived are Impeded by . until 5 p.m. and "then w* reluc- the clutter of cars parked In their tantly left for our homes." way. Attendance percentage for Octo- ber was reported as .9527. *» Approval of bedside Instruction lor a-boy was approved with Mr* Helen Armstrong tm teacher. Dis- trict Clerk Thomas Musson said it was the first ouch case here in 17 years. It wa# reported that budget estimates have been submitted to committee chairmen where re- quested and that necessary infor- mation k* In readiness for a spec- ial finance meeting to be held Monday night. Board Member Bber Ate volun- teered to represent the board offi- cially at the annual meeting of the State Federation of School Board* December 3 in Trenton. He will go with instructions from the local ... board on how It feels on various matters to be voted upon, Mr. Ale having power to vote. Mr. Ale will also represent the board at an JOHN BIRD executive awtrfon of the Union (8tory on Page One) County School Hoards Association to be held November 30 at the of- fices of the Summit Board of DEEDS Education. BOROUGH - The f o 11 ow inf Loren Gay, chairman of building deeds for real eiitate transactions and grounds committee, WM au- ve been recorded in the office thorised to proceed tr» determine of Herbert J. PIUKW, registrar, the nature of repair work needed Court Hoiwe, Elizabeth: ©n the floor of th« school's gym. Adeline and Alfred Zangnrn to NUMBERED AMONG THE HAPPIEST Cadillac owners ire many, many building. Throughout all this time, there has been the strictest adher- naaturri. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Roaato, property \n Eighth street, flft.feet dealers who sell and service other well-known makes of cars. ence to the highest ideals of engineering and production. Not once has from UvliiKnton avenue. Cttthprlnc Totmn, widow, to Air They feel perfectly free to avail themselves of Cadillacs because they the inflexible rule of quality been eased for a single day. Boro Calendar Reduction Sale* Co., property In Mountnln avenue, at the »outh- know that all the world holds Cadillac in a class apart. Hence, it is no itorly corner of lands of Air It is a wonderful thing to own s,,ch a car, It is a wonderful thing to NOVKMMCR Reduction Balm Co, reflection on the cars they sell when they seek, for themselves and M~Thur*. THANKSGIVING DAT HUlvlew Homo*, Inc., to Mr. and drive it-to relax in it-ami to have ita * a cherished possession. All •—Tue*, 1:80 p.m. N. P, DIMIM &fr«. Edward Blltworth. lot 9, their families, the exclusive advantages which "the Standard of the skin Group will meet at thi Mock 39-A, nwip of HUlviw Valley, in all, it enhanres the enjoyment «f the whole day's activities. home of Mrs, D, Rycrson, H section 1. World" provides. Springfield Av*. A dtocumlon ' HIUVIPW Homw, Inc., to Mr. and We think you wodd sense all tlm-and more-after an hour or so on County Oovernmprtt will be MM. William Cornellon Mdntyro, This, of course, is the greatest compliment a motor car ever had— J*d by Mm. W, nond and Mm.lot t, block n, msp of HUlvlew at the wheel. Why not come in some day, q«i,c s, section 1, and the respect upon which it is founded has been fifty yifc*iri in the HUlvlew Homes, Irtc, to Mr. and that's a revelation? Wc should be happy t<> have you any time. 1—Thurs., 1 p.m. PTA En«utlv Mrs. Melvln R. P«pp«rrt, lot I, meeting at th# home of Mr* block afl'f, •rtH'tlwn 1, m«p of Hill* W. W. Orot*-, Umph M, view VtiHpy. f—Trl., IM p.m. Junior High Mr. iintl Mr* ftaymontl W. 8Uf* Ctaa* Tea Tth, »th * Hh ford to Mr. and Mrs. V*mm Q, l(rad»# in th* Lincoln §<*hool Rayiwford. property in Auditorium. Dr. lug«n« Wil- drive, J20 f»#t from Va|i»ntin« kins, I>«in »f N, J. State If f $p*mk on "Th» mnmt 9mm CotwcH to M«tt HI* rrt rHd*y, Nw#mrwf p, at ; jprlll mm In tilt l*r**t>yt# • p.m. Ill BomHih H«ll. ftmf$ Purls* Hmm t p i Is t^# ttm *4}mtM4 m tttm th§ W»*tin%#f u MMtliii §1 lima « «!«* mm/mm **4tn* J ntrwducMl try a 4

Wvofct D*crt« Glvtn They wer* married Jan. M, 1*11, Safety Plea Made TO\VNSHIP~Mrs. Myra gchijs.s, at Goshen, N. Y., and desertioa S allegedly took place i« May, 1MT, To Motorists t* on Novemto«r»10, wu ad There are thre« chUdrea, whOM vi*i-5 & yuiitnt-nt of divorce from custody will go to the mother, wtaa Jo*.; !i 8. hiUH of Springt\ "Since speeding is the leading Johanna Rlefler to Wilhelmlna Audrey and Harold S. Bishop to avenue, 323.^2 feet from Snydcr ness for Mr. Hill. He stated that cause of fatalities, it ' behooves J. and William M. Dietz, property Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Felker, avenue. tioh. One lone penon «ald that the LoCastro car was on the he got attraction out of good every driver, for his own sake if wrong side of the road immediate- not for the sake of other*, to keep grades. Muaic, cheerleadlng and ly prior to the crash. The Court clubs were all high In the list his speed down to a rate suitable found Hill not guilty and rendered for conditions," he declared. Sport* activities and teachers a verdict of guilty as to LoCastro. The New Providence Township headed the list as being best liked Fine and coat of $8.00 were Im- Highway Safety Coordinating in the school. Other things men- posed upon Mr. LoCastro. Committee consists of Chair- tioned aa being best liked were George M. Magee of Jersey City Ihan Monica and J. Eich and Chief etudents in the, school, girls, build- pleaded guilty to passing a stand- of Police D. V. Ruaso, Jr. 50 WAYS NEW ing and campus, clubs, courses of- Ing tchool bus and paid fine and Nnr nsw-MM j fe-red, administration of the school cost of (11. signtd to start quiet, run qul«t and the many towns represented Robert J. Ward of Newark, paid Scouts Granted Nnr tdfMbladiftn-woopi In in the fltudent body. fine,and cost of $6 upon pleading mort sir at lowir, quieter fin More than one hundred students guilty to a charge of careless ip«edi. felt that they had too much home- driving. Use of Gym at New tmm par—it's midt of "httJlud" nulsriil for e«ffs" work, Eighteen students thought qulBtnsu. New camshaft has that there was a lack of courtesy Columbia School lobts dtsiined for quitter FORD for valve optratlon. on the part of students. Clique* Community Church TOWNSHIP — Boy Scouts, Ex- .W€ce^ftQwne4 on, by the juniors plorers and Cubs were granted the and seniors. Thirty-*even per cent To Be Dedicated use of the Columbia School gym- The one ftne car of the students felt that they did nasium on Friday evenings by the not receive enough help in the Board of Education Monday night. Sunday Afternoon The organizations also were gran after high school. TOWNSHIP Diamond Hill ed storage space in the building. in the low-price field Hundreds of suggestions) were Community Church will be dedi- The Stony Hill Players were giv- made for Improving the high en permission to use the gym- cated Sunday at 3 p.m. Puihiuttina'aor hindfi an- fchool. They ranged from less Presiding at the service will be nasium for a play and dance Jan- chored at both end». A "(ouch AdrtncH lili.s. Ill MiflM, too homework to making the school Dr. George Y. Flint, DD., former uary 28. Part of the proceeds will of a button ii all It tshes— and —flvts remarkable gai and day shorter, Most of th« sugges- District Superintendent of the go to the new school library. you un'l eiteh your slieve. oil economy. tions made were reasonable. Twen- Newark Conference of the Metho- Supervising Principal Kenneth ty students felt there should be a dist Church. Dr. Flint is presently Bothwell reported 263 parents vis- swimming pool. One girl wrote "A pastor of the First Methodist ited the school in observance of number of students need manner* Church, Warren. Ohio. Dr. Flint, American Education Week. He beaten Into their heads." Younger will deliver the dedication sermon. reported attendance at the Super- teachers was another suggestion. Assisting him in the service will be intendents Convention in Atlantic Dr. Everett P. Hallock, present City, the Union County Superin- The results of the questionnaire District Superintendent, and Rev.tendents meeting, the New Jersey " aisst. Initru- were interesting and worth the Roger R. Evans, pastor of theEducation Association convention menu, Illuminated by soft, mm- number of hours required to tab- glare "black light", are grouped lrt s tingle large elustsr for May Church. Special dedication music and a meeting of the Union County reading. Naw colorful cones** control knobs contrast j ulate the papers according to War- will be provided by the choir of Schoolmen's Club. with lighter color of panel. ren W. Halsey supervising princi- the Grace MethodlM Church of The school will cooperate with pal of Regionul High School. Kearny. William Oertler, chairman the township Recreation Commit- of the Board of Trustees, will pre- tee In staging a Christmas party LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT* sent the building to Dr. Flint for for township children In Columbia the dedication. At the conclusion School next month. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS of the service Alvah Yeager, Final payments on the new NOTICE 18 HERSBr OIVEH th»t Church School superintendent and school addition were deferred I Frank Jeck«l, tax Mt«»or Of the Whit* ndtwoll l/rei available «t eifrgxctf. | P of New trusrtee, -will seal the cornerstone pending a final checkup and cor- J°??J?? ||UUP of N PProvWeneeW , wwililll ilt '"£? Jown H»ll. Berkeley mightsh , on of the building, A reception will rection of several known deficien FR1OAT EVENING, NOVBMBERlS. 1MI. follow the •ervlce. clear. irom 7 to II o'clock, to glte taxpayers William C. Rusno, vice-president, 1t» fari "Irtetwr BedlM hav« more strength. Carefully planned »n opportunity to r«rl«w their rial The n«w Church building, lo- application of sealing and insulation material throughout the m»t» »nd penonal tsieumenu be- presided In the absence of ^ entire body structure mean n«w comfort and riding pleasure. cated oh Diamond , Hill road in TKi 19S0, ford H 50 woy* new and f#r*er ,.. richly colored upholstery fabrics. New push 'nre th« boo*. »r« closed (for MM, Mulholland, president. Honorsbljr dUch»rf«d aoldlatat and Berkeley Heights, was constructed from new heavier gauge steel home and 13 way button door handles, new rotary secure door PJwJwlf "quested to through the volunteer effort* of stronger "Lifeguard" Body to new deigned latches. Dust and water seals at 41 place*. ln(l b n|wl h m the- Church members, who worked S IVHc h »r " ' t™ «>•»* celling and seating for grieafer K«arJ room. New Eleven brand-new baked-on •namel colon thot :l* . * ** f»P«» so as to b« *licembpr fl, at th«» Fl«gnhlp, the Church htm grown to the point Rout* 21, Union. wrhwt It now Jwu uevMity.flv* Tickets will bp Hold MI a first members, a Church school of 115 eomR-flrjit fo bn*l« and nil Hoont- scholars, and a woman's giilld of <*r« h«vp b#«»n urged to nwikr- thHr New fieiH SMh with him 50 members. BfaHdwi **rvlnK as « r u «8i r fw« rf#rrv«tioni», Annoiinrcrnr nt an to |i(|ln| aprlnn *i* firmly center (or rtllgloua education, the RMt ntdd (Ntti ahip*. »hy pay mort new building also nerves us «i eom- mumHy e#nt«r for scouting group* will be mad* neit the Mtowlnp ratm »/ ftitd similar youth actlvitl#n. The Thf» group mrt Thursday niw building is a two-story atruc- «(, th«t Lincoln JHohool, Cithm$ Trutt tur«. Th« uprftaJr* contain* the Another ruMstlng k jtclwdulH this w#»k In Clurk Tflwnnhlp, Mi»rn~ Company? sAnetuary, with a noatlng p«p«Hty of iw» lm«dr«d twnnty«flv«, *nd hem wtlll *r» #*iUng "Kent RaJh- an <*iloe> and ehalr tnnm. Th« W»y" bdttorn in bn worn «t th#» I1«hw*y «*s>S-«ewr «MhM sf It. nrc $1 «t yr«r. H on w«m«l mt*rs tiHt mm WlfSWBll #H nft#§ Illi ffif ltiff«0# UMIW— 2t.f w, *r. of wob!« room than any ear In fti clou,far o n even big get rwn and « lart« kll<*h*«n. r fr»nal ftl|h fvm. D In D««tmi>#r Orehpntm will phiy, TOWTfUHIf • < Mm Howf»iul; UrD I, B«rk«Uy H»lfhtn, to nn m§ Hmot R«lt In th# »#o«n- DE^DS Thtrtlfl inyourfufurt ;' f-J h*r emk'§ emtml M4 hf H*tt»t TOWNiHIF -- Th*« See .. .hear ... and feel the difference of for rtwt «*tat t h« »»*fl fll*d in «h# offle* if fyfunbuiftm Morfetrt $. Pturm, rtftetrAf, Qmtt at your FORD DIALIR'S Oil Utf ft Bllhth Mr, «n Mr, *nd MM, tf«N»n h, fttmim, At 8prlfl| prof#rty In twin fill* tm4, Wf Ji list «f t fttt from V»fl»y rn»d, It pnt«nd#d, DILLON MOTORS, Inc t l pt Mr, tn« MM. Ai»*rt itoitfrt <• mm }n tit* Mpp#r 19 ftr »*nt «f Mr. *n<\ Mm AitMft Mektri, Jr. •if 1 wH&nm flmm ttmm ix o«kWi piM», iM.si his «•)«•« H» f# * •opnomnr* ini Till § r>M sm All Dm I* maisHnf in twjp work and lift ttma Hm p\ut, filwt^. f?l»r» 1, JNeitf t« Mr, ii4 Mro. , THURSDAY. NOVtMtEltt4. If4f Utm taHdtaf, Waraaneo P»rk,| Ocrsuui . _ tol 'JuitBtfen th« Battle Mother- EUlsabtth, at 8:80 a. no., or the ei animals w 4oi vi» & popular toog duri&g ta* Bird Feeing Aids Now Howdy-Doody Drew Student office ia J«n«y Jump I' iftti Ncmfed, Resldenfs To/d Features TeHs OW Guard rorest at W. y, 11 "Now ls> the Uaw to put oot fowl brtasfe pile, threw feet* in diameter to attract our winter bird MaKsate and three feet high, su protection Parade Tomorrow to our feeder* and gardens," de- for the ground feeders. About Poland Downs of Howdy-DooSSy charac- Sec Qur Fine clared James B Hawiey, of St What to feed Includes table QUICK FALL ters tanging from puppets to an ^ Bora ia Brooklyn, a veteran of Tulip street, chairman erf the* Sum- scraps, suet from the meat coas- eight-foot farmboy along with World War I, after which be re- Selection of mit Bird Vf©rkshop which awersi ter, bread crumbs, aad seeds which turned to bis parents' home in years, ago organised a\nd bs* car- Clarebell in person will lead the may be purchased In variety at annual Thanksgiving Day parade Poland, and now a graduate stu- CHRISTMAS LOANS tied on a winter bird . feedlag aay hardware store or feed-man. of L. Bamberger & Co, tomorrow. dent at Drew University, Prof. project ."•••• The-seed* include hemp, millet, GREETING CARDS Even though the weather h«* re- thick feed, and sunflower, MUny More than 75 groups of floats Joseph SiciepkowskI apoke to the Now Being Made and marchers will take part m the mained mild, the bird poprtatloa birds love peanut butter/ which Old Guard on Tuesday, November In Record Time! has changed, Mr. Hawkey rawttii- mile-long spectacle with sections 19 on "Poland Today in the tied.' The robin* that a/e seen now devoted to Christmas greeting fat and flour, or spread on stale cards,.storybook people, the ani- If You Can Use are those that summered farther bread. The experienced save the Not a generation of Poles, be mal kingdom and holiday lore. north, and the bluebirds that are. seeds from melons, squash and said, has been without wars and The parade wil follow the line •o eagerly looked for are also from pumpkin* for th« birds?. Farsight- prioon cells; and yet Poland be* of march of loot year starting at colder areas. To induce these and ed people plant berry bearing given great contribution* to cul- '25 »'500 other species to spend the winter buahes, Hr. Hawley said. His best f :30 a.m. at the City Schools Stadi- ture, to civilization and to re- here, the proper food zmmt be pro- advice I* to "feed generously, reg- um and proceeding down Roseviue ligion. Ariiong its leaders have SieUf TODAY! vided. • ularly and in variety" Several avenue to Orange, street and been John Wycklifife, John HUM The birds that will almost surely people have discovered that stale thereby reaching the intersection and a few Hussites who rein- be seen at one's feeding station doughnuts becoming rancid attract of Broad street at 10:35 a.m. Con- spired-John Wesley at a time of We'll arrange your loan are: Bluejay, brown creeper, car- some birds, tinuing down Broad street and need, also many others in the fields of music and art, together dinal, chickadee, crow, graeltle, . Interest in the study and feed- into Market street the parade will in record time, O«e visit with Koaclueko, the military ge- junco, nuthatch, house *parrow, 1 tog of wild birds is probably one turn the corner into Washington —same day service. Pay- nius and Marie Curie, the discov- sosng sparrow, tree sparrow, white- of the fastest growing hobble* In street before the store st 10:55 erer of radium. ments apread over 20 throatea sparrow, titmouse, downy the country today, and possibly In Bamberger's reviewing stand for woodpecker and hairy wood- the world," Mr. Hawley added. Today the ^Methodist Church Is months, if you like. executives and invited guests will pecker. -"One thing we can vouch for is working, in harmony with the be located at the Washington Bird* that might be seen at tbe that we know Interest is rapidly government, end now has 126 street entrance where Santa feeder or in the garden include: increasing in the Summit area," churches and needs many ftiore Phone JOHN BROZEY of SUmmir 64120 Claus will alight from his sleigh Bluechird, cedar warning, flicker, In proof of this, he produced rec- pastor* for whom the speaker and mount the marquee to lead the or just stop in ... tell him how much you want .. goldfinch, evening grosbeak, her- ords of birds observed in the past expert© to return again to Poland spectators in Christmas carols. mit thrush, golden-crowned king- fire yeara They showed: as president of a theological semi- hell take care of you at once. let, ruby-crowned kinglet, mourn- j Featured in the extraveganaa IJU 1946 1MT IMS »S» nary; for be believe* that the ing dove, robin, yellow-bellied sap- \ wil be a tremendous Peter Babbit Slavs can help build Up there a sucker, fox sparrow, tm who wiggles his ears as he eats the warleaa, peaceful, truly Christian hawk, sharp-shinned " *.«».»» largest carrot in existence; a Jack- society. The thanks of the 93 men towhee* . iw©nt$aj in-the-Box, who perform» weird 953 3.85O 3,324 7,382 present were extended the speaker So many questions are asked eon- l^^u """' gyrations; Simple Simon fish- 1 by Dr. W. M. Gilbert, November EMPLOYEES cernlng how and where to feed I Spades'. 29 33 47 39 U ing in his pail; a Dutch wirr '"*') chairman. that the Workshop offers the foJ- \ gJJS^ 15 float e» pretty as a picture; an 2S 28 38 80 Five new members wepe received lowing suggestions. Feed on the The great increase is largely Arctic whale'that really and several visitor* were Intro- LOAN COMPANY ground. In shelters, and on the | due to the more devoted and wide- gallons of water; a carousel as gay duced, including Edward W.. Allen, 48 MAPLI STRIET many different types of feeders spread observation by the Increased aa a circus, and Santa Cl«us in who was born here over 70 yeans •uch as boxes, trays and hanging drawn by eight reindeer Lie. 1M andrLOOE number of individuals taking partf ffklgh . drawn by egt r ago. Letttew and cards were read stick*, off 'the^r ground. Always many of whom gather data from daBhiTigV'over- the rooftops a no 4 , from Florida; San Antonio,' Texas, provide water. Build a goodaiwd ' Interested neighbors, it w«a stated. over the wall." and^ Bristol England. Dr.-Ralph Dlefendorfer, presl f dent of Japan's International Christian University Foundation PREPARE FOR will be the speaker at next Tues- day's meeting. THIS WINTER A Cold House Ia County Hikers to Net a Home. Call Visit Jenny Jump • 27« About Proper Insulation and Mr. and Mrs. F. Kertej of Perth Amboy will lead the Union County Storm Windows* SUMMIT DEFT. STORE Hiking Club over unmarked trails and abandonded roads through the 34 MAPLE ST. SUMMIT, N. J. wooded area in Jenny Jump reser- Summit Lumber Co. vation in Warren County on Sun- day, November 20." The late fall coloring of the hilb should make this a good trip for those who enjoy fine scenery. The hike will cover nine mlleo. Water QUITS BUSINESS will be available at noon. Partici- SUMMIT, N. J. pants will meet at the admlnistra- BUT YOUR HOUDAf T 4 DAYS LEFT NEEDS TODAY'. AND OUT WE GO Enam«Ud Rooster For 20-lb. Fowl; 25-lb. Roost Every Article In The Store Oblong Shape *«lf roa*tar h .o.y » i Must Be Sold be »Wena

THIS IS POSITIVELY A CLEAN OUT Peep and Roomy Blue TABLES CHOCK FULL OF BARGAINS Enameled Oval Roaster TABLE No. 1 TABLE No. 2 TABLE No. 3 For 18-!b. Roast .. .

Just th« size, shape and sfyle roaster you've needed Aluminum Roaster for so long, and now at Stars thrifty price you can af- Holds 12-lb. Fowl 20-lb. Roast ford to own. Holds 12 to 14-lb. fowl or 16 to 18-lb. Now Only :•••>• *• I * Highly p«Hih*dl Mtrvie* w*igM roast. Deep oval shape provides more room for high num hoi Hrtlfl flnllh bottom for fait h««t c breast fowl,Well and tree for easier baiting. Select yourri v»nt. Ovfll h COPPER BOTTOM . . . absorbs htat 6 times faster than steel . . . saves fuel . . . cooks over tow heat! Values up to $1.50 Values up to $250 Values up to $3.00 I STAINLESS STEEL COOKWARE


DON'T FORGET — Get Your Share .4 *t. Cevered 4 qt. h

body fwlsti food tmM Mbws etskff. SUMMIT DEPT. STORE mm 4p I # SUMMIT, N. J. ^k ^^J^M^ ^^&^^^k^d j|u||^^R i- room *»""

i\U six room* are completely furnished with perfectly scaled plastic furniture. The little family of 3 has a |i car. Baby's nursery is lithographed with Walt Disney -^ cartoons. It's a house full of fun. House has safe A • rolled edges 23%" x 8" x 16". JIail, Teleservice. . "(

9.98 Howdy Doody rocker 4.5)o Battt'ff ownmtifical bear l.aO Ton pi«"o tcltfc 8 key* m Rock back and forth MI it and it playa "It's Wind the key and he playi a charming tune. A young virtuoso will have a gay time banging Howdy#©oo

5-car electric train


mm wife

mw.mm |llilli^i« ef» nothing el,e to b,iy~-the train it complete and ready to ,run. It e.n with Blue 15.98, come, with engine and 4 car. of pre,Sed lithographs! metal, a 8peed «•• e, 12.9B; Windup the fi control, long-life tratiafortner and 10 track ieeW lt' m ideal wt m«l»t w S goes. It has •nd wUl enthrall your ma*«II boy, Write, call Morriutown Tel^fviw. ladders. Fire btaeket. with tiren. "¥°« get

«^ Ill .^•^•"iHV,^ infers «« !h* iW«. ifPSil Morrislown

MrnJi 'hm Jl THE SUMMIT HEIULD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, If4f Legion Auxiliary Virginia Girl . Two Girls Are Engaged Harriet C. Lot tin Dancer Nature Club Hears Noted Bander0 /o Is fiancee of BaldEagles Relate Hi* Experience* Plans Rummage Engaged to attempts to walk, Chwles U Broley spepds. the they Montana Man two moatbi of January and Feb- to use their wicgs the-, Sal* Next Week Gilmer Twombly to make safe land in The engagement Is announced ruary in Florida banding young " Thuwdiy ajtd Friday, December Mr. and -Mr*. Johsn E. Boyd of eagles in the nest, he told the crashing several Vint X and 2, have be«n »et as the date* South Boston, Va., iainounce tie of MiiS Harriet Chapel) Lattin, the limb ahd at f.. daughter of Mrs. Clarence L, Lat- Summit Nature Ckib Thursday for the fail rummage sale of Sum- e&gagvmejit of their dtught*r, evening. In April the young birds side down. •£ u Miso Kathryn Jeaxme Boyd to Gli- tln of M Whitney road, Short Hilto, wit Unit IS*, American Legion Auat- begin to fly north, the adults leav- Mr. Brotey keeps Vv, Wary. The *al« wfl*- b* held at TS nt"* r Twombly, eon of Colonel and and the late Mr. Latttn, to Joseph records of 225 nest* Wayne Dunlap, Jr., son of Mr. and ing a few weeks later. From June in Union place, sear Staple itr«t. Mrs. Edward B. Twombly and until October there are no young which he checks each y* Mrs. J. W. Dunlep of Seeley Liake^ i&r.. Contribution* should b* taken to grandson of Henry B. Twombly, eagle* In Florida and after July are believed to be 450 Montana. the American Legion beme, 14 Elm. of this city, no adult birds. • state. Eagles'very rarely Hiss Boyd attended StaUl HtetL If Mr*. Eog«n« MeCsfet 1* Mie« Lattin attended Abbot Of the 1,100 young eagles he has three eggs, and not too( Teacher* College, Farmville, V*., Academy- at Andover, Maw., for two, and too many par, .....called . *hn*d of. .time shet will be banded in the last 10 years, al- tnd.U a graduate ©f ttw radios? only one egg. And there to receive article*. Telef host, three yean and is now' a senior .at most 10 per cent have been "re- Summit 4-2621. For thoie who can- graphic departmest of the Univer- Penn Hall, Chaanbersburg, Pa. oae egg has been haterpne sity of Virginia^ Ch*rlotte*vll!e, covered," I.e., met death in various ye«rs. The mortality ;.. (:;Itt. not deliver their donation! them- ways and their bands returned to selves, arrangementswill be made Va, . ' ' ' for this small iner , Mr. Twombly was la the class Washington. DC. This is a tragi- Very few ease, to pick them up by .calling Mrs. Variety ot Aprons cally high proportion and seems to John Conant, 4066. . j of '40 at Phillips Academy, An- are made of the dover, Mana, and iif with South- Indllcate the gradual decrease of year old birds, Acceptable contributions include the «peck» if it is not corrected, eastern Cottons, Inc, New York To Be Sold by Among the articles clothing, household articles, pic- City. Mr. Broley stated. The fact that hat 34, turei, Jewelry, children'* toys and more young birds are killed than Broley has found in r Sunshine Society Webe are seashella. found in p^. furniture, and all torts of mis- Mist Rathryn J. Boyd Mitts Harriet C. LatUn Alls* older ones is due to two causes, he cellaneous article*. The annual apron sale of the believed. The lack of experience every nest, fishhooks, vvirt.' Lecture-Recital Sunshine Society, to be held Tues- JOINS ^BALt*T — Kay Wehe, and string, a wire i-audit j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. of the birds and their similarity, to day at the YWCA from 11:30 a.a. hawks at that age as their heads male parents wing in ,,„,, To Be Presented Daughter to Longeneckers to 4 p.m., will feature aprons of all Wehe of 10 Beekman. road, has clorox bottle, clothe.,[,j,,«. Four Artists Farm and Garden been accepted as * member of th do not look "bald" or white until Mr. and Mrs. John M. Longe- kinds. old shoee, a child's du-^,''t Ballet Corp* of the Metropolitan fully adult. Most men will not r For Music Group necker of Maplewood road, Spring- balls, candles, eleiirir j,p|lt ^" To Furnish WSCS MarkettoBeHeld Utility and tea aprons, bib and Opera Association. She will appea shoot the national bird knowingly, The mualc department of the field?* Delaware County, Pa., an- lace effects, coveralls, novelties ho thinks. -.,„..,- " the American Weekly; foJ K^*, Fortnightly Club of Suconalt will nounce the birth of a daughter, in Manon L**caut, Tosca, Faust, the publisher offered iifngh price Muskale Tuesday for special work and children's Carmen, and Samson et DeMa. Eagles were intrigued by air- meet at the home of Mm. Donald Sandra Lee, on November 1 at the Next Thursday In one nest he foumi 20 (,sj! ,! aprons will all be found. Hr*. H. She has aUo been a«ked to dance planes some years ago when A. varied prog-ram will be offered Wells, 7t Essex road on Wednes- Osteopathlc Hospital, Philadelphia. The twelfth annual "Friendship raccoons, rabbits and oppossun^ Donald Holme* will be assisted by the Czech Furlant November 23 a planes were less common than to- to guest* at the muiicale spon- day, November 30 at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Longenecker J» the daughter Market" of the Beacon Hill (Sum- About 125 people heard Mr B'o. sored by the Woman'i Society of MM. W. F. Gray and Mra, Laura the Polish Benefit performance, day. The speaker witnessed two Arthur Laubenateln will preaent of Mr. and Mrs. William Hether- mit) Branch of the Woman's Na- V. C. Miller, with Mrs. Aldo de ley's talk and 23 ncW,mMnb' Christian Service of the Methodist Miss Wehe graduated from Sum eagles pacing an airplane travel- joined the club, They «,.,,, a lecture-recital on "Music and lngton, Jr. of Aahlend road. tional Farm and Garden Associa- BellU and Mist Marjorle Crane Mr< Church, to be presented »t 1 p.na. mit High School with the class o ing at 90 miles per hour, and one of William Stelzer, Mr. and MV^'FI' Philosophy". Mr. Laubeiwfceln at- tion will be held Thursday, De- as pricing chairmen. Tuesday et the home of Daniel tended the Academy of Mualc in cember 1, at the Beechwood Hotel. June, 1946, and since has studied them, an immature, circled it ward L. Chalif, Mr. Mid Mr.. \-,Z Observes Anniversary ballet with Leon Varkas, Aubrey Burke. 56 Fcrnwood road. Vienna and the Scola Cantoruno in The hours of the"sale will be from A miscellaneous table" rill show twice. The only times he. has land Tompkins, Mis« Hitchens, and Mm,e. piga Taraa Soloists will be Frances Hllde- Parkr. He has been acoompanlat Earl S. Chrlftman of 5 Parmley 10 a.m. until .4 p.m. •_ 4/timely-aelection. of other gift heard an eagle scream was wifen Rogers, Dr. and Mrs. H. C. sova. She studied character dance brand, harpist; Anna Woodward, for former stars of the Metropoli- place, advanced underwriter of the .From the modest beginning items, presided over by Mw, Q. E, the female had been sitting on Mrs. Frank L, Hughw. Mr." a^ under the tutelage of Boris ftbma soprano, a_nd Mildred Chapman, tan Opera, includng Madame Mat- New England Mutual Life Insur- yeara agovof the first sale at the Schultz, Mrs. H, C. Thompson and the nest a longer time'than she Mrs.. A.' W. Paulson, Mw. F "ft 'violinist. The Accompanist will b« renailerand Arthur Bodansky. His ance Company, is observing Wa Miss Lyn Goading. , • noff of the - Metropolitan Opera liked and the male alighted near- Sollows, Mrs, W. R: Ptjce '%{ home of the late Mrs. Wharton Association and with Yura LaxQ EleanorJahn, ''"';''• lecture* have been given at Vajaar 15th anniversary with the company by. k and; Mrs. Paul Smith', Philip HB. Green on Lenox road, the eale baa Mrs. Emll E. Dreger at the food akJ, the famous character dancer. College and he has been choir this month. He* is associated with The moving pictures of ^young bert, Mrs. U A, Winkk>man. Mrl The program has been an- Increased steadily in elze apd pub- table, with Mrs. N. O. Schaefer, Adagio dance has been studied director at Grace Church of Or- the Lambert- "Hfuppeler .general eagles practicing flying above the James S. Weaver, Mre. F. s. Wo!- nounced t» follows: lic Interest until it has become Mrs. W. T. Green, Mrs. H. A. Arm- with Alfredo Carvino, formerly ange during the paat 19 year*. agency in New York. 1 neat moved the audience to laugh- I pert, Rev. and Mra. F. S. Wolr»f«, Th*me «md -Variation*.: .';...-Haydn a most important outlet to the strong end Mrs. W. T. Richmond, with the BaH«t Riwse de Monte Glfm '...; -..;..... CoreJU consigning members of articles will offer an asaortment of home- ter. The birds are very cautious Rev. and Mrs. F. J. 'Cartwrijht, rnncri HUdebrand, harplit Carlo. , and watch the nest area con- and Mr. and Mre. J. C«rlin OB Winifi of BonR .. . . Nrn4*l»»(*n made in the home, according to made pies, cake* and -.rolls, aa-well S1 m<-« v«r* avalrnt del »IUi ' .. Huhn Mrs. M. B.' McCauley, president of stantly, rcmlndihjg one of a child's ner. Th* la«* with lh» vor»VKr*!»ltr turned from a motor trip through are more varied than ever before, Miss Nell Crane, and Mrs. W.C. giving holiday at home. The Morrlstown Area Alumnae .1 Midnight Btlll Htubtrier-Krelil«r the aouth. They attended the 02nd Mre. McCauley added. They will Wlttke will ba In charge of the of the Wilson College Club of MlWrcJ Chipm«n. vlolintit include little girl's dresses, fruit 8« tu m'arnl Ptrgoleil annual meeting of the American Misa Mary Fraaer, daughter of plant table where potted plants Northern New Jersey will hold its cakes, bean bags, children's hand- p p TrUtfu* Elera«l!« ... Chopln-Jtcliowxk* Institute of Accountants at the Mr. and Mrs. David B. Fraser of second meeting of the season Mon Pleases Those The Kerry D»uce Mulloy made toys, candy, ceramics, painted, and Christmas greens may be pur- Blltmore Hotel, Lot Angeles, and 2 Midland terrace, e senior at Uiu Woodward trays, salad dressing, terrariuma, chased. . day night at the home of Miss En Bateau D«bui»r upon their return the Rotary In- Greenbrlar College, Lewisburg, Mrs. Richard L. Corby, president Fralehmr ...... 8«!j«!» plain or fancy aprons and many Ellen LeWis, 80 Early street, Mor- Who Appreciate The Finest Night S»l»edo ternational reunion of pre and post- W.Va,, Is spending the Thanksgiv- other items. of the society, invites the support ristown. IttMcbrand convention travelers at The Inn, ing holiday with her parent*. She of the public by its attendance at An auction, composed of article; Dessert will b« served at 1 p m. Buck Hills, Fa. will have as her guest a Green- A prize for the moat attractively the sale which makes its welfare decorated booth will be given. The of food, handwork and products ol preceding the musical program. briar classmate, Miss Vivian program possible. the members' hobblca, will be con Miss Marjorle Schultc, daughter judges will be Mrs, W. J. Roberta,, Reservations are being- made Knight of Malverne, Ark. ducted by jvftss LouUe Simpson o, of Mr. and Mr*. 6. El more Scliutti Mrs. James E. Bancker and Mra. through Mrs, Frank Connell, Sum- Madison. There also will be a grab of Bcekman road, b spending the W. R. Tracy. Play School fakes Recess mit 6-2647. The public la welcome. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Patten and bag filled with holiday wrapped Thanksgiving week-end with her son, Walter, Jr., of Bellevue av- The membership of the branch The Slkwocd Play School will gifts. Mrs. John S. Thompson a parents. She is a student at Penn enue attended the football game IB at an all-time high, thus incur- be closed Thursday and Friday for Mountain Lakes is chairman of the Santa's Express State College, Pa. at West Point on Friday when the ing the largest sale in I to history, the Thanksgiving holiday. group. Plebes played the Dartmouth concluded Mrs. McCauley. To Feature Sale Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Dreger of freshmen. Their son. Jack, is & High street will entertain a family member of the Dartmouth team. nard and Mr. Arpln will be mar- At Central Churchparty of 17 for Thanksgiving din- Saturday the Pattens attended the ner. Princeton game with their son- ried Saturday/December 3. A din- Jolly old Santa Claus himself ner will be given before the wed- 1 in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrw. will appear «t the ""Santa. Sate" to Mr. and Mm. Edwin Florance Philip L. Lawrence of Chatham, ding rehearsal Wednesday evening tie held Friday, December 2,"at and Edwin and Ann Florance of by the bride-elect's grandparents, Central Presbyterian pariah house, Pinegrove avenue attended the Mr. and Mre. Edwin Florance of from 1 to 10 p.m. An "express Rutgcrg-Fordh&m football game Pinegrove avenue will be hosts at Mr, and Mrs. Victor C. Armstrong train" will travel continuously be- Saturday at New Bruruwick. a family Thanksgiving dinner. of Coniston road, Short Hills. ..•;... tween "two stations" carrying Among those present will be Mr. Miss Joan of Westminster Santa's ten cents presents for girls and Mrs. Walter Flower and fam- Miss Barbara Sloan, daughter of road and Miss Beverly .Marsh, both ily of Maplewood, Mrs. H, A. and boy* There wiU also be Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Sloan of freahmen at the University of New Trent of West Orange, and Mr. 133 Summit avenue, will partici- planned entertainment for chil- Mexico, have been pledged to and Mr*. Duncan Newell of Long- 1 pate In the 10th annual fashion dren during the afternoon and eve- Phratres sorority. They plan to meadow , Mass. v show and country flhoppe con- ning. The business and profes- spend Thanksgiving at Roawell, sional women are arranging this ducted by the merchandising stu- N. M,, with Jean'# brother Wlilard Mlas Doreen Toffey of 121 Whlt- part of the affair. who I* a cadet et N.M.M.l. They tredge road waa the eole attend- dents &t Endlcott Junior College, Mlsa Marie Llbby and Mn. Leon- will attend the Homecoming Hop, ant for Ml«s Barbara Van Winkle Beverly, Mass. Mim Sloan, a ard E. Beat will have a book table polo games and football. Lt, Col. of Clinton avenue, Maplewood, at freshman, will serve as a sales- her marriage Saturday to Sidney o f recommended volume* for and Mrs. W. L. Isaac* will join woman in the shoppe. The affair Watson French of Grand Rapids. opened yesterday for three days. ChrLstroaj giving: them from Tucson, Arlt. Mich. The novelty booth will exhibit At the annual riding me*t be- taint*, felt article*, place card*, Mr. and Mrs. Bjornulf Johnson Hamilton McGiffin, Jr., will ar- CHARM YOUR BEDROOM tween House in the Pine*, Norton, candle holder*, table decorations of 10 MadUon avenue will be hosts rive home this evening from and Christmas tree ornament*. Masa., and Wheaton College, MIM at their home at a Thanksgiving Washington and Jefferson College Into a Future of Mn. G. E, Weeka has Included Barbara L. Heetas wajj a member dinner for members of their fam- to spend the week-end with h!to children'* toys In the JIM of white of the drill team and placed first ilies. parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Mc- elephant* at her table.. in the Intermediate horsem«n«hlp Giffin of Kent Place boulevard. Pleasant Living Comfort claa*. Mi«s Heelai, a sophomore at Mr. and Mra. Anton Joaa or The apron booth with Mrs. Wil- House In the Pines, Is the- daughter South (Street, Murray Hill, enter- Mr*. Willard Closs of Oak Knoll liam Sfebert chairman, will »hbw of Mr. and Mr«. Edgar W. Ueelaa tained 20 guw»b» at a buffet sup- road returned Sunday after spend- a variety of tboe* garments from of 42 Mountain avenuer per Sunday evening. ing ten days in Florida. SUITES the mast fragile to the moat sturdy. Handmade bmga in two Thomas E. McCJmw, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Brown 18th Century 1 Mr. and Mrs. Werner R. Mann shades of allk taffeta, hand-knitted «nd Mrs. E. Clyde McGraw of 27 of 157 Maple street are spending Modern %ed Jackets, baby sweater* doll the Thanksgiving holiday with his of 205 Morris avenue had as their Hawthorne place i* among «8 week-end house guest their daugh- BARII1ZON CLASSIC French Provincial clothes, dressed dolls and stuffed Norwich Vnlverilty «eniors who brother and family, Dr. ntid Mra. ter, Mm. John N. Connelly of toys will also tie told deifgnatecl an dkrtin- Lyndon Brown of Bronxvillc, NY. tn a new WONDER FABRIC! Corning, N.Y. Saturday night «he Mahogany • Blonde Mahogany • limed Oak Fainted holders for bulbs and military studcntu, accord- Walnut • Solid Maplm • Pin* Ing: to nn aruiounceiiimt by Col. Mr«. Charles A. Milirr of 28 was their guest at the play, 'Mr. potted plant* will be found In the Oakland pine? ls#*ppndinj? Tlinnk«- Bryn Be$t... its pitented, exclusive- Barbison cut* C«rl J. Dockler, rommandnn't. Tlup RobMt*," at the Alvln Theater, garden shop. Riving with ht«r niece and family, New York. has been the number one favorite everywhere! Now horwir bring* to each rn»n the Mr. and Mm. John Stanley of Ki- BEDS Regular & Longfellow Sizes One hundred pounds of candy, prlvllfge of r«i*klng direct applica- It comes to you In Eftrbiton'i nevr wonder fabric! made by the head of « research beron. tion for a commlwiloni In the regu- m% DuPorit nyy», &% Cordurt rayon, whidi Tour Potter Panel kitchen In Bummit, w]l! be among lar krmy. 8el(*ctl<>n l« baaed on Mrs. David Shay of Wwitfleld For Your combines tho best of both fabric* to m*ko the per* Testa Hollywood th* off«rlnsf» tit that delicacy, high standing In both military and Which will be «o!d by the (..mind entertained at a miscellaneous Cocktail Party feet all year slip. (It'i wtarsblt, uxttfmbU, w>n- RCudPtnic work, »k»rtg with leader- •hower Thursday fo Mi Ann and Chrla>trtms boxed Horne-TO«d«» Bhii> qi!ftli1k» r M eterful!) In white, petal pink, black. HEADBOARDS, Aborted colon & fabrics pUm, c«k«*. roll*, br«ad, *tc. will France* Pltrce, daughter of Jamcw B. Pl«ra» r»f Blackburn rond «nd COCKTAIL So come quick! Be neimired for Bryn fl«< — also be Savage. mt\ of Mr. and DRESSERS, Single and Double Mr*. W»de Roberta of (lusim, Ml«« SANDWICHES ttTHRr Pltret Will be nmrrftd 8»twrd«y to CHESTS and CHESTS on CHESTS William J«mea Mum, mn of Jame* V, Mant of 8hor« Aer*>*, AN ESPECIALLY NICE •3V 100 $3 98 mmmmmmm* Michael Lyons, *tm of Dr, and HAM CRESCENTS Mr#, B. M. Lyon* of Plymouth Cmnttl Out Exp*rt Interior titeatalon CHRISTMAS PRESENT rojwl, arrived |iom« Tunndny Tor If .50 On Room Arrangement* — Color S the holidays from Virginia Poly- No Obligation of Court* technic. Inatitute-. X aM. For Mother or Dad would be « gold tooltd CHEESE STICKS balhtr tcr»p bmttef ip»cl«lly prte*4 Jim Royle, nm of Mr. «mfl Mm James It Boyl# of Oak fticljf* av- enui!, hag n« hJ* hou*« guwrt for Mm Ib. I? I Millbum Av«nu« thi» Th«nk«itlvlnir w^pk-nnrl hi* *ppro«lm«t(>ty 'ffl pltcmt JUST ARRIVED FOR CHRISTMAS at BETTY TELFER'S ' Short Hllli r«K»mm«t« at La null* Mllliary AcudK-my, Roger fXblir.k of Lux- ROCQUEF0BTAND fmbitrjr, ANCHOVY PUFFS LEG-O-M4TIC 54.95 A cocfelall pdrty In htmor «f If .10 CARD TABLE SETS and up inrab Klnnard of «)r«>fittirlrr A 4m. [ and l^»on Arpln, .It, of In a nelfctlan of color* FM n I'" < f»rk City, will b# given uray FOR FLOWERS I frsw »:»o in JM pm. by Mr and t I Mil. John Wllllum Arpln of Briar TM$ Wtik'» Special! I Hill rond, MnnteUlr. MUw Kin- T Whin wmtiiting m urn efmlr — «A«M« from out -<•!•"'•'""' \ APPLE TORNOVEM (M4II oo SUMMIT ANIMAL Gmlntkoro and "Cmum *«"'" WRPA11 LEAGUE. (ttfittr 11.10) Cfi MIRbur* §4121 To Ord«r From Joseph Eeign$r&Son, Inc. INTI3HIOR DUCORATO SUMMIT, N.J, MELLIE WEISS Aft, • fUftlMf? Ttykw St., Opp, IAKI 0m m o*t w*4.^ rn. THE SUMMIT HERAtO. THURSDAY. NOVtmeit M, IW Barbara A Remman Becomes Bride Has November Bridal Mrs. E. 5.Hankins, Herbert J. Pascoe D. K. Bornwell to otftfeeCfellcceCIftk, James W. Cooper at November Rttm the club •: fertwaate- U meut* Dr. Church- ***** tfttte in similar styl^ and a match Married Thursday at Home Ceremony Address College -;4&r iai eimUttf; ..atatttof. Calvary Ing coronet, with « bouquet of yel- Mrs. pitta 8. Hajiklw, aaufcbte* County register M*y 16. 1947.-. hav-I fit L C on Saturday for the ! *»••»* waif pajftor of Fiwt of Miss Barbara Ann low chrysanthemum*. Ttw mother of Mrs. William R Stiles, of U j mg b«en appointed by Gov Alffod ^'W O« Cl/fOp*? i *»d pre«ideat ©f the Athca-. or the fcrlde wore toaat crepe, Washington, avenue, Springfield, j E/ Drlwol| ifte, thfi deftth ^ EcJ. " RHnmsn, daughter of ft*** brown acceworle^ and a yellow i K wa. married to County Register w*xd Bauer Mr P*ncoe we* a ^-- ' ein.nanofKewarlcand^M.. roie corsager The bridegroom'! M. Herbert J. Paacoe. of 1328 North m,nUl ot city Ouneil from W^"," &£ arc privileged to briBfj M. Rtinman of 13 mother was costumed in moon- IX. , Gertrude avenue, at 10 o'clock Thuiaday ! in :<-J-Vrl " » ru*«t :o the meeting. Mrs. Wll- james W Gooper, «on of stone crepe with black accessories to ;.*2c K M«mn. prwjidt^trsUted. to Kirs. J. Wallace Cooper of and red roses. morning at the home of th> bride. \ On"M&y , ^<7 Mr ^^ ^ jrogr&m :s given under tke Mr. .and Rtir. Bruce W. Evana, pastor of the . , _ international r«« Winana street, East Orange, For the wedding trip through tlred ftfter ft orty aix arerr 3s- the South, the bride chose a brown «Wi»ffiald- Prf*byteri«t Church, with th* NewYork .division of the Mr*. - Rape»t rector of Refreshment* Performed the ceremony. Mr*.» Permaylvarm Railroad .He entered church, officiated at a acceMorlea Upon tfaelr jeiu,n De. by My. D*rw,in Q. the Daisy Johnson, of Summit, th« j theemploy of the railroad on June » , ni,. ,. Hunt\j . ) j the couple will liw« at M u tl r Arien t ar.c »f.d ner Cimmittee; foiiow- t!t m iel[ bride* sister, and Robert L. Pas- 1WJ, and.racrvpd in numerous of mm tt^is. - Hdtel Suburbal1 New England avenue. coe, eldest son of Mr. Pascoe, at- fr,,jii ta. I I - -. iat by h«r father, Mr. and Mr*. Cooper are grad- tended the couple. until ln> biH'iitnc jaf«-ty agent Oc- Given in uate* of Summit High School. She tober 16, 1M1. . '., : • Elected House President attended by MM, After a short honeymoon trip .- H »tj.:y li a member of Beta Sigma Phi. He Recently h« was'awarded the JAM) Darvktnt has been elected tron of honor, and Mra^Dan- U aUo an alumnm of the Univer- South, Mr. and Mrs. P&ecoe will ! t ,> JK n* &j HoLi.«e President of her ma rwide at the North avenue address. New Jersey Education A-nsot-ia- hind "Iron Oirt« ri ,t C*j*. c Jnozauck of Chatham, a* sity of Pennsylvania. He is an in- tiftn'w annual Award for'Dititin-: j/rir.'.'iry C-tr-int-r Hall, at Laaetl '•,tf,«naid. Mr. Smoaartek served spector for the Fire Insurance The bride is the widow of •guished Servict; to "'Education at', ) jr.i-r 1 ''•<«> in Auburndal*, Mi,-*, .«.,rg*r«t A. .Ibest man and Mr. Schramm and Rating Organisation of New Jer- Thomas Hankkis, who died nine «»:nu«| dinner in Atlantic CUv. Orton of Ridgedale avenue sey. - • • ' • • ; " and a half year* ago. Sh« was born j The honor wm bestowed on him •ranklin-W.' Helms was in Springfield and formerly was a (°r «ponsorjihip of 13i8 laws for fi- •di the organ. tea^her. More recently *he ha* nancing and apportioning State The bride wore a white satin Ruth A. Oakes been employed by the Union Coun- aid to local schopj wn the bodice trimmed with tiny ty Board of Election*. Mrs. Pa«co«. h"ttons to the waist and with a Married Saturday Manding lace collar and lace cuff*. The skirt had an overskirt of lace "»ny yeara and represented! HadftJiS*h' th« woman's Zionist TO MAKE At Ann Arbor t>r anlBflti( and a fan shaped, train edged with Springfield on the executive board i 6 «> I" America, will ;,„.,> A satin cap and orange bloi- The wedding of Miss L. Ruth of that committee auKUrtt*e n 25-w^ek radio series be- A SAY lams held her fingertip veil and A. Oakes, daughter of Mr. and Ihc tarried roses and lilies of the Mrs. Ora P. Oakes of Granger avenue, Ann Arbor, Mich., until ator, has been «, widower twice valley- The honor attendant wore Hi« firat wife, the late Mary A Th«» broadcasts will censiat of u MOOD hunter green satin with apron recently of 108 Morris «veoue, dramatic series of storice from the SummiLjMid William R. Chyno- Alburger Pascoe, died in Etiiabeth draped front and a matching In 1931. Hi« second wife, the late Jewish hlatpry and folklore es-, braided coronet: She carried yellow weth oTC-hicago, son of Mr. and pecklly designed for young peo- GAYER- Mri/Ray' Chynoweth of Macon, Mm. James W. Cooper Edith V. Marah Poscoe, died in ple. ar(l brqnie chrysanthemums. Th 19<6. Mr. Pascoe ajn born in Mor- bridesmaid was gowned in coppe: JJL, took,place at the home of the w bride's parents, Saturday after- row Volho, Brazil, South Amerim, noon. The ceremony was performed Card Parties Hobby Hall Plans of English parents. He was reared Lectures Being Given ,«.• , t.7 8« encKanfed by our holiday- ^it 2 o'clock by Rev. Joseph Duttoh, in i«mbortviil«> and moved to Smorgasbord to ID.IJ., retired, former pastor of the m Benefit Junior Assembly Elisabeth in 1908. On Church History,. The second lecture in a series bride's mother. The house was de- Mr. r ascoe, « leader, in Repub- Women's Society on early church history being pre- Ojf" rofnanfJe" Velvet, Feature Couples corated with carnations and roses. For Saturday "can politics In Elizabeth, Union f «ented hy Rev. Henry G J Hock A reception followed the ceremony. Four member*1 homes have been lequini ind flutterinq Hobby Hall afternoon classes Comity nnd the State for. almost ' Will be heardj' Friday evtp^ng, De- The bride was given In marriage offered for the benefit card, party will start this week at Masonic /•• Club Program by he'r father arid was attended throe decades ended nearly a quar- cember 2?at St, Teresa's rt-orea* leather*. next Tuesday, at 1 p.m., sponsored Hail. Fourth grade dancing class ter-century of service in the Leg. A Swedish Smorgasbord will be by her sister, 'Miss Katherine by the Woman's Society of thif tion hall at 8:45 p.m. The evening's will be held at 4:15 p.m. with Mrs.. «»ta.ture when he jeaigned April topic will be "The Assault given-by the Couples Club of-Cen- Oakes of Morris avenue, Summit. Methodist Church. Groups wil! C. Hartley Berry and Mr*. Don G. on 21 1947. OriginaJly a coujrcilman In Aptistolicity." covering the early, tral Presbyterian Church Friday J. P. Schroeder of East Orange meet at the homes of Mrs. P. L, Mitchell receiving. Mrs. H. Bower Elizabeth, he served in the Assem- evening,* Dumber. 9 at 7:15. A «rved as best man. Lawrence, 60 Edge wood road; Mrs. heresies in {he church during the Penningtori will be hostess for the bly from 1922-26, 1931-34 and-from first .fewr centuries. program- of Swedish. Christmas The bride wore a period gown Donald Comer, 285 Old Short Hills sixth grade class at 5:15 p.m. l»36-4l, having been Speaker of the The Helen Edwards Shop carols and folk songs, including of white faille with a Juliet cap road, Short Hills; Mrs. Karl Keller, The series is being brought to In the evening Mrs. Dean H. House for several terms. He the public by the confraternity of folk dances in Swedish costume of heirloom lace and fingertip il- 20 Beacon 'road; and Mrs. John Travis, and Mrs. Edwin L. Groves wes 420 SpringfieW A»». Summit 6-0486 l be. presented following the lusion veil She carried camellias M. Reeves, 26 Ridge road. „ ; . _ Senator in Christian Doctrine of St. Teresa's will be hostesses to the 9th. and He was inducted as Union Church. Smorgasbord. and roses. The maid of honor Was This is the first money-raising 10th grades at 8 p.m. Mrs. John B. Little will be chair- gowned in green faille of period event planned eince the successful design. Her colonial bouquet and auction last May by Mrs. James On Saturday, November 26 Miss nan of the dinner committee and Jessie Dotterel will be hostess to Irs. Lawrence P. MacDougal Will tiara were composed of white car- B. Burke, her co-chairman, Mrs. nations and garnet roses. The C. D. Marvin, and her assistant the 11th and 12th grade Junior ie chairman of decorations. mother of the bride wore a cos-' Assembly at 8:30 p.m. The Clipper Club of Central chairman, Mrs. G. B. Musson, of tume of light brown crepe with a the way« and means committee of The fifth grade dancing class Of course you can rcsbyterian Church has also been pink camellia corsage. j the woman's society. will start Monday at 5 p.m. with nvitcd to share this evening with Dessert will be served, and res- Mrs. G. Evarts Low, Jr. and Mrs. ho Couples Club. Upon their return December 15 from a wedding trip to New Or- ervations may be made by calling Joseph Stranad receiving. Andrew R. Skinncll, Jr.. Presi- leans, the couple will be at home Mm. Frank Connell, Summit 6- Icnt of the organization has urged at 7i21 S, Jeffrey street, Chicago. 2647. hat early reservations be made, Mrs. Chynoweth is a graduate iccause a record crowd is antlclp- BUY ON CREDIT of Summit High School, Presby- ted, Mr. and. Mrs. El.J. Whltmote^ teriaitHeffpital School^ of Nursing, Doris Schomberg iuramit 6-0288. are in charge of Newark, and Wesley Memorial rvservatioiie for this meeting. School of Anesthesia, Chicago. Mr. Becomes En gaged At this Old, Reliable Store Chynoweth la an alumnus of To Robert E. Hunt ALCOHOLICS Macon High School and the Uni- versity of Missouri and received Mrs. George Schomberg of th ANONYMOUS his* master's degree from the Uni- Clarerhoht Court apertmehte an POST OFFICE BOX S75 versity of Illinois. He is associa- nounces the engagement of he The "too busy" housewife can NEWARK, N. J. ted as an electrical engineer at daughter, Doris Muchmore, t Robert E. Hunt, son of Mr. and atill give her family turkey for or MARKET S-7588 j the Amoue Research Institute of Thanksgiving. Hill City Delica- j Chicago. Mrs. W.Y.C. Hunt of Glendal road. « tessen sells it by the pound all 19 DIAMONDS! If DIAMONDS' Miss Schomberg is a graduate of cooked. At least have some for Overlook Hospital School of Nurs- snacks before bedtime. •199 ing. Mr. Hunt graduated from Still time to have a dandy date Northwestern University and is An txquitrt* ring.., a tu- ANNE CAMPANA with National Foil Co., Elizabeth. dress for that special date. The Set! 9 Smart Shop cfltere to last minute perlafrvt value ~ 19 bfll- Rm^, 10 A spring wedding la being Hantfy matched Diamonds In PRIVATE PIANO INSTRUCTIONS planned. shoppers with the finest in femi- III FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS nine frocke. They include wools, a Paramount mourrHng of of I4K y«L> Weddinq Announced nylons, crepes corduroys, I4K whitt Gold, B. A. In Music, Georgian Court College Mrs. A. C. Pitton of Sparta an- Hurry to The Troat Bake Shop Candidate for M. A. In Music at Michigan nounced the marriage of her for a spicy pumpkin pie for the daughter, Theodora Pitton Warren, feast table. Include Trost's dinner South Street New Providence to Samuel Ogden Baldwin, son of rolls, spice cakes and mince pie. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah M. Baldwin All of their baked goods are un- Summit 6-5465 of 29 Mountain avenue. The cere- beatable. mony took place in Summit on • • • 15 DIAMONDS! 2f DUMOMDS! JOOCCCOOC Friday. The Hall Shoe Store offers their public Trim-fit hosiery this sea- »9t son. Outfit the tots with well made, sturdy sox. Remember Hall's for Magnificent "Pr!ne«»" Ring the best in rain and snow bootery with 15 radiant Diamonds. 20 «tqtm!t«fy Set in a lovely clutter mount- tmw III The Summit Trust Company has ing of UK yt [low GoW. two types of checking accounts. Inquire from on officer about them. Decide on the one to suit your needs. The Budget Account re- quires no minimum balance. The Hunter Candle Light Shop (opp. Grand Union) has unique H DIAMONDS! S DIAMONDS! gift* ln plastic. The stunning rose centered door knoba, night lights 87.50 49SO 1 and paper weights are ornamental and unique. If you cotton to the Lover/, matching BrId«IDutt f Ring wrrrfi unusual visit Hunters. with brifliant 7 Diamond En- OUmot^ m « gagement Ring, matching 9 -aT The Summit Luggage & Leather W9 Shop Is one; of the very few firms Diamond Wedding lend. BEAUTIFUL "JO-ANNE" DOLL who issue written guarantees with I4K ytUow Gold. heir'merchandise. Examine their marvelous stock of matched miit- AND HER STROLLER, 4.9S uci, bag* and trunk*. You can't beat their quality products • * * A woniUHul prl«« fer m w«n«f«rfwl wmfclna- Wayside Garden* Morris Turn- 10 DIAMONDS! pike li the. place to get your 7 DIAMONDS! tlenl tartly \r* fell with w.thabb flowers for your Thanksgiving able or to take as « gift for your 69J0 ymm lout***. While there, take along ome delicious eider. 7 b«*utrfuly matchad Dla- ^ Madame Dpi la has a wny-with- women. Her savoir fftlre of thp ytUow Gold! i«* aex, mean* everything when It, eornpa to creating tn*Mmt- i CO. ttykwA b\B frocki or fabulon* fur* May *h«» help you? • • • mtim with distinguished n#m#ii *r« Sit»gi»!'ii itatlonpry flhop'» ntumlHy* VrlfMtanef, l^nthpr good* j by Mark Croni, brlnf and letter {mum by Rexbllt, Ron*on lightens, ' tfelf*t*,toy» •id Cr*n< • * • IM me urge you to FAY AS LOW A* Sherry'* rich, smooth, df>IH«ttt te# t»f#»m goBMnfh#r# Jn your Hrti« 5. DOWN day Ifttt. Roftir* Phttmmef to tmtiy tot ym. Otiet your fi¥»rtt# 1 WUKLY now. Don't mim vt!uibi# window nhop ping at tN^lfi Vurnlturt Utor* H frmn now until Chrintrnan, tmi will g#« IdtM aplenty t» a»fwt# tH§ < aueition "wtiat to tiuy?" How IKMMIt, H. i, "ELflP^mPP t miff or, imp, m t»W«T - a—. rmeti THE SUMMIT HEUALD. THURSDAY. NOVEMIE* 14, It4t — Face Sunday Test by East e Spring Lake Bolsters Lead South Orange Loses, 314 Sports' Sidelights As Bontempo Leads With 664 PICK THE WINNER, DID YOU SAY? As Summit Posts Fifth Win Spring Lake extended iU lend to two game* in the City Summit Alumni Football Club will iace the stiff* Pick • winner. Print it. Shout it. Bowling &&|rue by sweeping against Summit Buick on No one say* a word about it. opposition in its 10-game schedule when it faces East 0 Woodruff'8 alleys in Springfield Thursday night Hop Bon- ange of the Essex County League bn Memorial Field v tempo, the Spring Lake lead-off man showed! the way to all Pick two winners. Peel 'em. Core 'tm. league bowlers last week by capturing all scoring honprs. day at 1:30 p. m. to wind up its year's work. The thr Folks will pally well ignore 'em. clubs, who have defeated Summit, namely Newark P?! He posted high single game jcore . aide, Cranford, and Irving S Pick about a dozen winner*. of 244 and high three gam* honors StarStarss, havh e allll'' ffallel n ' ^d of 604 for an average of 221.3. His v. Folks won't look up from their dinner*. . Oratory Gridders other game* were 218 imd 199. Jr. Essex Troop opposition Summit fates S-W»y Tie for Second Mf ZOOMSQ TO *TM- Notwithstanding, Coach ;_ BUT— 9* The dog fight among the leaders Win 1st in 3 YK; Cornog of the Alumni is r Pick one loser and—by gurri !•— continued with three team* gain- Advances Plans the locaU will make a Sure at shootin', you're a bum. ing a tie for second place: Ameri- of it can Legion, Summit Post 138 by Top Hohokus, 12-6 United Campaign to taking three from Oargiulojj, Root's Oratory School of Summit won For New Season THE A.A.U.'s UNION COUNTY ACCENT Summit has shown continued i doing similarly against the Ellta its flrjrt. football g«me in three The officer* for the coming year m The New Jersey Association of the A.A.U. is set for Sunday afternocua on its n«r of the Board of Governors for the provement every week during th# Easo Service by win- past season. Lest Summit t , . another year of fostering and supervising a wide variety of frorn GeddU Taxi. The field by outplaying St. Luke'* Of Junior Essex Troop "8' met at m or Hohokua, 12-8, before a fairly large the home of Vice President Thos. get, half of the net proo-wii fMm sports and it is interesting to note that Union County is con- j Elks, 1(W? wa9 the2f the Legion; Rogers, 200 and distance for the TD. E, Mason, chairman; L. J. Peter- sistant on the U.C.P.C. r^cfealife staff, George Cron, is sec-' " the -l>«i<.n: Ro em 200 and Seeking 6th Win * Gast 214, both of RRoots; RiHo, The visitors' only tally came in son, A. K. Kling and Ft. F. Ardrey. 8VTTM? A BVU. TO OgATH V^ITM 5 When tho Alumni takr t he ,f 'g ond vice-president. Union County comrriissioner and State 201, Elks; Libertino, 226 andth« second frame following an The above Military Affairs com- ie Sunday, they will be seeking their basketball chairman of the A.A.U. Cron has conducted the Hubert Oeddis, 202. 213, both of Oratory fumble. mittee is appointed to assist In an sixth win In 10 starts. Geildis;'Swick 203 and MOMO, 212, advisory capacity to aid A. W. Ol- New Jersey cage tournament here for the past six years. The Oratory lineup: . In racking up their .fifth win 205, both of Savages; Hunt,' 214, son. The Public Relations corn- , "' AND A LOT OF. OTHER SPORTS Ends — Williams, Kohf, Clark, Sunday against South Orange hm Charllnes; Bebout, two at'200 and Lynch. . . Ihls does not indicate unwilllng- mittee was appointed: Geo. F. Union County has bd'en prominent, too, jn track, gym- MJB to work. . - : Caribou and Deer Cogswell, chairman; E. R. Crow, to the tune of 31-0, the 'locals got Dorwart 221, both of Mabon's, and Tackles — Snyder, Hetty, Gillen, off to a 12-0 lead in the first sUnia. 7. Question: What income must Co-chairman, and R. Gunther. nastics, wrestling, boxing and swimming. The Park Com- Burger of Ciba, 227, Summer*. (Continued fronrt page 1> In that frame Jim Gerard bucked a family have to be eligible for mission has helped a lot in the'staging of National decathlon November 11 standing* Guard* — Paturio, Cucker©,. over from the three. '(VC^tam low rent bousing? and pentathlon events and the State meet at Warinanco Park w h Dowling, Deveny. Providence, an area" well known as John Sonny Clark scored the sec- 10 5 Answer: Families whose income and the Warinanco A.C. coached by Jim Coffey, has been j HpHnffJ>sjon 17 7 Center* — Andrelni, Crummy. * "popular hunting ground 'or Booters Lose, 2-1, ond TD in the initial frame when 17 7 Backs — Farley, Miller, Keo,will not permit them to rent safe, pheaaante and rabbits for men he faded to pass, but ran from ha cleaning up in team competition. Also, the Polish Falcon ; Root•» 17 7 sanitary non-alum hoiudng. 18 8 Sims, Keller, Swikart. who wear the red hat. own 20 and hit pay dirt. Tom Club's walkers have been reaping a host of honors. And title Odd In Taxi 13 11 The federal government does One, of the fortunate one* to To Staten Island Grieco plunged through for the Clbn 13 not dictate a Axed maximum dol- second and third TD's in the third swimming events are held regularly at the Rahway and Lin- Mullen's 12 1a2 see this, rarity of the dc*r family Summit Soccer Club dropped a lar income for tenant eligibility, in 14 here, and who has "still-hunted" 2-1 decision to Staten Island at frame. Eddie Walker went acmsj den pools in the Union County Park System. ERRO 0 18 Betts Answers but seta up one important rule: for the fifth Summit TO on a flip Summit Buick 5 j these woods for the post 25 years, Memorial Field November 13 The Amateur Softball Association, in which this area's IB (Continued from page 1) from Clark after Jimmy Birdsail Elks Club 0 24 Ther• Mvtec mus• •«Hintt bwve aw* 2*»v0 peJJ^.mr v«-•*centv I reporte• »»$**/* »-v dv» thviive7 newcome#iv. mr v-v/±*«T4r lookelywnvMd liklil\ev in nn Intermittent blinding rain. had intercepted a South Oranjt members are prominent, now is affiliated with the A.A.U. gap between rents charged in »ub- j an excellent vonLson, and rrtore- The locals walked off the field housing Impose a big tax load on pass on the loser's 20. So it's little wonder that when a man at an A.A.U. meet- Summit? jstdized housing and the rent i over a perfect target. Where it with the conviction the offiektling charged in available "standard" ing is identified as from Union County what he has to say Schroeder Wins Answer: No. By national ex- would have come from is pure con- had defeated them oa much a« the Summit lineup: housing. perience we know that the tenants jecture. Some hax&rd that it visitors. At half time the game- Bnds—Ahem, E. Wnlkrr n w»iitw commands unusual attention—and wholesome respect. Buchelll. of low rent housing themselves This rule was made so that there may have come from a private was deadlocked at 1 All. FOOTBALL SEASON BOWING OUT would be no competition with pri- preserve to the North, or by the Tackles— Autello, Wooclnrti, Two Horse Show pay about 65 per ctmt of the opera- The viflitora scored first when | Spa^nola. Mike Martunilo, H vate builders and decent existing long trail from Maine or southeast- Heard on all sides—"Where has the football season ting costs. The federal govern- Nickrash made a pass from h i« Ouardft—Turley. Beavcy, lanelll. housing. A federal representativo orn Canada. Boorujy. gone?" It's only too true because November bows out Wed- ment pays about 20 per cent and fullback with Summit protesting Events in Essex has stated that about {2,500 could Centers—Marturulo, BlrdsiU!. the city (through partial tax for- that It may ha\> come from a "off sides" to no «vail. D«vid Backs—Clark, Guidn, Oenrd. Orotfo, nesday and we are headed for the home stretch.' With the well be the maximum family in- Young Skipper Schroeder, son of giveness) absorbs about 15 per private preserve to the North, or Korkuc tied it for Summit making Bozzom Zottl, Morgan, Sommo. Caldwell-Verona football game tomorrow, the Suburban Con- come for living in subsidized Mr, and Mrs. G. Baker Schroeder, cent. by the long trail from Maine or a pasa from Johnny Ahl count housing. An informal survey made ference comes to a close."Too," there is the Regiohal-Rahway of 141 Hohart avenue, did himself From the figures complied by southeastern" Canada. just before half time. The final Gym Classes Start at several month* ago among forty- game tomorrow in Springfield .. . perhaps it will be one of proud Saturday at the annual Trail the first Advisory Committee on According to the U.S. Biological tally came with s^ven minutes left g Club of'Rsscx County Hnrae Shnw Hocsing, it looks aa if new housing two families living m a substan- High Sche©!—Basketball dard area-showed that only six Survey, both sexca of Caribou In the g^me when Wolenski drove -the most colorful and exciting games of the season in this "whf'h He took two blues and a sec- In Summit would pay the city have antlers', the female much a raws from Fraks under the bar. On -Meaday and Turfl put nest to each other grrouii electric wiring, no running Would thl* »trtotwty affect school prrd won two from l«n#llr» Dairy. hot water, famtlltt living In room* Romano's swept against Berkeley 1 prop*rty v»lur« in thl* tec- unfit. fr»r residential M»P, l^At^y tor? White Merri* ngslnst Detl«t'N flu up Utr»(> c'>mlltif>n* wlthnut be put together pliur flprings rmfpertlvely In Summits can*-, official think- .l;unet» prrlllo nmi t'harlwi M<>n- "lltk Mid * pro- ing to dat* Is quit* the contrary \cn. ,?r of HerkHi'y Fire On Inmise' tyrw of up only p»r- With low lnemn# groups and stib- the m*n> loop rnn i rueh othrr n itaadftrd dwriUng unit* scmterfd New 1950 Studebaker's r»»r« for venting honor*, vnn br> f|«H up, Hut tlt- pr«tty well In all •fdjons of th* 1 44 won hlth three jru ffit* IUl4-fl in Hi*- (Jroup "A" j It Sis* H**n !hf Owififit * 99 nf fi,H white P*>rll|rt nhnvc crtnnot ri'ndlly b«» Mh»U»h« I9*3 t« m*ln(«in my- "•-# A, •>• TAICIA lOOKl TAKIA of 211 wlfhftut new hntulng. th* *+m* t.*»l! Citltenii rrei-ntly nrouwd to of pnpuiSiUon M now ". , . ftttdf I t<*t4 h*r they'd m tntlet* her* fat dinner if Hiimmlt'i dll»pirtf»t#d hotming may YOU'U TAKE IT AWAYI th*y'd h*4 MR OTTO Mil Ml in. #Jt., /\(. Vml for!" not know thut * »i>v««n yr»r flu-up pro«r.e*HH "n*ttlmor« Plan" •mititig mw If $0 Stwkbtktr, \»

a^n. Stert.fr«m CUy Sehooi. St**imm, go*. «to.r* XotevUi* Avenne, r«.c*M Or«*m Street ai 9:50 n. m.


A< 9:50 «• nt. Marches down Orange Street, and reaches Broad Street at l$tS5 a.

BROAD STREET At a. m. Marches down Broad Street and turns into Market Street at 10:55 a. m

10:«KI a. HI- On Market Street and around on Washington Street to Bam9s Be vie wing Stand at iiz§§ a. nt.

_, See Howdy Doody and real-live Clarabell. See cowpunchen on steers, eawboys on horseback. See the whale that spouts water. See Peter Rabbit munching the biggest carrot you ever saw. More hand* than ever before. Hundreds of marchem, See Santa arriving in Newark with the parade. After the parade, don't miss the unveiling of our enchanting Christmas windowo on Market and Halaey streets. DonY mils a mintitc o( the fun! See you at the parade!

Ing Day parade tit Newark. Check map for Hue of march.

: I

t THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, It is. «xp«et*d th*t there will bt COBS, Chiaeae and Japanese hymn- arrival* from Italy in the alt, and various miui-iteriaii l h-lphl _ Church World Service Headquarters for •tnfcfUsf churchea acr«is tbe a-d the *ecret-u~!c* ... future. Hi* majoritjy y arc KU _fa«e atatton wagons filled locate the shipra^nt to »i CLASSIFIED Lithuanian, and Latviam, though trf greiUest ieed in "r with booh* were donated *9 a feat— Cow-*, __ tlB-ti— A Clearing House for Good Deeds they inciude people of 40 different Princeton U_.|ver_ity, 50 per eeat with re«ue-U from thtir OBITS IT TOC___I_ By EMILY B. McDONEIX Walking through 21st Street to- nationalities. When one remem- OtSURAMCZ PaOTBCTIO* of which were earmarked for St i«ntativea ail w^r th«

K. J. ward tbe Eaot River, t area of ber* th*Uthe»e are 'reedota lov« '*•».(!. •S PU*« *, eotmr **»•••*• n P»ul'« University in Diurch World Service ratlter dep reused dwelling pl&ow, ing people, that they are industri- ADVERTISING w J ai ag Turning from the own trucking «nd its i tft-EN-i EED a truck or p«Meng*r ewl HnU- PER5ONAU one come* upon a large »ub«umti*l ous, accustomed to working hard one's glance fails cm a row of fiv« on the»team_h_i>_, • _ _) Drtt-OTUSeU Syttem. Harry H. Glf- looking building; - the on the land, in factories and in lord. Uwstte iUMOB»bIe rate* with Couple* Club Mjstery Pair rinal Cl«w huge generators for electric pow- side handling fee*. Ear Their surname hja connotation and office* of Church'World Serv- commercial and professional enter- CHAJU-t 10 WiORIM IO awn - A&S ' gia. oii disd laturmae*. included. 21 The w-ther -wlitfui M.».&Ie>. St Of the expansion of our ustlon. ice. This is a sort of clearing prises, that they have strong fam- er plants. They will be sent stm_-t mm&m •8u. modern popular song ft- t4} h pu*e tpf the good deed* of theily tie* and are deeply religious, the PK_byteri«n Board of For- about _ Ons» S-OTW LOST 4 away ptecea" com#s to American, churches overcea*. ©at r€*Hie*.that we, in.America, eign if us ion* hospital* In oat's i •out- Onuoc* J-3Z-1 r PASSBOOK No -,92t. VinAtt pleaae Africa and the Orient. In another in Jhinking: of the : CHATHAM eotnuw Uulhura ___• mi LOUIS MELLUSO return to Citlscoa Trust Co. ot Here one find* ft whote floor de- have a great opportunity in wel- ectiv -. Ctettuaci 4-owo __!__•_ ctaes 6'um.mlt, New Jersey. Uesi at the Cftiurch WoF4 p7 aUt/»n&a» Cabluet 'work. voted to the wcrk involved la. coming these 'Delayed Pilgrim*" | corner a ierge packing oi errata us top* MM ft- ftm* iiw ru»t __*i_m Fret- «U«i»t«*. PASSBOOK"~No~3«5«. the Summit ma. rk«kdd "refrigerator"fit" " i_ alsl o wait- buHdihg:. The far away "ami - tlw fault of t Trusf Co: Fender ple«« T«urn, P»y» bringing displftced persojni into to oHr shores. though, seem nearer,,and't: mrnV atoppeaT • •*" In addition to the work for DPs i-ngr to l»e shipped to the miawoa ALL COPY ICU3T 8IIHBT«ri- itUlburn «-U3J ISih brown billfold ment, that _, they must have seen and heard in the rmouvcm floor In large duffle bag*, where enc* B*e_*_r5r, lor wttfclf ntwtp*- o.a. free ticket! to the Strand thfeattr. containing turn of money. Phone _por_or«hip 6y en individual, or Church World Service. These pro- and offices of thU busy ' per office, Write Box B, _prt_gn*l. Bo* 353, Summit Carpentry, repair*. alteratlona, meat (topped; fin tier please return *ured in advance of _ place to Infanta, a teacher training center, bags are dumped unto big tables, Interest in Local book to bank. 4 cabluru. porebca, etc. Let me live, * job that doe* not displace instruction in English and other shoes extracted, torn clothing tak- _ job*~UrgU e or amallll UiUl SMALL grey change purse on Mlllburn MCR_TAKY-*tmo«r-pher with *«- W!<.Ttiui:.» Far is a. 3-6*32 1148 -t&gaolla PUc*. Union Avenue and Main Street, November another, that they will not become activities. ' en out for repairs In the sewing perUece In supervising rnaiounance R M ataff. Cllve training e*perl«-no. and • i 14—CONTKA£TO»8 10 Reward Mlllburn 6-4492-M. a public charge and that their On another floor in the building, room, and the re-t sorted into jBudget Pays Off, refrrfnci? in application Box 3i7. care t.%—fHUtWOOP ! BVTLDER and generaj conttractor, boom transportation from port of entry bir-fl containing articles of various of Summit Hrrkld. FOUND one learns of the work of the refu- KHEJ-LACE LOOS I repair*, aitexationa and rootlug. Ver- to destination will be provided. gees. This is an entirely separate categories After, that it is again WORKIHO h«u*e._r.p«r, Part time. Wei! i«i cord* * BOO PoUdoro Ul 8-0624. daya Id •- 0OO3—CATS—Se« Summit Animal i 40JO-M. e*eali.«a Vtlfmra Leagii* notice. Social page Arranging for assurance i- a big problem from that of the Displaced inspect*-, folded and laid in pile- Chamber Declares Otitt experience *nd reference* in •("*- joar or«*r now \ pilcaUoa. Box 358. cart or Sumn.it ummlt Herald. U vnurdo#U Init undertaking, but that ia only the Persons. In Germany alone there on other Jong;v tables, F-*om here it Active citizens Interest in fo.- Herald. :e! Sau>4ta&«k S uni^.U 6-8211 i DHJtSSMAJUNO-AHeraUooa At MM beginning, Church World Service, are 12 million. In Palestine, Greece, Is placed in the baling machine budget and tax problems Pays d:». or ta prlfitd borne* HnlonrtlU J- DIAMOND AfPRAISERS ld Qda ltl VOt'NG woman M eltrk through iu »Uff In New York and India, Pakistan, Korea, and China —just «ch a machine as farmers j e «ood municipal must be high school ' WREI'LACl Cry oat ig Diamond Appraiser*. Bt«a«y ment Prompt. «• Europe, help* to cecure the person are millions more. While the DPa "for cotton or h«y-and com-| . according to Alvin A B-r, day WHT_, excellent Wuiftiug I«-"»- 1 .jm,i ^ ,„ i_a * O'-r-seFartna. «- SEAis4[3THESS. menfllng. T tfoit. est lass, fi* »-rm. vm use 6 ' tlons in local company at Summit. L..\*J.J!^_™J?..:**_..Y:*5-S?______prlrate home. Summit Broad street (MarketI; take H to Or family desired, meets them on are mostly of non-German origin, pressed. A, generous handful of!- "", research director of th, New Jrrjty, Amwrr by letter to Bo* j Tvvo free ttrirt* to ifce Strand theater, arrive) in this country, and acts victims of the Nazi regime and mcth-flakfcs ia laid on top, then a!Chamber of Commerce, m a st 339, Summit Herald. . | suE_ir_,t,_ *re _*tn« be|d *pr Poc_>d H metli BJSUTaiCAJU IBataiUUooa SCRAP MITAL for the assurer ,'n arranging Inland th_v e wa_r itselft, "th_e refugee^ s are baling board, after which BUel pleased here this uv.k girl for dry cleaning •tore, L ParHl Jr.. • Ptrry Plata. Tictlmi of post-war 'conferences' i strap, are applied and fastened, The statement was .issued i steady work, 40r hour week. B. L tleld, ICllbura «-10J3 gTURS your scrap into ota. W» tmt tran-portatlon, keeping the __ur- con- Schla&ier, 2 Walnut Street. Summit TWO • FOOT • tfSfTJj • com wood •»«*- all scrap metal and Iron Open Sat- er informed of the progress made and the cold war. They not only 'and it Is wrapped in waterproof nection *-lth the announce P —0- 6-2122 -,•••' : urday 'Max Welnsteln St Sons, 043* mar\i oak and' Mckary. Ideal Gar- in hia case. need shelter, food and clothing, paper, slipped into snugly fitting Hcatlon of a State Chamb-r .... 8ALE.SLAKY watte- »40 week Apply /• pamph,- WAITED •woman for general housework !«n«ttu. W.R CoakUn. Cbatbam 4- USED CARS FOR SALE ehipa were due to arrive. In five moral and spiritual guidance," Dr. MA-HOIJSECLKANINO men, who handled it a* skilfully, said Mr. Burger, was orig.m: - tin days, hoyrs to be dlscusjMl, good PLYMOUTH coupe, 1933. with rumble dayi. "typewriter* were buaily Stuber of C.W.S. etates, "tyfeile the* ... mgu. Call Summit- 0-0355-JJ after WAIXS OaULINOa. BOOSf AND teat, motor overhauled, mechani- one realize, the tiine spent ia re-j puWished in 1940 but nas kv.nmti PPHOLSTlUi? clicking off telegrams to sponsors, UN is helping in this situation, it ' 10 a.m. ._ ' cally re'ry good, good tire*, n*w duced to a minimum. The increase jpletely revised and brought up >, ' Cleaned by machlna bratcea Phone Un. 2-4&M W. the executive* in the D.P. depart- will need .much assManc* from, WOMEN FOR LIGHT CLEAN AS- KINE .roissios oak diAtoi room furni- < , THE WALLHA8TEB WAT in weight after packing is only!date in response to numerous n- . tiire; lo«elj 'old up*stry. Sajnna'lt *- •No tnuaa, streaks.' odor or oola* BUICK special sedan, 1937. Clean, good ment looked somewhat wearied voluntary organizations like SEMBLY WORK WITH GOOD Call .OB»nj» 4-33Ji foi wttmaM. condition. Heater, defroster. Orlg- fiv« pounds fcr 103 pounds .of^UM.s from local taxpayer a.r. and harassed, and the place was a C.W.S./ especially in providing • ' PAY. PLUS BONUS. APPLY IN .Inal owner. Reasonable. Call South civic groups in New Jer.ey ani 15 Q%vr~ •Orange 2-0228, . ' , veritable hive of activity^ clothe*." clothing. PERSON, _SSEX ELECTRON- WILLIAMS throughout the country, SPECIAU-INQ IN WINDOW CLEAN- IMT~ F6^D~nbeIul»:e~~8ta^o_"^aBon" "Delayed Pilgrims" Good-Used Clothing '-Volunteer Worker* } ICS. 'BERKELEY HEIGHTS • t,ADy a q_k -«* M as_»_ ING, AND FLOOR WAXINO. - Crwthum 4-5674-M- In; h'f «t«t*™ent the Chamber JiS. on* _.-ess<*r with i«fg'e mirror IS Chestnut Ave Summit. N J . More than "90 per cent of the". Vae^ clothing is bcing'-sent to The <;cmt of packing Is sfll] fur-' ; .. N.EW-JERSEY." 120. miiK%_ny • octssi,;-~» ' table fi. 1M1 hUDSON four door sedan. Very t«,t Phone; South^ Orange 3-3565 reasonable C^Mitharn 4-2S4fl.W-. DPa come from campa in* the U.S. the warehouse all the time in ad-ther reduced by the willing vohin-, Su;r.n,s'. 6-3I2->U C*ft t TWO free ticket* to the Strand theater. Zone of Germany, oome from the dition to* books."toys and other tcers, who come from churchea WANTED T»VO slfihttjr u»-d kai*ricin O Summit, are bttnis held for A Hel- IMS PLYMOUTH deluice coupe, excel- **.**.«* in «,« and rugs 9 x 17, p.ri***.*ly o*r.ed. Can rr.ath of 99 Woodland avenue. Sum- lent condition. h»-atpr and defroster, | Erritiah Zone and a few front the articles^. Right now, however, there and other organl_«tion_ ail over be seen a". Ek4;cslsas 423 SpringfieJct nan* f|r«s •» Afi QiimmrV J»_T'Mf8l V* ! _ . represents an inc-rcas, m AOE OVER 21, must t>c reatdtnt of mit, at trie Herald onice. new tires. $1,425 " ^™_ ! French. Others come from Austria. b a special drive in progress. "Op- New York and the suburbs. Six 1940 FORD business coupe, excellent expenditures of Summit, driver und g&rsse duties. eration Clothes" ia being sponsored women from a church in Baldwin, call Summit 6-0439, LARGE inaroon *o7a acd' sltp coter. running condition, .new engine. Call since 1945. good" condition, $40. Ctuitnam 4- LANDSCAPE OARDENER. expert Vet- Summit 6-0202. by youth groups in the churchw Long Island, come once a month (SALESMEN — Full tlrai or part time, 55W eran Tree work, cement *nr_ 'all ! average II per hour. Short Hill* 7- price*. MUlburn 8-_28-R, , , good conditipn GARAGE WANTED Trucks being the clothing to theand pack. A group from Colum- Commenting on these figures, Mt, 2 bSd i*M * SOPA -net slip cow. almoat llkf new J LANDSCAPE—Gardener. Al topp soil radio und heater 1365. Summit 6- Garaqt tpoc* wonted lot basement, where it is' ator'cd to bla University camfe recently and j Burger declared: OFFICE manager by large Industrial Mak-0 __e_ o«er_ _ „ _. Cal_M Vl • rvSaamltW»U. _ • _ _ _ _i A • « ifeW W } ~~ Exper_ t service' . Excellen_____t reference_ * s 1587-M. contrlrlited 99 man hours of: "Municipal government is a o.j plunt. knowledge of purchasing re- one ear, vicinity of Bank St.. await processing. Summit 6-2207. work, lacking 35 bales. : and complex business, out this neU quired, apply by mall P.O. Box 6S9. _ MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE Summit. Writ* Box 346, Sum* In this store-room one also finds Dover. New Jersey, MONITOR washing Raehice. 4 1b ca- Z»—MASON CONTKACTOM au^;v&T i. .. I __ not deter a citizen from undur.ak- pacity, used a montas. S4Q. Ulll&urn JOSB-fl Kudlsi. UasoD-OoiiUactat SBRVI-CYCLE 1947, like new, on dl»- mir Htrald. shelves containing books—Bibles fltone, uick, sidewalks AU lay tt Larry's Cycl« Shop, 397 Broad On the seventh floor Is the ing to acquaint himself or hir<••.,! conerata work SO »1461 gtteet, 8umn>n. In many languages, Hebrew lexi- traffic department. When 200; with its wo.kings and its prob- HdpWonNd, Molt of TWO free ticket* to lh* Strand the- ater. Summit, ar* belag held for »—MISCELLANEOUS lem.. In its essential-, the admin. SECRETARIES-Sttno-typUU (legal, In- I. J Mick of 9 Colonial Way. Short HILL CITT TREE EXPERT Istration of a municipality diffen dustrial i Bookkropfr». double entry . Hllli ni Sh* It«?,-n oitlei-. ___ (commercial. Industrial), (hand-ma- Pruning. Cirity Work. Tr»n»pl»nUoi little from the management of « tl Domestic) — cooks, maids. EASY spin.dry w«!jer. f*3r condition, SV «I5S3a couple*, etc. AlsAl o (elecl t hhellp IUD- Very_r«a«5nitjle. Chatham 4-7542-M. ; private business or the running n pllfd Newmark'a Agency, 20 Wasn- WBOUOHT IRON rUR.NITURK :. a home. VULCAN gas range, four burner, tab!* Factory Bep»lred and Beflntsned {f^j{BftoJMJ l 4-368943689. top. o»et» storage drawer, high broiler. CLASSIFIED ANGLE mOH SHOP MI 6-058? REAL ESTATE j "Wherever citizens take an at- TWO free tickets to the Strand theater. Good condition. $35 Chatham 4-5000. Summit, ate being held for E, Ves- TOUR ADVERTISING returns Increased j tive, constructive, sustained inttr- by eiptrlenced copy-lajrout »ervlce tu»chi of 6 Walnut street, Summit, at PRE-HOUDAY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FuMiIshed Rooms For Rent jest in their Jocal budget and tu thp Herald office. Ten or trade. Chatham 4-0641-W REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEWSPAPElsfo f riT^y CLEARANCE SALE HOME typing »nd secretarial work. 1—SUMMIT 1—SUMMIT 3A—BERKELEY HEIGHTS SINGLE bedroom for gentleman. J problems, th^e one finds gooi —with knowledge circulation record*; The best In r*co__-tlo_*3«, r*- Summit, are being held, at the Cour- In tliese vital matters. No com- •v»m» Mtttb. Ulu c** t GiJti IVPEWRIIER RENtALS ier office for Mrs. Edward J. Sler- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 3. Electric portable » 39-50 TYPEWRITERS rente-, repaired, sold. YOUR HOME IN SUMMIT On large wooded plot, low rambling glel of 24 Hedges avenae, Chsthatn. next to bath, near transportation. munity activity pays such fruitfi 4. K«coa<-Utuned Singer, new Royal rebuilt 139 50. Slegels Station- Colonial with four larga bedrooms anc •8 per week. Summit 6-7408. dividends to residents and t_| c_feift«i. - •_»•« malm, light try summit 6-2191. New Multiple Listing No. 4i9 AND COLORED help, fur- ana new parts t 83 50 two tiled baths for under $25,000 3B-BEDMINSTER BOOM" With private l|Rth. five mln- noonr« ulilro no d™>s an pdvtl'V nlshed. Plalofleld Empiofroenc LAMP SHADES Freshly decorated Inside and out a alilce aa d0 s an AUUM Agency, 128 Nortii Avenue. Plain- • 5 Singer tre__I* I IB 7S perfect Plenty of charm in a top location. See BEDMIN3TER utea from uStlon Summit 6-5355.W. .P yf" « ' ' field. N. J, Plalnfleld 6-3534 to order. Your frames expertly j Shining white brick r*co»r«l. Custom made »Hk and rayon |.condition. Centefi»If. panelled library. B. W. Stafford of the Sew development one mile to Tar •pr»r» r—.—7L—-r_ _;--:J well-organized survey into puone DOMESTIC and commercial help 7. L»»S but not leaift' * Brand • thadea Wire frames supplied. and powder room on first floor—four GLEN-OAKS AGENCY, Hills station, beautiful vl*ws pond ONE each slngl- and double bedroom j _,-. _ j served. Land of Nod Employment Newi Singer round bobisln, Mrs. T. H Brockob bedrooms and three baths on second. sites, brook, choice aectlon, only a few Agency, 68 Main street, HadUon «- b«autUul caMeft. new low 443 Springfield AVe. Other features Include open porch, two Realtors three to five acre plots left. Priced with private connectingg batrwp , ex- expenditures and services, under- car attached garage, hard surface to sell at once. Will take back tnort celletiTelephont elocation after , 8 p.mhom.e Summicomfortst fl-, taken by a group of .^esponsib.e price, supply limited . 113250 Summit N. J, Summit S-6745-W 40 Beechwood Road Included In the pamphlet _8*8?_ _ drive, oil find hot water heating sys- Summit 8-202S - 02S3 gage for half of sale price. A real In- 0802Brealcffts. t and heated garage optional, j .,, • DROVE AOENCT— Placement p SINGER SEWING CENTER Jl—MOVINO—STORAGE tem, rock wool Insulation and storm vestment even If you do not build. ____TeleDhon_ e after 8 D.m. Summit^ «_• ICUlzens. tsts 42 years; finest domrtttca Cou- 331 Springfield Avenue Summit >• WOMAN wishes Monday and Tuesday A»enue, Spiinstfeld. N J Mlllburn rage with protected entrance. Pull days Work. Call Summit 8-5897. VILLAGE REALTY" ASSN., ONB-room m Sprlng/k-ld, gentfeniin !t as a prelirninary to a budgrt RBfCI. 91II. Mi. Cfaatitam 4-.TT5S. SUMMIT screens throughout. Visit home at 35 BABY-S FTTTN "57" anyt ime.~Kderiy PAINTING—PUASTERINO Fatrvlew avenue today. Realtors _ ^_l?£j^_!" ? 6-4389-vy, study." woman, expfrtencrd with children KITC'HESI cabinet. mUTora, dUbm. ERNEST VETUSCH1, South Orange 2-8017. curtata*. "He. tn SprtngfieJd A»e- PAPERHANGING REALTOR State Highway 32, Basking Ridge N, J, PtONT room to let, for married cou- Director Darby also stressed mi nue. or Summit f0237J Builder Bernardsvllle 8-1212 or 1213 opinion that the State Chamber! TOONO man wants days work. Call INTERIOR—EXTERIOR pg available Call Summit 8-0481 or your own broker December Mlllburn 6-1939-R LAWSOS couch, wc*ru iittt* totwtnf, CM? Season Prices Boat Materials &—CHATHAM Summit 6-0137-W. general suggestions on the u'ay H.-pplfwrit;.' cherry cheat, bra** fire- TWO free tickets to the Strand theater, WOMAN wishes Tuesday day a work place set- Call Summit •-!*Jl-M. BOB FABKICATORE COUNTRY HOME plewant room, convenient to in which 4ocal groups should .if- In Summit Orange 4-0708. Summit, are being held at the Sun HI HO EVERYBODY town, for elderly g.-ntleman. Hpf- Iproach ft municipal oudgW REFRIGERATOR ~Ap*x.D»3c o ST Jill Morru Avenue Onion. N. 4 Vicinity - Summit office for Mrs, L, H. Roemer, 7 Park en-nc«i deslrpd. Oarage optional, "L,. . . , . '. wants baby sitting evenings. ! WITH lane, Springfield. Have a look at this lovely six room er 0 tht e m Jrtimmlt fl-2046-M. 6 -j fu. ft . cxr IJcat coc^ltion, *>0. Call Cntormile J-34M ' ' 13,435 square feet of land modern colonial. It has everything, Chatham 4-0713-J. . * « * utmost Summit 6-1W0 X D. McCRAY large living room, porch, oil steam all- Included in these genera! .TJ? BABY «IU«r. mature, available eve- MANY FRUIT TREES »plo-and-»pan. plenty of garden space, SMALL well-furnished room for gentle- liSh Orangf 2-9043. Psp«rbanger ana Oecoratot Taxes only $150 Opportunity m»nm . ShorShrtt HillHill s 7-3223-W73223W, " igestlons by tlie State Chamorf SO «-«34fl Conventional first floor Four bed- near bus and good schools, $16,000. RELIABLE woman wants poattlon u AtTTBOHtZKO DKALKHS WortHlBg- rooms and bath on seem'id. 114,900. LMiaE room with b»th attachettahed tntn 'were the following: ^ baby sitter UNnlonvltlr 2-7.M5-J. I»OR BrTTEH WORK CLARENCE D. LONG ton p^tnp*. ati cwngii'Tin. Stur*- A. KEHOE Newly painted, excellent, convenient. Of A Lifetime 332 Springfield Avenue private home for gentleman. Refer- "Don't wait until tho putilu: lu WOMAN, colorrd, wturif* eleaniiig and tant blnwera, Woitincboaaa, Oen- tury. 0 S Electric motors: com- Taylor St MUlburn. N. J. W. A. McNAMARA, Realtor A solidly built older home on a two* Summit 8-5386 - 8-1962-J. pnws required. South Orange 2-7974. ln on your local bll<1 1 lS Ironing by day. Also dinners to cook acre plot In excellent location, close to 8OU¥OU¥H OrangeTT .ingl e roomTwsnn^iT^ii « ^ *nd serve week-encla Day work |t kitchen flnt MORNINO part time Jor>. FlnTdayi Complete •*l«c-tt'3l 4 ROOMS MOORRN SCIENC8 Of Hazardous Summit JUntoB»«lt S-M3I-46S0 station. full Insulation, Situated In a select lo- MMondaysd . OItmS Qq« floor* The firm floor liichiden a router en- cation on* plot 109*300. Fine old tree.. EDITH WOEIINEII with original hardware South Or- OCIAt* t?*i??tlf!g ^y^Nfs^l^i', 3^9 cSiScfc #i^y_^- «i—cugpom. trance hall, living room, dining room- Offered below coat of renovation. $23,- 8HOBR ACRES, N. JT. CHOICE OF COWRB FOR Road Conditions Itf HMW?!i«bl» rimmlt S-M17 study kitchen, puhtry, and screened 900 Inspect any time. DECORATIONS. THREt klrift* ***4* m<»tr porch, Second floor has four generous 48—STIRLINO With •now, Ice and h«r* «« the own- or Tl h -1H44 AND SRFTIO TAMU er* art only uklng 110,500, Cull Robert . ____ i«I out. 16 Wafrrn Ave. AOKMT ON nnrirfl<«, W two ipiwU, <-o**t- antt Lovely 8 rfeom Colonial, 3 y«ar» old, OFFICES RENT to put their vehicles Into "' ••r md h«nt#r, tht»» np»»«l». t!»fw> Vtitt ami kitchen. Conveniennit t lo«*UonlU , tott 7S IlKYNOLDS A ritlTZ, Realtom ^»ei,.ip Riimml good con«lltlr>n. »*) Summit B-.15H» BABY atomWBTown Niunmlt B-IOJS - 0:15/ x 334, Insulated, fltorm «ash. Oar»(t. fen |3S a M Mini All TH MOrrtattnrn 4-: K. Brotd St W«*HI»W »-IOin month. »34 M, h#»t, Ught »(5Y'B flchwlnn hlryrle full »l«», *«- KXCKrnoNAfj.v FINK only »13,JW0 imitm K*tvirt. M OBftlG, Renltor omberi Multiple I,l«MnR »y»t*tn 1. r K miti R O, llniutnn. rellml rciutltlon m*tM| hiukH. head n.AT TOP nfir* «!«k nNM »» Mnrtt- Modern fi>M"i liill, Ni>« KnRlntiri Still on Upward Trend and till light*, two ip«d ge*r iu(t WANTID TO IUY Otlimlal Jint pie w«t >liiK Phone # »«« urnj l*mn Urg* herln»>iiia. twii tint hi I.ava- mit Biimmlt #-0435..- SIMM - T/»fl M In N«w J#n»y Si IIAHT r*T OAHU rm t»ry on ftmf rmnkllif flrtuxil WANT0) • Ir» th» nran«M MnplewttnlL INSTRUCTIONS *J«» MH!Mrn « •ntitttiM _n*«r. hooka, hr*o-»- JC)HN II. KOHMOR, Krnllnr FORESIGHTED Short mils. Burnmlt. Oh»thw», aMi _ f reml *tn hnwtt With on* 4-rtvim xnrt rKJWAMI W vVtl „_. "•*"••• !•«• »t stiidiu Ai.n for »1 MUMMfT ihr«* 3-room p«ld w»t*r ot>*rtt»ient>i TWO U*» flrkeU f> (he fltund lli U lUlatod st, Rtuit nran», H J, in Wa will tray ymtt atih> Mtlitiirtt*. *tt> lie|nij Itclrl Hi (lixNun nrrordtnf Road Income In hi*»( nf Phoni. f)B )-MM R»*« Oil S I«M Kill t,,t(.r (i. ROBIN Hiioti Whop, • ifrii-c for H«rrjr N««!i, m H Mn|>lc l e*nt*r of rMt-Rrowlni New »lre«t, Mllimtrn «'JI« i»»<1 fiothtnf ult'lt, fip) lllgtlolil 4S feel of v»iii«ti|. j>,ml- of b#it#r nunlltt for •»»» in*mlH>* frnntit«e, t.ow ti»««m rimi- WANTED TO *IMT tnnri(h« in fjhh « UtnUfUf Wl »-4U»4U* put* for ytMir«i*>If Its lfirt« inni or iN*;i In T'!III" ' p Itmii Jr rhina, hull* In ttt l p (Ion*, itrnlrp mifi pf*n» "Tnw IM7 * **f<« buy, A*k(?i| only fur -l!| nt Snininif «t f>nt»r rotiv-nlriit to }n |ti mtvmrr Atf*-rt« living ((mm, AGBNCY. »rly .1-2449 tit Msrttv l n*\t riwrn, Mr nH klt<*h««i •Inn MMtKlm hl«w iturrh, fli*t 1 IMMM d « f l It Realtors — loli turn r(«iin« r»f the "I* * rnnr r«f nmmn «!l f- SWKFTT AND LOW M w* W to %* RESULTS &AIA6I WAMTiD and fram#, »!*;ht **>*r* oft, » f I «« « »M »*TfWW tit* tnn(h and 1 «h MUM f »H nf pnrlt, tl*»r htts lit lh» Mi tw OMy III.M0. itWIItf $4800 »v\ CLARENCE p. LONG town i 4-lMt-M. SIS §mintfWH A*tRt BUY U.S. BONDS j •WrtMlilV THE SUMMfTHERALD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, l?49 _ • • la BtMkui*. ^IUpra%«««« tm It Trsynor and Mwr. Sahmtore Cer- whose teacher U Sister Grace Her." However dua to the «udd*a DECEMBER , p.m., -It's Spring Again." Calvary Local •arytoaj St Teresa's PTA vone, ftrst grade; Mm Edward Josephine. Thie i» the second t;ine' indijpoaltion of tha barytone who j—Thurs., 10 a.m. to 4iS.n\u.Fatra ; Church Drama Guild. Bergman; Mrs. Joseph Angelo, the das* has won the atu-ndance. kid been scheduled to «ing the Elects Chairmen, Mrs: Gu* Di Gitwo and Mrs. -\uta:,- P-fiz^JTije first time w&m m. *nd .Garden,.' Friendship' Market,; ' 3—Fri.. 1 to 10 p.m., "Santa Sale," Makes Drtwtta^ Shwplew role, Mr. Johnstonwu De Gieso, second grade; Mrs. Phil- OctOTtr meetiitg. • ' Beeehwood Hotel. .• -Centrar l Presbyterian Parish House- FABRICS called on two days* notice to «*• Class Mothers - ip Montuori, third grade; Mrs. 4—Sun-, Art Association, Open,- iQffl* the role. 1 and 2—Thurg.. and Fri., Amct-! r ,.,,-A lahMton off MWBtvkw Thomas. Finnemn^ Mm Louis Tae following chairmen of com- ican .Legion AuxHiar.v, Rummage ! Sr.g Membfte* Exhibition', Jir. Johnston, who w&i featured mitteea and $]&& mothers were Trombacct), third, and fourth grad DATES aoloist on a weekly radio network S«e;-t3 Union place. • ' For Your t.at!C barytone, made W» elected &t a meeting of St. Teresa's Trombacco, third and fourth gndr; NOVEMBER Woodrow WjIsoTi waa th<> l;«*t mturioal program this teat summer ' * w C!ty opsrstic d*btft *t toe PTA last Thursday. Mre. Michael Luciano and Mr> 24-ThuM.. Th«nkagiv:r.g Day. 1 and 2--Thur«., and Fn... $:ZQ jFi.irs.dt'nt from V;rg;nia ,, b «oon to be at&rred in a TV op* Rocco Nerdiello, fourth grede; ,Mr>. 2S Mon.. s p.m. \Vi!ton CoIVgi- ^ York City Center Ope» O». «* ahom with Sigmund Spaeth Oommittes: Mns. Thoma» Fin- neran and Mrs. Albert Ruck, nomi- James Fleming end Mrs. Patrick Club, at Marristown. HOME ;e«nt:y in the roled! SJMP!« la acting as program narrator. Tb« B ltt r nating; ^Irs. J. Norbert Gelson, De Feo, fifth grade; Mrs. Armand. 29—Tues,; II:SO a.m. to 4. p.rh., Puccini*. " ' * *J^f^ production will be directed by Rene Bontempo and Mrs. Henry Gus- Sun.«shim> Society, Apron Sa!r, at $44 a month pays off Tli* Most ComprithtRifvt Maben, former Metropolitan tenor. hospitality; Mr«. Frank Pecca, hil debut Wer In th« mer, isixth ' grade; Mrs. Patrick YWCA: • publicity. C^*s mothers: Mm $528 loan in a year ••<*--'• Colttction of Fj^riej for John Vitale and Mrs. Charles Hoff- Caruso and Mrs. Joeeph MeNa- • 30—Wed.. 2:30 pim.. Muaic de- man, kindergarten; Mrs. Robert mara, seventh grade; Mrs. Gerald partment, T4 Essex road. Upholstery, Drapery, Slip Sansone,,. eighth grade. Cash to )>'OUs45U4i«ik—i-'Okt" orjo»n..onty $.'«.«<», or*- , 30— Wed,, 8:30 p.m. "It's Spring Coven end Curtains. The-clasa- attendance prize was Again," Calvary Church Drama only S1^. Wny pay more el*t a First PROMPT SERVICE received by th«> second graiii- iC'iild. . National Personal Loan. Loan* under S&00 r.ct*t nnly :^> 50c a month yter ? HH). SPECIALISTS V>'*1 •"* SINCE 1921 ' HOW SUES • SERVICE ANU-TR|!ST COMPANY 01" SUMMIT of Summit Atayer^aoUD, FABRIC CENTER MORRISTOWN COVUiNS MAM&m* mUXUk, fiJ-MS Uiv.T K'lild /iMO 2,000 KIT IN NPOMr. •ANKING HOUtt MEMBCt SI MVflT fi-1681 MBCT TO LOFTS LUNCH TlOiol^-. HOIRAL DEPOSIT MPARKPtACE 20,000,000 0*ucs$ C* AT FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM SNUFFYS ioTooSaT F UE Lv BURNER TODAY TONS/ A\O rOMMt'NITV SIHVICi SERVICE SAVE 25% OR MORE OF OIL! AND OIL EVERY DAY Summit 6*3900 k(SUNDAYS A tA CARTE) I SUPREME COMBINATION on. . Mat. 2:00 Dail> FULL COURSE OF PERSONAL SERVICE WIMKLER •URNII STRAND KveW, From C.;SO 1*. M. LUNCHEONS G«f "d of hcut'^g ht':i-'-<.y. '"f. THUR., FRI., SAT., NOV. 24-25-26 A stn»tionatly dilfcr«nt oil burnart Tha Winklef CALL OR 2-6500 lf>* hindl*a tba widen rang* of oil*—•r** Hm Continuous 'fItmiliNKlviiiK Pay hard$mt'to-burn cara/yf/ca-all with tqaal 75V JFeaturlnc - •fficiancf.. SKUFFY'S FAMOUS ALL TIME \1>VKNTUKE (illEVTS: WinkUr advancad Low hum CLAM CHOWDER for N>w Jtllty l laiqu d««ifti faatoraa will aave you as the soup course attonlthing amount of fuaL TWa AND SNUFFV'S bnrn«r can ba adjusted to prodat* OWN ICE CREAM OR /•Mf th* riiht mmount of hmat \m PASTRIES FOR DESSERT jrour boiltr or farnac*. Most Hammond Organ forUdttmployti- . bnrntrt aft ovartiitd to pttvtst \V Melodie* •Mil* clogging, bane* waata aa much aa US BuVirv tWV/atir Work! Jndoltry. «f hwt and fu«l. ihc inviftcmt in plant uuS equipmint comti ta *pppojira»1«Jy InvMtigflt* todayl #70,000 per employt*.' YM hatva only to aw tha afanplt, o*p*ndaU» •align of tba Winklef If Barnar to raalisa *% HNI&KOrZ ll it tha answat to yoor heating problaaa. TMa> SNUFFYS ebon* now for a damonatratloa STEAK HOUSE Commonwealth Water Company MOUNTAIN 4 PARK AVU STEPHENS-MILLER CO. iteOIXH PLAINS SPECIAL MORNING SHOW 31 Russell PkK« Summit 6-0021 FRIDAY, NOV. 25TH AT 10:00 A. M. IM^iiliiliP KIDDIE KARTOON


Brictt »nd cemtnt work, p»tch Ing or any kind of mnaon work Michigan Ave. Summit • 4JW n. rnt Entire Week—fitart* With I'revue Wed. Nlte Nov. M iw ft a»nncll MOTOR IITOKKRa |«ft* Jowph David Ruth 11 mult 6*294? •AJmBRlf itJM- DAVIS COTTIN IRIAN ROMAN MI>SM SroM gtMtt - JohMn, Summit «-O0W -in- "BEYOND THE FOREST" COMING FRI. - SAT.. DIC. 2-3 •MCRT M1CTAI WORM Cotnlnfl $^n—"TASK FORCI'-'IViRYIODY DOiS IT' Hiiildlng lOWlt a CROOT A IOM M«rrtaCmtri ttt Morrln Av«nu«

r AMr,nAr* a •UKNTAI, SRKVIf9! "SPEEDY" BY LEONKTTE MOTORS photegfdpNd by 1400 combat ttiwtm win yBtk R1NTAI. RKRVICR air* |ftor All And OMII«4 ttONini •«mmtt i'WW mmm

m t,,. ""'"""II IN ttarrtu4» t c limit

^^SlS'te.! 1 II6-IIS i«,0AD STRUT 9 • i OJrV VMMOUTM ^ — ^ mTZT~ SHOWROOM w%um\hU^ MARII A lUPItt MA1T

mmm OTORS SUMMIT6-II65 THI SUMMIT HiHALO. THURSDAY. NOVtMiER 24, OF Tb« ildt wifl wffl JfOTICE 18 HEBCST OIVW. Tittt nones ot wtnxaaan 0* tb* Stb Xnwrmsdau sccouat of u»s tbaXOTIC> lad IluMtfmedU IS HMKMCU Taccoun CttVfMt ,o fTha tb«t tkfe Is Plmcd far rtdei* who suto*ertfeM\ Trustee unfler tit* iMt Will subscribertils) Htpif 2At#ms^a(, Trust** aa4a# atocouiiy t&a last otf WU thi1f trjr far ttw ffffat. btau- jrfHJRBnrrccocKM d tMUseiit of ARTHUB A. 8TBY- The aiwiMl ffctaJttfhiBf nara* 8HAIX. a*c*»**«t, «U1 b* sriMUU* tsft L (UCMHI will t» audit** a&d the ride, liratk- , atcttd kr Hb# »uiTOf*t«,*jwl r«>ort»4 sMd by th« SorrOM.tr. wad ftnartad iof breakfast ride will leave Wtt- for MtuasMas to thi Dillon County Jar s*ct!*tasBt to to* Union County .Court. JProbst* Division, on Thursday. Court, Probsu Dltlrton, on Thursday. chUng Stable*, Glewide insw, tt* Flmt 4»y of D«c«mb«r, but, at 10 the West day ol December, nest. at 10 Summit, et 8:30 e.m.. »ccordi»g to ••»:•' Simp and Save f n Dated: October 2»th. IMS D»t«J, Oetobtr Stfe, IMS T. N. Tally, troop director. Tfcfc THJE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CITIZENS TBUST COMPANY event ha* be«n conducted for the AMD TRUST COMPACT OK OF SUMMIT, N. J. SUMMIT SUM1CT, Jf. J. putt thirteen yeiam, mad «*ch y«ur Trusts*. TnwtM. HCOHBS fc MABTXAUB. AttJI- KATUCWD T. PABJROT. Attornsf. become* increwlngrly populftr with STOWS OPfN All 0AY WEDNESDAY IS MUpl* It., Buaamtt, H- J. itS Bro*4 St., EUz»beth. N J. Pec*—17 M-3J-2t-ZS—o»w«w Fees—«7 the looftt ride r*.

NEW MODEL—Eleven choice* of colon combined with »ew Interior itylinj are featured in the 1&80 F*or4 Custom Deluxe Club Coupe and other*models just introduced by Ford dealers throughout the nation. Ford Division bai accomplished greater comfort, safety and economy as well as improved beauty of styling if its 1950 models. On display locally at Dillon Motors. 520 Springfield avenue. . i

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS (Docket No. M-215-M) d»jr of December -next, sad la default SUPERIOR COI'RT OF SRW JERSEY ttutioi. *uch Judgement will b* ren- NOTICE TO CREDITORS CH*N< ERV UIVIMON, dered against you as the court shall UNION COVNTV think equitable and Just. ESTATE OF ALLKH H. WHITE, D«- TO ROBERT L. OO0DALE: Trie object of tald action U to obtain By *lrt«e ot «r» Order or trie Superior s Judgment of divorce .between aald pursuant to the order of CHAKLUS A, Court of the State or New Jersey, pplaintiff and you. OTTO, JB-. Burrogiu of the County Chktictry Division, nude on the 27th 00mt*dd . OctobeOb r iiltl. 194J. ol Union, m»d» on th« twenty-iiitti diy of October, IMS, in an action PITNEY, HARDIN At WARD. d«y <-! October A. D, 1MJ, upon tb« wherein M*rjorle L, Ooodile U plain- Attorneys (or Plaintiff, •pplicitlon of the undersigned, u tiff and you *re defendant, you art 744 Broad Street, Ejtircutors of the estst* of Mid dectksed, hereby required to answer the Com- 2, New Jeney, nonce u hereby-given to the creditor* plaint of plaintiff on or before the 38th r ol t»ld deceived to exhibit to the eub- senber* under oath or alflrmatlon tljeir claim* and demands agaloit the mate of Mid deeea«e4 within ill months from the date of attd order, It's LARRY S For QUALITY BIKES ot they will be forever barred front prosecuting or recovering the umi agalntt the subscribers. ORDIR THEODORR H. BKItRAN, THB SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY, ' " Eiecutort. 24 HOUR SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE BCUMIO dc BOURNE, jittprners, NOW 382 Spring(leld Ave.. Summit, N. J. FOi W23J*232& NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT XMAS NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN, That AT NO AT NO th» final account of the iubscrlber; Executor of the last Will and Te*u- SPfeCUi raept of AONES J. WILLIAMS, de- ceased, will be audited and stated by the Surrogate, and reported for settle- ment to the- Union County Court Pro- T2.95 tMte Division, on Thunday, the 22nd EXTRA CHARGE EXTRA CHARGE day of JDecember, next at 10 a.m. Dated: November 21st, 1949/ Velo-King Velocipedes THE 8CTMMIT TBU8T COMPANY ot Summit, a., J. Cellophane Wrapped Executor. H" Full Mi Iwringj • 8CHM1D & BOURNE, Attorneys, licydt Type Spoktt—•Torington P«cW 383 Bprlngfleld Ave.,.. Summit. N. J. Perfectly Laundered 3J-a6-af-28— o a w 4 w Fees—f?. Rtplactabl* Crania NOTICE TO CIUDIT0BS Other Velocipedes Starting at 3.95 ESTATE Or CHARLOTTE THOMAS, Deceaied. RADIO STEEL WAGONS 8.7S Pursuant to the order of CHARLES • A. OTTO. JR.. Burrogate of the County SCHWWN-COWMBIA—COLSOIX—RUDGE of Union, made on the twenty-sixth day of October A. D., 1048, upon the application of the undenigned, as BICYCLES. VELOCIPEDES Executor of the estate ot said deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors AND CHAIN DRIVES Of ssld deceased to exhibit to the sub- 45 Union Plac. scriber under oath or affirmation their Use Our lay away Plan claims and demands against the estate Summit, N. J. of aatd deceased within six months from the date of said order, or they will be forever barred from proa ecu ting Larry's Cycle & Sport Shop or recovering the same against the subscriber. MORRIBTOWN TRUST COMPANY, On* «/ Jeney*! largest €ycl« Shops Executor. BCHMID Ac BOURNE, Attorney. 397 Iroad StrMt , Summit &.AQ2B 383 Springfield Aft., 'Summit.' N. J- 22-23-24-23-J*—OSw3w Fees—I7JJQ AHTHOHY FIMIA Jobbing Promptly Mundmd T» PLUMBING . HEATING SHEET METAL WORK 7 Chestnut Avenue Summit 6-742 W

"MY SPENCER IS TOPS! My Ugly IUI«M Ar« Oontl OPEN OP THIS "POWER PACKAGE! My Postur* Ir Gracefully Er«

Mr*. MeU .McMane Mi Spring field Ave. Your invitation to a new adventure! The moment you step on the gas Room S10 Bassett Building Summit you'll know you've found a new driving sensation! For only in % SPENCER * %%%T SUPPORTS Oldsmobile is vclvet-smooth Hydra-Matic Drive paired with the smooth-surging power of the "Rocket!" And you can try it today Pfroit* Summit 4-4120 lx:hind the wheel of the flashing Futuramic "88P1 You'll he amazed Hilma Johnson at the eager, effortless flow of high-compression power. The tireless MUlimru %-f, v FUR • CLOTH • FELT pace of the "Rocket" takes the hills and curves and open road in the S-* - Made to order from same leveling stride. This is power that sends you far ahead; yet it's your material or oar*. | HE III smooth and quiet and easy to handle, thanks to Hydra-Matic I}rive. Remodeling. 24 Dtlary liaet So don't be left behind! Try Oldsmobile's new "power package!*' t\ M«pl«> Ht») Make a date with the "88" «t your Oldsmobile Dealer's today!

A LOAN i :



Tabs. «f

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The Japanese fielded the better the player* wtr* worn out, tlw Zooming Birth Rate Poses Problem to Schools team, togged out in new uniforms. f&mt wii caU«d aewa la- Trft^EEN-ACER The Americans wore sweat shirts Blast. Score: Japan U, UA It. bumper baby crop will enter kin- th# school year of 1953-54, wit approximately $500,000. This year and slacks. Th« polit. Japantw Crest of "Baby dergarten and will bs in school for practically all of the increase i the operating; 'budget stood at announce* r«"peat#8iy urged Jap- Over half of all patitnta In not?*. *t least 10 years thereafter. the elementary schools. This k $1,200,000. anese spectator* to applaud good tali on an,•„"y give—n —, based entirely upon birth rate*, LOOKSsARdUND «0,- Wave" to Swell By the time the creat erf the In the Maplewood and, South plays by the Americana. Because 000-ar« mental case* baby wave reaches our schools, in •and does not included population Orange system, the budgets stood By BRVNA LEVENBERO shifts. MM, we wiU have in New Jersey at $1,484,000 in 1948. The total In my meager 17 years of exist- sex' to be happy, so they concoct 1954 Enrollments as many elementary pupihi as we Maplewood end South Orange, budget this year, $2,118,000. ence, I have drawn thU one con a style that turns her into a fiat had elementary and high school however, are more fortunate than By JOHW COAD On a state-wide basis, since 1946, elusion which", I believe, shall for- chested, close cropped, emaciated student* in 1948-49. Enrollment many towns m that, according to while inflation was boosting the ever remain unchanged; animal who would be better off on Wtt. New Savings Accounts There ha» been much attention prediction have beco carried the school superintendent, there school bill, local' property taxes American women,'Jo some re- ; another, planet. And does the givei, recently, to the overertmd- through 1958 on a state-wide basis, may not be any need for a large for schools went up about 44 mil- epects, are weak of will! American''woman protest? She L i our public ecbool*,.and the and show that by then there will expansion of physical facilities. lion dollars, according to the Ed- I know they have proven their does not. A desperate sigh may Opened Since January 1st ucational Planning Commission. worth in.^naiy fields which be- fall from her lip». but she will It costs about $260 to educate fore the-turn of: the century the blindly follow th* leader through each new pupil, and when the stronger sex maintained.were "For the ordeal. How About You? Planning Commission multiplied .Men Only." But when it «©mes to 'Perhaps one day'the female will this by the 167,000 new pupils on something that concerns the "fe- rise up and prot&t BO violently the way, they came out with the male species, they submit with pas- against the tyrannical D. D, S. that answer that by 1954 It will cost siveness This "something^ that I they will submit to her. If they Current $43,420,000 for the public to edu- am writing about is Fashion. must dictate, they might try to cate these new pupils. And, they Women will latch on to any make the lowiy male unhappy, in- add, this makes no provision for stead. ' . Dividend higher expenditures to attract type of clothing so long as it is teachers, build schools' or provide the "latest fashion," no matter how additional service*. ' it makes them look. Though this "World Series" Won Under 1 the present system, the same American woman will fight By Tokyo Silk $ox Insured Protection local taxpayer foots practically all valiantly for a .democratic cause, A baseball team made up of Gen. INSURED of the local school bill. Out of each she will let herself be dominated . .Douglas MacArthur'« economic ex- local tax dollar, between .40 and by a regime which I call the De- perts slugged it out recently in For Your Savings .50 cents of each dollar goes to the signers' Dictator Society. The D.D. Tokyo with a tram of top official* support of the school system. S. (my humble apoloBies to the j Of the-Japa'n'fee Ministry of Tnlpf Large Increases in school expenses dental profession)- apparently is national Trode, according to Path- "Send for One of Our Saveby.Mail Folder* are therefore quickly apparent to a group.of sadists. They .will .de- finder news magazine. the property' owner. sign an article of clothing which Advertised as the •'BiirNuierate' New Jersey ranks 46th among makes,woman look ai she should World Scries," it *w M»e« -, (Continued on page 2) D.J). S. doesn't want the fairer with Japanese......

. *


THE CHILDREN ARE COMING, points out the Educational Planning Commission of New Jersey. They estimate that by 1954 there will be 167,000 more pupils in the elementary schools of the state than there are today. Above, four of today's school generation, top: Susan Diakos, Charles Munson, bottom: Paul Cprum and Valerie Walker, all of Summit.

( shortage. Many schools in this be a total of 870,763 students in Some of the elementary schools aree ere operating with classes, public schools. This year there are not now filled to capacity, and particularly in the elementary were 639,357 students in New three rooms were added this year. grades, swollen beyond normal -'?• * T • " ' Jersey'* public schools. According More dramatic is the case of ! capacity. Some schools have had t > ff • - •. s ••••. Union. to provide classroom* by makshift to estimated figures, there will be methods, often curtailing other almost a quarter million more chil- In 1942 there were 350 children facilities which are deemed de- dren in public schools m New in kindergarten in Union schools. sirable in a good educational sys- Jersey in 1958 than are in school This year there are 490, and tem. Others have been forced to today. j 1953 It is estimated there will be inaugurate classes on a shift sys- In the more immediate future, 660 children in kindergarten, ac- tem. the commission points out, the cording to Charles T. Hassard, supervising principal. That this problem Is not merely crest of New Jersey's baby wave an immediate one, but rather one will hit first grade in 1954, swell- Overcrowded Now which will fac« this area and this ing enrollments to 167,000 more Even now the Union schools are state for eome years to come, is pupils than we have at the pres- overcrowded. In one school, built presently being emphasized by the ent time. to accomodate 630 pupils, there Educational Planning Commission From these figures, the Educa- are now 870. In another, also de- of New Jersey. Chairman of this tional Planning Commission draws signed to fit the needs of 630 chil- lay organization is Leonard E. the conclusion that within the next dren, there are 770. Best, Summit, treasurer of the 10 years New Jersey faces the In order to make room for the Richard Best Pencil Company, greatest educational task in the children, teachers' rooms, libraries Springfield. entire history of the state. and home economics rooms are The crux of the zooming pupil To take care of the added 167,- either doing double duty as class- attendance in local schools, is the 000 new pupils in 1954, they point rooms, or^have been cut in size increased birth rate. For Instance, out that the schools would need to provide Jpace for the chldren. the commission points out, in the 5,000 more teachers than they now According to Mr. Hossard, the 1930's the average number of have. The State Department has township will need 30 additional babies born in this atate each year recommended that the State elementary elususrooms within the was 58,000. The yearly average for Teachers. Colleges, in the next 10 next five years at an approxfmate the l»40"fl, they say, will be 83,000 years, graduate a yearly average cost of $30,000 apiece. -25,000 higher. And experts pre- of 1,100 potential elementary With increased enrollments, dict that the wave of babies will teachers. From 1939-1948 the av- budgets, too, have increased. In continue at least through 1»52. erage number of elementary teach- 193R, the, Union school budget was Determine Future Enrollments er-graduates, from these colleges Ry analysing the birth rate fig- was 332. ure, school authorities can deter- To accommodate the increased mine with a grro«t degree, of ac- enrollments, it has been recom- Millbi/r curacy the number of kindergar- mended that the schools in the Upholstered ten an"rae, due to local movements', is would cost $400 million, all by 1962. aeromf.lUhed with greater accura- These are some of the problems, <>' on a state-wide basis), than at a on a state level, which face the local level. public a* well an t h« educators Carpets yar 1947, fM fxamp|Pi Mw within the next 10 years. '13 e babies born in New Jersey At Local Level J«n ever More in It* history- ] On a local level, it has been es- Cleaned M0M The 1M7 baby-crop hasn't timated that attendance in the d «chooi yet. This y«ar th« public schools of Maplewood and IN YOUR HOM1 to edu«tlnjr the 7S,000 babies South Orange will Increase from •YOUR *>m in IMi. But by im. 1MT# the present 8,500 pupils to 8,300 Jn

CERTI-FOAM i - • • It LIONEL METHOD FACTORY TRAINED Pi ' REPAIRMEN •1* turf* fetation of Tmlfw In Stodk IIILLIURN TIAIN CENTtR MOLLStlWf AVK, MflXrWIlN. MI. *-4*47 9*9 Owr CwHf»f«f« Urn »f Toy*

. / Everywhere • 14 • ALTERATIONS •to >• REPAIRS '•if • LAYING • DYKING up • pAntll, mnd »•• wht'f .rrlvlnf htr« on N«v«Miif 1' CAIJ, Nil hturi «r« 10.00 to I2IOO and hOO t« ItOd MfyjifiH 4-1000 fT0"A«l • MOVHM • MM» CUANW* wmmmmm ! MIUWRN m§ »«ck It MlUtf with iurloyi 1r*m l**i tt If«tl • s# RIMIACK STOtAOf CO. CUAWWS INC. ¥ *.- •" 'J'," wnmtf With Cold Weather Ahead, It's Time to Fix-up Inside YOUR GARDEN V im in tt i sacar or ttJt THIS WEEK AIM, r*v wtB tia* your fooc taw aatnea at SCtujfreas V Home and £M Mmtii *»«,.-•• - FBED D O6MAX ,, Pfteae MUibusa jf- Union County Agricultural Agent Dahlia tops have been killed by frost in many places, so now the problem of storing the roots comes EVERYTHING to the fore. Three days to a week YOUR GARDEN after the tops have been kitled is Quality evergreeni, jr,, f the usual time to leave them in the shrubs*; flowers, fruit •<•«« Some Hints for Getting, ground before digging. However, it raised in and for this clm^J" is better to get them out before a. Aiao seed*, fertilizer — a;; \, heavy freeze occurs, as frost may "reasonable prices. Homes in Order for Winter \ work down through the stalks. There are various methods of £«*»i'«**#»* Contractor* With the umuually long get to work Scrap* off the loose • handling them. Anyone who h&s a *t almost sprlnf-like weather paint, then uni the entire frame. If the putty is in bad condition, vegetable storage cellar with a din MRSKHIIS we've been having recently, some floor has ideal conditions for stor- homeowner* may hav* been lulled chip it aw»y carefully and rt* 13* MiUbwra Ate., .Mltlfcurn age, if. the temperature dots not M Vaw HaMajjJI aidg' into a fait* tews* of security. putty the window. A jmtty kwife is an easy tool to h»ndi«—even rise much above 45 degrees. But Nevertaelcas, winter Inevitably will the person who has only a cellar oonoe, a&d when it docs, happy is for the rank iunateur. Let the the person whoa* home I* smugly fresh putty set for about 24 hours, with a concrete floor, with a heater, secured and repaired for winter's then pauit. Use a I1* Inch brash has a real problem. Perhaps this I onslaught. for'beat r«*ulti. Also, you'd bet* i personal experience will help. j The dahlias were dug carefully Perhaps you have already ic tep have a scraper handy to take BVYIHG off the dried blobs of paint you so that the roots were broken as i complMted Uw necessary chores little as possible and with all the around the houae in preparation will find on the glatf after you : have finished. As a preventive soil possible left on. The clumps: STORM WINDOWS? for the colder mouths ahead. But were then placed on the cellar j if you haven't, now is a good time measure vr.hUe you're working with the brush, however, it'a a good floor until excess moisture was Wby 0etf HVNTIi to do them, and with these hints gone, and the stalks cut back to ; to help, the job may be a bit I idea to have at hand a soft rag Y— M*n Seffefacfto easier, • " , . 'and some turpentine with which ) about 2 inches from the crown. • ; you can easily wipe off the smears I Where there were broken. roots, j Aay Otk* SHrm You probably* will vaat to palbt on th« gks«. • '"...• ' these were smoothed off with aj four screens before putting them knife and dusted with a mixture [ «M0tm to rest for another season. As Let's skip for a minute to the of dusting sulfur and lime. This \ you remove them from the win- : roof of your house, Your .roofing ALTHOUGH THE INTSIALLY long period of almost springlike weather we have been having in material was also applied to the • dows, check the frames and wire may be of wood shingles. If so, for aign* of deterioration, then | .: weeks stay have tempted many homeowner* outside, Winter ia sure to come. In fact, we hadi cut end of the stalk. ! stop and think a* rhbment. How i cf is 2ast week. When colder weather atay^then \» the time to do aoma of tha As soon as the excess moisture •tack then up and go to work long hat It been since you've given per window. However, if you was gone and the soil somewhat I with a good brush and a can of !csg-r.eedH repairs inside the home. thote dutiful aoluflas attention? , have any degreee". of skill .with dried out, the clumps were placed I You can make a gobd yhlngle tools, there is no doubt that you ^ • * , - . - - in bushel baskets that had been [ " U painting screens Is a trouble- stain by mixing together 4 gallons can do the Job yourself. You can lined with several layers of news* stmmrnmnr seme" task for you, you might try of raw linseed.oil, 2 gallons of coal- .purchase a caulking gun « any' Colors for Tulips and Companion Plants papers. After the baskets were applying the palrit«w TULIP your basement floor Is good enough AUTOMATICALLY DEFROST In the regular perennial borders as those started early indoors, fa- (Continued from Page 1) Your Rtfrlc«rat0r Each Night With to etand on its own feet—or at cilities for which few of us have. a Guaranteed Telechron Powered De- least to have other feet stand on where tals-pe brrng iajportant e«rly BULBS troit Automatic It. In this event about all you color they tmy "be a«t in regularly §ow Now For Earliest Flowers property taxes. The state pays on GOING SOUTH •paced groups of six or more bu!b» the average about 12 percent of the have to do la paint it. There are The ILst of annual may aafely 1 all of extra-fine alze and MILLAR INSTRUMENT CO. special paints made for this pur- of one variety or color, a n d if include all those varieties -which local school bill. Only two states THIS WINTER? placed a foot or t*"o back from the raise a smaller percentage, end 8M Seventh Ave,, Newark, N. 4. pose which will serve very well usually self sow in this area and TAKE A TRAILER! quality for extra-fine bloom Generally speaking, when you front of the bed, the foliage of the also any others which are hardy the average in the nation Is 40 perennial p3anta arranged around per cent elate aid. Oil AIRI-flO in your garden next tpring. set out to paint raw a concrete and have small hard seeds. ILarge floor you should first dean it to-screen the bulb •oft Seeds. Large soft seeds, even As a result of the estimated in- WIlfIR AIR C0N1ITI0RII «s it ripe&s, Tae ALSO DAJfODILS, thoroughly with muriatic acid. of hardy varieties may decay in crease in puplte, and the added Maximum oil beating com fort I When using muriatic acid be d^rarf ar.d crested iri». in the cold wet ground but the expense which would, under the Constant room temperatures to LILIES. HYACINTHS, hard seeds will lie safe if pro- present flyatem, fall primarily on within « firactiono f « defi»«. Ovtr- careful. It is extremely corrosive, j V*??*}• lr ial pff*rd» be ne (Doronicum), Wear rubber gloves, rubber over « * ««•«»•* ne, every room heats rockcM** '*«*»!»» «nd candytuft other way. SPRING ILOOM goggles. Don't let the acid splash (Ib New Jersey auks thet a real state 30 Modern Trailer Hornet Accom- evenly. Bare* foel coats! A wids er»> &» ax.ong the confcniol snd types. See it today I on you. When mixing the acid r! Annuals which may be grown aid system be adopted now. modating Up To 8 Ptrsoni, Open for witi h water,, alay«hvayas» pour iIt »!owlslowy «» T perennial corarnniona om successfully from fall sowing in- They specifically ask that New into the water, stirring constantly! «t the> e*mv_V.m* aj. the clude alymum. calendula, calliop- Jersey join those states in which twecn North PUlnfltM and Bound For Your to prevent spattering. Preferably, Pans:I*n6B «ipp!y cheery ipringr color and sweet peas. free local resource* for building Promote New, ftro-und such garden featurpn las a LNionviU* It Requires no Rperlnl Skill needs. "THE TTtAHEBMAW* gateway, shelter,- bwsch or terrace, Whether a broader base of state A seed-bed of fine #oll in the Call u% today! We are GARDEN Better Roses thP ..entrance to the house and. on taxation la advisable or not, the DUNELLEN MOV? A unique system of testing: the mtnny aide of the porch. But, border nurrounied hv « tfrnpornry* YOUR CERIIFIfD UNNOX OEAUR OVMItlA&DOOtV' curb l.i nr» exrfllpnt place educational problem facing this w qiuliiJM hf taking t roflen over ft two-year period is the h*re again. p5*n to 'have peren- state im a real one, and this at Jhwl On MDto W«t M II &mt Om world. So, txwU for the famous All-America nials or biennial* that will b'oom to sow fall annuals, A cold frame net, *if thtt imj, of course Is id4H vtm. rhoosr* the bp*t of thu n«>»r vnrif*- finished f*rforn»nce, or coffibiTir- To know the taws of God In border whore rjeperience hhn shown HIM* WHIppaiiy 8-0375 "0VRRH1AD OOOF Fill rlw «nl*lH ties. Th« program wns Matted 10 thr-m with early-flowering *hrube nature and revelation, and then «p »nd Hid* 1 NS-I-D-B. ovtitMid. Own- that drttinage k good, If «*>ed« are •n ihrvaghow (h» nwwtd mj: "B* tnrt yewrs ago by « nunibpr of leading tre** to have color high and to fashion the nffeetlom and will WEEKDAYS and SUNDAYS > yrm pt fk OV|RH*AD DOOR mHh growem «ncl nursery men, tow in the spring garden. sown in rows which m«y bfl easily into rwirmony with the** IIM MIRACLR WmGB. marked It la «lmi»lr to check re- 1:10 t» 5:10 (Fltoil* rtmtm cwttral «»»ilih!t) Improved methodn of hybrMixn- The single early end double thta i« education. ONLY Ibt Onrthmfi Don* Co. hflve incrm-ied the number of early tulip* with *h* exception of sult* and protect the swellings «r Him* MArk«t 2-1740 *»«.« 11M "DVIItfjBAODOOl" varieties t>*> thnt th^re arethe #malt botanical typws, are th<* whpn they appear f«rly In th« © If 41 (Vlr*.»«l 0*#f C«. Jhoroughly 417 WofMngHm St. today actually more th«n 5.0O0 first t*» cons* into bloom about Rtplaet Your Old Ummil- f ttlmmim Wllhtvt QVlprtm flvflllablc to the public. In many the seed thinly, mixing OVIRHIAl* DOOR CO. the middle of April and they re- W«w«r* 2, N. J. faJi'.i the avprnge g«rd»»ni»r i* main in blown for two to three amall HTM! with dry wmd tr> help tary Wood, Linoleum or A\ve. thoroughly brwltd^rrrt when ron- wveks. The •ingle ««rly onm come neat ter it and do not BOW much Homelike. And Wtftt Deliver fronteil with thi» problem of wh«t tlightly sh*«4 of the double* Both deeper than you wmiM In the Ctramlc Tilt Sink Tops .. to IncIuHe In hi* rtmi> p!*»r»«t, i nave a ride range of e]«*r color* spring, M«ny g«r(imrr« eov«-r the To rlimlnatf* *«nnip> of thp c<»n- | carried on *t*mm ten to cixteen seed with a thin layer of unnd With NIW There is nothing that savon ftislon Hfiil doubt, about ftfw v»rle« lnch«s hlfh, Tb#f find a after Mowing. In'the w*vl b^d or tlf#, All-Am»>rl('» Rnde> Selections location along fh« informal cold frame, fitter tltr ground hwi of commercialism it either jpfirwoM! the m In frozen, a light mulrhjof town* or our Newark or Springfield trin!/» in IS r* aalt h«y rnny \w i»la.tr.(i r»vrr the hf>d to kefp the frnwt in urirt prn>- "homa." Each presenti tlw 10 vi«nt thawing of the «*>)!. This pfinfick mulch should be rnrrfiiJIy rfm»»wd aspect of a fine residence MOW In th» spring, prcfrmbly before furnished with reserved the eeffdi sprout. rOKMICA top* In t*« Condition* In thr spring *r# gdod taste and each hai ..and *r« INSURED) tnlar ym want, mill hurt fttt fmn uaUAlly fin* for tmm*)>!nnt!ng, and every modern cdmfort and plants m«y bi» miffA in th« l m t, lmur«d Saviny! and toon. dlttatmf over « iwn^ycur Th« tntm *r* ch*ek»ri for hl««>b#H* r«titr*iH with A Ccrfw'rt #ceoun» U «h» financial ml- MI hortHtwui, fm- Th* SMITH AND SMITH •tttndby ©f 40,000 Ihrlfty lomillit, length of ftwerirtt mom FUNERAL DIRECTORS n«mb#r nf nT»#nui «nd til HOMECRAFT, important Qu«litt«#. A uniform Mil mr ln 41J Mwrl* J. •ygt#«i <*f »e«Hnf to folio** Mm gtmp we. (Mm SW Hllh A**,) Ntwtrk <. N J. ttm »*t tulips th« ptant* want. With Uimkum • A fik th# trlitts «r* Ru Til* W$tt M»^f *#•*#•! *« p**mi»*>) «ehl#vln» th# hl«li*nrt point lUt tlwir j»i!e IN» torn) aftwr th* two-ywir trlftW art th»tt e* th# L1SIRTY 111? Morrri Av»., 0* j ,. SdtVICl -W»tM!t« MIAMI MtWAilC With *m*l *»4 4**p OH CO UMVt I 7171 t>t th? t» mlliion pmmm, tern** and *hit» Tin • r. M . nan, S^ in m VB. sirs wofnto. k N0VEMI6* Hidden Whispers Electric Roaster ** , *., .- • Needs Plenty of Marshmallo lf w Mi xT Is Short Cut Dessert B.v MARION McCAKKULL Storage Spac§ j VViit>tijt-r iff Wouldn't it be frarjd to get »n !for the bridge table candy d-*h electric roaster for Christmas? or a #»reei&l dessert for the om- - Befart answering yet. a*k your- jwmy dinner, th^.quicfeiT and *«'!f this: Do I hHVf ruorn in my it r i! is to get ready, the better Th;j money _ - . . kUehriM.<> ke.p Mich a ln;j,:. pU-(4 for the h. • '"" you cant take it away," '•f equipment'? »'" .- .""'• A Actually this is an important r niHlit>JinialU>w mix that IS t^To^now the elreum* you whip Up ;n a jiffy » « , point to, coiu'ider. *ays Mri. Doris :8n St^ipe^t«b*tWwritJ.Ui liS json. Who i« right, the me management at Rutgers Vxd- \fisjty. While mi fltdnr roa.*rr |,JrfJl,Pr nr son? For thU we do need i- portable, it usually is large and mrt background. , i-imbersome to move. It should be u, go back far enough to : p laced where it can be used con- .; d tB8t thU father had been per- , v. niently. But ht the same time It »ded to give hU «on an allow- a . should not r"l> valuable counter However, thU father did not *l>'ice. If extra counter spacp is-riot ice. bol-eve that children should tlh' has:,,- . .-rally •iv.uiable is. a . roaster important ,lVf mono- to "spend foolishly." ("<"ough to you to secure a .special imfUvoreiJ grhitine in , jeit that he would provide for I cabinet or table for thus piece of wrttcr. -p!«ce over boiling , ,«n» needs and therefore the fquipnicmt? and sitir until diwolvcd. Add ^ 'v would have no real UM for the Most families con^idrr an elec- stir until dissolved moved from .hiutt. IM'tcr 2/;i e tor roaster a useful supplement 1 'tru-ther examination of the facta !•> the kitchen,:r:iriR(> rather than '°rn .\vrun aiui ] t«t)>. v'millu pp1 r,m .nto th^bwU r;:e t«uv| of electric mixer! Add tow; that the father doled out R f"ibstittite.for it, A roaster not in h- •.murshmallow .nuxMiro and yoti hnv? a nnomh and fluffy chocols»« 4 allowance begrudgingly. He only roasts- but will pan-broil, fry. the gi't.itfni'-rtnd-sugar mixture frosting ' thia money clotely and steam 'or 'bake. The therniostatlp and bc«t on highest. *pe«>d until sarcwtlc commenU about control on a quality roaster makes mixture becomes thick and of noft ,., son's purchases. What the fa- I: possible to attain .the. proper heat marsh mallow mntustency nb<>iit for the various foods. • 15 mln . , ' -•' nfr didn't try to understand waa A. I. D.Imtriran Imtitutr nf t)erntnUir* h»t the things important and of Roasters vary from 12 to 20 While mixture i.s boating, Krea.st> glue to a youngatera were not quarts in size. But don't expect to a tuwi, prefiTiihly aboutV.xlOxl'i in. nnd thoroughly line .tides and bot- h0Se that were important to an do all the family oven cookery In Tour Assurance of the Best the roaster.. A large roaste-r is use- tom with either half a c. -finely idult. '• . ' " . cru.slwd chocolate cookie crumb.s True, he "gave" the money regu- ful for cooking a big turkey, a in Interior Design whole hum, or beer roast especially or'.i'.-c. plnin'or tewsted cofonul. arly. But because he felt it was Voilf Liieil Mfmbfr -. . "lot of foolie-hneas" yet aorae- when yoiirnvcn Is filled with pies, Pour In marshmallow niixturo, jg the boy Wanted badly, he \ rakes or other thinps. For n small snioothjrijf'off top with «i*oon or Jed the granting of the allowance family you can cook a whole meal knife. Sprinkle top with cruniba LHNOLTECO. : in a roaster. .• •• ' ... ,."or coconut, I^et stand.in coot place m B reward an a "It* withholding 311 SPRINGFIELD AVE. 5UMMIT 6-3068 , a punishment. When the boy's Since an. elect no roaster fun IIR (not refriRrrntor) until well net, nhout an liour. Ih'rnraling Ihulrr Sitpvniium <>j t,Unii,*t Price \ulte, A.I.D, chool grades fetl the father gave plumed into a convenience outlet, allowance but , Immediately, L! comes in- handily for church sup- To remove-v froiri ptin. around* edge with knife nm| in- ... buck all or part of it depend- MANY A FULL skirted new frock la stiffly stylized: fche underlying motiff, which! it a changeable taffeta, petticoat with flounce. Thta vert on cookie alicrt or boflrd. ng'on'how low-the grades were. particular one is a good basic model to go with Out into squnrtw with sharp knife 'hi* mean* was tided as a dtacl- frock. .• . \ . ,"• '.• " .•• ' • ••' . baked dish for a rrowd of 50 In a ronster. . ; moistened in cold water. Roll mf9'measure for other offenses, marshmallowV In remoining son had no realization of the fam- If you buy.a ronstrr rniiernber The father had no real under- that a.rectangular shfipp 'furnishes or coconut tr> rcvit wlde.t. ily's financial situation. He thought Rbout n pound of mnrsh- fading of the value of the allow- his father wa» "mean" about more room than oval. A broiler rack in an Inset pan is more con- mallowR. {re as an educational device. He money. So when he got to high A not believe In discussing money THE CLOTHESLINE venient than one in the roaster Marahnialjow Ambrosia: Pre- school and needed more money he By W. Sbojinard lid. It can'be used for both broUtng pare B«isic Mflrahmflllow Mixture natters with his wife nor hla chil- got a job. The money he earned he ren. When-he was worried about or frying if separate. Good inset as above, Then fold In J'/sC. cut felt he could spend as he pleased. ^weauspected^ «nd mentioned^ All are In full swing, although noney he became irritable and pans that can be readily removed oranpe sections, 2 tbsp. chopped We can ace so many things wrong some time back), the oriental big sleeves are currently confined ok his temper out on the family. theme is going to be very much miriwchlno cherrie delicious dewsert when turned in- When children arc allowed to signer, drawing inspiration from es. With this in mind, you could other court in Alabama can say her recent travels in tije Far East to freezing: tmy of the refrigerator take a part in family living — like put together a very smart .separate who is right in doctrinal belief and served very cold, but It does Then there's the terrific impact discussing financial matters — outfit for holiday parties that can . . . " For the disputants who had not make « frozen dessert, they learn how to evaluate situa- of Broadway's "South Pacific" later be incorporated into your forced th^ decision-- in .suits try- <*hneoliito Refri({emtor Fronting: tions. They will realize that even which will probably be packing the ing to bar or reinstate church epring wardrobe. Prepore Bowie Marshmnllow Mix- though they went a bicycle more house for the ne*t two years. A!- members nccusrd by fellow wor- I'M through living dangerously—going to get my than anything in the world, sister's The ingredients are an all-around, ture. Fold in 3 squares chocolate reedy, one alert New York raanu- j permanently pleated nylon skirt shippers of jhf>t hewing to particu- melted nnd cooled to room tem- next bifocals made at Anspcch Brna. needs for braces on her teeth come lar denominational llnrs — trial facturer of printed fabrics ha» Uoamed with fln off-shoulder, puffed perature, and 1c. heavy crenm, first. Too, they will find out that Judge W. M. Rayburn, nddrd a It is in the family that he learns sewed up the right* to the use of | sleeve blouse. Spice them for the whipped. Spread bctwew. and on .-..• the trademark"Soutn'T*cinc~ Tor | holidays with a wide saeh of' lac- pointod po.st.sedpi: " . . ; 1"believe' top and sides of two R or 9 inch siw sriiiNai IKLIV \\t':" SU3OI1T that no one can do what he likes all of his goods, and fabrics right out of J qucr ^4 chiffon and a corsogc. sponge layers. Garniwh top of enke 533 3 EAST ORANGE with hb own in disregard of others ought~to eprnd more time on their and of circumstances. China, Indonesia and Malay are Later on, come warm weather, wftht sliced Brazil huts, or any being imported in increasing ;<« and a knther belt. Tho blouse knees than in court." other deal red nut«. amounts. i thoekirt with toilored b!ou.'(- "HAIR SPRING" woflr Our language will be invadei by • Wi!| hP US(lflll for mlrnrn(,r wear- Did you ever wonder why thesuch strange-aounding wordff es I Important little spring which is "Choli," a tie-on bodice; "Maranari," found In your wrist watch should • Velvet Carriage Boors a native skirt; "Hotian".aiid "'Fuji" 'Unusual' be called a "hair" spring? Accord- (fabrics), and the more familiar | Stadium loots Ing to the Jewelry Industry Coun- "Kirnona." "Sari," and "Cooiie** as ! Suggestion for cil the answer is startlfngly sim- applied to ciib». Th«re'SS be batik Pull-on Soots t ple. In the early days when watch- prints and batik < deep-earth ton |HoIiday Dinner ej» w«re a new time checking de- In a colow of the Islands and the more j Soon th<> kitchen will be hum- alt wanted color* vice the hairsprings were made of vivid lacquer r«d. Dynasty purple, j ming with extra activity, m TUDOR hogs* bristles. It was some fifty and jade green of China. preparation of the Thanksgiving years later that the material was If It's Oriental, If* N>w dinner gets under way. And now //by changed to steel and steel re- In other words, a touch of the •ia 4h* tim':> f°r homeraakcm to HARRISON mained In use for nearly three exotic in your purdwue of ChriKt- *iv<" wrious considcraton to their centuries. Since that time new mfji gifts (feminine gender), holi- j holiday menu. R<*bn Staggs, well Jsgmstcm Alloys have been developed and day frocks or winter vacation !know « hcm« economist, auggewts BROTHERS added to iteel to make hairspring* wardrobe will assure that it ia new Pr»u<»y serving a handsome pork 155 Main Street that are stronger and more con- ronut «a something different and Easl Orange sistent In performance. ; and likely to remain in"style for a long time. delicious. The rich flavor of pork >«»BI,,,, fi,.|H Avenue Among the more obviou* «*ar- fits perfrrtly with plentiful fall m Cloae to 16,600 workers were harvested fruit."* nnd vPR:<>tob!e.'!'. Alonlclair marjti of tnp tnemt mr9j mandarin Curtains, sofas, cushions pick up single killed in Industrial accidents In neck lines, frog closings and rlit Among thp rhnlrc-.s of pork 1948. hems; wide «!e«ve», mmsftts. fcrl- roasts ideal for thp holiday frast tones from thp full chord of skein-dyed mona cuts and coolie Jackets; Ih* there in the-, ever popii'flr renter rut l"in roflst. Other ef|iifllly colors brought together in a pure wool nwng-draped effect of the *»n for r skirt*. »nd turb»r» for street *t%4 flavor^ome, hut prrhnrw !*•«« ^«*H Tudor ... Colors to be prqud of. evening wpar, in hata>. known. r>na/>tj« nre -the pirlnin roast.* nnd the b!« loin and roTit«ln« Karastan. technique of wrapped diafi>na] the hip bone whll#» th# Wade Injn line*, the rope* of pearls and Mbroa*t ia rut from the «ho.ulder *-nf( neck lacea, *ni th« •normmia, of the loin «nd, urn th« name tm- Approx. 9'xl2' gauzy a!eev»s of the Hawaiian pJlea, conUiIni the bl«de bon^. L«dy'« approved perfection In c*)r»kin| any of the*» ro*u*t«, th*» rn«it j« j plaw»d fat «ldi» up on « r<*ck In Pork, Corn Team ] an npt-n ro«Mln| pin, A mml | thrrmoineter will rrg\Mtr th«» fx- For Favorite I act d*gre# of donon^M tf> *f»rve tltr 1 ronat »X jt* brut. Th«* thermonir- Seasonal Dishes | !rr im iWMirted in the tfilrhrst «<>(•- ClotN$# ftwtfi ^offiiiliPiati0fiMR i rc I U«n «f th»» ifipfll »o thot the bulh "natural*," and! hilH tm »h*» llai im ne-iltirr re-Ming in fn* urtr on The Opening U pnrk and corn. It fs « j»air tliat bmm. >to w«t#r i* «nldr-d The jwn can IM tha »ml\mtyng c«nlet of' la jpft mnal liit#r*wt In 'Hitifieyimjii wa^fsu For rxamplf, m whot* li*rn*I corn [M in m 3.W degri»« F. nv •f drejmlng for pork fill* la *uggwtt»T f»Aund rrwwtiiB (imp, dry bread erumlM and niin**#«ri gtmrn T# mtrf ««t fr»p h«!i(l«y th#n m*»ta!«»^ with Ih* the te«(1*>r fodflt mn h« from th* corn. It • an «••with Koldrn hrown p»r|«lty t*mptlng »t«iffing f - r«r« f rlti*r* irt ••»• nlh*>r Mrnptliii rMiMMitlMii Wmtk I m«4* rniln ahnult! h*> pnrk caunag* It bmmm4 nniil h-v forth* tif>rni>t mrn in • frtlitr IMII* Th# Mtitt ta ihm tnt* Bxptctont MwMmr" until rrfcp N»<1 JS V In * fritter MM-r and frl*i In tf*!« j ar# •!** gnm4 mt- f

10 MAIMSQN IT., IAIT ORANM with inn 0m mM«l f»**« In ««MR«Vrf«l puff* Ik hi III IMF '•••f I •••"-•• I &f tie Merry Widow and Prince Albert Carrol and Melvin Dacus current mxmt4 totttm 5t~v» - - • •••< w.. . % i ## l "• // Foree" -teO» the «&rjr Pleasure Bound Page Add Humor to "Merry w and act th* Tb*.'-)Atait Paper Mill production ticular note was the third times scene of the Cafe Maxim. «t the Millburn Playhouse, "The THEATER-RECREATION DININC-NITE SPOTS Albert Carrol, and Melvin Decu* Merry Widow" we are sorry to added the better part of the genu- say, did not come up to what we ine humor to this production in have become accustomed to ex- their respective role* as Mtah and Pictures, Plays and People pect from performance* there. General Novak©vieh. (J.C.) Frem Lehar'9 operaetta, con- cerning; a, young widow who la "Tokyo Jo*11 Ploys at pursued by many, but finally mar- Ford's 'Yellow Ribbon' Is No 'Stagecoach' riea b^t prince-lover, In the Paper Loew's, Newark - TOKYO JOE', stirring Hum- , ii t minimum of action, and a Mill production has little delicate By PAUL PAftKEB thia film tried to depict the glam- phrey Bogart in a rough-and-tum- maximum of upholding the tradi- humor. Rather, it would seem that Some ten years ago director our, the glitter, tradition, and «<«*- ble. «creen hit, opened yesterday tion of the cavalry and precise the performers, at least in the per- John Ford produced the topnotrh Uilgla of days gone by. It is, we a(, Lioew's in Newark. military procedure (military cour- formance w.e attended, tried overly Western, "Stagecoach," Last we«^ are inclined to believe, a mislead- In "TOKYO JOE", Bogart 1* »e«t tesy th«-y c«lSed it during our term |fr. Ford'i latest effort in that irfg' representation of life in th* miich to be amusing. The recruit as an Air Corps hero who returns of aervice with the ermed forces). direction, "She Wore .a Yellow Rib- j cavalry, back In the days when that wa» entertaining, but not a highly to post war Japan to take up hU There waa^ 4ot inajtgpce, the oaae boii," ta&He i'ta-deb-tit on aubtirban branch of the ftrmfed -/(jrcfw wan polished product. It was reminte- life where it had left off* before of the corjio'tel, ,v;Witli-an arrow /screens.- It w*s no "Stagecoach." •tenanousTy fighting the rcdakltu cent, to us, almost of a college Pearl Harbor. He believes hi* wife still protruding from bis body, who "She Wore « Y«l!6w Ribbon," is for «, foothold lii thfr Wt«t. revue. had died, instead he finds her alive, insisted upon standing etiffly at an extravagant, 'colorful, but un- Cin>Uiin W«ym.\ the story goes, Martha Errolle, a* the merry divorced from him and remarried. attention to give hia report to the fortunately overly nostalgic, *en- i« on his iast mission before? re- widow, Sonia, Is equipped with a Our hero also discovers that he is captain. timentft! account of the U.S. cav- tirement, Under protest, he take* pleasing voice, but unfortunately the father of a young daughter alry following the mussm-rc of hi.«# troopa out of the stockade to The captain'* answer: it is not particularly strong, and whom his wife (Florence Marley) General Ouster's fore**. pick uji outlying patrols, ftecom- •'Very fine report, corporal, you'll because of thi», the pleasing quali- had kept alive during the war by The story c«?nt«TH uround. an jianir-d by the attractive, nicoe of make sergeant in two or three ties are often loat to the audience. broadcasting treason for the Jap- over-age cavajry oflker (John his coniraarHling officer anil the years." 1 Better la Marjorie Wellock as anese war-lords. It is this action •'.Wayne).- two aijohscint lieuten- major's wife. Hr b to meet the While tin* may be Mr.-. Ford * Natilie. A veteran of previous which involves Bogart in a battle ants, and « girl (Josinne Dru)), ifUigtnoiich which will take the' interpretation of cavalry tradition, Paper Mill productions, she Is al- with post war mobster* seeking to neither the.time nor place seemed ''DefrfHt«« the tmiuls of hopping- major's nieee b«rk tor-thi" KHU and ways pleasing to listen to. blackmail him. Humphrey Bogart lilting for auch formality. mad Cheyennes, who mjppojiedly civilization , Eric Mattson in the male lead id ably supported by Alexander are lurking Around the cavalry ' Dirtpite the lack of dramatics Him mobility curlailcd by (lie aa Prince Danilo, served his role Knox, Florence Marley and Sessue outpo.st. there inn't a decent In-' In '•Yellow Rjbboa," Mr. Ford man- prii+t-itfi- of female*!, his liust nil's- creditably but, we felt, without Hayakawa. jun' fight in tin: entire lilnw. It aged to -'capture sequence after «ion ii a failure in that he is un- any particular distinction. On the same program Loew's U M if Mr Ford himself were an sequence of men and horflca against nble to prevent the trui.vwcr/e of 7— also presents the singing cowboy desert backgrounds,' depicted with old-time cavalry officer, nnd In nn outpo.st by raiding Indians .(inri, The Beta,'as one has. come to an «l in oat portrait-like, beauty. It MARTHA KRROLLE and Eric Mattson are cast in the lead roles Gene Autry in a new western U lt, I\\HO faita to meet the , expect at the Paper Mill, were Us a WHS 4\ • A B LOEWS offense to pass a hand out even Midnight (Except Monday) Sunday —12 to 8 P. M. • J 5 Lawrence Tierney VICTOR LUCILLE* NtWARK B8OAD U though our side happens to hold With East-West vulnerable the the balance of power, so we don't Lawrence Tierney, whom movie- HUMPHREY bidding goes go along with those who open on goers will recall for his perform- MATURE BALL EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH IIHBETH SCOIT • SONNY TUFTS four bare kings with even distri- ance in the title role of "Dillin- BOGART 1 • pass 2 JN.T. paas ger," invades the local scene next 3 NT. pass pass paus- bution; but when^ you._add the, fill- ing power, of four jacks we think Monday evening, November 28 as North Qpens th« ten of clubs, the hand should be opened. One star of John WdeyVeplc drama, dummy's tslngleton king; is played 1 club seema best, as offering the "The Last Mile ' at the Newark nnd you, -South; must play either Opera House. This is the eecond in the five or the jack. Which Is ' easiest rebid over partner's re- Cash Prixes-Enter Today 40 PARK PLACE. ON THE SQUARE sponse; but If you and partner are a series of Broadway hit plays with iAGOOMM your choice? Phone Morristown 4-0750 using the point count method of which David Jester, Jr., hopes to Easy Living Grid Guessera JPJdt by TKCflHICOtOI* Hap Coumbo of Wfstfield didn't valuation this hand totals sixteen establish the Newark Opera Houee Contest. For Details See hesitate to piny the jack when this Theatre Lobby, little tenser confronted him in a points and Just qualifies an an ar the center of legitimate thea- commuter's game on the Jersey opening one no trump bid. ter operations in New Jersey. WEEKLY THEATER TIMETABLE Central recently. Hap wasn't mire I Other than playing the lead role BOX OFFICR OI'EN DAILY 10 A. IW. The timetable listed hen- is correct at press time, but in subject to change without wstxe fcy what his partner had led from, in "Dillinger," Mr. Tierney has the individual theater*. but seeing only two clubs Jn his Prizes to Be been seen In such plcturee as hand and only one in dummy, he "Those Endearing Young Charms," CRANFORD , LINDEN I ORANGE 88 ELIZABETH AVe., Newarl was sure the lead was not "top of Awarded at I "Mama Loves Papa." "The Falcon CltANFORD PLAZA EMBASSY nothing" but was more likely the Washington & Court Sis. Nov 24-28, Thieves Highway, Ms & Today, Fri., Sal., Nor. 24, 25, 26 Out West," "Back to Bataan" and Nov. 24, My Friend Irma, 2:55-6:35- Nov. 24-23.. M7 FttsaJ top of an inter-sequence, If th«t Allt. 2-8800, Mhl. 2-4327 Pa Kettle. Nov. 27-29, Task Force. Holi- -A "COME TO THE STABLE" Art Museum I 10:15. Thieves Highway, 1:20-4:45-8:40. day In Hnvana. Nov. 30, Calcutta, tfce 400-7:05-10:15 ' "The Ghost Ship." THIS I Eves. 8:30 Nov. 25, My Friend Irmn, 3:35-8:3.1. 5:50-9:00. No*. M. Tt'ii"'.^ \ l.orett* Von UK—1'flf*!* Ilolm wag the case Hap thought the jack Cash prizes amounting to $370.00 Prairie. * "Louder Please!" starring Lionel WEEK | Mat. Sat. 2:30 Thieves Highway, 2:00-7:00-10:25. Nov. 1:25-5:45 3:10. This iSjiz-t. "DOOLINS OF OKLAHOMA' was better out of hl« hutid than in And eight Honorable mentions will 26, My Friend Irma, 3:15-6:45-10:20. MAPLEWOOD 3:00-7:15-10:40. SOT IT-25 it. and blithely tossed It under the be awarded at the Montclair Art LIONEL STANDER ln Thieves Highway, 5:15-8:45. Nov. 27, Un- Highway. That MittniAz K;w. Randolph Srott kinfr, Whtti declarer led diamonds der Capricorn, 2:40-6:25-10:25. Crooked MAPLEWOOO Ktd from Cte-»rt*iui. C:=> Sun. thru Tue*., /Vor. 27. 28, 29 Museum on Sunday afternoon, No- VA Officials Could In "LOUDER PLEAHK" person Wny, 1:10-4:45-8:40, Nov. 28. Un- nt the second trick Coumbe took vember 17, at 4 o'clock, to the der Capricorn, 2:45-8:45. Crooked Way, Nov. 24, Come to the Stable, 3:20- Stable. "UNDER CAPRICORN" 6:45-10:05. Ma te Pa Kettle, 2:05-5:25- PALACE the nee and led the club five and winning artiati of the Nineteenth Use a Mind Reader Next I Big Mon. Eve., | Seats 1:15-7:00-10:40. Nov. 30, That Midnight B:50. Nov. 25. Conift to the StnDlc, Ingrttt Itrtjniaif—Joseph Cotton Kiss. 3:00-8:45. Lust for Gold. 1:30- Nov. 24. Everybody !>::t i- "HOLIDAY IN HAVANA" tricks, setting West three trickff. tion which closes at the Museum Pa K«-ttlc, 7:00-10:20. Nov. 26, Come 5:14-8:45. No*. ». 23-:C,,,.,J tion issued its postcard applications Mat. Saturday 2:30 to the Stable, 3:20-8:45-10:05. Mil A "Sit- Wettnrndny, Nor, 30 later that day. EAST ORANGE Pa Kettle, 2:05-5:25-8:50. Nov. 27. Un- Does It, 3:23-7:00-19,21 •F'-ic:. The play of the five spot to the for G.I. insurence dividends, V.A. LAWRENCE tuckian. 1:43.-S:SI. jto* 3*-? "ANNA LOCASTA" in BEAtX)N der Capricorn, 1:40-5:10-8:40. Holtdny first trick lets Wr#t make fiv« no The Jury of Award* earlier an- boasted the form was simple and ln Havana, 3:40-7:10-10:40. Nov. 28. Un- body D«» It, tl*M:«-' 1',-iiilrltr Cioridard (DILLINGER) dp Fighting Kentueklan, T )*-* : trump. When South wins the dia- nounced that the Agnes B. Noyc# foolproof, says Pathfinder news person Nov. 24, Ooort Old Summertime,. | r Capricorn, 8:45. Holiday in Hav- "LUST FOR GOLD" J mond nee nndjnya down the jack £fl TIERNEY 1:15-4:13-7:11-10:09, Air Hostess. 3:12- j «n.Nov. 29 Under Capricorn. 8:45. award of $100.00 for the best oil magazine. In the Gripping, Compelling 610-9 08 Nov 25 Good Old Summer- 1 Holiday ln Havana, 7:10-10:40. Nov. 30, nx -•« . Although veterans needed only to "THE LAST MILE' time, 2:46-7:00-9:58. A I r Hostess, Salson, 3:32-8:52-10.12 "»"-•- Friday Matlnr«>, Nov. 25 takes, the queen becomes hlg;h; If der oil award of $23.00 to James Vss. 3:28-6:26-9:24. Nov, 27, Task MILLBURN 1:14-5:20-8:4A. Nov. 2T-31 r?ai he doesn't, the suit is blocked. Qdrllh of Newark, and honorable nnswer nine simple questions, fold with nil ftar HriHtdmiy eatt Force 2:22-5:40-8:58 Blondlc Hits the 3:08-8:41-10:14. Stnrtiiiu at 1:30 |». m. Jackpot, 1:00-4:18-7:36-10:54. Nov. 28- RIILLIIIJRN 5:01-8 34. Propping the Jnek under the kins mentions to William Fisher of New the form, affix a one-cent stamp Prim (Tax Incl.) KITS. Mon. Thru 3U, Task Force, 2:52. 7:00, 10:18. Nov. 24, Come to th» Stable. 3:15- SPECIAL Ulondle Hits the Jackpot, 1:46-9:12. 6:35-10:05. Dooltns of Oklnhoma, 1:40- RAHWAY isn't a'difficult dei-Won to make. York and Robert Reid of Arling- nnd mall, there was still a loop- Ft I. 60r, 90c, $1.20, *t 80; Sat. Kvc. 5:00-B:35. Nov. 25, Come to U>e Stable, , JUNIOR 49V SHOW! If you Rive proper consideration ton: that the Blanche R. Pleaaants 60c, 80c, fl.30, »1.80, 12.40; Sat. Mat. HOLLYWOOD 3:00-6:55-10:05, Poollns of Oklahoma, f hole for error: 175,000 forgot to 60c, 90t, fl.2(l. Tlcket», Hambirger'* 1.-30-8:401 Nov. 28, Come to the Stftble, Roy Robert in "UTAH" to partner's opening load -but Award of 1100.00 for the best water K' Mall Ordert, Nov. 24, Beyond the Forest, 1:15- Nov. 24. 3:40-6:50-10:05. Doollns of Oklnhoma. 8:40. My Friend .'Irm«, J •''>••'• most of us would automatically color would go to> Avery Johnaon sign their names. 4:10-7:10-10:05. Sp.-flal Ar.ent, 3.0(1- 1:30-5:15-8:40. James Bros. 3'00 Nov ! Gtn« Autrcy "Lost Roundup" 5:00 0:S5. Nov. S5, SD'-IJO, IV.voitil ilie Nov, 35. Thieves W*ft«*- piny, tli« five *|>ot wit limit fven nve (»il»#r Mr. Han. HlJO Nov. 24-25, 2B-29. Fuftier W«,t n Tend. 2:00-7 25-10:00. Kn«y MvliiR. 3,05- SOUTH ORANGE grami' nnd (hr den! wn« pasiml otit. Palmyra and honorftble mentions M«tl. rl * H»t. ?:J«) Fulllmck, J2.tMl-2:35-5.l5-7:5fl-IO::tO.' All- 8::»i. Nov 20, Iclmbort nnd Mister In .Iiwepli DoniAroki of Livingston NOW PLAYING geld III Disguise, 11 00-1:3O-4;(l5-6:45- C'AMRO !>nve W'nnla to know whrther the fRAN/. I.IIIAR'S Ininwirtdl Ti«H(l. 2,10-4:55-7:35-10:00. Eniy l.tvlriR, niul liiilgl !ti«t of Newark; the tf.25 Nov. ?,n, AIIHCIS in l)lBK)ll«e, 11:15- 3-40-6:05-8:40. Nov. 27, Yen, Hlr, Thnf* No». 34. Mr Friers'* i dealer, who held thi* hand, should I 55 4:;!5-7:l5-1000. Fiither Wi»« « Full- My Knbv. 3'55-fl-55-10:l5. Th.- Hlue Ln- in-.tin. MawrF Pl» hnve opened (hi> hidding. Would $.10,00 Award of th*» Tftlnterii and tiivi'k, 12:X5-:i:OO-5:4t)-S:25-ll:0.'i. Nov. Konn, 2-15-5:15-8:30, Nnv. 3I1-2N. Yen Nov. 3.1, Mv rrlftxt I' Rculptorg Sot-lpty of New Jerney Tl, Kathrr WM H FuUhHck, 2:ZO-S'OO- Hlr, Tlint's my Hnhy .2, 'I, 10-25. Thf 10:00. Mtum-irtf Rt»»- you i»|M*n It? < 7 40-10:15 AiiB'ls 111 lUsgulse, 1 20- to Stunrt a. floiighton of Tearwek Ithie I,«KO(in, 3:20-8:45 2«. Th»t Mtflnlstht lit'* Kin«'e klng-jnck-spo! equnlN one- MERRY WIDOW" 4 -00-9.35-U 15. Thle*M ni«hw»f. t K-l hnlf |>lii"i hotior trick, the hiuul nnil h KKUKNT NEWARK Thieved KUh»i»T Tl*' Nov. 29-30. Hrlrrnton* -- AISO - tiirr td Hnvliwh llawkiwi of CTHf- Nov. 34, 28-;m three honor ttifk*. Slnee r MARTHI eRROLE • ERIC MATTSON Red Hot * HIuo, Marjttflr Miiln - Prrrjr Kllhrlrtr \ m unrt Archer I*wrli» of .Stock- II IKI-I "i'l 4 Tl-7 i III 00 !\\\*n tllr N'lV, 74-25. »ll ;». AlWrtW t.enVP SUMMIT with , finrenen • DHVIH I.PUKIIIMI! \> in 4 nn ; ;i()-jl IH) rhlnn- ton « ;o it in Nit . MA AND PA KETTLE (d-d Ifcit A, Hlii<-. VJ 4'i 4 a.'i-7 ID III (Ml tnwn n| MI'tnlMlil. II 25 2 511 B 7II.11-.W, f.VRIC NORDSTROM CUNNINGHAM WILLOCK CARROLl Alln* the f'huiupp,, I I 45 1 J't II in <> ffi Ntiv 9H. Alwiiv-i I,|>?w dulljf 10 10 N.iV ?fl. II. ll Mm A- Ulllr, \) J<> till II in ? ?n it in n i"S || ns <"li|nnii)Wn nt Nuv 24, Th*t MldnH Ingrld '. Ii) II III II mi A!|.]-. llw f'lmmp, II W* Ml'lnlitlil. I in 4 7VI -IS-IO'St). Nnv 27. in«.7a«.*-43 NOT, i*. prlKc, 'thr> «rtli«rt ehcxtpn through Tlrltft* Krnxr'*, N*w»rk; nsm-j,. ^,,hn v, Hnrrn. Mm. Hlr. LIBERTY A n'l 4 r>n ; .in in IO N»v. -j.i. iirii Hut Alwnvo I >"iivi> Th"t)i I.BIIKIIIIII! I DO. KUn ,103-7.3^-9 43 t*' BKROMAN • <<>TTF,N }*-»«• thi» l»t>i)iilarlty Poll who will br ,1- Mini, 1 111 1 Vi / .1,1 III n'l Allnn I lie 4 1.1/ :n 10 W (liliiittiiWH 1,1. MM- Mldnliht ltl»* ' 4*-* •»• Hwnrrirfl $150(1 by the Mnntelnlr riiutnp, i III .i vi n .i'i t> in niuiit t in n io n 4ri 3«-M. Thu* MldiHg^ «' "UNDER CAPRICORN" KIT/ 9 43 Wo*. 30. Th*l! •>*"*' rut Arl Minwum, ha* nc»t yrt b*en df»- 7 OS-lft It B*¥»nrl th* F ' Arnm - IMMuv to N..v H 7t )n jo, Al)hnll t> rmtrllo. t«rrni«p"> n 'ii Aiintiiixni'ii, i im- .1:03. UTRAND MKMURMV • KXCKILKNT H"wn by vl#Hori» Io th« Mtuietim 4 1,1 / y.t-ia 15 Nov in Almndniied 1:33- MAUIIIH «4n, Nov. U. ("mn,» t.» tn). HtMhlr I, Tfnit »f % , QVIKT ATMmfUKHfi II mi J ii) % 40 A 40 II VII Alilmtt. A' 1:00. Not * In thii «>|»i)f>ttiin|t y Hint itltawi the 4:10-7 JO- II) -n. in,.,!!,,, ,,f ' o» Jh 9:00-9 :»••t:«t. f*r la VI 4 1(1-7 KI-IH III Nov 77, *«CM.«M-98. Nov. 3fl i/nrtw r N«i». 29, Trail layman to natn* hln favf»riti> entry. !. I 15 i 10 7 IK-10 II AhMnU Vrtlrif In thin rnntfwt will elon* * CORIPIIII. 1 4n "i 40 II V! *«*, i ass ion «o Nt»* IT »| flv* «)*«'lt»cli ort IMnturdtiy aft#r- KTATK IM.II KOVAI, £»(llp»rn, » 40-fl ifl |o 00 Holiday nm, if *io * etc, i * 2 rtflfwn, Nitvembtr M, To d«it# th« No», ?4, i!nm» io th" Hlahl* Unrlor HftTatift. i:M.fl,mi--fl:40 NDV J(i-»f JO CsHtntiils flt»t* N"V 27 ?», TiMk *r OnprlPtirn, a :4s .7 -00-1(1 • W « 4» TM»" iw*- HlnMIn* »t iiM I'. M |»rpf«>rr*d work Id "HUH Uf*» N*». V Fore*, Itarttm rit I |n llHfiMi*, I'M-HtM No* 3 f*«» ML of Ifpiffi f>#B l:0»-7:00-l«:0». I,u»l f so- to t KIND'S MARKET FREE Nrtt 3M, < sleintn, r«ll« of p»u|lt>» 3 Nor JI-W. filiiKnlrto. Armjii, ine Wo* COOKING SCHOOL ,ffi}»i)«v M»nrv Nlcw of 1 - cxwviqmr mutum, n,«. CAfcTIJ! lH SH-11 3^ Ireful A, MI,. " • tmwm 3 IS-4 Si .7 10 10 ftrt I? 43 N .. Vn*n r»?tf M llMMMNt « n!»«|t#. HMl««, Wft* 7*. Kid from (M#»el«ti(l I 00- IT tint n #00-1 W> Id l» U»Ki«r CallfHftilii «'»•»»£. >«»-3 17.(1 n-mi.ii DIP nil. "ftftlirrxH F!rnbi»inVtm#nt," Special Turkey Dinner Slat*. hon A Mr 'Fr.i,,|. i n « nfl? ylw w p i I M..1-4A 9 Oil. Nt»v. IS. Kid trrsm i;in;i w h«l»1« f(*iirlh |ilmr»» unrl two Imirt. 3 WIT It 10 |(| t«»fj#r f!»Hft»ni)» *tT Ml, Mr n.mrt BOWRYBOYS THANKSGIVING DA1T $2.50 lrm», 4 no.7 JS to !M M 3:tt|Wf ! V. I, HrfMM, Jr, »f Summit with |»«( f ;t».t II T» t 9 fP0Nfl^ ANGELS IN "lAlttffr IHIMHII" •n«i Awry John- Monm*rmvN turn • :tt. dirt m. DISGUISE Mm nt iNnvlIlp with hi* imm6 t » f •«try, "ttoDM In tbt NIW UR«I DUMONT TWJVIWOM 9 * M

Paga S vision at this very moment?" Ita joker* buy »ne«iing powder «» Young Star Juat Allen Funt ..getting-filnu for hot gum for uae on their beat Teen-Age his show -Candid Camera"' »een Monday night at nine over CBS- friends. j^otes and Comments on Suburban Runs TV. Don't 'gt-t me" wrong. h«-'a not. ''Candid Camera"' manages, to 'MWrtqht Kiss1 find* themaelve* In possession of Televues the star of the show. The rt-ariitar record ter-dernea*. pathos, joy and PMilette unexptcted , money and wife By BOB LAMBERT ot the *how is you,- the public the .other h-jman emotions in euch' schemes to keep it. Stars Lizabetb quality of Hollywood films j The show^istv * vvrv ongirtii .a way as to maxr :t a rare en- Scott, Arthur Kennedy and Dan men on television at this time is iidea. It tne-* through t-r.e u*e of t.r.t-«t. Duryea. poor. The films consist mainly of ' concealed cameras, to i-how how westerns, grade B thriller*, and jthe average person r.-arts • under like to dint by candlelit* £ Jo who' «ek« High way"—Ue Cobb, supposed comedies, all of which . any situation. One we. k Mr. Fun: With loi$ of atmotpheref 7 arnis of banker. of "Dea^h of a Salesman," in film are at least five years old. .'. ' and.... hi* camtra crew might viiit of traciter* and romance. a'"pet stoop' to ih.ow.tiic t\r. , . • • • To be sure some attempts have [f s Of < iiu r•«• * <»u w n nt -some" fine been made-to obtain superior film* f V$ «•'»!• ihr, lu.m, lik^ lou.li of baaed on Washington Irving'* "Leg- an elderly woman who just 'y.^ta himself equipped end of Sleepy Hollow" and Kenneth planning to show Cbartes Laugh- ; ton in some of his better vehicle*. to look at the email- kittens- or ni, rai»i»d or beaten; of luo 1 Graham'e fantasy, 'The Wind in the with * * However, all these films are Eng- \even of gadneiss when an elder-!}- Our. •{MTulijr*—or juti rrgular Willowa." - . . fare mirror* lish with no American made pro- .gentleman..hears of the -dew'th of • * . * * . It ihr l.»»| »(iu ducts being represented. i hla beloved canary. The r,*xt '*?<:•* nr raten! F4THEB WAS A "Under Capricorn" — Ing rid J they may visit a novelty "jtor»; Hollywood's attitude towards I The Fr, d JJcMurray w harraawd foot- Bergman and Joseph Gotten bat- j where you can watch the practical coach of ^ t *** tie between alcohol and love in J video jeems to be one of fear that |. OHam fliaturbed the "Down Under" country of this few industry will kill the Australia. moviea by providing a free source j LAKE EDGE / of entertainment closely approxi- j KING CHICKEN Orer/,,,./.,,.« ff atchung Lak» *! Wa» a Male War BrMe"—Carr "Com* to th« Stable"—Loretta mating it, I, for one, don't believe Grant get* into and «** *«* Young and Celeste Holm, attempt this will happen. There were those 1, says: Specialising in u ;«! »b"> toe marriai WKC LA, MAftIO LA»ZA to copy what Bins Crosby did in who predicted the death of the re- I Srcakt • Chopi • Chlcktn Ana Sheridan, wht-triw. to get her Grayson as his partner in aong "Going My Way." cording Industry when the first i It'ii u lovely. Autumn drive to a delicious dinner at , . . .-oUM! out of occupied Germany- and romance in 'That Midnight radios cam* out on the grounds ' Our Ht.me Mad* Rolh ' . » • ... Kiss", currently on suburban that people would not pay to hear I Sugar Hunt and Pin »Midnl«M Kisa"—Kathryn Qray- •creeru. "Ichabod and Mr. Todd music when they could hear-all \ Citfchen ffiani Ire. Something To Remember o? Flaubert"* novel of a rirl (•Jen- At1 Proctor's, Newark they wanted over the radio for ifer Jonee) with romantic fto- day in tail film of aircraft car- nothing. Radio, Instead, proved an j Closed Mondays On Stirling Hood t'om-who marriw a vUlage doc- riers and pilots. Gary Cooper as Walk Dianey'a Technicolor pro- Route « Little Falls incalculable - boon to the record • Watchung-on-Hie.uk*, N. J. tor V&n H'eflla « doctor, Loula pilot, and Jane Wyatt as girl duction of the adventures of "Ich- makers as It Interested more and Totowa Boro 4-0881 Phone Pialnllrld «-»7*0 son. debutante and; truck, driver friend. Includes color shots' of abod and Mr, Toad" and "Ea«y more people In music. i.Mar:o Lanza) ,in singing rdmaiiee. Living,". starring Victor Mature, OrcJiestr* .-rri,.«Y . Sl'NUAV DBR HHIiClHIsiW BMBMH HCHE which wilj include two tip-top, of Frank Daily's Ivanhoe Res- too seriously," says Mr. John Mar-best roles. LILLIAN BROWN AT THE HAMMOND ORGAN Bfflun Ei»!4 niiu nas EIHDQ full-length Westerns. Roughrider taurant, 925 Springfield avenue, tucci, who with his wife Dal Teague All in nil, Hollywood has little Weddings and Banquet* our Specialty onnii anon™ SSEEOoro Roy Rogers will be aeen at his Irvington. *Their announced objeo-form the managing and executive to lase fln(1 much" iQ ' aln by fc_ OPEN I>\ILV FUR LC.NCHF.ON' AM) DINNER rugged best in "Utah," while Gene tive—and it was a big one— wi HJ department of this eight member leasing the better pictures of the to "decentralize the New Yo»k: group. •QH HilHU BWOF3 Autry will be seen and heard in p&st for home viewing. "Lovelier than you remembered it" SBHH 3«ra amir aua "The Laat Roundup." theater." Their hope was to estab-j Shortly after the Irvington the- "Studio One" Dumm [JUWOHH Ako included in the program will llsh a permanent theater in Irving- ater opened, Mr. Martucci, speak- ton which would become an in- ing for the group commented that With the exception of the "The THE be six color cartoons. tegral part of community life therv New York and other big cities Ford Theater" no other hour long firaansHi ann HSE raraa dramatic video ehow has had such An added treat for the first 400 and In the surrounding area. jhavc become the centers of this FARMSTEAD nation s consistent high caliber of plays as children will be free popslclea. Last week this group-the Ivan-i ' theatrical activity, prac- WHIPPANY HiiU™ BUS EQQEil tlcall to the "Studio One," seen Monday at ten In the beat Western tradition, hoe Players as they named then.-j y oxdualon of the rent of tht> nation Hl> over WCBS-TV. Some of the ehows Old-faihionrd rooking in the at mot- :HillUil1 the management requests all selves-announced that they wouid - envlaioned perm- phere of an IRth century farmhouse. have to close up shop, temporarily Ianent- Professional theaters in outstanding dramatic treats were UHLUHH patrons of the 49'er show to check I "The Rival Dummy," "The Bat- LUNCHEON 12:00 to 2:30 at least. I thoud f mniti ll .VFTERNOON TEA 3:00 to S:00 their guns at the door. IIth thousande countrys o,f communitieof which his als groul ovepr tleship Biamnrck," "Flowers From DINNER 3:30 to 1:00 The group which had banded to- wouW be a Stranger," and the comedy "Boy one. Located four mlln from Morrlstown on Whipping gether with the origination of The- Mr. Martucci and many like him, Meets Girl." ater Showcase at the Meadow- , .. . _ (CLOSED MONDAY) WHIPPANY 8-««7« fce that thftt auch ft dw entra|h| Much of "Studio One's" success. We will clo»e Sunday Evening. November 27th for the Winter brook in the summer of 1947 were,, niovcmcnr would be . healthy Is due to the masterful production all young, professional actora—I shojt^ .in the arm for what job of Mr. Worthlngton Miner. Mr. Weekly Crossword Puzzle an; their ages ranged between 18 *>consjder the decadent American Miner,!eels simplicity is a k«>y in- 25. Spurred by their success at = tn(.Bfcr gredient to good television produc- Join Us For A Real "Oldr Time" the Towers ^Playhouse Cedirj Durln their tw& month ftt tion and believes more restful, con- 2 4- b 1 ft 10 II 12 •5- IS Ib n [Grove, this past sumroer they hi.>the Ivanh the put on four centrated viewing could be ob- .piarrned to estabhsh a theater -of | * ^/ . THANKSGIVING DINNER pIaySi each runni g f two wcoks tained with I fewer camera changes. In a (.my Atntniphere and Kith All The Trimming*! 19 so 21 22 ; their own which would operate W ..CIaudl ,. ,,Dcar Ruth., ..Por "Studio One" has presented and | weehs out of the year. jor Monev., an(J -Teg0 . My Heart.. will, I am sure, present frome of — $2.50 — % Although the temporary closure To do this the members often 23 25 2b television's most memorable plnys might emphasize the difficulties; worked 12-15 hours a day, not only and performances. WE SUGGEST IOU TELEPHONE involved in setting up a corn- taking part in rehearsals, but FOR RESERVATIONS TODAY El 28 19 munity theater on a professional setting up, making and designing "Candid Camera" i baslg, it apparently has not dim-; the sets and attending to the us- Don't bo surprised if somebody i COLONIAL l\\ .sorted tasks connected with op- comes up to you, talks to you for //A erating a theater. There was, for a while, and then announced quiet- 54 Main Street, Madison, N. J. MAdi»on 6-0869 % i '%. % % '% ly "Did you know your on tele- SI 40 41 42 45 44 45 4t> DONOHUE'S Instance, the matter of sending oat 10,000 pieces of mail for each two-| "4 Fint (V#M Jerwr Eating time for the remainder of the w 50 SI week performance. 4T 49 52 As Mr. Martucci put it, "We havo seats for which there was no en- MOITVTAINVIEW, N. J. trance charge, They estimated thiit OLD FASHIONED NEW ENGLAND i On tat Kewark - Pompton no place for a star complex here. 55 54 5S 1% 57 u 59 Turnplk* ? Route 131 Everyone pitches in." In order to pay their way they i % OUR The players' salaries ranged be- would need an average audience of to VI fA b4 THANKSGIVING DINNER * b5 THANKSGIVING tween $25-$30 a week, but despite 600, giving an average contribution •• % of 60 cents per person. $ % the small remuneration, they de- COMPLETE WITH ALL $ bl 10 71 DINNER clared that they were doing what As it worked out the average IS A TREAT they wanted to and were their own contribution, not Including the re- '1.95 THE FIXIN'S 1.95 w 77} bosses." served seats, wa* between 30-35 (Children under twelve $1 85) 74- iT" n Although there appeared to be cents f°r the nearly 400 persons % % —SERVED NOON UNTIL 8:30 P. M.— 4 "An an increasing interest In the tho- who viewed their plays each night, w>78 If 64 " n eo ater on the part of the public, Faced with such obstacles an —COCKTAILS SERVED— n w according to Mr. Martucci, two ob-these, it seemed advisable to term- is o7 90 inate operations for the timn be- For R«R«rvatlonn cull Mi*« HART SPECTACULAR staclffi stood in their way which at Mlllbtirn 8-2181 % w M W eventually necessitated suspension ing. Some members of tho group 95 ICE SHOW | of operations. have located temporary jobs, Two w j One of the largest factors w.m are working as movie uwhers, oth- HOWARD JOHNSON'S I0J ers are making the rounds of New m 100 101 102 that the group could only have the K.ut. 29. SMINttFIILD, N. J. W w ballroom Monday through Thurj- York theater offices, tnd one has! a job as a toy demonstrator for the m (OS 107 10ft 109 day, which cut out profitable * Christmas season. wcrk-f>nd trade, RISO that public W m Buf financial support of the thwt.T - Affording to Mr Mnrhi.-n no 111 112 nl 114 115 lll(> LOVELY AND % % '///, was insufficient to meet oxpen.i.M.| dream is still there, and they W,% w w fa Iftn to HI 18 120 It 121 14 Often, too, the players would lose P make a permanent com 119 m their theater because «-f ft prn i munity theater H reality. They' TALENTED achnduled. appointment for definite plnn.s for a summer thc- in 1X9 the ballroom. ator, and In the meantime «rp l&O A few week* ago, for Instance, looking for another theater loca- Ryse Alton 11*. the players arrived «t their "tho- tion which they can use between »t«r" to discover tlmt a politic*! January and June, Piano and Accordion «H lib meeting had be«n scheduled for With unemployment «t a 20-yenr Artlir ty/, the ballroom for that evening, I>tu> peak for actor's on Broadway, there NIGHTLY miiunder»t*ntllng, they had|wn»1'1 to HORIZONTAL VRRlfCAI. 1 NOW! not been notified. nrrnd for community theaters. Wtdnetday Thru Sunday J -Talon 4S~Ca»ter »2 Stnnll 1 —Craek 3R -Homantlc 14- Rut M.Mr. Mnrtiiccl rcninrked, &~ Amount of With the pronprctlve midiortr* food Srrrrd I'ntil I .4. W. 50-Uttle m«Rii nturgeon 2—8ub«l| Hchool, Flnnton; I«n Kirk, « ('fin- 5« -G«t Mp -Born ft—Watchful 46-CiIaiwin ^3 HISTORIC INN M-TW. wnltlng f*u'dlffletilty with th<> pro-|'e,an Ar«dprny; Kluir Hurt man 60 Buff er« 1M—IPIIunt HJtruU 48 One who WI--IBrror dhowfd thftii the only film! Union, n Krndiifit" of tin* American Scotch Plaint ••Immortal Mo matt«r 104- tiwri of they find been nblc to g«t thdr AArndemy; VilniH Holnnh. New Yor't Off Route it »( M« <>njoy It jThomnn, i* fcrnduntp of ttnlvcrnlty RPRCIAL FULL CfWRHK *i -Morth#rn mold tlm* though," Mr. Murttteel of •pur 11 , who hs« nlnn up. of 85 Tho grnup hud «f!njiterl a policy paarfd In the City rtter Uroup,. Neutral tton mtimr In Thanksgiving Dinner Vfrh»IIy for reined »e»t«, but New York. Hick Colyrr, New York 110 W.» 12 Hiwill«fi HERVKI) FROM 1 P. M. l»n«! mil dormant 111—Op*rmt

By KENNTTH FINK or las* would do. On* out of «vtry wick, Atlantic City,--ana Vi, YOUR MIND three iil%) named « aom greater ion Tiny Gadget Makes IHrector, Ita New **nmj Pell City; or la cities with pOpu-at- A te*|ority of th* Ntw Jersey than $60. »% expressed no opinion over 100,010 ttk« Newark public is of4h« opinion that fami- on the matter. ftRd ton — all set the median 40 Seconds of KABL TLATZXB, lies of four ifrthit itat* can get Her* are the minimum amounts along on $60 a week. needed at $60. Why U it that when a child has 12 In number U just about right New Jfwey voters believe four- Concentrated Noise This was the finding when New member families need to get along Farm ami smalltown and vm been steadily marked as failing la to allow the interactions of group Jersey Pol] ifcaf! jeporterf aaked BARTELS a school subject, the parent who dynamics to function, and at the on these day* .in...their comflmol* people **t tim mi&im miftig the following quettlon of 1,000 xnen ties compared with those given a Do you have to stroll down lone- can afford to do so hires a tutor, same time to allow each pupil to amount needed a bit ioWer and aftjgr a remarkably short time, get the individual attention he and women In all walks of life "jraar ago: for ly lanes where every stray sound living in 16 of the »tate'i 31 coun- their type of community — *, coming from behind you makes the child has learned the work? needs and deserves. It must, how- Today Nor. IMS ties and In some, 44 different com- week. " f ' _ ' the hair on the back of your neck Why is it.that a pupil who has been ever, be emphasized that even in .% munities: stand on end? When you stay by consistently graded as below aver- a small class the teacher who $30-49 3 Although many people |n th yourself in the house do you get age in school can undergo a thor- thinks and is oriented in terms of "What do you $40-48 13 state would consider it imP0Mihi that chilly feeling- when the stair* ugh program in remedial reading groups will continue to teach the think Is the $50-59 28 for their families to try to liy! 1 creak? We hope that you will be; where It U indicated, 'and' emerge" group and not each pupil. The smallest weekly $60 IT $60 a wee*. It must belcept in doing none of these things, but if as a good student? Why Is it that teacher who thinks in terms of income an aver- $61-68 S that New Jersey Poll staff do them you must, a Summit a child whose report cards show each child entrusted to her care by age family i n $70-79 It 13 porters asked for the your community inventor, Arthur B. Chapman, regularly failing marks can receive its parents will overcome any ob- $80 & over ' » T amount needed. Many thinks he can make life a lot more psychotherapy to clear up his emo- stacles to teach each individual — & maj), wife, Don't know 9 with children in this «tate7fo comfortable for you. Chapman's tional tensions 'and maladjust- child, almost regardless of the size and two children however, get along on less'than answer to that unprotected feeling The median average of all the the ments, and often prove himself as of the group. — heed* to get $*0 named .as the median j . is called the Beau Alarm. sum* named for both this year N m nj one of the brightest in the class? Before any teacher dares grade along on these and last year is exactly the same mum. needed. ^ Beau Alarm is a sleek looking Very obviously, the answer lies a pupil as poor or needing imr days?" —$60. Three out of A similar question askc-d*by*a', article leas than -six inches long in the lack of the teacher and provement in a subject, let her ask The fact that the same median national poll of a cross-section of and three. Inches-wide which 1*e|>#er school to give enough attention to herself this simple question: "How every five people the individual child to find out. Interviewed <6O%) if aid $60 a week minimum was named both last adulta in all forty-eight «tet« sents the first adaptation of the; much time have I devoted to this year and today may Indicate that earlier In. the year showed that th« what lies at the root of his diffi- ; burglar alarm principle for use by Individual child'?".If her honest substituting* for the teacher and the reduction in cost of living since median average was only $50, an Individual. Designed to be car- culty And attack the problem of answer shows little time with the attempting to instruct the child in last year is more apparent than week — some Indication that iiv.""' ried, or kept near you, the Beau that child as an individual. Too child as an individual, let her what the school has failed in real. ing- costs in New Jersey may bt Alarm at the flick of a switch will frequently, the pupil is treated as change her way of thinking and teaching him. The parents' part just one more unit in a class. Each Interestingly, urban dwellers, some what higher than the avtr. unloose forty seconds of concen- ask herself: "How have I failed lies rather in doing all he can to age throughout the nation. trated bedlam. Turn It on when j child is not just a member of a this child?" Only in this way can a arouse the school heads, the par- whether living' in towns with popu- you get that creepy feeling, and by < group, he^ is also a living, breath- teacher emerge as a real teacher. ent-teachers association, the Board lations between 2500 and 25,000, the time Its police siren voice run* j ing person, with wants, needs,! Before any parent scolds his of Education, and the community, like Bound Brook, Dover, and If a man has acted right, he „ down, your would-be assailant is i drives, and tensions all his own. child for bringing home a poor re- to an awareness of the concept that Pleasantville; in larger towns with h«J done well, {hough a!<3n€; i('! going to be far, far away. - Unless teaching can proceed on port card, let him do his part as a they are failing in their duty to populations1 between 25,000 a,nd wrong, the sanction of all man-, Arthur Chapman has been mak- that basis, it fails. parent. This does not consist in j the child. 100,000 like Orange, New Bruns- kind wll not justify him, ing burglar and fire alarm devices Child Doesn't Fail for most of his life, but he got the Make no mistake on this point. idea for the Beau Alarm only about NO CHILD EVER FAILS'' IN two years ago when he was spend- ARTHUR B. CHAPMAN exhibits his pocket burglar alarm, the Beau Alarm. It is designed to give greater security to the individual SCHOOL. THE TEACHER FAILS ing some time in a hospital follow- OR THE SCHOOL FAILS, OF ; ing an operation. His nurse,, a Miss In lonely placese. ;•- * . ' . •' THE COMMUNITY FAILS. Wher LeBeau, learned what business he the teacher grades the child as fail was in, and demanded to know ing, what she is really doing i why something had not been made Claims Press May Agencies Plan marking herself, as having failec to protect people like her who had with that ctrlld. THERE IS NO to come to work at odd hours, Have Averted To Standardize CHILD WHO CAN NOT BE through deserted streets. Chapman TAUGHT. When the pupil is t confesses that he did not take the National Slump marked as having failed to learn, idea very .seriously at first, but Building Code The press and radio are polntly it really means that the teacher Miss LeBeau gave him no peace State Departmenti of Labor, has failed to teech him. until he left the hospital, and by credited with «n important part Health, Conservatico and Eco- in averting a business depression So many examples could be cited that time the thought had begun nomic Development and others, to prove this point that there is no to intrigue him. during the spring and summer of are working with organizations of 1949. Tribute for their prompt and doubt of its truth. I have in mind I Lightweight Unit plumbers, electricians and build- one girl of 16 who failed steadily During the next year, Chapman effective action io made In an ar- ing inspectors in the production of ticle on the significance of un- in mathematics. Contrary to my : worked over the Idea with en- a standard building code for New usual practice, I recommended -I gineers at his plant, the Electro- employment statistic* appearing In Jersey. Announcement of the un- that she attend a private day Protective Corporation In Newark. the current issue of Review of dertaking watt made by Commis- school located not far from heir The problem was to design a unit New Jersey Business, Thiir quar- sioner Charles R. Erdmao, Jr., home. There she has been doing SHOP lightweight, dependable, and ca- terly publication is prepared co- Conservation and Economic De- splendidly for over a year. The dif- pable of making a terrlffc racket. operatively by the State Depart- velopment. Thia department will ference lies in the fact that in her A By putting a clockwork mechanism ment of Conservation and Eco- coordinate the several sections of community-supported high school In a plastic case, Chapman licked nomic and Business Research of the code and put it in final form. she was one of 40 pupils, and the and Buy the first two phases, but working Itutgera University. The standard building code is attitude was Implicit that the the noise element up toJLs present Charles L. Kofke, statistician for intended to be general in scope. teacher could not afford to devote pitch took time and a considerable the Stiite—Department of Lobor A Tnore~«peGtffc code afready In USc the time of the entire class to the amount of experimenting on the and industry, prepared the article. is. the one prepared by the Depart- needs of one pupil. In the private part of these connoisseurs of ear Reviewing the high lay-off rates ment of Conservation end Eco- school she is one of five pupils In Oil fhe Avenue splitting devices. after Christmas; he said, "It be- nomic Development, as a guide in the class. When she fails to under- The din created by the finished came apparent that 1919'was" pre- the construction of one and two- stand a point, the teacher and she product, however, is more than senting u.i with the painful eco- family dwellings. stroll into the library, sit down, satisfactory. Patterned after a nomic aftermath of an overpro- Responsibility for the develop- and talk over the matter quietly. police siren, the Beau Alarm runs duced condition—at least in con- ment of the standard building Fortunately In this case the par- for forty seconds and cannot be sumer good.i if not among baffle code was charged to this depart- ents are able to spend the money stopped until the clockwork commodities. Fears were expressed ment some tlm unfortunate and * BARM ARK, Inc. • JANET SHOPS credits Chapman's torpedo detector almost panic conditions of the with having saved more than 200 spring of 1933." * BEAU MODE • JAPTEX million dollars worth of shipping, At thnt time, * year or more and many hundreds of s#*rnen'# elapsed hefori* the extent of un- * BEHRMAN'S • JEWELRY CRAFTSMEN lives. employment lit « given time WM 430 Central Avtnut Sott Onmq: M. J. For all his ventures Into the field. nrndp known to th« public. Now, BLACK STARR ft GORHAM • KEEGAN OPTICIANS Chapman has had no formal en- frdewil. Mid wtnte office* compile * BROHMAN'S ftn«#rlnc training, freely admits unemployment reports *m « per- •S.H. KRESS that He had a tough time getting manent dully «nd weekly basis, our first fall * H. E. BROWN & CO. • MARY LEWIS through high school back in Wis- and the f«ct» ntv produeM and consin whwo ha was born and locally, statewide and * DONAI»u port* m> th*t n#wspspi»r» and ra- * DARUNGfl TOYS Atarnt. •!««* »loetw«Pr©t#fliw Is dio nutlmt* e«n havt» monthly • MARIO A MICH AELflON ttw first to prodtMHg mien an •rtlrle, and hl-Wrtnthly Information broad- * BASIL DAY* CO. tmi ht want* to corner m» much er trend* In htislnesw and tabor SALE fHK MAODONALD SHOPS of fa* market a* posslbl* b»fnr» relations, lit h*i to m«rt e*»mp#tUlnn H#> I* i * ifeCOZEN RASH ORANGE 00, • S, MATER CORP. H>y current R#» V Doom thftt til* tNmu Alarm him v|*w of y timely reductions for thanksgiving • MAYFLOWER COFFEE SHOf (gtportwnt function in giving to ronc*rn«n nt * FOOTNOTE* w.-emsmmm fttft«**f, IM wVWM Hk* in ••# th* and gttt« tftAdb In AJMTDI ttlHMt MWlotMly, but nww SLOUSES • COATS • HATS ML It* tMNMt htlp tx>tng • NOBEEN'ft 81IOPFE ft* mm It turn tip In ACCESSORIES • SEAM ROEBUCK A CO. tmmim i mti**m, m hmn *OPFENItEIM COLUN& NwttMl rooUnt DrttMt Optus * SCMULZ * BEHBLE * STTIART-OOWWN m m m***§ ******** ***** tilt dp#»i«i ef th#lr * WMELAN mva STORE THE family ttaltc Oftngt, ftftetiaiittnj SYSTEM * THE WHS »TOBE wHn *•*-' ill sales mn\». r&88t>AT KVKNINOS UNTIL f J»»

•t\-k ••>» . _-- r-