Far East Situation 'Alarming/ Mine Named for Some Rooms in Housing Hearing Changed to Five Vacancies H. S. Addition to Senator Smith Tells Chamber On Chamber Board Be Ready May 1 Dec. 12; Betts Answers "Most A ballot of nine names to 111! At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce at Summit, Conatructiop work in proceeding vacancies on the Chamber of Com- last Wednesday evening, Nov&nber 16, 1949, Senator H. ahead of schedule in the addition merce board of directors was sub- Alexander Smith, a nieiriper of the Senate Foreign Relational to the High School building, This mitted to the membership at the Asked' Queries on Ordinance Committee, who has just returned from a trip to the Far was Indicated at. the meeting of fall general meeting held last F-tst told the more than 200 present that he was greatly thepoard of Education on'Thurs- • A further change in the date of the public hearing on •"" ' the present Far Wednesday night at the H%b over School. The slate was introduced day night when Secretary Walter the ordinance establishing a housing authority for Summit Situation. at a brief business meeting fol- S. J^ddy reported that a few of waa mad6 this week when city officials announced that the During his remark* Senator lowing the address by Senator H- the rooms in the addition would hearing would be held December 12 instead of December 13 Smith traced the progressive de- Group to Describe Alexander Smith. br ready for iwe by May 1 next at 8 p. m. at the High School auditorium. year. The hew addition under con- velopniomt of our.policy in West- .Tjle cllange j0 ^p December 12 Those named are Salem Boorujy struction since last spring, waa not ern Europe since the close of dattl accordin t0 Harr Summit's Public of Columbia Cleaners, for .re-elec- expected to be ready for occupancy * y Kates, World War II. and especially the oxecutlvc tion; Frank Dunning, manager of s«rr,-tary, was caused by development of the to- calted until next September. nlllal 0 ncSIQIlS • Busch A Co.; Frank J. Kerrigan a nunvbt.r.of conflicting events for Marshall Plan to rehabilitate' the Relations Program of Summit Express Co.; Thomas Choral Festivals Approved DtC'"nibrr 13- one °' which is the Western European countries. He a<iu method* ty which the A.. Miller. Stephens-Miller O, for Board approval w«« given to the III ALVCUI kllllClljf . 't education program which is points out with strong approval re-election; Carfeton W. Pierson. High School chorus participating 'attended-by more than 500 real- Common Council and. other, mu- the policy of our Government, Plerson's, Inc.; John RiUo, RilloW for the fourth consecutive year In th.e «c<momtc recovery wwhich h a nicipal bodieaaeek to develop com- Market; Maurice Siegel, Siegel's a hfdf-hour Chrlatmaj program at Post in Arkansas of the European countries by the munity understanding of current Stationery Store; W. E. TruesdeU. Grsnd Central Station, New York The resignation effective January) High School because the council development of * arograjn with city problems will be discussed on Jr., Truesdell'a Station, and John City, December.19 at 4:30 p.m. and 1st of James M. ftlllard. assistant] chambera «t the Municipal Bulld- librarian. waa accepted by the irtg prowd too small even to house United State* financial aid to help a radio-broadcast by Ernest S- G. Segelken, Bell Telephone Lab- in the Choral Festival at Trenton them help themeelVes and become (Library Boar,d of Trustet-j) at their ,the more than 275 who attended Hickok, prudent of the Summit oratories. State teachers College next May. 4«!f-sustaining not later, than 1052. ; meeting ••Nov*robj?r. i6, Mus Li'.lisin'the introduction^o'f tjie ordinance Mr. Segelken'0 name was sub- For the Trenton 'trip the board" Senator Smith was introduced Common Council, E. Robin Little, jSpeer, librarian, announced. yea--ftt f,r4,t rwl<Jing on'Xovemb^r 15." mitted separately from the others. agreed to spend..|135 for charter- by E. R. Honeyraan, public rela- author of "Summit's Story" and terday. \ : : Only a small number of those at- As explained by a letter from ing three buses'.* The students are tions director- of the Bell Tele- Mrs. Gerald H. Winser, president *Mr; Hillard leaves to become| tending the November 15 meeting G«rdner,.p. Eastman, .chairman so anxious ,to make the New York phone Laboratories. P«ut .Presi- librarian of-tho Fort Smith, Arkan- j expressed approval of the Housing of the Library Board of Trustees. of the nominating committee, "The trip that-they have agreed to pay dent Arthur Becker of the Cham- sas, public library on January Li Authority. The broadcast will be over Station reason for this is that your nomi- their own way. ber proeided at the meeting. Also 11950. Fort Smith Is the wcond i ,, ., . .' WAAT at 9 a.m. on November 30 nating committee feels strongly t0UnC1 a seated on the platform with Sen- REPORTS OK FAR EAST — United States Senator H. Alexander Daniel Kautzman, supervisor of "largest city in Arkansas and ha. I , . ^ **** that an industrial representative h 1 th ator Smith were Mayor Maxwell on the well-known public service Smith, who was the speaker at the fall meeting of the Chamber of music, reported to Superintendent haJ a library for a number of! P " * *• * should be elected to the board. »<* '©m-. Lester, Jr. and William Rae Crane, program, the Coffee Club. Commerce last Wednesday at the high school, made a report to the Roberts.vs. Reed that a committee year,,'With the retlrrment of the Our industrial membership has Llbniry "« the city to.«defm»te policy .of.. Chamber secretary. more than 200 persons present on conditions in the Far East. Above, of experts makes some judgements present librarian that 1 Some of the point* to be dis- grown and is continuing to grow having or not having low reot left to right, are E. R. Honeyman, public relations director of the Bell on the Trenton production and Board anticipatea a. re-organisa- In the. course of his remark* cussed are methods for enlighten- and contributes substantially to housing in Summit. In a prepared Telephone Laboratories; Senator Smith, and Arthur Becker, past presi- glvcs%a confidential report to the tlon which will lead to lilibrarb y serr- S>«;tttor Smith, said: ing the community on the con- the support of the Chamber. We statement council said it felt that dent of the Summit Chamber of Commerce. (Photo by Jay) instructor in the way of sugges- vice for the county as well as for "After we had had the Marshall structive u« of city funds, way* feel that as a matter of justice the city Itself. the creation of a Housing Authori- in which to measure community tions for improvements. It la not ty is desirable since that body oan Plan in operation for one year and, there should be representation of a contest and there is no award Mr. Hillard came to Summit had proven how effective it wa» support of special projects and further under its provialone con- this growing element in our mem- of any kind. July 1, 1917, on tho completion of to protect these European coun- the marked trend throughout the bership on the board. We have tinue to study the need for such Montc/erir, R/dgewood Both 680 in 29 Adult Courses his professional preparation at the tries from the flood of Commu- country toward clearer interpre- listed Mr. Segelken'a name sepa- projects. Superintendent Reed reported University of Illinois.' Prior to nistn, we were faced with the Im- tation of city program* so that rately to call the attention of mem- army service, Mr, Hillord worked To date, moat of the opposition that 580 persons have enrolled In minent danger, emphasised by the citizen* may be able to base their bers to the situation. We also sug- in tho Dayton, Ohio, public library to a Housing Authority seems to Spurn Federal Housing Aid the 29 courses offered thl« fall In Berlin incident, of an aggression actions on information. gest to the Board that, if it l» in At least two other North Jersey both ns a general assistant'and in Mem from a fear of independent effort to eliminate sub-standard the Summit Adult Education Fro- by the Communists against the Illustration of such special step* keeping with the constitution and communities that are having slum the bookmobile division, a service agencies responsible to no elected housing, and maintain Montclair gram as follows:. Western European democracies. that will be cited are th« Town by-laws; that his name be placed clearance problems ar# solving in which that library has pion- public officials or representative as one of the outstanding realdon- Photography 9, Helping Your This threat led to the so-called Meeting treatment of some ques- on the ballot separately and some them through private financing eered. body. tial communities In the United Child Grow Up 37, Beginner's N'orth Atlantic. Treaty recently tions, the publication of such explanation be printed* on the bal- and rejecting state or Federal aid. During service overseas, Mr, Hil- States," French 11, Intermediate French 3, Numerous questions have been ratified, with Its military Jmplc- pamphlets as "It's Your Money," lot." lard not only wan assigned the asked about tho ordinance and this —iUdgew&od ---apparently feels Advanced French 8, Designing the th« highlighting of community BOW have local low-cost housing organization of library collection! week Rome A.
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