Customer Insight Development in Vodafone Italy
Customer Insight development in Vodafone Italy Emanuele Baruffa – Vodafone Seugi - Vienna, 17-19 June 2003 Seugi 21_Vienna Pag. 1 ContentsContents:: 1. Introduction 2. Customer Base Management 3. Customer Insight 4. Data Environment 5. Conclusions Seugi 21_Vienna Pag. 2 1. Introduction 2. Customer Base Management 3. Customer Insight 4. Data Environment 5. Conclusions Seugi 21_Vienna Pag. 3 MobileMobile telephonytelephony isis oneone ofof thethe fastestfastest growinggrowing industriesindustries inin thethe worldworld Worldwide growth in subscribers (millions) ! 1 billion subscribers 1480 around the world 1321 ! Over 120 1152 countries have 958 mobile networks 727 ! Further acceleration 479 expected 206 87 14 34 Source: EITO 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003e 2004e Seugi 21_Vienna Pag. 4 Italy:Italy: Europe’sEurope’s secondsecond biggestbiggest mobilemobile marketmarket Country Subscribers Penetration Western European TLC market % growth by country (%) 10 9,1 9 Germany 60,300,000 84% 8 6,8 6,8 7 6,2 6,1 5,7 5,8 Italy 54,000,000 98% 6 5,6 5,6 5,4 5,0 5 UK 50,900,000 92% 4,0 4 France 39,000,000 77% 3 Spain 34,000,000 88% 2 1 0 Germany Italy UK France Spain Western Europe Sources: internal sources for Italy, Yankee Group for Source: EITO other European countries 2001/2002 2002/2003 Seugi 21_Vienna Pag. 5 PenetrationPenetration raterate inin thethe ItalianItalian marketmarket 60,000 96% 98% 100% 91% Subscribers (,000) 90% 50,000 Penetration Rate 80% 74% 70% 40,000 60% 53% 30,000 50% 36% 40% 20,000 30% 21% 20% 10,000 11% 10% 0 0% 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Seugi 21_Vienna Pag.
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