1 Edito This is it! Here we are! We have been expecting that for four years. The Games are here. In a few days. We hold our breath with two important dates in mind : August 18th and 20th. As for several months, several years, Trimax-Magazine has been behind triathletes with very impressive fights and very beauti- ful medals into perspective. In the rest of the magazine, we will focus on many subjects of actuality with many races, the season is in full swing to our delight. And how not to speak about this incredible record of Jan Fro- Cover picture : Jan FRODENO deno, another myth who came to do an monstrous time in Copyright : jacvan@all rights reserved Roth. The German makes history of triathlon after being Olym- pic Champion and winner of Hawaii. We won’t forget the undeniable long distances with the Alpe This magazine is offered by our d’Huez, Marseille for France but also Challenge races or the IM advertisers. On after an original idea by TC, directed by European Championships in Frankfurt. Jacvan. Contributors to this document number : Nicolas Geay, Guillaume Lehnert, Alexandra Bridier, Jeanne Collonge , Romuald Vinace, Dave Nicholas, Fabien Boukla, Yannick Bourseaux, and you www.trimaxhebdo.com Contact Editor :
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[email protected] Fanpage FACEBOOK STAY CONNECTED @trimaxhebdo 2 3 N°155 THE SUMMARY ADVICES P 82: Chronicle pains on the bike, 2nd act P 86 : Water retention also affects triathletes FOCUS P 08 : Challenge Aruba P 62 : The end of a cycle for Javier Gomez P 88: Jensen Button triathlon MATERIAL P 90: The Met Drone Wide Body helmet RACES OF THE MONTH P 14 : Franckfort - Roth : the major battles ! P 30 à 39 : Challenge Danemark et Iceland P 40 : Alpe d’Huez triathlon celebrates its 10th birthday P 54: Marseille Triathlon www.trimaxhebdo.com P 68 à 81 : Xterra Switzerland et France 4 5 Month’s picture The EDF Alpe d’Huez triathlon celebrates its 10th anniversary this year under the sun and the heat..