*1028_Hydrophobicity_Cvr. 2011_Layout 1 3/20/11 9:42 PM Page 1 Cover background photo: Fluoroalkylsilane treated multi-color red granite is both hydrophobic and oleophobic. The Stenocara beetle, an African desert species, harvests water that adsorbs on superhydrophilic bumps on its back, then transfers droplets into superhydrophobic channels that lead to its mouth. GGeelleesstt IInncc.. 1111 EEaasstt SStteeeell RRooaadd MMoorrrriissvviillllee,, PPAA 1199006677 PPhhoonnee ((221155)) 554477--11001155 FFaaxx:: ((221155)) 554477--22448844 wwwwww..ggeelleesstt..ccoomm *1028_Hydrophobicity_Cvr. 2011_Layout 1 3/20/11 9:43 PM Page 2 Gelest, Inc. Gelest, Inc. Additional Product Information on Silanes & Silicones Telephone: General 215-547-1015 Order Entry 888-734-8344 For Material Science: Technical Service: 215-547-1016 5 H 2 H 5 Hydrophobicity, OC C 2 Micro-Particle Silane Coupling SiO CH 2 H 5 2 OC 2 FAX: 215-547-2484 CH Enabling Your Technology Hydrophilicity H 2 Surface Modification Agents NC H 2 Micro-Particle The surface properties of Surface Internet: www.gelest.com and Silane Silane coupling Silane Coupling Agents Modification Connecting Across Boundaries P CH CH micro-particles can be Surface 2 2Si(OC agents enhance 2H ) e-mail:
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