Officer Report On Planning Application: 14/04300/FUL Proposal : Proposed solar park comprising the erection of solar arrays, inverters, transformers, equipment housing, security fencing, internal tracks, ancillary equipment and ecological mitigation measure (GR:338682/129341) Site Address: Land At Aller Court Farm, Church Path, Aller. Parish: Aller TURN HILL Ward Cllr S Pledger (SSDC Member) Recommending Case Alex Skidmore Officer: Tel: 01935 462430 Email:
[email protected] Target date : 22nd December 2014 Applicant : Aller Court Farm Solar Park Ltd And Andrew Maltby Agent: Mr Adrian Hunter, The Landmark Practice, (no agent if blank) Hope Chapel House, Hope Chapel Hill, Bristol BS8 4ND Application Type : Major Other f/space 1,000 sq.m or 1 ha+ REASON FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE The application is a 'major major' development and recommended for approval and as such is required to be referred to committee under the scheme of delegation. SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSAL This application is seeking planning permission to erect a 17 MW solar farm to generate electricity to feed into the national grid over a 25-year period, after which time the infrastructure will be removed and the land restored. The scheme seeks to erect photovoltaic panels to be mounted on metal posts driven into the ground with an overall height of 2.4m and arranged into rows aligned in a west to east direction. The ground beneath will be left to grass over to allow the land to be grazed. Other associated infrastructure includes 8 inverter stations (approximately 3.0m high), sub-station and 6m high security cameras.