Local Environment Agency Plan
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local environment agency plan RIVER PARRETT CONSULTATION REPORT MARCH 1997 'f ■ ■ j En v i r o n m e n t A g e n c y En v ir o n m e n t A g e n c y NATIONAL LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICE HEAD OFFICE Rio House. Waterside Drive. Aziec West. Almondsbury. Bristol BS32 4UD O k FOREWORD This Plan represents a significant step forward in environmental thinking. It has been clear for many years that the problems of land, air and water, particularly in the realm of pollution control, cannot be adequately addressed individually. They are interdependent, each affecting the others. The Government’s answer was to create the Environment Agency with the umbrella responsibility for all three. The role and duties of the Agency are set out in this document. This holistic approach is now reflected in this Plan. It is a logical development of the Catchment Management Plans prepared by the old National Rivers Authority, now subsumed into the new Agency. It sets out the environmental problems of the area in a way which has not been done before,' and suggests the most important issues which should now be addressed. It is, I believe, vital reading for everyone concerned with the future of North Wessex. The catchment of the River Parrett and its tributaries, the Rivers Isle, Yeo, and Cary encompasses a varied and complex environment, which includes a major part o f the important Somerset Levels and Moors. This is the first Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP) produced in North Wessex Area. It covers all the work of the Environment Agency - water management, waste regulation and the control of heavy industrial processes. We look forward to hearing your views on the many environmental issues discussed here and I hope that with the help of our partners we can work towards a better environment in this area. CHRIS BIRKS AREA MANAGER (NORTH WESSEX) Environment Agency Information Centre Head Office Class N o / ENVIRONMENT YOUR VIEWS We hope that this report will be read by everyone who has an interest in the quality of the environment. Your views will help us finalize the Action Plan. Have we identified all the problems in the Plan area? Are there any issues which you would like to highlight? Can you suggest new issues or Options for Action? Please send your written comments to: Alan Turner, Environment Planner, Environment Agency, North Wessex Area, Rivers House, East Quay, BRIDGWATER, Somerset, TA6 4YS. Tel: 01278 457333, by 30 June 1997. HOW TO USE THIS PLAN For advice on how to use this plan please see Section 2. THE NEXT STAGE We will collate responses to this Report and publish an Action Plan in October 1997. Each year we will review the progress that has been made with the actions identified in the Action Plan and publish a brief review. We intend to publish a combined Local Environment Agency Plan for the Parrett and Tone catchments by November 1999. GENERAL INQUIRIES For general information about the work of the Environment Agency, or information about a specific matter, please contact our Customer Services Centre at the Bridgwater Office Tel: 01278 457333 Environment Agency Copyright Waiver This report is intended to be used widely and may be quoted, copied or reproduced in any way, provided that the extracts are not quoted out of context and that due acknowledgement is given to the Environment Agency. Published March 1997 CONTENTS OUR MISSION AND AIMS .......................................................................................................2 1 MANAGING THE ENVIRONMENT - THE ROLE OF THE AGENCY 1.1 Who are we? ..........................................................................................................4 1.2 Our Principal A im .................................................................................................. 4 ' 1.3 Our Objectives ................................................ ..................................................... 4 1.4 What we do . ....................................................................................................... 4 1.5 What we do not d o ................................................................................................5 1.6 Who are our customers? ......................................................................................6 1.7 How we are structured...........................................................................................6 1.8 Environmental Standards......................................................................................6 1.9 Operational Standards . ; ....................................................................................7 1.10 Internal Environmental Policy ............................................................................7 1.11 Public Registers and Access to Environmental Information............................ 7 2 THIS LOCAL ENVIRONMENT AGENCY PLAN 2.1 The Consultation Report ................................................................................... 10 2.2 The Action P la n ..................................................................................................11 2.3 Local Environment Agency Plans and Development P la n s ............................II 2.4 Local Environment Agency Plans (LEAPs) and Catchment Management Plans .............................................................................................11 3 CATCHMENT CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 . Catchment Description ...................................................................................... 14 3.2 Geology, Soil and Land Use ...................................................................... \ . 14 3.3 Hydrology ............................................................ .............................................. 15 3.3.1 Hydrogeology.................................................. •......................................15 3.3.2- Rainfall ....................................................................................................15 3.3.3 River Flow ............................................................................................... 17 4 ISSUES LIST ........................ ..........................................................................................19 5 PROTECTION THROUGH.PARTNERSHIP"r. rT:T:TTrrr77.T.rT.T. 22 PART n - SUPPORTING INFORMATION 6 USES, ACTIVITIES AND PRESSURES 6.1 Landscape, Wildlife and Archaeology.............................................................26 6.2 Fish and Fisheries.................................................................................... ./. 40 6.3 Recreation and Amenity ..................................................................................52 6.4 Flood Defence and Land Drainage ................................................................. 56 6.5 The Built Environment and Development Plans ................................64 6.6 Mineral Extraction ............................................................................................74 6.7 The Management of Waste ..............................................................................82 6.8 Contaminated L a n d ................................................................................ .... 86 6.9 Farming .................................................................................................................. 88 6.10 Forestry ................................................................................................................ 94 6.11 Water Abstraction and Supply ..........................................................................98 6.12 Effluent Disposal .............................................................................................. 108 6.13 Fish F a rm s ...........................................................................................................116 6.14 Controlled Industrial Processes........................................................................118 6.15 Radioactive Substances .................................................................................... 120 7 TARGETS, STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND ISSUES 7.1 Water Q u ality ......................................................................................................124 7.1.1 River Quality Objectives .................................................................... 124 7.1.2 EC Dangerous Substances D irective................................................ 136 7.1.3 EC Freshwater Fish Directive 78/659/EEC ..................................... 138 7.1.4 EC Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC ....... 142 7.1.5 EC Surface Water Abstraction Directive 75/440/EEC................... 142 7.1.6 EC Nitrates Directive 91/6 7 6 /E E C ................................................... 143 7.1.7 EC Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC ......................; ............................. 144 7.1.8 Annex 1A Reduction Program m e..................................................... 144 7.1.9 Additional M onitoring.......................................................................... 145 7.1.10 Freshwater B iology...............................................................................145 7.1.11 Groundwater Q uality............................................................................ 150 7.2 Water Q u an tity ............................ ...................................................................... 152 7.2.1 The Natural Water Environment........................................................ 152 7.2.2 Public Water S u p p ly ...........................................................................