31 bus time schedule & line map

31 - Livingston via Linlithgow View In Website Mode

The 31 bus line (Bathgate - Livingston via Linlithgow) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bathgate: 6:25 AM - 10:25 PM (2) Livingston: 6:55 AM - 10:55 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 31 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 31 bus arriving.

Direction: Bathgate 31 bus Time Schedule 59 stops Bathgate Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:25 AM - 10:25 PM

Monday 6:25 AM - 10:25 PM Bus Terminal, Livingston Almondvale Avenue, Livingston Tuesday 6:25 AM - 10:25 PM

The Centre, Livingston Wednesday 6:25 AM - 10:25 PM Almondvale Boulevard, Livingston Thursday 6:25 AM - 10:25 PM Club Earth Nightclub, Howden Friday 6:25 AM - 10:25 PM Almondside, Livingston Saturday 6:25 AM - 10:25 PM Manitoba Avenue, Howden

Civic Centre, Howden Hospital Path, Livingston 31 bus Info St Margarets Academy, Howden Direction: Bathgate Stops: 59 Braehead Junction, Howden Trip Duration: 88 min Line Summary: Bus Terminal, Livingston, The Centre, St Johns Hospital, Howden Livingston, Club Earth Nightclub, Howden, Manitoba Avenue, Howden, Civic Centre, Howden, St St Johns Hospital, Howden Margarets Academy, Howden, Braehead Junction, Howden, St Johns Hospital, Howden, St Johns Fastlink, Ladywell Hospital, Howden, Fastlink, Ladywell, Fastlink, Knightsridge, Roundabout, Dechmont, Fastlink, Knightsridge Riding School, Uphall, Golf Club, Uphall, St Andrews Drive, Uphall, Oatridge Hotel, Uphall, Howieson Dechmont Roundabout, Dechmont Green, Uphall, Binny Park, , Parish Church, Ecclesmachan, The Cottages, Threemiletown, Elmbank Cottage, Threemiletown, Riding School, Uphall Gateside, Bridgend, New Apartments, Bridgend, Auldhill Avenue, Bridgend, Turning Circle, Bridgend, Golf Club, Uphall Auldhill Crescent, Bridgend, Auldhill Avenue, Club House Road, Bridgend, Road End, Bridgend, New Apartments, Bridgend, Gateside, Bridgend, Elmbank Cottage, St Andrews Drive, Uphall Threemiletown, Windyridge Cottage, Philpstoun, Strathbrock Place, Scotland Church Court, Philpstoun, Burghmuir Court, Linlithgow, Baillielands, Linlithgow, Springeld Oatridge Hotel, Uphall Primary School, Linlithgow, Springeld Road, 10 West Main Street, Scotland Linlithgow, Kinloch View, Linlithgow, Barons Hill, Linlithgow, Tesco, Linlithgow, Station Road, Howieson Green, Uphall Linlithgow, Cross, Linlithgow, Health Centre, Linlithgow, West Port, Linlithgow, Rugby Grounds, Binny Park, Ecclesmachan Linlithgow, Moray Drive, Linlithgow, Kettilstoun Binny Park, Scotland Mains, Linlithgow, School, Torphichen, Low Brae, Torphichen, Ballencrieff Toll, Bathgate, Sports Centre, Parish Church, Ecclesmachan Bathgate, Balbardie Primary School, Bathgate, Wellpark, Scotland Library, Bathgate, Royal Bar, Bathgate, St David's House, Bathgate, Union Road, Bathgate, Fairway The Cottages, Threemiletown Hotel, Bathgate, Gordon Avenue, Bathgate, Rail Station, Bathgate Elmbank Cottage, Threemiletown 4 St James place, Scotland

Gateside, Bridgend

New Apartments, Bridgend

Auldhill Avenue, Bridgend

Turning Circle, Bridgend

Auldhill Crescent, Bridgend

Auldhill Avenue, Bridgend

Road End, Bridgend

New Apartments, Bridgend The Beech Tree, Scotland

Gateside, Bridgend

Elmbank Cottage, Threemiletown

Windyridge Cottage, Philpstoun

Church Court, Philpstoun Church Court, Scotland

Burghmuir Court, Linlithgow Burghmuir Court, Scotland

Baillielands, Linlithgow Bailielands, Scotland

Springeld Primary School, Linlithgow Bells Burn Avenue, Scotland

Springeld Road, Linlithgow Springeld Road, Scotland

Kinloch View, Linlithgow Blackness Road, Scotland

Barons Hill, Linlithgow

Tesco, Linlithgow 2-6 Blackness Road, Scotland

Station Road, Linlithgow St Michael's Wynd, Scotland

Cross, Linlithgow 98 High Street, Scotland

Health Centre, Linlithgow

West Port, Linlithgow 8A West Port, Scotland

Rugby Grounds, Linlithgow

Moray Drive, Linlithgow

Kettilstoun Mains, Linlithgow Kettil'stoun Mains, Scotland

School, Torphichen The Loan, Scotland

Low Brae, Torphichen

Ballencrieff Toll, Bathgate

Sports Centre, Bathgate

Balbardie Primary School, Bathgate

Library, Bathgate 4 Mid Street, Bathgate

Royal Bar, Bathgate North Bridge Street, Bathgate

St David's House, Bathgate South Bridge Street, Bathgate

Union Road, Bathgate 14-16 King Street, Bathgate

Fairway Hotel, Bathgate Road, Bathgate

Gordon Avenue, Bathgate

Rail Station, Bathgate Direction: Livingston 31 bus Time Schedule 57 stops Livingston Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:55 AM - 10:55 PM

Monday 6:55 AM - 10:55 PM Council Oces, Bathgate 21-55 South Bridge Street, Bathgate Tuesday 6:55 AM - 10:55 PM

Royal Bar, Bathgate Wednesday 6:55 AM - 10:55 PM North Bridge Street, Bathgate Thursday 6:55 AM - 10:55 PM Library, Bathgate Friday 6:55 AM - 10:55 PM 4 Mid Street, Bathgate Saturday 6:55 AM - 10:55 PM Balbardie Primary School, Bathgate Weaver Place, Bathgate

Sports Centre, Bathgate Torphichen Road, Bathgate 31 bus Info Direction: Livingston Ballencrieff Toll, Bathgate Stops: 57 Trip Duration: 86 min Low Brae, Torphichen Line Summary: Council Oces, Bathgate, Royal Bar, Bathgate, Library, Bathgate, Balbardie Primary School, Torphichen School, Bathgate, Sports Centre, Bathgate, The Loan, Scotland Ballencrieff Toll, Bathgate, Low Brae, Torphichen, School, Torphichen, Kettilstoun Mains, Linlithgow, Kettilstoun Mains, Linlithgow Cellars Path, Linlithgow, Moray Drive, Linlithgow, Rugby Grounds, Linlithgow, West Port, Linlithgow, Cellars Path, Linlithgow Health Centre, Linlithgow, The Vennel, Linlithgow, Cross, Linlithgow, Provost Road, Linlithgow, Barons Moray Drive, Linlithgow Hill, Linlithgow, Springeld Road, Linlithgow, Bonnytoun Terrace, Linlithgow, Springeld Primary Rugby Grounds, Linlithgow School, Linlithgow, Dovecot Park, Linlithgow, Burghmuir Court, Linlithgow, Church Court, West Port, Linlithgow Philpstoun, Windyridge Cottage, Philpstoun, Elmbank Cottage, Threemiletown, Gateside, 14 West Port, Scotland Bridgend, New Apartments, Bridgend, Auldhill Health Centre, Linlithgow Avenue, Bridgend, Turning Circle, Bridgend, Auldhill Crescent, Bridgend, Auldhill Avenue, Bridgend, Road 288 High Street, Scotland End, Bridgend, New Apartments, Bridgend, Gateside, The Vennel, Linlithgow Bridgend, Elmbank Cottage, Threemiletown, The Cottages, Threemiletown, Parish Church, Water Yett, Scotland Ecclesmachan, Binny Park, Ecclesmachan, Dargai Cross, Linlithgow Place, Uphall, Howieson Green, Uphall, St Andrews Drive, Uphall, Houstoun House Hotel, Uphall, Golf 98 High Street, Scotland Club, Uphall, Riding School, Uphall, Dechmont Provost Road, Linlithgow Roundabout, Dechmont, Fastlink, Knightsridge, Fastlink, Ladywell, St Johns Hospital, Howden, St 53 Blackness Road, Scotland Johns Hospital, Howden, Braehead Junction, Barons Hill, Linlithgow Howden, St Margarets Academy, Howden, Civic Centre, Howden, Manitoba Avenue, Howden, Club Springeld Road, Linlithgow Earth Nightclub, Howden, The Centre, Livingston, Bus Terminal, Livingston Blackness Road, Scotland

Bonnytoun Terrace, Linlithgow Springeld Road, Scotland Springeld Primary School, Linlithgow

Dovecot Park, Linlithgow Dovecot Park, Scotland

Burghmuir Court, Linlithgow Springeld Road, Scotland

Church Court, Philpstoun

Windyridge Cottage, Philpstoun

Elmbank Cottage, Threemiletown 4 St James place, Scotland

Gateside, Bridgend

New Apartments, Bridgend

Auldhill Avenue, Bridgend

Turning Circle, Bridgend

Auldhill Crescent, Bridgend

Auldhill Avenue, Bridgend

Road End, Bridgend

New Apartments, Bridgend The Beech Tree, Scotland

Gateside, Bridgend

Elmbank Cottage, Threemiletown

The Cottages, Threemiletown

Parish Church, Ecclesmachan

Binny Park, Ecclesmachan B8046, Scotland

Dargai Place, Uphall Dargai Place, Scotland

Howieson Green, Uphall 10 West Main Street, Scotland

St Andrews Drive, Uphall West Main Street, Scotland

Houstoun House Hotel, Uphall

Golf Club, Uphall Club House Road, Scotland

Riding School, Uphall

Dechmont Roundabout, Dechmont Fastlink, Knightsridge

Fastlink, Ladywell

St Johns Hospital, Howden

St Johns Hospital, Howden

Braehead Junction, Howden

St Margarets Academy, Howden Columbia Avenue, Livingston

Civic Centre, Howden

Manitoba Avenue, Howden Howden South Road, Livingston

Club Earth Nightclub, Howden 4 Almondside, Livingston

The Centre, Livingston Almondvale Boulevard, Livingston

Bus Terminal, Livingston Almondvale Avenue, Livingston 31 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved