18 bus time schedule & line map

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The 18 bus line (Edinburgh - Bathgate) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bathgate: 7:55 AM (2) Edinburgh: 6:25 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 18 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 18 bus arriving.

Direction: Bathgate 18 bus Time Schedule 72 stops Bathgate Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 7:55 AM

Monday Not Operational St Andrew's House, Edinburgh Tuesday Not Operational Waterloo Place, Edinburgh 25 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh Wednesday Not Operational

Princes Street (Waverley Steps), Edinburgh Thursday Not Operational 20 Princes Street, Edinburgh Friday Not Operational

Princes Street (West), Edinburgh Saturday Not Operational 113 Princes Street, Edinburgh

Shandwick Place, West End 14-16 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh 18 bus Info Haymarket Station, Haymarket Direction: Bathgate 4 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh Stops: 72 Trip Duration: 56 min Magdala Crescent, Coates Line Summary: St Andrew's House, Edinburgh, 6 Osborne Terrace, Edinburgh Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, Princes Street (Waverley Steps), Edinburgh, Princes Street (West), Edinburgh, Wester Coates, Coates Shandwick Place, West End, Haymarket Station, 3 Hampton Terrace, Edinburgh Haymarket, Magdala Crescent, Coates, Wester Coates, Coates, Kew Terrace, Coates, Kew Terrace, Coates Gardens, Roseburn, Ormidale Terrace, Roseburn, 2 Kew Terrace, Edinburgh Murrayeld Road, Murrayeld, Western Corner, Murrayeld, Road, , Pinkhill, Roseburn Gardens, Roseburn Corstorphine, Edinburgh Zoo, Corstorphine, Silvan A8, Edinburgh House, Corstorphine, Belgrave Road, Corstorphine, St John's Terrace, Corstorphine, Kirk Loan, Ormidale Terrace, Roseburn Corstorphine, St Ninians Road, Corstorphine, Drum Brae South, Corstorphine, Craigs Avenue, , Murrayeld Road, Murrayeld Craigs Gardens, Maybury, North Gyle Road, Maybury, 1 Western Terrace, Edinburgh Road, Maybury, Maybury Road, Maybury, Gogarburn A8, , Gogarstone Road, Gogar, Western Corner, Murrayeld Airport Junction, , Ingliston Road, Ingliston, 72 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh Ingliston Showground, Ingliston, Station Road, Station, Lochend Road, , Old Balgreen Road, Corstorphine Liston Road, Newbridge, Glenmorangie, , 65 South Beechwood, Edinburgh Dunnet Way, Broxburn, Thistle Business Park, Broxburn, Aitken Orr Drive, Broxburn, Aitken Orr Pinkhill, Corstorphine Drive, Broxburn, Church Street, Broxburn, Post Oce, Broxburn, New Holygate, Broxburn, Kirkhill Road, Edinburgh Zoo, Corstorphine Broxburn, Cardross Road, Broxburn, Cardross Road, 50 Downie Grove, Edinburgh Broxburn, Freeland Avenue, Broxburn, Cemetery, Uphall, Alexander Street, Uphall, Oatridge Hotel, Silvan House, Corstorphine Uphall, Drive, Uphall, Houstoun House 231 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh Hotel, Uphall, Golf Club, Uphall, Riding School, Uphall, Badger Wood, Dechmont, Knightsridge Road, Belgrave Road, Corstorphine Dechmont, Primary School, Dechmont, Bangour 10 St John's Gardens, Edinburgh Hospital Main Gate, Dechmont, Bangour Farm Road End, Dechmont, Bents Cottages, Dechmont, Royston St John's Terrace, Corstorphine Hall, Deans, Mossbank Cottages, Deans, Tesco 87 St John's Road, Edinburgh Distribution Depot, Deans, Fire Station, Bathgate, Hunter Grove, Bathgate, Inch Crescent, Bathgate, Kirk Loan, Corstorphine Kaim Park Hotel, Bathgate, Carn Lea, Bathgate, 72 St John's Road, Edinburgh Roseberry Crescent, Bathgate, Gordon Avenue, Bathgate, Union Road, Bathgate, Council Oces, St Ninians Road, Corstorphine Bathgate 221 St John's Road, Edinburgh

Drum Brae South, Corstorphine 297 St John's Road, Edinburgh

Craigs Avenue, Maybury 19-21 Road, Edinburgh

Craigs Gardens, Maybury

North Gyle Road, Maybury 75-79 Glasgow Road, Edinburgh

Dechmont Road, Maybury Gyle Park Gardens, Edinburgh

Maybury Road, Maybury Glasgow Road, Edinburgh

Gogarburn A8, Gogar

Gogarstone Road, Gogar

Airport Junction, Ingliston

Ingliston Road, Ingliston

Ingliston Showground, Ingliston

Station Road, Ratho Station 113 Glasgow Road,

Lochend Road, Ratho Station

Old Liston Road, Newbridge

Glenmorangie, Broxburn

Dunnet Way, Broxburn Hunter Gardens, Broxburn

Thistle Business Park, Broxburn Aitken Orr Drive, Broxburn East Main Street, Broxburn

Aitken Orr Drive, Broxburn

Church Street, Broxburn 91-95 East Main Street, Broxburn

Post Oce, Broxburn

New Holygate, Broxburn New Holygate, Broxburn

Kirkhill Road, Broxburn

Cardross Road, Broxburn West Main Street, Broxburn

Cardross Road, Broxburn

Freeland Avenue, Broxburn

Cemetery, Uphall East Main Street, Scotland

Alexander Street, Uphall

Oatridge Hotel, Uphall

St Andrews Drive, Uphall West Main Street, Scotland

Houstoun House Hotel, Uphall

Golf Club, Uphall Club House Road, Scotland

Riding School, Uphall

Badger Wood, Dechmont

Knightsridge Road, Dechmont 59 Main Street, Scotland

Primary School, Dechmont

Bangour Hospital Main Gate, Dechmont

Bangour Farm Road End, Dechmont

Bents Cottages, Dechmont

Royston Hall, Deans

Mossbank Cottages, Deans

Tesco Distribution Depot, Deans

Fire Station, Bathgate Pentland Avenue, Scotland Hunter Grove, Bathgate

Inch Crescent, Bathgate

Kaim Park Hotel, Bathgate

Carn Lea, Bathgate Castle Place, Bathgate

Roseberry Crescent, Bathgate

Gordon Avenue, Bathgate

Union Road, Bathgate 10-12 King Street, Bathgate

Council Oces, Bathgate 21-55 South Bridge Street, Bathgate Direction: Edinburgh 18 bus Time Schedule 108 stops Edinburgh Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:25 AM

Monday Not Operational Railway Station, Fauldhouse Tuesday Not Operational Caledonian Road, Fauldhouse Main Street, Scotland Wednesday Not Operational

Cemetery Road, Fauldhouse Thursday Not Operational Friday Not Operational Eldrick Avenue, Fauldhouse 101-103 Main Street, Fauldhouse Saturday Not Operational

Bridge Street, Fauldhouse

School, Fauldhouse 18 bus Info Victoria Road, Fauldhouse Direction: Edinburgh Stops: 108 Eastwood Park, Fauldhouse Trip Duration: 84 min Line Summary: Railway Station, Fauldhouse, Rashierigg Place, Longridge Caledonian Road, Fauldhouse, Cemetery Road, Fauldhouse, Eldrick Avenue, Fauldhouse, Bridge Fauldhouse Road, Longridge Street, Fauldhouse, School, Fauldhouse, Victoria Road, Fauldhouse, Eastwood Park, Fauldhouse, Rashierigg Place, Longridge, Fauldhouse Road, Cairnie Place, Whitburn Longridge, Cairnie Place, Whitburn, Lidl, Whitburn, The Avenue, Whitburn, Union Drive, Whitburn, Lidl, Whitburn Bowling Green Road, Whitburn, Stewart Drive, Whitburn, Avenue, Whitburn, Polkemmet The Avenue, Whitburn Road, Whitburn, Polkemmet Road, Whitburn, Ireland Longridge Road, Whitburn Avenue, Whitburn, Stewart Drive, Whitburn, Bowling Green Road, Whitburn, Union Drive, Whitburn, Cross, Union Drive, Whitburn Whitburn, Whitburn Academy, Whitburn, Cleland Gasworks Lane, Whitburn Street, Whitburn, Tippethill House, Whitburn, Morgan Way, Bathville, Cappers Court, Bathville, Bathville Bowling Green Road, Whitburn Cross, Bathville, Wotherspoon Crescent, Armadale, Hunter's Lane, Whitburn Hunting Lodge, Armadale, Barbauchlaw Avenue, Armadale, The Cavalier, Armadale, St Pauls Drive, Stewart Drive, Whitburn Armadale, Dog Track, Armadale, Hope Park Gardens, West Main Street, Scotland Bathgate, Bridgend Park, Bathgate, Millburn Road, Bathgate, St David's House, Bathgate, Union Road, Ireland Avenue, Whitburn Bathgate, Fairway Hotel, Bathgate, Gordon Avenue, Bathgate, Roseberry Crescent, Bathgate, Castle Polkemmet Road, Whitburn Place, Bathgate, Kaim Park Hotel, Bathgate, Inch Crescent, Bathgate, Hunter Grove, Bathgate, Starlaw Polkemmet Road, Whitburn Crescent, Bathgate, Fire Station, Bathgate, Tesco Distribution Depot, Deans, Mossbank Cottages, Ireland Avenue, Whitburn Deans, Royston Hall, Deans, Bents Cottages, Dechmont, Bangour Farm Road End, Dechmont, Stewart Drive, Whitburn Bangour Hospital Main Gate, Dechmont, Primary West Main Street, Scotland School, Dechmont, Knightsridge Road, Dechmont, Badger Wood, Dechmont, Riding School, Uphall, Golf Bowling Green Road, Whitburn Club, Uphall, St Andrews Drive, Uphall, Oatridge Hunter's Lane, Whitburn Hotel, Uphall, Scotmid, Uphall, Cemetery, Uphall, Freeland Avenue, Broxburn, Cardross Road, Union Drive, Whitburn Broxburn, Kirkhill Road, Broxburn, New Holygate, Gasworks Lane, Whitburn Broxburn, Post Oce, Broxburn, Church Street, Broxburn, Aitken Orr Drive, Broxburn, Thistle Cross, Whitburn Business Park, Broxburn, Dunnet Way, Broxburn, Main Street, Whitburn Glenmorangie, Broxburn, Old Liston Road, Newbridge, Lochend Road, Ratho Station, Station Whitburn Academy, Whitburn Road, Ratho Station, Ingliston Showground, Ingliston, Ingliston Road, Ingliston, Airport Junction, Cleland Street, Whitburn Ingliston, Gogarstone Road, Gogar, Gogarburn A8, Gogar, Maybury Road, Maybury, Dechmont Road, Tippethill House, Whitburn Maybury, North Gyle Road, Maybury, Craigs Avenue, Maybury, Drum Brae South, Corstorphine, St Ninians Morgan Way, Bathville Road, Corstorphine, Glebe Road, Corstorphine, Station Road, Scotland Station Road, Corstorphine, Belgrave Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh Zoo, Corstorphine, Pinkhill, Cappers Court, Bathville Corstorphine, Balgreen Road, Corstorphine, Belmont Cappers Court, Armadale Crescent, Corstorphine, Western Corner, Murrayeld, Murrayeld Road, Murrayeld, Ormidale Terrace, Bathville Cross, Bathville Roseburn, Roseburn Gardens, Roseburn, Wester 170 South Street, Armadale Coates, Coates, Magdala Crescent, Coates, Haymarket Station, Haymarket, Shandwick Place, Wotherspoon Crescent, Armadale West End, Princes Street (West), Edinburgh, Princes South Street, Armadale Street (Waverley Steps), Edinburgh, Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, St Andrew's House, Edinburgh Hunting Lodge, Armadale 11 South Street, Armadale

Barbauchlaw Avenue, Armadale 10 East Main Street, Armadale

The Cavalier, Armadale

St Pauls Drive, Armadale

Dog Track, Armadale

Hope Park Gardens, Bathgate Woodhead Place, Whiteside

Bridgend Park, Bathgate

Millburn Road, Bathgate

St David's House, Bathgate South Bridge Street, Bathgate

Union Road, Bathgate 14-16 King Street, Bathgate

Fairway Hotel, Bathgate Edinburgh Road, Bathgate

Gordon Avenue, Bathgate

Roseberry Crescent, Bathgate

Castle Place, Bathgate

Kaim Park Hotel, Bathgate

Inch Crescent, Bathgate Hunter Grove, Bathgate

Starlaw Crescent, Bathgate

Fire Station, Bathgate

Tesco Distribution Depot, Deans A89, Livingston

Mossbank Cottages, Deans

Royston Hall, Deans

Bents Cottages, Dechmont

Bangour Farm Road End, Dechmont

Bangour Hospital Main Gate, Dechmont

Primary School, Dechmont Burnside, Scotland

Knightsridge Road, Dechmont

Badger Wood, Dechmont

Riding School, Uphall

Golf Club, Uphall Club House Road, Scotland

St Andrews Drive, Uphall Strathbrock Place, Scotland

Oatridge Hotel, Uphall 10 West Main Street, Scotland

Scotmid, Uphall

Cemetery, Uphall East Main Street, Scotland

Freeland Avenue, Broxburn

Cardross Road, Broxburn

Kirkhill Road, Broxburn Buchan Court, Broxburn

New Holygate, Broxburn

Post Oce, Broxburn 7 East Main Street, Broxburn

Church Street, Broxburn 118-120 East Main Street, Broxburn

Aitken Orr Drive, Broxburn

Thistle Business Park, Broxburn Dunnet Way, Broxburn A899, Broxburn

Glenmorangie, Broxburn

Old Liston Road, Newbridge

Lochend Road, Ratho Station

Station Road, Ratho Station 97 Glasgow Road, Scotland

Ingliston Showground, Ingliston

Ingliston Road, Ingliston Ingliston Road, Scotland

Airport Junction, Ingliston

Gogarstone Road, Gogar

Gogarburn A8, Gogar Glasgow Road, Scotland

Maybury Road, Maybury Glasgow Road, Edinburgh

Dechmont Road, Maybury

North Gyle Road, Maybury Glasgow Road, Edinburgh

Craigs Avenue, Maybury

Drum Brae South, Corstorphine 198 St John's Road, Edinburgh

St Ninians Road, Corstorphine 221 St John's Road, Edinburgh

Glebe Road, Corstorphine 9-10 Ormiston Terrace, Edinburgh

Station Road, Corstorphine 113 St John's Road, Edinburgh

Belgrave Road, Corstorphine 1 St John's Crescent, Edinburgh

Edinburgh Zoo, Corstorphine 5 Downie Terrace, Edinburgh

Pinkhill, Corstorphine 2 Pinkhill, Edinburgh

Balgreen Road, Corstorphine

Belmont Crescent, Corstorphine 92 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh Western Corner, Murrayeld 113 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh

Murrayeld Road, Murrayeld 57 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh

Ormidale Terrace, Roseburn 12 Abinger Gardens, Edinburgh

Roseburn Gardens, Roseburn 49 Roseburn Terrace, Edinburgh

Wester Coates, Coates 3 , Edinburgh

Magdala Crescent, Coates 88 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh

Haymarket Station, Haymarket 7 Clifton Terrace, Edinburgh

Shandwick Place, West End 18 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh

Princes Street (West), Edinburgh 101 Princes Street, Edinburgh

Princes Street (Waverley Steps), Edinburgh 16-17 Princes Street, Edinburgh

Waterloo Place, Edinburgh 23 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh

St Andrew's House, Edinburgh 18 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved