General Index
P PACIFIC ISLANDERS PACKAGES COFA Premium Assistance Program, 735.601, See CONTAINERS AND PACKAGES, generally 735.604, 735.608, 735.611, 735.617 Commercial driving privileges, 807.040, 807.285 PAGEANTS Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander Champoeg Historical Pageant, 186.130 Affairs, see ASIAN AND PACIFIC ISLANDER AFFAIRS, COMMISSION ON, generally Public safety officer eligibility, 181A.055, PAIN 181A.490, 181A.520, 181A.530 Damages, pain and suffering, see DAMAGES Medical care, see MEDICAL CARE AND TREAT- MENT; PAIN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION, PACIFIC NORTHWEST ELECTRIC generally POWER AND CONSERVATION Willful infliction of physical pain, abuse, 124.005, PLANNING COUNCIL 124.050 (Generally), 469.802 et seq. Definitions, 469.802, 469.810 PAIN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Members (Generally), 413.570 et seq. Appointment, 469.805, 469.820 Chairperson and vice chairperson, 413.576 Conflicts of interest, 469.810 Contributions, acceptance, 413.582 Duties; status as state officials, 469.815 Duties, 413.570, 413.572 Prohibited activities, 469.825 Education programs, health professionals, Public meetings, attendance, 469.815 413.572, 413.590 Removal, 469.830 Meetings, 413.576 413.574 Residence, 469.805 Members, Pain Management Fund, 413.580, 413.582 Salary, 469.835 Rules, 413.599 Term, 469.820 Staffing, 413.570 Northwest Regional Power and Conservation Account, 469.840 Oregon participation, 469.803 PAINE, THOMAS Report, annual, 469.845 Thomas Paine Day, 187.225 PACIFIC NORTHWEST EMERGENCY PAINT MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENT Architectural paint stewardship program
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