Designing for territorial revitalization. A diffused art exhibition to foster northwest Italian inner areas

Original Designing for territorial revitalization. A diffused art exhibition to foster northwest Italian inner areas / Peruccio, Pier Paolo; Menzardi, Paola; Vrenna, Maurizio. - STAMPA. - (2020), pp. 190-197.

Availability: This version is available at: 11583/2846296 since: 2020-09-21T17:44:00Z

Publisher: Universidad de Alicante. Escuela Politécnica Superior

Published DOI:10.14198/eurau-ALICANTE

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Editor: Javier Sánchez Merina Alicante University. Spain

Editorial Board: Almudena Nolasco Cirugeda María José Pizarro Juanas Alicante University, Spain Istanbul Technical University. Turkey Madrid Polytechnic University. Spain

Beatrice-Gabriela Jöger Joaquín Alvado Bañón Meltem Aksoy Ion Mincu University. Romania Alicante University. Spain Istanbul Technical University. Turkey

Carla Garrido de Oliveira Joaquín Ibáñez Montoya Maria Luna Nobile

Porto University. Portugal Madrid Polytechnic University. Spain. Umeå University. Sweden

Clara García Mayor José Parra Martínez Paola Scala Alicante University. Spain Alicante University. Spain University of Naples Federico II.

Enrique Nieto Fernández Leticia Serrano Estrada Roberta Amirante Alicante University, Spain Alicante University. Spain University of Naples Federico II. Italy

María José Martínez Sánchez Ion Mincu University. Romania Birmingham City University. UK

Editor-Proofreader: The front cover image is a collage composed Trevor Garnham of cuttings taken from Final Projects at the Honorary Fellow of Kingston University. UK University of Alicante. The students were the following: Adrián Osorio Graphic Designer: Ramírez, Carlos Bausá Martínez, David Gil Delgado, David Jiménez Iniesta, Federico David Andrés Martín-Pozuelo [dodedata] Tomás Serrano, Jorge Flores Rodríguez, Juan Javier Sánchez Merina Carlos Canales Requena, Lara Fuster Prieto, Laura Mora Vitoria, Mª Ángeles Peñalver email: [email protected] www: eurau.ua.es Izaguirre, Patricia Venegas Serra, Paula Titulación de Arquitectura Vilaplana de Miguel, Rebeca Vidal Salvador, Escuela Politécnca Superior DOI: 10.14198/eurau-ALICANTE Rosana Galián García and Tatiana Poggi. ALICANTE UNIVERSITY ISBN: 978-84-1302-082-2 To learn more about the projects: Carretera San Vicente del Raspeig s/n 03690 D.L.: A 168-2020 https://archivoproyectosarquitectonicos.ua.es San Vicente del Raspeig. Alicante (SPAIN) EURAU ALICANTE / RETROACTIVE RESEARCH 190 191 Designing for

Territorial Design for territories considers lands not only as a spatial context but entitled Il Rinascimento di Gaudenzio also as a design object that has to be Ferrari.1 The exhibition also resulted Revitalization. in the development of participatory The use of design methodologies services, the enhancement of local for territorial purposes could lead economies, and the strengthening to innovative products, services, of the relations between districts. Italian inner areas. policies and structures, with the aim The paper analyses the supportive to stimulate new activities and local role of design, with investigations relations. This contribution sheds on emerging design, design for light on the role of design discipline territories and systemic design. It in building and implementing describes the main phases of the methods to support the development project, underlining its outcomes, of a territory. The paper presents an the positive impacts on local actual case study carried out by a communities, its limits and possible group of systemic design researchers future developments. It further from Politecnico di Torino, who suggests possible perspectives for an worked on a multi-layered action evolutionary process in the design plan for the Region, in sphere, with distinct guidelines for the north of Italy. For this plan, the 1 2 Peruccio, Pier Paolo + Menzardi, Paola + designers were required to set up Vrenna, Maurizio3 a series of guidelines to improve or activate well founded territorial Key words: 1. Politecnico di Torino, DAD, , Italy. [email protected] policies. The research was carried out Design For Territories, Systemic 2. Politecnico di Torino, DAD, Turin, Italy. [email protected] in the areas of culture, local economy , Inner 3. Politecnico di Torino, DAD, Turin, Italy. [email protected] and tourism promotion through the Areas, Local Development. EURAU ALICANTE / RETROACTIVE RESEARCH 192 SL / DESIGNING FOR TERRITORIAL REVITALIZATION 193

1. Introduction. by the Department of Architecture and application, it is necessarily undergoing design community has come to feel the Design at Politecnico di Torino2 is based a learning phase about methods and for these kinds of issues, which has led necessity to recognize and gather, under artists and on the holistic territorial analysis of an activities from other areas, especially to the delineation of systems theory and (Agosti and Stoppa, 2018). However, The objective of the paper is to inner north western area of Piedmont, the conceptually closer ones. Design systems studies in the second half of the studies that are working on territories. The his work was distinguished by strong present the contributions of design in contaminates – and is contaminated last century. Systemic design implies an literature on this topic is still limited and animation, as shown beyond doubt in his tackling territorial issues, working on of occurring problems, and to identify – every time a new context has to be orientation to advance design practices lacks a substantial theoretical reference most memorable religious works in the new strategies addressed to develop interconnected multi-level strategies that in complex problems. The orientation framework. In spite of this, a relevant chapels in Sacro Monte and the in and strengthen local economies and can be adopted for reaching the desired and the methodology through which this Santa Maria delle Grazie in . interconnecting governance policies. change. emerging. The long-planned exhibition became an This is illustrated by the validation process of understanding. As a matter identity based on collaborations and and assessment of theory through the Practitioners are also seeking to of context-based knowledge, where all of Ferrari’s masterpieces, while promoting implementation of a project. Currently, 2. Design toward contribute to this theme with new ideas the involved disciplines are not ranked interaction and the co-design process a wider initiative aimed at fostering the design discipline is undergoing and projects. The beginning of this interest multidisciplinarity: An on a hierarchical scale but rather lie in a cultural tourism and local economies. a transformation in its identity and can be traced back to the end of the ’90s, miscellany of intersections and mutual an internal priority but a necessity Most of the showcased and competencies. The centre of the emerging identity. along with the cultural debate about the deriving from the discipline’s current were already present on discussion is on how design can pursue transformation of big cities. At that time, role. This role lies in the ability to see all role of mediator (Celaschi, 2017). Thus, the sites, while some of them were lent its original purposes with regards to The design discipline boasts an multiple studies went into more depth these subjects from the top, not with any emerging design and systemic design by other Italian and foreign museums, changes over time, societies and attitudes. established old and elaborate history dominant role, but as the discipline which rarely deploy vertically specialized local churches and prestigious private The capacity to transform reality through from the early twentieth century when of study such as territorial marketing, is able to grasp their connections and abilities; they involve instead enabling collections. The event was made possible better or new solutions may, in fact, it developed as a specialized activity cultural marketing and economy of meanings. "Design is now becoming more capacities aimed at increasing the inter- through the close cooperation between in Europe. At that time, it largely dealt experience. Since then, a radical shift about listening, asking, understanding, operability among several areas of study. several public and private local and various ways of acting, without changing with mass-manufactured products, but has occurred, and the territories once and drafting new possibilities and In this way, new and additional research national stakeholders. It was promoted the original scope. Designers have dealt since then many things have changed considered as the design context are alternative realities" (Muratovski, environments have been integrated with and sustained by the Piedmont Region, with the concept of project (vb., from and design has shifted away from now considered to be the design object 2016), and it is progressively turning Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione CRT, Latin "pro-iacere", to throw ahead) from "objects" toward "ways of thinking and (Parente and Sedini, 2017). The design into a cardinal way of thinking, where by territorial planning and regional and Intesa Sanpaolo. It was organized by doing" (Manzini, 2016). A decisive leap approach to the territory is, in any case, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies. Territories are wide objects of Associazione Abbonamento Musei3 (an that boosted its evolutionary processes a strategic one. For that reason, it is hard practices can no longer be separated. investigation because of the variety of association that manages the accessibility are realizing the increasing complexity occurred as a result of the rising sub-elements and internal dynamics. and the presentation of most of the of our reality. Therefore, design should complexity in the dynamics of the world. Therefore, design can be used as a tool to cultural sites in Piedmont and Lombardy), no longer operate by distinct sectors, but It is in this cultural framework, that design 3. Design embraces includes a group of disciplines in relation inspect and operate on them, embracing the municipalities, and in collaboration become more inclusive and connect to has approached wider and manifold to an objective and is not a discipline in systemic thinking. territorial issues as some of the most with Politecnico di Torino, Department of new values and perspectives. Designers issues, trying to seek solutions to complex itself (Lupo, Parente and Sedini, 2017). Architecture and Design among others.4 are required to develop a marked capacity matters, whether social or environmental, The actual exhibition took place at Palazzo of interpretation and comprehension, economic or territorial, while broadening dei Musei and , that includes complexity as a world- its disciplinary boundaries. The design 4. Design for territories: includes a set of heterogeneous perspectives and mindsets. Meanwhile, where the early stages of Ferrari’s career shaping force, and develop a sensitivity of processes is no longer intended as actions with a common aim; that is the other domains have carried out long- Goals and ambitions were presented, while at Arca in towards that dynamism (Fry, 2009). Design the exclusive priority and competence of transformation of potential resources into established activity with well-known and (former St Mark’s Church) the artist’s more approaches are shifting their goals toward an individual professional: it is instead through experimental even more consolidated competencies. mature masterpieces were showcased. more comprehensive impacts and no collaboratively conducted by a variety perspective of sustainability and well- It is in these conditions that a new research. Broletto in accommodated the of expert stakeholders, which may even being for territories, people and socio- way to conceive design, with a diverse latest products of his artistic career needs. Design is starting to extensively include the end-users. Design is, therefore, economic systems. In accord with these Design for territories means designing (Agosti, Minonzio and Stoppa, 2018). explore the world in its broadest sense, not assignable by nature to a unique premises, this paper presents a design for a territorial scope, with a focus both Due to the multiple geographic locations tending towards topics such as economics, area of study (Deserti, 2010), but it has project that incorporates various types its under explored wings that deals with on small and larger scales. Interventions across which the artist lived, the exhibition social sciences, territorial planning, always been at the intersection of multiple of intervention, with the accent on its complex issues, systems of relations and may imply the realization of products, the could not have happened in just one outreach over time and triggering causes intertwined functions, where the focus environment, as a result of a global and design does not refer to principles that for activating further processes. on solution-oriented approaches moved processes, the envisioning of new therefore the proper way to re-explore irrepressible phenomenon of immense toward more integrative practices. Thus, activities, or the outlining of strategies. heritage while combining art, history, challenges. At the core of this contribution systemic designers consider design as an Design has been dealing with territories territory and people. is the developing role of design to characterizes an emerging design is a advanced practice of rigorous research in many ways, for example by studying consider and include the multifaceted exhibition in Piedmont. and form-giving methods, of critical needs expressed in diverse territories. The reasoning and creative making, and of products for selected geographical mentioned goals, the Politecnico di Torino design discipline is called upon to mature kinds of knowledge. Design is becoming Il Rinascimento di Gaudenzio Ferrari is sub-disciplines and deep skill sets (Jones, areas. However, designing for territories a strategic ability to act on more aspects, a multi-faceted science for the use and the title of an art exhibition spread over 2014). also means putting services into place. communication plan to the arrangement the implementation of other studies, a the three towns of Varallo Sesia, Vercelli and on multifaceted complex scenarios at Even though the design discipline has of the strategic development. The and Novara, from March to September the same time. The reading of these signs, Systemic thinking has arisen from often regarded territories and spatial contribution of the Politecnico has been the basis of its applications, and not a 2018. Ferrari was an Italian painter and and of the linked future perspectives, is the urgency to recognize and deal with supportive of other measures driven discipline that lives by itself. sculptor, and he is considered the leading by the Region, the municipalities, the representative of the Piedmontese project originates. The research conducted Design scholars and educators started determined previously. Only recently, the tourism agency and Abbonamento Musei. . His early pictorial style was EURAU ALICANTE / RETROACTIVE RESEARCH 194 SL / DESIGNING FOR TERRITORIAL REVITALIZATION 195

To handle the project, three conditions logo has been used even beyond its guides. Fostering the connections among are still particularly relevant and part of were outlined to provide and engage such original purposes, to identify local artisan the main actors, including designers people’s identity. By using the logo, the bordering areas as: activities as incentives products and gastronomical produce. and governance agencies, opened community demonstrated the willingness for territorial productivity (what); creation The following paragraph provides a promising perspectives of cooperation. to enrich the narrative of its own territory of a thick relational tissue between deeper insight into the project outcomes As mentioned above, the event acted and the necessity to revive it continuously territories (how); and actions with impact and its impacts on local communities, as a catalyst for the organization of over time. The brand Gaudenzio has been on the long term (when). Subsequently, while illustrating some of the several related initiatives, connected to the local the territories were holistically scrutinized, artifacts that have been realized. Visual territories and the topics of the exhibition. and the project was approached following and graphic elements were, in fact, The initiatives included thematic guided products like toma (a typical ripened tours, conferences, trekking excursions cheese, Fig.5), biscuits, bread (Fig.6), holistic analysis, evaluation of critical Fig.1. Design phases of the logotype. exhibition. Designing for a territory means and child-friendly activities, in order miacce (a traditional dough), beer, honey issues and motivations for change, dealing with many aspects including to include all citizens (Osservatorio (Fig.7), jams, ice creams, agendas, soaps organization and communication, scenario Culturale del Piemonte, 2018). Together and shoes (Fig.8). Starting with a selection of the most new places and create interest in the direct/indirect results from mapping, building, participation and other kinds of with these several activities, it is worth representative paintings to advertise each less conventional aspects of little-known In most cases, producers and sellers interaction (Parente and Villari, 2010). mentioning the busy schedule of events venue, the design team came up with places. Banners were placed in the towns decided to maintain the logo after the guidelines. (concerts, conferences, tours) that took a range of graphic products, intended in which the exhibition took place but also conclusion of the event, transforming it place in Varallo Sesia, and the realization The outcomes led to, and are still not only for the exhibition, but also for in Turin, the regional capital. 7. Project outcomes and into a permanent mark of their identity. of two murals in Varallo and Novara, by producing, answers regarding the levels promoting the territory. The logotype As evidence of its popularity and impacts. the street artist Andrea Ravo Mattoni Gaudenzio is designed to be reminiscent focused work has been made along (Fig.4). Several new territorial relations perspectives of growth and governmental of a personal seal and can be inscribed for the sign posting of local hiking trails Over a period of around seven have also been created with public and cohesion. Most of the gathered data in a square (Fig.1). The use of the sole supervised by CAI (Italian Alpine Club), and website, and secondly in particular, months, the exhibition involved more private institutions, local activities and has been elaborated to gain qualitative personal name and the hyphenation for the religious itineraries at Sacro Monte by designing the digital platform - an than 37,000 visitors, in three venues. communities. The Gaudenzio logo has insights in support of the project of the syllables imparts a strong and di Varallo (Fig.9). The municipality also open-access App to guide tourists to Most of them came from Piedmont and been particularly appreciated. Apart from development. decided to give visibility to their new and the exhibition sites, which provides Lombardy, with a lower percentage from the institutional advertising material, the facility of pronunciation and informal refreshed identity with a large them with accessible audio guides and Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Liguria. The it has been spontaneously adopted by communication, the intent was to ideally 6. First design augmented reality contents, share trip tips presence of foreigners was limited (less producers and business owners for the shorten the distance between the artist respect to the advertising banners made and engages them with the community than 3%) (Associazione Abbonamento branding of some traditional products, or deliverables. and its audience. The dark background is of PVC, the local NGO Di.A.Psi. based of users (Fig.3). The development of the Musei, 2018). This indicates the local scale new ones created for the occasion. The in strong contrast with the white lettering, in Vercelli - that supports individuals platform was made possible thanks to of the event and its territorial relevance. The research group led the aspect resulting from an analysis of the irregular with mental illnesses and their families Ulixe Group, an innovative ICT company Despite the advanced average seniority products on sale, with a greater emphasis of visual identity and the communication serif typefaces, typical of the 16th century. - had the great initiative to give them a based in Turin, and is available to of the tourists (55 years old), more than in Varallo, where 11 businesses became of the exhibition, in collaboration with The body copy, the advertisement (Fig.2), second life; rather than being trashed, download for free both on AppStore and 6,000 of them downloaded the App, taking involved. This has been possible due to Abbonamento Musei, and the curators the banners and other visual artifacts the banners underwent an upcycling Google Play. The promotion of Gaudenzio advantage of its easy-to-use features and Varallo’s touristic vocation, a little town Giovanni Agosti and Jacopo Stoppa. were designed to attract people toward process, utilizing local craftsmanship listening to the ad-hoc recorded audio in which tradition and historical heritage

Fig.3. The App Gaudenzio downloadable from AppStore and Google Play Store. reproduces a portion of the renowned Ferrari’s work titled Adoration of the Child with a bishop. EURAU ALICANTE / RETROACTIVE RESEARCH 196 SL / DESIGNING FOR TERRITORIAL REVITALIZATION 197

Notes MUSEI, 2018. Il Rinascimento di International conference on design Gaudenzio Ferrari. Report Conclusivo. education, Sydney, AUSTRALIA. June Torino. 28-July 1, 2010. 1. The title of the exhibition means The Renaissance of Gaudenzio • BISTAGNINO, Luigi, 2009. Design • PERUCCIO, Pier Paolo, VRENNA, Ferrari. Ferrari was a great Italian sistemico. Progettare la sostenibilità Maurizio, MENZARDI, Paola, SAVINA artist from the 16th century and produttiva e ambientale. Bra: Editore Alessandra, 2018. From "The limits Slow Food. ISBN 9788884991898. to growth" to systemic design: the most important exponent of Envisioning a sustainable future. the Renaissance in Piedmont. His • CELASCHI, Flaviano, 2017. Non artistic works depicted some areas of industrial design. Contributi al discorso progettuale. Bologna: Luca Sossella Fig.5. The producer Cerini Farm showing the Fig.6. Traditional bread produced by the Fig.7. Honey from Apicoltura Sategna. Piedmont and Lombardy, where he Gaudentian toma. local bakery Editore. ISBN 9788897356363. lived between 1475 and 1546. He left Elegant Print Co., Ltd., p. 751-759. important traces of a relevant artistic • DESERTI, Alessandro, 2010. Mappe and cultural contribution that were dell’advance design. In: Advance worth to be told through a uniquely Design. Visioni percorsi e strumenti Biography inclusive event. This was one of the per predisporsi all’innovazione assumptions that led to the design continua. Milano: Mc Graw-Hill, p. 47- Pier Paolo Peruccio. Ph.D. in History 64. ISBN 9788838672453. of Architecture and Urban Planning; territories which share common traits. • FRY, Tony, 2009. Design futuring: Architect and Associate Professor of Sustainability, ethics and new practice. 2. The team that carried out the research Design at Politecnico di Torino. Peruccio London: Bloomsbury Academy. ISBN Fig.8. Scapin, a traditional local footwear, is Fig.9. One of the explanatory plaques Fig.10. The large-scale reproduction of the project, titled Design for Arts: Design of 9781847882172. realized in a special version as a tribute to situated in front of a chapel at Sacro Monte logo Gaudenzio painted on a wall at the a coordinated visual identity system for of SYDERE (Systemic Design Research Gaudenzio Ferrari. di Varallo. entrance of Varallo. The Renaissance of Gaudenzio Ferrari, • JONES, Peter, 2014. Systemic design and Education) Center in Lyon and Turin, principles for complex social systems. was composed of Pier Paolo Peruccio Coordinator of the II Level Specializing skills and becoming unique colourful and indirect impacts on territories and a valuable experiment for the design In: Social Systems and Design. Springer (Associate Professor of Design), Master in Design for Arts. He is currently bags and pencil cases. The products can economies could be challenging. More community. The event attempted to act Japan, p. 91-128. ISBN 978-4-431- Paola Menzardi and Maurizio Vrenna working on research projects concerning be currently bought in local thrift shops. detailed mapping of the reverberations of on several levels by rethinking design as a 54477-7. (Ph.D. candidates in Management, history of sustainable design, systems These signs are clear evidence that the the event is still ongoing and will require multifaceted, multifold activity of thoughts Production and Design), Riccardo degli • LUPO, Eleonora, PARENTE, Marina, thinking and innovation in design exhibition has been a driving force for the expertise of economists, sociologists, and actions that are combined together. Emili and Lorenzo Saracino, (former SEDINI, Carla (Eds), 2017. Teoria/ education. the enhancement of local activities and engineers and institutions to assess socio- The observed impacts have certainly left Pratica. Dialoghi sul design per i M.Sc. students in Systemic Design). related economies, even if with limitations economical macro results in the short, positive traces in terms of a fertile terrain territori. Milano: D4T Design for Paola Menzardi. Ph.D. candidate in and, in some cases, limited results. These medium and long terms. The analysis for the future growth of other initiatives. 3. The team of Abbonamento Musei Territories - Dipartimento di Design, Management, Production and Design will include a comprehensive report of that directly worked with Politecnico Politecnico di Milano. ISBN: 978-88- at Politecnico di Torino. Her research 942591-0-0. accentuate the sense of belonging of the products sold, the revenues and the di Torino was composed of Dino explores how design is entangled in the citizens to the entire process, the percentage of local GDP increase. The Berardi (President), Simona Ricci • MANZINI, Ezio, 2016. Design culture digital cartography aimed at developing cooperative atmosphere between those evaluation will be conducted together, (Executive Director), Eleonora Serra and dialogic design. Design Issues, vol. augmented experiences of traveling contexts. who participated, and the perception of but not exclusively, with local shops and (Manager and Project Developer), 32, no. 1, p. 52-59. ISSN 0747-9360. and new collective forms of territorial unity. The long-term goal revolves around producers, and will include face-to-face Roberto Mautino (Organization and A critical inspection of the suggested • MARGOLIN, Victor, 1992. Design narration. She studies new travel the will of perpetuating these feelings and Communication Project Manager), guidelines is opportune in order to reach history or design studies: Subject practices, ways of exploring and and Lia Passadori (Responsible for the positive vibes, even after the temporal and a higher degree of applications. From a matter and methods. Design Studies, experiencing the backcountries to drive Sales Network and Tickets). spatial end of the exhibition. joint academic research on the role of methodological point of view, enriching vol. 13, n2, p. 104-116. ISSN 0142-694X. forward processes of revitalization and design for territories would be desirable. local development. and extending the dialogue among the 4. A complete list of the partners • MURATOVSKI, Gjoko, 2016. Research However, it is of primary importance 8. Limitations and network of experts and researchers is a involved can be found at https:// for designers: A guide to methods and to continue creating and strengthening Maurizio Vrenna. Ph.D. candidate at fundamental requirement. gaudenzioferrari.it/partner/ practice. London: Sage Publications Politecnico di Torino who operated in future steps. relationships between stakeholders, Ltd. ISBN 978-1-4462-7514-6. inculcate new processes and motivations The current case study and the China for more than two years. During OSSERVATORIO CULTURALE DEL In qualitative terms, the exhibition for territories and municipalities to research that has been simultaneously • his professional and academic career in Bibliography PIEMONTE, 2018. Il Rinascimento di has been the pretext to revitalize a carried out, demonstrated an increasing Europe and Asia, he became aware of the Gaudenzio Ferrari: Analisi del pubblico. decentralized area of Piedmont, through A periodical update of the Gaudenzio App and encouraging interest not only importance of a sustainable development, • AGOSTI, Giovanni, MINONZIO, Donata, Torino. a carefully planned cultural operation could transform it into the driving force among the design community but also which cannot be realized without a STOPPA, Jacopo (Eds), 2018. Varallo ai aimed at discovering more about for the promotion of local areas, aside between public institutions and local • PARENTE, Marina, SEDINI, Carla, 2017. profound change in the current politic/ tempi di Gaudenzio Ferrari. Itinerari. an extraordinary artist of the past. speakers. Trialing this approach in other Design for territories as practice and economic patterns. His career objective Furthermore, it has been an occasion designed and published for. 99765-88-0. Journal, vol. 20, p. S3047-S3058. ISBN to foster the collaboration between with more clarity and awareness, the mix sustainable design through targeted • AGOSTI, Giovanni, STOPPA, Jacopo 978-1-138-09023-1. research that aspire at concrete real-world 9. Final comments. (Eds), 2018. Il Rinascimento di to create powerful work groups that these are incentives to take the discussion • PARENTE, Marina, VILLARI, Beatrice, applications. could cooperate side by side toward forward and to inspire the search for 2010. Design, system, territory: A Libraria. ISBN 978-8899765774. common shared goals, even in the unresolved questions. multidisciplinary didactic activity to exhibition introduced in this paper is enhance places. Connected 2010 - 2nd future. Undoubtedly, quantifying direct • ASSOCIAZIONE ABBONAMENTO